#bay area bop
diosa-loba · 1 year
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luciusspriggss · 1 month
Cal poly humboldt protest update (sorta)
Ya boi was arrested tuesday around 3-3:30 AM
I got out on bail (10k) around 6pm (thanks to bay area anti repression fund)
I am very tired and still processing everything
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I am in the baby bop fit
I will be able to detail more after all the court hearings are finished
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truths33k3r4 · 6 months
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( TW for minimal description of surgery and needles )
CHAPTER 10 - A Dangerous Game
Leo took a deep breath.
He pulled open a drawer of the cabinet and snapped on his medical gloves.
His hand slowly reached for the syringe he left on the counter as he began speaking truth into his mind. 
 Don’t think about Raph..
 don’t think about Don..
 Mikey will be ok.. 
I will fix it later.
 Right now, I need to focus on the task at hand. I gotta help…what’s her name again- Lotus. ‘
Leo approached the left side of the surgical table and pulled a tray on a wheeled stand close. In it were various tools for the specific procedure he was about to perform. ( Carefully and thoroughly calculated via at least three mental checklists, his medical books Sensei got him for Christmas, and the internet.) Some of the tools reflected the bright lights on the Med Bay ceiling, giving them almost a glow. It kind of looked like the tools were surrounded by a faint magic. 
Leo gave a solemn sigh. If only these tools could perform procedures on their own.. But no. He himself needed to be added to the equation.. Someone who was nervous, and could EASILY make a mistake..
… and mistakes can be graven in such circumstances. 
All it took.. was ONE slip of the hand.. One miscommunication.. One….ACCIDENT.
Leo paused.
‘ If Mikey were here.. he’d joke that I was performing the game ‘Operation’ but in real life. ‘
He recalled the many Saturday nights of his childhood spent with his brothers over the classic boardgame. Since Leo was the oldest, and most careful and focused of his brothers, he was always the doctor. After all, the job took much precision and a VERY steady hand. 
Don would get too stressed and quit as soon as he noticed all the brothers’ eyes on him. ( He would also thoroughly complain of the medical inaccuracies until he “made Raph’s ears bleed.” )
Raph was banned from holding anything that could remotely be USED for a weapon outside of ninja training.( Metal tweezers, the brothers agreed, were validated to be on that list.)
And Mikey…well, back then, Mikey hadn’t yet reached his growthspurt, so his tiny hands would always drop the small plastic organs.
That left.. Leo. 
Thanks to his strangely mature focusing skills, and his trained eye and steady hand, usually he would succeed in his mission the game.
But then came those times when things went wrong.
Leo.. HATED those times; Don’s info-dumping would distract him, or Raph would bop little Mikey on his nose and he’d cry loudly- and Leo would mess up. 
..One wrong move and BZZZZZT! - You’d get a small shock delivered by the metal tweezers. 
That small amount of shock, no where close to lethal, and not even enough to injure a person, would fill Leo with a sense of DREAD that only DEATH could outdo.
After the first time he failed in retrieving the tiny plastic organs and getting that awful zap, he began to slowly shy away from the brother’s usual gamenights. It was just TOO MUCH STRESS. GAMES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUN, NOT HEART-ATTACK INDUCING.
His mind, filled with memories and comforted by the glow and warmth of his childhood, suddenly flashed away like a lightning bolt in a dark sky. He blinked, pulling his consciousness back into reality.
‘ Right…. Gotta.. focus. ‘
After cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol, Leo carefully inserted the needle into the back of Lotus’ left calf, pushing down the plunger, and filling the muscle with the numbing agent. Once he was content with the amount in Lotus’ system, he reached for the scalpel.
‘ ….Don’t….mess….up…’
Liquid concentration started beading on his brow as he slid down the blade, making a four inch incision. 
‘ ..FOCUS.. ‘
Leo made sure to keep a steady hand as he reached into the cut with his longest tweezers.
His eyes squinted as he reached deeper into the muscle, keeping his eye on the sheen of the implant. 
After taking a small moment to re-position his fingers, he finally grips onto the small metal dome.
Mentally breathing a huge sigh of relief, Leo began to weave the implant out of the wound. By the utter stillness of his form, one would think he, himself, wasn’t breathing.
… And he might not have been.
Just as Leo nearly took his first physical breath since starting the procedure, something changed.
The muscles in Lotus’ leg tightened.
Leo’s eyes widened in horror as Lotus’ body began to breathe differently. Her fingers at her sides twitched.
He heard a faint whimper.
Leo didn’t move. 
His eyes darted for a second to see a barely awake patient. Her eye lids hung low and her pupils shrank, adjusting to the nearly blinding light above.
“ L..lleooo? “
What do you guys think will happen next? ;) JOIN US NEXT TIME ON- Nope, not doing that-
Hope you guys enjoy! The story is really beginning to pick up now, and it's getting more and more exciting to write the chapters! :)
To God be the glory! :)
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wizardsaur · 2 years
How I Cleanse
Hermit-Wizard's Custom Craft Series Pt. 3
First off, I physically clean & organize. Messy or dirty spaces capture energy & allow it to stagnate. Everything in it's place. Tidy, scrubbed. It's a high-investment work.
While cleansing, I visualize stale or negative energy as the actual grime itself - I'm breaking it up & removing that grime.
I also highly recommend blasting positive music for this. And I don't mean meditation, energy reiki YouTube shit. I don't mean Bach. I mean songs that make you sing along & make you wanna dance. Personally, I have a playlist... And there's a lot of Panic! at The Disco on there.
The music actually acts as sound cleansing, which vibrates stagnant energy, shakes off the cobwebs, and breaks up the weird "sticky blobs" I get in low-traffic areas like my guest room or the corners by the ceiling. Like jiggling ice until it shatters.
Open the windows, let in the light and fresh air. Turn on the fans. Shake out the sheets. Get a flow going, to move in new energy and let the old energy see it's way out.
If there's a particularly bad vibe - I tell it to do it's job & fuck up a pedophile. I personally believe there is an equal balance of positive & negative energy in the world, so I can't "fix" it. I simply give it a more meaningful purpose
Dance. Sing. Get wiggly. Prance through the space like a very happy deer. Ideally with some sort of smoke or sprinkling cleanse.
Burn herbs or use a blessed spray. I've used dried rosemary I've grown myself in the past, and dried/aged Pine twigs. Some folks use bay leaves. Personally, incense does the trick & but so does Febreeze in a pinch. Use what you have access to.
I even know folks who make infusions of herbs & blessed liquid, then put them into a small cosmetics spray bottle. Witch Hazel, with a pinch of salt & a bay leaf in it. Fully charged by the moon? Perfect.
Fan around the smoke, the smell, fling the water everywhere, spray your spritzer bottle. Let the music get all those vibes moving again. And SPEAK.
Speak aloud about what you want to see out the door, what you want to invite in, give it purpose & reason. Set the tone for what energies are welcome.
Then close the doors, keep the music bopping, and keep charging those energies. Get wiggly. Cook. Dance. Chat. Make art. And keep a lit candle by the front door to make the cleansing last longer.
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dustedmagazine · 4 months
Phillip Greenlief & Scott Amendola — Stay With It (Clean Feed)
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Photo by Lenny Gonzales
If the name of this record represents advice given to oneself, saxophonist/clarinetist Phillip Greenlief and drummer Scott Amendola have definitely followed instructions. Both residents of the Bay area, they’ve been working together for 30 years, sometimes in larger ensembles but also as a duo. Thus, while between them they’ve played with Fred Frith, Nels Cline, Mike Patton, Susan Alcorn and members of ROVA, their shared partnership is also one of their most enduring creative endeavors.
The rapport fostered by lengthy collaboration gives Stay With It an air of effortlessness. Take “Eloquent Turbulence,” for example. Greenlief’s Bb clarinet lines float over Amendola’s spare brushes-on-snare accompaniment, involved their intricate development, but when the drummer inserts a sudden shift to kick drum and toms, he’s right with him, switching tone and texture to match. Amendola shifts again to a stew of electronic twists and sizzling static, and Greenlief knows just what to do, burrowing into the maelstrom and coming back up with dolphin-like grace.
Amendola’s real-time electronics figure more prominently on “Microfiche,” setting up a continuously morphing back-of-the-workshop clatter. Paradoxically, Greenlief’s tenor sax feels more idiomatically post-bop, tracing adroit, vinegary shapes in close proximity. He seems to sense the implied rhythms inside Amendola’s abstracted commotion and find sure footing upon their traces. And then they come together, long tones combining with transistorized stutters like woven cloth.
“Farfalle Alle En Mare” takes things even farther out. The effects on Amendola’s metal percussion make each strike squiggle, as though a deejay had snatched it out of the air, pressed it into vinyl, and then rocked the record back and forth on the turntable. Greenlief responds with striated, breathy sounds that are as ultra-natural as Amendola’s are transformed, but are nonetheless so un-reed-like that I checked the sleeve to see if he was playing trumpet. For music like this to work, the duo have to have a common aesthetic that informs their responses, a shared sense of what wrong-ish sounds go right together.
Bill Meyer
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vampylily · 11 months
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Okay before i can muster up the courage to look at my embarrassing concert videos (I am screaming in all of them but my vocal cords can't really yell or scream loudly so it just sounds like a half wail followed by coughs lmfao),
General ~vibes~ of the Fall Out Boy show in Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA
Had the best time. It was quite different from the 4 other concerts I've been to before (all kpop & all different venues) so I didn't have a frame of reference and it felt all very new.
Once through a quick bag check, security, ticket scan, shoreline amphitheater had a lot of food and merch before you get to the actual seating.
There was a lot of food options and a Lot of alcohol offers. I don't drink, and I really dislike the smell & being surrounded by alcohol/drunk people, so i put on a mask. But that's more of a me-specific thing. Everyone looked like they had a good time chilling with drinks and food.
Merch: from the area I was in, right inside the gate, there was 2 merch tables back to back, carried fob & opening acts merch. Line was about 30 minutes. The size I wanted was gone so I got the size up.
Openers: unfortunately I missed the first two openers, but managed to catch a few bmth songs. They were really good. The vibes of the crowd was different than for fob, more people were yelling & standing on the seats. idk much about bmth but they sounded good, the lead singer was charismatic, I'd be interested in checking their stuff out. (+ a couple in front of me, with the girl who didn't want stop standing on the seat when the bmth asked everyone to sit down for the last song, left like after sugar? Which was honestly great for me bc the guy was tall lol)
A lot less people were filming (compared to kpop, which makes sense) and everyone was vibing. Lots of dancing, waving arms, clapping, just having a lot of fun. (The couple next to me were making out half the time and kind of slow grinding? which was interesting shsj)
The pink seashell project! I wasn't able to find people who were handing them out, but it looked like a lot of people had them ready (even the couple on the other side of me, who were both really chill/casually bopping to fob, whipped them out for fake out). I ended up using my lightstick for the pink light, but it was amazing to see the pink lights irl. Just so so pretty.
There aren't much breaks or ments in between sections of songs. Usually pete will say a couple of lines (s/o to support act, smfs album, succession speech-interrupted by Patrick banter!-patrick saying pete just disappears again, patrick piano enrichment, 8ball ments, encore line). Everything ran smoothly in a set pace.
Pete in the Box; our venue didn't have a catwalk like bmo stadium did, but he still popped up for dance dance in the little area between the 100s and 200s! I knew it was coming but was still surprised when the spotlight beamed at pete across the venue.
A LOT OF CONFETTI FOR SATURDAY. I was in like the first 15 row and the whole lower 100s were COVERED in bnw confetti and streamers.
People watching: its the bay area, but even for that, gay people. Gay people everywhere, icluding me. (/j). Lots of people in black, celestial/star prints, mesh and fishnets, belts, and a lots of eyeliner and purple lipstick (so, a lot of hot people). but not everyone were in black/alt/emo, there was a lot of people in band tees (saw hella mega, green day, blink 182, even a corporate rainbow patd urie shirt, which hmmm.) It was really fun to people watch in lines, bc it was exactly what you'd see at a fall out boy concert in the best way.
After the show, a kind soul gave me a save rock and roll bracelet, which made the whole experience perfect.
And of course. Fall out boy put on an amazing show. The light effects, the Pyro, the plastic bubble balloons, streamers, etc were so engaging, and the performances were amazing. (Patrick, hand in marriage. Please)
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
every time i think about silent hill 3 i think about 15 year old me ABSOLUTELY BOPPING to the soundtrack included with purchase on my yellow walkman (covered in black sharpie because i didn’t want a yellow walkman but the sharpie had faded with time and use) in the backseat of my mom’s camry every time we commuted back to the bay area to visit family
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daggerzine · 23 days
Lunchbox- Pop and Circumstance (Slumberland)
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This Bay Area band, led by the couple Tim and Donna, who’ve been fixtures on the Bay Area indie pop scene for decades, are back with a new record on venerable indie Slumberland. Their previous one, After School Special, was very fine and this one is at least as good if not better.
There are pop-tuned guitars, dancing horns, smilin' keyboards, clackety rhythms, and pop-out vocals seeping in from every conceivable angle. At times it sounds like a three-ring circus in the best way possible (or maybe a long-lost Elephant 6 band with more of a melodic bent).
I had reviewed a couple of the singles prior to this and they’re on here, of course. Superb cuts like “I’m Yours You’re Mine,” “Summer’s Calling,” and the fabulous “New Year” are just a few of my favorites on here.
While you’re at it, dig the sounds of the sunshine psych pop cut “Love For Free,” the breezy, AM radio bop of “Heaven Only Knows,” and the Donna-sung “Time Won’t Lie.”
At just over a half hour, Lunchbox manage to cram every single bit of their talents and personalities into this fun-filled record. If you like to smile and dance, or just listen, well, here ya’ go.
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bettertreesbop · 4 months
Better Trees BOP
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Better Trees Bay of Plenty are a qualified and professional team that can provide you with a range of arborist services. With our qualified arborists, you can be assured of efficient and cost-effective tree removal and tree maintenance services in the Bay of Plenty area: Taurang, Te Puke, Papamoa, Paengaroa, Pukehina, Welcome Bay, Pongakawa.
Visit Our Website
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away-ward · 9 months
So I just saw your post about ThunderBay location and I just wanted to add a silly thought. So Im from Canada (Quebec, Montreal more specifically). I think you should look at the map of Montreal, it'll be easier for you to see a bit more clearly where Thunderbay could be in the US. Montreal is an island (surrounded by a body of water), but still within the province of Quebec, it reminds me of Meridian City. The closest town to Montreal is Laval, which is a smaller town (20 min drive from Montreal), it reminds me of the distance between Thunderbay and Meridian. In Corrupt they could go back and forth between the two locations really "quickly". It's basically the same for Montreal and Laval. There are about 4 million people living in Montreal. Laval is not really a small town (about 49,000), but the distance between the two always reminded me of Thunderbay and Meridian City.
There's also this neighborhood in Montreal, named Westmount. Basically, all of the really wealthy people on the island live there. About 20,000 people, which is still a lot for Thunderbay, but the aesthetic of Thunderbay always screamed Westmount when I was reading the series.
Anyway just a thought, and your blog is amazing
Love you
Ahh, thank you. Happy you’re enjoying the blog!
This is the exact type of response I was hoping for. I didn’t even think to expand outside of New England. Since people often ask where I think Thunder Bay would be located, I was trying to figure it out geographically.
Aesthetically is another matter.
Montreal fits exactly how I imagined Meridian. I still think Thunder Bay is probably farther, since in Corrupt when they burned Rika’s home down, and she was racing back to see if her mom was okay, it took her a little over an hour. Other times, they note it took them just under an hour. With this, I estimate the travel time to be at least 45 minutes with good traffic.
However, the way Montreal and Laval are situated remind me of Meridian and Whitehall. I know technically Whitehall is just a neighborhood within Meridian, but Kai notes it's on the other side of the river that cuts through Meridian and the way Michael and the others talk is as if Kai is farther away than would be normal, so a twenty-minute drive from where the rest of them live makes sense.
And I’ve gone to google maps to bop around Westmount for a while. It is gorgeous! No matter where I dropped, it was stunning! I love all the red brick and stone. That’s one thing I was missing with the towns in Maine. Brick and stone weren’t materials that were used often in that area. But there’s something about Thunder Bay that says old stone buildings, but maybe that’s just me. Still, I can see why this area works for Thunder Bay though.
Honestly, Victoria Hall is sort of how I pictured TBP, whether that makes sense or not. But I guess either The Study or the one of Mt. Pleasant Ave work too (when I say I'm easily influenced not picky, I mean it).
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I’m in conflict here, though. Because while I picture stone and brick – old, historic buildings – I also picture the little seaside village main streets I’ve seeing. It’s not one consistent image in my head.
Personally, This is how I pictured Thunder Bay when reading. Lots of space, green during the spring and summer, colors in the fall. The larger houses spread out, ocean views from just about everywhere.
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Above, we can see on the right side those larger houses right on the coastline, but they're still really close to the town. That's sort of how I pictured it. This is Bar Harbor, ME. It's the one that has the cute little gazebo in the right on main street and I could really picture the burning scene as well as the one where Emmy watches Will go into Sticks, since there's a bar/restaurant right across the street.
But I don’t know. I think it’s great that we all have different ideas about what it would look like for them.
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jessiesjaded · 11 months
top 5 songs right now also top five places youve been in aus 🫶🏻
Oooh Ive been on a very single artist jag a lot lately, Im kinda like that I just incessantly to one artist or group til I find someone else 🫣
FNF by Stray kids has been on Repeat because it's a boppy kpop song that's also about the australian bushfires? Sure why not!!
Sat in your lap by Kate Bush- the most me song ever, just an all around bop that I love!
Autoclave by The Mountain Goats- YOU OUGHTA HEAD FOR THE EXITS, THE SOONER THE BETTER. I love goats.
Disco 2000 by Pulp - this is a love song of all time imo.
La Vie En Rose, specifically the Lucy Dacus version- I always love this song but her version is so nice and. Pink sounding to me- Yeah!
Mermaids by FATM- I've listened to this 1 million billion times, which is probably why I was in her top 0.9% or some shit of listeners ??? somehow???
Fave places I've been in aus...
Melbourne- I went to Melb for a week in 2019 and I spent 90% of the time alone and I just. Walked everywhere and found all these nice little places and visted the art museums and it was just such a nice trip.
Salamander bay- went there with my cousin and her kids in jan 2020 and it was so quiet and lovely and really struck a nice balance between rural feeling and beachy!
Gundagai- I love driving out well into the country and I loved visiting here, very small town feeling, very quiet, honestly all the areas out around there were nice.
Ku-ring-gai- My great grandma was from here and it was where my grandma and dad were born- Visited the old shop she ran, 50 or 60 years ago, I walked around the old grave yard looking at family gravestones and sat in the sun, had a good pie!
Glenrowan, aka Kelly country! I just stayed here for a day while we went to melbourne but the cabin we got for only 80 bucks was so nice and so fun, we saw a lot of roos and had great fun going to this wild old Ned Kelly animatronic museum that was 100 insane and not historically accurate but great fun!
But yeah I also went to Queensland as a kid but I cant remember it that well lol thank you for the ask Ms Melia 💗💗
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chrancecriber · 1 year
1.FM - Chillout Lounge Radio (February 16, 2023)
23:58 Jjos - Let It Go (Remix) 23:51 Chicane - Saltwater 23:45 Wonderphazz - Memories (Chill Guide Mix) 23:39 Manoa - Jumaira Drive 23:34 Melibea - Jam In Dawn 23:30 Ben Leela - Dreaming A Dream 23:26 Peter Pearson - It's In The Stars (Original Mix) 23:22 Marc C. Griso - Sex, The First Time 23:14 Oxen Butcher Feat. Lisa Eaton - Love & Happiness (Original Mix) 23:09 Atjazz - Storm 23:03 Ralph Hildenbeutel - Hommage A Noir 22:59 Moon Tribe - Moon Tribe 22:53 Moon De Lounge - Melodia Amore - Buddha Lounge Bar Chillout Mix 22:49 Mahoroba - Faire On Tour (Jazzmatic Lounge Mix) 22:43 Liquid Kings - Hang Up, Feel Free (Lounge Mix) 22:39 Petit Biscuit - Sunset Lover 22:34 Va - Serpentine 22:28 Lenny Mac Dowell - Zanzibar Feeling 22:22 Caya Levantado - Caribbean Daydreaming ( Jazzy Del Mar Cafe Lounge Mix0 22:15 Chilloutlounge - Allstars 22:11 Fidelity - You Don't Know 22:05 Machomovers - Smooth Operator 21:59 Arrojas - Didascalias 21:53 Lemonjazz - Gypsy Woman (Erotic Bedroom Affairs Lounge Chill Mix) 21:50 Claes Rosen & Natalie Peris - Stay 21:45 Pete Tong & Chris Cox - Ku Da Ta 21:42 Air - Lost Message 21:36 Jjos - Heartbeat (Balearic Club Mix) 21:31 Sangar - My Breeze 21:25 Ohm-g - Relax 2 The Max 21:18 Noise Boyz - Daydreams Of The Sparrow 21:13 Bedroom Surfer - Make It Happen ( Meet Her At Costa Del Sol Mix) 21:07 Timewarp Inc - Epic Tones Feat Rxn (Sundayman 21:03 Synthetic Substance - Eternity 20:58 Sunyata Project Feat. Miyabi - Inner Lights 20:55 Morcheeba - Under The Ice 20:49 Blue Metheny - I'm Calling Out 20:43 Bright And Beautiful - Night Rains - Sound Of Ibiza Mix 20:38 Sofa Sweeper - The Sad Side Of The Street (Mellow Guitar Mix) 20:32 Chilloutlounge - Breather 2000 (Arithunda Mix) 20:27 James Bright - Be 20:22 Jjos - Body & Soul 20:16 Gary B - Set Me Free 20:10 Guenter Haas - Ai Fu Lin 20:04 Koolsax - Evasion 19:57 Verda - Es Vedra 19:51 Leaking Shell - After Hour 19:47 The Fray - How To Save A Life 19:42 Sunset People - Summer Madness (White Sand Cut) 19:38 Vibrasphere - Tierra Azul (Omnimotion Feat. Krister Linder Remix) 19:33 New Beginning - Another Day 19:25 Little Big Bee - Searchin' (At Jazz Remix) 19:18 Tosca - Mango Di Bango 19:12 Soft Wave - Plenitude Part 2 19:06 Kaxamalka - True Vibe 18:59 Ibiza - Ibiza Blues Swing 18:55 Faith Hill - Love Ain't Like That 18:50 Steven Solveig - Boa Noite 18:45 Melibea - Lamento (Al Ponerse El Sol) 18:41 Moroccan Blonde - Mirage 18:36 Karminsky Experience Inc - Departures 18:31 Boozoo Bajou Feat. Wayne Martin - Every Hour 18:26 Bay Area - Santa Monica Blvd (No 17 Mix) 18:22 Va - For Want Of Her 18:16 Sven Andersson Iii - Journey To Your Soul (Cosmic Cycle Buddha Lounge Bar Mix) 18:11 Polished Chrome - Beautiful 18:06 Andras & Oscar - (I Know) What You Want 18:02 The Fairchild - Piano Colors 17:59 A$ap Rocky - L$d 17:53 Zero 7 - Space Between, The 17:48 Flamingo - My Friend (Mercer & Gissal Chilled Version) 17:42 Various - The Cure (Sunshine Mix) 17:39 Kalabi - Clear Skies 17:33 Esteban Garcia Vs. Subworks - Runnin (Jazzy Dub Mix) 17:28 Cafe Easy - Summerbreeze 17:21 Boot Cut Rockers Feat. Mica Wanner - Sunflowers 17:17 Dreamscape - Electric Emotion 17:12 Amethystium - Isabliss - Strangely Beautiful 17:06 Blue Six - Love Yourself 16:59 Bong & Eddie M - Rain From The Suite 902 (Original) 16:54 Juan Belda & Carlo Galimberti - Wine Sessions 16:49 T Mo - La Ritournelle 16:45 Bop - Enjoy The Moment (Unquote Remix) 16:39 Shivana Faction - Talking In Whispers 16:36 Lowland - Cafe Del Mar 16:29 Rue Du Soleil - Essential Feelings 16:24 Gxr And Kathie Talbot - 5 A.m. 16:18 Lounge Aura - Something (Geronimo Chillout Mix) 16:15 K Vassiliadis Ft Marien - Den Efiges Lepto (Dub Mix) 16:09 De Clive-lowe, Mark - Day By Day 16:04 Martin Bro - To Lose Part 15:57 James Bright - Set Me Free 15:51 Synthetic Substance - Unreal 15:45 Jjos - Falling 15:37 Dr Drummer - Galactica Soul 15:33 Zero 7 - In The Waiting Line 15:29 Lemon Sol - Beautiful Morning (Piano Cafe Chillout To Ibiza Del Mar) 15:23 Sine - Flying (Original Mix) 15:18 Limelight - Oxygene 4 15:12 Banderas - This Is Your Life (Easy Life Mix) 15:08 Camille - In A Manner Of Speaking 15:02 Aurosonic, Denis Karpinskiy & Kate Louise Smith - They Wait For Us (Chill Out Mix) 14:57 Brooke - 1 Want To Know What Love Is (Balearic Hypno Dub) 14:51 Nimino - The Back Of Your Hands (Ft. Ashe) 14:44 Balearic Lounge Boyz - Leaving Home (Feat. Guitaragi) 14:40 Amethystium - Calantha 14:36 Vanegas - Te Voy A Querer 14:31 Alessandro Boschi - Sentosa 14:24 Jean Martin - In My Dreams (Extended Remix) 14:19 Omega3 & Guitarigi - Food (Original) 14:11 Deep-dive-corp. - Relaxer 14:04 Laid Back - Sunshine Reggae (Peter Visti's & Stella Polaris Remix) 14:00 Vanilla - Dreamcatcher 13:51 Nore Elle - Desert Storm 13:47 Luxury Traveller - Eagle Will Rise Again 13:38 Tommy Awards - Hotel Odemark 13:35 Mystique - Essences (Rico Van Basten Chill Mix) 13:29 Rae & Christian - Still Here 13:25 Mercer - Scandal 13:19 Simon Bareilles - The Sound Of Silence (Feat. Sara Keys) 13:15 Ibizarre - Smooth Temptation 13:09 Phillip Ashmore - Luxury Living 13:03 Alex Cortiz - Deja Vu 12:58 The Weeknd - Earned It 12:51 Fresh Moods - The Touch (Enchant Mix) 12:48 Emapea - Laka 12:39 Chilloutlounge - Track 3 12:35 Aaron Bass - On The Beach 12:30 Sunsea - Light The Fire (Chillout Mix) 12:25 Joey Fehrenbach - Untouchable (Feat. Vi Flaten) 12:18 Milews - Miami Beach View - Sunset Del Mar Cafe Lounge Mix 12:14 Mark's & Henry's - The Making 12:08 Mobymusic - Whispering Wind 12:00 Schwarz & Funk - Night Over Bangkok 11:56 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 11:49 4tunes - In The Middle 11:45 Blank & Jones - Desire 11:39 Citrus Jam - Nice Holiday 11:37 Moby - Everything Is Wrong 11:33 Ac - Meditarrean Sundance 11:27 Lux - Head Centre 11:21 Good Chillaz - No Motion (Jazz Relax Mix) 11:16 Avalona - Empty Streets 11:12 Flume Feat. Andrew Wyatt - Some Minds 11:07 Air - La Femme D'argent 11:03 Oh Wonder - Technicolour Beat 10:58 Melibea - Fusion 10:53 Alex Cortiz - Smooth 10:49 Vio Beach - Piano Chillout (Ambient Dream Mix) 10:44 Collective Sound Members - Journey To A Dream (Original) 10:40 Chillwave - Massage Del Mar (Beach Cafe Mix) 10:35 Purplastic - Nathalia (Ambient Mix) 10:24 Ohm-g & Bruno - Jungle Light 10:18 Rollercone - Daydreaming 10:13 Coastline - Adriatic Sea - Dj Lounge Del Mar Vs. Milews Ambience Mix 10:09 Airstream - Electra 10:04 Fragile State - Every Day A Story 09:59 Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson - Love On My Mind 09:52 Phil Mison - Lula 09:46 The Sura Quintet - Relax In Sura 09:43 K. Vio & Tim Tonic - Out Of Atlantis 09:37 Fenomenon - Pacific Memories 09:33 Ben Leela - Dreaming A Dream 09:29 Starlive Cafe - Playa Del Mar (Chillout Mix) 09:24 Coyoteeve Feat Saro - Tribastone 09:21 York Ft Asheni - Iceflowers 09:14 4tunes - Where Are You Now (Feat. Hed) 09:07 Chicane - Low Sun 09:02 Un Homme Et Une Femme - Une Rose Pour Emily (Cafe Hotel French Del Mar Mix) 08:59 Gabriel Le Mar - Seaside (Original Vrsion) 08:53 Thomas Lemmer - I Like It 08:46 Bent - Swollen (Napoleon Remix) 08:37 Aural Float - Dreamer's Dream 08:32 Pensees - She 08:28 Thievery Corporation - Transcendence 08:23 Gold Lounge - Only A Dream 08:16 Deep-dive-corp. - The Island 08:12 Shakes Seven - Best Friends 08:08 No Logo - Matter Of Time 08:00 Sin Plomo & Torsten Stenzel - Sweet Suffering 07:56 Ku You - 40 Degrees 07:49 Dab - Have A Smoke 07:43 Madonna - Frozen 07:39 Re:locate Vs Robert Nickson - Resource (Rechill) 07:32 Chillsurfer Armada - Relax Your Mind (Cafe Buddha Del Mar Luxury Lounge) 07:24 Universe Music - Guitar Beach Lounge 07:18 Peter Pearson - Smooth Talking (Moonrise) 07:14 The River Gods - Acadia House 07:09 Skysurfer Feat Lovay - Circling Elements (Down By The 07:02 Dj Lounge Del Mar - Sentosa Beach Cafe - Tribute To Cafe Del Mar Guitar Mix 06:58 Liedschatten - Seaside (Original Mix 2006) 06:52 Bright And Beautiful - Night Rains (Sound Of Ibiza Mix) 06:46 Steen Thottrup - El Alba 06:42 Washed Out - Face Up 06:33 Mysticage - The Lips Of The Sun (Original) 06:27 Fluff - Silent Life 06:13 Art Of Lounge - Moments In Love (Buddha Bar Mix) 06:10 Michael Hummer - Coffee 06:03 Lux - So La Ra Dsa 05:58 Omnimotion - Cozy Life 05:54 Jjos - Breathe 05:48 Vargo - The Moment 05:42 Blank & Jones With Jason Caesar - Hideaway 05:37 Moorcheeba - Moog Island 05:32 Solid Gold - Save A Prayer (Nick Tatler & Phil Blohm Instrumental) 05:23 Chilloutlounge - Track 2 05:17 Gelka Feat. Phoenix Pearle - Million Nights 05:12 Shakrag - From Singapore To Ibiza (Tribute To Cafe Del Mar Mix) 05:07 Noel - Chalito (Ibiza Chillhouse Lounge Mix) 05:02 Ra-qi Gong - Rainy Days In Shanghai (Buddha Cafe Del Mar Bar Mix) 04:57 Afterlife & Kid Stone - Sleazebag 04:53 Verbal Kint Feat. Judie Jay - Break My Dreams (Original Live Mix) 04:48 Monique Bon - La Musique 04:42 Jjos - One More Night 04:36 Green Lemon Feat. Bernd Langer - Rauchy Stranger 04:30 Schwarz & Funk - The Dawn 04:26 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 04:22 Jose Ramos - Alone Again 04:15 Frank Borell - Wake Up In Paradise 04:11 Conjure One - Make A Wish 04:06 Sam Swift - Wonderful World 04:01 Strange Voices - All Right For Now (3 Times Infinity Mix) 03:54 Rue Du Soleil - Troya 03:49 Dj Milews - Children (Ambient Del Mar Winter Cafe Mix) 03:42 Klangstein - Deep Dive (Original Mix) 03:37 Naoki Kenji - Endless 03:32 Manoa - Repeat It In Slow Motion (Trippin Clouds Mix) 03:26 Chilloutlounge - Letting The Cables Sleep 03:21 Guss - Milesing 03:16 Noel - Chalito - Ibiza Chillhouse Lounge Mix 03:11 Gelka Feat. Phoenix Pearle - Being You 03:05 Jerome Isma-ae - Underwater Love 02:58 Royspop - Summer Nights (Luxury Deluxe Del Mar Mix) 02:52 Hirudo - Spy From Cairo (Classic Instrumental Mix) 02:45 Madonna - Secret (Difrankz' 2003 Confidential Chill Out Mix) 02:39 The Sura Quintet - Lampedusa (Sunset Session) 02:33 Sine - Morning 02:28 Remote - Postcard 02:24 Jjos - Don't You Want Me (Chilled Mix) 02:19 Floatation Feat. Pierre - Beautiful (Dub) 02:13 4tunes - Where Are You Now (Feat Hed) (Kandi Hotel Enigma Mix) 02:07 Blank & Jones Feat. Cathy Battistessa - Miracle Man (Beached Mix) 02:02 Mastermind - Wanna Give You Shelter 01:57 Kitty The Bill - Cabriolet Tour 01:52 Solanos - Shameless 01:48 York - Bye Bye Baby (Chill Out Mix) 01:42 Digby Jones - Pina Colada 01:38 Sued - Feel Me 01:32 Sofa Sweeper - Voice Of Core 01:27 Scott Simmons - Children (Mediterr-asian Chill Mix) 01:21 Euphonic Traveller - Cafe Champs Elysees 01:17 Alex Baratini - My Play (Chill Out Mix) 01:10 Joey Fehrenbach - Edison Cylinder 01:02 Groove Armada - Inside My Mind 00:56 Gary B - Set Me Free 00:51 Cats Love Dogs - Sunpearls (Paradise Lounge) 00:46 Peter Pearson - Bossalove 00:39 Yagya - The Phantom Of Us 00:32 Language Lab - Burning Disaster (Groove Armada Bedtime Story Mix) 00:28 Jeff Woodal - Your Love (The Dark) 00:24 Ultraviolet - Ready Or Not (Chilled Out Mix) 00:20 Afterlife - Espalmador 00:16 Nouvelle Vague - Love Will Tear Us Apart 00:12 3 Liquid Hz - Metropolitan 00:08 Jjos - Know Me 00:05 Dragon Lounge - Saigon Sundown (Asia Cut) 00:00 Ravi Costes - Lion Sleeps - Cafe Groovera Hotel Bar Del Mar Mix
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localizee · 1 year
We provide a detailed report that will give you total peace of mind.
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933: Don Prell - Double Bass Legend - Part 1
Today’s episode is the first in a series of chats with double bass legend Don Prell.
Born in 1929, Don went on the road with the Frank Ortega Band, played with people like Buddy Rich and Chet Baker, and was in the original Bud Shank Quartet.
He played for the San Francisco Symphony for 30 years and, after retirement, formed his own group called the Sea Bop Ensemble, which played at various San Francisco spots, including the legendary Bay View Boat Club.
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Check out my Beginner's Classical Bass course and Intermediate to Advanced Classical Bass course, available exclusively from Discover Double Bass.
  Thank you to our sponsors!
  Carnegie Mellon University Double Bass Studio - CMU is dedicated to helping each student achieve their goals as a musician. Every week each student receives private lessons and participates in a solo class with Micah Howard. Peter Guild, another member of the PSO, teaches Orchestral Literature and Repertoire weekly. They encourage students to reach out to the great bassists in their area for lessons and direction. Many of the bassists from all of the city's ensembles are more than willing to lend a hand. Every year members of the Symphony, the Opera and the Ballet give classes and offer our students individual attention. Click here to visit Micah’s website and to sign up for a free online trial lesson.
  Upton Bass String Instrument Company - Upton’s Karr Model Upton Double Bass represents an evolution of our popular first Karr model, refined and enhanced with further input from Gary Karr. Since its introduction, the Karr Model with its combination of comfort and tone has gained a loyal following with jazz and roots players. The slim, long “Karr neck” has even become a favorite of crossover electric players.
  Dorico - Unlock Dorico for iPad – For Life! Want to enjoy all of Dorico for iPad’s subscription-only features – including support for unlimited players, freehand annotations in Read mode with Apple Pencil, support for third-party Audio Unit plug-ins, and much more – but don’t want to pay a monthly or annual fee? Dorico for iPad now provides a lifetime unlock option, so you can access all current and future subscription-only features for a single, one-off in-app purchase. Visit the App Store today and unlock Dorico for iPad for life!
  theme music by Eric Hochberg
Check out this episode!
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haylanmakesstuff · 2 years
Day 35
Today we left for Fairholme Campground in Olympic National Park. We have been to Olympic one time before, in 2010, but it was a whirlwind 1-day trip and not remotely suited for such a beautiful and diverse place. It was a busy camp, but fortunately our site was sunken and surrounded by thick ferns and tall trees.
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We had gone to the Hoh Rainforest in 2012, but we both remembered it as such a lovely place we wanted to go back. Moss draped thick on ancient trees, clear water running in a babbling brook; although it was dry, it was how we remembered, with one striking difference, however: The Public. I do understand I am one of the public, but I wish more parks would pull the Hanauma Bay/Hueco Tanks entry, and require people to sit through mandatory videos and/or class on how to behave outdoors before they can be set loose. Pretentious, I know. I don’t care. The damage and behavior was astounding and as it’s been my job in some capacity for 10 years now, it’s really hard to see it happening and not intervene. It can really ruin the outdoor experience once you understand the consequences of it all.
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I have noticed my “bullshit meter” has been steadily declining with my health changes. I am just too raw to care as much about being nice all the time as I naturally have been. It is something I more often have to think about and take a measured approach to, which is very, very weird for me. 
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After talking with several individuals and groups, I apparently lost my sense of awareness and when I round a corner to see a young lady far off the trail, in a trampled area, sitting on a log. Her spouse, assuming, is taking a photo of her, also off the trail in the trampled area that should be covered in ferns and other vegetation – right behind a sign that says “STAY ON TRAIL”. (Note: this trail has constant and differently worded and pictured signs to this topic probably more than any other place I’ve seen.)
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I say loudly to them, “Wow, that’s going to be such a cute picture, right behind that Stay On The Trail sign”. What is wrong with me. That is not the approach I know works, but out of uniform I’ve lost my patience. I look back and it doesn’t sound like me. I am known for my patience at work with these matters. It doesn’t seem like I did that. What the heck. But to illustrate my point, I took two pictures on these trails to show the overused trail which people are constantly getting off of and trampling the land, which can drastically damage these sensitive trees, and a second one, from the second trail that sees less visitation and/or more visitors that have learned why staying on the trail is important. I’ll leave them here for you to compare.
Tramped trail: 
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The untrampled trail: 
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Our second trail was still in the rain forest, but less people. Less stress. I earned my Junior Ranger Badge here! This badge is dedicated to Alyssa; we’ve not known each other very long, but you were so kind to share my fundraiser in different places! I shouldn’t be surprised, you’ve shown a great deal of compassion in person, too. I am so glad we met and I am looking forward to spending more time with your wit, humor, and talent this fall. You are the bestest fictional sister an 1872 witch could ask for.
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To finish off the day, we went to Rialto Beach, part of the park that’s on the coast in the reservation. Enjoying the sweater weather and sunset, we watched a harbor seal bop around a while, and a very brave man go for a swim in the freezing white capped water.
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Let’s hope I wake up able to put my blinders back on for tomorrow, at least to a reasonable degree.
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Nolite te bastardes carborundorum,
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
- Adult Painting Workshop - Searching for a fun event near London Bridge? This adult painting work shop at the Art Social Club is giving you everything you need for a chilled afternoon. Enjoy creating a masterpiece while experimenting and being guided by a professional. Plus, you're more than welcome to bring snack sand booze. - >134 Tooley St, London SE1 2TU, United Kingdom/artssocialclub.com - Fine Dining on a Bus - You probably never thought you’d hear the two words ‘bus’ and ‘gourmet’ in the same sentence, right? Let’s change that for you. Introducing Dining on a bus! Date night in style by enjoying 6 delicious courses from the comfort of a bus as you tour London’s iconic sights. The bus seats 38people, so it’s also a fun way of meeting others! - >Coach bay 40B, Victoria Embankment, London, WC2N 6PB/bustronome.com - Graffiti Workshop-Spray it - London and graffiti go hand in hand. We all know that. Besides walking around and discovering the latest Banksy graffiti, you can learn to become a graffiti-artist yourself. Trya Street Art Tour or even a graffiti workshop in Shore ditch’s area and create your own spray paint. If you tryit, they would love to see the final result. - >284 Portobello Road, W105TE, London, UK/graffikgallery.co.uk - Indoor climbing - Go climbing at the huge Castle Climbing Centre.It caters for a range ofabilities across several levels.Choose between bouldering, top-ropeclimbing, lead climbing and abseiling!This recommendation would besomething for a London alternative guide. - >Green Lanes, Stoke Newington,London N4 2HA/castle-climbing.co.uk - Love at 2nd sight: Charity Shop Hop - Charity shopping is like going on a blind date... without the cringe factor.Incase you didn’t already know, England LOVES its charityshops. You canpretty much find them on every street in towns, cities and even villages.JoinSanna and discover awesome charity shops in the city. Vintage, designerlabels, collectable records–which bargain will you find? - >56 Colehill Lane, London, London, SW6 6EG, GB/ notonthehighstreet.com - Sky Garden - One of the tallest buildings in London, free entrance and a breath-takingview. Now, this is SKY Garden.Have a look on my photos what you have toexpect.Make sure you make an appointment firstonline. You have to get afree ticket and book it in advance.This is a romantic thing to do for couples,and I think one of the best things to do in London for free! - >1sky garden walk, London,EC3M 8AF/skygarden.london - Silent Disco Walking Tours - The Ghost of Hammersmith Silent Disco walking tour is as bizzare andwonderful as it sounds.Put on your headset and listen to gory details ofghost stories as you bop along to a spooky playlist!Walk like a zombie inHammersmith’s busy streets, and strutyour stuff to the Time Warp alongthe River Thames. You’re bound to laugh so hard your belly will hurt by theend of it. - >2 Rathbone Street,London W1T 1NR,England/silenttours.net Read the full article
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