#anyway living outside the gender binary is my favorite thing except when it comes to paperwork cause it turns out no one's fucking done
areyoudoingthis · 1 year
so apparently I'm being asked to "choose a gender" for the property paperwork for my house because "non binary isn't an option" and I'm developing an eye twitch. do these people know they make laws for a reason
#i was informed of this by my mother so i asked for the notary's phone number so i can have the conversation myself tho cause god knows my#mother can't be trusted to mediate this information exchange#but if the paperwork really does only have a binary option then i need to be directed to the office in charge of receiving my complaint#and providing a legal defense cause that's just plain fucking illegal#and the paperwork needs to catch up with the human rights guaranteed by the law#which is gonna delight my mother a whole hell of a lot skhsjsjsvsbsjs#but I'm not fucking 'picking a gender' what the absolute fuck#and she just slipped that request into a conversation about setting a date to go sign the paperwork like it was no big deal#my mother: and oh yeah btw you need to choose M or F I'm only telling you because if i pick you're gonna get mad at me#me: give me a sec i need to google the number of the human rights organization in charge of this particular issue#we live in different realities at this point like bitch I'm not fucking choosing that's not how the law works!!!!#and you can bet I'm damn right gonna be upset if you pick one for me you alien from outer space what are you even saying#anyway living outside the gender binary is my favorite thing except when it comes to paperwork cause it turns out no one's fucking done#their homework in the two years since the law was updated and i have to demand that everyone does whenever i want to exist legally in any#space#which i will continue to do because the law says it's my right and someone has to fucking get these people to do their damn job at some#point for the sake of nonbinary people everywhere in the country but it's exhausting#why does it have to be me#alex txt
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hakuryuu · 3 years
NEW 1. How would you (or they) describe their gender, without using standard binary terms?: new would describe her gender as the color the sky gets right before the sunrise gets started in the summer

2. Are they religious?: no…..sort of…….religion is hard one bc gods like Canonically Exist in this world and she Knows This And Believes In Them but she’s not particularly spiritual and doesn’t have one god she’s particularly devoted to AND because of the memory thing she only like vaguely knows that the gods exist at all so sjdflkjs

3. What social media platforms would they use (if in a world where those existed) and what would they use them for? Bonus: What would they get cancelled for?: new would probably have an instagram but not use it very much, she’d maybe post pictures of stuff now and again and she likes to follow people who make cool things but i think she would mostly make an instagram account and then forget about it (bonus: paz and caramel are BIG on twitter)

4. Do they have any weird scars, and how did they get them?: she has a bunch of regular accumulated life-living scars from like scratches and bug bites and falls and stuff, but nothing really weird except for that she doesn’t remember how she got a lot of them

5. What crime are they most likely to be arrested for?: loitering U__U

6. Ok, what crime are they most likely to have actually committed?: trespassing

7. If the one prison phone call thing was real, who would they call?: paz w/o hesitation (paz is the richest and will probably show up with caramel and run anyway)

8. Do they collect anything? What do they collect?: she collects little trinkets and things! usually small emotionally relevant items that are from or remind her of experiences she’s had (her haircutting knife, that portrait of run in her bag, the small bells off her dress, etc)

9. Who would they platonically marry for tax benefits?: PAZ…….

10. What superstition/paranormal entity/conspiracy theory do they believe is 100% real, whether or not they admit it?: i can’t think of anything like this for new im sorryyyyy i’ll come back to this one

11. What’s something embarrassing they did as a child/teenager?: [REDACTED DUE TO MEMORY LOSS]

12. What’s something embarrassing they probably did yesterday?: walked up to someone without looking directly at them, assumed they were run, started talking to them, and then realized that they were just a random stranger and not run

13. What hobby did they try once and give up on? Why?: jewelry-making! she wanted to make more fun earrings and stuff for herself and her friends but she doesn’t have access to many of the right tools for it and the stuff she managed to put together didn’t look how she wanted it to so she just stuck with weaving as a hobby

14. What niche topic do they get incredibly pedantic about?: SJKDGLF THANKS TO HER LIKE WEEK OF RESEARCH AT THE PIPER TOWN LIBRARY THAT ONE TIME SHE KNOWS SO MUCH ABOUT OLD RICH FAMILIES ON PANSIA…..paz will make some offhand comment about a family the mahaleys work at and new will be like. eyes emoji

15. What’s their favorite food to make?: she loves apple cinnamon oatmeal and loves to make it from scratch ;__;

16. What do you think this character’s worst decision was? What does this character think their worst decision was?: New Has Done Nothing Wrong In Her LIFE (SHE thinks her worst decision was agreeing to abandon caramel and run & go with paz when paz left them, even though they ended up turning back pretty quickly)


18. What character from another work do you think they’d get along really well with?: within my own works (elise nano extended universe) i think that she would get along with maimou from ttsp (he’s that kind of friendly that would put her at ease and draw her out of her shyness somewhat i think), and outside of my own works i have this vague sense that she might get along with charlotte’s oc io?

19. What character from another work would be their mortal enemy?: not mortal enemy but i think that she and turnadot from lamsm would be at odds because of the like difference in approach they have to everything that’s happening to them and the difference of experience… oh iro i think would get frustrated at her easily i think

20. What’s a headcanon you’ve always wanted to share but none of these ask memes ever ask you about it?: I Am Constantly Sharing All My Headcanons And No One Can Stop Me
RONAH 1. How would you (or they) describe their gender, without using standard binary terms?: you know when you light a fire in the snow at night and the light is orange and the shadows are this bright blue? that color

2. Are they religious?: yes! they’re a big believer in the moon and the cycle (ironically….. :( )

3. What social media platforms would they use (if in a world where those existed) and what would they use them for? Bonus: What would they get cancelled for?: gjsdlgjsf i really feel like the closest they have to a social media presence is like. a goodreads account. and then they show up in the background of thrip’s tiktoks sometimes and their brothers reference them in tweets and raiv’s instagram has a lot of selfies with them

4. Do they have any weird scars, and how did they get them?: the only weird scar they have is one on their thigh where they accidentally cut themself mid-switch between elf and wolf forms and it took forever to heal and it’s BRIGHT red

5. What crime are they most likely to be arrested for?: grim answer: being a wolf shifter

6. Ok, what crime are they most likely to have actually committed?: accessory to murder U___U

7. If the one prison phone call thing was real, who would they call?: they’d want to call raiv, but they would call laithe (they would consider calling bliss “walked barefoot across the country to get out of a witchcraft trial” parvo and then immediately decide against it)

8. Do they collect anything? What do they collect?: they have a modest storybook/folktale book collection, just a small shelf of their favorites, but they aren’t really the collecting type

9. Who would they platonically marry for tax benefits?: they would (queer)platonically marry bliss for tax benefits, although honestly bliss is getting the benefit because it means they never have to do taxes again because ronah will do them

10. What superstition/paranormal entity/conspiracy theory do they believe is 100% real, whether or not they admit it?: probably one that they’re kind of embarrassed about but still believe deep down that lonaih and unaech (wolf shifter folk story cornerstones) are still alive and out there somewhere somehow

11. What’s something embarrassing they did as a child/teenager?: they were VERY into performing songs and plays and stuff when they were younger, which is something that they feel kind of silly and embarrassed about now (but they still love to tell stories)

12. What’s something embarrassing they probably did yesterday?: walked around the corner and saw themself in a mirror and scared themself

13. What hobby did they try once and give up on? Why?: music, because it was impractical…. :(

14. What niche topic do they get incredibly pedantic about?: LITERALLY EVERYTHING, THATS LIKE THEIR JOB, I LOVE THEM

15. What’s their favorite food to make?: do you remember that braid of pesto bread iro was briefly eating in the beginning of lle? you might not because i suddenly can’t remember if you read the whole thing or just the kavi chapter, BUT ronah learned how to make that because it’s both iro and thrip’s favorite food

16. What do you think this character’s worst decision was? What does this character think their worst decision was?: i personally think that the decision to actively assist their family in a scheme to murder a moon goddess for revenge isn’t the BEST idea they’ve ever had. ronah thinks their worst decision was leaving raiv behind

17. Is there anything you wish the writers had done differently with this character? Why?: it would be cool if the writer had. written the last three to five chapters of the book they’re in. i think that would have been neat
18. What character from another work do you think they’d get along really well with?: i think that they and kavi would bond over a love of family and stories!! w/i my own works i kind of like to think that they would get along with farfara from tayl. sonia from ttsp would also remind them of their family, and i think they’d like her for that

19. What character from another work would be their mortal enemy?: this is niche but the bounty hunter from see me through would hate them

20. What’s a headcanon you’ve always wanted to share but none of these ask memes ever ask you about it?: they used to dye their hair when they were younger!
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kakusu-shipping · 5 years
I’ve been self indulging in rewriting my old Ouran Highschool Host Club Self-Insert for two days now and I’ve decided to write it down cause it’s another one of those Self-Inserts that has a descent story with it.
So, he’s trans, 1. As a child his name was Nanami, and “she” was to be Kyoya’s arranged bride. The two knew each other from Kindergarten and got along decently, as much as you can with cold stone Kyoya. “She” also knew Mitskuni and Takashi at a young age, because “her” parents ran a candy and baked goods company, very large time.
In Early Middle School, 1st year, before Tamaki, Nanami’s family moved to America to widen the business. “She” and Kyoya kept in touch because that’s the kind of guy Kyoya is, and “she” was, at the time, the person he was closest too. The bickered like typical siblings.
In America “She” became He and even adopted an American boy name, Emile! He loved his knew title and, even if his parents weren’t all for it, got top surgery and delved more and more in Sexuality and Gender identity.
With his new identity, he returned to Japan, without his parents, and lived with Kyoya.
(This is where I’m gonna switch to I/we pronouns because it’s a self-insert)
Living with Kyoya was the same, we still bicker like siblings and I call him a perverted old man constantly.
First day back to school everyone’s a buzz about “someone” returning from America. Tamaki is curious and when he’s told it’s a girl, he’s addement about being the first to welcome “her” back to the school.
Kyoya, as the Vice President, and the Class President (who’s a manga only character and I can’t find her name), start the class of welcoming the new student. The Class President is tripped up when she looks at her paper and sees an English name. Unsure how to say it, she pauses, in which Kyoya is instead the one to say my name.
Everyone is, of course, surprised when a boy walks into class and introduces himself as Emile, previously Nanami. 
The girls in the class on in an uproar, as we were all previously in the same elementary school, asking if I’m cross dressing. After a brief explanation of what Transgender is, everyone’s cool with it. Tamaki makes a slip here and there for the first day, and continued to get death glares from Kyoya and eventually gets his pencil snapped in half over it.
Tamaki expects to be able to talk over how Kyoya’s acting weird at the club meeting today but, SURPRISE! I’m there too. In fact, Kyoya has a job for me. But first! Presents!
The Twins, who I don’t know and they don’t know me, demand their gifts first. Luckily, Kyoya told me about everyone already, so I have gifts for them and the others I haven’t met.
For the twins, they both get a ball on a string catching game thing, because Kyoya said they like games and commoner toys. They same it’s lame but start playing anyway. (And have it mastered by the next day)
For Hunny next, cause he came asking next, a stuffed bunny with a bag of chocolates!
For Mori (whom I have had the biggest crush on for years), a Woodlen animals of Northern America encyclopedia. Inside the first page is taped a small keychain of a Tanooki.
For Haruhi, based on Kyoya’s recommendation, coupons! Most of them are for food stores that are in both America and Japan. “Kyoya said you like food and saving money!” is the only explanation. Haruhi blames Kyoya.
And finally, for Tamaki, a collection of “Blind Bags” from Walmart. Little Commoner toys where you don’t know what you’ll get till you open them.
Kyoya already got his present, which was a DVD collection of some of the worst American Movies I could find. Bad as in bad jokes. This is Kyoya’s sense of humor.
Now, for my job. I’m not a host. Not good at it, too socially anxious and clumsy and dumb. Instead, Kyoya puts me in charge of serving. In case a host runs out of cakes or tea/coffee, it’s my job to deliver more. I also make the sweets because, you know, bakery family. This, of course, saves money. As Kyoya says.
I wear roller scates and deliver wherever needed, along with check the list to make sure everyone’s at the right tables and on time.
I’m very bad at the “Which one is Hikaru Game”, even without the hats, in a 50/50 chance, I get it wrong 90% of the time. Th boys don’t pick on me too hard though because I’ll almost always beat them to the punch on calling myself stupid. The first time they called me dumb and I agreed with them, Mori got up from his table, took the hat Hikaru wears for the game, hit them both with it, then lightly smacked me over the head, “Don’t call yourself stupid. The game’s rigged.” And left.
Also, I wanna say right now, Hunny and Kyoya are the same level of intelligence, and have the same sense of humor when it comes to messing with people. So, as they know Mori and I like eachother, they’re getting in the way of that. Just enough to make it fun.
One time, after being mistaken for a girl a lot in one day, I was doing the dishes in the kitchen area of the club room, and Mori came in to try and cheer me up. As he was doing this, outside the room, Kyoya and Hunny were playing Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide who gets to go in and break it up.
Haruhi’s class went to Kyoto to see Temples because, you know, the class likes to do commoner things. And OBVIOUSLY Tamaki drags the rest of us along because Haruhi cannot go anywhere without him.
We rented three rooms, becuase Tamaki thought it’s a part of the trip to share rooms with friends. Kyoya suggested I take the third room alone, but I don’t like sleeping by myself. Mori presents sticks in his hand, whoever gets sticks of matching numbers share rooms.
Mori... Isn’t a very smart man, but still tried to rig it. He placed the 2 stick in front of himself and Me so we’d pick the same room, and the 1 stick in front of Hunny and Tamaki so they’d share a room. Seemed simple. But OH NO. After I picked the 2 stick Mori planned for me, Kyoya went next and immediately reached for the stick in front of Mori. You could see the immediate panic on Mori’s face, and while it would be funny to ruin Mori’s carefully thought out plan, Hunny shook his head to tell him no. So he took Tamaki’s instead.
We ended up swapping rooms the second night anyway because Hunny and Kyoya thought that’d be more fun, and Tamaki kept complaining about being in a room alone.
Also on this trip we went to The Kiyomizu-Dera temple and learned about the old “leap of faith” myth. The tour guide asked us what our wish would be, and we both wished to cure all illness. We immedetly started talking how sense we have the same wish, only one of us as to jump to get it, but Kyoya came over to tell us if we BOTH jump, it raises our chances of getting a wish by 50%. We did the math and that’s like!!! 100% chance of getting our wish granted!!!
They twins had to physically restraint Tamaki from jumping, while Mori simply picked me up. Kyoya thought it was funny. Haruhi was very tired.
Also while we were there I followed a bird halfway across town while no one was looking like a toddler and called Kyoya crying because I was lost and couldn’t see the temple. Luckily he puts GPS tracking on everyone’s phones and was able to find me.
Haruhi asked me once to explain LGBT+ to her, because her father is a Trans woman and she doesn’t fully understand that. He still goes by he/him pronouns and Father because he doesn’t want to try and replace Haruhi’s mom, obviously.
So one day after school I got to her house with all my reference books to talk to her about it while her dad’s out. And, of course, we can’t have a meeting on our own, the rest of the club tags along.
After talking about Gender, we also talk about Sexuality. I use my own Asexual as an example, then the fact Kyoya’s Bi and Tamaki is Pan. Except. Tamaki doesn’t know what Pansexual means, so I have to explain and he agrees. 
After also proclaiming Karou as Bi, Hikaru is immediately confused because not even he knew this?? Karou came out to me because he also didn’t know much about LGBT and wanted to explore himself more. Hikaru asks me if he’s Bi too and I tell him I can’t speak for other people. “But you spoke for Tamaki!!” “Kyoya gave me permission to speak for Tamaki because he would have never figured it out on his own.”
We figure out in this meeting Hunny is the only Straight in the entire group. He’s also the only one currently dating anyone.
Haruhi reflects on the Non-Binary parts of the conversation and asks to barrow a couple of books.
At the end of this long self insert story thing, I’ll put that, like other Self-Inserts, I latched onto ships that are canon in this universe, unless I meet other Self-Shippers of this Fandom.
Me - Mori.
Hunny - Reiko
Kyoya - Tamaki
Haruhi - Ritsu
I know Haruhi and Tamaki are the canon ending of the manga, which is my favorite manga btw, but I love Kasanoda too much. He’s very cute and while he DOES get a happy ending in the manga as well I just... I just want him and Haruhi to be happy.
#oskgodkfogdo#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#This is way longer then I expected it to be I'm sorry to anyone who reads this!!!!#Mori#OHSHC Self-Insert#Please read the Ouran manga it's very good#Extras:#I call Kyoya 'Kyo-Kyo' and he hates it#In Tamaki's Family image of us I fall into baby brother#Though the Twins disagree and say I'm more like the dumb dog they found on the side of the road#Sometimes compairable to spesifically 'Mommy's' dumb-ass lap dog#To get revenge on Kyoya once I took a picture of his messy sleeping face and posted it to the Host Club page#He then proceeded to show all of the club members (spesifically Mori) his photo album listed 'Emile's Crying Faces'#I cry a lot over dumb things#I called Tamaki daddy once without paying attention and everyone but him hated it#Mori and I's first kiss was in the school's rose maze after I got lost and then proceeded to fall out of a tree trying to find a way out#I run when excited and will fall every time#Kyoya has most of my ticks by memory at this point#Example; The first time I met Kasanoda was in club#and I bounce when excited#I was wearing rollar scates at the time#so as Kyoya was explaining who Kasanoda was to me he also made me sit down so I could bounc in a chair without falling#Mori is still learning these ticks but is luckily fast acting#I connect Mori with Tanooki's and have so ever sense we were kids#The first time I was invited to Mori's Birthday Party I got him a plush Tanooki and his dad laughed saying his son wouldn't like it#Suprise tho he still has it and it rests on his bed#On Christmas everyone did a gift echange one year and everyone kept trading with me so they could give a spesific person a gift#I eventually ended up with Hunny#who got Kyoya and came to me begging for advice on what to get him#I relieved Kyoya's horrible taste in movies and immediately got in trouble
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Flags (Part Three)(#PrideFic)(Spideypool)
(Keep in mind reading this chapter, that this is my own personal view of my pansexuality and sexual identities--filtered through Wade Wilson’s mouth, so take it with a grain of salt-- and it might not line up with other peoples view or definitions, but that’s the beauty of different sexual identities, we all live them a different way.)
Part One     Part Two ******************** “So.” Peter took a bite of the ice cream Wade offered him. “So pansexual means you are attracted to everyone.” “No.” Wade shook his head. “No it means I can be attracted to everyone. Lots of people assume pansexuals are real easy, that we will sleep with anything with two legs but that's not true.” He shrugged a little. “I once dated a girl with one leg. No problem.” Peter burst out laughing and Wade leaned down to press a cold kiss to his lips. “Love that laugh, baby boy, glad you enjoy my jokes.” Peter's lips tingled a little from the unexpected kiss and he looked up shyly. “So you can be attracted to anyone? I guess I don’t see how--” “It's like this.” Wade slipped a thick arm around Peter's waist and steered him through the small crowd. “If I had seen you from the back, and fell in love with this ass--” He patted Peter's butt lightly. “when you turned around and I got a look at the rest of you, it wouldn't matter if you were a guy, a girl, non binary, gay, straight, asexual, bisexual, polyamorous, whatever it wouldn't matter. I'm already attracted to you so that's just that. It’s not that I WILL be with anyone, its just that I could be with anyone because I’m attracted to---” he thought about it for a second. “--I’m attracted to people beyond their gender or sexuality. Does that make sense?”  “Asexuals? Are they a real thing?” 
“Good god, its a good thing you’re cute.” Wade laughed and booped his nose. “Yeah, of course they are real. What does that even mean?”
“And you’d be with someone who was like that?” 
“Yeah. Why not?” 
“But… even like, trans-- um trans...people?” Peter hesitated. “I don't know the right word, I guess. Or people who look like... like one and then identify as another? What about them?  “Petey what's your favorite physical thing about a girl?” Wade asked and Peter made a vague motion around his chest. “And your favorite thing about a guy?” Peter didn't answer and Wade tried hard not to laugh. “Alright, so imagine being with someone who has both those qualities. It's fun and exciting and… fun.” He shrugged a little. “
“And I realize maybe that sounded bad, but its not a weird kink or anything like that, its not that I prefer men with breasts or women with--” Wade raised his eyebrows suggestively. “Really it doesn’t have anything to do with what’s in their pants at all. Its more than that. Sexuality and gender is no hindrance for me when it comes to choosing partners. I can be with whoever catches my eye or piques my interest. If I’m kissing someone and oh hey, they haven’t been able to afford bottom surgery yet? No worries. Maybe they wear a binder and I can’t tell until I get their shirt off? Who cares? It doesn’t bother me. Being pansexual is...its an attraction to people beyond that whole physical thing.  “That sounds… freeing.” Peter admitted.  “It is. But so is deciding on your sexuality, no matter what it is.”
“I guess I'm just not comfortable with a label yet.” Peter reached for the ice cream, but Wade held it out of reach and tapped his lips. Peter had to stand on his toes to reach but he placed a shy kiss on Wade's mouth. “There you go.” Wade handed him the ice cream. “You don't have to label yourself, Pete. That's not what being comfortable with your sexuality means.” “But earlier you said to pick a flag and fly it proudly.” Peter argued. “That doesn't mean you can only have one flag.” Wade prodded him towards a bench in a lesser lit part of the park. “I don't know what that means.” “Look.” Wade sat heavily on the bench, clasping his hands loosely between his legs. “A lot of people think of sexuality as something that can't change. You're either straight or you're not. You're either gay or you’re not. It's like your height. You can pretend to be tall, but you either are or you aren't, right?” “Okay….” “But it doesn't have to be like that. Sexuality can be more like… your weight. Alright? Sometimes you’re big, sometimes you’re small, most of the time you're somewhere in between. Some people are small their entire lives. Some people are big their entire lives. Sometimes you're small and edge towards big as you get older. Sometimes you dive right into being big. Other times you watch from a distance because you're scared to be small.” “That's--” Peter scrunched his nose. “A lot of words. But it makes sense. I think.” “What I'm trying to say is, just because you want to kiss me today, doesn't mean you have to be upset because you want to kiss that hot blond at the ice cream store tomorrow. Sexuality doesn’t have to be a solid thing, it can change as you grow as a person, just like our weight changes. Sometimes it changes day to day, sometimes it takes years. Don’t let labels freak you out. Just be who and what you want to be on any given day.” “But when people ask what I am, what am I supposed to say?” “You tell them that you're smart and pretty and rock skinny jeans like nobodies business. Your sexuality isn't something that has to be talked about. Basically, unless they are trying to get in your pants, why is it any of anyone's business who you prefer to kiss?” “Oh.” Peter blinked. “I never thought about that.” “People attach their sexuality to descriptions like it matters. ‘Oh that's Ron. He's gay and an accountant.’ They wouldn't ever do that with anything else. ‘That's Alicia. She has a brother and is a nail tech.’ Or ‘That's Michelle, she has hemorrhoids and works at Starbucks.’” Wade shook his head. “Its stupid, you know?”  “Nobody cares about your sexuality. And if they do, they are either trying to judge you, or trying to fuck you, you know?” he jabbed Peter in the thigh playfully. “You don't have to announce to the world what side of the rainbow flag you identify with, baby. You don’t have to come out as anything to anyone if you don’t want.  As long as you know.” “As long as I know.” Peter repeated and licked his lips to get the last bit of ice cream from them. “Thank you, this… this helps.” “Pansexual Man is always here to help the citizens.” Wade teased and relaxed back against the bench. “I realize my advice or whatever might not be what you would get from anyone else, but it's what helps me. When I said to pick a flag, I don't mean it has to be trailing behind you like a cloak as you go about your day.” “You mean like you?” Peter retorted and Wade grinned. “Well, I absolutely pull off the cape and cowl look. I'm practically Batman. Except you know, rainbow flavored.”  Peter cracked up all over again and Wade scooped him right off the bench and onto his lap. “Oh!” Peter exclaimed and Wade bumped their noses together. “Pete. Not to ruin this educational little moment, but every time you laugh I feel like it like a legitimate fucking ache in my body. Let me kiss you some more, huh? Please?” “Oh now you're asking?” Peter raised an eyebrow, but he was blushing, dark eyes sparkling and Wade could barely handle it. “I seem to recall you taking a few kisses already.” “And I should have asked.” Wade confessed. “Consent is huge for me, shouldn't have even touched you without permission. I got a little caught up with all this and wasn't asking. I'm sorry.” “You don't have to ask.” Peter mumbled and wiggled a little closer. “I'm going to anyway.” Wade said, tilting his face up. “Can I kiss you?” “God, yes.” *****************
Closer to the end of Pride Month ***************** “Where the hell is Parker? Why is that kid never around when I need--” “Mr Jameson.” someone interrupted. “Peter just walked through the front door. If you would like I will--” “Send him to my office! Irritating. Kids a damn genius, can't even be at work when I want him to.” Jameson was puffing on a cigar irritably, pacing in his office. “Do people not own watches anymore?” “Mr Jameson.” Pete ducked into the office, closely followed by Wade. “So sorry, I was halfway across town when you called me and--” “Who the hell is this?” He interrupted, pointing at Wade “Are we just bringing visitors now? Does this look like bring- your -personal-trainer- to -work day? I don't like new people in here, you know that! What took you so damn long to--to---” his voice actually trailed off when Wade took a step forward and laced his fingers through Peter's, pulling the younger kid back against his chest. “You're interrupting our date.” Wade narrowed his eyes. “So maybe you stop yelling and start--” “Wade.” Peter murmured, trying not to show how thrilled he was about protective Wade. “Sorry sir. What did you need from me?” “Nothing.” Jameson dropped into his chair, still looking a little shell shocked. “You know what, forget it. It's not important. Go enjoy a nice day with your boyfriend. Um--” he scribbled something on a receipt and shoved it at them. “Give this to the girl out front. Happy Pride Month, boys.” “Um, thank you.” Peter said quietly, confused, and quickly tugged a still glaring Wade out of the door and to the secretary. “Heya Pete.” She said with a smile and took the receipt. “Oh. Congratulations.” Her eyes twinkled down at their hands. “Jameson has a soft spot for new love.” “Oh.” Peter blushed a little and took the check she handed him and Wade just grinned. “So all that bluster and bullshit and your editor turns to goo when he sees us holding hands?” Wade opened the door and pushed Peter through to get outside. “Yeah, he's got a real thing for Pride Month.” Peter said, glancing down at the 300 dollar bonus check. “Nobody really knows why.” “Well don't argue about it when the man is giving us money.” Wade wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Let's go get some Mexican food and go back to my place.” “Yours?” Peter stammered, because they hadn't made it past kisses and holding hands these past couple weeks and going to Wade's place sounded like it could be… more. “If you want.” Wade shrugged and squeezed him a little tighter. “We can just watch a movie, eat some dinner no pressure Petey-pie. Just because I want to plant my flag and stake my claim on you doesn't mean that has to happen anytime soon.” He dropped a kiss on Peter's head, relieved to hear him laughing. Sex had been something they had only talked about in passing, and Peter had been fairly sure that he wasn't ready. Wade was fine with that. He'd hold hands and kiss the shit out of this beautiful boy until Pete was ready for more. “I'm not opposed to you planting your flag.” Peter said then, so quietly that Wade had to ask him to repeat it. “Are you serious? You think you're ready?” Wade's eyes lit up and Peter bit his lip nervously. “I--I think so. You'll take care of me, right?” “Baby boy, of course I will. Of course I will.” Ignoring the people shooting them dirty looks for standing in the middle of the sidewalk, Wade snuggled Peter close to his chest. “I'll take such good care of you, honey, if you're going to gift me with your first time, I'm gonna treat you like gold.” “Like gold?” Peter repeated and Wade cupped his jaw to lay a soft kiss on his lips. “Like gold, baby. At least until you're comfortable.” His dropped into a growl, right against his ear. “And once you're comfortable with me and with us, I'm gonna fuck your goddamn brains out.” “Shit.” Peter thought his knees would give out and Wade chuckled a little. “Oh but wait.” Peter pushed him away enough to look up him. “What if I want to fuck your goddamn brains out?” Wade's blue eyes were practically glowing, a flush racing up his neck and his hands clenching into fists in Peter's shirt. “You--you--want--” Wade dropped to one knee with a dramatic sigh and clasped Peter's hand to his heart. “Marry me, photographer man.” “Ask me again next Pride Month.” Peter laughed. “Come on now, I think you promised me Mexican food.” Wade jumped to his feet and tossed Peter over his shoulder. “Pansexual Man awaaaaaay!!!!!” ********************
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hail-inspiration · 7 years
A short story that came about because I’ve been watching way too much Criminal Minds.
I fell in love with her more every day, I swear to God. I know how stupid that sounds, how cheesy. But seriously, it felt like every time I talked to her, every time I saw her, every time I heard her laugh, I cared more and more about her, and I wanted her to care more about me.
She held herself with dignity. Straight shoulders and never looked down. She talked the same way, with so much confidence and assurance. I don’t know if she knew how awesome she was, but I think she had an idea.
Her skin glowed like the sun, and even though her skin was already kind of dark, she had a ton of freckles. But she liked to be outside, she rode her bike around everywhere she went, and always spent a ton of time at amusement parks. She loved roller coasters for some reason, and didn’t seem to mind the long lines to get on them during peak season. It made her look fantastic in the color red, trust me.
I think her favorite flavor of ice cream was pistachio, but she never told me, so I’m not sure. She just bought it a lot, and when she had it at home, she would put so much chocolate sauce on it, you couldn’t even see the green anymore until she put the spoon in. I guess was kind of childish, in a way, but I found it so endearing. The way she did everything was endearing, honestly.
This one time, she was walking her dog, Missy, and another dog ran at them from the other side of the street. The dog didn’t really attack them, I think it probably was just trying to intimidate them, but she bent over and started talking to it, petting it, and it calmed down, and even wagged its tail. Like who would even think to do that? A dog charges you and you try to be its friend? Oh my God. But she was a special kind of person. I guess friendliness and love is the first thing that comes to mind with people like that.
Her friends all say the same thing, that she was so friendly and loving, to everybody. I definitely believe that; she didn’t have a mean bone in her body. Everything she did was to make someone else happy. It made her happy, in return, I think. That was how she could be happy.
She was sad about some things, too, of course. Her parents’ divorce hit her pretty hard, and the custody battle when she was younger. Then Missy ran away and they couldn’t find her. There was a friend of hers, Chance, who got hooked on something...I think it was heroin? I don’t remember exactly what it was. But he got in big trouble. Got on a bus and ran away and I don’t think he ever contacted her again. And she always wondered if maybe she wasn’t so much a “she” as a “they”--I don’t know if she had a label picked out, or anything, but I think most people refer to it as “nonbinary” gender. I think that’s pretty cool, actually. I don’t know what that feels like, to be a different gender, or a mix of genders, or non-gendered, or whatever. I’ve always just been a girl. But I guess it figures that she was so special that she couldn’t fit into any kind of binary or limitation.
She was going to go to college. To be a doctor. Not sure what she wanted to be, though, like for a while I’m pretty sure it was anaesthesiologist. But she also talked about dentistry, and pediatric care, and even family practice, so she could interact with patients regularly. She was good at making friends, I’m sure she would have been good at that. Or psychology, she understood stuff like that really well.
In fact, I bet she would have understood me, if she’d ever really noticed me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I totally get why she didn’t--a girl (a person?) who shines like the sun and loves every living creature has a lot going for her, why would she notice a sad, quiet thing like me? God, I wanted her to, but it was nice just knowing her! Just going to the same school, sharing the same space. Like, it would have been totally okay if she’d never just said a word to me, but of course i had to say something...me and my thoughtless mouth.
I hadn’t expected her to be sort of standoffish around me. I probably should have, I mean, I was a complete stranger to her, you know? But I kinda hoped she’d be as friendly to me as she was to other people… Maybe I really was just too much of a freak, like her friends said. I know she didn’t like when they bullied people, but maybe she thought I really was a freak, maybe she agreed with them… I don’t like to think that, but it’s totally possible. I am kind of a freak.
But I think that if I hadn’t said anything to her at school, then she probably wouldn’t have been upset when I came to see her. She may not have even noticed me, like usual. But since I did, she saw me and got scared, I guess. And I don’t even know what happened! I mean, I would have never gone inside, except she was so scared, and I had to do something about it!
So I told her, I said, “Callie, it’s okay, it’s me.”
And she said--I’ll never forget anything she said to me-- “Oh my god, Danielle, what are you doing here?” I think she really was kind of excited to see me, she just didn’t want to show it because she didn’t want me to now how attached she was. Like, you know, you don’t want the person you have a crush on to know about the crush until it’s like, the right time? I think that was part of it.
But then again, I don’t really know, she was sending some mixed signals. It was pretty weird. One minute she was saying stuff like that, excited to see me and wanting me to meet her parents, and the next minute she was telling me to get off of her, to leave her alone, threatening to call the police. I mean, what the hell, right? We’re finally together, and everything is going so well, and you threaten to call the police? Oh. Well, thinking back on it, it was probably a joke… Dang, I should have thought of that then, it was almost definitely a joke. Her sense of humor was kind of like that, I guess, dry and sarcastic. She didn’t mean it. Oh, well.
I had to get her to be quiet, ‘cause even if her parents weren’t home, if the neighbors had heard her, what would they have said? We would have been a scandal, the talk of the neighborhood… Ha. I knew that even just for a little while, it had to stay our secret. So I tied her up, and put a mask on her, just so she couldn’t get away, because that would have ruined everything, obviously. Then I shut the window and fixed the curtains the way she’d had them, and I showed her what I’d brought for us.
See, my dad got me this pocket knife last year for Christmas so I could take care of myself, but it’s got a really great blade, really sharp and small, and it makes the prettiest, most delicate designs when you use it to carve something into a soft surface. I’ve been writing our names on my arms and legs for months, letting them heal into pretty white tattoos. I gave her some, too, the same kind of ones I had, some of them were even the same, and they looked so good on her--I told you red was her color! God, it was beautiful.
She was crying, and God, I hated that, but I’d cried too, when I’d done it to myself; I knew it hurt. I cut a few into myself to show her that I was doing it too, so maybe it wouldn’t hurt as much for her, you know, psychosomatically or whatever, but I’m not sure it helped. She just kept crying and crying, and when I took off that mask to let her talk, she begged me to stop. I told her I would, but that she needed to know first, to have the reminders of how much I loved her, just like I did. She seemed to accept that, a little, but the next time I cut, she started screaming again, so I had to put the mask back on.
I wiped away all the blood so we could see what they looked like, and I have to admit, I did much better on hers than I did on mine. I’ll have to try to fix mine up a little someday, to make mine look that good. Course...hers were a lot bloodier than mine. I don’t know why, I guess everyone’s just unique, but hers bled so much more than mine did! Especially the ones on her wrists and the insides of her thighs. Like, I know they’re sensitive areas, but sheesh.
I don’t know how the neighbors heard what was going on--like I said, I closed the window, and I tried to do everything to keep her quiet: I stroked her hair, and I rubbed her back, like her mom used to do for her when she was stressed, and I even read part of Twilight to her, since it’s her favorite book. I don’t like it, much, but I kind of see us as Bella and Jacob, in a way. Super cute, and much healthier than Bella and Edward, oh my God--that was such an unhealthy relationship, I can’t believe we let young kids read that kind of stuff, honestly!
Anyway, sorry, I’m getting off track and you asked me a question. So, the police came, and just like I figured they would, they took me away. They didn’t understand, just like I knew they wouldn’t, and just like you don’t, but I’m glad that you’re at least giving me the chance to explain! They wouldn’t listen to anything I said! Nobody trusts teenagers, but like, we know what we’re doing, okay? Not all of us are idiots on Facebook all day sharing pictures of Spongebob, or...what are they called? The yellow things. Minions? Whatever. We’re smarter than you adults give us credit for. Anyway.
They hauled me off to the precinct, and I overheard that they took Callie to the hospital. She...died on the way there. She wouldn’t have, if I’d just had the time to bandage her up, but I didn’t have the chance to ask her where her first aid kit was before they were there splitting us up. I just know she would have lived if they’d given us more time together. It’s their fault. You know it, too.
So I guess, to answer your question, detective, I killed her because I loved her. I killed her kinda the same way I loved her. Completely accidentally, just trying to get by and figure ourselves out and keep us together. It was the universe itself that linked us together, and still does. I can feel her presence. She’s here with me now, helping me through this, keeping me strong so I won’t feel alone, and every time I feel my scars, I remember hers, and I remember how good we were together. Everything we could have been. I can’t wait to see her again, detective. Every time I see her, I only love her more, I mean it.
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