#ava x detective
crownleys · 5 months
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Surprise @thee-morrigan, I'm your Secret Santa for the @wayhavensecretsanta! I couldn't resist doing something with both Petra and Holland, they're both so lovely! For Petra, a holiday drive with Ava that gets briefly paused so they can get out and enjoy the first snow of the season in the Square!
And for Holland, a sweet holiday selfie in front of the tree with Nate!
Happy holidays!
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fauville · 2 months
title: love me something fierce
fandom: the wayhaven chronicles
rating: explicit (mdni)
pairing: ava du mortain/female detective
chapters: 2/3
A/N: time for the second chapter! this one has really fun things in it, i've been excited to share. this chapter also earns the explicit rating.
You wake up in the middle of the night so cold you're shivering under your blankets. You have two thick duvets on top of you, but it's not enough to stand the freezing temperature of the cabin now that you don't have heating anymore, because of the power outage.
You try to close your eyes and get some sleep again, but the coldness of the room and your clattering teeth are keeping you awake. You hear noises downstairs, Ava must be still awake, and in the end you give up on sleeping and get up from the bed, wrapping yourself in a blanket, before descending the squeaky stairs to the living area.
Ava is kneeled on the floor, tending to the flames of the fireplace and looking as focused as always. You smile without meaning to.
“Cannot sleep?” she asks without turning to look at you, feeding the fire another log.
You stare at the orange flames and Ava's side profile for a moment, captivated by the sight of the fire’s glow on her skin. She looks so soft in the low light, her blonde hair is free from its knot and is spilling across her shoulders. You don't think you're ever seen her with her hair down. It suits her.
“No,” you admit finally, wrapping the blanket tighter around you. “It's too cold.”
Ava turns to look at you in concern and your breath catches, when her icy green eyes trace your features across the room.
“Come by the fire,” Ava says and you comply her easily, walking to the couch and sitting down, sinking in its soft flannel plushness with a heavy sigh.
read more in ao3.
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wip wednesday
workin' on a lil something something on the side of my rewrite :3c Pairing: Ruth x Ava Tags: First Time
Ruth’s hand presses gently at Ava’s sternum, and she pulls away immediately, eyes full of concern that only barely masks the anxiety bubbling underneath.
“Are you okay?” she asks sweetly, reaching up to brush some of the hair that’s fallen loose from the harsh bun behind Ava’s ear.
Ava frowns. “What? I’m fine.” Her voice cracks horribly, and her face flushes even redder than it had been before as she clears her throat self-consciously. “Of—Of course, I’m fine.”
Ruth laughs a little. “You’re a bad liar, my love.”
For a moment, all Ava does is stare down at her, brows drawn low over those pretty green eyes, catching the moonlight flooding in from the window. She watches the gears turning behind her eyes as Ava sizes her up, clearly trying to decide whether or not Ruth is to be trusted. Ruth does nothing but continue to smile softly, letting her gaze roam freely over Ava’s pretty face, lingering on her strong nose and sharp jawline before she lets her eyes drag over the broad, strong line of her shoulders, distantly wondering how she ever got so lucky. 
Another beat passes, and then Ava seems to make up her mind.
She collapses to the bed, careful not to crush Ruth as she buries her head in the pillow, hiding her face in the crook of Ruth’s neck with a miserable groan. Her voice is muffled as she grumbles, “It’s embarrassing.”
Ruth snorts, reaching up to stroke soothingly at the nape of her neck. “I didn’t know that was an emotion you could experience.”
That draws a breathless laugh from her girlfriend, who shakes her head but stays with her face buried in the pillow, apparently unwilling to meet Ruth’s gaze. Ruth doesn’t mind, though, letting her fingers graze lightly across her shoulders, and then down the length of her back. She makes a few passes like this, feeling the tension ease little by little from Ava’s sturdy frame, before she ventures to speak again.
“...you’ve never done anything like this before, have you?” 
Ava sighs heavily, and something in the way she holds her body shifts subtly. The tension she holds gives way to something vulnerable as Ava sinks into Ruth’s embrace, pressing herself close. Despite having all six feet of her girlfriend pressed against her, the way that Ava tucks her face into Ruth’s neck makes her feel much smaller and a wave of protectiveness washes over Ruth as she tightens her arms around her. She’s glad that Ava hadn’t ever tried to have sex just to try it — the thought of someone pressuring her into something she wasn’t comfortable with, of rushing her, of making her feel shame for being nervous or inexperienced, makes Ruth feel like tearing someone’s throat out with her teeth. 
“Do you want to keep going?” Ruth asks after a few moments, fingers slipping over the nape of her neck in a manner she hopes is soothing.
Ava seems to actually think about that for a moment. Eventually, she sighs softly and rolls a little so she can lay on the pillow beside her. Her brows are furrowed, though she smiles a little when Ruth reaches out to try and smooth it away. Letting out a little huff of air from her nose, Ava reaches up to catch Ruth’s hand, kissing her palm and then keeping hold of her hand, squeezing and smoothing her thumb over Ruth’s knuckles. 
“I do,” Ava says softly, and warmth rushes over Ruth’s skin, from her scalp all the way down in a cascade of tingling heat. “I do want you. More than I can even put into words. I’m just… I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Oh, dove,” Ruth breathes, shaking her head a little. “Sex isn’t about being disappointed or impressed. It’s about intimacy and making each other feel good. Having fun together. You could never disappoint me.”
Ava’s eyes shine a little, glazing over as she searches Ruth’s eyes, before she sniffs and blinks, looking away over Ruth’s shoulder. Swallowing thickly, she sighs and shakes her head. “I know you’re telling the truth, but I can’t…”
“Do you trust me?”
Her girlfriend hesitates, and then sighs softly. “Of course,” she mumbles, gaze returning to Ruth’s face. “Of course, I trust you, Ruth.”
Ruth reaches out and brushes her fingers over Ava’s cheek. “Then how about you lie back and let me take care of you tonight?” 
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galpalaven · 1 year
prompt 44 🥺
44. "I... I think I need a hug." Pairing: Ruth Bihari x Ava du Mortain Words: 634 referencing a certain headcanon by @ava-du-mortain 👀
Ruth wrings her hands warily as Ava stares down blankly at the footage Nell had gotten at the Rogue hideout. The guise of meeting with them to discuss grievances had gone over smoothly enough, but there was someone there that Ruth hadn't been anticipating.
"Cecilia du Mortain," says the woman on the screen, smirking as she shakes Ruth's hand. "Call me Lia."
Cecilia — Lia, she'd said — looked almost nothing like Ava at first glance. Ruth hadn't thought anything of the vampire that had come to meet them, other than perhaps that she was very attractive. Tall and broad-shouldered, the woman they'd met had been wearing dark makeup and dark clothing, covered in tattoos and piercings, hair cropped short and dyed a deep shade of black that reflected almost purple in the harsh, dingy lighting of the single, swinging bulb that had hung above them in the abandoned warehouse.
Once she'd introduced herself, though, Ruth had seen the similarities. The height, the beautiful, prominent nose. Her eyes were a darker shade of green than Ava's, but when she'd smiled she'd had the same dimples Ava did.
Ava still hasn't moved since she'd first played the clip some fifteen minutes ago now.
"Ava," Ruth tries again, moving closer and sliding her hand gently up her spine. "You're scaring me. Please say something."
Ava finally inhales a deep, sharp, shaky breath, squeezing her eyes shut as if fighting off a migraine.
Nothing. Her voice breaks and she shakes her head, gripping the tablet so hard that the screen begins to crack a little. Ruth reaches out, smoothing her hand over Ava's wrist and squeezing.
"I don't know..." she tries again, voice barely more than a quiet rasp. Her eyes open again and her lower lip trembles as she looks down at the screen. Ava shakes her head again. "I don't know."
Ruth nods, squeezing her wrist as her other hand comes up to brush a loose piece of blonde hair behind Ava's ear. Ava sighs, leaning into the touch, trembling faintly. Encouraged, Ruth presses closer still, until she's pressed right up against Ava's side, running her hand up and down Ava's back.
"What can I do, dove? What do you need?"
The pet name seems to break something in her. Ava almost flinches, tears finally dripping down her cheeks as she bends a little, curling in on herself with a ragged gasp. Ava laughs miserably as Ruth curls around her, one arm around her shoulders and the other hand brushing her hair back from her face.
"I... I think I need a hug?"
It's half a laugh, the words coming out stilted and unsure, but Ruth doesn't need anything else as she steps in front of Ava, wrapping both arms around her neck so that Ava's face ends up buried in her shoulder. She squeezes her tight as Ava's arms wrap immediately around her waist and tighten before they both go still. Ruth tries to focus on her breathing — tries to keep it steady and slow as Ava's body heaves with a silent sob. Her shoulders begin to shake, though no sound leaves her chest (the worst kind of crying, she thinks distantly — the quieter the weeping, the more painful it is) and Ruth just holds her tighter, trying to hold all the pieces of Ava's shattered heart together until they can start to stitch themselves back into place.
She's not sure how long they stay like that. It could be minutes, it could have been an hour. Eventually, Ava will be able to take a slower, deeper breath. Eventually, she'll pull away with a stoic expression fixed into place once more, ready to try and face this new development head-on.
But, until then — Ruth will keep holding her until she can hold herself once more.
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
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somewillwin · 1 year
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Evan x ava for @lilyoffandoms ♥️♥️
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ladiemars · 2 years
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missing knight ava and lady cece a little more today ✨ (cece belongs to @songofsoma)
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wayhavenots · 8 months
Against Protocol (2/2)
I was going to save it for Halloween, but...here's the last part of the zombie AU. :)
Part 2 Summary: When the detective deviates from the plan, Ava goes to retrieve him. (Please be aware that this part contains death and angst and is really different in tone from the previous part.)
On AO3 here
“Thanks, Ava," says Felix as he hops out of the driver’s side. “Are Mason and Rider…?”
She gives a sharp shake of her head.
“Which is what we expected,” adds Nat reassuringly as she helps the family out of the back seat. “I’m sure they’ll be back soon.”
The walkie-talkie crackles to life as if on cue: "Ava, your fucking boyfriend's going rogue."
She feels her blood run cold, feels her muscles tense again. "What?" she barks.
"He took off running as soon as we got the humans loaded up. Something about the reporter.” 
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
unasked for otp answers
I’m bored so im just going to do this for my twc ships. I might do it for my other ships too, i don’t know. I don’t feel like writing but i want to talk about my blorbos.
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
 Valdam: Neither of them. If it had to be one, it would probably be Val. It would be semi-intentional or not at all, and it would be entirely desperate. For all that Adam is like ‘tu omina’ and ‘do it for me’ I don’t think they would use an ILU in that moment …
Kate: Nate! AND Kendis would learn him good. He would NEVER PULL that shit again. 
Nai: Nat. Kai would tolerate it better than Kendis would
Feirre: Pierre. It would probably be more a whispered statement, like a confession and an apology. IF he ever did this. I won’t put him as a hard no, because while it’s not fully his vibe, he is his mother’s child.
Mandy: Andy. lmao. And he would deserve Mason punching him (only because he would say it in such an infuriating manner to deflect, lmao). 
Clown Romance: Ava is the only person who would tolerate this from Nathaniel. Because Alexis would’ve already left and Kendis would be too busy giving him the finger. But Ava would pull an uno reverse with a ‘do it for me’ or ‘I’m doing this for you’ and NATHANIEL WILL LEARN FINALLY HOW IT FEELS. 
Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
This might be a bit of a cop out but all of them need to be protected, and all of them would protect the other, in different ways. Even Misters ‘this is just casual fucking’ Andy & Mason. 
Describe their cozy night in.
Mandy: Sex. Eventually it’ll just be them being quiet old men, lmao. The activity will matter less than the fact that they’re doing it together, silence. Adult parallel play. I can see Andy taking up reading to Mason
Tareq x Ava: Watching soap operas and board games. 
Clown Romance: I could see Kendis cooking, Nate cleaning up, Ava and Alexis setting up. Alexis picks the music or the entertainment. Dinner and a movie brought home. Maybe a trivia night? Three fourths of that polyam is heckin competitive. 
Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
Feirre: Yes. Felix wouldn’t even have to ask that hard because Pierre would be so soft over how excited Felix is at the prospect (and it wont cause destruction soooooo). But Felix might regret it, because Pierre would get pedantic about measurements. It’s cool though, because Felix will be able to distract him and tease him. And sunshine man would win again.
Clown Romance: Yes. Even Alexis and Ava. Why? Because Kendis said so. 
Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Kelendis: Yes. Yes. *hums ‘lucky i’m in love with my best friend* 
Who’s the bigger tease?
Tareq & Ava: Tareq.
Feirre: Felix, but Pierre gives a good run.
All my N ships (why do I of all people have three N ships???) it’s Nat/e except for Clown Romance where my money is on Alexis. 
Valdam: Adam, haha. LMAO. 
How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Valdam: They’re both pessimistic, lol. They’re both pragmatic and logical (surprisingly I know, in Val’s case) individuals. It is hard to describe it – but it isn’t so much they expect the worse, though they can, as they’re not fully surprised about the darker or more selfish aspects of others or the world. It’s a sorta ‘okay …’ / almost take it as it comes attitude. I’ve always said Adam’s acceptance of Val’s more “mercenary” side is what really has them working. They’re both very prone to justice and that drives them. Val is more duty-bound than they give themselves credit. I think Adam would encourage them not to approach it ironically but I think Val would bring back a zest to it for Adam, that sort of focus on the little guy and less what the agency-wills. They’re also both lonely and broken creatures, lmao. Though they have their teams, thankfully. 
They are both stubborn. Val is impulsive, prone to childishness, and can lash out emotionally while Adam overthinks, is highly serious, and draws inward. They both strive to ‘annoy’, in a sense, when upset or … annoyed themselves. Adam being condescending, Val being a brat/raccoon. 
Kate: They’re both very determined and optimistic. They’re the supportive type, the shoulder, the one that encourages. They take their responsibilities seriously and are hard-workers. They’re both homemakers. That said, Nate is infinitely more driven by his heart than Kendis is by hers – she’s big-hearted but she’s more wary about things than he is. So, he’d definitely encourage her to open up but she’d pull him back from getting his bleeding heart chopped up. They both love fancy and spending, but Kendis can balance a checkbook and is thrifty. So Nate would learn. 
Kendis is infinitely more stubborn than Nate. He’s also more romantic, in general but specifically in terms of what they’re both looking for at the moment. Kendis has a temper and a mouth on them, and I feel that would cause trouble if the game was darker. 
Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
Tareq & Ava: Tareq, obviously. 
Feirre: Felix, but Pierre catches onto the habit too. Maybe not as much as Felix, but he expresses it in other ways. 
Can they stay up all night just talking?
Kelendis: I’ll say yes. But more Kendis with the chats.
Feirre: Yep. 
Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Nai: Nat. But Kai DOES have his moments.
Tareq & Ava: Tareq. 
How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
Feirre: Yes. I think Felix convinces Pierre when he sees how the cats in the building love him, so they get one cat. Ends up loving Felix more, but Pierre doeesn’t mind. 
Clown Romance: So many. Any kind Kendis can get their hands on. Once in their original ‘verse they adopted an extinct lizard (brought back to life by magic) and brought home a creepypasta deer and everyone had to be like YOU CAN’T KEEP IT KENDIS, and they were like I KNOW. but …. Did they? Did they really know?
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Nai:  The More I See You by Nat King Cole
Feirre: Maybe not 100% but 90% Someone To You by BANNERS
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pr1ncessavar0se · 8 months
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traditional rain code doodles
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U know, what happens to A-mancers in TWC3 is called full-throttle edging and it should be illegal.
Goddamn, my heart WILL give out, why are u doing this to me Sera?
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fauville · 3 months
fandom: the wayhaven chronicles
rating: (eventually) explicit
pairing: female detective/ava du mortain
chapters: 1/3
A/N: cozy winter vibes, ahoy! who cares that it's spring started this originally in 2021, i'm determined to finish it
“Ava,” you say, turning a page on your copy of Pride and Prejudice. “Please stop.”
Ava doesn't look at you or even acknowledge your words, she keeps staring outside from the frosted window with her hands folded against her chest and jaw flexed with irritation.
Always so stubborn. It's as frustrating as it is endearing, because Ava du Mortain hasn't changed one bit after the day you met her eight months ago. She is honest and sincere, always. She's also the most bull-headed woman you've ever met. Yet, you love that about her. Sometimes, when you're lonely and sick with feeling the way you do, you wish you didn’t.
You sigh at her silence and close your book, keeping your forefinger between the covers to mark the page you were reading.
“The weather won’t change no matter how hard you stare at it. It's supposed to storm for two more days.”
Ava just grunts and unfolds her arms-- only to fold them again a few seconds later. She’s actually wearing a long sleeved shirt because of the weather, it's still grey and boring, but the fabric is fuzzy and it looks soft and warm on her. Her pants are the same as always, though, and her blonde hair is on a bun, but it's just a little bit looser than normally-- a few hair strands frame her serious face nicely, making her expression appear gentler than it is.
You shake your head in exasperation and return to your book.
There are three problems to the situation you have found yourself in:
1. The huge snow storm raging outside that prevents you and Ava from leaving the cabin.
2. Ava and the fact that she has avoided being alone with you for the last two weeks and now you're stuck in here in the middle of nowhere for at least a couple more days than was originally planned.
3. Nat, Farah and Morgan left before the snow storm started for a reconnaissance for your mission. So, you're with Ava. Alone. And things happen to be very awkward between you two because you might have kissed her at the New Year’s party drunk on longing and too much expensive champagne.
[❤️ read more in ao3]
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kiss kiss fall in love~
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galpalaven · 1 year
whiskey and moonshine
Rating: MA Pairing(s): Mason x Saoirse Cathair, Ruth Bihari x Ava du Mortain Words: 5,236 Chapters Avaliable: Prologue, Chapter 1 Other Tags: Canon Rewrite There's a serial killer on the loose in Wayhaven and Saoirse isn't about to let Roberta Marks get the upper hand on breaking that story, especially not after she got her arrested two years ago. Really, Bobby is just lucky that Rebecca had managed to get Saoirse out on "community service" by working at the police station the whole time. When the police seem to be doing nothing, and a strange and shadowy government organization is called in to take over the investigation, Saoirse is pretty sure that this case is about to be a lot bigger than the Wayhaven Chronicle. Her old friend, Ruth, a private investigator hired by one of the victims' families, agrees that something seems... off. The truth is out there, and Saoirse is going to find it.
Prologue and Chapter 1 available on AO3 now!
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somewillwin · 1 month
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Had to draw them again after my re read of yesterday. I can’t with them
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nabulsi · 1 year
i have been meaning to ask! how did naz react the whole wrist kiss thing from ava [eye emojis]
So you see, I have complicated thoughts on Naz and Ava's dynamic in Book 3. So I have written a littol bit of something which does not explain anything. Enjoy!
Nayzak’s hand feels like lead between Ava’s fingers, like her body had forsaken it the moment Ava had lifted it to her lips.
Her eyes watch the quiver of her lips as they find Nayzak’s pulse. Her heartbeat races and she can only hope that Ava believes it to be love and not the apprehension that has her brow in knots. For less than a moment, she considers moving her hand away. But… why? Isn’t this what she wants?
At the back of her mind sit beautiful scenes cast in honeyed glaze: scenes of Ava coming to hold her at night and warming her bed in the morning; of the smile on her face bright like sunlight, and the dimple hiding in her cheek; of her lips… her lips… her lips…
And she spirals back to reality, back to where the warmth of Ava’s breath ghosts over her skin, and she shivers in spite of the heat. And still, it is wrong. The wrong Ava; the wrong Nayzak.
Ava drops her hand, finally, and she pulls it back into the sleeve of her cardigan.
“I should go,” she says, eyes twitching in the direction of the warehouse. Her lips flap pathetically as her mind races to come up with an excuse, until it finally gives up. The words clumsily fall through her lips again. “Back inside… I should go back inside.”
The vampire’s icy green eyes are hard to read in the shade of night. She simply gives Nayzak a firm nod. “Yes, I should as well.”
And with that, Nayzak turns on her heel and takes off towards the warehouse, and for the rest of the night, her restless thoughts rob her of sleep.
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songofsoma · 1 year
a little reward
fandom: the wayhaven chronicles pairing: ava du mortain x f!detective (cecilia beck) words: 2,098 rating: explicit
read it on ao3
“Again,” Ava barked.
Cecilia groaned from her spot sprawled along the mats covering the hard floor. Even with the added cushion, she swore every bone in her body jostled at every rough impact. “Ava, please,” she whined. “Have a little mercy.”
Clearly, that response was not well received judging how Ava crouched over her, seriousness hardening her already icy gaze. “Do you think Trappers will have mercy? Or rogue supernaturals? Do you think they’ll see you’re tired and offer a water break?” She scoffed.
“No need to be rude,” she grumbled.
Her face softened at that and she held out her hand, which Cecilia took begrudgingly. Ava planted her hands on either arm, steadying her in place. “You are more than capable. I’ve seen it. But this is still important.” The look that lingered on her face told Cecilia the unspoken words reeling behind that thick skull of Ava’s.
I can’t risk losing you . 
One hand rose to cup Cecilia’s cheek, a calloused thumb brushing along plush skin. Cecilia covered Ava’s hand with her own. A few uninterrupted heartbeats passed between them before she spoke.
“I’ll do it again, but you have to reward me afterward.”
Ava raised a brow. Her grasp dropped, loosely holding Cecilia’s hips. “And what might that be?”
Cecilia grinned and tapped her lips. “I think I deserve a little kiss, don’t you?”
With a snort, Ava rolled her eyes. “I would hardly call that a reward.”
“Why? You think you’re a bad kisser?” she paused. “Or are you calling me a bad kisser?”
“I am saying neither.”
“Then what?”
“I kiss you all the time. Shouldn’t a reward be something…special?” She shrugged.
It was Cecilia’s turn to appear suspicious. “Special?”
She waved her hand dismissively. “If a kiss is what you desire, then a kiss it is. Get in position.”
Cecilia huffed but did as she was told. 
She took her place on the mat, bending her knees like she had been instructed. Her fists were hovered in front of her, ready for whatever may lie ahead. In mission-related circumstances what lay ahead was unknown. But in the training room, it just meant Ava flipping her onto her back in every way but the one she wanted. 
Ava stood across from her, posture mimicking Cecilia’s, as she was mulling over what way to attack this time around. Whatever it was, she would handle it because by god did Cecilia think she deserved at least a little kiss for all her hard work. 
She shook her head, clearing away all the thoughts that weren’t focused on the situation at hand. Even though it was hard not to be distracted by the way Ava’s exposed abdomen rippled with every moment and how her creamy skin was glistening with sweat. Cecilia truly was so brave for sparring with her insanely sexy girlfriend and not jumping her bones the moment Ava had peeled off her t-shirt. 
Her determination to not get distracted almost caused her to miss the first indication of Ava’s step-off. Luckily, Cecilia dodged just in time. She could feel the air of Ava’s hands blow by her with centimeters to spare. 
Cecilia knew she had little luck going on the offensive. Even if she was more than capable of handling herself in a fight, one with a vampire—especially one such as Ava—was a battle rarely won in making the first move.
Ava flew towards her again and Cecilia ducked but managed to get a foot out to send Ava tumbling to the ground. Much to her disdain, she fell too as Ava’s hand wrapped around her leg.
Cecilia swore loudly, but her fall thankfully was cushioned by Ava. They both huffed and puffed heavily for a few seconds before Cecilia planted her hands on Ava’s clavicle to push herself up to make eye contact. And the moment she did, Cecilia busted out into a fit of giggles.
Rolling her eyes, Ava let her head fall back against the mat, but the amused grin pulling at her lips couldn’t be denied nor could the way her hands immediately found Cecilia’s waist. She shivered at the added heat sliding against her already flush skin. Dressed in her small workout shorts and a sports bra, a lot of skin was left exposed to Ava’s touch. A factor she seemed to be taking advantage of.
“Do I get my kiss now?” she breathed, suddenly desperate for it.
Hazy eyes drifted over her face lazily as the tips of her fingers dug into her skin. “Come here then.”
Cecilia lurched forward, hands coming to press against either side of Ava’s head to hold herself steady. There was no time wasted as their lips found each other. Her long ponytail fell over a shoulder, the ends tickling Ava’s neck, though she made no indication of it bothering her. 
Instead, the hands that had been kneading her hips were beginning to slide up Cecilia’s back to teasingly play with the strappy back of her bra. 
“Ava,” she whispered against her lips.
A soft hum was her only reply.
Cecilia could feel that familiar need growing within her. She tried to adjust herself to quench it but slipped and ended up slotted against one of Ava’s raised thighs. 
The immediate friction shot through her, making her gasp, nails digging into the mat. 
It didn’t go unnoticed by Ava who could most definitely feel the heat of her arousal pressed against her leg now. “Something wrong, love?” she murmured, lips beginning to venture over her jaw to the curve of Cecilia’s neck. And to be a real brat, Ava moved her leg a fraction, smirking at the way Cecilia jolted.
“Fuck,” she wheezed. “I-I just lost my balance and now you’re teasing.” Cecilia struggled to try and begin to stand—until two strong hands caught her, holding her in place.
“Who said I was teasing?”
Her eyes widened. “Anyone could walk in.”
Ava’s eyes were becoming dark with desire. “Guess we’ll just have to be quick then.” With her grip, she dragged Cecilia’s hips along her thigh making her sputter a surprised moan.
“Fuck, Ava ,” she whined, beginning to aid her by moving on her own. Cecilia was still hunched over her. The top layer of the mats was beginning to give way and peel from the way her nails were still digging into them. 
Pleasure was radiating through her entire body from the way she ground against Ava’s thigh. The ridges of muscle adding extra sensation with every movement of her hips. 
When Cecilia’s hips were beginning to stutter in their rhythm, Ava took over once again, not once being merciful in her pace. Like before, her fingers were digging into her flesh, this time hard enough that there would be bruises left behind. But Cecilia loved it. 
Ava bombarded her exposed throat with kisses, sucking on the skin until a dark mark was left behind. She liked to mark what was hers. They had been through hell and back to get to this point, no one was going to take what was hers now. 
Cecilia couldn’t stop Ava’s name from falling from her lips as the tension grew. She wasn’t going to last much longer with Ava’s viscous pace and the attention being paid to the sensitive areas of her neck.
 “Come for me,” she rumbled against her skin.
She whined some incoherent response as Ava pressed her leg further against Cecilia’s crotch. That last bit of added pressure was what she needed to send her over the edge. 
Ava sat up right as Cecilia collapsed against her chest in a trembling mess, kissing the top of her head. “My sweet girl,” she praised but the words were lost as the sound of rushing blood filled her ears.
She panted softly, slumped against Ava as she came down from her climax, enjoying the gentle hand brushing over her hair.
“Was that enough of a reward?” Ava murmured into her ear, making Cecilia huff a laugh.
“I like this new training strategy,” she mused.
“If we’re giving out rewards, I think I deserve one too for putting up with you.”
Cecilia drew back, eyebrows raised. But she wasn’t able to say anything before Ava scooted her off her thigh and onto the mats.
She pointed to her cotton shorts with a very obvious wet spot on one leg. Cecilia’s face heated immediately. “You made such a mess. I think I should be allowed to clean it up.”
Her lips parted as she eagerly nodded, not trusting her words. 
Ava moved to kneel in front of her, easing Cecilia’s back against the mat before hooking her fingers beneath the waistband of her soiled shorts. They hooked onto her knees and Ava pushed her legs back against Cecilia’s chest. “Hold them there.”
Cecilia’s view was obstructed by the fabric, but she could feel Ava’s rough thumbs parting her and her hot breath fan over her skin. And then she felt the flat of her tongue drag up the length of her sex. It was agonizingly slow and she just avoided her clit making Cecilia squirm in frustration as she did it again. 
“This is one mess I don’t mind cleaning up,” she teased, clearly knowing Cecilia’s agony of not yet getting what she wanted. 
“Ava,” she whined in protest, but the vampire ignored her, going back to her teasing licks.
She chuckled when Cecilia huffed dramatically, finally appeasing her by circling her tongue around her swollen clit. 
The suddenness of it made Cecilia moan before a hand clamped over her mouth and green eyes were piercing into hers. “Quiet, love. You live in a place crawling with people with extra sensitive hearing.”
Her eyes widened making Ava smirk. She hadn’t even considered that. God forbid if someone heard and came to investigate. Especially if it was Farah who came in to find Cecilia with her shorts pulled to her knees and Ava’s head between her legs in the middle of the training room—she’d never live it down.
Ava went back to her task at hand, wrapping her lips around Cecilia’s clit, sucking and licking until her back was arching. She knew just how to drive Cecilia nuts. The steady pressure moved into her tongue lapping desperately at her wet heat as if she had never had a meal in her life. 
She was already sensitive from her first orgasm and a second one was approaching fast.
“Close,” she panted. “Ava, I’m so close.”
Cecilia couldn’t tell if Ava was trying to look at her face from her pants blocking her view. She knew she had heard her desperate cries and could feel her walls convulsing around her tongue. Ava pulled her hips harder against her mouth, face shaking side to side as she was speared on her tongue, nose bumping against her clit with each motion.
For the second time, her muscles began to quiver. Cecilia nearly sobbed as her grip on her legs loosened, Ava having to catch them to keep her spread open as she finished. Her chest heaved and her hips jolted every time Ava caught her overstimulated clit with her lips or tongue. It didn’t deter Ava from taking her time in coming up for air.
When she finally did, the bottom half of her face glistened with Cecilia’s wetness. And the prideful grin on her face was enough to make Cecilia smile. Though the moment was short-lived as Ava tensed and cocked her head to the door.
“Someone’s coming,” she hissed standing so fast it made Cecilia’s eyes spin. Ava hoisted her onto her jelly legs and pulled her pants up quickly, patting her ass for good measure.
“Your face.” Cecilia grinned, leaning against her side for support.
Ava’s eyes sparkled in recognition as she quickly dragged her forearm over her mouth and chin to try and rid herself of any evidence. 
It was just in time too as the door opened to reveal Morgan.
She looked uninterested in the two already in the room, towel slung over her shoulder as she made her way to one of the wooden dummies. But then she paused and sniffed the air.
“Why the fuck does it smell like sex in here?” she asked, turning to the couple.
Ava shrugged, face a mask of indifference. 
“It’s probably just you,” Cecilia remarked.
Morgan thought for a second, then sniffed her shirt. “Whatever.” She turned away from them, once more uninterested.
It was all she could do to hold back her laughter as Ava hauled her out of the room.
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