pillowfriends · 18 hours
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happy pride month
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lordgolden · 8 months
Nynaeve losing her mind while Elayne and Avi are actively falling in love lmaooo
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an-s-sedai · 7 months
Avilayne is already book!canon, just Written That Way because RJ was well aware of the publishing field. And also because he was Like That.
this will not stop Bookcloaks from flipping their shit when Rafe brings it from subtext to blatant. though idk what you call an aiel publicly touching your face other than "lover"
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asha-mage · 5 months
aviendha x elayne coffee shop au
[Send me a potential AU and I'll answer with five things from that story!]
Ah coffee shop aus. The sigh of a truly healthy fandom ecosystem- I'm surprised we don't have more of these. If I was physically capable of just writing short fluff pieces I would probably remedy that
Elayne works as a barista even though she doesn't need too, because she wants to 'proper college experience' of having to scrape by and 'build character'. In general she tries to keep her money/royalty secret but is very bad at it, especially when she has to interact with rude customers.
Aviendha is a marathon runner/track star who stops by during her morning warm up runs for coffee.
Elayne spends her down time at work coming up with new recipes/drink mixes because she wants a Good Grade in being a Barista Something that Is Possible to Achieve and Normal To Want.
Avi prefers black coffee straight up, but she can never say no to trying Elayne's latest concoction. Elayne is so proud of them every time.
It takes them an embarrassingly long time to realize that they are interested in each other- Avi doesn't realize that Elayne is flirting by making her special drinks, and Elayne just thinks she needs to hit on the right drink to really wow Aviendha.
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olwolo · 2 years
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avilayne sketches bc i’m obsessed with them
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woodsfae · 7 months
Although I'm already taking my Wizard Moms for granted, before season 1 aired, I only hoped we would get canonical wizard wives Siuan and Moiraine. When we saw them together onscreen, I wept.
Like, that was not a given. And plenty of shitheads on r*ddit were vehement that we might get a College Girlfriends flashback of their Accepted days. And also depicting queer relationships is still not as accepted or normal as it should be. So I only hoped and I was shook when it happened. I literally walked around my house in a daze saying "thank you Rafe" and "everyone say thank you Rafe" out loud. Not my most neurotypical moment, I admit.
But even while I was only hoping we would get Wizard Wives, I still thought we would get Avilayne. Now that we have gotten our Fishwives and Cauthor face touches, and IshamaeRandFear tel'aran'rhiod shot I am more convinced than ever that we are getting explicit, on-screen, textual, undeniably Gay Girls Elayne and Aviendha.
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butterflydm · 6 days
Chapters: 11/16 Fandom: Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rand al'Thor/Mat Cauthon, Rand al'Thor/Aviendha/Mat Cauthon/Elayne Trakand Characters: Aviendha (Wheel of Time) Additional Tags: spoilers through book 7: a crown of swords, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Fate swap, Perrin blew the Horn of Valere AU, mat defended the two rivers AU, Mat is Rand's Warder AU, birgitte is nynaeve's warder AU, Mix of Show and Book Canon, summary of AU changes in author's notes Series: Part 14 of voice in the back of my head Summary: After reuniting with Mat and Aviendha, Rand and Elayne turn their attention towards dealing with the Forsaken threats in Caemlyn and Illian.
Ji’e’toh was not meant to be bent or broken.
Having toh could not be shaken off lightly.
All the same, every morning that Aviendha woke to find the One Power still beyond her reach, the ache of it felt unbearable and the shame of her weakness overwhelmed her. But that very pain meant that it was an acceptable way to meet her toh to Agirin and Corana. It was many times more agonizing than merely being beaten senseless would have been.
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wheelwheelwheel · 1 year
If you say that “every night in the dark [Elayne and Aviendha] shared another secret never told to anyone else” and then a few pages later imply that Elayne has to psych herself up to talk to Aviendha about Rand so that’s not the secret WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK ROBERT
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markantonys · 2 years
aviendha @ rand
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aviendha @ elayne
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koravelliumavast · 1 year
“I want us to adopt each other as first sisters Aviendha, as soon as we can find wise ones. I don’t need to know anymore about you. I want to be your sister.” “I want you for my sister too.”
They were so gay for this.
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lordgolden · 7 months
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an-s-sedai · 11 months
y'all, idk if you know this, but using Gay Panic to describe queer longing is real fucked. Gay Panic (and trans panic) are legal defenses STILL being used to get off from MURDER CHARGES of queer folks. In the usa it's a valid legal defense to say "oh I panicked when they told me they were queer and whoops didn't mean to kill em, just the gay panic, y'know."
so. please. reconsider. longing is a great word. there are lots of great words that don't obsfucate the real and on-going attempted genocide of my queer family.
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asha-mage · 2 years
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Call that a Geo Political Polycule.
(Alternative title: Olver can have SO MANY PARENTS. As a treat.)
As promised, here is my opinion on the WoT Polycule, as a celebration for my book club hitting AMOL. You might have to click and enhance, in order to see some of these: I spent a long time trying to finagle a version of the map that was readable.
(The only note I would add is that I couldn't find anyway to add the red line between Mat and Elayne that reads 'The Line Between Flirting and Annoyance is Paper Thin'. But like. It's there in spirit.)
Also this is by no means an exhaustive list my WoT ships even with these specific characters: I mean Asmodean dosen't appear ONCE! But to me this would be the 'ideal' dynamic for both these characters, and the future of Randland. So....it's actually just a ship? Or is it an armada, if it's a polycule?
I may come back an add more extensive explanation for each Relationship in the Polycule at a later date, but for now I am content to leave this hear for your enjoyment.
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amyrlinegwene · 1 year
Elayne/Avi + Queen consort
“You wish for me to be your roofmistress?” Aviendha blushed as she looked at the rose gold circlet that Elayne had placed in her lap.
“My Queen Consort,” Elayne smiled at her from the floor where she was kneeling in front of Aviendha, “but you may think of yourself as you want if you accept,” she placed a kiss on Aviendha’s hand, “my Queen, my wife, my love.”
Looking into Elayne’s sparkling eyes, Aviendha only knew one way to answer her; she pulled Elayne to her feet and into a searing kiss; minutes later when they parted Elayne placed the circlet on Aviendha’s head with reverence.
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Merry Christmas, @butterflydm
(yes, I'm your Secret Santa and yes, I've read trackless domain at first just to figure out what to gift but then I got really involved and ended up loving it and I'm so excited for the new chapters <3)
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butterflydm · 6 months
Chapters: 6/9 Fandom: Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rand al'Thor/Mat Cauthon, Rand al'Thor/Aviendha/Mat Cauthon/Elayne Trakand Characters: Mat Cauthon, Rand al'Thor, Elayne Trakand, Aviendha (Wheel of Time), Min Farshaw, Thom Merrilin Additional Tags: Canon - Book, AU - Canon Divergence, spoilers through book 11: knife of dreams, Polyamorous Character, Polyamorous Negotiations, aftermath of sexual trauma and rape, no on-screen rape or non-consensual sex, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, spoilers through book 14: a memory of light, my earlier spoiler tag was before i'd realized how far exactly the fic needed to go, in order to feel properly completed Summary:
Rand presses on and takes Ebou Dar, pushing the Seanchan back into the sea and discovering someone unexpected in the city.
After all these months of thinking that it would be Min that she and Aviendha would be sharing Rand with, it had been… interesting to learn how things had changed. She had guessed that Mat was the one that Rand had ‘practiced’ with when they were younger, but it had been a surprise to learn that the relationship had sparked anew. Something that Min had not foreseen.
Min was still unhappy over losing her chance with Rand. Difficult to know how to handle that situation. Elayne had no desire to alienate Min, but Rand had been deeply upset about the way that Min had gone about trying to win his heart.
Best for the two of them to stay separated, at least for now.
But here was part of Rand’s heart, in the form of Mat Cauthon. He looked relaxed now, carefree, but there was a pulsing worry in Birgitte still. And when Elayne studied him more closely, she could see fine signs of a fragility that she doubted that he would have admitted to — his hands shook slightly and there was a tightness to his features. 
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