#anti proshippers dni
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Greetings everyone!
I’m Mod Lotus, I use he/they pronouns, and currently I’m the only mod of this blog, so I’ll be handling all your requests until I decide “hmm maybe mods would be a good idea” or until one of the system members decides making themself a mod would be funny. Either way, I look forward to handling your requests :D
A little bit about me
I’m a trans guy 💪
I’m part of an OSDD system
I have ADHD and autism, and tend to hyperfix on things for a veryyyyyyyyyy long time
My favorite animals are cats!!
I love space and my favorite planet is Mars
I’m a very big fan of Tame Impala, Your Favorite Martian and Daft Punk
My favorite flowers are White Lillies
What I do here
Pfps/icons (includes matching pfps/icons)
Things I will do
Proships/comships/problematic ships (Any and all, from any fandom. I do not judge ^-^)
Non-problematic ships (Any and all)
Crossover ships 
Gore themes
Kink / BDSM themes
Possessive themes
Basically any theme or ship lol, just make sure its not in the “things i won’t do” :]
Things I won’t do (a lot of these are mainly for personal reasons)
Heavy or in-depth religious themes or themes about religious trauma
Ships of non-fictional/real people (E.g. Markiplier x Jacksepticeye, Dream x Tommy, etc. This also includes PNGtubers, Gachatubers, celebrities, actors, etc. It does not include any characters they play though. I will make a ship edit of Peter Parker or Alexander Hamilton, but I will not make a ship edit of Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Toby Maguire or Lynn Manuel Miranda)
Anti-LGBTQ themes
Racist or ableist themes
Themes with maggots (Like the actual bug)
Themes with animal abuse
Themes with zoophilia and/or necrophilia
Any of the Dragon Cookies x Any of the Dragon cookies (E.g. Pitaya Dragon x Ananas Dragon, Lychee Dragon x Longan Dragon, Lotus Dragon x Lychee Dragon, etc) it just makes me suuuuuper uncomfortable 
Live-action/stageplay characters who are played by minors 
DarkVelvet / Red Velvet Cookie x Dark Enchantress Cookie (Cookie Run)
Any ship with Red Velvet that is not Crunchyvelvet / Crunchy Chip x Red Velvet (Cookie Run)
Any ship involving Werewolf Cookie that is not Vampwolf / Vampire x Werewolf (Cookie Run)
Any ship involving Lotus Dragon Cookie that is not Hydralotus / Hydrangea x Lotus Dragon (Cookie Run)
Any romantic ship involving Longan Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run)
Any romantic ship involving Squid Ink Cookie (Cookie Run)
Clottoyster / Clotted Cream Cookie x Oyster Cookie (Cookie Run)
Lemon Demon (FNF) x Skid (Spooky Month/FNF) x Pump (Spooky Month/FNF)
School shooting themes (Pico’s School doesn’t count as its fictional)
Any DSMP requests that don’t state you are shipping the fictional characters and not the real people
P3dos / MAPs and their supporters
Zooph1l3s and their supporters
Animal abusers
N3cr0ph1l3s and their supporters
Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-xenogenders, Anti-neopronouns, TERFs
Racists and/or ableists
Support irl abus3, inc3st or generally toxic relationships
Antishippers/Anti-proshippers and anti-comshippers
If you tell people to kys, make fun of people or are just generally a toxic asshole.
I think that’s all for now, I’ll update this list later if I feel I’m missing something. If requests are open, feel free to post one and I’ll see what I can do. If requests are closed, please do not post an ask as I will ignore it until requests are open again. 
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imoanurparentsnames · 6 months
"im sorry to tell you but this is unfortunately fetish art :( " you’re a coward and a fool. tell me what about eroticism makes it lose value as a piece of art. tell me in what way is lust a less worthy feeling to be depicted in art than anger or joy or sadness or any other human emotion. why did you like it before and why do you not like it now? what changed? why does it upset you? what makes it bad now, what makes it gross, what makes it wrong? do you reject what you dont understand? do you let your gut reaction dictate what you deem bad? what you deem immoral? whats allowed to exist and what isnt?
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kotoal1011 · 4 months
The "if you don't want to get harassed, don't post your weird shit online" take has to be among the ones I hate the most. You're telling me I have to post "normal" stuff (whatever that means) or else the harassment is justified? That the one in the right is the person sending threats? That I can't even have a space for myself online? For fuck's sake.
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justproshiprants · 7 months
I really don't get the, "But a kid could see this and think it's okay!" Because it comes with so many infuriating assumptions.
Why is a kid looking at something that explicitly isn't for them? Why is the creator of said content responsible for that when they properly tagged it and told minors to not interact? Why is someone who's making content not meant for minors responsible for teaching minors that incest and grooming are bad, when that's something a kid should've been taught already?
I'd argue there's a lot more fucked up and traumatizing stuff on the internet than someone's "weird" or "problematic" ship art.
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vivi-ships · 5 months
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Do y'all remember when this was a normal thing to see all over the place? Because I do. I remember seeing and posting this image everywhere when I was like 12-15.
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for a while, i ran two selfship imagines blogs: one strictly against proship and one that caters to proship to see how the two communities actually treat each other. I posted similar imagines on both blogs, none specifying the f/o's age, gender, etc, and nothing nsfw.
the proship blog's notifications were disgusting. people talking about the things they want to do to underaged characters, people fantasizing about feral animals, and one guy who pretended the imagines were about his irl sister he wanted to bang. I received the occasional "you need help" anon, but no threats or anything like that.
the no-proship blog? I received constant threats from the proship side. death threats. rape threats. one person made it a point to describe how he would "ruin" me every single day. another tried to doxx me (but ended up sending the address of a TJ Maxx halfway across the country). people talking about how I was "censoring the internet" and I need to "try reading some noncon to lighten up".
both blogs were deleted after a month, and I will never trust a proship person saying they're the ones being treated badly.
Dear god
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tinkaqueer · 2 months
'Proshitters DNI'
'At least I'm not Proshit'
'You're a Proshitter, opinion discarded ❤️"
My brother in Christ, are you eight years old and just learned how to swear from your classmates? Use the damn term if you want to convince me you're here for an actual mature debate.
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antishipshitposts · 28 days
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imoanurparentsnames · 3 months
i want to FLUSTER that man. i want to make him BLUSH. i want to make him feel VULNERABLE AROUND ME. i want to make him WEAK IN THE KNEES. i want to kiss him
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kotoal1011 · 3 months
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pro-sipper · 7 months
"- 'proshippers' or whatever the fuck you people are calling yourselves now -"
It's. It's still just "proshippers". It's you guys (antis) and the fence-straddlers trying to have their cake and eat it too that keep creating random new phrases to "other" and distance themselves from us. We're here, unchanging, same as ever, in our corner with our silly little stories. We aren't the ones interested in coming up with 500 new labels for people who know that fiction isn't reality.
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hazysurrealist · 15 days
honestly i love being a proshipper. it's like breaking chains tying your limbs. you feel more free. you understand you shouldn't care for what other people ship, just ship and let ship. if you don't feel comfortable with the warnings the fanfiction show: you don't read. if someome has a ship deemed 'problematic' you DON'T HARASS. basically this image.
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if you're an anti, i'm really sorry for you.
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strawby-jelli · 1 month
Literally just saw someone say that if you ship a sex-repulsed character you’re actually raping said character. Antis for real don’t care about victims.
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unstabledumbdoll · 7 months
yea no i don’t think “normal” people tell others to kill themselves over a goddamn ship.
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leyleysgrave · 7 months
Reblog if you like noncon, incest, or the secret third option (both at the same time) ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
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omobitch · 5 months
“Weirdos dni” What? Really? Aw man. Shucks. Anyways
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