sophsun1 · 2 years
Just some random thoughts I'd like to get your opinion on, but I really wish there had been more of a discussion between Britin before they got engaged. It kind of seemed to me like the proposal was supposed to sweep all of their problems under the rug, but I feel like they really needed to talk more after the fallout from 5x07. I know they're not really the type to have those long talks but idk, I still wish it'd happened +
because I got so much emotional whiplash from the whole syphilis fiasco, Justin walking out on Brian for the second time, then they get engaged, then they end the engagement, then Justin leaves for NYC...whew.
Okay.. deep breath this will probably get long.. help!
I totally agree I've always felt that they never had 'the big relationship talk' that was really warranted after 5x11 and Justin agreeing to marry Brian. We saw them go through their multiple breakups, their differences over the kind of life/relationship they wanted to live, their lack of communication so in turn we needed to see them talking about how they had learnt from all this and who they would be as a partnership going forward especially into marriage. Similar to the talks we got in 2x06 when they set the rules and in 3x08 when they reunited in the office. They did address the cause of their breakups then in a very britin way which I would've liked once more.
But I think the writers just wanted to get to the big 'omg they're finally gonna be together' moment with the proposal which technically was them getting back together and engaged at the same time lol and skipped the rest. I'm just going to bullet point my thoughts on what gave me whiplash because I'm a rambling mess, hope it makes sense!
Justin's switch from being okay and fully into the open side of their relationship to being upset/annoyed over Brian's lifestyle choices did confuse and annoy me. Because of how quickly they had him flip between the two and where he stood. In season four before the cancer arc begins we have Justin joking about how many guys are hitting on him at the gym, competing in the bet to hook up with the guy who turns out to be a doctor. He's fully into it and has no issues about it affecting them. But the start of season five and his return from LA has him suddenly wanting to be just like Michael and Ben with a white picket fence and 2.4 children.
The conclusion of the Liberty Ride episodes has Brian post cancer where he's revaluated what's important to him. He wants to be a better father to Gus and in a rare moment of vulnerability he tells Justin he wants him to move back in and that when he's not around he misses him. The growth from 1x10 and "this place is only big enough for one person and that's me" to "I'd like it if you and I were to live together" is huge. Cue season five and Brian's sudden retreat back into "eww relationships I hate those and I wanna be the season 1/2 fuckboy again" made my head spin. We left off with him wanting to live with Justin and you know growing into a real boy and starting to transition into the next stage of his life.
That didn't mean he was gonna lose his personality but his attitude towards Justin and his openess suddenly vanishes and he's back to being reckless and closed off. The Brandon bet and syphilis plot just made me wanna slap some sense into him it was all pointless in the end. Because what does he learn - that he loves Justin and him falling back into his old habits and drinking his pain away doesn't work. There will always be a new stud of Liberty Avenue and maybe finally freeing himself from that defining him would let him progress in his life .... WHICH HE KNEW AT THE END OF SEASON FOUR!!!
Justin's disdain at Brian's promiscuity and refusal to settle down was believable in parts because he has always wanted a more settled and family oriented life. From season one Justin was jealous and not fully comfortable with Brian being with other guys and we saw them try with the rules to solve that but it failed. Their reunion in 3x09 we get the deliberate scene with Justin sassing the trick about how he'll only ever have Brian once so it seems he's finally comfortable and cool with it. But nope back on the merry go round we go.....
After Justin agrees to marry Brian we 100% needed them to have a big talk about how things were gonna be different this time. Brian baring his soul and saying ily was amazing and something we had waited for but the aftermath to it was so lacking. Considering it was some pretty major issues that divided them it's just unsatisfying that they swept it all under the rug. Instead we got that awful conversation with Brian flipping out over a cuddle and turning into a stepford husband. And now Justin is all okay with their kinky sex life and is hiring strippers and is upset when Brian doesn't hook up with them??? WHERE WAS THE CONVERSATION ABOUT ALL THIS STUFF?
They just glossed over a lot of issues maybe because of time constraints within the plot and the 13 episodes they had. Also there were multiple plots that were revolving around Brian - his friendship with Michael/Lindsey and Gus leaving/ His life with Justin and his own personal journey. So with all these story arcs involving him needing to be tied up I think they thought is there really a need to get deep with this relationship stuff with britin seeing as we're gonna end up separating them again. Spoiler alert... yes there was..
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blanketforcas · 10 months
your honor they are the worst [x]
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cringetober day 24 - mlp
i was never part of the mlp fandom, i have to admit. i did watch it A LOT in 2013-16 but had really restricted internet access and so the brony/pegasister thing really passed me by. i used a lovely deviantart base for this one (by MiaTDM.) i would have no way of doing this without one asfdkj
i had to make her edgy, otherwise what would the point be? it came out quite well in my opinion, this bein my first attempt at mlp.
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s1ithers · 2 years
i used to do a bunch of that really 2D, ornamental lineart illustration and it was so much fun, i miss it. also rlly love & want to master naturalistic painting though and those two threads feel very much at odds. been heavily focusing on the latter since around 2016-17, but asfdkjs....pen&ink is always there in the back of my head
finding a way to merge both those things in a cohesive way that does cool shit with the picture plane is THE dream the holy grail the end goal
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sebastiansjournal · 3 years
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~!
This is such a sweet sentiment! I was so torn on which five things to choose, because I feel like there’s so many things that make me happy but in different ways? Some are pure positive joy, others are more subdued - the energetic type of happiness vs the calming one, I guess. I know this ask is most likely just meant to be fun and lighthearted but I’m in a bit of a sentimental mood tonight so you know lol Anyway, I figured I’d pick five things that make me happy in that kind of calm, positive way; not necessarily a giddy happiness, but one that makes life feel just right.
So without further rambling, five things that make me happy are (in no particular order) :
1. Rain (especially the scent it carries). It doesn’t matter if I’m inside or outside when it’s raining, I get happy either way. Inside there’s warmth and comfort, ideally with a book and some tea, and to just hear the rain smatter against the roof and window always makes my heart sing in the happiest of ways. But to be outside in it? To walk around or even, dare I say, dance and sing in it? That’s what being alive in the best of ways feel to me. I just… I love rain.
2. Being allowed to pet a cat; to hear the purr, feel it’s furr and know that it trusts you enough to allow you near. But also just pictures of cats. Cats meowing. Cats walking. Cats doing literally anything. Cats are love cats are life (Shrek who-)
3. Nature. There’s something so beautiful about nature to me, and to just sit in it and in a way become part of it is almost the epitome of happiness for me. To see and hear the birds, the rustling of leaves, feel the wind, smell the earth… Nature is wonderful and to be allowed to take part in it and experience it - particularly in it’s raw form - truly makes me happy.
4. Storytelling, whether it be to receive a story or give it. It doesn’t matter if it’s music, art, movies, books, fanfics, etc: as long as there’s a form of storytelling, this applies. There’s just something about losing yourself to a different world and experience it, not knowing the twists and turns and just enjoying the ride. Especially if you find, after it’s over, that it’s stuck with you (in a way, do stories truly ever end?). But also, to be able to share a story and know that the people listening/reading/experiencing might be touched by it - it doesn’t matter in what way, but to evoke emotion by mere words feels like a privilege almost? I don’t know, but it always makes me happy.
5. And last but not least (we’re saving the best for last here) - the mutuals! I haven’t had this account for long but seeing you on my feed and notifications never fails to bring a smile to my face and I’m so happy to have you around, ily’all 💕
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mirkwoodest · 5 years
things i wish weren’t left out of the movies #3,213,487,12:
pippin using overly casual language with lord denethor because hobbits don’t use the deferential form of speech, and because denethor doesn’t get mad about it all the servants start rumors that pippin must have equal rank to denethor wherever he comes from. 
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bangcakes · 6 years
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only THE Finest screenshots here @ park-sungshine.tumblr.com
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twiliastral-fanarts · 6 years
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Here’s my fursona :3c kinda like a reference sheet~
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t0shii · 3 years
Hi! your writing always make me go uwu so I couldn't pass this up asfdkj for the 500 event, could I request Fair by The Amazing Devil with Tendou? (my pronouns are they/she and a fact about me is that I constantly make up songs about the most random things)
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tendou thinks it's quite unreasonable how head over heels in love he is with. the way your smile lights up his heart when he makes you laugh, how your words replay in his brain and how he always pictures you in his mind when you're not around. as he looks over at your sleeping figure on his couch, he thinks- no, he knows he could spend forever and eternity with you. he thinks it's unfair how much he loves you, and he hopes you love him just as much.
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a/n tysm <3 ty for the request bby 🥺
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legalize-arson · 3 years
For the how I think you look thing: this is the absolute vaguest concept but I imagine you having short, soft hair in some sorts of red/orange/slightly pink colour, maybe even some light blue thrown in there (now that I’m putting it into words I really just see a flame don’t I asfdkj). I have no idea how I imagine your actual face but I always associate you with things burning - a lighter aflame or a cigarette dropped yet not brunt out, a smirk playing on lips as you watch the fire potentially spread into something much more fascinating than a mere flame (I say that in a tone of fondness to be clear!!! Like the thrill of fire personified is how I imagine you to look). Clearly this is all heavily inspired by your username lmao-
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sophsun1 · 2 years
Clean shaven Charlie is unerving me more than bald Glenn and idk why 😂
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yuri-caps · 4 years
run away with me girl it's so pretty looking ç.ç reminds me a lot of the kind of pretty that other manga is that i never remember the name and you love to recommend, that has the old gay guy, the lady couple, the trans dude, anonymous well you get me. A lot of the story is also told through the images it can get incredibly subjective. it reminds me of 'ran's grey world' too (it's not yuri sadly) but really pretty looking. the way they express the characters view of the world is alike.
asfdkjs okay but i’m YELLING about that description of shimanami tasogare (“you know! that Assorted Gays™ manga with really good art that ppl literally cannot pay u to shut up about!” and i mean... ur right)
and i totally agree! that’s honestly such a great way to describe what the art is like (both for shimataso and for run away with me girl): intensely subjective
something battan likes to do a lot is play around with light effects (to a dramatic degree i haven’t really seen in other series)—mostly for scenes that are meant to have this glow to them, where the character (maki in particular) is experiencing these sparkling, romantic emotions
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and yuhki kamatani (mangaka of shimataso) is like.... the MASTER of visual metaphor and of conveying the complex emotions of a specific character
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like every panel of this manga is just ART.....
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hobidreams · 3 years
10 biases tag!!
thank you so much for the tag @underthejoon, @baebae-goodnight​, & @interludeshadow​ !! this was tons of fun ✨✨
Rules: Write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions.
(im really not gonna admit to how much time it took to decide this list...)
.... Lucas........ 🤔
1. between 1&4 who would you rather kiss?
.... i hate this already FDSALKJ sorry Hobi but i gotta test out that ‘Yoongi kisses like he raps’ theory.... 🤣 
2. between 2&7 who would be your best friend?
this is hard!!!! oh gosh. idk i’m kind of Tae around some of my friends so idk how two of us would function together LOL. okay maybe Namjoon. 
3. between 5&10 who has the better voice?
Ten 🥰 i love his voice! it’s so calming.
4. between 1&8 who is the funniest?
omg ummmm Jimin’s like trickster funny while Hobi just makes me laugh so hard with how adorable he is so idk asfdkj probably Hobi? i’m always smiling while i watch him on Run eps.
5. between 6&9 who would you date?
i honestly dont think Jungkook & i would work LOL. we’re too different 🤣 my squish Seungkwan it is 💞
6. between 9&10, who would you do a collaboration with?
i would love the opportunity to sing with Seungkwan 🥺 i love his voice so much.
7. between 4&8 who is the best dancer?
Jimin! watching Jimin dance is truly such a pleasure 😍
8. between 3&5 who would you most likely marry?
Seokjin. hands down. i would pick Seokjin over anyone on this list bc i think he & i are the most compatible LOL. it’s why i always call him husband 🤣
9. between 1&7 who would you nurse when they are sick?
hobi 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he is babie
10. between 2&3 who has the better smile?
.......................... joon dimples. but the way jinnie’s face lights up w his soft cheeks. DON’T ASK ME TO DECIDE I CAN’T. 
11. between 6&8 who would you vacation with?
oooooh honestly both would be a fun time!!!! but i’ll prob pick Jungkook bc he would be fun to room with (and clean lol....)
tagging anyone who wants to do this 💞💞💞💞
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vampirebiter · 4 years
i just remembered that time i edited anime giorno to have his manga colors and someone went in the replies like “UM actually the manga is black and white those arent “”his colors””. you should know this :)”. jojo fans are the worst asfdkjs
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sebastiansjournal · 3 years
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~!
*gestures to Isaac and Dazai* these men
Learning something new
Singing, especially if it’s in a nice and echo-y place
Making someone smile and just feeling their joy
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matbaerzal · 4 years
I have to physically restrain myself from reading Part 2 right now because I REALLY have to finish this section of TFBY
FINISH THAT SECTION ASFDKJ part 2 isn’t going anywhere I can wait! 🥺💕
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