#my backlog is unreal
bmpmp3 · 2 years
i love you rpg maker i love you wolf rpg editor i love you renpy i love you game maker i love you godot i love you game jam games i love you 2 mb freeware i downloaded off itchio i love you
#i got in some kinda rpg maker horror game zone cause i looked at my drm free games folder and i realized that uh#my rpg maker folder had like 150something games in there#dont even ask about my renpy folder and general freeware folders#my backlog is unreal#anyway i played doghouse 2 (from my general freeware folder) and that was a fun little scary/silly ps1 looking game!!#very funny and also frightening simultaneiously. awesome#then i went over to the rpg maker folder and realized i hadnt downloaded all the rtps on my new computer yet and descended into madness#but then i grabbed them and installed em all real quick (at least the english ones. i still need to grab the japanese ones rip)#and then i played a little jam game called Good Job! by ummmmm#kathinka.png is listed under my list-of-freeware-games-ive-played (weird list i keep)#that was neat it was a fun little jam game with funky conceptual stuff going on which im always a fan of#and after that i played (i think another jam game) GISELLE by yuumsarte which was very sweet#it was very classic rpg maker horror with its puzzles and level design#and the story was just very kind and uplifting in a way. i think thats the great thing about small freeware games like this#you can tell short stories with heavy subject matter with an honesty that helps make the hopeful message so much stronger#if that makes sense? my allergies have been killing me for the past two weeks so ive just sorta been embracing my wackiness#who knows what im saying. its none of my business at least
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
theres pokemon reborn, which i've enjoyed a lot. it is pretty difficult, but they have a variety of quality of life changes to make getting/raising pokemon way easier. also, ways where you can make it easier on yourself through lowering the levels/EVs of trainers or making your own pokemon always have 31 ivs or just. otherwise making things easier. i think the stories really good, but it's not for everyone! if you're considering actually playing a fangame i'd definitely look into it's content warnings first ^_^'' development for it was started several years ago where it's main creator was a teenager, and in some aspects you can Tell. but i think it has more than enough good aspects to still make it worth it- it was finished just last year!
also it's like 130 hours of gameplay so. kind of an investment. i just really like pokemon reborn and like talking about it haha :3c
ough that is rather long. although i end up liking longer games usually, something tends to stray me away from them. weirdly i feel like i have to really, Really like a game to actually be willing to play it for upwards of a hundred hours. i don’t know Why i’m like that, but i’m also kinda just assuming this is how i am, given how often i’ve dropped longer games. maybe i’m just not playing the right long games, because i spent a hundred hours on totk and still want more. a cursory google does show a Lot of content warnings, but it could be interesting, perhaps. more mature themes for a pokémon game. i’ve certainly got more mature themes in my own oc creations around pokémon and pmd. and over a hundred hours of content for a fangame is very impressive to me—as long as it’s not all grinding, of course!
considering how long it is, it’s likely it’ll be one of the later games i check out if i do, but when time and interest allows, i will also try to keep this name in mind. boosting up the IVs of your party pokémon seems especially nice, considering i tend to use pokémon that aren’t “competitive” in my playthroughs
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High for love - Sherlock x reader
Request: "Can i request prompt #16 with BBC sherlock please? x"
Prompt: I may or may not be a tiny bit in love with you. Okay maybe a lot in love with you but that's beside the point.
A/N: I am thinking of doing a part two to this if people want? Let me know what you guys think!!
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drug use.
Word count: 2804.
You ran your hands through your hair as you paced back and forth in your boyfriends apartment. You didn’t ant to dump him – well no that’s a lie otherwise you wouldn’t be doing it- but your reasoning didn’t feel valid. But surely it was better to cut it off now, rather than stringing him along the whole time? Before you could debate the subject anymore, the keys jangled in the lock and there he was.
‘hi baby’ He smiled as he dropped his bag, walking over to hug you. ‘’god I’ve missed you, work was hell. Julie, you know the one from the dinner party we went to last week, she didn’t do any of here paperwork so we were backlogged the whole day and it’s just insane-‘’
‘’Tom, can you stop for a second?’’ You blurted out, cutting him off.
You saw his brow flinch in confusion as he stepped back slightly at your tone.
‘’Is everything okay?’’ The genuine concern in his voice pulled at your heart strings.
Tom was perfect, he’s everything you could want in a guy. He was kind, compassionate, funny – he’d had you in tears from laughing so hard more times than you could count. You felt so happy when you were with him and you knew you could tell him anything and he would love you all the same. Yet here you were, about to break this poor man’s heart. And why? All because of some stupid detective you’d fallen for months ago.
‘’I need to talk to you about something’’ Your hands shook as you spoke, which of course Tom noticed.
‘’Hey you’re okay, whatever it is you know you can tell me. I’m here for you.’’ His words weren’t making this any easier.
He reached out to take your hands but the thought of him touching you right now made your stomach turn, guilt consuming you. His expression dropped when you moved away from him, clearly on edge now as well.
‘’Y/N?’’ He questioned.
You couldn’t even look at him, opting to stare at your hands instead. You took a shaky breath trying to compose yourself. ‘This is the right thing to do’ You told yourself.
‘’We need to break up.’’
It felt unreal as those words left your mouth. A heavy pause settled across the room, both of you taking in what had just been said. You glanced up at Tom, expecting him to get angry. Instead he just stared at you, a blank expression on his face.
‘’Tom?’’ you asked tentatively.
He just nodded slowly, processing what he had heard.
‘’Okay. Um, wow I wasn’t excepting that’’ He let out a shocked laugh. ‘’What changed? Did I do something?’’
You stepped towards him slightly. ‘’No, Tom, no. You were-are amazing. Truly. I’ve been so lucky to have you in my life. It’s just-‘’
You didn’t even know how to phrase it.
‘’It’s Sherlock.’’ You spat out, your face burning with shame.
You knew you hadn’t cheated, not physically. But the fact you were in love with another man while being in a relationship somehow felt like a bigger betrayal. And Tom deserved better.
‘’Your in love with him, aren’t you?’’ Tom’s voice broke through your thoughts.
You nodded, not sure what words would help the situation. You were waiting for tom to yell, telling you how awful you were before demanding you to leave. But it never came.
‘’I know you love me. That’s evident. But if I’m not the one your in love with, then I can’t stand in the way of that.’’ His tone was soft, deflated almost.
You looked up at him, seeing the sorrow laced in his eyes. It hurt to see.
‘’I’m sorry. I know it might not mean anything to you, but I truly never wanted to hurt you.’’  You said, keeping your voice low.
It almost felt wrong to break the quiet around the two of you.
‘’I know.’’ Was all he said, before hugging you tightly. The two of your stayed like that, holding each other for a while.
‘’Go and tell him then’’ Tom said, sighing slightly as he pulled away.
You chuckled stiffly at his words before grabbing your bag and heading to his door.
‘’I’ll see you around then’’ He called.
You nodded and walked out the door, a few tears welling in your eyes as you closed it behind you. What had you done? You didn’t even know if sherlock liked you back. There was a huge possibility he didn’t, actually it would be the surprise of the century if he did. Sherlock didn’t do feelings, or romantic relationships. He’s more than cable of it, but as he likes to remind you constantly, it only distracts from his work. As you were thinking this, your phone rang. Speak of the devil.
‘’Ah, y/n, where are you?’’ Sherlocks voice swum through the speakers.
‘’On the way home, what’s up?’’
‘’Me and john are working on a case, come over would you?’’
‘’Sherlock, I’m tired can I just help you guys out tomorrow?’’ As much as you wanted to tell him how you felt, you were worn thin emotionally right now and did not have the energy to face either him or john.
‘’What’s wrong with you? He asked sharply.
‘’Nothings wrong okay, I just want to go home and rest’’ You sighed, slightly annoyed.
‘’y/n I’ve seen you quite literally collapse from exhaustion due to helping us out before’’
‘’well god forbid I start to look after myself’’ you shot back sarcastically.
‘’No what I’m saying is, you being tired has never been an issue before. So why now? Something must be wrong?’’
You rolled your eyes at his words.
‘’Fine if you must know I just broke up with Tom. Yes I’m fine, no I don’t want to talk about it and no he didn’t do anything wrong. Now can we please talk more tomorrow?’’ You snapped, harsher than intended.
There was a pause on the other line.
‘’Did you hear me?’’
‘’What- sorry yes I got distracted. See you tomorrow’’ Sherlocks words were sharp as he hung up the phone before giving you the chance to respond.
You sighed and pocketed your phone, continuing your journey home.
**************************THE NEXT DAY***********************
You jolted upright, your eyes having no time to focus as your head whipped round searching for the cause of the noise that had disrupted your sleep. Eventually you fumbled around enough to find your phone, clicking the answer button before reading the name of the caller.
‘’What?’’ You said, your voice sounding groggy.
‘’Hello Y/N’’ A familiar voice replied.
But not one you heard often. Something was wrong.
‘’Mycroft?’’ You eyes widened, suddenly alert. ‘’What’s going on? What’s happened?’’
You heard the older Holmes sigh through the phone.
‘’My brother went missing earlier tonight and-‘’
‘’WHAT? Where is he? Is he hurt? Oh my god right I’m coming over-‘’ You scrambled to get out of your bed, dropping the phone in the process.
‘’Shit’’ You threw yourself over the side of the bed to grab it. However, you miscalculated how close you were to the edge and promptly fell off with a rather loud thud as you landed in a crumpled heap next to your phone.
‘’Ow’’ You grumbled before finally picking your phone back up. ‘’Hello? Are you still there?’’
‘’Are you quite alright? That was an awful lot of noise’’ Mycroft asked, sounding more agitated then worried but that didn’t surprise you.
‘’Yep, yes all fine. Now where the hell is sherlock? Shouldn’t you be out looking for him instead of calling me?’’
‘’Well as I was saying before you interrupted me, we’ve already found him. He’s been taken back home and is currently with John.’’ Mycroft continued.
You furrowed your brow in confusion.
‘’Then why are you calling me? You do know it’s literally 3 in the morning. I was sleeping’’ You shuffled on the floor so you could lean back up against your bed, still feeling the tiredness wash over you.
‘’He may be home but he isn’t exactly…well, sober’’ The unease was evident in Mycroft’s tone as he spoke.
Even though he would probably deny it at any turn, he cared for sherlock deeper than he’d ever cared for anything. As did sherlock for Mycroft. They truly wouldn’t be the same without each other, even if they were both too stubborn to admit to it.
‘’What can I do?’’ You said with a sigh.
‘’Go and talk to him. He seems to trust you. Possibly even more than he does john Find out why he’s using again’’
You held your head in your hands. You hated seeing sherlock high. It hurt you to see him resort to such methods. Even if it was for a case. That man was willing to dance with death in order to prove he’s right about something.
‘’Okay’’ You replied reluctantly.
‘’There will be a car outside for you. Update me as soon as you can.’’ And with that, he hung up.
You took a few minutes to compose yourself, before getting up. You decided against getting changed, you figured showing up in some plaid pyjama trousers and the black vest top you’d fallen asleep in would suffice. You grabbed a jacket before slipping on your trainers and heading out of your flat. Sure enough when you got to the lobby of your apartment building, there was a sleek black car waiting to take you to Baker Street.
The whole ride there you were thinking about what to stay. I mean what exactly are you mean to say to someone who’s probably higher than the Eiffel tower right now. Even now as you stood waiting for someone to open the door, you were coming up empty.
‘’Oh y/n hello dear!’' '
’Mrs. Hudson greeted you warmly as she opened the door for you. ‘’Hi Mrs. Hudson. How are you?’’ You smiled at her.
You’d always been rather fond of her. She was endlessly kind towards you, welcoming you with open arms without any hesitation.
‘’I’m good thank you. You haven’t been round in a while. Come in, come in. We don’t need you freezing on the doorstep now do we.’’ She ushered you in closing the door behind you.
‘’No, I know things have been a bit mental at work lately, I’ve been meaning to swing by. I’m sorry it has to be in the middle of the night. I’m sure you don’t appreciate being woken up by all this.’’ You gesture up the stairs as you spoken.
She just shook her head. ‘’Nonsense darling, I don’t mind at all. You’re welcome at any time. As for Sherlock, well all I can say is at least he isn’t shooting my wall to pieces again.’’ She chuckled as she spoke. ‘’You’d better get up there, see if you can talk any sense into him’’
You nodded, looking towards the stairs ‘’Yeah, I guess. I’ll see you in a bit’’ You took a deep breath, before walking upstairs.
Sherlock must have heard you because suddenly you heard his voice calling your name rather excitedly. You went to open his door but he’d clearly got there before you, flinging it open. ‘
’Y/n, you’re here! John look, it’s y/n’’ Sherlock grinned at you, his eyes wide.
‘’Yeah I can see that, I’m not blind’’ john retorted from behind the detective.
‘’Hi’’ You said, chuckling nervously.
‘’You’re bloody amazing you know that?’’ Sherlock said.
You went to reply but were cut off by Sherlocks arms wrapping around you, pulling your body close to his as he rested his head on your shoulder. You let out a gasp as your arms hung awkwardly by your side. What the fuck had he taken? Just as quickly as the hug had begun, it was over as he pulled away from you still smiling. He turned and walked back into his apartment, focusing on some paper work spread out on his desk. You just stood there, a shocked expression smacked across your face.
‘’You okay there?’’ John asked, shaking you slightly. You blinked at him before nodding your head.
‘’What has gotten into him? Well drugs apparently, but he’s never normally this…’’
‘’Happy? Elevated? Fucking insane?’’ john suggested, looking over at the man who was now in a heated discussion with a skull that he kept on the fireplace.
‘’Yeah. I mean usually when he’s been caught high, he’s all grumpy and just curls up in a ball probably hoping we all shut up and leave him alone. But this, this is new’’
‘’are you saying you prefer the moody, short tempered bastard version of these events?’’ John asked raising an eyebrow at you.
You watched Sherlock move around the flat rather erratically, a feeling of discomfort forming a pit in your stomach.
‘’I don’t know yet’’ You replied honestly.
‘Ah y/n, come here’’ Sherlock waved you over to him, where he was now sat back down at his desk.
You shrugged your jacket off walking over to him, leaning against the desk.
‘’You need something?’’ You asked him, folding your arms.
He broke his gaze away from his laptop, looking up at you. His eyes took their time gazing over your figure making you shuffle nervously under his stare.
‘’You truly are beautiful you know.’’ His words sounded so genuine, you were taken a back. ‘’Anyway, I needed to ask you something but I forgot what it was. I’m sure it’ll come back to me’’ And with that, he shrugged and immediately went back to typing away on his laptop.
You just stared down at him. Sherlock never complimented you, or if he did the most you got was a short ‘’well done’’ or ‘’good job’’. He had never commented on your appearance, only ever on your work and he had most certainly never called you beautiful.
‘’AH’’ Sherlock clapped his hands together, making you jump. ‘’that’s what I was going to say, I remember now. It’s not a question mind you.’’ You rolled your eyes, slowly getting more agitated.
‘’What was it then?’’
‘’I may or may not be a tiny bit in love with you. Okay maybe a lot in love with you but that’s besides the point’’
For about the third time that night, you were stunned to silence. What. The. Fuck. There was no way you had just heard him say that.
‘’I need a drink do you want anything?’’ Sherlock asked as he got up and walked to the kitchen.
That’s when reality hit you. He didn’t mean it, he was high. It was just the drugs elevating his mood. He cared for you, you knew that. But now with whatever he’s taken he clearly thinks he loves you But he doesn’t. He’s made it perfectly clear in the past how he feels about love and relationships. Maybe he’d picked up that you had feelings for him and was now using them against you as some kind of joke? It wouldn’t surprise you. You’re heart sank as you faced the reality of the situation.
‘’Fuck you man’’ You mumbled as you moved yourself away from the desk.
‘’What?’’ Sherlock turned to see you with your back to him, standing by the sofa. ‘’Was that to me?’’
‘’Well it sure as shit wasn’t to john’’ You snapped, running your fingers through your hair.
‘’What did I do?’’ Sherlock asked. For the first time this evening, he looked sober. He looked like him again.
‘’You know what you did, you prick. Look it might be all a joke and funny to you now because you decided to go and inject fuck knows what into your body yet again – but the way I feel is not something I’m letting you mess with. Not anymore.’’ You grabbed your jumper, throwing it on before heading to the door.
‘Y/n wait please-‘’
‘’Make sure to tell Mycroft what you took. He wants to know’’ You said before heading down the stairs and rushing out the door, tears slipping down your face.
Your phone rang in your pocket. You knew it was sherlock and you had no interest of talking to him. Not now, or any time soon. First Tom, and now this. You were exhausted and you didn’t want to deal with any men for the foreseeable future. But part of you wondered, what if he’d meant it? Was there any way he truly could love you? You shook your head dismissing your thoughts. No, he wasn’t thinking straight. By the morning he probably won’t even remember what it is he said to you. What a fun conversation that would be. But you would deal with that later. For now all you wanted to do was go home, curl up, fall asleep and forget about the rather handsome detective.
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old-schoolgenz · 21 days
I have so much fanfiction written about Aarmau it's unreal. To the point where I have a backlog of the stuff on multiple websites (and unpublished stuff on my phone *cough* smut *cough*)
I can't read other people's fanfiction about them anymore. Especially if it contains infidelity. It just gets me SCREAMING about how people have mischaracterized the characters even though I know damn well I didn't create them and pretty much every rewritten version of a character is better than canon.
To me neither Aaron nor Aphmau would EVER cheat (on purpose) they just respect each other too much for that. Not even love, just respect. It DRIVES ME UP A FUCKING WALL. And I get it, cheating is angst and I'm all for that shit, but... I don't like it when people go there, personally.
This ain't a dig either, just personal preference.
Now if it's "Aaron got fucked up by love potion/Ultima weirdness and didn't have control. Or even better, Ein fucking with Aphmau's mind. YES, GIMME THAT SHIT. Cause they're not consciously making the decision "let's fuck up everything we've built."
ALSO, after thinking on the age gap a little more, I think I'm getting the problem, Aaron being a senior alluds to him being way more emotionally mature, and a college student making moves on someone in high-school is a little bit of a yikes. But! (And this isn't me defending actual groomers, ew no.) We've SEEN Aaron's childhood, my Boi is FUCKED emotionally, so he's not really all that more emotionally mature than Aphmau.
That being said. I DO now think that Jess should have made Aaron the same age as Garroth, which was I think a year above Aphmau at the time.
Then have him get shipped off to private school or back to military school if you still want that "Oh no my love interest has to go away." Punch.
As for college, I think that whole season should be rewritten anyway, because the three/four way love-triangle for Aaron bullshit gets real grating real quick. And I think the whole thing should have been focused on Aph gaining a reputation as a slut and her struggle through that. (And how it may effect her decisions after college. Hey more angst.) And Aaron's struggle to get out from under the thumb of his father (possibility slightly more violently than in cannon.) Jenny and the rest of the anime trope girls (except maybe Betty and Diane, but that's because Diane reminds me too much of myself) could cease to exist and I would be a-okay with that.
Also let Aaron have female freinds. Please. Or even let Aaron and Aph have that best freind banter before and after they get together. LET THEM ANNOY THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER FOR GODS SAKE.
this became a rant about potential again I'm sorry.
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bthump · 1 year
hi bthump! I just recently binged berserk and stumbled onto all your writings - really loving working through all your analyses!! thank you for all that you do!
I had a question that I've been trying to turn over in my head, what do you think about Guts' feelings towards Casca? To me, the way I read the story its always seemed that Griffith (since GA fr sure) has been the sole person that Guts has 100% romantically+ platonically loved in that soulmate kind of way. Sure, casca is very important to guts as a friend, comrade, fellow survivor of all they've been through, but i have trouble really reading guts feelings towards her as truly romantic... I do think Casca herself caught real feelings for guts, but in all their scenes together I kind of read Guts interactions with her as him processing.. his own trauma in a way? like take whole cave thing, where they even kiss and have sex; when i think of that scene i really think of it less as, casca and guts getting Together as a couple. but rather two friends sharing their traumas together in a mutually healing sort of way. the fact that they do get physically intimate together doesn't necessarily mean that guts actually is in love with her I believe. like I think that whole scene just touches on that trope of how lots of men are Only able to bare themselves emotionally/share their traumas through physical intimacy— usually with a woman.
And especially right now as it stands in the story I definitely think that guts doesn't see her romantically at all... and the sole reason guts feels strongly about getting her memory back isn't because he's hoping to get his "lover" back but rather simply feels like he wants to do right by his close friend and comrade, especially how particularly horrible and traumatic the eclipse was for her.
am i being delusional!!
Thanks for the ask! lol yeah I definitely agree with you.
I don't think Guts is in love with Casca, and I think that's pretty apparent in how he behaves throughout the story. Their sex scene definitely had a friends hooking up vibe to me, and they're probably meant to have potential as a couple in theory, but in practice it's totally unrealized.
In case you're interested, I'm gonna link you some posts I've written on the subject of their relationship rather than get into it in detail, because I have a big backlog on this topic lol.
The constrast between Guts and Judeau's feelings towards Casca and how Guts' and Casca's relationship contains some unbalanced feelings and emotional misunderstandings
What Judeau orchestrating their relationship suggests about it
The sex scene as repression
The sex scene as rebounding from Griffith
How you can read Guts and Casca's relationship is a misstep for the characters
How their relationship fails to affect Guts
A list of reasons Guts has for taking Casca to Elfhelm that doesn't include true love
A list of Guts' bad behaviour towards Casca that points away from true love
Thoughts on the scene where Roderick asks about their relationship
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magpies-gold · 5 months
Whoa okay I gotta come question your latest PotC art. I don't know if I've ever seen... *squints at tags* Kalder before? What kind of tikedi is he?? He's so very dramatic-shaped, he looks unreal compared to the three types I'm used to seeing. What's up with him?
Haha, Kalder's kind of sort of new. I've drawn him before a couple of times - he showed up in Renn'tekk's bonus story a few years ago, and if you hit his tag there's a couple of past sketches of him from his in-development days. Mostly he's an upcoming character. He features a bunch more in the massive backlog of new pages that I'm making over on my Patreon and he'll be a main character in the upcoming chapters. As for what kind he is: he's an absolute mutt of a tikedi, and even he doesn't know his exact pedigree except that it's a mess. He's from Tieke City, but he looks more like a mashup of Tarsin and Harangin then anything with Tieke blood. He works for Novarc, he's a bit of a goon, and he's got a few screws loose, but his moral compass still tends to point the right direction... eventually. He's also totally haunted. I wish I could draw faster so I could release the rest of this to the world already.
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therealjendavis · 10 months
i will admit it. i haven't been able to follow this tour super well. i knew they played g.i.n.a.s.f.s. at the first show. when pavlove came on i was going fucking crazy but i kind of assumed they had played it earlier this tour. they've been pulling out the BACKLOG for this tour. i didn't realize i was watching the debut. it's still unreal to me that my favorite song, the deep cut, the holy grail, the thing i didn't even let myself hope for was played at my show. and it was the debut. i got to hear it for the first time. holy fucking shit.
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CRPG Progress 2023
I just thought I’d write myself a list of games from the highly-recommended and free CRPG book I sometimes mention.
There is still a lot of stuff from that book that I want to play, as well as other games not mentioned in it. 
Ideally I would play at least a little bit of everything on it for the best historical perspective, but in practice I find it difficult enough to finish just my existing backlog so I need to prioritize some things over others.
If a game is marked with a single exclamation mark, it means it sounds particularly interesting to me even beyond its historical significance and I want to try it for at least a couple of hours to see what it’s like.
If a game is marked with two exclamation marks, it means I have played some of it.
If a game is marked with three exclamation marks, it means I have played enough of it to have a reasonably solid idea of how it plays and all.
If a game is marked with four exclamation marks, it means I have reached the end credits or otherwise finished the game at least once.
70s RPGs
Beneath Apple Manor (!)
Dunjonquest: Temple of Apshai (!)
Oubliette (!)
Futurewar (!)
Avatar (!)
80s RPGs
The Return of Heracles (!)
Wizard’s Crown (!)
Phantasie (!)
Starflight (!)
Alter Ego (!)
Deathlord (!)
Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds (!)
Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna (!)
Pool of Radiance (!)
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom (!)
The Magic Candle (!)
The Dark Heart pf Uurkrul (!)
Knights of Legend (!)
Dungeon Master (!!)
NetHack (!!)
Wasteland (!!)
Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn (!!!)
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (!!!!)
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar (!!!!)
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (!!!!)
90s RPGs
Ultima VI: The False Prophet (!)
Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge (!)
Captive (!)
Champions of Krynn (!)
Fate: Gates of Dawn (!)
Disciples of Steel (!)
Worlds of Ultima: Martian Dreams (!)
Star Control 2 (!)
Betrayal at Krondor (!)
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands (!)
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures (!)
Ravenloft: Stone Prophet (!)
Birthright: The Gorgon’s Alliance (!)
Diablo (!)
Final Fantasy VII (!)
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (!)
Jagged Alliance 2 (!)
Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor (!)
Darklands (!!)
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (!!)
UnReal World (!!)
Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant (!!)
Ultima VIII: Pagan (!!)
System Shock 2 (!!)
Baldur’s Gate (!!!)
Ancient Domains of Mystery (!!!)
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall (!!!)
Ultima VII: The Black Gate (!!!!)
Princess Maker 2 (!!!!)
Exile Avernum: Escape From the Pit (!!!!)
Fallout (!!!!)
Fallout 2 (!!!!)
Planescape: Torment (!!!!)
2000s RPGs
Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn (!)
Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer (!)
Diablo 2 (!)
Wizards & Warriors (!)
ZanZarah: The Hidden Portal (!)
Neverwinter Nights (!)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (!)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (!)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (!)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl (!)
The Witcher (!)
Yumina the Ethereal (!)
Eschalon: Book I (!!)
Arx Fatalis (!!)
The Battle for Wesnoth (!!)
Space Station 13 (!!)
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (!!)
Mass Effect (!!)
Valkyria Chronicles (!!)
Dragon Age: Origins (!!)
Agarest: Generations of War (!!!)
Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale (!!!)
Dwarf Fortress (!!!)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (!!!)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (!!!)
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura (!!!)
Elona (!!!)
Risen (!!!)
Deus Ex (!!!!)
Wizardry 8 (!!!!)
Gothic (!!!!)
Geneforge (!!!!)
Gothic 2 (!!!!)
Temple of Elemental Evil (!!!!)
Sacred (!!!!)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (!!!!)
Gothic 3 (!!!!)
Fallout 3 (!!!!)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II (!!!!)
2010s RPGs
Caves of Qud (!)
Dungeons of Dredmor (!)
Divinity: Original Sin (!)
Transistor (!)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (!)
Tale of Wuxia (!)
Pyre (!)
Cultist Simulator (!)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance (!)
NEO Scavenger (!!)
The Age of Decadence (!!)
The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings (!!)
Legend of Grimrock 2 (!!)
Shadowrun Returns (!!)
Dragon’s Dogma (!!)
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (!!)
Pillars of Eternity (!!)
Darkest Dungeon (!!)
NieR: Automata (!!)
Kenshi (!!)
Vampyr (!!)
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy (!!!)
Mount & Blade: Warband (!!!)
Torchlight 2 (!!!)
Din’s Curse (!!!)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (!!!)
Divinity: Original Sin 2 (!!!)
Wasteland 2 (!!!)
UnderRail (!!!)
Fallout 4 (!!!)
Fallout: New Vegas (!!!!)
Mass Effect 2 (!!!!)
Dark Souls (!!!!)
Magical Diary (!!!!)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (!!!!)
Tales of Maj’Eyal (!!!!)
Legend of Grimrock (!!!!)
Path of Exile (!!!!)
Tyranny (!!!!)
ELEX (!!!!)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker (!!!!)
Slay the Spire (!!!!)
Disco Elysium (!!!!)
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hey! i've been following your work recently and have had an absolute BLAST! i'm really impressed by the improvements in pacing and tone even over just the past few audio clips–they've all been fantastic!! the emotional range you're able to capture is unreal :D this is such a creative way of creating content and i've had so much fun hearing what you come up with and learning about the process. thank you for all your hard work! i wanted to ask whether you're still taking requests or suggestions. i have a few i'd like to submit, but if you're already overwhelmed with asks, i don't wanna make the backlog worse!
This means so much to hear! I put a lot of love into them, and there's been some crazy ups and downs to getting them together. I'm really proud of how far I've come. (Especially because I started this with zero audio editing skills) so thank you so much for the compliments! I AM ABSOLUTELY OPEN for more requests. They've been building up in my inbox and I've been happily working through them and so far it's been working out! I finish a couple and then I pick up a couple. So I'm always happy for more!
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emily-lotus · 2 years
1. Three ships
WoLxAymericxEstinien: at first it was just AymericxWoL but slowly over time it grew to the three of them. They have their moments but they truly love one another and have been working hard to make sure they take care of one another
GaiusxOc (ToX): what happens when you pair a king and a commoner together. Especially if said commoner has for the last 6 months to a year, insulted you without realizing they were directly doing so. It works though. They love each other so much its unreal.
MalikxOc (ToGf): this...this was outnof left field and crushed my dream of wanting to explore single sided crushes. Kinda. She's stubborn and he's super patient. They also have helped one another heal from their trauma.
2. Last Song
Uh....answers? I think. It fits emily as she goes through the trials of being the warrior of light really. She is always seeking answers.
3. Last Movie
....what did i throw up on Disney+ the other day?.....that i paid attention to....uh....idr
4. Currently Watching
Depression brain has me flipping between Ducktales (2017) and Gravity Falls. Yay!
5. Currently Playing
FfXIV, the main one i'm playing currently. RiP to my backlog. Twisted Wonderland and Obey me! Are my current phone games i'm playing.
6. Currently Reading
Throne of Glass book 2, Acot book 4 and City of Lost Souls. I...bounce between what i hyperfocus on book wise.
Stole from @lumeriagreenbriar
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You want to talk...
...about someone who flip flops and that clearly points to one individual. Why haven't I written more about him in the past? Well, not for the reasons you might think—but, without constructing a broad conspiracy theory, I have little to complain of that isn't both ancient history and largely attributable to my own shocking naïveté.
Yes, he was there that day in 2013 and, yes, he smiled and simpered at the diss and deferred to Mr Parlours. That is what I have to complain of. Was he there at my request? No, he was there, I think, because B had recommended that he participate.
OK, so what else? Three things that may amount to nothing very much: 1/ he came onto me like a seductive steam train when I first arrived in 2004; 2/ there's no proof but I often wonder if his behaviour was associated with whatever B had going on about my career (this would be vitally important but only if true); and 3/ the flip flopping was annoying and left me isolated on more than occasion.
The steam train? We were both married in 2004 and he went on a full charm offensive, making it absolutely clear that he wished us to have an affair. He was a member of the Plenary Committee at the time and so, in a sense, I worked for him. I thought he was charming but the situation was perfectly manageable until my son was born in 2006 and my marriage couldn't cope with all the surreal, random, unexpected things that came at it as a result. I didn't sleep with E but in 2007 or 8, after my Ex and I separated, I snogged him quite a bit when I should have been focused more on couples therapy and so forth. Is that a delicate revisionism on my part? No, it's not. I'm not at all proud of anything I did back then but I'm perpetually relieved that it went no further. Frankly, my Ex, for all his faults, deserved better and, moreover, although we remained friends for several years, I lost respect for E as time wore on.
Fun fact (or not): at this time, as I was going through my divorce and everything was falling apart, E offered me £300,000 as a "semi-permanent loan". He was quick to add "no strings attached" but clearly he either intended, or recklessly implied, that a significant imbalance of power, gratitude and obligation would emerge and in the context of his expressing a wish to have an affair... anyway, I demurred. (Slightly more fun fact: I actually have a not inconsiderable backlog of bizarre and eccentric stories with a similarly transactional twist... the City of London is a very, very odd and unreal place indeed.)
OK, the "conspiracy" bit is more complicated and tenuous. The key point, I think, is that in 2009 I was desperate to get away from the think tank, believing I'd done my stint and seeing that there was no future with the old lady in it. I tried to pursue various leads—which I was more or less passionate about--and made a raft of applications but nothing fell into place and someone suggested to me that I should go back to being self-employed. I was a bit ambivalent about that but could see that I needed to develop a marketable skill-set—other than think tankery—so I started to investigate. I was rejected by a couple of places and it was E who eventually facilitated a path into R's outfit. At the time I took that to be a generous and disinterested act on his part. Shortly thereafter, however, when I was already installed at the outfit (I think), E told me that he himself was thinking of joining the Brotherhood and asked me to be a referee. I told him point blank that I was pleased for him, if that's what he wanted and would refer him with pleasure, but could not think of any reason why a sane, free-minded person with a viable income would join the Brotherhood. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the actual reference request never materialised. Anyway, E not only joined the Brotherhood but in so doing clearly became close to the Duo, such that I saw them together as a kind of clique several times. That is perfectly understandable for plenty of above board reasons—not least that B and E were both on the Plenary Committee—but, well, I have this nagging feeling. That is, the feeling that, if B was meddling with my life choices in some way over the years (and I have multiple TLDR examples of people hinting that he was), then E might have been involved. As I say: Important (and Evil) If True, but quite possibly not true at all.
The flip flopping was a policy thing and, although perfectly legitimate in the grand scheme of human conduct, it was really annoying and quite destructive. Fundamentally, E is incapable of sticking to his guns. That meant that on at least three separate occasions, I relied on his "vote" ("contribution to the majority position") to draw up a policy or procedural recommendation which I then defended to the hilt, as is my wont, only to find out that he had shifted sides—i.e., was offering his vote on, or briefing in support of, a contrary position—and I was the last to know. It all left me quite isolated but this is absolutely just the ordinary cut and thrust of what we all do, it's not what you might call an "HR matter" and it's certainly not illegal. What I will say, however, is that the most damaging occasion, as far as I was concerned, likely involved money, at least at one remove. Having been responsible for clarifying, and signing up to, our thinking on a matter which I shall call "claims", E later chose to get heavily involved with a group run by a leading academic, G, who—as a government employee later told me—was almost certainly taking industry money to oppose our policy position. I should perhaps call it "my" policy position because, by 2017, when DG JustLooking got involved for the second time, I had developed something of a personal expertise and had become a front-person for what was, originally, a group position. (I believed that G's preferred policy reform would lead to more fraud in the market, He would say that it would certainly lead to more liquidity and, ultimately, would facilitate growth.) Anyway, G—who, over the decades, has developed a just astonishing network of policy professionals who are persuaded of his viewpoint on this—pursued many of us with an extraordinary energy in ways that seemed to cut right through all the formal protocols by which think tanks and policy groups are usually expected to operate. The DGJ group, which began with the classic introduction "we've brought Joanna here to change her mind", was an unusually exhausting, confusing and combative experience as a result and, in all the circumstances of my life, that felt like a kind of "last straw".
So that's it. Not much. And that's why you haven't had it in the public domain before but it is, of course, all in my notes.
Incidentally, I did mention to E in 2014 that—re F, AV et al—I had been "thrown to the wolves". He didn't offer to help and I don't know that I expected him to. Had he offered to have a quiet word with someone who could speak to someone who could... etc, on the grounds that it was a derivatives matter, I would have been grateful but I didn't particularly hold it against him that he didn't or couldn't help.
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dude1818 · 5 months
The City and the City
Trying to get a handle on my growing book backlog. This weekend I read The City and the City by China Miéville. It was a very interesting story. It starts out nominally a standard police procedural in a generic Balkan city-state, which then veers into unreality as the true nature of the city is revealed: it's really two cities, inexplicably phased through each other and forbidden to interact. It's like you took the bizarrely fractal Dutch/Belgian enclave, but the thoughtcrime of acknowledging that you could perceive the other city was policed just as harshly as trying to cross between East and West Berlin
The actual mystery was pretty good. The main character is Inspector Borlú from the city of Besźel, investigating the murder of a woman who lived and worked in the city of Ul Qoma but whose body was dumped back in Besźel. He and the beat cop who was working with him on the case had a wonderful dynamic and I would've loved to see them do more cases together, tbh. The case unfolds into a massive conspiracy across both cities and the quasi-existential organization that enforces the boundary, Breach
One of the cool thing about the setting is it never really establishes whether the boundary between the two cities is supernatural/science fiction or just psychological. In the first two acts, Breach is set up like a dimensional boogeyman, who appears out of the shadows or materializes in crowds within moments of a breach occurring, like Agent Smith at the end of the Matrix. Plus, one of the plot threads is about a theoretical third city that exists between the other two. But then in the third act, Borlú starts working with a Breach agent and gets a peak behind the curtain. Breach is still totally bizarre, but suddenly we start seeing how it all might just be a perception filter caused by a thousand years of cultural training. No one can see them because it's so ingrained in their culture that they shouldn't be able to, just like how they can't see the other city
(My copy also advertises the BBC mini-series. I checked it on Wikipedia, and it at best is inspired by the book. They totally butchered the plot and the side characters, at least those that made it into the adaptation or weren't made up whole-cloth. Bleh)
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cblgblog · 9 months
Hey, hey imagine TLOU Modern AU meet Fosters verse, or Tess and Joel taking in a really fucking annoying foster teen 'for a week or two tops' as a favor to Maria who's sorting out the legal case around her.
But a few weeks turning to a few months to more cause the pandemic hits and there's no way they're messing with social circles and the courts are so swamped and backlogged it's unreal.
Maria: It’ll just be for a day. 2 days tops.
Joel: You swear?
Maria: Absolutely. Pinky promise and all.
Joel: Fine but you’d better not be lying to me. 2 days, right?
Maria: Absolutely.
5 days later
Joel: You said 2 days. It’s been 5.
Maria: That’s not what I said.
Joel: Yes it is.
Maria: No, I said 2 weeks top. Weeks, not days.
Ellie: That is what she said. You just didn’t hear her ‘cause you’re old and deaf. Also can I please have some more ravioli?
Joel: No. Fuck this Oliver Twist shit, you can’t stay here.
Ellie: Oliver who?
Tess: Never mind, Joel go make her the ravioli.
3 weeks later
Joel: Why is she still here?
Maria: The wheels of justice turn slow, especially in a pandemic. Do you want her to go to a random group home and possibly die?
Joel: Her presence here is literally sucking the life from me.
Ellie: Whatever dude, you’re old anyway, you probably can’t even tell. I would like a chicken sandwich with mayo on the side now, please.
Joel: No, stop eating all my food.
Tess: Go make her the chicken sandwich, Joel. I’m sure this pandemic thing will be over soon anyway.
1 week later
Joel: So, to recap. You’re telling me all the schools are closed, and all the courts are more backed up than Tommy’s toilet on burrito night, and most importantly all the schools are closed, so she’ll just, be here, all day.
Tess: That is what I am saying, yes.
Ellie: Burritos sound good, can I have a burrito?
Tess: We’ll get you one on the way home, after we pick out the paint colors for your new room.
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sarvendara-elsewhere · 10 months
Elsewhere - Blog - 53
Time Management- 3
The Art of Time Management: Navigating the "Elsewhere" Project
The process of writing "Elsewhere" was not only creative, but it also taught me how to manage my time well. The project's schedule was a road plan for turning my concept into a concrete reality as an aspiring environmental artist. However, how does one go such a distance? How can one strike a balance between the demands of creativity and the limitations of time?
I understood right away that a thorough plan was necessary. The Gantt chart, which outlined each phase, task, and milestone, became my compass. This visualisation not only helped me organise my work, but it also gave me a clear idea of what was coming next. But as luck would have it, unforeseen events happened, forcing a relocation and, later, a burnout phase.
During these trying circumstances, perseverance turned out to be my ally. Time management, which at first glance appeared to be simple, evolved into a dynamic process of adaptation. My schedule needed to be adjusted, and I had to go over my priorities and rearrange my workload. But it wasn't only a matter of catching up; it was also a matter of preserving the project's core despite the adjustments. The break gave me the chance to reconsider my strategy, and I returned with renewed vigour and the well-earned knowledge that flexibility is essential.
The weeks transformed into chapters of a story of progress as I plunge into each area of the project - modelling, texturing, Unreal Engine integration. While each stage had its difficulties and successes, time management remained the overarching theme. Weekends were changed into working days to catch up on the backlog, while late nights were turned into brainstorming sessions.
In the end, "Elsewhere" taught me that time management is about appreciating the ebb and flow of creativity and life, not just sticking to a strict timetable. It involves adapting, reassessing, and maintaining focus on the objective. "Elsewhere" is a monument to both artistic ability and the art of time management, a skill that can only be developed through commitment, flexibility, and a dogged pursuit of one's creative vision.
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theunrealinsomniac · 1 year
Could you write some NaruIno chapter in A Tumble In Konoha where they're actually endgame? Maybe some domestic fluff that just can't stop turning hot because, you know, Ino. I know it might be a bit problematic to write NaruIno as endgame pairing because of "then what happened to Sakura?" etc. but since A Tumble In Konoha is just a collection of shorts you could just not mention her if that's the issue.
First and foremost, I appreciate the interest. Let me make that very, very clear. I actively love that you want to see me write some actual NaruIno stuff, I take it as a compliment.
However, while I appreciate the suggestion, I am going to remind anyone reading this that Tumble is not a collection I will be taking requests for. It's where I put my plot bunnies and that is literally it. I'm prettying up requests I got from Tumblr years and years ago and putting them in but once those are done, all of the ideas will be coming from me and me alone.
Now that said, I am actually planning on writing some genuine NaruIno stuff for the collection. And while anything that happens in Tumble will always stay at the max of an M rating, NaruIno will be appearing.
Also don't take my preference for NaruSaku as an inability to do other ships with Naruto, don't worry, there will be more than just NaruSaku in that collection once I clear out my backlog lol. It's just a bit harder for me to get myself out of the NaruSaku default so the stories will take longer is all.
You still might not see an awful lot of NaruIno in Tumble however, because you're right, my version of Ino is very sexual and stories with her in the main roles are inherently going to go there.
I'm going to be putting another collection of short stories together in the coming weeks and months where NaruIno, and Ino in particular let's be real, are probably going to play a much bigger part.
I'm calling it A Tumble In Konoha's Sheets. It's all the short stories I have from Tumblr requests and any ideas I have under a certain word count that are just flat out smut or would tip me into an E rating.
Because Tumble itself is meant to be the place where my readers who aren't fans of explicit content can go and enjoy my work without me getting horny on main with them lol.
A Tumble In Konoha's Sheets will literally be me turning the switch in my brain to horny all the goddamn time and just going off.
So don't fret, NaruIno stuff is coming, not just the chaptered fic I keep teasing, all sorts of NaruIno is coming in the future, it'll just take time is all.
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goodeveningjay · 1 year
Day 2 | Sprint 1: Walking Animations
It occurs to me that yesterday’s poetic title didn’t accurately convey the goal of this Sprint so I’ll outline that now.
By the end of this sprint I aim to have delivered an implementation of a character that walks using traditional animation techniques available in UE4 - this is the control character. There should also be a second implementation of a character that walks using procedural animation techniques.
These are the primary deliverable of the first Sprint, but there are some secondary deliverables as well. I also aim to include a simple sandbox to test the capabilities of these implementations, a method of switching between the two characters in-game, as well as a static “enemy” actor that the player can lock onto. The first Sprint is scheduled to be the longest (after pre-production) as it will include the majority of the learning and research required to support later Sprints. However, the secondary objectives will be pushed to the backlog if they cannot be achieved by the scheduled end of this first Sprint to prevent delaying other primary objectives in subsequent Sprints.
Day 1 Recap
Yesterday I managed to achieve all but one of the priority goals I had set for myself.
A simple sandbox space is suitable (for now I’m just using a default map provide with the UE4 start content) and the player class and movement system has been implemented from scratch. It’s very basic at this stage, but I plan on iterating on it as I move on to animation implementation.
I have moved customisation of this blog to the backlog and will probably muck around with making it look pretty closer once I find out if I have been accepted to participate in ExpoTees this year.
I  was unable to populate the “Walking Animation | Traditional” Story with Tasks as Child Nodes yesterday, but I completed this task this morning before I started today’s daily scrum session (I.E. this blog post).
To Do Today
Before anything else there is an error on Jira with some duplicated stories that I need to resolve.
Today I’ll begin progress on the “Walking Animation | Traditional” Story.
The first Task in this story that I’ll be addressing is doing some research on the fundamentals of 3D character models and 3D animation for games. I intend to spend approximately an hour on each of these Tasks to build on my existing knowledge. I feel this is important not to overlook as this project marks my first time working with 3D models and implementing animations.
Assuming no blockers occur during my research I will then move on to implementing a basic walk animation using the same Unreal Documentation guide I followed for implementing the movement prototype.
If there is time today, I also hope to set up a prototype for the character swapping system in preparation for the procedural implementation that will follow.
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