#anywayyyyyy you’re amazing
ssreeder · 1 year
i know the anon probably didnt have malicious intent but dont feel pressured into writing! we’ll love it anyway, doestn matter if it gets posted next week or next month!
Awwww you’re so sweet thanks for looking out for me :)
I agree I think they were trying to be funny lol, although it is the first time I’ve ever been called a bastard in an ask hah.
You’re amazing as always & I’m so happy you’re still enjoying my fic :)
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milfmacbeth · 2 months
Hi! Your top 5 best and top 5 worst endings of anything that you liked? Could be TV shows, books, movies, podcasts. Thanks!
hi!! thank you for the ask <3
i generally prefer tragic or bittersweet endings over unambiguously happy ones; this will be long; spoilers ahead (obviously)
best endings
the wrath of the lamb fucking rearranged my brain chemistry. how do i explain to people that one of the most romantic things i’ve ever seen was a murder-suicide?
technically hannibal was canceled and not ended but in absence of a season 4, i will consider twotl the ending. i don’t even want a season 4 because i can’t imagine any better ending than the one we’ve got. yes, season 3b was a rushed mess of hannibal, will, and dolarhyde playing fuck marry kill with each other, but they stuck the landing so well, and it’s this perfect tragic mix of “this could’ve all been avoided” and “there’s no other way this could’ve ended”.
and yeah the ending is ambiguous and it’s implied they lived but my favorite interpretation is that they died in each other’s arms.
black sails
wars have been fought over the interpretation of this ending. i personally think john silver is lying but whatever your take, jack’s “a story is true, a story is untrue” speech is brilliant and it’s a perfect ending to a great show
“i love you” “it’ll pass” I AM NORMAL. 
i love you, female characters written by women. i love you, comedy that turns into tragedy halfway through. i love you, clever use of narrative devices.
this show is damn near perfect, and even though the first thing i did after finishing fleabag was go on ao3 in search of thousands of words of fix-it fic, i wouldn’t change a thing about the ending. 
white fang
i wouldn’t say i have a favorite book, but if i had to answer that question it would either be the iliad or white fang. this is the book that got me into reading.
this book caught me at exactly the right time in my life. i was obsessed with wolves as a kid; i was 11 or so, and my grandma handed me this beautifully illustrated book that had the most amazing old book smell (because it’s been in a wooden attic up until then).
it’s about the life of a wolfdog (more wolf than dog) that was born in the wild but gets tamed/adopted into a dog pack that hates him because they can smell he’s not really a dog and hooo boy does something is wrong with you and others can tell that you’re not like them hit when you’re a lonely child.
anywayyyyyy it ends with white fang, having been adopted by a kind man, lying in the sun, still a little confused/out of his element but content. the ending is bittersweet and thematically fitting and he’s a good dog and deserves it.
the mechanisms
the mechanisms are a band of immortal space pirates telling stories of their adventures. their last album is titled death to the mechanisms and in the eponymous song , they realize they’re not quite as immortal as they thought they were. it’s sad, it’s funny, it’s beautiful, it’s poetic, and it’s a worthy send-off.
if you’ve got six and a half minutes, it’s worth a listen (even without context), if only for gems like “witnesses will say that they have never before seen someone so viciously excited to die” or “his body will float there forever, far beyond the warmth of stars” or “pointless, ignoble deaths the lot of them. but who that lived can really boast otherwise?” (this band is so quotable it's insane)
onto the hating!
worst endings
what the absolute FUCK was that. i adore this show but the ending sucks so much it feels almost malicious
i’m not sure i can answer “do you like supernatural?” without a lawyer present. i was obsessed with supernatural as a teenager, then i stopped watching around season 10 or 11. i decided to rewatch the entire thing after november 5th. 
supernatural would be so good if it was good. i’m a “supernatural should’ve ended after season 5” truther but i admit that some of the later seasons do have their moments.
not the ending though. the ending is so completely beyond parody i don’t even know what to say. castiel is in superhell for gay angels. dean gets nailed by vampire clowns. when i first saw the aged-up version of sam i literally burst out laughing. at least the wincesties got a forehead touch out of it i guess???? i am so glad that i’ve built up enough emotional distance to laugh instead of rage about this because i know my teenage self would’ve had a conniption.
goethe’s faust and euripides’ orestes
they’ve got nothing to do with each other but i have the exact same beef with both of them so i’m just gonna throw them together. 
faust ending: faust loses his wager with mephisto and should’ve by all rights gone to hell but god says ????? (don’t even ask i’m not sure i could explain whatever twisted logic is going on there. something about faust using his devil-bestowed powers for good) and faust goes to heaven anyway.
goethe, my guy, you named the thing faust. eine tragödie. where’s the tragedy i was promised? false advertising. fuck you.
orestes ending: standoff between menelaus and orestes; orestes is holding a knife to hermione’s (menelaus’ and helen’s daughter) throat; this will not end well. or so you thought! at the last possible second, apollo swoops down and fixes everything, tells orestes to marry hermione and ???
nothing is satisfyingly resolved but hey, at least no one’s dead. except iphigenia, and agamemnon, and clytemnestra. this fucking family…
this is what the ancients called deus ex machina and what i call an ass pull.
i just think if you’ve constructed an entire narrative that follows a very clear, specific direction, you shouldn’t then swerve to the left. SEEMS LOGICAL TO ME
and it’s not just philistine bitching on my part btw. there’s actual academic debate about what the hell these authors were thinking. that being said, i’m a hater because i’m a lover, and i wouldn’t be so mad if i didn’t love both these plays
game of thrones
i am sure everyone has heard about how much the ending fucking sucks. from building up the night king to be a badass villain only to kill him in the ass-pulliest way imaginable in one (1) night, to walking back all the character development the characters went through to jon’s heritage being meaningless to having a thus far sympathetic dany snap and burn a city down over literally nothing to jaime and cersei being killed by falling rocks to brandon fucking stark, a character so uninteresting the show forgot about him for a whole season, sitting on the iron throne.
also, euron greyjoy is my favorite character in the books and i’ll never forgive the show for butchering him (i don’t know who the fuck that guy on the screen is, it sure ain’t euron).
one thing that i find fascinating is that it’s literally just the writing that sucks. the costumes are beautiful, the soundtrack is better than the show deserves (thank you ramin djawadi ilu mwah <3), the dragons look great, the actors are doing the best they can. highest production value piece of garbage ever made.
the magnus archives
(little warning bc i’m really mad about this so vitriol ahead. also, i have not listened to the magnus protocol and i’m not sure i ever will)
i yelled about this a lot and i’m ready to yell about this some more!! THIS IS A SEASON 5 HATE BLOG. i’m so serious it’s literally a better podcast if you ignore season 5 and act like MAG 160 is the ending.  jonathan ‘the archivist’ sims should’ve had a corruption arc and i will die on this hill, everything E V E R Y T H I N G pointed towards jon becoming a monster and enjoying it. it could’ve been so good!!! instead we got some formulaic bullshit, the concept of (and i cannot stress this enough) parallel universes introduced like three episodes before the ending, and the single shittiest romance i have ever been subjected to. the way martin treats jon is sooo fucking vile and yet the podcast is constantly like aren’t they so cute :) isn’t this soo romantic :) NO IT FUCKING ISN’T. he’s dating his shitty coworker who he doesn’t even like that much why exactly am i supposed to be rooting for this relationship jesus fuck i feel like i’m being gaslit. i don’t just have a notp i genuinely feel like jonmartin ruined the entire thing.
s5 also completely ignored jonah magnus who, apart from being one of the most interesting characters, is THE GUY THE PODCAST WAS NAMED AFTER. but yeah, sure, who cares about him? let's have five more episodes of jon and martin being fundamentally incompatible. 
and then there’s the ending where jon is the only one who stands up for what’s right. the podcast tries to act like keeping the fears in their world or releasing the fears are two equally bad choices but the latter is so clearly worse. so clearly the wrong choice to make. AND THEN THEY MAKE THAT TERRIBLE CHOICE FUCK THIS SO MUCH
tma season 5 is one of those cases where you can so clearly see the potential of something that could’ve been so great and they just threw that away AND FOR WHAT 
(ok i’m done yelling about this now. just kidding i’ll never be done)
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
ok so i have so much to say about this last chapter my GOSH. it was a rollercoaster lololol.
1) im such a fan of your writing, you never cease to deliver amazing chapters and the way you develop the characters and plot is really well done. i read the whole 3tan series in a few days right before NYE so i was really into a special mood entering 2023 ☠️
2) your smut 🥲 fucking hell generally when people write stuff that is not vanilla they tend to neglect the trust and development between the characters but i really like how you put time and effort in the details to built that trust. anyway it’s a lot of word to say that it’s so fucking hot 🥵
3) this chapter was everything to me ajdkskdkdkd the way it started with angst and jealousy (my gosh yes) and ended with such a laugh. i loved the intimacy portrayed between mc and yg when they are laughing because of the brother being such a cockblocker jfc 🙄 sdkdkddkdk i like when the sex scene aren’t always super serious like being able to laugh is a really nice trait imo
4) mc and yoongi being absolute dumbasses will never cease to amaze me like how these two drop random personal details about each other in the middle of the conversation (i’ll be so stressed if i was taehyung 😭😭😭😭)
5) ALSO jin and nj getting suspicious 😳 ?
anywayyyyyy these are my thoughts fresh out of the oven after reader window, take care and can’t wait to read your next work ! 🫶
- 📀 (i hope this emoji isn’t already taken)
CD🥺💕💕 that’s a great emoji, and it’s not taken so it’s yours<3 so so happy you decided to reach out with your thoughts because I love hearing what y’all like about the chapters. It’s fun! And you even numbered them it’s like you know my love language LOL
1) damn, a few days right before NYE! That really would put you in a certain mood for the new year.. damn. As far as plots and writing goes, that’s good feedback, tysm🥹
2) AHHHHHH this is making me shy bc I’ve always seen smut as my weak point, since I never wrote it. But when I write it more and more, I get more comfortable with it, which allows me to not think as hard about the setup but more about all the little things that go into intimate moments.
3) oh gosh when they’re laughing while in bed?? That’s my favorite😭 because it’s so like, comforting when you can be yourself in every way while being that vulnerable. And it’s fcking cute that guys will crumble if you’re being cute af (and you bring out the “ughhhh stop.”) At least, from what I’ve learned😂 so keep it up, babes, if you’re being a damn fool you’re doing great💀 guys feel free to correct me but this is just my experience🥲
4) NOT THEM BEING MESSY😩😩😩 they have got to get their shit together lmao like they both slipped up bad. And Tae’s just over there like😐
5) are they???👀
Thank you so much, love!! This was amazing commentary and it made me smile🥳
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ask-lukepatterson · 3 years
hi, i think i like like you too
don’t freak out
Listen I’m so soft right now and I know this is supposed to be like a light hearted cute little thing but SORRY now I’m gonna go on a rant about how very deeply I’m in love with you; you brought this on yourself
Nick, when I first met you, I wasn’t... ready to meet you, if that makes sense. At the time I was caught up in a lot of other things and people. And I was... jealous, I guess. And I thought that was as far as our relationship would ever go. I didn’t want to actually like you as a person, let alone fall in love with you. And then you were so sweet to Julie and Reggie and stood up against things you weren’t okay with, and slowly you went from this person; this friend of a friend; to my entire world. Now hugging you is like coming home and holding you is like pulling close a part of me I didn’t know I was missing and kissing you is like tasting sunlight and GOD you’re so amazing and I’m so lucky you’re mine. I’m so glad that I stopped being stupid and took the chance with you when I did, because you’re one of few people in my life now and before I died, that I would really okay spending forever with. Who I would be okay NOT spending forever with. Not because I don’t WANT to spend forever with you, but because I would rather hold onto the time we do have then miss that chance and never know what it’s like to look in your eyes and see you looking back. When everything feels right and I feel safe and we’re both happy. That. You. Us. It’s worth whatever comes after.
Anywayyyyyy. Hope everyone’s having a good day
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hrina · 4 years
your prompts look absotootlyutely amazing and i’m so excited to participate! congrats on the 20k, you’re such a beautiful soul and you deserve nothing but love, peace, rainbows, and sparkly unicorn farts 🖤🖤
aaaaaaaaaa please thank u so much!!! im glad the prompts aren’t horrible skfnsdjsfns i was so oddly anxious abt them??? i was like what if no one can get inspired by them oof
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upthehillask · 7 years
Where did you first start posting your amazing art?? Was it hard to get noticed, how long did it take for people to notice your talents? How did you come up with your artist signature/name? I apologise if this is to many questions it's just that you inspire me so much that I want to start my own art blog but I don't know where or how to start more importantly find my own style and artist name.
Questions that I can answer are cool with me! :D It’s been a while since anyone asked me this stuff, so it’s good to refresh my memory!
I pretty much wrote an essay so that’s why it’s under the cut haha
I first started posting my art on deviantArt almost exactly two years ago. dA is where I discovered fanart as a thing people do, I loved it so so much, and I wanted to see more of Dramione, so I decided to give digital art a try myself! I started learning and practicing, and dA is where I posted my first drawings. Since I always made sure to tag my drawings appropriately, all Dramione and other shippers who search, say, the Dramione tag would find my drawings there and like them!  And as people learned that I am consistent with the content I produce (Harry Potter fanart), HP fans followed me because they knew what to expect! :) So while being consistent with what you put out is not necessary, especially if it won’t make you happy (and being excited about what you produce should be your top priority), consistency still definitely helps gain attention because you target a specific audience.
Over the period of a few months I gained a small group of followers on dA and also decided to start a Tumblr blog so I could engage in fandom activities, so on April 2016 I created my blog and posted a bunch of my HP fanart from dA with appropriate tags. I don’t know what it was, perhaps the fact that right from the beginning of my blog I already had multiple art posts was what gained me immediate attention. I don’t think it even took me three days to reach 100 followers. I believe it has a lot to do with the fact that I was posting often (because I was both publishing all the finished stuff from the dA and also drawing new art frequently too) and I was posting HP fanart only. If you put a lot of content out, more people will see it, and if they see that they can expect more of the same content frequently, they will follow you. So it didn’t take very long to get noticed for me personally, only a few months on dA and a few weeks on Tumblr, so I was very fortunate!! :)  But do remember that if you make art that you don’t love making, you ARE going to get tired of it, it WILL become a chore, and you will stop doing it, so in this case what’s the point to even start, you know? And people can tell when you’re doing something for attention and when you’re doing something that you genuinely love. So just make sure you’re having fun, this is the most important thing!!!! For me, I always make sure that I am a fangirl first, an artist second. I draw art not because I like drawing art, but because I like to see my favorite ships and characters come to life! :> So I guess you should try finding your niche too – why do you draw, and why do you draw what you draw?
And for my name, I think I will direct you to this post right here for the long answer, but the short answer is, I don’t know :) When I created my dA first, I didn’t think I’d be actually drawing, I just created the most random username without any thought put into it. And when I started drawing, I just maintained it because again, didn’t think it would become more known across the fandom :D And now it’s sort of too late to change it :’D But I don’t really care, I’m used to it! I wouldn’t know what to change it to anyway lol
As for the signature, again, zero thought when into it. Zero. I just signed my username in my usual handwriting, nothing fancy whatsoever, I also decided to add the year just for my own reference. For a year or so I would write my signature on every drawing myself, now I just copy paste the best version of it so it’s more consistent. I also added “@upthehillart Tumblr | Instagram” below the signature as a way to make uncredited reposts less painful :’) lol
But yeah, looking at my own personal experience, what name you choose and how you write your signature make no difference to gaining attention whatsoever. Just make sure it’s easy to remember I suppose! :) That’s always nice!
Anyway. Basically, I’d suggest starting out on Tumblr, dA is old, it’s not worth it, so just have a blog here, and try to post as much as you can if you want people to see your stuff! Instagram is also a good place for art because it has more users than Tumblr. I created my Instagram later than Tumblr, but I have more followers there just because of that. I still prefer Tumblr as a medium, you can see the drawings better, you can navigate it, organize it, you can do things that Instagram doesn’t offer. And people on Instagram are also more rude from my experience, but idk if it would be an issue for you. Oh and it’s also hard to start out on Instagram at first, but at some point the follower flow becomes constant and steady. For me, I had a bigger account shoutout me, and that was extremely helpful! So look out for shoutout opportunities, Instagram or Tumblr.
Anywayyyyyy yeah, not sure if any of this is useful, I hope so! Good luck!!!
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requicms · 7 years
snikklefritsrps replied to your post: so, small info for all of you and especially my...
You don’t have to queue replies to make us happy we are just happy having you in our lives :) have an amazing time in London!
aww you’re the sweetest <3 but i’m gonna do it anywayyyyyy
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On #BlackGirlMagic, Dana Sutton and Rob Kardashian
Ok, let’s do it! This conversation has been started but I’d like to add my two cents. Social media, in it’s nuanced way has been begging for more critique on the beloved hashtag #BlackGirlMagic. So let’s begin there. This hashtag is often accompanied by some glissening brown skin, poppin’ highlights and a face beat for the Gods. Is the essence of black girl magic a bomb contour and jucy lip kit? I believe it’s a little more complicated than that. Even though I understand where having our own ideas of non-western beauty comes into play. That melanin can be bewitching and it’s a beautiful thing to watch my sistas have the energy for any type of self care in the America we live in. However, we have displayed our abilities to transcend throughout history, our magic runs deeper than a trip to Sephora.
Before we could speak to large audiences with a tap of a screen there was the “Strong black woman” Mantra that was supposed to celebrate our strength but instead it made us superhuman in the minds of others. We were / are seen as indestructible, even in our own reflection. We compartmentalize and suppress pain and grief like no other living creature. Meanwhile we are achieving goals that are insurmountable to the average Joe. We are career women, beauticians, mothers, holistic healers, prayer warriors, community leaders, lawyers, philosophers, scholars and more, all wrapped up in one unappreciated body. Black girl Magic is supposed to be the antithesis to the “strong black woman” trope. Black girl Magic is calling out the absurdity that we can run circles around racism and patriarchy without getting winded. It is critiquing the idea that we, as black women are so strong we possess a magic that causes us to never have to breathe.
“Black girl Magic is calling out the absurdity that we can run circles around racism and patriarchy without getting winded.”
It is 22 year old woman by the name Dana Sutton That was straight up drug through the mud on facebook for having 5 kids. I was really enraged, especially at the non people of color that thought they could read “the thousand words” this picture said. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE CULTURAL CONTEXT!!!  This young woman stood on her porch with her children in matching outfits. I don’t know much about the woman except she's a self taught seamstress from Indiana. Anyhow, folks were calling her a welfare queen and making decisions for her concerning her reproductive rights. Sounds like racism and patriarchy to me. I wonder what the story would’ve been if this was a white woman cheesing at the camera with all 5 of her kids in matching outfits? How many gift baskets and scholarships would this woman receive? How many people would be absolutely positive this woman was on welfare? People are not breaking down the hastag within the context of the actuality of being a black woman and the history of triumphs that exist within that. I don’t care if this woman was on welfare, section 8, WIC, medicare and whatever else the government has to offer. WELFARE WAS CREATED TO MAKE BLACK PEOPLE COMPLACENT! SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION IS REAL! Also, I have a little secret for ya’ll, I see just as many white people at The Department of Human Services and I won’t sip my tea on that one. To the black women who attacked her, you should be ashamed of yourself, I understand self hate so I’m going to pray or you. Come on ya’ll, we should be For Dana, if you read this just know you’ve got the magic too boo and I love you! Keep taking care of your babies and don't respond to the haters, your energy is best reserved for being the best mother you can be.
“People are not breaking down the hastag within the context of the actuality of being a black woman and the history of triumphs that exist within that”
NOW, LET’S REALLY TALK!!! Name some white women who want to be tagged as #blackgirlmagic minus the black part? You guessed it! Kim, Khloe, and Kylie! It’s not necessary to recap on the way they abuse black culture but let’s go there anyway! Basically they want to look, dress, talk and be black for the fungibility of black culture. However, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR US LATELY KARDASHIANS??? We can’t even get a BLACK LIVES MATTER social media post out of you? Anywayyyyyys, this is really about your sorry brother, ROB!!! Who had a baby with Black Chyna but doesn't want to call the baby what she is, black. YOUR BABY IS BLACK ROB! BLAAAAAACK, Black, Black, Black, BLACK!!! How does that work? You can sleep with a black women, excotisize her, dabble in her amazing blackness but you can’t capacitate the ability to appreciate it? Now you’re exposing her nudes and trying to make a specticle of her on social media. An article I read recently compared this situation to Sarah Baartman and it’s not far fetched given the way he others her derrière. Aww poor Rob and his white male fragility. This clown has a line of socks draped in black colloquialisms but doesn’t want to admit to himself his daughter is black. Not only are you taking from black cutlture, you’re making a mockery of it, proffiting of of it and putting something we don’t need back into it. The terms “Baby Momma” and “Baby Daddy” come from the dysfunction of the family structure in black communities that stems from the slavery that people think we should get over. I’m tired of women like Black Chyna being burned at the stake for something Kim Kardashian is praised for!
“You can sleep with a black women, excotisize her, dabble in her amazing blackness but you can’t capacitate the ability to appreciate it?”
This is why BLACK GIRL MAGIC is about the phenomenon that living, not being alive but LIVING as a black woman should be celebrated. Everyone loves everything about us except us. Guess what though? We’re not trippin’, we’re too busy naturally evolving into everything ya’ll aspire to be!!!
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