#basically its me going i hope you get eaten everytime i get annoyed at a character
not-goldy · 7 months
I'm observing too. Either its baiting fans on purpose or its their quirky love language or Jk wants Jm's attention even when he leaves and Jm takes the bait everytime. And its a point made to do it publicly. Esp when we know they have each other's numbers and group chat. Inchresting. I'm pretty sure Jk has a secret IG too and this is how he times posting with Jm the last few times he posted on TikTok right after Jm posted on IG. He wants that connection to Jm. In music. His style. His dance, even when posting. He does it on weverse. Did it on IG, now on TikTok. Its an established pattern. There is no doubt whatsoever Jk sees everything happening with Jm. He told on himself by watching all Jm's content and saying he saw it all, even what he didn't watch with us. His posting after Jm tells on him. His algorithm told on him and played Jm videos automatically and his playlist told on him & played Jm songs automatically. It's interesting to see them keep this pattern up for years though. Number connection, posting back to back. Now Jimin leaving and Jk going live or posting ramen.
What gets me is Jm will make this public post and ask Jk to cook for him, but then turn around and say he hasn't seen him or he hasn't cooked for him when asked. He shoots himself in the foot doing that. Esp when JK told the world publicly already, YOU KNOW I WILL, OF COURSE I WILL DO IT FOR. So we know he is not the reason why its not happening. Same way we know he is not the reason why we aren't getting that Jikook live yet. He is ready to do all that. He was willing to cook it & go live. So if you are being truthful & he didn't cook yet or you didn't go over to get it, why even mention it publicly in the first place, just to turn around and say it didn't happen? Kinda sets them both up. (we know Jm got it though, but that's our little secret). Then we end up with "Jimin has to beg for food, but Jk won't cook for him, but cooks for others willingly blah, blah, blah bullshit from antis). Where was the 'willingly' in ITS2 where Tae basically had to drag Jk's ass out of the chair and annoyed him til he did cook? Straight up pulled the hyung card for food. Willingly flew out the window. He had no choice LOL. IDK, Unless Ramen as in food is not the Ramen Jimin wants or talking about. SMIRKS. IDK maybe I'm delulu and just overthinking everything.
I would like to talk about this in all seriousness but-
It's 2023, baiting fans is old and tired.
They shouldn't do that. Don't do that jikook.
Don't do that.
I'm over this whole fan service thingy and it's starting to get on my nerves each time I see it.
Playing tricks on us like who raised you!
We don't need two grown male adults to play pretend anything to be happy. Stop with the fan service just stop.
We want real organic and authentic interactions.
And Park Jimin didn't you say you hate fake interactions and friendships? Why you masterminding this deception 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I personally like to believe and hope they do these cute public interactions because they ACTUALLY enjoy talking to eachother in this way. Which is fine, no one is judging.
they've always given off that exhibitionist streak though over time they've learned to tone it down- which is cool- I just dont know how I feel about that- but it's cool. I SAID IT'S COOL.
You hear me JJK? IT'S COOL.
Keep your relationship to yourself don't share
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Since yall got your BB1 and you got everything now.
And you're professionals and disciplined keep your relationship to yourself then. Don't share.
No. No but why????
Why so stingy Jikook wwwwwyyyy😭😭😭😭
And I know the answer but whhhhyyyy🤧
I am not one to judge or shame couples who like to put their relationship on display- God knows we've all fooled around and screwed in places we shouldn't have. I have sucked titties, eaten my gf out in the back seat of our uber ride and gotten myself figured in a room full of campers at church camp. I am not one to Judge.
And you'd think I did all this several years ago- think just last week. A WHOLE ADULT. Sometimes you just can't help it. Things happen. When you are caught, you feel shame for a while a promise not to do it again because you are a home bred, disciplined and self respecting individual- then you go and do it again 😊
I know it does something for Jikook when they do these things but if they don't like it then they need to stop.
No one is forcing them to be "friends" so no need to put up a performance of friendliness for us. We are not hybe. You don't owe us anything.
Matter fact, yall could decide not to speak to each other again and there's nothing we can do about it.
Yall could decide not to post anything on each other's birthday.
What are we gonna do? Cry? Weep? Wail?
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The tantrums we throw over your non interaction does not warrant the wool you throw over our eyes😩
Set yourselves free and set us free
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
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it’s been a hot second since i did dinos but Scene redraw for @gingersanps Triassic Planet Au with Ru as the poor director who is bringing more teeth to the fight
and yes
he’s in thot boots. because he was pissed as his ex fiance and said fuck your dress code I’m wearing heels under my slacks.
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bitchiha · 4 years
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A/N: I accidentally posted the request before I finished LOL. So I don’t know much about Tsundere relationships, but I did some reading on it just before I started writing and I hope I did the request some justice! Also I’m literally Kankuros bitch <3
Ps, I’m sorry I didn’t put a keep reading thingy idk how to do it on mobile and my trash laptop is broken 😭😭
Also I didnt include tobirama bc I absolutely hated how his turned out and I had to delete it im sorry 😖
✎ Tsundere relationship! (Hidan, Kank, Naruto)
Ahh, where to start? I think you’ll meet on a mission co partnered with the Leaf...
You and Shikamaru are sent to assist the Sand on a mission. Now, we already know Kankurō is a bit of a sassy mf when it comes to the Leaf like I think he whole heartedly believes the Sand is superior and you also have those feelings about your own village... So there’s an instant dislike for one another. Kinda like an instant rivalry.
Literally the first thing you say to him is “So, the Sand can’t take care of their own missions?” And that sets Kankurō off, “What, how dare you- ack! Temari, that hurt! I’m not gonna let her walk all over us like that, I’ll fight you right now you Leaf Village bi- ow! Temari!” Shikamaru has to hold you back LMFAOO you’re ready to throw hands “Huh, what’s that? Sounds like you’re really determined for me to kick your ass?” He lowkey liked when you said that to him lol.
Anyways, the two of you are bickering the whole entire way to the missions destination. You’ll tease eachother about anything and everything you can. So, once you find out about his puppet master jutsu its only natural that you fall on the floor with laughter. Like full on tears and strangled breathing. Now this is something you can really tease him about.
“What! You still play with dolls? I bet you have little sleep over parties with them and do their hair-“
You’re cut off because he tries to trap you in the Ant. Temari has to strangle him and force him to let you out. You’re lucky he didn’t iron maiden your ass LMFAOO.
This is the kind of the energy you guys carry whenever you see eachother from now on. He’ll see you more often too because you carry out a lot of Leaf and Sand allied missions and duties. Rip to anyone who gets put on a mission with you two tbh.
But on one particularly hard mission it ends up down to the two of you fighting off like 10 enemies. He’s trying to focus on fighting them, but he can’t stop thinking about if you’re okay. His distractedness earns him a particularly hard blow.
You end up having to fight off the remaining enemies yourself, all the while protecting him. The last thing he remembers is you screaming his name when he gets hit and the fear that was in your eyes at seeming him like that. It slowly turns to anger and then you kick the bad guys asses. He’s like half conscious but is laying there like: whatta bad bitch. Then he passes out.
Starts to really admire you after that and his comments aren’t as snarky when he sees you next. It’s more like little jabs and teases because that’s how he shows his affection, but they were no longer the hardcore roasts he’d dish out before. You probably stop flaming his ass too because let’s be real here; you’ve both obviously been attracted to each other from the start you just didn’t want to admit it.
Like cmon, he didn’t wait for you at the gates every single time he knew you were visiting just to insult you first. No. He came there to see your cute ass first!!Same goes for you, like you didn’t take all the missions to the Sand for nothing. You came there to see your fav hot headed puppet master.
He’ll ask you out a few months later, when you end up at the Sand again. Probably takes you to dinner before going back to his place. I 100% see him showing you his puppets and this time you’ll actually show your interest and not just tease him lol. Probably ends up making out with you on his workbench. Ok that’s all.
You meet eachother for the first time at Ichirakus. Second to Naruto, you actually bring in the most cash for the place. So it’s surprising you two had never met each other before.
Until now of course. He’s just gotten back from a long mission and he’s dying for some ramen. He strolls right in and orders a miso pork ramen, but the old man tells him there’s no more pork left.
Probably flips his shit like who tf ate it all?? Then the old man points at you. You’re sitting there chowing down you’re literal 15th bowl, the giant stack of empty bowls next to you proving it. You watch the blondie charge right at you while you eat the last miso pork bowl of ramen for the day.
You put the bowl down and wipe your face just as he stops right infront of you, very close to your face. You can see the anger in his eyes, but you are not giving up. Also, the guy looks sorta comical so you basically laugh in his face which gets him more worked up.
“What are you laughing about? You just ate all of old mans pork for the day!! That last bowl is mine, believe it!” Once again you laugh in his face because you just can’t help yourself. Probably end up fist fighting eachother on the spot. Neither of you win because one of you ends up smashing into the bowl, sending it flying right at the old man. He kicks you both out, right after you pay your tab of course.
This arises a competition of who will eat all the miso pork ramen first, it goes on for a good few months. Ichirakus is swimming in your money now. Until one day, when you two arrive at Ichirakus at the same time. You basically have a show down. Unfortunately both your wallets are cleaned out and you can’t even pay off your bills anymore so you’re now indebted to the ramen place.
Narutos mission money won’t even cut it anymore and you can’t pay your debt off either. So you both have to get a job doing Ichirakus dishes until you can pay your debt off.
At first you two wanna strangle each other everytime youre in each others line of sight. But slowly — veryyyy slowly, you start to bond over your love for ramen. Like you can probably sniff the bowls before you clean them and tell instantly what ramen was eaten out of it.
You discover you both have the same favourite instant ramen, the same favourite Ichirakus order, etc... Then before you know it you actually start dating. Nobody knows how it happened because you were rivals for a good couple of months, but now all the sudden your holding hands while and eating ramen together peacefully. Mind blown.
You’re a brand new Akatsuki member and you’re cute. Really cute. Not only was Deidara drooling over you too, Kakuzu just asked to file your taxes. Do you even do taxes? You’re a rouge ninja. Anyways, Hidan is so sure that Jashin would love to have you.
You two start taking to eachother and actually getting along pretty well, until he mentions Jashin. You shut him down so quickly after that. Like you’re not interested in his fake God, no matter how cute he is.
From then on he tries to ignore you or is just super petty towards you all the time. Like you just got back from a failed mission with your Akatsuki partner and he’s at the hideout mocking you like “if you prayed to Jashin with me this wouldn’t have happened.”
Literally so fucking petty.
Anytime you suggest an idea to the Akatsuki he immediately tears it down. It doesn’t really matter when he does though because nobody really listens to Hidan anyways, it’s just annoying.
You two get put on a mission together one day because Kakuzu has some important money buisness to take care of. Hidans so pissy about it, “oh come on! Out of everybody you picked y/n? She doesn’t even respect my religion, how are we supposed to work together!?” Kakuzu just looks at him and is like “Hidan, I don’t care about Jashin either.”
Butthurt the whole journey. If you guys get bombarded or run into trouble he probably doesn’t even bother backing you up. If anything he tries to feed you to them LMFAOOO. Such a jerk.
Then, once he thinks that all the bad guys are gone he turns to you all confidently because you got your ass whooped and he’s like “see, I bet if you prayed to Jashin you wouldn’t be injured this bad-“
An enemy just stabbed him right through the chest and he watches the look of shock on your face. That’s when he gets an idea. He falls on the floor super fucking dramatically and you have to take the last guy down for him.
Then you kneel next to him and cradle his body because yes he was such a petty bitch but he actually started to grow on you. So you cry and in this distressed moment you probably even attempted to pray to Jashin because you’re desperate as fuck.
This bitch really makes his eyes flutter open and is like; “y/n?” Really fucking plays off that he was unconscious, “Jashin... Jashin saved me.”
Your ass just got clowned but I mean you believe it because like he just got stabbed right through the heart. Even immortal people should die if they were stabbed in the heart, right? It seemed like it was the case.
So yah he basically just emotionally manipulated you into being semi interested in his religion.
Then he stops being petty with you and probably asks you to sleep with him as an offering to Jashin. “It’s only fitting! He just saved my life afterall.”
Literal definition of a sleeze bag <3
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judithwilde · 7 years
A Rough Guide to Rivalry
"You can call us Sylvia and Eric or Mom and Dad or Mr and Mrs Wilde. Whatever you're comfortable with," 16-year-old Judy Hopps has been in the foster care system for as long as she could remember, so when a Fox couple decides to adopt her, she cant believe her luck. That feeling is short lived, though, because of a certain Fox she now has to live with.
Judy never really thought of herself as a hero. All she did was help her foster brother from falling out of a tree. The young Cheetah had been so afraid and Judy hadn’t noticed someone was filming. The news framed it as some heartwarming story of predator and prey tensions falling in the younger generations. The articles sounded something like Watch as the cute little Bunny saves a small Cheetah. The younger generation has put aside their differences and we now have hope for the future. She didn’t care so much for being described as cute but she loved being called a hero. She’d spent hours looking at every article and comment, grinning the whole time. Maybe she really could make a difference in the world like all these mammals had been saying. A week later, a family showed up wanting to adopt her.
Adoption. It was a concept Judy had let go of a long time ago. Once someone was past thirteen, there was close to no chance of them getting adopted. Judy was sixteen and only had a year and a half before she aged out. So when a family from over 200 miles away came to adopt her after seeing the news report, Judy was dumbfounded. “You can call us Sylvia and Eric or Mom and Dad or Mr and Mrs Wilde. Whatever you’re comfortable with,” they’d said. They told her that they had a son and other things about themselves. Judy had nodded  in response, while telling little about herself in return. She’d been shocked to see that they were Foxes, not only a different species, but predators. It was pretty strange in her mind but, all in all, she was happy to be adopted by anyone.
Judy had tolerated her life. Her foster home gave her food, shelter, and a bed, though she had to share hers with another girl. As long as she did her chores and kept herself out of sight, no one bothered her. She was sad to leave some of the kids she’d spent the past year and a half with but, since she switched homes multiple times, she’d never gotten close enough for any future separation to hurt. She still had some scars from being taken from past foster homes and she never wanted to experience that again. After the papers were signed, the couple simply looked at her with polite smiles and told her about the famous city she’d heard about her entire life. Zootopia was always described as this booming metropolis where everyone was happy and, from Sylvia and Eric’s stories, the ideas seemed true. She instantly liked the middle aged couple who wanted to be her parents. It was scary to believe that she would have a family for the rest of her life, but Judy was a sucker for hope and she always fell into it.
The plane ride had been short and Judy didn’t say much. It almost seemed like a sudden word or movement would make her wake up from the dream she had to be having. She played with her carrot necklace to keep from over thinking. Later, Eric switched seats with her so that Judy could look out the window as they landed. The city looked huge and vibrant. Suddenly, the reality of the situation hit her and Judy felt her eyes grow misty.
“Are you ready, honey?” Sylvia asked her. Judy snapped out of her moment when she heard the term of endearment. Growing up, mammals had always called  her pet names to belittle her. Everyone thought Judy was weak when they met her. It was pretty annoying. “Please don’t call me that.” Judy kept her tone casual as the stood to leave the plane.
“What?” Sylvia’s brows drew together in concern.
Judy didn’t want to beat around the bush. “I don’t like nicknames. Just call me Judy.”
Her new parents’ eyes widened. Most were taken aback at how direct and to-the-point Judy could be. She loved the looks of surprise she received when others realized she wasn’t just a timid little Bunny.
“Of course. We understand, Judy,” Eric said, pulling Judy’s small suitcase down.
She couldn’t hold back her smile. “Thanks.” She almost pinched herself. It all seemed to surreal and once they were out of the airport, she actually did. The city didn’t fade away and she didn’t wake up in her bed at her foster home. This was real.
After a long drive full of beautiful sights, they finally reached their neighborhood. Eric and Sylvia showed Judy her room and then gave her a tour of the condo. It was carpeted and had two levels. It wasn’t as nice as the houses the mammals in TV shows tended to live in, but it was nicer than any place Judy had ever stayed at. The fact that she got her own room made her tear up again. Once Judy had seen every part of the condo, she asked to be alone for a while. She liked Sylvia and Eric’s company, but she was used to being alone, and their constant presence was too unfamiliar. They told her that their son would be getting home from school soon and that he was excited to meet her. “We’ll be downstairs if you get hungry,” Eric said before closing the door.
Judy looked around at her her new room. It was mostly bare with a few accents of color. She supposed she’d personalize the room in her own time. The walls were white and the few decorations were too girly for her taste, but they were hers, so she liked them just the same. She had a lamp and a white dresser and desk. The dresser had clothes in it that also didn’t match her preferences. She pulled out a bright yellow sundress that had ruffles at the bottom and realized that the it was made with a younger girl in mind. After searching a bit, Judy found some grey leggings and a T-shirt that made her comfortable when she put it all on. Her bed was in the corner beside a medium sized window that looked out to the grassy area behind the condos. In the distance, past some trees, Judy could see a mailman delivering stacks of papers and kids playing at a small park on the edge of the neighborhood. It wasn’t long before her stomach grumbled. It was past noon and all she’d eaten that day had been a small breakfast and refreshments on the plane.
“Ready to eat?” Sylvia asked once Judy stepped down the stairs. Sylvia had made her a large salad with plenty of carrots and other veggies mixed in. It was too much for Judy to finish and she got through half of it before feeling too full to continue. Sylvia sat across from her, eating a soup with bugs as the protein. Judy hid her disgust. She never understood how predators could stand to eat like that, but she knew it was a biological necessity, so she kept quiet about it.
“What do you think of your room?” Sylvia asked.
“It’s great,” Judy quipped.
“We weren’t sure how to decorate it so we can go to the store later and pick out some things. What do you think of that?” Judy wasn’t used to mammals providing her with more than the basic necessities of living. Judy nodded in response. “We just want you to feel more at home.”
Judy nodded again and a silence fell between them. Sylvia was focused on her soup and wasn’t pressuring her to talk, so it wasn’t awkward. Judy noticed the green grass and blue sky out of the kitchen window and spoke. “I was wondering if I could walk around the neighborhood. It looks really nice out.” Judy was curious about the city and wanted to explore the residential area at least.
“Alone?” Sylvia’s smile tightened slightly, telling Judy that she didn’t like the idea of it. Judy preferred to go alone but wouldn’t mind if someone joined her. Sylvia’s reaction was unexpected though. “I’m sorry. When we were with the social worker, he said that teens adoptions often result in runaways. Especially if the adoption is new. Also, I’d feel better if you weren’t by yourself outside. The city isn’t crime-free, you know.”
“Yeah,” Judy answered. Sylvia stating something so obvious, as if Judy didn’t know crime existed, didn’t sit well with her. She was used to mammals assuming she was a dumb Bunny so it didn’t  disappoint her too much. She’d just have to prove Sylvia wrong sometime soon.
“Well maybe Nick will take you. He should be on the way back from soccer practice.”
“Soccer?” While she wasn’t the best, Judy had enjoyed playing the game in her high school’s soccer club. Where she lacked in skill, she made up for in power and speed.
“Do you play?”
“Oh great! Maybe you two can bond over that. The social worker said it’s really important for new siblings to find a common interest. Oh gosh, its like it was meant to be.” Sylvia grinned at Judy as if she were the key to happiness. It made her want to squirm a bit. Just then, the front door opened and closed. Judy couldn’t see any of it, but she heard Eric’s voice in the other room speaking too quietly for Judy to hear.
Sylvia stood up, her eyes bright with excitement. “Come on so you can meet him.” Judy tried to appear calm but she was starting to get nervous. Everytime she had to change foster homes, she’d also change schools, leaving behind the friends she’d made. Soon she learned not to get too close in case she’d have to leave them. Now that she was adopted, she wanted friends that she could keep forever. The possibility of meeting a new one made her ears stiff.
Once she stepped past the archway into the living room, the saw him. He looked around her age, a little older, and covered in dirt and grass stains. He was dressed sporty in sneakers and shorts that came to his knees topped off with red, disheveled fur. In his left arm he held a soccer ball and in his right, a school bag.
Judy looked back at Sylvia who gave an encouraging nod. Judy took a breath and faced Nick. “Hi. I’m Judy.” She gave a small wave and shifted her weight towards Sylvia. For some reason the action made her feel more secure.
Nick’s eyes looked down at the tips of her ears, then to her nervous expression, her teeth biting her lip, then falling to her carrot necklace, her shirt, her leggings, and finally to her foot tapping lightly at the ground. Then he turned to Eric, his father. “You said she’d be here on Tuesday.” Judy’s mouth fell open just a bit at his rebuff.
Eric sighed and shot Judy an apologetic look. “No, we said Monday. Go wash up upstairs and then we’ll have dinner later, alright?” Eric’s words were more of an order than a question. Judy felt some envy in the way Eric held such an authoritative tone in his voice. If Judy could talk like that then no one would underestimate her. Judy still stared open-mouthed as Nick brushed past her and up the stairs. She didn’t understand what she’d done wrong and she replayed the scene in her head a few times to figure it out.
She felt a paw touch her shoulder and saw that it was Sylvia. “Give him time. He might have had a bad day.”
Eric spoke up. “That’s no excuse for him to behave that way. I should go up there and make him-”
“Eric,” Sylvia warned. “He and Judy are going on a walk in the neighborhood. He can introduce himself then. You know he gets shy sometimes.”
Judy almost laughed. If that was shy, she didn’t want to know what actually getting to know him would be  like.
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