mickmundy · 1 year
EEEEE OMFG OKAAAY ;___; <33 WUAAAA IM SO HONORED U WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT OWUGOWUAA OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY so like. like i said in this post i can think of a couple ways to do it. i like the idea of them both being merfolk because ouwagaaa merfolk lore and nesting and cute flirting rituals and and and and!!!!! buuuut i also love the idea of lonely fisherman sniper being the object of affection of Flirty Mermedic who pines after him from afar....,.,
and i ALSO ALSO like the idea of mersniper being caught by mann co and given to medic to do whatever with (organ harvest.,., uh oh!) and medic unwrapping the tank Excitedly and then being like "HOOH!.,,. oh gott.,., what do we have here!!" but sniper is simply Too Stunning to kill.,., but in all three situations they fall in love.,., so.., that much i Do know..... SKDFKSDKFKSDKF!! but also just quick species notes for them
for sniper i think i'd want his fishy half to be a spotted wobbegong! they're sharks that are docile but still have sharp teeth and hunt from a distance! i think the color palette suits him really well too..!
medic could be so much... but i personally enjoy the idea of him being a blanket octopus! they're very smart, gorgeous and super poisonous... just like medic! HEHE..! (and yes i know tentaspy exists but If You Ask Me spy is more of an eel than an octopus. but i digress)
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Bestie Dee @5piecechickendinner (who you should all go follow Immediately!!! EHE) was asking me about it and i wanted to jot down my thoughts here too SO im gonna talk more about the human fisherman snip and mermedic HEHE...
IF IM KEEPING IT LIKE SIMPLE AND CUTE i think medic would just come across him one time while he's fishing (perhaps they're trying to eat the same fish? heh.. i could make a whole other post just on like. my personal MerLore i'd use but anyway) or he sees him swimming (we'll just say for the sake of this au that sniper has some kind of small corner of the beach To Himself that the public doesn't have access to) or sunning naked (as he's one to do just in general imo) and medic's like "owo! hoo!" and tries to get closer.,., i think once medic catches sniper's eye though (by that i mean just like. a glimpse of his tentacles/"tail") he's like "ohh, you're gorgeous! *A* c'mere, beastie.,"
and medic hesitates and ultimately Goes Away just because he's not sure he can trust sniper not to kill him (sniper Does kill fish after all). sniper looks for "that octopus" every time he goes out into the ocean but no luck.., then some time perhaps medic's curiosity gets the better of him (Of Course) and sniper's out on his boat and medic swims to the edge of it and uses his tentacles to tug on sniper's wrist or rock the boat and sniper hurries and looks over the edge and he can see Something..,, Moving.,, Down There.,., and he sticks his head/upper body under the water and comes nose to nose/forehead to forehead with him.. medic smiles Toothily and bats his eyes at him and is like "Hello.. uwu" and sniper's just like. awestruck and he tries to say something but bubbles come out because underwater HEHE and medic thinks its cute... so medic gently presses his forehead against sniper's and pushes him back so that he's Breathing Air and sniper croaks out a like "hullo.,.," and medic grins..,
i think sniper wouldn't Know that merfolk exist but obviously stories myths etc are fun.,. but now he's like holy crap.,., and he'd told people about this octopus he SWORE he saw and they'd be like "naaah.. get your head outta the water and go live a little!!" but sniper loves his Simple Life by the sea and so he's like >_> no and then he kind of starts entertaining like omg what if it was a mermaid... hah... imagine that. and then when he sees medic nothing can prepare him for him being Real.., and medic's like "(probably in german) my jolly sailor bold!" (<- i think this would be a nickname medic would give him because merfolk know human stories about them and that i think sniper is Not Jolly and medic has overheard sniper grunting and talking to himself while at sea LOL which medic thinks is cute) and sniper's like "huh.,? me....?" as if there's anyone around for like. 1000 square miles SKDFKSD and medic's like "mhmm..,, ywy" and sniper's just like.., speechlessly staring at him and medic's tentacles are creeping up the sides of the boat behind him and while sniper Does look Delicious he won't be dining on this human.., HEH...
However if i was going to.,., say.,.., write a Fic.,., (smirk) i ALSO love the concept of the story being a bit more Deep/Dramatic.... the idea of sniper being a hunter and tracking this Rare Octopus that's said to have killed/slain/sunk ships and he's tracking this Beastie for like. YEARS and finally goes to engage in combat with it and a tentacle ends up smacking him and knocking him out and medic goes to eat him and is like "hmn.,.." pushes his hair back out of his face.., smells him.,., bats his eyes at him.., and medic admires sniper's tenacity and loves how Dangerous he is and decides to spare him., and leaves him floating on his boat and the sea is Deathly Calm and sniper wakes up and is like what happened and he looks over the edge of the boat and sees nothing and he's like no n n nono nono I LOST IT (the Beastie)...... both of them hunting one another obsessed with each other.., he leans his head over the side of the boat and medic's tentacles slither up the side of the boat and sniper notices them and looks to the side and sees.., mermedic..,
and is like Holy SHIT. HOLY SHIT and medic smiles Toothily and medic Lunges at him (much more graceful underwater than sniper is of course) and "breaches" and tosses sniper into his boat and pins him with his body weight and human hands and sniper's like "WH-" and medic smiles and is like "sehr handsome... must we kill each other, sailor bold?" and sniper's just in total shock and medic's smirk widens and sniper goes limp (but rest assured hes Hard) and medic glances over to see sniper's knife and picks it up with one of his tentacles and watches it glisten (shiny) and sniper's just watching him and is like "are you real? is this?? wh.,.," and medic grins and is like "how do you propose we find out? (Flirty)" and sniper's face flushes and medic bares his fangs and giggles and is like "i won't kill you.., but you're breathing entirely too much for my taste.,,." and leans down and kisses him and sniper Immediately Melts and medic smirks and starts humming and his tentacles start sliding up over the boat and up sniper's shirt and sniper nips at medic's mouth and medic giggles and is like "hoo! humans certainly are different," and sniper's like "whats that supposed to mean >:/--" and medic's tentacle slides over sniper's groin and sniper shivers and moans (he is Wet) and mermedic's like "mmn, but clearly not So different! >v>" HEH....
GRAAHHH THRASHES AND GIGGLES.,., i love merperson aus so this is ummmmmm VERY self indulgent.,., *taps my brain* One Hundred Billion merfolk aus alone.,, HEHHEH.,.,.,
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lev1hei1chou · 3 months
Birthday Present
Dad!Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Words: 420 Synopsis: Gojo ropes his child into a plan, determined to make your birthday memorable Masterlist
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It was a sunny morning at the Gojo residence, and Satoru Gojo was determined to make this day extra special. Today was your birthday, and Gojo had something heartwarming in mind. And he knew he could successfully make his idea a reality. As you enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, Satoru disappeared for a moment, leaving you curious about what he might be up to.
In the living room, Gojo sat on the floor with your adorable toddler, their big, curious eyes fixed on their father. Gojo, being the confident man he was, had a twinkle in his eye as he prepared for a unique birthday surprise.
"Alright, little one," Gojo began, as his little one looked at him with unwavering attention. "Today, we're going to learn something very special for Mommy's birthday. Can you say, 'I love you'?"
The toddler blinked innocently, not fully grasping the words but sensing the excitement in their father's voice. Gojo patiently repeated the phrase, encouraging them to mimic the sounds. The toddler babbled in response, creating a cute and incomprehensible version of the words.
With each attempt, Gojo couldn't help but smile. "That's it! You're doing great! Mommy's going to love this."
As the morning progressed, Gojo continued his impromptu language lesson. He used playful gestures, exaggerated expressions, and even incorporated a funny sounds to keep the toddler engaged. The room was filled with laughter and incoherent babbbling, the joyous sound of a father bonding with his child.
Finally, after several attempts, the toddler managed to string together a recognizable "I wuv you." Gojo erupted into cheers, scooping the little one into his arms for a triumphant hug and pressed a loud kiss to their forehead.
"Perfect! You're a natural, just like your dad," Gojo grinned, his heart swelling with pride.
Later that day, as you gathered with family and friends to celebrate your birthday, Satoru couldn't wait to unveil his surprise. With the toddler in his arms, he looked at you with a huge grin plastered on his face.
"Okay, little one, it's showtime. Can you say it for Mommy? I-" He dragged out, hoping that the child would catch on to what he was trying to do.
The toddler, sensing the anticipation, looked at you with those innocent eyes and exclaimed, "I wuv you!"
The room erupted into cheers and laughter as you felt your heart swell with love. Gojo beamed with pride, knowing that this small, heartfelt gift from your toddler was the best present he could have given you.
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fallen-gravity · 10 months
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Scratch’s ice cream speech reminded me of Remy trying different foods together. My brain is blessed haha.
LMAOOOOOOOOO THAT WAS LITERALLY MY FIRST THOUGHT TOO I was out here whistling the Ratatouille theme song the entire time Scratch was babbbling about ice cream 😂 I'd be shocked if it wasn't even partially an intentional reference
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Also aaaaa there are 300 of yall in the flower field oh my goodness 😭💖💖
Thank you for putting up with my constant babbbling and for sending such amazing things to the mailbox!!!!!
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evintide · 10 months
Some headcanon questions for you!!
1- what is the diet of the Twili? Carnivorous? Herbivores? Omnivorous? A secret fourth option?
2- can Midna understand other languages beyond Twili and Hylian?
3- Do the Twili have livestock? What about other animals? I know they have big fuckoff birds but what else?
first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTIONS !! ;0; i appreciate the curiosity and your time! these are all, like, a mish-mash of stuff i've considered over the years along with ideas that i've thrown together during the past few days. so if it seems all over the place... that's why, LMAO. and this is going to be LONG on top of all that too, sooooo... a read more is in order! also, as a forewarning, a lot of this stuff is not wholly set in stone as i'm always working on new ideas and finding new inspiration for things. i believe the twilight realm is just as vast as any other realm, and what we see and experience in game is not even a teaspoon as to how much is in there. so just like any world, variety is OUT there, just. not all seen within one place. thus a lot of the stuff i'm about to talk about will mainly be concentrated on what has been generally seen from a game perspective. but, like. expounded on. ANYWAY I'M ALREADY BABBBLING HERE. TO RAMBLES !!
Midna is fluent in twili and an archaic version of hylian, and can read ancient zoran and gerudo. she wasn’t very interested in learning languages as a child, but because using relics and certain magicks requires an understanding of them, she had to try to learn them eventually. they aren't her strongest subjects, but thanks to becoming queen she has greater access to relics that have even older texts and hieroglyphics, thus her need to learn even more has increased.
since hylian was the predominant language of the interlopers ( but not the only )  it remained that way until it developed into twili over the years. Twili in itself is an amalgamation of all of the above languages that transformed over time thanks to an exposure of all sorts of influences. modern twili trends towards a more singsong like cadence, while older versions have a choppier, brusque intonation.
her archaic language proficiency is mainly text and phonetic. she is wholly fluent in both old and modern twili along with archaic hylian, though her time in the light realm exposed her to modern hylian, which has come to reflect itself in her current speech patterns.
» DIET !!
the twili diet predominantly consists of grains mixed with nuts and vegetables. proteins come in the form of mushrooms and eggs, the latter of which is their main consumable animal product. fruits are also a treat, but are not main courses in any meal, as they tend to be small but very flavorful. spices take center stage when it comes to all meals, and instead of a singular plate where all the food is served, their meals will be one main dish with some sort of grain set alongside several smaller dishes with pickled foods, dried and curried spices and saucers for dips and sauces.
while the original interlopers were banished with an assortment of things ( whatever they were wearing, tools they were using, animal companions, etc. ) very few actually survived their first century there. they had to rely on magic to transform what little wildlife already existed in the realm to sustain themselves, and due to their outside influence many different types of animals and vegetation were able to come into fruition. these new species needed almost constant assistance however, which made for a very narrow amount of variety to be had within their original stocks.
now that the twili people have grown accustomed to their home and environment, better sustainability has been achieved and they now have a broader selection of things to choose from — though eating meat is still seen as something of a delicacy. not many of the creatures that they have are suitable for consumption, and even more tend to return to the twilight not unlike the twili people do, so having any meat with which to consume afterward can be difficult to even obtain. this is why eggs are the most common and accessible animal product.
the original flora and fauna of the twilight realm are still present in the world, but it is not as commonly seen or experienced by those who reside in the capital. however, given that the twili people have assimilated to their realm compared to their ancestors, they can safely recognize, traverse and consume whatever natural wildlife is in the realm before their influence. twili that live outside of the capital often bring in wares to trade and sell biannually, though there are travelers who can be sent out to pick up items from these merchants throughout the rest of the year if more supplies are needed.
some merchants travel with vehicles powered by magics, but those leaning towards more traditional methods have access to horse-like creatures to help carry their wares. in a traditional sense they’re like a combination of a camel and a horse, though they have a wider, stockier physique. they were specifically domesticated to help traverse wide landscapes with few pit stops for food and water, though they have to consume large amounts of both before and after their trips.
dometic animals are fairly similar to those seen in the light realm. this is not limited to livestock either, as house pets of all different types and sizes have either been domesticated or crossbred over time to serve as companions or pest control. the most common of which is a small creature that has developed a method of flight with it's ears.
indigenous animals have a thinner and more angular body type that requires small amounts of food sustained over longer periods of time. natural bioluminescence is present in almost all life there, as it is needed to see and communicate in their environment of perpetual low light. many, if not almost all wildlife is smaller than that of any found within the light realm, but they have… for lack of a better word, a denser quality to them. they are, essentially, their own diet, as they are made of shadow and must also consume what is made of shadow. not entirely carnivorous, but not wholly herbivorous either.
animals often seen and used within the capitol are small deer like creatures with two predominant teeth that curve out and backwards towards their ears. their wild cousins have shorter sets that look more like fangs, but the domesticated breeds have been kept so that their teeth serve for ornamental purposes. all species have a pelt that has reflective spots towards their sides and flanks, and tails with a pale underside that can be raised to alert their herd of any dangers.
avians of all types are helpful in transporting goods and people across all surfaces, but namely those in height. while technology and magic is a predominant proponent for all life within the twili realm, many still rely on their birds to travel to and from places, and some even own creatures that have been in their family for almost a century. these larger birds have crossbred naturally with wild ones over the years, which have since become something of a nuisance when in close proximity with domesticated animals.
certain creatures hold high respect in twilight culture as well, as it is said that every monarch has a divine beast that watches over them during their rule. you can actually tell who held the throne and for how long thanks to any iconography on pottery, clothing and other items that show a certain animal or beast.
again, as stated above, the interlopers who originally settled within the capital crossbred and raised their own animals with the native wildlife to reflect creatures and comforts they originally had from the light realm, but over time everything was influenced and altered to best suit a lifestyle within the twilight.
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shiny-craboo-blog · 6 years
i was like Wow I Wonder What Ive Missed and it, has been half a year im
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hajimeskitten · 3 years
when osamu is coming up with a new recipe he needs his pretty baby to taste it for him, don’t worry he fucks you after every recipe he makes. by the end of the night your tummy’s full and so is your pussy
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sorry to complain again but apparently I did forget to take my meds yesterday and it’s leading to that fun thing again where my vision is somehow impaired and I cannot focus. can’t I just catch a break for at least five fucking minutes???
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purrble-archive · 3 years
That waS a stupid fucking dream
#had a dream inside a dream where i got to play splatoon with this other competitive player prochara and i woke up#and was like fuck its not reeeaaal#and idk some stuff happened that i dont remember#this one other gay guy who was my friend was sad and he asked me to comfort him or whate er#there was this other girl who was also said for some reason i dont remember adn she was my frien#she asked me to come over and then when i did i was like oh i got somethijg for you thT drink you like#and it was like a sprt of big jug of really bright pink wine???? or something#and she started babbbling about how cute it was and she skipped off into her house#but the thing is i was the guy character but i was watching myself in 3rd person#like i waz watching an anime#and i rhought to myself 'wooow if these two got together it would be so cute! shes adorable!'#and i woke up#these two celebrities started to laugh and mock me at ome point#there was this dude i think his qhole thing was like hes sort of a hashtag bad boy o r something#but i cant remember if he was dating me or this other girl in the group (wow what a playboy)#i cant remember what we all did together but yeah#comforted the gay guy comforted the girl quit a runnng marathon because one of the announcers called little children slutty rode a skateboar#d got laughed at by like nicki minaj or something#these have started to get more and more insane and less like nightmares#but they still make my head hurt#also there was a thing about a demon i had to bbe with and he was scary#grr.txt
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captain-emmajones · 3 years
Less than 10 days until Christmas now, and outside it is a total winter wonderland here! Today I have for you another limerick. This one is from the CS movie: They once took a trip to the past/ But the timeline they soon did blast/ So they went to a ball/ In love her parents did fall/ And Emma accepted her home at last. ~Santa~
Hello dear Santa!!
Oh I’m so jealous!! Here, it’s really misty but temperatures won’t go below 50°F so no snow for us :’)
Ah thank you, I love it!! The CS movie is my definition of therapy. It’s a group hug. It’s just wonderful. 
Hoping you’re okay, santa. xxxx
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g4yr4t · 4 years
I think the only way I could do an ldr is if I knew that the person was going to end up moving to philadelphia lol
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perhapsarat · 7 years
best thing that happened yesterday - went online shopping on American sites having end of winter clearance sales and bought $1300 worth of winter clothes for $285. thank u northern hemisphere
worst thing that happened yesterday - asked for 5 pieces of bacon at the shop, lady got me $5 worth..I watched her putting that enormous amount into a bag in a panic, trying to get the courage to tell her I said 5 pieces not 5 dollars. She weighed it and asked me ‘is $5.50 alright?’ and instead of telling her the truth I told her that was perfect. Now I have loads of bacon I’m not going to eat and no money.
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Okay, I'm going to try again! So, I don't know many of your characters (yet), but I'd say I like both Naida and Ven. If I have to pick one of them, I'd go with Naida because she's cute and fun and also a little scary which, ya know - I dig it. Also, I think that Jade who adds little comments to the pics in OSL is the secret third main character, so that's also a fave of mine. (Pls don't eat this Tumblr pls).
LOUISE. I’m so happy your round two ask didn’t get eaten! And thank yoooou ♥ I love Nai so much for the same reasons, but honestly my commentary as a character candidate is pretty legendary LOL. I’d also like to throw out that gator is maybe my best character, but the meme said sim huh. Poor Gator. 
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crayonsandcarebears · 5 years
Ooooobie! Oobie oobie oobie oobie ooooobiieee!!
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queerpyracy · 7 years
not to mention the accursed discourse but one of my greatest minor peeves is the s*ngle l*tter c*nsoring which achieves absolutely nothing whatsoever if ur gonna censor a word at least commit
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shiny-craboo-blog · 6 years
hey im coming out of my hole to say i love brigitte ty for ur time
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