#anyways her glasses are cute but yea it’s boring as hell sorry
kcciny · 10 months
This gotta be the most disappointing anniversary every, Im sorry.
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renaerys · 3 years
22. for reds 🤡
This is 100% not what you asked for (yet...👀), but I give you part 1 of what we're calling the Weird King AU. I'm turning this into a proper multi-chapter High School fic because I love you and I'd jump on any bandwagon for you.
Like most young, conventionally attractive Supervillains, Brick had made a bit of a habit of failing upwards. It was pretty easy in a town full of simpering morons content to project their own narrative assumptions onto him, and who was he to crush their dreams when they made his life a little easier?
For example, dating.
“You can tell me, you know.” His cute date, Tracy, sipped her milkshake across from him.
“Tell you what?”
She softened and reached her hand across the table. “Your tragic backstory. I’ll listen without judgment, I promise.”
Brick tried to think of something tragic, but it all seemed pretty underwhelming as far as Supervillain origin stories went. “You mean like how I was born in a toilet?”
She made an oh shape with her lips. “We all have those days where we feel like we were born in a toilet, Brick.”
He’d dated Tracy for three months before she broke up with him out of the blue in tears: sorry she couldn’t fix his baggage, she just wasn’t strong enough to handle all that tortured darkness, but she wished him nothing but health and happiness. Brick deleted her number from his phone and spent twenty whole minutes staring at the toilet in his bathroom, wondering what the lesson here was.
But everything changed when Mojo got out of prison and moved Brick and his brothers back to Townsville, where he enrolled them in the local high school alongside their former arch nemeses, the Powerpuff Girls.
Suddenly, everything Brick did pre-supposed ill intent. These people remembered him as the pest who had graffitied their local monuments and blown up their cars and endangered their children. They held no love for him, and at best they feared him. This was not Citiesville, where he’d been a tall, cold glass of Voss water in a sea of recycled Dasani.
He found himself thinking about his birthing toilet again as he stepped into the cafeteria alone and the conversation quieted down as his new classmates watched him from the safety of their tables. His next moves here were critical. He was no longer at the top of the food chain, but fear and mystery surrounding his origins and character gave him a certain power over his peers.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of social suicide, I will fear no cringe,” he said to himself.
The jocks were out. Capable though he may be, Brick was not much of a team player unless there was a blood contract involved requiring his participation on pain of satanic torture. The drama kids were also a hard pass, not because he thought drama was lame, but because they had barely noticed him walk in, and Brick did not have the energy to deal with people more self-involved than himself. Some of the unaffiliated tables could be safe, but without a good understanding of the nuanced social dynamics in the high school, he could be heading toward irreversible doom, and that was a risk he was not willing to take.
He saw his salvation just ahead. It was the only option, all else being equal. In an environment where he couldn’t be certain of his baseline status and potential for upward mobility, there was greatness to be had only by association and certainty only in the devil he knew.
Brick helped himself to the empty seat directly across from Blossom Utonium to a chorus of gasps and staring.
Blossom did not startle like her table mates had. She watched him critically behind a head full of bangs as she balanced her soup spoon in her hand. “Really.”
Brick unwrapped the burrito he’d purchased in the lunch line and brandished it before him. “Really.”
He took a bite of the burrito. It was not hot enough. The two girls to Blossom’s left whispered to each other about that bad boy and he’s hot, though.
Blossom daintily spooned soup into her mouth without spilling a single drop as she continued to watch Brick for signs of his imminent dark side transformation.
The guy next to Brick was brave enough to ask him what his next class was. Brick had a mouth full of disappointing burrito, so he passed the guy the printout of his class schedule in lieu of answering.
“Wow, all APs, huh? Hey, we’re in U.S. History together next period, nice. I’m Mike Believe, by the way. Brick Jojo, right?”
Brick didn’t answer him immediately on account of the burrito currently occupying his mouth hole, and Mike took it the wrong way.
“Oh, yeah, we all know who you are. Blossom sort of filled us in.” He winced like he’d inadvertently revealed a terrible secret.
Brick swallowed his food and washed it down with a gulp of water. “Saves me some time.”
Mike looked super relieved. “For sure! Hey, I could lend you my notes if you want to catch up. Gershwin’s giving a quiz on the Progressive Era on Friday, and she’s a hard-ass who definitely won’t care that you just transferred…”
Brick chewed on his lunch as Mike continued to talk at him about classes and other vaguely helpful, albeit uninteresting, information. But Mike seemed normal enough, a little chatty but not in an overeager sort of way. Blossom was no longer clocking his every move and seemed to be absorbed in her friend’s latest swim team cheating scandal, until Brick reached for his water bottle and she suddenly laser-focused on his wandering hand.
Her keen attention to him was honestly flattering, if expected. It was in his nature to be noticed, and in this narrow respect she was no different from anyone else whose head he turned. If she chose to feed her interest with the flames of suspicion, then it was no difference to him.
But if she was anything like him—and on a chemical level she was probably the closest to him that a person could get—he suspected it took tremendous effort to hold her full and sustained attention. The world they inhabited was as vapid and mundane as the humans that surrounded them, and even the most gracious of gods grew bored of worship. Which explained all the smiting and fucking and generational curses upon entire households in everything from Greek mythology to the Old Testament.
Brick was pretty deep into a fantasy of Blossom going full Ixion and the Wheel on the swim team when Mike tapped his shoulder. “You ready to go?”
It took him a moment to realize the bell had rung and he had a class to get to—AP U.S. History with Mike, apparently. Brick gathered his tray and his bag and followed Mike. When he looked back at the table, Blossom was already gone.
That whole first week was painfully boring. No one bullied him, or pranked him, or picked a fight with him, of course. But no one really approached him, either. His brothers were more determined to make an effort. Boomer announced he was trying out for the soccer team because there was no rule saying a Super with extremely well documented ties to active criminals and the forces of Hell couldn’t kick a ball around a field. Butch had gotten himself invited to a midnight screening of Snakes on a Plane in some rich kid’s home movie theater, but only after that same kid had accidentally spilled milk on Butch and burst into tears in front of a cafeteria full of Juniors and Seniors. Brick declined the invitation Butch extended to him. He had that AP U.S. History exam to study for on Friday, anyway.
He shared all of his classes with Blossom. Even in the classes where her assigned seat was behind his and he couldn’t see her, he could feel her lobotomizing stare at the back of his head whenever she glanced up from her notebook. And while Mike’s notes were perfectly adequate and the friendly gesture counted for more than the content (a gesture Brick would not soon forget), there was a far more efficient way to accomplish his goal of murdering the class averages while also taking the edge off his loner doldrums.
“Can I borrow your class notes?”
Blossom rose from her seat and pulled her hair tie out to re-do her extremely long ponytail. She held the elastic between her teeth as she worked. Her teeth were very straight, he noticed. Some pretty nice girl-teeth, generally speaking.
“Which class?”
“All of them.”
He watched her wind the elastic around her hair with quick, adroit fingers. “That’s a lot of notes.”
“You’re the top of every class. No point in asking anyone else.”
She moved toward the hall. He followed her out. “Why would I help you?”
A legitimate question delivered without venom. Unlike her sister Buttercup, who’d “run into” Brick after school on Monday and told him to watch his back, Blossom didn’t have to do anything but maintain a general proximity to make her superiority complex known. Which was the kind of flex he could fuck with.
“Isn’t helping people sort of your mandate?”
They had arrived at her locker, which she opened with enough force to rattle the hinges. “I help the helpless. Are you helpless, Brick?”
Brick smiled at her baiting. Had she ever actually said his name at a normal volume before? It sounded good even in her baseline bitch timbre. “Critically helpless. I’m the new student who transferred in the middle of the semester, and you’re the only person who knows me.”
A couple other students clearly trying to get to the lockers Brick was blocking hovered just out of reach. They whispered to each other, but neither of them actually worked up the courage to ask Brick to move. He ignored them.
Blossom rummaged in her locker for the binder she would need for the next class. “Make friends.”
“Working on it.”
The locker door slammed and she faced him. There was something confrontational in the way she held herself before him that kicked him in the nuts back in time thirteen years to their more uncouth days when all he wanted to do was destroy her so he’d be the only one. Now they were older and wiser and he actually did need her notes to study, so destroying her was not high on his list of priorities.
“You want to be my friend.”
“We have so much in common.”
“So do lions and hyenas.”
“Both are apex predators, so.”
She took a step closer and peered up at him. Brick did not move, although he wondered what was so interesting about his face. She probably just thought he was hot. She was probably as bored as he was. She probably—
“You have lettuce in your teeth.”
Brick pulled back and covered his mouth on instinct. God fucking damnit.
Blossom was already walking away from him by the time he’d picked the food from his teeth. “I’ll expect my notes back in mint condition before first period tomorrow morning.”
Brick pressed a fist against the lockers and quietly fumed. “Dumbass…”
“Um, sorry, but do you mind…?”
The student who’d been waiting for her locker space to clear up had her palms up as if to assuage a feral stray. Brick pushed off the lockers, but his fist left a dent where he’d unleashed some of his impotent self-pity. He looked back at the girl, and she shook her head.
“It’s fine! It, uh, it happens sometimes.” She pointed a couple lockers down to Blossom’s, which was dinged up worse than the others.
Brick stared at Blossom’s locker, and then back at the girl. Her narrow, dark eyes were wide, but not out of fear. She was waiting for something, and like an idiot it took him a moment to catch up. “You’re trying to make me feel better about fucking up your locker.”
She laughed nervously. “I mean, it’s really fine! You just looked so miserable for a second there, and I just thought…”
Great, he was moping so hard he had an audience.
The five minute warning bell rang, and a flood of students rushed past them on their way to fourth period. Brick stepped aside so the girl could get to her locker.
“Hey, you’re the new guy, right?”
The new guy, yeah. How quaint. Except, she was waiting for a response, which wasn’t the absolute worst thing that had happened to him all week.
“Brick,” he said. But of course, she already knew that, and she was just being nice.
“I’m Kim. Kim Chan.”
“Okay.” He didn’t have anything else to say to her, so he decided to get his shit and get to his next class.
“Welcome back to Townsville, Brick.”
Brick shoved his hands in his pockets and stalked off. It didn’t occur to him until later that Kim was the first and only person who had properly welcomed him back home.
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allisxonrxse · 4 years
It was a Friday, close to 10 PM. You were finishing up your studies as you were at college for the previous hours. Your best friend, Cathy, calls you at 10:07 pm, you answer and she yells on the phone, “ Y/N!! You have got to come to the pub tonight! I heard that there were some really cute guys there..?” she said that with a high pitched voice at the end. “Maybe,” you softly said, “ Maybe i'll come. I will just have to finish these papers. I'll call you when i'm finished, alright?” Cathy sighed, “ Alright, but you have to call me before 11 PM so that you're not late.” You mumbled, “Okay, just let me finish!” Cathy hangs up the call. You squealed a high pitched scream that sounded like you were excited.
“Finally, I finished.” You smirked, looking at your papers, then looking at the phone on your desk. Oh shit, I almost forgot. You ringed Cathy at 10:58 PM, she squealed “ Omg y/n, you took forever!” “Oh shut up!” you jokingly replied. Cathy sighed, tiredy,”I'll pick you up at 11:20, is that fine?” “Yup! Im gonna get ready.” You said confidently back. You hung up the phone then sprinted to the closet like an animal chasing a bunny. You found a beautiful red dress, all the way up to your knees. “This looks amazing!” You looked at yourself in the mirror, then grabbed the reddest lipstick you could find in the drawer. “Fuck,” you chirpped,”I messed up.” you then grabbed a makeup wipe and did it neatly. It was then 11:14, you took a black, small purse, and sprayed a nice perfume scent of roses on you.
Cathy honked her car 3 times, just to get your attention. “Damn.” You ran as fast as you could, out of your apartment,forgetting to lock your door, however, Cathy doesn’t notice it.
It took only 10 mins. To get there. “Hmm, smells like sweaty cigarettes.” You mumbled to Cathy. “Rightt…” It only took her just a few seconds to spot a stunning guy in the crowd. You sat down and sighed. But then you felt as if someone were taking a glance at you. You knew it. You felt it. You looked at the man who was playing the electric guitar. The both of you noticed that it wasn’t normal to spot someone just like that. You felt as if you had a connection somehow.
The show finished, Cathy left you at the pub, and drunkenly left with the stunning man she saw. Then so, the guitarist comes up to you, with his rosey cheeks and beautiful hair. “Hey.” He said with a deep voice, then smirked.”Hi.” You replied back, thinking that you did something wrong. You turned pink, slightly embarrassed. “ You look gorgeous.” He said, staring at you, while slightly grinning. You decided to be flirtatious for the night and replied back with, “You too, you look bloody handsome.” He blushed. “ You look smart.” You blurted out. Roger jumps up behind him and says, “He’s a smart lad, but so am I.” raising his eyebrow, then smirking. “ Really Roger?” Brian croaked, tiredly. “Yes, really. I uh- am uh- gonna be a uh- dentist?” Roger mentioned. “Oh fuck off, im tired of that.” Brian laughed and you lock eyes with him. “Woah now,” Roger soon mumbled, “ I can see you guys already fucking.” “Shut up!” You hit Roger playfully.
“So, wanna go out sometime? If you-” Brian tried to say, as you just interrupted him by handing him a drink. “Yess!” You said in excitement. Roger left the room as he was getting bored, and talked to Tim, the lead singer of, Smile. “We could go out right now if you’d like,” you croaked, “I dont have any plans.” You saw Brian try to hide his grinning face from you. “You look really cute, y’know?” You chirped out loud. “Oh- t-thanks.” Brian stumbled on his words. You just thought it was so adorable how he was shy when HE was that one who came up to you. If nothing would've happened, I could've done it myself.
You already saw the thought of you and brian kissing. “Too fast,” you thought to yourself, “too fast.” You didn’t know it yet, however, Brian was thinking the same. You gave him the choice, “Can we go to your house or mine?” Brian thought of it, then came the thought of it that you were just a girl who he noticed out of the crowd of people, he thought to himself,” She’s different.” Then Brian blurted out,” Uhh, we could go to yours.” He walks you to his car, and tells you what it's like to be in a band, and how hard it is, and how stressful it is. He kept on complaining to you, as if you were the only one that he could talk to.
You soon got home, and he came with you to your front door. “Juice?” you offered him. “Sure! That would be nice.” He replied back with. You got into the kitchen and started getting the glasses ready. You poured in the grapefruit juice, you guessed that he would like it. You returned back to the living room just to check on him. He looked overwhelmed to be quite honest. He looked so stressed out. “You okay?” You mumbled, hoping not to wake him up. “Yea, yea.” Brian said ever so softly. You fell in love with him at that point. Seeing him on that couch made you feel safe. Even though you weren’t even sure if he liked you back, you knew for a fact, you loved him.
You woke up on your bed, and you found brian facing you, right next to you. “Oh my fucking god.” You thought to yourself. He moves in the slightest way possible, and you hope he doesn’t wake up. You look at his big brown curly hair, and you start staring at his face. Brian feels like hes being watched, he opens his eyes, and wided them. “Y/N i am so so sorry,” he panicked, “I didn’t mean to.” You chuckled, giving him a small smirk. “I'm actually surprised.” you said back with the remaining of that smirk that soon turned into a grin. Brian got out of the bed quickly. He was still wearing what he wore to the pub last night.”You didn’t change?” you mentioned. “No, i dont have any clothes anyway.” Brian said. You got out of bed, still tired, but somehow, excited. Why do I feel this way? You thought to yourself. Brian walked to the kitchen, you saw him and he looked like he was cold.
“Brian,” you called out.”come here!” Brian quickly came to your room, shivering with small goosebumps on his arms. “Here,” you gave him a fur coat.”wear this.” You looked up at him and noticed how taller than you he was. He looked down at you, passionately. He held the back of your neck, and you felt his cold, long hand pull you closer to him. He pulled you closer until you could feel his hot breath. He grabbed you and closed his eyes, then you felt his lips touch yours. “Wow.” you thought to yourself while this was happening. You closed your eyes, and the kiss went longer than it was supposed to.
“I am so sorry, love!” Brian took a gasp. “No, no” you took 2 breaths, “i-i liked it..” “Really?” Brian mumbled. “Wait.” you noticed, “did you just call me love?” Brian gasped, he looked down at the floor, itched the back of his head, and cooed out, “Yea..” You saw him getting nervous. “Stop apologizing,” You croaked “You're too nice.” He looked at you up and down. You saw that. You licked your lips and eventually, your the one that risked it for a kiss. You grabbed the back of his head, pulled him close and you felt the friction of both of your lips touch together. You kissed passionately, it felt like this wasn’t the first time you did this. It wasn’t. You pulled back, “Im so so sorry.” You looked him in the face, and you were worried. Brian mocked you, “No, no” he chuckled, “i-i liked it.” Both of you grinned and smiled widely.
He took the fur coat off the table, then put it on. You look in the closet for a hoodie. You find a big black hoodie, then you put it on. It covered your knees and you weren’t wearing shorts, you just wore underwear. You went to the kitchen, boiled 2 cups of tea, then got it ready for the two of you. The tea was finished, so you brought it, 1 cup by one. “Herbal tea?” Brian sniffed the drink. “Yea,” you responded.”Rosemary tea.” “Ooo, fancy.” Brian commented on the tea. “I thought it would be chamomile tea, as it is very common.” You stared at his hazel eyes, he stared back at you. You guys did this until brian noticed the time. 11:38. “Shit, what day is it?” brian grunted. “Its a saturday, dummy!” you chuckled out loud, and brian seemed to enjoy your laugh. “I dont have anything for today, you?” he questioned. “No, we can go out to the pub tonight.” You mentioned. The phone was ringing. Brian answered it and gave a playful smirk, “hello?” you heard him. A deep voice you were in love with. “Uh, yea shes here.” He talked to her and brian called you to the phone. “Hello?” you talked in the phone. It was Cathy. “Hey, sorry for leaving you at the pub, haha..?” She nervously said. “Whos with you? Did you sleep with him? Was he from the pub?” Cathy kept on interrupting you. “Oh my bloody hell. Let me talk!” you complained,jokingly, “His name is brian and i met him at the pub. And no i didnt sleep with him!” You hung up the phone embarrassed. He chuckled and mumbled, “I wish you slept with me.” leaving a small smirk on his face. “What?” you asked.”I couldn’t hear you.” “Oh nothing.” Brian responded with a small grin.
It was the afternoon, somewhere near 3 pm. “Wanna go to the movies tonight?” Brian asked, nervously. “Sure!” You replied back. Excited and dreamy, you decide to choose your clothes on what you're going to wear to the movie theatre. You picked up some blue bell bottoms and aside from that, a light yellow shirt. You also took a backpack for some stuff if you needed it. “When do you wanna go?” Brian asked all the way from down the hall. “I don't mind, at 9 or 10 probably.” “Ok, i'm going to leave and pick you up.” Brian said. He took a piece of paper and a marker, then wrote down his telephone number. “Wait, but-” you said as he closed the front door. You walked in the living room, half naked with only your underwear on. Brian came back in, “Oh my god, i'm so sorry!” He yelled out loud. You looked him up and down and so did he. “But you look amazing..” Brian said looking at your top. You saw the long print in his brown pants. He noticed you were looking at him. Then he covered it with his hand. “Oh- um sorry.” He mumbled. You uncovered your top and took off your underwear. “Wanna come?” you asked him, flirtatiously. “Yea..” brian looked at you and gave a seductive smirk. He followed you into your room, he pushed on the bed, passionately kissing you as if he knew you for so long. “I cant believe that this is happening.” You thought to yourself as he gave you love bites and started kissing your neck. You saw while he was kissing you, he was painfully hard. “Can i suck you?” you mumbled, looking him up and down. He took off his clothes so quickly that he had almost ripped them. He threw his clothes all over the room, causing it to look messy. He took a deep breath and groaned. You dropped to your knees and smirked,”Can i?” you asked. “Yes, please.” He was begging for it and his cock was rock hard. “Just for you.” He groaned. You put his cock in your mouth and started sucking him off. His head threw back and he kept on rolling his eyes. “Please, please, i wanna cum.” he said softly, moaning. He grunted with pleasure. “Keep going!” he said. You felt his pubic hairs on your nose. You choked on him, and he cummed in your throat. You could feel his heartbeat on the veins of his dick going faster and faster. He rolled his eyes and threw his head back once more. “Oh my god y/n, keep going.” Brian moaned while biting his bottom lip. You again felt his warm seed go down your throat as he bit his bottom lip even more. He rolled his eyes and he felt so good. “Wow y/n, you're really good.” He looked you up and down. You felt so honored for making him cum. You smirked. “I want you inside me.” you groaned. “Maybe..” brian croaked. After he recovered, he could finally do the things you wanted him to do. “I want you inside of me.” You repeated. “Fine, fine,” he chuckled so cutely. You looked at him and it looked like he was semi-hard. “y/n can i?” brian asked so politely. “Yes, thats what i want you to do.” you giggled, “y/n your laughs make me feel different, y’know?” brian mentioned. He ripped off your underwear and pushed you onto the bed. He kissed your thigh so lightly. He licked your thighs and he licked your pussy. Once he licked your pussy you needed you let it out. “Mhmm..” you moaned slightly. “Haha, already?” Brian laughed. He put in his long fingers and he instantly hit the spot. “Awwhhhh b-brian,” you moaned, “fuckkk…” he was so good at this already. He looked and you and licked your clit. You bit your lip so hard that you could taste the blood. He repeatedly licked your clit, over and over again. “Awhh fuckkk…” you moaned,”b-brian, dont stoppp..” He fingered your spot and you bit your lip and rolled your eyes. It felt so good. He used his tongue and licked your clit even faster, with more pressure. You moaned with pleasure. “Do you have condoms?” brian asked, slightly smirking. “Yea, I think.” you said, reaching over to your desk. He grabbed a condom out and placed it on his cock. He grinned and groaned, “Can i?” “Yes, put it in pleasee..” you moaned. He slid his dick on your wet folds and he kept on teasing you. “Bloody hell brian, stop teasing me!” you grew moody. Brian giggled. He slid his cock in, and you moaned,”oh my fucking god bri, its so big…” you bit your lip and rolled your eyes until you could see nothing but black. He hit your spot, it hurt but it felt so good. Both of you moaned at the same time, both giving you pleasure. “Fuck bri, this feels so fucking good.” you moaned once again. “Mmhmm..” brian said. “I love it when you call me that.” he groaned, going deeper. “Fuckkk..” you moaned louder than before. He thrusts his cock into you, faster, and you love this,”Fucking shit bri, dont stop!!” you can hear his whispers, (fuck,fuck,fuck) and him slightly moaning. This turns you on even more,”bri, your so hard.” you roll your eyes back and he moans,”im gon- im gonna c-” he cums. You wish he fucked you raw. You feel like he loves you, and this wasnt just a one time thing. You were sure that you loved him, but you didnt know if he loved you. He cleaned up and put his clothes back on, starting with his boxers. You changed your clothes and looked at brian, “I really liked that.” you mumbled. “So did i.” brian said, putting his shirt on. He looked you up and down,”i love you.” he mumbled. Did i hear that correctly? He loves me? “Wait-” you said as brian interrupted you with a passionate kiss. Now you knew that kiss was from his heart. You knew he loved you as much as you loved him.
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operationoverdrive · 6 years
power morphicon diary (2018)
twitter thread with pics and such ✨✨✨
now to recap the greatest weekend of my life:
brennan mejia (tyer, dino charge red)
the first ranger i met, his line was always really long i love my relevant king. i was shaking and speechless pearl had to speak for me, she told him i loved all latinx rangers and he said “good!”. he told us everyone got to keep 8 items from the set and he kept his energem, tyler’s boots, his dad’s bracelet, tyler’s red puffy vest (for me ofc), and other stuff idr because he was so beautiful i was physically unable to breathe. 
later kat was reminiscing and said “i can’t believe azim had a mental breakdown because of us” and we turned the corner and a voice said “azim had a mental breakdown” GUESS WHO IT WAS! we all screamed, kat ran back around the corner but we all did end up in the elevator together and he was very chill even tho we were all wrecks
selwyn ward (tj, turbo red/in space blue)
idr planning to get a pic with selwyn but he has a magnetic forcefield that draws people to him and no one was in his line so he talked to us for a while and asked if we preferred turbo or space and which episode was our fave and he actually remembered the plot of mine (the curve ball). he was tight-lipped when we asked if he was in the anniversary even tho we pointed out a pic of him and chrysti was posted (BY HIM), it was so adorable he was squirming so much. 
later we saw him while waiting for our car and we SCREAMED and he rushed right over and gave us all hugs and told us to make sure to come see him (he corrected himself when he saw pearl and remembered we’d already been)
brandon jay mclaren (jack, spd red)
i asked him to sign a marriage license and he almost died laughing, he was so happy. fyi he has never been proposed to by a fan before so @everyone in the world i need you to step it the fuck up
jorge vargas / adam tuominen (blake and hunter, ninja storm navy and crimson)
my first sighting of them was while we were waiting for our tickets and they were going to check in, as soon as i recognized jorge i screamed my lungs out and he was utterly bewildered but he waved while adam was living for it. everyone around me looked at me like we did NOT just see the actors of our generation and i chastised them all for failing at life. when they came back around jorge had his phone out to film the crowd and i screamed even louder and he waved really big and BLEW A KISS IN MY DIRECTION AND I ASCENDED TO HEAVEN
when i finally was able to meet them to take pics pearl had to drag me over and she immediately let jorge know i was his biggest fan and was the girl who shrieked every time she saw him. he came right around and gave me a big hug!!!! i couldn’t really talk to him for long nor do i remember what we talked about because i mean how do you hold yourself together in front of someone that means so much to you??? YOU DON’T THAT’S HOW!
it was easier to talk to adam bc i could actually remember how to breathe. he told us jorge was the second oldest in the cast even tho he was supposed to be hunter’s baby brother so it was a strange contradiction but he loved playing an older brother. he said he and jorge hung out just the two of them alot to strengthen their bond (i asked if they got drunk together and he laughed and said “well i wasn’t gonna say it but yes”. i told him hunter was a pink ranger and he laughed and said “Yea first male pink ranger!!!”
i saw them again when we were in line for the atm and this time they definitely recognized me and waved really big i love those thunder punks
megaforce panel
this was the only panel i went to bc pr fans don’t know how to act so they’re all boring or frustrating but thankfully the megacast is charming as hell and made every second entertaining and engaging
andrew and christina were late but when christina walked in i guess we screamed really loud because when she asked if we missed her john mark said “yes the christina masterson fan club is right there” and pointed to our group in the crowd
some fan asked them about the vrak is back two parter and the entire cast was like scrambling to remember if that was even an episode of their series, azim started talking about fight scenes and crates and confused vrak with vekar so i decided to yell that its the episode where robo knight dies and cameron was like “that must’ve been an episode my morpher was coincidentally turned off” and i was like “no you dummy you were kidnapped! orion was sleeping beauty!!” and he cracked up. john mark told me to calm down.
i asked christina if she prepared or studied anything about photography since emma is very passionate about it and she said her boyfriend at the time was a photographer and she was a model so she knew some basics and became a photographer herself
tracy lynn cruz (ashley, turbo/in space yellow)
even tho we were second in line we had to wait FOREVER bc some dude kept asking her about monsters. we ended up talking to her son who was helping with her booth and he was really nice! her husband was also there and wearing her merch it was so cute! i told tracy she needed to start a fashion line based on ashley’s wardrobe and when i almost forgot my debit card she told me “oh wait i can use this to start my fashion business”
davi santos (ivan, dino charge gold)
quite possible my favorite interaction of the entire con??? we approached him right as he arrived so we were the first to meet him! pearl and i were basically gushing as soon as we made it to the table and he was so confused bc we kept talking at the same time. i congratulated him on the new show and he said he hopes we all enjoy it. his booth was so cute, he was selling energems but the signs specifically said “zandarian energems” and his sign advertising his social media said “thine twitter, thine instagram, thine facebook” bc he’s a fucking NERD. he let me wear his jacket which was real and from the show, specifically from the episode sync or swim where they made a bunch of replica’s bc of the scene where they have to ruin it. he also kept his glasses on bc i asked him if we could be glasses twins and did ivan’s famed duck mouth selfie with me. then he hugged me and i died
azim rizk (jake, megaforce black/super mega green)
he recognized us as soon as we approached his booth and said he noticed our little “cluster” because we were so loud at the panel dkhgfmdg. he was literally the easiest person to talk to i could’ve spent all day talking about megaforce and how much i love it with just him. he was selling jake pins for FIVE DOLLARS and i told him to raise his prices bc he is hashtag worth it and also to make jake hoodies (he was wearing his one from the show!) and sell them and we would all be his investors. we were holding each other for the pic and he looked right at me and his face was really close so i screamed “omhy god don’t look at me” and he was like “oh sorry” so yea gia moran found dead in a ditch
the second time we saw him pearl recapped here
at one point when we were chilling behind his booth cameron was like ??? and i was like “we’re his security team please don’t look him directly in the eye” and he laughed. azim literally could not stop hugging us he was so cuddly and soft!!!!!!! he also told us he brought his spandex with him and if it would be Too Much if he put them on and were like no bitch that would be the best thing ever why is no one else doing it, but then i called him a nerd when he actually ended up wearing it just bc we told him too and he was like “Yes.”
christina The Main Event masterson (emma, megaforce/super mega pink)
my darling my angel my being of light the sweetest human to ever live, she was so kind and easygoing but the first time i met her i could not speak. the first time my brain turned to slime so i think all i told her was that emma was my favorite ranger of all time and i loved her so much and pearl brought up all the times emma kicked ass and i think i interjected with “the halloween baking episode!” and she said she didn’t like that episode bc emma didn’t get to dress up. pearl asked what emma would’ve been and she said a monarch butterfly we stan an intellectual
i took a second pic with her bc i am That Emma Stan aka i bought a child-sized megaforce pink t-shirt and squeezed into it just for the aesthetic. i was better about speaking this time and told her i loved her syfy movies truth or dare but how dare she make me watch her awful death scene, she told me her dad also hated that scene but we talked about how we loved that her character chose to take her destiny into her own hands. when i brought up zombie shark she cringed a little but i told her i thought it was a fun movie and she said she loved playing a shark. i asked if she got tips from john mark since he’s a shark ranger and she said “as if”, she and ciara had also commandeered all the boys’ helmets for some reason it was adorable. i told her the girls rightfully owned them anyway and she smiled. they were so many babies in line for the girls and they kept calling them by their character names it was the most heartwarming thing ever to hear a small child squeak out “hey gia!” I LVOE POWER RANGERS MEGAFROCE
hector david jr. (mike, samurai green)
first saw him at the valet and kat is the one who pointed him out like “He....” and we all started screaming and as he gains life from such activities he immediately rushed over and gave us all a huge group hug bc he is an angel sent from heaven
he was announced like one hour before the con so they literally just shoved him into najee’s booth it was so funny bc all the merch was blue ranger (i got a kevin t-shirt!) and hector’s one green ranger helmet. i told hector to sell me the shirt off his back and he said he’d think about it since it matched my outfit kdnhnkd. he kept doing flips and jumping over the table bc he’s part grasshopper i guess. when kat took her picture we had to wait while he did a flip and kat asked najee what was up with him and najee was like “thats just hector” lmao. i asked hector why he and brittany were the only rangers that didn’t get an intro scene where their helmets flashed and he said it all just boiled down to the writing but that we haven’t seen the last of mike and he wants to come as a villain so i’m like 👀🔍📝 noted. when we took our pic i l layed my head on his shoulder and he said “my prom date right here” and morphicon became little mix’s love me like you mv as he also agreed to be ben’s prom date i love hector david jr with all my heart. again SO MANY BABIES IN LINE FOR THE SAMURAI RANGERS!!! the kid ahead of us asked if the samurizer that najee had was real or was it a toy CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE
anna hutchison (lily, jungle fury yellow)
while in line for the atm we saw her entering and i screamed “we love you anna!” and she waved and smiled at us she’s so ethereal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kat and i were the first (paying) people in line, she had lily figurines all over her table i love jungle fury’s number one stan. she is literally the sweetest person ever and so engaging. kat told her it was an absolute power move that she wore red instead of yellow and anna said she did it so she could lead the morph for once, i told her that lily could absolutely lead in yellow just fine and she laughed and agreed. when we were taking our pic kat mentioned how i didn’t like how some of my previous pics had turned out and anna said she’d wait until i signed off on them and we could retake them if i didn’t like them QUEEN OF CHARITY!! her handler was...really bad and the pics came out all shaky as soon as we saw them she and i exchanged looks and anna was like “uh yeah let’s try again” i still didn’t like how they came out but i stayed quiet the second time bc i was grateful enough to be in the presence of a literal heavenly being. she asked what other parts of the convention we were looking forward too and i told her she was the main event because we had been waiting for her all day and she hugged me!!! blonde yellow rangers respect ur leader
andrew gray (troy, megaforce/super mega red)
this man printed out an article that explained why super megaforce was the strongest team in power rangers history and cited it during the panel fuck everyone else i RESPECT HIM. when we came up to his booth i picked up the article and said he should have it on display and he told me i could keep the paper copy because he had A PRESERVED DISPLAY COPY ANDREW LOVES MEGAFORCE MORE THAN ANYONE. he was also the epitome of beauty and has the most intense nature about him so it was hard to think of things to say. i just told him i loved troy and he said “that’s cool man”, a chill legend. when we did our photo op he kept trying to talk to us and asked to see how the pic turned out a few times but my mouth just could not form words around him, years of academy training wasted.
katrina browne / katrina devine (marah and kapri, ninja storm)
literally the most excited and affectionate ladies at the con they were so happy to talk to people i told them that marah and kapri were the greatest villainesses of all time. they were so adorable and didn’t know what i was talking about when i said “let’s do the charlie’s angels pose!” so i had to show them. it was their first con and i asked them to please come back and they said it was so much fun so they really wanted to!
jack guzman (danny, wild force black)
he made a Comment and had me like ..........................give me my money back, but i got a cool danny jacket and i love it and i love danny delgado what’s a jock gizmo
mike ginn / li ming hu (gem and gemma, rpm silver and gold)
APPARENTLY my snake friends told mike ginn about me and how much i loved gem and gemma and how excited i was to meet them but that i was really shy around my faves so when he came over to take the pic and i told him my name he was like “omg you’re shy tabby!” and i immediately died. he kept trying to tell me it was okay and i was just giggling so much and trying to fake run away and li ming told mike to stop embarrassing me it was so cute. he asked for a hug to calm me down and he was so gentle i love him.
later when kat and i walked past mike’s booth he yelled “hey there’s tabby!” I HATE HMI SO MCUH WHY IS HE LIEK THIS
karan ashley (aisha, mmpr yellow)
she was selling so much merch we stan an entrepreneurial queen. i told her that i stan all mexican rangers and she said “yes i love that!”. she hugged me and told me that she loved that i was Ready with my cute pose and i told her it’s bc she emits cuteness energy and i thrived off of it but she said it came from me so i guess you could say we’re dating
other sightings
mike chat (chad, lightspeed blue): was hanging out at the beast morphers unveiling and i saw him and was like....,,,,,.,.,.oh myog do........ITC HAD!!!!!!!! but he had like a ring of handlers around him and the panel was going on and he wasn’t there as an official guest (he trained those auditioning for beast morphers including the 3 cast!!) so i didn’t approach him but he was wearing an all blue suit so thank you for my life
cerina vincent (maya, lost galaxy yellow): saw her as she was walking to the con and she recognized us when she saw me and kat standing in another line she’s literally sunshine personified
kevin kleinberg (trip, time force green): a bunch of people got into the elevator and it got too full for us but i noticed one of the men looked familiar and then it hit me “OH MYGOD YOU’RE KEVIN KLEINBERG ITS KEVIN KLEINBERG!” he smiled real big and waved and told me he liked my shirt (megaforce) as the doors closed, then i reminded everyone it was trip from time force and no one but me is valid 
alycia purrott (syd, spd pink) +2: i talked to her while kat was getting her pic and asked why a full version of syd’s hit single was never released and she said she’d love to get hands on the original recording. i told her that it’d be the perfect SPD reunion if they all shot a music video together and she agreed. kat met all the spd rangers so i also spoke a bit to matt austin (bridge) and chris violette (sky) and matt said chris stole his poster design from greg and i said “that’s such a sky move” and he cracked up. i asked chris if he was having fun at the con and he said of course but i told him he didn’t have to lie and he gave me a look and said “i know right” and laughed, the spd cast is so funny
i also saw will shewfelt eating lunch, he was with his entire family which was adorable that they all came to see him at his power ranger event and his brother looks EXACTLY like him but tiny
anyway i love morphicon and power rangers and the hell clique and all you pr fans need to step it up and ask better questions at panels and be nicer to the actors and also do research and learn all their faces so ur not looking around wondering why i am screaming my head off because some lady passed by (IT WAS KARAN ASHLEY YOU UNGRATEFUL BRATS!!!!!)
can it be 2020 now?
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thisismyroaring20s · 6 years
My track-by-track review of Pray for the Wicked (spoilers)
and by review I mean literally just my stream of consciousness while listening to the songs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If that interests you feel free to read on. (Update: the ratings are based on other Panic songs, not just songs in general)
1. (Fuck A) Silver Lining
I think this was the first song I listened to off of the new album, loved it then, still love it now "Out of the old, and into the new, we dedicate, this song to you" GREAT INTRO TO AN ALBUM, felt very We're So Starving-esque, except instead of 'don't worry we're still the same' it's 'we're different but it's fine' (you know what maybe it's more 'swear to shake it up if you swear to listen') and then you get slammed with FUCK A. SILVER LINING. heck yes fuck it up Bren. I like how he's like 'silver isn't good enough, we aiming higher dammit' Shoutout to 'Yonce. The bleep part at like 2:07 reminds me of the radio edit of Raise Your Glass by P!nk. This song is just a little too repetitive for me tbh 5/10
2. Say Amen (Saturday Night)
Does anyone know wtf the intro is saying? What language is that? Is it a language or is it gibberish? Someone help. I hear "ah-deh-jah". Chorus makes me wanna smash stuff, but that may be because of the mv. Again, what are these words? "mah-key-key-yeah" I need answers. Vocals are amazing, obvi. I like this song a lot, and it's my boyfriend's fav as of rn. Saturday, SATurday, SATURDAYEEEEE. YES. incredible tbh. 9/10
3. Hey Look Ma, I Made It
Wasn't sold on the intro at first, sounded boring compared to the others. "i'm a hooker selling songs and my pimps a record label" I love it, great line, was the first thing that I liked about this song. I really like the sound of the pre-chorus. "IF YOU LOSE BOO HOO, HEY LOOK MA I MADE IT" 😂😂😂 I screeched honestly. Chorus is super fun. "if it’s a dream, don't wake me" reminded me of Stay Frosty (shoutout to FOB, love ya 😘) "see it, I want it, I take it" reminded me of two things: 1. Emperor's New Clothes, lbr, "see what's mine and take it" and 2. Fireball by Pitbull "I came, I saw, I conquered or should I say I saw, I conquered, I came" IDK WHY DON'T ASK i hate myself for thinking of that too lmao. I really like the way the song ends, idk why, just sounds cool. As for the music video, honestly wtf. It just reminded me of glee and Ed Sheeran. lmao. I loved it though. Anyways, great song, fun as all get out 8.5/10
4. High Hopes
Yes that brass! 🎺 "didn't have a dime but I always had a vision" "I was gonna be that one in a million" A++ lines. I also live-tweeted/tumbld this song when it was released.
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And I did this:
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and Panic retweeted me nbd. Honestly I love this song sm, and I relate to it a lot because people are always like "you're never gonna make it (and I'm like "I don't wanna make it. I just. wanna. *guitar riff*" jk lmao) but my mom is like my biggest fan and believes in me a lot and I love her a lot. And I always feel like I do have high hopes for everything, and it doesn't always work out but like... you gotta try for what you want in life. And you gotta be you unapologetically. Okay, sappy time over. The stripped back part that starts at like 2:20 with just his vocals and the background vocals. I've ascended, that part is amazing and then the drums kick in and you feel it building 😍 YES. 9.5/10
5. Roaring 20s
Holy shit I love this song so much. Perfect anthem for the summer I turn 21. The sound of the band at first and then the piano joins in?! Hell yes. "the oddest of summers" would you say it's.. pretty odd?👀👀 lmao I'll see myself out. The line "maybe I'll medicate, maybe inebriate" really stuck with me for some reason, like I like it, but it also kinda concerns me. "Maybe I'll smile a bit, maybe the opposite" I just really like the way this sounds. "My telltale heart's a hammer in my chest" ya girl's an english major and we just studied this last semester, love it. ROLL ME LIKE A BLUNT CAUSE I WANNA GO HOME lmao. Super peppy, makes me wanna dance kinda chorus. "Oscars and Emmys and Grammys, everyone here is a trophy" honestly? Tea ☕. "Hallucinations only mean that your brain is on fire" I just like this line and wanted to point it out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The slowed down chorus is incredible, This. Is. My. ROARING. Roaring 20s. Can you tell this is one of my absolute favs on the album? Incredible. 10/10 👏👏👏
6. Dancing's Not a Crime
Started strong. Could tell from the first second this was gonna be catchy af. Shoutout to MJ, amirite? Lots of rhyming. Marauders. Harry Potter. "Dancing's not a crime unless you do it without me" adorable omg Bren ily. "Don't be throwin shade now"
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Lmao, no but really, got a little repetitive tbh but adorable anyway. Honestly don't have much to say about this song, it was okay 4/10
7. One of the Drunks
Love the beginning. "orange juice" reminded me of 400 Lux by Lorde and I started laughing. I love the way he pronounces words in this song (esp "times" and "remedy") 😍 "Damn it's all good... I guess" relatable af. "high as the sun, uncomfortably numb" I just like this. The speaking at the end omgggg 😂😂"I SAW YOU FUCKIN LIFT THAT SAX UP TOWARD THE MICROPHONE! AND I FELL IN LOVE" i cried 😂 8/10
8. The Overpass
Um??...yes 😍 that big band opening? hell yea. "sorry to get sentimental tonight" but sentimental boy is his nomme de plume tho. "Someone still loves you" 👀 The song is super fkn catchy, i love it. "sketchy girls and lipstick boys" upgrade from testosterone boys and harlequin girls or nah? I think nah. The mere mention of perfume by panic will always make me think of nearly witches, sorry not sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ THIS SLOW PART IS AMAZING I’M IN LOVE. "down to your blood type" a lil creepy but okay Bren cute. 9/10
9. King of the Clouds
Starts kinda abruptly tbh, but I like it. interesting lyrically imo, and I really like the emphasis he puts on parts of words. music is stellar. lyric video looks really cool w/the song. (Side note: Does anyone know what the symbols in the video that aren't hieroglyphics are? I wanna know, hmu if you know.) Not too crazy about the fast-forward-y high pitched part at about a minute in, it was a choice. "some only live to die, I'm alive to fly high-er than angels in outfields, inside of my mind" I love this line a lot tbh "I'm lost but I better find it alone" made me real sad bruh please you don't gotta be alone 😭 7/10
10. Old Fashioned
Very, very beginning, like first 5 seconds, gave me like Right Where You Want Me/Beautiful Soul era Jesse McCartney vibes. And then the intro went into cellphone/car commercial territory. Then the vocals started and it felt less commercial-y. Love the beat, it's real fun. Verse vocals felt like they didn't quite fit with the music. "seventeen's so gone" "remember your youth...they were the best of times" i'm cryign 😭. "always tip your bartenders" "get boozy" just made me laugh and the rest of the song made me sad. I live for parts of songs when like a chorus of people sing a line together, like gives you hell and the last chorus of this (esp the "pour out some liquor, make it an old-fashioned") #fuckmeup. The very end felt like it should have gone into a peppier iteration of the chorus, felt like it shouldn't have ended there. 7/10
11. Dying in LA
So pretty at the start. VOCALS OMG. "Stars are on the ground" walk of fame? "Every face along the boulevard is a dreamer just like you" I WALK THIS LONELY ROAD. "when ya DYin in la" 😂 Is this just a continuation of LA Devotee? Is this what happens to LA Devotees? Wow the instruments in this song are so pretty. I wouldn't say it fades into WTDMTN like someone said, but it definitely sounds similar, it's just the choice of instruments. That was such a beautiful song. ❤️❤️❤️ Wow. 9/10 
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j-esbian · 6 years
Second First Date
happy holidays to @osobhi​~ it seems like we had each other for the @mlsecretsanta​ exchange! I hope you like this! it’s post-reveal alyabug :3
on ao3
Words: 2.4k
Her parents were hosting a party to celebrate New Year’s Eve, and Alya was bored out of her mind. She was the youngest there; none of her parents’ friends had brought their kids, and Ella and Etta were down for a nap before midnight. Her parents had felt the need to start it six hours before midnight, so everyone could have dinner together, and the party was dragging on forever.
It probably would have been a little more bearable if she could leave and hang out with people she actually knew, but she had nowhere to go. After a while, she resorted to sitting in the corner of the couch, eavesdropping on nearby conversations and texting her friends.
From: Mari <3
How’s the party going??
Babe I’m so boredd are u sure u can’t come over
I wish :(( my parents won’t let me though
FuCk that
Wait bu t
I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind if ladybug crashed the party
No but they’re dragging me to church
At midnight
Why cant u just go in the Morning
B/c apparently?? We’re still open tomorrow??
Double Gross
Its ok I will send u a cyber smooch at midnight
Aww <3
Me too
Ugh gtg
Love you Alya
Ily2 mari
I’ll see if I can come by tomorrow
Gotta get me some sugar u know
Oh my goD
Uhh I mean ur dads pain au chocolat
Like ur cute but
Not everything is about u smh
“Ooh, are you texting a boy ?” someone near Alya giggled tipsily. She looked up, the smile rapidly evaporating off her face.
“My girlfriend, actually,” she said tersely.
“Oh.” He didn’t seem to know what to say, and went to take a gulp of wine instead. He looked down at the empty glass in his hand, then back at Alya, eyebrows raised. He tipped it towards her with a shamefaced smile and sauntered away in search of a refill.
Alya rolled her eyes. She got up and went into the kitchen, where her mother was preparing a round of hors d'oeuvres.
“Oh, Alya. Can you get me the horseradish out of the fridge?” Marlena asked.
“Yeah.” She grabbed the little glass jar from the refrigerator and, while she was in there, nicked a bottle of the twins’ apple juice. She handed the condiment to her mother and surveyed the plates that were already prepared. “Are any of these ready to go out?”
Marlena looked up. “Hmm. Yeah, the vol-au-vents,” she said, pointing. Alya picked them up and headed back out of the kitchen. “Thank you!” her mother called after her.
Alya, however, didn’t return to the party, but took a detour to her room. She closed the door behind her, resisting the urge to lock it, and shucked off her sweater and shoes. She set an alarm on her cell phone--5 minutes to midnight ought to be enough of a head’s up to rejoin the party in time for champagne.
Then she slouched over to her desk and kicked back in front of her laptop. She could still hear the wine-laced chatter and laughter of the party, and slipped on her headphones. Soon, she was engrossed in her computer, and behind her back the hours melted together. She was only pulled out of it, eventually, by two nearly simultaneous events.
The first was that she suddenly realized she was out of food, and when she looked up to confirm that her empty fingers were indeed only chasing crumbs around the plate, she caught a glimpse of her phone screen lighting up in her peripheral vision.
Alya sighed, and scooted in her chair to grab her phone from the pile of blankets it had nested in. To her surprise, it was now a little over half an hour until midnight.
From: Nono
Hey Alya
Playing stardew valley wbu
U decent?
Like morally or
Uh why lol
I mean yea but
U got sth planned?
W h a t
What are you hiding
Nano my man
Ur terrible with secrets
Just come hang out
Ivan’s here
And Alix
Kim’s maybe on his way
Where are u
We’ll come pick you up
Damn thanks
Maybe the real squad goals was the friends we made along the way
Be there in 10
Alya found her shoes and touched up her makeup, humming to herself. She gathered up the remains of her snack and headed to the kitchen. Her mom wasn’t in there anymore, and as she placed her plate in the sink, she heard her parents’ voices in the din of the party.
Her cell phone buzzed with a new text.
From: Alix K.
We’re here!!!
Come otu
im gay
Bitch me too
Come outsid e
Alya ran for her coat, shouting at her parents as she passed through the hallway. “I’m going to hang out with Nino!”
No response. She paused with her hand on the front doorknob and yelled again. “I’m gonna go out with some friends!”
Her mom poked her head around the corner. “Be quiet,” she said in a stage whisper. “The girls are still asleep.”
“Sorry,” Alya muttered. She lifted her hand from the knob and pointed at the door. “I’m going out, though.”
Marlena squinted at her watch in the dim light. “Be back by one,” was all she said. She headed back to the party, and called over her shoulder, “Have fun, sweetie!”
Alya raced down the stairs, and the moment she set foot outside, she was hit by a snowball. She coughed and swiped at her face, trying to see who threw it through the splotches on her glasses.
She heard Alix and Nino laughing, and Ivan said, “Ooh, nice shot.” She finally cleared off her lenses, and saw Ladybug, standing with her friends, and brushing her hands against her legs to hide the evidence of her crime.
“M--Uh, what are you doing here, Ladybug?” Alya asked incredulously.
Ladybug spread her arms wide. “Celebrating!”
Though Alya was bewildered, she couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face. “Don’t you have, like, other things to do tonight?”
“Honestly? No,” Ladybug said, shrugging. “I can’t think of anyplace else I’d rather be right now.”
“Hell yeah,” Nino agreed. “Marinette said you were bored at your house, so we got a crew together. Sucks that she couldn’t come, though.”
“Oh, well,” Ladybug smirked. “Guess she’s missing out.”
Alya stifled a laugh, and changed the subject before it burst out. “I thought you said Kim was coming?”
“Nah,” Alix said. “Turns out he and Max are at a LAN party, so, you know, they might never leave.”
“That’s fair, though.” Ivan scratched his nose. “Did, uh, they say where they were?” Alix glared at him. “What?”
“Never mind them!” Alya said cheerfully, linking one arm with him and the other with Ladybug. She turned to Nino. “Where are we off to?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t think that far ahead, honestly.”
They wandered to the end of Alya’s street, looking around. There were people everywhere, and the air around them was full of the sounds of Reveillon in full swing.
“Isn’t your friend’s dad putting on his show at the Eiffel Tower?” Ladybug asked.
Ivan shook his head. “Nah, Mylène’s in Canada visiting family. It’s her dad’s understudy.”
“Still, it could be fun,” Nino said. “Anybody got other ideas?”
They didn’t, so they set off.
Ivan fell back, separating from Alya and falling into step with Alix, and Alya leaned in to Ladybug. “I thought you said you were busy,” she whispered.
Ladybug smirked knowingly. “Come on, Alya, we’re never open on New Year’s.”
“But, then…?”
“I thought we could do something different.” Ladybug leaned into Alya, pressing against her side for a brief second before pulling away again, a coy look slipping onto her face. “You know, something exciting.”
“That sounds just fine to me,” Alya replied.
“Can I just say?” Nino interrupted. “You guys are the worst.”
The others turned around and realized that they had fallen into two lines and Nino, being the odd man out, was left to trail along behind them, alone.
“Aw, c’mere,” Alya said. Nino came up to join her and Ladybug, and she slung her free arm around his shoulder. “There. I got my two favorite people with me.”
“I’m surprised I made the list before Marinette,” Nino commented wryly.
“Your favorite, out of the people here?” Ladybug suggested.
“Okay,” Alix interjected. “That just seems needlessly rude. I mean, we’re right here.”
“Well, shit, man, she’s only got two arms,” Ivan retorted.
“I’m just saying,” Alix grumbled.
“And the sidewalk’s hardly wide enough for five people,” Alya added. “I mean, there’s barely enough space for three of us.”
“I could always carry you if it gets too crowded,” Ladybug suggested.
Alya winked. “Maybe some other time.”
The streets got more congested as they went on, and soon they were forced to walk single-file. Alya led the line, holding tightly onto Ladybug’s hand behind her so they wouldn’t be separated. Alix brought up the rear, but she was tired of trailing behind and jumped onto Ivan’s back instead.
With more people around, Ladybug had expected they would be able to blend in more easily, but just the opposite was true. She kept getting stopped, and people would hand their phone to Alya so they could get a picture. It was infuriating, and after a few blocks they stopped to build Ladybug a disguise.
Alix shed her hat and sweatshirt, while Nino held Ivan’s jacket for him so he could offer Ladybug his flannel.
“It’s definitely too big to fit you,” he said apologetically. “But I figure you can tie it around your waist, because none of us are going to give up our pants.”
Ladybug looked down at her conspicuously crimson legs. “Good call,” she replied, zipping Alix’s hoodie over her suit.
Alya stepped forward and unwrapped her scarf, winding it around Ladybug’s neck. “It’s not much by way of a disguise,” she murmured. “But it really helps pull your whole outfit together, I think.”
Ladybug nuzzled into it. “Mmm. Soft.”
“And you’d better take good care of this,” Alya said sternly. “My girlfriend made it for me, got it?”
“Well, it’s nice.” Ladybug winked. “She’s got great taste.”
Alya crossed her arms and smirked. “Uh, hell yeah , she does.”
“Anyway,” Nino interrupted, glaring pointedly at Alya. “I don’t have anything to give you, because apparently I’m a delinquent. Best I could do is a hat, but you’ve already got that covered, so… We should keep going if we want to get good seats.”
They forged on, although the icy sidewalks and tightly-knit crowds seemed to want to separate them at every opportunity. Alix jumped back up on Ivan’s back, and used her perch to peer over all the people and find a clear path. Ladybug jumped and reached for Alya’s hand when someone spoke, but they weren’t addressing her.
“Hey, kids, it’s cold out. Where are your coats?” a stranger called out.
“Your mom’s house,” Nino and Alix shouted in unison. He reached out behind him, and she high-fived him.
“You know,” Alya whispered to Ladybug, “I think Nino’s upset with us for flirting with each other.”
“What? Why?”
Alya tapped her thumb against the big black spot on the back of Ladybug’s hand. “Gee, I don’t know.”
Ladybug wrinkled her nose. “Oh! Aw. He’s trying to defend my honor.”
“Yeah, and he thinks I’m a slut,” Alya pouted. “Oh, well. I guess I do have a type.”
“Hmm,” Ladybug agreed. “Or, everyone just loves you.” She leaned in to kiss Alya on the cheek.
Alya snickered and danced away, as far as she could without letting go of Ladybug’s hand. “Sorry, Ladybug,” she said, clutching dramatically at her chest with her free hand. “But my heart only belongs to one girl.”
“I, however, am incredibly single,” Alix piped up.
Nino rolled his eyes. “Anyway,” he said loudly, “I’m not sure we can snag enough seats next to each other. We might have to split into a few rows.”
Alya looked up in surprise. “Oh, wow. We’re here.”
“That, my friend, is the beauty of the travel montage,” Nino replied.
The show was in mid-act when they arrived, and was much more than a one-man performance. While the mime was there, and he was center-stage on the ground, the air behind him was full of twisting acrobats, on invisible wires and banners of purple and gold, suspended from the Tower itself.
Ladybug kept Alix’s hoodie and Alya’s scarf, but returned the other pieces of her disguise to their owners. They managed to find a cluster of seats, and Alya and Ladybug were finally--relatively--alone. Ladybug rested her head on Alya’s shoulder and laced their fingers together.
“Hey, Marinette?” Alya whispered after a few minutes. “Don’t you think this is maybe a little… I don’t know, dramatic?”
“I think that’s the point,” Ladybug whispered back, watching the mime wrestle with an acrobat some 10 meters above him.
“No, I mean.” Alya waved her hand, trying to encompass the whole convoluted scheme. “Why was Ladybug out tonight? Why did Marinette pretend to be busy? Why not just come hang out without all the fuss?”
“Honestly?” Ladybug looked up at Alya, wincing slightly. “It’s kind of a publicity stunt.”
Ladybug was quick to amend her statement. “That is to say, we’re just showing people we’re around even when there’s nothing really going on. Like, you know, we’re people, too.”
“In like a ‘don’t do crime because we’re always watching’ way?” Alya asked.
“More like a ‘friendly neighborhood superhero’ thing,” Ladybug suggested. “Chat’s off somewhere too, probably hanging out with his friends. Anyway, I get to do my civic duty and take you on an awesome first date.”
“I’ve literally lost track of how many dates we’ve had,” Alya said. “But this is definitely not the first.”
“You’ve never been on a date with Ladybug before.”
Alya laughed. “It seems like you’re just splitting hairs.”
“Listen, our real first date was just a study date,” Ladybug countered. “I think it’s natural to want a second shot at that.”
Alya hummed in agreement. “Well, then, this is absolutely an improvement.”
As if in confirmation, a spray of fireworks shot out behind the Tower, framing all the performers with a backdrop of red and gold sparks as they launched into their grand finale routine. In the distance, the bells of some unseen church chimed midnight.
“Yeah.” Alya slipped her hand under Ladybug’s chin and rubbed her thumb across her cheek.
Ladybug leaned up to peck Alya on the cheek. “Happy New Year, Alya,” she murmured.
“Happy New Year, Marinette.”
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musicisfortheheart · 6 years
Summer Games (Segret Santa gift)(this was by geekygirl89)
This is for you for the Snk Veterans Segret Santa. I really hope you like it! And sorry in advace if it’s cringy or you don’t like crack fics. Don’t hesitate to tell me and I’ll fix it. Pass a wonderful day!^^ (I also added some of my headcanons for the vets answers…)
“Alright folks!” Said Hanji smacking an empty box on the big table where Nanaba, Moblit and the cadets were forced to sit. Hanji decided that they are going to celebrate their first day of summer holidays by playing a game with all the cadets!Yay! “So…Again, how did she get you approvation for this bullshit?” Levi turned to face Erwin who just cleared his voice. “I-I was really tired and she was getting on my nerves” Levi could tell that he was lying but decided to investigate later. “Hurry this shit up I have work to do” He growled then. The mess hall was empty apart from the six vets and all the cadets. It was seven and everyone have eaten their shitty dinner. The windows were all closed apart from the one their table is next to; the room was really hot and the fresh air helped to make them relax and get ready for the game Hanji set for that evening… “So why are we here?”…Which none of the teenagers knew about… “Since I heard that many of you would like to get to know us better…” “Who the fuck said that?” Growled Jean crossing his arms looking at Eren “The fuck are you looking at??” “Connieeee, I’m hungryyy” “Eh? But you just ate dinner!” “Eren, C-calm d-down, please!” Everyone started to talk and make noise. “You all better shut the fuck up before I…” Levi was cut off by Hanji who shushed everyone and continued their speech “…As I was saying…I decided to set a game where you write a question or a dare to Me, Erwin, Levi anonymously in those piece of paper” Hanji sat on the wooden stool on Erwin’s left, facing all the cadets who were all receiving a piece of paper and a pencil by Moblit and Nanaba. “You then fold the paper and put it in the box in the middle” The box at issue is a cardboard box with some ugly titans scribbled all over it. “But I don’t know how to write!” Said Eren. “I will write it for you…” Offered Armin. “I can’t write either” “Me neither!” Armin sighed “Okay! I’m going to write them!” “I’ll help too” Smiled Nanaba grabbing a pencil and a paper. “You better hurry up, brat” So Armin started to write what the other whispered him in the ear. Sometimes giving them a questioning look or a WTF expression while Nanaba was just giggling and complimenting them for their originality. “Okay, everyone is done” Moblit put the last piece of paper on the box and shook it a little bit and took a paper out of it. “The first question is…Uhm…<If you had a really fluffy bunny, what would you name it?>??” “Who the hell wrote that shit” Everybody started to laugh apart form Armin (Who was too confused), Christa (Who was a tomato), Nanaba (Who gave a reassuring smile to Christa while patting her back) and Ymir (Who was glaring at everyone else). Levi shook his head and cursed under his breath “I hate animals, those things stink”. “I would name it Easter Joy!“Grinned Hanji. “Tch, Toffe, I would name it Tofee or Amie” Erwin just laughed “I don’t have enough time to take of a bunny but I would probably name it something that goes well with the title Dr.” “Great, the second question is <What’s the craziest thing you have done?>” “That’s actually an interesting question!” “No it’s not, Shut up Jean” “Fuck you, Connie” Hanji thought about it “Uhm…I would say…Oh yeah! Trying to get swallowed by a titan to see their stomach from the inside!” “Joining the Survey Corps” “Trying to slice three titans in with a shot” “You know you failed doing that” Snorted Levi not hiding his smirk. “Well, you failed in killing me” Replied Erwin smirking as well. A confused “What?!” Came from the 15 years olds and Nanaba but they were both ignored by the others. “Tch…Touché” Levi returned to face forward. “What?” “ANYWAYS! Next question!” Erwin was glad that Hanji interruped their conversation since he didn’t know how to reply to Levi’s ‘Tu sha’ not that he knew what it meant anyway… “Can I pick one?!?” Asked Christa raising her hand and jumping up and down on the chair while overflowing her cuteness in every direction much to Ymir’s pleasure. “Of course! But wait a second!” And with that Hanji hopped off of her stool, grabbed Moblit and went off to who knows where. “Okay, I’m leaving"And when Levi was about to hop off of the stool Erwin stopped him by grabbing his collar "No Levi, you are staying here and suffering with everyone of us” Levi was about to split fire when Hanji came in with Moblit. Again, Erwin was grateful that Hanji came always at the right moment. Levi doesn’t agree. “Since things will probably get boring quickly we decided that everytime one of us lies they are going to take a swing off of these bottles when possible” She dangling the three half empty bottles of booze in front of everyones face. “I did nothing” Whispered Moblit trembling under the superiors glares expecially the one from Levi while the scientist smashed the bottles on the table capturing some of the cadets attention. “…Is that alcohol?” Asked Erwin when he finished helping Levi to sit on the stool, at which most of them sneered (they stopped immediatly though). “Yessss” And with that Nanaba extended the box to Christa who took a piece of paper “It says <What’s one one of useless talents you have? The others had to say if your answer is true or not>”. “Did one of you brats wrote that? Arlert, answer the question” Armin quivered a little bit but was able to stutter a positive answer “Yes, sir” “Who wrote it” “You can’t ask that!” Replied Nanaba who was really having fun with this game “It was supposed to be anonymous” Armin sighed in relief “Tch” “Okay, you go first Levi” Everybody turned their attention to the captain, apart from Reiner and Jean who were planning to steal the booze when everyone isn’t paying attention… “Tch, I can’t get drunk” “FALSE! His useless talent is knitting!!” “No, It’s not you fuckin-” “You lied Levi you have to take a swing from that bottle” “I didn’t lie!” “Whatever! I’m your commander and I order you to take a swing from that damn bottle since you can’t prove us your talent” “And how did I prove my ‘Knitting talent’ thingy??” “Weren’t you the one who made us the sweaters for christmas??” Asked Eren “Who do you think would knit ‘Brat Number X’ on everyones sweater??” Replied Reiner while Eren just huffed crossing his arms. Levi grounted but drank from the bottle anyways, twisting his mouth in disgust “…Why am I still here…” “I can tie a cherry knot with my tongue!” Grinned Hanji “Oh, yeah! I saw you doing that! It’s true!” Smiled Moblit while Nanaba approved by just nodding her head like Levi and Erwin. “Okay, mine is being ambidextrous” Said proudly Erwin. “What does that means?” Asked Ymir “It means that you can use both of your hand to draw, paint or write” Answered Moblit. “Yes, and it a really rare talent” “Armin is that too” Butted in Eren “Me too” Added Hanji happily “Looks like your rare talent isn’t rare at all eyebrows” “That isn’t even an useless talent!” Replied Hanji. “You can finish a 1000 piece puzzle in twenty minutes though” Moblit tried to finish this game as quickly as possible… “Erwin drinks!” And with that Nanaba picked another piece of paper from the ugly box. “So…<Can you speak in a foreign language? If so can you say sentence?> That’s really original!” Armin smiled happily hearing that. “Well…One time I tried to learn four different languages but I ended up mixing them together” Hanji scratched her head shyly. “I’m fluent in sarcasm” Said Levi “Apart from French” He added after while Erwin rolled his eyes “I learnt Latin when I was a teenager”. “That’s soo freaking cool say something please!” “Alright Hanji…Um…Oh yeah I always loved this saying 'dum vita est spes est’ Which means 'As long there is life there is hope’” Erwin looked to the ceiling trying to remember the words of the saying while Levi stared dead in the cadets eyes and said “Sais-tu combien de temps ta mère prend pour chier? Neuf mois.” “Uh…What does that means?” Asked Connie. “You don’t want to know” And with that Moblit went on with another question “This one says…” “It’s a fucking paper it doesn’t talk” “Ehm…<What’s the most interesting or disgusting thing you’ve read or seen this week?>” “I literally saw two cockroaches fucking in Shitty-Glasses because she can’t fucking clean her shitty office” Levi glared Hanji who only giggled “I found an old recipe in the library I’ll try to cook tomorrow and ya’ll will have the pleasure to try it” “Oh no…” Whispered Moblit with Nanaba and Levi. “Ahem, Anyway this week I read that if you sleep less than 4 hours and more than 10 hours you’re at a higher risk for dying at an early age. So remember to always sleep at least 8 hours a day, we don’t want to lose our mans in such a dumb way right Levi?” “Yea, yeah whatever say that to the pile of paperwork you give me everytime” Erwin rolled his eyes a second time for his teenager like attitude. “Can I pick???” Asked Hanji bouncing up and down making half of the cadets have a heart attack thinking that she would fall from the unstable stool and smash her head for good. Moblit just extended the small ugly box to Hanji with his quivering arm. “Lets see…<If you were arrested with no explanation by the bitch brigade,> One point for that <What would your friends and superiors assume you had done?>"She smiled "They would think I killed someone by accident, blown up the whole Head Quarters or made a hole in the wall while experiencing” “That I killed somebody without it being an accident” “That I discovered some really segret informations” “Alright my turn” Erwin picked a piece of paper while the other were confused by his previous answer “<What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?> Oh, it would definitely be Nile” “Tch, Eren” Smirked Levi. “B-but why???” “Ignore him Eren” “But Mikas-” “Ignore him” “Hmm…I think that every name is wonderful in its own way!” Sang Hanji grinning like a child “Levi you read the next one” “Tch, lets see what you brat got here <If you were held at gun point and told that if you didn’t impress them with your dance moves->…Uh…<-You would be killed, what dance moves would you bust out?>?… I won’t even comment on this. You answer first” Levi ripped the paper while Connie just pouted without anybody noticing while Armin looked at him sighing. “I…I don’t know…Really…” Mumbled Erwin. “Ha! Me neither! What about you levi??” “I would kill them first and then dance on their grave or directly on their body” He said without flicking. “Uh…okay…Next one please! Erwin your turn!” Said Hanji while giving the bottle of alcohol to Moblit who put it on the table near Reiner who gave a glance to Jean who just smirked. “Actually can I read it?” Jean put his hand up seeing that Erwin wanted to pass “Alright, Erwin will be next” Nanaba shook the box and gave it to Jean who read the question. “<Do you have a favourite cadet? If so who is it?>” He gave a questioning look to Armin who just shrugged mouthing a 'I don’t know’. “I don’t have a favourite, I hate every single one of you equally…” “I do have a favourite! But I’m not going to tell who is it!” “Tch, we all know that you like to experiment on Jeäger” “I don’t have a favourite, everyone is important” CoughMikasa&Armincough. Anyway Moblit was going to take the box from Jean and give it to Erwin but the teen just got up to bring it to Erwin himself. But as he was doing it he 'trip over’ Levi’s stool making the tiny man crush on Erwin and his old unbalaced stool which knocked Hanji off of her own stool with the others in a mass of tangled limb and bodies. Hanji passed out since she was the one who got smashed by Levi and Erwin’s body weight. Moblit and Nanaba rushed to help them but they got trip over by Jean and the broken stool (Which hit Erwin head) hitting the floor and adding to the mass of bodies and unconscious adults. Meanwhile Reiner explained everyone what just happened and what was the plan. “You are going to get in trouble and me and Christa are not going to be responsible of what you idiots are going to cause. Let’s go Christa” And with that Ymir left the crime scene with Christa following her giving the other an apologizing smile. “Let’s steal some bread, Connie!” The guy signed but followed Sasha anyway to the kitchens. “Okay Armin, what do we do know?” Asked Jean looking at the unconscious vets “W-What? I-I did nothing!” “Yes, but we are all in trouble now (Minus Ymir and Christa)” “We better hurry up though…” Reiner pointed to Levi who was slowly waking up but before he could open his eyes fully Eren hit his with the stool’s broken leg knocking him out once again. Armin would have sworn he heard him whisper “Revenge” but decided to ignore it and try to find a solution while Mikasa was checking if Eren got a splinter of wood in his hands. “O-Okay, We will drag them to their room and pretend that nothing happened. If they ask, just say that they all passed out” Everyone nodded in agreement “B-But wouldn’t it be suspicious?” Stuttered Berthold sweating a lot. “We will say that Sasha put something in the tea they drank this evening” Said Reiner carring Moblit on his shoulder “Yeah, and we will say that they hit the floor” Added Eren helping Mikasa to carry Nanaba while Jean and Armin carried together Levi. “Berthold you stay here and keep an eye on those two. We will burn the papers and put the box back to squad leader Hanji’s office, I have the key” Berthold nodded to Armin while shifting from one foot to another “H-H-Hurry up, though”. After carrying a (more than expected) heavy Levi to his room, Jean stayed in there and wrapped his head with bandages while Armin went back so get the empty box and put it in Hanji’s messy room…It was easy, he just left it on the floor with the other boxes with ugly Titan. Each one being the exact copy of the one he had in his hands. He decided to ignore that too. Mikasa and Eren put Nanaba in her bed and turned back to the mess hall where they found Armin burning papers with Sasha and Connie while Reiner and Jean were trying to carry Erwin. Mikasa carried Erwin to his room. Alone. While the other carried together Hanji to her room. They took a while since the floor was full of papers, boxes (looks like she was trying to make a 'good’ one), pens, notes, clothes and things like that. They also found an interesting paper on her desk… “Okay, we burned the evidences including Hanji’s black mail Erwin to make us play at this game paper wich Reiner found, we got rid of the ashes and we carried them to their room (thank god they weren’t wearing straps today). We have to throw away the stools” “What if we make a falo?” Asked Eren “A falo during summer? Are you dum-” “Okay! We can hide them in the forest or toss them in the river” Armin interruped Jean before he start a fight “And then we can enjoy all the alcohol for the rest of the night”. Armin’s plan was really well done, but if only he knew that Mike woke up in the infirmatory from the loud noise and the reeking smell of ashes, berthold’s sweat, Armin’s brain’s vibes and booze, saw (and smelt) everything from the infirmatory window they would probably still have the rest of their short summer vacation instead of having extra chores and one hundred laps a day for the rest of their summer (which just started by the way).
Eeeee….It’s my first time writing something and posting it that’s why I submitted it instead of making it public (I posted it on Wattpad only to get the approval from my pen pal)…Tell me what you think via private message or my ask box. Merry Christmas and sorry if it came out late.
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