mrsgreenworld · 15 days
So, despite all the efforts to up the ratings and get season 2 for Yabani, the ratings dropped again which means no season 2 and there are only 2 episodes left before the series finale. And, to be honest, I'm glad that we're not getting season 2. They don't know what to write and how to finish this season so it's better to just end it now, while they haven't damaged the show beyond repair and changed the characters beyond recognition.
It doesn't mean though that it's not hard to say goodbye. It always is, despite everything. Because the cast of this show is a true gem and I haven't seen such a friendly, open and closely knit cast that are truly passionate about what they do. Yamlaz bromance is now one of my favourite bromances ever, although they could've done so much more with these two. And then there's my Aslaz ... They're toxic af and definitely not an example of what love and relationship should be. They're everything it shouldn't be 🙈😂 But their chemistry and passion is unmatched. I've seen so many ships. I can name only a few that truly left their mark and became my OTPs. Despite all of Aslaz's imperfections they're now and forever on my short favourites list. I'm gonna miss my crazy unhinged babes 😭💔
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sab-teraa · 3 months
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lerelene · 3 months
I'm so happy we're moving on from the family drama of three successful wealthy families to the story of the street kids.
This is the MEAT
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alteregosam · 1 month
Every single new piece of information I learn about this upcoming episode lets me know its gonna piss me off so bad.
Also my babies are still in those ugly ass outfits, give me one thing. damn.
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mrsgreenworld · 2 months
Okay, I think what I initially planned as only a 2-chapter fic is going to be a three or maybe even four-parter. I also wanted to try and write this chapter from Yaman's POV.
I don't own the show or the characters, they all belong to the Yabani writers, producers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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Time, Distance And Healing (Chapter 2)
Yaman pulls up at the main entrance to the house and kills the engine. He sneaks a glance at Alaz who's looking out of the car window thoughtfully.
"Home, sweet home" Alaz murmurs quietly.
"C'mon, let's get inside, everyone's waiting for you" Yaman says with all the enthusiasm he can master, even though he's panicking on the inside and has been in the state of paralyzing dread all their ride home.
He knows that his ever so perceptive little brother suspects something. That's why Yaman almost spilled his guts several times. He's torn between the desire to be honest and just wanting his little brother next to him. Even though they talked over the phone almost every day, they've barely seen each other over the last 5 years. Alaz came back only once, for the wedding. Yaman's visited him a few times in America, alone as well as with their siblings, and the last time a few months ago with Rüya. Those visits weren't nearly enough, leaving Yaman constantly missing his little brother. So finally having Alaz back home feels like a blessing but Yaman knows it won't last because all hell will break loose once Alaz learns the news.
Will Alaz stay once he learns the truth? Will he ever come back after that? Will he allow anyone to come to him? Will he talk to any of them ever again? Or will he consider keeping everything from him a betrayal? Yaman's so not looking forward to getting the answers to all these questions.
"Is she already here?" Alaz's voice pulls Yaman from the anxious whirlwind of his thoughts.
"Err ... Nope. Not yet. She'll come over a bit later".
Alaz just nods and climbs out of the car. Yaman follows him after drawing in a deep nervous breath. They walk to the front door and open it, only to be assaulted by loud pops of crackers and confetti raining on their heads and some flying right into their faces. Yaman's sure he's swallowed a few.
"Welcome home, Alaz!!!" their mother, sisters, Rüya and Feride Abla all scream together.
Then all of them take turns hugging Alaz. They talk over each other, shooting questions in rapid succession. But beneath the very real happiness of finally seeing Alaz, Yaman can also see everyone buzzing with the same nervous energy that he's feeling. Çağla and Ece are the worst really, both of them have panic and guilt written all over their faces. And of course Alaz catches on it immediately and just when he opens his mouth to say something about it, Yaman jumps in with:
"Alaz, güzel kardeşim benim, we forgot your bags, let's get them out of the car".
Alaz looks at him with suspicion but nods and they step out to get the bags. Yaman opens the trunk when he hears Alaz ask:
"Okay, Abisi, tell me: what's going on?"
Yaman knows it's a lost cause but he plays dumb nonetheless:
"What are you talking about? Nothing's going on".
Alaz just gives him the look.
"I swear nothing is going on".
"Really? First you were being all shifty on our ride home. Now everyone else is acting weird".
"They aren't acting weird, they're just happy to see you. They've missed you".
Yaman tosses the backpack at Alaz and then pulls out the suitcase, slamming the trunk shut.
Alaz follows Yaman's every move like a hawk and Yaman knows that his brother won't drop it. That's why he almost runs inside the house from Alaz's scrutinizing gaze. Everyone's waiting for them in the living room, exchanging nervous glances. Yaman mouthes a desperate: "Play cool!" and adds loudly for Alaz to hear:
"Kardeşim, let's get your luggage upstairs, to your room. Maybe you also want to change and get some rest after the long flight".
"I'm fine. You, - and I mean all of you - on the other hand, are up to something" Alaz says, pointing his signature finger at everyone.
"What?? No!"
"Don't be silly!"
"What do you mean? We're just happy you're home!"
Everyone's talking over each other again and playing so not cool that Yaman wants to facepalm. He pats Alaz's shoulder and says:
"C'mon, Alaz, let's go upstairs, I promise we'll talk but after you get some rest, take a shower, maybe unpack. Ok?"
Alaz narrows his eyes at him:
"I knew there's something!"
"Alaz, please, let's go. I'll tell you everything, we'll all talk together, just not right now".
"Is it about her? Is something wrong with her?” Alaz raises his voice and Yaman sees alarm in his brother's eyes.
He sees something else too: the beast that Alaz has spent the last 5 years taming and training - Yaman sees that beast pulling on its shackles.
"I swear to god, Yaman, if something ... Is Asi okay?"
It's the first time Alaz's said her name in 5 years. He's always asked about Asi but for some reason she's become the Voldemort whose name was never mentioned.
"She's okay. She'll be here soon and you'll see for yourself that she's totally fine" Yaman reassures Alaz and hears Çağla mutter:
"You won't believe how fine".
Yaman glares at his sister and focuses on Alaz again:
"She's fine, I promise. Now let's go upstairs, please".
Alaz throws a miffed look at everyone but gives a curt nod and reluctantly agrees:
"Fine! But you're all hiding something. Not for long though!"
He follows Yaman upstairs, to his old room. Yaman enters first, rolls Alaz's suitcase inside and leaves it beside the couch. He turns to Alaz who walks to the bed and drops the backpack. Yaman observes as his brother looks around the room and mutters:
"Nothing's changed. Everything's just the way I left it".
"We thought you'd like it that way. If you want to change something, it's better if you do it yourself".
Alaz just nods and then freezes. Yaman follows his gaze and sees that it's fixed on a picture on one of the bedside tables. The picture of Alaz himself ... with Asi. Yaman remembers the day the picture was taken like it was yesterday. It was him who made it. It was a rare moment of quiet and peaceful happiness that Yaman felt truly lucky to have captured. Because Alaz and Asi were never quiet or peaceful. They weren't really happy either and that was the saddest part. Because they loved each other but loving each other isn't always enough. And it broke Yaman's heart. Especially it broke for his little brother. Who couldn't be with the love of his life but also never learnt to be without her.
"Kardeşim?" Yaman says carefully.
"Hm?" is Alaz's only response, eyes still fixed on the photo.
"I love you. So very much. You know that, right? And I'm so proud of you".
The words finally catch Alaz's attention and he turns to Yaman with raised eyebrows.
"What's up with you, Abisi? Caught a love bug? Or trying to get on my good side so that you won't catch hell once I learn what you've all been hiding from me?"
Yaman lets out a short laugh at Alaz being well, Alaz.
"I've just missed you, that's all. And I feel like I don't tell you this enough".
Alaz narrows his eyes at him but Yaman sees the vulnerability beneath all the suspicion and sarcasm. Alaz's still not used to hearing people say that they love him. He's not used to people actually meaning it.
"Okay, whatever" he mutters and immediately adds:
"You wanted me to get some rest, unpack and change so badly. Why don't you leave me to it?"
Yaman nods quickly and makes a bee line for the door. Once the door closes behind him, Yaman exhales heavily:
"Oh my god, this is so not going to end well".
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mrsgreenworld · 3 months
Today's (27) episode of Yabani fried what's left of my psyche. Rojbin, Bertan, Halit all deserve freaking awards and a standing ovation.
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mrsgreenworld · 3 months
Okay so I've been watching Yabani for a while now but the show never really wowed me. I only watched it for Aslaz and Alaz/Yaman bromance. And now that we've got some great development with Aslaz and Yamlaz and I'm so obsessed with them, the show is at the risk of getting cancelled. Fucking Fox (or Now, whatever). I knew I should've stuck to my decision to steer clear of their shows.
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mrsgreenworld · 2 months
I've decided to write an Aslaz future fic. Like several years into the future. Aslaz see each other the first time in years after their breakup which is inevitable really because they've been doomed from the start. And if the old Alaz is coming back they're even more doomed than I initially thought.
But in some other ideal world they'd both go to therapy and heal. So I'm just going to pretend it is that ideal world.
I have an idea to make it a two-part work. So this is part 1/chapter 1.
I don't own the show or the characters, they all belong to the Yabani writers, producers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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Time, Distance And Healing
Alaz steps out of the airport and takes a moment to close his eyes and just breathe in the air of home. It's been 5 years since he left this place and has been away, save for one short visit. He's lived a whole life in these 5 years. A life of rehab, therapy, anger management, living across the globe and building a startup. There have been even a few attempts at relationships sprinkled in here and there. Nothing really ever worked out because every new girl just wasn't ... well, her. If there's one addiction no rehab can help him with, it'll be her. But he's learnt to live with it - the dull ache of her absence, the weight of missing her and longing for her on his shoulders. He's learnt to channel and control his obsession, grief and loss. But he couldn't help but ask Yaman, Çağla and Rüya for occasional updates on her. They never got into details, just gave him very generic information. And of course steered clear of her love life even though Alaz tried to fish for this specific information shamelessly, going even as far as trying to get the answers from Cesur, Ece and his mother. But all of them stood their ground and never told him anything. Which in a way was his answer. He wasn't a fool - he knew there must've been someone in all the years. He just hoped - and still hopes - it was never anything serious.
"Kardeşim benim!" Alaz hears suddenly and opens his eyes only to see his big brother rushing towards him with open arms.
Yaman is smiling from ear to ear and Alaz feels his own lips pull into a smile involuntary. Gone and forgotten are days of rivalry, jealousy and bitter anger towards his big brother. He feels only warmth, peace, deep affection and love now. And he finally sees and feels that his brother returns this love tenfold.
Yaman reaches Alaz and all but scoops him up in a bear hug. Alaz registers in horror his feet leaving the ground.
"Okay, okay, Abisi, just put me down. I'm serious, you're embarrassing me" Alaz mumbles into Yaman's shoulder.
Yaman does what he's told and Alaz is relieved to feel solid ground back under his feet. The big brother takes a step back with a goofy smile and takes Alaz in from head to toe.
"What can I do? I've missed my little brother. We haven't seen you since the wedding".
At the mention of the wedding, Alaz's gaze drops to Yaman's left hand and he catches a glint of his brother's wedding ring. When Alaz flew back home for Yaman and Rüya's wedding reception a year ago, he was sure he'd finally come face to face with Asi, after not having seen her for years. But then Yaman completely shocked and threw him by saying that Asi wouldn't attend. It had to do with the band that she'd met at school and started singing with. Yaman said they'd been invited to participate in some singing contest hence Asi's absence at the wedding. But Alaz couldn't help but wonder if the real reason was him attending the reception.
Alaz shakes off the thoughts and memories brought up by his brother's wedding ring and says:
"Well, I'm here, I'm back! How's everyone?"
"Let's put your bags into the car and then I'll tell you everything on the way home".
Alaz nods and follows Yaman to his car. They throw Alaz's suitcase and a travel backpack into the trunk, climb into the car and hit the road. Yaman tells Alaz about everyone at home, carefully sidestepping only one person. So Alaz waits for his brother to run out of words about all of their family and friends and asks:
"And how's she?"
Yaman tenses almost imperceptibly, a stranger or someone less familiar with his body language would never notice this. But Alaz knows his brother like the back of his hand by now.
"Abi ... " he starts with barely there alarm creeping into his voice.
Yaman knows Alaz too that's why he hurries to reassure him:
"She's fine! She's doing great actually. She graduated and they're going strong with the band, leaving on a small tour soon".
Alaz relaxes a little but still feels like there's something more.
"And nothing".
"Look, Abisi ... "
"Ok, it's just ... She's going to come over. And I'm just nervous, you know. You two haven't seen each other for so long".
"Oh ... " is all that comes from Alaz.
She's going to be there. He's going to see her. After 5 years of not seeing her.
"Offf ..." Alaz pulls at his collar, suddenly finding it hard to breathe.
"Alaz? Güzel kardeşim? Are you ok?" Yaman asks, glancing at him with worry.
"Uh-huh ... Yeah ... I'm just ... I think ... I need some air".
Alaz fumbles to open a car window. When cool wind hits him square in the face, he takes a deep breath, finally feeling his lungs start working.
"Are you ok? Shall I stop?" Yaman asks nervously.
"No, no, I'm fine. All good now" Alaz reassures his brother.
Neither of them speak for a while.
"So, she's going to be there" Alaz says into the tense silence.
Yaman just gives a terse nod. And silence hangs over them for the rest of the ride.
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sab-teraa · 3 months
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Not Alaz standing up for Yaman when Cagla was talking about his anger issues to Deniz 😭💀 AND even going onto say that Yaman doesn’t act that way for no reason and Deniz probs did something to provoke him !
Typical “only I can talk shit about my sibling” energy. YAMLAZ NATION RISE!!! 😮‍💨🤌🏽
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