#anyway i played doghouse 2 (from my general freeware folder) and that was a fun little scary/silly ps1 looking game!!
bmpmp3 Β· 2 years
i love you rpg maker i love you wolf rpg editor i love you renpy i love you game maker i love you godot i love you game jam games i love you 2 mb freeware i downloaded off itchio i love you
#i got in some kinda rpg maker horror game zone cause i looked at my drm free games folder and i realized that uh#my rpg maker folder had like 150something games in there#dont even ask about my renpy folder and general freeware folders#my backlog is unreal#anyway i played doghouse 2 (from my general freeware folder) and that was a fun little scary/silly ps1 looking game!!#very funny and also frightening simultaneiously. awesome#then i went over to the rpg maker folder and realized i hadnt downloaded all the rtps on my new computer yet and descended into madness#but then i grabbed them and installed em all real quick (at least the english ones. i still need to grab the japanese ones rip)#and then i played a little jam game called Good Job! by ummmmm#kathinka.png is listed under my list-of-freeware-games-ive-played (weird list i keep)#that was neat it was a fun little jam game with funky conceptual stuff going on which im always a fan of#and after that i played (i think another jam game) GISELLE by yuumsarte which was very sweet#it was very classic rpg maker horror with its puzzles and level design#and the story was just very kind and uplifting in a way. i think thats the great thing about small freeware games like this#you can tell short stories with heavy subject matter with an honesty that helps make the hopeful message so much stronger#if that makes sense? my allergies have been killing me for the past two weeks so ive just sorta been embracing my wackiness#who knows what im saying. its none of my business at least
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