#apply texas
mzashleypie · 2 years
Hey! I read your college advice post and noticed that you graduated from UT Austin, which has been my dream school since I can remember. I’m about to be a senior and I was hoping if you could give some tips on how to write a good college essay for UT?
Hey! This is going to get rambly so I apologize now lol.
First things first, I was ranked 11 in a class of 600 and therefore in the top 7 and 10 percent of my class and was automatically accepted to UT. From what I've heard, they quite literally might've put my application in an accepted pile without reading any of my essays or extracurriculars.
Next, I was a very dreamy high schooler and wanted to go to the Ivy League and become some CDC researcher developing vaccines (this is a way more insane thing to say in 2022 than it was in 2014), but what did I choose to write about in my essay? The school library. I was called my library's mascot. I got to school every morning 2 hours before class to do homework and wait for the library to open. I worked in our "bistro" which was a stockroom where we sold coffee and did homework while I hung out with my friends. I had a stack of mugs and repaired my textbooks in the workroom. My librarian was like a second mother. I was in book club and anime club in the afternoons and decorated with the students for the holidays. I wrote the coziest vignette of community and home that I knew.
At the time, I didn't know that this is exactly what I was looking for in college. I wanted to be surrounded by people I didn't necessarily call friends, but just people who knew what it was like to be one of those in-between kids who didn't do sports, or band, or theatre, but loved to be consumed by stories. I applied to UT as a Biology major with a focus in microbiology and was accepted. I would graduate UT 4 years later as an English major with a certificate in Creative Writing with a focus in Poetry, but I feel like that conclusion would probably make much more sense than biology to anyone who read my essay.
I hope you write with passion and honesty on whatever your topic is and get in with the major you want!
And if you don't trust me, my fave May Gao does essay reviewing cheap or free for less advantaged students: https://www.collabadvising.com/essays
Going to add more about UT below, I swear I loved it, there's just a lot wrong with the way most schools work and I don't want you going in completely blind.
Freshman classes are designed to weed people out of in-demand majors (CRUEL!!! but I was told this on multiple occasions faculty). Intro classes are notoriously difficult for calculus, biology, chemistry, and organic chemistry. You will probably fail your first test. It's okay (my roommate was our high school valedictorian and failed our first chem test and cried all night). I got back to back 32, 33, and 76 on chem tests and barely passed with a D. I survived. Fun Fact: former VP of the school got exclusively Cs in his intro classes.
Pick the major you want the most BUT if you are unsure or may want to double major, choose the major that is the most selective. This includes Comp Sci, any of the communications school, the business school, and engineering. These majors are extremely hard to once you are in and attempt to do an internal transfer. When I was trying to transfer into Moody for film, they told me they only accept 1 internal transfer A YEAR.
This school is a class divide. Coming from a working-class Hispanic family and from a not great public high school, I was absolutely broken by the amount of people with summer houses, no debt, loans, or work-study, who studied abroad multiple semesters, went out every night or even every weekend. If you are not White, Indian, or Asian, you will have to be active to find your people. There are tons of culture groups and clubs, but it's jarring when most of your classes are homogenous just because of who actually gets into UT.
Best of luck and feel free to message me here, twitter, or instagram if you have any other questions!
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goryhorroor · 9 months
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horror directors + their most known movie + my favorite
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burstfoot · 1 month
Sometimes I see fanart of Texas and Lappland fighting and I'm like 'wow I didn't know OP was a yuri artist!' and then I remember that Texas and Lappland fighting isn't universally understood as romantic
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texassbian · 11 months
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literally il siracusano
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allhailruthgordon · 1 year
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toomx · 15 days
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Hülkenberg fastest…
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swordbot9000 · 8 months
3 episodes later
“oh yeah, that’s Mass McMurderer, yeah they got here one day and just haven’t left. Yeah it’s cool, just toss em and apple and they’ll like you, yeah like a cat.”
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hoperays-song · 6 months
Today, I went into my local community college to register for some classes. I was immediately bustled into a room with two older women, who were also filing out the online application with a state software. The one next to me, who was about my mum's age, smiled when I sat down, complemented my bag, and said something about how it was good to see young people interested in education. I thanked her and we both went back to our application. I didn't pay much attention to anything other the the application for a while but when I paused to look some stuff up on my phone for it. She saw the back of my case, which is decorated with pride flags and a "love is love" popsocket, and she immediately tapped it with a smile, proclaiming "I love that! There needs to be more of that in the world!" I had been pretty stressed up until this point due to the area I live in not being that safe for queer people, but just that simple comment made me relax and smile, thank her again, and agree to watch her stuff while she ran out of the room to talk to a counselor.
But this random lady's support to the clearly nervous queer kid at a Texan community college is not the point of this post. What happened after this is. She came back with a counselor and they began talking about her about the family history section of the application. Now, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but we were seated shoulder to shoulder so I heard the entire conversation anyways. Her parents had graduate degrees and as part of the application you have to put what schools they went to and where those schools are. Her parents' schools did not exist in the software. Wanna know why? Because they were located in Gaza. And Palestine didn't exist in the software, as a country or occupied territory. And for the next ten minutes, the counselors just kept asking her if she would be willing to put her parents' and their degrees coming from either the West Bank or Israel. She had to keep explaining to them on why she would not do that the entire time before they eventually decided to move to conversation to another room as it was becoming clear that both me and the other woman in the room, who actually was a recent Ukrainian immigrant, were clearly getting extremely mad at what they were telling this lady to do.
Because not only were they telling her to put her visa at stake by putting down different info on a government form, but they were telling her to erase her entire heritage as well just to make the admission process a bit easier for them. Fuck that. Palestinians deserve their heritage and freedom. Stop trying to erase them from history. Apply Texas, go fuck yourselves.
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pinkmirth · 6 months
just finished applying to grad school a year early! these college apps put me to work . . . i deserve a big fat nap & a smooch on the cheek
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scary-senpai · 1 year
10 year-old Garou: you need a permit to hunt the abominable snowman and even then it’s only catch-and-release
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manifestmerlin · 10 months
New Arknights event where again i'm thinking of quadrants this time Lin is making me think of Ch'ens whole deal. She is the only one to compete with Texas for number of girlfriends me thinks (well Nearl maybe too? But she's only 3 actually so nm) Except while Texas' sitch is very cleanly quadrant-able Chen is vacillation central. She's in a freaky constant black vacillation between swire and lin, where she's also kinda pale with swire and kinda red with lin. And then with Hoshi and Bagpipe shes also red-pale switcherooing like a 4 way graph between all of them.
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black-star-kunzite · 9 months
I already know I don’t like this new Doja Cat “demons” and satan era bc I already have my good aggressive or “weird” fem rap(idk what she’s trying to do honestly) like Smack a Bitch or Rage or OHFR? or Black Punk (just Rico’s entire discography tbh add Art of War) at a concert venue has people frothing at the mouth and PvE enabled. Demons could be played in a new DC movie trailer. It’s literally a worse “Boss Bitch”. Also just listen to Crazy by Doechii tbh it could literally be part of this satanic panic music if she added red color grading and devil horns to her MV or someshit. Like the beats go hard on each song for Scarlet so far but like give me something actually edgy in the song and not just the visuals bc I’m not gonna drive 90+ mph on the interstate listening to Paint the Town red or Demons bc Im visualizing or watching the MV’s I’m gonna do that bc I’m listening to something that makes me feel like the minute I reach a stop I’m rearranging someone’s fucking bones or the beats are so grimey I can cook a malicious brew in my car.
Ik if Doechii tapped into this shit it’d be the vibe Doja’s said she was giving and then some (listen to Swamp Bitches and Spooky Coochie holy shit they make me want to swerve into incoming traffic and huff napalm shrapnel in a good and sexy way) also listen to Paris Texas lmao
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meatriarch · 2 months
fitting f13 kiddos into texas is me being a lil ridiculous about it, cause not only am i making debbie & victoria somehow so unlikely best friends ( one-sided? who knows- ),
but i'm also making debbie maria's second roommate when she was dorming still and they've kissed & opened that door for deb esp to explore her uncertainty abt kissing girls before determining they clicked better as friends but retaining that closeness, thanks (:
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ignorantsanonymous · 8 months
The Tragedy Prayer
"Let us offer up a prayer to those who have perished in this nightmarish act of cruelty today.
And I remind you all, once again, that we pray not to God, but to ourselves; to sharpen our minds and to focus our wills.
Our Power, which burns within Us, exquisite be Our Might.
Our Kingdom come, Our Will be done, on Earth as it is within Us.
Give Us this day our fondest wish, and improve ever upon Us, as we strive ever to improve Ourselves.
And lead Us not into corruption or malaise, but give Us strength to persist in the face of adversity.
Lives have been taken needlessly from Us by a loathsome lost soul on a mission of evil.
May the sickness of this rotten death-urge vacate Our collective Being.
May the exploiters of tragedy find that their words turn to shit in their mouths.
May the deniers of tragedy find that they are denied mercy until they repent.
May the cruelty of this world be alleviated by the love and fellowship and brotherhood and sisterhood and siblinghood that We may find in Ourselves.
To love One Another and to serve One Another and to serve those that love Us.
And may Those whose souls are on this day scorched with pain and anguish find Their way to the balm of kindness.
Let Those who have been so darkly touched by the worst of humanity see now the best of it.
And may Our differences be cast aside, and all the bullshit cut through, until all that is left is the truth.
Let it be so."
-TJ Kirk (May 2022)
#In May of 2022 TJ posted a video discussing the tragedy and politics of the school shooting in Uvalde Texas of the United States#And he ended that video with this prayer#I omitted one word-- the word twenty-one-- the number of lives that were lost in Uvalde that day#because I plan on reblogging this every time a mass shooting happens in this country#I even added the first part to the description of this blog as a general prayer#This channel's name-- Ignorants Anonymous-- is of course a parody of the support groups#the ones that are supposed to aid those with addictions#and those support groups rely heavily on the christian religion as an anchor to help guide their members#though nowadays they try to be more inclusive--as long as you have an entity or concept you hold higher than yourself then#the twelve step program can still apply#along with the name I also wanted to similarly parody the religious aspect of the support group#kind of like how satanists parody abrahamic religions with the name of those religions' opposer#while ironically holding themselves to the message of peace and love preached by those texts than the actual followers of those religions d#You do not have to be atheist to follow this blog or to get use out of it but#I find that the words of TJ Kirk-- The Amazing Atheist-- do a better job at representing the theme of this blog than I ever could#i hope he never discovers this blog personally but if he does i hope he at least approves of my use of his expressions#prayer#tj kirk#the amazing atheist#amazing atheist#terroja kincaid#YouTube
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tiktaalic · 10 months
Do u go to /went to smith? Bc I saw ur smith college problem post and it is SO ACCURATE but if you don’t go here I’m gonna have a crisis about how the fuck you know the discourse so well
i went to texas tech in lubbock texas baby. level 4000 discourse is just a parody of itself
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honeysucklepink · 7 months
False alarm on Mississippi… Looks like the Republicans will sweep. Meanwhile, if you would like to see voter suppression in action, just look at any Twitter thread on how many polling places were moved last minute or ran out of ballots (and the color of the folks who mostly live in those areas).
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