Netflix: We’re making a musical adaption of Matilda
Me: Sounds amazing!
Netflix: And Lyanna Lynch is Miss Honey
Me: Absolutely spectacular. Btw, did you give the actress playing Trunchbull a fake larger or hooked nose?
Netflix: *sweating* E-Emma Thompson’s gonna do great! 
Me: of course you did
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lizard-of-oz · 6 months
"Oren Hazan, a member of Israel’s parliament from Netanyahu’s Likud Party, called for (Natalie) Portman’s Israeli citizenship to be stripped"
Yet another Zionist who doesn't give a shit about the Jews. So much for the idea that anti-Zionism is antisemitic because "Israel is the only place where Jews can be safe." Natalie Portman is a Jewish Israeli citizen, born in Jerusalem, fluent in Hebrew, who has worked to defend Israel from its critics- but the moment she criticizes Likud, she's not welcome.
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fdelopera · 7 months
JVP Explained
So, I've been seeing WAY too many gentiles ignorantly uplifting an American "Jewish" group called JVP this past month.
Members of JVP have been very loud this past month, pretending that they speak for Jewish people. They do not.
As a Jew, I'm here to help you understand who this group is, why they act in the blatantly antisemitic ways they do, and why they are dangerous to Jewish people around the world.
And, as an ACTUAL Jewish voice, I am here to tell gentiles to STOP uplifting them.
If you have never heard of "Jewish Voice for Peace" (JVP), or even if you have, I want to give you an analogy that will help you understand this group:
JVP are to Jewish people what Blaire White, Kalvin Garrah, and Caitlyn Jenner are to trans people.
And it's worse, because JVP have gentiles (non-Jews) in their membership. (At least Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn are actually trans.) So for JVP to even call themselves a "Jewish voice" is a lie.
Like Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn, JVP's Jewish membership desperately want to be seen as "the good ones" by bigots, and they are willing to throw vulnerable people in their own community under the bus just for a chance to be accepted by those bigots.
JVP has been called out REPEATEDLY by the Anti-Defamation League for harassing observant Jews at synagogue, harassing queer observant Jews, invoking the antisemitic blood libel canard against Jewish people, and most recently, cheering on and uplifting Hamas after their pogrom on October 7. Among many, many other antisemitic offenses.
There are LEGITIMATE and VALID ways to protest the atrocities and war crimes of the Israeli government.
Let me say that again.
There are LEGITIMATE and VALID ways to protest the atrocities and war crimes of the Israeli government!
But JVP doesn't do that.
Instead, JVP chooses to amplify Neo-Nazi dogwhistles, harass American Jewish people at shul, and uplift Hamas — an antisemitic terrorist organization.
You DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT!! get to call yourself a "Jewish voice for peace" and then use BLOOD LIBEL, UPLIFTING ANTISEMITIC TERRORISTS, and HARASSING OBSERVANT JEWS as a way to "criticize" the Israeli government.
You are not a "freedom fighter." You are just a Jew who is a self-loathing, Jew-hating antisemite.
Now, if you're queer like me (nonbinary, genderfluid Jew here, hi!), you're likely aware of how Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn have harassed countless other trans people, especially nonbinary people, for not being trans in the "right way." They do this because they are desperate for approval from right-wingers. Why? Because they, and trans people like them, have a deep sense of self-loathing, shame, and guilt about being trans. They think that if they harass other trans people, right-wingers will accept them. All they want is for right-wingers to tell them, "It's okay, we know you're not like those cringy trans people over there. You're some of the good ones."
Right-wingers then benefit from this "relationship" because they can deny that they are transphobic bigots. Right-wingers can say things like, "I don't hate all trans people. I watched a couple of Blaire White's YouTube videos, and she's alright." So by seeking out right-wing approval, people like Blaire are making it more difficult for other trans people to fight back against anti-trans bigotry. But Blaire doesn't care, so long as Republicans will pat her on the head and tell her she's "one of the good ones."
JVP are very similar to this, except that they are seeking approval from extreme left-wing groups. Jews in JVP may be on the opposite end of the political spectrum, but they are behaving in the exact same way as Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn. They are members of a marginalized group who are seeking approval from bigots, and they're throwing their community under the bus in the process.
JVP's Jewish membership desperately want to be seen as "Good Jews."
(JVP's gentile membership, of course, are just leftist antisemites and are there to harass Jewish people they deem to be "Bad Jews.")
Why? Why do Jews in JVP want to be seen as "the good ones"?
Because Jews in JVP have a deep feeling of self-loathing, shame, and guilt about being Jewish, and they think if leftist groups tell them, "It's okay, you're some of the good ones," that this will somehow assuage their guilt for being Jewish.
This self-loathing, shame, and guilt goes far beyond the current Israel/Palestine conflict. That's just how it is manifesting right now. There have always been Jews who have wanted to assimilate into gentile spaces and be told that they're "the good ones." There have always been Jews who are ashamed of being Jewish.
Jews in JVP consider spreading antisemitic Neo-Nazi conspiracy theories, uplifting Hamas, and further marginalizing other Jewish people to be a small price to pay if it means that they are provisionally "accepted" by certain antisemitic gentiles. Even though these antisemitic gentiles will discard the Jews in JVP as soon as it is expedient to do so.
And of course, just like Blaire, Kalvin, and Caitlyn do with right-wingers, the Jews in JVP sanction left-wing antisemites to say: "I don't hate all Jews. I'm not antisemitic. I just hate Israeli Jews 'Bad Jews.' I just want those 7 million Israeli Jews 'Bad Jews' to be exterminated."
Sure, Jan. Sure, you're not antisemitic. You just want 7 million Jews mass murdered. In case you didn't know, you absolute ghoul, that's the very definition of antisemitic.
Oh, and Gentiles, many of you have gone mask-off enough with your Jew-hatred this month for us Jews to know that when you say "Israelis," "Zionists," "Zios," "Zio scum," "Zio rats," and every other permutation of those words, you really mean "those dirty Jews I'm allowed to hate publicly now."
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But the Jews in JVP haven't studied their Holocaust history. The Jews in JVP don't care to remember that the Nazis, too, rounded us up into groups of "Bad Jews" and "Good Jews" — or, really, "Bad Jews" and "Useful Jews." Then the Nazis used the "Useful Jews" to attack the "Bad Jews." Finally, they shoved ALL the Jews that they could get their hands on into the gas chambers and tried to kill every last one of us.
And what I know from studying Holocaust history is that as soon as Jews start getting sorted into camps of "Good Jews" and "Bad Jews," you had better say, "Fuck no, I'm not being a Good Jew!"
You had better get into the "BAD JEW" camp as FAST as you can and start SPEAKING OUT, and uplifting the Jewish community, and supporting as many other Jews as you can.
If you try to be a "Good Jew," antisemites will just use you as a useful idiot and a pawn against other Jews. Then within a short period of time, you will find that EVERY Jew is lumped into the "Bad Jew" camp. And EVERY Jew is now in danger. Including you, O "Good Jew" who tried so hard to convince antisemites that you were "one of the good ones."
If JVP studied Holocaust history, they would see that they are being useful idiots for Neo-Nazis, Hamas, and other antisemitic groups that want Jews around the world to be eradicated. (You should read Hamas' excruciatingly antisemitic charter sometime. I have. The group is literally founded on Jew-hatred.)
But the Jews in JVP do not study Jewish history, or Holocaust history.
The Jews in JVP don't want to acknowledge the truth:
In siding with the Neo-Nazis, the Hamas supporters, and the other antisemitic groups that are co-opting the Free Palestine movement and turning it into a movement of Jew-hatred, the Jews in JVP are signing their own death warrant, too.
It's only a matter of time, O "Good Jews," before you are rounded up with us "Bad Jews." Because to antisemites, we're all just "dirty Jews who deserve to die."
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the-catboy-minyan · 2 months
I talked with Jewish friends on discord and we had some fun with the soundboard, and one of us did the roblox OOF sound. I was like "lmao do you guys know the history of the oof sound?" and one of them replied "yeah I watched that video multiple times."
I was like "...huh?" and they explained they have a handful of YouTubers that they really enjoy and watch their content over and over sgain.
and I didn't have the heart to tell them the things hbomberguy said on his twitter... I'm sorry random Jewish dude from discord but your favorite YouTuber is a raging antisemite.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Friendly reminder that antisemites will accuse literally anyone who simply calls out antisemitic conspiracy theories and appropriation of Judaism of being violently anti-Palestinian. Watch out for this rhetoric and don't fall for it.
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
ok so the rumour that people were shouting to "gas the jews" at the australia protest. there's like footage of this. that you can watch. on the internet. of it happening
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zonatcannibalism · 7 months
"The jews are indigenous to Palestine!"
"no, the Palestinians are!"
Actually that shit dosent actually matter beacuse both jews and palestinians are there and have deep cultural connections to the land so its really unfair to kick millions of people born and raised in a country out beacuse they're not indigenous. Instead of fighting about who should be here we should all try to make our lives together as best as possible and that means stop the genocide and terrorism. So we should actually fucus on that instead of playing the blame game. Does it matter what happened in 1948? Absolutely. Will the answer to that question change anything about the current situation were in? Absolutely not. We can debate all day about what happened, but that's not actually doing anything to deal with the actual problems that are causing the genocide and terror attacks to continue.
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ofekma · 6 months
Hey guys remember what it was like being asexual on this website around 2018? Remember being a tiny minority constantly invalidated, demonized and talked over? Being accepted only conditionally? Have your very humanity questioned? Being policed and blamed? Being harassed in your own communities to the point of going back to the closet?
Being Jewish in here right now is like 100 times worse. At least for me (an asexual jew).
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hairtusk · 11 months
if you wouldn't mind, i'd like to be referred to as chaya online now. updated my pinned to reflect this. thank you <3
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ace-hell · 6 months
The pros of having a jewish state is that no one can cancel Hanukkah bc the whole country celebrates it
Happy Hanukkah 🕎✡️
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gazebosarebologna · 8 months
If you’re in the camp of people telling Noah that he should die, kill himself, and or not human, unfollow me and DNI. You don’t have to agree with everything he said, but my god. He’s a teenager. He’s gay, and Jewish, which is everything HAMAS (not the innocent Palestinians) is against. If you’re mocking him for being scared, maybe take a step back from your parasocial relationship with him and wonder why.
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cree-future-rabbi · 8 hours
Can this just stop?
Can't the bloodshed end?
Can't people see what is really going on?
Why does this need to continue?
Why do so many condone such evil?
Why do so many of you think that what is going on is okay and doesn't need to end with all hostages back with their families? And a permanent ceasefire for both countries.
The mean of genocide is truly lost. WW2 was not that long ago and did we learn nothing?
Don't all mothers want their children to grow up and live full lives?
Why do so many of you deny history?
Why do so many of you refuse to actually educate yourselves on the topic before speaking about it?
This is the furthest thing from liberation for anyone involved...
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girlhorse · 8 months
y'all this is ridiculously easy to look up on any search engine lmao
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quit spreading the antisemitic line that jewish settlers should just "go back where they came from" or move "back" to their ~second home in NY~
Almost half are mizrahi, the group that were ethnically cleansed from their homes in North Africa/Asia in 1940s-80s. they once represented 60% of the population of Israel and currently there are roughly 3 million living in Israel.
And as it is with any long lasting settler colony, such as the fucking united states, a large majority of the people living in Israel were born in the colony. They don't have this imaginary second home in Europe or the states.
Not to mention how a vast majority of the Jewish people in Israel today were escaping existential threats to their life, whether from pre holocaust antisemism, extreme global antisemism & genocide during the holocaust, 100s of years of pogroms in Europe/Eurasia/etc, ethnic cleansing in North Africa, etc., and will not be greeted with much kindness if forced to return to "where they came from"
jumblr please feel free to correct anything. I am just a simple goy concerned with the ridiculous amount of antisemism coming from "leftists", particularly those with no ties to israel or palestine, that cannot seem to understand how to talk about anticolonialism and I/P without spitting in the face of millions of jewish people.
and before anyone decides to twist what i say into being an anti Palestinian argument, please go read this post 3 more times and consider shoving a cactus up your ass
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the-catboy-minyan · 1 month
I can maybe count on one hand the amount of antizionist goyim I've interacted with who were able to hold a civil conversation about politics without dismissing the other side for being "zionists" (and by that I mean, start spewing slurs and death threats)
and I've had dozens of interactions in the past 4 months.
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psychologeek · 4 months
(bc it gets too long to be in the comment section, and I'm moving it.)
quit acting like we havent seen the videos of Israeli citizens halting aid trucks alongside your own government not allowing aid. When Motaz left Falastine, all he could see when he drove past were aid trucks - AND I SAW THEM TOO. All I see on your blog is you linking random civillians getting murdered by YOUR COUNTRY to Hamas. hamas is not the one dropping bombs on innocent falastinis. May i remind you YES. YOUR COUNTRY IS THE BOMBER. HAS BEEN SINCE 1948.
I don't say that blocking trucks is the right thing to do.
If "my government don't allow aid", then can you please explain to me how trucks entering via Kerem Shalom? Or do you somehow suggest there are multiple ships stopping at the port, moving aid to trucks, the trucks driving several hours, reach the border - without a single person in the government knowing about it?
No justify-but they're hostage families protesting for aid to hosages
Literally 80% of my blog is writing/fandoms. Another 10-15% are about antisemism.
What are you talking about?
I mean, Hamas kinda dies bomb civilians? And hospitals? And everything at reach?
So, just to get it clear - Israel bomb Gaza since 1948? Is that what you're saying?
I'm tired.
You keep making up misinformation, and ignore what I say.
Are you a bot? Bc right now, that's what you look like.
What country are you from?
(You keep claiming Israeli military bombed Gaza since 1948? Feel free to look up at the, you know, history.)
@psychologeek Youre the one saying to look it up but When You google things like "the 1st Nakba" "The Stern Gang" "The Irgun" it all makes sense. The Dalet Plan is PUBLIC COMMON NEWS…Of course a brainwashed Israeli-Nationalist would never believe their Government COULD EVER do anything wrong , let ALONE ALLOW anyone to EVER CRITICIZE THEIR GOVERNMENT…..Notice how way earlier I said I LOVE Peace-Wanting Israelis who can see through their Governments BS. @psychologeek Everything YOUVE brought up Israel having to "fight" was a COUNTER RESURGANCE from Falastine DUE TO THE YEARS OF INVASION beginning with the OTTOMANS, then the BRITS, then ZIONISTS…Not to mention there were Already Jewish People living there in Falastine before your 2 percent Ass had a grandparent move into the home of a Falastinian family after their olive trees were burnt to the ground. And none of them allowed to take their belongings with them.
@psychologeek how can it be Misinformation when it is EASILY GOOGLE-ABLE. AGAIN. what kind of censorship are you dealing with, my dear little Nationalist?
@psychologeek You realize because you are BORN and RAISED in Israel you have ingested YEARS worth of propoganda. You Really think your government wouldn't LIE to you?? You really think your schools wouldnt lie and make it seem like State of Israel is the victim or something? That there are No jews In Falastine??
Your state is backed by AMERICA. You know. "we didnt test radiation on poor people!" America. "we never gave Syphilis to Poor Black Communities" America
@psychologeek American backed State totally would never take Inspiration from American Propoganda or American Imperialism. Nope. Totally wouldnt take money from a Genocidal Global Superpower. No way. Do you see how it works yet. My poor little Nationalist.
@erictyberiusduckman Ohh you mean Etzel??
You say "I love peace-wanting Israelis" Yet, it sounds more like "I love Israelis who doesn't want Israel to exist"
I don't agree with everything my government/s does or did.
What do you call "Falastine"? What part of land?
You keep using blood quantum, and "one drop" like you just came from the 18th century. Can you stop being racist for a second?
Keep calling it Propaganda, yet you constantly quoting right from The Protocols.
"Oh you all live in stolen houses warming your houses with burnt olive and drinking kids' blood".
But sure, I'm brainwashed.
@erictyberiusduckman I mean. Just bc something is Google-able doesn't make it true.There are things like misinformation and disinformation. ~I get it that you hate America with all your heart. But the world isn't black/white.I won't go deep into American Politics, bc idk much about it, but just bc something is supported by A, doesn't automatically make it evil.(Or, do you think everything USA does/fund/support around the world is evil?)
@psychologeek maybe If I phrase it this way it will make sense. There is a call for a ceasfire. Innocents are dying. American Government says NO.Full stop. Why? Because theres oil off the coast of Present day Israel. They want your Natural Resources.And they want it easy and they want it fast.
@psychologeek the things your countries Govt has done to the indigenous people of the Levant and Surrounding areas is Nothing Short of Western-Style Imperialism. The tactics they are using against falastinis are Based off the Nazis, who based THEIR tactics off of Andrew Jackson in America and HIS treatment of Indigenous Americans. We can also bring Britian into the Equation as well- And we all know about British Colonization. INCLUDING the areas of the Levant as a whole.
@psychologeek this is why Britain helped the STATE of Israel form and USED brainwashed Ashkenazim and Shepardim victims as physical expendable tools to Obtain a Land and Hold more control OVERALL than the people they borderline-displaced to the area.
@psychologeek I of course mean Ashkenazim and Shepardim from Spain/Portugal and Eastern Europe.Holocaust survivors had to dig through the trash to survive while a mix of Zionists from a mix of America,Pakistan,Ethiopia,etc, and other countries FLEW in to take full advantage of Resources.
Current Response:
I am?? Not?? American?? Wtf you blame me for things *your* government is doing?? I mean. afaik, this is the reason for something called "elections" and "democracy" and "politics". (But I guess talking shit about other governments is way easier than, you know, actually doing something to change things you can.)
"There is a call for a ceasefire" - I mean, those who say it claim they want ceasefire. However, I haven't heard anyone talking about things like the safe return of the hostages, stop Hamas from bombing and attacking civilians in Israel, or anything but "Israel should stop fighting" (no matter what)". Which.... isn't really a call for ceasefire. Especially as Hamas leaders keep saying "we'll do it again."
"There's oil on the coast of Israel" - Gas. You mean gas. In the mid-north. And again - I don't go into other countries politics.
"the things your countries Govt has done to the indigenous people of the Levant" - which are? As you refuse to admit jews are indigenous to the area.
"Nothing Short of Western-Style Imperialism." - good job in spreading propaganda!. You elegantly ignore everything about non-western imperialism, denying and erasing Jewish history, and keep your propaganda. Well done.
"Zionists/Israelis are the new Nazis" - obviously you have no idea what is Nazism. Which is to be expected. After all, in the 30s Hitler was chosen as the Times' "Person of the Year", not to mention the Madison Square and the Bund.
"Britain helped state Israel" - lol. Yeah right, like they didn't limit entry and immigration (from Jews only).
Hello racism my old friend
"a mix of Zionists from a mix of America,Pakistan,Ethiopia,etc, and other countries FLEW in to take full advantage of Resources." - how dare those (dirty ppl) come? They are here to suck our blood I mean, use all the resources!" (Psst... Do you know where most of the refugees who fled to Israel came from? Hint: not America)
Also you ignored basically everything that I write.
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rahabs · 6 months
It's just amazing to me that all the people who were having complete meltdowns in February over a video game are now on this website spitting some of the most vile, heinous, antisemitic rhetoric, is all.
#It's just. You know. What it is.#Masks off and all that#From 'this video game kills Jews' to 'yeah actually... we SHOULD annihilate them all! Brilliant'#Like it really didn't take long at all for those masks to come off.#It's just that I think you can make your point without all the 'actually we should wipe Israel+ Israelites + Jews off the face of the earth#Not even touching the people who have boiled this conflict down to 'Israel and Jews bad because white and Palestine good because brown'#Because people on Tumblr have been saying for years that the Holocaust doesn't count because 'it happened to white people/Jews are white'#Which is an entirely different can of ignorance (and I've already reblogged posts on the matter of Jewish ethnicity)#And to the people who I know will have knee-jerk responses to this:#Firstly temper yourself and use your brain please#Secondly I'm not saying all the Pro-Palestine people say this.#Just that there is a very large amount of real and vile antisemitism#And a lot of it is being propagated by the same people who back in February#Harassed people under the guise of 'this game is antisemitic' (even when actual Jews disagreed)#And who then immediately jumped on the 'Israel bad and also Jews bad and also we should get rid of them forever' train.#Like hopefully even the Pro-Palestine people can understand why that's Wrong. Hopefully.#Also do not even with the 'but that's not happening Cheyenne' because yes it is even if you don't want to face the realities of antisemitis#And the forms it takes. How deeply hated Jews still are by society--and not just Western society.#And also you know what while I dig myself a hole tonight:#Jewish people have existed in Israel longer than Christians and Muslims have existed PERIOD#And I am so over the horrible nonsensical comparisons North Americans try to make to the colonisation of the Americas by Europeans.#It is NOT the same thing and I say this as a First Nations woman with two history degrees; a classics degree; and a JD.#You sound ignorant. You are ignorant. Stop it.
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