#aster jrwi
kala-mies · 9 months
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Aster, the Sun Goddess
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zoppzoop · 5 months
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'the moon will sing a song for me i loved you like the sun'
i wanna make this into a full length animatic someday, gonna polish up my skill in making animatic before then tho
ko-fi || commissions
surprise under the cut
same thing but with audio <3333
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nopiedraws · 9 months
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Six fanart challenge
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d1g1tald1saster · 1 month
Mythborne!! ^_^ I wish it was actually a real campaign.
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My fav girlboss x malewife
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ratbiwirattime · 4 months
Hello (Here's to hoping I can work with this)!
Connor suggested coming to Tumblr to try and see we can gather any clues about what happened a couple days ago (which, btw, if you have any ideas at all or remember anything from WyldRyatts yesterday, don't hesitate to message us).
My name is Aster and I use she/her, but they/them or it/itself pronouns are fun too. If you need to ask Ryan Selucreh or Connor Connors a question, I don't think they're on tumblr yet, very sorry.
wait why is the title aster and b-
hi me biwi call wahtever me rat no care. develope typign skdi9ls slwoly giv em power to understnd ou nio telk,m mytrhebormne cerw ijkm hereer
with the newer rp people from the suckening AND prime defenders, i think its time i make my own for my favorite under-rated campaign! AND YES I DID MAKE BIWI THE FUCKING RAT SHARE AN ACCOUNT WITH ASTER SUE ME
im normally @s0lar-ch3ri and shit so yeah. will i probably make a seperate account for biwi soon? yes. but not now (update cause of the switch, the side blog will soon only be biwi, but im still gonna feature him here cause why now)
im gonna change up the profile and shit soon, just making a post so mutuals arent alarmed if im following them now and shit
#biwi entertainment cheese - biwis in control of the account today
#in character aster! - as it says, aster aeliana in character
#off stage water break - out of character posts/reblogs
#aster can answer that! - answering asks in character for aster
#biwi hears. - he will take your question.
(shift the things from the other one over here now lol)
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
lil mythborne hcs because ive fallen in love with them again (maybe spoilers so yeah)
(theyre absolutely roommates btw for less confusion) ryan and aster have woken up several times in the middle of the night to see connor watching "incorrect history" by ted
these three act so close many think theyre all in a relationship with each other (and one of my headcanons says yes cause i got a ton of alt hcs)
asters sapphic awakening was the gardeners in the gardening club, ryans gay awakening was asters dad (not romantic fucking ew like he just realized men were pretty then), and connors ace realization hit while researching about the frat
they can all be pan, poly, and ace spectrum if i try hard enough (and i do)
listen to me for this: boyflux aster
professor aeliana was quite a comfort to connor after his brothers passing, as when connor's grades were dropping due to lack of motivation and using most his energy to not break down or "do something irrational" as hed put it, he offered help with work and recommended him a therapist (who helped him a lot), plus even offered him a place to talk if he really needed it
biwi is a registered therapy rat
aster offers tutoring as shes very good with work and commonly has lots of free time (she uses some of it to talk with biwi)
you know how the mana goddess of the sun just happens to be named aster? hear me out...
despite what some think, ryans actually pretty smart as its necessary to have good grades in school to participate in sports
i cant get the idea out of my head that romeo tried to cast aster ryan and connor as riptide characters for a play he wanted to try, but ended up not having enough actors for (ryan would be gill, aster would be jay plus characters like lizzie, amanda rinn, and niklaus hendrix because shes turned out to have a good voice for them, and connor would be chip, with biwi as pretzel)
ryan likes giving presents and eventually got better at matching items to people (connor has a friendship bracelet, a moon shaped pencil sharpener, a journal for art which unknown to ryan has a picture of them together on the cover, etc.)(aster has a fucking random bobble head, a sunflower pencil sharpener, a small locket, etc)
all of them can draw and get art tips while doing it, so you can see some similarities in their styles despite them being different (aster learned because she wanted to draw out where flowers would go and eventually drew flower people and flowers as people, connor used it as a way to vent out and study better, ryan did it for the sillies and saw how much fun aster and connor had so he started back in middle school and shit)
not a hc but i cant stop thinking about mermaid aster rn
these guys are seen as "oh they could never do harm" but biwi knows the horrors of being in a room with them after mario party (everyone has had a breakdown at least 3 times from it)
once connor had an insomnia induced theory about a mythical land called "texas" and did a 3 hour presentation on its possible existance, ending at 3, for ryan and aster and the next day he forgot about it and never brought it up again and they think about it sometimes
ill say more when my brain lets me think up more
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vyrion · 11 months
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[ID: digital art of the sun goddess aster from just roll with it: riptide. she has long, vivid orange hair, yellow wings, and is wearing a green dress. patches of her skin on her right hand, side, and leg are blue-pink in a holographic fashion. a halo resembling the sun circles her head. she stands with one hand and wing extended outwards. End ID.]
the lady of the sun
+ bonus portrait ish thing ^_^
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[ID: digital art of aster from the chest up. she is looking to the left. the background is a dark red. End ID.]
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aster-aeliana · 2 months
aster can u get ur mom to give me t or like top surgery or smth pretty please 🙏
thats actually so so smart communing with her as we speak
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speromint · 1 year
Thinking about Kasper being Aster's uncle again.
It was just an ordinary day. Kasper walked out the door for work and nobody even looked up, they simply exchanged goodbyes as he left, and that was that.
He doesn't come home that night, but his shift sometimes runs fairly late, so no one really notices until the following morning.
Kasper doesn't answer his phone.
They call his boss. Kasper didn't even show up for work yesterday.
The police find his car parked outside a gas station.
There's nothing inside.
People search for a few months, looking for more clues to his disappearance, where he could've gone, and why. Nothing else turns up.
The police stop looking eventually. They rule the case as a suicide and move on. Some of the Aelisters accept it. Most don't.
Meanwhile, Kasper is in another world, unaware that there are people out there who he loves and who love him in return. Who are still searching for him. Holding out hope that somehow, somewhere, Kasper is alive.
He makes a living through scams and schemes, tricking commonfolk into handing over their coins for junk cloaked in illusions.
By the time they catch on, he's long since left town.
He doesn't know where he learned to do that.
Somewhere, in another world, a young girl remembers how her uncle used to create images of fairies and dinosaurs to play with her. How he'd project images of the night sky above her bed when she expressed an interest in space, letting her see the stars long after light pollution had hidden the real ones from view.
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skywerse · 6 months
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we gathered here today to see my sun and moon mommies (and gilly)
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rodentjazz · 8 months
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Tarot cards based my Lunadeyis and Aster designs
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razberrypuck · 5 months
fucked up that dropping gillion off for his training was done as unceremoniously as it was btw. it wasn't some grand goodbye, they didn't do anything special that day for their little boy -- it was just gillion and his father. his sister, his mother, his grandfather, they weren't there. it was just gillion, his father, and a quiet, possibly several day long trip to the capital. it was just gillion and his father at the steps of the palace, just his father that saw the big smile on his face, heard the little boy's promises of telling them everything when he got home. no one had even bothered explaining what was going on to him. he had to figure it out on his own, when papa never came back.
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keysinthecouch · 25 days
Guys i know i was sad earlier but I’ve been thinking
Jrwi blind boxes in which it’s a different dice set for a different player character. It would be a set of 12 + 1 chaser dice set.
Gillion - Riptide
Jay - Riptide
Chip - Riptide
William - Prime Defenders
Vyncent - Prime Defenders
Dakota - Prime Defenders
Emizel - The Suckening
Shilo - The Suckening
Arthur - The Suckening
Ryan - Mythborne
Aster - Mythborne
Connor - Mythborne
And then the chaser is Soda (the Suckening) themed dice or like Old Man Earl (Riptide) chaser dice
Someone tag the boys, I am COOKING
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neoncat666 · 2 months
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This did numbers on twitter so yall can have it too ig
No I don't actually use solely he/him for Dakota and the he/they is Zephrael from Shadows Over Welde
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micahdoesmusic · 7 months
jrwi community, listen.
I have absolutely NO evidence to support this other than the fact Grizzly notoriously loves tragic lesbians, BUT
The sun and moon goddesses, Lunadeyis and Aster, were TOTALLY in love, right? it would be the most romantic sapphic tragic story ever of mana
like maybe they had a rough break-up and fought about it or something and that caused the funky shit going on?? 
(I don’t know I haven’t thought this out I just think the sun and moon are/were smooching)
PLUS that’s like a common story of the sun and moon in some cultures/religions, right? I swear I’ve heard tales of it before
c’mon grizzly pleasepleaspleasplelepalsls we can’t get enough tragic yuri here
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s0lar-ch3ri · 7 months
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credit to @updogs-blog for the tags i jsut think this deserves its own post rather then a derailing reblog lol
should i write (on tumblr, on ao3 i will take forever) a mini series for these guys (asks could have like adventure requests and everything)? i feel like itd be fun (even if id have to make a new tag for it itd be worth it) and we get more mythborne content! ill let tumblr decide its fate...
(keep in mind: i can try to write them canonically but my own bias may slip through! ill try to catch it more if that does happen though, and if requested i can do headcanons in because who doesnt like a lil headcanon every now and then?)
i feel most confident in my ability to write: aster aeliana, ryan selucreh, biwi the rat
i think i could be somewhat accurate in writing: connor connors, professor aeliana, the j-crew, romeo
i dont think id do great, but ill still try to write: jasmine, the frat group, garry gilmore, etc
(i feel like tagging romeo juilet with that full name wont bring in the right fans...)
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