#au: Heda's Delights
lexa-griffins · 7 months
In Heda's Delights, does Lexa make special pumpkin flavored baked goods and treats during Halloween? What are Aden and Clarke's favorite ones to steal off the counter?
Of course! Lexa loves doing seasonal baking and with local ingredients so when its pumpkin season, she goes all out 🥰
Lexa does a bunch! Layered cakes, cupcakes, cake pops, pumpkin loaf, cheesecake and, of course, pumpkin pie. Now there are two types of cakes in Heda's Delights bakery: the more elaborate cutesy ones, so nicely decorated with pumpkins and ghosts that Lincoln so happily decorates and the more simple, homemade looking, with a rustic feeling that Lexa decorates.
Clarke's favorite cakes have always been the ones Lexa has been making since they were teenagers, it just touches this nostalgic point in her, just a seventeen year old kid, sitting in Lexa's parents' kitchen watching her bake, absolutely in love with her.
And the one Lexa always made around this time that is now a best seller is her layered pumpkin and chocolate marble cake with a nice chocolate ganache. Clarke is downright obsessed with it, missed it so dearly when she was in Paris (she missed all of Lexa's baking. She was surrounded by the best pastries and yet all she wanted was Lexa's). Lexa tends to save a slice for her since they go so fast so when Clarke and Aden walk in in the afternoon after Clarke picks him up from school, she has it saved for her, along side a pumpkin spice latte.
Aden doesn't like pumpkin 😅 he says it tastes gross, but much like Clarke, his ultimate favorite cake ever is red velvet and Lincoln makes these adorable cake pop caldrons with Lexa's red velvet cake that Aden loves alongside a warm mug of hot chocolate, with pumpkin shaped marshmallows.
If its not too busy, Lexa will sit down with them with a slice of the pumpkin and chocolate cake too, the one she didn't eat for years because it reminded her of Clarke too much and a warm coffee, enjoying her little family's company on a chilly fall's day 🥰
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theplaguebeast · 4 years
What was the last Clexa fanfic you've read? What AU is your favourite? Do you prefer Canon setting? - Secret Santa
The last Clexa fic I read was... My Heart For A Minute which is fantastic but the absolute definition of slow burn. A really really excellent portrayal of Enemies to Lovers. One of the healthiest versions, actually.
My favorite AU TYPE is Grounder!Clarke, equally torn between Azgeda!Clarke and Heda!Clarke (For the latter, come read Sacrifice with me, she’s super fucking creepy in it, it’s great! For the former, The Fall Of The Commander. Both are ongoing!)
I flip flop hard between Canon and Modern AU settings. Mostly because Canon tends to be more angsty and I can only take so much. I love the fluffy modern stories with all my heart. How else are you going to get something so delightful as Let’s Ruin Thanksgiving or as deeply emotional as Ugh, It’s That Time Of Year? Both, also ongoing.
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wlwhc · 7 years
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Anon asked: Hi ! Could I request a smutty reader x octavia imagine ? It's just so hard to find
Warning: Bad Smut (?)
(A/N): *cringes* I hate this so much...I can’t write smut...I’m sorry
Words: 1534 (I thought I wrote more but I didn’t)
The Grimripa Series: Part I [Hotter than hell]
Gada: Girl // Teik ai: take me // Beja: please // ai ste beja yu: I beg you // yu: you // Gyon au mou snap: go faster // wamplei: death
“what would you want to know about me gada?” you asked Octavia. The girl took a seat on your bed, her eyes wandering through your tent that was decorated with different armors and weapons along with bright colors
“where do you came from? You don't use the same color as them,  even your tent is different” she said, her curiosity making her forget the fact that she could just pin you to the bed, even though that probably would end up really bad for her...or maybe not.
It was true though,  you weren't like the other grounders,  your tattoos were different,  your accent,  clothes and way of fight were different,  no one dares to question you or even asked you anything,  so no one knew about your origins, only Lexa. Octavia was the only one besides the Heda that seem to have the slightest curiosity about you and that had the guts to ask you,  so you told her all about the Trikova Nation. Your home.
“I came from a different land strik won, far away from here, crossing the big ocean, there's a different land, big, cold...deserted” you stared explain, Octavia was listening closely to your story while you wash away your war paint,  the bloody color disappearing in the water, the little drops of blood went unnoticed when they got mixed with the crimson paint.
“my people used to live there,  We called ourselves Trikovas...shadows” You started explaining. “ we've live in the shadows of the woods for so long,  living among our equals,  living in peace” Octavia saw the sad look on your face,  you miss those days so much. When you didn’t have to kill to survive, when everyone was in peace, when everyone was alive.
“...and what happened?” she asked, she got up from her seat and casually took the piece of cloth from your hand and started helping you clean your face, being careful with your wounds. Her hands were shaking, the proximity was starting to make her feel dizzy, you smelled like lavender for some reason, and it made those damn butterflies grew with hunger.
“...Wamhile (death) Wamhile in 4 paws and lots of teeth,  Aishkra we used to call them,  they took our people to later eat them,  they started by eating our animals,  then our elders.. Brothers...children, no one was safe,  so we ran and then, we sail and after months of living with Arkay on our bad side-”
“the god of death and the cycle of life, Arkay is fertility and light, joy and sorrow” you explain to her
“I didn't know the grounders have gods”
“They do not,  I do...my people did” You said with a sad smile.
“and then what happened? You came here?” Octavia had finished cleaning the war paint away, you send her a little smile and she walks to what it looked like a book shelf
“then I arrive here, Trikru  found me and a few of my people,  the rest is history, only a few of our clan reminds alive,  and they are scattered through this land” you said. You were trying to take off your armor but got a little distracted by watching the beautiful spark that Octavia has while she wanders through your book, her fingers roaming through every page with delight. She paused for a second to look at you, only finding you struggling with your armor.
“do you need help with that?” You smiled at her and she walks to you, forgetting all about the book. It was written in another language anyway, but the draws were beautiful. the sight of you without an armor on was definitely better.
Octavia’s shaky fingers help you get out of the heavy armor, leaving you in what they call “bra”. The air didn’t seem to get through Octavia’s lungs when the armor flew away from your body. Your tanned skin mixed with the tattoos made her mouth watering, the scars scarred all over your skin were just another proof of how strong you are, and that’s also something that made Octavias legs weak. The view was mesmerizing, but she was forgetting that you were there, alive and watching her drool over you.
“see something you like?” You asked her. You had to admit that the Skaikru gada was gorgeous, you wouldn’t mind if she makes a move, damn you were craving it, same as Octavia. She was craving you since you came to the camp, and having you now like this made her skin burned with desire, her eyes wander all over your body but got stuck in your lips, those pink lips, she needs them.
“ I always have to do all the hard work” You said to her, taking one step forward, your lips almost touching hers, your hand flew to her waist, and the other one to her neck and with a gentle push Octavia started savoring your lust. Her hands got tangled in your hair, tongues fighting for dominance, the heat was starting to turn Octavia's legs into jelly, she could swear that her mouth was melting with your kisses, her skin was screaming for your touch. She struggles a little to get rid of her armor, but after a few kisses she succeeded, leaving for your delight her stunning body. You smirk at this, and even though Octavia could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, she grabbed your face in her hands and started kissing you once again. Every kiss taking you further and further into her, you lead her to the bed, laying her on the soft mattress, your lips were now traveling on her neck, her soft moans sweetening your kisses. Her cold fingers trying desperately to take off some clothes, you help her get rid of the rest of your clothes and her clothes, leaving you two completely naked, only wearing a thin layer of sweat. Normally, Octavia would prefer to take the lead, but this time she gave herself to you, already being blessed by your soft touches and passionate kisses. Your hands were traveling all over her body, and your lips were getting lower and lower until you stopped on her chest, while your lips were tasting her hot skin, she was tasting your name in her mouth, each moan getting louder and her hips out of control. Those emerald eyes were now a forest green, she needs you so bad, you seem to want to take things slow which were making her even more desperate for you. The butterflies in Octavia’s stomach were by now screaming for you.
“Teik ai...beja..ai ste beja” she whines, her hips lifting to gain some friction with your leg. You smirk at this and look at those hungry eyes.
“as yu beja” and with that your fingers begun to give her the pleasure she was craving for, every thrust taking her further into heaven, your lips attack hers again, her cold fingers scratching your skin. She was moaning between kisses, her hips moving at the same pace as your fingers, you started kissing her neck and going down by each kiss, and after leaving a few kisses you dive into her legs, losing your tongue into her making every fiber of her body cry in pleasure. Her hands flew to your head, tangling her finger in your hair, pushing further into her, her moans were starting to sound more like screams, her legs got you trapped and her fingers were now tugging your hair, you could feel that she was close.
“faster...Gyon au mou snap Y/N” she moaned , you did as she ask, sliding your fingers faster into her and your tongue eating her most sensitive part making her body tremble along with her moans, her hands grasping the bed sheets, the butterflies were eating her alive, it didn’t take long for her to come. Her body shaking with the amount of pleasure that you gave her, the grip in your hair got tighter same as her legs, her moans turned into screams, your name flowing so natural in her mouth leaving a sweet taste in her mouth. After you clean the mess that you caused, making sure to savor every little drop of her lust, you kissed her, this time softer, enjoying the combination of her lips and her juices.
“we have to do this more often” She said earning a laugh from you. “you should teach me more often Y/N” You smiled at her and kissed her one more time.
“Maybe I will”  you said to her, not knowing that maybe tomorrow one of you will end up fighting against Arkay...against fear...against wamplei.
So I will turn this into a series, I don’t know how many parts will have, I’ll flow with it, if you have any ideas for this series, don’t hesitate to send me an ask.
Also, I’ll be using Skyrim Gods as a reference, Arkay is the god of death/life, there are 9 gods each one with a purpose, if you want to know more about this here’s the link [x]
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heycollage · 7 years
❤️ Give this heart to everyone who made your 2016 better in one way or another. Send this to anyone who made you smile this year. I love you. Happy New Year ❤
This is really sweet, whoever sent this- thank you and chances are you made me smile this year too. I was going to go on anon and send this (I will still, I promise. There are some cool people I don’t dare talk to directly yet), but I’ve wanted to make a “My 2016 didn’t completely suck because of these tumblr things” list, so I’m going to use this as a vehicle for that. So without further ado, I present…
My 2016 didn’t completely suck because of these tumblr things
@likebrightness That’s the way you like suckered me into Doctor Mech with its excellent smut and surprise attack of character development and the realistic struggles the couple would face trying to navigate their unexpectedly explosive chemistry and the consequences of their feelings/actions. Collaborating with you on fanart for it was such a pleasure and I still can’t believe it worked out in the form of that wonderful future-TTWYL oneshot.
And you. You fantastic cursing Sanvers hoe. You’re great. And you’re going to be a writer, I can’t wait to read what you have in store. Next time you’re in town with your wife, we’ll meet up somehow. I’ll bribe you with dim sum
@femininechaos Don’t wanna be your girl is so good. So. Good. Smut that feels real without being awkward, feels that feel feelsy(??), sweet, flirty, thirsty Clexa? Yes please. Another smutty beginning with a surprise pie-in-the-face of feels and the implications of a romance that gets complicated when lust becomes more than that.
And you. Shut up, Ms. Nachos, your writing is excellent believe me I swear. You’re a delight to talk to and I value your writing insights. Nanowrimo didn’t go as planned, but I still loved starting that with you. Also, Sinheda, your blog is ridiculous.Favorite things:-ALL THE HEADCANONS. It’s like bts DWBYG or dvd bonus features everyday-Faux porn movie poster manips (thanks @gramjams)-Don’t Wanna Be Your White Queen Running-The Hunner-Noodlegate-The Goat.-Future DWBYG (including oblivious hot teacher Professor Woods)-HotBust oh my god-Fine suit Lexa manips-Model!au-Dinnae Wannae Be Your Runway Model-Lexa de Forrest + Frank the Dog. The real otp-Twix updates-Nachokru
What a beautiful mess. Bless you, you nerd. I’m really glad we talk.
@immochiball Clexacoons will be the death of me, most likely. So cute. So fluffy. So occasionally surprisingly angst.
And you. I can’t believe you still wanted to talk to me after I live blogged watching Carmilla at you. You’re the sweetest and so adorable and we’ve clicked so well, I can’t wait to meet you for real (hopefully soon).Favorite things:-Clexacoon Inktober-Punny anon(s)-Shy anon ;)-You freaking out over fluffI’m happy to call you my friend, you dork. Let’s kick this year’s ass
Friends irl before tumblr:@toojoosy, @superhero-dragons-against-trump, @ugly-cat-sweater
I love you guys so much. I want to see your faces more
Also:@blindwire Your art is consistently fantastic, your writing is so evocative and has so much depth, thank you. Plus it’s been an absolute pleasure getting to talk to you. (Pst. Everyone go read her fics Mystic Coffee and In the Shallows immediately right now if you haven’t already)
@nghtblood Ahhh your art is cool and so are you! Hope to keep chatting with you!
@sango-bluewolf Potato is the best potato. (Potato makes all the awesome arts and potato’s humor makes me smile a lot)
@swan-heda Just started talking, but you seem so cool and thanks so much for setting up Clexa Secret Santa! Which leads me to…
@myloveforclexaisunreal My Clexa Secret Santa (the one I was hidden from)! It was so much fun getting to know you a little and you seem like a really cool person, I hope we continue talking
@i-am-bi-myself Also my Clexa Secret Santa (the one hiding from me). You made December more fun and oh man, thank you again for the gifset, I loved it so much
@bisexual-in-breeches You are such a sweetheart. We don’t interact a ton, but I’m so happy you’re in a good place right now and I’m always here if you ever want to talk, you’re one of the first people I talked to on tumblr :)
@toodrunktofindaurl Maryne, thank you. You may not see this, but just so you know, you helped inspire me to start my art/writing blog and the people and creativity surrounding that were the highlight of 2016. I’m sorry this year was hard, but I’m one of many who derive a lot of joy from your blog and your art and we’re all very happy you’re around drawing gay stuff and flailing. I’m very excited about Everett Was Right and I’ll be donating to your Patreon as soon as I can. Thank you, and I wish you all the best
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Emori for the character ask, please? ^^
First impression:
I loved Emori right from the get go. Even from just her appearance in Rubicon I thought she was a really interesting character with a very different story than characters we'd already met. Also I'm pretty sure I was both shocked and delighted by the reveal of her con. I didn't honestly think I'd see more of her but I loved her.
Impression now:
I still love her so much. I love that she got to come back and grow and change and we could learn more about her. I'm delighted she got to be as important to the main storyline as she got to be. I love her.
Favorite moment:
I'm going to say full episodes rather than particular moments and I have a tie: Rubicon and Gimme Shelter.
I love both of these episodes for similar reasons. 1) because Emori gets to shine and we get to learn more about her backstory and who she is as a person and what she's been through. And 2) because I love when Emori gets to be a brilliant, cunning con artist and I LOVE that the con is always as much of a surprise to the audience as it is the other characters. Gosh, I love that she and the writing trick us. It's great.
Idea for a story:
Aside from what I've already written lmao? Okay here's a few that I'll probably never write.
1. I had an idea a while ago for a AU set in our times where Emori is a hitchhiker who gets picked up by Murphy because he's kind of spiraling and everything in his life is going wrong and he's like sure, why NOT pick up this random hitchhiker (that looks lonely and worn down and I can kind of empathize with). And then she tells him she wants to make it all the way to the west coast and see the ocean. And he's like sure why not, I got nothing going on in my life. And over the course of their weird road trip, it comes to light that Emori's brother died and he always wanted to see the ocean and he never got to and Emori is fresh out of prison and she finally has the chance to go and she wants to go because Otan wanted it and she's mourning him and unsure how to process her grief any other way.
It was just a lot of emotions and road tripping and by the time they get there Emori realizes that she doesn't feel any better because getting to the ocean didn't bring Otan back at all. And anyways grief and bonding woo.
2. I have half a fic finished that I'll never finish where Murphy used the chip frying thing on Emori in the season 3 finale instead of Abby and it backfired and basically wiped all her memories, so she wakes up in a cave with a stranger (Murphy) and freaks out and flees and it's just tragedy the whole way through.
3. Nightblood!Emori! Emori was born a nightblood but still rejected because of her hand and she hides it because she's pretty sure people would consider her blasphemous and want to kill her even more if they knew. Murphy knows from traveling together that she has black blood but doesn't know what it means until the season 3 finale when someone needs to take the chip and go into the city of light and someone casually mentions anyone who's not a nightblood will die.
Anyways, Murphy volunteers Emori (mostly because then he has an excuse to use the one chip frying shot they have to save her), Emori becomes an unwilling hero, goes into the CoL, sees Otan, gets revenge on ALIE for what she did to her, and then comes out of it having to deal with the ramifications of their being no heda and the other grounders knowing now that she's a nightblood.
Unwilling and kind of angry Heda!Emori! (Also Murphy 100% taking advantage of it and trying to convince Emori to while also 100% recognizing that the idea of not only reentering grounder society but having to do it as their leader is traumatizing to her.)
Unpopular opinion:
People make Emori too soft. Don't get me wrong, she can be kind and she grows to be kinder as the show goes on (especially once she gets to experience having a family that loves and supports her.) But I feel like so many fans kind of buff away the harsher, meaner parts of her and act like she's always just sweet and good and nice.
Emori can be harsh. Emori can be conniving and selfish and violent. She's lived a really hard life and it's only AFTER getting to live with Spacekru in peace and acceptance and love for 6 years that she's able to open herself up to be more kind and loving and gentle. The only reason she could be a kind leader in s7 was because of her years in space with Spacekru.
And I think that journey for her and that complexity and the meaner sides of her born from a life of trauma is what makes her so interesting, and I don't like when the fandom polishes out her harsh edges.
Favorite relationship:
Emori / Murphy (of course)
and Emori and Raven's friendship
Favorite headcanon:
Emori likes to make things. It's the one hobby she's really had the freedom to have throughout her life because it also helps her be very resourceful. She's great at repairing broken things or finding new uses for them if they can't be fixed.
She knows how to fashion weapons and traps, how to repair boats and engines, how to strip machines for their most useful parts, and how to sew. But she also makes jewelry for fun out of pieces of things they've collected.
I like to imagine that post-canon, she gets more time to make things just for the sake of making things - for fun and to experiment and see what she can create, not because survival depends on it. Maybe she discovers paint in Sanctum and falls in love with making art. (I fully believe it would be 100% abstract art, and she has a blast flinging paint at canvas and just going crazy and ignoring any kind of ideas about what art should be because she doesn't even know them.)
Thanks for asking!!
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lexa-griffins · 6 months
Does Clexa enjoy whipped cream in heda’s delights? Asking for a horny friend 👀
👀👀👀 after the events of the fic are over and they are officially back together, a can of whipped cream most definitely makes its way to the bedroom.
Cute little blobs on the nose and cheeks and lips move to neck and chest and just above the gold 🤭
Lexa covers Clarke's nipples in it and makes a drunk joke about liking to add a nice layer of frosting on her cupcakes before giggling a little because because "well these cupcakes are mich bigger than the ones I make" and licking it off.
Clarke has Lexa lying on her front, getting a good line of whipped cream on Lexa's ass and licking it off, finishing it with a bit and joking how "of all of the cakes you make, thia one is still my favorite".
They'd be really cute with it, a date night while Aden is with granny Abby that ends up in them giggling and licking whipped cream of each other before fucking and forgetting all about it until the morning where Lexa wakes up complaining about being all sticky 😅
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lexa-griffins · 6 months
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Here's the Pinterest board for Heda's Delights btw!
You can see my idea for how Lexa's baked goods look like!
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
I am so invested in the Heda’s Delights au. The entire premise of it is giving me so many feels. And oh god I can’t even imagine what it’s like when Clarke finds out Aden is hers!!!!!! (Dw I’m just screaming a lil)
!!!! It's supposed to be like a hallmark christmas movie situation, with just about everything, past lovers, surprise baby, dying parents, small town, everything changed, family feels, baking together and getting flour all over, it has it all!!!!
Coming up with Clarke finding out was just about one of my favorite things. Because Lexa was preparing herself of Clarke to scream at her and accuse her, and in the end... all she does is cry. And ask about him growing up. And the way Lexa as look at Clarke in the eye and tell her about all the things she missed about their son, knowing she's to blame for Clarke not being present 💔 its just argh, i love the way that scene plays out in my head!!!! And there's another scene after that where it comes up again and Clarke is just so... sad. She isn't mad, but she is so sad and tired, her dad is dying and she has to figure out what to do without him while also figuring out what she's going to do now that she knows about Aden because, she cant go back to Paris now.... the way she kisses Lexa's forehead.... 😭😭
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lexa-griffins · 7 months
When did Lexa and Clarke sleep together again after Clarke returned in Heda's Delights?
Without looking st my timeline, Clarke comes back I think mid-november and Clexa sleep together 2 weeks before Christmas, so about 4/5 weeks after Clarke returns? Its during that week between Christmas and new year that things really fall into place :) sucks Jake will only see half of it :)
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lexa-griffins · 7 months
There's a scene in Heda's Delights where Lexa teaches Clarke to make a few of her cupcakes and such and it's a very cutesy scene but I think I might add in a scene of Clarke overfilling an eclair with cream and in ahah moment getting her tongue in there to clean it up just to make Lexa feel something 😏
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lexa-griffins · 7 months
All those pastries and baked goods sound delicious in Heda's Delights. I love their domesticity when they ate their own treats and listened to Aden around the table
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These are the types of cakes you'll see in Heda's Delights bakery. Lexa never liked cakes that are too show off, and Lincoln does tend to keep things toned down but still cute when he decorates. And when Clarke sees her bakes goods for the first time, she is so happy to see Lexa maintained that homemade feel she always loved about her cakes.
Its one of Lexa's new favorite things, sitting down with her girlfriend and their little boy while they eat. It was what they always talked about, something Clarke used to giggle about, them in the future with a baby as they eat Lexa's wonderful baking, cozy afternoons just talking. And Lexa nearly lost it all. And now here they are, listening to Aden talk about the pumpkin they drew in class and talking about the book he bought home and that Clarke promised to help him read it tonight.
And then Octavia walks in with her and Lincoln's nearly 1 year old, igniting a baby fever in Lexa and wondering if Clarke would say yes to them trying for a second baby or if Lexa needs to get down on one knee and propose again before they talk about baby number 2 ☺️
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Does Clarke know Aden is hers when she first meets him? Why did Clarke leave?
She does not! It would be very easy for her to realize he is, but she is so shocked to see Lexa five years after they broke off their very short engagement with a baby that in her mind Lexa simply moved on and found someone else. And in general you'll see that Clarke doesn't want to believe Aden is hers because that means she was deliberately made unaware of his existence by both Lexa and her parents and she came back because her dad is sick and dying and she doesn't want to fight with him and her mom knowing they might have so little time together the three of them.
But oh, what i have planned for when Clarke finds out - or better, gets confirmation.... oof. Its just /sad/ and heartbreaking..... 😈
Clarke left because she got accepted into an art program in Paris. Lexa had just proposed to her not long before christmas (they are 19. High school sweethearts), so she told Lexa and told her she would not accept it because she wanted to be with Lexa. Lexa doesn't want to stand between Clarke and her dream, so she breaks up the engagement by New years, and Clarke leaves about four days after that for Paris. Lexa only finds out she's pregnant after about two months after Clarke is gone. She tries to call her twice. First time Clarke doesn't pick up. Second time Clarke's drunk and crying and screaming about how Lexa broke her heart so Lexa thinks maybe its best if Clarke doesnt know she has a baby so she can live the life she wanted and Lexa can live the life she wants. This is the first time in 5 years that Clarke is coming back to her hometown (this was supposed to be a clexmas story for the "Last christmas i gave you my heart" prompt but it ended up not working out nor be ready in time 😅)
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
So does Aden get a baby siblings in the future? (Aden & Madi is kinda a combo)
I've answered this before but oh doesn't he 😅
The next baby is absolutely planned, like so damn planned. Lexa is tracking her cycles to a T, Abby even has a list of days where Aden is staying with her (she'd kinda prefer not knowing what her daughter and her dil ware doing, but alas). Its a little girl.
The baby after is again a surprise baby.... and they find out only about 6 months after their daughter is born 😅 its a oopsie daisy baby, first time out alone at Raven and Anya’s wedding, they drink too much and protection is forgotten! Its another girl :)
They want to try one last time about 4 years after but they realize quickly that its not working and after a few tests, they are told Clarke's sperm count has lowered and it'll be hard for them to conceive naturally so they go with IVF. They just want to try one last time and if it doesn't work, it doesnt. Well, it works exceptionally well because they'll be welcoming two twin boys :)
From not knowing she had a son with Lexa to having 5 perfect babies, Clarke could not be happier, even if she is more or less a work from home mom who gets all the joys of dealing with the kids while Lexa works at the bakery 😜
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
How does Aden react when he learns that Clarke is his other mom?
Without giving to much away, he takes it very well. He already loves Clarke so to know she is his mom makes him very excited. It'll be later (after Jake's passing) that Aden, very shyly which is uncharacteristic of him, to ask Clarke why she hadn't been here with them until now. And with Clarke and Lexa trying to heal their relationship, they don't tell him the truth right away because really, he is 5 and it can't be easy for him to understand, but they make sure he knows it is no fault of Clarke's that she wasn't here at first. Lexa even admits that she made a very bad decision when he was first born and that if Clarke could, she would have been there for him sooner. But really, all she cares about is if he can call Clarke mama now and - to somehow help Lexa's fear that Clarke might want to take Aden away - asks her if he is going to get a room in her house in Paris. Now /that/ is a conversation neither Lexa nor Clarke are ready for yet.....
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Aden is so cute and precious in Heda's Delights 🥹 I love how he acts like Lexa's tiny wingman when he tells Clarke she should date his mom
He is a little ball of sunshine 🥰 Lexa wishes she could take full credit over him and how wonderful he is but she swears its all him! (And will pretend there are no similarities between him and Clarke when it comes to that).
The fun thing about that is that Aden just likes Clarke. Lexa is seeing Costia, and Aden rather likes Costia, he just thinks Clarke and his mommy would be good together! He knows that they like each other because the way they look at one another is the same way auntie Octavia and uncle Lincoln look at each other and how Rwaven and aunt Anya look at one another. And even if mommy looked a little upset when Clarke showed up, now Aden can tell she smiles more and all! It makes Clarke so happy that despite him not knowing he's her son yet, he is already so attached to her 🥺
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