#apink headcanons
envyadams-vs-me · 2 years
I was thinking about what kind of kpop songs/groups members of the party (the kids + the 'older' kids) would listen to, if they even listen to it at all.
I've come to the conclusion on a few of them so here's a lil list:
Eddie - He not a full kpop Stan but thanks to the kids he's heard/been forced to listen to a lot. The only group he'll listen to by choice is Dreamcatcher because he thinks it's so bad ass that they sing and dance to rock music. He faves are Boca and Piri, I don't make the rules.
El - I don't think she likes to listen to music recreationally but when she does I imagine it's either really calm stuff or something with a bubbly dance vibe to it. I think she'd love ASAP by Stayc, Dun Dun Dance by Oh My Girl, and probably anything by Twice.
Erica - She's blasting Hello Bitches by CL everywhere she goes and will not apologize.
Steve - I think he would like some of the artsy type of songs. Ones that feel deep and meaningful. Probably listens to Spring day and Black Swan by BTS when he's wanting to calm himself. I could also see him listening to Bol4 or IU.
Max - She's a Blink. I think she'd vibe a lot with Seventeen, Exo, and Monsta X, but Black Pink is her ult. She forcefully taught everyone the dance to D4 (even hopper, it was posted on TikTok, it went viral).
Will - He likes watching the music videos more than listening to the actual songs. He loves the MVs that are packed with artistic imagery and storytelling, so he's become a huge fan of G-idle and BTS. Loves Red Velvet too.
Argyle - Zimzalabim by Red Velvet. That's it. Will was watching the music video for it one day while Argyle was waiting for Johnathan and he was like, "Sick beat bro." Then he saw the video and was like, "Whoa, dude." He's added it to his Purple Palm Tree Mix and Johnathon is always worried they're gonna end up summoning something one of these days.
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interestinnggg · 2 months
Ino would be a big (G)I-DLE stan.
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writerblue275 · 6 months
Songs that make me think of each Heartsteel member [and Alune] (with minimal explanation).
Inspiration: One of the things I do to inspire myself while writing is listen to music. I’ve always been musical (piano, viola, and singing) and music can really set my mood/make me think of a scenario. Occasionally when I’m just listening to music in my car, a song pops up and I’m like…"Oh that makes me think of (enter character here)!"
Genre: ?? I have absolutely no clue how to classify this?? Mood music??? Headcanon inspiration??
Category: I guess fluff, but some of these songs are indirectly or directly suggestive/explicit so 😬. But nothing explicit actually in this post.
Tw: None for this post besides swearing, but again some of these songs are directly or indirectly suggestive/explicit so listen at your own discretion. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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(Each person gets at least 2 songs. Sett and Kayn get three because it's my post that's why. 😂)
“Thnks fr th Mmrs” - Fall Out Boy (Lmao if you think I wouldn’t have some emo/alt for Phel on this list, you’re sorely mistaken.)
“Levitating” - Dua Lipa (“I got you, moonlight, you’re my, starlight…”💃)
“Hey Mama!” - EXO-CBX (Did you really think I wouldn’t have Baekhyun for Ez in some way? Yeah fucking right! I associate him with my fav EXO sub-unit song.)
“Hyperfixations” - Catie Turner (I actually had this for Aphelios initially but then I realized it fit Ez WAY BETTER. I LOVE THIS SONG.)
“Met Him Last Night” - Demi Lovato (Feat. Ariana Grande) (All I have to say is listen to the lyrics, especially the first verse through the chorus, and tell me it’s not a fucking POV of meeting Kayn.)
“Gives You Hell” - The All-American Rejects (This is absolutely Kayn’s response to his old band.)
“S&M” - Rihanna (😏 Makes sense with one of my prior ranking/headcanons.)
(I have so many alternate options for Kayn omfg. I really struggled limiting it to only one more for him since I’m not doing that for most others. What does this say about me and my taste in music? 😂)
“Physical” - Dual Lipa (Thought of our gym bro duo and then the lyrics made me think of K’Sante!)
“I’m Not Sorry” DEAN, Eric Bellinger (The confidence in the lyrics and then energy/vibe of the song just SCREAMED K’Sante to me!)
“Confident (Rock Version)” - Demi Lovato (“…I’m the boss right now…” Damn straight Sett is the boss.)
“Watermelon Sugar” - Harry Styles (Again, makes sense with one of my previous rankings/headcanons.😏)
“34 + 35” - Ariana Grande (🫣 LISTEN I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. 😅).
“Black Swan” - BTS (What the lyrics talk about fit really well with Yone’s known backstory before Heartsteel.)
“Home” - Catie Turner (I just think it fits secretly soft and romantic Yone very well!)
EXTRA - Alune (because we love her and she’s a baddie):
“God is a Woman” - Ariana Grande (She sure is, especially when she has to be the manager of Heartsteel and deal with these six. 😂)
“%% (Eung Eung)” - Apink (the vibe of the song fits her well and I like the lyrics with Alune’s vibe too.)
Thanks for reading/vibing. I feel like I might have to do more of these. Maybe make it a series as I realize it's happening with more songs! Music is my biggest inspiration when I write.
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lvcdrms · 8 months
dan + headcannons
10+ headcanons about dan. with @farewellnevrland
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i. com a irmã, dan se divide entre a persona de pai e a persona de irmã mais velho. ou melhor, as duas personas conseguem conviver simultaneamente de um jeito meio... peculiar. ele vai falar que guardou todos os desenhos dela durante a infância e vai tirar da pasta dele, muito orgulhosamente, um desenho que ela fez quando o dan falou pra ela desenhar um macaco da memória quando ela tinha 6 anos. e aí cai na risada.
ii. ele tem "⚠️ não atendemos catboys/catgirls/catnbs ⚠️" na bio do twitter e do tiktok, e meio que é meme, mas ele já levou, sim, cantada perguntando se ele atendia catboy também. e volta e meia ele faz um vídeo com intuitos educativos no tiktok e vê algum comentário assim, o que quebra ele toda vez... mas é bom deixar claro que não é pra levar muito a sério, né!
iii. dan provavelmente nunca acertou uma nota de uma música na vida, mas isso não impede ele de amar karaokê e esvaziar os pulmões berrando sofrência no microfone.
iv. falando em música... nessa casa não defendemos gust*vo l*ma, mas dan infelizmente não consegue não gritar SAI PRA LÁ COM ESSE SEU AMOR BANDIDO, E ME TRAIU COM ELE, QUER TRAIR ELE COMIGO a plenos pulmões junto com a música da criatura... porque né. bate fundo. ele já esteve nessa exata posição!
v. ele é um ótimo dançarino! veja bem, não é que nem a irmã dele, que é dançarina profissional do tipo de ter servido de backup dancer pra algumes artistas e drag queens da cena local... mas em festa, baile e rolê, ele se sai muito bem! e todo mundo sabe que um homem que sabe mexer os quadris chama a atenção do público né djksjdsjk enfim, encontre-o na balada mais próxima tal qual o jackson wang dançando atoladinha!
vi. dentre as muitas crenças e sentimentos internalizados que fazem o dan se autossabotar se afastar de qualquer possibilidade de envolvimento romântico, está a de que ele só atrai coisa ruim. ele faz muita piada com isso, mas é uma brincadeira com muito fundo de verdade: ele acha mesmo que, por melhor que a pessoa aparente ser, se ele se interessar... é porque boa a pessoa não pode ser. o dedo tá podre, afinal. maaas claro que tudo isso é na teoria, porque quando acaba gostando de um certo alguém... fica difícil se ater a esse raciocínio, sabe. mesmo assim, o medo é tremendo (e com ele vem a culpa por assumir coisa ruim assim de alguém querida).
vii. dan sempe será fiel a fiestar até o fim e depois de casado é capaz de ainda ter o photocard da yezi na carteira... mas! nem só de fiestar vive um homem, e na verdade ele sempre foi muito fã de apink também. ah, e de after school também... sabe como é, o mv de first love muda vidas quando você é apenas um humilde bissexual. tanto que ele não cansa daquelas figurinhas de telegram com as fotos das meninas e a sequência de legendas " titoti / titau / titau / titoti / titau". enfim, dá pra perceber a extensão do contato do dan com a cultura coreana né.
viii. dan com certeza entende e fala tailandês melhor do que lê e escreve, embora ele esteja tentando melhorar nisso também. é que aquele alfabeto não ajuda, convenhamos. de qualquer forma, um dos meios que o dan usa pra praticar e manter contato com o idioma é o contato com os avós. o outro é... por música, filmes e lakhorns, claro! e isso significa que ele provavelmente começou a assistir bl tailandês quando tudo era mato e só tinha uns 5 lançados e os atores tinham medo de beijar na boca direito. assistiu uns tantos com o desgraçado do ex, diga-se de passagem. hoje em dia, se sente um idoso ancião pensando que o pessoal reclama porque não sabia como era na época dele -
ix. dan sempre foi apaixonado por felinos, mesmo. animais no geral, mas felinos ainda levam o pódio no seu coração. ele acabou se especializando em pequenos por n motivos, inclusive o mercado de trabalho mais propício, além de ser a área em que ele já atuava depois de se formar. ainda assim, tem um sonho de se especializar só em felinos no geral, sem distinção entre silvestres e domésticos. quem sabe no doutorado, se um dia ele der conta. no momento, quer é férias do inferno mundo acadêmico e a prioridade é se certificar que aninha chegue ao final da faculdade sem que ela tenha que se preocupar com questões financeiras - afinal, ainda que os pais da dupla dinâmica ainda enviem dinheiro pra pagar as coisas dela e ajudar o dan, os dois concordam que quanto menos precisarem dessa tal ajuda dos progenitores, melhor. de qualquer forma, dan já tem lá uma reputação. muitos tutores de gatos sabem que têm nele um profissional de muita competência e estudo pra ajudar eles com tudo.
x. naturalmente o fã # 1 de festa de são joão, não perde uma se puder evitar.
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curi0us-gh0st · 8 months
★ kpop .ᐟ ㌐ ☽︎
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smut, angst, fluffy, headcanons, clips, etc.
1. kpop (gg, bg, solo)
2. dancers
3. swf 2
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nothing here
nothing here
red velvet
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
park jiwon; escape room (s)
le sserafim
nothing here
jang wonyoung; porcelain princess (s)
kim minjeong & yoo jimin; i love you, i think (a)
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
new jeans
nothing here
cocona; between bites and hugs (c)
xg; christmas gifts (f)
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san; dad's princess (s)
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
stray kids
nothing here
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lee jieun (IU)
nothing here
lee sunmi
nothing here
kim chungha
nothing here
jeon somi
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
lee hi
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
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bada lee & heeyun; they are in love with you (f)
nothing here
monika shin
nothing here
nothing here
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bada lee & heeyun; they are in love with you (f)
bada lee; seasons (f)
lia kim & mina myoung; reward (s)
deep n dap
mina myoung & lia kim; reward (s)
nothing here
jam republic
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Cho Byeol entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ela parece tanto com a Kim Jiwon/Liz! Ela nasceu em 12/06/2004 na cidade de Busan, Coreia do Sul e atualmente tem 18 anos. Ela trabalha como solista na VENTURA Music, deve ser muito talentosa… Ah, você quer seguir ela? Procura por @uv_byeol e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreana.
Personalidade: Byeol é alguém que até hoje mantém a essência de uma criança, ingênua, animada e faladeira, apesar de, desde seu incidente na TV, a garota estar mais receosa em se abrir, ela facilmente se empolga e acaba falando mais do que deveria. A garota sempre foi protegida pelos pais e irmão e adora levar os problemas como coisas simples que podem ser resolvidas com um balde de frango, por isso que raramente se abala, mas também significa que sua habilidade de resolver problemas sozinha é quase nula.
Gênero/ano de debut: debutada em 2022, K-POP/Teen-crush.
Desde o acontecimento com evil edit, rumores sobre a garota ser rude e mimida por trás das câmeras circulam pela internet e afins.
A garota já foi vista diversas vezes usando presentes dados por fãs e sempre tenta pegar os presentes que os fãs a entrega em aeroportos, mesmo com o protesto de seguranças.
Um rumor que surgiu pouco após sua eliminação no I=FUTURE diz que Byeol cruelmente arrancou as unhas de sua gatinha e, apesar da garota já ter aparecido diversas vezes com arranhados comuns para donos de gatos, esses rumores continuam a circular.
Trouble? TRAVEL! - Adora Hi - Kwon Eunbi Love Shhh! - Jo Yuri Red Ballon - Rocket Punch Lemon-Aid - Yena Rolla Skates - Jo Yuri Secreto - Yezi Cupid - Fifty Fifty Feelin' so good - Class;y Futuro: Day 1 - Red Velvet Door - Kwon Eunbi Put It Straight feat. ? - G-IDLE Oscar - APink Chobom Night Aviation (The interpretation of Dreams) - GWSN Te amo - Miyeon Signs - iiso
Como o seu próprio nome sugere, Byeol nasceu para o estrelato, filha de um casal rico e irmã mais nova de um futuro membro do 2U, a garota sempre foi apaixonada por cantar e sabia que o caminho que queria seguir em sua carreira, fosse como instrutora ou artista, seus pais e irmão sempre a apoiaram em sua paixão, a educação na vida inteira da garota foi baseada nisso. Devido a diferença de mais de 10 anos com o irmão, Byeol acabou sendo mimada tanto pelo irmão quanto pelos pais quando criança.
Seguindo os passos do irmão, Byeol se arriscou a se tornar uma idol participando do I=FUTURE como uma trainee representante da FNC, no começo tudo pareceu um sonho se tornando realidade, a personalidade falante e cativante da garota, seu talento para canto e o seu parentesco com alguém famoso atraiu diversos olhares dos telespectadores e até a rendeu o título temporário de "irmã mais nova da nação", mas em uma das provas, próxima a final do programa, seu histórico de criança mimada se tornou mais uma maldição do que uma benção, a chateação de Byeol por não ter conseguido um papel de destaque se tornou evidência em um dos episódios e foi o que bastava para tornar inúmeros de seus fãs contra a garota. De comentários fofos como "irmã mais nova da nação", os artigos sobre ela passaram a receber inúmeros comentários sobre “nepotismo”, falta de profissionalismo. Não foi surpresa nenhuma quando Byeol não entrou no grupo final depois de todo o escândalo, sendo eliminada logo no episódio seguinte.
Depois disso, Byeol foi obrigada a sumir da mídia, mas os executivos da Ventura entendiam que rumores como aquele rapidamente se dissipam e são esquecidos, e, visando não perder um talento e personalidade como o de Byeol, ela foi recrutada pela empresa, a garota também recebeu aulas reforçadas de como se portar na mídia enquanto treinava em segredo na empresa. Algum tempo após o reality, quando a garota ainda estava longe da mídia, alguns artigos, que nunca foram provados serem comparados pela Ventura, apareceram, apontando edições nessa parte do programa que talvez indicassem uma possível "evil edit" da garota, pela personalidade falante e aberta era fácil para um programa usar suas falar fora de contexto e, apesar de nada ter sido provado, é o que parecia ter acontecido com Byeol.
Foi em novembro de 2022 que um MV misteriosamente foi postando nas contas oficiais da Ventura, sem teaser algum, Byeol estava voltando aos palcos com um single de apresentação, que logo se tornaria parte do seu álbum oficial de debut, que teve teaser e promoções normais.
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howggswouldreact · 4 years
🌈 How would dating Naeun be like 🌈
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you were being friends for a long time
but it was easy to notice your feelings for each other
this made the girls make fun of you both all the time
“hey, when is the marriage?”, Bomi always asked when she saw you together
Eunji always making it clear that she should be the maid of honor
all you did was laugh nervously
and avoid Naeun’s gaze for a little while
the problem was that…
you didn’t understood that what she wanted was you looking at her!!!
and noticing the smile on her face
like she was trying to tell you
“yes, wouldn’t it be nice to at least date me, Y/N?”
the time was passing by
and she seemed a little indifferent to some attitudes that came from you
until one day you asked her what was going on by message
“what is going on, Naeun? did i do something wrong?”
“there is nothing wrong with not wanting to date me. i tooootally respect that.”, she replied ironically
you could imagine her crossing her arms and looking away from you 
but since it was a text, you only took a slow breath imagining that beauty...
so that was it????
she wanted to date you???
while you thought she was embarrassed by the girls’ teasing, in reality what she really wanted was to date you
then you solved the situation with the following reply:
“i know it seemed like i didn’t want to do it but i was just shy and worried that you were also feeling shy because of all that teasing. would you like to go on a date with me?”
“i’ve lived with them for like... 10 years, i’m used to their teasing, Y/N. and yes, i would love to go on a date with you!”
after a few dates
and lots of “first kisses”
you finally got the courage to ask her to be your girlfriend
you bought nice couple rings
veeeery nice rings
thin and white gold
she said yes with her cheeks burning red
but her heart beating so fast...
that was all she ever wanted!
and now we go to… 
your life dating goddess Naeun
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now you are dating this goddess
can you believe it?
she hates doing aegyo in front of the cameras
when it comes to convincing you to do something...
she turns into a professional in it
also uses her own charm a lot
especially playing with her own hair
throwing it to the side
sliding her fingers through her hair strands, etc.
and of course...
ends up convincing you to do whatever she wants you to do
you know exactly every expression of her
if she doesn't want to stay somewhere, you'll notice
the desire to leave is stamped in her eyes
and of course you find a way to solve that problem
but not at events, of course
you just hope it ends quickly and that’s it
or when she didn’t/doesn’t like something
you notice it too
when it’s something you did or said, you know you better not to do it again
it’s easier to read her now that you’re dating
spending more time together and knowing each other better is your favorite hobby
along with shopping with her of course
but going out to buy things for her is... amazing
you buy beauty products for her
not because she needs it, obviously
she is beautiful without even try
but because you know she likes it
and knows all her favorite brands
buy bracelets, necklaces
clothes too
because she always uses all the gifts you give her
and looks even more beautiful using them
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have to get used to her schedule
sometimes she has so many events that she thinks she can't handle it
many trips
sometimes a few days without seeing her
but when she comes back, your heart is there ready to receive her
and her heart is ready to give itself to you again
in fact, it never left you
you can see how much she loves you just by the look she gives you
and the light smile that appears on her lips
always pulls you for kisses
loves spending the weekend with you
even if it's just at home watching television
or even going out to lunch
sometimes even her sister joins you at these lunches
what makes you feel more part of the family
sometimes she seems to be in a world of her own
but you are used to it
then draws her attention with a good and warm hug
and kissing her cheek
even if she is quiet most of the time, with you she is much more talkative
and because her sense of humor is unique, you end up laughing most of the time
likes to hold your hand
and always make sure the couple ring is on your finger
obvious it is
but she likes to touch it
to know it is right there
and it’s something that shows you’re hers
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sex with your girlfriend Naeun
buy different lingerie and use them just for you
buy especially those of your favorite color
knows how to tease you with just one look
if you’re at a party or something and Naeun feels turned on...
she’ll give you a look
and it’s just that look
that look that melts you
and you know you will do whatever she wants
she likes to sit on your lap
when she comes, she looks away
and moans like there's no tomorrow
after sex usually with long kisses
and more sex
because she is soooo full of energy
“you sure?”
“did i stuttered?”
she gives you that look again
and woe to you if you refuse to do as she say...
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
Girlfriend Naeun (Headcanon)
Prompt: I’d like to request a dating apink’s son na eun headcanon?
A/N: I’ll admit that I took a lot of my inspiration from We Got Married, but she was just so cute there that I couldn’t help it. I hope you all enjoy! - Admin Kiwi
♡ Tip Jar♡
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Naeun is so gorgeous and cool that you’d be intimidated by her
Especially since she seems so cold from afar
However, you’d have to approach her first
Because, secretly, she’d be too shy to talk to you
Once you got past the cool look, you’d realize that she’s actually awkward
And it would take her members pushing her for her to confess
She has an awkward smile that you’d fall in love with immediately
Giggles A LOT
Usually while running a hand through her hair
Whenever she’s happy or nervous or just feeling emotions
It’s adorable and you love it
She’d also shove your shoulder whenever you made her feel flustered
Whining and pushing you away
Once the two of you started dating, she’d open up
Showing more of her silly and whiny side to you
But it would still take a little while before the two of you had your first kiss
She’d want to be sure of her feelings first
Even the first proper hug would be a big deal
Since, before that, she wouldn’t really initiate any physical affection
Afterwards, though....
She’d love long, tight hugs
And cuddling on the couch
Her head resting on your shoulder as she drifted in and out of sleep
She’d also love playing with your hands or fingers
Especially if you wore any rings or bracelets
Fiddles with your hands when she’s bored or nervous
Would pout if you stopped holding her hand
She’d find it romantic if you kissed her hand
Likes it when you touch her, even if it’s just to guide her somewhere
Although she would slap your hand away if you tried anything in public
Have I mentioned that she’s a bit tsundere?
She is ALL ABOUT couple items
Bracelets, rings, shirts, hats, all of them
If you bought her a ring, she’d even sleep with it on
Cherishing it too much to let it out of her sight
Everything you bought her would have its own special place
And she’d like to look at them when she felt down
Even though she wouldn’t admit it out loud
Likes to model her new clothes for you after she goes shopping
She’s gorgeous and she knows it
On rare occasions where it doesn’t make her feel embarrassed, she’d put on beautiful clothes and would act coy to make you flustered
Even years into dating, she’d still like to dress up for you
Mostly because she’d like seeing your reaction to her in new clothes
She can be a little bit childish
Whining and pouting for you to get things for her
But most of that side comes out when she isn’t feeling well
Or when she’s sad
She’d cling to you for support
Makes you watch sad movies
Then cries the entire time
She has a secret soft side that only you get to see
The side that likes stuffed animals and being pampered
Still, she one hundred percent forgets dates
Don’t expect her to remember your anniversary, because she wont
Gets you gifts, just on the wrong days
To her, things like Valentine’s Day don’t matter
She’d rather be with you every day
She likes to have fun and laugh, because her every day is stressful
Loves trips with you, especially because vacations would be half resting and half travelling and having fun
Pulls you up to dance with her when her favorite song comes on the radio
Singing along through giggles
She says things how they are and it might take you time to get used to it
Especially because she’s quite stubborn when it comes to a lot of things
She wouldn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do
But she’s honest and she would want you to be too
Other than her diary, she wouldn’t hide anything from you
Although she would get her feelings through in unique ways
Like personally drawing you cute little cards to cheer you up
Or doing her best to support you with your dreams
When she finally said “I love you” in her soft voice, whispering it into your ear late at night, you’d know that she meant it deeply
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ratmist · 5 years
i believe there aren’t nearly enough writing blogs out there for ggs, so i decided to make one myself. i write smut, fluff, angst, etc in the form of drabbles, reactions, and headcanons for the following groups:
f(x) (group/soloists)
pristin v
red velvet
snsd (group/soloists)
wonder girls (group/soloists)
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Hey guys! Doing something new!
I recently got into reading a lot of headcanons and reactions. I wanted to join the scene, so if you have any requests please send me a DM or an ask (anonymous or not! Just know that I will reply back when I’m done!)
I’m taking request for drabbles/scenarios, reactions, headcanons, and possibly text messages. 
I feel most comfortable writing with the groups mentioned below, but feel free to request basically any girl groups/female idols! 
RESTRICTIONS: No requests that contain noncon, dubcon, incest, or the sexualization of minors. 
I will gladly write about siblings, but no incest. Also, smut isn’t my strong suit and I will probably deny kink requests just because I firmly believe that writers should confidently put out things they understand and I am not educated about certain kinks. I respect and will not judge you if you have a certain fetish, but I just don’t want to misrepresent or write about something that I just don’t know about. 
Request away! I have 3 days until I head back to school!
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lara635kookie · 3 years
Oi galera. Eu vou começar a fazer headcanons/reacaoes/imagines desses fandoms então se tiver algum pedido mande uma ask://Hello everyone. I'm gonna start doing headcanons/reactions/imagines of these fandoms so if you have a request send me an ask:
Sweet Elite
My Candy Love// Amor Doce
Linda Brown
Yandere Simulator
Is It Love?
The 39 Clues
The Selection
Series and Movies:
Carmen Sandiego
Ever After High
Monster High
Anne With An E
Female Groups:
Berry Chu
Berry Good
Black Bunny
Bling Bling
Blue Fox
Brave Girls
Brown Eyed Girls
Cherry Bullet
Cherry On Top
Chic Angel
Chic & Idle
Cosmic Girls
Dal Shabet
Girl's Alert
Girl's Day
Hey Miss
Hi Cutie
Ladies Code
Like Me
Maka Maka
My Darling
Oh My Girl
Pink Fantasy
Purple Kiss
Red Velvet
Rocket Punch
Secret Number
Sugar Tint
The Pink Lady
Weki Meki
Male Groups:
Super Junior
Big Bang
The Boyz
Stray Kids
Monsta X
Golden Child
New Kidd
Off The Cut
Seven O'clock
Teen Top
We In The Zone
Boys Republic
Build Up
Chung Ha
Lee Hi
Eric Nam
Kang Daniel
Lee Suhyun
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wqk-k · 3 years
obey me headcanon: whenever all the brothers are free (which is very, very rarley), they all get together in a large space and try to learn choreographies from kpop groups like bts, ateez and skz (if mc or a side character wanted to join, that is), got7, etc. and if they really feel like it, choreographies from apink, momoland, dreamcatcher, etc.
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jcisthebestfightme · 4 years
BJYX Song Series List
Disclaimer: This is all my own headcanon.
After 3 very heart-wrenching songs, I’ve decided to have some fun with this next one. From CQL bts, we can see ggdd singing and dancing to “Ddu-du Ddu-du” by Black Pink a couple days after the song was release in June 2018. But why do they like this song so much? I think I have a theory. 
First, we need to subscribe to the 2017 love at first sight theory. When dd met gg for the first time in March, 2017, gg introduced himself on ttxs with a finger-gun pointed to the camera.
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We then see dd imitating this gesture. (I want to point out that all the other host of ttxs were also imitating this gesture because they were kinda making fun of gg. It’s not exclusive to dd.) But this means that this gesture has left an impression on dd.
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More than dd, this gesture left an impression on another host of ttxs when later in the episode, he revisited the finger-gun sign as a way of flirting, and said he “learned it from dd.” What? I thought gg was the one to do it? Weird.
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We now time travel to filming of CQL. Unfortunately, I am unable to pinpoint the exact date for many of these bts footage so I apologize for this. We just have to assume all these were happening around these couple months. 
In one interview, gg was taking solo photos and making finger hearts. Dd then yelled “比槍” or “do a finger-gun” and gg did one pointed directly at dd. Is it possible that dd said that because he remembered gg’s introduction in 2017? Yes, because if love at first sight is true, you will remember that moment very vividly. Dd probably equate the finger-gun symbol to flirting already.
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In a fan-cam footage, we see gg saying to dd “Yibo, I will give you a fingergun” and then dd looked so happy.
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In an interview during filming, the interviewer asked “What is making a heart?” And gg made a finger-gun. This tells us that gg also equates the finger-gun as showing love.
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Dd also promoted LWJ first by making the traditional finger hearts but then turning them back into hearts.
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This following one is my favorite heart finger gun because it was completely unprompted. In this scene, WWX had rain being poured on and gg had some dirt on his face. Dd wanted to wipe it off but gg gave him a “warning look” cuz there were cameras recording. But then gg gave dd a very loving look. You can see the full video here. Then dd teased gg by saying he’s handsome even without makeup, gg gave dd a thumbs up. The thumbs up then turned into a finger-gun very briefly. It was so fast yet so natural, confirming that this is like a secret gesture between the two of them.
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Another one! Gg giving dd a “finger-gun” when WWX was hanging off the cliff. From the video, it seems like dd got emotional over WWX dying so gg maybe was trying to comfort him. This one was also pretty deliberate yet not prompted by camera or for effect. Credit to DY. 
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So I started wondering if finger-gun is just a popular trend in China at that time to demonstrate love, similar to the Korean finger hearts. However, when I search “比槍“, I found out people on Chinese Q&A asking “Why does XZ/WYB do finger-guns”. Another proof that it’s only a thing between them is that during an interview in 2019, gg was asked “Why do are your finger hearts so much bigger than others?” This question tells us that it’s not a common trend and people were perplexed by this. Gg then have to explain that they were finger-guns and not hearts. He also said that “it’s because WE thought everyone did hearts so WE wanted to do hand-gun.” Who’s we? Are ggdd in their own world again?
Edit: Here, WZC (Jiang Cheng’s actor) was asked by a fan to do a “finger-gun” and he didn’t know what that was/meant. The interviewer had to explain it’s something gg talked about doing. This further supports the hypothesis that the “WE” is only ggdd. WZC is probably the cast member closest to gg other than dd because of the number of scenes they have together so it’s unlikely it’s a joke amongst other cast members if even he didn’t know.
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So back to our song. 
We know that the “Ddu-du-ddu-du” means shooting finger-guns and that Black Pink is trying to shoot their love at you. Isn’t that just like the hand gesture that ggdd share. We can see him doing the dududu finger-gun on set to each other, even when they’re at a distance that’s hard to talk to each other. We know that it’s “their thing” because the actor of LXC asked dd what they were doing and he had to explain “Black Pink.” I also find it funny that everyone else (Shijie, JC, JGY, etc.) just ignores them LOL.
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I won’t analyze the lyrics since I don’t speak Korean so I wont’ be making a faithful analysis. In addition, ggdd aren’t as focus on singing the song as they are on doing the dance and hand gesture. It’s just interesting to point out that the song is about Black Pink having a lot of personality and not caring about what others think of them, a vibe similar to dd’s “No Sense.”
Easter egg #1: In the 520 video (Chinense Valentine’s Day) in 2020, dd is still using the finger-gun as a gesture of love.
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East egg #2: I was wondering if maybe finger-gun gesture if a thing in Korea since we see it in Blackpink and also APink’s “Mr. Chu” video that dd has danced to before. Since dd trained in Korea, maybe it’s something he picked up there. I asked my friend in Korea that’s a bit of a socialite and she said no, it’s not a thing. She was perplex by the question and had to try to reason it herself which proves it’s not common. 
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Easter Egg #3: During an interview filmed on 7/29/18 (the same one where they gave each other a song), ggdd were asked to do charades. One of the clue was “dududu”. Dd keep getting it wrong so gg had to repeat the finger-gun three times. Some analysis video deduced that dd was getting it wrong on purpose because you can see his mouth smiling slightly. What’s more telling is that when he finally got it right, gg gave him a “bunny teeth warning,” telling us that gg knew dd was messing with him. It’s speculated that dd was getting it wrong so he can see gg do the gesture multiple times LOL But maybe he was just annoyed that dd wasn’t getting it ‘cuz it was so obvious? 😅
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Elowen Im-Keating, mais conhecida como Winnie, entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ela parece tanto com a Jennie Kim! Ela nasceu em 18/07/1998 na cidade de Boston, Estados Unidos e atualmente tem 24 anos. Ela trabalha como solista na SENSE Entertainment, deve ser muito talentosa… Ah, você quer seguir ela? Procura por @winnie_uv e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreana-americana.
Personalidade: Winnie é inquieta e obstinada, o tipo de pessoa que acredita que pode fazer tudo se colocar seu coração naquilo, mesmo que nunca tenha tido contato antes. Apesar de sua natureza sarcástica e irônica, Elowen é uma garota que beira a timidez, preferindo deixar que os outros se aproximem ao invés de dar o primeiro passo, porém é amigável e calorosa uma vez que este passo seja dado.
Gênero/ano de debut: Winnie debutou em 30 de janeiro de 2020, sob a VENTURA Entertainment com o conceito puxado para o girl crush e R&B, com melodias marcantes e o foco em seus vocais e dança. Após seu debut, Winnie continuou produzindo e escrevendo músicas, sendo a maioria para ela mesma, da mesma forma que começou a expandir para a indústria internacional sob o pretexto da sua dupla nacionalidade.
Parte dos antigos fãs de Winnie odiaram sua decisão de entrar em uma empresa, acusando-a de ser mais uma "vendida" da indústria musical e colocando como alguém que só pensa no dinheiro, e não na verdadeira essência da música. Sendo assim, seu debut veio acompanhado de uma onda de hate.
Recentemente surgiram rumores em fóruns coreanos de que o integrante do BURST e Winnie estariam namorando por conta das interações que os idols possuíam em frente às câmeras. Tais rumores foram negados imediatamente por uma nota emitida pela SENSE Ent para que a imagem dos artistas não fosse prejudicada por rumores falsos. Uma grande parte do público acredita que a empresa só tenha feito isso para abafar o namoro devido ao debut decente do grupo, enquanto outra insiste que é apenas uma amizade natural surgida entre idols que fazem parte da mesma empresa.
Um ano após sua estreia, passou a experimentar mais na carreira de modelo, participando de photoshoots para revistas e eventos de moda.
Trabalhos antigos/soundcloud: mixtape #1 SPOILED BITCH - Tiffany Day. BITE BACK - Tiffany Day. DREAMS ABT OPTIMISM - TIffany Day.
singles alone - Babebee LOOK - LVRA
depois do debut
debut mini album (2021) (prod. BILL$) Love Letter - LOONA/Jinsoul Singing in the Rain - LOONA/Jinsoul (title) Girl’s Talk (feat. Jade) - LOONA/Chuu & Yves Lovin’ Me - Fifty Fifty
digital single (2021) Esper - Kwon Eunbi
1° full album (2022) D-1 - LOONA /Yves Underwater - Kwon Eunbi (title) I AM SHAMPOO - BIBI Hope Not (feat. PARIS)(prod. Kolt) - BLACKPINK Pastel - Whee In HONEY - Solar (title) Nuh-Uh - Chungha LOVE COUNTDOWN (feat. BILL$) - NAYEON, Wonstein Bad Girl (prod. Kolt) - LACHICA, Chungha Lay Low - YooA zinggle zinggle - Solar
digital single (2022) she got it - Dingo X BIBI
mixtape (2022) Dear my blue - Yerin Baek Bunny - Yerin Baek Amy - Yerin Baek Mr.gloomy - Yerin Baek 0310 - Yerin Baek
SICKO - 2° mini album (2022) 28 reasons - Seulgi (title) (comp. Winnie) Animal Farm - BIBI Dead Man Runnin’ - Seulgi Lowlife Princess - BIBI (comp. Winnie, prod. Kolt) Natural - PIXY
3° mini album (2023) I Don’t Wanna Know - Lee Chaeyeon Glitch - Kwon Eunbi (title) XXXX - Chungha All Eyes on Me - JISOO Blood Moon - YooA Strawberry Kisses - Bébe Yena Blade - BIBI
futuras produções: Sweet Crazy Love - LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE Uncover - LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE Chaotic - LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE LOONATIC - LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK KAZINO - BIBI I’m good at goodbyes - BIBI BAD SAD AND MAD - BIBI Caffeine - Eyedi Copycat - Apink CHOBOM Villain - PIXY Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard’s wife - LE SSERAFIM
livres para uso, produzidas por ela: POPPY - STAYC EUNOIA - Billie
TW: menção a saúde mental, mas não escrita em detalhes.
Elowen não vem de uma família afortunada, aquelas clássicas dos comerciais americanos, na verdade em vistas dos padrões da sociedade, veio de uma família quebrada e conturbada. Porém, Winnie jamais mudaria nada de sua família. É verdade que é fruto de um relacionamento entre dois jovens com grandes ambições, tendo apenas algumas memórias de uma convivência com ambos os pais dentro de casa, compreendia desde muito cedo que tê-los vivendo sob um mesmo teto era sinônimo de calamidade e que o divórcio entre eles não era algo devastador para a criança, e sim um alívio.
Seus pais se amam, é claro para qualquer observador que passe mais de 15 segundos na presença de ambos, no entanto a natureza caótica de sua mãe e o espírito livre de seu pai faz com que esse amor não possa ser contido dentro de quatro paredes, sequer pode ser mantido na mesma cidade. Elowen sempre morou com sua mãe em Boston, onde nasceu, enquanto que o pai viajava pelo mundo, sempre mandando lembranças dos locais visitados e ligando todas as noites para contar suas histórias mirabolantes antes de Elowen cair no sono. Quando era questionada sobre a situação de sua família, se sentia saudades do casamento ou se queria que os pais voltassem, a garota sempre ria, respondendo que jamais mudaria a dinâmica que ensinou tanto a ela.
Elowen iniciou sua carreira musical muito antes de assinar o contrato com a atual empresa, começou aos 14 anos no conforto de seu quarto sob os olhares dos posters dos mais variados artistas, com seu violão herdado de seu avô paterno e covers de músicas de rock clássico que sua mãe sempre ouvia. Não demorou para que se arriscasse escrevendo suas próprias músicas, melodias desafinadas acompanhadas por letras que iam do mais recente crush da escola para a complexidade de ser uma adolescentes na era em que o Tumblr era sua rede social favorita. E assim, alguns anos depois, era uma artista do soundcloud que reunia uma pequena fanbase e acumulava pouco mais de cinco mil seguidores em suas redes sociais, produzindo canções que iam do experimental ao hyperpop.
Winnie, como já era conhecida e creditada na internet, lançava sua música de forma independente, gravadas dentro de seu armário em um estúdio que ela mesma improvisou com a ajuda de sua mãe. Sabia que se continuasse naquele ritmo, acabaria se tornando uma artista grande um dia, com sorte uma música sua se tornaria viral ou então um grande nome da indústria iria encontrá-la e assiná-la em sua produtora. Porém Elowen se sentia estagnada em sua aprendizagem, como se tivesse esgotada tudo em si que a motivava a fazer tudo sozinha, como se sua carreira estivesse contida nas quatro paredes onde começou. Foi aí que surgiu a decisão de fazer audições para as empresas de kpop.
Acreditava no seu próprio potencial e tinha confiança de que poderia aprender as qualidades necessárias de um idol, e caso não conseguisse isso, bem… A indústria do kpop bem que poderia se utilizar de uma mudança de qualquer forma. E em março de 2019, após muitos não e um sim, a americana juntou suas coisas em uma mala e com seu coreano enferrujado, aprendido com o pai, comprou uma passagem só de ida para a Coreia que chamaria de casa pelos próximos anos.
Sua adaptação foi longe de ser tranquila, tendo que se acostumar não apenas com o idioma e com a rotina pesada de treinos um trainee, mas também com a cultura que era tão diferente da sua. Com alguns tropeços e erros, Elowen conseguiu seu tão sonhado debut no fim de janeiro de 2021, após apenas dois anos de treinamento, chamando atenção por ter seu mini album de debut produzido por um grande nome da indústria.
No ano de 2023, com a abertura da SENSE Ent., Winnie mudou para a nova empresa do grupo em um acordo mútuo entre artista e empresa. A mudança se deu pois Winnie acredita que seu perfil artístico combina mais com a visão da SENSE, focando em uma nova geração de artistas a qual ela deseja fazer parte.
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yvesapphic · 4 years
as your girlfriend series:
naeun as your girlfriend
as your girlfriend series:
siyeon as your girlfriend
sua as your girlfriend
as your girlfriend series:
punk!sinb as your girlfriend
as your girlfriend series:
kimlip as your girlfriend
reaction to their best friend confessing to them
making out with unnie line
reaction to their girlfriend sleeping while waiting for them
dating poly!wenrene
poly!wenrene when their gf gots sick
Reactions / Headcanons
dating poly!luseo
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mystifyingorbit · 4 years
As I am a pretty new blog and still looking for what I am comfortable writing, this list will continue to change as I start to find out what is it I’m fine with writing, + as I expand on stuff I might’ve never tried writing before.
So.. Ask Away!! (Some asks might take a while to get to so 😅)
Iz*one (It's happening)
*Not sure how well I’ll write them, haven’t really tried too much 
Groups I might write for in the future.
Red Velvet
Oh My Girl
Cherry Bullet
What I Will Write
Fantasy Au
Soulmate Au
Fem Idol x Idol
Reader x Idol (Scenarios)
Angst (within limits)
...more to come
What I Won’t Write
Horror/Thriller (it’s not that I don’t want to, I just really can’t. Idk why you want the fluff writer to write horrible horror pieces anyway. )
Headcanons and Reactions (While I can, I’ve always been more comfortable at writing fleshed out pieces. Tried reactions, struggled)
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