#astrological aspects
sensualnoiree · 19 days
The April 8 Total Solar Eclipse in Aries brings a potent new beginning, marked by intense energies and a focus on self-awareness and healing. The Sun, Moon, and Chiron at 19° Aries emphasize the need for self-care and addressing insecurities. The Mercury-Eris conjunction at 24° Aries encourages us to have courage in our convictions, supporting long-term themes and the development of new healing methods.
Emotionally, this eclipse may be intense, especially when Luna conjoins Mercury and Eris later in the day. The eclipse marks a time of establishing something new, initiating a new karmic cycle, and addressing past issues related to anger or missed opportunities for taking action. It's a time for personal transformation, akin to the energy of the Fool's card in tarot, where we are called to choose differently and embrace healing and change.
Aries Rising: This eclipse heralds a profound period of self-discovery and personal reinvention for you. You are being called to redefine your identity and how you show up in the world. Embrace your courage and pioneer spirit, as this is a time to boldly step into new beginnings and embrace your authentic self. The eclipse may stir up deep-seated desires and insecurities, but it also offers a powerful opportunity for healing and transformation. Use this time to explore your true passions and set intentions for a future that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.
Taurus Rising: The eclipse activates your inner world, urging you to delve deep into your subconscious mind and spiritual beliefs. This is a time of profound introspection and healing, where you may confront past traumas or buried emotions that are holding you back. Embrace the opportunity to release old patterns and embrace a new level of spiritual awareness. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may offer valuable insights into your subconscious mind. Trust the process of inner transformation and allow yourself to surrender to the flow of life.
Gemini Rising: With the eclipse in your 11th house, your focus turns to your social circles, friendships, and long-term goals. This is a time to connect with like-minded individuals who share your vision for the future. Embrace opportunities to expand your network and collaborate with others towards common goals. Your aspirations may undergo a transformation, leading you to reevaluate your long-term plans and make necessary adjustments. Embrace the power of community and collective action, as you work towards creating a more harmonious and inclusive world.
Cancer Rising: The eclipse highlights your career and public image, signaling a period of significant transformation in your professional life. You may feel called to pursue a new career path or take on new responsibilities that align with your true calling. Embrace the opportunity to step into a leadership role and showcase your skills and talents to the world. Trust in your abilities and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of success and fulfillment. This is a time to embrace your ambitions and take bold steps towards achieving your goals.
Leo Rising: This eclipse inspires you to expand your horizons and seek out new experiences that broaden your perspective on life. Embrace the spirit of adventure and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. You may feel called to explore new philosophies or belief systems that resonate with your soul's purpose. Trust in the wisdom of your intuition and follow your heart's desires, as they will lead you towards a path of greater fulfillment and enlightenment. This is a time to embrace the unknown and welcome the opportunities that come your way with open arms.
Virgo Rising: The eclipse brings a period of deep transformation and regeneration, urging you to release old patterns and embrace a new way of being. This is a time of intense introspection and inner healing, where you may confront deep-seated fears or insecurities. Embrace the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace a new chapter of growth and renewal. Trust in the process of transformation and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of greater authenticity and empowerment. This is a time to embrace your inner strength and resilience, as you emerge from the shadows into the light of a new beginning.
Libra Rising: With the eclipse in your 7th house of partnerships, relationships take center stage. This is a time of significant growth and evolution in your personal and professional relationships. You may experience changes in your relationship dynamics, leading to greater harmony and balance. Embrace the opportunity to deepen your connections with others and cultivate more meaningful and authentic relationships. Trust in the power of love and partnership, as they will support you on your journey towards greater fulfillment and happiness. This is a time to open your heart to new possibilities and welcome the blessings that come with deep and meaningful connections.
Scorpio Rising: The eclipse signals a time of positive change and transformation in your health and daily routines. You may feel inspired to adopt healthier habits and make positive changes to your work environment. Embrace the opportunity to prioritize self-care and well-being, as this will support you in achieving your goals and living a more fulfilling life. Trust in your ability to create positive change in your life and take practical steps towards improving your health and well-being. This is a time to listen to your body's wisdom and honor its needs, as you work towards creating a life of balance and vitality.
Sagittarius Rising: This eclipse sparks creativity, passion, and self-expression, urging you to embrace your inner child and indulge your creative instincts. This is a time of inspiration and innovation, where you may feel called to start a new creative project or pursue a new hobby that brings you joy. Embrace the opportunity to express yourself authentically and share your gifts with the world. Trust in your creative vision and allow yourself to explore new avenues of self-expression. This is a time to cultivate a sense of playfulness and spontaneity in your life, as you rediscover the joy of living in the moment.
Capricorn Rising: The eclipse falls in your 4th house of home and family, signaling a time of transformation and renewal in these areas of your life. You may feel called to create a more nurturing and supportive home environment for yourself and your loved ones. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your roots and cultivate a sense of emotional security and stability. Trust in the process of change and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of greater fulfillment and happiness. This is a time to honor your emotional needs and create a home that nourishes your soul.
Aquarius Rising: With the eclipse in your 3rd house of communication and learning, you are being called to expand your mind and embrace new ways of thinking and communicating. This is a time of intellectual growth and curiosity, where you may feel inspired to start a new course of study or engage in stimulating conversations with others. Embrace the opportunity to share your ideas and opinions with the world, as your unique perspective has the power to inspire and enlighten others. Trust in your ability to communicate effectively and express yourself authentically. This is a time to embrace the power of words and ideas, as you explore new avenues of self-expression and personal growth.
Pisces Rising: The eclipse falls in your 2nd house of finances and values, signaling a time of reassessment and realignment in these areas of your life. You may feel called to reevaluate your priorities and make changes that align with your true values and beliefs. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and financial security. Trust in your ability to create abundance and prosperity in your life, as you align with the flow of universal abundance. This is a time to honor your values and invest in yourself and your future, as you create a life of abundance and fulfillment.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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vivmaek · 2 months
Have you done sun conjunct venus yet?
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These fun-loving people are a favorite amongst everyone. They are incredibly charming and affectionate towards whoever may cross their path. Their warm dispositions and radiate sense of inner beauty attracts a lot of attention. They have many admirers and attract people with ease. Developing relationships, both romantic and platonic, is a natural process that requires little effort on their part. People just like them for who they are. People with this aspect pay a lot of attention to their physical appearance and it plays an important role within their life. They have to look good everywhere they go, you won’t catch them wearing pajamas outside of the bedroom. Maintaining a healthy diet and proper exercise are habits that come naturally to them. They also have a natural inclination for the arts and will showcase some sort of talent within that area. 
✰ my masterlist
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rainydetectiveglitter · 7 months
Astrology Observations - Moon & Aspects
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The Moon holds the delicate strings of our emotions, instincts, and innermost desires. When intertwined with other celestial players through aspects, the Moon's melody takes on unique harmonies and rhythms. Let's dive into the rich tapestry of Moon aspects, exploring how they color our emotional landscape.
Moon Square Mars - The Fiery Tempest: A Moon square Mars aspect ignites a passionate storm within. Emotions can surge like a roaring wildfire, often accompanied by a fierce determination. These individuals are unafraid to confront challenges head-on. However, this fiery intensity can also lead to impulsive reactions and occasional emotional clashes, akin to a tempestuous tango.
Moon Square Venus - The Dance of Sensuality: Moon square Venus creates a captivating dance of sensuality and emotional yearning. These souls crave deep, passionate connections, and their emotions are colored with a romantic brush. Yet, they may find themselves entangled in complex love affairs, where desires clash with emotional needs. This aspect weaves a tale of love's sweet agony.
Moon Trine Chiron - The Wounded Healer's Grace: In the Moon trine Chiron aspect, there's a profound understanding of emotional wounds and the gentle art of healing. These individuals possess a natural gift for offering solace to others, as their own emotional scars have nurtured empathy. The Moon's nurturing essence combines harmoniously with Chiron's healing touch, creating a soothing balm for their own and others' pain.
Moon Sextile Neptune - The Dreamer's Serenity: A Moon sextile Neptune aspect paints a dreamscape of serene emotions and boundless imagination. These individuals find solace in the ethereal realm of art, music, and creative expression. Their intuitive insights often lead to moments of tranquil clarity. However, they may need to ground their dreams in reality to avoid drifting too far into the realm of fantasy.
Moon Opposition Saturn - The Inner Struggle: Moon opposition Saturn sets the stage for an inner struggle between emotional needs and responsibilities. These individuals feel a profound sense of duty and may grapple with their own desires versus societal expectations. It's a cosmic tug-of-war between vulnerability and stoicism, where emotional growth often emerges from the tension.
Moon Conjunct Uranus - The Electrifying Heart: A Moon conjunct Uranus aspect electrifies the emotional landscape, infusing it with innovation and unpredictability. These individuals possess a unique, avant-garde approach to feelings, and they embrace change with open arms. Yet, this electrifying energy can also lead to emotional surprises and sudden shifts, akin to a lightning strike of insight.
Moon Trine Jupiter - The Heart's Abundance: In a Moon trine Jupiter aspect, the heart revels in a sense of abundance and optimism. These individuals possess a deep well of emotional generosity, often extending their warmth to others. Life's challenges are met with a buoyant spirit, and their emotional landscape blooms with gratitude and growth.
Moon Square Pluto - The Depths of Transformation: Moon square Pluto delves into the depths of emotional transformation. These individuals navigate intense emotional terrain, akin to a phoenix rising from its ashes. Their emotions are a crucible for change, but this intensity can also lead to power struggles and a relentless quest for emotional rebirth.
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In the Moon aspects, each harmony and dissonance contributes to the symphony of our emotional lives. These observations offer but a glimpse into the complex interplay of planetary energies that shape our emotional landscape, reminding us that our astrological tapestry is as intricate as it is unique.
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archersarrow-tarot · 2 months
| the D O M I N A N T S |
🏠 dominant astrology house
🪐 dominant planet
💫 dominant astrology sign
🌎 dominant element
The Four Dominants
Done for @glittergonedull
DOB: 10/20/1995 @ 1642 in (private location)
Dominant HOUSE
The Seventh House. The 7th house rules marriage, partnerships and other significant relationships. This house reflects what we seek in our potential life partners. Mercury in this house brings the qualities of intellectual openness; the Moon brings the feeling of home and nurturing. Chiron brings the strength of vulnerability. Partnerships are a very significant part of your life in many areas.
Dominant PLANET
Saturn is the most dominant. Neptune is second most dominant & Pluto is third.
Dominant SIGN
Pisces Signature. Pisces signatures have a intuition that is very powerful. Tens to extremely sensitive and overwhelm easily. Pisces are often escapists.
Dominant ELEMENT
WATER element. Water signs are sensitive, emotional, often creative-whether with art, music, etc. Sensitive, feeling everything deeply.
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astroscientia · 2 years
🌸Astrology Observations: Family/Home Edition🌸
The 4th house tells us about our environments, family life, domestic life, our subconscious desires, and our ability to manifest in some cases!
Uranus-Moon aspects or Aquarius Moon or Uranus in the 4th house placements usually have an erratic home life where they never feel settled. The mother might possess jittery energy which makes sitting in the home almost unbearable. If you live alone, this could manifest as feeling restless when at home and having the need to get out of the house or move frequently.
Moon in the 3rd house natives also feel the need to move a lot.
Though this is unrelated to family life, I see that Saturn in the 4th house does not always indicate a harsh family life, sometimes it delegates our sense of responsibility from the household and family to "care work" or working in fields such as nursing, medicine, caring for the young or the elderly, etc. This is because Saturn, a lot of the time, tells us about our careers.
Libra Moons usually despise environments that aren't harmonious or tidy. They need their home to be aesthetically pleasing and ordered.
Having the ruler of the 4th house in the 7th house makes you fantasize about building a home with your future partner.
Saturn in the 4th house with an aspect to Mercury indicates having very controlling parents and siblings. It also means being the scapegoat in the family.
Additionally, Saturn in the 4th house can indicate generational wealth and a hefty inheritance.
Neptune in the 4th house can indicate issues with water in the house. Leaks, floods, issues with pipes, rust in your water, etc. It can also mean losing the home or being susceptible to theft or break-ins. Positively, it might just mean that you have a water fountain or a body of water near the home.
Mars in the 4th house puts the person at risk of fires in the home especially when cooking if Taurus is involved. A common astrological remedy for this is to have a fireplace in the house to manifest this energy in a safe way.
Sun in the 4th house could indicate that your father's wealth comes from property management and real estate. Natives with this placement also vividly resemble one of their parents -usually the mother.
Moon-Mercury placements or mercury in the 4th house indicate having a lot of books and stationery at home.
From my experience, some people with Pluto in the 4th house / Pluto-Moon placements grew up in a cult or with one of their parents being part of a cult or a religious zealot. Pluto in the 4th can also mean experiencing a deep sense of grief from losing an old family member that was close to you in your upbringing.
Venus in the 4th house indicates having a beautiful home, a mother that is either a Taurus or Libra or owns her own business in the food, agricultural, or beauty industries, to name a few. Other industries include property management, interior design, interior architecture, florist, wedding planning, event management, a ceramics business, and selling home appliances, kitchenware, and tableware.
Uranus in the 3rd house feels like you were brought up as an "other" or stranger within your immediate environment. Uranus in the 4th is a stranger in their own home.
Thank you for reading!
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yrotic11 · 2 months
A redditor asked:
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Virgo Venus/6th house Venus too(as it’s also considered a place of detriment for Venus) , it’s an endearing placement to have in our real world in my opinion. When healthy, these people stand on their boundaries, they recognize more than most, the world is a dirty place when it comes to the love hemisphere but if they’re not careful can turn into them being picky and micromanaging , they do it out of love but they may not be able to see how suffocating it may feel to the receiving end of the party.
Because of their painful understanding of the world we live in they are not wooed by mere romantic sweet words of nothingness. These people want to see action be put in. Promises being valued, respected and held* up to. It’s an earth sign energy after all that also rules the day to day life.
They value CONSISTENCY. and they can get real groggy with you if they witness you not making an earnest effort because often this Venus takes on the role of giving and caring not just spiritually but physically. These type of virgoean Venus’ practice what they preach so the things they require in their relationship they so gladly will do for you no questions asked. Taking on the burdens of everyday life for you so your existence on earth for the days you are with them feels just a little sweeter. It’s on the axis of Pisces/12th house so there’s bound to be some self sacrificing element here.
The less mature ones might be stingy in their love sharing because of fear of being taken advantage of as this is often a reoccurring theme for this placement. Virgoean type of self sacrificing is far more unstabling tho, as it’s completely in the realms of the mundane.
Because of their style of sacrifice and then the harsh reality of the world around us, they’re forced to create boundaries for themselves which makes their standards high and often their rosters small because no one seems to quite live up to their wants and needs.
This can cause them to turn to superficiality because they’re human and still yearn for affection ,,and it hurts. they can see that others view them as too needy so to cope with this they may in-fact start doing the opposite instead of looking for internal character development in a partner , they focus entirely on physical appearance.
I see it more with men having their Venus in Virgo ,though. And they’re miserable yet, can seem to be honest enough with themselves to acknowledge what the real problem is😭some of the men might have strange obsessions with purity and might even perpetuate purity culture ideation unless Lilith is there or something which can either make it completely worse or pipe it down a good bit.
When/if they become completely tired of their back and forth with sacrifice they may just give up and just give the love they crave to themselves and allow it to overflow first from themselves, and let it overflow to you or whoever is receiving them.
OR they can be a miserable piece a pooh, making others miserable and traumatized in the process. However, eventually some may even completely reject the idea of dating or getting married to protect their peace this is often the more healed party, they don’t wanna participate/continue in perpetuations of manipulation that comes with the dating scene so they just remove themselves and watch from a distance. In the flesh they’re often a blessing gone sourly unrecognized. they want to work to accomplish your needs, they yearn for that in return; they don’t get it. Sad love story, very misunderstood set of people.
Also in relationships the people receiving the Virgo/6h Venus might not even be able to see their love language style/or even care to learn this Venus’s love style because the love they give does not include/ or care for the games and the dance of love interlock manipulation. Their love is a simple and a scornfully real type of love. So intertwined with the normalities of the mundane that..it goes unnoticed. That’s my own personal perspective what I’ve seen and witnessed.
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etherealdiva · 2 years
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Astro Observations: Solar Returns
Source: Predictive Astrology the eagle and the lark by Bernadette Brady
Aspect Edition: 2022
☀️Neptune- ascendant: changing your personality from how you’re seen from the outside perspective. This happens usually by an unfortunate event or when traveling to escape. Ending the image that you present to the world.
-how it manifested for me: my mom passed away this year and I feel I lost my identity and am just dissolving my upbeat positive personality that everyone saw me as happy go lucky. I feel my humor is darker and I just resonate more with despair and darkness even though in general I’m still a positive person. It’s like life is whooping my ass but I’m still smiling lol.
☀️Neptune- sun: confused about your role in life, wanting to escape and travel.
- how it manifested for me: I feel absolutely lost in life because of everything I’ve lost this year (my full time job as well) and I had identified myself as that role. I’m sometimes conflicted with my role in the astrology world as well. Anything in the esoteric because I feel I’m living a life in the 3D and then another life somewhere else (online actually). I don’t feel I fit in anywhere with people but I can mesh well with others. Also, I’m dying to travel and start a new life. I wanna travel internationally.
☀️Uranus- MC: expect a sudden change in your job/career and your social status. For better or worse.
- how it manifested for me: my company laid me and 109 employees off 🙃 I guess I’m not suppose to be there 😅
☀️Saturn- Uranus: frustrated because achieving your goals is a slow progress.
- how it manifested for me: I’m so impatient cause it feels like everything is so damn slow. I have goals I wanna reach but it feels like I have to work even harder. Normally with my fitness goals I’ve had great luck and maybe it’s because I’m not as strict as I was before. I still think for the most part I look good with my body but I was at my fittest in 2019. I was also frustrated cause I worked hard and I wanted a raise and then we all got laid off so now I gotta start over.
☀️Saturn- moon: feeling of loneliness and wanting to isolate. Feeling like no one supports you.
- how it manifested for me: I moved to another state all by myself. Despite it being a busy and social city, I felt alone and wanting to isolate myself. I felt like I met people but couldn’t make connections 🥲
☀️Saturn- ascendant: being seen as more responsible and mature. Being as an authority.
- How it manifested for me: despite my Leo rising mannerisms and how I get along very well the youngins, I feel my piscean old soul def came out more. Also much more responsible especially since I lived on my own.
☀️Uranus- moon: events occurring so fast that you don’t have time to process them or react. Being free of your emotions.
- How it manifested for me: so much happened this year that I don’t think I processed my moms death, losing my job, being dumped and also moving away. I know it happened but like I think I reacted for a bit and then moved on to distract. I’m in therapy which is nice but yeah. Also could be that my moon is in Taurus in the 12th house so I feel much more emotionally stable but also repressed cause I still don’t believe it or I do but I’m like idk…it happened?? Weird?? I’m dreaming right?
☀️Uranus- sun: wanting to be free and re-classify yourself
- how it manifested for me: literally moved away because I felt trapped at home. I was more open about my love for astrology in my new city than I am in my hometown.
☀️Neptune- North Node: finding your spiritual path and a group/your “tribe” that’s in the category of the healing arts and esoteric. Diving into the metaphysical which pushes forward the person into a new life direction
- how it manifested for me: met you all in the Astro tumblr community 🥹🥺❤️ also dug deeper into astrology! I’ve studied it since 2018 but I went 💯 on it this gear. I also have a 9th house stellium in Aquarius in my SR.
☀️Pluto-Venus: intense fated connection with an intimate relationship or an emotional ending of one.
Note: Pluto represents mother figures and family members and people connected with death & dying.
- how it manifested for me: I did meet a man and he has a Gemini rising and Taurus moon in the 12th in his natal. My SR is Gemini rising and Taurus moon in the 12th. He impacted me greatly and how I viewed men. He was great and I’m grateful for him 💛
2021: significant events
☀️Neptune- Venus: illusions in romantic relationships. Love life could be wonderful or will leave you to deal with the harsh truth after it’s ended. Could possibly be conned.
- how it manifested for me: met a guy who is an Aquarius rising (my ascendant sign was Aquarius that year also) and when we dated I felt happy when being with him. But he ghosted (then he came back again and ghosted again) and I had to face the harsh reality of that. I’m sadly still recovering but I’ve made a lot of healing progress! I just know better now.
☀️Uranus- ascendant: changes to a persons life such as name and physical body. A huge drive for change/freedom.
- how it manifested for me: I got cosmetic surgery 😅 but I love it 🥰
I love astrology 💛 enjoy!
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middlenamesage · 2 months
I’m pretty sure the trine between my Cancer Sun and Scorpio Moon just means my Moon drags my Sun down with it. 😂🤦‍♀️
A very pertinent reminder that “harmonious” aspects don’t necessarily mean the outcome is harmonious, it just means the two planets are working together… for better or worse.
Likewise, sometimes some friction can be good in planetary relationships. 😂
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suniastrology · 9 months
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North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra
So, what to expect?
This a very significant even in Astrology which occurs in every 18 months. On July 18, 2023 the Nodes of the Moon changed signs. The North Node (known also as Rahu) is currently in Aries whereas the South Node (known as Ketu) is in Libra (opposite sign). This energy is bringing a new dynamic and focus in our lives as a collective and individually.
On a collective level, tendences may be seen as more dramatic and drastic because North Node in Aries could be expressed as an anger, fights, conflicts, social unrest, rise of criminal activities. Military actions, policing or people in charge of safety, protection and security of countries; organisations, institutions or communities may get more active and involved in peoples lives, globally, for many reasons. Alliances and unions between many countries may end up for good; or existing ones need to renegotiate or adjust some terms, conditions and agreements to the current global situation.
On a positive note, this energy suggest that countries, institutions or organisations may develop new innovative strategies, especially, business/economic wise to function more independently and self-sufficiently. Actions towards making peace, fair agreements (political, economic or social) and fights for equalities (on many instances) are very likely to be a collective agenda too, for the next one and the half year. New trade unions or partnerships internationally may occur with much more innovative approach to business and diplomacy.
On a personal level, the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra could bring many positives in our lives, if the energy is used consciously and constructively. It is definitely an invitation to put ourselves first – ‘my desires and my goals’. It is a calling for self-expression, courage and actions towards our will and dreams; to go and get it, no matter what – a strong Aries expression and North Node – desire and obsession. The South Node in Libra, however, is asking us to let go of ‘people pleasing ’behaviour, attachments to partners, lovers or friendships which more or less are reasons for loosing our true identity by putting our personals desires somewhere at the back yard just because we ‘have to’ support others. Therefore, during this period some personal or business relationships may end up or they will exist only if each side interests and priorities are respected and even encouraged in aim both (or more) parties to grow in their evolutionary path. (North node is our future destiny and evolutionary path which we are heading to - as an individual and collective, and the South node is what we have to detach, leaving our comfort zone by taking our past knowledge and experiences which support our journey towards the North Node).
This astrological period could be very beneficial for new beginnings and ventures, especially, related to enterprise, sport, fitness; everything what requires competition and physical activities. Independent work, assertiveness, leadership, innovation and pioneering will be greatly support under this energy. If you are an activist, a lower who is fighting for injustice (of any type) this energy could bring you success and personal satisfaction. This is also a great time to set up new goals or to achieve a certain goal which was set up in the past. We may also be braver and more courageous to do things which we were afraid to do before and to take risks with the North Node in Aries. However, we may also be prone to impatience, conflicts and anger but physical/sport activities of any type could be a good way to calm this fiery , youthful energy of Aries. Be also aware of accidents and incidents, speed driving; headaches and head injuries, inflammations could be experienced too.
In general, this is a very ambitious, action taking astrological time where changes, initiatives and innovations are encouraged and supported. It’s time to express and act on your individual talent and power which could also inspire and impower others.
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes
suni astrology
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spiritualseer · 3 months
I recently had the opportunity to get a reading of my natal chart from Sybil Guide, @sibyl-guide and I would like to share with y’all what I believe, is a great opportunity to get an in-depth looking into your natal chart and transits:
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First we have the Natal Chart- The reading comes with your illustrated birth chart and a reading on your Personality, Strength, Weaknesses, Relationships, Work & Career, Challenges, Wounds and Healing.
It also gives an analysis of your placements their signs and houses. But most notably it comes with a list of aspects of your planets (here’s a very small sample of mine- the list is long) that is perfect for beginners in astrology for when you don’t exactly know what each aspect means and how to evaluate it.
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Then comes the service where you are provided advice on an area of your choice (I chose career) based on your natal chart. I believe this is beneficial too as it provides a concise yet easy to understand perspective where you don’t have to go through hundreds of resources to evaluate one single thing- stars are complex and one thing can have different meanings in different arrears of life.
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And then you can also get a reading on your transits, where an analysis of the planets current influence is provided on you based on your natal chart. Again, this comes with analysis of your astrological placements and their aspects to the current celestial map, along with significant astrological events that might affect you.
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So if you are looking to live by the stars and take full advantage of your transits or simply begin to understand your astrological chart and transits better, I believe Sybil Guide is a great place to start- as someone who’s spent hours scouring through books, believe me this is so much more concise and easy to understand. 10/10recommend 💯.
You can subscribe to their monthly service where you get regular updates and advice based on current transits at https://sibyl.guide
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lady-sphinx · 23 days
Juno in Astrology
Juno, named after the ancient Roman goddess of marriage and partnerships, represents the astrological archetype of commitment, partnership, and marriage. It offers valuable insights into an individual's approach to relationships, their desire for long-term commitments, and the patterns they may encounter in their quest for lasting love.
In astrology, Juno is often referred to as the symbol of true love and soul mates. Its position in the natal chart can reveal the qualities that one seeks in a life partner, and the kind of relationship dynamics that one is likely to experience.
Juno's association with partnership, commitment, and marriage is deeply rooted in its mythological origins. As the wife of Jupiter, the king of gods, Juno was known for her unwavering loyalty and commitment, despite her husband's numerous infidelities. This mythological narrative reflects Juno's astrological significance as the symbol of enduring commitments, even in the face of challenges and adversities.
Juno's role in understanding relationship dynamics and patterns is particularly significant. For instance, a strong Juno in a natal chart may indicate a person who is deeply committed to their relationships, and who values loyalty and fidelity. On the other hand, a challenged Juno may suggest difficulties in maintaining long-term commitments, or recurring patterns of infidelity or betrayal.
The importance of Juno in exploring the deeper aspects of love and long-term commitments cannot be overstated. It provides a lens through which we can understand our deepest desires and needs in relationships, and the patterns that may hinder or facilitate our quest for lasting love.
For example, when Juno is trine Venus, it suggests a harmonious alignment between one's desires for love and beauty (Venus) and one's need for commitment and partnership (Juno). This can be a powerful indicator of potential for lasting and fulfilling relationships.
To gain a more nuanced understanding of Juno's influence in your natal chart, it can be helpful to explore its aspects with other celestial bodies. For instance, Juno sextile Lilith can shed light on the interplay between one's desire for independence (Lilith) and commitment (Juno), while Juno opposite Pluto can reveal deeper insights into the power dynamics in one's relationships.
In astrology, Juno provides a deeper understanding of the dynamics of commitment, partnership, and marriage, illuminating the path to fulfilling and harmonious relationships.
Key Points to Remember about Juno in Astrology:
Represents commitment, partnership, and marriage
Reveals the kind of relationship dynamics one is likely to experience
Provides insights into one's deepest desires and needs in relationships
Its aspects with other celestial bodies can offer deeper insights into relationship dynamics
Remember, Juno is just one piece of the astrological puzzle. To gain a comprehensive understanding of your relationship patterns and tendencies, it's important to consider the entire natal chart.
Venus in Astrology
Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is often referred to as the planet of love and beauty in astrology. Its influence extends beyond romantic relationships, encompassing values, personal style, aesthetic preferences, and the pursuit of pleasure and harmony. Venus represents our approach to love and the qualities we seek in relationships.
In terms of astrological significance, Venus is known as the planet of love, beauty, attraction, and harmony. It rules over the signs of Taurus and Libra, both of which are associated with aesthetics, balance, and sensuality.
When analyzing the influence of Venus on relationships, it's essential to understand its role in shaping our values and preferences. These can manifest in various ways, such as:
Romantic relationships: Venus influences our romantic preferences and the qualities we seek in a partner. It also governs how we express love and affection.
Personal style and aesthetics: Venus influences our aesthetic preferences, from our personal style to our tastes in art and beauty.
Values and pleasure: Venus governs our values, particularly those related to love and beauty. It also influences our pursuit of pleasure and enjoyment.
Venus also plays a crucial role in understanding the different expressions of love and the pursuit of pleasure and beauty. For example, someone with Venus in Taurus might express love through physical affection and seek stability in relationships, while someone with Venus in Gemini might express love through communication and seek variety in relationships.
The influence of Venus can also be seen in various astrological aspects. For instance, the Venus sextile Imum Coeli aspect suggests a harmonious relationship between one's values and personal life, while the Venus square Moon aspect may indicate conflicts between one's emotional needs and values.
In astrology, Venus holds immense significance in understanding our relationships, values, and expressions of love. Its influence brings beauty, harmony, and the pursuit of love and pleasure to our lives. Understanding Venus in your natal chart can provide valuable insights into your approach to love, your aesthetic preferences, and your pursuit of pleasure. For a more detailed understanding of Venus' influence in your chart, consider exploring other Venus-related aspects such as Venus trine Midheaven.
Juno Trine Venus Natal
In an individual's natal chart, when Juno is trine Venus, it indicates a natural inclination towards harmonious and fulfilling partnerships. This aspect suggests that the person is likely to attract relationships that are characterized by love, understanding, and mutual support. It also indicates a strong desire for emotional connection and balance within relationships.
The implications of Juno trine Venus are profound and can greatly influence an individual's approach to relationships and commitment. This aspect can be seen as a guiding force, leading individuals towards partnerships that are not only fulfilling but also emotionally enriching.
Emotional Connection: The trine aspect between Juno and Venus enhances the individual's capacity for emotional connection. This means that they are likely to be highly attuned to their partner's emotional needs and are capable of fostering deep emotional bonds. To understand more about emotional connections in astrology, you can read about Venus Conjunct Sun which also emphasizes emotional bonding.
Attracting Loving Experiences: With Juno trine Venus, individuals tend to draw towards them relationships that are imbued with love and mutual respect. They are likely to find themselves in relationships that are characterized by a strong sense of companionship and mutual support. For more insights on how Venus influences love experiences, you may find our article on Venus Sextile Ascendant helpful.
Balance in Relationships: This aspect promotes a sense of balance in relationships. Individuals with this placement are likely to strive for equality and fairness in their partnerships, fostering a harmonious and balanced relationship dynamic. This is similar to the effects of Juno Sextile Ceres in a natal chart, which also emphasizes balance and equality in relationships.
Individuals with Juno trine Venus in their natal chart possess a natural ability to create and maintain harmonious relationships. They are likely to attract loving experiences, prioritize emotional connection, and cultivate a sense of balance and harmony in their partnerships.
In conclusion, Juno trine Venus is a powerful aspect that can greatly influence an individual's approach to relationships and commitment. It can guide individuals towards fulfilling and harmonious partnerships, fostering a deep emotional connection, attracting loving experiences, and promoting balance in their relationships.
Wrapping it up
In conclusion, Juno trine Venus represents a harmonious and supportive connection between commitment and love. This aspect holds great potential for creating fulfilling and balanced partnerships, promoting emotional connections, and fostering shared values. Embracing the influence of Juno trine Venus can lead to the cultivation of love, commitment, and harmony in relationships.
Throughout the article, we've discussed several key points about this astrological aspect. Here's a quick summary to help solidify your understanding:
Harmonious Connection: Juno trine Venus forms a harmonious connection, which can be seen as a beneficial aspect in astrology. This aspect is all about balance and harmony, especially when it comes to relationships and love.
Fulfilling Partnerships: This aspect promotes fulfilling partnerships. It encourages cooperation, understanding, and mutual respect in relationships. This can be compared to the potential conflict that can arise when Juno squares Pluto.
Emotional Connections: Juno trine Venus enhances emotional connections. It allows for deeper emotional understanding and empathy between partners.
Shared Values: This aspect fosters shared values. It promotes unity and mutual respect, which are essential for a healthy and balanced relationship.
Positive Influence: Lastly, embracing the positive influence of this aspect can lead to the cultivation of love, commitment, and harmony in relationships. It's a powerful aspect that can enhance your relationship and bring about positive changes.
When compared to other aspects, such as Lilith square Juno, which can bring about tension and conflict, Juno trine Venus offers a more harmonious and balanced energy.
To further explore the influence of Venus in astrology, you might find it interesting to read about other aspects involving Venus, such as Uranus conjunct Venus or Neptune opposite Venus.
May the energy of Juno trine Venus inspire you to embrace love, deepen emotional connections, and create harmonious and fulfilling partnerships in your life. Remember, astrology is a tool to better understand ourselves and our relationships. Use this knowledge to enhance your connections and create a life filled with love and harmony.
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vivmaek · 3 months
Hi i love ur astrology blog wondered if you could do one for sun conjuct mercury i would aplreciate it sm🤗❤️
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Individuals with this aspect are blessed with excellent communication skills. Their voices are bright and clear, and they don’t have an issue with projection or speaking in front of an audience. They express themselves with ease and confidence, people can’t help but listen to them. However their own listening skills could use some development. But, this can be hard for them to do when they always have a good story or an interesting tidbit of information to share. They have a flair for the dramatics and are talented at entertaining people through their words. Their mind is lively and they have an incredibly active imagination. Their natural curiosity is charming, and their sociable attitude makes them quite popular. 
Hii thank u, thank u, i appreciate u 😻
✰ my masterlist
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rainydetectiveglitter · 8 months
Navigating Rejection and Self-Acceptance
Ever wondered why some interactions leave you scratching your head or why rejection hits you a certain way? Buckle up for a cosmic adventure as we dive into the realm of astrological aspects and how they might sway our feelings of self-worth and those pesky rejection vibes. Let's explore, shall we? 🌟
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Moon + Venus Aspects: This aspect might lead to situations where you struggle to align your emotional needs with your relationships. You might feel rejected when your desire for closeness and emotional connection isn't met, especially if you perceive others as not valuing your emotional depth. Jupiter + Uranus Aspects: Challenges may arise when your quest for individuality and freedom conflicts with your desire for growth and expansion. You could feel rejected when your innovative ideas clash with conventional norms, leading others to dismiss your viewpoints. Jupiter + Neptune Aspects: This aspect could trigger instances where your idealistic visions and beliefs face skepticism or disbelief from others. You might feel rejected when your optimism and faith in possibilities aren't embraced by those around you. Mercury + Mars Aspects: While this aspect enhances communication skills, you might encounter situations where your assertive communication style inadvertently intimidates others. You might feel rejected when your directness comes across as aggressive or domineering. Sun + Saturn Aspects: Despite your disciplined approach and practicality, you might perceive rejection when others fail to acknowledge your achievements or hard work. The fear of not being appreciated for your efforts could contribute to feelings of rejection. Mercury + MC Aspects: Your intellectual prowess might lead to feelings of rejection if your ideas and opinions are overlooked or dismissed. You could feel rejected when your insights aren't given the recognition you believe they deserve. Mars + Pluto Aspects: Your determination and power to transform could sometimes be intimidating to others. This might lead to situations where your intense drive is misunderstood, potentially causing you to feel rejected when your efforts are met with resistance. Venus + Pluto Aspects: Despite your magnetic charm, there could be instances where others feel your intensity is overwhelming. You might perceive rejection when your desire for deep connections clashes with others' need for lighter, more casual interactions. Sun + Jupiter Aspects: While this aspect boosts your optimism and confidence, it might lead to situations where you feel rejected if your enthusiastic nature is met with skepticism or doubt. Others might misunderstand your positivity. Sun + Mars Aspects: The friction between your desire for self-expression and your assertiveness might lead to conflicts where you perceive rejection. You could feel rejected when your actions are misinterpreted, creating tension. Sun + Uranus Aspects: Balancing your need for individuality with your self-expression could be challenging. You might feel rejected when your unconventional ideas clash with more traditional viewpoints, causing discomfort.
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Exploring the aspects offers insight into how rejection and self-acceptance intertwine in our astrological journey. Embracing challenges as growth opportunities is crucial. As we navigate the complexities of aspects, we're reminded that self-acceptance and learning are lifelong companions on this astrological adventure.
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archersarrow-tarot · 5 months
Where To Find Certain Aspects Within Your Birth Chart:
Your past life purpose: SOUTH NODE
Major life changes & turning points: PLUTO, PHOLUS, PLUTO, VERTEX,
Erotic love: EROS
How you commit in long-term relationships: JUNO
Your ideal traits in a partner: DESCENDANT
How you give and receive affection: VENUS
Your devotion: VESTA
Your intuition: PSYCHE, THE MOON
Your sensitivity and emotions: THE MOON
How compassionate you are: CERES, CHARIKLO, CHIRON
Your unconditional love: CERES
How much of a weirdo you are: URANUS
Your hidden desires: BLACK MOON LILITH
Your escapism: NEPTUNE
Your defiance: URANUS, SEDNA, ERIS
Your self-destructive behaviors/how self-destructive you are: BLACK MOON LILTIH
How you express your sexuality: SAPPHO
How rebellious and/or obedient you are: URANUS, BLACK MOON LILITH, SEDNA, ERIS
Cycles of abuse: NESSUS
The first impression you give: ASCENDANT
How you perceive yourself: THE SUN
Your core self: THE SUN
Your career/professional path: MIDHEAVEN, PART OF FORTUNE
Your reputation & social status: MEDIUM COELI
Your discipline & sense of responsibility: SATURN
How you communicate: MERCURY
How competitive you are: MARS
Your optimism: JUPITER
Your negotiation skills: PALLAS
Your passion: MARS, SAPPHO
Your pride: THE SUN, APOLLO
Your innovation: URANUS
How philosophical you are: JUPITER
Your gratitude: JUPITER
How much of an activist you are: MAKEMAKE
Your mother relationship: CERES, THE MOON
Your father relationship: PALLAS
Your hygeine, cleanlinesss, and health: HYGEIA
Your self-care: CERES, HYGEIA
Your feelings toward the natural process of life: HAUMEA
Connection to nature: HAUMEA
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mangoinspector · 4 months
what can we observe when looking at a mercury placement?
when you look into your mercury placement, you are looking at your thoughts and how you communicate outwardly.
the zodiac sign that mercury is in influences how the placement expresses itself.
the house that mercury falls under can show you the part of life that is influenced by this placement.
then if you look at the aspects, the angular relations between the planets, you will see how the placement is used and what experiences can be had in having that placement.
then if you look at the degree of the placement you can find the energy of the zodiac sign that correlates to the number and see what other energy is there to influence this placement.
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yrotic11 · 2 months
Having generational planets in the 4th house could mean your house is haunted/you might’ve lived in a haunted house at least once in your life☠️OR you’re attracted to haunted homes
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Generational planets are: Pluto, Uranus, Neptune.
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Pluto- the literal under world. Silent hill vibes. The spirits that come to your home may be doing so after having days months years or even decades of treading the earth likely not even realizing they’re actually dead. They go to your home to meet hades to pass into the underworld after much time of unrest. You won’t literally see it (or maybe you could idk) but that’s what’s going on in the unseen side. Spirits come to REST at your house..probably not peacefully but more necessarily. It can take on Uranus like characteristics where…in the most extreme cases the spirits in your house might mark on your walls /note on paper with threatening messages because their spirit is not at peace and they feel the need to torment you. This is very general of course and for a specific set of people BUT generally speaking spirits will and DO pass through your house. The traumatized kind, the dark figure looking kinds. The perhaps maybe even evil kinds. … a very traumatic event likely happened on the property you grew up in before you came and lived in it and the energy just stayed there. Or you’re prone to harboring your home spaces in places like that without you even knowing. You might live near a cemetery with this Pluto house placement too . Pluto is the higher octave of mars so those violent threatening spirits are possible but are not limited too. Traumatized spirits might find solace in your presence.
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Neptune- very hazy dreamy and spirits galore. Your home might literally calm spirits. In the flesh and out. So in real life humans can also even feel like they can wind right down to the core of their soul when they enter your house. It has a pixie spiritual vibe to it. I won’t say more “lighter” entities come to your house ;Neptune is more classical spirit related energy so anything is possible but normal regular spirits are more common than the more darker crazy kinds like Pluto—- but those Plutonian coated spirits will only come about if YOU actually make the effort to bring them in like say a ritual or something. But you’re more likely to have normal spirits/spirts of any kinds. And spirits like angels etc honestly anything. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus very endearing spirits may find themselves in your home.
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Uranus- the literal extraterrestrial. Home is likely very unique the spirits you attract in your house are also unique probably more chaotic/ won’t be afraid to throw a plate across the house/ play on a piano and open your water faucet or open your doors in more extreme cases. There’s an almost unRested air to your house ,spirits in limbo might find themselves in your house while they try and figure out where the hell theyre at and why. Crazy things. I just heard psyche ward 😭😭maybe? The type of spirits that come to your house were psyche ward patients. Or Your 1st couple of years of life(inside your home) was very chaotic and unstable. Maybe had a lot of people passing in and out weather to crash out or like your parents offered them a place to live because they had no where else to go. You may even be that type of friend lmao. Might attract unstable people in your home/what you call a home is unstable. The fae is also possible here I feel like this Uranus house placements are more likely to experience spirits possessing their items and moving said item. Regardless the spirits are probably kind of crazy & maybe even very smart . Uranus is the higher octave of mercury so Einstein type spirits could find themselves in your home are as I said, the fae and want to experiment how being a spirit is like, like for example that water foucet example I gave earlier lol. You may also have spirits around you who want to teach you about how it is on the other side and help you understand the metaphysics.
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