#aslaz fanfiction
mrsgreenworld · 3 months
Two Aslaz fics in less than 24 hours? I know-I can-I practise 😎
I saw this pic and immediately imagined this mess of legs being Aslaz 🙈😂
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Remember that house where Alaz hid Rüya and her father? Because I do as well as Alaz's promise to take Asi there for some alone time 😏 So here comes some Aslaz sexy times hotness, humour, fluff and silliness and a pinch of sadness.
I don't own the show or any of the characters. They belong to the Yabani writers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
Compromising Positions and Unshakable Faith
Alaz is staring at the ceiling, trying to catch his breath. Asi is sprawled on top of him, breathing just as hard. Their limbs are tangled together and their overheated bodies are glistening with sweat.
"Wow ... We really are the best at this" Alaz mumbles into the crown of Asi's head. 
"Shut up!" she slaps his chest and hides her face in embarrassment. 
"What? Just stating facts" Alaz says with a cocky smile. 
Asi moves to roll off of him but Alaz catches her by the waist and secures her position on top of him. She squirms a little which draws attention of a particular part of Alaz's body.
"Again?" Asi asks incredulously. 
"Always" Alaz responds with a shit-eating grin and a devilish glint in his eyes. 
He flips them over, making Asi yelp in surprise. Her legs fall open and he settles comfortably between them. When he brushes at her, a groan escapes her, which makes Alaz frown in worry.
"You okay?" 
"Yeah, just a little sore".
"In that case, round three can wait".
Alaz bumps Asi's nose with his and moves to her lips to drop a short kiss but Asi winds her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and opening her mouth. At the touch of her tongue, Alaz can feel the skin tingling all over his body. He's getting lost in their kiss when he suddenly feels Asi stiffen and pull back slightly only to whisper: 
"You heard that?" 
With his brain turned into a complete mush the only thing Alaz can master is: 
"I heard something. A car? Oh my god! You said noone ever comes here!" 
"Noone does!" 
"Then why do I hear voices?" 
"What voices? There are no vo..." 
And then Alaz also hears an undeniable sound of two voices he'll recognise anywhere - his mother's and the other belonging to his twin sister. 
He looks down at Asi whose eyes have gotten comically wide. She starts whisper yelling: 
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god! You have to hide me!" 
She pushes him off of her and Alaz lands on his back with an oof . 
"I have to what now?" he asks in disbelief all the while watching Asi wrap herself in a sheet hustily and clumber out of bed. 
Before Alaz can say something they both hear the front door open downstairs, the voices of his mother and Çağla getting louder. 
Alaz leans back on his elbows and looks at Asi who's clutching the sheet to her chest. 
"Güzelim, I am not going to hide you like some dirty little secret. And it's not like they don't know about us". 
"Well, they don't know about this" Asi all but hisses at him, gesturing between them with a finger.
"I think it's pretty obvious to them that this happens as well" Alaz throws back wiggling his eyebrows. 
"You won't be getting any of this any time soon if you don't hide me!" Asi threatens just as they hear Çağla at the bottom of the stairs: 
"Mom, I think someone's in here. Must be Alaz. Alaz?!" 
Asi in a full blown panic mode looks around the room frantically. And just as Alaz opens his mouth to yell out a response to his sister, Asi darts to a walk-in closet, throws one of the doors open and all but jumps inside. 
"Alaz?! Alaz! Are you in here?" Çağla's voice is getting closer and Alaz lets out a short laugh and shouts: 
"I'm here! In the bedroom!"
Given that Asi took the sheet with her, there's nothing else to cover himself with but her pillow. Which Alaz strategically places over his groin just as Çağla opens the bedroom door.
"Hey, what are you doing he... OH MY GOD! MY EYES!" 
Çağla covers her eyes as she yells and turns away from Alaz quickly. 
"Oh my god! Why are you naked??!!" 
Alaz doesn't have time to answer that because he hears his mother's voice alarmingly close: 
"Çağla, what's happening? Is your brother here? Alaz, oğlum, what ... Oh!" 
Neslihan isn't as vocal in her reaction as Çağla but she does turn away quickly as well. 
"Oğlum, what are you doing here?" Neslihan asks just when Çağla jumps in with: 
"Are you here with someone? Well, it's obvious you're here with someone. Wait a second! Are you cheating on Asi?!!!" 
Suddenly all horror and embarrassment forgotten, Çağla whirls around and stares furiously at Alaz who all but squeaks out: 
Neslihan also turns to face him, disapproval written all over her face. 
"What ... Why are you looking at me like that? I am not cheating on Asi!"
"Well, your are in quite a compromising position!" Çağla throws, gesturing vaguely at Alaz and his overall state of undress.
"First of all, I know that she'll feed my dick to dogs if I so much as think of anything like that. Second of all, I can't even get it up if it's not Asi ..." 
"Oh god, TMI !" Çağla yells but Alaz continues:
" And the third: why, instead of thinking I am with Asi, would you rather think I am a cheater???" 
"Well, where is she?" Neslihan asks.
"In the closet". 
Both Neslihan and Çağla raise their eyebrows incredulously. 
"In the closet? What is she doing in there?" 
Alaz shrugs with one shoulder and says: 
"Yes, she's embarrassed" Alaz says and adds a little louder, for Asi: 
"Asi, can you, please, yell something out from in there so that my mother and sister know I'm not a cheater?" 
There's a pregnant pause where Alaz stares at the closet doors and his mother and sister stare at him expectantly. Then they all hear a muffled: 
"Çağla, Neslihan Teyze, don't yell at him, he's not a cheater!" 
Alaz looks at his mother and sister with a triumphant "See?" written all over his face. 
Both women at least have the decency to look contrite. 
"Okay, we'll just ... leave you two to ... to get dressed" says Neslihan and pulls at Çağla's hand. 
Just when they leave the room, closing the door behind them, Alaz throws away the pillow and jumps out of bed. 
"Asi? You can come out, they're gone" he says, picking his pants up from the floor and pulling them on. 
When there's no reply or any sign of movement, Alaz goes to the closet, knocks on one of the doors and pulls it open, only to see Asi sitting there, face hidden behind her palms. He crouches down to be eye level with her and pulls her hands gently away from her face: 
"Hey! Is this where we live now?" 
Asi just nods.
"Okay. Make some room for me then" Alaz says.
Asi moves a little, freeing enough space for Alaz to get inside the closet as well and sit next to her. He throws an arm over Asi's shoulders and pulls her into his side. 
All the comedy of the situation dissipates suddenly and Alaz is left with a heavy feeling. His mother and his sister thought the worst of him yet again. It seems that Asi can read his mind because she puts her hand over his heart and says quietly: 
"Don't go there. I know you'll never do that to me and to us". 
"I swear I will never. I'd rather die". 
"I know" Asi repeats and turns her face to press a kiss into his collarbone. 
They sit quietly for a few minutes until Asi breaks the silence: 
"We should go down. Your mom and Çağla are waiting". 
"Can we just stay here a little longer?" Alaz whispers. 
Asi snuggles closer to him and whispers back: 
"Yes, we can". 
And here - in their little cocoon of love - Alaz realizes that it's only Asi's faith in him that he needs. 
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nastasyafilippovnas · 4 months
not me using google translate to read aslaz fanfiction...
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mrsgreenworld · 2 months
Okay, I think what I initially planned as only a 2-chapter fic is going to be a three or maybe even four-parter. I also wanted to try and write this chapter from Yaman's POV.
I don't own the show or the characters, they all belong to the Yabani writers, producers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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Time, Distance And Healing (Chapter 2)
Yaman pulls up at the main entrance to the house and kills the engine. He sneaks a glance at Alaz who's looking out of the car window thoughtfully.
"Home, sweet home" Alaz murmurs quietly.
"C'mon, let's get inside, everyone's waiting for you" Yaman says with all the enthusiasm he can master, even though he's panicking on the inside and has been in the state of paralyzing dread all their ride home.
He knows that his ever so perceptive little brother suspects something. That's why Yaman almost spilled his guts several times. He's torn between the desire to be honest and just wanting his little brother next to him. Even though they talked over the phone almost every day, they've barely seen each other over the last 5 years. Alaz came back only once, for the wedding. Yaman's visited him a few times in America, alone as well as with their siblings, and the last time a few months ago with Rüya. Those visits weren't nearly enough, leaving Yaman constantly missing his little brother. So finally having Alaz back home feels like a blessing but Yaman knows it won't last because all hell will break loose once Alaz learns the news.
Will Alaz stay once he learns the truth? Will he ever come back after that? Will he allow anyone to come to him? Will he talk to any of them ever again? Or will he consider keeping everything from him a betrayal? Yaman's so not looking forward to getting the answers to all these questions.
"Is she already here?" Alaz's voice pulls Yaman from the anxious whirlwind of his thoughts.
"Err ... Nope. Not yet. She'll come over a bit later".
Alaz just nods and climbs out of the car. Yaman follows him after drawing in a deep nervous breath. They walk to the front door and open it, only to be assaulted by loud pops of crackers and confetti raining on their heads and some flying right into their faces. Yaman's sure he's swallowed a few.
"Welcome home, Alaz!!!" their mother, sisters, Rüya and Feride Abla all scream together.
Then all of them take turns hugging Alaz. They talk over each other, shooting questions in rapid succession. But beneath the very real happiness of finally seeing Alaz, Yaman can also see everyone buzzing with the same nervous energy that he's feeling. Çağla and Ece are the worst really, both of them have panic and guilt written all over their faces. And of course Alaz catches on it immediately and just when he opens his mouth to say something about it, Yaman jumps in with:
"Alaz, güzel kardeşim benim, we forgot your bags, let's get them out of the car".
Alaz looks at him with suspicion but nods and they step out to get the bags. Yaman opens the trunk when he hears Alaz ask:
"Okay, Abisi, tell me: what's going on?"
Yaman knows it's a lost cause but he plays dumb nonetheless:
"What are you talking about? Nothing's going on".
Alaz just gives him the look.
"I swear nothing is going on".
"Really? First you were being all shifty on our ride home. Now everyone else is acting weird".
"They aren't acting weird, they're just happy to see you. They've missed you".
Yaman tosses the backpack at Alaz and then pulls out the suitcase, slamming the trunk shut.
Alaz follows Yaman's every move like a hawk and Yaman knows that his brother won't drop it. That's why he almost runs inside the house from Alaz's scrutinizing gaze. Everyone's waiting for them in the living room, exchanging nervous glances. Yaman mouthes a desperate: "Play cool!" and adds loudly for Alaz to hear:
"Kardeşim, let's get your luggage upstairs, to your room. Maybe you also want to change and get some rest after the long flight".
"I'm fine. You, - and I mean all of you - on the other hand, are up to something" Alaz says, pointing his signature finger at everyone.
"What?? No!"
"Don't be silly!"
"What do you mean? We're just happy you're home!"
Everyone's talking over each other again and playing so not cool that Yaman wants to facepalm. He pats Alaz's shoulder and says:
"C'mon, Alaz, let's go upstairs, I promise we'll talk but after you get some rest, take a shower, maybe unpack. Ok?"
Alaz narrows his eyes at him:
"I knew there's something!"
"Alaz, please, let's go. I'll tell you everything, we'll all talk together, just not right now".
"Is it about her? Is something wrong with her?” Alaz raises his voice and Yaman sees alarm in his brother's eyes.
He sees something else too: the beast that Alaz has spent the last 5 years taming and training - Yaman sees that beast pulling on its shackles.
"I swear to god, Yaman, if something ... Is Asi okay?"
It's the first time Alaz's said her name in 5 years. He's always asked about Asi but for some reason she's become the Voldemort whose name was never mentioned.
"She's okay. She'll be here soon and you'll see for yourself that she's totally fine" Yaman reassures Alaz and hears Çağla mutter:
"You won't believe how fine".
Yaman glares at his sister and focuses on Alaz again:
"She's fine, I promise. Now let's go upstairs, please".
Alaz throws a miffed look at everyone but gives a curt nod and reluctantly agrees:
"Fine! But you're all hiding something. Not for long though!"
He follows Yaman upstairs, to his old room. Yaman enters first, rolls Alaz's suitcase inside and leaves it beside the couch. He turns to Alaz who walks to the bed and drops the backpack. Yaman observes as his brother looks around the room and mutters:
"Nothing's changed. Everything's just the way I left it".
"We thought you'd like it that way. If you want to change something, it's better if you do it yourself".
Alaz just nods and then freezes. Yaman follows his gaze and sees that it's fixed on a picture on one of the bedside tables. The picture of Alaz himself ... with Asi. Yaman remembers the day the picture was taken like it was yesterday. It was him who made it. It was a rare moment of quiet and peaceful happiness that Yaman felt truly lucky to have captured. Because Alaz and Asi were never quiet or peaceful. They weren't really happy either and that was the saddest part. Because they loved each other but loving each other isn't always enough. And it broke Yaman's heart. Especially it broke for his little brother. Who couldn't be with the love of his life but also never learnt to be without her.
"Kardeşim?" Yaman says carefully.
"Hm?" is Alaz's only response, eyes still fixed on the photo.
"I love you. So very much. You know that, right? And I'm so proud of you".
The words finally catch Alaz's attention and he turns to Yaman with raised eyebrows.
"What's up with you, Abisi? Caught a love bug? Or trying to get on my good side so that you won't catch hell once I learn what you've all been hiding from me?"
Yaman lets out a short laugh at Alaz being well, Alaz.
"I've just missed you, that's all. And I feel like I don't tell you this enough".
Alaz narrows his eyes at him but Yaman sees the vulnerability beneath all the suspicion and sarcasm. Alaz's still not used to hearing people say that they love him. He's not used to people actually meaning it.
"Okay, whatever" he mutters and immediately adds:
"You wanted me to get some rest, unpack and change so badly. Why don't you leave me to it?"
Yaman nods quickly and makes a bee line for the door. Once the door closes behind him, Yaman exhales heavily:
"Oh my god, this is so not going to end well".
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mrsgreenworld · 3 months
Okay, so I've been obsessing over Aslaz for weeks and there isn't nearly enough fanfiction in English for them. But I learned my lesson a while ago: you wanna some fanfiction you gotta start writing it yourself 🙈😂
Here goes my first attempt at writing Aslaz.
That episode 28 final scene was so all over the place and out of nowhere. But we got what we got. There was a millisecond of adorable Aslaz but it wasn't nearly enough so I decided to sprinkle in a missing Aslaz scene that takes place after the iftar.
I don't own the show or any of the characters. They belong to the Yabani writers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
Cross-posted on Archive of Our Own.
You Never Know Unless You Try
They finish their meal and Asi leaves his side to go help clean up. He feels her absence immediately. But also knows it's not normal to crave her presence this much at all times. So Alaz wanders off to find his brother. They talk and hug and then work together as a well-oiled machine, loading the tables and chairs into a truck. They spend time with street kids, feeding them. Later they all sit around crackling fire and sing together.
Alaz gives himself a mental high five for having been a perfectly functioning independent human being and thinks he's had enough space and given enough of it to Asi. So his eyes scan everyone gathered around the fire but don't see her. His anxiety spikes but is soothed immediately by the sight of her, standing alone at the water, staring into the distance. Alaz goes to her, leaving the crowd.
He approaches quietly and comes to stand behind her with only a few inches between his front and her back. He doesn't touch her until he feels her relax and lean back into him. Only then Alaz snakes an arm around Asi's middle, his palm coming to rest over the place where he knows her stab wound - the one that matches his own - is hidden under the layers of clothing. Alaz presses a tender kiss to Asi's temple and whispers:
"Hey! What are you doing out here all alone? Are you okay?"
Asi's hand comes over the one Alaz has on her abdomen and squeezes his fingers gently.
"Yeah, just ... Needed to breathe a little, you know. And to think".
Alaz nods, leans his head into hers and asks quietly:
"Think about what?"
"Everything. What happened. Life. Future. Us".
"What about us?" Alaz asks with a hint of vulnerability in his voice, hugging Asi a little tighter but mindful of her healing wound.
"It's just ... How's it going to be? Us?"
"What do you mean? We love each other, don't we?"
"We do. But what now? We've never been ... Well, this. We've never been normal. Just ... loud. Screaming, hitting, biting and stabbing each other with words and not only words. What are we going to do now when it's quiet, Alaz? How are we going to do this?"
"Look, I don't know how but we'll figure this out, together. This is new for me too. I've never done this before. So we just learn to walk, step by step, before we can run".
"Run where? I've never even thought about the future, Alaz. Never thought I had one".
"Well, now you have a future. We do. We can be and do whatever the hell we want".
"I haven't even finished school, Alaz. What could I possibly do?"
"Well, you can finish school, for starters. If you want to. And I know that you're a woman of many talents. You sing, you dance, you fight, you're good with a knife. Bet you could make a mean chef" Alaz says with a smile, nuzzling Asi's neck.
She lets out a small laugh and pushes at him slightly, trying to get away from a tickling sensation of his barely there scruff on her tender skin.
"I'm serious!"
"So am I!"
"You're an idiot!"
"Okay, I am. Your idiot".
Asi turns to face Alaz and looks deep into his eyes.
"Alaz ... What if we try and this doesn't work?"
"We'll never know unless we actually try. And maybe it'll work out even better than we could ever imagine. I'm ready to try. Are you?"
He waits for her response with bated breath, willing to accept anything she chooses, even though his very being is screaming at him to screw this acceptance and respecting her wishes and just make her stay with him forever. Lost in this inner turmoil, Alaz almost misses Asi's softly spoken words:
"I am ready ".
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mrsgreenworld · 2 months
So, I got some requests for more Aslaz fluff and humour and I was preparing a very light one shot. But I hadn't managed to finish it before episode 29 aired. And the episode ... well ... To say it was underwhelming or disappointing would be an understatement. And there were some alarming hints in the episode at the return of the old Alaz. I honestly don't see this playing out. They'll just have to erase all his growth. Have the writers caught the rabies from the Yalı Çapkını crew? 🤔
Anyway, abort mission on fluff, I've got angst and heartbreak coming.
I don't own the show or any of the characters. They belong to the Yabani writers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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The Things I Hate You For
Alaz sees the moment the spark of love, that's just made home in Asi's eyes, dies out. Her deep dark gaze hardens and completely shuts down the access to his Asi.
"It's obvious that this isn't working out" she says in a dejected voice.
Alaz sees and knows that she believes it when she says it. But she isn't the only one stubborn in this relationship. And what's more important - Alaz is also a man of his word. He said that he'd never leave her. That they could fight and not talk to each other but still remain them, together. And he meant it. He means it now and always will, to his last dying breath.
"No! Stop it! You don't get to do this! You don't get to just give up when things get rough!"
"Things aren't just rough, Alaz! Don't you see how messed up this is? How messed up we are? How we have nothing in common? How our families clash? How there's always has to be some threat or risk of dying hanging over our heads for us to talk?"
"Well, there's no threat right now and noone is dying and we're talking just fine".
"We're not talking, we're fighting, as always".
"Well, this is us. This is our routine" he says with a helpless shrug.
Asi looks at him with tired eyes.
"Our routine" she echoes.
Alaz wants to shake her, knock some sense into her, some light and love back into her eyes. But they have nothing left for him to hold on to. And he hates it. He almost hates her for becoming yet another person he couldn't be enough for.
"What do want from me, huh? What do you want me to do?" Alaz asks, all the fight just leaving him, the body almost sagging.
"I want you to let me go" she says and her words have the weight of a death sentence.
"I know you said you couldn't and wouldn't. But, please, if you love me, if you've ever loved me, just let me go".
Asi voices her request and her eyes stay dry. And Alaz almost hates her for this too. For not choosing him, them. For not deeming them worth fighting for.
"If I let you go now, we're done, for good. You understand that?" he asks, deep down hoping against all hope that she'll take her words back.
She crushes that fragile little hope with a nod.
It is in that moment when Alaz realizes that he's losing not only her but his brother as well. Because Yaman is also Asi's brother and he'll forever be stuck between the two of them. He'll always be that bridge that connects them. For Alaz to let Asi go he'll have to let go of his brother too. And he almost hates her for that too.
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mrsgreenworld · 1 month
Okay, so I'm working on Chapters 3 & 4 of my Aslaz future fic - Time, Distance and Healing. It's a super alternative future at this point because I'm sure that the finale we're getting won't make it possible for anything remotely similar to happen.
I'm also planning to continue writing for Aslaz after the finale, regardless of how the show ends. I have a bad feeling that we're going to get a tragic ending... But anyways, as I've mentioned above, I'll continue writing for my favourite crazy duo and I'm open to any ideas and prompts.
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mrsgreenworld · 1 month
I know that I'm supposed to be working on my other fic but there's an idea that just won't leave my head. In the ideal world and maybe on Netflix this is how I'd like Aslaz bathroom scene to go in the next episode.
I don't own the show or the characters, they all belong to the Yabani writers, producers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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The Matter Of Friendship
Asi pulls away all too soon, muttering:
"No, stop".
She tugs at his hands that are framing her face, forcing him to let go and when he doesn't, she takes a few steps away from him. Alaz is left frozen in place, with the hands holding onto thin air.
"You can't do that. I promised you that I'd be by your side, I'd help you get through everything. And I'll keep my promise. I'll be there for you but only as a friend".
Alaz feels completely dumbfounded and thinks that if she headbutted him it wouldn't hurt as much as her uttering the word "friend". Is she for real?
"Are you kidding me right now?"
"Do I look like I'm kidding?"
"You must be kidding because there's no way you've just called yourself my friend".
Alaz puts a special stress on the word, spitting it out like it's an insult. And it actually is. Her thinking they could be friends is so damn insulting. It's worse than her hating him. Let them be enemies but not friends.
"Why? What's wrong with us being friends? We couldn't be more, maybe we can at least have this".
Oh god ... She is serious.
Alaz squeezes his eyes shut and runs his fingers through his hair.
"No, you most definitely are losing your goddamn mind and want me to completely lose what's left of mine" he mutters with the eyes still closed, pulling at his hair.
And then she drops a nonchalant comment:
"I don't understand why you're being so dramatic. What the hell is the problem?"
That makes him open his eyes and freaking yell, making her jump:
"You wanna know the problem with your genius idea??? I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! And you love me!!!"
He feels - and probably looks as well - like a rabid dog but he doesn't care. He eats up all the space between them in one step and doesn't give her a chance to take an instinctive step back. He sneaks his right arm possessively around her middle and pulls their bodies together, hard. Then he puts his left hand on her neck, only to feel the mad staccato of her pulse under his fingers. He doesn't give her time to react, to think or even breathe, he just attacks her mouth. It's so different from a tender and timid kiss they'd shared just before she dropped the friendship bomb on him. This kiss is primal and pulls a surprised moan from her, giving him the access inside her mouth. He wants to make this so dirty that by the time he's done with her, the freaking "friendship" and "friends" vanish from her vocabulary entirely.
He turns and walks them blindly, only stopping to hoist her up on the granite countertop at the sinks. Then steps between her legs that part for him reflectively. Alaz pulls her roughly to the edge, smacking his hips right into her. He stops his assault on Asi's mouth only to whisper into her used lips:
"Do you feel that, friend?"
He thrusts shallowly to make his point, earning a whimper from Asi. Alaz's hands slide up her bare thighs, leaving trails of goosebumps, and dive under the ridiculously short dress. Just when Alaz's fingers brush Asi's underwear, she catches his wrists and yanks his hands from under her dress. But Alaz has felt everything he needed to feel.
"As long as you're like this for me and I'm like this for you, there's no universe where we can be friends".
Asi looks ready to murder him when she pushes at his chest and jumps from the granite counter. She tugs at her dress and hisses at him:
"The only thing you proved is that you're an animal".
Alaz just smirks.
"Okay, fine, I'm an animal. I'd rather be an animal than your friend".
Asi lets out a noisy breath and suddenly just looks tired.
"Why do you have to make this hard?"
"Because we love each other".
Asi throws up her hands in frustration.
"And what difference does it make?"
"All the difference in the world".
Alaz tries to get closer again but she won't allow it, pushing him and taking a few steps back, to the only escape route - the door.
"If it made all the difference in the world, it wouldn't be this hard, don't you think?"
With these words she pulls the door and slips out, leaving Alaz in the charged little room alone.
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mrsgreenworld · 2 months
I've decided to write an Aslaz future fic. Like several years into the future. Aslaz see each other the first time in years after their breakup which is inevitable really because they've been doomed from the start. And if the old Alaz is coming back they're even more doomed than I initially thought.
But in some other ideal world they'd both go to therapy and heal. So I'm just going to pretend it is that ideal world.
I have an idea to make it a two-part work. So this is part 1/chapter 1.
I don't own the show or the characters, they all belong to the Yabani writers, producers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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Time, Distance And Healing
Alaz steps out of the airport and takes a moment to close his eyes and just breathe in the air of home. It's been 5 years since he left this place and has been away, save for one short visit. He's lived a whole life in these 5 years. A life of rehab, therapy, anger management, living across the globe and building a startup. There have been even a few attempts at relationships sprinkled in here and there. Nothing really ever worked out because every new girl just wasn't ... well, her. If there's one addiction no rehab can help him with, it'll be her. But he's learnt to live with it - the dull ache of her absence, the weight of missing her and longing for her on his shoulders. He's learnt to channel and control his obsession, grief and loss. But he couldn't help but ask Yaman, Çağla and Rüya for occasional updates on her. They never got into details, just gave him very generic information. And of course steered clear of her love life even though Alaz tried to fish for this specific information shamelessly, going even as far as trying to get the answers from Cesur, Ece and his mother. But all of them stood their ground and never told him anything. Which in a way was his answer. He wasn't a fool - he knew there must've been someone in all the years. He just hoped - and still hopes - it was never anything serious.
"Kardeşim benim!" Alaz hears suddenly and opens his eyes only to see his big brother rushing towards him with open arms.
Yaman is smiling from ear to ear and Alaz feels his own lips pull into a smile involuntary. Gone and forgotten are days of rivalry, jealousy and bitter anger towards his big brother. He feels only warmth, peace, deep affection and love now. And he finally sees and feels that his brother returns this love tenfold.
Yaman reaches Alaz and all but scoops him up in a bear hug. Alaz registers in horror his feet leaving the ground.
"Okay, okay, Abisi, just put me down. I'm serious, you're embarrassing me" Alaz mumbles into Yaman's shoulder.
Yaman does what he's told and Alaz is relieved to feel solid ground back under his feet. The big brother takes a step back with a goofy smile and takes Alaz in from head to toe.
"What can I do? I've missed my little brother. We haven't seen you since the wedding".
At the mention of the wedding, Alaz's gaze drops to Yaman's left hand and he catches a glint of his brother's wedding ring. When Alaz flew back home for Yaman and Rüya's wedding reception a year ago, he was sure he'd finally come face to face with Asi, after not having seen her for years. But then Yaman completely shocked and threw him by saying that Asi wouldn't attend. It had to do with the band that she'd met at school and started singing with. Yaman said they'd been invited to participate in some singing contest hence Asi's absence at the wedding. But Alaz couldn't help but wonder if the real reason was him attending the reception.
Alaz shakes off the thoughts and memories brought up by his brother's wedding ring and says:
"Well, I'm here, I'm back! How's everyone?"
"Let's put your bags into the car and then I'll tell you everything on the way home".
Alaz nods and follows Yaman to his car. They throw Alaz's suitcase and a travel backpack into the trunk, climb into the car and hit the road. Yaman tells Alaz about everyone at home, carefully sidestepping only one person. So Alaz waits for his brother to run out of words about all of their family and friends and asks:
"And how's she?"
Yaman tenses almost imperceptibly, a stranger or someone less familiar with his body language would never notice this. But Alaz knows his brother like the back of his hand by now.
"Abi ... " he starts with barely there alarm creeping into his voice.
Yaman knows Alaz too that's why he hurries to reassure him:
"She's fine! She's doing great actually. She graduated and they're going strong with the band, leaving on a small tour soon".
Alaz relaxes a little but still feels like there's something more.
"And nothing".
"Look, Abisi ... "
"Ok, it's just ... She's going to come over. And I'm just nervous, you know. You two haven't seen each other for so long".
"Oh ... " is all that comes from Alaz.
She's going to be there. He's going to see her. After 5 years of not seeing her.
"Offf ..." Alaz pulls at his collar, suddenly finding it hard to breathe.
"Alaz? Güzel kardeşim? Are you ok?" Yaman asks, glancing at him with worry.
"Uh-huh ... Yeah ... I'm just ... I think ... I need some air".
Alaz fumbles to open a car window. When cool wind hits him square in the face, he takes a deep breath, finally feeling his lungs start working.
"Are you ok? Shall I stop?" Yaman asks nervously.
"No, no, I'm fine. All good now" Alaz reassures his brother.
Neither of them speak for a while.
"So, she's going to be there" Alaz says into the tense silence.
Yaman just gives a terse nod. And silence hangs over them for the rest of the ride.
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mrsgreenworld · 3 months
Okay, Aslaz fandom, I'm on the roll with these two. Got so many fanfic ideas but cannot decide which I should go with first:
1 - more fluff and humour
2 - angst
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mrsgreenworld · 2 months
It's just one of those days when the dragon craves pain, suffering and heartbreak. I just hope I haven't turned psychic and this forever remains the figment of my imagination.
I don't own the show or any of the characters. They belong to the Yabani writers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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Alaz awakes slowly and painfully. He hasn't opened his eyes yet but he knows doing so and seeing the light of day will be a bitch. His head is heavy and pounding, his mouth is dry and his throat is scratchy as if he's been screaming for hours. Wait a second ... there was some screaming last night. There was a lot that happened. Alaz doesn't remember much after the first bottle of scotch. But he does remember this:
"I wish I had never met you!"
"I was a fool thinking this could work!"
"Falling in love with you is the biggest mistake of my life!"
"I'll get over you. If I could get over Yaman, I sure as hell can and will get over you".
Each word from her was laced with so much poison that he almost choked on it. He'd forgotten how cruel she could be if she wanted - that was his first mistake. But he gave as good as he got. He too could be cruel. He's never been a half measures, the golden middle kind of guy. Only all or nothing. If he loved, he loved too much, too obsessively. And the extent of his love equaled his cruelty and hatred. They'll have to take place of his love for her that she rejected.
Now, lying in bed on his stomach, trying to blink his eyes open, he realises his second mistake - drinking a bar worth of liquor.
Then he feels a movement behind him on the bed and dread settles deep into his bones. Because all of a sudden he remembers all the gory details of his mistake number three from last night.
He shouldn't be surprised, noone should, after all that's how he's always coped - by drinking, smoking, swallowing, fucking away the pain. Why this time should be any different?
"Because you've found the love of your life and she'll never forgive this" the little voice whispers.
He finally opens his eyes and rolls over to lie on his back. There's pressure building up behind his orbs and his head's now pounding even more. After drawing in a long breath through his nose, Alaz dares a look to his left. Yeap, his third and last mistake is staring right back at him in all its naked glory.
He knows there's no excuse for what he's done. Well, in his mind there's always an excuse. He was in agony, because of her. And he just wanted the pain to be gone, wanted it to be forever taken away by a simple moment of pleasure. But he reached his peak, the moment was over and the pain ... the pain was still there.
"It will always be there. In your bloodstream. Along with her" that little voice mocks him again.
No. It has to end. At some point, one day. If he has to fall into bed with another girl - fine. That's his routine after all. And when Alaz thinks about it, he almost feels like he's missed this - having his own routine, something that's only about him. Good or bad - doesn't matter. It's what it is. It's his.
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