#and she just slipped that request into a conversation about setting a date to go sign the paperwork like it was no big deal
areyoudoingthis · 1 year
so apparently I'm being asked to "choose a gender" for the property paperwork for my house because "non binary isn't an option" and I'm developing an eye twitch. do these people know they make laws for a reason
#i was informed of this by my mother so i asked for the notary's phone number so i can have the conversation myself tho cause god knows my#mother can't be trusted to mediate this information exchange#but if the paperwork really does only have a binary option then i need to be directed to the office in charge of receiving my complaint#and providing a legal defense cause that's just plain fucking illegal#and the paperwork needs to catch up with the human rights guaranteed by the law#which is gonna delight my mother a whole hell of a lot skhsjsjsvsbsjs#but I'm not fucking 'picking a gender' what the absolute fuck#and she just slipped that request into a conversation about setting a date to go sign the paperwork like it was no big deal#my mother: and oh yeah btw you need to choose M or F I'm only telling you because if i pick you're gonna get mad at me#me: give me a sec i need to google the number of the human rights organization in charge of this particular issue#we live in different realities at this point like bitch I'm not fucking choosing that's not how the law works!!!!#and you can bet I'm damn right gonna be upset if you pick one for me you alien from outer space what are you even saying#anyway living outside the gender binary is my favorite thing except when it comes to paperwork cause it turns out no one's fucking done#their homework in the two years since the law was updated and i have to demand that everyone does whenever i want to exist legally in any#space#which i will continue to do because the law says it's my right and someone has to fucking get these people to do their damn job at some#point for the sake of nonbinary people everywhere in the country but it's exhausting#why does it have to be me#alex txt
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moonstruckme · 9 months
the boys w a reader who's very physically affectionate? pre-relationship >:)
like none of them are dating yet, and she'd hug and kiss them on the cheeks, hold their hands on the way to class, carry their books/bags for them and lean on them in the common room and all three of them are flustered by it. bonus points if reader doesn't even know she does it, it's just how she is, and when they point it out she's like "oh.. i'll stop, sorry" and they're like "NONONONO" THEY'D BE SO CUTE
Yesssss thanks for requesting my love!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You insist on carrying Remus’ book bag to Hogsmeade for him, and he glares at James the whole way for letting slip that his shoulders have been aching all day. 
“Let me take that,” James offers for the upteenth time, ignoring Remus’ muttered “Yeah, let ‘im.” 
“I’ve got it, Jamie,” you say again, wobbling a bit under the weight of Remus’ books, far more plentiful than what you’d packed for the study session. “We’re here anyway.”
“C’mon, doll, let’s get you a butterbeer to warm up, yeah?” Sirius opens the door to The Three Broomsticks. “I’m sure Remus will buy.” 
Remus rolls his eyes. “I’ll buy Y/N one, not either of you.” 
“Spoilsport.” Sirius slides into an empty booth, and you set your load down beside him, turning around and pushing up on your tiptoes to give Remus a kiss on the cheek. 
“Thanks,” you say sweetly, and Remus isn’t a very affectionate person, but he’s hardly easily flustered either. So when his cheeks turn bright pink as soon as you’re not looking anymore, James can’t help but grin. 
“Sit by me, sweetheart,” Sirius says, setting his arm atop the booth. James thinks he views your flirting as a sort of contest, seeing who will go the farthest before someone needs to tap out. But if it’s a competition, it’s one Sirius is destined to lose. 
You slide agreeably in beside him, slipping under Sirius’ arm so readily that it drops from the booth in surprise, landing with a dull thump at your side. “Merlin, it’s cold in here,” you say, nestling close. “You think they keep it that way so you’ll buy more butterbeer?”
Sirius’ voice is pitchy and breathless. “Mm—probably.” 
James smirks at him, sliding into the safe zone across from the two of you. 
You take Sirius’ hand in both of yours, frowning and rubbing at it. “See, your hand is freezing! This is ridiculous.” 
Remus reappears with four pitchers, grinning knowingly at the shell-shocked look on Sirius’ face. “I’ll be expecting the two of you to pay me back,” he says to James and Sirius, setting them down and beginning to dig through his book bag. “Merlin, if I can finish Slughorn’s essay while we're here it’ll be a miracle.”
James blows gently on his butterbeer, trying not to watch too closely as you purse your lips to do the same. “Have you started on that already?” he asks.
Remus shakes his head, exasperated but familiar with James’ ways. “It’s due tomorrow, Prongs. You won’t be able to do it in the hour before class, trust me.” 
“Wait, the one on boggarts?” you ask, opening your own bag. Remus nods, and you hold up a small stack of parchment, beaming. “I finished this morning. Wanna see?”
“That'd be great,” Remus says. “What I really can’t figure out is the part…about…” he appears to lose his train of thought as, instead of passing the papers across the table, you disappear under it, re-emerging a second later to squeeze between James and Remus in their seat. 
“I know what you mean,” you say, as though this is all very commonplace, pressed shoulder-to-shoulder and hip-to-hip with the both of them. “The second part of the question is near impossible to understand, but I think I may have figured it out. Here, see…” James stops hearing the conversation as you duck down towards your work, your hair tickling his arm and your jumper riding up to reveal the small of your back. James’ eyes follow the curve of your spine, down, down, until—he feels like a total perv, and looks away. 
Across the booth, Sirius is looking simultaneously relieved to have a break from your brazen affection and regretful that you’re not still there with him. He watches you as you speak in low tones with Remus, his eyes flicking upwards to James as if to say this is insane, right?. James nods back dazedly. 
You finish whatever you’ve been explaining to Remus, hauling your butterbeer across the table to sip at it. “Jamie, do you want my jumper?”
He nearly chokes. “Hm?”
You look up at him with concerned eyes. “I can feel you shivering. It might be a bit small on you, but it could help.” 
James is cold, but watching you take off that jumper, smelling you on it, would be too much. He forces a smile, taking a sip of his warm butterbeer instead. “Thanks, but I’m alright.” 
You frown at him, setting your hand atop his on the table. “You sure, honey? I don’t mind. I’m feeling a bit hot, actually.” 
Whatever the look on James' face, it’s enough to make Sirius guffaw. Loudly. Even Remus snickers, tucking his tongue into his cheek. 
“What?” You look at them. “What’s funny?”
“Doll, you’ve killed him,” Sirius laughs, and James doesn’t feel so chilly anymore, all his blood rushing to his face. 
Your brows scrunch together worriedly. “What do you mean?” 
Remus chuckles, the only one of them kind enough to give you an explanation. “I think what he’s saying is, even James has a threshold for flirting. You’ve just flustered him. Don’t worry, he’ll recover.” 
“C’mon,” Sirius says, rolling his eyes good-naturedly, “all the touching, the hugs, the pet names? A man can only take so much.”
“Oh, Merlin, I’m so sorry!” You clap a hand over your mouth, eyes wide with horror. “I didn’t realize—I’m just a naturally affectionate person, but I didn’t mean to flirt—well, I don’t not want to flirt with you all, but I wasn’t doing it on purpose. I’ll stop, I’m sorry.” 
Sirius blinks. “Don’t stop,” he protests. “That’s not what I meant.” 
Your confusion returns. “No?”
“No,” Remus says, some of the color from earlier returning to his cheeks. “I mean, it’s nice.” 
James nods, finding his voice again. “Flirt with us all you like, but, um…would it be alright if we flirted back?”
Your smile comes like a sunrise, slow and brilliant and beautiful. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
Sirius grins at you, bravado restored. “Good, because we need to even the playing field, dollface. Come back over here, I’m cold.”
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birdiewriteslit · 3 months
hii can i request 23/24 w jack hughes please?
“sober secrets, drunk deliveries”
jack hughes x f!hischier!reader
birdie’s 300 celly
i legit love this so much
From the beginning, Jack was very clear with you about keeping your relationship a secret from your brother. You told him countless times that Nico was harmless, but Jack couldn’t be convinced.
Maybe Nico showed the boys a different side of him in practice and in game, but you knew him as your lovable older brother.
Until Jack had told you a few weeks into your relationship that you were off limits to him, you didn’t even know Nico talked about you to the team at all.
When he introduced you to Jack during family skate a few months back, you immediately took a liking to him.
He was funny and easy to talk to, although apprehensive to get too close to you because of Nico’s supposed “threats.”
Over the past few months, you’d gotten to know Jack better and started a secret relationship. A lot of the time, sneaking around was hot, and the thrill of potentially getting caught fueled your desire, but you were getting restless.
You hadn’t said it to each other, but you loved Jack. You were serious about him and you knew he felt serious about you. You felt guilty hiding something you loved so much from your brother, who you obviously loved the most and told almost everything to.
That led you to tonight. You, the WAGs, and the team were out celebrating at a bar after a big win.
With a mixture of alcohol and the restlessness previously mentioned, you were being a little bit riskier than usual.
“Jack,” you said, tugging on his sleeve. “Jack, pay attention to me.”
He turned his head, his eyes locking onto yours, his mouth parted. “I am, baby.”
Uh oh. Jack was drunk too, and he didn’t even notice when he let the word slip. Ignoring the looks on Luke’s and Dawson’s faces, you giggled, taking his hand and pulling it around your shoulders, pressing your body into his side.
“If you were,” you teased, dragging out the last word and interlocking your fingers with his. You made an effort to whisper, but it came out louder than you intended. “You’d know I wanna be in your bed right now.”
“Jesus,” Breathed out Jack shamelessly. “I’ll take you there right now, say the word, honey.”
Nico had made it to the table, and at this point in the conversation, he heard pretty much everything he shouldn’t have.
Luke eyed Nico’s shocked expression. “I need to excuse myself,” he said awkwardly, tapping Dawson’s shoulder, signaling him to follow him and leaving Nico alone with you and Jack.
Both of you remained oblivious to your brother, too wrapped up in each other and the alcohol. It wasn’t until he cleared his throat that you realized he was standing there.
You took your eyes off of Jack but didn’t step from him. “Oh, hi, Neeks. This is my boyfriend, Jack. Do you know him?”
Jack, on the other hand, sobered up pretty quickly when he saw Nico, and immediately dropped his arm from your shoulder.
“I know him, but I’m not really sure why you’re dating him,” Nico joked, sounding pretty unaffected.
“Are you mad?” Jack asked quickly, like a child asking a parent for forgiveness.
“Why would I be mad?” Nico asked.
Jack gestured to you, pointing back and forth between you like it was obvious. “‘Cause she’s off limits, according to you.”
“I only said that so nobody would bother her, but I don’t think you’re bothering her.” Nico shrugged, nonchalantly sipping his beer.
“Can I say something?” you interjected, raising your hand. “I totally knew you’d be cool with this because you’re the best brother ever.” You rounded the table and practically launched yourself onto Nico, completely disregarding the fact that he was holding a drink.
“Okay, time for you to go home,” Nico laughed, setting his spilt beer bottle on the table and patting your back. He glared at Jack from over your shoulder. “You’re not taking her, though. I don’t mind if you date her, just never talk to her like that in front of me and we won’t have a problem.”
Jack’s face burned red at the thought of the conversation that Nico overheard. “Sorry, Cap.”
Nico nodded, his glare replaced with a pleasant smile and he guided you to the bar’s exit, much to your dismay.
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ashwhowrites · 5 months
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! Harrington! Reader, what if reader goes to The Hideout just to see Eddie playing, and Eddie doesn't know about this bc Reader is his best friend's "little" sister (she's 18). The night Eddie saw her there he was like what are you doing here? Does Steve knows you're here? And she tells him that she wanted to see him play. Reader goes every weekend to the Hideout just to spend time with Eddie until they end up hooking up. They try to act calm bc when Steve is around them that can't just act weird or suspicious, so they really try to act like nothing happened but Steve feels like something is going on between them and obviously they can't stop seeing each other, they start to see each other at Steve's back (or smth like that?) And then Steve finds them at Reader's room making out and he's like I knew something was going on with you two! (Like Eddie and Reader being in a secret relationship, I hope my request makes sense!)
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So I combined both of these so I hope that's alright and both anons find this 🫶🏻 thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it
Love vs popularity
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Y/N had a small secret that she didn't tell anyone, not her best friend, not her cheerleading team, and not her brother Steve. It was a secret that led to other secrets and she didn't want anyone to cause a domino effect.
But she had the biggest crush on Eddie Munson. His dark hair and eyes made her stomach flutter and his sexy smirk made her head spin. She's been skipping the weekend parties to sneak off to the hideout. She stayed in the back corner, not that anyone from school would be there anyway. But she had a guilty pleasure of watching Eddie perform. He had the rockstar look, and she gushed over it. She tried to make sure she wasn't seen, she'd feel embarrassed to know Eddie caught her.
Another weekend and another night Y/N was at the hideout. Eddie just finished his set, and she prepared to leave. She quickly finished the last sips of her drink and grabbed her purse.
She was feet away from the door when someone slid right in front of her. She looked up annoyed, ready to snap but the insult fell flat on her tongue. Instead of a drunk, she was face to face with a sweaty, panting, and smirking Eddie.
"Well well well, a Harrington? On this side of town? Why is that? Does your brother know you are here?" Eddie asked, a smirk still on his face but his tone was very curious.
"He doesn't," Y/N admitted nervously.
"Sneaking out then? Meeting a date here or something?" Eddie asked, his eyes checking her out. Slipping up her dress and sneakers.
Y/N felt butterflies in her stomach as he checked her out. She never thought she'd get to have a conversation with Eddie in the first place. So she wasn't going to waste her opportunity.
"I came here to see you play." A confident smile on her face as she gave him flirty eyes.
Eddie tried to fight off a smile as he bit his lip. Y/N Harrington snuck out of her preppy world to watch him play. His cheeks were hot and he began to sweat again. The tables turned and now he was the nervous one.
"Did you like the set?" He asked, she adored how hopeful his big puppy eyes were. Like what she thought was very important to him.
"I did! You get better and better. You play very well. And look incredibly attractive while doing it." She flirted, she figured she might as well. She had him nervous and blushing. She wasn't sure where the confidence came from but she hoped it wouldn't disappear with a snap of a finger.
"Oh, so you just check me out!" Eddie teased, laughing as he looked to the floor.
"I do, but I know a musician when I see one." She praised, smiling when he looked up with a smile of his own.
After that night, she continued to spend her weekend at the hideout. But this time, he joined her after the show. They sat in a back booth for hours until the bar closed.
She loved how easy it was for them to get along. And the way they flirted and sat closer each weekend that passed. She knew her crush on him was turning into something way more.
After a month of constantly flirting and talking, both craved more. Y/N couldn't remember who made the move, but it didn't take long for her to be on his lap with her tongue in his mouth. His hands gripped her ass as he leaned back against the booth. The lights were dark above them, keeping them hidden as they dry-humped each other. She felt on fire when she kissed him and his hands added more matches. Her skin burned with desire and she loved it. She'd never felt feelings like this before.
Once they had sex, more feelings got involved. Neither could forget how perfect their bodies fit together. Eddie couldn't shake off the feeling of her cunt around him and she couldn't shake off the feeling of him between her legs. They both admitted it wasn't a sleazy bar hookup. It was something they both wanted and wanted to do again and again.
Before they knew it, a relationship began.
Y/N's secrets added on another secret, a secret relationship. She was terrified of what Steve would think and say, and Eddie vowed to keep it a secret for her. He didn't want to put her in a rough situation. In a world of secrets, the hideout was the one place they got to just be a girlfriend and boyfriend. The band loved her and welcomed her. She even arrived before the set to spend more time with Eddie, then once the show was done he'd race through the crowd. He'd grab her hand and they'd go fuck in his van. Who would want to give that up for the truth?
Just like all the beginning of a relationship, they struggled to keep their hands to themselves. Y/N could feel her hands shake as she tried to hold back from caressing Eddie's skin as she talked to Steve. She cursed Eddie for standing right next to her. His cologne and cigarette smell filled her nose and she could feel her body craving him. But she couldn't do a thing, not with Steve around.
Y/N was thankful that Steve and Eddie were barely friends, only thrown together when the group was together. But the problem was, if Steve wasn't with her and the group, then he was alone at home with her.
Weeknights were the longest. She ached to have Eddie around and sometimes the weekend just felt too far. So Eddie snuck into her bedroom window. They kept it quiet and stuck to making out. He swallowed her moans and she felt that craving being fulfilled.
It was a success, Steve never knew. So of course, they did it again and again.
Steve had a weird gut feeling when he watched Eddie and Y/N interact. Steve wasn't a fan of Eddie, but he sucked it up for the sake of keeping peace in the group. And maybe he had a hint of jealousy of the way Dustin adored him.
Steve just couldn't help but see a certain glint in Eddie's eyes, a look that Steve knew too well. He swore he heard Y/N giggle at way too many jokes. Steve kept his eyes on them, hoping his glare scared Eddie off in a different direction.
"Do you think he can tell?" Eddie asked, slightly nervous as he sat on Y/N's bed. She sat in his lap, her lips on his neck as Eddie talked.
"No way," Y/N said, she had no belief Steve had any idea of what was going on. Not like he paid attention to her life.
Eddie let the thought go, attaching his lips to hers as he held the back of her head. Y/N felt her brain shut off as his warm tongue worked against hers. Her hips slightly shifted against his thigh as she whined into his mouth.
Y/N immediately scrambled off of Eddie's lap, standing in between Steve and Eddie. Eddie had fear in his eyes, reaching forward to touch a part of Y/N's skin. His fingers rested against the back of her thigh to calm his nerves.
"STOP TOUCHING HER!" Steve yelled, his eyes were filled with rage. A rage Y/N barely saw.
"It calms him down! Eddie, you're fine." She reassured him, her hand reaching behind to grasp his.
"Just calm down and we can talk about this!" Y/N said calmly.
"Talk? What the fuck is there to talk about? There is no way you are messing around with a guy like him!" Steve argued, his hands on his hips as he let his tongue race off with venom.
"I'm not messing around! He's my boyfriend, Steve. And we've been together for months. I'm sorry that it was behind your back, but I'm not sorry for being with him. And don't say a guy like him, there's nothing bad about him. He's a great guy and you'd know that if you gave him a chance!" Y/N argued, Eddie squeezed her hand and she took a deep breath.
"No! No! No way. You are not dating him. Do you have any idea what that could do to my reputation? My little sister dating the fucking freak of Hawkins! Are you kidding me? There's tons of other guys you can pick from!" Steve said and Y/N knew she shouldn't have been surprised by it. But she couldn't help but be shocked. He truly admitted he only cared about how she made him look.
"Look Steve," Eddie tried as he stood up, but Y/N's rage beat him to it.
"Fuck you! Do you think you're some king of high school? Your girlfriend dumped your ass and I can see why. Look at you! You are so focused on being popular that you can't see the real people from the fakes. I'm your sister and I wish you could be happy for me. He's not a freak, he's a gentleman and he treats me so well. Look at how he is with the group, everyone loves him except you. He's not the problem, you are. Is your reputation more important than your sister?" She asked for an answer she knew. But she hoped with everything in her, with any love he had for her, he'd say no.
"Yes." He said without missing a beat. "And I will not accept this relationship. You can't be seen with him."
"I HATE YOU!" she screamed, running forward to smack her fists against his chest but Eddie was quick to hold her back. "YOU CAN'T LET ME EVER BE HAPPY. NO ONE DOES. ITS ALWAYS ABOUT PERFECT LITTLE STEVE! MOM AND DAD LIVE THROUGH YOU, AND I CAN'T EVEN BE IN LOVE WITHOUT YOU MAKING IT ABOUT YOU! "
"Baby, calm down." Eddie tried to whisper against her ear, his arms tight around her as she struggled to get free.
"MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT, MOM AND DAD WOULD HAVE SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF YOU FOR. MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T SLEEP WITH THE FIRST GUY THAT GAVE YOU ATTENTION, YOU WOULDN'T BE WITH HIM! YOU'D BE WITH SOMEONE PEOPLE APPROVE OF!" Steve yelled back. Once the words left his mouth, he knew how badly he fucked up. But his pride was too important. He ignored the tears that began to fill her eyes and the way her body froze in Eddie's grip. While he still had the last word, he slammed her door and left.
"Shh, it's okay." Eddie cooed as he turned her around and let her cry into his chest. He kept his arms wrapped around her and slowly rocked them. His hands ran up and down her back as she sobbed into his chest.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry he spoke poorly of you." She cried, the guilt of knowing her brother added salt to Eddie's wounds.
"Nothing to apologize for. Everyone has opinions on me, but yours is the only one I care about." He promised, a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Well I love you and I don't care what he thinks. I'm going to be with you and be happy." She made a promise to him and herself. She wasn't going to let Steve ruin this.
Y/N tried to ignore the uncomfortable tension between her and Steve. She hadn't spoken a word to him since the blowout with Eddie. His reaction made her even more scared to tell her parents.
Eddie and Y/N weren't a secret anymore in school. She soaked in every moment she had with him and loved not having to hide at the hideout. She still went every weekend, Steve would ask where she was going but she wasn't done with the silent treatment. She didn't want to speak to him until he apologized for all the pain he caused.
Eddie hated seeing Y/N being so torn apart by Steve. He knew their relationship wasn't that close with Steve being the gold star child, but he hated being the reason it turned even more sour.
While Y/N was at cheer practice, Eddie went over to talk to Steve. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not, but he'd do whatever he could to save the relationship. He knew Steve's opinion mattered to Y/N, she wanted his approval and support from him more than she ever did with her parents.
Eddie knocked on the door, rocking on his boots as he waited.
"She's not here," Steve said, slamming the door but Eddie's hand caught it.
"Here to talk to you. I'm a good boyfriend, I know she's at practice until five, then dinner with the team until seven. Gives me many hours to talk to you." Eddie said with a smile, pushing the door open and letting himself in.
"Come on in, I guess." Steve scoffed. His arms crossed as he waited for Eddie to speak.
"I know I'm not the rich and flashy type. I'm nowhere near the type of guy you bring home to impress. I'm the type you bring home as a fuck you to dads. I know that about me, but Y/N sees something different. I have no idea what I did in the world to be blessed with her and the love she has for me. I know I don't deserve it. I know she has so much potential, and she could end up with a big shot that can buy her everything she dreams of. But I can promise you, no big shot will ever love her the way I do. I love her with every part of me, and I've always tried to make her happy and I'll always try. I know getting your blessing doesn't mean shit to me, no offense. But it does to her. She looks up to you, Steve. She doesn't get anything from your parents, she counts on getting it from you. I'm not here to push you to accept our relationship. I'm here to hopefully push you towards apologizing and making this up to her. Don't make her have no one at home, she already doesn't have parents, don't make her lose her brother too." Eddie said, leaving Steve alone with his long speech as he walked out the door.
Steve kicked the door as he let out his frustrations. How did he let himself become such an asshole? He lost Nancy because all he cared about was popularity, and he didn't learn his lesson. Now he's seconds away from losing his sister, the one relationship that had unconditional love.
It was Friday night and Steve was waiting for Y/N to come back home. He wasn't sure what she did on weekends but he assumed it was with Eddie.
She walked in with Eddie behind her, her smile dropped when she made eye contact with her brother.
"Hey, can we talk? In private?" Steve asked, nervously rubbing his hands as he looked between her and Eddie.
"No." She said, she went to walk upstairs but Eddie grabbed her hand and gently stopped her. She looked at him confused and tried to tug him up.
"Talk to him, baby." He said softly, "It'll be good for you. I'll wait in your room." He added with a soft peck to her lips. Y/N sighed and turned around to face Steve.
"Let me start with I'm sorry. I was a total asshole and a shitty brother. I talked with Eddie and he made me realize some things."
"You talked to Eddie?"
"Well, more like he chewed my ass out, and honestly? He's way more intelligent than I gave him credit for. I'm sorry for not giving him a chance, and I'm sorry I never gave you a chance." Steve apologized.
"Thank you, he deserves more credit." She said, her arms wrapped around herself for comfort.
"You both opened my eyes to a lot. I know Mom and Dad are tough, and that means I should have been a safety net for you. I know what it's like to come home to a place that doesn't feel like home, and I'm sorry I added to that. I'm sorry for those horrible things I said, and they aren't true. I wish I could take them back and erase the pain I caused. Eddie, he's a good guy and I can see you love him. And I can see he loves you. Even though you don't need it, you have my blessing."
Steve was caught off guard when Y/N threw her arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. He could feel her tears soaking into his shirt as he hugged her back.
"Thank you." She whispered
"Things I should have said a long time ago," Steve said as he pulled back from the hug, his eyes wet.
"He's good for you. I'll back you up when you tell Mom and Dad." Steve promised
"Thank you, I'm very nervous." She laughed nervously as she tugged on her clothes.
"Fuck them, they don't know anything anyway." Steve joked, brushing them off.
"Do we need a referee or a celebration?" Eddie asked as he walked down the stairs.
"All good here, man. Thanks for taking care of her." Steve said, reaching out his hand. Eddie smiled and shook his hand.
"Pleasure is all mine." He said, ruffling Y/N's hair as she groaned.
"And just please, don't like to make out in front of me or you know what when I'm around," Steve said as he cringed.
"Fair enough." Y/N laughed
Y/N and Eddie walked back up to her bedroom, Eddie turned around to give Steve one last look.
"Thank you" Steve mouthed
Eddie gave him a nod and wink. Turns out the king of Hawkins could be friends with Eddie.
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mirage-aera · 5 months
HI! I’m new to requesting so I’m sorry if this sounds weird
Could you do sodo with an s/o who’s all cutesy and soft? Like they look like complete opposites yet they’re inseparable and everyone around them is so confused on how this even happened lmfao
Pure fluff though!
Anon I realise I am so so late with your request I’m sorry about that, I truly am. If you’re still waiting for it then sorry for the wait but here it is, happy (early) new year folks!
•°. *࿐ Opposites attract
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Cheri Cheri Lady - Modern Talking
Sodo x fem!ghoulette!Reader
Synopsis: The fellow ghouls and ghoulettes have come to realise why you and Sodo fit so well together even though you’re opposites.
Word count: 992
Whenever fellow ghouls and ghoulettes see the two of you together, a certain question pops up in their minds. How the actual fuck are you two a couple? Sodo… is well Sodo. Grumpy, sometimes a bit mean, doesn’t give a flying fuck, and on top of that has a short temper. And then you have you, a gentle soul, always smiling, and willing to set aside your own needs to tend to others’ needs. There have been multiple occasions where they have approached you to ask how you even ended up with Sodo and tolerated his fiery personality. You would always wave them off and laugh, telling them it’s a story for another time.
Currently Swiss is pissing off Sodo. He’s already curing a headache and Swiss’ teasing is not helping. “Come on man! Tell us already! It’s been at least a year since you’ve hooked up-” Sodo glares at him and interrupts him, “not hooking up. We are dating, there’s a difference.” Swiss laughs, “fine. It’s been at least a year since you started dating and we still don’t know how that happened. Can’t you tell us by now?” Sodo can feel his patience, which is already quite small, slipping. He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Swiss I swear on Satan, drop it. I’m not in the mood for your questions.” Rain chuckles, “he does have a point Sodo. It has been a year and you still haven’t told us.” Sodo sighs, done with this conversation. “If you’re so curious why don’t you ask (Y/n)? I’m sure she would love to tell you.” He says curtly. This time Phantom cuts in, “we have tried! She won’t tell us either! Saying it’ll be a story for a later time.” Sodo groans, wishing they’d just drop it. “Guys really. Shut up. I’ll tell you next time.” Mountain raises an eyebrow, “and when is next time?” Sodo feels every fiber in his being snap. He stands up abruptly and waves his arms around angrily, “JUST SHUT UP!” He laughs a bit maniacally, “I’m going to kill the next fucking person I see. I swear to Satan!” The room turns silent after his outburst. They stare at him with wide eyes. They didn’t think he’d snap like this at them, yet again it’s Sodo. He has a lot of anger in him. He opens his mouth to insult them some more when suddenly an all-familiar voice rings throughout the room.
“Hi!! Hello Sodo! I’m so happy to see you! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” His whole body freezes at your voice. You do sound very happy to see him. The whole room bursts into laughter as you look on with confusion and Sodo looking very sheepish. He whips around and gives you an awkward smile. “Hey! Hey, oh my Satan! Oh my Satan… what’s going on? Did you need something?” You grin at him, “yeah! I knitted you a sweater. I wanted you to try it on! See if it fits and if you like it!” He sighs but continues smiling, finding your antics cute. “Okay, come here then.” You skip happily over to him and hand it to him. You hand it over enthusiastically and he pulls it over his head. You give him a good one over, slightly checking him out in the meantime. You smile happily, “it’s perfect! Don’t you think so?” He chuckles, “yes it’s perfect, my ember.” Suddenly an impulsive thought runs through your mind.
“Wow!! I’m so happy to see you, Sodo!” Before he can retort and say something endearing in return he sees you reaching your hands out to his face and squishing his cheeks. “Wababababa babaab- ahhh~” You let out silly sounds with a smile reaching your eyes. The whole room has their jaw dropped to the floor. If any of them tried to do that to Sodo they would be met with a solid punch to the gut. But here they are, watching Sodo smile happily back at you while you’re squishing his cheeks, both of your tails swishing around happily. Eventually, you stop your activity and return your hands to your side. You notice the other ghouls staring at you two with a dumbfounded look. Swiss is the first to speak up, “okay. Now we really need to know. How the fuck did this,” he motions to you both, “happen.” You laugh, “I did this,” you say while making squishing gestures with your hands, “when he was upset. Then we found out we’re mates, now we’re inseparable. Where he goes I follow and vice versa.” Their jaws drop again. Sodo smirks and shakes his head. You have the fireball wrapped around your finger. “I don’t mind it.” He says, mainly directed to you.
Phantom walks up to Sodo with a smirk, hands outreached. He notices and glares at him, “try it and I’ll punt you back to hell.” Phantom freezes as his tail drops. He puts his hands up, “fine fine! Clearly, you only don't mind when she’s the one doing it.” Sodo rolls his eyes, “obviously.” You burst out in laughter at his defensiveness. He turns to look at you and can’t help but break out in a smile. Yeah, he really is wrapped around your finger. He can’t help but smile when you are happy. The happy signals you bring over the bond will forever keep him happy. It lets him know that you’re okay and it brings him relief. Once your laughter dies down you look at them all, “now you know how this happened between us. So please stop bugging Sodo about it, for your own good.” You chuckle. He groans at your words but knows it’s true. Every time they brought it up it annoyed him to no end. Just because you're polar opposites, it doesn’t mean it can’t happen. If there’s a spark, the bond will find its way eventually.
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Kinktober day 6 | Chad Meeks Martin x Reader
Kindtober day 6: lingerie
Word count: 0.9k
Warnings: 18+, sexy photos, no smut but I might make a part 2 with smut if anyone is interested
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Laying in bed in your pajamas, you opened snapchat and sent a few snaps to the guys you were talking to. It was nothing serious, just late night sexting sessions. You had taken some good shots of yourself in lingerie when you went shopping with Tara today. They’re gonna love it. 
You waited for their replies — they usually didn't keep you waiting for long.
You grinned, excited to see who had replied first. However, your expression quickly soured when you saw your ex-boyfriend's name pop up.
‘’I fucked up.’’ 
In Hortense Tower, Chad had just returned from the showers after a late night run around campus when he saw a notification from you on his phone. Although you were no longer dating, you stayed friends. Thinking it was a dumb picture of his sister or a cute cat you saw today, he opened it immediately. 
It was not a picture of Mindy or a cute cat. Instead, his screen was filled with a photo of yourself in a pink lingerie set. Chad’s cock stiffened under his towel as blood rushed south, getting hot the way your boobs were perfectly sitting in that almost see-through bra. Your face was mostly hidden, but he knew it was you. He knew your body like the back of his hand.
Chad: Looking good, but…wrong guy, I’m guessing
Your whole face flushed in embarrassment and you turned off your phone. How were you going to explain this to him? ‘I changed my mind and now I send strangers pictures of me in lingerie?’ Terrible idea.
You avoided Chad all morning the next day, mortified about last night. In your two years relationship, you and Chad had never sent nudes to each other. You sexted like any horny teenager, but never sent pictures. You were too scared they would end up online or in someone else’s hands. 
When lunch came around, you saw him walking on campus and walked up to him. Tara had invited the group over for a movie night at her and Sam’s apartment later and you wanted to avoid any awkward tension in the air. Mindy had a knack for being so observant and nosey, she would point it out within minutes.
‘’About last night, I’m really sorry—’’ you began, trying to clear the air.
Chad shook his head, dismissing your apology. ‘’Mistakes happen. Don’t worry about it.’’ 
‘’I meant to send it to other guys, but my finger slipped and I didn’t notice your name was checked before I hit ‘send’,’’ you explained, speaking faster than your brain and not realizing you had said too much.
‘’Just, be careful, okay?’’ he advised, his tone sincere. ‘’I’m not ill-intentioned but you can never know— Wait, you said other guys? As in more than one?’’ 
This was exactly where you didn’t want the conversation to go. You should have bit your tongue…
‘’Just some guys I matched on Tinder. Nothing serious.’’
‘’Serious enough to trust them with your nudes. You know people sell that shit online, right?’’
‘’They’re not nudes—’’ you protested, insisting they weren’t the same thing. 
Besides, you weren’t stupid enough to send any with your full face — in case someone did post them somewhere.
‘’I could see your nipples through that bra!’’ Chad exclaimed, his voice unintentionally loud, causing a few heads to turn in your direction.
Turning the situation around, you decided to tease him. ‘’Good to know you stared at it long enough,’’ you quipped with a mischievous grin.
Chad opened his mouth, but nothing came out. It was his turn to be embarrassed. 
Later at Tara’s, you were in the kitchen helping Mindy and Sam with the snacks when your phone received a notification. You pulled it out and saw one of the Tinder guys had sent you a snap. He was blond and had a nice cock, but you ignored him. Instead, you pressed Chad’s name and sent him another photo of you in a green set. 
This time, it wasn’t a mistake. 
You held back a laugh when you heard his choked cough coming from the living room and Tara’s ‘you okay?’. 
After two movies, Anika was asleep on Mindy’s shoulder and Sam was — you assumed — texting some guy, so you all called it a night and went home. Without surprise, Chad offered to accompany you. It’s dark and unsafe for women at night — more so in New York. You didn't protest; his protective nature was one of the things you liked most about Chad. He never let you walk on the side of the sidewalk facing the street and always volunteered to watch your drink at parties. 
As you walked together in the dimly lit streets, Chad finally mustered the courage to bring up the photo — the second one. ‘’Eh, I think your finger slipped again earlier. You…’’ 
‘’No. I sent it to the right person.’’
A mix of surprise and confusion spread on his face. ‘’What?’’
You stopped on the sidewalk and grabbed Chad’s hand, making him stop too. ‘’I think we made a mistake.’’
 He looked down at your hands together, missing the feeling of yours in his. 
‘’We’ve gone through difficult things and a lot of big changes in our lives. We thought breaking up would make going through everything easier, but the truth is, I miss us. ‘’
Chad squeezed your hand back, his deep brown eyes rising to meet yours. ‘’I miss us too.’’ 
You raised an eyebrow, a small smile curling at the corner. ‘’Are you saying that because you want more lingerie photos of me?’’
A laugh spilled from his lips and he shook his head. ‘’No. That’s just a bonus.’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @lynbubble  @luiise  @planetkt  @vampyrgoff  @adrluvh  @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01  @doestalker  @lonelywitchv2
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark
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smoshyourheadin · 7 days
yay!!!!!! mother is back!!!!!!
could i request a spencer agnew x reader where they meet at a bar and spencer ends up taking the reader home and it ends however you want
Butterflies That Flutter By
pairing: spencer agnew x f!reader
a/n: I. LOVE. THIS. anon u cooked w this. i went CRAZAAAAY!! two posts in one night who am i!! also sorry if u wanted smut i don’t feel comfortable writing it for real ppl!! charachters i can consider it tho ;)
warnings: if u don’t like mentions of alcohol or just a bar setting then this probably isn’t for u!! i’m sure ill catch you at another time tho <3
requests r open <33
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saturdays are when you thrive. going out with all your college friends was just tradition at this point.
sitting at the bar in between anna and courtney, you complain about another failed date you had recently.
“ugh, he was just the worst! he was talking about his podcast the whole time, and then asked me to go back to his place? what do men expect me to say after that. ‘oh yes you talking about your alpha male, gym, i hate women podcast really made me so attracted to you’ like come on!” you turn to anna who’s laughing at you, with a sad stare, and she then is quick to put a hand on your shoulder.
“it’s okay! im sure you’ll find your man soon. isn’t court trying to set you up with that guy from her work?” she says to you, cocking her head to the side slightly.
courtney then chimes in, “yes! oh my gosh, her and spencer are literally perfect for each other! you need to meet him soon, you’ll love him!” she says with a wide smile.
“i mean, he is pretty cute…” you trail off.
courtney had been trying to set you and her friend spencer up for weeks now, and as she continued to gush about how spencer would appreciate your nerdiness and how you would adore his, you feel a tug of curiosity. ignoring the conversation for a moment, you make your way to the old street fighter arcade machine at the end of the bar. the familiar sounds of the game fill your ears as you slip a coin into the slot, your fingers itching to take control of your favorite character - ryu.
as you focus on the game, your mind drifts to the idea of meeting spencer. would he really be as perfect for you as courtney says? The thought lingers in your mind a bit as you unleash a flurry of moves on the joystick, losing yourself in the focus.
as you're deeply engrossed in the game, spencer enters the bar, scanning the room for courtney. spotting her animatedly chatting with anna, he makes his way over, a small smile playing on his lips. courtney notices him approaching and waves him over eagerly.
"hey, spencer! glad you could make it," she greets him with enthusiasm, nudging anna to make space for him between them.
"hey, court, thanks for inviting me!" spencer replies, returning her smile. his eyes then wander around the bar, landing on you as you fiercely battle your way through the arcade game.
courtney follows his gaze and grins mischievously. "oh, hey, look who's here! it's the girl i've been telling you about," she says, motioning towards you.
spencer's interest piques, and he watches you play for a moment, impressed by your technique. he can't help but notice how focused you are, your determination evident in every move you make. with a newfound curiosity, he watches in awe as you skillfully defeat everyone you fight with ease.
“hey…” you whip your head around and stand up straight from your practically bent over pose, as you hear courtney’s voice from behind you.
there, stood next to her, is possibly the most attractive man you’d ever seen.
he’s got beautiful brown eyes, and dark curly hair. with glasses. oh my. he’s dressed in slacks, tattered old vans, a flannel, and an old work jacket.
“um, hi court.” is all you can muster up to say to her.
“this is spencer, spencer this is the woman of your dreams!” she giggles.
spencer glares at her, but then smiles sincerely at you.
“so, street fighter, huh? you've got some serious skills," spencer remarked, impressed by your gameplay.
you glanced over at him, offering a small smile in return. "thanks! it's one of my favorite games. i've been playing since i was a kid. i think it’s one of the main reasons i decided to be a game developer."
courtney takes this opportunity to slip away from you both, leaving you to geek out together, and she rushes over to anna
“i told you! twenty bucks says they leave together!” she grins.
“you are so on!” anna replies.
across the bar, you and spencer are chatting it up, both leant against the wall near the machine.
spencer takes a sip of his drink before leaning in. "so, who's your main in street fighter?"
you grin, a rush of excitement at the chance to talk about your favorite character. "call me basic, but definitely ryu! i love his playstyle, and his hadoukens! they’re pretty gnarly."
"classic choice," spencer replied with a nod of approval. "i’m more of a ken guy myself. gotta respect the fiery spirit, you know?"
you giggle, nodding in agreement. "yeah, ken's cool. those shoryukens can really mess up the game though.”
he smiles at your reply, and the conversation flows on. you find yourself talking to him for the better part of an hour, eventually sitting at the bar with him.
“um, you don’t have to say yes,” he says, turning to you. “but, would you want to come back to my place?”
you smile at him, and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear “i’d like that.”
and so, you find yourself walking back to spencer’s apartment and talking to him about how much you love zelda.
stepping into his apartment, you’re immediately greeted by an array of nerdy decorations that cover every corner. posters of classic video game characters lined the walls, and shelves filled with action figures and memorabilia from various fandoms.
"wow, you have quite the collection!" you exclaimed, taking in the sight with wide eyes.
spencer chuckles nervously with a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his head. "yeah, i might have gone a little overboard."
but to you, it’s like stepping into a treasure trove of nostalgia, and honestly? you were jealous. you eagerly made your way around the room, pointing out your favorite pieces and telling him about the games and shows you loved most.
"that's a limited edition link figurine, right?" you ask, pointing to a display on one of the shelves.
spencer nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "yeah, it's one of my prized possessions! i also have a few special edition zelda figures."
as you continue to explore, spencer watches you with a mixture of awe and admiration. he had never met someone who shared his passion for all things nerdy quite like you did. It felt surreal to have someone in his space who not only appreciated but genuinely enjoyed his interests.
before long, the initial awkwardness of the invitation fades away, replaced by a comfortable ease as you bond over your shared love for video games, movies, and everything in between.
the night continues, and you end up making him watch your favourite film - perfect blue, which you watch in comfortable silence.
as the credits roll, you stretch out comfortably on spencer's couch, feeling the pleasant weight of sleep pulling at your eyelids. the movie is intense, and you’re exhausted from the day's excitement.
spencer glances over at you, a soft smile playing on his lips as he noticed your drooping eyelids. he gently reached for the remote and turned off the playstation you were using to watch it, casting the room into a soothing darkness.
"you tired?" he asks, his voice low and gentle.
you nod sleepily, snuggling into the cushions. "yeah, it's been a long day. sorry for almost falling asleep on you."
spencer chuckles softly, shaking his head. "don't apologize. it's actually kind of nice having someone to watch movies with, even if they fall asleep halfway through."
you smile, feeling a warmth spread through your chest at his words. despite only meeting him tonight, you already feel a sense of comfort in his presence.
with a contented sigh, you let yourself drift off, the steady rhythm of spencer's heartbeat beneath you lulling you into a peaceful slumber.
later that night, as you sleep soundly against him, spencer can’t resist taking a picture of you, your peaceful expression illuminated by the soft glow of the tv’s ‘no signal’ screen. he texts it to courtney with a simple message: "she isn't too bad."
as he presses send, a smile tuggs at the corners of his lips.
courtney opens the message to see your face, her jaw dropping. she closes the messages from spencer, and immediatley texts anna,
‘u owe me 20 ;)’
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laylajeffany · 2 months
Llama, Llama Baby Drama | Wenclair One-Shot for @based7100
Summary: Enid gets an emergency call to babysit on a date night. When Wednesday shows up with intentions of having it anyway, they have a much-needed conversation about their future. (separate from my established Wenclair universe in CftF or Black Menagerie) WC: 4,979 (STILL UNDER 5K OKAY) Rated: All Ages
trigger warning: a baby
Prompted by @based7100, "Wednesday and Enid having the do you want kids talk" as part of my >5k writing (post-taxes) challenge
“Why is it sticky?” Wednesday asked with a grimace as Enid tickled the baby that was perched on her hip. The infant gave a loud squeal of laughter that drew a deeper cringe from Wednesday at the sudden pitch.
“She is sticky because she just ate, and I didn’t want you breaking and entering and setting off the home alarm! You’re lucky I have werewolf hearing, otherwise I would have made you be the one to settle her down.” Enid said with a smile of exasperation, opening the door wider, allowing Wednesday entry to a townhouse. Enid pressed buttons on a keypad when Wednesday came into the doorway of the space with some agitated trepidation. Monsters, serial killers – entering the lair of either would’ve brought her glee, but entering the space of an eight-month-old was like being dropped into a hostile landscape without adequate preparation.
She noted Enid in her stocking feet and untied her boots, staring up at Enid and the little she with unblinking eyes, attempting to assert her dominance in the small person’s home. Enid just rolled her own and gave Wednesday a peck on the cheek as she stood tall again, clutching her backpack strap. Enid looked at the entryway clock and added, “I’m going to get her cleaned up – it’s close enough to time – I’m going to get her in the bath if you wanna just make yourself comfortable! You’re like, forty minutes early, so don’t blame me that you’re bored!” The baby stuck her entire fist into her mouth, gurgling while a trail of saliva slipped her all the way down to her elbow. Again, Wednesday was sure she made a face, unable to help her disgust.
Make yourself comfortable was quite a loaded statement, as Wednesday didn’t have a portable bed of nails handy. She and Enid had their third Saturday night date cancelled in a row; the last minute “emergency” babysitting request coming through from a Normie family she’d made friends with in Jericho (really, Wednesday considered grandma falling down the stairs more of a coming of age event than an emergency) dampening a makeup date from a makeup date. Unable to tolerate three weeks in a row of a Saturday night without her girlfriend, Wednesday had cautiously accepted the invitation to come over after the baby was in bed. The child’s mother had said that was acceptable – and though she feared becoming a 80s movie babysitter cliché of making out on the couch while there was a killer outside, she’d taken the chance as the next week was supposed to be just as busy for the seniors at the end of their school year as they’d all been. (It was unlikely the house had a landline for anyone to ask if Enid had checked on the baby, anyway.)
Enid disappeared with her down the hall, using a different tone in her voice than usual to talk to the baby, who obviously couldn’t comprehend what she was saying regardless of her cadance. Staring after them for a long minute, Wednesday gave a tiny blink and took a look around – finding a stereotypical portrait of a family sitting in a field of leaves with their infant from the fall. The picture-perfect matchy-matchy white, suburban American aesthetic completely draining her before she even properly entered the home.
Exiting the foyer into the living area, she recoiled a touch at the explosion of color and plastic toys. Wishing she’d brought Thing to put him to work, she thought about perching herself on the edge of the wooden rocker in the room, not touching anything when she realized – if she didn’t pick up the toys while Enid was picking up the baby, it would just be that much longer before they’d be able to sit together on the plush loveseat under the window.
Wednesday let out a silent sigh, dropping her shoulders, taking a sharp glance around trying to figure out the organizational method when she realized – there wasn’t one. Unable to tolerate such a disaster, she began sorting the toys into piles, little rubbery blocks with forever chemicals laced into them together, tiny plastic people that probably had lead in the paint, and stuffed animals that had polyurethane filling which would outlive them all.
She found a few collapsible baskets that had never been put together near a stack of unopened mail on a bench, keeping everything separate as she got it off the floor. She rolled up the blankets, then went so far as to wipe down the tabletop when she couldn’t identify the crusty material that was gathered on top, using a deplorable smelling baby wipe.
It seemed like Enid at least hadn’t been forced to make anything for the baby, as there was just a spoon and a little plate in the sink and cleaning off the high chair tray. (Wednesday could handle blood spatter, entrails, and digging through bones, but honestly – the mush and droll were going to push her over the edge.) After putting everything that seemed dirty in the dishwasher, Wednesday followed the sounds of splashing and giggles to the bathroom down the hall.
Enid was on her knees in front of a tub, where the baby was in some sort of special seat. Not sure if she needed to avert her gaze for privacy, Wednesday almost disappeared but Enid shook her head, “You can come in! It’ll be a few minutes. Bailey loves to play in the water!”
Bailey. That was surely, the name of a dog, not a human child. Certainly – not an adult someday who needed to enter the workforce someday.
Avoiding yet another dramatic sigh out her nose, Wednesday hovered, her arms crossed as she stared the child down, who dropped her silly little face full of joy at the leer. Bailey frowned severely, suddenly – and Wednesday took the cue to leave, wandering into the baby’s nursery.
The room was surprisingly neutral, which Wednesday did appreciate with the lack of stereotypical pink. The baby’s crib was simple, and though Wednesday might’ve joked about smothering Enid in her sleep the first day they’d met, she knew that it was important to just keep a fitted sheet on so the baby didn’t manage to do so to themselves. There was a second rocking chair – a glider, in the corner, a small bookshelf, overflowing with titles, a dresser that seemed to be doubling as a changing table, based on the diapering supplies, and a few unopened boxes of toys that she probably wasn’t developmentally prepared to play with stacked in the corner. The walls had simple wooden, cut-out letters that read the girl’s name, and three photos above the dresser of her with the family, a few peel-and-stick bunnies at her eye-level beneath them.
Wednesday squatted down to examine the child’s literature selection, shaking her head in disapproval. How did they expect to raise a well-rounded child if she lacked the classics? There wasn’t a Homer, Miguel de Cervantes, Shakespeare, Stephen King, or even a single Orwellian novel on display. Her own father had been sure to get through all of the works of Poe and War and Peace before Wednesday had even left the womb!
Pulling out a few titles that didn’t sound horrendous, Wednesday shook her head at the modern children’s literature; thinking it was a damn shame that some of the best sellers clearly had no concept of rhythm. What a chore some of the books would be to have to read aloud, a near burden and waste of a tree’s time on earth.
She sat in the glider with a stack, ready to provide Enid with what she hoped would be interpreted as a humorous, critical review of some of the books, when her girlfriend came in with the baby all wrapped up in a towel, cheeks rosy – but significantly cleaner. “Forgive me, baby Bailey – I was so rude not to properly introduce you. This is Wednesday. Don’t mind the glare, that’s her friendly one.”
Wednesday was about to start her joke reception of Brown Bear, Brown Bear but Enid kept talking. She took out a yellow onsie with ducks on it, placing Bailey on her back on the changing pad, giving that same high, fake voice that was just so grating, even from someone she loved. “Okay, sweet baby – let’s get all dry…yeah, we’ll dry your little feet-feet-feet,” The baby kicked and laughed while Enid kept going, rubbing the towel along her. “And your legs-legs-legs,” She shifted into sing-song, “And your belly-belly-belly, and your arms-arms-arms…”
It went on for so long. Wednesday just continued to watch the spectacle, as she started with a disposable diaper and then worked her into the front-zipper pair of baby pajamas. “All done!” She waved her hands in a way that Wednesday knew was sign-language, and the baby copied it. Enid kissed her all over her face, making Baily whirl in happy sounds and Wednesday was sure, she was glowering, unable to help her jealousy – even if it was a baby she was being paid to watch getting Enid’s physical and emotional attention.
Finally, Enid completed the scene, looking at Wednesday with a seriously sort of expression. “We’re almost done. Can you hang in there?” She asked, using nearly the same voice that she had for the baby. Practically growling, she was about to stand up, when Enid developed an evil sort of twinkle in her eye and came forward, depositing Bailey suddenly onto Wednesday’s lap. Thankfully – she had some sort of protective instinct, and her reflexes kicked in before she could let the baby fall backwards. She went to make a snide, argumentative comment, but Enid just wasn’t having it. “Start reading to her, I’ll make her bottle, and we can be done in half the time.”
“Enid – I can’t –!?”
“Read?” She teased sassily, putting her hands on her hips, perching a brow. “Nice try. Here, she loves this one,” She reached down to a paperback (the very feeling of the thin cardboard cover making Wednesday’s skin crawl) with a worried looking farm animal on top.
Before she could protest again, Enid adjusted Bailey more in Wednesday’s lap, putting her back closer to her chest. Bailey looked at Wednesday with as much certainty as she returned, looking like she was about to cry. “Start reading and she’ll totes be fine.”
“Enid, I swear –”
At the empty threat, Enid dashed out of the room and down the hall. Wednesday let out a breath, grumbling, “Llama, Llama, Red Pajama…creative. Endlessly, creative.”
With a sigh, she started to read and Bailey settled at the familiar rhyme. Wednesday followed through, managing to go for the first few pages until she read, “Llama, Llama, red pajama feels alone without his mama. Baby Llama wants a drink…oh, no. No, no, no. This Llama is playing games with his caregiver and she needs to ignore him before she develops horrific behavior cycles that take years to break. Next thing she knows, she’s going to have nine-year-old llama walking in on mama and dada llama fornicating and traumatizing him like Pugsley because they never put an end to his bedtime drama. Oh, llama, drama – I suppose that’s nearly clever.”
Sighing, she flipped through the pages to find that indeed, the mother gave into the child’s tantrum and Wednesday snapped the book shut. Reaching into a stack, she pulled out another title. “Fine, Corduroy. At least Lisa understands that the value of something doesn’t lay necessarily in the perceived perfection of it, but in what it means to the individual. This is a better message for you to internalize.”
With that, she found herself actually gliding the chair back and forth, starting and finishing the story. Bailey yawned and gave a clap at the end, looking up at Wednesday, squeezing her hands open and shut.
Enid gave an amused chuckle from the doorway, shaking a bottle. “It’s right here, sweet girl.” Bailey kicked her little feet and reached her hands for it. Enid gave her the bottle and she held it with one hand, using the other to twirl at her own, light-brown hair as her eyes instinctively went half shut, but turned back to the book. Wednesday tried to hand her over, but Enid winked. “I think you’ve got this. Look, she’s relaxing on you!”
“I don’t like this,” Wednesday grumbled, but didn’t fight it too hard, not wanting to make the baby choke. In general, she wasn’t about to be the good Samaritan to help somebody experiencing that in public, as it seemed like a solid natural consequence, but she didn’t want to be the reason that Enid lost her babysitting gig. (She stubbornly refused to always allow Wednesday to pay for things and insisted on odd jobs around town to make her own money.)
“You’re doing great,” Enid promised, kneeling at her side, putting a hand on Wednesday’s knee. “It’s good to challenge yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable.”
She flickered her gaze down to the hand on her knee, wishing it were elsewhere on her body… “Give me another book,” She demanded as the baby was practically guzzling her bedtime bottle.
With two more selections (far better choices for her interest level of reading aloud to an infant – though she swore, if she ever ended up coming again, she’d bring some proper literature), Wednesday closed the third story up and looked at Enid, who was looking at her with…
…fondness? Desire? She couldn’t quite read the emotion. As the baby finished, Wednesday passed her over to Enid, where she curled instinctively into her neck, holding onto her shoulder with a contented sigh. Watching the sight herself for a long moment, she started to feel a strange discomfort and took the empty bottle, excusing herself as Enid started to pat her back and rock her to sleep.
With simple deduction in the kitchen that the bottle required to be hand-washed, Wednesday completed the task, then found Enid’s phone on counter. Unlocking it and logging into her own account for a food delivery application, she placed an order for a local favorite that was still open at the evening hour, and wrote threatening instructions not to knock or ring the bell. If that baby woke once it was placed in the crib, so help her…
It was hardly ten minutes later that Enid stepped out of the room with a little monitor in her hand, placing it on the end table that had little rubber bumpers on the corners, giving a stretch and a yawn before looking at the stiff-sitting Wednesday fondly.
“Hey,” She greeted, plopping herself down on the loveseat, turning right into her.
“Howdy,” Wednesday spoke in reply. “Is the small gremlin asleep?”
Rolling her eyes again, Enid put a hand on Wednesday’s cheek, turning it towards her to press a long, sweet kiss on her lips. “She’s out. Thanks to your help. I appreciate it.”
“I have been told I have a soothing reading voice,” Wednesday spoke of herself, squaring her shoulders a little bit. “I would still prefer to have been at the steakhouse and then stargazing in the cemetery with you, though.”
“I know,” Enid wrinkled her nose. “I’m sorry. I’d usually say no to a same day request – but nana in the E.R. is a pretty valid reason. Imagine poor Bailey stuck there with them all night? She’d have been miserable.”
“You seem to do a good job at keeping her happy. I claim she’s still sticky, though.”
“Wednesday, she’s a baby,” Enid gave a tired chuckle, leaning back on the couch, intertwining their hands. “Thank you for being willing to even come over. I thought you might give me the silent treatment tonight.”
“I considered it,” She said honestly. “But…with time fleeting from us so quickly these days, only a month left until graduation – it seems prudent to spend as much time together as we possibly can, even if it includes minors.”
“Hopefully it’s a one-time thing. I told Bailey’s mama when I got here, I think that emergencies-pending, I’m tapping out for the rest of the year. There’s way too much fun left to be had and I don’t want to regret missing out for cash.”
“As I have repeatedly insisted, it is unnecessary. But I understand the desire to be productive and contribute to capitalism in your own way. I do hope you told her, she’s not allowed to have any emergencies next weekend.”
Giving almost a purr of a sound, Enid traced Wednesday’s jaw. “Not when I’ve convinced you to be my date to the Dark Prom.”
“As if I’d let you go alone,” Wednesday let out a little breath through her nose. “I’ve ordered dinner, so we can still have a touch of our date tonight as well.”
“Thank you,” Enid said quietly, kissing her again. “Hey…while we wait for that…let’s chat, since the topic is indirectly here, anyway.”
At the sound of sincere need for a challenging conversation, Wednesday’s defenses immediately went up. “Or I could pull you onto my lap and have you put your tongue in my mouth.”
“Well, I’m going to do that, anyway,” Enid giggled, straddling her to prove the point, giving her a long kiss. Thinking she was off the hook, Wednesday went to slide her hands along her back, just above her hot-pink pants, when Enid caught them and brought them together near her chest, pushing a kiss to her fingers. “We should talk.”
“We should keep doing that.”
“I’m serious,” Enid said quietly. “Look, I love you, so much. But – you’ve been very clever and used incredible evasive tactics each time we’ve tried to have a chat on any sort of serious front like the one that we really need to.”
Feeling trapped, Wednesday’s heartrate doubled in speed and she had to exercise every molecule of self-restraint she had not to shove her girlfriend to escape the situation. “I know, you’re not afraid of anything, but the future…it’s nerve wracking to think about. And, unfortunately – it’s really only a month away. I love you. I know that I love you, and I know that you love me, too. But we do need to start talking about what we want in life beyond just that we love each other. For your mom and dad, it was so easy – as they graduated Nevermore, they just ran off on trips and quests and got married and had more fun than they knew what to do with. We already know that our lives are going to be different than that. So…I just want to talk about that, a little bit – before we makeout anymore, okay?”
“Enid…” Wednesday tried to avoid her gaze. “I didn’t come over her to make things difficult, I thought since you would put the baby to sleep by seven-thirty, we could just spend time together-”
“We are. We will. But…Wednesday – do you want to have babies with me someday?”
Feeling like the springs in the couch cushions had just given out, popped her off and through the roof – Wednesday knew the color drained right out of her face, her eyes glazed over and when no words could form in her throat –
“Hey, hey…” Enid put her hands on her cheeks, snapping her awareness back. She pushed a sweet kiss to Wednesday’s lips and tilted her head. “Stay with me. I think that I’ve got my answer.”
“I didn’t say anything!” Wednesday responded with far more hostility than she needed to.
“Okay, okay…” Enid lifted her hands up in defense and sighed. “I’m sorry. That was so not a good way to lay that out there. But I’ve been trying to ask you more direct questions for months and you always avoid them, Wednesday. It’s frustrating! I want to plan for the future, and I want a future with you. I just want to know what that means.”
Wednesday swallowed thickly, trying not to feel overwhelmed and guilty. Her pulse was throbbing in her ears, her palms were sweaty –
“I told my mother that I would never be like her. I would never be a housewife, or a mother.”
There was a flicker on Enid’s face. Barely there, but obvious to the girl who knew her the most, who knew her the best, who loved her more than she’d ever thought possible.
“I mean, we’d be working, no doubt,” Enid said through a bubble of barely concealed emotion. “I can’t see you ever just wanting to sit about at home, and even if you were, you’d be writing or composing music or solving contracted murder cases, for sure…”
Cutting off her ramble as guilt was the next emotion that she started to experience, Wednesday hated how her harsh could snap out Enid’s light so quickly, even when she tried to hide it. “I…didn’t mean…Enid, when you just throw these things at me, I’m bound not to have an eloquent speech planned.”
“Well,” Enid shrugged, biting her lip. “We’ve talked about being married. That it might be possible for us. Just know – I’m open to having a family with you. Whether that’s us and a disembodied hand and a one-eyed cat, or us and a little…human-person, you know, I’m open to it. Just so you know.”
Getting a little lost in her comment, Wednesday popped a questioning brow. “Why would the cat only have one eye?”
Enid recoiled a little. “You seriously think you’d have a normal pet? Be real, Wednesday. The one-eyed cat would be a sign that he’s a street fighter. That’s way more your style than a cuddly, perfect Persian.”  
Wanting to acknowledge the other part of Enid’s sentence, she found words locked in her throat again. She gave a shrug and balled her hands into fists at either side of Enid’s ankles on the couch.
“We know we have the next four years together, so like – this isn’t a convo that has to happen right now, I guess. I’ve just…read, that the longer a couple takes to talk about their wants and desires for the future, the more challenging it is if those things are different from one another. I don’t want things to be challenging with you. I love you. And I want to know – your wants, so that…I can prepare myself for making them happen.”
She leaned forward and initiated a kiss and Wednesday immediately felt her heart rate drop. After letting it go on long enough that her hair was a little messy in the back from Wednesday’s wandering hands, Enid pulled away with a wink, wanting to check the baby monitor. “Oh, she’s out. I had her outside until just before she needed dinner. The fresh air always does that.”
Just as Wednesday was about to try and tug her in for more affection, an alert on Enid’s phone indicated that the food had arrived. She deactivated and reset the alarm after securing it in her hands. “It’s no steak, but carne asada will totally do instead of whatever frozen post-partum diet food Bailey’s mama has in the freezer. Ick.”
Wednesday rolled her eyes. “A mother feeling pressure to return to her pre-pregnancy size is such a horrific societal pressure that needs to be popped.”
Enid brought them plates and forks, giving an approving sigh. “I know, right? Like – you just grew a whole-ass human! Give yourself a minute, mama – you just performed a miracle, and you should appreciate your body.”
Biting back a comment befitting her father of appreciating Enid’s body, Wednesday thanked her for the dinnerware and served them, listening to Enid blather about how excited she was for the following weekend and all the songs she hoped the DJ would play, singing a few dramatically to remind Wednesday of how they went (as if she could forget the earworms).
After taking care of the dishes and putting the leftovers in the fridge, Wednesday knelt in front of Enid as she flipped through a streaming app, knowing it would be some time before she landed on something for them to watch.
When she put her hands on Enid’s knees, the same way that Enid had done when she was rocking the baby, Wednesday locked eyes on hers. Enid dropped the remote. “You okay?” She asked in a serious, worried way, rubbing her shoulder.
Nodding, Wednesday let out a breath through her nose and shrugged. “I’m open…to whatever feels right for us.”
Enid lowered her hand from her shoulder to take Wednesday’s both in hers. “You don’t have to say that just because I said it first,” She promised. “I meant it as in, there’s no pressure, like - one way or the other. I’m serious. I just want a life with you.”
“What if we found a two eyed cat…and a one-eyed child at the same time?”
Blinking, Enid smirked. “I’m not sure what circumstances would lead to that, but of course. I don’t care how many eyes a kid has. If it feels like they’re part of our family, of course they should join it!”
Wednesday gave a curt nod, finding the words that had been locked away. “I don’t know that I’d ever want to carry a child. Physically, I mean – in utero. It seems like a distressing invasion of my personal space that I’m not sure I would ever recover from, and not due to societal standards of looking a certain, outward way afterwards.”
Enid’s eyes grew a watery sheen to them. “Of course, Wednesday. We’d never put you through something that made you uncomfortable that way. I’m, ugh,” She groaned. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by practically forcing you to hold baby Bailey earlier. That was wrong, I’m s-”
“That was an okay sort of discomfort,” Wednesday promised. She’d very much survived that moment. “It’s good to prove to myself that I can be gentle sometimes. But…maybe – if we don’t happen upon any orphans with limb differences who need space in our home, and you feel that you would like to carry a child and technology advances in such a way that it is possible for them to share our genetic makeup and we have space and have open hearts and we decide it’s what’s best for us and our family in our situation -”
Enid cut off her near-breathless ramble with a very sweet kiss. “I love you. I love this. Keeping our hearts open. That’s all I wanted to know, Wednesday.” She beamed at her. “You did a great job with Bailey, tonight.”
“You’re the natural. I would likely have a large learning curve.”
Enid raised a brow. “I’m not so sure. I think if it was a child of your own, not one already on a firm schedule and routine, you’d be quite instinctive. What aren’t you good at Wednesday?”
“Engaging in conversations and expressing my feelings,” She muttered as she proved that very point that night.
“Well, it’s not your strength, but both are totally mine, so – that’s where you lean on me, because I’m your partner, who loves you. And,” She kissed her again. “I appreciate you, coming out here tonight, just to spend this time with me like we’d planned. And having this tough talk. I love you. Come put your butt on this couch so I can sit on you and kiss you again.”
Not needing to be told twice, Wednesday took that direction very well, enjoying about twenty minutes of heated kisses, heavy petting and almost a little bit more when a fussing sound came from the monitor.
Enid groaned as she pulled away. “Right now, my heart is so not open to this,” She giggled.
Wednesday smirked, following her, having an idea as they moved to the nursery. Bailey was crying, mostly asleep, but wanting…something.
“I’ll change her real quick,” Enid whispered, nodding, “That bedtime bottle will run right through a baby.”
As Bailey whined and grumbled when Enid made to lay her back down in the crib, letting out a loud cry that made Wednesday wince, she shook her head, reaching her arms out. “I’ll talk to her.”
With an amused smirk, Enid passed her over and Wednesday sat back in the gliding chair, holding her awkwardly in front of her, explaining to the baby, who stopped, staring at her with exhausted eyes, “You’re fine. You’re safe. You’re warm. You’re full. You’re dry. You have everything you need, except about ten more hours of sleep. So, I’m going to rock you, and in five minutes, I’m putting you back in the crib, and you’re going to sleep. Do you understand?”
It was as if the baby said ‘yes’ when she gave a coo, reaching forward. Wednesday gave a curt nod. “That’s the rule. Five minutes of rocking, then back to bed.”
With the firm expectation set, she brought Bailey up to her shoulder the way she’d seen Enid do earlier. She snuggled right in, surprisingly – and thankfully – she wasn’t overtly sticky or snotty, as Enid had wiped her face pretty well after changing her. Gliding back and forth and patting her back, Wednesday thought that perhaps – if she had a beautifully haunting Russian composition playing softly in the background, it would help her stay asleep – adding that to her mental toolbox of notes in case the situation ever arose for her to develop a routine with a baby…
As she expected, once she’d put her foot down with the rule, Bailey knocked out on her shoulder. Enid whispered and motioned for how to transfer her into the crib, and as she did so, onto her back, Wednesday almost smiled at their tag-team success.
Back in the hallway, Enid winked and gave her a kiss. “You are a natural, Wednesday. You just do things in your own way. Now come here,” She gripped her collar, making Wednesday flush. “I’m about to have my own way with you.”
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chimcess · 2 months
Waterlog || pjm (3) (teaser)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Olympic Swimmer!Jimin, Ex Olympic Swimmer! Reader, Swim Coach!Reader Genre: Strangers to Friends to Lovers!AU, Coach!AU, Swimming!AU, HEAVY Angst, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, fluff, eventual smut, I'm so soft for these two it's crazy. Teaser wc: 391 Synopsis: After a car accident ends her athletic career, Y/N has slowly started rebuilding her life again as a high school swim coach. That’s until she gets a request from an old friend and finds herself back in the spotlight as the new coach of Olympic swimmer, Park Jimin. Warnings: toxic relationship (not reader and jimin), arguments, cheating (not reader and jimin), talks about previous child abuse, anxiety attack, strong language, crying, emotional abuse (not reader and jimin), mentions of depression and mental health, lots of angst in this one, finally making some progress though, age insecurity, mutual pining, lots of side character development in this one, they really are so sweet together, jimin just being the nicest boy in the world, so much PDA, physical touch is his love language 👀👀👀, more in the official posting...
Release date: April 6th, 2024 at 6pm EST
masterlist || playlist
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Jimin and I said our goodbyes and I promised the blue haired boy I would call him in the morning to set up another meet up. He called it a group date, something neither Jimin nor I disagreed with, but it did make me feel queasy. Depending on how our conversation goes, we may never spend time together outside of training. I felt like I was going to vomit.
“Let me drive?” Jimin murmured as we parted ways with the couple. 
I nodded, digging in my purse to find them. “Mind reader, I swear. Get out of my head, kid.”
He snickered, “Who says you weren’t in mine, granny”
The queasiness dissipated and I felt like I could breathe a little bit easier now. Being alone with Jimin had never felt this nerve wracking before, not even the first time we met, and it was hard to explain all of the thoughts and feelings going through my head. We were finally having the talk, but I had never imagined it going this way. Handing him the keys, I elbowed him in the ribs.
“Whoops,” I mocked. “You know me and my bad eyesight, kiddo.”
“Watch it,” He hissed, rubbing the spot. “Don’t want you breaking anything. You know you have frail bones.”
I laughed, “Don’t make me give you a knuckle sandwich, punk.”
Sliding into the passenger seat felt less daunting after the light hearted exchange. Still, my blood was pumping as Jimin clicked his seatbelt in place. I had no idea when the conversation would shift into murkier waters, but I needed to start thinking about what to say to him. 
Denying my feelings would only make things worse, and I did not think the younger man would believe me. In fact, he would be offended that I thought he was dumb enough to get bamboozled in the first place. Lying did not seem like the right call anyway. My feelings were not something to feel ashamed about, but they were very frightening. 
“When is later?”
I gasped, startled out of my thoughts. We had been driving for over ten minutes already. Time seemed to slip by when I was lost in my own head. Jimin apologized for scaring me but repeated the question once I reassured him that I was fine.
“Now,” I mumbled. “I guess later is now.”
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Taglist: @ownthesunshine @screamertannie @lovelytaes-blog @pernesianparapio @tae-with-some-suga @sumzysworld @chimmisbae
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Let me know if you want to be added/deleted from the taglist. -Lex
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Ok but secret relationship with Spence and y/n and the team want to find out if they are dating or not so they hide all her mugs at the top of the shelf and Spencer helps her out but he’s so used to doing that at home that he called her a little pet name that he only uses in private and she just blushes.
Can you do a little blurb?
Also hi! How have you been?
this concept is everything
"You know this is such a... backward idea, right, baby girl?" Morgan asks as he rearranges the mugs at Penelope's request. Emily chimes in, announcing she feels the same way.
"It'll work," Penelope assures them. "The other day he was itching to make her coffee, you should have seen him."
Morgan's still skeptical. "Not sure it'll prove anything since he'd get down a mug for any of us."
"It will." JJ insists. "Plus, our other option is waiting ten years for them to tell us."
With the plan set in motion, they all unsuspiciously wait around the kitchenette, trying to look like they're casually reading their horoscopes together.
You and Spencer come to work together, and thanks to your go-bag, you're not wearing the same clothes you were wearing yesterday. There's nothing suspicious about coming up the elevator together, so you jump at the idea to have a few more minutes alone with him.
Then it comes time to make coffee, and you encounter your first problem of the day: your coffee cup is up to high.
Spencer's quick to help you when he sees you struggling on your tiptoes. He places a gentle hand on your back, leaning up to get it for you like he does at home.
"Here, sweetheart." He says, handing it to you to fill up. The pet name slips past his lips so naturally that even you don't notice it.
"What did you just call her?" JJ asks, her conversation with Penelope, Morgan, and Emily completely halted. Penelope's grin is laced with gloating, and Morgan and Emily look shocked it worked.
You spin around to look at them as Spencer does, clenching your teeth as he blushes bright red. "Uh, just doing what Morgan does." He attempts his defense.
"That's not true." Morgan shakes his head. "You've never done that before."
"Time to come clean?" You ask quietly enough that only he can hear it.
He just cups your cheek, guiding your face to look directly at his before leaning in to kiss you like he'd been doing all this morning and last night.
That was definitely not what you expect from your shy boyfriend.
He looks at them smugly. "Does that answer your questions?"
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sulfurz · 11 months
ೃ༄ SABOTAGE (roman reigns x reader)
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ೃ༄ pairings: roman reigns x fem!reader
ೃ༄ requested by: anon
Hi! I was wondering if i can request a fluff roman fic they are both protective of the other and in a tag team match y/n notices that one of their opponents is trying to sabotage roman and so she gets rid of them and then her and roman with the match tyy! (i’m sorry if this kinda makes no sense)
ೃ༄ warnings: there’s like. no dialogue i’m sorry it’s all match based with like one dialogue line😭, descriptions of wwe fighting
ೃ༄ word count: 1.2k
ೃ༄ note: really sorry for the lack of dialogue anon i got. very carried away BUT i hope you enjoy this🥹 despite that i really enjoyed writing it so i hope you can enjoy reading it just as much <3
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there was nothing quite like this feeling.
standing by roman’s side, walking down to the ring and watching the faces of judgement day, who weren’t aware you were their opponents for the night (as far as the crowd were concerned). as you walked, roman let his fingers brush against yours, and the electricity that sparked through your veins from such a simple touch had you ready to go the distance.
being his mixed tag team partner was unlike no other.
when sasha had left, roman had been left without a mixed tag team — not a disaster, but for production, this was the end of the world. they knew the crowd loved to see him combine with a powerful diva, and their best idea at the time was to test the two of you out together.
less than half a show in and their decision was made. the crowd had loved you together — from your tag moves to just the way roman held your waist so delicately when celebrating your victory.
you enjoyed it, too — especially the waist holding part.
it was not a secret that roman reigns was arguably the most attractive man back stage; it was a pretty common conversation between you and your fellow women’s superstars. even those who were dating others had to acknowledge the man was gorgeous, and anyone who got to fight alongside him was lucky. you knew this joke even extended into the men’s locker room, having heard many a story now from roman himself about how a certain damian priest accosted him just to feel up his muscles.
so? getting to be the one who trained with such a god of a man? the one who, when you won matches, lifted you in the air with such ease to celebrate? sue you for enjoying it.
you had done just that for a while, kept the pretends of professional whilst you quietly admired him from the side. it was after the two of you had ambushed his ex bloodline members, the usos, in a rivalry story that shocked the public (the very same one that made judgement day start targeting you), that things heated up backstage.
you were both sweaty and pumped with adrenaline, slipping out of those in ring personas but not leaving the thrill of the win behind. you went to hug roman, and in one swift movemebt he had your wrists pulled around his body and he was kissing you like you had never been kissed before.
safe to say, you felt pretty lucky to be the one who had roman’s attention and affection.
even now, as you clamboured into the ring, facing a more than disgruntled looking rhea and dominik, you could see the way roman grinned at you from the corner of his eye. call him terrible at keeping in character, but how could he when you were there and looked so good?
as soon as the opening lines had been spoken, the cue to signal the ambush should begin, you wasted no time in setting up a back elbow on rhea as she ran towards you.
to your side, you could see roman playing a similar move on dominik, the two of you having one quarter of judgement day each at your feet as they writhed in pain. when you caught romans eye, you could just about hear what he shouted at you through the thrumming of blood in your ears.
“you’re a fucking weapon.”
he had always called you that, his weapon, and it would forever make you feel strong enough to conquer anything. that was enough to join your stoic yet loveable boyfriend in a series of two on two moves, landing blow after blow to judgement day until they skilfully reversed and had you and roman plummeting to the ground, one on top of enother.
whilst you sold the recovery, you dragging yourself onto roman’s body, you could feel his fingers in your hair, tapping along to the ticking clock that signalled it was time to get back to your feet.
before you had even fully risen, dominik was there again, attempting to know you down. you ducked at just the right time as the man ran towards you, allowing roman to execute an almost hilarious looking clothes line that sent dominik to the ground.
then, you both turned you focuses on ripley, and the battle began. you perfectly demonstrated move after move until the time came for rhea to take you out, falling to the ground with extra flair that was meant to encourage ronan to perform his signature on the wrestler.
in your recovery time, you spared a moment to glance towards where dominik was still selling on the floor, but something didn’t seem right. in every rehearsal, no one had ever mentioned chairs would be involved in this match? you knew it was judgement day’s ‘thing’, having used it against their previous leader, edge, a million times, but no one had said anything about them being here. it would have been sneaky for vince to have added to the storyline without telling you and roman, but at this point you wouldn’t put it past the man.
as dominik ran at an unaware roman with the chair, all you could think was how badly this could end. roman wasn’t prepared for the chair strike — if he wasn’t in the right position this could be lethal, and you had seen enough injuries this year to not let that happen.
ignoring the ache of exertion in your muscles, you pulled yourself to your feet quicker than you ever had and were suddenly inbetween dominik, roman, and the chair. you gripped its other side tightly, hearing how roman stopped fending off rhea to turn and see what was going on. you were sure he was just as confused as you, but you didn’t care anymore. with all of your force, you pushed the chair back at dominik, until the man’s grip on the object slipped and it went clattering to the ground.
you wasted no time in following the script now (albeit, maybe adding one or two of your own moves in to prove a point to those backstage). if they wanted you to lose, you no longer cared with how they out roman at risk. your partner seemed to get the memo too, the two on two match coming to life in an instant as roman floored rhea then joined you in taking down dominik.
the tide changed entirely, and when you and roman landed your perfectly practiced 3d on dominik, the crowd knew it was all over. you made sure rhea was taken care of as roman pinned dominik, until the match was called and you were announced as the winners: a shock to everyone around, but a welcome one to the crowd.
as they roared in celebration, roman’s hand slipped around your waist and tugged you close to his body. the crowd weren’t aware of what went on backstage, but in that moment, neither of you cared as your hands found his chest, and his lips found yours in a passionate kiss that you knew the cameras were capturing every second of.
and when you pulled a way, you made sure to punctuate the victory with one last wink in judgement day’s direction.
god, roman loved you.
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find out how to request via my page
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moralesmilesanhour · 10 months
Hi!! I really liked your “Teamwork” piece could you write something else with Miles and how he is in that one? Like them going on a date-ish type thing or maybe just hanging out more in school, the counselors office thing was really cute. Every other fic I see paints him as this hard ass street type but him being nervous about things was refreshing to see!
Hey there, I'm really glad you enjoyed the series this much! I think we should all let hood boys be nervous and a bit weird :) Thanks for requesting!
date night with miles g !
Miles tapped his pen to his chin as he sat at his desk, staring down a little pad of sticky notes. 
At the top of one of them, the words ‘Conversation Topics’ were written in neat print, followed by a series of bullet points detailing just that. He had decided that school talk was off-limits, but favorite shows were fair game. Music, of course, was a no-brainer.
Before he could come up with a third topic, a knock at the door interrupted his train of thought.
“Yes?” he called out. The door opened to reveal his mother Rio’s face, wearing a cheeky grin.
“Tu novia está aquí,” she said with a playful movement of her shoulders. “Don’t keep her waiting.”
She held back a laugh at the way Miles shot up from his swivel chair, shoving the sticky notes into the pocket of his leather jacket. 
“See you later, mami,” he said once Rio opened the door wider to let him out, and he ducked underneath her arm. 
“Remember, 9pm. Claro?”
You squinted as the evening autumn breeze swept over your face. Massively underestimating how much leeway seventy-five degrees would give you, you had only gone out in a light blouse.
“Hey, Miles!” you called out from the open front door. You saw him padding down the stairs in his socks before stopping at the base. He beamed as soon as he spotted you.
“Hey! Just gimme a second,” he replied as he slipped on the pair of black and white Jordans he was holding and jogged up to you. 
Miles looked down at your sneakers and whistled at their pristine, almost blue-white tone. It didn’t hurt that you were wearing the exact same pair.
“Nice kicks.”
You looked down at his feet and laughed, “They must be if you’re stealing them out my closet.”
“Aight,” Miles said as he hopped down one step. “You ready to bou–”
“Aht-aht!” you interrupted, tugging on the collar of his jacket to stop him. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Miles pouted in confusion, which melted into a frown when the realization hit him. “We just goin’ out to eat! The food is gonna be right in front of my face!”
He knew that he was about to fight a losing battle when you crossed your arms. With a dramatic groan, he spun around and climbed back up the steps to go inside.
“Tienes suerte de que eres lindo,” he mumbled under his breath.
After a few moments, Miles was back with the case containing his glasses in-hand and a small black crossbody bag to keep them in. You raised an eyebrow.
“What? They’re right here,” he held it up for emphasis.
“Miles, we’re not leaving until they’re on your face.”
“I’m not kidding!” You laughed. 
He opened the case and put the notorious green spectacles on with a huff, earning him a peck on the cheek.
“Alright, can we go now?”
You gently took his hand and began tugging him along towards the nearest subway station.
“Where’s your jacket?” Miles asked, slowing you down to a stop. 
“Look, I thought it was gonna be hot out. I’ll survive, I promise.”
Not even a moment after you had spoken, Miles was already in the process of removing his jacket. It was now your turn to groan.
“Come on now, you saw this coming,” he said with a triumphant grin as he draped the jacket over your shoulders. “No need to thank me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Such a gentleman.”
You thanked the server as she set down two plates of crab cakes in front of you.
“Whatchu wanna order for dessert?” you asked Miles, who still had his nose in the large menu with his brows furrowed. He looked up.
“Not a damn clue. I’ll get what you get as long as my card don’t max out.”
“Hm,” you turned to the dessert section of your own menu. “They got peach cobbler, how ‘bout it?”
Miles made a face at the suggestion, and your jaw dropped. “You don’t like peach cobbler?!?”
He shrugged. “Not a fan.”
“Well, okay, what about apple pie?”
“Blueberry pie?”
“Pumpkin pie?”
You leaned back into your seat, thoroughly shocked and offended. “Fuck you mean ‘nuh-uh’?”
“Fruit just shouldn’t be hot,” Miles explained casually, “And Ion like the texture.”
You sighed, “Chocolate cake it is, then.”
He winced. “See, about that–”
Before Miles could cause you any further distress, he was interrupted by the server returning with the main entrees. You both said your thanks at the same time, each taking your respective plate.
"Anything for dessert?" The woman asked, notepad at the ready.
You gave Miles the side-eye before answering, "A bowl of ice cream, please."
"Same here."
The woman nodded and took note before leaving your booth.
“So, what foods do you like?” you asked, leaning forward again. “Other than the alfredo, obviously.”
Miles paused, looking genuinely deep in thought before replying. 
“Arroz con gandules,” he counted on his fingers, “Platanos, of course, mac and cheese, and uh…” 
He trailed off for a bit, having run out of meals to list off. “Other…stuff.”
You snorted, “Don’t push yourself too hard, now. I take it you’re a picky eater, then?”
Miles grinned bashfully. “I guess you could say that. You?”
“Nah, I’ll eat anything for real. Long as it fills my stomach.”
“Explains why you like eating baked fruit,” he quipped.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I have taste.”
That's it! Thanks sm for reading, pls feel free to reblog if you enjoyed this :) If you're curious about my other work, check out my masterlist!
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starhvney · 2 months
HelloI hope you’re having a good day! Can I request a one shot of a reader that has a crush on Gene and kawaii-chan sets them up on a date?
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet gene x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: accidentally telling your romance-crazed friend who your crush is sounds like a terrible mistake… but maybe it’s not so much of a mistake after all
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: pure fluff, kind of awkward conversation from the reader(real), ft. wingwoman nana ashida (and aph), reader is shy and exasperated
𝐂𝐖: none!
𝐀/𝐍: i took so long to write this for no reason but i actually really like how it turned out
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you should’ve known she was up to something again.
“want to go to the cafe for some coffee and snacks this morning?” nana had asked you in the doorway of your room, holding a bundle of her clothes in her arms and rollers still in her hair.
“oh, yeah! like, now?”
“um, in an hour… i need to leave early and run some errands before and then i’ll meet you there,” she says with a small nervous giggle. “oh, and wear something cute! i have another friend coming!”
“oh…kay?” you barely agree before she had darted back down the hall.
you should’ve known. it was too late, though, when you looked up from nana’s last minute canceling text as your eyes met his. you repressed a groan when you saw realization dawn in his dark blue eyes.
recently, the two of you had reconnected after bumping into each other. your jaw had dropped at how much he had changed since you last saw him.
not only had he somehow gotten even taller after high school, he looked… better. naturally, he had matured further into his features, as did you. but you noticed a completely different change in him. it was something deeper than skin, you realized, when he had begun to apologize for how he had acted in high school. his expression was genuine and his eyes were full of regret. 
deciding to leave the past in the past, you both agreed to have a second chance at friendship. over the course of the past month you had bonded and grown closer, and you couldn’t help but admire him for how much he’s grown. then, slowly, that admiration has snowballed into… affection.
sure, you always thought he was attractive, but the irregular beating of your heart against your rib cage was something new. suddenly you started paying more attention to his features. how one side of his mouth turned slightly down as he smiled. how his dark black hair was somehow always perfectly messy and attractive. or how his sleepy and bag-ridden eyes would squint and light up when you managed to say something funny. did he always have that little freckle near his jawline?
this is what you get, you internally scold yourself, for letting your feelings slip in conversation the other night. katelyn nearly blew a gasket, complaining about how you were way above his league and could do way better. but aphmau and nana couldn’t stop squealing and teasing you about it until you finally managed to  retreat to your room for the night. you should’ve known it would be only sooner or later that they would pull something like this.
“…hey.” he greets, the deep rasp in his voice almost physically startling you out of your thoughts. “i thought nana wanted to meet me here to talk about a job at their new cafe, but…” he trails off, lifting up his phone with a shrug. 
you quietly clear your throat, trying to ignore the heart rising against your cheeks. “um, she asked me to come this morning to hang out, but she just canceled, too.”
gene’s eyebrows pinch together, before looking back at the cafe counter in thought. “well, wanna get something to drink since we’re here?”
“oh, yeah, sure.” you reply, trying to control the nervous warble in your voice.
after ordering, you two finally take your seats, sitting across from each other.
“you said nana was talking to you about a job?”
“yeah.. she said you highly recommended me, actually.” gene leans forward on the table, his head tilting as he rests on his laced hands.
“well, you said you were looking for a new job… so i mentioned you, is all…” you trail off, your eyes nervously darting away to land on… a very familiar looking duo in poor disguises. 
your roommates’ light pink and black hair stuck out from tightened hoodies, paired with sunglasses that were completely conspicuous for a cafe in the morning. nana only gave you a cheeky smirk, while aphmau cheesed and held a thumbs up.
oh wow.
“…you good?” gene questions, his head beginning to turn in the direction you were looking.
“uh, yeah! no i’m fine, aha! just thinking. um, if you would take a job at a maid cafe. it’s just a little funny for me to imagine, i guess.”
he smiles in amusement, shrugging his shoulders. “if it pays well, why not? besides, i’m open to trying something that might not be expected—“
“order for gene!” the barista calls out, setting our order on the counter.
“i’ll get it.” gene announces with an almost inaudible click of his tongue, quickly leaving you to your fried thoughts.
you send a glare at your friends mouthing profanities and a baffled look in their direction. they merely twirl their hoodie strings, looking away innocently. you can only bury your face in your hands, lowly groaning.
“are you sure you’re okay?” gene’s voice approaches you, followed by the sound of your drink and pastry sliding onto the table.
“yeah… just annoyed that nana canceled at the last minute.”
“well geez, i didn’t think you’d be this upset at being alone with me, but—“
“that’s not what,” you start, head whipping up to see his teasing smirk. “ugh, i just mean it’s not professional. i’ll be sure she hires you.”
his smirk melts as he lets out a soft chuckle. “just as sweet as always, huh?”
you release a sigh, shoulders sinking as you take a sip of your drink to relieve you from your stressed rambling.
“hey… speaking of which…” gene starts, head tilted down as he looks up at you through his dark lashes. 
“order for… cupid?” the barista calls out with a questioning tone, causing gene to stop what he was about to say. you watch nana and aph out of the corner of your eye, giggling to each other as they go up to get their order.
… unbelievable.
“i’ll take that as a sign, i guess…” gene mutters, turning your attention back to him.
“listen, i,” he runs his fingers through his hair, eyes narrowing at you as if he was trying to read your mind. “do you like me?”
you’re sure your heart nearly bursts through your throat as your eyes widen and jaw drops. you stutter out some sort of noise, but before you could form any coherent sentence or thought, gene continues.
“because i really like you,” he admits, his voice sounding almost unsure of himself for a moment. “and, i hope i’m not reading this wrong, but it kinda seems like you feel the same.”
a beat passes. and then another. if you didn’t feel like you had tunnel vision in this moment you might have noticed the poorly disguised duo shaking each other in excitement as they shuffle and lean closer to try and hear the conversation.
“…yes, i do.”
gene leans back, a look of relief passing over his face before his usual laidback and confident demeanor has returned. it’s like he never sipped up in the first place.
“yeah, you’ve never been good at hiding things. you may not say anything, but your face says everything.” he leans forward again, brushing a stand of hair behind your ear.
he leans even further, his lips dangerously close to the shell of your ear as he whispers, “your roommates aren’t very good at it either.”
he leans back with a grin, before turning to look at the two culprits behind this whole ordeal. they freeze in place, nana nearly dropping her phone from where she has clearly taken a few pictures of you two. they scramble to grab their drinks before sprinting out the door, whisper shouting, “abort mission, cupids have been spotted! go go go!”
“i guess i’ll thank them later.”
“…i’m gonna kill them.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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sandy-the-glader · 2 months
Hi I've never really done a request before so I'm not entirely sure I'm doing it right but I love your Adrian Chase work and I was wondering if you could do Vigilante x assassin reader. Like reader is secretly a current or former member of the league of assassin's and how would Adrian react to finding this out
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Character: Adrian Chase x ExAssasinFem!Reader
(Little bit of fanon Adrian tbh)
Type: Angst with some fluff at the end.
Length: 1.4k words
Summary: Adrian is going through a box of your guy's old stuff and comes across your old assassin suit. He asks about you and your past with crime and he just has one question. Why?
Trope: Established Relationship
A/N: Honestly you guys can make a request however you want and this was perfect. I'm a people pleaser so whatever works for you guys anyway I hope you like a one-shot more on the angsty side :) Ps I'm going to be taking a small break from requests (there are only two I've gotten) and finishing a few George Karim one-shots I started a while ago but have gotten caught up in requests since.
Adrian gripped the suit tightly in his large hands. What? He recognized the design and symbol almost immediately. His eyebrows knit together and with every passing second, he was more and more confused.
His sweet loving and caring girlfriend couldn't have been one of the most well-known assassins. One who he has tried to hunt down himself many times but every single time coming up short-handed. Someone he really used to hate until she disappeared for the better (that was his thoughts anyway) and was rarely mentioned again.
He had the day off and was just wanting to go through some old stuff and make space for other things he and his girlfriend needed to store away.
He really couldn't believe it though. You were always so positive and optimistic about everything he would have assumed murder would be the last thing you thought about. You honestly could say the same thing about him though.
He felt almost betrayed that you never brought this up in any conversation. Did you know who he was? How did you even feel dating a hero? He told you who he truly was a few weeks into dating so you would know what you were getting yourself into and you said it was fine you even loved the idea. The truth was that you felt protected from your past when you were with him but he had no way of knowing that.
The longer he held on to the suit the more he wondered. Was there more he didn't know about? Do you still do this in your free time?
He continued to dig through the box of your old things. Mask, weapons, more clothing, it was all there. All the proof he could need to confront you.
He stood from the spot he had been kneeling on the floor and took a large inhale. He needed a minute to really think about and understand what was going on.
Once you got home Adrian set your suit on the bed and walked to the door to finally get some answers he had been craving for all day. The door made small clicking sounds as you unlocked the door. Finally, the door swung open revealing a tired and smiling Y/n.
"Hi Adrian!" You smiled, hugging him as soon as you stepped through the doorway. He slowly wrapped his long arms around you and greeted you with a quiet voice. "Man, I am tired." You said.
He was nervous. He didn't want to break up with you at all but he was confused about how and why you would get into any of this stuff. He had to snap himself out of his thoughts because he had realized you pulled away and now were explaining your mess of a day.
"- and she got me all these papers really late but they had to be in like a week ago." You explained setting your bag down on the couch and slipping your shoes off by the entrance.
"Hey baby?" He spoke nervously.
"Yeah honey, what's up?" you smiled looking up at her Adrian. His face is slightly pale and his eyes are wide. "Are you okay?" Your face softened as you inched closer to him. He stumbled back slightly and you were confused. Did I do something to him? You wondered scanning his facial features, trying to gather any information you possibly could.
You were good at reading people and you could obviously tell something had shocked him. You waited for Adrian's response. His eyes flickered throughout the room everything but your eyes.
"Adrian, what's wrong?" You questioned scared and concerned. You had rarely seen him like this before.
"Um yeah, I just have a question." He nodded trailing off to their shared bedroom. You shuffled through question after question in your head like Adrian had been doing all day. You slowly followed your boyfriend into their room and there you finally noticed your old suit. Everything came flooding back. You had no words at the moment. All of your thoughts had escaped and your head ran empty.
"Where did you find this?" You finally said swallowing thickly. You stared at Adrian with fear. Fear that you thought you had escaped a couple years ago.
"What is this?" He asked even though he knew very well what this piece of fabric meant. You sat next to the fabric and just looked at your hands that were placed in your lap. "Y/n." He said firmly but you could hear something else in his voice.
"What is this?" He repeated with a shaky voice.
"I..." You tried to collect your thoughts. You didn't want him to be afraid of you. That's why you liked dating him. He liked you for who she had become not who you used to be. He was kind and showed patience with you and you could never repay him for that.
"I need you to explain. Is this why you never talk about anything from your past?" He spoke now with a firey tone. You looked up and saw his eyes shining with tears beneath his glasses. This is all because of me That thought alone made the truth fall from your lips.
"I used to be a villain." You said. "Obviously." Adrian sat down wanting to hear more of your words.
"Why?" Was the only word that left his lips.
"It was a very low point in my life. I was forced into it since I was a teen and I couldn't stop it. Until I ran away to Evergreen. I was forced into so many painful crimes." You didn't want to talk about this or even remember it for that matter but Adrian deserved to know. He opened up about his past and told you he was a damn superhero. "When I ran away to Evergreen it was to escape far away from those people who tried to make me someone I'm not. Never once did I want to hurt those innocent people. I've tried to forgive myself for what I did each day at a time but I've seen some things no one in a lifetime has seen." You suffered every day from those horrible memories.
"Did you know of me?" Adrian asked softly.
"Vigilante? Yes. Adrian Chase? No."
"Did me telling you that I was Vigilante change anything about our relationship?" His voice trembled. You couldn't blame him.
"No. I loved- no I love you for who you are. When I first met you at Fennel Feilds it was like a beam of hope shined down in my life finally and that was you. Your silly quirks and beautiful personality seemed to make my life better than it ever had been. You made me have something worth living and I really don't want to lose you, Adrian." You let a couple of tears drip down your cheeks but quickly wiped them away because in your head you shouldn't be the one crying about this it should be Adrian. Sure it was a tough patch in your life but you had kept this from Adrian since you met.
"Why didn't you ever tell me this?" He spoke softly.
"I didn't want you to think any less of me." You held the suit in your hands and stared at it. "Finding out that you were a superhero that was after the villain who was me was scary. I love the way you see me. And I don't want you to think of me any differently but I understand that this must change something."
"I mean..." He trailed off. "I just wish you told me sooner. Y/n believe me I love you. I want to spend every moment with you and like that's a lot for me." Adrian showing his dork side again made a smile break out onto your face. "And since you are my girlfriend I might be able to let those things go. You said yourself you were forced into such awful things at a young age and no one should ever have to go through that. And It's not like you're doing any of this activity now right?" He questioned to make sure.
"No of course not."
"Good." He scooted closer to you and hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry you went through that though. You can go over it some other time but I can tell you need dinner."
"Thank you, Adrian. You know I was a little scared you might kill me." You admitted.
"Oh if I was only talking to you and not dating you I would have." He said bluntly.
"Oh my god." You chuckled.
"What? It's true and you know it is!" You shook your head and he looked at you lovingly and proud that you had the courage to share some things from your past. "Now come on I'm starving." He whined.
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lucyheartfiliqx · 7 months
His home
Ship: Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfilia
Summary: Natsu finds out that Lucy’s gone on a date, and he doesn’t quite know how to feel about it.
This is the first time I’ve written anything for Tumblr, I hope anyone who sees this enjoys it! :)
“Damn, I’m stuffed. This new fire roast of yours is so good, Mira.”
“It really doesn’t take much Natsu. You literally just set the thing on fire.”
“You set them on fire so well thouuuggghhhh.”
It was the early evening, and Natsu and Happy had just come back from a job. It wasn’t difficult, all they had to do was protect a merchant and his wears as he travelled from one town to the next. The money they’d made, which wasn’t much anyway, went straight into Natsu and Happy’s meal. They didn’t regret it one bit.
He wiped his face with his sleeve and stood up. “Right, we’re off to Lucy’s. See you later!”
“Oh no you can’t Natsu, she’s busy right now.”
He turned around to look her, “doing what? Is she out on a job? She went alone?”
“No, no she’s…. on a date!”
Natsu’s eyes became saucers. Mira cupped her hands over her mouth, the words slipping out before she could stop them.
“A date you say? How dare she not tell me…” Erza muttered, who could hear the conversation from where she sat nearby.
“Juvia thinks we should stalk!”
“Gray thinks so too.”
“Guys… no.” Came Wendy’s voice from a little further away.
“Oh, Lucy’s going to have me dead by morning. I can’t tell you much about it, but…”
Natsu had stopped listening, the cogs in his brain slowly trying to process this new, shocking information. Hit feet carried him to a bench in the corner of the guild. He slumped down and placed his chin on the table, eyes still wide. Happy followed him over, “hey, you good?”
“…I don’t know.”
The sun had completely set by the time Natsu forced himself up and out of the guild. He began to wander home with Happy slightly lagging behind. He sped up a little every so often to see if Natsu looked like he was in a talking mood, but he never seemed to be. His eyes were trained on the pavement and his feet kept catching on it, not bothering to pick them up properly as he walked.
“…You okay buddy?” He eventually asked, catching up enough to reach Natsu’s shoulder.
He didn’t respond at first. “I’m fine,” he muttered eventually, “just tired. I wanna go home.”
“Why don’t we go to Lucy’s?” He chirped, “we always go to Lucy’s.”
“She’s busy.”
“She won’t be by now, she’s probably back.”
“Let’s just go home, Happy.”
The conversation was decidedly ended on Natsu’s end after that. He picked up his speed and said no more, leaving Happy behind again.
Conversation remained few and far between after they’d returned home. The two of them hadn’t been there in a long time after getting into the habit of staying at Lucy’s every night, so it had accumulated a layer of dust on most surfaces and thick cobwebs had formed on the ceilings and on the corners of some of the furniture.
This, on top of the mess that they’d already left it in, made it look more like a garden shed than a home. To Natsu, in spite of how long he’d lived there, it didn’t feel like home anymore.
Without speaking, he batted his hammock in an attempt to rid it of some dust and clambered up onto it. He turned on his side and faced the wall, bringing his legs up to his stomach as he curled up under the scraggly blanket. Happy understood the message and went to lay on his little bed on the other side of the room, not bothering to try talking anymore.
Instead of going to sleep, he looked up to the collection of requests he’d made above him. His eyes fell on the job at the Evelue mansion that he’d labelled as ‘the first job I ever did with Lucy!’ He smiled a little and looked over some more. Though unlabelled, he could remember every single detail, everything himself, Happy and Lucy had done during the jobs they’d been on as a three.
Though many were unpleasant at best and she’d moan sometimes, Lucy tried to make the best out of bad situations. They always ended up being worthwhile, and more than just for the money. His smile grew as he recounted the memories, but the happiness was temporary and quickly replaced by a dull ache in his chest
He didn’t like it. He didn’t like it at all. He wanted Lucy to be happy, yes, but not with some random guy. Not with some random guy that didn’t know her like he did. They don’t know what she likes, what she doesn’t like. What she reads when she’s happy or when she’s upset, that she will try and reserve at least one evening a week to getting better at baking. That she likes her apartment to be clean and orderly or it stresses her out, that she sticks her tongue out a little in an act of concentration when she’s writing. That she likes to be hugged from behind to keep warm when she’s too tired to be embarrassed by it.
He had to see her. The thought of her with someone else left a hole so deep in his soul that it hurt. He didn’t know what the rollercoaster of emotions Lucy made him feel meant half the time, but he knew this one.
It’d reached half past midnight. Lucy had just finished getting changed and was getting ready for bed when she heard the regular tap on her window. She smiled, rolled her eyes and walked over. She was met with Natsu, his lips forming a thin line, but no Happy. Not thinking much of it, she opened the window and he hopped in, landing quietly on the floor in a more cat-like manner than a human one.
“Where have you been?” She asked, grabbing her dressing gown to cover herself up a little, “it’s so late, I thought you’d decided to stay at the guild.”
“I went back to my house.”
“Oh, really? Why? Did you miss it?”
He looked down at the floor and moved slowly towards the sofa in the middle of the room. He sat down and stayed uncharacteristically quiet.
“Are you alright?” She asked, tilting her head and also walking over to the sofa and sitting down.
He didn’t respond for a while. Eventually, he said, “how was your date?”
Her eyes widened slightly. “You know about that?”
“Mira told me. She told quite a few people, actually.”
“Oh, figures. Typical Mira.”
“So?” He pushed, “did you enjoy it?”
She pondered on his question. “It was alright at first, but by the end I knew we wouldn’t click. None of my jokes hit home and he did an awful lot of talking about himself.”
Natsu’s brows raised. “So you’re not going to meet with him anymore?”
“Probably not,” she answered, “there’s no point in putting effort into something that won’t ever work.”
“…Why didn’t you tell me about it? That you were going?” He asked. For a split second, he looked genuinely hurt.
She sighed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell anyone until it was over. I only told Mira so that somebody would know where I was in case there was an emergency. I would have done, just not beforehand.”
She sighed again, deeper this time, and put her head in her hands.
“Clearly I’m just destined for a life of being alone.”
“…But you’re not alone.” Natsu murmured quietly, not looking up.
She sat up and turned to him but he didn’t meet her eyes.
“You have us,” he continued, “you have… me.”
He looked up at her, his eyes swimming with something she couldn’t quite work out.
She took a moment to respond, somewhat shocked by his words, a light pink tinging her cheeks.
“I-I know.”
“Are you sure you know?”
She smiled and leant her head back against the sofa. “Yeah I do. We’ll always be together, right?”
He nodded with a smile. Lucy figured that he didn’t mean what he’d said in the way that a small part of her heart wanted him to, but it still made her happy regardless.
“I can’t say I plan on going on anymore dates anytime soon.”
“Good.” He whispered under his breath.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing. Come on,” he began to clamber into her bed, “bedtime now. It’s late.”
“You’re not sleeping in my bed!” She moaned, pulling at his clothes with the strength her tired body could muster.
He didn’t move a muscle and looked at her, “are we really gonna play this game again?”
She rolled her eyes, reluctantly accepting defeat. She took her dressing gown off and climbed in after him.
“What was that guy’s name?” Natsu asked after a couple minutes of silence.”
“Why?” She asked.
“So I can set him on fire.”
“Oh for god’s sake.”
“Kidding, kidding. Sort of.”
It wasn’t long until she was fast asleep. Natsu stayed on his side of the bed until he could hear her breathing slow and deepen. Slowly, he crept onto Lucy’s side and slid one arm over her waist. He then waited for a bit to make sure he hadn’t woken her up and began the harder of the two. He cautiously slid his other arm under her neck. Still asleep, she felt the movement and received it, sinking into his bicep. He then snuggled up to and sank into her, fitting his knees into the little nook hers had made.
And there he stayed, listening to the rhythmic sounds of her breathing. In, out, in, out. He was warmer here. Calmer. More at peace. He didn’t like his old shack. He wanted to be at Lucy’s house. With Lucy. Not long after, sleep succumbed to him too.
Right where he belonged.
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storiesofsvu2-0 · 1 year
Not a Peep
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Tara Lewis x reader Warnings: language, smut, fingering, dirty talk. Covers the "camping/cabin" square for bingo and a request. no there will not be a part 2, so don't ask for it. find a prompt list, send in a request if you want more Tara content.
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In any normal situation, team bonding was absolute torture, days forced together in cramped conference rooms while you pretended the work you were doing was some form of a fun game. But when it came to the BAU, things were finally different. You’d spend a couple of days in a nice city after working a case to let off a little steam, a day of gambling in Vegas, visits to the beach in Florida, Penelope had even roped the team into an afternoon in Disneyland after a case in Los Angeles. This extended weekend trip however involved no case at all, inspired by a night the previous autumn when Emily started telling scary stories to fit the Halloween theme around the office. It spurned on a conversation about summers spent at sleepover camp, weeks at campgrounds with families and friends. Shifting from the idea of groups of teens being murdered to the fun days of playing capture the flag, building fires to roast smores, sticky smiles at the end of a very happy, fun filled day.
It had been months since then and was a big surprise when Rossi announced he’d rented out a cabin an hour outside the city for the long weekend. Attendance was required and fun would be had. On top of that, all food and drinks would be provided, so it really was a win all the way around. Days were filled with various activities, the team splitting off depending on what everyone wanted to do, but there was a lot of lounging by the lake, swimming, disappearing off into the woods for a hike for everyone to return together for dinner. The barbeque was always utilized, racks of ribs, cobs of corn, various types of burgers, fresh fruit, grilled skewers of vegetables with cold beers to wash it all down with while the sun set on the horizon.
Currently, everyone was circled around the fire pit in the backyard telling silly stories, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. You were on a double seater almost loveseat with Tara, a blanket tossed over your bare legs that were conveniently draped over the other woman’s lap. The team knew you were close, but it was only Emily that actually knew you were dating and that had only been because she was your boss. Though the secret wouldn’t have lasted long anyway, you’d shared a wall at one of the hotels on a case recently and things hadn’t exactly been quiet. A lecture didn’t come, but a hell of a lot of playful teasing did, including a very sly grin from Emily when you and Tara offered to bunk together this weekend.
Tara wasn’t doing it on purpose, her fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your legs under the blanket, barely moving, ghosting over your skin. Her attention was turned to her other side, eyes on Luke as he took his turn at telling a ghost story. Your leg involuntarily twitched in her lap as you shifted slightly in an attempt to rub your thighs together. You attempted to play it off as stretching out a stuff muscle but Tara had already caught you, her hand stilling, wrapping around your calf and squeezing tightly without so much as a glance in your direction. You let out a soft sigh, reaching into the cooler beside you to grab a fresh beer in an attempt to distract yourself.
By the time Luke had finished his story, Rossi was calling it a night and heading inside, JJ not far behind him. Luke tossed another log on the fire and this time you actually did stretch your body out, slipping from underneath the blanket.
“Oh not you too!” Emily protested and you laughed.
“I’m just going to the bathroom, relax.”
Disappearing into the cabin you let out a little shiver, pulling Tara’s stolen flannel tighter around your body, though maybe the chill would help you calm down. The scent of her perfume on the shirt certainly wasn’t helping but it wasn’t as bad as having her hands on you beside the burning of the fire. You grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, taking a couple of minutes to yourself as you wandered down the hallway to the bathroom. After freshening up you dried your hands on one of the fluffy towels before unlocking the door, your attention on your phone as you typed out a reply to a couple of texts, you didn’t even notice Tara rounding into the hallway.
“Jeeze!” You jumped, letting out a quiet giggle as you shoved your phone back into your pocket, “told you I’d be right back.”
“Yeah, but I needed a fresh drink.” She shrugged, one hand pulling you closer to her by the beltloop in your shorts while the other slid up your cheek, wrapping around the back of your neck, “and I wanted an excuse to do this.” She murmured; her breath hot on your lips before they met yours.
You let out a moan into the kiss, your hands quickly wrapping around her shoulders, pulling her even tighter to you while she maneuvered you so your back hit the wall and you let out a little squeak. Tara took advantage, her tongue slipping into your parted lips, swooping through your mouth and dancing with your own. She softly dominated the kiss, putting all of the pent up tension you’d both been holding back all day into it, lips moving with grace in a familiar dance. The hand on your hip curved around your body, squeezing at your ass through your shorts and you let out a soft groan, your body arching into hers. Chuckling, she pulled away from your lips, kissing at the bare skin of your neck and you shivered, goosebumps popping up on your skin.
“So sensitive.”
“You started it.” You muttered back, your eyes fluttering shut as her teeth grazed against your neck, your hands clawing at the fabric of her shirt as she propped a knee between your legs.
“Oh come on!” Emily’s voice suddenly broke through your fantasy and Tara pulled herself out of the crook of your neck, a smirk on her lips, “that’s not a new drink! Or the bathroom.” She shot you a playful glare as she opened her bedroom door, “I swear if I hear even a peep tonight I’m telling the whole team.”
“Sorry Emily.” Tara laughed, her hand running down your arm to link with yours, tugging you in the direction of your shared bedroom. Emily rolled her eyes, disappearing into her room, the door clicking shut behind her before you retired into your own.
In the privacy of your room your hands reached out for Tara again, pulling her back to you, your hands slipping under the hem of her hoodie. She laughed softly, her arms wrapping around you as her lips met yours again. She nipped at your lower lip, her hands sliding the flannel off your arms, letting it drop to the floor and you whined quietly, tugging at her sweater.
“Patience…” She murmured.
“You’ve been teasing all day.” You grumbled back, though a smile broke out on your lips as she pulled the hoodie over her head, her hands nudging at your hips and she laughed.
“Yeah? How so?” She raised a brow as you shifted back up to the headboard and she was able to crawl onto the bed.
“Have you seen yourself in a bikini? Or how about all those lingering glances and little touches? Tease.”
“You heard Prentiss.” She said with a shrug, shifting onto the bed beside you, slipping under the covers, “it’s quiet hours.”
“Please.” You pouted, a hand reaching out to brush her hair back behind her ear.
“You sure you can? You almost woke up the entire floor in San Diego.”
“Well maybe that’s just because you fuck me so good I can’t help it.” With a grin you surged toward her, pulling her down on top of you in a kiss and she couldn’t resist but to slide her tongue into your mouth.
One hand braced her on the bed while the other snuck under your tank top, groping at your chest and you softly moaned, Tara silencing it with her mouth, swallowing your breath down. Her finger and thumb rolled your nipple between them, pinching down harder with each rotation, your back arching off the bed toward her. She repeated the action on the other side, earning a tiny whine from you into the kiss, your hips rocking up toward her when she settled a leg between yours.
“You like that?” She asked quietly, lips barely leaving yours, “like it when I play with your pretty tits?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, doing your best not to make a noise.
“Thought you might.”
Her leg surged up between yours, thigh rubbing right against your clothed cunt and your breath caught in your throat, your hands clutching at her body.
“Tara… please..”
Her fingers pinched harshly at your nipple and the gasp caught in your throat, your head dropping back into the pillows. Tara kissed at the side of your jaw, trailing down your neck, teeth nipping at your skin as they went, by the time she’d settled in the crook of your neck her hand was sneaking downwards, fingers toying with the waistband of your shorts. She snapped the elastic against your body to test you, to see if you’d follow the rules before her hand finally slunk underneath them, a quiet gasp leaving your lips when her fingers found your clit.
Her lips returned to yours as her fingers began to lazily rub at your clit, lips curving up into a grin as your body slowly started to rock up towards her in a steady rhythm. Your arms wound around her, one hand tangling into her hair as your heart rate began to pick up. It was just enough to rile you up, barely above a level of teasing but Tara’s hands and lips were on you, so you weren’t about to complain, you knew she’d reward you soon enough. Your breath was hot on her neck, the quietest of whimpers sent straight into her ear and she grinned, placing a gentle kiss on your skin as her hand sunk lower, fingers swiping through your folds. A hitched breath left your throat as she gathered your juices, moving back up to rub at your clit again, this time harder and faster before sinking back down.
“You really are pent up.” She murmured, “this wet and I’ve barely touched you.”
“Please…” you whispered.
“You’ve been so good.” She replied, kissing the underside of your jaw.
Tara’s fingers nudged at your pussy, swirling your juices around before two of them slowly sunk in and you bit back a moan. She knew you so perfectly, just when and how to fuck you, exactly what would bring you the ultimate pleasure and you were eternally grateful for it. She pumped her fingers slowly at first, letting you get used to the stretch while the heel of her hand brushed on your swollen clit. Your breathing picked up, hands clenching at the fabric of her shirt as your pussy started to flutter. The pleasure was building up, coil tightening in your stomach as your heart beat heavy in your chest. Tara’s lips brushed at your neck when she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper,
“That’s my good girl.” Her fingers curled, pressing into the sensitive spot, and you let out a breathy gasp, “pussy always feels so good. Can you hear how wet you are?”
“Mmhmm…” you nodded back, doing your best to keep your lips pressed together. The cabin was quiet, the air still, though very heated within the confines of your room, the wet sounds from your cunt echoing through the air with each thrust of Tara’s fingers.
“Shame I couldn’t get you naked, you always look so beautiful on display for me, stuffed full with my cock.” Her fingers began to pick up their speed, your cunt pulsing heavily around them, spasming when she would randomly crook them right where you wanted. “Guess I’ll have to fuck you nice and good when we get home, hmm? Have your pretty pussy dripping with cum?”
“Oh.. god…” You whimpered, your hips jolting up off the bed, grinding onto her hand as you buried your face into her shoulder, “feels so good.”
“I know baby.” She grinned, her fingers thrusting deeper into your warmth, “I can tell by how fucking soaked you are.” Her fingers twisted, curling suddenly to press forcefully into your g-spot and you cried out.
In an instant her hand stilled completely, fingers simply resting inside your cunt and you dropped back into the pillows with a pout as she raised a brow at you.
“What did I say?”
“Please!” You whispered, tears nearly forming in your eyes at just how close you’d been to reaching your peak, “please keep going. I’ll be quiet! Promise. They won’t even know your fingers are in me. Please. I promise.”
“You break that promise and instead of rewarding you when we get home you’re getting punished, alright baby?”
“Yes.” You nodded furiously, “please. Need you.”
A quiet gasp escaped your lips as Tara’s hand moved, rubbing your pulsing nub while her fingers began to pump inside your pussy again.
“That’s it.” She purred, ducking down to kiss you, swallowing your moans as you surged higher and higher. Her tongue slipped into your mouth while you whined, your hips rocking up to meet her hand with each thrust. She shifted her weight so her free hand could slide under your shirt, pinching at your nipples again, rolling them between her fingers in time with the way she fucked you. She could feel you squirming, feel the groans and moans coming from the back of your throat as her fingers curled again and again, juices beginning to leak down her wrist.
“Oh god…” you broke the kiss with a whispered gasp, “don’t stop… please…”
“Go on baby.” She husked, kissing her way across your jaw, nipping at your earlobe, “come for me.”
Tara’s lips continued their way down your neck, sucking and licking at your sensitive skin as her fingers crooked inside your dripping pussy again and you felt yourself begin to shudder underneath her. Heat broke through your skin and your thighs trembled, nearly attempting to close around her hand. You buried yourself into the crook of her neck and she let out a quiet hiss when your teeth sunk into her skin to muffle your moans as you came.
Her hand slowed, fingers sliding in and out of you with less urgency as you rode out your orgasm, her lips leaving gentle kisses on your body. With a puff of a breath you dropped back into the pillows, your eyes fluttering open to look up, finding her smiling down at you.
“Sorry.” You muttered, glancing toward her shoulder and she chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
“You kept quiet.” Her fingers finally slipped out of you and you couldn’t help but whine, pulling another grin from her, “just wait til we get home, alright?” Before you could answer her you caught her wrist in your hand, pulling her slicked fingers to your mouth and sucking them between your lips, your tongue swirling around them until they were clean. “Good girl.” She praised with a grin.
“Don’t suppose we could leave early?” You asked with a pout and she laughed again.
“Not without a decent excuse.” She dropped onto the bed beside you, pulling you to her, “just one more night, then I’ll fuck you so good you won’t be able to do anything but scream.”
“Promise?” You asked as you stifled a yawn, burrowing into her chest.
“Baby the neighbours won’t be able to look at us for weeks.”
@evilregal2002 @alcabots @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @daddy-heather-dunbar r @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @svushots @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @heidss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel l @inlovewithemilyprentiss @akingcalledkris @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28
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