#bcb analysis
mikeapologism · 2 years
it’s hard to blame sandy for this since she’s, a teenager and even as an adult dealing with this stuff is fucking hard to navigate but gah, she really does make it all about her feelings on the matter. mike scared her. yelled at her. i don’t think she’s intentionally being manipulative or trying to guilt trip him but god is she succeeding. she so clearly is not mature enough for a relationship with any amount of seriousness. they really really need to break up man
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kozar-tracker · 5 months
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mconsent · 1 year
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Dental practices not using intelligent software verification, fall into the endless loophole of claim denials, lost money, and wasted time. Your dental staff deserves better than the backbreaking task of manual eligibility verifications. Lighten their load with the new dental insurance verification software, and get eligibility reports in 10 seconds or less. Your workflow will seamlessly advance.
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bramblepaws · 2 years
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it’s really clear to me that Lucy keeps having flashbacks to Confrontation and that it’s one of the major catalysts for pushing her friends away (aggressively, in the case of the second instance). 
in the first shot with Sue, there’s just a little bit of greying in the background -- but this is RIGHT after the nightmare flashback chapter & is closely followed by her bursting into angry tears when Daisy pushes the whole “guys adore you” thing. i assume that this memory is going through her brain as she looks off to the side:
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it’s not really like Sue could have done anything in the chapter itself, and of all of the “crimes” that the kids committed towards Lucy, Sue was the lightest next to Mike. I don’t think Lucy expected her to stand up for her against Alej -- but I /do/ think that it was extremely hard for her to not have anyone come to support her and ask if she was okay afterward. Sue mentions in the original chapter that they “better get an A after all that trouble.” she originally jumped in to try and defend Mike, and stayed back as soon as Lucy stepped into the fray.
I think that Lucy just mentally logged Sue in her brain as a person who doesn’t actually care about comforting her -- she was supportive when Lucy was rejected by Mike, and is generally kind to Lucy, but seems to have her own priorities and distractions. so when Sue apologizes in It’s All In The Mind, Lucy immediately backs off and shuts the emotional stuff down as soon as she can. 
it feels similar with this interaction with Paulo. not only are her emotions already high after the recent interactions with Mike, as well as her conversation with Jordan and Augustus -- but she also is being grabbed by Paulo in the EXACT same way that she was grabbed by Alej in the alleyway. he’s physically holding her still by her shoulders when she’s already made it very clear that she does not want to be touched. and he’s got good intentions, but that doesn’t matter when you have PTSD and all of your buttons are being pushed. 
plus, the combo is probably bringing back memories of this:
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Mike was the only one who stood up for her in that chapter, both to their friends and to Alej. and she clearly HEAVILY internalized this, to the point that she violently shoves everyone away when memories are brought up. she’s holding onto these memories with an iron grip. 
i think that’s one of the (many) reasons that she’s clinging so fiercely to Augustus; he also knows what it’s like to be hurt by Alej, and he took some pretty direct actions to protect her from the guy. 
i don’t know where it’s going to go from here, but I think Lucy needs to confront (hah) her issues from this head-on and have some more awareness of how much her friends have changed since that chapter in their lives. also she needs therapy for trauma probably. 
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chapstick-child · 4 years
anyway i’m a huge fan of how bittersweet candy bowl deconstructs the tsundere trope
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ryukodragon · 3 years
Regarding Sandy...
Pieces have been falling into place for a long time now, but I feel like I can put something coherent together about it skjdnjkf
And I want to reassure all Sandy fans - this is NOT a bash-fest! It’s more a character-moment-analysis, which isn’t always flattering, but I will bring up good points too!
While reading the updated chapters of BCB, one sequence caught my eye in Unfulfilled Fantasy Part 2:
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As a casual reader, it’s cute that Sandy first spoke to Mike while he was doodling a picture of her. She even brings it up and compliments how good he is at drawing!
But as a narrative artist, it’s interesting... that she noticed his drawing on his perfect A+ assignment.
What follows is her reaching out to him more, sharing lunch, and complimenting his hard work and high grades. She laments that her own grades aren’t nearly as high - and Mike jumps at the chance to help her study. Thus begins a sweet, genuine friendship!
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(Unfulfilled Fantasy Part 3)
Now, of course, this DOES paint Sandy in a manipulative light - after all, she WAS best friends with Daisy (who also used to help Sandy with her studies) before Mike became relevant. And what happened there?
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(Pillow Talk)
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(Model Girlfriend)
Looks like Daisy became less important to Sandy than vice-versa. Owch!
Does that mean Sandy is a flighty friend who only pursues those who help her achieve her own goals, and once their purpose is done, they get dropped like a hot potato?
Well, possibly - but I don’t think it’s the entirety of Sandy’s personality, nor is it entirely her fault, per se.
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(To The Top)
We only see this “you must succeed” side of Sandy’s mother after she has moved away and grown a little older. Even so, that doesn’t necessarily mean (as of this post) that her parents changed. It’s reasonable to consider the possibility that, because of her parents’ pressure to become successful, Sandy has always had a drive to win.
After all, we’ve seen how badly she handles “losing”, which can include everything from lower grades and losing a single life in an arcade game, to unsatisfactory photos and playful foot races with her boyfriend...
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(To The Top) (Time Out)
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(Model Girlfriend)
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(Model Girlfriend)
I mean, certainly, we’ve all felt embarrassed about underperforming - but Sandy takes it quite personally. The pressure of this model life seems to preoccupy her, even while talking with Mike on the phone about missing him, wanting to go back to the good old days. As he’s sympathizing with her and promising lighthearted plans, her attention goes back to the fashion magazine.
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(To The Top)
Now, THIS moment here is NOT a dig at Sandy not paying enough attention to her long distance boyfriend! Multi-tasking while on the phone is very commonplace! What’s interesting is that, while listening to Mike offer ideyas for a visit and all the simple joys of life they can indulge in... Sandy visibly reaches back to the fashion magazine. The thing that takes up so much of her time and energy.
It’s important to her.
And when she becomes successful, she’s practically glowing!
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(Model Girlfriend)
She’s good at modelling! She excels so much that people are asking her for help! Sandy doesn’t have to ask anyone to help her be a better model! Certainly there is a huge team involved behind photo shoots and fashion shows, but in terms of being a model-in-demand, it all comes from Sandy herself. In her own words, “I’ve got it!”
So, Sandy has found something she can do on her own without relying on anyone else directly to teach her how. This part of her life that is so important to her comes to her naturally! What a thrill for a teenager to discover and embrace about herself! Her confidence is through the roof! What could possibly happen to suggest that anything about her life is less-than-perfect?
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(Boy Toy)
Well... maybe she’s embracing her blossoming career too much. Or, perhaps she doesn’t know how to balance work with relationships - no one’s perfect, right?
But Sandy has to be.
So when she realizes something’s seriously wrong with a big part of her perfect life - say, paying attention to Mike - she DOES try to make it right!
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(Class of 2008)
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(Model Girlfriend)
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(Witch Hunt)
Then... why so many unanswered texts? Why the inconsistent calls? If Mike is important to her, why does he feel more and more like he’s being left behind (even if he never openly admits it unless it’s a pencil-sketched nightmare)?
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(Dial Tone)
Has he lost relevance to Sandy, as he fears? Has Sandy grown so much into her life away from Mike, her life as a model, that she has in fact outgrown him?
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(Model Girlfriend)
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(Witch Hunt)
And if that’s true - if Sandy has realized this during her last in-person visit, it explains why she hasn’t cut ties with Mike. Why she’s reluctant to address their situation.
Why she lets this go on, even if Mike tells her he needs her, because with enough time, he’ll backtrack and insist that everything’s fine, and that’s all she needs to keep this going.
Why perhaps, just like Mike, she doesn’t want to admit it. It’s because...
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(Model Girlfriend)
Sandy has never handled losing very well.
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lucyism · 3 years
i don't have the energy to add picture evidence on this post so this will mostly just be a ramble! also not proofreading and i just got done an overnight so idk if it'll be entirely coherent.
sandy as a character comes off very... bland, if you aren't paying attention. her insecurities and issues are subtle. so i feel like she tends to be whittled down to just her role in the comic, when there's actually been a lot of insight into her character. "eternal flame" was definitely what tied it all together, and it is also the chapter that has made me love her.
sandy has a lot of expectations on her shoulders. from her mother, her peers, her work, her schooling, maybe most importantly herself. she conducts herself in a very specific way and holds morals that seem naive or immature, but that's a very no-nuance way of describing sandy. she, of course, IS naive. she is immature. she lives in a "me me me" world, her actions are driven by what i percieve as a need to be self serving. it has to go sandy's way. she has to be the one on top. so, in a sense, she is incredibly selfish too.
from my understanding, this selfishness is actually a coverup for a deeply, deeply insecure and identity-less girl. she is a model before anything else, and judging by how the characters react to her beauty, i'm sure she is also beautiful before she is a person. her appearance and how she conducts herself are very important, she cannot slack on these things. it's her main focus to the point where she does not have time for anything else, much less her own emotional needs.
she lashes out, in "to the top" and several times in "model girlfriend". when she lashes out, it's out of frustration, namely lacking skill or feeling inadequate. if she's so perfect, then why would those specific things be such a trigger? why does she get so upset in situations where she isn't good at something?
because despite the confidence, despite the self-assured attitude she has, despite how much she loves her job, sandy has a deep-rooted fear that's extended and only possibly grown since childhood that she is not good enough. she sees herself as someone who doesn't do enough which extends to the belief that she is a bad person, as she hinted at in "witch hunt" and (in the case of her being a bad person) said in "eternal flame". sandy isn't selfish because she's entitled, she's selfish as a defense for how insecure she is. imo she has everything but feels like she herself is nothing.
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agentjx7 · 3 years
SO I wrote this massive post in the BCB discord explaining why I still like Paulo/Lucy, and at some urging I’ve edited it for tumblr!
Now, I could start off with a lot of talking about Paulo and Lucy’s personalities and why I think they’d mesh well together, but you’ve probably read the comic. You know the characters. I don’t think the argument “they don’t have chemistry” is even on the table. Instead, I feel like most people’s arguments about the ship are either “there are healthier/better ships for both of them” or “the Ferris Wheel scene and chapter 100 sink it.” So let’s talk about these arguments.
I am not going to be able to convince anyone who thinks that their ship is “better” than paulucy to switch sides, so let’s talk about healthier for a second. Paulo’s relationship with Daisy as it stands at the moment would doubtless get mired down by Daisy’s jealousy of Lucy. I’m not saying it couldn’t be good in the future, and both of them are developing in the directions that would make that easier, but at the moment I don’t think it’d be good. And as for Lucy? The number of healthy ships for Lucy is vanishingly small. I think it’s possible that her relationship with Paulo, if it started in the next chapter, would be healthy, but I also think they both need a little more work— and I think that they’re more likely to develop in positive ways together than apart!
Now, as for their recent arguments. I do not think Lucy is telling the truth during After You on the Ferris Wheel— at least, not the whole truth. She doesn’t feel like she can do a relationship at the moment, and she’s tired of watching Paulo (who she cares about deeply) hurt himself by waiting for her. This is compounded by the things she’s internalized from December and after: she feels like all she CAN do is hurt Paulo more, and that even if she starts dating him he’s only going to be doing it because he likes her appearance. Paulo might have proved MULTIPLE times that this isn’t the case, but she’s dealing with quite a bit right now and it’s very hard for her to see the positives in any of her relationships— Augustus excluded.
During the Ferris wheel ride she never actually can bring herself to tell Paulo outright that she doesn’t love him and that she’s incapable of loving him in the future. She does say that she’s sorry they couldn’t have been more in the past, but that’s because of her crush on Mike, a crush she’s slowly getting over. When he flat out asks her if there’s no way for her to love him she gives a non-answer and then changes the subject to the time they slept together, which she argues she only did because she thought she’d never see him again. I think this is true (and it was kind of a shitty thing to do), but Lucy isn’t giving herself enough credit OR Paulo enough agency here. Her goal during this whole conversation is to convince Paulo to move on from her, so she says a LOT of stuff that’s fairly hurtful. From her own admission, though, the reason she’s saying it all is because she thinks Paulo should move on, and that she’s not worth waiting for. That’s not her call to make. Unfortunately, as we see from their next conversation, all she really accomplished was ruining Paulo’s evening.
So now the big one, High Expectations. Paulo absolutely BLOWS UP at Lucy here, and a lot of people signaled it as the death knell for the ship. It definitely wasn’t our finest hour, but I maintain that there’s a couple little things in the scene that show that it’s still got stuff going for it. FIRST of all, Paulo flat-out says he loves Lucy. This one should’ve put the nail in the coffin of “ah Paulo doesn’t care about her because of the fair” argument, but on the NEXT page we get to the big one. Lucy says she didn’t come back for any of them, and Paulo asks the armor-piercing question: “Then why the fuck did you come back?”
This scene, this panel, is the FIRST time since Love Again that we see Lucy taken off guard by one of the members of the gang. It’s the only time her “I’m a cold hearted bitch now and I hate all of you” act really drops before she has her conversation with Sue a couple chapters later (It’s All in the Mind).
Paulo is the first person to REALLY get under her skin after she returns, and it’s pretty clear the things he says in this chapter stick with her. I could talk more about that, but for now let’s talk about Paulo and why he doesn’t mean the shit he says right here about how he’s Done With Lucy for real this time™️. First of all, Paulo is right up there with Mike and Lucy in terms of emotional outbursts— the main difference is that when he attacks people he just straight-up physically attacks them instead of tearing them down emotionally, and that it’s a coin flip whether he’s going to get angry with someone else or burst into emotional tears and start hating himself (because he’s one of the most empathetic emotional characters in the comic but I digress). He’s just seen Lucy, who’s keeping up the “I actually hate ALL of you now” act, with AUGUSTUS, who to his knowledge is the guy who tried to molest Daisy and nothing else. Robbed of the context of the situation, he feels like Lucy really hates them all so much that she’d rather hang out with the creep than them— than HIM— and that shit hurts. Why? Because he absolutely still loves her.
Paulo has also had an EXTREMELY rough day. One of his best friends just slammed his face into a lunch table. He’s still on rough terms with Abbey, even if Daisy’s party has assuaged some of these fears. He’s ALREADY ready to fall apart, and then THIS hits him like a train. It HURTS, so he lashes out and storms off.
Lucy realizes that she’s hurt him, bad, and that hurts her— but we don’t get to see that because Paulo and Mike are the focus of the chapter so we’re MOVING ON now, I’ll explain in a minute.
SO! During All in the Mind Lucy has another confrontation with her friends, leading to her blow-up with Daisy. BUT CRUCIALLY she’s on good terms with Sue again, and she starts to realize that she can’t keep hurting her old friends like this. This leads directly into her behavior in Witch Hunt, which is the next time we see the two of them interact. All she does is apologize to Paulo for potentially hurting him again with the dress— but this is a bigger moment than it might seem. In the earlier chapters after her return, Lucy would’ve pretended not to care that her actions could have hurt Paulo, but this time things are different! This is her reaching the olive branch out to him, as well as her genuine fear that she’s just hurt him again. Paulo assures her it’s no big deal, and then resumes casually flirting with her (in a friendly way!), something that she laughs with and clearly enjoys. When Daisy interrupts them they BOTH start blushing.
SINCE THAT POINT, the only chapter to feature the two of them significantly interacting is Unwanted Gift. Paulo happily takes part in the celebrations of Lucy’s birthday, which he DEFINITELY would not have done if he was still in the same mindset from High Expectations. Now, I can’t claim to know what’s going to happen after the most recent emotional missile salvo of a chapter, but I truly do believe the two of them are in a much better place than when Lucy first returned.
NOW, what evidence do I have that they really do still love each other? Admittedly, some of it is just my own gut feeling about the characters. Lucy leaving for the better part of a year didn’t put a damper on Paulo’s feelings. Being told “stop caring about me before you get hurt,” ESPECIALLY since Lucy can’t (or won’t) say “I don’t love you,” is not going to stop him.
As for Lucy? Well, there’s the inherent fact that Lucy didn’t just come out and say she didn’t like him and he had no chance. Lucy is often brutally honest, and she still chose to dodge the question when he asked. But Lucy still can’t bring herself to say she does love him, so if she’s so brutally honest, she must not, right? Well, no! One of Lucy’s major character flaws is that she can’t be fully honest with people, even when it would benefit them both. Admitting her true feelings is a specific area where that’s a problem— Lucy confessed she loves someone once before, and look how THAT went. Also on the BCB ship chart she’s still listed as having a crush on him and the chart came out in *checks notes* after Lucy came back so I’m hanging onto that for dear life
So, there you have it! My overdrawn explanation of why paulucy good, actually. Thank you so much for reading if you got this far! God I really love this comic waaay too much.
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prettycooregrey · 6 years
the more and more I read BCB (and going through a reread currently) the more I think Daisy and Paulo are a major endgame ship? and there are a billion ways I could justify that from comic content, especially considering all the attention they’ve gotten in recent chapters but I think there was a minor hint in After You and I wouldn’t be the pseudo English major I am if I didn’t grasp for straws lmfao.
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these bears are prizes won at the carnival they’ve gone to on a “date” (what frickin carnival only has one kinda prize in different colors, jeez). Taeshi doesn’t strike me as the type to pick colors willy nilly either, esp considering her regrets in not taking the comic more seriously from the beginning and color choice is super important in media that uses it.
Paulo gave Lucy her green bear and Lucy gave Paulo his blue bear. I think the colors of their bears are indicative of their current love interests. Lucy’s is to a lesser extent considering how she rightfully told off Mike in Unspoken Rule, the previous chapter, but she still references their falling out with a lot of pain and regret on page 16, and I don’t think she’s as over it as she says she is.
back to it tho, Lucy’s bear is green, Mike’s eye color. Paulo’s bears are blue, Lucy’s eye color, and... beige. Now, Daisy’s eyes are brown but lightening the color of the bear might have been an aesthetic choice compared to the medium-dark tones of the others, but it matches her fur pretty perfectly.
and when Lucy tells Paulo that he never had a real chance with her.... 
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this chapter pretty unambiguously sunk the Paulo/Lucy ship, and it hit the bottom of the ocean after High Expectations when Paulo sees Lucy with Augustus. but this was not only the bear Lucy gave him herself, it’s the one that matches her color scheme. now the bear he’s left with is the one that matches Daisy.
and considering the fact that this happened earlier in the same chapter...
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...that being, Paulo is literally fantasizing about Daisy (in a bubbly pink background no less) while sitting next to Lucy, whom he has JUST asked on a date after she up and disappeared for an extended period of time. moreso, he’s comparing the two of them in how they treat his study habits and Daisy is coming up more favorably because she would not stand for him just copying, she would insist he do the work himself and understand it.
and that’s just the minor and major hints about their endgame status from After You, not to mention how blatant it is in both earlier AND later chapters (there’s a billion examples from the last pages of High Expectations and all of Moments Apart).
this was all an excuse to point out the colors of the bears and how I think they were intentional lol bye.
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septennial · 6 years
*cracks knuckles* ok back again with more bcb
SO I was correct that this is only gonna bring Daisy and Lucy closer (or at least better at seeing where the other is coming from) so suck on THAT.
I’m also very impressed with Lucy’s development- she’s much more emotionally mature now. Clearly she’s still dealing with strong emotions and learning how to appropriately express them, but hey she yelled once and recovered and instead of storming off like she might have before, she took the moment to reassure and encourage Daisy. Not sure if Daisy is gonna pick up on that, but hey, the effort is there.
This is also a great reminder that Lucy has dealt with a LOT of sexual harassment in the past. Daisy has only had the one instance with Augustus, and yes, it was bad, no amount of sexual harassment is okay. So I appreciate that Lucy is keeping that in perspective and is actually be quite protective of Daisy... it might seem ridiculous to us that Daisy thinks harassment and male attention is something to be jealous of, but for a lot of people who are very insecure, they do misconstrue that as positive attention. Lucy clearly sees that and isn’t blaming Daisy for it exactly, just trying to give her some perspective, even as she deals with her own issues.
It’s also interesting to see that Lucy explicitly doesn’t approve of Augustus’s harassment of Daisy, and doesn’t forgive him for that. It’s a fascinating story route... following the friend of a person who’s done some bad shit, and who’s trying to support them on their road to bettering themselves but also making sure to not sympathize with past behavior and barring access to the people who were affected. Props, Taeshi!!
ALSO Lucy evidently thinks she was the one taking care of Mike now that she has some perspective! I’m so interested in seeing how that develops, since Mike has been adamant that he’s been worn down by having to take care of her this whole time. I don’t think either one of them is wrong. But more on that later once we see more of this chapter >:3c
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mikeapologism · 2 years
All right, genuine question, am I in the wrong for not thinking what Sandy did should be considered cheating? Like, it is objectively shitty to lead both dudes on when you know you’re romantically interested in someone besides your partner, and it’s objectively awful to ignore your partner because you’re interested in someone else, but was it ever said that she actually like, did anything with Francis? Because from what I can tell she didn’t? Getting close with someone who is not your partner and then realizing you have romantic feelings for them isn’t cheating or morally wrong. Having romantic feelings for someone who isn’t your partner is not cheating or morally wrong. It’s what you do with those feelings and I’d argue that what Sandy did wasn’t cheating but it was wrong.
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lacktastrophe · 2 years
I've been getting into bcb and your analysis are really cool! good job! theres one thing that caught my attention on how different your interpretation from it was from mines and it's the part in golden hour when david tells paulo that he loves him. you write about it in a way that sounds as if it was a love confession or admiting an attraction towards paulo but it didn't read that way to me, was it supposed to be some love confession? am i just dense? 1/2
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It wasn't confusing at all and thank you for the message!
So, the general gist is that it's a confession from David. It can be interpreted in any direction given David is a bit of an enigma in the story, given he's done and accomplished some strange things previously. He could be joking, it could be a smart plot to have Paulo discover something new about himself. It could be closer to something heartfelt based on Paulo's reaction through his understanding of David. In the end, it's a confession so I tend to just reference it to that.
I base it being heartfelt based on Paulo registering it in that fashion because he asks David to get serious with him, twice -- before and after David showers him with praise and tells him he loves him. When David tells him he isn't joking, Paulo, still dealing with a personal dilemma from Volume 5 regarding his feelings and the possibility of him being bisexual has that bandaid rip open again.
This is also reinforced further because Paulo runs into Matt and takes out his frustrations out on him mistaking the invitation to get intimate.
With the ice-cream truck, that's another chapter open to interpretation, and that's given how you see David's character and whether the confession was heartfelt, or a joke.
Personally I feel like the result of that chapter had been to showcase that Paulo can learn to take things one step at a time and try not to be as reactionary towards others when interpreting others and letting his feelings dictate his action, given what Matt tells him.
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I feel David not pushing Paulo further means their relationship is somewhat open to the realm of possibility; David only has previously shown he really just cares for his best friend and would do anything to ensure his happiness. I feel the confession is just to show he is open towards a relationship, if Paulo also felt the same. But despite this, he would not push him. He loves Paulo; but because Paulo's happiness is paramount, he won't do it in such a way that could trouble their friendship or impact Paulo's chances with someone else.
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But that's how I feel about it. It can go either way truth be told.
I had some big write up to explain why, but it got swallowed by Tumblr. Sorry about that. If I need to elaborate more, let me know.
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rayarmat · 3 years
Why Do Oldest Millennials Suffer from Health Issues?
A BCBS analysis shows older Millennials (37-40 years old) are mysteriously unhealthier than Generation Xers of the same age.
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There are many speculations as to why this is the case. One plausible and rational explanation is that oldest Millennials (Born 1981) were 16 in 1997 when mobile phones were rolled out across the country. So they are the first generation that grew up ALL their adult life WITH cell phones. This could mean a more sedentary lifestyle, or a longer and more intense exposure to electromagnetic fields.
For all such hypotheses, you can read The Invisible Rainbow which offers many theories about how electricity has affected our health and environment.
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bramblepaws · 3 years
although i did not expect this from Sandy, i am VERY excited about this development from a story perspective. Mike has been haunted by his own affections for Lucy for the entirety of his and Sandy’s relationship. he stopped doing anything romantic with Lucy after he and Sandy became official, he TOLD Sandy about how close he and Lucy were, and he worked really hard to ensure that no one ensured his affections for Lucy were anything romantic -- and he still worried about it constantly. 
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and here he is, getting slapped in the face with exactly 0 of the consideration that he had given to Sandy. she didn’t tell him about her developing feelings; she didn’t tell him that someone had confessed feelings for her; she CONTINUED to tell Mike that she loved him even as she avoided him and kept him in the dark for months. it took him crying and yelling at her over the phone for her to confess!! there are signs about this all the way back to the time she visited and beyond.
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and this development feels so, so narratively satisfying. he has been over here killing himself to live up to his vision of her, to be “good enough” for her, when she has been at least EMOTIONALLY cheating on him for months. he has driven away everyone important in his life to be faithful to her image when she has been doing the opposite! it’s so good!!!!! 
and this is going to throw EVERYTHING in a new light for him (at least i hope it will). i’m really hoping that he’s going to realize that a huge chunk of why he pushed Lucy away from him was him trying to live up to the vision of Sandy he was holding in his head. im ALSO hoping that he sees how putting her on a pedestal was something that was 100% bad for him & his relationship, and grows from it in the future
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rcsordinaryworld · 5 years
Daisy Outfit Compilation
Daisy from @bittersweetcandybowl usually dons her simple pearl necklace by itself, but occasionally she gets all dolled up and I think that’s really cute. I think of the cast, she’s the most interesting clothing-wise. She doesn’t wear it consistently, but she wears it more often than pretty much any of the not-always-clothed characters, if that makes sense. So I decided that, instead of doing my day job, I was going to make a compilation of all of Daisy’s outfits.
This probably won’t be an analysis, more of a dump with images and chapters listed. I like to draw her wearing clothing a lot and I like basing her outfits on things I think she would actually wear. I think her taste has remained pretty consistent through the years, so let’s see if that’s true! And also, sorry if I missed any, and please feel free to reply with any that I do miss.
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The very first outfit we see Daisy wear is her cheerleader outfit (right). This one is her middle school one, which is a little different from high school, but I couldn’t find a color version. I also included a shot from when Augustus recalls seeing her in this in a later chapter, though it looks like she’s wearing her pearls on that one. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to wear accessories in uniform, Daisy?!
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Not sure if it counts (since it was for a gag) but she did dress up as a lobster with the rest of the gang for Mike’s birthday. I love the little smile on her hat.
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Next, the gang surprises her with a Daisy dress, of the Mario variety. Unfortunately, she doesn’t appreciate it very much. A shame, considering how much that thing must have cost! 
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This shows up in a flashback scene with Paulo, but I can’t really tell what it is. A coat I think? It’s not something she wore all the time though, since we’ve seen her as a child and she’s not been in it.
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The first Christmas outfit, at Tess’s first party. All of the crew’s outfits are Santa inspired this year, but Daisy’s is particularly adorable thanks to a big bell she wears around her neck.
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As it warms up, their PE class involves swim lessons, where Daisy’s donning a black T-shirt. I didn’t even think she would own one, considering how much she loved pastels, but she really is quite self conscious. I can’t tell if she’s wearing any bottoms, since it is a long shirt. I imagine she probably has those boyshort type bottoms, probably also in black.
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Hush, no, you’re perfect.
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At least she seem comfortable in her cheer outfit! Chapter 38 features the first appearance of her high school cheer outfit, which is different from her middle school one, most notably, that she seems allowed to wear jewelry. (she’s not the only one, as Katie is wearing a necklace.) Also, her new outfit shows off her middriff and has a different pattern on the front chest panel. This one shows up in a few different chapters (list not comprehensive) as well as in the Candybooru. Also interesting, is that it looks like their school colors are sky blue and black. Go Roseville High!
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AYOO meme time
But seriously what a weird but cute outfit! It’s so unique!! She was really laying it on thick to impress Mike, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she made it herself. It has a bit of a modified-from-thrift-store-finds feel doesn’t it? I have no idea if Daisy can sew but I am choosing to believe she does. Sadly, the night goes horribly wrong, but hey, at least she looked cute right? 
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It’s kinda messed up that Tess was pushing so hard for Mike and Lucy to go to Acapulco, but totally doesn’t seem to care if Daisy and Abbey skipped out. Daisy helped you pass your classes, Tess! I mean, I guess Abbey did need the support, and we did get to see Daisy wear a cute dress to see them off. There’s lots of shots with it being all flowy and girly, I love it so much. That sash is great.
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Speaking of cute dresses, she wore a simple but pretty one on her first date with Abbey. They went to a therapy session slash picnic which is a... non traditional choice, but a very sweet one. You can tell she’s really into Abbey by how she’s dressing up for him, and that Taeshi had a lot of fun drawing the flowiness of it.
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Bonus silly cute images featuring glasses Daisy. She also sports glasses in the student gov chapter, and whenever she’s shown in the future, she also has them. Adorable.
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Halloween costumes are always fun, and Daisy’s costume for freshman year was a traditional one-- a witch. I love the off-the-shoulders look of it. It’s a shame she wasn’t really important that chapter. I’m interested to see what the current Halloween chapter will have her wearing, if she’s in it. 
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Pillow Talk is still one of my favorite chapters, because who doesn’t love gossip? What’s interesting is all of them wear pjs, even if they don’t normally wear clothing. Daisy showed up just wearing her pearls, and then put on a sleep dress (gown?) at the actual party. I included a shot of her room from this chapter too, since how she decorates her space is just as interesting as how she decorates her body, right?
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Parties are definitely where Daisy likes to show off her fashion sense the most. Tess also hosts the Christmas party the next year, and it’s very cute. She’s got like... a poncho style thing, which actually became a trend way after this I think, since this chapter came out in about 2012, but a sort of Mexican inspired flowy top seems like something that definitely became super common in 2018. She’s ahead of her time! I think I love the flower ornament by her ear too. I couldn’t find a good shot of the length of the dress though.
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But enough happy times. The day after the party, she wore this bright navy blue trench coat when she and Abbey went to visit Charlotte’s grave. Usually her fur is enough to keep her warm, so wherever Charlotte is, must be freezing. I wonder if she’s got anything under it, or if that’s not a prerequisite for coats in the BCB universe?
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Looks like the trip to the cemetery got her too bummed out to plan an outfit for the New Year’s party. She’s just wearing her standard pearls for that one. Tess has a cute dress though.
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She’s in a much better mood by Rachel’s party. I love that her shoes match perfectly. Off-the-shoulders is a great look for her, just like with her witch costume. This one is also reminiscent of the Mexican style blouses I mentioned earlier. I don’t think the waist-cinching has the effect she was probably going for though, at least not without a belt. She really seems to like baby blue huh?
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But moving on! Remember how we found out she’s a huge weeb? That was great.The lanyard and backpack are such a great touch of realism. Con badges are the worst part about cosplaying at cons, since if you’re caught off guard you’ll have it in the shot, ruining all of your hard work. She obviously did put some effort into it too-- her costume is really well sewn and intricate and poofy. Notice all those panels on the chest and skirt. My theory that Daisy can sew intensifies. Also those bows are just too cute! I wish she wore them more often.
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The same night she’s wearing some pjs again, this time a blue slip. Nothing fancy.
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While not an outfit, Love Again opens with the first canon appearance of Daisy’s hip curls, inspired by Kit’s lovely fanart. I’m pretty sure they have a tumblr but I don’t know it, sorry!! I’ll edit it if I find out.
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An intermission comic featuring all of their days starts Daisy off in pjs. These look like the one from Lucy’s birthday sleepover, judging by the collar frills. Looks like it might be getting more snug on her as she grows up.
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Speaking of growing up, here’s Daisy all dressed up for her birthday, sporting a very cute bow. Her actual dress is made of a really strange material that’s presumably extremely thin, and sewn with plenty of elastic, judging by the wrinkles. I think it’s an interesting experimental outfit, but it’s so detailed it doesn’t really look the best in small scale. I’m not a huge fan of the wrinkled look in general, but the colors are very flattering on her, and the overskirt thing is pretty nice.
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Daisy makes a brief appearance in Escape Route, a chapter mostly about Augustus and Lucy. Normally she wears dresses, but this time she’s rocking a cupcake liner. Okay, so it’s not really her, but I can’t not include this cute cupcake!
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Last but not least, here’s her outfit for Mady’s birthday party. I adore this outfit so much! It’s amusingly similar to one of Lucy’s mother’s outfits, though her mother pairs it with pants.  That being said, I think this is my absolute favorite outfit of hers. The cardigan pairs great with her necklace, and the belted dress is just so flattering and and adds just enough detail. I think it’s simple, classy, flirty, and just so cute. Most of her looks have been blue, and this is actually one of the few pink outfits she owns, but we know she does like it based on her room. Pink pairs with her apricot/cream fur for a fun, girly look that’s just right for her.
And with that, we’ve finished compiling all of her outfits from the comic, though I didn’t gather any outfits that are Booru-exclusives, like her prom(?) dress. I thought about including those, but there’s so many to go through, and their canonity was so iffy that I decided against it for this post.
It seems safe to say Daisy has very simple tastes, with a rather timeless but definitely girly feel to them. Flowy, mid thigh dresses and skirts are her favorites, and seems to prefer sleeveless or off-the-shoulder looks. She also has a tendency to dress up to impress boys, but she does genuinely seem to enjoy making outfits, and she’s quite fashionable! 
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making it. Daisy deserves all the love in the world.
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Dream Narrative
A couple of nights ago I had a strange dream that took place in my apartment room. Each of my roomates was there and in my dream I awoke very suddenly to check the time. I worked at the coffee shop on campus “BCB,” and that day I had my very first shift from 10:00 to 3:00. Upon waking up, I looked at my phone and read the time 10:30 and immediately started panicking as my shift had started 30 minutes earlier. I was so embarrassed of my unorganization that I lied to all of my roommates and told them my shift actually started at 11:00 and that while I was running late, I would make it there on time. 
I arrived at BCB 30 minutes late and finished out my shift. 
Suddenly I realize that it is Thanksgiving. I hurry back to my apartment after work and stress over what I will wear to Thanksgiving Dinner, as I know I will be eating a lot of food and am very concerned about looking fat after all of the food I will be consuming. 
Hurriedly sitting down at the dinner table with my friends and family that magically appeared, in my carefully chosen dress, I look over at the television where the Super Bowl was supposed to be playing. Instead of football, like my dad used to force us to watch every Thanksgiving, on the TV was the latest interview of Kim Kardashian speaking to Ellen Degenerous about her newborn baby. This was her 7th child and she and Kanye chose to name the little baby girl: Sunset.
Dream Analysis
Looking back at this very random dream, I can see that most of what happened in my dream actually makes sense as to why I dreamed it in the first place. 
I had gone to bed the night before very anxious about the homework I had to do the following day and I had been worried I was forgetting to do something. This makes sense as to why in my dream I anxiously woke up and was late to work. My best friend and roommate, Bella, works at BCB on campus so hearing her work stories influenced me to dream that I took her place at work. 
The night before I had this dream, I took my boyfriend out to dinner at BJ’s and we got huge “Pizookies” (the giant cookies with ice cream on top of them). We ate the entire thing and I felt sick afterwards. I think that this contributed to the idea of Thanksgiving and my concern of looking fat. This also could have contributed to why Kim Kardashian was pregnant and had a baby. Lastly, the name Sunset is significant because I had gone to La Jolla the day before to watch the sunset. 
According to Zarate in Freud for Beginners, memory plays a big role in our dreams, as well as our unconscious thoughts. I think that in my dream, although they were very recent memories, they were fresh in my mind so that is where my subconscious went in my dream state. Freud believes in the ego, the ID, and the superego as well. I believe that all three play a role in dreams and why we dream the things we do. I think that my dream involved my super ego where the “police me” was telling me to get my life together, especially since I have been feeling anxious about school and my organization has not been great lately. 
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