#bcs i could only think of that clip of Fernando
skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Everywhere I go, I see their faces...
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max13l · 26 days
F1 Tag Game! Tag some people you'd like to get to know better!
who tagged you?
@3mula1 thank uuu <3
who is your favorite driver?
I mean, it's obvious but Max and Daniel. I would pick one of them and it might feel sometimes like I have a preference but I truly feel like its a disservice to myself and them both if I do (and they belong together) so I won't and you can't make me :)
do you have any other favorites?
Nope. When I like people I gotta like them a lot to truly give a fuck and those two are more than enough for me. I like others in principle (Alex, Seb, Jenson, Kimi, etc) but they don't compel me anywhere near how Maxiel do.
who is your least favorite driver?
Didn't exactly have one but the number from China and especially how he handled the situation puts Lance there for me, Lando can be a dishonorable mention too. Mostly I just focus on my favs, I can't be bothered to care, unless its shit that actually gets on my nerves and/or during races when I pray on anyone's downfall if they inconvenience Maxiel, to dislike people openly. I'm indifferent to most people on the grid aside from Maxiel.
do you pull for drivers only or teams as well?
Definitely mostly drivers, wherever Maxiel are I will support them. But I do have a fondness for Red Bull as a team too, what can I say I do like their energy, but Not the drink (aka haven't tried, I stay away from energy drinks as a whole) lmao. And ofc I do have teams I hate with a passion (McLaren can take this win lol) too.
how long have you been into f1?
I've know about it for the longest time bc my dad has watched it since forever and I have watched some races with him along the years, but I fully got into it last year. Zandvoort 23 is the first race I watched with full intent to understand it and pick people to root for.
what got you into f1?
Needed a new interest bc my previous one wasn't being fun for me anymore and I started seeing clips/pics/etc of F1 on Twitter bc I had some mutuals that got into it and also got tiktoks of it on my fyp, plus started watching with my dad more when I was home from uni on the weekends. Then I imprinted on Max pretty quick and I was doomed (affectionately). And after that I saw clips of him and Daniel together and decided I wanted that one too. Also, their relationship just intrigued me from the beginning I had no choice.
do you like fan fictions?
Of fucking course I do, been reading fics for over a decade now. And to continue the previous question, when I started reading fics about Maxiel I knew I was past the point of no return. Thank you to all the lovely Maxiel writer girlies (gender neutral) I love every one of you, y'all make my life more enjoyable fr <3
how do you view new fans?
Just like any other fans, if you're chill and genuinely here for a good time and want to enjoy the sport (however that may be) all the power to you, making mistakes and not knowing things is perfectly okay if you're not being obtuse on purpose and/or rude about it. We all start somewhere.
if you could take over for any team as team principal, who would it be and why?
Red Bull Racing do need a new TP, I think we all agree on that, so I could take up on it :) We're getting the band (Maxiel) back together if I have a say in it, there's too many interesting ways it could play out and I would like to see it. Also, I would make sure Max doesn't need to answer questions about his future in the team every other week.
are your friends and family into f1?
Like I mentioned, yes, my dad (a Fernando fan btw) has been watching it for the longest time. We got my mom into it too, she's more casual about it but still watches with us and tries to get it too (her favorite is Lewis). And I've made a lovely good friend through this blog who obviously is a fellow fan and got my other online bestie from my previous fandom into it too (he likes Maxiel as well, and Logan).
are you open to talking with other fans/making friends?
Anytime and always very welcome! My dms are open to anyone looking to chat :D Would love to make more friends I'm just bad at reaching out, but I will definitely reply if anyone wants to message me or send asks, etc.
Tagging @hansoloooo and @felicity-smoak-is-my-goddess (if you want to ofc) and anyone else who'd like to do this too :)!
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iridescentwinters · 5 years
hi there! don't know if you have done it before but could you give a description of each william remake on what you've seen so far including og? 😊
hello hello! oof i’ve never done this before!
and holy shit i made this super long,,,, but anyway here are my takes and personal descriptions of all the williams!
william (skam) – oh, william. the king of all williams because he’s the original bad boy with a broken past; the reason why we have the rest of the remakes boys. i think my initial opinion on him was how he was going to be a typical “wattpad” bad boy who would just chase after the good girl for the kicks of it. but my opinion changed heavily after watching season 2. while he did make mistakes in both season 1 for being an asshole to vilde and also not hearing noora out after learning the “truth” from his brother (the biggest asshole/villain) about the party, i think people take hating on him to the extreme. to me, william presented himself as someone who was ignorant with a cold-hard exterior, but in reality he was a determined person who was willing to change for the better and he also did look out for others’ well-being. he was quite soft-spoken i would say especially around noora, but nonetheless he stood by his virtues of being a loyal friend even when she told him it was “wrong” to use violence. he was a realist as well. twisting all of those characteristics about him make him look like a bad person, but he really wasn’t. he had a difficult family and he lost his sister. he was just a little lost, but i’d like to think he’s now a mature person who’s made a good connection with himself.
charles (skamfr) – like william, charles also presented himself as an ignorant asshole who couldn’t care less about what others thought, but in reality he’s quite the opposite! my favourite thing about charles is how that entire cold exterior melts whenever he’s around manon. watching season 2, i noticed that he was a lot more clingy than william (i would say). especially in the scenes where manon almost broke up with him, he looked desperate, sounded fragile and was a lot more apologetic (shout-out to michel and his incredible acting!). he’s a lot more cut-to-the-chase kind of person (maybe that could also be because of the limited time skamfr had for every episode lol). he didn’t like beating around the bush. and he hands-down is the most emotional william SO FAR. that tear when he found out about the party scene, and when manon said she didn’t know if she slept with his brother or not? MADE ME CRY. overall, charles is a huge teddy bear that needs to be protected at all costs. he tore toxic masculinity down.
alexander (druck) – now, this is a tricky one. my first impression of alex while watching his entrance was that he was going to be the coldest william. and i think i still stand by that impression. most of season 1 was him looking and sounding stone-cold. cool as ice. now this is where my inner winterberg warrior jumps out, but literally i kid you not the first time alex genuinely smiled was after mia confronted him and asked him if he wet the bed. from then on, every scene he had with mia in season 1, you can see him smiling. i think that’s what’s nicely done about alex: he genuinely doesn’t give a fuck about others’ opinions. including mia’s right now. i know every single william is very educated and keeps up with what’s going on in the world, but druck currently is showing that very well, with the discussion he and mia had in class about israel. not only does that underline mia’s flaws in her thoughts, it characterises alex of not just being a pretty face, but he understands the world’s issues. from the recent clip (the christmas eve one), we see that he’s not celebrating christmas with his own family, so that definitely will play a major role in why he’s so cold. i have a feeling his broken past is going to cut deeper. overall, alex is indeed the coldest william, but i have a feeling that hard rock exterior is going to break soon. kudos to chris veres!
edoardo (skamit) – ughhhh can i just say how much i miss his face?! i can’t wait to see him soon in season 3! to me, edo’s the funniest take on william. i wouldn’t call season 1 edo a fuckboy; i’d call him a PLAYBOY. he’s so…. classy. from the very limited scenes we’ve seen of him, i would say he’s bold. like alex, he isn’t afraid of how he’s being perceived (probably too rich to hear them), but like charles, he melts at the sight of eleonora. in the first clip of season 2, you literally see him roll his eyes at silvia, but the moment he catches eleonora’s eyes, he just becomes a whole other person. i’m interested in seeing how his character development will be like in season 3 and how giancarlo portrays edo. i think he’ll be a lot more open about his past to eleonora than all of the other williams. and he’ll get more serious in situations where he’s supposed to be. but overall, i see him as someone who’ll use humour to hide his true emotions!
daniel (skamaus) – daniel’s entrance was hands down my favourite entrance. the song, the positioning, everything just screamed king of school without even trying. i’m not even saying this because grace made this reference in her text to megan, but he really does remind me of sebastian valmont from cruel intentions! this is gonna make him sound like an asshole for 5 seconds but bare with me; i think he sees grace as a challenge. INITIALLY he does. he radiates “villain” energy, but in season 2 he’s going to forget all of that and will genuinely risk everything for grace. i just know it. he’s going to be the epitome of cliché (thanks to julie 😉). i think he’ll be the most afraid of breaking his tough barriers. i can’t wait to see how his character development is going to look like!
alejandro (skames) – BABY. A BABY HAS BEEN SPOTTED. but listen, don’t be fooled by looks,,,, alejandro most definitely is not the softest william. he may look like it, but he ain’t. and i think that’s what i like about him. he just never fails to surprise you. it’s nice to see a teenager play a teenage role! he just gives off cocky vibes, tbh. especially confident, which we can see in the halloween clip where he subtly asks nora for a dance (RIGHT IN FRONT OF VIRI). now, the reason why i brought up the fact that a teenager plays a teenage role is because despite having an arrogant upfront, i think alejandro is going to make a lot more mistakes and will be a lot more emotional than maybe even charles himself. fernando is 18, he’s still experiencing the teenage life. he’s going to have a more realistic take of a fuckboy in Spain.
noah (skamnl) – oK. noah is by far the most mysterious william. THIS MAN DOESNT EVEN HAVE HIS SURNAME DISCLOSED YET. he’s definitely a lot more quiet than the rest of the williams. i would even go to the extent of calling him alex’s foil (in a good way, of course!). that doesn’t mean he’s not confident though. most definitely is, especially with the last clip of season 1 where he gives liv the note behind engel’s back lmaoo. along with charles, he said fuck toxic masculinity by not only having a passion in the arts, but also with painting his nails. it’s the little things about him that characterise him as a good person. i wonder if he’s a lot more soft-spoken because of his family background. i have a feeling he’s going to be an ultra-soft version of charles. ugh writing about him makes me so sad bc i miss him, but i can’t wait to see him again in 2019 hehe
senne (wtfock) – senne’s a lot more involved with school than all of the williams combined (even daniel, who doesn’t seem to care much about popularity at school). which makes sense tbh, because i feel like the textbook definition of the most popular boy at school is being socially involved and yeah, being a jock basically. ugh i really need to get caught up with the rest of wtfock’s season 1, but from what i’ve seen, he’s kinda like a mixture of alex and edo. like alex, he’s not afraid of pointing out zoë’s flaws in her thinking, but like edo, he’s bold. he looked surprised when zoë made him pick up all of her stuff, but he nonetheless did what she told him to do, so i have a feeling we’re going to see more of that in season 2. he’s not going to be afraid of tearing down the stereotypical male bravado or being called “whipped” for listening to his girlfriend. i’m SO ready to see more of him next season!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
In that Nando doc, I cannot get his girlfriend saying that he's "competitive in everything he does" out of my head 😭
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
catie let’s discuss vettonso headcanons what are ur favs
*sends you to my vettonso tag* shsjkdkf kidding kidding, but wah this is so weirdly hard to answer despite the fact that I think about them literally every day of my life, ig they're just kinda intrinsic to me 😭 but I'll try my best!
I think Fernando really resented Seb for a while, especially during the championship fight years, and originally was very unhappy when Seb then went on to take his Ferrari seat away from him too. But then while he was gone from f1, he kept track of f1 still and realized Seb was going through the same ferrari bs and pain and failure to realize your childhood dream that he himself went through, and he then softened on Seb.
I find them literally to be the same person(but their narratives are offset.) And I think that's a big reason why they never really became friends, they're *too* similar to the point where it annoys each other too much fhfkkff Especially bcs theyre always ahead of one another in the narrative(fernando won his wdc before, fernando is in ferrari before Seb, seb is in Aston before Fernando, etc.) It's just weird to kinda witness someone that's so similar to you, but at a past stage in your life.
They would be the best and most annoying teammates ever. I think they'd both just constantly try to out-compete each other, and maybe it would be toxic back in the day and make the team fall apart like 2007 mclaren or martian rbr, but if it happened at Aston, I think it would actually make the team stronger and the car better. Like fighting for "who can give the best feedback" "who can do the most sim time" etc etc, I think it'd be really sweet 🥹🥹 I just imagine them making post-race debriefs last like 5 hours, except everyone else snuck out of the room at the hour mark, and they've just been debating abt the telemetry at each other, cause they only have eyes for each other <3
^ but yeah seriously think they have the type of competition that could bring each other together, not drive each other apart. Especially at their softened old man age. I guess I think, being forced into such close quarters with each other, they'd be able to realize how similar they are. Bcs otherwise it's just too easy for them to avoid each other. I mean I think a lot about the japan 2023 pics, them talking over the car that was practically the product of their joint effort, and that makes me so emotional 🤧
They absolutely love irritating each other, irs like a sport. I like to think though that Seb kept doing it soooo much pre-Fernando first retirement, and Fernando was always like 😐 just sooooo done with it, and often unwilling to fully play along. I love how seemingly Seb is one of the only ones who can kinda make his mask break, and have him show full annoyance. Like think about the "you must leave the space" clip, Fernando is sooooo annoyed, its just so funny. But yeah I love how Seb kinda forces Fernando in a way most others don't, if that makes sense? And then he comes back, rejuvenated, different mindset, and is suddenly willing to play along??? And now Seb is the tired one :( but Fernando has realized all he was blocking out before, and is willing to engage :,) BUT YEAH! see again, think about the fact that Seb literally paid a fee to not listen to Fernando talk. Mutually they are the only ones that annoy the other so much that they crack to that point, and I love it seemingly swapped over time. They're just such equals in that way.
Here's the interesting thing, I find them to be mirrors, right? I think like if they met each other when each were at the same place in their career(i.e. ferrari Fernando with ferrari seb, renault wdc fernando with rbr wdc seb), I think they'd have a better chance of getting along. Cause they understand where the other is at deeply, but the way it is in real life makes it so they're at different points and suddenly are at odds with each other. Ig that's why I wish we got them as teammates at Aston! It was pretty cute with alpine fernando x aston seb, but ah man if only we got the actual "conclusion", I would have loved to see what they'd be like when genuinely in the same parts of their career together. I think a lot about timeswap AUs I guess. Like both of them at ferrari being able to commiserate together, their wdc selves bragging about how many races they won(until they find out who the other had to beat to become wdc, and then they choke each other out.)
Me: ill try!!!
Also me: six paragraphs
Though I think if you asked me abt one of my AUs, I could come up with more than just daydreaming about their dynamic sjfkkg. Hope this was what you were asking for???? Also lmk, what are your favs!!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Hiii CATIE!!!!! HIII
Im pretty pretty sure people have already asked BUT HOW WAS ATTENDING THE US GP LIVE!!!! WAS???? TELL ME!! DO YOU HAVE PICS??? I know I know im late.
I ALSO HOPE YOU GOT HOME SAFE AND SOUND AND THAT YOU ARE RESTING NOW+!!!(I saw the chaos you went through im deeply sorry for you :( )
ANYWAYS HOW WAS THE RACE? HOW WAS EXPERIENCING STROLLONSO LIVE?????? AND omg did you get pics of drivers??? :00
You must must share pleaseeeeee.wax.poet
OH MY GOD ELLE SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!!! IT WAS VERY COOL!!!!! VERY SURREAL!!!!!! I've taken a week to answer this but uhhhh yes I am in fact home now 🥰 I got home at like 1 am which was cool....
First of all I have to mention this! I was fighting for my life walking thru the Austin airport(from sleep deprivation), and I had my Fernando hat on my backpack, right? Some girl comes up to me and asks if I'm going to the GP, I say yes. SHE GAVE ME A FRIENDSHIP BRACELET, I COULD'VE SOBBED 🥹 It says on it "wtf is a km", I'm still so happy
COTA was the first race I ever watched, so to be actually at that track and watch a race live there was extremely surreal! Very hot though my god 😵‍💫 I think last year it was pretty hot, right? And my brother kept sending me the temp and it was pretty okay, and then of fucking course the temp leaps up to 89-97°(31-36° Celsius btw) right in time for the gp....so that was nice(I say as I burn in the sun like a vampire. But don't worry I didn't even really tan at all 😭 I always wore a hat and a lot of sunscreen. And meanwhile my brother was literally a lobster)
(This is a long post):
So unfortunately I missed the drivers parade because my brother and I were dying on Saturday night and his friends wanted to go first thing in the morning, and we're like "we will go later actually 😊" and missed it entirely 😭😭😭 but his friends took pics of Mclaren and Aston for me!!!!! But unfortunately I havent gotten them still, so I'll have to reblog this later with those! I took a lot of pictures of the cars I took from behind the fence, which I think I've posted some of? Lmk if anyone wants those!! They're very random, I just thought it was very surreal to see the cars flying past, so I took a million.
The coolest part was definitely running on track after the race was over!!! Soooooo surreal, and so I'm only gonna post pics rn from Sunday(bcs pic limit on phone) and also I think everything else kinda pales in comparison(but of course lmk if there's anything you're interested in seeing 🤭)
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Okay and did I see any drivers...? ONLY ONE BUT AAAAHHHH I DID SEE LANDO!!! Not even one of my favs but it was soooooo surreal to see him, even from afar. As you can see above, everyone standing on the fences was blocking the view 🙄, but during the podium, I was focusing my camera btwn their legs and got literally one second of Lando 😭 I think its a pretty aesthetic clip, so I gifed it!!
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It was so funny, I went to the gp with my brother and friends, so all these older guys yeah. And I was showing this off to them on the ride home, and his one friend was praising me so much for it 😭😭 like: "oh my god!!!! You could put this in an edit !!! This is so sick!!!!"
Oh one other thing!!! I think I've mentioned it before but my god, my favorite f1 podiums are always the ones with confetti, right?? AND THERE WAS CONFETTI AT THIS RACE!!!
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LOOK AT HOW PRETTYYYYY!!!! And so anyways, I picked up so much confetti off the ground and now it lives forever in my phone case 🥰🥰🥰 I have no other room for pics on this post(for now) but oh my godddddddddd most of the confetti were just rectangles BUT THERE WAS ALSO ONES SHAPED LIKE TEXAS!!! SO COOL!!!!! And I also picked up a bunch of tire marbles off the ground!!! And a piece of plastic that probably came off some car. It was so funny when all of us were just scrounging off the ground. My bro's one friend somehow found a piece of carbon fiber, and we're all like "how can I kill him in his sleep and steal this from him..." But no the highlight actually of that process was watching my brother sprint to the podium, but stopping and grabbing a bunch of gravel first to shove in his pocket 😭😭😭
The other two days were fun as well, but also a lot of just dying in the heat and drinking a fuckton of red bull, so there's not too much specifically to say! I really liked hearing the cars. I think if you wanna know what's actually going on in a race, watching from home is better, but hearing the cars go by and seeing them is just so fucking sick. It was so funny to see grown men be like "I think I'm going to cry hearing these cars." I was really flexing on them with "uhhh yeah I've already been to a gp already 🙄🙄"
Anyways I ended the day by breaking bank by buying my dad and myself Fernando shirts because he is of course Fernando's biggest fan 🥰🥰 and I bought the most delicious overpriced lemonade, which I only drank half of bcs my brother proceeded to accidentally elbow it out of my hand....
OH WAIT ONE MORE DETAIL LOL. On Friday, my brother and his friend were waiting in line for smth and I was talking to them outside of the barrier. I look down, hmm theres a red cap abandoned on the ground, I pick it up, it is in fact a Ferrari hat. And that is how my brother acquired a $40+ dollar hat for free. Lucky bastard....I was the who found it!
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