#ask plusultrabitchez
plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Sorry I don't know if you still take requests 🙈 if so... Can I have a beautiful scenerio with Hitoshi and his s/o? They visit him for their first time at home and Hitoshi is very nervous because he is afraid of the fact that his s/o could feel uncomfortable. But he/she just grabs his cat and lays down on his bed with a big smile cuddling the cat while saying: "Would you like to join us?"
Ahhhhh so cute! I have actually never done requests, but I’ve been considering doing some. This adorable Hitoshi request is a great way to try it out! I decide to use gender neutral pronouns.
I LOVE flustered Hitoshi so I got a bit carried away! I hope you enjoy!
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Whoa man was he nervous. You and Hitoshi had been dating a few weeks and you were coming over for the first time today. You two had been talking about having a Lord of The Rings Marathon for a while so when you both had a free Saturday he jumped on the opportunity to invite you over and you gladly accepted.
The reality of his request didn’t sink in until Saturday morning. To marathon all three movies it would be over 11 hours and that doesn’t count for snack and bathroom breaks. It would just be him and Y/N......in his room......all day......just the two of them.
“Fuck what have I done?” He groaned as he buried his face into his pillow. What if they get bored? What if he didn’t have a comfortable enough place to sit. Oh my god. The only place to sit was his bed. What if they felt that he was just wanting to make a pass at them? Not that he would mind that, but he didn’t want them to feel pressured or uncomfortable.
“Noooooo.” He groaned again rubbing his temples. He laid there in the dark of his room racking his brain on how to make the best of the situation. His gray tabby, Picard, hopped up onto his chest and started making biscuits.
“What am I going to do buddy?” He asked as he scratched his ears.
He checked the time on his phone and saw that he had a good 4 hours before you would arrive. A text notification popped up.
Y/N: I’m so excited for LOTR today!
Hitoshi smiled upon seeing your message.
Hitoshi: Me too! Any snack requests?
Y/N: What we need are a few good taters
Hitoshi: What’s taters precious? What’s taters eh?
Hitoshi: Boil ‘em, Mash ‘em
Hitoshi chuckled at your conversation. He decided it was time for him to stop wallowing and make sure to do everything in his power to make you comfortable and have a great time.
He got up, showered, cleaned his room, and headed out to the store. He went down the snack isle and got all your favorites. Pocky, Chips, random candy, some French fries and veggie tray so you two could pretend to be healthy. By the time he got home he had an hour before you were supposed to arrive.
Picard was curled up on Hitoshi’s bed in a little sunbeam coming through the window. Hitoshi scratched his head before pacing around his room. He was okay when he was busy tidying up or at the store, but now that he had nothing to do but wait for you to arrive his stomach was in knots.
He paced around his some more, readjusting pillows on his bed and moving around random items in his room to be more aesthetically pleasing. He started up The Fellowship Of The Ring Blu-ray on his PS4 and let the menu reply a few dozen times as he continued to pace.
Hitoshi’s stomach did a flip upon hearing the doorbell. He ran down the stairs but missed the last step in his frenzy and tripped into a wall and fell on his ass. He thanked the gods that you didn’t see that and quickly recovered before answering the door.
He was greeted by your big bright eyes and sweet smile as you held up a plate of home made cookies.
“Hey Toshi!” You beamed at him.
He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. “H-Hey Y/N. Come on in.” He stepped aside to make room for you to enter.
“I heard a loud thump a second ago. Is everything okay?” You looked at him with concern.
Pink painted his cheeks before he said the first excuse that came to mind. “Ghosts.”
You quirked an eyebrow. “What?”
“Ghosts. My house is haunted.”
You stared at him in confusion as he stood there uncomfortably. “Um, yeah. My room is upstairs.”
You chuckled. “Lead the way.”
His heart was pounding in his ears as the two of you made your way upstairs. He opened his door and held his breath for your reaction.
“Oh wow! You went all out with the snacks!” You giggled as you set the cookies down on his desk with the other snacks.
Hitoshi chuckled nervously. “Yeah I uh, wanted to be prepared.”
“That’s so sweet of you.” You beamed at him making his stomach do a flip. You were so damn cute.
You looked around his room inspecting his bookshelf and commented on his great taste in books. Your focus shifted towards the bed where Picard was sleeping in the sun. “Kitty!” You cooed as you rushed over and scooped up Picard and plopped down on the bed. Picard instantly got comfortable in your lap and started to purr.
Hitoshi smiled at the sight before him as the sunbeam illuminated you like a soft halo. He felt his heart skip a beat as you looked up at him. “Are you going to join us?”
He cleared his throat. “Y-Yeah.” He pressed play on the movie, grabbed a few of the snacks and sat down next to you. He was worried you would hear his heart pounding as you nuzzled into his side.
“I’m so glad we got to finally do this.” You said grabbing the pocky.
Hitoshi started to relax a little as he put his arm around your shoulder. Having you so close to him felt so natural. “Me too.”
You planted a quick kiss on his cheek making him turn a million shades of red.
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Bless the update I enjoyed the delay of the lemony goodness via many cock blocks but it was amazing 💕💕
I couldn’t help myself 💜
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully it was worth the wait!
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Okay, I have to work for a few more hours but then I can write!
If you guys want to send me any asks about any of the characters or request particular HC’s for Rooms On Fire (or any of my fics) please do so!
I love answering them and they’re great warm ups for writing!
(Can be cutesy, angsty, smutty, anything)
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
*is hyperventilating but trying to play it cool*
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Okay so full disclosure: accidentally drank a whole bottle of wine...
Send me fun and silly asks?
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Guys I’m lit af at a Metric concert. Ask me shit
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
I got a few scenario requests and I can’t wait to work on them this weekend!
If you want to send in a request DO IT!
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
I love your rooms on fire head cannons btw and I was just reading them over again, and I just thought about this but like what if since Kubo and Shinsou don’t think they could get pregnant because of her injuries, they get pregnant but have no clue. The first people to find out are Shiin and Banshi, they somehow find out she’s pregnant before they do and they abduct her because they think their child’s quirk would be strong, especially joined with Hitoshi’s quirk. This potato likes her angst..
💜💜💜 I’m so glad you like them. I want to write more HCs so thank you for the feedback. (I’m totally going to write more)
It’s uhhh funny how you say you like angst considering a certain part of the story is coming up 🙃
Dude that would be BONKERS Shiin and Banshi are some evil fucks no telling what they would do if that was the case.
Maybe I should write some Headcanons about them?
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Hummus, thoughts?
Oh shit bro.
Lemme tell you how I feel about humus.
That shit is the bomb dot com
Like I found fucking spinach and artichoke hummus the other day and I ate nothing but that for 3 FUCKINFG DAYS!!!!
I’ve heard about chocolate hummus, but have yet to try to.
BUT judging by the fucking badass rep hummus has with me I’m looking forward to trying it and being like “FUCK CHOCOLATE CHICKPEAS ARE THE BEST THING EVER!!!!”
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
does shinsou steal all of your uwus?
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Please don’t make ROF a BakuShin story I personally prefer it as just a shinsou story Bakugou is becoming such a driving force in the story now
I honestly think that’s how a lot a good amount of people feel. I do love the idea of all three of them together, but I planned the story to be a ShinsouxReader story and I’m going to keep it that way. I love Shinsou and Kubo together.
What I will probably do is a new BakugouxShinsouxReader story (once I finish ROF) and then do a few “what if” one shots for ROF that don’t related to the actual story.
(Mostly just to get the ideas out of my system lol)
Once the Vegas trip is over the story is definitely going to go back to being all Hitoshi all the time.
I love writing these Vegas chapters and I love writing Bakugou, but I’m so ready to get back to writing Hitoshi and the reader being fucking adorable and cutesy and get back to the main storyline and boy oh boy to I have a bunch planned.
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
6, 25, 34, 41, and 44
6. Age you get mitsken for?
I get mistaken for being 22 all the time. Can’t complain.
25. My Idea Of Perfect Date?
Coffee, horror film festival, tacos and margaritas, lots of joking around and talking, end the night with some bomb ass sex. Basically the date is Rooms On Fire Lol
34. What I find attractive in women?
The same thing I find attractive in everyone. Sarcasm, great taste in music, and someone who is empathic. Having a nice booty is a huge plus 😂
41. Where I want to be right now?
I would love to be at a cafe with coffee and pastries writing. Preferably with my husband Hitoshi Shinsou.
44. Random Fact about anything?
I’ve been really into Japanese metal/hard rock lately. My top five bands in rotation are:
1. Crossfaith
2. Coldrain
3. Band Maid
4. My First Story
5. One OK Rock
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Amethyst and Wine
Amethyst: Favorite movie?
Alien 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Wine: Random Fact?
My hair has been every possible color. Right now it’s bright orange.
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Do you have a NSFW blog and/or twitter account? If so, can we follow it?
Well all my dirty fanfics are here on tumblr, but I’ve thought about making a NSFW Twitter for smutty fanart I find, but haven’t created it yet.
If I do end up making one I’ll definitely post the handle here!
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