janmisali · 6 months
new artifexian podcast crossover event will be premiering today, featuring special guests such as @dedalvs (David Peterson)!
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highlyentropicmind · 17 days
In case you are not into the Worldbuilding/Speculative biology scene, there's been a very interesting new development
Recently tons of people have been making videos about worlds seeded with a few species, clearly inspired by Serina, the World of Birds, which is a big deal in this community
Just in the past few days I've seen:
The world of turtles
The world of bearded dragons
The world of cows
Pond world
The world of dogs
When I was little and I imagined how butterflies would evolve in a planet in which they were the only animal I never imagined there were other people into this sort of stuff
Lately I've been thinking about a world populated only by spiders and butterflies…
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janspar · 1 month
Request for Relief
Commander Patseva,
Please send a vessel and a detachment of troops with greatest haste; the situation here is dire.
The weavers and the potters have cast down their tools and joined together in defiance of all authority. They proclaim solidarity with the agitation in your cities. Thus our production has ground to a halt. Need I remind you the prosperity these products bring to you and the Company? My textiles are highly-sought in Zhikav; I attended a gala in Otvev where I was served soup in my own dishes. Is this partnership to be repaid now in treachery?
I have facilitated your Abheski practices in this land. When my father balked at adopting your methods of business, I replaced him and in doing so our mutual prosperity has increased manyfold.
Now your Abheski business has brought your Abheski troubles to my operation. By my native customs, this cannot be borne. By your customs I have adopted, this cannot be borne! As an esteemed partner in commerce, as a shareholder, I insist upon your aid. The contribution of my efforts to the company's fortunes are no lesser than those of many a Spires-born merchant or business agent. I demand the treatment due to me in protecting my interests and those of the Company.
Attempting to use my own forces to quell this agitation nearly triggered a mutiny. Desertion has since reduced the numbers of my force to a scant handful. We are rendered unable to impose order upon the workers. Our factories yet stand but my stockhouses, left unprotected, have been looted and burned. Let not this outrage go unpunished!
A detachment of Marines and the batteries of a vessel shall be sufficient to crush this uprising. Our commerce can resume with greatest haste once we have excised the agitationist elements from the population.
Reproduction of letter found pinned to remains of Mae Den Aawjen by crew of patrol vessel Cloud Ice. Company Assets under Mae Den's stewardship have not yet been recovered.
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limelocked · 1 year
takes a swig from my soda like its hard liquor and ive been working on a cold case for 25 cruel years
artifexian didnt include the semi-major axis in his video on binary stars, fucking up the formula for minimum and maximum distance from the barycentre to a frankly amazing degree, now i have to learn how to calculate an elliptical orbit with no info at all
he doesnt even mention binary systems in the new video series with the updated spreadsheet
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chitaayakuqing · 2 years
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It makes sense to me!
This is a fantasy map I'm working on.
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culmaer · 2 years
Apologies if this is weird but have your name been mentioned on the Artifexian Podcast?
yes ! that was me ! love Artifexian !
unfortunately I fell behind a while ago and haven't been able to catch up yet (they keep releasing new episodes !) so I'm not active in the post-episode discussions on the subreddit anymore...
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loooongfurby4444 · 3 months
World building stuff, if u even care…
In a culture’s solar calendar, they have maybe 8 (though hypothetical any even number) days that don’t fit into even months.
Starting at the winter solstice there is a four day grieving period. Almost no one works and important services are usually pushed back (would hate to be born these four days). Many people fast and some even sleep during the day and wake up at night. Religious services are not held and you often morn the deaths or losses in the past year. After these few days the next year begins, a showing of the new beginning. This most likely developed as the culture with this calendar often had to migrate around, winter being terrible to experience as the areas they were in often had harsh winters and mild summers.
Then there are four days starting at the summer solstice which are basically a giant festival. Where most people, also don’t work. There are parades and festivals for the gods (mostly). Many people put lanterns and decorations out. While harvesting for major crops hasn’t begun, they often have festivities asking the gods for a good harvest. Disease uncommon in the summer, as disease carrying insects would be uncommon in the mild weather. Feasts in smaller towns are common.
During a leap year, a day is added to the summer solstice festivals. Leap years like this often mean prosperity for the people. Many people spend the entire day in a temple. But every 10 leap years a leap is added to the winter solstice. Almost no one leaves their home, as it is a bad omen for the year.
Yes, I watched an Artifexian video on calendar building and had a world building idea.
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bi-acespace · 5 months
Some information I found helpful for biomes:
When it comes to elevation, there are basically three types of biomes - the standard "base" biome, the elevated "alpine" biome, and the upper tundra after the treeline.
From numbers I compiled a while ago on Wikipedia:
Generally, alpine biomes start around 1 km up. At higher latitudes, there's no alpine biome at all, and the biome transitions straight into tundra
From 0-30 degrees, the treeline is at about 4 km up.
From 30-45 degrees, the treeline is at 2500 m up.
From 45-60 degrees, it's 1400 m.
At 60+ degrees, the treeline is only 750 m up.
Note that all of these numbers are based off of Earth, and so may change with axial tilt, average temperature, and whether it would be more evolutionarily advantageous for things to be different
The elevated tundra is just the biome "Tundra" (ET on the Köppen climate classification system). Just wanted to make sure there was no confusion
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danangaw1996art · 2 years
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Artifexian : Extraterrestrial Planet
Sky and Plant color of planet orbit 4 different star base of Worldbuilding guide Artifexian youtube Channel.
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powdermelonkeg · 5 months
Artifexian you sweet sweet lad I love you
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velaraffricate · 3 months
on the subject you're werewolf conglang project.
What type of werewolf are making this language for?
Because language is partly shaped by the sound the people speaking the language can make.
An completely wolf looking werewolf is going sounds different from the wolfman or the 9ft tall beasts from van helsing.
yeaaahh, that is something i've tried to keep in mind, and the original version of this conlang had no labials and a full palatal, velar and uvular series for this reason. since canines have way longer muzzles i figured /c k q/ would be easier to distinguish. but idk how i could reasonably evolve that naturalistically, and they spend the vast majority of their time in their human forms anyways, where such a distinction would be much more difficult to make. i do want my version of werewolves to be genuinely monstrous and wolf-like, and idk if wolves are even physically capable of pronouncing human-like consonants because their tongues are so thin. precise information on canine phonology is hard to come by lol.
honestly, i think for now i'm not gonna worry about that too much. their brains regress into a much more primal, animalistic form when they transform, so maybe they wouldn't be capable of human-like communication in that state anyways, and resort to mostly body language. or they can somehow roughly approximate human words with wolf physiology in a way that i'm not too stressed about specifying in much detail.
also, i want lycanthropy to be some sort of autism metaphor. and language and communication are hard when youre autistic, you have to watch your tone and you get in trouble if you say the wrong words and people lie and don’t mean things the way they say and its all very confusing. i personally didnt have a speech delay but i dont like the physical sensation of speaking sometimes. like its uncomfortable and strenuous. you can feel the vibrations in your throat. but wagging your tail or pinning your ears back or baring your teeth is easy and unmistakable. so maybe it's fine if they can't really speak in their wolf forms tbh
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janmisali · 1 year
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cthulu-in-a-ballgown · 9 months
When someone tells you about media they like and after seeing it, you can confidently say that it permeates every aspect of them and is probably a large part of why they are the way they are>>>>>>>>
When you tell someone about a piece of media you like and they have the exact same experience and you are inordinately proud to be associated with the thing you love>>>>>>>>>
People would understand each other better if they could beam their life experiences into each other's heads. That can't happen, but some of the most important hours of your life come prepackaged in little things called "books" and "movies" - already in the right form, ready to share.
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janspar · 3 months
A Town Hall Debate
A most animated discussion was undertaken at the Meet today, and I like not the results.
Town Agent Nolfe has proposed the breaking of our contracts with the Temar Company and a return to engaging freetraders alone for our needs. The town was neatly divided – with as many declaring support for Nolfe's aim as decrying it, and as many again undecided or unwilling to commit. She is moved greatly by the reports we hear of agitation and disquiet in the cities – such crowded and busy places could not but be stricken with such ills – and she seeks to distance our town and our outlying lands from such conflict.
Nolfe is acting out of compassion and concern for those in the cities struggling against the increasing control the Companies wield over all affairs; a compassion I share in no small part. Who can see another toiling under unfair conditions and not hope for their relief? Such reports of agitation as have reached our town are received only with sympathy and agreement for their cause. But we are not placed in this struggle, and our responsibilities are to our own people.
I was not the first to speak in objection to the Agent's proposal, but I spoke at length, and by the volume of support received I was considered chief among those objecting. I outlined my opposition as follows:To break contract with the Company would be to invite legal penalty, and would bring greater scrutiny on the existing trade conducted outside the terms of our contracts. We have an obligation to this town and to those in our outlying farms and villages to represent them most fairly and profitably; suddenly breaking contract with the Temari will disrupt our ability to sell their produce and provide them with the supplies and goods they require. The independent vessels are low in numbers, and there are scant few who are not beholden to the Companies in some form, be it loans or exclusive contracts.
Agent Nolfe was elected to represent this town and its surroundings, and has done so admirably in all the years she has held office. In this instance she has troubled herself overmuch with the concerns of those beyond her reach; however noble her intentions, she cannot ignore the responsibilities of her office.
Diary of Vorikh tsi Mjilen, merchant, Tsabno.
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limelocked · 1 year
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Fighting for my life with this fucking p type binary system
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kariachi · 9 months
Current status, sitting here with a handful of my pre-existing Erinaen worldbuilding, a tab for notes, multiple tabs on sounds made by rats an opossums, and a playlist of Artifexian's conlang videos
We'll see what I can do before I die
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