#anyway let's not overthink this and just hit post
kingofthering · 28 days
Read @flyingfabio's thoughts on her weekend in Le Mans and realized it could be nice for me to give mine as well. Also going to go under a read more for the sanity of everyone's dash.
context/overall things
This was my second MotoGP race weekend and my second time in Le Mans. Last year I went alone with a grandstand ticket (Zarco GS) that I bought in January kind of an on a whim. In October I had access to the presales for 2024 and I got two VIP tickets (Club Grand Prix to be exact), one of which I gifted to my dad for Christmas.
These were a hefty price (650 euros) and if I were to do it again, I would go for one of the other VIP ticket packages (probably Sunday lodge/box [can't find the right translation but the things above the garages] for 500 euros). I do realize that it's a lot of money but I'm in a place in my life where I can save money every month and afford to splurge on things like this occasionally, so, yeah. And I think that overall, the experience was worth it.
This was my first time being alone with my dad and traveling with him for 4 days. I love my dad but he's had a lot of health issues in the past years and he's done a lot of work to be better physically but he's still a little diminished now and can't walk as fast as I can and needs to take breaks every now and then. I will admit that this wasn't always easy to manage because of my excitement and my lack of patience at times but we had a good time overall. I was also stressed because I needed things to go well and I didn't sleep much (and didn't eat much because of the stress) so my dad ended up having to take care of me on Saturday night but we both survived in the end.
I will say, even if you have a GS ticket or even a GA one, a weekend in Le Mans has so much to offer that I think people should really attend if they have the chance to. In addition to the usual MotoGP/Moto2/Moto3, you also get MotoE and the Rookies Cup which means that there is always something happening on track (pretty much). The fanzone events with the riders are really nice (I didn't attend this year but I had a really good time in 2023) and the Mechanical Show on Saturday is pretty cool as well.
One thing that I will also always give to Le Mans is the access to the circuit. You have the tramway (that runs through the whole city) arriving 150 meters away from the East gate of the circuit. There are a lot of people riding the trams but it was okay, I even found the organization of Sunday afternoon pretty great (while I was stressed of being too late at the train station and I sure wasn't).
The sound of the bikes at the start might be my new favorite thing in the world. I will say, please if you come to a race weekend, have stuff to protect your ears (earplugs or headphones), you will need them (they do sell them at the track if you forget).
I knew from Thursday already that we were going to break the attendance record. The number of people on track on Thursday and Friday already were insane. Le Mans has always been a popular GP (duh, it was holding the attendance record already) but Wednesday and Thursday being holidays in France (and a lot of people not working on Friday as a consequence) definitely helped.
VIP things
Access to the stands' building : This was my favorite thing in the ticket. I could have done with just that (and the paddock visit). This building is the one right above the garages so you got the pit lane on one side (and a lot of seats you sit in in the 4th floor to overlook the circuit, the pit lane, the podium) and the paddock on the other side. You essentially get to watch things happening in the paddock and people working there and it's so interesting. When you're on the 1st floor, you have gates that riders come up to sometimes to interact with fans. This was quite eye-opening to me on how much riders interact with fans throughout the weekend (and that we don't get to see when we're at home). The one that I saw interacting the most with fans throughout my days there was definitely Marc (he's so loved but he gives so much back honestly). On the 2nd floor you had the media room where they do their rounds of media and if you were there at the right time, you could interact with the riders when they were going up or down from media center. Most of them stopped from autographs and photos all the times I was there (Thursday afternoon for the press conferences, Friday afternoon after PR, Saturday afternoon after the sprint).
Paddock tour/visit : maybe my favorite part that I want to replicate so badly. I had to pick a time among offered slots and I chose the 10:30-13:00 on Friday because I didn't want to be missing any important sessions. You're basically free to roam the paddock as you want during your time slot and I saw so many familiar faces, it was insane, even non-riders like Massimo Rivola or Jack Appleyard (from the MotoGP broadcast). The first rider I talked to was Cele and at first I wasn't sure I had recognized him and I didn't want to run so I walked fast to get him before he went into the VR46 motorhome and god, I was so awkward at first (sorry Cele) and he couldn't hear me well because the MotoGP bikes were doing FP1 at the time but I did ask him about his collarbone (and he said he was fine) and told him I was hoping we could see him back soon. He seemed shy as well but very sweet. I also got to talk to (and take photos with) Fermin, Manuel (Gonzalez) and David Alonso. After my brain remembered how to speak Spanish I congratulated David for his best rookie title last season and told him I was betting on him for this season (and wishing him luck). He was really sweet as well. On the MotoGP side, I waited an hour in front of Yamaha's side to see Fabio (also got to see Rinsy first) and well, I did see Fabio from very up close but things were very chaotic and people behind were pushing and that wasn't exactly fun but, well. In the meantime, my dad got to talk to Bezz and he told me he seemed like a very nice and funny guy (more on that story here) and I will say I got a little jealous of that. Overall a really cool experience.
Pit lane visit : I thought we couldn't do it at the supposed time and in the end, we were able to enter the pit lane around 11:40, after quali. Honestly, seeing the bikes from up close like this is so cool. Like, shit, they're so pretty it's insane. Also, I feel like the garages look much bigger on TV? It was quite cool to see. I saw Mav coming back to his garage and start his debrief with his team. Also saw Bezz in his box and I saw Mig, who I didn't get to talk to but love even more now anyway. After about 10-15 minutes we had to leave so that was quite short but cool anyway. I know they did a pit lane visit open to everyone on Thursday but there were so many people, it seemed a little scary (but probably worth it if you're ready to queue early and throw some elbows around if needed).
Club Grand Prix access : the box was on the main straight. It was quite comfortable and I will say that the access to easy bathroom and free drinks was quite nice. I didn't eat much because of the state of my stomach but people were complimenting the food. Oh and having screens in there was quite practical. As I said earlier, it's not the ticket I would book again. I was a little frustrated by the fact we were not in the open air and it took away from the race experience for me. (Still amazing for a lot of people and my dad really appreciated the comfort but I know I personally would have been better in the stands' building.)
My experience is subjective because of the times I was there but like I said before, I saw a lot of Marc taking time for fans (one time he couldn't go up to a little kid but he sent JL to give him a slider), saw Maverick a bunch of times as well, Rinsy too. I heard people say that Johann was also taking a lot of time for the fans. I saw Jack give his cap (fully unprompted) to a little kid on Saturday on his way down from media. The only time I saw Pedro he didn't have time for the fans and most people I've heard were saying that he never seemed to really be engaging with people (but I talked with a guy who fully understood it as "it can't be easy for him getting all that attention all of a sudden"). He sure got a lot of appreciation from the public in the stands, though. Bezz spent a lot of time to sign everybody's stuff on Saturday. Alex (Marquez) was the last one to go to media and I asked him for a photo right before he got in for a media and he said "two minutes" and came back 10 minutes later and immediately came to me for the photo and was super sweet about it. I already had a good experience with Alex last year and I was really happy to have another one this year as well.
the racing
I will say, I definitely need to watch the sprint and the race calmly because I'm so confused about what happened when. Like obviously I remember the last lap battle between Marc & Pecco and I remember Pecco's retirement in the sprint (even filmed him coming back to the pits) but hm, yeah, things are a big mess in my head. Moto2 was eh (filmed Tony getting to his box and being not so happy when talking to his team) and Moto3 was pretty entertaining.
People were so happy with Fabio got directly to Q2 and I was as well. Quali was fun to watch as well. I'm just sad I didn't get to see practice starts in front of me but the real starts were cool too.
We see them on TV but the sheer amount of people that are on the grid before races is insane. And the way everyone immediately starts running from the pits when the guys leave for the sighting lap? So impressive to watch. I honestly could have spent my weekend watching teams work, it was so interesting to me.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 11 days
the fair of the city where i live is approaching and it's making me feel so anxious. it always makes me anxious but after i had that panic attack at my hometown's fair a few weeks ago it's making me even more anxious and fuck i really don't want to go.............
#like. if i had a panic attack at a *town* fair imagine how it's going to be when it's a city#it's like 10 times bigger and i'm not exaggerating#i know that if i think like that it's probably going to be worse if i go but i just can't NOT think about it#and i wish i could just. not go#but my dad always insists on going at least one day (even if he doesn't like it that much either)#and when he says i have to go i *have* to go and if i complain he'll get mad and then i'll get more anxious and we don't need that here#and they hit me with the “how are you going to overcome your 'fears' if you don't try and face them?” and just oughhhhh#i'm trying to do that but THAT is not the way i think#like. if having even the smallest social interaction makes you super anxious#i don't think that going to a fair where you'ee going to be surrounded but thousands of people (most of them drunk) is a good starter tbh#but idk maybe i'm just crazy and everyone around me knows how to deal with my problems more than me :)))))#maca speaks#i've also been awake for around 20 hours now after only 4 hours of sleep so probably that is making me overthink more than usual too#god i just hate that i *know* i'm overthinking and i *know* it makes it worse but i just. can't stop doing anyways#and i feel like an attention seeker every time i do one of this posts but writing my thoughts down here kinda help a bit so....#sorry anyone who reads about my stupid problems every time i post smth#i'm gonna try to sleep again. let's see if it works out this time 😃
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stop-talking · 2 months
How do you think jhutch characters would handle a baby?
I'm not quite sure if you're asking "what would they do if you handed them a baby" or "what would they do if you told them you're pregnant" but I'm gonna assume you meant the latter. (feel free to send another request if I got it wrong)
Ranking Jhutch characters from worst to best fathers:
☆ Would play dumb when you hand him the pregnancy test.
☆ "What's this? Oh, you're pregnant? Can't be mine. My pull-out game is too strong." (literally has NO pull-out game, refuses to use condoms because he "can't feel" with them on)
☆ Basically ghosts you until the paternity test proves it's his. Then he actually ghosts you.
☆ Drops off the face of the fucking Earth for years. Doesn't pay a dime in child support.
☆ Maybe he comes back like 3 years later drunk and demanding to see "his" kid idk. Literally the worst.
☆ Honestly I headcannon he had a vasectomy at like 24-25.
☆ His mom hit him up once she heard about his prostitute scandals and chewed him out. Gave him "the talk" even though he's a grown ass man... finally got him to get snipped when she brought up the possibility of paying income-based child support for 18 years.
☆ Assuming he doesn't have one, though...
☆ He'd initially be mad and blame you. "I thought you were on the pill!!"
☆ Then he'd be like "Is it too late to... you know... get rid of it?" (and kind of dance around the subject because he's too much of a wimp to just say the word abortion)
☆ Wallace and his mom would both force him to get his shit together and apologize. Eventually he'd come to terms with the fact he's gonna be a dad.
☆ He'd be the kind of bastard to throw an over-the-top gender reveal party. The kind that burns down half of California or pollutes a major water channel.
☆ I think he'd be a really good girl dad. He'd let her paint his nails and stuff. Spoil her. <3
☆ He would treat a son completely differently. Teach him to "be a man" or whatever when he's still learning to walk. Force him into random ass sports.
☆ He'd have them mostly taken care of by a nanny. That's probably how he was raised, anyways. Derek Danforth is NOT changing a diaper.
☆ Whether we're talking pre-show or post-show, he'd freak the fuck out if you handed him a positive pregnancy test. I'm talking full-on pass out.
☆ Pre-show Josh would be like "Babe we can NOT afford a baby I literally live at home with my parents and work as a janitor."
☆ His parents would be so crazy supportive though. They've been hinting that they want grandkids for YEARS.
☆ They literally clear out a room IMMIDEATELY after hearing the news and offer it to you to use as a nursery.
☆ His mom buys you more baby clothes than you could possibly need. His dad builds a crib from scratch.
☆ Overall Josh is stressed asf but he does his best to be there for you, and his parents are OVERWHELMIGLY supportive.
☆ Post-show Josh, on the other hand, doesn't have that support. But he's survived unspeakable horrors across multiple dimensions, how hard could a baby be?
☆ Extremely hard, apparently. One day he just loses it and makes a huge decision without asking you.
☆ "Josh WTF happened to our savings??"
☆ "TRUST ME BABE we need to invest in Apple!!"
☆ You're pissed but it pays off in a few years and you're both able to live comfortably.
☆ Then in 2015-ish he did the same thing again, pouring all your savings into bitcoin. This time you SWEAR you're going to leave him, but it all pays out in the end. He gets your kid through college with that money.
☆ Overall he's a really good father, too. He had great parents, and even if he's not experienced with kids, he's naturally a very caring and attentive person.
☆ Cries when he sees the pregnancy test. He's not even sure if it's happy or sad tears.
☆ Gets sick to his stomach overthinking about how he's going to be a terrible father. His dad walked out on him, so he has literally no idea how to act.
☆ Abby, on the other hand, is absolutely delighted. She's always wanted a "little sister". Mike has to remind her that technically it's her niece. Or nephew. There's no guarantee on the gender yet.
☆ Eventually he comes to terms with it all. He's taken care of Abby for ten years, he isn't completely clueless.
☆ Takes you to all of your Dr.'s appointments, checkups, etc. Holds your hand. Makes all of your weird pregnancy cravings and doesn't judge.
☆ After the birth, he lets you rest. Nearly works himself to death trying to take care of the baby all on his own because he wants you to recover.
☆ I'm talking getting up bleary-eyed at 2am every night to microwave some formula and feed the baby. After working a 10 hour shift.
☆ Pulls the "I have a baby on the way" card at work in an attempt to get a raise. It works, thankfully. (In the novel version of the movie; it says he gets a job as a contractor at the end. So hopefully he can afford a kid...)
[Remember: these are just MY headcannons. If you think differently that's fine. I didn't include Clapton because he's literally in highschool... and we all know Peeta is an amazing father.]
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inumkii · 9 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ how you got together - inumaki x reader
bullet pointed scenario
genre: fluff, f2l
wc: 1.2 ish
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ an: hii this is my first jjk fic!! this might be the only thing i ever post LOLL currently ignoring my massive hiatus on my kpop blog T_T anywayss i wrote this super quickly its prob not the best ;p
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i feel like toge would be the type of person to have you make a lot of the first moves
like when you guys were just stupidly pining friends, he made it pretty obvious that he liked you but wanted you to actually confess verbally 
it was mostly because he didn't want such a big milestone of starting your relationship to be texted or written by him but maybe like 20% of it was because he likes to be annoying
he's a little shit so if your the type of person to wait on the other person to make a move, good luck! because he’s making you do it
like there was a point were he was certain about both of ur feelings being mutual so he’d just play it up by being really touchy, making it obvious that he wanted to be right next to you, always clinging to you, etc.. you know,, making it obvious that he really does like you
but poor you because you were spending your time overthinking eveything. maybe he was just really touchyyy!! maybe he's extra comfortable around you!!! (i wonder why.)
it was actually driving your friends insane tho
maki’s last straw was during a training session out on the field, her and panda were sparring as you and inumaki watched on the steps
inumaki, as usual, was glued to your side, hands toying with the fabric of your long sleeve uniform
as maki landed her last hit on panda, you got up with their water bottles and ran them over to your two friends 
toge followed closely behind, still attached to your sleeve
you were balancing both of the bottles in one arm since the other was being occupied as toges leash of some sort, but you approached the other two like nothing was out of place
this sight wasn't anything new to panda or maki so they kept their scoffs and eye rolls internal. it was mostly just driving them crazy that neither one of you had made a move. it was obvious you both liked each other so why aren’t you guys doing anything about it??
“nice one, maki!” you cheered as the two grabbed their respective waters, toge let out an ingredient of affirmation as well
“ah, that was nothing” she proudly boasted, part of it directed as being a playful jab toward panda. she glanced down at inumakis hand attached to the end of your sleeve as he seemingly refused to be more than a few inches apart from you
“anyways,, im planning on grabbing lunch after this, yn, you coming with?” maki turned towards you
“sure!! i didnt have any plans,” you mused and you and maki set off and away from the field, toge still trailing behind as if following you was the obvious route to go
“just me and yn today, inumaki. sorry man,, go do something with panda” maki had no problem brushing off your friend, she was trying to get you alone which was something that seemed more rare as days go by (cough cough toge let maki have some time with her friend)
he laughed and backed away in compliance before giving your shoulder a quick squeeze as the four of you split off
once he was out of earshot, maki finally groaned
“you need to make a move already, its so frustrating watching you two cling to each other without doing anything about it” she complained as you felt your face heat up
you were well aware of toge’s touchiness and couldn't ignore his potential intentions behind it,, but yet there was this looming fear of actually enacting a confession that stopped you from going further 
“do you think he really likes me?” you asked pathetically. anyone’s answer would’ve been a loud yes,, but you still felt like you had to ask maki for some semblance of confidence 
she stared at you, an incredulous look breaching her face
“i cant believe you're asking me that question” she scoffed out a laugh, “but since you need to hear it. yes, toge inumaki is one hundred percent in love with you”
she left it at that, causing a permanent fluster to torment you for the rest of lunch
your lunch with maki had left you a little more confident about where you stood with toge, however. she had begged you to do something about it soon, claiming she couldn’t bear to witness any more pining
you had to do something about it soon or else you’d continue to sleep on her advice, overthink it, and never do anything about your problem,,,, it was now or never
you shot a text over to toge and waited on a nearby bench on school grounds
a few minutes passed with you spending them painstakingly fumbling with your phone case, picking off the stickers that were already on their last leg
there were so many times within those short seven minutes where you debated sending a ‘never mind! something came up’ to him
he finally showed up fairly quickly, joining the spot next to you on the bench
immediately discerning your nervous state, he placed a hand over yours
his action didn't do much for your nerves but it gave a little more hope that your confession would have a good outcome
(you were painfully unaware that no matter what you did, you had a 100% success rate)
he voiced his concern, squeezing your hand as you turned to face him
it felt like your heart was about to explode out of your chest but you had to rip the bandaid off
meeting his concern gaze, you finally said it
“i like you”
maybe not the smoothest confession,, but given your anxiety over the situation, it was a miracle it was even said
all toge did in response was reach up to cup your cheek and smile 
his single expression gave you the answer you so desperately needed
pouring all his love and admiration into one expression, you hadn’t realized this was always how he had been looking at you
wordless communication though gazes and lingering touches had always been the way he was allowed to express himself
you had been overlooking it for too long, too caught up in your own mind to see the way he gazed at you like you were the only thing he ever needed to focus on, worthy of his attention at any moment you needed it
your heart melted on sight as you leaned into to press a kiss on his lips 
it was sweet, brief but not hasty. toge had always been good at placing his emotions into his actions and he made sure you felt everything he was feeling
the two of you parted before you leaned back in to place two more kisses, one on each side of his mouth where his seals were placed
he leaned in to your touch, pulling you in for a hug. as he buried his face in your neck, he breathed out a sigh that wordlessly expressed ‘you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting for this’ and you laughed into his hair
it might've been way overdue, but he’s here now in your arms, this time without the weight of wondering if your feelings were truly requited
oh an maki just got a text from panda of a blurry, zoomed in image of the two of you on the bench together from the distance
“fucking finally” -maki
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luvring · 8 months
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1.2k words, just timeskip akaashi overthinking and crushing on gn!reader. LOL
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akaashi has always considered himself ‘on the fence’ when it comes to superstitions and signs from the universe.
he might say ghosts aren’t real, but never goes near a supposedly haunted site just in case. he’ll ignore videos titled “for you” if he can’t relate, say it must have been a sign only after something goes wrong, and never acts on them even if he knows he has to.
but he can’t deny that he thinks about it throughout the day when it’s something he hopes is true—that maybe he’s tried out a few filters and trends to see if you, his crush of way too long, were his soulmate.
it’s bokuto this time, though, that sends him a sign.
a tweet, really.
an astrology bot on twitter that tweeted 17 minutes ago— “sagittarius, tell them you like them. they like you, too.”
i told you!!!
i turned their post notifications on to see if they’d say anything funny again and LOOK!!!!
keiji watches his friend’s texts come in through as notifications, eyes mostly fixed on the tweet, re-reading it over and over.
it’s a minute before he texts back.
it’s just a bot bokuto
it doesn’t actually mean anything
but bokuto is typing replies in mere seconds,
awwwww come on :((
remember when they were like
be careful virgo they don’t have the best intentions >:(
whats the worst thing that could happen???
i mean.. well…at least the worst thing that could happen ISNT u losing a bunch of money T_____T
imagine if u lost hundreds of dollars bc u confessed ;——; scary…
keiji breathes out a laugh.
i won’t lose hundreds of dollars but it’d haunt me for the rest of my life like every other embarrassing thing that’s ever happened and u know that
but thank you
i’ll think about telling them
he’s vaguely aware of bokuto sending another text with his name in all caps before he turns off his phone. it lands somewhere beside him on his comforter, and he takes off his glasses if only to run his hands down his face.
there’s a feeling he gets, akin to both butterflies and a 10 meter drop, when one of these bots decides to let his imagination get away from him.
for a few minutes keiji lets himself think it might be true, and that you think about going on dates with him the same way he does with you.
the latest idea he had was taking you to a new board game cafe that had opened nearby. he had skipped then swiped back up to its ad—a perfect spot for couples looking to spice up a regular cafe date!
he hadn’t closed his curtains properly that night, and the moon lit up his room while he stared at the ceiling. would you be competitive? would you rather play a co-op game?
would you see him sipping on his drink, and ask to have a taste?
he thought about how he might accidentally have some foam above his lip, and how you’d softly laugh before tapping above your own to signal his appearance. he cringed at the possible humiliation of looking silly in front of you, but it went away with the foam you’d gently swipe with your thumb, or maybe even hold his face to kiss away instead. you’d tease him and say it was as sweet as him.
but it’s nonsensical.
as far as keiji knows, whoever runs the account is using a random generator to pick a sign and bullshitting every tweet in their drafts.
it’s almost always only a sentence anyway.
but does that mean it’s a sign that this one was two?
keiji forces himself to stop thinking and takes a deep breath, letting the warmth hit his palms still covering his face. silence washes over him, and he lets his ears focus on the traffic outside, and the sound of the washing machine running a couple of rooms away.
but then he thinks about you. and he scrunches his eyes shut and groans, hands moving to grip his hair before he rolls over onto his stomach.
there’s a thud as his phone hits the ground while he pulls the blanket to cover his head.
sagittarius, tell them you like them. they like you, too.
sagittarius, tell them you like them. they like you, too.
not just tell them you like them, as if it was a shove to be courageous for once, but they like you, too.
did you like him, too?
was he good enough for you to like him?
did you hate him?
was he going to trust an astrology bot as uninformed about your feelings as he was?
maybe more importantly, was he going to let a bot dictate whether he finally confesses to you after almost a year of pining? a year based on the fact that one day you held the elevator door open for him with a smile and already knew what floor he needed?
(you had noticed him as the new employee, though he didn’t notice you while busy getting used to his job. he made sure to note the fact you got off the floor above him so he could press the button for you next time.)
and keiji doesn’t really believe in signs or the supernatural. he doesn’t want to let himself, because if he does then there’s probably a ghost in that shut-down building on his way to work, he’s gotten himself twenty years of bad luck, and he’s big enough of a coward that the universe decided to take it upon itself to tell him that itself.
but he’s hiding under his blanket when the absurdity of it all hits him—the anxiety and what-ifs and pretending he didn’t know you liked going for lunch a little earlier than him, and that he didn’t plan his break to say hello—and he feels like he’s sixteen again.
and maybe if there’s one thing he doesn’t want to feel other than being rejected, he thinks it’s being sixteen again.
so he jolts up.
and somewhere, in the back of his mind, keiji wonders if the universe jolted up with him, excited to see where this goes.
adrenaline working, he reaches for his glasses and fumbles to put them on with one hand while the other feels the floor to find his phone. the bright screen makes him squint, and the notification of bokuto’s “AKAASHIII :((” welcomes him before anything else.
sagittarius, tell them you like them. they like you too.
the tweet seems to be engraving itself into his mind as his shaky fingers hold his phone, and he taps your icon.
he skims the last text you had sent,
thanks keiji!! i’ll see u tomorrow then :) and remember we get off early!
it's a little embarrassing how his chest tightens at you his name and a smiley face. but he goes to type one himself, spending a second to mentally tell the astrology account they’re changing lives, but nothing more or else he thinks he might throw up—
btw if you’re free, did you want to grab food after work? there’s a cafe i wanted to check out with you :)
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machiroads · 3 months
Don't look, i'm about to overthink this panel
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Long post under the cut.
Notwithstanding that I can't figure out what's going on with Aizawa's legs here because he's twisted around or something—it's a good panel. Look at them, they're adorable. 11/10 no notes.
Actually that's not true I have so many notes.
Will someone also please get this man a blanket for god's sake
I'm going to unpack the implications here from two perspectives: Aizawa telling Eri he got hit by a truck, and Eri trying (and failing) to save Aizawa.
Tis But A Flesh Wound
Aizawa tells Eri he got hit by a truck, and a common interpretation I've seen of this is that nobody told her what happened to him. I don't necessarily think this is true, because:
A) She rewound Mirio the day before the raid
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B) She was watching the fight on TV with All Might.
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Canonically, she is at least tangentially aware of what happened. Aizawa also knows that she's at least somewhat aware of what happened, vis-a-vis excerpt A.
I've also seen the interpretation that Aizawa is trying to obfuscate the truth about his injuries from her (presumably because the quirk-deleting bullets were created from her blood), but again, she was watching the fight on TV.
The most rational (hah) explanation is that he's just back on his bullshit, lying to children for his own amusement.
which is. hysterical.
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Anyways, onto item 2!
The Deus Ex Machina
As we saw above, Eri rewound Mirio the day before the raid. I am not a scholar of the BNHA timeline, but I did do some research while I was writing Nine Lives. My understanding is as follows:
The Shie Hassaikai raid is sometime in September
The Jaku raid is at the end of March
Mirio corroborates these two points when he arrives at Jaku, noting that he's been out of the game for about 6 months
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Post-Jaku is where the timeline gets weird.
Tartarus is breached the night of the raid on Jaku and Gunga
Midoriya is brought back to UA about a month after that
The Star & Stripe fight happens the day after that
The day after that, All Might reveals they have at least a week to prepare for the final battle. Aoyama is revealed to be the traitor on the same day.
In summary, the final battle happens somewhere in the ballpark of a month and a half to two months after Jaku / Gunga.
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With the timeline sort of squared away, let's move on to the interpretation I've seen some readers make, which is that Eri didn't have enough energy to rewind Aizawa. The translation of Ectoplasm's dialogue has varied between the original leaks, the fan scanlation, and the official release, leading to some ambiguity of interpretation here, but there are a few different reasons that this doesn't make any sense:
Based on the timeline outlined above, where Eri successfully sends Mirio back 6 months on the day before the raid, it doesn't really make sense that 0 to 2 months later, she couldn't hypothetically rewind Aizawa by 0 to 2 months after he loses his leg and eye. Eri's power is wishy washy at best, but this seems like it's entirely within the realm of plausibility if Aizawa wanted to be rewound.
From a storytelling standpoint, what's the point of rewinding Aizawa to de-nerf him for the final battle if him and Monoma are ultimately removed from the fight via Sad Man's Parade anyway?
My interpretation is that this doesn't actually have anything to do with Eri trying and failing to rewind Aizawa, but rather she's trying to go rescue Midoriya and help him the same way that she did during the Shie Hassaikai raid.
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The inference Ectoplasm is making is that it's too late for that, because she's at home watching the fight on TV rather than already being on the battlefield. This was also the case at Jaku, where she was canonically watching the fight on TV with All Might. She must have seen Aizawa go down and wanted to go save him, but it was already too late for her to try to help.
There's an entire separate essay worth of discussion on why Aizawa continues to live with one leg and one eye (both from a canon and a meta perspective), but I won't get into that here.
In conclusion:
This panel is fucking adorable
Aizawa continues to lie to children for fun and profit
Eri is baby and is physically perfectly capable of controlling her power at this juncture, she's just geographically removed from the action because she's like seven years old
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk
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Pairing : (College AU)non!idol!Kim Seungmin x F!Reader TW : established relationship ; bullying ; depression ; attempted su*c*de ; major angst ; is it considered fluffy at the end or more yandere the way that Seungmin acts at the end??? ; let me know!!! Word Count : 4.6k Request : Anon : depressed reader gets actively bullied and bruised which leads to a suicide attempt. seungmin never thought it was that serious once she brought it up to him. but after her failed attempt he is now extra careful with her and maybe a bit mad at himself for not taking it seriously. A/N : PLEASE READ THE TRIGGER WARNINGS BEFORE CLICKING READ MORE!! To the anon that requested this, I hope you're still here and you remember sending this in! I'm finally posting it!! I hope you enjoy it! The gif came from this blog!!
It rained again today… It seemed like everyone on campus knew that the storm was coming, everyone but you. Umbrellas were pushed open all around you as you quickly put your hood up, the downpour was torrential and you were soaked within the first minute of your walk back to your dorms. It didn’t help that people seemed to be purposely angling their umbrellas so that whenever you walked by, the rain from the top would pour onto your head. 
You’re overthinking it… There’s no reason anyone would purposely do something like that to you. You don’t deserve that. Is what everyone else would say, even your boyfriend… And you would have believed them if not for the insults that were constantly hurled in your direction and the scrapes and bruises that littered your knees and elbows from being pushed around and laughed at when you fell to the ground. You didn’t believe them… And they didn’t believe you. 
By the time you got to your building you were dripping wet, but the attacks wouldn’t stop until you were behind closed doors, in the safety of your room, at least for the next couple hours until the next day started and you got to go through it all over again. That was your life, a constant repeat of the day before, and you weren’t sure how much more of it you could take. 
As soon as you walked through the front door of your building you heard it, the laughter of the girls who seemed to make it their job to make sure your life was hell. You weren’t sure what you had done to make them hate you so much, you had never even talked to them, but they still decided to target you. 
“God, look at the shit they let live in the building with us.” One of them said, although you sure it was the main girl talking. Every clique had a leader, and it was obvious that she was the leader of the group. Everyone else just decided to follow along, and maybe it was because they were scared of being on the receiving end of the girls shit. You were done being scared though, you had simply become numb to it. “What should we do? She looks like a fucking sewer rat, dripping shit all over the entrance. Disgusting.” 
You couldn’t walk fast enough, and even if you tried to, you were sure that she’d catch up. She was following right behind you, and before you could even get your foot on the first step, you were being pushed, your knee cracking loudly as it hit the edge of the stair. You didn’t make a sound, you didn’t wince, you didn’t cry, you just got back up, trying your best to focus on anything but the pain that shot through your leg as you continued walking up the stairs. 
“Now she’s an injured rat, maybe she should just put herself out of her misery. It’s not like anyone wants her here anyway.” They all laughed, like your pain and your suffering was entertainment for all of them. Maybe they were just bored… It’s not like you could do anything about it. If you said anything, it would only make things worse and no one would ever believe you… You were nobody… There wasn’t a single person who would notice if you were gone. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow morning if you want to go out and get breakfast together before class.” Seungmins voice came through the speaker of your phone as it sat on the bed. You hummed softly, not in agreement, not in disagreement either though. It was a sound only to let him know that you were there, that you were still listening. “Did you bring your umbrella with you today? It was raining really bad.” 
You hummed again, once again becoming aware of just how wet you were, your clothes soaking through to the mattress that you were sitting on. “Yeah… I’m gonna take a shower and then a nap… I’ve got a lot of studying to do… Want to be well rested.” You muttered, your voice almost robotic, but he didn’t pick up on it, or maybe he did and he just decided to ignore it. 
“Alright. Don’t study too hard. I’ll see you in the morning, I’ll pick you up.” His voice was as cheerful as usual, not a care in the world… and why would he have one? He didn’t go through what you did. He didn’t know what it was like, and he refused to believe that it happened to you… In his eyes, everything was perfect. Nothing was ever wrong because it didn’t hurt him… not personally at least. 
That’s how it always was… He either didn’t want to believe that such horrible people existed, or he just blew it off, assuming that you were making it seem worse than it actually was. That’s why you didn’t even tell him anymore. You were tired of wasting your breath, trying to call out for help, trying to get him to listen to you and be there for you. It was all pointless. Nothing would ever change… Not for you, not unless you did something… You were the only person who could help yourself. 
Your roommate wasn’t back yet, she was always out late studying. It was the perfect opportunity, the perfect time. No one would ever know, and by the time they did, it would be too late. You weren’t going to continue being tortured, you shouldn’t have to continue suffering just to make other people's lives easier, to give them their daily dose of entertainment. You shouldn’t have to go through hell just so someone’s perfect view of the world wasn’t soiled. 
Your phone was left on the bed as you went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you and taking a deep breath. It would be over soon, it would all be over soon. It’s not like anyone wants you here anyway… Those words repeated over and over in your mind as you dug through the cabinet under the sink, pulling out the razors that you had bought a couple months before. They were purchased right before your talk with Seungmin. You had wanted so badly for him to listen to you, to tell you that everything would be okay, that he’d help you… You were wrong in wanting those things, you hadn’t gotten any of them. You weren’t sure why you had even held out this long after the talk, it’s not like anything was getting better, and you knew then that nothing would ever be better. 
The hoodie that you had been wearing was pulled off, dropping to the ground with a heavy thud, the soaking fabric creating a puddle where it landed. The shower was turned on, the spicket turned all the way to hot. If this would be your final moment, you at least wanted to be comfortable for as long as it lasted. 
Hesitating was something you did often. You hesitated when having to pick a multiple choice answer on a test. You had hesitated a little too long when you were called to the front of the class to answer a question on the board. You even hesitated when Seungmin had asked you to be his girlfriend. Hesitation was just… your thing. Not now though, you didn’t hesitate at all as you climbed into the tub, lowering yourself down into the tub. There was no reason to take pause, your decision would affect no one, no one but yourself, and the only effect it would have on you was positive. You would finally be free, and you saw nothing wrong in wanting that. 
It was much easier to sleep, to let yourself drift off knowing that you’d have no worries left, knowing that once your eyes were shut, they would be shut for good. You let your wrists fall into the water that filled up around you, focusing only on the sound of the shower, the way it felt like rain as it poured down around you. You’d be okay soon, and while you didn’t know where you’d go or what would happen next… At least you wouldn’t be in hell, at least not this one. 
“I really have to go to the bathroom, stupid rain. Just wait here, I’ll be out soon.” Your roommate said as she burst through the door, the rest of her study group drenched as they filed in behind her. She knocked once on the door to the bathroom, then once more, rocking back and forth impatiently as she waited for you to give her the okay to come in. “Fuck it!” She called out as she pushed open the door, coming to a full stop when she saw you, the bath water a dark red as it inched closer and closer to spilling over the sides. “Help! Come help me! Oh my god! Call an ambulance! Fuck! What the fuck!?” She shouted, running over to the tub and grabbing your arms, holding them above your head to try to stop the bleeding. 
The rest of them rushed in, some of them screamed when they saw you, your color almost completely drained. Others were pulling out their phones, trying to make the same call at the same time. The ones who screamed were ordered to come over and help, their hands shaking as they tried to help your roommate pull you out of the tub. The others who were on the phone were all trying to tell your roommate and the few others what to do to try to help, at least until the paramedics arrived. 
It was strange how even with all the commotion, your mind was happy. You could hear all of it, but you refused to focus on it, scared that if you did it would bring you back to the hell that you called life, the hell that you were trying to escape. “Why would she do that? Why? Are her grades bad? She could have come to study group with us!” Someone had shouted, and if you weren’t feeling so tired, you might have actually laughed. Your grades were the least of your problems, they weren’t even on your list of problems. Of course, your roommate had never believed you either, so she had probably never brought it up to the rest of her group. 
“Check… Check to see if her heart is still beating!” One of the guys shakily ordered, and your roommate pressed her fingers against your neck, her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to focus on the feeling of the faint beat that came a little too slow. Time was running out, and you felt it too, it was a good feeling, to know that soon you’d gone. There would be no more suffering, no more nights spent lying in your bed crying as you wished that someone, anyone, would understand you, that they’d just listen. 
Sirens sang outside the building and you wished that you had done it earlier, that you hadn’t even answered the call from Seungmin. Maybe if you had cut a little deeper… maybe you had been hesitating, a little bit of hope left that maybe now someone would help. Did you really want to die or did you just want things to get better? Would things even get better? At least you were feeling tired, no matter what happened now, you’d be so out of it you wouldn’t remember. Maybe you wouldn’t wake up, maybe it would still work. Maybe… 
“Dude, have you seen on twitter?” Jisung asked, leaning back in his chair as he scrolled through his phone. Seungmin was sitting across from him, more focused on his meal. “There was a freaking suicide attempt back on campus… there’s literally live updates right now.” Seungmin rolled his eyes, not nearly as impressed as Jisung for some reason was. “That looks a lot like Y/Ns building! You should call her! See if she knows what’s going on!” 
The last thing Seungmin wanted to do was bother you when you had told him you were studying, but by the way Jisung was looking at him, Seungmin knew he wouldn’t let up. “Fine… But I’m not gonna force her to look at that. She can’t handle that kind of stuff.” He mumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket. It’s not just that you couldn’t handle it, you absolutely hated stuff like that. You couldn’t even watch horror movies without hiding in Seungmins shoulder for the better half of the movie. 
Jisung watched as Seungmin dialed your number, his knee bouncing so much under the table that Seungmin could feel it in the floor. “S-Seungmin!” A male voice came over the phone, it wasn’t you at all, and the man sounded breathless and his voice was shaky. Now, Seungmin wasn’t the type of person to jump to conclusions, but he couldn’t help but get a little worked up when he heard anyone but you on the other end of the line. 
“Who are you? Where’s Y/N?” Seungmin hissed through the phone, his fist already balled up on the table as he awaited an explanation. Knowing you it would probably be a good one, one that would have Seungmin feeling foolish while laughing about it later with you. You probably just left your phone at the cafe that you always went to… But that wouldn’t explain the urgency in the person's voice… This was someone who knew something or had done something and it wasn’t good. “Where is she?” Seungmin asked again, and he could feel Jisungs eyes on him, eating up the drama without a word, enjoying it far too much since he wasn’t the one personally involved in it. 
“Hospital… Ambulance… Lia found her… Come fast…” The man said, and then the line went silent, leaving Seungmin to put the pieces together. He reached across the table to grab Jisungs phone, still open to the twitter feed about the attempted suicide, and as he scrolled through the pictures it became quite clear to him. Your room, with the yellow tape making a big X across the door, your bed that was still made just as it had been this morning. Your bag sat on the floor next to your nightstand where you always left it… And on the nightstand table was a picture of you and him together. 
“H-Hey! Where are you going?!” Jisung shouted as Seungmin pushed away from the table, his chair falling back and crashing against the floor as he ran to the front door and pulled on his shoes. The trip that he and the guys in his club had gone on had him miles away from you, of course that’s how it would work out, why wouldn’t it be like that? He needed to be with you the most right now and it would take him hours just to get there. “What is going on?! Come on, dude! Tell me!” 
“It was her!” Seungmin shouted to Jisung, although nothing would stop him from moving forward right now. He was on a steady track and it led only to you. He wasn’t crying, not yet, for now he kept the tears at bay with nothing but anger. Anger towards himself for not being there to stop it, anger with you for doing something so stupid. Did you even know what that would have done to him? He loves you, and you were going to just take yourself away from him like that without a word? Why didn’t you talk to him? Why didn’t you tell him? What was going on that would make you think to do something like that? He didn’t get it, and that was only pissing him off more. Right now he just needed to get to you, make sure that you’d be okay. 
“She lost a lot of blood, so we had to do a transfusion. She’ll be okay, we just need to keep watch over her, make sure everything stays good.” 
“Can I see her? Why aren’t you letting me in her room? What’s going on? Let me see her!” 
“They would like to talk to you first… Before you see her…” 
He sat in the lounge room, his hands folded on the table as he looked at the officer across from him. He didn’t know what it was about, but he tried his best to keep calm even though all he wanted to do was get to your room and sit beside you. “Kim Seungmin… You were her boyfriend, right?” The officer questioned and Seungmin narrowed his eyes as it set in that he was about to be interrogated for this shit. 
“I am her boyfriend… Present tense…” He responded, quite snarkily, but this felt like a complete waste of time to him. “Is there a reason why you’re doing this? Do you guys think someone else did this to her and set it up?” 
The cop shook his head, leaning back in his chair as he looked over Seungmin. “Where were you tonight? How did you know to come here? Seems like you came pretty fast too… Like you knew this was going to happen…” 
Seungmins eyes went wide and his jaw was slack as he stared at the officer. How could someone even insinuate that this was somehow his fault? “I was three hours away with my club. I’ve been out for almost a week going to different high schools trying to get people to apply to the university. I called her because my friend saw a bunch of posts on twitter about something happening… I didn’t know it was her until some random guy answered and told me.” He ran his hand through his hair, his teeth gritted as he closed his eyes, his composure slowly wearing thin. “I came fast because she’s my girlfriend… I’d like to think that anyone else would do the same thing. I broke a lot of traffic laws to get here as fast as I did.” 
“Do you two ever fight? Does it ever get physically violent?” The officer rapidly tapped his pen against his notebook, the sound going straight to Seungmins head, driving him absolutely crazy. The assumptions were absolutely preposterous, only fueling his anger towards the entire situation. 
“Look man, I don’t know what kind of information you’re fishing for, but I didn’t do anything. I’ve never laid my hands on her. I love her… And I really want to be with her right now. Can we be done with this?” 
“So you love your girlfriend so much, you never laid a hand on her… Yet she’s covered in bruises? If we didn’t know any better, it looks as though someone might have mistook her for a punching bag.” Seungmins stomach dropped as he listened to the officer, and while he knew that he himself hadn’t been the one to cause those marks on you, a certain rage built inside of him as he tried to think about who would hurt you like that. “Do you know of any accidents she might have been in to cause her kneecap to be entirely shattered? Do you know anything at all?” 
His head shook as his tears finally began to fall. You had never told him anything… What had happened to you while he was away? “I… I don’t know… I’d just really like to see her… Please…” His head dropped into his hands as he sobbed quietly, his body shaking with ragged breaths. 
Seungmin was no help to the investigation, and the officer quickly realized that, helping him out of his chair and then leading him out of the room, motioning towards the closed door that would soon open and reveal you to him. Were you awake yet? He had so many questions that he wanted to ask you, but the biggest question of all was why… Why would you do something like that? If you answered that one question, he’d have the answer to a lot of his other questions too. 
The nurse let him into the room, and seeing you, it had his heart breaking. You looked so weak, so fragile, your arms were completely wrapped up in gauze, your leg had been casted and hooked to a strap in the ceiling to keep it elevated. “Are you sleeping?” Seungmin whispered as he got closer to your bed, his fingers lightly brushing against yours as he stood beside you. The IV for the blood that was being pumped into you had to be inserted in one of the veins in your neck, the sight of it causing a cold chill to run up his spine. “I’m here now…” 
“Do you… believe me… now?” Your voice was so quiet, and your eyes were still shut, if there had been other people in the room he would have sworn it was someone else talking, but you were the only one there, and now he was trying to think of what you could possibly mean. “Was this… enough?” 
His hands held onto yours a little tighter as the reels in his mind turned, trying to understand what you were talking about, but nothing was coming up. “What are you talking about? I always believe you… What happened? Tell me, please… I want to help you… I don’t want this to happen again… Talk to me…” 
Your fingers twitched against his own, yet your eyes seemed to be glued shut, and even as he was watching your face, it didn’t even look like your mouth was moving even though words were coming out. “People are bad… Seungmin…” People are bad…. What does that even mean? What do you mean? Your answers were only creating more questions for him. 
“Visiting hours are over now, sir.” The nurse said from the door. He hadn’t been given enough time though, he needed to know, he needed to know what you were talking about. His head shook rapidly as he kept watching over you. He didn’t want to leave you, even if you didn’t answer any more of his questions, he wanted to stay beside you. “She needs to rest, sir… You can come back in the morning to see her. Okay?” 
It’s not like he had a choice, and he didn’t want to have to be escorted out by the officer who interrogated him, so he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before walking backwards to the door. “I’ll be back tomorrow as early as I can… I promise. I’ll be back.” 
People are bad… He mulled over the words in his head as he walked through the parking lot and climbed into his car. What the hell did it mean? He couldn’t ask you now… And the only place he could go for any sort of answer was your dorm. Was it still taped off? It’s not like it was a crime scene… It should be open. 
The building wasn’t too far from the hospital, he was there within ten minutes, and when he pulled up he could see a group of people sitting on the bench outside smoking a cigarette. You always told him how you hated that, having to walk through the cloud of smoke just to get to the front doors, and it seemed like they would purposely blow it in your direction… People are bad… He’d always tell you that it was just the wind blowing it towards you, that people wouldn’t purposely do something like that. 
“I can’t believe she actually did that. What a fucking drama queen.” “She didn’t even write a note. It’s like she was looking for attention.” “How embarrassing for her boyfriend. He’ll probably dump her. Nobody wants to date the campus suicide risk.” “Oh please, it was embarrassing for him to date her in general. I’m sure he only did it out of pity.” “Whatever, the bitch should have cut deeper.” 
How could they talk so harshly about you? Were these the ones… the ones that you had told him about before? “Do you believe me now?” He hadn’t believed you then… If he had, would you have done this? He could have stopped them… He would have stopped them. They were still talking, loud enough for everyone to hear… And no one cared. No one cared enough to tell them to shut up, no one… You could be dead… And they talked about you like you were shit. 
“Hey, at least we’ll have a couple days out of class… You know… For like… Guidance or whatever.” “Oh yeah… We’re super torn up about it…” “If she would have done it right we’d probably have a week or two. Ugh… I swear, she’s fucking useless.” 
Red. All he saw was red as he got out of his car, slamming the door shut and going straight over to where they sat. “Shut up!” He shouted, and for a second, he thought they would keep quiet, but as soon as the initial shock wore off, they were all laughing. Their heads were thrown back as the boisterous laughter bounced off the walls of the building and rang in his ears. “I said shut up!” He screamed, and before he even realized what he was doing, his fist was cocked back and being thrown straight at the face of the girl who sat in front. 
Now, Seungmin wasn’t a violent person, not usually, but you were his girlfriend, he almost lost you, and while some might say that a college relationship means nothing, his relationship with you meant everything to him. “Hey man! What the fuck!?” One of the other girls shouted, her hand quickly moving to the main girl's face to catch the blood that trickled down her nose. “You can’t just fucking hit people like that! You’re a psycho!” 
Now it was his turn to laugh, his fists still balled up at his sides as he glared at every single person in front of him. “Really? I can’t just hit people like that but you can?!” The girl who had been hit scoffed loudly, her head rolling forward causing the blood to drip down her mouth and hang at her chin. 
“Don’t worry, he’s just the bitches boyfriend. She’s too much of a loser to fight back herself, I guess she got her boyfriend to do it for her. Or maybe she’s just not alive to do it.” She stood up from the bench, a cocky smirk on her face as she looked at him. “I guess she’s getting all the attention she wanted now. I did your bitch a favor. You’re welcome.” 
He completely lost it, he snapped, his hand flying back just to shoot forward, the smack that landed across the girl's face sounding much louder in the silence that surrounded them. “I find out any of you even so much as look at her… I’ll slit all your fucking wrists and break both your fucking knee caps. I’ll make you suffer, I’ll make you wish you were dead. I can and I will ruin you… Remember that.” 
He wasn’t this kind of person… Not before he had met you, but seeing you in the hospital bed, knowing that he had almost lost you forever, it had sparked something inside of him. He wants to protect you, he wants to keep you safe, and if that meant having to be like this… Then he’d do it without hesitation. People are bad… You weren’t wrong, people are awful… But he’d do everything and anything to keep those people away from you, to protect you from them. He’d stop at nothing to make sure that this never happens again. 
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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Y’all… this word count… I’m was almost gonna slept it up but decided not too. Anyways hehe. Also the last chapter is gonna be posted on Halloween at the witching hour in PST, cause Halloween chapter! so I’m excited about that lol. The usual, not proofread, Miguel might be ooc.
(Y/F/N)- Your full name.
Not much Miguel and reader interaction but what is there is worth it. Me attempting to write about sports stuff I don’t know anything about even though I promise I did attempt research. Cursing (I think tbh I can’t even remember but probably), fluff (if you squint?????), I’m giving up on these tags lmao.
Word count: 2.8k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 14: Ever thought of callin’ when you’ve had a few? ‘Cause I always do.
It wasn’t entirely surprising how quickly you got everyone in your group to agree to go to the game later, although you were expecting Logan to be against the idea since he hates the sport, but apparently his want to see you and Miguel get together was stronger than his hate for hockey since he immediately agreed.
You were currently in your 4-way shared Airbnb getting ready for the hockey game, having already been kicked out of the dorms by the university despite there being a game tonight, which didn’t make sense in your opinion, but that’s neither here nor there. Usually you would usually travel back home during the breaks, but due to you and Logan participating in regionals this year, you had to stay in Nueva York, you had both decided to stay in one rather than a regular hotel since it would be cheaper, Kate and Xavier tagged along for emotional support.
“I’ve never actually attended a hockey game, what do you wear? Probably a crew neck or a hoodie right? It’s still an ice rink. Maybe I should wear school merch, ugh but the only school related jacket I have is our skating team varsity jackets.” Kate, Logan and Xavier just stayed silent as they watched you rambled on, their faces full of amusement (and from Logan just the slightest bit of annoyance) as they watched you freak out , glancing at you every once and a while as you kept pacing between the hallway bathroom and your room as you attempted to get ready for the game despite it not starting for another 3 and a half hours.
“You should have asked Miguel for one of his spare jerseys.” Logan teased as he wandered towards your doorframe and leaned against it as he watched you dump your suitcase over your bed. How the hell do you not have a red or blue jacket??
“Shut up Logan.”
“You’re overthinking this, you know.”
“What? No I’m not.” Oh, you totally overthinking this.
“He’s got you whipped.” Logan snickered, shaking his head as he crossed his arms over his chest. You in response threw a pillow in his direction, which he hit to dodge.
“You’re not funny Logan. Do you have a school sweatshirt I can borrow?” You said, releasing a deep exhale through your nose as you turn to look at him.
“I think I think I have a spear.” He replied as he picked up the pillow off the floor and tossed it on your bed. “I just don’t want Miguel trying to beat me up over you wearing my jacket.” He added as he walked over to where you were standing, stopping once he was right next to you.
“He wouldn’t, I promise. I won’t let him.”
“This is actually kinda fun to watch.” Xavier said to Kate, as she glanced over to you before back at the rink. The spiders were currently in the lead 2 to 1 and it was about to be the end of the first period, a little less than 6 minutes before the timer reaches zero.
“It’s totally scary though.” Kate said as she took a sip of her soda, you nodding in agreement.
“So glad I went into figure skating…” Logan muttered as his eyes widened, an almost horrified look spreading on his face, but he couldn’t look away. You would have giggled at his reaction if you didn’t feel the same way. Both sports are dangerous just in their own ways.
You turned your head as you saw Peter pass the punk to Miguel, who you believed was playing center, (you watched one of those 10 minute crash course videos on how hockey works before you came to the show because whether if you were aware of it or not, Logan was right about you being whipped already) as he was making his way closer to the goal, when one of the players on the opposite team came crashing into him back first. The other player’s elbow “accidentally” hit Miguel’s face, and Miguel was knocked back, landing against the wall as the player on the opposite side took the puck.
“What the fuck-.” You muttered under your breath in shock, cringing slightly as you watched Miguel’s hand going up to cover his mouth, his face wincing in pain, your hands going up to mirror his actions. As soon as Miguel’s hand made contact with his mouth, a timeout was called. The spider's couch went up to Miguel first, talked to him for a bit before walking over to where the referee was. You couldn’t hear anything from either interaction, so you just watched silently, ignoring your friends glances towards you, keeping your eyes on Miguel, worried written on your face. Miguel’s eyes shift around the arena, before finding yours, you can tell he’s trying not to cringe as much as soon as your eyes meet, as if he didn’t want you to see him in pain.
Once you two were looking at each other, you took your hand off your face and mouthed an “are you okay?” to which Miguel took his hand off his mouth and gave you a thumbs up and a smile, but his smile didn’t free you of your worries, in fact, it made it worse, before you could stop your body, you let out a gasp as your eyes widened. His mouth was bleeding, and it was bleeding a lot.
His expression seemed to falter a bit upon seeing your reaction, to what though you couldn’t really tell. Panic? Worry? You don’t know. Other then the initial pain he felt when the elbow made contact with his face, Miguel wasn’t really worried about his injury despite the metallic taste filling his mouth, he didn’t feel anything break or a tooth fall out, sure he’ll probably be sore from a few hours and will have to clean his mouth guard, maybe think about getting a cage instead (this wasn’t the first time someone has elbowed him in the face during a game) but he knows it’s a part of the sport, that’s what he signed up for when he started playing. So why was it that seeing the concern on your face made his chest tighten with guilt? Miguel didn’t have another time to dwell on his thoughts before his coach sent him to the locker room to clean up.
Miguel felt like he was going to go insane if he didn’t get the taste of blood out of his mouth. He’s already gone through 4 sticks of gum and had to refill his water bottle twice in an attempt to flesh out the coppery taste from his senses. He let out a frustrated huff of annoyance as he spat out another piece of gum and brought his water up to his mouth and took a big swig, gargling it a bit before spitting it out in a sink and finally started to make his way out, his bag with his gear slung over his shoulder as he exited the locker room. They had won the game luckily, but Miguel wasn’t as happy as he wanted to be about the victory, maybe it was because he was still mad about getting elbowed in the mouth, maybe it was because he had to be benched due to him getting injured so early in the game or maybe it’s because out of all the games he played this season, of course he got injured at the one you were attending.
Most of the team has gone home already, some stragglers were left, two of those being Miguel and Peter, and Miguel wouldn’t be surprised if you had left already, he probably would have if he was in your shoes. Maybe you got the ick from him now after watching him get hit in the face, and he would be back in square one all over again, the thought was more painful then the hit to his mouth. His mind was running a mile a minute as we made his way down the hall and towards the main exit to head to his car where Peter was most likely already waiting for him. As he walked, he was trying to keep his thoughts on his sore jaw and about the game, trying to to not think about how you saw him get hit, or how your face twisted in disgust at the sight of his bloody smile after you asked him if he alright, the embarrassment and angry he felt when after he came back from the locker room Coach Turner benched him, how-
Is that you talking to Peter in the parking lot???
“I should turn around and wait till she leaves…” he told himself under his breath, but his feet continued to move him closer to where both of you stood near Miguel’s car. Once he was a big closer Peter noticed him first, since your back was facing him, talking to him about something he couldn’t quite pick up on.
“Ah speak of the devil.” Peter said with a smirk, one you would haven’t thought much of, but Miguel knew that there was a smug undertone to it, as if he was right about something. “Sup Mig, we were just talking about you.” He continued as you turned to face him, your eyes widened for a split second as they scanned Miguel’s face, as if checking for more injuries, before you took a step closer to him, you hand instantly going to rest gently on his arm.
“Hey! Oh my god, are you okay? That hit looked brutal, god that jerk.” Miguel didn’t know if it was the way your tone and face went from concerned to annoyed as you spoke, or the way you hand went traveled from his arm to his chin, lightly gripping it and moving his face from side to side gently, mirroring his actions earlier in the day when he did the same to you after he bumped into you at lunch, but god did you make his heart burst with warmth.
“I’m okay ice princess, calm down.” Miguel assured you with a small smile, a chuckle escaping his swollen lips as he took your hand and brought it down away from his face, giving it a light squeeze as he did so. Neither of you have realized that Peter had slipped away into Miguel's car.
“Okay, okay good.” You sighed and nodded, glad to know he was relatively okay.
“Didn’t mean to get you all worried Princesa.”
You scoff, taking your hand away from him and lightly hit his chest.
“God, you always gonna say something stupid, huh?” You rolled your eyes, but your tone couldn’t hide the smile forming on your face.
“Of course I do, ice princess, how else am I supposed to annoy you?”
To say you were nervous was a complete understatement, you have never been more terrified for a skating performance in your life. It was your first time performing for regionals after all.
You had barely gotten a wink of sleep, a few hours at most, but you mostly spent the night twisting and turning, glancing at your phone to look at the time, before letting out a frustrated groan and pulling your sheets up a bit higher in an attempt to get yourself to finally sleep. But your attempts were mostly futile, finally throwing in the towel around 5:00 in the morning, deciding it would be better to spend your time Getting ready for the day you’ve been anticipating rather then attempting to get another hour of sleep you know you won’t get.
By the time the clock had struck 5:30, you'd already packed your equipment in your bag, and had loaded it in Logan’s car, not surprised when you saw his back already packed, before making your way to the kitchen to make yourself breakfast, something light but enough to keep you full till lunch.
“You couldn’t sleep either?” Logan asked when you saw him enter the kitchen, two Starbucks cups hand, passing you one as he took a sip of his, his voice low as to not wake up Kate or Xavier. You let out a hum and nodded your head as you took the one he handed you and took a sip, the caffeine making you wince as you feel it try to wake your body up a bit.
“We should hit the road soon, coach Kavinsky said we should be at the rink by 6 so we can make it in time for check in and make it for our off ice warm up.” You said as you stood up from your seat, putting your dishes in the sink.
“God, I didn't know our short program would take so long…” Logan huffed as you both threw your figure skating jackets over your performance outfits for the first half of the competition, as you both rushed down the arenas long hallway being careful to avoid running into some of the other pairs as you made your way back to the locker rooms to change.
“Did you see Kate and her boyfriend?”
“No. Did you see Miguel and his friend?”
“No. I didn’t get enough time to look around the seats to find them.”
You both dropped the conversation once you both reached your respective locker rooms. Quickly changing out of the first dress and slipped the second one on, it was a full black dress with long mesh sleeves and smoke black mesh on your sides, being sure to be careful with the gemstones that were placed around the waistline and the chest, and the black feathers that accented the back in order to look like a pair of small wings as you slip your jacket back on, before going to change your lip color and eye makeup.
You were stressing hard, hell, you were surprised you were able to apply your eyeliner with a steady hand. You didn’t need to rush, since you and Logan weren’t going back on the ice for a while since they still had a few short programs to go through before you were supposed to go back on, but you tended to rush when you were nervous. Once you finished fixing your makeup you went to touch up your hair, placing two feathered wing hair clips that pinned flat against your head to match the ones of your costume, one of each side of your head. As you were placing some more bobby pins in your hair to help keep the small wings in place you heard your phone ding next to where you had placed it next to all your supplies. Once placing the last bobby pin in your hair, you grabbed your phone to open it and look at the notification.
Hey, you did amazing, can’t wait to watch your other dance. -unknown number
Fuck how your heart skipped a beat.
You didn’t even need to ask who it was to know it was Miguel, although you never gave him your phone number, so you were a bit curious as to who he had asked for it, but for now you’d have to push that to the back of your mind and focus at the more important upcoming task at hand.
“Next skaters going for the free skate, (Y/F/N) and Logan Martinez.”
A pause as the two go into their starting positions before Swan Lake by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky begins to fill the arena, the two skaters cladded in black, the gemstones on their costumes, despite their small size, shimmered brightly from the lights. No sounds other than the music filling the rink and the occasional swish from the skates slashing the ice.
You might be representing the black swan but you’ve never looked more like an angel in Miguel’s eyes. Despite the tragic atmosphere that the performance was depicting, you looked absolutely heavenly to him, he shouldn’t be surprised, this is what you love to do, what you wanted to do for a living. But he’s never got the chance, no starch that, the privilege of watching you do a routine in all of your full glory. He’s caught glimpses of you and Logan doing both routines during practices, but that was different, you wouldn’t portraying the emotions like you were right now, you wouldn’t wear the performance outfit like you were now, and the energy you were putting into the routine was far more grand than when you would practice back on the uni’s arena. He could already see himself watching from home as you and Logan were representing the country in the Olympics, but then again, maybe it was just his heart talking,being overzealous. He didn’t know if it was the performance or just your presence that he couldn’t tear his gaze from, but he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to look away in the first place.
You and Logan were selected to advance to sectionals.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @miguel-ohara-eater @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch @darksidescorner @sukioyakio @minimari415
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harlowtales · 8 months
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Reader X Jack are enjoying a lazy day with their new puppy until reader goes too far and pays the price.
18+ Sweet/Romance/Smut 🚨⚠️
“How are you feeling babe? It’s almost roll out time.” You said affectionately as you ran your fingers through Jack’s curls with his head in your lap. At first you didn’t like the mullet, but now, it turned you on even more if that was possible.
“I’m feeling good baby. It’s finally done and I can chill with you in my biggest, baggy clothes and just fucking play with the puppy.” Jack said and pointed up at you with his lips ready for a kiss.
She was so good when you were gone weren’t you sweetheart?” You cooed at the brown poodle as she jumped up on you wagging her tail enthusiastically.
It was you and Jack’s first attempt at taking care of something together. So far Jack was the doting dad. He ran out and bought everything a puppy could want.
Ok I’ll take her outside for a bit he said getting up from lazing around happily in your lap.
You were having a convo about his first single from the new album dropping. Jack was not super into promo so he was looking for a simple and quick idea to generate buzz.
“You know what Jack, that clip you released on Tik Tok did so well for First Class, why not just do that again?” You suggested.
“What here right now?” He said
“Right now with pups.” You said with that look on your face that Jack couldn’t say no to.
“K what do you want me to do.” Jack said open for anything you had to say.
“Just play with her and sing some of the lyrics.” You said
“That’s it?” He said raising an eyebrow
“That’s it and we’ll put it up. It’ll go viral.” You said assuredly.
“Ight. You know best baby.” He said and started playing with the puppy with the phone on the floor. You looked on in awe of how sweet they both were. These were the simple times you craved with Jack and now your new fur baby. You hoped for a real baby someday with him.
“That was awesome! Let’s post it, don’t redo it or overthink it.” You said and posted it right away. You checked back in an hour and was so excited to see the views, saves, likes, and comments already. “Babe!!! It’s going crazy!” You exclaimed hitting Jack in the arm with excitement.
“That’s all you baby thank you.” Jack said as he snuggled with you on the couch. Little puppers fell asleep in the little space between your legs and you laid on your boyfriend.
“So what are we binging this weekend?” You looked up and asked him
“Anything you want bubs.” He said nuzzling his nose into your neck giving you little kisses with his soft pink lips.
“Pinch me I’m dreaming.” You said wistfully and playfully scruffed up his beard. He wrapped his muscular arms around you and you felt him growing through his sweatpants
“Babe. No, I wanna just chill.” You said
“I’m not starting anything.” Jack lied as he pressed his hips into your back for you to feel the bulge even more.
“You vanilla and a baby anyway.” You said kissing your teeth and rolling your eyes
“Say that again.” Jack challenged. “Matter fact…off me.” He said pushing you to the side enough so he could get up and put the puppy in its cage. “Bedroom. NOW.” He ordered pointing to the bedroom you recently started sharing with him.
“Jackman I was just kidding. They’re your lyrics!!!” You protested as you marched to the bedroom
“You ain’t using my songs against me woman.” Jack said as he closed the door. “Take everything off.” He said and just laid back waiting for you to comply.
“You can’t be serious.” You said half giggling, half afraid. He was being so intense. Jack had a great sense of humour but part of him didn’t like to be ribbed or teased.
“Slower.” He said as you started taking off your clothes. You slowly pulled the TShirt you were wearing that was his over your head. As it landed on the floor you undid your bra’s front clasp to reveal firm beautiful natural breasts and slipped off one strap, then another. He grasped his hard-on building in his sweatpants, taking it all in.
“Turn around and close your eyes.” He said then he walked away. Was this a prank? You thought.
“Jackman….where did you go?” You called out as you stood there in just your underwear with your eyes closed
You felt cold leather and Jack breathing behind you. He placed a blindfold over your eyes and lead you to where you could feel the bed.
“This vanilla enough for you?.” He said in a sexy but sinister way.
“You know what Jack? You’re not vanilla at all baby.” You pleaded
“No take backs” Jack said sternly.
He gently bent you over and tied your hands behind your back with one of his neck ties. “Jack?? Baby, I like that you’re not really adventurous babe.” You said making it worse for yourself.
“Do you ever shut up?” He asked calmly and you could hear the smile in his voice. His fingers trailed up your inner thighs and moved your underwear to the side.
You felt the head of his impressive manhood testing and teasing your space. Gently poking, pulling back out and poking in only half way again. With each slight reentry you responded with more and more slick approval. “Ummmmmmm” You moaned wanting him to just put all of it in but afraid to demand it lest you paid the price.
“Vanilla huh?” Jack said circling around you now, producing a belt from behind his back.
“Jack no you are….my god so thrilling.” You said apologizing
“Say it like you mean it.” He said snapping the belt making you jump nervously. Where was all this coming from? Most times were mostly missionary, but here you were tied, blind folded, and bent over at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
“Jack please.” You begged and he loved it. He teased your bare behind with the belt trailing the smooth leather over one cheek before giving you a little tap just enough to sting. An electric shock ran up your spine as you gasped and a red sore spot was left behind.
He untied you but left you blindfolded grabbing a vibrator from the nightstand. Your vibrator that you didn’t know he knew about. He laid you on your back and held it to your clit driving you insane. Taking the vibrator he slowly put it into your sore space that was wanting more. “Fuck Jack!” You cried out as he sucked on your clit while driving the vibrator in and out of you. He saw all the cum dripping from it and needed that to be him inside you now.
He put you on your side holding one of your legs in the air with his soft hand applying pressure to your throat. He pumped you hard making you scream, pausing and driving deeper for you to feel every inch pressing your G spot. Your legs shook as you erupted in agony. Covering your mouth he got more and more aggressive until he felt your single tear trickle down his hand.
He gave you time to breathe as he stroked himself and came up to your mouth. He positioned you where he wanted you with your head upside down. “Be a good girl and open for baby boy.” He said patting the side of your cheek. You opened wide as he thrust into your mouth making you hold his thighs to steady yourself. You drooled all over him as he repeatedly slid his whole shaft down your throat until he let you come up for air.
He couldn’t take it anymore and took off your blindfold. You enveloped his warm pulsating sack with the fleshy warmth of your mouth and sucked as he jerked and came all over your breasts. “Y/n ah my god!” He exclaimed in painful pleasure smearing his sweet cream all over your chest. You cradled your breasts licking it off. He collapsed beside you on the bed both of you naked, heaving, and glistening with sweat.
You heard the puppy whining in the cage. “Perfect timing” he said recovering his breath “Coming little sweetie.” He called out to the puppy and pulled on his sweatpants to tend to her.
You stayed motionless on the bed not able to move or speak. “I guess I was wrong.” You thought “My favourite flavour is vanilla now.”
@jacks-daycare @ride4harlow @itsyagirljaz
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skytellar · 21 days
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author note: hiiiii, this is my first postttt and i hope y’all like it and tell me how i diddd. i’ve never posted anything on this app so idrk how to do it very well…. 😟😟😟… anyway this is something i scrapped a few moths ago. okay i’ve been yapping for a while adios.
warnings: not much it’s fluff, OCD, body insecurity, skin color insecurity, academic validation, cussing (duh) (i think that’s all teehee)
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Could life get any worse god. This essay was actually going to be the fucking death of her. 10 pages, 10 pages of nothingness as it felt. She couldn’t help but repeat the same words, was she dumb? Why was this so hard, this normally comes easy, school is supposed to be easy, the one thing she holds on to. How can school be the one thing shes good at, and I still manages to fuck it all up. 2 pages in, and its due in 2 days, what the actual fuck.
All she feel next to her is humming next to her ear as she tries to continue working, as if her brain is short-circuiting or something. She manages to type maybe 2 sentences more, before she bashes her head into her hand out of frustration, she couldn’t possibly get angrier. The hand around her waist squeezes and she turns around. “Baby, please don’t stress. And please don’t do that.” Rafe commented. He put both hands on her hips and pulls her forward to him, he looks at her forehead that she just hit. He kisses her forehead 3 times, he knows that how she likes it. 3 times.
“Maybe take a break hun, you’ve been overworking yourself for probably four hours now.” He pointed out as he rubbed her temple, knowing it would ease her temper and stress. “No, I can’t take another goddamn break. I’m being so fucking lazy. God.” She snaps. She felt as though she had accomplished nothing, this essay was her semester exam and she had a 5.0 GPA because of all of her AP’s.
She would absolutely wreck it if she didn’t get an A+ on her exam for AP Lit. “Baby, you’re the most hardworking person I know. Farthest from lazy, you’ve been working far too long. How about we go for dinner, grab a Baha-Blast from Taco bell on the way back, and you can write 2 more pages when we get back? Okay?” He said it as though it was a demand rather than a question.
She thought for a moment. It made her feel bad rather than better. He was too good for her, he did too much. She didn’t deserve him. He saw her lack of a response, knowing she was probably overthinking it. He looked her dead in the eyes, giving her a “please-i-love-you-so-much-baby” look. “Get dressed okay? Please bug?” He asks, knowing she can’t possibly say no.
“You’re impossible,” she scoffs jokingly as she gets up to get dressed. Rafe does his little victory dance and goes to the closet to pick out clothes. She’s on the opposite side of the closet, picking her dress from her side of the closet. She goes through probably 10 dresses and sighs. She felt like she wouldn’t look good in any of them. She was nothing like the girls he’d had before. She wasn’t blonde. Her eyes weren’t blue. She didn’t have that perfect hourglass figure. And she wasn’t white.
How could she possibly compare? She didn’t even believe he was ever attracted to her, even though he makes sure to let her know probably every hour of the day. Why couldn’t her stomach just be flat. She wasn’t overweight, but she wasn’t the skinniest either. Her body had always been a sore subject, barely wearing any revealing clothing. Hoping no one would notice that Rafe’s perfect girlfriend was a fucking lazy whale. Her hair was also something she wished was never a problem for her. She has really curly hair, which she has to fight a full-fledged battle with everyday for it to look remotely decent, like she actually washes it. Why did she have to be like this, and why did he choose her?
By the time she’s at her peak of her thoughts, two hands wrap around her waist from behind. She looks up at her 6’2 boyfriend who was a foot taller than her. He was already fully dressed and ready, cologne and everything. God he smelled fucking delectable. “Have you picked what you want to wear yet bug?” He asked in a deep tone. Fuck, he was so hot. Why couldn’t she be on his level, or why couldn’t he find anyone better. “Still thinking, none of these look good on me.” After hearing that, he looks down at her wide-eyed, as if he was in shock. “What? Bug what are you on about?” She raises her eyebrow back at him, her eyes saying, “You heard me.”
He lets go of her and backs up, hands in the air, “This is shocking. I don’t think we are thinking about the same person! My girlfriend?” She rolls her eyes in return and says, “Okay, if you’re so sure, pick a good dress for me, smart guy.” He smirks in return, “Game on.” He goes towards the dresses, and looks through them, trying to find something he knows she will like and look amazing in. He finally stops at a long hot pink dress, with spaghetti straps, and a low cut. He bends down to grab some heels to go with it, picking some white pumps. He grabs the outfit and drops it in her hands.
“As I said, easy.” She lightly pushes him and walks over to the side to change. As she picks up the dress she gives him a look. She doesn’t change and just keeps looking at him. He doesn’t get the message, so she has to say it herself. “Um baby, can you leave while I change.” He is taken aback, but silently. She doesn’t catch his reaction but just continues waiting. He just walks over and gives her a big hug, his arms around her waist, “Bug, you’re beautiful. If you think anything less than that, I’ might as well be a scrap of garbage on the street.”
She slightly smiles at his attempt at a joke, he pulls away from the hug and starts to walk out. But she keeps holding onto his hand and says, “Stay, Its okay.” He goes in for a second hug, even tighter than the last and kisses her head. “I love you bug.” And then he quickly pulls away and sits on the bench in the corner of the closet as she begins changing.
She quickly slides off her t-shirt, but keeps on the shorts so she can wear them under the dress. The silky dress finds its way to slither down her body, and she pulls the straps up. The dress hugs her body in all the right places, making her look amazing. The low-cut made her boobs look fabulous, she turns over to rafe and he feels as though defiantly made the right decision with that dress. “Okay, you win” she scoffs. He practically squeals in excitement. She makes her way to their shared bathroom to do her hair.
She picks up the sprayer to wet her hair, he stands behind her, to watch. She begins to brush her hair with the brush. A struggle, but hopefully it would look at least half-decent tonight. She roughly brushes it to get out the tangles, when a hand takes the brush out of her hand. “Damn, you’ll be bald if you keep doing that. ” His deep voice vibrates against her ear. He lightly brushes her hair, somehow taking out the tangles? It was never that easy for her. He was good at this.
After a few more passes, her hair is completely untangled. She rolls her eyes at his victory smile in the mirror. She grabs her curl products and starts putting them in softly, her hair feeling amazing. When she finishes, she begins touching up her makeup, already having some from today. After finishing most of it, the last step is lipstick, best for last. She begins putting on her favorite Anastasia Sugar Plum lipstick, with cherry lip gloss on top.
She turns around to see Rafe still standing there, just watching her. He leans down for a kiss but she rejects it. “Uh-uh, not with my lips done” He rolls his eyes and kisses her cheek 3 quick times. Since she already had her heels and purse, he picked her up bridal style all the way to his car. She loved how he got rid of all of her problems with a look and his show-it-off shiteating grin.
She loved him.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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hyunchanstan · 2 months
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[GENERAL]: single!dad!chan x fem!reader, strangers to lovers, smut (warning in each chapter) . fluff, Chan is readers first love
[ WARNINGS IN THIS CHAPTER]: mentions of death, mentions of car accident, hospital, reader has depression, nightmare (let me know if I forgot something)
[ AUTHOR'S NOTE]: Hiiiii, it took me a bit longer to write this new chapter cuz i was super busy. Im rlly excited to post this. Thank u guys for the activity on my last post, luv u all!!
!english is not my first language so I apologize if there are any mistakes!
You were currently sitting at some cheap airport café, staring on a plain white wall. You took a sip of your americano as you were examining the cracks on the wall in front of you – it reminded you of your heart now. Back then, when the airport was built, the walls were all new and without any cracks -just like your heart when you were young-. But after so many years the walls started to crack because of how much they went trough -just like your heart now-.
You took another sip of your ice americano and the cold liquid going down your throat woke you up from your 10 minutes-long zoning out session. You were overthinking again. You didn't know if this was a good idea because you wanted to forget about past three weeks and start a new life, but at the same time you were scared that all the good memories with your parents will stay in France, left behind.
You took your purse and went to the plane. You didn't even have a backpack because you didn't take any makeup or skin care with you on the plane - you were sick of everything, you didn't even have the energy to take care of yourself. But it wasn't like you cared anyways, you were glad that you were still alive.
You sat down into your seat and slept through the whole flight.
"Mom?...Dad?...", you shouted from the front door as it seemed like nobody was home. You took off your shoes and went further in the apartment but nobody was there. You still lived with your parents because they were like best friends to you. You didn't have any other friends besides your mom and dad, you felt safe and comfortable with them.
"Mom? I'm home...", you shouted once again but still no response. It was weird because it was already 9PM - you just came back from your dance practice - and they still weren't home when they usually come back home from work around 6PM.
You went to the living room, with an uneasy feeling, you grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. You liked to do that when you were home alone because you didn't like silence so that there was always same noise in the background. You went to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat while listening to the TV.
"Welcome back after a short break. You can therefore see the collision of a car with a bus from the live broadcast. A few minutes ago, an ambulance came to the place where the accident happened too, but the older couple didnt survive the brutal crash by the bus. Based on the shopping bags in the trunk of the car, we think that the couple was going back from the store only few blocks away from here when the bus hit them from the side and the cap flipped on its roof. The driver brake his ligaments and his wife didn't survive serious head injuries...".
It caught your attention and you went back to the living room. You looked at the TV and that was the moment your heart broke into million ting pieces no one will ever be able to stick together again - or at least you thought.
' No... It can't be... It's not...‘, you thought in your head. The car that was flipped on its roof was your dads car. You quickly ran out without any shoes or hoodie on to go check your dads garage. There was no car, that means your parents went somewhere. You couldn’t believe it was them so you ran to the place where the accident happened only a couple of minutes ago.
You saw your dads car flipped on its roof in the middle of the road. There were plenty of people around watching and recording the whole situation, but you were still searching for the two specific people until... You saw them lying on the side of the road as two policemen were just covering then with white sheets.
You still couldn’t believe. They were gone... for good. You didn't have anyone now. The people you loved the most are really not here anymore?.....
You ran to the two motionless bodies on the side of the road and ineeded down beside them as you broke down into tears. You took your moms hand while praying that this is all just a stupid nightmare and you will wake up soon. But that never happened. As one of the policemen was trying to tale you away from there you took your moms ring off of her finger and put it into your pocket - it was her engagement ring your dad gave her.
You sat down in the grass and watched the whole situation from afar still tasting the salty tears on your lips. You didn't actually feel that you were crying, you didn't feel anything at all - you felt numb, you felt like everything died inside of you. THAT is the only thing you felt.
"Ma'am... Wake up...", you suddenly heard from afar. You looked around trying to find the lady who called you.
End of flashback
You woke up breathing heavily, tears streaming down your face like waterfalls. You had another nightmare. You wiped your tears trying to calm down. You see them everytime you try to sleep - that's the reason why you didn't sleep at all for the past three weeks, you're tired. Really tired - of your life.
You got off of the plane and waited for your suitcase to arrive. Few minutes later you were already sitting in a taxi on your way to your new apartment. You paid the driver for the ride and got out of the car. You took your suitcase and looked at the huge modern-looking building in front of you - your new life.
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sotteoks · 1 year
Just Touch | 🔞
──★ ˙pairing: Kihyun x Fem!Reader ──★ ˙warnings/contents: SMUT, p*rn with just a crumb of a plot, a tiny bit of angst at the end, established relationship, friends with benefits trope, lowkey toxic relationship tbh, soft dom!kihyun, sub!reader, some cockwarming at the beginning, slight overstimulation, light dirty talk, like a sprinkle of dacryphilia, let's assume reader is on some form of contraception bc of the multiple creampies and orgasms, ... please let me know if i missed anything ! ⸜ (。˃ ᵕ ˂) ⸝ ──★ ˙word count: 2.5k ──★ ˙summary: the boundaries of your relationship with Kihyun always seem to get a little blurry in the heat of the moment. ──★ ˙ a/n: chances of this story having a second part are highly likely. i just need time to brainstorm. keke
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When the night is over, where are you going?
It’s a simple arrangement, really. There’s a mutual understanding that no love is involved so there shouldn’t be any sadness when the two of you part. Emphasis on shouldn’t. Though Kihyun knows that neither of you have any romantic obligations toward each other, he does hate the way that he can’t ask you to stay for anything longer than a couple hours. It’s not like he wants you to stay the night because he wants to fall asleep in your arms and wake up to your beautiful face then make breakfast after some tender and slow morning sex. 
Absolutely not. 
That would be crossing into territory that both of you know better than to explore.
Kihyun just hates that as soon as the two of you finish the deed, you run away from him like the two of you weren’t good friends prior to deciding to add some fun benefits to your relationship. You were like Cinderella, running off before the clock hit midnight and always leaving something behind as if you were asking him to chase after you. 
But tonight, he was going to try and keep you around for as long as possible. Even if it was just a few seconds longer than usual.
“We’ve been at it like rabbits and you’re still horny?” You tease Kihyun, albeit a little breathless as his lips press light kisses along the expanse of your chest. At the sound of your words, you feel his lips curve into a subtle smile against your skin. Peeking up at your face through his lashes almost demurely like the gorgeous human he was, Kihyun notices how radiant you managed to look with your makeup streaked and smeared in your post orgasm haze. Just the sight of you in your current state made his cock twitch as it remained buried within your sensitive pussy; pulsing ever so slightly around his length as you were trying to calm down. You lost the energy to keep your legs wrapped around Kihyun’s waist a while ago, but it seems like he’s unphased by that and intended on making himself a home between your spread legs anyway.
“You just feel so good.” Kihyun murmurs in response. His kisses had finally wandered up along your neck and jaw until his plush lips were gently brushing against yours as he wondered if kissing you during sex like this was an act of intimacy he could engage in with you. Not even five minutes ago, he had filled you with his seed; why was there so much debate on whether or not he was able to kiss you on the lips just because of the nature of your relationship?
Before Kihyun could fall victim to his habit of overthinking, the sensation of your walls easing up on him and making it possible for him to move again grounds him back into the moment. Sitting up straight and creating some distance between the two of you, fingers clad in silver rings are digging into the meat of your thighs as he pulls your lower half flush against his hips. As your body slides against the sheets toward him, a small yelp of surprise escapes you at the aggressive action.
The first few thrusts start off slow, but incredibly deep; making your eyes roll back as you feel Kihyun fucking his previousload deeper into you and it’s almost like a knee jerk reaction for you to throw your arms around his shoulders to satiate this overwhelming desire to be close to him once more. Your walls once again start to clench around him trying to hold him in place however it only encourages Kihyun to pick up the pace as a countermeasure to the way you just kept sucking him back in. 
“So cute,” He comments with a sly smirk as he starts to piston into you. “It’s almost like your pussy doesn’t want me to leave.” 
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You groan out, feeling your face start to heat up in embarrassment which prompts you to shyly avert your gaze elsewhere.
It was as clear as day that Kihyun had some stake over your body if every time he called you to come over and fuck, you would literally drop what you were doing. A measly kiss from him was literally all it took to ignite the flames of lust and get you hot and bothered for him. 
But of course, that was something you wouldn’t admit to out loud; the physical reaction he was able to elicit from you should have provided him enough gratification.
However, when it came to you Kihyun tended to become a bit greedy. Being just friends stopped being enough at one point. Then sneaking around having quickies whenever you saw each other at social events didn’t cut it. Currently, Kihyun was in the process of deciding what to ask of you next since having you come over to hook up on the regular was slowly starting to feel stale. Not because the sex was getting boring, the sex itself was amazing, but there was just something missing from the relationship.
The rough thrusts keep coming as Kihyun loves the way your body responds to it. In the moment, it warms his insides with this sense of pride knowing how much you loved the way he fucked you. From the way obscene moans you can’t control pour from your lungs and how you let out little whimpers of his name to the way your tits bounce with every snap of his hips against yours or how your eyes watered whenever you were about to cum; it was all the encouragement he needed to fuck you until the sun came up. When you dig your nails into his shoulder blades the same time he changes the angle of his thrusts, the tip of his cock pressing against your g-spot, it’s like a nice extra treat to him.  
“A-ah, fuck!” You cry out, squirming about and whining as Kihyun’s hips move rapidly with precision; continuously stimulating that sensitive spot within you until you feel tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Through your slightly blurred vision and your hazy brain, you can see Kihyun looking down on you with a smug grin on his face. 
He knows you’re gonna cum again. And he knows your orgasm is building up significantly faster than the last few he blessed you with. He even knows that you’re trying oh so hard to stave off your climax; your body could never lie to him.
“Cum for me.”
Three simple words posed as a demand is all it takes for you to come undone again, your nails raking across Kihyun’s flawless skin and leaving bright red scratches in their wake. Your walls clamp down on his fat cock for the third time tonight, trying to milk for all its worth; but Kihyun’s desire to be with you just a bit longer outweighed his want to cum. 
You hope that Kihyun isn’t too far behind and he’ll finally give you a break. But his movements are relentless and don’t seem to falter one bit despite your pussy desperately trying to hold him in place as he fucks you through your orgasm. Your head is so clouded, it’s hard to get anything out besides broken moans and whimpers. Struggling to find the words to express what you wanted, salty tears stain your cheeks as the sensitivity really sets in; but it barely registers in your mind that you’ve started to cry as you can only focus on the sensation of Kihyun rearranging your insides. Every drag of his cock against your walls sends you stumbling toward another fast, mind-numbing crescendo of bliss. 
“Is it too much for you, baby?” He leans in just to whisper into your ear, grounding you back in reality. You’re suddenly aware of the soaked sheets beneath you. The lewd squelching sounds paired with the sound of Kihyun’s balls slapping against your ass fill the room like some kind of sinful white noise. It’s all so erotic and stimulating, it becomes very clear as to why you filtered the sounds out of your mind. 
“Answer me.” He commands you as one of his hands leaves your thigh to find your clit, the pad of his thumb pressing against the small bundle of nerves and causing your inner thighs to involuntarily tremble every time he applies pressure.  
“Just hurry up and cum.” You whine, feeling your eyes to start to water again. Even in this state of being lust drunk, you know that the words you just uttered aren’t going to do it for Kihyun. “Please, cum inside.” You hastily add on. 
It wasn’t often that you begged for Kihyun. You knew he had a weakness for it but you rarely exploited it to your advantage; even if the little devil on your shoulder constantly encouraged it. 
The movement of Kihyun’s hips fall out of rhythm and become more erratic as your words seem to be enough to push toward the edge. As worn out as you were, watching Kihyun on the brink of an orgasm was something you could never tire of. Head tilted back with soft groans falling past his plush lips as he gets closer and closer until it’s like a dam bursts within him. The most melodic moan leaves him as hips stutter, filling you up with his cum once more. And much to your surprise, watching him orgasm was enough to make you climax for the last time tonight; perfectly in time with the moment you felt the first spurt of his seed splash against your walls. 
Your plans to make a hasty getaway were shattered as you remained under Kihyun, letting yourself be completely carried away by the waves of your intense finish. Finally pulling out of you after what seemed like eons, Kihyun lays down and fills the space on the mattress beside you. A quick glance at the clock on his nightstand lets him know it’s half past one in the morning.
With how tired your body was, you didn’t feel like moving too fast but the mere action of you trying to sit up prompts Kihyun to reach out to you and pull you in to cuddle with him. The layer of perspiration that once covered both your bodies had now dried down to this sticky atrocity, and factoring in the mixture of your cum and Kihyun’s cum decorating your thighs, to say you were uncomfortable would be an understatement. Wriggling out of his hold, you quickly get up into a seated position but remain in the same spot on the bed.  
“What are you doing?” You question him, feeling equal parts confused and annoyed by the clingy behavior he’d been exhibiting all evening. 
“Stay the night with me.” He tells you like it was the most simple thing in the world. 
But it wasn’t.  You could admit that there were some things that you did that blurred the lines of your relationship. Just like how right now, Kihyun was doing something that made the agreement more difficult than it needed to be. It was mutually agreed that if things strayed outside of those boundaries, your only two options were to try and sort it out or call it quits. Yet the two of you just loved to dance around those fine lines and see how much you could get away with before things came crashing down. 
“You know I can’t do that.” You respond as you finally get up and start searching the floor for your clothes.
“We have a relationship based on sex. You think having sex all night is too romantic?” Kihyun laughs, getting up as well and walking over to his dresser to pull out a fresh pair of boxers and sweatpants then quickly throwing the garments on. 
As you pick up the pieces of your outfit you had been wearing before it was hastily pulled off your body upon arriving, Kihyun’s words cause you to freeze in place; taking a moment to not only process what he said, but also think of how to respond. He laughed, so it makes you think he’s joking for a bit. But you also know that he loves to give you a hard time and joke with you as an attempt to lighten the mood during touchy situations. 
You dwell on what he said a bit longer as you take time to redress yourself before you turn around to face Kihyun; finding him stripping the sheets off of his bed.
“I think...” You start off slowly, trying to piece together the ideas in your head. “You secretly want the intimacy of having me as your girlfriend but there’s something holding you back from pursuing a real relationship with me.”
For a minute, you think you have Kihyun figured out. Then you realize you know you have him figured out because prior to this, you considered him your best friend. He wasn’t just a hot stranger you met somewhere and decided to pursue a physical relationship with. You knew every detail of all his past relationships, why they didn’t work out and what standards he had set for future relationships. Despite knowing a bunch of fun facts about him, how he reacted in certain situations, you couldn’t figure out exactly what it was that hindered him from dating you.
“Nice try, but that’s not it.” He scoffs, sounding like he was trying to convince himself of something more so than you as he busied himself with getting new bedding out of the storage closet and dressing his bed in fresh sheets.
You did know that he would deny what you said; which is exactly why you were reluctant to voice your thoughts out loud.
“We used to be friends, you know?” He reasons, continuing to avoid looking at you while he shoved one of his pillows into a clean pillowcase. “You’re always in a rush to leave like you don’t wanna hang out with me if we’re not fucking.”
There aren’t any lies in his statement. In fact, it would be an even bigger, fatter lie to say that you actually did want to hang out with him as just a friend after how intimate the two of you were. In your defense, it felt like it should have been obvious why you couldn’t stick around like he wanted.
Rather than try to explain to him why you felt the way you did since you know...Feelings weren’t really a part of your arrangement with him, you bid Kihyun goodbye and see yourself out without another word. 
Even if the night ended on a slightly awkward note tonight, Kihyun would call you again. You would end up in his bed. And the two of you would have this conversation over and over until one of you realized that things could not continue like this if you truly wanted to keep seeing each other in any shape or form. 
Until then, the single bobby pin you left behind this time would suffice as a conversation starter for when he wanted to see you again.
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kingofthering · 7 months
normal part of my brain : you can't write about three different versions of Bezz's post-Sepang evening silly part of my brain : watch me, it's now Pecco's turn
Anyway, so. It's still Bezz's birthday and he's still in this annoying mood he can't shake out and he decides to do what he always does when he feels antsy with energy to expel in some way: he goes to Pecco.
Bezz kinda hates the face Pecco makes when he opens the door of his hotel room (there is definitely some pity in there, and Bezz knows he looks miserable but still) but he lets it pass, takes off his shoes and immediately goes for Pecco's bed, lying on his good side and hugging a comfort pillow to his chest. It smells like Pecco. It's nice.
It doesn't take long for Pecco to join him, facing him with his fist supporting his head. They're close. Bezz can see the mole hiding under Pecco's facial hair from there.
"What do you need? Wanna be mean to me? Might not be the weekend with the most material but I'm sure you can manage something."
Bezz snorts. He's not in the mood to trashtalk but he appreciates the effort. He also knows that he's being dramatic about the whole situation (Bezz is professional enough to work with anyone, Luca being in another box is not what's going to stop them from being friends) but there is something about knowing that Pecco will always be where Bezz expects him that's soothing for Bezz's heart.
Pecco's an overthinker. He's his own worst ennemy. He doesn't believe in himself as much as he should considering his talent.
When it comes to Bezz, though, he's always been solid. They might only be a year apart but sometimes it feels like Pecco has lived through so much more, too wise for his age. Bezz wanna be him as much as he wanna be so much different, better. It's a very healthy situation, he swears.
"Domizia sent me a text earlier, she wants me to wish you a happy birthday," Pecco offers next.
Bezz smiles, says "Thank you" and watches as Pecco smiles back, so fond.
Bezz doesn't know what he did to deserve the arrangement all three of them have. He knows he could ask Pecco to fuck him stupid right now. He could grab the lube in Pecco's suitcase himself and work his way between Pecco's legs, take care of him before asking Pecco to ride him, anything good enough for Bezz's body to stop feeling like his skin is vibrating.
Bezz could stay the night and suck Pecco off in the shower in the morning. That's what they did after Indonesia and Bezz wouldn't mind a repeat.
Instead, he says: "Tell me about the wedding preparations."
The ask takes Pecco by surprise at first, Bezz can tell from the way his brows go up for just a second. Then, though, Pecco says "sure" and he starts telling Bezz about the guests list and the dinner options.
Bezz closes his eyes and lets Pecco's voice soothe him, the subject at hand enough for him to forget about anything racing-related.
He thinks they've moved to the matter of flowers by the time he lets sleep win him over.
When Bezz wakes up, the room is dark, some lights coming through the half closed blinds. It takes him a second to realize that a duvet has been pulled over him at some point.
Pecco is sleeping next to him, on his stomach with his arms hugging the pillow from earlier. He looks so soft, angel-like, almost. Bezz loves him so much.
After getting up, Bezz only hits his hip into one chair on his way to the other side of the bed, somehow. He pushes the curls away from Pecco's forehead just so he can kiss him there, once.
Bezz knows he could have stayed. That night, though, falling back asleep in his own bed hugging the sweatshirt he stole from Pecco's bedroom before leaving, is just as great.
He's wearing said sweatshirt at the airport the next day and it has Pecco grinning at him, throwing a "and you say I don't know how to dress nicely, uh" in his direction before giving their coffee orders to the Starbucks worker waiting for him.
Pecco's name is written on the two cups, missing one C. Pecco paid for both drinks.
When he settles himself in the plane, Bezz feels lighter than the day before. When Luca sits down next to him and offers for them to watch a movie together, it's easier than Bezz expected to smile and say "yes, for sure, only if I can choose".
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belovedstarrs · 5 months
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do you even care?! part two
• pairing : geto x fem!reader
• tags : mentions of drinking, talks about verbal fighting, (i dont know anymore.)
• a/n : i wanted to finish this tonight (tech. morning) but i got caught up playing valo w a new friend i made. 7am slump hitting hard and i just wanna post this and sleep.
• w/c : 783
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you found yourself at utahimes place for the night. you were in her spare bedroom but still couldnt sleep no matter how comfortable you were, you couldnt get that fight off your mind. could you have been more mature about it?
the next morning
you felt like you barely got any sleep. you needed to go back to your house and pick up a fresh uniform from your closet. the only problem was could you face geto? of course not, you didnt wanna be the first to say anything. you decided to still go anyways cause you cant go to jujutsu high wearing some sweats and a t-shirt.
you found yourself walking to you and getos shared apartment and youre pulling out the keys from your pocket. you were absolutely praying geto wasnt in there. when you opened the door you found getos keys & shoes to be gone. you quietly whispered to yourself "yes!" as you close the front door and walk to your shared bedroom.
you quickly showered and grabbed your uniform as you left the house. you were gonna be a little late but youre sure the second-years wouldnt mind you being a couple minutes late, right?
you quickly ran into your class as you apologized for being late. you looked at your schedule and sighed out of relief as you saw it was gonna be a easy day. maki and panda had a mission together, inumaki had a mission, and okkotsu was overseas so he wasnt here. you let everyone leave as you relaxed a little. still thinking about what happened last night.
you left your classroom to go to the teachers lounge to grab a cup of coffee. you seriously need that right now, but as you walked out your classroom you saw him, geto. you had to build up the courage real quick to walk past him. you two shared glances as you bumped shoulders in the hall and once you passed him you felt embarrassment wash over you.
once you grabbed your coffee you sat at the couch in the teachers lounge on your phone scrolling on instagram. god, you felt jealous of all these girls finding happy relationships.
after work
you found yourself walking up to your shared apartment again. youre planning to grab some of your things so you can stay at utahimes place. when you opened the door you found geto sitting at the table and he looked like he was in distress. his face lit up when he saw you.
"y/n, i was hoping you would stop by. may we talk some things over at a nice dinner tonight?" you looked at him confused. where was he getting all this? "pardon?" you said. geto responded with "i dont need to repeat myself, but ill say it anyways. we are going out to dinner tonight to talk things over. i would dress nicely."
you felt confused, but you obliged. you went to your shared bathroom and got yourself ready. you put on a dark green tight dress and dark green heels to match. geto was wearing a dress shirt and a tie with some nicer pants. "why are we dressing so nicely?" you asked. all geto responded with was "cant we dress nice for a nicer restaurant?" you sighed at his answer.
you two arrived at the restaurant and you ordered some red wine. once the waiter left you spoke up first. geto seemed nervous. "so, what do you have to say for yourself. i believe im owed a explanation." geto sighed as he stood up and reached for his pocket then pulled out a ring box.
y/n l/n, will you marry me? "i promise ill explain after." you looked at him with shock, tears threatening to flow from your eyes. did geto truly love you? have you just been overthinking everything? "yes, yes suguru ill marry you!" you crash into his lips passionately and after he puts the ring on your finger. it fits perfectly. how did he ever get your ring size?
"y/n im sorry for anything ive made you feel over the last couple of months.." ive been planning this exact day out for about 3 months and right before it happens you blew up on me. its true, i had been drinking but it mostly was from the stress of planning. i just got overwhelmed was all. it was true though what we both said yesterday. my phone died and i got a new mission, but i finished up and started drinking. im sorry, i shouldve just gone home." tears burst out from your eyes your relived geto does care for you and your relationship.
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made by @belovedstarrs do not copy or use in any way without permission
(thanks kal for the idea to make him propose i was very stuck on what to do)
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trashworldblog · 2 years
you guys already know i love to overthink lore, and im back at it again. puppet history lets gooo!!!
i find it interesting that the song about a mythical being thats "been alive for a thousand years" "likes to murder humans" "and wanted to live a million more (so theyre almost immortal? they cannot age? what kinda supernatural/demonic creature?)" just HAPPENS to have this triple head imagery AND has this theme of 3 repeated in the 3 eyes it has. im not saying asmodeus is behind all of this but its a possibility.
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Just listening to the song and remembering everything we know about asmodeus made me stop and think about a few of the lines he sang.
I honestly think the genie is behind the hologram, he has the most *beef* with the professor, beef boy, and all the puppets. asmodeus and the devil seem to be there just for the chaos and the ride. but if asmodeus is involved ill look back at this and shake mr. madej's hand. great foreshadowing sir.
Id also like to remind yall that shane has done foreshadowing with one off lines in his songs before. everytime i remember this line, i have to laugh because its such a one off that hits so hard now post s4 finale
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anyways im excited for whatever is in store for us in thr finale!!!
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presleyhearted · 1 year
Little Black Dress | one-shot
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・❥・Pairing: 70s!e x reader
・❥・Genre: a pinch of angst, fluff, mature themes, 70s!Elvis, shy reader, insecure reader, jealous Elvis.
・❥・Ratings & Warnings: 18+ NSFW. MDNI.
・❥・WC: 5803 words
・❥・Summary: After being a devoted Elvis Presley fan for more than a decade, you and your best friend manage to miraculously score tickets for his Las Vegas show. You wear a classic little black dress, as your best friend decides it's the perfect opportunity to wear it for the first time. Unbeknownst to you, what you believed to be a 'plain' outfit choice seemed to have caught the eye of the King of Rock 'n Roll himself.
・❥ A/N: Hi my beautiful followers! I apologise for not posting for a while, life happens and well, you'll soon find out that I am quite the perfectionist when it comes to writing. This is unlike any other I have written before, my first attempt in writing NSFW content. Please be gentle with me, aha. Anyways, I hope you all like it! 💋
“I think it’s too short,” You said, attempting to pull the dress down lower. 
“Girl, you look hot, don’t overthink it.” Your best friend, Annie, confidently replied in contrast to your self-doubt about your attire. 
Exactly a week ago, you managed to score some tickets to see Elvis Presley at the Las Vegas Hilton hotel. Even if the infamous singer has been playing numerous back-to-back shows at the infamous venue, the tickets remained challenging as ever to get a hold of. It seemed that even after the decade-long absence from the stage, his name never failed to lose its popularity and relevance. As a result, crowds upon crowds of people were lined up just outside the ballroom excitedly waiting to be let in. And for once, you and your best friend were one of them. 
You became an Elvis fan since you were a freshly-turned teenager, his charm and unique way of performing immediately captured your curosity.  Despite, of course, against your parents’ wishes. Like all the other parents in the country, they were determined in calling Elvis Presley “a rebellious boy” and how his scandalous movements are wrecking the minds of the youth. You laughed at that and simply ignored the “warning.” You were still fairly young back then, only really discovering him after he finished his military service. And so, ever since the start of teenagehood - you became a fan. 
Because here you are, all these years later and still an avid fan of him. Through the persuasive ways of your best friend, she has managed to convince you to finally wear the little black dress at the very back of your closet. You purchased it a while ago, with no specific intention on wearing it anywhere, as you didn’t perceive yourself as a wildly confident dresser. But as your best friend said, it seemed to be the perfect outfit to wear for your first Elvis Presley concenrt. 
And so, here you were. A tight little black dress that reached just a little above your mid thigh, paired with black boots and your hair in a half-updo. You thought it was basic and simple enough, but fitting enough for the event. But now, as you stood in the lobby - you began having second thoughts that the dress might be too short for the occasion. 
“Annie, does my underwear show through this?” You said, turning around, “I don’t want to be flashing anyone.” You worriedly say, knowing that the material of the dress is quite thin. 
Annie laughed, “You are absolutely fine, Y/N. “
You sighed in relief, “Ok, just double checking. “
“Besides, if you were to flash anyone, it’d be Elvis so-”
You gasped and hit her arm, “Annie! Oh my god, No!”
You shake your head horrified, face fully red in embarrassment at just the thought of such an incident. 
Annie simply smirked, “Why? It wouldn’t be so bad.”
You smile shyly, “Let’s just go before they close the doors.” You switch the subject immediately, keen to draw away from Annie teasing you. 
Excited chatter filled the ballroom, with not one single empty seat. You and your best friend were luckily seated only a few rows from the very front of the stage, but of course, found yourself rising from your seats and being as close to the front as possible. As close as possible to him. 
The moment you saw him appear on stage, it was surreal. He was one of the most photographed celebrities, but those photographs did not do him justice. It was true what others have said, how Elvis Presley’s looks were almost to the level of a greek god. A sharp jawline, beautiful tanned skin, high cheekbones, plump lips, and the most striking blue eyes that seem to pierce right through whoever he’s looking at. His black hair was messy, but fit him perfectly, falling over his eyes a little - with that boyish smile gleaming at everyone. It was such a stark contrast from the all clean-cut Ken doll throughout his Hollywood years. Even more so, his jumpsuit hugged his lean and tall figure, with the few buttons undone to reveal his chest. 
You were entranced. You spent your days endlessly playing his records in your bedroom at your parents house, and now more recently in your own apartment. But hearing him sing, right at this moment, in front of you - his talent never wavered. It astounds and shocks you at the same time, the familiarity of it and the newness of seeing him perform right in front of your eyes. He seemed to be more confident in his performing persona, knows how to command a stage and gone was the shy smile of his when he first started out. All throughout the concert, he would every now and again drop jokes and would constantly check if the audience is enjoying the show. 
It is almost the end now, and sweat trickles down his face and it doesn’t surprise you. The way that Elvis performs, it’s not a case of simply singing. No. It’s the vocals, along with his dances and karate movements mixed along that capture the eager-eyed audience. His immense energy surprises you, and you aren’t ashamed to admit that you are one of the girls in the audience screaming constantly in excitement. 
But then came the moment you’ve heard through hushed whispers, and that is how Elvis would kiss his fans at his concerts. You thought it was simply a rumour that spread like wildfire, as celebrity rumours do - but now you can definitely confirm it to be true. And that is because you are now on the receiving end of such a public display of affection. You barely registered the very brief encounter, but it happened. Elvis cupped your cheeks with his hands, and planted a brief soft kiss to your lips. He pulled away, but made sure to fixate his gaze on you with that smirk of his quirk in the corner of his lips. He was quick to be pulled into another kiss by another female audience member, but you were frozen. You touched your lips with your fingertips, the sensation still lingering as waves of bliss course through you. 
Of course, you were not naive to the fact that you are merely one of the many women that he would kiss that night. Afterall, the evidence was right in front of you - how Elvis walked away from the stage and made his way around, interacting with as many fans as possibe. This went on for a good while, before he returned to the stage and resumed performing a few more songs. 
After the final song, Elvis bids goodbye to the audience and gratefully thanks them before the curtains draw the show to a close. Your cheeks seem to be hurting, probably from all the smiling you’ve been doing so naturally. But you are back to reality now, the concert you’ve waited for what seems like your whole life - is now over. It felt like it was over in a blink of an eye, and you never fully understood that phrase when people say it - but you do now. Hours worth of performances were done in a single second it felt. 
But despite the shrinking feeling of dismay within you, the euphoric sensation coupled with pure adrenaline coursed fiercely through your veins. You linked arms with Annie, who herself shared the same expression - absolutely elated and sad it’s over. Everyone slowly dispersed the venue, excited chatters of memorable moments from the show filled the conversations. 
“I can’t believe that just happened,” Your best friend says, as she sighs while you are in the line of people exiting the venue. 
You shake your head, “Neither can I.”
“Well, now we can cross off two things from our bucket list.” Annie muses, as she smirks. 
“Finally going to an Elvis concert?” You ask, unsure of what the second one could be. 
“That and also kissing him.” Annie says, pure delight in her voice. 
You bite your bottom lip, unable to control a smile. 
“Gosh, did you see how that lady leaped over the tables just to get to him?” Annie asks, lowering her voice a little, “She’s my idol.”
You chuckle, “She definitely was determined.” 
“I’m surprised that his clothes didn’t rip to shreds, like back in the 50s?” Annie says, as you quickly recall the news articles of ‘rebellious Elvis’ performing and would often end with his clothes, quite literally - destroyed. There was a photograph of him walking backstage with no shirt on, and his pants that might as well be shorts. 
You shake your head, “Gosh, yeah. That was - people are strong, I’m telling you.” You chuckle. 
Annie nods and says, “I don’t know about you, but I am starving. Where do you want to go?”
You both were in the lobby of the hotel now, much of the crowd of people have exited the hotel and are most likely finding transportation to go home. 
Before you could even respond to the question, you hear a rush of footsteps that seem to be getting near you. 
“Excuse me!”
You both turn around and see a man who seems a little out of breath, “Hi, ladies. “ He offers a kind smile, and you instantly recognise him as part of Elvis Presley’s entourage. One of the men in his ‘Memphis Mafia.’ 
“I know you.” Annie furrows her eyebrows, seemingly taking longer to recognize the man. 
“Hi, I’m Jerry. I work for Elvis, and well he has invited you both  to his suite for dinner.” He says, as if it’s the most casual thing to say in the world. 
You freeze and exchange a look of shock with your best friend. 
“I-I’m sorry?” You stutter, not fully believing the words. 
“Us? He’s inviting us? To meet him?” Annie questions, tone in equal disbelief as you. 
Jerry nods, seemingly unfazed by your reactions. 
“Yes, that’s right.” He nods in certainty. 
You look at Annie again. 
“We’d love to!” Annie responds grinning excitedly, interrupting your thoughts from running into overthinking. 
As Jerry leads the way, Annie whispers to you, “Don’t overthink it, Y/N. This is once in a lifetime.”
On the way there, Jerry makes small talk with both of you. Just the usual case of introducing yourselves, how long you’ve been a fan and all that. All the while, trying to calm the fast thumping of your heart at the reality that not only will you be face to face with Elvis - but you’ll be talking to him. And also thinking about the wild thought that he has asked to meet you. 
There was not even one single point during the concert in which you’d thought he’d be fixated on you like that. 
You have been in his suite for an hour now, and overwhelmed is an understatement. The suite was filled with many other people; beautiful girls that could easily pass as models (perhaps they are), actors and actresses, and of course the Memphis Mafia. It still felt like an intimate affair though, with only around fifteen people in the room. You were sitting on the velvet couch, as you took gradual sips of your drink. Evidently, you were subtly people watching. Annie seemed to be caught up in a conversation with Jerry, as they both lingered near the pool table. Her laugh seemed endless, and you know from the look in her eyes and the gestures that she was definitely flirting with Jerry. 
You’ve met Elvis earlier, it was very briefly since he wanted to say hello to everyone. But in that split-second interaction, you cannot help but blush and stammer your name out as you introduce yourself. You were thankful that he was wrapped up in a conversation with someone else, as it decreased the chances of you absolutely making a fool of yourself in front of your celebrity crush. Right now, he seems to be in conversation with a comedian and his laugh echoes. You cannot help but smile at the sound. 
Annie seems to be nowhere in sight, but so does Jerry and you can only make assumptions of what that may mean. You sighed and stood up, refilling your glass of wine as you leaned against the corner of the wall - people watching. You don’t go unnoticed though, as a member of the Memphis Mafia approaches you - Red West. 
Your eyes refocus on the new face in front of you, he flashes a grin at you as he leaned the side of his body on the wall. 
You clear your throat, “Hi.”
“I’m Red.” He says, sticking his hand out. 
You shake it and kindly smile, “Nice to meet you, Red. I’m Y/N.” 
He repeats your name, an amused grin on his lips. 
“So, Y/N. . . avoiding humans then?” He jokes, as you are removed from all the conversations going on. Here you were, standing alone.
You chuckle, “Not exactly. I was part of the human chatter earlier.” 
Red nods with his arms crossed, “And now you’ve realised that humans are a pain in the ass.” 
You laugh, “I was going to say I just like people watching, but that too.” 
Red’s eyes flicker to your lips and you hardly notice it, completely oblivious that he is physically attracted to you. You yourself have never been experienced in the art of flirting nor romance, therefore you just deemed it to be a normal conversation. 
“Sounds like stalker territory, but okay.” Red says, dramatically putting his hands up.
You rolled your eyes but laughed, “You’ve never heard of that term before?”
He shakes his head, “Nope.” 
“It just means someone who is an observer of life. You know, how Shakespeare says that thing about how movies are ideas from what humans are like in real life. People get ideas from people, by people watching.” You explain. 
Red steps a little closer to you, and this you notice. But you don’t react because the conversation has been harmless so far. 
“Like Romeo and Juliet then, that’s Shakespeare right?” Red says.
That’s not exactly what you were saying, and you are pretty sure he just ignored the rest of what you were trying to say. But you are also aware of how some men just don’t use whatever brain cell they have. So, you are not surprised at his question. 
You smiled tightly, “Yeah.”
“You are very smart, you know. Very pretty just like Juliet.” Red says, a glint in his eye as he smirks. 
You laugh unsure of what to say, “Thanks, I guess.”
And still, you are oblivious as ever with his flirtatious tone. 
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of azure eyes gaze intently at you from across the room. Elvis has been socialising with everyone for an hour or so now, but in the corner of his eye he is still paying attention to you. Ever since his eyes met your face at the show earlier, he couldn’t help but immediately want to see you again. He has seen and been with many beautiful women in his life, the advantages of being who he is - the way women just flock to him without him even lifting a finger. But your beauty was not overdone, and your whole look was minimal. It was obvious that you were not dressed to impress, as they may say. You dressed as one would to attend a concert, but not with the intention of ever drawing his attention. Well, you did. But you had no idea. 
Of course, Elvis would invite a bunch of people to his suite for dinner after his shows. Aside from celebrity figures, Elvis would also invite people from the audience. Most of the fans invited immediately said yes, as you and Annie did as well. The hopeful women that clearly wanted and competed for Elvis’ undivided attention surrounded him, but his head snapped to you. You who was leaning so close to Red West, as you laughed in your fixated conversation with him. You both looked so in your own bubble, apart from everyone else. Apart from him. The women around him keep on talking, but Elvis is no longer listening. 
Elvis has thrown warnings to the MM before about his fans, if any of them were to try anything with any of the fans - he wouldn’t take it lightly. Of course, some fans that he would invite to his suite - Elvis had no intention of being intimate with. And so, Elvis wouldn't bat an eye if any of the MM were to flirt with them. 
But he clearly expressed his interest in you to the MM, and so rage fuelled his body at the sight of Red going against his words. Even worse, it looked like you were enjoying Red’s company with your cute laugh and  endless smile. 
Elvis has had enough. He excuses himself from the women around him and stands up, much to their dismay. But they quickly talk amongst themselves. Elvis strides over to you and Red, he takes his sunglasses off and folds it confidently - holding it in his hands. 
“Red.” One word and Red freezes. He turns around and there is Elvis with his jaw tightened and a tight smile on his lips. 
“Heard you both laughing all the way there, wondered what the joke is.” Elvis says, though the intensity in his eyes mentally burning holds into Red’s head. 
You, of course, were frozen that Elvis decided to show up all of the sudden. Still not used to his effortless charm and handsome smile of his. 
“Um, i-it was n-nothing. “ You stutter, mentally hitting yourself at the sudden timidity of your voice. 
Elvis eyes are on you but he quickly looks back at Red, who seemed to have gotten more nervous than ever. He is scratching the back of his neck and is no longer leaning against the wall, but straightening his posture. 
“Honey, I doubt it. What do ya say, Red?” He says. 
Red immediately gets the hint and realises that he has fucked up. Here he was blatantly flirting with you, right in Elvis’ line of sight. 
“I’m saying. . .  I uh, Charlie needs my help on something. I better go.” He says, quickly excusing himself and briefly looking back at you. You frown, confused as his sudden change of mood. 
Elvis sighs and pats him on the back, “Good idea, man.”
“Bye, it was nice to meet you!” You call out and he shoots you a small smile before vanishing somewhere else. 
“You enjoying yourself, honey?” Elvis asks, the southern drawl so apparent in his tone. He casually takes the spot that Red was standing in, but Elvis is closer and he is leaning against the wall. 
You attempt to make eye contact with him, but his gaze is intense. Even more so without his sunglasses on. 
“Yeah, it’s nice. Thanks for , um, inviting me.” You say, twirling the empty glass of wine in your hands nervously. 
“Can I be honest with you, Y/N?” He asks.
“You remember my name.” You say before you can stop yourself. 
Elvis chuckles amusedly, “Why wouldn’t I? Miss Little Black Dress.”  He says, shamelessly trailing his gaze from your long legs up to the gaze in your eyes. 
You feel your cheeks heat up, “Not the most creative choice, I know.” You smile at him, trying to make yourself relax and appear more confident. 
Elvis shakes his head at your comment, “You look good, honey. Don’t count yourself out.” 
Although he has probably complimented many women, his words still make you naturally blush. You can’t help but look away and nervously say, “Thanks.”
The one chance that Elvis Presley is having a conversation to you and to you alone, and you are looking away? You mentally hit yourself and try to push out the shyness that seems to have taken over you since the start of this conversation. With Red, it was easy conversation, you weren’t rethinking each word that left your mouth. But he wasn’t Elvis. He wasn’t the celebrity crush that you’ve endlessly devoted yourself over for the past eleven years. Elvis found you adorably amusing, clearly hyper aware of the effect he has on you. 
You muster some courage of confidence and attempt to meet his eyes again, as you clear your throat. 
“Sorry, you were saying?” You ask. 
“Uh. . you said about being honest with me about something?” You explain, redirecting the topic of conversation. 
He snaps his fingers and chuckles, “Ah! Right. I, well, would you like to get out of here?” He asks, his hand lightly brushing your hand but not quite intertwining your fingers. 
You freeze, not being able to maintain the shock with your eyes. Although you were practically oblivious when a guy was flirting with you, the naivety did not extend to words such as the ones that Elvis just let go. You knew what he was implying, and you were quite certain that he was hinting to sleeping with you. But this is when you drew the line. Sure, it was nice to talk to your idol, but crossing over to that territory? You don’t think you are sure of yourself. Besides, you haven’t even crossed territory like that with any guy. 
He interrupts you, as if reading your mind. 
“I won’t hurt you, Y/N. I promise. I just figured it’s easier to get to know each other without all this noise.” He explains, voice soft. 
Your best friend’s voice echoes in your mind at that very moment. 
‘Live a little, Y/N. When an opportunity presents itself, just jump. As long as it’s not harmful. Besides, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.’ 
You hesitate, unable to form words. 
Before you could even register what is happening, you find yourself smiling at Elvis and agreeing to his offer, “Okay.”
It has been a while now since Elvis whisked you away from all the ‘noise’ as he described it. You were sure that your heart was beating loud enough for anyone to hear, as he placed his arm lightly around your waist. You were now in his room, and it was as luxurious as you’d expect it to be - the interior exactly what you imagined his taste would be. You were unsure at first on what to do, as you stood there. But luckily, Elvis was careful and noticed your nervous energy - he offered you to take a seat at the very edge of his bed. 
“How old are you, darlin?” He questions, as he faces you fully. 
“Twenty-four.” You say, and your mind immediately runs wild at what he must think of you now. 
Here you were, at the adult age of twenty-four and yet your life experiences seemed to not suit that description of such an age. You struggled to even hold a conversation with Elvis without stuttering or looking overly timid. In this stage of a woman's life, aren’t they supposed to be confident in their desires and advances? Romantic and sexual experiences should be vast by now, right? That’s what you believed, and yet - here you were. An anomaly within that belief. Your shy nature upon initial conversation with him, made Elvis conclude that you were a precious jewel out of the many. But your naivety to such things made you embarrassed, as someone with overflowing sex appeal had his undivided attention on you. 
Oh shit. He’ll probably ask something and that’s that. He’ll find out how embarrassingly inexperienced I am, and I’ll have to make a run from it. That is humiliating. 
You thought to yourself. Although you cannot be one-hundred percent sure that the conversation would lead to that, you know in yourself there is a pretty solid chance that it will. After all, the environment you are in just screams it. Here you were, literally sitting on his bed, the door is closed and it ‘s just the two of you. Besides, you’ve heard the rumours - about his sexual appetite. Afterall, he was this rock ‘n roll singer who practically had women fawning all over him. Logically speaking, he had to do something with that adrenaline after walking off stage - right?
You were getting ahead of yourself again, your thoughts running rampant and Elvis clearly noticed this. He delicately placed his finger underneath your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks, concern swimming in his blue eyes. 
You shake your head, “N-Nothing. I, um. . .”
“I meant what I said,  I won’t do anything you don’t want to do.” He says, placing his hand over yours as he squeezes it reassuringly. 
You sighed and nodded, trying to calm your nerves down. 
“Do you read?” Elvis asks suddenly. 
“I used to a lot, but not anymore.” You reply, managing to form a normal sentence without stuttering. You tilt your head in confusion as Elvis gets up, but shortly returns back to his spot next to you with a book in his hands.
“Why did you stop?” He asked, his genuine curiosity took you aback a little. 
You shrugged, “Life became busy and I don’t know, I eventually lost interest I guess.” 
You look at the title of the book that he’s holding, “The Impersonal Life by Joseph Benner.” 
Upon reading the title of the unknown book, Elvis delves into revealing that he is an avid reader and brings a suitcase full of books whenever he’s on the road. Surprise would be an understatement, you admitted to him that you never expected him to be a reader. As the conversation grows, you find yourself relaxing and all the nervous energy vanishes from you. You thought that when Elvis said that he wanted to get to know you, it was simply just a phrase. But he truly did evidently show that he was interested in what you had to say, you felt flattered. You would answer his questions, but then he would ask another one based on the answer you just gave him. And you knew that he was listening to you, as he stared intently and would nod encouragingly at you to continue. 
Initially stepping into the room, there was no clock in sight. You wished that you had your watch on, it would’ve helped to know what time it was. It felt like you’ve been talking to each other for a while now, you presume it has been hours. And yet, Elvis was true to his word - he hasn’t done anything that you didn’t like. 
You were in the middle of explaining to him the meaning behind your name, but you stopped mid-sentence.
“I’m sorry, I’m just rambling. Am I boring you?” You smile at him apologetically. 
Elvis grins amusedly at you and shook his head, “The opposite, honey.” 
He nods at your black boots, “Interesting choice.”
You chuckled, “Yeah, well, wearing heels makes my feet hurt. I mean, I have worn heels before because on some occasions, you just have to. But my black boots are my go-to, and coincidentally enough-”
You are looking down at your black boots, but stop yourself from continuing your sentence because you feel his focus has shifted. In the corner of your eye, you feel the heat of his gaze and this makes you naturally turn your head to face him. The pair of blue eyes flickered between your eyes, and your lips. Elvis sighed and it was obvious that he desperately wanted to lean in. All the while when you were talking, his mind kept directing him to stare at those lips of yours. So perfectly pink and inviting. But he held himself back, and didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. 
It was only this, in this moment did you realise how close together your bodies were. Your thighs were pressed up against each other and literally no space between you. It was silent for a while. You found yourself studying his face, and you still cannot believe how perfect he looks. It was so unlike the beauty of any other human being, you thought. You found yourself tracing his features with your finger, lastly touching his plump lips. Your motions were slow, and agonsing it seemed as Elvis' breathing increased. All the while you maintained your eye contact with him in good control. His eyes held pure fascination with your actions, a stark contrast from your shy nature. Your touch was delicate and careful, but he can tell that there is something more wanting to break out from you. 
It was in this very moment that you felt a hot sensation within you. You have hardly done anything, and Elvis is already feeling that familiar ache. His eyes intensified, as his tongue wetted his lips. 
Annie’s words echo through your brain again.
“I want to kiss you,” You finally admit, voice delicate but strong. You have never been this forward with a guy before, and so the words that leave your mouth surprise you.
“You don’t have to ask.”  He says, his tone of voice low.
You circle your arms around his neck, and finally - your lips meet his. The melding of your lips together, causes Elvis to let out a groan. The sound sparks the sensation in your lower body. The kiss was sweet and slow at first, but you felt yourself wanting more. An unfamiliar determination takes over you, as your hands thread through his hair - pulling it tightly. Elvis welcomes the pain, and tightly secures an arm around your waist - his touch searingingly  hot through your little black dress. The kiss is far from slow, as you both grow in need. His other hand grips your cheek as he deepens the kiss, recapturing your lips again, as he bites into your bottom lip. You let out a gasp, and swipe your tongue on his lips. The sweet sound of your gasps spurs something darker within Elvis, he needs more. But he can’t be selfish, and so he pulls back from the blissful touches.
Elvis is breathing hard, and you do too. Both trying to catch your breaths, as you try to comprehend what you just did. But a smile pulls on your lips, as does his. 
“Y/N, if we continue. . . I-I don’t think I can stop.” He warns, and your heart beats at how careful and honest he is. Staying true to his word. 
You lean forward once again and whisper, as you look him right in the eye, “Then don’t.” 
You gulp at the words you just let go, unaware where you found this confidence from. But you keep it going, not knowing when you’ll shrink back into your timid nature. 
Elvis’ movements are fast, as your lips meet together for the second time. This time, the kiss is not gentle anymore. It is filled with hunger and pure desire, a kiss that feels like the dichotomy of scorching desert sun and the icy glaciers that are surrounded by the Southern Ocean. A kiss that both felt like a crashing wave of relief, and an invisible rope tightly binding you and Elvis together. Your hands travelled through his back, his neck and his hair. Elvis’ hand trailed up your thigh and you felt your heart beating faster, as he slid the ends of your dress higher and higher. His other supported the back of your neck, as you naturally arched your back - displaying your neck invitingly to him. 
Elvis left a trail of strong kisses to your neck, “You have such soft skin, honey.” He hums, and you feel his teeth tug lightly at the skin of your neck. You moan at the feeling, knowing that you’ll have to find a way later on to hide the inevitable hickies that’ll be marked on your skin. You feel Elvis smirk at the sound, and this only encourages him to add more to the ones already forming prominently on your skin. 
“Elvis, I-I” You gasped. 
He pulls away, you frown confused at abruptly stopping his actions. Elvis finds this cute and chuckles at your expression, “Let’s take these off.” He removes both of your boots, and winks at you. 
He pulls you back into a kiss, and naturally brings you to his lap with your legs on either side of him, straddling his lap. Elvis groans at the contact of your thin underwear on his crotch, in this new position. His hand on the back of your neck finds its way to grip the butterfly clip that holds your hair together, he removes it letting your hair fall down and rest on your shoulders. 
Elvis looks at you in awe, “Beautiful.” 
Your cheeks heat up, only adding to the warmth that fiercely courses through your body. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I love the little black dress.” He says, and you feel breathless. 
“Oh do you now, Mr. Presley?” You muse, tilting your head at him as you bite your lip. 
Elvis places both of his hands on the ends of your dress and attempts to remove it smoothly, but grows frustrated at the strength of the material and you suddenly hear a sharp sound of tearing. Elvis pays it no mind and lets it fall to the floor. 
You laugh and shake your head at his frustration. Elvis laughs along with you and leaves kisses at the side of your face, as  you glance at the torn material on his velvet carpet. 
“But it’s time to say goodbye to it.” Elvis smirks. 
He flips you both over, so your back is on the soft sheets of the bed as he presses his body against you. Both of your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. You help him rid of his clothing, admiring in awe at his bare chest. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll buy you a new one.” He assures you, implying to the ripped up dress. 
“I have a better idea,” You say, tone sultry. 
Elvis smirks, his fingers circling your breasts, as his thumbs graze your perked nipples in repeated motions. You moan at the action, arching your back. At the sight of your eyes rolling to the back of your head, Elvis wishes to have the sight before him captured into his mind forever.
“Hmm? And what would that be?” His deep voice, sending you into limitless bliss.
You reach your hand out and grip the necklace dangling from his neck, using it as a way to pull his face towards you, as you clash your lips together and you feel him smirk through the kiss. He detaches himself from your lips, and descends down to kiss your jaw, your skin and now your chest. He is quick enveloping the hardened buds, wetting them with his tongue, as he repeats the action to your other breast. Your mind is in a frenzy, feeling your toes curl at the pure euphoria as you moan. 
Thank goodness for the Little Black Dress, you thought. 
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