#arsene lupin the eighth
vtmbbot · 2 years
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Lupin VIII is a cancelled animated series that was produced in 1982. The remains of the project were released in 2012 with a voiceless pilot, and selected animated scenes with 5 scripts.
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southernbaphomet · 9 months
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my own take on Lupi VIII! this boy is surrounded by sapphics...
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qintarra · 2 years
am i incredibly dumb? maybe but for the first couple of hours i was researching lupin the eighth as a show and reading the manga i thought lupin in it had leg braces but it’s apparently his pants design. although, in my mind he still has leg braces tho
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decodium · 2 years
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arsene lupin, eighth of his name
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doctordouzan-blog · 7 years
An Intro to Roleplaying: Douzan’s Advice
Good day, everyone! For the sake of convenience, we’ll pretend this post was written by Douzan, even though it was actually written by his Scholar, a nameless face behind a computer. (Kayla. My name is Kayla. Pleasure to meet you!) I understand that it can be difficult to seperate the IC from the OOC, even off-stage such as this, but I am sure we’ll manage. I shudder to think that I may accidentally godmod because of this post, but one can only carry on and hope that no retcons are required, a dastardly thought. Did any of those bolded terms confuse you? If so, that is precisely why I am making this post. I’ve been roleplaying for around 15 years now, and over that time, I’ve gained what I feel like could be some valuable insight* for newer players.  *Please note that I am not suggesting I am perfect. I still have quite a bit to learn, and every day I learn more.  Today, I’ll be writing a glossary of sorts of terms I’ve come across while role-playing that can be valuable for those who are just learning. Feel free to share this, and of course, send me Asks on any additional questions you might have, I’d love to answer them.  I should also note that a lot of these terms have changed and shifted since I started RPing. For example, OP/Godmoding/Power-playing have all been lumped into one definition nowadays, whereas I knew them all as separate terms. For the sake of convenience, I will be using the terms I am familiar with, but I HAVE cross-referenced a few terms with a couple of popular RP definition sites, and am aware of some of the changes. RP: Stands for “Roleplay”. I.. Must I really describe this term? You should know! Very well then. It is pronounced “ahr-pee”.  Roleplaying is acting as a character that is not you yourself. An RPer interacts with other RPers around the world to write out scenes from their favorite books, movies, animes, shows, games, comics, etc., or even original material. This can be done over text on mediums such as Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Proboards, AIM, Skype, text messages; or even through IRL interactions such as LARPing. It can be compared to acting on stage on a theater, except there is no script. The RPers build the story as they go, instead of following a script. RPing: Stands for “Roleplaying”. The act of participating in a roleplay. RPer: Stands for “Roleplayer”. Someone who participates in a roleplay. LARP: Stands for “Live-Action Roleplay”. It is pronounced as “lahrp”. An RP that takes place IRL, usually with props, costumes, etc. Obviously not necessary on Twitter, but since it comes up sometimes, figured I’d define it for you. LARPing: Stands for “Live-Action Roleplaying”. The act of participating in a LARP. LARPer: Stands for “Live-Action Roleplayer”. Someone who participates in LARP. IRL: Stands for “In Real Life”. Used to describe events that happen in reality, and not online. IC: Stands for “In Character”. This is the term used for when you are playing your character true to the personality, usually in events that can be considered canon to your story or growth.  OOC: Stands for “Out of Character”. This is used to describe when the person behind the account speaks instead, sometimes as commentary, sometimes to discuss direction for a scene, sometimes because you just fuckin’ feel like it. Often it is symbolized by: (( Speech )), ( words ), [ text ], #OOC more text.  Off-stage: A fun little term used in some RP circles to describe when RPers play their characters in an OOC setting, but IC. This is usually done as a joke and is often used to blow off steam or have fun. It is rarely, if ever, considered canon.  Canon: Something that is true to the universe. Some examples of canon events: Captain America underwent a super soldier program in Marvel; Yukimura accidentally felt up the MC in SLBP; Kari was the eighth child found in Digimon; Doctor Douzan was friends with the MC’s father in SLBP.  AU: Stands for “Alternate Universe”. RP is usually considered an AU as players create their own events that are not canon to the universe they take place in. Canon Characters: Characters that exist already within the universe. Examples include: Wolverine (X-Men), Doctor Douzan (SLBP), Ripley (Alien), Ash Ketchum (Pokemon), Sam Winchester (Supernatural), Evie Frye (Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate), Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda). These characters are often played by RPers who attempt to portray the character as close to the canon material as possible, even when in AU events.  Custom Characters: Characters that have been created to interact with the canon characters of that universe, but are not actually apart of the canon events. Check out the links at the top of my page: Bio: The Merchant, Bio: Mirakire, Bio: Masami; for examples of custom characters. (More will be added soon.)  Cameo/Face-Claim: The act of choosing an unrelated character’s image to portray a custom character. Example: I use Arsene Lupin from Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth for Hajime’s cameo. (Please check out the bios at the top of my blog for more examples.) NPC: Stands for “Non-Playable Character”. A gaming term used to describe sprites/characters in games that the player cannot control, it is used in RP to describe inconsequential characters that are not necessary for long term. Examples include: The merchant your character interacts with in one post to buy bread; Bandits that attack your character while on the road; Templar soldiers who attack your Assassin character but are dispatched quickly; A random opponent in a children’s card game that your character is watching another character duel against. These characters are hardly ever played for real and are usually just there to set a scene or fill a necessity for a few posts. Scholar/Player/Mun: Slang terms for RPer. While many RPers on Tumblr and Twitter use ‘mun’, I’m old-fashioned and stick with Scholar/Player, as I feel it makes more sense. Plus, I’m old. (Plus the word ‘mun’ is to me like ‘moist’ is to others. I just can’t stand it.)   Ship/Shipping: Favoring a set (or more for polygamous pairings, as is common in settings like Sengoku) of characters for a romantic relationship.  Smut/ERP: Erotic RP. If you are under 18, please do not participate in erotic RP. It involves sex, and if someone is caught ERPing/Smutting with you, it can have grave consequences with them. Please do not participate in these unless you are old enough. Seriously. You are playing with people’s lives. People can go to jail for that shit.  FTB: Stands for “Fade-to-Black”. Often in television shows, comics, movies, etc., when an erotic scene was occuring, the camera would pan away, or the panel would turn dark, to avoid showing anything truly erotic. Performing a ‘FTB’ is required on public platforms such as Tumblr, Twitter, and Proboards, as it is against their terms of service to display openly sexual acts/sexy things like that shit there. It is also respectful to the other RPers, who may not want to see that sort of action on their feed. FTBs are usually picked up and continued in DMs/PMs.  DMs/PMs: Stands for “Direct Messages” and “Private Messages” respectfully. This is sending a message only to one party, or to a specific group, instead of remaining public. Used for casual conversations, discussing plots and spoilers, ERP/Smut, and more.  Public Feed: Everyone can see it, nothing is hidden, all is forgiven. (Except not.) So those are some of your basic terms. Every medium has their own set of special terms. Tumblr, for example, also has Magic Anons, Autoplay, Drabbles, One-Line. Proboards has One-Line, Admin, Mod. A lot of platforms have crossover terms as well, but we won’t be getting into all of them.  We will, however, get into some important terms: The bad ones.  Mary Sue/Gary Stu: A character that is perfect. They are good at everything. They are beautiful, smart, talented, flawless. They have powers, abilities or skills that normally are limited to canon characters. They claim that canon characters are attracted to them. They usually have a convoluted storyline that involves a relationship to a canon character that is not plausible. They rarely ever have character growth, never have real flaws, and are honestly some of the most boring pieces of shit ever. They are a virus, a plague and must be stamped out.  Self-Insertion: Creating a character solely to insert one’s self into the RP. Instead of creating a new character with their own ups and downs, the RPer creates a character that is a mirror image of their own self and tries to live vicariously through them. OP*: Stands for “overpowered”. An OP character is one who is far too strong for the situation, or for the type of character. It is a lesser version of godmoding, but is just as annoying, as these characters are nearly impossible to beat or best in a fight, and will go out of their way to ensure they can never be beaten.  Power-Play: The act of controlling another person’s character. A lesser version of godmoding, but still fucking annoying. A power-player will write the actions of another character outside of their control. This is often done accidentally by new players who are used to writing their own short stories, or have little experience in RPing. If an RPer is power-playing, a gentle reminder or request to stop writing your characters action is usually all it takes to end it. There are many players who don’t realize that writing actions for you is considered disrespectful and rude. Try to be gentle when correcting them. Unless they start godmoding. In which case, call that shit out. Godmoding: A character who’s powers are nearly impossible to limit. These are characters who claim they are invulnerable, impervious, impossible to destroy. They override other characters abilities or nullify them without the consent of another player. They fucking suck. Don’t be this douchebag. *OP can also be used for “Original Poster”, or the person who started the RP.  Roleplaying a great activity that can bring people together, as well as improving literacy and creative thinking for all those involved. It encourages teamwork, as you must trust your fellow RPers to come up with their own ideas and aid with your plots while you push forward with theirs. For novelists such as myself, RPing is a way to explore new characters in new settings and expand our knowledge of how different types of characters, personalities, and events can play out, leading to more realistic and believable writing.  RPing can also be therapeutic, as it can allow people to face issues they could not have faced on their own. Someone who suffers from a traumatic event can use a character in an RP to come to terms with those emotions, while many who suffer depression and anxiety use RP as a way to de-stress and cope with their problems.  RPing however, can also be addictive. It is an interactive story that is always changing, a constant new mystery around every corner. If you choose to RP, please be mindful that all your fellow RPers are real people with real lives, and that your life, your health, your work, come first. RPing is fun, but it is not a priority. If something in your life is beginning to suffer, such as your marriage, your work, your friendships, then it may be time to step back from the RP scene and focus on your life once more.  Got more questions, more terms you would like to see me define in my own uniquely Douzan way? Drop me a line here. I’ve decided to share some of my own stories about RPing, to share some life lessons. Coming up are:  -”The Gundam Regret” -”Kuroda, Tsunade, and the Best Boyfriend Ever (Not.)” -”When Your Demon from Dragon Age is Ivy from Soul Calibur (Wiki Edition!)” -”All My Characters are Besties and Text All The Time!” -”*Giggle* *Laughs* *Snorts* *Giggles* *Chuckles* *Laughs softly* (...What am I Replying to?!)” -”I Got Out of Hell and Turned Super Saiyajin! (All By Myself!)” -And many more!  If you’re interested in seeing one of these stories first, drop me a line here or Twit at me on Tweeter. Otherwise I’ll pick one at random and write about that next.  Until next time, drink your tea and don’t ask me medical questions! 
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audiobookers · 7 years
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New Audiobook has been published on http://www.audiobook.pw/audiobook/water-bottle/
Water bottle
The water bottle is a short story in the « The Eight Strokes of the Clock » collection of eight short stories by Maurice Leblanc. Their main character: Arsene Lupin, the beloved gentleman thief, one of the most famous characters of the detective genre. All eight stories are independent but brought together by a leading thread. Posing as Prince Renine, Lupin uses his legendary wit to free a young woman from a tedious destiny before having her make him a promise: she will become his bride if together, they manage to solve seven other mysteries before the eighth stroke of the clock, three months from then. This adventure will lead them from fearsome foes to tricky riddles, each more mysterious than the last. How was a box set on fire when nobody was in the room? How was a man stabbed in the back when nobody went into or out of his cottage after he entered it? Why are women being systematically murdered with identical hatchet blows to the forehead, several months apart? And when an insane killer threatens his beloved, the world’s greatest thief will stop at nothing to catch him. Enjoy Leblanc’s Eight Strokes of the Clock in top-quality narration: On the Top of the Tower, The Water Bottle, Therese and Germaine, The Lady with the Hatchet, Footprints in the Snow, At the Sign of Mercury.
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vtmbbot · 2 years
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“If you gave this to Fujiko, she’d be over the moon!”
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qintarra · 2 years
if lupin viii has a million fans, i’m one of them
if lupin viii has 5 fans, i’m one of them
if lupin viii has 1 fan, that one is me
if lupin viii has no fans, i’m no longer alive
if the world is against lupin viii i’m against the entire world
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