#jigen daisuke the fifth
vtmbbot · 2 years
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Lupin VIII is a cancelled animated series that was produced in 1982. The remains of the project were released in 2012 with a voiceless pilot, and selected animated scenes with 5 scripts.
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dandunn · 1 year
sorry to give you more lupin but can you draw jigen in corrupted skittles? <3
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"That's right puppy, show your teeth."
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[Image description:
Various versions of a digital drawing of Jigen Daisuke from Lupin the third. He is drawn from the legs up, with brown skin and in a dark grey suit with a purple shirt. He walks forward, smiling with one hand in his pocket and the other adjusting his hat over his eyes. The only difference between each image is the background colour. The first is an off-white, the second dark navy, third green, fourth red and fifth purple. Images three and four also feature warm golden lighting on Jigen's clothes.
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fantasy-drawings-ra · 2 years
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Here are some miscellaneous sketches I made from last and this month and forgot to post.
I hope you like them!
In order: Jigen Daisuke from Lupin the Third doing a casual salute with grin.
Goemon with one eye closed but now with one hand on the hilt of his Zantetsuken.
Third is an oc of mine for a fun little story that I might make into a comic about a ghostly hotelier who even after his passing still wishes to run his hotel and continues to. With a lot of funny happenstance and situations. A sort of slice of life/ comedy.
Fourth and Fifth are some practice sketches of side and 3/4 profile that may become characters in the Fae Judge story.
And finally Orpheus and Eurydice from the Hades game though I’ve never played it yet and have only seen clips/screenshots and posts I love their song and know of their myth well.
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sournote2014 · 2 years
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Scene from Episode 128 of ‘Lupin III Part 2′ where Lupin barges into Jigen and Goemon’s room, looking for a diamond that was reported stolen.
[Image description: The images are meant to be read from top to bottom and left to right. On the top left, the caption reads “CRASH!”. In the first image, Daisuke sits up in bed, wearing a nightcap and nightgown. His speech bubble reads “Yaaah!” In the next image, Goemon, wearing a robe, does the same. His speech bubble reads “Gaaaah!”. In the third image, Goemon and Jigen sit in their beds in awkward silence; Jigen clutches his shoulders while Goemon clutches some part of his duvet. In the middle, Lupin stands with his right hand touching their bedroom door. In the fourth image, Goemon blushes and tucks his hand into his robe. His speech bubble reads “Ahem. It seems I’ve had a bad dream. In the fifth image, Jigen rests his hand on his chin. His speech bubble reads “Me too.”]
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stealinghero · 4 years
Hi! How about some angst with jigen?
Uhm…. well…. it IS angsty… it IS Jigen…. it’s not nice. I held it as “harmless” as I could, but still want to warn my readers that the following is NOT a cute little story. it’s not quite 18+, but at least 16+. Please remember that while reading at your own risk: (Warning for blood and a few sausages)
It had been a great day so far. Warm, for late autumn, and dry. So why didn’t he said he would accompany his s/o to the super market? Why had he simply nodded and had taken the bags from before to go ahead and prepare something to eat?
And why the fuck was he now watching the screen helplessly, his hands balled into fists.
“So, if you want your little birdie here back? You better come out and play, Jigen. I’ll tell you the place and time later. Let me have some fun first.” The video came to an end.
“Any clues?” Lupin looked at him, uneasy and kind of prepared if Jigen should explode in a fit of rage.
“I know this voice. It’s old, I can’t pinpont it,” the gunman sat down and stared at the black screen, seething with rage but unable to vent it.
“It sounded like a warehouse or empty factory. Something big,” Lupin thought and began to watch the video again.
“If you play it one more time, I’m going to strangle you.”
“Okay.” And the screen stayed black.
 “Did you already remember me? Or are you getting old, Jigen? Losing your teeth already, tiger? Let me show you my work so far.”
In the darkness of a warehouse a figure had been hung from above by their wrists. The camera zoomed in on a puddle of blood under this figure, wearing his s/o’s shoes.
“I take it, you do remember me now. I wonder what kind of gift I should prepare for our reunion?”
His fingers turned white as Jigen clawed into the cushions of the couch he was sitting on.
“Maybe a leg? No, don’t worry. It’s you I want.”
He growled at the screen.
“Tomorrow night, ten after midnight, you already know where, right? In this dirty city there is just one place I would love to meet you at. Be punctual. And leave your friends at home. Or I will begin with their bodies, one by one, making you watch.”
The screen went black with the end of the video.
“Who is he?”
Letting out the breath he had held in and leaning back Jigen scratched his beard.
“A ghost of the past, I take it. Where is the meeting place?” Goemon watched his friend and his growing anxiety.
“Doesn’t matter.” The gunman got up and took his hat. “It doesn’t concern you.”
Lupin blocked his path. “We are coming with you, concerning or not. The victim is one of our friends and I hate it if someone hurts my friends.”
Strong hands, wrapped around his collar, lifted him a few inches from the floor.
“You will NOT come.”
Lupin nodded, eyes filled with something that someone could call fear. After being released and pushed away by his friend, he coughed and rubbed his throat where the collar had chafed it.
A quick glance at Goemon had the samurai nodding, just in the same moment Jigen slammed the door.
 “Okay, we have a warehouse. Did you see the little cloud of fog when panning to the wrists?”
Goemon nodded, already aware what kind of warehouse they were looking for.
“Maybe this?” he suggested and pointed out an abandoned meat factory on the map Lupin had spread across the table. “If the cooling system still works, they will need access to electricity.”
“I never knew you were this smart. Okay, who was this guy talking?” The two had watched the videos over and over in order to find any clues to rescue their friend, but it was hard to find anything. A man did the talking but was never shown. The camera only showed Jigen’s s/o, unmoving, covered in a shadow.
“If Jigen reacts like this, it is serious,” Goemon thought loud and looked at the thief. “He never attacked you like this before.”
“He attacks me on a daily basis, Goemon.”
“Verbal, yes. With a gun, yes. But did he ever touch you like this?”
Lupin let out a sigh.
“No,” he admitted, remembering the feral glow in Jigen’s eyes when he had lifted him from the floor. He knew about the past of his friend. A mercenary, a skilled gunman. But these were the eyes of a cold-blooded killer – and Lupin had problems in bringing those eyes together with the laughing Jigen.
“Let’s go and look around at this factory. There we will find moreclues, I suppose.”
“Let me make some calls before.” Lupin raised and took his phone.
“Are you calling the Inspector?”
“I don’t like it myself, Goemon. But depending on what’s happening, I would like to have the police behind my back. Jigen said so himself, it’s someone old. And that can just mean one thing.”
“The mafia?”
“Before that. He ran with a bunch of strange people back then. If I remember right they all were quite disturbed. A kidnapper, a… ew.”
Goemon looked at the thief who had grown pale. “Ew?”
“Remember what the guy said? He wondered if he should prepare a leg as a gift.”
Goemon nodded, waiting patiently what conclusion brought Lupin to react like that.
“I remember this group clearly. A psychotic arsonist, one of the worst sort, he was killed by Jigen years ago. A woman, pretty little thing, was in this group too. I think she had a knack for abducting rich kids and releasing them for quite high sums.”
The samurai raised his hand, impatient. “This is not relevant.”
“The woman was thrown into jail and I think she died there a few years ago. But there was our actor here. A really strange guy. He was the reason I didn’t talk with Jigen before all this, even if he had caught my eye.”
“Could you please hurry?!”
“Right! Hurry!!” With these words, Lupin grabbed his jacket and raced to the door. “Come!! We don’t have time if I’m correct!”
 And again, this time was the fifth. If nothing happened now, he would be satisfied.
With calm fingers, his whole body shaking because of the cold in his mind, he put the bullets in the round chamber.
When he had come here, the building was abandoned once more. Nothing left to give him clues where the bastard had taken his s/o now. Only the puddle of blood reminded him of his own failure. If he had been there. If he had been the one shopping for the last ingredients. If…
Jigen let out a sigh. This game of mind wouldn’t bring him to any reasonable end. And it wouldn’t save his s/o. He had to do this himself.
Standing up he looked around calmly, lifting his loyal Magnum.
The index finger first on the side of the trigger, the end joint slightly on the trigger, no strength in the said finger.
Focus on the target, the index finger slides on the trigger up to the second phalanx, any more will just obstruct pulling without hesitation.
A bit of strength is enough to pull the trigger. The secret is in the recoil, wandering through the arm. When the wrist is pulled upwards, release the index finger, put it back on the side of the trigger.
The left hand catches the gun, loads another bullet into the barrel, the whole left hand, the outside edge, is used to cock the hammer while moving towards the body, flowing back away from the body and bring the gun down again, while the index finger slips back on the trigger. Give it a go.
The hole the bullet left was slightly bigger than he had anticipated but he had calculated the reaction of his victim exactly.
A silver line flashing in the darkness of the old warehouse told him everything he needed to know.
“I thought I told you to stay put,” Jigen mused while refilling the lost bullet in the chamber.
“And I told you they’re my friend, too!” Lupin touched his slightly singed hairs where Jigen’s bullet had missed him by a few millimetres.
Goemon cleared his throat.
“Sorry, Goe, our friend.”
“I don’t need your help.”
 Half an hour later the three thieves were on their way through the maze of abandoned warehouses, empty shells of left to rot factories and even two rusting cars.
“The second on the left.” Jigen had been silent the whole time, going ahead, his comrades following him in a distance.
Lupin eyed the warehouse. “That’s nasty.”
Goemon nodded. After Lupin had told him the whole story on their way to Jigen, even the stoic samurai had needed a few deep breaths to calm himself down. And now they were in the middle of a dead district, standing before a warehouse called “Mikey’s gourmet supplies”.
“His humor always was a bit off.”
“A bit off?! We are talking about…,” Lupin was cut off by a gesture from Jigen.
In the dim light before them two people were fighting. One was bound, getting dragged along, trying to fight or to escape. The other was a small man, thin and with almost spindly build. The whole situation could have been comical to look at, if the man hadn’t had a butcher’s cleaver in his hand.
Slowly, the three crept closer as soon as the man vanished into the building.
“Any plan of attack?” Lupin had the courtesy to ask Jigen before sharing his own plan.
“I’ll go inside, you stay here.”
Not amused with his answer, Lupin gave Jigen a nudge.
“We’ll find a way inside to help you if things get nasty!”
“Are you really that stupid? He won’t be alone,” Jigen shot back.
“It’s almost the agreed time, Gentlemen. Jigen, you go, we will be there if you’ll need us.”
Goemon seldom used his stern voice while discussing plans, shutting the two others up.
“Good luck, partner.”
Jigen went without another word.
 “The great Jigen Daisuke… welcome to my little private show.”
“Where are they?”
“Oh, not so fast, Jigen. I thought we could catch up on the old times. You’ve grown so much.”
“Where are they?!”
A switch was operated and the lights turned on, revealing both the kidnapper and Jigen’s s/o.
“What a lovely sight. Pure terror on your face suits you, Daisuke.”
He had to fight the urge to run to his bleeding s/o, not sure if they were still breathing. He knew what would happen then, so he stood still in his place, begging his s/o in his thoughts to move, to give him a sign that there was still life in them.
“They’re unconscious. For now. Behave and they will survive this. Sit down.”
Looking around, Jigen found the table he had dreaded and followed the command.
“First round. Appetizer.”
He rose from the chair as the plate was set down in front of him, but strong hands pushed him back down. Two different pairs of hands, he acknowledged in an afterthought.
“Don’t worry, they are not from your lovely little birdie. I had enough to do in the last months.”
Of course. The killing spree held this city in its claws for almost 6 months now. He had read about it in the newspaper. And still he had left his s/o’s side… what an idiot he was.
“Eat up.”
Without batting an eyelash, he took the first little sausage and ate it.
“Good boy!” The kidnapper reached to the plate and took himself one of the sausages to eat.
“You see, I’m behaving. Why don’t you let them go?”
“Your little bird? Nah, that would be too dangerous for me, you see? Because I know who you are, Daisuke. I know how many people you’ve killed so far. And I’m not stupid enough to be one of them.” His enemy snickered and looked up to the door behind Jigen.
“But I see we have more guests than I have anticipated. Daisuke, you should have told me you were bringing your friends, so I could’ve prepared more food.”
He didn’t have to look to know that Lupin and Goemon were brought in by the lackeys of his torturer.
“Sorry, we’re not very hungry!”
Of course, Lupin had to make a show out of his capture. Trying to fight, knowing deep down that it was a dead end. Those lackeys had the power of a super human being, consisting of dead meat and an empty mind.The golem of an experienced self-called necromancer.
“I never said you were getting fed, my friend. YOU are the main dish.”
Jigen reached out to the man next to him, only to have his wrist grabbed and crushed with a sickening sound. He screamed in pain, waking up his s/o that began to stir in their ropes.
“Jigen!” Lupin had to understand by now what those things were he was fighting against.
“Silence! I will not suffer this insolence anymore.”
“Alice, let them go. You want me, you can have me. Let them go!” Clutching his broken wrist, Jigen was close to tears from the sheer pain. But the man just laughed.
“No. I wanted to break you. To make you suffer. Because you know what? That dirty little lowlife you killed 3 years ago? That was my son.”
Jigen took a breath. He had known it. He had known it and had pulled the trigger nonetheless. He was getting paid for killing this man.
“He stole money from my last contractor. I was hired.” That was the iron rule. You get paid and you do the job. Even some madman like Alice had to see that.
“Oh, it’s that easy? How much do you want? I’m buying you to kill your friends here. I’ll even give you a little extra if you help me prepare the main dish.”
“Fuck you.”
Alice took a handful of Jigen’s hair and yanked his head up.
“Then tell me, Daisuke. Your little birdie here or them. Who do you want to kill?”
He had done this. Both of them had stood on different sides of the gun before and had survived. He could pull this off again if he was given the chance.
“Fine. I’m giving you 5 chances to kill him. Bring the puny one.”
His brain dead lackeys moved with ghostly silence, dragging a still fighting Lupin with them.
Alice took the thief’s hand and placed it on the table before Jigen, fingers outstretched. Next to it he placed the cleaver.
“Take your gun and shoot him.”
Slowly he reached for his Magnum and set the barrel against Lupin’s forehead, praying for a wonder.
“One.” Before he had even the chance to pull the trigger, Alice had reached for the cleaver, spinning it in his hand, letting the blade come down on the table.
Lupin and Jigen stared at the clean cut off finger on the white table cloth, now slowly soaking up the blood.
“Two…” the cleaver was lifted again, ready to strike.
Jigen closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.
The sound of a shot exploded in the almost empty warehouse as hell broke loose.
Zenigata turned around from his arrests and watched his assistant taking one of the sausages off of the table.
“A sausage?” carefully he sniffed it and opened his mouth to eat it.
“That’s a cooked human finger, Yata,” Zenigata told the young man
With a faint smile he let his assistant run outside to throw up.
Jigen looked up from his sitting position.
“Why are you here?!”
“A little ‘thank you’ would be nice, Jigen. After all we saved you bunch from killing each other.”
“And arrested us,” Goemon added.
“And gave your two partners medical assistance.”
Speaking of the devil Lupin was brought back to the now broadly grinning Inspector. The thief had his left hand bandaged but managed to give Jigen a smile.
“They are alive. Nothing serious but a few scratches and a pretty mean headache.”
Jigen relaxed and nodded as thanks before he remembered something.
“Did you call the police?!”
“He called me himself. Saying you were deep in trouble. Giving me the name of your old friend over there.”
Jigen didn’t want to see the man that needed 4 police officers to hold him down. At least the undead lackeys which he had hypnotized and set under a heavy drug influence, were out cold and unmoving again.
Zenigata kneeled down to get on eye level with Jigen, only to whisper into his ear.
“He won’t reach prison alive.” With that the Inspector got up and went away.
  The cell wasn’t half bad. Big enough for two inmates even if every one of them was imprisoned on their own. At least he could see in the cell opposite of him in which his s/o laid, still sleeping a lot.
The doctor had said they were okay besides a mild concussion. Lupin had told him so, too. But he didn’t dare to hope until he saw his s/o moving on the simple bed.
“Hey,” he called out softly.
“Hey,” they murmured back, the voice thick with sleep.
“I’m sorry,” he told them.
“Nah. I’m sorry,” they replied.
“What for?” It wasn’t the fault of his s/o for being targeted or caught.
“I forgot to buy your cigarettes.”
He blinked before it hit him.
“Do you remember why you are here?” A faint hope was growing inside his head.
“Because Lupin did something stupid and we got caught?”
Jigen laughed. He couldn’t believe it. All the torture and the things that had happened, had been forgotten by his s/o? Of course, the doctor had said something about having a slight amnesia of the things happened shortly before the concussion would be natural. But this? This was pure gold.
He would take care of the fact that his s/o would never remember this gruesome incident.
“If you’re enjoying your stay, I can leave you behind,” the guard in front of his cell said.
A bit surprised by this comment, Jigen’s eyes trailed down the guard’s arm only to see a thickly bandaged hand.
“You owe me a finger, my friend. But first let me get you out of here.”
With a click the lock opened, while Goemon made short work of the prison door of Jigen’s s/o.
“As thanks, let me invite you. I know a good diner not far from here. It serves sausages in all varieties,” Jigen shot back with a forced smile.
“Shut up.”
With a confused look, his s/o hugged Jigen and smiled at him, happy when the gunman returned the hug carefully and kissed them on their forehead.
“Let’s leave this city behind us as far as possible.”
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ask-carmen-sandiego · 6 years
Interview with the Muse
stole from : @abel-milktea-nightroad tagging: @devils-messenger @theothervonkarmagirl @thievinggentleman @callmeranka @jigen-daisuke
► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭  “Yes.”
► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭  “Hm, I guess. I’m not, not happy.” ► ARE YOU ANGRY?   ➭   “No.” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED?   ➭   “...”
► BIRTH PLACE ➭   “Can’t confirm.” ► HAIR COLOR   ➭   “Black.” ► EYE COLOR ➭  “Blue.” ► BIRTHDAY   ➭   “March first.” ► MOOD ➭   “Content?” ► GENDER   ➭   “Female.” ► SUMMER OR WINTER   ➭  “ Winter” ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON   ➭  “Morning”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭ “I plead the fifth” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?   ➭  “Can’t be love, only lust. So no.”
► LOVE OR LUST ➭   “Love” ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭  “I prefer lemonade, but ice tea makes me look like less like a child. Normally I don’t care, but one must keep up appearances.” ► CATS OR DOGS ➭   “I love both.” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS   ➭   “I prefer a few friends.” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN   ➭   “Romantic night in.” ► DAY OR NIGHT ➭   “Night.”
► SMILE OR EYES ➭   “Eyes are the window to the soul.” ► SHORTER OR TALLER   ➭   “Taller, or at lest the same height.” ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION   ➭  “Intelligence, but you have to have attraction as well for a relationship to work.” ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭   “Relationship.”
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭   “...” ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭   “My life is very messed up, yes.” ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME   ➭   “One must have a home to run away from, first.” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭  “Not unless you consider the orphanage sending me out on my own at age 17, as getting kicked out.”
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figureskate-en · 7 years
Fifth ‘Lupin the 3rd’ Anime Series Announced
#Figureskate #DaisukeTakahashi [The Fandom Post]That series had Kazuhide Tomonaga working as the chief director on the property while Yuichiro Yano will be directing based on scripts by Yuuya Takahashi ... Follow Lupin and his gunman partner Daisuke Jigen on their quest to own the world-or at least ...
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figureskate-en · 7 years
Fifth ‘Lupin the 3rd’ Anime Series Announced
#Figureskate #DaisukeTakahashi [The Fandom Post]That series had Kazuhide Tomonaga working as the chief director on the property while Yuichiro Yano will be directing based on scripts by Yuuya Takahashi ... Follow Lupin and his gunman partner Daisuke Jigen on their quest to own the world-or at least ...
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figureskate-en · 7 years
Fifth ‘Lupin the 3rd’ Anime Series Announced
#Figureskate #DaisukeTakahashi [The Fandom Post]That series had Kazuhide Tomonaga working as the chief director on the property while Yuichiro Yano will be directing based on scripts by Yuuya Takahashi ... Follow Lupin and his gunman partner Daisuke Jigen on their quest to own the world-or at least ...
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figureskate-en · 7 years
Fifth ‘Lupin the 3rd’ Anime Series Announced
#Figureskate #DaisukeTakahashi [The Fandom Post]That series had Kazuhide Tomonaga working as the chief director on the property while Yuichiro Yano will be directing based on scripts by Yuuya Takahashi ... Follow Lupin and his gunman partner Daisuke Jigen on their quest to own the world-or at least ...
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