dashinghealth · 2 months
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ad. 👶 Wish I would have had this clever Toddler Alert Car Flag from @withloveforkidz a couple years ago! Especially when I'm trying to load Zelah in the car only to find out the person next to me left absolutely no room! This space access notice would of solved many problems! It's an essential accessory for every parent!
🚩 The flag pole is super strong and sturdy so it can hold up to high winds. The suction cup attaches in seconds and locks so it completely keeps the flag pole in place while driving. Whether you're stuck in a parking lot or just need some extra space on the road, this car flag pole will help get the message across. If you'd like to notify drivers that you need access to get your child in the car check it out! Right now you can get 25% off simply by clipping the coupon on the amazon product page!
#mamatips #momtip
#momtips#toddleralert #momfinds#toddleradvice #babyonboard #babyadvice
#newmoms #newmomstruggles
#organizedmom #producttester
#californiablogger #reviewer #producttesters#productreviewer #getorganized #organizedhome #prodoctreviewer#momblogger#californiablogger #organizedmoms
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eqov · 3 years
someone told me to listen to Crywank
it sounds like sad music for sad people??? i don’t wanna listen to some dude with a tad bit of an accent going “i am shit nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh”????? good name tho. 
smh i think the entirety of Tumblr was dropped on their fuckin head 
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A proposito di sonno... Seguendo sempre il consiglio che ci hanno dato all'ospedale abbiamo fatto dormire i gemelli nello stesso lettino. Ho sentito altri genitori di gemelli che una volta a casa gli hanno separati. Uno era più vivace e disturbava l'altro. Nel nostro caso è stato una cosa indovinata... È successo che Anita non si addormentava fino a quando non arrivava Gabriele. Gabriele si è svegliato sempre alle cinque, ha sempre aspettato che lo prendessi, anche mezz'ora, senza disturbare. Adorano dormire con i piedi dell'altro in testa, o in bocca... Ci sono dei momenti che si tengono per mano... Si, lo so, sono fortunata. Un po', però, me la faccio anche la fortuna. Una delle mie grosse ansie era quella di riuscire a gestirli mantenendoli calmi. Un bambino che piange mi mette in agitazione, primo perché vuol dire che qualcosa non gli piace, gli da fastidio o altro e secondo perché rischio di fare qualcosa di sbagliato al bimbo che curo in quel momento. Al inizio ci voleva mezz'ora per cambiare e sfamare uno, mi sembrava di fare solo quello tutto il giorno... Si come sono un po' furbetta, non aspettavo mai di sentire il pianto che annunciava la fame. Venti minuti prima che scadessero le tre o quattro ore tiravo su uno e iniziavo il rituale. In questo modo, quando il secondo iniziava ad avere fame, io ero pronta... Ha sempre funzionato molto bene. Se la prima era Anita, dopo mangiato prendeva il ciuccio ed era tranquilla, se era primo Gabriele, dopo bastava sussurrarli che aspettava sua sorella e si faceva una ragione. Adesso, mangiano le pappe insieme, un cucchiaino a uno, un cucchiaino a una. #goodbabies #nicebabies #gemellini#twinsouls #differenttwins #mybabies #mydubai #brotherandsister #nap #afternoonnap #advice #babyadvice https://www.instagram.com/p/BsstPEYFp3x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1prxhewyt70qt
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wide-eyed-mum-blog · 5 years
My pregnancy journey
First trimester
I knew I was pregnant very early on, about 4 weeks and a positive pregnancy test confirmed this. I’m not sure how I knew, I just had a feeling, which I was delighted turned out to be right.
We had a miscarriage before this pregnancy so naturally I was reluctant to get too excited and felt anxious at the prospect of it happening again, so I booked in for an early reassurance scan when, by my calculations, I would be roughly 7 weeks pregnant. It was difficult to wait for the 3 weeks until the scan, my husband and I decided to keep the news to ourselves until the scan date. That felt like the longest 3 weeks ever!
The 7-week scan confirmed that I was pregnant ad this time around all seemed to be going well. It was a relief to see the little blob on the screen. Finally, the excitement kicked in! As did the sickness and nausea! We told our parents that I was pregnant but didn’t tell anyone else until we had the 12-week scan.
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From approximately week 6 to week 12 I had really bad sickness and nausea- the nausea was actually worse, it lasted all day and night and it felt that if I could actually be sick I would feel much better.
I read online that ginger helps with sickness, so I tried ginger biscuits for a while, and they did work to begin with, but then I got sick of them too. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat ginger biscuits again! Sipping water, diluted juice and eating constant ice pops seemed to help.
The doctor did provide some anti-sickness tablets, but I was reluctant to take them, I just ate little and often and kept telling myself that this phase would eventually end. I honestly feel so sorry for anyone who has hyperemesis and has to deal with that feeling throughout their entire pregnancy.
I found myself sleeping a lot during this first trimester, taking naps whenever I could throughout the day- I was just so tired.
Finally, the 12-week scan date was here, and it was such a wonderful relief to see a little baby on the screen with a fluttering heartbeat. At that stage I definitely knew that everything in this pregnancy was okay.
We phoned our parents straight away to confirm the good news and we were able to share the good news with the rest of our family and friends.
At this stage I really was excited and went straight out to pick a pram!
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Second trimester
This trimester was the best one, no more secrets being kept- everyone knew I was pregnant, I told work and was finally able to sit back and enjoy it.
I started the trimester still very tired, so I made the most of it and rested up when I could. The food cravings and aversions kicked in at this stage.
I didn’t have any overly strange cravings like some people and they didn’t last very long either, I maybe craved salt and vinegar hula hoops for a few days, then for the few days after that I craved tinned ravioli, a few days after that it could have been a craving of fruit pastels, followed by a few days of eating toast and cheese. The cravings changed every few days so nothing stuck for long. I used to love fish and seafood before I got pregnant but there was a while in this second trimester where I couldn’t stand eating fish.
I did start to get a bit more energy back the further I progressed into this trimester, so we made the most of it and had a lovely babymoon, a week away, just my husband and I in turkey. Relaxing on the beach, chilling out, eating good food and sipping non-alcoholic cocktails was amazing.
We used this trimester to get the babies room ready, painted the room, started buying furniture, we had considered about finding out the gender of the baby at the 20-week scan, but we decided against it- we thought it would be a lovely surprise to find out at the birth.
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I started pregnancy yoga in the second trimester and it was so lovely to be able to talk to other mums to be and share our pregnancy stories.
The second trimester brought with it some headaches, nosebleeds and towards the end of the trimester I began to get some pelvic pain as my uterus was stretching to make more room for my growing baby. Heartburn also kicked in and this lasted right until the end of my pregnancy. Unfortunately, there was no cure to this, Gaviscon offered a little bit of relief but apart from that it was one of those things I had to just wait out.
Third trimester
At this stage I almost started to feel like the countdown was on, especially when I hit 30 weeks. We had booked in for a 4D scan when we were 30 weeks, just to break up that waiting period between week 20 and week 40. The scan was brilliant, the baby’s facial features were so clear, and it was beautiful to see.
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All food cravings and aversions had gone by this stage, nosebleeds had stopped, headaches had also stopped, and I was feeling pretty good. I did have back pain, some pelvic pain and a few cramps here and there as things stretched. Leg cramps at night were really bad for a couple of weeks and to be honest nothing really cured this, I started to do some stretches every evening which I learnt at pregnancy yoga and they did seem to help to some extent. The heartburn was still a major culprit, but I just kept reminding myself that once baby was here the heartburn would go.
I finished work at 34 weeks pregnant, I was too uncomfortable at this stage to work anymore, sitting or standing too long was destroying my back and I was getting more cramp like pains. The last few weeks leading up to my due date were tiring, every so often I got a shooting sensation right up my uterus, I couldn’t sleep properly, my back ached but I know that it will all be worth it.
As I post this I am due my baby tomorrow, however a midwife appointment yesterday confirmed that after 2 weeks since my last appointment my baby is still only 1/5 engaged, obviously I have created too comfortable of an environment for baby to want to leave. I am booked in for a sweep in a week, but I am hopeful that I will go on my own before this.
I wish everyone else the best of luck in their pregnancy journey.
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pricepernappy · 3 years
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Best nappy prices across UK supermarkets - pricepernappy.co.uk 🦊 Try now! ✔️ Free ✔️ No spam ✔️ No cookies ✔️ No registration ✔️ No advertisements #pricepernappy #newbornchild #firstchild #babyadvice #postpartum #babyessentials #babytips #clevermom #babyhealth #sensitiveskin #justbornbaby #frommumtomum #babytoiletries #pottytraining #bornintheuk #parentadvice #mumessentials #savemoney #swimnappy #econappy #reusablenappy #disposablenappies #newborntwins #breastfeeding #formulafeeding #firststeps #firstwords #nursery #babydue2021 #bornin2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CVnAz06KDyn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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4mumy · 3 years
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Have you ever worried that your #baby might be behind on motor skills? Have you ever found yourself googling about development? Have you ever wondered "is this normal?" I get it, mama! Development really is tricky and it is rarely ever black & white! Of course, there are textbook ranges and "norms" but babies are not usually textbook (amiright?21) So, sometimes it can be really hard to discern what is "normal" and what might warrant a discussion with a professional. I want to outline a few things here that I would consider "non negotiables" as far as opening up a conversation with your pediatrician and asking for a referral! +your baby seems very, very floppy or very, very stiff +your baby has a flat spot, even if it's "mild" +your baby always tends to look (or tilt) in the same direction +your baby can not tolerate tummy time, even for short periods after 3 months of age +your baby skipped crawling or has a "janky" crawl (crawling with one leg up, butt scooting, etc) +your baby is only using one side of the body or only doing skills to one side +poor head control when supported after 3 months of age +your gut tells you that you need extra guidance: thisis a big one- if your gut tells you that something is off, then you don't really need anything other reason Don't let the "let's wait and see" approach stand in your way of seeking help if your baby meets any of these items above! The earlier you can start working with a therapist, the sooner you can get a game plan to address your concerns! It is never wasted time or energy to be seen by a professional if you feel your baby needs more support. Read that again: IT IS NEVER WASTED TIME OR ENERGY To BE SEEN BY A PROFEsSIONAL IF YOU FEEL YOUR BABY NEEDS MORE SUPPORT. Advocate for what you need as many times as needed! Keep an open dialogue with your child's pediatrician. Document yourconcerns. Never be afraid to ask for help! #4mumy #4mumybaby #babyadvice https://www.instagram.com/p/CRrlk1qFA11/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theadamstribe · 4 years
I was just telling my husband about this!
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bekkawhite86-blog · 5 years
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Finally broke down (mainly out of boredom) and started a baby registry, from baby list. Links in the bio. Check it out, tell me if I’m missing something. First time momma so I definitely won’t get upset over advice😍 #babylistregistry #firsttimemom #babygifts #babyadvice #ittakesatribe https://www.instagram.com/p/BuILUGBHTa2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xku5rmtb416u
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love-weirdo-blog · 6 years
Speaking as a former baby I think (insert parenting advice here)
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infantcaresg · 5 years
Baby Nursery and Bedding Advice Guide: This advice takes you through how you can plan for and set up your baby's nursery as well as safety for your young baby. #babynursery #babybedding #beddingadvice #babyguide #youngbabies #nurseryschool #mothercare #babyadvice https://www.instagram.com/p/ByUXj2DHPNX/?igshid=1sittjel316qj
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shanwrites · 5 years
Baby White Space
Our son Thomas is seven months old today! He is super adorable. Seriously. People come up to us to tell us this all the time even when Thomas is just staring at them without smiling. 
Having a baby is a truly life-altering experience -- I underestimated this before Thomas showed up. In the pre-Thomas era, I always questioned why new parents tend to post about their kids non-stop on social media. Now that I have Thomas, I can shed light on this phenomenon. Everything is a new experience, and on days when I’m not working, I spend 8-10 waking hours a day actively playing with him or doing related work like cooking baby food. 
Because of how mentally and physically demanding babies are, there is naturally a huge economy around babies. Baby equipment, baby food, baby classes, you name it, there’s some over-priced baby version of it that you can buy as retail therapy for whatever baby woe you’re having that day. Fussy? Not eating well? Not sleeping well? Drooling too much? Google it and have Amazon ship you the solution, or better yet, multiple solutions! Yet all these products seem at odds with the way that many parents claim they want to raise their babies - more naturally, less obsessed with consumerism, less technology and more free play. We want to limit our babies’ screen time, even as we’re downloading tons of baby-related apps and monitoring their every sleeping breath on a custom baby cam. 
It’s hard to embrace the ABSENCE of stuff. When I’m thinking about a subject all the time, a problem-solving shopping list naturally forms around it. Plus all the other parents are sharing what they’re doing and buying ... in a social media age where most posts are photos, no one’s posting about what toys they DIDN’T get their baby or what activity or destination they AREN’T taking their baby to. So much FOMO pressure on something you’re already spending so much time thinking about. In an age when people are locking down daycare spots before the baby is even conceived, is it a wonder that we feel the need to plan and buy everything before there is a manifest need for it?
So let’s take a break from all that. Let’s mindfully create some baby white space. Let’s find a way to talk about the good experiences that can happen when we’re not jam-packing their extremely young lives with trendy gear and photo posing and scheduled, structured activities. 
I’ll start with this list of things we didn’t buy for Thomas and things we bought that we realized we didn’t need. This is not to shame anyone who have this stuff -- it’s simply articulating an alternative because people make a lot of gear recommendations, but not nearly as many people tell you how easy it is to live without them.
Bassinet - Thomas slept in a full-sized crib from Day 1. We also don’t have a bassinet for the stroller - you can use your car seat with the stroller until your baby is 3-4 months old for neck support; after that, the regular stroller seat is fine.
Changing table - he has a changing pad that we put on top of my old nightstand that has become his clothes dresser. It was really hard to find dressers that weren’t made of manufactured wood!
Diaper bag - I use a small canvas bag for the essentials that I dump into whatever shoulder bag or backpack I usually take out.
Travel crib - I got this after weeks of research and have used ours exactly once, and not from a lack of travel. Turns out every hotel has a crib, and plenty of Airbnbs too. We’ve never really had to take this on a trip with us, although it is nice to have a pack-n-play at the grandparents’ house for visits.
Nursing pillow - I had one and it always felt awkward. I used a normal pillow for a while, and now I just use my legs to prop up my arms.
Bottle sterilizer - We wash the bottles with warm soapy water then do a cold water rinse and let it dry on a dinner plate. He’s never gotten sick from it.
Bottle warmer - Just use the microwave! Thomas drinks about 5 oz per meal from glass bottles. Eric puts 30 seconds on the microwave timer, but stops the microwave in 6-7 second intervals to swirl the bottle to prevent any localized hot spots. We don’t like microwaving plastic, so I probably wouldn’t recommend this if you use plastic bottles.
Baby bathtub/related equipment - We got one of these, but we found out that he loved the regular bathtub way more. We get in the tub with him, hold his head up and let him splash to his heart’s content. In the first couple of weeks when we were scared about breaking him, we gave him sponge baths on the changing pad. He had no bath toys for the first 5 months, now he has one “toy” that’s actually just a mini shampoo bottle.
Baby shampoo and soap - We wash Thomas with plain water. This may soon change now that he is getting into eating solid foods though.
Bouncer/swing- We were trying not to make him (and ourselves) depend on too many crutches to fall asleep, so we resisted getting a bouncer. He was fine chilling on the cotton play mat and sleeping in his crib with a little training.
Sound machine - We’re lucky - he sleeps fine without one.
Pacifier - He didn’t cry much in the early days so we didn’t use one. When we finally got desperate enough to try one, he thought it was weird and rejected it.
Mittens - He has had a few minor scratches, but doesn’t seem to notice them. We wanted him to learn to use his fingers and how not to use them, and that’s what he did.
Baby cam - I almost got one when we moved him into his own room at 5.5 months old, but Eric was worried they weren’t secure. So we got the old fashioned walkie-talkie style monitors. Which we never opened because our apartment is all on one floor and we realized we could hear him crying all too well from anywhere in the unit. We returned them. Plus I think I also get more of a mental break from him after his bedtime when there isn’t data to monitor.
Baby classes - We go to free nursery rhymes hour at the library down the street. He also meets other babies at the park across the street.
Special thanks to Eric for talking me out of buying a bunch of things on this list. He is much better than me at resisting the urge to solve all problems with Amazon.
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halfpintdesign-blog · 6 years
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I just can’t stop feeling so excited about the baby shower we had this week for Laura @makelifelovely! 🎉Dawn @revelandglitter started us off with so much mocktail inspiration. This table is fantastic! Do you see the rainbow 🌈 of garnishes!? I swoon! 🎉 Susan @sugarpartiesla created the most darling boho banner and cupcake toppers. Elephants! Need I say more? 🎉 Rachel @fawn_parties put together the cutest party favor boxes with fun colors and patterns. 🎉 Deanna @mirabellecreations created the most darling advice cards for mom. 🎉 We’ve got s few more to share. I’m so impressed with everything these ladies brought to the party table. So happy I could be part of it! . . . . #babyshower #virtualbabyshower #mocktails #babyshowercupcaketoppers #bohobanner #babyshowerfavors #babyadvice #handlettering #etsyshopowner #partytribe #partystyling #makersgonnamake
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tjcengiz-blog · 7 years
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He looks like an angel. Just like one. 😂 but don't forget, there's always a dark side to things haha. What an amazing unexplainable bond that has been created for the two of us since his first breath. Thank you for giving me the best gift of life, dear Lord. We ended our nursing together at 18 months and it killed me so bad to stop! 😰 it was the beginning of a CRAZY time in our lives with our business, and I couldn't honestly keep up with feeding myself enough to nourish our son. Starting a business and jumping into busy season was not easy for us but we did a fantastic job I must say 🤗😋 It's been nearly a year since we stopped nursing and Ayaz continues to touch his girls for pure comfort. Not something we will do FOREVER, so I soak in every snuggle session I can. ☺️ I totally recommend heading to Knotts instead of spending your life savings @ Disney 😬 So much cheaper entrance fees and the lines, OMG, what lines?! We were able to ride most rides 2-4 times (without getting off!) Seriously, what a fun time! Husband and I took turns riding roller coasters and everyone had a blast. So lucky to have rode soooo many rides, and thankful we were able to go a second day 😘 #breastfed #feedingmybaby #notababyanymore #stillmybaby #toddlermom #selfcare #knottsberryfarm #trainride #bebetravels #babyadvice #gotoknotts (at Knott's Berry Farm)
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A proposito di sonno... Seguendo sempre il consiglio che ci hanno dato all'ospedale abbiamo fatto dormire i gemelli nello stesso lettino. Ho sentito altri genitori di gemelli che una volta a casa gli hanno separati. Uno era più vivace e disturbava l'altro. Nel nostro caso è stato una cosa indovinata... È successo che Anita non si addormentava fino a quando non arrivava Gabriele. Gabriele si è svegliato sempre alle cinque, ha sempre aspettato che lo prendessi, anche mezz'ora, senza disturbare. Adorano dormire con i piedi dell'altro in testa, o in bocca... Ci sono dei momenti che si tengono per mano... Si, lo so, sono fortunata. Un po', però, me la faccio anche la fortuna. Una delle mie grosse ansie era quella di riuscire a gestirli mantenendoli calmi. Un bambino che piange mi mette in agitazione, primo perché vuol dire che qualcosa non gli piace, gli da fastidio o altro e secondo perché rischio di fare qualcosa di sbagliato al bimbo che curo in quel momento. Al inizio ci voleva mezz'ora per cambiare e sfamare uno, mi sembrava di fare solo quello tutto il giorno... Si come sono un po' furbetta, non aspettavo mai di sentire il pianto che annunciava la fame. Venti minuti prima che scadessero le tre o quattro ore tiravo su uno e iniziavo il rituale. In questo modo, quando il secondo iniziava ad avere fame, io ero pronta... Ha sempre funzionato molto bene. Se la prima era Anita, dopo mangiato prendeva il ciuccio ed era tranquilla, se era primo Gabriele, dopo bastava sussurrarli che aspettava sua sorella e si faceva una ragione. Adesso, mangiano le pappe insieme, un cucchiaino a uno, un cucchiaino a una. #goodbabies #nicebabies #gemellini#twinsouls #differenttwins #mybabies #mydubai #brotherandsister #nap #afternoonnap #advice #babyadvice https://www.instagram.com/p/BsstPEYFp3x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c3n99miteg3u
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jakearthurdesign · 2 years
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Logo design and branding. #toddler #toddlerlife #toddleractivities #toddlerfashion #toddlersofinstagram #babies #babiesofinstagram #babiesbabiesbabies #babieswithstyle #childrensillustrations #child #childrensfashion #fashion #bib #bibsbaby #bows #bowseason #kidclothes #kids #kidsstylishoutfits #kidsfashion #mumlife #motherhood #parenting #parenthood #parentadvice #toddleradvice #babyadvice #motherlove #mumssupportingmums (at Skjold, Rogaland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWCeBZCBieB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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