#im waiting in the airport and im like ah might as well make this!
skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Everywhere I go, I see their faces...
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girlindelusionn · 2 years
i want them all, robin x you (finale!)
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“Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my
so this is it </3 im actually sad this is ending
im always open to more requests! school is starting again so they might take a while, but im running out of good ideas so any bit of inspiration will be deeply appreciated
hope yall like this ending, its a bit delusional, but i warned you since the beggining, this is just plotless fluff
part 4 here!
People usually hate the days before Christmas, right? The planning, the early cooking, the empty stores and the upgoing prices. It’s like you had a million things to do, and, at the same time, were only able to wait. So December 23th was hardly the best day of any of your years. 
But, 1987 turned out to be the clear exception.
Flying during the holidays was a bad idea. A really bad idea. But if the person you’re renting the apartment you're planning to stay on says she has an opening December 24th then you take it. No matter how chaotic or expensive. More if that person is your long lost aunt, who’s doing it practically for free. If that’s the case then you cry of happiness and promise to buy her a really nice gift.
And that’s why Robin and you —and both your parents, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan and even Mr Hauser— are in the middle of an airport on the busiest day of the year. December 23th. 
It still feels like a dream. Like at any moment your alarm clock is gonna run off and you’re gonna realize nothing of this is really happening. You’re not holding a bag almost as big as you in your hands, your Mom is not hugging you goodbye, crying her eyeballs out and you’re not about to accomplish one of your dreams with the love of your life by your side. There was no way.
“And don’t you forget to write. Imma be expecting at least three pages long letters, with pictures!” Says you mom, refusing to let you go just yet. You laugh, but leaving her embrace hurts you too. You’re gonna miss her like crazy. 
“A letter a week, I promise.” She holds your face between her hands and you give her a couple tears, even after you promised yourself you wouldn’t cry. She deserves it. She laughs sadly and wipes them off for you. Then hugs you one last time, whispering “I love you” and “Be careful” in your ear.
You wait till Robin is done talking to Mr Hauser, (“You made it!” He says to her. “I did!” She replies as she hugs him) to say goodbye to Jonathan and Nancy, who wish you the best and promise to write as well. You wish them good luck during college to both of them, and hug them one last time. 
You move on to Steve, who’s trying his best not to cry, but it’s visible he’s just about to give in.
“Steve…” you laugh and he curses you when the tears start coming. “Come here, you dingus.” You pull him and Robin, who had just finished with her parents, into a hug. 
“I’M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH” he cries into your shoulders. 
“We too.” You three stay there for a second longer, but then you leave a kiss in his hair and pull back. He wipes the tears with his sleeve and smiles sadly. “Oh, c’mon, don’t cry. We’ll bring you a nice European girlfriend, Steve, we promise.”
He laughs, and while you say goodbye to Robin's parents, promising with honesty that you’ll take the best care of her, she does the same thing with your mom. 
And just like that you’re done. All that’s left to do is grab her hand and go into the only-passengers-allowed part of the airport. 
So you do, the smile on your faces contrasting with the tears. 
Three long hours later, ��and two trips to the bathroom, one coffee, a fashion session at the free shop and a little make out session on a random bathroom stall– you find yourselves on your seats. Robin, after winning an intense rock-paper-scissors tournament, is on the window seat. You sit at her right, with her hand intertwined between yours. It's almost time to take off, and contrary to what you’d believe, Robin is awfully quiet.
“It’s everything okay?” You ask. And she looks at you with a mix of clear sadness and the most pure happiness you’ve seen. She’s crying, it's only a little but enough to make your stomach drop. You hate seeing her cry, no matter the context.
“I never thought I’d be sad to leave Hawkins…” she whispers and you chuckle.
“It’s a little weird” you admit, she is laying her head on your shoulder. “But it's your hometown, after all. And this is not a one way ticket.” 
“That also makes me sad! It’s only for six months and then we’re back!” 
“So you're sad we’re going away…” you try to resonate, she nods without her head leaving your shoulder. “And you're also already sad because we have to come back?”
“Yeah” she laughs in between cries. 
“God…” you sight, jokingly. 
“Oh, don’t act like me being insane is something new to you, Y/LN. You signed up for this.” 
You take a second to kiss her face and squeeze her hand three times, trying to tell her how much you loved her without having to verbalize it. 
“And I’ll do it over and over again.”
And with that statement the plane takes off and your dream materializes. Your running away conversations become true as you leave the Hawkins lights behind and you can’t help but cry too. Feeling like you’ve lived only for this moment to arrive.
Time starts to act weird after that, because the nine hour flight feels never ending, but from the moment you arrive at the airport, –seven am for you two, one pm for the rest of the country– time, ironically, seems to fly by.
You get your bags and call a taxi, leaving all the talking to your girlfriend, who was so excited to prove her abilities for real. And you see, Robin speaking anything but English usually turned you on back home. You thought once you were somewhere where they don’t speak English in general then it wouldn’t have the same wonderful but inconvenient effect on your body.
 Safe to say, your hypothesis was wrong. So wrong it is almost enough for you both to overcome your exhaustion. Key word being almost, because you end up passing out on your new apartment bed with half your clothes gone.
After a solid five hour nap you wake up with a squirming head over your chest. Her scent fills your nostrils and invades your head with the same unconditional love you’ve been feeling since that Christmas, almost five years ago. 
“Hey, there…” you whisper, to try and see if she’s awake. You feel her smile, your favorite feeling in the world. 
She responds a little “Hi…” with the softest voice you’ve ever heard. She has that guilty smile, the one that she uses when she’s afraid to ask for something. You try and tell her with your heart eyes that you would do everything for her, whatever she wants. You don't think she gets the whole message. You don't think she comprehends just how deep your love is. But she keeps talking, so at least she understood part of it. “Wanna grab some cheap dinner and have a picnic at seven pm?”
You smile and close your eyes, trying to make this moment last as long as possible.
“You know I can't say no to you” and with that she squeals in excitement and leaves the bed to go get ready. “But it’s also like forty degress so find some extra blankets and your biggest jacket!” you yell, because she’s already in the bathroom. 
You hear the shower being turned on and the water starting to run reminds you you haven’t peed since the airport, so you get up too.
“Okay, mom…” she jokes. You enter the bathroom and do your business. 
“Yeah you laugh now, but when i'm visiting beautiful museums and you’re in bed with a cold imma be the one laughing”
“Oh, you wouldn’t go without me” she says behind the curtain. Steam escaping and fogging the little window on the ceiling.
“Yeah, you’re right…” you accept as you strip down and join her under the water.
A wonderful hour later you’re being helped by a lovely guy who had offered to take your first picture in this adventure. He says an equivalent of “cheese!” you don't quite understand, but obey either way. Then he snaps the picture and returns both the camera and the little polaroid photo to Robin, who thanks him. First, wrongfully in English, and then, seeing the confused look on the guy's face, she repeats it in French.
“Merci pour l'aide!” 
“Êtes-vous nouveau ici?”
“Qu'est-ce qui l'a donné?” they both laugh, you still can’t understand a thing. But it’s still So. Fucking. Hot.
“Passez un merveilleux séjour!” he wishes and she smiles at him. What are they saying?
“Merci beaucoup! Bonne nuit”
“Bonne nuit!”
After that he waves you goodbye and goes away. Robin makes her way back to you and shows you the picture. You can see the Eiffel Tower, decorated for the holidays, behind you, but it doesn't shine nearly as much as your smiles, almost buried under scarves and clothing. It was freezing, but you don’t care. Life was almost too good to be true right now, so any simple discomfort didn't matter. How could it? You are here, walking under the stars next to the love of your life, staring at the place of your dreams, with nothing to do but enjoy this paradise. 
You get your dinner from the first food car you can find and eat it while discussing your plans for tomorrow. She’s even more enthusiastic than usual, which is a beautiful sight alone, but she’s also so cute trying to eat with her gigantic mittens on. Her pastrami sandwich kept on falling onto the blanket. When you’re done you clean everything up and lay down for a while, staring at the moon and the stars from a completely new perspective. She was actually telling you about some constellations you couldn’t see from home when you interrupted her:
“I'm sorry but can I give you your present?” you ask with an impatient smile. She nods, so you take out a wrapped package from your bag as she takes her mittens out.
The paper is full of stars too, and it has a note with the little drawing you had made on her shoe all those years ago. Instead now it said:
“Operation Croissant: 
Phase one officially completed.
Here’s something you might need for phase two!
Loves you, Y/N<3”
She tears the wrapper with all the care in the world, keeping the card in her pocket with the promise of putting it on her wallet. The paper reveals a dark green scrapbook, painted with doodles of you two in the most famous monuments. There's Robin and you sliding down the leaning tower of pisa, climbing the pyramids and sitting on the top of the colosseum. But in the middle of the cover, written in beautiful letters, it said: “Robin and Y/N discover the world.”
Astonished, she opens the book and goes through the first few pages. The first one is almost empty, except for the dedication in the middle. “For Robin. To always running away together, my dear. I love you forever and ever.” The next few pages are filled with the dates and destinations you have planned for this trip and you had left enough space for her to fill with pictures or whatever she wants to. The rest of the scrapbook is blank, ready to be filled with any other adventure you two have in the future.
She stares at it in awe, not believing you actually did all of this just for her.
“Do you like it?” she looks at you in disbelief. 
“Are you kidding? This is the best gift I’ve ever received, Y/N. This is beautiful.” she looks like she’s about to cry “I can’t believe this. Thank you so much” 
“You’re welcome, baby” you’re so glad she liked it.
She examines the gift for a little longer before bringing a pout to her face.
“Is everything okay?” 
“Everything is wonderful” she assures you “But now my gift seems a bit…”
“Robin, I will love your gift no matter what. You could give me your literal farts on a little glass bottle and I would still treasure them with my life, alright?” you even grab her hands to make your point. How could you care about material things when having her in your life was already the best present she could ever give you.
“Close your eyes” she demands and you follow through with it. She starts looking around in her bag “No peeking!” she says, putting a cold hand over your face.
“I'm not!” 
“Here it is!” she says to herself when she finds it. Then she takes her hand off you, but you don’t open your eyes just yet. Not until she says “Alright, now you can look…” you feel the nerves in her voice, so you’re just a little worried when you open your eyes.
And the last thing you expect to be waiting for you is your girlfriend, with a nervous smile, holding open a little purple box, containing a ring.
Your features must reflect your shock, cause she starts doing the thing when she anxiously over explains everything.
“It's not a proposal ring!” is the first thing she clarifies, you frown “I mean, it kinda is, but for a lot of reasons it's more of a promise ring.” she grabs your hand, holding up both her eyebrows, like asking for your permission. You, of course, nod ‘yes’. “With this…” she says as she slides the ring into your finger. “I promise you, right now right here, that I'm here to stay for the long haul, whatever that looks like in our future. Even if it's traveling across the globe, or growing old in some forgotten corner of the world, with eight kids and twenty five grandkids or twelve cats and the biggest book shelf to ever be made. I don't care how life turns out to be, but the only thing I can't ever be missing is you…”
After such revelation you can't do anything but hug her, trying to be discreet, because you are still in public, but also wanting to respond to all of those feelings. Tell her that every bit of her love was reciprocated. You stay in that embrace, her arms founding their usual place in your hips, as your body practically melted into hers. You were so lucky. 
“That sounds an awful lot like an engagement ring…” you say, tears holding desperately to your eyelashes as you grab your right hand and examine the ring closer. It’s nice and delicated, with an emerald instead of a diamond. You wonder how she managed to pay it, and suddenly remember all the shifts she had to ‘cover Steve’ for. “Robin, this is beautiful…” you add in whispers.
“I know, but it’s not like we can get married anyway…” she whispers back and it feels like a stab right in the middle of your chest.  
You technically, and legally, couldn’t. But when have the two of you done anything the traditional way?
“We don’t need papers for it to feel official, don’t we?” She shrugs, not getting the message. “Robin Buckley…” you call again and she looks up from your embrace, confused at the use of her full name. “Can I ask you a question?” 
She laughs, knowingly. She deserves that.
“Of course.”
“Would you marry me anyway?” 
Her features soften as she scans your eyes for any type of indicator this might be a joke. But you’re a hundred percent sure. You’ve never been more sure of anything in your whole life. Her eyes and mouth open, like she’d never even thought marrying you was a real possibility. Like she had just resigned to their rules and accepted she could never have the type of love songs and films were about. Like you had just given her the key to a completely new word. 
And, if you thought about it, you had. You had just offered her the most precious thing anyone could give; time. You had given her the key to every early morning of coffees and crazy hairs and every late night of secrets and nightmares, the chance to comfort you after every failure and celebrate with you every win, the opportunity to stick by your side on every step of the way. 
Instead of properly answering she grabs your face and kisses you in plain sight for the first time in your lives. Her lips are soft and cold and her face is slightly wet because of all the tears, but it’s still the best kiss you’ve ever had the honor to experience.
You pull away after a second and wait for her to actually answer, but she’s just staring at you with a loving smile.
“Is– is that a..?” 
“Right!” she remembers, you chuckle. Such a dork. “Yes, Y/N Y/LN, I will marry you.”
 You kiss her once again, pulling her in for a hug and letting silence invade you once more.
At some point she starts softly laughing. “Proposing in the city of love? That’s so cheesy!” you laugh too, but also tickle her on her right side, making her squirm on your arms.
“It was not my ring but yours!” you defend yourself. “Plus, you know the dork inside you secretly loved it.”
“Yeah she did.” she accepts with a chuckle “Merry Christmas, Y/N”
“Merry Christmas, Robin.”
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butterflyyeo · 3 years
drunk in love
pairing - yeosang x fem reader
genre - fluff, angst (?)
tw - lots of alcohol consumption, swearing
wc - 10k
side ships - seongjoong, yungi
a/n -- was meant to be angst but turned into fluff... im trying my best to get better at writing angst aaaah. but please enjoy this for now <3 thanks for letting me tag you @iminchaosnow !!
------------------------------------------- you had known kang yeosang for nearly two years now. two, dreadfully slow and exhausting years.it was your final year of high school when he transferred to your school, he was a close family friend of wooyoung's. his parents had spoken highly of the school, insisting that yeosang transfers in order to excel for his last year of schooling. as far as you were concerned, he had decent grades, but he preferred to spend his time hanging around the skatepark after dark, when everyone else had left.
and in all the two years you'd known him, you had never once had a full conversation with him, despite being in your group of friends. his side of the 'conversation' usually consisted of monotonous 'yeahs' and 'mhms'. wooyoung constantly assured you it was because he's shy and that he'd eventually open up. but you weren't convinced. you tried so hard for him to like you, but your efforts were fruitless. it was infuriating, feeling like you were constantly doing something wrong whenever you were around him.
you currently found yourself in the backseat of yeosang's car, wedged between a drunken yunho and mingi while a chaotic wooyoung was singing along to his chosen playlist. (though, it sounded more like wailing.)
you and the eight boys had all decided to take a gap year, spend every last cent you earned on adventure and alcohol to make lifelong memories, before your careers became a blockade in your friendship. but the year was coming to an end soon, it was already mid november. on the bright side, that meant your favourite holidays were just weeks away.
yeosang was always the designated driver. that was something you had noticed about him over the last few years. to be honest, you weren't sure just how he coped with a screeching wooyoung, because you sure as hell weren't dealing very well with yunho and mingi who were playing a very intense game of rock paper scissors to decide who would be crashing on the couch in your apartment.
"i win!" mingi cheered, waving his hands excitedly. "you're on the couch, man."
yunho frowned, "damn."
you laughed, "it's okay, yunho. you can share the bed with me if you'd like."
"hey! that's not fair y/n! you said i could this time." wooyoung whined from the front seat.
"sorry, woo. you know i keep my promises, but you're going back to your apartment. remember?" you tried to reason.
wooyoung looked as though someone had switched a lightbulb on behind his eyes, "oh yeah! i forgot."
the four of you burst into laughter, mainly caused by the alcohol and partially because of wooyoung's realisation. and still, yeosang didn't crack a smile, hands just gripping the steering wheel tighter as his knuckles turned white.
soon, you arrived outside your apartment block, quickly stepping out the car after yunho. wooyoung wound his window down and you poked your head in, attempting to hug him goodbye.
"bye woo!" you said, giggling at your faltered farewell.
"good night y/n, thanks for the drinks!" he shouted, exclaiming a bit too loudly next to your ear.
"thanks for the lift as always, yeosang!" you yelled, pulling away from wooyoung's tight hug.
he nodded, "no problem." before putting the window up and driving away.
you pouted, turning around to face the two boys. "i just don't understand what i'm doing wrong." you buried your face into your hands, "why doesn't he like me?" you groaned.
"y/n." mingi began, "its nearly 1am, its way too late for this 'why does yeosang hate me?' crap." he shook your shoulders, literally trying to shake some sense into you.
"yeah, mingi's right. we've had this discussion a thousand times." yunho said grasping your wrist and pulling you up the stairs, stumbling along the way. (because lets be real, stairs are difficult enough as it is, let alone when drunk.) "now, let us into your apartment so we can eat your food and crash on your couch!" he joked, nudging mingi in a playful manner.
you reached into your pocket and fumbled around with they key for a moment before unlocking the door. the boys practically pushed you inside and made a beeline for the fridge.
"help yourselves! i'm going to shower." you called, dragging yourself to your bedroom.
once you'd finished showering you went back to the living room to check on yunho and mingi. not so much to your surprise, they had fallen asleep on your couch already, cuddled up into each other. it was cute, even picture worthy to show their sober selves. you reached for your phone which typically lived in your pocket, though you began to panic when it wasn't there. hurrying around the apartment, you searched every possible nook and cranny for your phone, but it was nowhere to be found. you collapsed onto your bed, snuggling into the soft sheets, too tired to worry about your phone anymore and content with the assumption that you'd left it in yeosang's car.
shortly, your heavy eyes fell shut and you began to sleep away the tequila.
the next morning you awoke to mingi and yunho's deep, hungover voices, discussing their plans for the next week.
you reluctantly pulled yourself out of bed and dawdled down the hallway.
"ah! there's our favourite karaoke partner!" yunho greeted, jokingly.
you laughed, "shh, don't let wooyoung hear you say that."
"she's right, man. he'd be so offended." mingi said, stretching out his sore limbs. "how are you feeling today, y/n?" he asked.
"not the worst hangover i've had. what about you guys? you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like, until you feel better." you replied, knowing them well enough to know that they'd need at least a few painkillers and a good meal before they went home.
yunho chuckled, "i feel like crap, but nothing a sandwich and glass of water can't solve."
"i second that." mingi said, raising a hand.
"okay, well in that case, i'll go to the store and get something for breakfast. sound good?" you reasoned, running a hand through your hair. you loved these boys, and making them breakfast was just a nice way of showing you cared. drunk or not, they knew how to make you smile and laugh, which they loved to see.
"sounds amazing!" yunho said, breaking into a sincere smile.
you quickly changed out of your pyjamas and slipped some shoes on.
"i might be a bit longer, i need to stop by yeosang's. i think i left my phone in his car." you explained, picking your keys up from the kitchen counter. "see you guys soon! feel free to take a shower if you want." you said, waving goodbye and heading out the door.
"okay, bye y/n!" the boys called from behind you.
the first stop was yeosang's apartment, he only lived about ten minutes away with wooyoung and san, in the same building as jongho. both yunho and mingi lived on the other side of town, which is why they so often crashed at your place after parties. seonghwa and hongjoong were fortunate enough to live in a house, just outside town, they had actually been the hosts of last night's party.
it didn't take long to get there. you pushed open the lobby door and made your way over to the elevator, disappointed to see that it was out of order for maintenance. instead, you took the stairs and began spiralling upwards. less than a minute later you looked up, only to bump into the man you came looking for.
"oh, yeosang! i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to." you quickly apologised, worried about creating another reason for him to dislike you.
"it's fine." he shrugged.
you both began to talk again at the same time, "ah, sorry, you go."
"i was just gonna say, you left your phone in my car. actually, i was about to bring it back." he pulled your phone from the pocket of his jacket, handing it to you. as he did, your fingers brushed against his. he spun around suddenly and began to walk away, "i'll see you around."
he had left before you even had a chance to thank him. slightly confused and frustrated, you turned back around and traipsed down the stairs.
you gathered what you needed for a hearty breakfast at the local convenience store before heading home and spending the rest of the day in the enjoyable company of yunho and mingi.
yeosang had entered back into his apartment and sat down on the couch.
"back already?" wooyoung asked, rummaging through the fridge.
"she was coming to get her phone and i ran into her on the staircase."
wooyoung sighed, "when are you gonna stop hating her?"
"i don't hate her." yeosang said, not looking up from his phone.
"then why do you act like you do?"
yeosang pretended to not hear that question and continued to scroll through his phone. see, he'd rather not dwell on things that he couldn't understand.
to fill up your weekdays during your gap year, you had picked up a job at a hotel in town as a receptionist. to your dismay, your boss had asked you to work night shift all week, which is how you found yourself here on thursday night, sitting alert and waiting for the slight chance that someone might check in at this time of night. it was a pretty fancy hotel, and the job payed well enough, so really, you had nothing to complain about.
the nights seemed to drag on for an eternity. to keep yourself busy, you often wasted time counting the cars that drove past, or tried to count the number of crystals that hung from the chandelier. so far, only a few people had checked in during your shift, having come from overseas and recently arriving at the airport. honestly, whenever someone walked through the front door, lugging a suitcase behind them, you got excited as it gave you something to do.
the clock was creeping up to 4am and you let out a quiet yawn, feeling drowsy as your body clock hadn't yet adjusted to the change of sleeping patterns on such short notice. taking a sip of water, you shook your head, trying to stay awake. your head suddenly jolted up at the sound of the front door opening.
a man stumbled forward, and you'd seen enough zombie movies to become instantly paranoid. you quickly pushed the thought out of your head, feeling ridiculous for even considering it. but as the man got closer, you could smell the cheap, potent alcohol lingering on his body.
he leant against the desk, peering down at you. "i need a room for the night."  he grumbled. "my stupid wife kicked me out." he said under his breath.
you forced a friendly smile, despite feeling uneasy, "of course! i just need you to fill in this form with some simple details." you said, sliding across a clipboard and a pen.
he huffed, picking up the pen and scribbling onto the sheet of paper before pushing it back to you. "can i go now?"
"just a moment, sir." you replied, eyes skimming over the form as you copied the information into the computer in front of you.
the man was growing impatient, stepping from foot to foot with his arms crossed.
"uh, sir, you missed a part of the form. could you please provide your phone number here." you pointed to the empty space on the sheet.
"for fucks sake." he muttered, "i don't have my phone on me and i don't know my phone number." he said, annoyedly tapping on the desk.
"i'm really sorry, sir, but—"
"can't you just find me a fucking room?" he snapped, hands balled into fists and slamming against the desk, making you jump in fright.
before you had time to try and reason with him, he continued to shout.
"you're as stupid as my wife! i'll just find a different fucking hotel." he yelled, swiping the clipboard and pen off the desk. "useless bitch." he mumbled as he kicked over a chair on his way out.
you chewed your bottom lip, trying to fight back the tears. with shaky hands, you picked up your phone and dialled the first place that came to mind. after a few rings, the phone answered.
"woo?" you croaked, trying hard to not cry.
"he's asleep. this is yeosang." he replied, evidently having just woken up by the sound of his voice.
"oh." you began, instantly feeling guilty for waking him up, "i'm sorry i didn't mean to disturb you."
"did you need something?" he asked.
"i just, i was..." you let out a sob, wiping at a tear falling from your eye.
this didn't go unnoticed by yeosang, "are you crying? what are you doing awake right now anyway?"
"i'm at work." you managed to choke out.
"at 4am?"
"i'm on night shift."
"why are you crying then?" he asked, feeling something slightly tug at his heart, but choosing to ignore it.
you began to ramble, "a man came in and he was really drunk and complaining about his wife and then he yelled at me because i asked him to give his phone number and—"
"i'm on my way." yeosang cut you off.
"i'll be there in ten." with that, he hung up the phone.
exactly ten minutes later, you were sat in the passenger seat of yeosang's car. he was dressed in sweats, clearly having come straight from bed. you'd left a note on the desk, explaining to your coworker why you wouldn't be there when she arrived to take over your shift. a silence filled the car, and you felt the need to talk, but chose not to, worried about giving yeosang another reason to hate you.
once you arrived outside your apartment building, you were surprised that yeosang got out the car too and trailed closely behind you up the stairs to your apartment. when you reached the door you spun around to face him.
"thank you for bringing me home." you said, voice quiet and still rather shaken up.
"it's no problem. good night, y/n." he replied, sensing that you were still upset. he suddenly felt this overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around you tightly and not let go until you stopped crying. he wanted to protect you from every drunk idiot on the planet. he wanted to make you feel safe.
but instead, he watched as you closed the door behind you and locked it from inside.
you arrived at work the next morning, instantly feeling more comfortable with cleaners, employees and people coming and going. immediately, you headed for your boss's office.
"good morning, sir. i just wanted to come and apologise for leaving my shift early last night. i can assure you it won't happen again." you said, feeling nervous as to what your boss might say.
he shook his head, "i should be the one apologising, a man came in this morning and spoke very sternly about the safety problems here. i realise now how stupid it was of me to make you work night shift, alone, at such a young age. we've hired security guards and have also made sure that two people will be on desk at all times. i'm sorry that you had to deal with that."
you were at a loss for words, you didn't think that there would be such drastic changes just from the once incident. "thank you so much." you replied.
"for now, take the rest of the day off. you'll only be working day shifts for next week and can return to doing night shifts whenever you feel ready to do so." your boss said, motioning for the door.
the rest of the day you spent in deep sleep, catching up on some much overdue rest.
weeks passed and you found that work was much more enjoyable. you still hadn't returned to working night shifts, but at least now you had someone to run the front desk with you and keep you company.
this weekend, you were going to visit hongjoong and seonghwa. hongjoong was sick and so you decided to go help out since seonghwa couldn't always be there to look after him.
you knocked on their front door and was surprised to be greeted by san.
"good afternoon! come in." he gave you a hug before ushering you inside.
"what are you doing here?" you said, following him down the hall.
in the living room, you saw all eight of the boys gathered around a couch-ridden hongjoong.
"jongho was already here when me, yeosang and woo arrived." san explained.
"yeah, and then mingi and yunho turned up." wooyoung continued.
"y/n! i have never been more glad to see you! you gotta save me from them." hongjoong laughed, arms open, signalling for a hug.
you went over and embraced him in a hug, "good thing i brought an excessive amount of cookies." you said, placing the box of cookies on the coffee table next to the couch. the table was covered in empty mugs and bowls, you could tell seonghwa had been busy and hadn't had the chance to clean up. you opened up the box and handed him a cookie before offering them around to the rest of the boys.
"you're the best cook ever." mingi said, taking a big bite.
"i made you spaghetti last night!" yunho countered, feeling offended that his roommate didn't think he was the better cook. mingi just laughed and took another bite.
"jongho get off the counter, please." seonghwa said, coming through the front door. "don't be so comfortable, you were throwing up in my toilet like a month ago." he joked.
yeosang glanced your way, his eyebrows furrowed like he was contemplating something.
"lets head off and give these two some space." yunho said, dragging mingi behind him.
wooyoung stood up, "yeah, lets get going."
yeosang pulled his keys from his pocket, "okay, bye guys." he said, heading down the hallway.
"can we get some food on the way home?" you heard san call as they left.
"bye hongjoong! i hope you're feeling better soon." jongho said, "bye seonghwa, i promise i won't throw up in your toilet any time soon." he joked, leaving through the front door.
"seonghwa, how are you? don't forget to take some time for yourself as well." you frowned.
"i'm tired, but i'll be okay. i just gotta clean up and—"
"why don't you go rest a while? i can keep hongjoong company for a few hours." you reasoned, wanting to help as much as possible. there was nothing you hated more than seeing you friends in distress and upset.
he looked between hongjoong and yourself, "i couldn't."
hongjoong let out an audible huff, "hwa! will you just let her help please, she clearly wants to."
you grinned, "exactly, now go read or sleep or watch some tv or something." you said, gently pushing him towards their shared bedroom.
you spent the afternoon tidying up and talking with hongjoong. you managed to do all the dishes and put them away before scouring their kitchen, deciding on what you could use for dinner. you found everything you needed for a decent meal and began cooking it up. hongjoong had dozed off mid conversation, surrounded in a pile of tissues, you chose to let him sleep so he would recover quicker.
about an hour later, you placed two steamy hot meals onto their dining table next to two full glasses of water. you quietly knocked on their bedroom door, finding seonghwa asleep amongst the covers.
you gently shook him awake, "hwa, i made dinner for you guys. you can wake joong up, i'll head off now." you said with a smile.
leaving the two of them to enjoy their dinner, you headed home and cooked yourself something to eat. it was nice having some time to yourself, but saturday nights were becoming more and more empty as winter grew closer. december was only days away and the year would soon come to an end. you reached for the phone, suddenly desperately missing your friends despite only seeing them hours ago.
"hey woo, are you free next weekend?" you asked.
he paused a moment, "i think so, why?"
"you wanna go out with the others? it's been a while since we have all caught up for drinks."
"count me in!" wooyoung cheered.
you called everyone else up and they all agreed, even hongjoong promised to come if he was feeling better.
you found yourself surrounded by wooyoung, san, yunho and mingi as the music blared. it was a less popular club on the far side of town but it was a comfortable place for you all. you often came here for drinks and the staff members knew you, quite well, a little too well. san grabbed your hand and spun you around a few times with the music.
you laughed, leaning against him, "maybe spinning around isn't the best idea right after two shots of vodka."
"what?" san yelled into your ear, struggling to hear you over the music.
you laughed louder, pulling him closer to you, "i said, spinning is not a good idea after drinking vodka!"
"oh!" he joined you in laughing before trying to twirl you around once more.
hongjoong and seonghwa sat at the bar, holding hands and being intimate as always. yeosang was sat next to jongho at a booth, quietly talking with him, but from the corner of your eye, you saw jongho stand up and walk away. your eyes watched him worriedly and you couldn't help but run after him. you followed him as best you could, stumbling every now and then. he'd gone to the bathroom so you patiently waited outside until he came back, looking slightly pale.
you practically leapt at him, doing a quick scan to make sure he was okay, "jongho? are you alright?"
he smiled at your overwhelming concern, "yeah, i just drank too much as usual. i'll be alright, you can go back to dancing."
"let me just get you some water first. i'll be right back okay?" you patted his shoulder. "don't go anywhere i'll be back in a second."
you made your way back to where jongho had been sitting with yeosang. as you approached, yeosang eyed you up and down, taking in your drunken state, though, it wasn't the first time he'd seen you this way. you nearly tripped as you reached the table, struggling to walk in heels.
"i need a glass of water, do you have a glass of water? jongho needs a glass of water." you mumbled to yourself, reaching for the jug in the center of the table.
"are you okay?" yeosang asked, quickly pushing your hand away from the jug.
"i'm okay, but jongho needs water. can i take this cup? he's waiting for me, i told him not to go anywhere, i need to get back to jongho—" you tried to pick up a glass but yeosang pressed your hand back down once more.
"i'll take it to him, you stay here." he said, filling the cup full with water and heading towards the bathrooms.
your brain suddenly felt fuzzy and your eyes became blurry, it was like the alcohol hit your system all at once. your head spun round and round and you leaned forward, resting your hands on your head. you'd never felt this sick from drinking, maybe you'd had too much too quickly, maybe it was the spinning. there was no way to tell, all you knew was that you felt like you were about to fall from the top of a very high roller coaster.
your eyes felt increasingly heavy, you allowed them to slip shut, head falling to the table with a not so gentle thud.
"y/n?" someone shook you, "y/n wake up!" it was wooyoung.
"shit, is she okay? should we call an ambulance?" jongho said, reaching for his phone.
"is she breathing? has anyone checked?" seonghwa gently lifted your shoulders and sat you upright, relieved to see the rise and fall of your chest. "we should call a taxi and get her home."
"are you crazy? she's unconscious, she won't be able to get up the stairs to her apartment! what if the driver is dodgy? she's already had to deal with shitty men while working night shift, imagine if something happened while she's drunk!" yeosang blurted out. the boys were shocked over his sudden concern for you. yeosang had never once shown any interest or care for you in the presence of them.
"well, what should we do then?" mingi asked, worriedly running a hand through his hair.
"i'll take her, you've all been drinking." yeosang concluded. "she'll be fine, don't worry. enjoy the rest of your night, okay? i've dealt with woo passing out before remember?"
"that's true." san said, throwing a light hearted glare in wooyoung's direction, who showed a rather sheepish expression.
the boys went back to their drinks, taking it a little slower now and yeosang carried you to his car. it wasn't easy, but he managed to sit you upright in the back seat of his car with his rear view mirror aimed directly at you so he could make sure you were okay.
he was able to lift you up the stairs and get your house key from the pocket of your jacket, which would've looked questionable to anyone else, but he had the best intentions. he sat you down in a dining chair, watching as your head lolled forward and your body slumped. he quickly filled a glass of water and came back to you.
"y/n." he whispered, resting a hand on your shoulder. "y/n." he said again, louder this time.
the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, but you weren't waking up and that was becoming concerning. he shook your shoulder, as gently as he possible could in a moment like this, and to his relief, your eyes hesitantly opened.
your head felt like a bowling ball and you groaned quietly. "yeosang?"
"here." he said holding the cup to your lips, allowing you to take a small sip.
"how did we get here?" you mumbled, head rolling to the side.
he caught your head and carefully pushed you back upright, "i drove you, this is your apartment."
"oh." you said, eyes drooping shut again. "oh." you repeated.
"y/n, i really need you to stay awake right now." he said, bringing the cup to your mouth again. "lets talk."
"we never talk!" you exclaimed. "this is the longest conversation we've ever had!"
"i know." he said, pulling up a chair to sit directly in front of you. yeosang felt that slight tug at his heart again tonight, the way you sounded so excited just to talk with him.
"no, no, no." you whined, "this is so bad!"
"what is it?"
you pouted before nervously biting your lip, "i'm really sorry."
"for what?" he questioned, leaning back in his chair.
"for ruining your night and making you stay here with me! now you just have another reason to hate me." you sighed, letting your head fall into your hands.
"i could never hate you." he said, voice barely above a whisper.
but you had fallen back asleep, so yeosang sat you upright once more and monitored you closely all night. with every minute that passed, he wished more and more that it was easier for him to show his emotions, to you especially. he wondered if maybe he wasn't so closed off that things would be different between the two of you. but it was hard for him, to let people in, he was afraid. afraid of people judging the real him, afraid of what might happen if he lets himself become vulnerable, afraid of facing his feelings about you.
you awoke hours later with a raging headache and extreme nausea. you headed straight for the bathroom and hunched over the toilet, feeling the sickest you'd ever felt. yeosang waited patiently outside the bathroom door with a glass of water and painkillers.
when you came out, he held his hand out, "take this."
you looked down at his hand and then up at him, slightly confused, "what are you doing here?"
"you passed out last night, and i drove you home because everyone else had been drinking." he said, passing the glass of water.
"oh my god." you ran a hand through your hair, "yeosang, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to be any trouble! you must of been here all night, i promise it won't happen again, that was so stupid of me—"
"it's fine, don't worry about it." he said, shrugging, "i'll get going now, but make sure you take it easy and drink enough water." his eyes carefully scanned your body one last time, making sure you were really okay. he headed for the door and you followed.
"i'm really sorry." you frowned, feeling as though no amount of apologies would make it up to him.
he let out a slight chuckle, "it's okay, seriously y/n." he said before leaving. you heard the all too familiar jingle of his keys as the door closed behind him.
he'd stayed with you all night, eyes watching over you closely. ready at your side whenever you stirred in your sleep. he'd been there in the morning prepared with water and painkillers. this was never how it was, usually this was your job, taking care of the boys. it was your way of showing you cared, helping out wherever possible.
this wasn't like yeosang. at all.
as soon as yeosang got home he was greeted by a very concerned san and wooyoung.
"is she okay?"
"are you tired?"
"did she wake up?"
he was bombarded by questions.
"she's okay, she fell asleep after a while and i made her take some painkillers when she woke up." yeosang said, collapsing onto the couch.
"so you really don't hate her then." wooyoung thought aloud.
"he can't, he spent the whole night looking after her!" san said, hitting wooyoung like it was obvious.
"owww," wooyoung rubbed his arm, "even she thinks you don't like her!"
"i know, she said last night. but she probably won't remember saying that." yeosang said, feeling increasingly drowsy from his lack of sleep.
"maybe you guys should like, talk things out?" san suggested, taking a seat next to him.
"maybe." yeosang said, drifting off into sleep.
you had spent the day curled up in bed, wondering how you could make it up to yeosang, and there was nothing more you wanted than to get to know him better, but what would he want? you called up san on that thought.
"hey sannie," you said, "i need your help, actually, is woo there as well?"
"oh my god she's alive!" you heard wooyoung call from beside san.
"what do you need help with?" san asked.
you paused a moment, "is yeosang there?"
"well yes, but he's asleep."
you groaned, "i feel so bad that he stayed up all night looking after me. i really wanna make it up to him but i don't know how. plus, it's not like he's that fond of me. maybe i should just thank him by staying out of his space."
"i don't think he'd like that." wooyoung interjected. "i still think he just needs time before opening up to you."
"i think its just me." you sighed, worriedly chewing on your bottom lip.
"hey! don't be like that! there's no reason to not like you." san scolded you for down talking yourself as he always does.
"agreed." wooyoung said, chiming in.
"i'm sure i'll work something out. thanks guys! enjoy the rest of your day!" you said.
"good luck!"
"bye y/n!"
you had been staring at your phone for at least an hour, typing and retyping the message to yeosang. wooyoung gave you his number so that you could contact him when you'd finally worked out how to make it up to him. in the end, you decided that you would let him decide.
you drew in a sharp breath and squeezed your eyes tightly shut as you pressed send.
you: hey yeosang, i still feel really bad about the other day, i wanna know how i can make it up to you !!
yeosang: did wooyoung give you my number? T~T
you: yes he did.. i hope thats okay !
yeosang: of course yeosang: how about you make it up to me over a cup of coffee? >.<
you: that sounds great !! you: when are you free ?
yeosang: does tomorrow morning work for you ? i can pick you up ^_^
you: of course ! i'll see you tomorrow :)
yeosang sat in his room, facepalming. why was it so easy to be more open over text?
you on the other hand, felt your heart swell in a bizarre way. maybe it was the way you hadn't expected him to use such cute little emoticons. maybe it was the way that you'd be able to have a full conversation with him. whatever it was, excitement had taken over you.
a knock pounded at your door and you rushed to open it.
"ready to go?" he asked, leaning against the door frame coolly.
"yes, lets go!" you said, sounding a little too excited.
the two of you made your way down the stairs and into yeosang's car. you found yourself smiling as you looked out the window.
your excitement hadn't gone unnoticed, "you seem awfully excited."
"i really wanted to make it up to you," you beamed. "it must've been boring to watch over me all night."
"i didn't mind so much." he said, shrugging.
you frowned, "you shouldn't of done it."
"and leave you passed out in the club?" he quirked an eyebrow up at you.
"exactly." he said, parking the car outside a small cafe nearby his apartment. "come on, lets go inside."
you followed him in and took a seat across from him at a table close to the window. you both ordered coffees and resumed conversation.
"so, where were we?" you smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
"talking about how you wanted me to leave you passed out in the club." he said. you were almost convinced you saw a teasing smile pulling at his lips.
"right. i'm so sorry about that."
this time he actually chuckled, and you were taken aback. it was like the wall yeosang had surrounding himself was crumbling before your eyes.
"you need to apologise less." he laughed, bringing his coffee cup to his mouth for a sip. "half of the time we talk its just you saying sorry to me."
"i'm so—"
"hey!" the two of you broke into laughter.
his laugh was loud but warm and you couldn't help but notice the way his nose scrunched up cutely, the way his eyes looked full of stars and the way he brushed his hair out of his eyes after, revealing his beautiful birthmark. from that point on, you wanted to be the one to make him laugh every day.
he felt that familiar tug at his heart, the one he'd been feeling every moment he spent alone with you. the one he felt when he first met you. the one he couldn't make any sense of. it was as though his heart was a violin and you were the one playing it. (which would explain the tugging feeling.) but you were playing the sweetest song and he never wanted it to end.
the two of you laughed the morning away, gradually making up for what you'd missed over two years in a matter of two hours.
you'd discovered that even after getting him to open up more, he wasn't one for words. you found yourself talking his ear off while he listened intently, occasionally sharing his opinions and stories. in all his honesty, he didn't mind listening to you talk. he could've sat there all day, drinking countless cups of coffee, watching the way you bit your bottom lip whenever you paused to think or the way your eyes filled with sparkles when you talked about something that made you happy.
you insisted on paying for the infinite cups of coffee, as it was your way of making it up to him. he reluctantly agreed, but promised that he would pay if there ever was a next time, which he secretly hoped there would be. he'd finally had the chance to let his walls down. (it was actually more like you'd climbed the walls and torn them down with your bare hands.) but he was thankful for it.
he drove you back to your apartment, even after you persisted on walking home, seeing as it wasn't that far. he refused, insisting that he drive you. he even followed you up the stairs to the door of your apartment.
you turned around to face him, "you know, you're not so bad when you actually wanna talk to me."
"you know, you're not so bad when you're not drunk." he countered, his lips breaking into a playful grin.
you glared jokingly, "hey! don't make me apologise again."
"okay, okay. i won't." he said, raising his hands in defence.
you smiled, resting against the door, "alright, well, i've really enjoyed hanging out with you today. maybe we should catch up more often."
"maybe we should." he said, bearing a coy smile, "bye, y/n. i'll see you around."
it was only about a week later he showed up at your work, at the end of your shift. you were pleasantly surprised to see him, and at first thought he was just someone coming to book a room.
"hello, are you looking for a r— yeosang?"
"when do you get off work?" he asked, glancing over to the clock.
"five minutes."
"i'll be waiting in the car, okay?" he said, turning on his heel and heading for the door.
on his way out, you saw as he ran into your boss, the two of them beginning conversation.
"it's good to see you've made those security changes." yeosang said as he nodded, extending his arm for a friendly handshake. "i'm very thankful."
your boss shook his hand, "and i'm thankful that you suggested them."
just over five minutes later you got into the passenger seat of yeosang's car.
"it was you who told my boss about the safety problems." you said, in near disbelief.
"hello, to you too." he joked sarcastically. "well, i would hate to think that the situation could happen again, so i just suggested some possible improvements. thats all." he shrugged like it was nothing.
"suddenly, i feel the need to make it up to you again." you smiled shyly.
"you can do that by accompanying me to the skate park." he said, motioning to his skateboard on the back seat.
"ah, so thats why you came."
"well yeah, i wanted to bring you to the skate park."
your heart swelled once again, feeling joyed that he wanted to share one of his favourite places with you. (despite him never telling you directly, you knew he loved the skate park as he spent majority of his high school time there when he wasn't studying.)
when you arrived, the sun was beginning to slip behind the horizon, causing the sky to glow a rosy pink. there were still a few kids, probably high schoolers, hanging around the park. you took a seat at a bench and waited for yeosang to come over, who was getting his skateboard out the car. you felt oddly out of place since you were still in your neat work uniform and didn't know the first thing about skateboarding.
yeosang rolled over with a grin plastered onto his face, you'd never seen him so happy, and it made you happy to see him this way. it was strange how all it took was a few cups of coffee for him to become a completely different person around you.
he didn't need to ask you to watch as your eyes were already glued to him as he dropped into the bowl, showing countless tricks and flips.
the truth was in fact that yeosang was grateful for you 'making it up to him'. he'd never been able to comprehend his feelings for you, if they were even feelings at all. he hated the confusion and decided it was easier to ignore it, and to an extent, ignore you, to make it go away. it had been working for the most part, until every time the two of you were alone together, he couldn't ignore the slight tug at his heart, that was becoming more of a pull over the last few weeks.
"you're amazing!" you cheered as he sat down next to you, out of breath.
"thanks." he smiled shyly, running a hand through his hair and out of his face. he leaned back, looking up at the sky. "do you sometimes wish you could see the stars from within the city? hongjoong and seonghwa are so lucky they can see them from their house."
you pondered a moment, thinking about the last time you actually saw stars in the sky. "i see stars in your eyes sometimes." you said, absent minded.
he felt warmth burning in his cheeks, "you do?"
"do what?" you turned to him, "did i say that out loud?" you gasped, covering your face in embarrassment. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that it was just a thought and—"
"what did i say about apologising?" he laughed. "it's getting cold, right? you ready to head home?" he asked.
you smiled, "if you are."
he drove you home and said goodbye, feeling happy about spending time alone with you once again. he couldn't stop thinking about what you said and you couldn't stop feeling like a fool for saying it.
the weather got colder and colder and soon it began to snow as the days of december passed. you had spent the day helping jongho move some new furniture into his apartment. it was a difficult job, but easier with the two of you, even san and wooyoung came to help. you couldn't resist wondering where yeosang was and why he didn't come, seeing as they lived in the same building. maybe he was busy, you thought.
"hey, where's yeosang?" you asked, lifting a box and placing it on the kitchen counter.
"at home, i think he's been feeling sick or something, he hardly comes out of his room lately." wooyoung shrugged, assuming it was all good.
"if he's sick i'll bring him over some food and painkillers, maybe keep him some company." you explained, not wanting yeosang to be unwell.
"i think he'd rather be left alone, to be honest." san said, giving wooyoung a side glance that you couldn't miss.
you pulled out your phone and sent yeosang a quick message.
you: are you feeling okay? san and woo said you were sick :((
he didn't respond right away and you just figured he was asleep. but as you finished helping out at jongho's house a few hours later, he still hadn't responded. when you were sitting down to eat dinner at home, he still hadn't respond. just before you were going to turn the lights out and go to bed, he still hadn't responded.
something was up. this wasn't like yeosang, not anymore. not since the two of you had been spending so much time together. maybe it was like the boys said, and he was truly very sick, but in that case, why wouldn't they let you help?
days passed and you went to work as usual, repeating the same few lines, asking people if they want a room, asking them to fill in a form, then directing them to the right room. days passed and you still hadn't heard back from yeosang, you wondered if he was still sick. days passed and you began to think maybe you should go over there to see if he's okay.
but if there was one thing you'd learnt about yeosang recently, it was that he was the quieter type, and probably wouldn't appreciate you going over there to keep him company and would rather be alone. so that evening when you got off work, you didn't go visit him like you so desperately wanted to, instead, you went straight home.
you cooked and ate dinner for yourself, before picking up your phone, only to see still no messages from yeosang.
you: hey woo you: is yeosang feeling better ?
wooyoung: yeah he is
you: well then can i come visit tomorrow ?
wooyoung: i think he's busy wooyoung: sorry
you: its okay woo you: its not your fault !!
you switched your phone off and headed for the shower, trying to wash away the stress and worry for yeosang that had built up over the last few weeks. you had really grown to like him and there was still so much about him you wanted to learn, like when he learned to skateboard or how he got the small scar on the back of his hand, that you'd noticed when ever he brushes his hair out of his eyes.
two years he'd spent, not interested in holding conversation with you and two years you'd spent, wondering what you'd did so wrong. but lately, you felt like you were doing something right around him, getting him to smile and laugh, share his own stories.
you couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he still didn't like you, and had just been trying for wooyoung's sake.
or maybe he was genuinely starting to like you, but you went and fucked it up by weirding him out and telling him about his starry eyes.
or maybe he'd just had enough of you already. decided that a few weeks was enough time spent trying to change things between the two of you.
as you finished showering and changed into comfortable clothes, you glanced at the clock which read 10:56pm. you switched on the television to watch some youtube before going to bed. as you felt yourself dozing off, a faint knock sounded at your door, so quiet you almost missed it.
when you opened the door, you were shocked to see yeosang standing there, leaning against the door frame for support. he looked up at you, his normally starry eyes were dulled with tears.
you rushed forward to him, smelling the alcohol as you got closer, "yeosang are you okay? what are you doing here? i thought you were sick. are you drunk? you never drink, come inside." you gently pulled him inside, closing the door behind you. when you turned to face him, he was staring at you, tears about to spill over the brim of his eyes.
"i hate you." he breathed out, voice barely louder than a whisper. he didn't seem angry though, he looked fragile, like a glass vase balancing on the edge of a table.
you felt the urge to cry, finally hearing those three words that confirmed your biggest concern, yeosang disliking you. "yeosang, i'm so sorry. i never meant to—"
"i hate you." he said, louder this time before running a hand through his hair hastily. he let out a frustrated groan, dragging his hands down his face. "i hate the tugging feeling in my heart whenever we're alone. i hate the way you put yourself before others. i hate the way you ramble on when you're nervous. i hate the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh. i hate the way i don't drink around you because i feel the need to protect you and make sure you're safe. i hate the way i tried to ignore you for two years because i was scared and confused about my own feelings. i hate how it only took one cup of coffee with you for my walls to come crashing down!" he paced from side to side, waving his hands around crazily.
yeosang looked scared and lost, like he'd never felt this way about anyone before, and that was the truth. he didn't know how to comprehend these feelings and it terrified him.
you watched as he spiralled, seeming as though it would never stop. you weren't sure what to do, so you just listened to that swelling feeling in your heart once again, the one that had led you to develop feelings for yeosang, and you pulled him close into your arms. he clung onto you tightly, scared to let go, like if he did then he'd lose you forever. you ran your fingers through his hair briefly, trying your best to comfort him.
"i'm sorry." you repeatedly whispered to him. you'd never meant to upset him or confuse him.
yeosang let out a quiet sob into your chest, "i hate the way i've fallen in love with you." he croaked out.
he didn't hate you. never did. never will. your heart swelled completely in your chest, feeling as though it would burst through. but it couldn't be true. he's totally drunk out of his mind.
"you're not in your right mind, yeosang, you need to get home. you're drunk and talking nonsense." you embraced him tightly one more time, and you could've sworn you felt the beat of his heart through the hug. "come on," you urged, steering him towards the door, "wooyoung and san are probably worried and waiting up for you."
with much effort, you led him down the stairs of your apartment block and walked him home. the street lamps led you in the freezing city night air. you held his wrist lightly, guiding him up the stairs to his own apartment. he didn't speak a single word the whole time, instead, sniffling and wiping at his eyes. it hurt you so much to see him this broken, but you knew he wasn't saying the truth under control of the alcohol in his veins.
you knocked at his apartment door, hoping that one of the boys were still awake. luckily, they both were and quickly they flung the door open.
"y/n? yeosang?" san questioned, his eyes wide open with disbelief.
"we've been so worried about you!" wooyoung said, pulling yeosang away from you. "hang on, are you drunk?"
san had noticed his tired, tear stained eyes, "you look like you've been crying! are you okay?"
you let out a quiet sigh, knowing you didn't need to be here anymore. you gave a small wave goodbye and headed home, utterly exhausted.
and though you were so drained, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. those words yeosang said to you kept running through your mind busily.
did he mean any of it?
yeosang felt bad. he felt terrible. like he wanted to vanish into thin air and float away with the breeze. though he couldn't, no, he desperately wanted to apologise to you. but he didn't know how, he wasn't good with words or expressing his feelings, and you wished he knew that was something you loved about him.
wooyoung and san tried to ask him what happened the night he drunkenly confessed to you, but he couldn't have them know that he'd been harbouring feelings for you for all this time, they'd never let him live it down. he could imagine the continuous teasing they'd give him, nudging him whenever you were together or giving him side glances after talking to you.
yeosang gave it lots of thought. he mulled it over in his head repeatedly. it was only after hours spent hidden away in his room that he decided to go back to where it all started, a text. a text that said how much he wanted to make it up to you for having to deal with him drunk, just like the one you'd sent initially.
yeosang: hey y/n, i feel really bad about the other day, i wanna know how i can make it up to you! T^T
your heart leapt a mile seeing his name appear on your phone. you grinned upon reading his message, realising it was scarily similar to the message you had first sent him.
you: hmmm you: that sounds familiar
yeosang: >.< yeosang: seriously though, how does dinner at my place tomorrow night sound? i'll cook
you: you can cook?
yeosang: there's a lot you don't know about me x_x
you: okay, i'll be there !!
yeosang wasn't lying when he said he can cook. as you traipsed up the stairs of his apartment block you could smell something delicious laced in the air.
the usual swelling in your heart had instead fell to the pit of your stomach, you were feeling slightly nervous as to what would happen when you entered yeosang's apartment. you inhaled deeply before knocking at the door of his apartment.
"hey y/n, come in." yeosang greeted, holding an arm out, signalling for you to come inside.
"you must've been working hard cooking! it smells delicious." you said, feeling a sense of comfort just from the smell of food.
"yeah, lucky i sent wooyoung and san over to jongho's place, otherwise i doubt there would be any pasta to serve." he joked. "you can take a seat, i've just gotta serve up."
you sat down in front of a neatly laid table, it had somewhat surprised you how much effort yeosang had put into this dinner tonight. he placed a steamy hot plate of pasta in front of you and one where he would sit.
"so." he began.
"so." you copied, teasingly.
"i guess, i really just wanted to say i'm sorry for how i behaved the other night when i was drunk. you shouldn't of had to deal with that." he frowned, poking at his dinner.
you furrowed your brows, "it's seriously fine yeosang." you took a bite of pasta, "i was just surprised to see you drunk, since you never drink."
he chuckled, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth, "actually, i do. i just never drink when you're there."
"really? why?" you questioned, eating another mouthful of pasta.
"because..." he paused. "no, it sounds dumb out loud."
"it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself." you smiled warmly, "but that does remind me to ask... do you remember anything you said to me while you were drunk?" you leant forward, genuinely curious.
he sighed, "i remember.. enough."
"you don't really hate me, right?" you asked, playing with the food on your plate.
"of course not! that's why i invited you here tonight. to show you that i don't, and to make it up to you." he had to refrain from reaching across to hold your hand, just to show how much he cared that little bit more.
you nodded, "well, thats good. i was kinda worried that we'd gone back to square one."
comfort settled within you. it was relieving to know you weren't hated by the one person whose love you wanted most. a tiny thought crept into your mind, maybe, just maybe, now would be the right time to tell him about your blossoming feelings for him. or would that confuse him more? now you were the one feeling conflicted.
"are you finished eating?" he asked, reaching for your empty plate.
"yes, thank you! it was delicious. you're a good cook, y'know."
"ah, thanks y/n." he turned away to hide the blush appearing on his cheeks.
"would you like me to do the dishes? since you cooked." you offered, standing up. but he quickly opposed.
"don't be ridiculous." he shooed you back to your seat. "can i get you a coffee? water? wine?"
"a coffee sounds good, i think you and i have had too many drunken situations lately." you laughed.
yeosang pulled out two mugs and put the kettle on. he felt your eyes carefully watching him. once again, he hated the feeling that was pulling at his heart. the way you could say nothing, yet he felt everything.
"can i tell you something?" you asked, voice now quieter and more hesitant.
"sure, what is it?" he said, placing a warm cup of coffee in front of you.
you took a sip, humming in delight. it was exactly the way you liked it. when the two of you went out for coffee, he had unintentionally remembered just the way you like it.
"well," you began cautiously, in case you brought this situation into flames again. "i just... i always wondered why you didn't like me. if i was doing something wrong, if i said something once that really upset you. and then after we started spending time together, i finally felt like i was doing the right thing." you groaned, frustrated with yourself for not getting to the point quicker. "what i'm trying to say is that i have feelings for you. it's okay if you don't feel the same way. i wouldn't expect you to, i just thought you should know—"
yeosang basically choked on his coffee, eyes widening in shock. "it's okay, y/n! in case you hadn't noticed, i'm crazy about you."
you had continued to ramble nervously before hearing what he said.
"wait. you are?"
"basically ever since you said that thing about stars in my eyes, yes."
you cringed, remembering how you had said that so absent minded. "yeah, sorry about that."
"it's okay, it was cute. and what did i say about apologising?"
you shook your head and smiled, "i know."
ever since the two of you confessed to each other, you had been almost inseparable, except of course when you had work. but he dropped you home most nights, even though you insisted it was okay and that you could walk. he came over every weekend just to spend time with you, even if the two of you just sat and talked, enjoying each other's company. you'd been dating for a few weeks now, but kept it undercover, not wanting to suffer the incessant questioning that would come if you told your friends.
it didn't go unnoticed either, wooyoung and san were constantly nagging yeosang about why the two of you spent so much time together, and each time he just shrugged it off.
christmas was just around the corner, so you were spending the evening at seonghwa's and hongjoong's house, who of course, were throwing an unnecessarily large house party to celebrate.
you were sat between a very drunk yunho and mingi, who were trying to talk to an also very drunk jongho. you eyed your boyfriend from across the room, as if asking for a way out and he just laughed at the situation you were stuck in.
after at least ten minutes more of having your ear talked off, yeosang came to pull you away to the dance floor.
"care to dance?" he asked, extending his hand to you.
you immediately jumped up, latching onto his hand, "i would love to!"
he chuckled, pulling you close to his side and leading you to the makeshift dance floor that seonghwa and hongjoong created.
the two of you laughed at the boys' reaction. they were completely shocked to see the two of you so close together and yeosang being friendly.
he twirled you around a few times with the music, before settling his arms around your waist. he brought you near to him as you placed your arms behind his neck. you swayed back and forth, engulfed in your own little bubble of comfort in each other's arms, completely out of time with the loud thumping music that blared around you.
you felt content, and yeosang no longer felt confused. he found his home in your arms and his happiness.
you reached up to place your lips on his, capturing the moment surrounding you. yeosang melted into the kiss, discovering that your lips were soft and sweet against his, just as he had imagined, which caused his knees to feel weak and his heart to skip more than just one beat. he never wanted to let you go, he wanted to compensate for every second that he didn't spend with you since the two of you met.
he leaned forward and whispered softly, just so you could hear above all the music and singing, "lets stay like this forever."
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lightskinrry · 4 years
no wedding for the bad boys
The one where the bachelor’s party doesn’t go according to the plan
A/N: hello cuties,,, after not writing for a while im back with some angsty shit!!!! i hope you guys like it and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me about this mess!!
Word Count: 5k
TW: a loooooot of alcohol; gambling and ANGST.
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One of the things you liked so much about being the single friend was that you were always the one to keep the party alive. And now you were about to birth the best party of all times. Your best friend was getting married in two weeks and you were in charge of the bachelor’s party.
And with great power comes great responsibility, you had to plan everything and keep it a surprise. And if there was one thing you sucked at; it was keeping secrets, especially from Harry. He always had his way with you; it was hard keeping anything from him.
You couldn’t quite believe he was getting married. You watched him grow from a horny teenager to a beautiful and inspiring man. You saw him give his first concert in his mom’s living room and then watched him sold out arenas around the world.
You gave him his first kiss and helped him cheat his math tests and now you were his best-woman at his wedding. You helped him break up with his exes, held him while he cried, bringing him tequila and ice cream on bad days, making him laugh once the tears dried away. And he always did the same for you. And now you were gonna be by his side like you’ve always been on the most beautiful day of his life.
You had your little reluctance towards his future spouse. She was a beautiful and independent woman but you felt like you couldn’t see through her. Maybe because she entered into your lives not so long ago and you needed more time to get her. You could tell she didn’t like you much, anyway.
They’ve been together for less than a year and Harry “commitment issues” Styles proposed to her, to everybody’s surprise; even his own.
His mom tried to tell him that he had to be sure before pulling out such a great move. But he was so infatuated, it was too beautiful to bring him back to reality.
You didn’t want to interfere anyway so when he told you, despite your surprise and little bitterness; you supported him like a good friend.
He seemed so happy and into her, you didn’t want to let him know you didn’t trust his future wife or that to you all of this seemed premature. You also didn’t want your own feelings to balance his.
Anyway, you started planning the party ahead of time and everything was going rather well. Miss (future) Styles gave you some instructions and rules to follow regarding the party because Harry said you could do anything you wanted except if she wasn’t okay with it. So no strippers, no hookers, no clowns. Who would even bring a clown to a bachelor party? Well it seemed she didn’t want that anyway. She also said not too much alcohol and no drugs. She could’ve just tell you to cancel the party at that extent. But you had to give in to her commands...
Looked like you were about to organize a tea party for elderly people… Literally, bring out the cucumber sandwiches and put milk in your tea like these old rich british dudes.
You had to find a way to make a real bachelor party. Something huge and iconic; something legendary. You planned on giving Harry a Barney’s worthy type of party.
You thought about every outcomes that could make his future wife freak out. So you decided instead of staying too close to her, why not make a spontaneous move.
You met with the groomsmen and basically all yours and Harry’s friends that would be attending the party to make sure everyone was in with the plan and obviously said nothing to Harry.
You kept the secret until d-day.
You were waiting for him, wearing your red suit, in the lobby. “Harry, we’re leaving now, man. If you’re not out that door in 2, we’ll celebrate your party without you.”
He rushed through the hallway. “I’m right here. Ready to party like I’m already seventy.”
You told him about his bride-to-be restrictions concerning the party so he didn’t expect anything crazy. “No worries, baby. You still look young.”
It was a short ride to his favorite restaurant. You were driving, screaming-singing the lyrics to Got To Be Real and he was singing with you, taking breaks in his track to laugh with you. You parked in his usual spot and walked through the door, all your friends already sitting at the table, cheering when they saw the two of you walking in.
“Ah! Here he is! The man of the night!” Jeff stood to welcome Harry to the table.
You both took a sit and order a few drinks.
The evening went fast, you had great dinner, shared cuban cigars, good alcohol and had the best chocolate cake. Everything was moderate just like Tania asked; a fancy dinner in a fancy restaurant, not too much alcohol and nobody blacked out.... yet.
Harry stood, raising his glass to make a toast. “Thank you guys so much for tonight. I know we wanted to throw a rock’n’roll party…” He gave you a sly look. “But I appreciate that you took the time and care to give me a real grownup bachelor party.” He laughed a little. “I love you guys. I feel so lucky to have friends like you. So supportive and thoughtful. Thank you.”
All of you cheered on him. And one by one all of your friends left, claiming to be going home to their spouses. You and Harry were the last one to leave the restaurant. You stood next to the car, as Harry thanked the staff, waiting for him to come to you.
“So… I have a little surprise for you.” You gave him a sneaky smile.
“Oh god, this cannot be good.”
You smiled and pulled out a blindfold out of your pocket. He shook his head. “No. No. No. That doesn’t look good at all.”
You giggled and insisted. “C’mon. It’s your bachelor party. I promise it’s going to be fun but not too much.” You smiled. “Do you trust me?”
He sighed loudly… “Fine, Y/N. You better not throw me in the back of a truck or some kidnapping bullshit like that.”
You scoffed. “No worries.”
He closed his eyes and you put yourself behind him, placed the blindfold on his face and smiled contentedly. “Good. Now just follow me, baby. I got big plans for you.”
He laughed nervously and turned around to face you. “I feel like I might die tonight. But you know what? I trust you and your fucking crazy ideas. I knew you couldn’t just stop at dinner party and cigars.”
You gave him your best evil laugh and directed him to his seat in the car. You placed yourself in the driver seat, put on your playlist and drove.
After about 30 minutes driving and Harry complaining about the blindfold, you pulled over in the parking lot. You directed Harry through the airport, up until the gate of the plane. There all of your friends were waiting silently, smiling slyly.
“I can’t believe you convinced him.”
Harry turned around on himself. “Mitch?”
All your friends cheered to let him know they were all here.
“Fuck, so that was a group plan, huh? What did she convinced me to do? Because I can tell we’re in a airport, I’m not deaf and this is a bad plan, I can already tell. This is a bad plan.”
You all laughed and you gently stroked Harry’s shoulder. “Harry, when did I ever put you in a bad situation?”
“That time in Atlanta when we ended up-”
“This never happened. It was a fever dream. You know I would never put you in a bad situation.” You cut him in his track, remembering the misadventure.
“What about that night in NYC last year? I remember that basement, Y/N.”
“This wasn’t a bad situation, just a plan that kinda failed.”
He giggled before turning around again. “Okay, so what’s the plan that will most certainly fail today?”
“You get your ass on that plane and you’ll see!”
Harry sighed but with the help of everyone, he got on the plane. You took the blindfold off him and made sure to keep him busy during the flight.
After the pilot announced the destination, you watched Harry’s soul leave his body.
“Vegas? Fucking Vegas? You guys are all mad. Mad men. Does Tania even know?”
All of you gave him a big smile and said “Surprise!” in harmony.
“She doesn’t know. We’ll call her later. Just relax, mate.” Tom smiled at Harry and laid back in his seat.
Harry leaned in your ear and whispered. “She’s going to kill both of us, you know that?”
“Then we’ll both die after the best party of our lives.”
The flight was fun. You guys chattered and laughed. Harry was finally relaxing and giving into the mood. You couldn’t wait until you land to show him all you planned for tonight. But mostly all you didn’t plan; the best nights you spent with Harry were the ones that started without a plan. The ones that were supposed to be chilling at home. Actually even chilling at home turned into the best night. That was the thing; even the most boring shit can be amazing if you’re with the right people.
After landing and getting down from the plane, you lead Harry and all your friends to where the party was at; everywhere. You were painting the town red tonight.
You started with a few drinks in the lobby of the hotel, making your way downtown to a Casino just for the sake of being in Vegas, then you moved to a ballroom where a 30s theme party was going on. You sipped on Martinis and Manhattans until the fancy drinks were getting boring so you moved the group to a grunge club. Everybody was dancing and drinking and whatever else they found amusing. You could tell everyone was having fun, especially Harry.
Around 2AM some girl proposed to your group to come to her place cause she was throwing an after-party.  And obviously, everyone followed because following drunk strangers is fun.
You ended up at her place; all of y’all in a tiny apartment with some trash music and cheap alcohol, dancing and screaming until the neighbors called the cops for disturbance. So everyone, as drunk (and high for some) as they were, started leaving and running when the pigs showed up. You rolled with Harry, running through the night in the neighbourhood, laughing and breathing loudly.
“Fuck! I knew this was gonna end badly!” Harry laughed at you while reaching to grab your hand so you could run as fast as he did. You tightened your grip around his hand once you had it and ran to a dark corner.
You placed your hands on your knees and sighed, breathing deeply. “It could’ve been worse. The pigs could’ve arrested us.”
“I’m pretty sure my negotiation skills would’ve gotten us out anyways.”
You scoffed. “Your white ass face would’ve been enough, baby.”
He laughed and grabbed your hands to keep going further away from the girl’s house and the police car. You both were too drunk to even think correctly about where to go. You sent a text to the groupchat asking if everyone was okay and to meet up at the hotel.
But neither you or Harry could tell what way to go so you walked for a little while, stopping by any bar you came across  to get another drink.
You walked for about an hour and you were finally heading back into the city center. Your feet hurt so you stopped in a little park next to a Casino and a crappy motel.
You sat your ass down on a bench and grabbed Harry’s hand to make him sit next to you. He sighed and sat. You watched the sky for a little while.
“The stars look like a bunch of beans. Like a shit ton of beans flying above us.”
You laughed at his drunken comment. “Yep, a sky full of fucking beans.”
You both started singing the Coldplay’s song in harmony but replacing stars with beans all the way through the chorus and cracking up in laughter everytime you emphasize the word ‘beans’.
Harry took a long breath after his giggle and sighed. “Fuck, I’m gonna miss this.”
You looked at him for a second. “What do you mean?”
“Having fun with you like that. I’m gonna miss it.”
“But none of us is going anywhere?” You were pretty confused about his statement.
“Tania wants to settle in Los Angeles.” He turned his head to look at you. “And you know… You’re not…in Los Angeles, you. You’re not.”
You didn’t expect that. You thought if Harry was to ever settle somewhere it’d be in London. “You mean you’re gonna spend all your free time in LA? Fucking LA? Drinking grass smoothies all the time?”
He chortled at your comment. “It seems like that’s the plan.”
You stayed silent for a few minutes, taking the information in. It felt worse than a breakup; you were losing your best-friend and without even knowing it, you threw the goodbye party.
“So you’re really going to marry her and move and we’ll never see each other again?”
Obviously alcohol made it all even more dramatic to you; it was an overwhelming emotion.
“Not never again…”
“C’mon, you know damn well what happens when longtime friends part sides! We’ve watched How I Met Your Mother together!”
He chuckled and then took a deep breath. The air was suddenly heavier, and all the alcohol in your blood was making it hard to keep the focus on the serious conversation.
“We should do one last crazy ass thing together. It’s not like we’re gonna remember it anyway!” Harry pointed the casino with his head.
“You mean blow all of our money on bets and shots of patron?”
“Yep, that’s exactly what I mean.”
You didn’t check your phone as it rang in your pocket and followed up behind Harry running towards the Casino.
You took a last round of shots in the lobby. And you started shouting at Harry, your glass in the air. “You know what? I just remembered you’re getting fucking married, dude! Married? Fucking married. I can’t believe I’m gonna say this but fuck this bitch you’re engaged to.”
Harry laughed and shouted back. “Hey! I’m already fucking this bitch I’m engaged to!”
You cracked up in a laugh. “Noooooo! I mean she sucks! She wants to take you away. Awaaaaaaay.” You hiccuped and took a breath.
“I’m in love with you. I’ve been since like fifth grade or whatever.” You chugged down the rest of your glass.
Harry stopped for a second, he placed his glass on the bar. “Wow. That’s a revelation.”
He giggled and took a sip of his tequila. “I’ve been in love with you since like….. That time in third grade when you punched me in the chin cause there was a bee on me….”
“Oh fuck! I remember…. Your lip bled so much.” You let a little laugh slip through your lips. The alcohol in your blood made you lose sense of the importance of the words you just shared with Harry and what he shared back. And you thought for a second that maybe it was just drunk talk but the stupid smile you couldn’t get off your face reminded you the truth of it: it was going to stink in the morning.
After making sure both of you got enough drinks, you led him in the Casino and stopped at the first roulette table.
“Okay.” You looked at Harry. “What’s the bet though? Cause I will be putting money on something I have no idea how to play.”
“Well if I win, then you have to elope with me.”
“Oh shit.” You took a deep breath. “Fair, but if I win, we are eloping this motherfucker together.”
He scoffed. “Looks like we’re eloping tonight… That word is fucking weird, though. Eloping.”
“Who cares about the word! I’m betting on number 22 and 15. What about you baby?”
Harry took a look at the roulette for a second, placed the cash he had in his pocket on the table. “22;15.” He looked at you with a smug smile.
The dealer spinned the wheel and revealed the winning number. “22. You win.”
You collected your payout with Harry, left a big tip to the server and ran out the Casino to find a chapel.
“This is going to be so bad!!” You laughed out while running with Harry.
“Like every plan you’ve ever put me into.”
You stopped in front of the chapel at the back of the crappy motel.
“I don’t want to get married to Tania… She’s amazing. I love her so much. But it’s so boring. So boring. I want stupid plans and crappy basements party and casinos and unexpected flights and I want to be able to say when I’m 78 and I don’t have no hair left and I smell like old shoes and cheese that I married my best friend and I never regretted anything.”
“You’re being too fucking deep, Harry. There’s a Madonna drag as the officiant in this chapel. You are going to regret this.”
He chuckled before taking your hand. “We, Y/N. We are going to regret this.”
You took a step into the chapel, glanced at Harry’s face to be met with a big smile and his drunken eyes. “Fuck this, I guess?”
You woke up with a terrible headache, your eyes could barely open because the light was too bright in the room. There was a weird smell of old alcohol, carpet and coconut air freshener. You opened your eyes fully only for your vision to be blurry as hell, the ceiling was moving and your head was so heavy, you couldn’t lift it up. You tried to look around you, seeing pulled up green sheets over your naked body and what seemed to be the curves of someone laying next to you. You felt a rumbling in your stomach and that’s the moment you knew; you had to get up…. because you were going to throw up.
You rushed to the bathroom and closed the door behind you. After emptying your stomach, you sat on the floor for a few seconds. The bathroom was small and poorly lit with a little window over the bathtub. You stood up and washed your face, taking the time to look at yourself in the dirty old mirror over the sink. Your hair was a mess and your make up was smudged. You had a huge hickey on your neck and little ones following down to your chest. You got out of the bathroom, holding your head and stumbling slightly. The room was clear since the curtains were pulled, you peaked at who was sleeping in the bed and found Harry, draped in the sheets peacefully snoring. You swallowed the gulp in your throat; this wasn’t good. You checked your phone and to no surprise you had a shit ton of missed calls and texts from your group of friends. Some asking if you’re okay, others where you’re at and some insulting you for not answering.
You gently shook Harry’s body. “Wake up.” He moaned before pulling back the covers to his face. You tugged on them to uncover him, leaving his chest bare. “Wake up, Harry.”
He groaned and turned around to lay on his back, his face turned to the ceiling. “What time is it?”
“It’s almost 9.” He turned to face you, opening slightly his eyes to peek at you. “You’re naked.” He nonchalantly said. You blushed for a second pulling the covers off him to cover yourself. He looked down to himself. “I’m naked, too.”
A floating silence lasted a few seconds before Harry jumped out of bed to find his underwear. “I’m naked! I’m naked. You’re naked. We’re in a bed. We’re in…. Where even are we?”
“In a motel somewhere in Vegas.”
“In Vegas?” His voice got two octaves higher. “Why are we in Vegas?”
“For your bachelor party, Harry. Stop freaking out.”
“Are you asking me not to freak out? We’re in a bloody crappy motel in Vegas and we’re both naked. I can’t remember what happened last night for the life of me and my head is killing me.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, putting his pants back on. You looked at his back and you could see slight scratches marks with the sun light. You started getting dressed too, as fast as you could. Harry grabbed his phone and started scrolling down. You heard him sigh loudly.
“The fuck we did last night, Y/N?”
“Wish I could give you an answer, Harry. All I remember is getting on the plane and then it’s a black hole.”
“Well…” He got up from the bed, wearing only his trousers. You watched his chest for a second, his tattoos and his glowing chest in the sunlight. You caught yourself staring at him; his shoulders, his chest hair, your glaze going down to his trail.
“Y/N?” Harry’s voice resonated.
“Did you hear what I said?” He tilted his head to the side and gave you a confused look.
“What did you say?” Your eyes lowered to the floor so that you would stop looking at him.
“I said I hope we didn’t do anything stupid. The wedding is next week. I have a stressed and very angry bride-to-be waiting for me at home and at the look of her texts, I’m in for a bad fight.”
You pinched your lips at the thought. What if you did something stupid? What if you messed up? It was already a stressful time for them. And you stewed in with a giant weekend party in Vegas when the instruction was clear: no big party.
“Let’s go find the others and finish our weekend.”
Harry scoffed as he picked up his shirt. “I’m going home. I’m sorry if I’m breaking the mood but I’m hopping on the next flight back to LA.”
You couldn’t quite figure out how to place the flashbacks from the weekend. It was already Monday and the wedding was in 6 days. You had flashes of a party in a small and unknown apartment and running in the streets with Harry and playing in a Casino but still nothing on how you got into the motel with him. Harry went back home on Saturday morning and from his voice message last night; he got quite into fight with Tania. She wasn’t happy at all with the Vegas plan but Harry reassured her and apparently everything was better today. You wondered if Harry remembered anything more than you, maybe he could fill in the blanks.
You knew the week was going to go fast and the wedding would be here sooner than you’d think, so you just hoped nothing unexpected would come back to you or him.
On Wednesday, you met up with Harry and the groomsmen for last minute check-ins for the wedding. You walked into the manor Harry reserved for the ceremony and as an obvious bad sign, Tania didn’t even said hello to you and avoided any eye-contact. You kinda wanted to apologize to her. After all, you did mess up a little bit.
“Hey guys.” You walked up to where your friends was.
“Hey Y/N. Did you pick up the ring from the jeweler?” Harry didn’t even look at you. He was signing some papers with the caterer and just asked the question without looking up.
“Yep. Got it right in the bag.”
Harry gave you a little look and you felt weird about it. It wasn’t his usual ‘thanks for doing the job’ look or anything tender. It was cold and almost professional.
You went over your check-ins with the groomsmen. You didn’t talk to Harry for the two hours you were there, not a word or a look. You knew something was off so once the work was done, you asked him to meet you in the bathroom.
You were standing next to the sink, checking your reflection when Harry walked in.
“Is there something wrong with the ceremony?” He asked bluntly.
“No.. Um… I just wanted… needed… to talk to you.”
“About?” He wanted to cut the conversation short and you hated this feeling in your stomach.
You sighed and smiled tenderly to him. “Well… How are you feeling? The big day is so close.”
“I’m feeling okay.” His answer was sharp but you were desperate to understand what was going on.
“Harry… What’s wrong? Why are you so cold?” You insisted.
He took a deep breath and closed the door behind him, making sure it’s locked.
“You know how I said I hope we didn’t do anything stupid in Vegas?”
“Yes.” You were confused about where he was going with that but it seemed bad.
“Well, we did something stupid.” His jaw clenched and you felt out of breath. “We did something so fucking stupid, Y/N.” You swallowed the gulp in your throat. “We fucked. I can’t even believe it. I don’t even remember how we ended up in that crappy fucking room. All I remember is how I had sex with….” He didn’t even look at you. “I cheated on my wife, before we even fucking got married.”
You couldn’t say anything, the images slowly came back to you.
“You have nothing to say, huh?”
Your ‘humour coping mechanism in stressful situations’ reflex kicked in at the wrong time. “Well, technically it’s not cheating, the bachelor party is a single man party.” You laughed nervously.
“It’s all your fault. We said no fucking party. No big stupid plans, but you had to go against our wishes because you’re so fucking selfish.”
You couldn’t say a word. You never seen Harry so mad at you before.
“Look, I’m sorry your dating life is such a mess. And that you can’t find anyone, but I did. I found someone. Someone amazing and then I fucked this shit up because you couldn’t go without one party.” He rapidly passed his hand through his hair, and sighed.
You felt anger boiling down in your stomach. Him being mad was comprehensible but it wasn’t all your fault.
“You fucked this shit up, yourself. I wanted to throw a fun bachelor party for my best friend. You wouldn’t have had sex with me if you didn’t wanted to. Because deep down, you know you don’t want this marriage. You don’t want to be stuck with Miss Boring Pants and spend the rest of your life here in LA, drinking grass smoothies and having to partake in her posh high standard life. You know that’s not what you want. You know it was premature to propose so soon in the relationship. You’re mad at yourself, Harry. Get a grip. You shouldn’t do this.”
It all slipped. You just couldn’t hold it in.
“I shouldn’t do what?” Harry’s face was red, his nostrils were open and the vein on his neck was popping. You could tell he was holding back the tears at the gate.
You took a deep breath and a calm voice. “Get married. You shouldn’t get married.”
He filled his lungs with air and exhaled loudly, trying to keep his composure.
“Listen carefully Y/N. You are nobody to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. What happened in Vegas was a drunken mistake and I won’t let it ruin the best day of my life. I won’t let you ruin the best day of my life. So here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to go through the ceremony with no slips and then I’m moving to LA with Tania. And you, you move out of my life.”
Your heart sank to your stomach, and your face was boiling; the tears slowly gathering in your eyes.
“You don’t mean it.” Your voice was almost like a whisper.
“I do, Y/N. From now on, I just want to make sure this wedding is the perfect wedding Tania wants.”
He unlocked the door of the bathroom and left without looking back. You brought your hand to your chest as if it would soothe the pain and let the tears flow down your face. It couldn’t be real.
It was hard going on like nothing happened but if there was anything you could do right now was make sure you got your best-woman duties done. The wedding was tomorrow and you had to finish your speech. What would you even say? “To my ex-best friend, I wish you the best to you and your boring wife.” That sounds about right.
You were waiting for Jeff to come in with the last informations regarding the ceremony so that tomorrow everything goes according to the plan. You heard a knock on your door, you got up thinking Jeff came in early and opened up. A postman with a big envelope was standing there.
“Y/N  Y/L/N?” He asked, looking up from his notes.
“Yes, herself.”
He asked for your id and verified it. “That’s for you.” He handed you the enveloppe and after you took it, asked for you to sign the delivery papers.
You thanked him and got back inside. You sat on the sofa to open it, there was a Vegas postage on it and your heart missed a bit.
You slowly opened the envelope. Inside you found a marriage license legally binding you and Harry for life. You pinched your lips and took a deep breath. This was a mess, a huge mess.
How on point was this news? Good way to make sure his ceremony goes exactly like they planned when you’re going to come in and let them know they can’t get married anymore.
You sat back and tried to clear your mind.
You were officially married to Harry…. And Harry is about to actually get married tomorrow. This didn’t make much sense but you had to think of a solution and quick.
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warmau · 4 years
{Regular Inspired!AU x NCT} Sicheng
tw: weapons mention, violence mention, n*fw elements, be warned. everything written here is a work of FICTION, it does not in anyway reflect reality, nor do i condone any of the extreme behavior. ♢ introduction ♢ pick mark instead | pick haechan instead | pick yuta instead | pick johnny instead | pick doyoung instead | pick taeil instead ♢ special route: pick ten
“don’t fall in love with sicheng, everyone always does it and everyone always ends up the same.”
“are you asking for him or are you confirming him as your pick?”
the way jaehyun phrases that questions makes something coil up in the pit of your stomach
should i not pick him? it’s just he said he’s going to beijing which means ..... ill be far from people who could possibly hurt me ...... right?
before you can formulate another thought, let alone even look up at jaehyun
you feel a soft hand turn your cheek the opposite away
sicheng’s beautiful features come into full view and you nearly topple backward off the desk 
you swear you see him smirk a little at your fumble, but you can’t really be sure if he wasn’t just wearing it the entire time
“ill take care of them”
he puts emphasis on each word. a slight accent slips its way through and you swallow.
take care of me?
“well - are we done here then? they’re going to be packed up and shipped to china and we’ll NEVER see them again!”
haechan spews, crossing his arms over his chest and eliciting a glare from mark
“they’ll come back fine, sicheng i trust you know what you’re doing?”
jaehyun puts a hand on sicheng’s shoulder and out of everyone in the room, he looks most comfortable with the gesture 
because doyoung’s eyes narrow and taeyong doesn’t look up from where he’s chipping away at his nails but stops the small action as soon as the temperature shifts 
“poor thing, couldn’t you have picked me~ now you’re going to china and i haven’t even gotten a chance-”
johnny sings, swishing around the wine in his cup 
you assume he’s just doing it to break the ice blanket that seems to have quilted the room
but then sicheng’s warm hand travels down from your cheek to your wrist
as he gently tugs you up and off the desk
“of course jaehyun, you and your father know how i am.”
sicheng says a string of words in mandarin and you can’t for the life of you even begin to guess what is being discussed 
all you can focus on is his skin on yours - you aren’t used to being touched by strangers
well, it’s been much more than just touched hasn’t it? 
you sigh to yourself and try just slightly to see if you can wiggle free-
you can’t. sicheng’s hold was soft at first but now it’s like you’re grounded beside him without much of a choice
“you are meticulous, i will give you that. when do you leave for beijing?”
sicheng’s gaze is on you now
he has brown eyes like everyone else in the room, but they don’t look human when they’re only mere centimeters away
they seem to be speckled with foils of gold, as if they’re reflecting light from an unknown source
the power almost leaves you unable to speak and you assume sicheng must be aware of this overwhelming effect he has on people
because once again, the small smirks blossoms and he answers easily
“whenever they’re ready.”
you feel him squeeze your palm
“shall i drive you home so you can get your bag?”
your hands shake as you reach for your toothbrush - acutely aware of the presence that’s occupying your living room
sicheng had commented, after getting out of the car and opening your side of the door like a gentleman from a movie, that your quaint apartment building was “cute”
he had seemed almost amused by the fact that you still used keys to get in 
“you don’t have a keypad?”
“the building is a bit old so ,,,,,,,, “
he had hummed - shadowing after you into your cramped living space
you had invited him to sit down, but he had taken right away to the window
realizing it now as you tried to pack without going into full-blown panic about the situation, that window looked right out onto the street he’d parked
meticulous,,,,,,,, that’s the word jaehyun used to describe him,,,,,,,,,i wonder if that’s a good thing?
your train of thought is cut off when you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket
you thank your past self for putting it on silence and pick it up, trying to mask your whispering with turning on the sink water 
a friends voice crackles to life on the other end
“hey, are we still on for lunch tomorrow? i wanna hear all about your new job!”
you want to match their enthusiasm, but with everything that’s transpired -  you can barely work it up
“ah- i can’t i -”
you rack your brain for a believable excuse as to why you can’t keep the date - oh my grandma’s sick, oh i have to do overtime even though it’s my second day, oh i accidentally stumbled into the inner business of an illegal ring of criminals who said my life is in danger now!
but another thought dawns on you
couldn’t i just tell my friend im in trouble? couldn’t she call the police for me and then this nightmare would be over?
your pause leaves your friend confused on the other end of the line
sicheng is in the other room, but you could take him on - couldn’t you? 
you swallow - a nervous feeling like cold ice flows through your veins and you start
“hey, actually - “
you stop short
won’t she just laugh at me? whose going to believe me - a lowly intern - that the biggest family name in south korea are actually a bunch of criminals?
“actually, i got a little sick. i’ll text you when i can do lunch again, anyway - gotta go!”
you hang up before your friend can even protest. you stare as the screen ends the call and your background photo pops up instead
a knock on the bathroom door nearly makes you jump out of your skin
“all ready?”
“y-yes, im coming out.”
you turn your phone off and place it in your pocket again. you gather your toothbrush and some other necessities
you give sicheng a weak smile as you pass him, not sure if it’s because you’re terrified he might know about the call or if you’re trying to calm yourself too by putting on this act that you’re fine
that you’re not ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, scared
“that’s a light bag. do you have everything you’ll need?”
sicheng’s words come out slow and calculated as he looks at your duffel bag
you nod, slinging it over your shoulder 
“we will be in bejing for some time.”
he looks you up and down and again those inhuman eyes seem to eat you up whole
he then says something in mandarin - leaving you staring at him stupified from lack of understanding
but he seems to think you don’t need to know what he’s said as he ushers you back into the car
you watch the cars pass you by on the way to the airport. you try to take in details because you’re worried you’ll never see this country again
who knows what will happen in bejing? but sicheng can keep me safe, right?
suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder - you look back over and see sicheng is still watching the road ahead
but his large palm is resting on the material of your shirt
“you did a good job.”
“you lied to your friend, that was the right decision.”
he pulls his hand back and onto the wheel
even though he’d been speaking to you - he hadn’t even bothered to initiate the eye contact
though you don’t know if you could stand it, feeling your face pale because how had he known? had he been listening in on your when you were in the bathroom?
the care turns the bend leading up to the doors of the gates, the switchboard lists numerous asian countries and the destination flights and terminal numbers
laos, thailand, india, indonesia - so many other places than china, than beijing
sicheng swiftly walks in the direction opposite the ticketing booth and you catch up to him only after you’ve noticed how many strides away he is
“shou-shouldn’t we check-in?”
he simply smiles over his shoulder and you don’t know what the feeling coiling up in your stomach means
you clutch the strap of your bag and follow him through the large, unfamiliar airport 
don’t we look suspicious together? sicheng is so tall and walks with such refinement - and im carrying this duffel bag ive had since freshman year of highschool,,,,,,,,,,,isn’t someone bound to notice us?
but it doesn’t happen - instead, the security seem rather cordial even friendly toward sicheng
tipping their heads or smiling when he flutters by
is this the jung influence? or is sicheng something of a powerhouse himself?
you’re lost in your thoughts when suddenly a gust of air hits you - the automatic doors at the end of a long hallway you didn’t even notice you were passing through open
and sicheng saunters up to one of the many small, but sleek jets that are parked in a quartered off section of the airstrip
a pilot greets sicheng in mandarin, they begin discussing something as you stand with your eyes wide open 
a private JET? 
you run your eyes along the white body before reaching one of the wings. spanned over it are chinese characters you’re not familiar with.
“come, it will take maybe two hours.”
sicheng steps back as the ladder extend from the jet’s one entranceway
the pilot and he wait as you make your way up the stairs - legs barely holding you up from the utter shock
the jet is just like you imagine it to be - everything is so unnecessarily fancy
and you sit stiffly in the oversize chair - eyes wavering on the flatscreen tv that hangs above the partition to the pilots cabinet
sicheng follows after, patting your shoulder again
he says - or commands - it’s all a blur and you close your eyes softly and to yourself begging that this is all a dream - it has to be ,,,,,,,,,, it just has to be
when you land in beijing it’s already early dawn - you’re exhausted to no end, even though you think you took a nap on the plane
either that or spent the whole time sweating about how this was really happening - really, really happening
from waking up this morning, going to your first day on the job, spotting mark and jungwoo, ending up in the basement of jung enterprises, packing your bag
and now here
with sicheng
in beijing
sicheng doesn’t seem phased at all, he looks like this is another day on the clock for him as he takes your duffel bag off your tired shoulders and heads off the jet with a nod toward the pilot
“it’s ok i can carry-”
“your eyes are tired. you need sleep.”
well,,,,,,he’s not wrong but -
“are we going to your house?”
it’s probably the most childish thing you could ask right about now, but sicheng doesn’t seem to mind 
he simply shakes his head
your exhaustion makes it hard for you to be as scared and as nervous as you were before. the panic you’d felt had drained you 
so even though your mind was blaring alarms, you followed behind him like a puppy
what else could you do? he was the only person you had in this new place 
as you two walk out through the airport, you’re surprised to see the beijing is still bustling even though it’s so early
the clock on the switchboard glares that it’s about 5 in the morning, but business people and travelers are already making the rounds
sicheng glides through them with ease, but unlike before - he keeps his head down 
sort of using your duffel bag to shield the view of his profile
you scamper to keep up with his long legs, and finally, you end outside again
sicheng brings his phone out and makes a call, and nearly a minute later a motorcycle pulls up before you two
sicheng drops the duffel bag back in your arms
“yukhei. take care of them.”
“why aren’t you speaking man- oh oh i see~”
the rider takes off the matte black helmet to reveal a handsome, young face underneath
“im yukhei!” 
he introduces - but sicheng just pushes you gently forward and clicks his tongue at yukhei
“go. they are tired.”
yukhei huffs but beckons you closer. you turn to sicheng and open your mouth as if to say “are you insane? im not getting on the back of some random dude’s bike!”
but sicheng’s eyes swirl a little colder and you decide to keep your queries to yourself
plus,,,,,,,,,,,yukhei seems nice? he doesn’t have a,,,,,,taeyong or a jaehyun vibe,,,,,,,,,,
“you will see me again, don’t worry.”
“oh sicheng - look at you being all caring, wait till hendery hears about this!”
yukhei teases and you give an understanding nod as you back up toward yukhei
he grabs your duffel bag, slinging it over himself and confidently tells you to get on and cling to him as hard as you can
sicheng rolls his eyes before he’s gone back into the crowd of the airport
what’s going on? i thought he was going to “take care” of me?
you assume yukhei’s going to take you to his home - or to someones home - not to the ritzy hotel lobby you stop in front of 
decorated in old decdeance and gold
“um -”
yukhei waves to the desk girls who all giggle into their palm and then tugs you up behind him
for some reason, even though you can’t understand it, their whispers smell like jealousy and your cheeks start to burn
he brings you up to the 9th floor and there’s a room with the same chinese characters that were on the jet
you take the moment to ask yukhei, “does this say jung enterprises?”
he laughs, “no - they say dong sicheng!”
you blink back confusion, but then he’s pulling you into the grandiose suite and pointing out that the bedroom is down that hall - that sicheng said you were tired and it’d do good to get some rest
“where did sicheng go?”
yukhei shrugs
“probably to deal with his parents, anyway ill be here! so you’ll be safe - that’s a wong man’s promise!”
you nod - turning on your heel to go toward the room but stopping to ask one more question
“is sicheng,,,,,,,, famous here?”
yukhei almost doubles over with laughter because he genuinely thinks you’re joking
but when the blank look on your face doesn’t change he straightens up
“well, yeah - he’s the only son of the dong family. they’re basically chinese royalty.”
you hit the hotel pillows and for a second you think your body is melting into the sheets
you had wanted to pry yukhei more about sicheng - but the weight of the world had pushed you right into bed
you curl up and try to remind yourself to ask later, later - after a little nap
you think it’s part of your dream, the insistent shaking and the screaming, you think it’s just a bad dream cultivated from the rollercoaster of emotions you’ve been on today
but then you wince - because the yell is loud and gruff and the hand on you is cold to the touch
with a gasp, you wake up and see yourself staring up at a man 
he’s unfamiliar, with a gun pointed directly at you
he’s telling you to do something in mandarin but you have no idea what and you pull away, eyes big and frightened
you can tell he’s getting frustrated, he leans over to grab at your ankle and harshly pull you off the bed
when a hand wraps its way around his neck and turns it to the side with a loud and perfect crack
the gun that had been in his hand goes falling onto the sheets and you scream
sicheng is standing behind the crumpled over body and he reaches toward you
afraid you coil up, threatened and shaking, but he soothes in his slow voice
“i won’t hurt you, i need you to trust me.”
you want to scream again - trust him? trust him? everything is ruined because of him and whatever stupid fucking scheme you got caught up in 
but you know you can’t - whatever is happening is wrong - and when you feel him pull you toward him, it’s like your instincts are telling you this is the safest place right now
beside sicheng
you hear his name being called from the next room, you think the voice is yukhei 
there’s another voice - maybe two or three and as sicheng leads you back into the suite’s main hall you see that there are multiple of these masked men
all restrained on the ground with rope - or being held back by who you can only assume are sicheng’s accomplices
“kun - are there anymore?”
“no, this should be all of them.”
the exchanges are quick and in mandarin - you can’t understand and you desperately bunch up the fabric of sicheng’s shirt as your knuckles go white from clinging to him
his broad back keeps you nearly out of sight from everyone when you feel it - 
something swats at you - in an upwards motion - it almost knicks you 
but sicheng’s reaction is fast and he spins you both so that you end up in his position and he ends up in yours
the small pocket knife cuts the left side of his cheek and the blood streaks down onto his chin
not even taking note of it - sicheng reaches out - hand on the face of the assailant as he tugs him down by the hair and delivers a strong knee to their face
they tumble backward - and you realize it was another one of those men
they’d been aiming for your back with that knife and instead - sicheng had taken the blow
you look up and sicheng barks something out - but you aren’t even mentally in the room in anymore
instead you’re looking up at him, his beautiful skin is stained with the red from the gash
you want to ask first if he’s ok - if he needs a bandage, but that’s ridiculous the answer is: of course he needs one
but the second question stays with you for a long time - why? why are you protecting me? wouldn’t it be easier if i get hurt and then you and the jungs don’t have to worry about me anymore?
either way - when you come to - you see that those men are gone and instead 
you’re sitting on the coach beside sicheng and yukhei and a group of other men
“sicheng - seriously, why would you volunteer to take them here? you’re already a target yourself - isn’t this just doubling the risk?”
“isn’t it obvious kun - look how cute they are!”
“oh my god hendery is THAT the only thing that ever crosses your mind?”
“im just saying, isn’t that the reason sicheng - huh? huh?”
you can’t catch what’s being said - but suddenly the eyes are all on you
sicheng’s cheek has been cleaned up and patched - he explains that you don’t understand mandarin all that well and the mood in the air shifts
“that’s fine! ill use english - im hendery, and the rest of these idiots are not important! soooooooooo tell us, how’d you woo sicheng?”
someone makes a sound of disdain and you look in the direction away from hendery, this person is sitting up straight - posture absolutely immaculate and glasses perched on the end of his nose
his arms are crossed and he looks defensive
“that’s kun! he absolutely suuuuuuuuuuuuucks!”
hendery sings and falls back against the shoulder of another boy who shoves him off
kun directs his eyes onto you and then narrows them
“so - you’re sichengs new plaything?”
sicheng starts and kun doesn’t glance his way 
“what? am i wrong?”
the tone of voice is condescending and judgmental - he doesn’t even know you and yet he’s saying something so rude?
“who cares, sicheng - did you tell your parents your back? chances are they sent those goons after you.”
“hendery ,,,,,,,, why would his own parents try to have him murdered?”
the boy throws his hands up in exclaim
“i don’t know? for the drama! they’re entertainment moguls - imagine the press stories!”
you sit up a little at the new fact - so sicheng’s parents are in the entertainment business? what’s he doing working for the jungs?
“no, they don’t know. but right now, i need to ask you guys to help me.”
“is something wrong?”
your voice is shaking as you ask, but sicheng gives you a soothing smile - it’s not very much effective with that huge gash on his cheek though
“no. i just thought our entrance to beijing would be safer. kun and yukhei - will you keep them company while i clean up this mess?”
kun is about to say: absolutely not
but yukhei jumps up and winks
“of course - you just be careful ok sicheng!”
sicheng turns to you and tells you he’ll be back soon. 
that’s a lie.
he vanishes for over a week and during that week you end up being moved into the almost dubiously normal apartment where kun lives
on the outside, it looks normal - middle class
it’s nice, but not fancy. the neighbors are all either hardworking youths or families
kun is known to them as a graduate student with an interest in tech
but the reality is, it’s a money-laundering den set up under the jungs 
when you’re first dropped off there by yukhei - kun refuses to acknowledge your existence 
he sits behind his computer - wiring checks through different banks and forging signatures 
another side business you figure out from your hours of observing is money fraud
kun spends great time looking at foreign bills and reproducing them to perfection
one day you lean over and look at the sample bill he’s made
pointing out the serial number on the left
“you can’t keep it this way.”
you point out and kun tosses a look at you over his shoulder
“excuse me?”
“there would never be a chain of  numbers starting with this - it’s a misplaced pattern and tellers will now it’s fake.”
“how do you-”
you shrug, “i went to poland when i was younger and i just remember this detail.”
you turn the bill around and then pass it back to kun 
he stares at you - once disinterested and even angry expression turned rather intrigued
“are you usually interested in details?”
you sit down beside him and look at his screen, it’s in another language - polish you presume - so you don’t get any of it 
but you nod
“details always make sense - people in my program back in university would say im a perfectionist, but i just don’t want to make-”
kun finishes your sentence, pushing his glasses back up by the frame and you nod
“yes. this is why all of this is so nerve-wracking. it’s too bizarre. the details don’t add up.”
kun snorts, “details usually aren’t supposed to add up in this business. otherwise, the wrong people will come looking for you.”
“you mean like the police”
kun gives you an almost sympathetic side glance - although he can’t blame you, you’re not used to this - sicheng made it worse by bringing you here as a part of some stupid deal with the jungs
and then sort of tossed you into the corners
“here, let’s see how detailed you are.”
kun shuffles through a pile of folders and places them in front of you
“they’re various fakes i’ve made before - it’s really wasting time but if you can find the problems it should keep you entertained for a while?”
you smile, taking the folder and for the first time there’s almost a little bit of warmth coming from kun
even when yukhei swings by with lunch - he seems peppy about the change in the “temperature” of the room
the days get a little better as you wait around for sicheng to come back
kun is actually quite,,,,,,, tolerable of you,,,,,,,,and he’s impressed that you didn’t lie
you pick out some of his fault bills and he seems to respect you a little more for the way you carefully handle the nonsense, but welcome tasks he gives you
one afternoon, yukhei is back with lunch - this time with hendery in tow
“hey if you’re bored you can come take a ride with me-”
he starts to ask, slurping up his noodles before receiving a whack on the head from kun
“taking them out would be dangerous yukhei, think before you speak.”
you look down into the broth and sigh
“is kun being super mean to you still?”
hendery whispers when he hears you - but you shake your head
“i just wonder,,,,,,where is sicheng anyway?”
hendery sits back up and shrugs
“if you wanna see him so bad - we can make it happen. hey kun, can i turn on the tv?”
your eyebrows furrow
“why? did something happen - was it on the news?”
you get up, almost spilling your noodles - your look of alarm only humors the two boys as they reassure that’s not it
when hendery fishes the control out from one of the bookshelves he clicks through the static and the channels before settling on one
you stare at the screen - it looks like a movie? or maybe a drama? 
the setting reminds you of your university, the library, the students and then -
you lean forward and your jaw nearly drops because sicheng pops up on the screen
his lines are all in mandarin and he’s being pulled around by what is probably his love interest in the drama
but that’s not why you’re in disbelief
not only does he work for the jungs - he’s ,,,,,,,,,,,, he’s an actor?!?!
“he’s super popular here too - his face is on like every brand of ice-cream.”
hendery chimes in and you want to ask something when kun marches back in - shutting the tv off
“they didn’t have to know that”
he hisses and yukhei rolls his eyes, “if they’re going to be here for six months - they’re bound to find out!”
hendery nods in agreement 
“the dong family are all famous actors, but they also own a number of the big fine arts theaters in mainland china. sicheng acts, but he’s probably going to take over one of the departments soon.”
“h-how if he works for the jungs?”
yukhei taps his chin and hendery shifts sort of uncomfortably like there’s some kind of truth that everyone knows except you
you want to call it out, but suddenly the door clicks open and sicheng comes in
he’s wearing all black, hair stylishly done up and he slips the mask off his face as he greets you with a gleaming smile
“see, i said i would be back.”
you don’t have to ask him where he’s been or what he’s doing anymore - you’ve sort of pieced it all together
he comes closer and closer until he’s putting a hand on your head and giving it a little pat
“sicheng you can’t just pet someone like they’re a -”
kun starts, but you don’t hear the rest
is this what jaehyun meant - meticulous? organized? so well - that he could live a double life as a beloved actor in china and a criminal in south korea?
the stars in your eyes are apparent to everyone in the room, kun tenses up, but sicheng is used to it
he turns after “greeting” you and asks kun how the transfers are coming along
hendery and yukhei snicker and venture into the kitchen
you’re not sure how embarrassed you’re supposed to feel - but you are sure that something on your skin feels a little hot
sicheng sticks around, he even moves you back out of kun’s apartment front and into a nearby hotel
less fancy than the other one and this time, he requests that the back entrance be available for him to come and go
one evening you’re sitting beside him as he finishes a call with jaehyun and you ask the itching question on your mind
“why did you join the jungs if you’re so successful here in china?”
his mouth twitches up a little 
“ah - so you found out?”
“that you’re the son of famous actors and are on every makeup brand ad in beijing? yes - i found out.”
he laughs
“you’re being sarcastic - right?”
you blush, you don’t know why, and look down at your feet
“well - i don’t know. i joined because i was bored?”
he leans back against the sofa and looks up at the ceiling 
the angle highlights the strength of his jaw and glistening of his skin, the scar on his cheek is healing and even it can’t take away from his beauty
“yes. being famous isn’t all it’s cut out to be.”
he grins
“don’t i sound selfish?”
you shift
“were those men who broke into the hotel, were they after you - or after,,,,,me?”
“oh, they were after me. i havent been in beijing for over a year. my parents put out a reward if i was found.”
“a year? then that drama hendery showed me -”
he tilts his head your way and his gaze alone makes you feel a shiver in your spine
“was it where i played a university student?”
“ah - it was a rerun. i shot it two or three years back.”
“and it’s still on air?!”
he humbles himself with a shoulder shrug, “maybe it’s that popular?”
part of the way he talks so languidly about all of this irritates you - but the other part of you can’t help but be mesmerized
what kind of person finds boredom in a life born into stardom? what kind of person doesn’t pick up a hobby to help it - like video games or crocheting
instead choosing to be the overseas link for a gigantic company like jung enterprises
so many questions fill your head, more than when you were basically forced to come here in fear of your life
sicheng grins and says something carefully - as if he’s cautious about the right words
“i can hear it. the gears in your head turning. you are curious, right?”
you try to shake your head, but it has to be obvious - sicheng’s read you like an open book since you made eye contact back in the basement of the jungs
“it’s just ,,,,,,,, a lot.”
he suddenly leans in close - pretty face mere inches from yours
“i know what can take your mind off of it.”
the thoughts that had clouded your brain seize - everything in your body seems to come to a screeching halt
he’d always had this power of overwhelming you, but now he was - he was tipping over that border
you can’t even say his name, not when he’s looking at you like that and talking to you in that voice 
what does he mean? what does he have in mind? is it what im thinking-
the moment where he’d saved you from the attacker in the hotel room seeps back into you
the feel of you pressed into his back - the fact that it didn’t make sense for him to protect you like he did, to take the pain for you
he’d known you for less than 48 hours and he’d done that - what were his motives? it didn’t make sense
and on top of that, he was china’s it boy - he really - he would never put the moves on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you?
sicheng laughs because it looks like steam might come out of your ears
he takes your hand in yours and goes
“i was suggesting i take you out to see beijing, so you can stop having all these questions and see the beauty of the city.”
something inside you pops with relief, but another part - deeper away - deflates 
exactly. he’s an it boy, a dream boy, so you need to stop thinking that stupid little act of kindness meant anything. especially not in the grand scheme of things.
you chuckle, as a way to push past your nervousness and nod
you inch a little bit away from him and sicheng thinks it’s amusing
“but - are you sure you can just gon on the street? won’t you be,,,,,,, mobbed?”
sicheng fishes a black facemask from his pocket - “hiding in plain sight?”
you don’t know why your stomach does a little flip like you’re on some first date back home, but it does
as sicheng tugs you through the busy streets and you can tell that no one really looks twice at him - not with the mask and the baseball cap
and you’re inconspicuous in general, blending in among the talkative tourists and rushing native trying to get to and from all the places sicheng wishes he could show you
you can’t see all of beijing in two hours - and sicheng is definitely trying to play it safe  - so he takes you wangfujing, buying up snacks and pointing out the crafts and decorations the hang between the malls
you spot his face on advertisements left and right - kind of thrilled by the act that no one even knows that their favorite actor is pulling you behind them right under their noses
sicheng explains that his parents own a theater nearby, that if he could he’d love to show you some of the productions they put on 
and you ask in the busy, loud street if sicheng likes acting on stage or on the screen the most
he astonishes you once again when he picks neither
he takes your hand and twirls you around, much to the utter annoyance of some older women
and pulls you in close
“i like dancing the most.”
the whole experience feels like a fever dream of some sort - from the moment you two sneak out the back door of the hotel
to when you’re back and standing in front of the bed holding a panda sicheng had bartered to buy you
it says beijing loves you in bold letters on the tshirt it’s wearing and you don’t know why but you hold it close to your chest
beijing doesn’t love you - it doesn’t even want you to be here - and you wish you were home, feeling the lack of familiarity starting to grow
but something warm lingers, from where sichengs hands passed the bear onto you 
and your tears dry up on your cheeks and you think - it’s fine, it’s only six months
sicheng explains the next day that he needs to be gone for a bit, just to do some small parts in order to please his parents and keep off the radar of anyone looking for the jungs here in china
he leaves you in kun’s care - and after time has gone by, you can tell kun has warmed up to you
actually letting you do tasks that would help him - and even offering to cook you lunch one afternoon
the only thing that seems to irk him as much as when you two first met is the mention of sicheng
but it’s not like you can help it - there’s so much you don’t know
you set the pile of highlighted documents down near kun
“you’re done?”
“yep, i checked them over twice - you don’t have to ask.”
you laugh and kun even seems to give you a twinkle of a smile in return
you shift a little, looking around the room
“do you know if sicheng is shooting another drama?”
kun’s fingers stop typing and he looks at you for a second
the coldness is back in the dark brown of his eyes and he clears his throat
“you need to be careful.”
kun looks back at this screen and then at you, taking the time to slip his glasses down on the file you’ve put before him
“don’t fall in love with sicheng, everyone always does it and everyone always ends up the same.”
“the same?”
kun clenches his teeth
“do i have to spell it out for you? they end up heartbroken and feeling like an idiot.”
you don’t understand the spite, aren’t he and sicheng friends?
“i -”
“there are other men in the world. men that don’t live double lives, running around eating up the spotlight. don’t get me wrong, i respect sicheng. he works hard to make everyone happy. but he isn’t - “
kun searches for the word as you stand there feeling more and more pathetic by the second
“but he isn’t reliable. you should know that, with the way he comes and goes.”
you think, well you know, kun is right. 
to be honest - you don’t think you’re in love with sicheng - how could you be? you’ve only known him for a bit over a month. 
although you think it’s strange, that the moment he saved you replays in your mind more than the moment when you woke up in the jung’s basement
more than when you met all of sicheng’s friends
or even more then when you got to run around beijing with him for a little while
you go to sleep now, every night thinking back to it, thinking back to the image of him standing between you and danger
blood dripping down his cheek - not a seconds of hesitation when it came to protecting you
with kun’s logic, he’s right - sicheng probably did it because of some impulse or even worse - because he wanted to be a hero
he’s an actor after all, the limelight is a specialty, but you can’t help but buck against the ideas
it had felt like sicheng did it because he didn’t want you to be the one hurt
was it because jaehyun would get on his case? but why - having you gone eliminates the problem
was it because he’d look cool in front of his friends? his friends didn’t even know you, and kun didn’t even seem to want to know you back then
so why? why? why?
you don’t look at kun - you just sort of nod and ask if there’s anything else you can do
kun waves you off, but an hour or so seems to feel slightly bad for blowing up on you
offering that you two go out and buy some groceries for a nicer dinner than instant ramen or fastfood that yukhei could bring back on his bike
you agree, mostly because you don’t want to revert back to the awkward and hateful atmosphere that you’d first had to stew in when you met each other
and to your relief, neither does kun
you guys talk naturally - even confusing the cashier who kun shyly explains to you called you his significant other on accident 
you laugh it off and are too busy rummaging through the bags to see the way kun’s eyes linger on you
as you’re walking back to the apartment - kun stops under on of the streetlights
you turn back and ask what’s wrong
“i want to ask you again, well i didn’t ask the first time - i just made the assumption, but are you in love with sicheng?”
you feel your hands sort of twitch in response - you thought that conversation had been buried away 
you start, wanting to explain to kun where you are right now - what you’re thinking
hendery, xiaojun, yukhei - they were always kind to you. but kun had spent the most time with you and you were getting to a point where you thought you could see him as a sort of confident about all this
you obviously didn’t want to worry sicheng with your doubts (or your emotions)
so telling kun might actually make it better
“kun, i just i think i-”
the sound of tires reveing against the street cuts your sentence off
you both turn to see yukhei’s familiar motorcycle and he waves as he pulls up onto the curb
tugging off the helmet he greets you two with his usually goofy smile and points to the grocery bags
“is mama kun making something good tonight? can i join?”
you giggle and kun rolls his eyes, but invites him anyway
the weird moment and the weird question kun had asked melt away, at least they do for you 
as you listen to yukhei excitedly explain one of the new upgrades on his bike
kun slinks a little behind. he wonders what you were going to say.
for a while everything seems to be “normal”
normal meaning no one attacks you in the hotel room or comes raiding kun’s apartment
you think surviving this isn’t going to be that hard - not the horrible nightmare you had thought it was when you were getting on the jet to fly over here
when sicheng is around, he’s always got a way of keeping your attention. you usually don’t focus on anything but the work kun gives you
but when sicheng is there - you kind of feel like another fan watching one of his dramas - he’s just ,,,,,, he’s like living artwork
and you know he knows you peek - because sometimes he’ll look back at you and wink
the mindless flirting sort of makes you feel sprinkles of joy, but you try to level it out with what kun had said 
maybe you are another “plaything” - something sicheng thought he could keep around for when he’s bored
but he’s otherwise,,,,, respectful,,,,he never crosses a boundary or does something that might make you feel like a toy - or like less of a person
if anything, he’s done more to keep you safe and happy 
when he isn’t around though - you help kun out with small tasks which you say aren’t really criminal right?
most of the money, according to kun and sicheng, is just from “sales” the jungs makes 
you don’t ask - they don’t tell and plus you’d rather do these tasks than sit around being useless
you’re scared that’ll make kun hate you again
hendery will sometimes come over and make you laugh, yukhei keeps pestering about that ride on his bike that kun refues him from giving you and xiaojun - though reserved - tries to make you feel comfortable too
you think it’s crazy, such sweet boys work for the jungs - but for some unknown reason they don’t mention it
and they never help kun or sicheng with this work? actually you’re not sure - do  they also work for the jungs? do they work for sicheng’s parents?
still many questions - but it somehow feels like you’ve fallen into an ok groove
one call from jaehyun ruins all of that
sicheng had been around, making you feel giddy and safe for the past few days 
you, him, and kun had been working on printing money for an upcoming trip doyoung was going to take under the guise of a “marketing meeting”
when the phone had wrung and the color had seemed to drain out of sicheng’s face
you didn’t know why, but you gut said it had something to do with you - and you were right
immediately after hanging up, sicheng had called out your name
“get up, we have to leave. now.”
instead of scrambling to your feet first - kun beat you, grabbing sicheng by the arm
“what’s happening? where are you taking them?”
sicheng shrugs him off
“don’t be concerned. make sure yukhei knows im taking his bike.”
panic starts to make your mind go fuzzy, the room spins as sicheng starts collecting your things 
“the hotel has my -”
“no time, let’s go. i need to get you to safety. it’s part of the deal.”
the deal?
you follow after him, as confused and scared as the first time he’d lead you into this unknown place
but this time kun takes a hold of your wrist and tugs you back toward him
sicheng turns on his heel at the sound of your back hitting kun’s chest
“tell me where you’re taking them sicheng, im not joking.”
“kun let them go.”
“tell me.”
the hold tightens and you stare up at kun - something is different about him, he could be cold and unagreeable but this was just downright,,,,,,,,,,, frightening
“im sick of it, what was the point of bringing them here in the first place? did you get tired of playing around with the stars - wanted to ruin someone innocent?”
sicheng’s eyes overcast
“kun - what are you accusing me of?”
“they’re a person, sicheng. a person whose life you put in danger by getting them involved with you - with us - with the fucking psychopath jungs. don’t you remember what they’re doing to ten and yangyang?
two names you’ve never heard of pop up and you want to ask what the hell is going on 
but then the two of them switch into fast paced mandarin and you’re stuck in an absolute limbo
“of course i remember, that’s why i started this. i thought it would help ten and yangyang.”
“and what about now? what about taking them out and frolicking about the city like you aren’t famous? like your parents wouldn’t blow a lid on you and this whole thing if they found you out on a date with someone they’ve never met before?”
“kun, it’s my life. i can do wh-”
“it’s THEIR life too sicheng - people are not toys! stop treating them like they are!”
sicheng’s hand suddenly wraps around your other wrist
“they aren’t a toy to me. you wouldn’t understand.”
“tell me sicheng, sicheng who was born with a goddamn gold spoon in his mouth - what wouldn’t i understand? the way you take people and use them up?”
sicheng jerks you, and out of fear of hurting you, kun lets you go
you fall back against sicheng’s side
“they’re just like me kun. they ended up in a situation they didn’t want to be in. they were scared and couldn’t tell anyone. it’s simple, i saw myself in them and want to keep them safe.”
“you? keep someone safe - sicheng you’re more selfish -”
sicheng leans forward, you look up into his eyes and he ignores kun as he presses his lips tenderly to yours
he pulls away - your body frozen over as he locks eyes with kun again
“i can be selfish, just like you’ll always think i am, and that’s why im taking them right now. somewhere safe.”
he turns and you barely follow behind - knees shaking
kun commands sicheng to turn around and explain, but sicheng shakes his head
“you can’t think straight right now, it’s the jealousy talking - you won’t hear me out.”
you are still trying to process what the hell happened as sicheng throws a leg over yukhei’s motorcycle
he beckons you over and before he slips the helmet over your head - you ask him, words barely audible
“wh-why did you kiss me?”
he gives you a small smile - but it’s not the one you’re so used to seeing
so used to being struck by 
it’s almost,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sad
“because i might not get the chance to ever again.”
he turns on the engine and motions for you to hop on 
you do, because you trust him, wrapping your arms tight around his waist
sicheng speeds off into the streets at a pace even yukhei hasn’t gone at
you suddenly wish he’d have worn the helmet instead - but you somehow know he wouldn’t have allowed that
you think you might be suffocating sicheng with how hard you’re clinging onto him - just like that time in the hotel ambush
you don’t know where he’s taking you or what’s going on - you don’t know anything and yet what scares you the most is what he’d said
why won’t i ever see you again? is it because you’ll die? or because i’ll die? is there trouble? i just want you to tell me you’ll keep me safe again,,,,
to motorcycle pulls up to the gates of a large open field - in the field you see the jet that brought you to beijing
in front of it is the pilot - who doesn’t waste time getting the stairs down from the opening of the jet
sicheng gets off the bike first, helping you right after and slipping the helmet off your head
 gently he fixes the strands of your hair that have gotten all messy and you talk a mile a minute
“sicheng what’s going on? why was kun so angry? and why do i have to lea-”
“one question.”
he goes
“ask me one question, and then you must leave.”
you swallow - your throat is dry and you stare into his beautiful eyes - those golden specks rotate hypnotizingly around his pupil
why did you kiss me?
why were you and kun fighting?
where am i going?
what happened?
“why,,,,,,,,did you save me on my first day in beijing - wouldn’t it have been easier for me to,,,,,,,to have just been hurt?”
he smiles, tilting his head a little as he keeps his eyes locked on yours
“because i said i would keep you safe. that’s a silly question.”
“but you didn’t have to - you didn’t have to - no one is forcing you to keep that stupid promise to jaehyun,,,,,,”
he runs a hand down your cheek
“it’s complicated. but ill tell you something. even if it really didn’t matter, even if i had just met you. i still would have protected you.”
he leans in and once again you think he’s going to kiss your lips - leave you frozen and unable to think for yourself
but he doesn’t kiss your lips - he kisses your forehead and mutters 
“because we’re the same.”
the words are cryptic - you can’t ask what he means because the pilot is gently pulling you toward him instead - toward the jet
when you get on - you rush to open the window and see as sicheng gets back on the bike 
he looks over his shoulder and it makes your heart stop for a second in your chest
before he’s gone
the plane flys you back to korea, where mark and johnny pick you up from the airport
you ask them what’s the issue and mark explains that a criminal rival of the jungs in china had been suspicious of sicheng for a while
that one of his informants had caught a glance of you and sicheng on the street - confirming the suspicion that he’d been working for the jungs
“technically we asked sicheng to come back with you - so we could protect him too, but looks like he said he’d take care of it himself.”
“so,,,,,,,,so it’s my fault,,,,,,”
you whisper and johnny tries to play it off - “of course not! it’s not your fault - plus jaehyun trusts sicheng can handle himself! now c’mon, how can we turn that frown upside down?”
you look out of the window of the car - lost in thoughts, and mark taps johnny on the shoulder - motioning to leave you alone for right now
a couple of days pass and you’re allowed back in your apartment - of course a member of jaehyun’s team is always there to keep an eye on you
you don’t really know what to do but wait and see if someone - anyone - will give you an update
did that person see me and sicheng when we went out together? was it when we landed? if i had never chosen him and went to beijing then he wouldn’t have gotten in this trouble!
it’s when the door opens and instead of haechan or jungwoo, yukhei comes in and mark springs up in confusion
he pulls his gun - “who are you?!”
mark turns to you, “we said not to tell your friends-”
“hey hey, what’s the problem little dude - im with sicheng!”
mark blinks “you’re with sicheng?”
from behind yukhei steps out just the man of the hour
you notice a cast wrapped around his arm, but other than that he’s relatively unharmed
you rush toward him - nearly tackling him 
“are you ok? im so sorry - if it wasn’t for you having to take me with you back to beijinig-”
sicheng puts the other hand on your cheek and gives it a little squish
“shh. im fine. aren’t you happy to see me?”
mark look between the two of you, bewildered and yukhei elbows him in the side as if they’ve been friends for years
you bury your head in sicheng’s chest and he laughs, gently running the fingers from your cheek into your hair
“let’s go dude - they need their space!”
yukhei exclaims, pulling mark after him and through the small door to your apartment
mark protests, but yukhei overpowers him easily and suddenly it’s just you and sicheng
you think you’re going to start crying - from the happiness and the confusion
“why didn’t you just come back with me? why did you stay?”
sicheng waves the cast around
“i wanted to personally deal with the problem.”
“because that bastard threatened to kill you and sicheng actually went crazy on him.”
you look back at the door - where kun is leaning against the frame
“kun! you’re ok!”
you jump to your feet and kun kind of half smirks at the sound of worry in your voice
you don’t see sicheng roll his eyes behind your back, but kun doesn’t step closer
he looks at sicheng and on purpose tells him in mandarin
“i believe you for now, but if you end up tossing them to the side like everyone else - just know ill be waiting. and i won’t forgive you.”
“thanks, but that’s not in the plan.”
you huff
“can you guys please speak so i can understand - you two were in dire danger and the last time you did this you almost killed each other so please, im begging, don’t spike my anxiety through the roof.”
kun lets out a sound, sort of grumbling as he turns to follow after yukhei and mark
you look and see sicheng has stood up
“i now have time to answer any other questions.”
he laces his fingers with yours and you think - where should i start?
“why did you kiss me?”
“wanted to.”
“why did you kiss me in front of kun?”
sicheng grins, “to teach him a little lesson”
sicheng shrugs, “just so he knows, that i like you.”
“why do you like me?”
“why - do you not like me?”
you scrunch up your nose and sicheng laughs again -
“fine, it’s because of what i said - you are a lot like me. we’re the same.”
you don’t understand - you’re a uni student with an otherwise boring as hell life
how could you and dong sicheng - an actor, a boy born into richness with this starvation for adventure - be even remotely similar
“because even when you were thrown into all this. even when you were scared - you did it.”
“but - how does that make us the same?”
he leans in and suddenly his forehead is pressed to yours
“because i got thrown into this too.”
“i-i- i thought you joined because you were bored!”
he shakes his head, “there are other reasons. one day we’ll talk about them. for now, do you want to go back to beijing with me?”
your stomach twists
“it won’t be safe for you-”
“it will be. it will be safer there than here. plus, kun told me you are quite good with details.......the word jaehyun uses-”
“yes. meticulous. what do you think?”
you would agree - you think you are pretty meticulous yourself, but instead of saying anything or asking any of the million questions you still have you hug him again
because sicheng had said before that he’d be afraid he’d only get one chance to kiss you again
and you just are scared of thinking that that could have been the reality of this situation
“ah, xiaojun brought this back by the way.”
sicheng pulls the panda he bought you at the beijing markets and drops it in your hands - you stare at it 
the shirt on the panda had said ‘beijing loves you’ before - but, in what you presume is xiaojun’s handwirting, there’s a post it over beijing it says ‘sicheng’
you giggle - but then look up at him
he tkaes the post it off and taps the panda’s head
“so - do you want to come back with me? or do you want to switch and pick someone else?’
“that’s a silly question.” 
you copy him and tip toe up to press your lips to his own
he grins against your lips and then goes, “we’re going to have to convince jaehyun though - he was a bit mad about this situation.”
“that’s fine - doesn’t he trust you.”
sicheng nods, looking deep into your eyes
“he does. but i hope he knows that if anything, just say the word and ill always pick you over my allegiance to him.”
you can’t believe what he’s said - you just look at him and see something in those words
“i don’t know what jaehyun has over you - or how he forced you to work for him - but let’s get it back and let’s make sure you never have to see the jungs again.”
something sparkles in his eyes and he nods, slow and quiet
when you guys rejoin everyone outside, mark is too distracted with yukhei to notice the change in your expression
hendery and xiaojun who are also waiting realize it, yukhei does too when he looks over his shoulder. kun smirks to himself. finally
with your help
they’re all going to get back at the jungs.
spoiler: to know why sicheng joined the jungs - read ten’s special route!
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joontier · 4 years
sa mga ulap | drabble 
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translation: among the clouds
synopsis: you’ve decided to surprise namjoon by joining the flight he’s piloting to Germany, but in the end, you’re the one who gets surprised
pairings: namjoon x reader
rating: NC-17
au: established relationship!au; pilot namjoon and taehyung! au | genre: fluff; humor ; 
warnings: a dash of sexual innuendos here and there
word count: 1.9k
request: by @mintseesaw​​​ “ GABBYYYY MY LOVEE HII for the drabble game, may i pls request for bighani ft. the loml namjoon + est. relationship au or husband!namjoon hehehhfkffkgjh” GIRL IM AT WORK WHILST DOING THIS WHICH ISNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN BUT THAT POST OF JOONS THIGHS 🥴🥴🥴 SO YES THE THIRST IF FUKEN REAL SKFSJDF id like to apologize in advance for any mistakes askdfjiajf i just started and finished this toDAY gnhgnh BECAUES GOF THE THINGS NAMJOON DOES TO MEAJFAWIOEFJO
g/n: this is part of The Paraluman Playlist - a drabble game we’re holding for the whole month of August!!! I DUNNO YALLS IM TEMPTED TO PUT A NAMJOON POV FOR THIS ONE
navi. | m.list
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As Namjoon’s goodbye kiss lingers, your hands slowly trail themselves up to his nape, wrapping your fingers around the back of his neck to pull him closer. “Where are you headed off today baby?” 
“I have a flight to Germany and Italy afterwards, then we’re flying back to Seoul. Probably be back in less then a week or so, darling.” Namjoon’s facial features soften as you look up to him with a pout, placing another kiss on your forehead. “It’s okay baby. I’ll be back before you even know it.” Your boyfriend of seven years squishes your face between his palms as he peppers kisses all over your face. 
You’re usually not this clingy but Namjoon has been busier than ever, with double the number of flights he has on his schedule than usual. Not to mention they’re all all long-haul flights - meaning he has to fly for more than seven hours for every trip. Which is why you’ve decided to throw a little surprise, for your boyfriend since you’ll be celebrating eight years together tomorrow. 
With a handful of help from Namjoon’s friends in Korean Air, a whole lot of bribing (and maybe a dash of under-the-table exchanges under Namjoon’s name) you managed to book the same flight to Germany Namjoon was going to pilot, wanting to surprise him when you arrive at Berlin and maybe spend some of his free time together as you travel around nearby tourist spots. Or you know, perhaps a quiet, sultry night at a luxurious bedroom provided for by the company? 
Either way, it takes a mighty effort from you to even attempt to contain your excitement inside, biting your lip as you dust off invisible crumbs off his shoulders. Namjoon isn’t the slightest bit fond of their uniform, staying true to his preferred laid-back fashion sense, but to you, your dashing boyfriend in his uniform was a sight you could never get used to. “I miss you already,” you sigh, holding him tighter in your arms. 
Palm brushing against his crotch, you flutter your eyelashes at him in the hopes that you might convince him just a few more minutes with you. Greedy of you, yes, but could anybody blame you if your boyfriend was devastatingly tall, dark, and handsome? Not to mention that time that the amount of time away from home his job takes away from him was to you, a woman of many needs, unacceptable. 
“Come on, baby, you’re going to get me late for work.” Hands gently squeezing at your waist, you feel Namjoon rest his chin on you as he holds you close. Heaving a sigh, you let go, letting him grab his necessities off the table. As he bids you goodbye for the last time, you manage to get a slap on his ass. Your boyfriend turns to look at you, expression stoic as ever. “Can’t get enough, can you? It worked last time honey, but it won’t now.” 
“At least I tried right?” Namjoon shakes his head at you, blowing you a kiss as he closes the door of your apartment. The moment you hear the door click, you make a quick dance, giddy as ever. Quickly, you make a dash for your room, grabbing your suitcase from the top of your closet. Having planned this a month ago, you head on to grabbing the clothes you intended on bringing, taking a pile of clothes and underwear (you might have added a lingerie set in there too) strategically stashed in one side of your closet for convenience and faster packing. 
Taking out your phone, you swiftly go over the list you’ve made for things you have to bring, checking if everything is situated where they’re meant to be. You dress up as fast as you could, put light makeup on and go through your apartment, making sure you’ve left no appliances on during your leave. 
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Leaving a larger tip to the cab driver for bringing you to the airport faster than expected, he gladly helps you with your suitcase, likewise wishing you happy and safe travels. With less than two hours left before Namjoon’s flight, you go through the usual pre-boarding routine before heading to one of the few restaurants inside the waiting lounge to grab lunch. As you walk to your boarding gate, someone taps on your shoulder, and you turn around to see Myunghee in her uniform, smiling excitedly at you. 
You inwardly squeal, elated to have met her before boarding. She was one of the few people in Namjoon’s circle of work friends, and of course, one of the few people who helped you with your plan. Sharing a quick hug, she asks you how life has been treating you and you respond with the usual, being busy with work and this quaint cafe that you and Namjoon had agreed on establishing, hidden amongst the many crowded streets of Seoul. 
When you ask her the same, she shyly tucks almost non-existent small strands of hair between her ear, the studded ring on her finger glinting proudly against the light inside the hallways. Your mouth falls agape, instantly cupping a hand over your mouth as you squeal excitedly. “Taehyung proposed?!  And you didn’t even tell me?!” 
“It was just two weeks ago! And you know it’s been hectic for us recently. This year’s peak season is...wild, to say the least.” You nod in agreement, understanding her situation. You don’t keep her long after her revelation, and she says she’d gone ahead of the crew knowing you were going to be lurking around here too before boarding. Myunghee advises you to stay in a secluded place for the meantime before heading to the boarding gates, just in case Namjoon passes by and sees you. 
True to her words, you see your boyfriend shortly after, walking alongside Taehyung. You quickly hide behind a large pillar, secretly watching the two friends make the corridors their runway. You feel like a fangirl seeing her favorite celebrity as they walk by in their white button ups, aviators and all. There’s a tiny bit of jealousy swimming inside you as you notice you weren’t the only one swooning over your boyfriend (or the duo, for that matter) but it gets overcome by the pride beaming in your chest, having him as your boyfriend. 
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Courtesy of your boyfriend’s employment at Korean Air, you’ve had the opportunity to travel a lot overseas hence your frequent flyer points. Deciding to spoil yourself while you’re at it, you’ve opted for a first-class seat, wanting to get as much rest inside as well. A couple of hours later after your near encounter with Namjoon earlier, you’re already comfortable in your seat, the soft leather effectively lulling you to sleep. You manage to stay awake though, enough to hear Namjoon’s voice after the in-flight announcements and directives. Feeling more excited than ever, you snuggle to your seat, a contented smile on your face. 
Multiple taps on your shoulder wake you from your dreaming of beautiful Berlin, a flight attendant in her uniform gently shaking you awake. “Miss ______? The captain requests everyone to listen to the announcement.” 
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Namjoon Kim speaking, we are currently cruising at an altitude of 35,000 feet. The weather looks good and we are expecting to arrive approximately thirty minutes ahead of schedule. Estimated time of arrival in Berlin, Germany around 2AM following Seoul’s timezone. The cabin crew will soon be going around to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that.” 
Namjoon’s voice has this authoritative lilt to it, yet wonderfully soothing at the same time. The captain continues, “Actually, I’d also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the presence of my lovely girlfriend, Ms. ________, currently seated at 13 F upstairs.” The man coming from the lavatory looks at you then back to your seat number by the divider. Shrugging, he gets back to his seat like nothing happened. You, on the other hand, are shell shocked, surprised at how Namjoon found out you were here. Surely, Taehyung and Myeonghee wouldn’t have outed you just like that. 
“It’s okay, darling. I already knew you were going to join this flight a week before our friends knew, so you don’t have to worry about anyone revealing your ‘supposed’ surprise,” Namjoon adds, seemingly aware of your thoughts. You hear hushed laughter from downstairs as a few people listen to his speech. “Could you come here downstairs for a moment, babe?” 
The same flight attendant from earlier approaches your seat from behind and extends her hand out as she points to the stairs. “If you would please follow me this way please, Miss ________.”  Soomin, the name of the flight attendant you just discovered, giggles at your reaction, escorting you to the galley a level below. 
“Ah there she is,” Namjoon sends you his infamous dimpled smile, reaching his hand out for you to take. “My girlfriend, ______.” Taking his hand in yours, he smiles to all the seated passengers, “I’m sorry to keep this short, because I still have a job to do,” Namjoon points his thumb to the cockpit, where you hear his co-pilot turned friend, Taehyung answer back, “I got this Joon! You go do your thing bro!” Your boyfriend mutters a short ‘thanks’ in return. 
With your hands intertwined, you feel Namjoon tremble slightly, worry instantly crossing your features. You squeeze his palm once, peeking over to him. “Okay, honestly, I prepared a whole speech for this, but then time constraint...I-- I’ll just go straight to the point. In a few hours, we’ll be celebrating eight years together. It may have had its own bumps along the way, but I wanted to let you know that every moment spent with you was worth it. Every time I fly to another country, I only have two goals in mind, to transport our passengers safely to their destination…” a man from the back whoops while a few from the passengers clap in amusement. 
“...and two, to come back home. And you know what they say, home is where the heart is. Home is you. You are my home. And there’s no one else in this world who I’d rather have that be, but you, the love of my life. With the sky we are crusing at, the heavens above, and the ground below, and of course all of the people present on this plane as my witness, I wanted to show everyone how much I love you.” 
You hear Taehyung’s deep distinct voice from behind approach, “Flowers for you, lovely lady,” he bows, handing you the flowers, “...told you they won’t wilt easily,” he winks at Namjoon, before joining Myunghee by the aircraft’s door. You’re already teary eyed at this point, and Namjoon makes sure to wipe a stray tear from the corner of your eye. “With this proclamation, I also wanted to let you know that I want to spend the rest of my life loving you,” your boyfriend gets down on one knee, taking and opening a small velvet box out of his pocket. “Hopefully, you’ll want to spend the rest of your life with me too?” Full on crying now, you bend forward, taking his face in your palms as you say your approval. Namjoon stands up with slight difficulty with Taehyung jumping and cheering behind him and he wears the ring on your fourth finger. 
You kiss yourfiance one more time, feeling like you’re just among the clouds. 
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Please let me know what you think! x
© hhyungz 2020
60 notes · View notes
Game night - Im Jaebum
OH MY GOD HELLO EVERYONE! okay i’ll tone down the caps, *ahem*, I just have to say, this was so much fun to write! I want to thank @iwanttobejaebeomsslut for giving me this idea, lmao. It is Jaebum centered, but it also turned into Got7 game night 
ajsndjkefnjrfnjdcfndf, it’s better to leave you to read it yourselves! Enjoy
~5.3k words, excessive fun, fluff, romance
“Hyung, hyung, hyung! Is Y/n coming too?”
Jaebum turned his body abruptly to an overexcited Jackson. He quirked a brow as his friend waddled over to Mark, a goofy smile on his face.
“Well,” Mark nodded his head, pushing Jackson’s face away jokingly “She is the one who throws us the party after all. I guess her friends are coming too.”
“Wah, Jackson hyung, we are going to have fun then!” Bambam meddled in, bumping his fist to Jackson’s. 
Jinyoung playfully threw his arms around each of them, nudging Jackson with his hip. “Maybe it’s time for you to ask her out, huh?”
Jaebum approached Mark with a curious glint in his eyes. Youngjae and Yugyeom jumped in the commotion, building up their offense to tease Jackson about his transparent excitement. “Who are they talking about?”
“Ah, you don’t know.” Mark smiled at Jaebum. “Remember last time I went home, in LA? I invited Jackson and Bambam and my childhood friend offered to be their babysitter for the day while I spent time with my family. I’ve known her since we were like… infants. You might as well say she’s my younger sister.”
“Oh? She must have left a very good impression on Jackson if he’s this excited.” Jaebum laughed and stuffed his things in his bag. 
Mark tapped his chin with his index. “Well, she is his type somewhat. She told me the other day she got an internship at a company in Seoul but keep it a secret from Jackon. I am not in the mood for that.” 
The two older brothers chuckled and shook hands to seal their silent agreement. Jaebum approached the herd and clapped his hands in an attempt to grab their attention.
“All right, everyone! Practice is done for the day. Don’t forget we have a flight to catch in the morning.”
“That’s a reminder for you, hyung!” Yugyeom teased and took two steps back under Jinyoung’s deadly glare. All the others laughed in unison.
Youngjae checked a list that he made on his phone, making sure no small detail escaped his mind. “Mark hyung, is there anything we can help with? I feel a bit bad that the girls are organizing everything for us.”
“Those were the instructions, though,” Mark replied, raking a hand through his hair. “I think it was something along the lines ‘sit still and be pretty’.”
“It would do you no good to question that, Youngjae.” Jackson chimed in, gesturing dramatically with his hand. “Y/n is really stubborn.”
“Still, not all of us know her, or her friends.” Jinyoung reminded his friend. “It’s very nice of them.”
Jaebum fixed the cap on his head and smiled at his members, trying to mask and otherwise excited stance. Taking a break was always a nice thing; taking a break in LA with everyone was on another level. “Then all we have to do is make sure we have fun.”
The flight to LA felt relatively shorter than all of their other flights, partly thanks to the contagious excitement the foreign members had. The others were a tad worried about the language barrier but quickly dismissed the thoughts as soon as Mark assured them all of them spoke their language well. The boys started making all sorts of plans, from playing games to telling stories, to the undying game of rock-paper-scissors. It was a pleasant sight to see, being so excited. Jaebum wished nothing but the best for the boys.
However, he couldn’t deny that he was a little nervous. Leaving Jackson and Bambam aside who had already been introduced to the hosts, he was admittedly awkward around strangers. Easygoing as he considered himself to be, he needed some time to open up to people he had never met before, unlike the two who were living social butterflies. He was thankful, of course, that someone tossed their personal schedules aside to organize them something, but there was a certain anxiety in the back of his head.
Papa Tuan was the one to pick them up from the airport, the atmosphere drastically quieter as they did not make their arrival public. Mark went ahead to greet and hug his father and the others gathered around to welcome Mark’s father one at a time.
“Thank you for having us.” Jaebum stated as he shook Papa Tuan’s hand and dipped his head in a bow.
“What are you talking about, Jaebum?” he reciprocated with a laugh, patting the leader on the back. “We missed you guys! Staying at our house was the only option!”
The seven of them followed Mark’s father to his van and threw their luggage in the back, fighting for the comfortable front seats afterward. As soon as everyone was gathered inside the car, Bambam couldn’t push back his curiosity and he extended his neck from the back so Mark’s father could hear him over the blasting music.
“Say, Dad! I heard the girls organized a party for us! Are all of them single?”
Youngjae burst out in his resonating laughter and swat Bambam’s shoulder.  Soon, the van was filled with laughter.
“I’d say they are? All four of them are, I think. Y/n broke up with her boyfriend a while ago.”
“Hear, hear, Jackson.” Jinyoung winked at Jackson and won an embarrassed smile. The latter leaned over, placing his hand on Papa Tuan’s shoulder. 
“On a scale from one to ten, what are my chances?”
“As you are now, barely a 6.”
Mark and his father laughed together before Mark explained the joke to the others. The members followed their example. Jackson folded his arms over his chest and collapsed in his seat.
“Even so, I promise all of them are very nice girls. Aside from Y/n, whom we all have known ever since she was in diapers, Mark grew up with everyone. They are very nice girls. The boys apologized they wouldn’t stay long, all of them have night shifts.”
Jaebum looked out the window. However assuring Mark’s father was, he couldn’t tame the unknown feeling in his chest. He clicked his tongue as if preparing himself for a completely unforeseeable outcome.
 Papa Tuan finally parked the van outside of Mark’s house and he couldn’t contain his excitement as he noticed his mother and his younger brother, Joey, waiting for them outside. Mark got out rapidly and rushed over to glomp them in a tight hug, as well as indulging himself in their presence.
“I missed you guys!”
“Oof, such a big baby you are!” Mama Tuan laughed and wrapped her arms around her son. Joey walked over to the other members to greet them, executing the signature salute with Yugyeom which Bamabam immediately requested to learn. 
“I’m telling you, guys,” Joey began, giving Jackson his high-five “the house is going to be such a mess with you here!”
Jaebum shook his hands, panic imprinted on his features. “We won’t destroy anything.”
“You’d better not make a promise you cannot keep, hyung.” Youngjae chuckled and patted the leader on his shoulder. Jaebum swore it was going to be a long and anxious stay at the Tuan residence.
“Hey, Got7!” Mama Tuan called for the boys and all of them turned their attention to her. “Welcome home! Everyone is waiting for you inside!”
The boys didn’t need to be told a second time. Jaebum and Jinyoung stayed back to help with all the luggage as all the others crowded over to the house in turmoil. A loud cheer made Jaebum perk up and he followed everyone inside, a rather large gathering filling up the living with applause. The members exchanged glances among themselves and, under their leader’s guidance, they did their introduction with wide grins spreading on their features. A loud pop signaled a tube of confetti was brought forth.
As he looked up, Jaebum noticed a vast palette of balloons adorning the room with various messages written on them, mostly of a warm welcome. Everyone wore content smiles on their faces as they received the members and warmth engulfed his chest. He chuckled to himself when he saw three men distinctively dressed in formal attire and pitied them for having to go to work amidst such a party.
“Hey, Jackson, cat got your tongue?”
A mellow voice carried the English sentence vividly into the air and hypnotized Jaebum all at once. He tilted his head toward its master and his lips parted unintentionally at the sight of you. Your summer orange dress embraced your figure and emphasized the softness of your skin. The sunflower in your hair embellished your alluring characteristics but it truly was the elegance in your teasing smile that subdued Jaebum’s existence.
When Jackson rushed over to you and threw his arms around you so he could spin you around, Jaebum felt something click inside of him. The wide smile tugging at your lips as he sustained your body in his arms irked Jaebum down to his core. Although he would never admit that.
“Leader-nim,” Jinyoung nudged Jaebum in the ribs with his elbow as everyone scattered to introduce themselves to the hosts, “why do you look like you want to kill our Seunie?”
It took a moment to register Jinyoung’s words. “Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Eh, stop it!” Jinyoung laughed at his leader. “Your jealousy is showing, hyung.”
“Jealous?” Jaebum’s eyes widened and he scoffed. “Jealous of what? It’s okay, they know each other, it’s only natural.”
“Mhm. We’ll see about that.”
The sound of metal clinking against glass made everyone turn to Mark who found himself by your side. He spoke loudly, enthusiasm in the tone of his voice. “Now that all of us here, our dear host tonight and my oldest friend, Y/n, has an announcement to make!”
A bashful smile was sketched on your face as another fervid round of applause, accompanied by Bambam’s cheers, echoed in the house. “First of all, I welcome Mark and all of Got7 in LA! I hope you will have a pleasant stay here, with us.”
Jaebum nodded his head, his eyes curling into crescents. You continued.
“I know you might be tired from your flight as it is evening already and hungry and all that jazz, but we have to get this party started, right?”
Everyone responded in anticipation. “So I have a proposal to make for our dear boys!”
Jaebum blinked yet again, the clarity of his native tongue coming from your lips taking him by surprise, he had to unexpectedly adjust himself to the change. You turned to him and his eyes found yours effortlessly; the intensity of your orbs humbled him all of a sudden.
“I know some of you might protest because of ‘airport fashion’, Bambam,” you feigned a cough, “but what about we play a round of rock-paper-scissors to see who takes a short dive in the pool to open the fun?”
“Fuck airport fashion!” Bambam protested and walked forward, warming up his wrist. “You are taking a bath, Y/n.”
“Drown him.” Jinyoung chimed in, also getting ready for the game. Yugyeom draped his arm around Jinyoung’s shoulders, cackling at the previous remark. The members gathered around you and your friends in no time, a childish aura of competition flooding the living. Jaebum was the last one to attach himself to the group, his body opposing yours. 
“Should we make four people? We are twelve in total.” Your friend’s proposition passed unanimously.
You looked up at Jaebum and offered him a tender smile. “Then shall we play, leader-nim?”
Jaebum lifted his eyes to look at you and clumsily dipped his head, visibly not accustomed to you and your enthralling voice. “Of course.”
You thought you heard Youngjae mocking his leader’s words in a deeper tone and Jaebum caught his gesture too, alas having no time to react. The game ended as fast as it started, miraculously deciding the losers in one round. The boys lost no time to film the unlucky ones, pushing a protesting Bambam along with Mark and two of your girlfriends to execute their penalty. You giggled as Bambam cried out in displeasure for his favorite jeans.
Jaebum approached you, his eyes focused on you rather than on the pandemonium around the pool. He cleared his throat. “As crazy as ever.”
You beamed up at him immediately, your hands clasped together. It was the most beautiful smile Jaebum had ever seen in his life. “They are so cute! They are so fun to have around.”
He couldn’t peel his eyes off you. There was no plausible reason for his actions, why he felt so awkward around your bright and easygoing nature and why he considered everything he wished to say to you twice before actually speaking it. Jaebum knew his silhouette was tense. “They are. I am so blessed to have them.”
“I envy you.” You chuckled and leaned your body over to him. “Can you help me carry the food outside? There’s no chance we move that here.”
Jaebum chuckled and agreed in a heartbeat. He followed you to the kitchen like a child would follow his mother faithfully everywhere. He was grateful he could at least express himself to you freely. “Thank you for this. It means a lot.”
You shook your head. “It’s nothing! Mark took me by surprise when he said all of you would come over for a few days and I wanted to make it special somehow. I hope it is fit to your liking.”
“How can it not be?” Jaebum questioned too fast for his liking. He hated to think you’d doubt yourself. “I don’t need to go out there to tell people are having fun.”
A sheepish smile painted your features and Jaebum couldn’t be more pleased with himself. Merely thinking he was the cause of your smile satisfied him. He helped you with the first set of fried chicken and fries to calm the hunger of the children outside. Much to your surprise, everyone evacuated the area, most likely to change their clothes and put on the swimsuits. There was only Mark and Youngjae outside, setting the table.
“Where’s everyone?” Jaebum inquired, placing the food down.
“Went upstairs to change for battle.” Mark laughed and approached you, giving you a proper welcoming hug. You swayed with him from side to side playfully but eyed him suspiciously. “Battle? What battle?”
“You know the chicken game? Jinyoung bet 20 dollars that Bambam and Yugyeom would not be able to defeat him and Jackson on a, quote, ‘confrontation’. And because we know our maknaes are young and restless, they agreed the losing team would do a sexy dance for all the girls.”
Jaebum covered his mouth with his hand in sheer shock. “And you just stood there and agreed?”
“What is the worst that can happen?” Youngjae stuffed his mouth with fries. “It’s a show however you see it. Literally.”
“Oh my God.” Jaebum sighed heavily. He could feel a headache kicking in prematurely. “There’s no way in hell we’re stopping that, are we?”
“Nope.” Mark and Youngjae bumped their fists together and you witnessed a rare sight of Jaebum at a loss for words. You tugged on his shirt and gestured to him to follow you inside, doing your best to contain your laughter.
“You know,” you began through the giggles, “it’s not a disaster.”
“Never underestimate those guys, Y/n.” he stated, defeated, and lifted a case of beer from the refrigerator. “You should run for your life while you have the chance.”
You carried two bottles of juice and pursed your lips for a second. “Why should I? I don’t mind receiving a sexy dance from one of you handsome males.”
“Should I do it myself, then?”
The clumsy wink Jaebum gave you, along with the mortified sliver of laughter that followed right after made a hue of pink color your cheeks. You watched Jaebum’s broad back as he walked with the drinks outside and bit into the plush of your lower lip. It was an entertaining offer.
You followed outside and the earthly fighters were getting ready for their so-called battle. The cocky attitude the two youngsters had amused you. The older brothers, on the other hand, were either booing or mocking them. The spectacle was just about to start. 
You nested yourself by Mark’s side who pulled you close to him. “Who do you wager is gonna win?”
“I have a horrid feeling Jackson and Jinyoung will have to move those hips for you soon.”
The two of you laughed and you looked up at him. “Missed you, bestie.”
“Missed you too, kiddo. Although, kiddo is not quite right.”
“Why? Do I finally become a woman in your eyes?”
Mark poked your nose before pointing to Jaebum who seated himself by the side of the pool, somehow enjoying the uproar despite his protests. “Not me.”
Your best friend took charge of the speakers and opened the big gala with David Guetta’s song, ‘Club can’t handle me’. You dug your nails into the palm of your hand, trying to dismiss Mark’s words. He had always loved teasing you and you tried not to take it to heart. It was reasonably fair to say Jaebum couldn’t have taken an interest in you.
You followed your girls and plopped down next to Youngjae and Jaebum who were aggressively munching on the chicken. The splashing of water indicated the clash had started and you extended your hand to the bowl of fries, watching intently. It was both a comical and serious match, nothing but absurd. It was a close match, with the guys fooling around with one another until Yugyeom took a mischievous step to Jackson who was sustaining Jinyoung on his shoulders and cracked an opening. Bambam seized the momentum of Jinyoung losing balance and pushed him into the pool, erupting in celebration. The maknaes bumped their chests and mocked the disturbed Jackson and Jinyoung.
“Show me the money, losers!” Yugyeom wiggled his hand and earned a huge reaction from the spectators. 
“While you’re at it, shake that ass for me too!” Bambam completed and it was the last straw to make Youngjae explode in laughter. Jinyoung would have drowned Yugyeom if it hadn’t been for the oppressing embarrassment of their loss.
“Oh, they are so dead.” Your friend commented and tied her hair in a messy bun. “Guess it’s time to dance.”
“Hey Jackson,” Mark yelled, “what should Bree play for you? Do you have any preference?”
Yugyeom clapped his hands frantically and helped set the chairs for the girls. You allowed yourself to be dragged by your friend to one of the designated seats, laughing under your breath.
“You’d better entertain us, Jinyoung hyung!” Youngjae took a deep breath. Jinyoung ruffled his hair with a towel and then threw it at the vocalist. He grabbed a bottle of beer for himself and downed it in one shot under the devoted cheers of both of the maknaes. 
“Jackson, you got me into this mess, better give them something worth staring at.”
“How is it you’re the one excited for this?!” Jackson squealed and placed a hand over his bare chest. All the eyes were on him and Yugyeom let out a whistle. “Look at the muscles, Jackson hyung!”
When Rihanna’s ‘Wild thoughts’ started playing, it was safe to assume everyone collectively lost their cool. You couldn’t bear to look at the abashed protagonists but you also knew they wouldn’t get away without doing anything, especially because they lost to their youngest members. Something had to happen to satisfy their curiosity. Everyone else gathered around you and the girls, sly glints in their eyes. 
The humiliation on Jackson’s face disappeared as soon as he walked over to you, opening the show with a slow and controlled body roll, his defined abdomen contracting with every movement. He thrust his hips forward and inched closer to you, effectively seating himself above you as he kept on rolling his hips back and forth. You added fuel to the fire as you attached your fingertips to his chest, sheepishly pushing him away only for him to draw closer to you. Jinyoung was doing fine on his own too. Following Jackson’s example, he ran his hand down his torso and bit his lip as he rolled his body majestically, then curled his fingers into your best friend’s wild locks. 
And although Jaebum was smiling on the outside, he was reeking of dissatisfaction. He had no reason to; by all means, he wasn’t entitled to judge you for anything but if he could change something about those events unraveling, he would have seated himself above you, right where Jackson was.
“Jesus Christ, give me something to cool down. I could have died.” You joked as soon as the song ended, causing the spectators to erupt in laughter. You ruffled your hair and caught Jaebum staring at you; he looked away.
“Now we talk!” Bambam went over to a vexed Jinyoung and scarcely avoided a punch. “Cheer up hyung, not even strippers move as you do. You should be proud.”
“Boys, warn us the next time you buckle your hips like this, alright?” Bree chuckled and offered you a bottle of beer. “What would your majesties say about a game of beer pong? The winner decides what we play next.”
Jinyoung waved his hand dismissively and leaned down on the grass. “I’ll sit this one out. I need time to glue my integrity back.”
“Ay, hyung, you do that on stage all the time.” Yugyeom teased and hid behind you in fear. “Boys against girls?”
“Sounds good to me.” You smiled. “Who’s gonna play, guys?”
The members gathered around and started discussing their strategy. It was unanimous that Youngjae and Mark should play, based on their high tolerance of beer. Jackson proposed Bambam play in his stead and Jaebum turned to him at his odd remark. Their leader was chosen to be the fourth participant. They put their hands together to do their lucky chant and scattered. Jackson placed his hand on Jaebum’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry I overstepped the line earlier. I wouldn’t, had I noticed the way you look at her.”
Jaebum chuckled dryly. “Nonsense, Jackson. That’s nothing to apologize for. Whatever did you do wrong, anyway?”
“Hyung.” Jackson cocked his eyebrow. “I think everyone noticed by now. And I won’t be the one to ignore it. You’re too blatant, you know? Take the chance.”
Jaebum watched Jackson walk away and let out an annoyed sigh. 
You returned from the house with a brand new deck of cards and placed yourself in the middle of the human circle everyone formed. The night enveloped the nature imperceptibly, the tenderness of the late spring leaving an unusually warm air in its wake. Sparkling dots in the sky made for a splendid tableau and the timid sound of crickets harmoniously completing the acoustic tunes of the playlist. 
“Ladies and gentlemen,” you began in a stern voice, “I present you a little game me and my girls came up with. It’s called the next card.”
“Suggestive.” Mark chuckled and lunged for one of the cookies on the tray.
You rolled your eyes at him. “You pick a type of card you want to play with, either the king, or number four, any of the existing types of cards in the deck, and you put all four of them in a separate deck with what everyone else chooses. Not by clubs or diamonds, but by number. We shuffle them and announce a dare.”
“Oh, so the card that is pulled out has to do said dare?” Jinyoung questioned, sharing the remaining fries with your best friend.
“Correct. The fun thing is we don’t know who’s next. It could be me four times in a row for all we know.”
“Question!” Jackson raised his hand. “Can we make something like ‘the next two cards’ do this or that?”
You nodded your head. “Makes it even more interesting.”
“But we can also ask things, like in truth or dare?” Jaebum looked up at you and you nodded once again.
“However, we are a bit tipsy.” You stated and everyone else agreed through a laugh. “Will anyone have a guilty conscience if we do…certain things?”
Bambam folded his legs. “Does this get dirty real quick?”
Yugyeom smacked him. “It’s you who’s the perverted one here.”
“When we used to play with our friends in college, we used to put something like ‘the next two cards kiss’ or ‘the next card fakes an orgasm’. That’s why we ask beforehand.” Bree completed and nudged Youngjae for another bottle. “We could play it without this kind of things if you feel uncomfortable.”
Jinyoung extended his arm to take the deck from your hands, looking for his desired card. Jackson gave him a subtle look before leaning over to whisper something indistinctive in his ear. 
“I think we’re all okay with that, are we not, guys?” said Mark and was met by no protest. Jinyoung divided half of the deck with Jackson to help choose everyone’s cards and then boasted his ability to shuffle the cards. He proved to be proficient. You seated yourself in between Mark and Bree just as Jinyoung put the cards in your previous spot.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Bambam interrupted hurriedly, a disgusted look on his face. “So if it’s the next two cards kiss and it’s me and Jaebum hyung, does this mean I kiss him?”
“Hey.” Jaebum scoffed at him. “What’s wrong with kissing me?”
Jackson challenged the first card. “You in, or you out, Bam-ah.”
Bambam muttered a silent prayer in his native language and got cackles out of both Jinyoung and Yugyeom. “He shudders at the thought of kissing Beom.”
You looked at Jaebum who was seated opposite to you and he seemed personally attacked by Bambam’s little antic. You chuckled under your breath. His unhappy expression was adorable.
“Let’s take it slow then. Next card dives into the pool.”
“Let’s take it slow, says Jackson hyung.” Youngjae started laughing when the flipped card belonged to the owner of the dare. 
“Well, fuck.” Jackson snickered and threw himself in the water with no second thoughts. All of his members applauded his efforts diligently. Jinyoung was waiting for him with a towel. “Express your wish, Seun-ah.”
Jackson ran his fingers through his wet hair and Bree let out a gasp. All eyes were fast to turn to her before the public cracked up. “It’s not my fault he’s so disrespectful!”
The game continued cheerfully, with dares stretching in a vast domain, growing from eating grass to Bambam licking Yugyeom’s neck and the main vocal watching his soul leave his body as he faked out the sultriest moan he could muster. Anxiety grew as the game took a sharp turn, hands hovering indecisively over the cards. There was a general air of expectancy in the crowd.
“Now to the main attraction of the night,” Bree cleared her throat, trying to compose herself after giving a twerking class, “The next two cards share a beautiful French kiss.”
You clenched your fists. Your card failed to show up during the last few turns and it was a high possibility it could appear at that moment. There were also more boys so it was almost inevitable you would be paired with one of them. Jinyoung extended his body to tend to the cards, wiggling his fingers above them.
“Now, now, now, who should we call out?”
“Stop the bewitching, Jinyoung!” Mark threw a cookie at him and turned his body to Jaebum’s direction. “You might summon Bambam and Jaebum from the abyss of romance.”
Bambam refrained from making any comment. Notwithstanding some member’s objections, the first card flipped was, indeed, Jaebum’s. The leader covered his face with his hands, all the other boys going in a frenzy. They couldn’t miss a chance to explore their leader’s suffering.
“It can’t be. I swear to God, if Jaebum hyung and Bambam kiss, I will sign up for mental counseling.”
“Sign me up for that too, Youngjae hyung. I can picture Bambam drinking bleach.”
“These brats.” Jaebum growled from behind his hands before straightening his body to accept his fate. “Come on, flip the next.”
Jackson hissed and reached out for a dignified pat on the shoulder. “That’s a true man for you.”
Jinyoung poked out the tip of his tongue and slid his finger over the back of the card in anticipation. The look in his eyes was that of a man who knew what was coming next. Jackson folded his arms over his chest, the same twinkle in his chocolate orbs. Jinyoung put the card next to Jaebum’s and you widened your eyes in a stupor. It was yours.
Looks were quickly darted back and forth between the two of you, a bizarre silence absorbing the curiosity of all the people present. Jaebum looked at his card, then at you. Mark shoved your side lightly.
“I mean, we don’t have to kiss if you don’t want to, Jaebum.”
No other team in the world could synchronize as well as Got7 did when they turned to their leader.
“Huh? But I want to.”
You unconsciously pointed to yourself, forsaking any attempt to form coherent words. Jaebum smirked at you as he stood up to walk over to you, offering his hand to help you stand up.
“Look at him, being all sleek.” Bambam clicked his tongue, shaking his head in the process. Jinyoung retreated victoriously to his previous spot, Jackson taking a hold of his shoulders to cling to him. Mark sent Jaebum a wink when you took his hand.
“Go ahead, we won’t watch.” Youngjae stated but failing to disguise the keen interest in his voice. 
A laugh escaped your lungs and you leaned your forehead into the crook of Jaebum’s neck. He circled an arm around your waist, a grin of his own expanding on his lips. When push comes to shove, his members were but supportive so they started chanting the magic word, deepening the bashfulness in your chest. 
“We have to give the public what the public wants, Y/n.” Jaebum whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You pulled back and locked your arms around his neck, a velvety smile directed to him only. 
“Let us obey, then.”
Jaebum leaned in and bound his lips to yours. You closed your eyes at once, melting into the softness of his touch and the addicting sweetness of his lips. Jaebum lost no time to part your lips with his tongue, deepening the kiss with masterful movements. You dissolved into him, detaching yourself from the hoots and cheers echoing in your ears, and indulge yourself in the sinful ecstasy. You were not sure of it but it felt as if Jaebum longed for you.
You pulled away from the kiss and Jaebum leaned in to steal another peck from you. You lowered one hand to his chest and glared gleefully at him. He chuckled and sent you a cunning wink.
“Get a room!” Jackson yelled. “The tension is so thick I need a halberd to cut through.”
“Fuck off.” You laughed at him and reluctantly released yourself from Jaebum’s arms. He didn’t even bother to conceal the satisfaction. All the more to let you know.
“It’s my turn now, huh?” you plopped down next to Mark who poked your lower back to gain a secret handshake. You adopted a smug look as your eyes fell on the cards. 
“Next card lists his three favorite kinks.”
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perksofbeingaharrie · 4 years
PICTURE THIS - part: 4
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Lesson learnt for life - ‘Shri, never post a fic unless you’ve completed written ALL of it’
Welp, I am really not the best at being punctual. My writer’s block can be absolute brutal IM SO SO SORRY YOU GUYS. 
So idk if people remember this story now so here's little recap:
RECAP: Y/N is Harry’s tour photographer and through this they become close and develop a strong friendship. But when you are spending every second of your day with someone, feelings are bound to occur. As the American leg of his tour comes to an end, a little tussle here and there leads to Harry admitting his feelings for her and them getting a little tipsy and ending up spending a night together. 
Now the morning after is not the most pleasant and expectant for them. Find out in Part - 4!
Genre: angst
© perksofbeingaharrie
The morning after is never the easiest. And they knew and had fathomed so the moment Harry’s alarm blared out loud at 8 in the morning.
Harry was careful to have turned it off the second it made a sound and he turns around on his bed, hoping to sleep beside her a little longer. A little longer before both of them would dread and regret it – but mostly her.
But to his much dismay, when he turns over, she has sat up and thrown her feet down the bed on her side, giving him her back as the first view of the morning since yesterday night.
“Y/N.” He calls out, not realizing it, and later feels that his calling happened to have alarmed her even more.
She hurriedly snatches the top of the sheets and dashes for the bathroom, grabbing her clothes on the way. Harry falls back on the bed, defeated and closes his eyes shut to process everything from the night before.
What a disaster it was to bring to their friendship.
With the same lingering thought in her head, she changed into her clothes and came out of the bathroom.
Harry is already outside waiting for her, clad in only his boxers and he immediately jumps to his feet on seeing her.
“Last night…” She begins.
“I meant it.” He says before she gets to finish her sentence. She looks up at him from the ground, flushed. “I meant everything, I swear.”
Her mouth parts but the loss of words makes her retract back. She feels weak in the knees as she throws the sheet she had carried with her on the ground and takes a deep breath.
“How did we even end up doing that?”
He cringes at her choice of words. “I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “I really don’t. But it means a lot to me-“
“Oh, for god’s sake please stop saying that!” She raises her voice. “It is not making me feel any better, Harry.”
He gulps, looking away. “I am sorry.”
She takes a deep breath, crossing her arms over her chest. “Well, what do we do now?”
“I don’t know.” He says, looking at her again. “I think you take some time to think this over. To go through whatever you felt last night – just think about them again.”
“I really thought it would be easy to just be your friend. Just let you go on some occasions, to let you not give me time but – but, I don’t think I can do that.” He breathes. “I don’t want to be just your friend, Y/N. I don’t want to be just a part of your time; I don’t want you to choose anybody else but me; and I don’t want to have to lose you to somebody else.”
Her heart shakes frantically inside her.
“Y/N, I want to be something more to you than just your – your friend.” He finishes, shakily breathing himself. “And I won’t put you through any pressure. You can think over this, I swear. As much time as you want, as many days as you’d like – all my time is yours now. I promise.”
She looks away from him, not ready to absorb all that he has said. Why is there a hesitation now? Why can she not speak up at all? Where is her resolved mind on this?
“We have a flight to catch.” She finally says. “I’ll see you there.”
She left the room right after.
Harry shed some meaningless tears thereafter, not sure what was it that was making him cry so much as he stood under the shower, reliving the night. He packed his luggage then and he also packed her purse she had left behind in the check-in luggage, clearly with no resolve to return it to her soon.
He cannot believe he said everything to her. He places his hand on his heart now and then, feeling it beating for real and comes to it that it really was no dream.
He really meant everything he said, everything he did. He has never experienced this panic and anxiety in a long time as he had when he saw her be so cold and not feel comfortable with him. Why was this discomfort? Was it because of the line they had drawn on their relationship? Of just being friends?
He thought of their life if they weren’t just friends but something more. Though the thought of always having her around and them being together always felt a little obsessive in a way but he did not ever want her compromising and being with someone else.
When they were seated in the airplane after a lot of running around and checking in, their eyes met when she was walking past his seat to the hers.
They locked eyes but she spoke nothing with them either. She appeared shaky and confused and she rushed past, and in that moment, another thought occurred to him.
What if she did not feel the same way as him? What if the amount of happiness and love she has shown and given him, he hasn’t been able to give her the same? He thought of the other people she could be with and if they would give her happiness she truly deserves and he undermines his ability to give her the same.
The sullen thoughts keep him up the entire flight. He does not turn around to look out for her; he does not get up even once thinking he might crash into her and shake her resolve – which could also be to not be with him.
And he accepted how things were until she would herself want to come around.
She extends her legs up to where her seats allow, breathing out loud as if she has been tired for so long. She hasn’t let her mind think over too much – all she did was pack her stuff in, rush over to the airport with the others and check in as soon as she could and be home.
But now in the dim lights of her the airplane, she feels her mind kick back in all that happened to her. And not just memories of last night and this morning but all and everything that her life has been this past few months.
Meeting Harry, spending that one night together just getting to know each other, becoming friends without the spell of that uncomfortable confrontation, The entire tour, private photoshoots, cooking for each other, drinking, laughing and finally yesterday.
If only he could have straight away asked her what she felt and not guilt tripped her this way. Why was she even taking time? She has loved him for all this while and now when he is admitting it to her, what in the bloody hell is holding her back?
She bites her lip in the sudden spur of excitement. God, everything he does to her can never not make her feel like electricity sparking through her. Even right now.
In the aftermath of it all, she decides to tell him everything when they off of this flight. They will start afresh and they will start all bright.
“Gahh, I’m done.” Sameera, one of the management faculty and a close friend, sighs beside her as she shuts her laptop down. She had been working on and on since they had departed, going about writing mails and what not and up till now, Y/N had not thought to ask what it was.
“Finally…” Y/N drawls in the same tone as her. Sameera chuckles and puts away her laptop and stretches her legs.
“It’s gonna be hectic once again when we get to London. I can’t really sit straight, can I?” She grunts.
“Ah, just management stuff, man. There is never just one thing I am dealing with – it all just comes plummeting down.”
Y/N gives a pat to her shoulder. “You’ll be fine, babe. And let me know if I can help with anything. I would, I swear I would.”
Sameera gladly smiles and places her head on her shoulder. Then she opens her laptop and begins to work again. Y/N reads over certain words looking over her head and her curiosity perks up.
“Can I ask you what the assignment is on?”
Mindlessly, Sameera answers back, too indulged in her work. “We’re hooking Harry up with a name. You know, pretend to be involved and stuff. It helps keep the tour in the news and of course, Harry’s name too.”
“Hooking him up?”
“Yeah, like fake dating. But Harry does meet them up and many a times he’s liked them and been with them too for a while.”
Y/N’s silence makes Sameera explain a bit more.
“It’s just PR stunting. It’s been a part of the cycle for some time now. Harry’s okay with it too now I think. He meets them, likes them so hangs out with them or dislikes them and we try to shake off the rumour within a month or two. It’s just how it is.”
There is no more information shared. Sameera is on her work for some time and then she naps away the rest of the flight.
Y/N stays up, too shaken by the reality thrashing her in the face. She was taking chances by betting to be with a star – someone always in the limelight, always living for the limelight. She doubts if she will be able to hold up amidst all this glamour; and hurting one another is the last thing she would want to happen.
She closes her eyes and waits for this time to pass too.
It was close to almost a week since they had returned. The concerts scheduled thereafter were in two days from today and things were very hectic.
She was called in throughout rehearsals and back stage shooting. She would do her work and leave.
He would come over and do his part. He, however, would leave with a longing heart.
It wasn’t easy at all to ignore him. They would end up speaking a few words here and there but the silence that filled right after was impossible to be shaken. The walls that she had begun to build around herself to protect both him and her were starting to bother Harry more than he could imagine.
She saw him shrink more and more into himself and she only hoped he would understand her without having to say anything.
But, he finally loses patience and calls her up today.
When she reaches his place after the call, she is only carrying her camera bag and nothing more, and she rings the bell.
“Come in.” He tells her at the door, walking into his house and leaving her outside.
She closes the door on our way and follows behind him, entering the balcony.
“Let’s get started.” He purses his lips, clasping his hands together.
She nods, placing her camera on the nearby table to her. Sighing, she looks up at him.
“Why are we doing this again?”
He chuckles, humourless. “We always did this – informal photoshoots. Just you, me and you camera.” He throws him arms exaggeratedly towards her camera.
She hesitates, breathing shakily. “No, I meant…why now?” Beginning to unpack her stuff, she continues. “You have your show in like 2 days, why get into this hassle now?”
She watches as he turns his back on her and stretches, all out of restlessness. She gulps and decided to shut up.
“Okay, I am ready-“
His chuckle again makes her stop. “Funny how things we previously did for fun now seem like a hassle, do they now?”
He stands by the railing of the balcony, leaning on it with his arms spread to his sides and gives her a sad look. She cannot say a word to him and only looks him in the eyes with the same look as his.
He takes his eyes off immediately and breaks the tension.
“Let’s get started.”
The shoot is simple. He is in a soft cotton shirt with a few unbuttoned buttons on the top and bottom, and the light wind in the balcony flows around the light material, matching the lost, dewy look of the shoot.
She keeps on going clicking pictures. He almost would always tell her when to stop but today he doesn’t. He lets her keep doing her job as much as she can, telling him to pose, to look somewhere else and everything. She has no clue to how ask him if he is done.  
The sun sets in the background. The natural light that they had depended on now turns to dark and this makes the perfect excuse for her to step back.
“Guess we are done.” She says, pulling her camera to herself to preview.
“No.” Harry ascertains, making her look up once again at his somber tone. “Try with the flash this time.”
She gulps, letting out a dry chuckle, tired with the brutal behavior of his.
“Harry, please.” Her voice is low and tired. “Let’s stop.”
His fists ball at his sides. He feels all the pent-up emotion, the remorse, the pain come back to him and he takes two long steps towards her to now stand right with just an inch of a distance between their noses.
“Stop what?” He grits through his teeth. “Stop even being friends? Even talking and being as we were? Why?”
She steps back one, shaky with the proximity. Her mouth opens to speak but he cuts her to it.
“Scratch that. I want my answer. I want to know what do you want from this and what it meant for you to be in my arms that night, kissing me, touching-“
“Harry!” She cries. Her face softens as their eyes meet – his rage and angst all making her heart pound.
She turns on her heel and scurries back inside the house, picking her camera bag from the floor.
He is trailing right behind her. “Y/N –“
“I just don’t want to hurt any one of us.” She turns around to face him again, putting a little distance between the two of them.
“And what about this? Is this not testing enough?!” He cries back at her.
“Okay, no, no, wait.” He walks over to her. “You told me you love me that day. You told me you love me – didn’t you?”
She closes her eyes, nodding. “I do, I love you so, so much.”
He cracks a half grin. “Then what is it? I love you too, so much. More than you can imagine.”
“You don’t get it.” Shaking her head, she continues. “We are so much less involved in each other’s life when we are friends. You realize being together would complicate it all so, so much.”
“What is the complication for? It is all in your head.”
“Harry!” She puts him down with one raise of her voice. “Please. Understand this; you live in this bubble around all the glam and you have things to do that you are bound to – there is no way you can avoid them.” She pauses. “I am a simple girl. All I seek is small things, sought out things – simple things.”
He shuts up then. His voice holds no longer the desperate tone. He is confused, severely at that, and now all he wants is answers.
“What is it about my life? You’ve been with me for the entire tour, Y/N. I don’t think I did anything for you to feel that my life could be any complicated -“
“Harry, I was with you but always from a distance. You have your commitments, your duties as an artist that you’ve got to fill –“
“You’re going round in circles, saying the same thing over and over again, Y/N.” He cries out.
She takes a deep breath and squares up to spill the truth. “I do not understand this whole thing about going from dating one person to another.”
His eyes squint in surprise. “What-“
“Yes, you’ll have to be with multiple people at times, all through the year and you’ve done that in the past too-“
“Have you ever tried to understand this whole thing or are you just making assumptions –“
“It is the truth, Harry, and that is what gets to me every time I think –“
“Will you let me explain what this whole thing is and how it goes or –“
��No, Harry!” She shouts this time. “This is how you guys are. You go around jumping from one person to date to another – what would you do with being with a commoner? What good would she do to you? Will you get the same kind of promotions, be in the same way in the news, will remain as popular as ever?”
He opens and closes his mouth, her words hitting like spikes to his heart.
“Okay, okay.” She takes a breath out, calming. “Just give it a thought, you know – think a bit logically and realistically. You will need to think about your career at the end of the day. I get it, I get it, there is feelings and all but if we do get together, neither of us would be happy because – because our professional lives and image would keep clashing and –“
Both of them know she is blabbering like a mess now.
He takes a step back from her, rubbing his hands over his face. “Yeah, yeah –“
“You understand me, right? You get it too.” She tries to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah!” He says to loudly and quickly. “I get it. Absolutely. Perfectly.”
They both takes long breaths and look at one another. Their eyes blood shot red, and their faces show the tiredness and hopelessness. They both know this is in no way sought out.
Finally, with the same expressions on his face, he tells her, “Now, get out.”
She feels an invisible force push her steps back to the door. She accepts the defeat and the end and she nods.
“Trust me, this is for the best, Harry.”
Hope everyone’s keeping well and being safe. My wishes and love to you all. 
Look forward to part:5 coming soon and show some love to this write up too!
Thank you for the love and support! 
Big looove
- Shri <3
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athina-blaine · 4 years
Jon goes on a business trip.
Chapters: 1/1 [Complete]
Words: 1,692
Tags: Established Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, Long-Distance
Jon threw his backpack onto the hotel bed and slumped into the desk chair. It boggled him how he could even think about sitting after being trapped in an uncomfortable airplane seat for the last 12 hours, but he just didn’t have the energy to stand. 
Weak, grey lighting wormed through the ratty curtains, washing out the already muted yellow walls and doing nothing to lift the temperature of the room. The second hand of the analogue clock twitched in place.
You get what you pay for.
Martin had insisted he would stay up late waiting for Jon's call, but guilt still twisted his stomach as he dialled his number. He wished Martin would have chosen to get some sleep instead, but, then again, the thought of going another day without hearing from him didn’t feel particularly good either.
The call clicked.
“Hello? Jon?”
“I believe you mean, good morning."
"Shut up."
"Where’ve you been? I’ve been waiting around for ages.”
“I told you I wouldn’t be getting in until around 7. If anything, I’m ahead of schedule.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just kind of hoping you were exaggerating how long it would take. You know, so if you get there a bit early, it’s like a nice little surprise.”
“Martin, if you’re expecting an airport to ever being running ahead of schedule, I’m sorry to say, you’ve already lost.”
Martin’s laugh was staticky in the receiver. “So, what’s it like? Sample any cuisines? Are the locals friendly?”
“Yes, I’ve had a bagel sandwich from a coffee shop at the airport, and the cab driver who escorted me to the hotel shouted at me.”
“What did you do?”
“What makes you think I did something?”
“Ah, well, you know, you can be a bit— And it’s not your fault! You’ve just been in a flying metal box for the last day, so it’s totally reasonable to be grumpy. But you can be a bit tetchy at times.”
Jon sighed. “I suppose I was a bit more aggressive expressing my umbrage at the way he handled my bags than was strictly necessary.”
“My laptop was in there! He threw it.”
“Of course, dear.”
Jon curled up in his chair, wrapping his arm around his knees. “So, what have you been doing?”
“Oh, nothing interesting. Just rewatching old episodes of Emergency Contact. Couldn’t you have at least waited until Monday to fly across the world so we could watch the new one together? Kathy is finally going to find out what happened to her fiancé.”
“I'm sorry, eldritch fear monsters have very little respect for broadcast network scheduling.”
“You don’t have to wait for me, you know.”
“Oh, don’t give me that. What’s the point of knowing some big secret if you don’t have anyone to talk to about it? And don’t just try to know it, either!”
“That would be a terrible misuse of my abilities.”
“Since when did you give a toss about that?” Martin yawned, smacking his lips gently. “Well, I guess I should let you go. You must be exhausted.”
“Not really.” Jon didn’t sleep much these days. “But you need to get up early for work, so …”
Martin hummed. The second-hand of the clock continued ticking pointlessly. A film of dust was beginning to settle on the back of Jon's throat. What a terrible hovel this place was.
“Oh, wait, before you go, I wanted to tell you, you won’t believe what Melanie found while digging around for the Davis case.”
“What is it?”
“Okay, so, you know how the guy was acting super weird and it’s, like, yeah, he definitely killed his ex-wife, right?”
“Yeah?” Jon said, pulling the thin blanket off the bed before settling back down.
“Well, guess what Melanie found in the storage closet of his mechanic’s shop?”
“Her dismembered corpse?”
“What? No, his toolbox. What’s the matter with you? You’re so morbid.”
“That’s a joke, I’m joking. Melanie didn’t find anything, was talking my ear off all day yesterday about it. Absolutely exhausting. I mean, I get it, Brighton isn’t exactly close, but remember when I had to go all the way to bloody Plymouth?”
Jon did, but he let Martin remind him anyway, and closed his eyes.
 Snow crunched under Jon’s feet as he limped through the street, a packet of files tucked under his arm. The custodian at the Federova Research Centre had been furious at the hour with which he asked for one of their documents, but she had quickly reconsidered when she helpfully told him about the gambling ring she was running.
He still felt terribly guilty about it, but it got a little easier every time. He didn’t know if that made it worse.
A gust of icy wind sliced through his coat, chilling his bones. His nose burned as he breathed down the arctic air. He had been entirely unprepared for this miserable weather and fantasized about his dry hotel and a cup of hot coffee.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. Pulling off his glove with his teeth, he took it out and opened the screen.
>aaahhhh!! im burning up!!! help!!!
Attached was a picture of the sun shining in the middle of a blue sky. Smiling, Jon typed a response, the tips of his fingers already uncomfortably numb.
>Be sure to wear plenty of sunblock
He angled his phone at the night sky, blanketed in thick, dreary clouds, taking a picture and sending it.
>oh, yikes. you sure im not the one on vacation?
>You know this isn’t a vacation
>yeah, going on vacation would require you taking that stick out of ur arse
> ):<
>im sorry, it’s a nice stick
>Thank you
>also why are you awake??
>Research. Need I remind you that you were the one who texted me?
>i was expecting you to see it tomorrow!! go to bed!!
>Yes, darling
A light snowfall had begun. Wild animals skittered by in the distance, dark shadows in the corner of his eyes. Tucking his phone away, he continued his trudge, the bruises on his left leg throbbing.
He’d go to bed once he got these documents sorted.
 The black ooze caught Jon’s foot and he crashed to the ground, shoulder crunching under his weight. The creature crept up to his knee, squelching as it latched onto his other leg, gelatinous and soggy. Hissing sharply through his teeth, he clawed the dirt, pulling himself forward. His foot had grown numb.
The creature had reached his waist and his fingers sluiced through the wet soil, his body too heavy to move. Pins and needles crawled up his legs before he lost feeling in them entirely. Though it had no mouth, the creature groaned, the sound of satisfaction one might make as it bit down into their meal.
He grabbed his phone before it ate his pocket and made a call. It rang.
It went to voicemail.
The desperate words died on his tongue. He shut his eyes tightly, pressing his face into the ground and breathing in the musty earth.
“Um, hello.”
A slimy tendril crawled along the back of his neck, leaving a damp trail in its wake before creeping into his hair. It would never wash out.
“Just wanted to see if you were awake. Of course, you aren’t, it’s like 4 AM. Not your fault. Nothing new on my end.” The creature squeezed, pressing his ribs against each other. “No, no, that was a lie. I’m currently being attacked by some kind of blob monster. Didn’t want to worry you, sorry. That was stupid of me.”
The scent of sweet organic fumes struck him, and he stiffened, stomach churning.
“I am trying very, very hard not to die right not, but just in case, figured, should give you a call. Seemed like the right thing to do.” He chuckled, which turned into a splutter as the thick sludge began filling his mouth and his nose. “I’m sorry.”
He ended the call, hand falling limp, still cradling his phone. It was swallowed shortly after.
 The airport was fit to burst as Jon worked his way through it, suffering bumped shoulders and crying children the whole way. The lingering smell of floor cleaner and cigarette smoke made his world spin on an axis, but he pressed on.
He was home. He was home, and he’d be in his bed within the hour. He pictured changing into his pyjamas and crawling under his cosy bedsheets, being held, as he was shoved through customs by sour faced security guards who wanted to be there even less than him and wanted him to know it.
When he reached the airport lobby, something barrelled into his chest.
“Finally,” said Martin, squeezing Jon hard enough to make his eyes pop. “You were supposed to be in two hours ago.”
“I told you it was delayed,” Jon said, resting his cheek on Martin’s shoulder. He inhaled the scent of his own lemon detergent and had a vision of Martin cycloning through their flat in a cleaning frenzy. “You said you were going to wait at home.”
“I lied and you knew it.”
“I did not."
Martin looked up, a gentle smile on his lips. It trembled, his eyes growing misty, before it cracked. “So, um, I know this is going to sound really crazy, but …”
“Do you think you could just, you know, never, ever leave again? Ever?”
He looked so small and scared as he said it. Jon had done this to him. Again.
Jon pulled him back into his arms. “I can’t promise that. But it sounds nice.”
“Yeah.” Martin sniffed. “And I don’t mean just these little jaunts to the other side of the flippin’ planet where you try and get yourself killed. If you go to Tesco, I'm gonna be on your arse. Right? Got it?”
“Of course.”
“You can still go to the bathroom by yourself, that’s okay.”
“Perfectly reasonable. You're dizzying me.”
Martin pinched his arm and pressed his mouth against Jon’s, slow and hungry, before dragging them towards the exit gate.
“Come on, let’s get you in bed.”
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musedblues · 4 years
Always Something There To Remind Me [Part: 3]
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summary: Home is where the heart is. You're working on finding yours. After a handful of misfortunes, your old friend Joe helps to unravel life's greatest mystery while adding a bit of extra grief to the mix.
warnings:  A few mentions of panic attacks, and getting sick a but also dare I say a bit of fluff?!
w/c: 6k
a/n: This has been one of my favorite chapters to write so far. Thank you for all the lovely feedback, lads!
taglist: @im-an-adult-ish​ @mrsmazzello​ @lettinggosthehardestpart​ @the-moving-finger-writes​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​
Part 4
On the walk across the street with your mother, carrying matching bottles of wine, you worried this Christmas Eve was going to be dramatically different than all others that came before it. That you were too far out of the loop to ever fit back in.
But you were at ease the second you passed through the Mazzellos front door. Joe and his mother were the only people bustling around the kitchen, so early in the evening. You'd expected tonight's reunion with your old friend to be even more sensational than the last, but it wasn't. Joe simply greeted you with a grin, taking the bottle of wine from your clutch and spinning around to find a cork right away. Your mothers began spouting gossip near the already set up table, while Joe poured the two of you a drink.
As you followed your old friend toward the living room, you couldn't help but notice how alarmingly normal this routine seemed. This felt much more like coming home than landing at the airport to your teary-eyed mother had, for some reason.
But lots had changed since the last time you'd spent celebrating with the Mazzellos. And you couldn't wait any longer to hear about the things Joe mentioned being apart of the last you saw him. Not long after you settled on the sofa to the tune of his exciting storytelling, you asked for faces to match the names of his new cast of friends he had yet to stop buzzing over. Joe wasted no time pulling up a group photo of himself mixed in with a pretty bunch of actors.
"Lucy is actually the funniest person I know, besides yours truly of course." Joe boasted about a girl who looked as if she was made of porcelain. You had no reason to doubt she was just as flawless in real life. Before you could ask more of her, Joe was already on a roll. "Ben is the love of my life. I mean, come on, look at the guy." Joe proceeded to ramble for a long time about the blonde, telling you how the man with emerald eyes was a loyal and passionate friend, someone Joe had come to trust and admire. "Rami, well, you know him, don't you?" Joe shrugged, glancing your way as he sipped some wine. Oh yeah, you did. The guy was in another production with Joe, back when he facetimed you weekly. Rami had ended up in the background of enough of those facetimes to give you a few meaningful greetings when you called to check-up. You wondered if the superstar remembered you at all. "And Gwilym is-" "Welsh?" You let out a breath of a laugh. Gwilym. There's a name you'd hadn't even known existed until a few summers ago when some old fella down the road kept getting his mail switched up with yours. Joe matched your unexpected chuckle with one of his own, almost like he wasn't sure if he should have acknowledged your remark. So you just shrugged and offered your friend a small grin "Small world."
Thankfully, Joe's muddled expression softened. As you began to wonder one thousand things, he went on...
"He is the best of us. Heart of gold." Joe's bragged as the pair of you focused on his phone screen. There the five of them were, all dressed up, strutting across a lavish purple carpet. Just when you both polished off your glasses of wine, the doorbell rang. Cousins and aunts and uncles started to show up with dessert trays and gift bags. Most of them remembered your name and hugged you like always. It was almost like no time had ever passed, like this Christmas Eve picked up where the last one you attended left off. The most exciting reunion came just before dinner time as Joe's siblings showed up.
John and Mary arrived together, with their spoused and gaggle of children, all of whom you'd never met. A couple of the more rambunctious kids raced up to their grandmother, while John stopped in his tracks when he noticed you.
Growing up, you went to all of his baseball games. You helped him with his homework and bought him birthday presents. He might as well have been your own little brother. But since you'd graduated, Joe's updates about his kid brother stopped coming when his own did, too.
"Oh my God!" John practically tackled you in a hug that everyone around you chuckled over. "I didn't, why did- when did you come back?" John laughed, clearly surprised by your random appearance at Christmas Eve dinner for the first time in forever.
"Is this really happening?" Mary moved toward you. She was pretty as ever, dark hair and bright eyes. You always looked up to her, and she always looked out for you. She rescued you from bad first dates, taught you how to drive and told you highschool secrets, like your own older sister. Now, she shoved John away and hugged you even tighter. You wondered how you'd gone all this time without seeking Mary's counsel and support.
Both of their spouses watched on in confused glee, happy that everyone else was so happy. John's wife was the first to bite.
"Hi! I'm Eva." The pretty brunette smiled at you but cocked her head, clearly lost to why her husband was so excited to see you. Then she said, "How long have you and Joe been...?" Eva pointed to where your best friend stood in the archway of the kitchen, and your mother let out a chortle in passing.
"Ah yes..." You turned to Joe with a sly smile. Maybe you'd been sipping too much pre-dinner wine.  "I'll never forget the day he untied me from those train tracks!" You reached out to latch onto Joe in a comical way, and even though he winced for show, he held onto you like he might have actually wanted too.
"Who's the actor here, y/n?" Mrs. Mazzello joked, batting your arm with a laugh.
"Joe has just been using me for my many talents all these years. I taught him everything he knows." You shrugged with one arm still looped around your friend's neck.
"Those were the days." Joe reminisced with a snicker, keeping his relaxed hold around you.
John was quick to disperse your make-believe bubble to explain to his wife exactly who you were.
"This is y/n. The girl in all our pictures in the hallway." John gestured toward the corner where dozen of snapshots hung of their family at parties and graduations. A handful of which you and your mother happened to sneak into the background of over the years. "She's practically a Mazzello."
"Oh my God." Eva's face fell, and she turned to you with a serious gaze. "I'm so sorry, I've heard so much about you but never- oh, come here." And she pulled you into a hug all the same. John and Mary gathered their excited offspring and made them each introduce themselves to you, well besides the tiniest babies who couldn't. You barely had time to gush over the families before dinner was served.
Everyone devoured plates full of well-cooked food, laughing over things you somehow still understood. Christmas hadn't felt so warm in years. You and Joe moved through even more wine, sharing glances like a secret code when his weird uncle started rambling about politics. When dinner was over, everyone was still happy to linger around together.
When everyone gathered in the living room, you excused yourself to the bathroom. On your trip back down the hallway, a tiny giggle stopped you from rejoining the party just yet. Mary's littlest babe was clinging to the open doorway of Mr. Mazzello's office, a space with oak bookshelves and a writing desk to match. Joe's father could be found there, working until it was time for dinner.
The baby was babbling, pointing into the dark office. He stumbled into the shadows and turned his head before he shifted and looked at you. The baby screwed his brows together and started to ask a question using the only syllables he knew to use.
And somehow, you realized he was looking for Joe's dad. The little boy spun in the doorway again before he wobbled right toward you. Simultaneously, Mary floated down the hall with a baby bag over her shoulder. She must have been looking for the kid. He was reaching up and pulling on your sweater, now.
"I think he wants to go in there." You spoke softly, watching Mary's baby point back toward the dark office. When you looked back up toward Mary her eyes were glossy. She shared a silent glance with you before she bent down to her boy's level. He kept babbling and waving back toward the office.
"He's not there, sweetheart," Mary whispered, smoothing back her baby's hair and breaking your heart. She lifted the kid to her hip and cocked her head, a signal for you to follow.
The office was warm and smelt like cinnamon, not because of Christmas time, but because it always did. Mary flicked the Tiffany lamp on and the room filled with spots of amber light. There were papers scattered on the desk and a chair filled some costumes in the corner like someone was meant to come in and do work at any moment.
"Dad used to let the kids sit in here while he worked." Mary sniffled, while the baby in her arms reached out to touch the book shelve before him. It was filled with awards and photos and crafts.
"I was always afraid to come in and interrupt business." You breathed a laugh, floating closer to monitor the shelve. Right between a photo of Joe and his father at the grand canyon, and a handpainted candle vase, something caught your eye.
There was a Polaroid. You had a camera for a month before one of your friends stole it. With it, someone had taken a photo of you with Joe's dad at play practice. Joe was away that summer, filming and you needed something to do. Your highschool was putting on a production of Grease, the ancient choir director conveniently passed away a week before your first rehearsal, so Joe's dad stepped in to help, last minute. Somehow you ended up as a Pink Lady, without a name or any lines. Joe's dad let you keep that jacket. You gave the Polaroid to Mr. Mazzello as thanks, during the wrap party. Despite having no lines, you were a shite actor, but Joe's dad took it easy on you. That was just one example of the way he'd always sort of looked out for you, you realized.
Mary noticed the photo your gaze was fixated on and said: "You're family, y/n. And I'm glad you're back home."
You couldn't tell if she knew what you'd been through but above all things, you knew Mary was wise enough to read you like she always had. Her baby had retracted away from curiosity and curled into his mother's arm. She noted that it was probably bedtime for all the kids and started to leave her father's old office. You were left alone to turn the light off. Leaving that room on your own terms was the first goodbye you'd said in months that brought you any kind of peace.
Your mother left home in a sequined shaw with a camera around her neck. At midnight, a new year would begin, but someone was getting married before then. She invited you along to help take photos, But just days before, you'd made plans of your own. With Joe. He said there were some people from town throwing a party and he'd been invited long ago. Joe asked you to join him, saying something about how he probably would only go if you came along. Something about that made you agree.
So you slipped into some old dress you'd bought in Wales and made a mental note to go on a shopping spree, soon. Joe showed up at your door, dressed for the occasion too. Tonight felt like more of a step outside of your comfort zone, than a simple New Year's Eve party. But even so, falling back into your old spot at Joe's side was natural, and you didn't have time to dwell on the inner workings of things while he sang along to some old Britney Spears album the entire car ride, begging you to join in. By the time you arrived at the party, you almost forgot that Joe's version of carpool karaoke wasn't the main event of the evening.
He kept one hand steady on your shoulder as you walked from the parking lot and into some modernly styled club. Inside, clear bulbs were strung from one sleek pilar to another. One too many bodies occupied the dance floor while those left behind took up nearly every table and booth insight. Joe directed you toward the bar top where two miraculously free seats called your names.
Just then, someone recognized your friend. A tall man in a dark suit called Joe's name as you eased onto the bar stool. You didn't recognize the guy, and the bartender was asking what you wanted. So you ordered two of the same bourbons and turned back to see Joe rolling his eyes while the stranger was walking away.
"I can never remember his name," Joe admitted, leaning toward you. You chuckled and started to respond when another voice cut through the crowd.
"Joey!" The high pitched squeak hurt your head, and when you turned to see who it belonged to, nothing made sense. Lacy Duval was prancing toward the both of you in a tight sparkly dress. The only thing you knew about Lacy Duval, was that in high school, she was two grades below you, but somehow always ended up mingling with everyone in your class. So it wasn't surprising to see she'd recognized one of you, but it was a bit unsettling to see how excitedly Lacy dashed your way. And it was furthermore of a shock to you to find Joe waving to her with a wide smile, like they'd really known each other.
"I'm so glad you could make it, I've been looking around for you all night!" The girl with silvery blonde hair and a matching bright smile gushed. The bartender slid your drink near your elbow and you grinned his way as thanks.
"Well, it is only 9:30." Joe laughed. Then he reached over and rested a hand on your knee. "You remember y/n right?"
"Of course I do." Lacy turned her smile toward you.
"Hi, Lacy." You smiled back, raising your bourbon for a sip. Another set of faces emerged from the party, and you vaguely recognized them. They knew your name and warmly greeted you. But their interest lied in Joe, of course. They talked him into coming with them to meet someone on the other side of the room.
"Don't worry, I'll save your spot!" Lacy giggled in a way that made you kind of want to leave and go back home. But you just sipped your bourbon and smiled at Joe when he turned to you with a sorry shrug. Lacy slinked past Joe as the strangers pulled him in their tow. Somehow while the only person you knew disappeared into the crowd, you managed to down your bourbon until it was gone. You asked for another.
Then, without prompt or consent, Lacy crossed her silky legs and began to tell you a story you never asked to hear. She explained how a couple of summers ago, Joe was in town filming his very own movie. You knew all about it. You were still in touch with him then. But according to Lacy, she was there. She twirled her hair around a finger while she told you how Joe and his cast would sometimes stop in the all-night diner she worked at back then, and how she would hang around with them when no other customers stopped in. According to Lacy, Joe personally invited her to the wrap party.
"We hung out a lot." Lacy propped her elbow on the bar and her head in her hand. "We didn't see much of each other until his dad got sick, or whatever. We did hang out more when he was home for that."
Your bourbon was gone again. So you asked for a shot of whiskey.
"About time he showed up tonight." Lacy smiled, her teeth sparkling like the glitter her dress was made of. "We've had plans."
"Well, Happy New Year." You smiled. Was she finally done talking?  Someone just as scantily clad and pretty spotted Lacy and hurried up to her for a hug. Your whiskey arrived as the girls scurried into the crowd arm in arm without so much as a goodbye your way. You watched Lacy work the room as she moved through it, keeping that giant smile turned up all the way even when no one was looking. Before you could look away, Joe appeared as if he was making his way back to the bar. Lacy had spotted him too, apparently, and moved like a cheetah to corner him on the dance floor.
So, you were alone now. You could be home alone, but you weren't so, you took your shot of whiskey to try and calm your nerves. This party was way out of your league. You didn't know anyone, not even the people who seemed to vaguely remember you. And the music was pretty obnoxious. But as soon as these thoughts plagued you, a familiar face came into view. Some boy you'd known from high school took Lacy's spot on the barstool at your side. He was your first student, the year you taught your peers to play the piano for some extra cash, freshman year. The guy seemed genuinely glad to see you now, and you had always wondered what happened to him after high school. After catching up for a while, asking a few questions you always wanted to ask him, the guy had one of his own.
"Aren't you married, or something? The last time I saw Joe, he said you were living with some guys in the UK."
Whoa, you were not ready for that one. You sort of hoped everyone had decided you fell off the face of the earth. That thought always eased your mind when it began to wonder what people might ask you, when you moved back home. You hadn't properly prepared an answer for times like these...
"Oh, nope not married." You managed to remain cool under pressure, as the guy nodded in understanding. But of course, he didn't really understand. And he didn't know your throat was going dry at the thought of Kris. You politely excused yourself and headed toward the restrooms.
It wasn't even eleven o'clock, yet but the place was packed with party animals and the only people your recognized were across the floor. Lacy was looping her arm around Joe as she motioned for him to meet someone you couldn't see. The rest of the crowd were blank faces.
Maybe it was the drinks you'd downed so quickly. Or the fact that you still felt like shite at the simple thought of what happened to Kris. You had stopped missing him sometime long before he died; when he skipped town on your last birthday and gave you a present a few months later like an afterthought. That's when you really stopped feeling much for Kris at all. But you never got to end things between the two of you on your own terms. That left a million unimportant arguments burning in the back of your mind. By now, you were just pissed that the situation still had such a massive effect on you. Tonight being no exception at all,
Thank God the restroom was empty. You hurried toward the yellow stalls and prayed no one heard you getting sick. The tile floor was sticky and it hurt your knees. Every moment of this night was more uncomfortable than the last... After some time, you stood to better yourself but felt still felt dizzy as you leaned against the sink counter. The party boomed on and your head pounded. Then the bathroom door creaked open.
"Y/n?" Lacy's shrill pitch echoed through the tiled walls. You felt nauseous again.
"Yeah?" You tried to sound normal, bringing the back of your hand to your lips.
"Did you just...?" She trailed off, and you could only muster a tiny nod before hurrying back to the stall to barf again. Lacy's heels clicked toward the door and it slammed shut. Who would want to watch some girl throw up alone on New Year's Eve? You took your sweet time drinking from the faucet and taking deep breaths in the mirror. You decided that the moment you stepped foot back in the party that you were going to have a good time. Or at least pretend a little harder too.
But after you pushed open the restroom door and started to walk into the crowd, a hand grabbed you and spun you back around. It belonged to Joe, and he was pulling you toward the exit.
"We're going home." Joe decided loudly over the annoyingly loud music.
"Oh no, why?" You pretended to dread. He only pulled you close and guided you through the front doors. A few strangers watched on as you left before midnight. The city streets were empty and quiet, and Joe's car looked warm form the outside.
"Lacy said you got sick?"
"Oh, yeah." You shrugged. Your goal wasn't to ruin the party. "We don't have to leave because of me." You felt sick again.
"First of all yes we do. It wouldn't be fun if you feel bad. Secondly, it was already no fun. They were only playing Katy Perry."  Joe seemed truly disturbed. You had to laugh. The ride back home was quiet.
Joe parked outside your front door and followed behind as you walked up your porch steps. You stalled with your hand on the doorknob and announced that you planned on starting the new year off with a bubble bath. But declaring the peaceful plan didn't make you feel any less horrid. Then Joe softly assured you that he'd be across the street if you need him.
"You aren't gonna go back to the party?" You wondered. Why wouldn't he?
"Why would I?" Joe furrowed his brow, truly confused. You only chuckled and shook your head as you slowly twisted your doorknob and thanked Joe one last time. Then you went inside, even though it looked like Joe had something to say. He could tell you in the morning, you thought.
You felt better in the stillness of your home, surrounded by warm bubbles and candlelight. You changed your sheets and put on an oversized sweatshirt from Australia, one Joe shipped you as a Christmas gift the year he spent filming there. You watched the time on your phone turn to midnight and wondered if Tegan was having a good time. Last year, she helped you throw a party in the pub, and you didn't shut down until five a.m. This year you were snug in bed, high off the scent of your freshly cleaned sheets and relishing the quiet.
You must have succumbed to sleep, but it wasn't long before you shot awake with a tightness in your chest. Sometimes the nightmares faded as quickly as they appeared, leaving you with a racing heart all the while. It was still quiet and you were still alone. Your phone read two in the morning, and there was a text from your mother announcing she booked a room across the city after her wedding shoot. She wished you a happy new year, and that's when everything really started to crumble for you.
Something about being all alone, in a new space and time made your throat close. Your hands buzzed and tears stung your eyes. Every time you tried to close them, the worse your heart sped up. You had no choice but to let yourself cry a little but still couldn't fall asleep when you learned to breathe again. So you scrolled mindlessly through your phone hoping the internet would distract you long enough to fall asleep again.
Your Instagram feed was flooded with photos of friends in new year party hats with drinks in hand. There was a video of someone's baby comically dancing to auld lang syne, and a series of firework boomerangs. Then- a picture that caused your eyes to roll.
You didn't even realize you were following Lacy Duval. But lo and behold, the newest post on your feed was one of her very own. It was a selfie of her and Joe, from tonight. Her arm was tight around his neck, and he looked happy under the red-tinted lights. There were a few hundred likes, and the first comment you saw, read: "You two again! Looking good as ever."
What the hell did that mean? You wondered enough to click on Lacy's profile. Sure enough, between rows of facetuned selfies, there was a slew of photos of Joe on Lacy's feed. One photo of him wearing her bedazzled sunglasses, another of the two of them sharing a booth at the diner Lacy mentioned before.
Your bedroom suddenly felt like a trap, like your mind wasn't the issue. You felt like you did when you'd been grounded as a kid. So you got out of bed and descended the staircase, flipping a lamp on in the living room. Somehow the change of scenery completely changed your mood. You sank into the sofa among decorative pillows and a quilt you'd left behind some days before.
You nestled there, flipping on the tv and decided to play Parks and Recreation in search of a reason to smile. Then your phone buzzed from the coffee table where you tossed it. It was a text, from Joe.
Hey, you still up?
You glanced up to the telly, then back down at your phone, wondering why he was. You had just been on social media. Maybe Joe noticed you were active. Maybe he'd gone back to the party after all.
Yep. You good?
A few minutes passed until he responded again.
Want some company?
A tiny laugh escaped your throat. Why would he want to come over at two in the morning? You couldn't understand how Joe had known to offer his company in this moment when you felt the loneliest you had in a long while. You could help but type back that you were unlocking the door and for him to come in whenever he felt like, if he really did.
You sat back down among the den of comforts that was your old sofa, and watched Parks and Recreation with a wandering mind. You weren't even sure what you'd been thinking of until the front door jostled open, and you snapped back from your zone out.
"Happy New Year!" Joe excitedly boasted. He was dressed in joggers and an old sweatshirt, and he held a paper sack close to his chest as he shut the door behind him.
"What's up your sleeve?" You laughed, stretching your arms as you sat up all the way. You watched Joe cross the room to rest his mysterious bag on the coffee table and sit near you on the edge of the sofa. It wasn't quite like your friend had come over for a visit, but rather like he was finally home after a long day. A warmth bloomed in your chest at the thought of Joe existing back in your orbit, and being happy as always to do nothing together.
"Doctors orders." He spoked as he reached into the paper bag. "We've got some overpriced drug store candy. A bag of ginger cookies. A magazine I found with Bruce Springsteen on the cover, and this." Joe named all the things he revealed from the bag one at a time, ending with a small envelope he handed to you. It was a card with the words "Get Well Soon" scrawled in outlandish cursive. Inside was blank, besides the doodled Joe had drawn of a frowny face wearing a droopy party hat. You laughed out loud, glancing up to your friend who looked quite proud.
"Thank you, Joe. You didn't need to come bearing gifts." You gave him a look as you rested the card on the table in front of you. You hadn't even felt sick since after your bath, anyhow.
"Uh, of course I did. Now shut up and try one of these. This was like, twelve dollars." Joe chuckled, reaching for a golden tin of suckers that came in elaborate flavors like ginseng, lavender, and cinnamon.
"You're out of control." You mocked, shaking your head but peering into the tin all the same. "Simply ridiculous."
"So you're saying you don't want one of these?" Joe jeered, pulling the tin away right as you started to reach in. You scoffed a laugh, moving your hand to shove his shoulder in protest.
"'Course I do! You've truly saved the day." You softened, really meaning it. You were having a really rough go of it until he showed back up. Joe reached in for a sucker and you did too, pulling one that was honey flavored. When you settled back into the sofa, happy with your choice, Joe followed suit. His shoulder pressed against yours and a new episode of Parks and Recreation was starting.
"Sorry the party was so lame." Joe pipped up, pouting as he watched the opening theme play through.
"It's okay." You decided after a beat. You could have assured him it wasn't so bad, but it wasn't great. And you really appreciated Joe's efforts to make your night more enjoyable, whether he realized that's what he was doing or not.
"Do you wanna watch something else?" You offered, suddenly realizing you had nothing left to offer him as thanks for everything. Joe shook his head and stuck in sucker in his mouth like a little kid, and you had to laugh over how much this felt like highschool. Then you settled closer near him, enjoying your candy just as well. Joe's arm fell warmly across your shoulders while a couple of episodes played through with Joe's occasional added commentary and bursts of giggles. You laughed too, but your eyes grew heavier with each passing scene. You hadn't even realized you were falling asleep until you felt Joe take your sucker from you loose grasp. Your head had fallen to his shoulder, and your eyes couldn't stay open one second longer. Parks and Rec’s familiar theme song echoed through the room as you dozed off in a flash, the easiest sleep you'd had in weeks.
Your home was quiet again when morning came. You were laying on the sofa with your favorite quilt gently draped over you. Joe was gone. When you stretched into the morning, you noticed a note on the coffee table, where Joe's slew of presents were left from the night before.
"Happy first day of the rest of forever. Thank's for letting me crash for a while. Maybe next week we can have a real party. This has all been an elaborate excuse to use one those fancy quill pens your mom keeps around. x o x o."
You snorted at Joe's thoughtfulness, always going out of his way to let you know how he felt. What had you done to deserve his remarkable friendship after all this time? You dwelled on the thought as you tidied up the living room and went about your day.
Your mother had started traveling for work. She was currently somewhere in Denver, taking photos of some happy couple. Leaving you alone to jump over the last of many legal hurdles you faced after coming back home. All you had to do was get from one place to another, delivering some business to the social security office, to confirm you were living back in the states.
The winter's thickets blanket of snow had been reduced to sheets of melting mush, but last night's bitter winds froze the mess to the ground. You waited around the house long enough for salt trucks and rush hour to wear down the roads before you hopped in the jeep your mother left behind. No big deal, you'd driven dozens of times before... just not for a while. You decided your reward for this nerve-wracking mission would be getting dinner from the best pizza place uptown.
You drove down the block with white knuckles, and onto the highway without even thinking. When you realized how far you'd safely made it, you relaxed enough to sing along to Billy Jole as you drove. This was way easier than you'd hoped.
After successfully delivering your paperwork,  you parked in the pizza place lot and ate a piping hot slice behind the wheel while scrolling through social media. Your phone was near dying when you decided to head back home.
Billy Jole was still a great company as you felt your self grow more comfortable behind the wheel. You were in complete control and everything was fine.
Until a loud unsettling POP came from somewhere outside your vehicle. Your car had obviously just blown a tire, slumping to the left in the middle of the highway. As you held your breath and tried to slow down, your remaining tires lost traction on a rouge patch of ice.
Your car gracefully slid off the road toward a speed limit sign, scraped against the pole and spun around to a halt.
"Damn it!" You cried, tearing your white knuckles from the wheel and covering your face in your hands. Your heart was pounding and your throat closed shut, but a pathetic cry still managed to escape.
A couple of cars breezed by, leaving the highway otherwise empty while you sat trying to pull yourself together.
You weren't hurt. The radio was still blaring Scenes From An Italian Restaurant. It was a little cold, but you were okay. That's what you kept repeating over and over until your hands stopped shaking and you could breathe a little better than before.
"Oh shit." You whimpered, hopping out of the car to monitor the front left tire. The rubber smoking, peeling away from the rim. You hurried back in your car and found your phone was only at nine percent. Who were you even going to call forty minutes away from home? Oh, that's right, no one lived there anymore. Joe was in the city again. Mary was a lawyer and John-
You pulled your phone to your ear as it rang.
"John? Hey, you live uptown don't you?" He said so at Christmas.
"I do! Stopping by to reminisce?" He laughed.
"I have a really huge favor to ask."
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, well, I'm having some car troubles." You explained where you had been left stranded on the highway and how it all happened. How your phone was dying and you needed to call a towing service.
John promised he was right on his way, and you were able to call a service to come and get your car while you waited for a ride of your own.
His blue Buick slowed and eased off the side of the road only fifteen minutes later. John stepped into the frost-covered grass and leaned toward your open driver's window as you collected your things.
"Did you get through to a towing service?" He asked right away.
"They should be here in no time." You assured, and right as you had, a truck came creeping toward you from the other side of the road. By the time everything was sorted out and you eased into John's passenger seat, it was nearly nightfall. He cranked up the heating vents as you glanced around, noticing a car seat in the back, piled with a few bright children's books.
"Man I can't believe baby John has his own baby now." You beamed, turning to face Joe's little brother. He chuckled, stealing a glance your way while pulling back onto the road.
"Almost four, I wish he was still a baby."
"Yeah," You halfheartedly agreed. You wished you could have been around to know the families as they grew. You'd missed out on so much, and for what?
"So what's it like being back? Christmas felt like it always used too." John smiled, easy-going as always. Funny how he saved the day and went on chatting as if it wasn't a big deal, you thought. Weren't you the one supposed to be rescuing him from silly little mishaps like these? Maybe this was an all-new alternate reality.
"I was glad to be there. It had been far too long." You breathed, glancing out the window to the cold grey highway.
"Eva still feels bad for not recognizing you right away." John laughed. You couldn't help but chuckle, too.
"Oh, how could she?" You wondered. You hadn't been around. But you didn't want to dwell on that anymore. "It's not the first time someone thought I was Joe's hot date." You chuckled light-heartedly.
"I'm sure it won't be the last." John rose a brow, like he might have had more to say. But after a beat, he went on rambling about how glad he was that you'd been at the first Christmas his dad was absent from. How things felt less grim than he expected. And how he was glad to know space nor time could keep you from crashing the party.
When John dropped you off back home, you couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. You concluded that the indecision was better than falling into your usual downward spiral, and hoped things would only get better from here...
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vlogsquadssquad · 4 years
Travel Mixup
Summary: you're friends with David and go to New York. you end up not having a hotel room, and David comes to the rescue. its simple and soft, maybe it will have a part 2. very relaxed.
warnings: none.
A/N: this is my first random piece. I got inspired one morning and wrote it all out. I really liked adding pictures I think that's something ill keep doing to add more depth. I really love the pre-relationship stuff so forgive me if I write more about that than anything. also don't be shy to send me an ask, or give me critiques. im new to writing fanfic but have always loved writing in general.
you’ve been friends with the “vlog squad” for a while now, you guys were always going somewhere or doing something. it was fun. youre an actress who met david and gang at a party and just hit it off. david always wanted you in the videos, or hanging out for edit sesh. you liked that. you enjoyed his company. even just sitting in silence.
this morning you and a few of the gang were going to new york city with david. everyone booked their flights and hotels already and were all ready to go. of course your assistant booked everything for you.
you met at davids house dressed in a comfy outfit for the plane since you knew you’d want to sleep.
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as you walked through the door jeff pretended to faint and fell to the floor at the sight of you. jeff has been asking you on dates, and to give him a chance for a while now. but you just weren’t ready to put yourself out there yet. you giggled at his goofiness and pushed up your glasses.
“get up, you’re so extra!” laughing at yourself for using that phrase.
david walked in the room looking down at his phone till he noticed jeff being helped off the floor by you and looked up. “finally beat his ass or?” david questioned.
finally everyone had arrived to davids and we all headed to the airport together. you sat next to jeff on the floor and he kept cracking jokes and making you laugh. it didn’t go unnoticed by david. he kept checking in the rear view at you. natalie, who sat in the front, gave him a nudge when she noticed. he kept his eyes on the road the rest of the way.
the plane ride went smoothly, you sat first class with david and natalie. david fell asleep first which made you grab his camera and film him sleeping as well as make an instagram story.
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as you landed everyone unanimously agreed to get food. everyone headed to the hotel to drop off the luggage and then head out to eat. everyone checked into their rooms and you were next.
“hi, it’s for y/n. just one bed.”
“hm.. i’m not seeing anything here. it’s *spells y/n*”
“uh, yeah. ok hang on let me make a phone call to my assistant.”
you nod over to david to go ahead and check in. after he gets his key he walks over to you in a heated argument with your assistant.
“NO. i specifically told you this hotel! how do you screw up everything? before it was small things but this is a big one. how do you fuck it up i genuinely want to know.”
david taps your shoulder. “hang on, ryan.” you look to david with frustration in your eyes. “we can just ask if there’s another room, i don’t mind paying either.” david lowers his voice to a whisper, “he’s a dumbass” you nod at his fix and just hang up the phone.
“hi, i’m so sorry my assistant messed up. is there any chance you have a room available?” she clicks on the keyboard and then looks up apologetically. “i’m so sorry ma’am, we don’t.” you look to david again and laugh at the current situation. of course it happens to you. “well, y/n you can just stay in my room, i don’t mind. it’s not like we haven’t slept together before- i mean... not like that! like-“ you laugh infectiously which makes him laugh in turn. “it’s just we’ve fallen asleep on the couch before together or you’ve fallen asleep waiting for me to finish editing in my bed. it’s not a big deal.” you nod and wrap your arms around him. “thank you because finding a hotel last minute in NY would be absolute shit.” you laugh. you take your things to the room and look at the view. it’s amazing. “i will never get used to this” you say in almost a whisper. “yeah, i know. it’s insane. i will never get used to it either.” he rubs the top of your back which snaps you back to reality. you look up at him and smile then politely step aside to grab your wallet and phone. “i’m hungry, you ready?” you ask. david smiles his toothy grin. “is that even a question?”
a day of filming, eating, and laughing with your closest friends has come to an end. you all go to your own rooms back at the hotel and you follow david to his. your heels that you changed into a while ago, clicking in the hallway. as you enter his room the first thing you do is take off the heels. “ah much better.” you sigh, “do you think you got anything good today?”
“oh for sure!” he smiles. “i got lots of things. i’m excited to put it together. i might start editing tonight i don’t know.” you look to the window and see the view at night. it looks like a million stars below you. “what the FUCK! look at this! this is incredibly insane!” he laughs and heads to the window. “it’s definitely beautiful.” he says soft as his eyes wander up to your face. as you’re about to take a picture for instagram. david steps back to take a picture of you
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you turn around and see david with his phone. “you taking pictures of my ass? it’s great but that’ll be $200” he laughs and shows you the picture. “wow” you breathe out.
the rest of the night is blissful. you on your phone watching tiktok, and david editing. well, at this point he’s just watching tiktoks with you. nothing will happen tonight and you both know it. but when you two do decide to take that next step, you’ll be ready for him. you can’t imagine a better person for you. and he is completly in awe of you and everything you do.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
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title: will you be my date?
pairing: Jensen x reader
fluff 2020 sq: fake dating
rating: pg-13
tags: flirtation, wedding date, fake wedding date, meeting again first time in months, meeting the friends, faking it for the press, whats fake becomes reality, alot of fluffiness ness
summery: not telling
created for @spnfluffbingo​  
fluff 2020 masterlist     part 1   part 2
our reader had met Jensen in disney world orlando of all places their month long vacay was spent together, their lives forever changed by that moment. now we come in after they have been apart and not seen eachother for almost 7 months.
it had almost been 7 months since the vacation that changed your entire life. you had gone and gotten a press job, you were set to cover a wedding in california in the next few weeks.
you made ready to travel and of course your best friend was coming with you. every good journalist needs a second in command. someone to take notes and answer calls and such. she was happy to do so.
Beth: “whose wedding are we covering?”
YN: “i dont know but its gonna be a wedding for the ages. i just hope there is no surprises while we are there and that we can outscoop those vulture presses in california.”
Beth: “why do they always have you covering weddings?”
YN: “cause my first article was a small wedding cover on a teacher at the university who had asked me to cover their wedding for the school paper. this firm liked how i did it so they have me covering weddings of all types.”
Beth: “have you heard from him?”
you smiled cause you knew she would ask. she always did like the caring best friend she was.
YN: “yes he said he was gonna be traveling for work in the next few days. so we will find time to talk in the next week or so.”
Beth smiled she knew you had fallen hard for Jensen and the way she had heard you speak about him she knew he had to be your one. as you were his.
Beth: “dont fret girl, you both will be back to your text routine in the next week. right now we have things to prepare. now lets go through the checklist.”
ah yes the check list. the same one you both went through a few days before every single trip you both took. this list went as follows:
pack: toiletries, 4 shirts, 2 pants, 2 skirts, 2 shorts, 2 sweater, 5 dresses, 4 shoes, camera, tripod, notbook, laptops, and other such equipment.
print out flight info, press papers and such.
call the landlord and let him know bout your trip and that he can collect and drop off your mail.
call your familys to let them know that you both were going on another trip.
double checking that you have everything packed the night before your flight.
eat when at the airport easier and less likely to be hungry on the flight.
call your boss and let her know your getting on the flight.
that was the list. this list gets checked, checked and triple checked. making sure that anything and everything you both would/might need while away was with you. this was your normal.
there were times you wished you could see jensen even for a moment to tell him of your stronger feelings. cause that was something that you simply did not do over text.
5 am flights are evil, but 330am flights are the devil. the good news was that you had this was the best flight of your life and best part was that your boss charged everything to the company card including any spending you girls may do while there,
being in this field of profession was amazing. most of the time you both took full advantage of this. okay all the time. this was the few times where you could both splurge and not worry bout the bank accounts.
Jensen was the one who was also boarding a flight at the same time. little did you both know was that you would see eachother sooner than you both would think.
Jensen: “bro i wish i could see her again trust me when i say i feel it, she is my soulmate. she is the one i am meant to be with for the rest of my life. but how do i tell her of these feelings over text. it doesnt seem right. when/if i see her again im gonna tell her the truth.”
Jared: “if fate comes together the way it should, you will in time bro. you will see her again and have the chance to tell her the truth.”
Jensen: “ya i guess your right. so you ready to go. Misha isnt gonna wait forever.”
within a few hours on a flight you and your bestie were at the airport, grbabing your luggage and heading to meet the cab to get to the hotel you were staying at.
the  Ayres Hotel Manhattan Beach LAX this was one of the nicest hotels you both had stayed at in your adventures. you checked in and went to your room.
YN: “do you think i could ever be truly happy.?.”
Beth: “what ever would give you such an idea that you wouldnt be?”
YN: “maybe the fact that Jensen is all i have been able to think about when it comes to dating and i have no idea where he is or if i will ever see him again.”
Beth: “believe me girl when i say that you will find your happily ever after with the right man, whether that be Jensen or not.”
YN: “thank you for being my best friend.”
Beth: “your welcome now lets get into something cute and go for a stroll through town there are bound to be a few small shops that we want to hit. dont worry bout anything girl. we will find love soon. both of us.  dont worry about any of this relationship buisness. now whose wedding are we covering this time.”
you took out the notes and looked at the name. before now you had not heard of the show supernatural. you were not in the know how, you were in the comic book side of things and more into superheros. Supernatural never came up.
Beth was the one person who you always counted on when you were well going through life. you knew that one day maybe sometime soon, you would find thr one person you were always meant to be with, or the fact that you possibly have already found yours.
Jensen and Jared were in the same area as you and Beth little did you know that you would both bump into the 2 men who one of which had already strolled into your life and practically stollen your heart.
Jensen and Jared were walking in suit of you and Beth neither of you aware of the other party. but as Jensen and Jared were walking along they realized that they hadnt eaten.
you had made your way into the food court with Beth, you both sat in the santa lucia in that food court waiting for your pasta bowls. both of you waiting for the pasta and thats when you heard it, when your ears caught wind of the voice you had not heard for almost 7 months. the voice that had calmed you down.
the voice that made your vacation in florida alot better. you got up out of your seat and turned around.
YN: “Jensen.”
at the sound of his name Jensen turned towards you. it was like something out of a hollywood movie, you both moved magnetized towards eachother landing once more in eachothers embrace. after months of not having seen eachother, not being able to feel a single touch or to hear a voice was as breathtaking as the day you both first met.
lingering in the embrace for a while made both of your best friends finally realize what the hell just happened.
Jensen: “omg i cant believe that your here.”
YN: “you cant believe it, neither can i. but what are you doing here i thought you were working?”
Jensen: “im the best man at my other best friends wedding.”
You smiled…
YN: “what a coincidence im here as a journalist to cover a wedding suppsed to be a huge deal and im supposed to get the best most amazing article ever again.”
Jensen and Jared decided they would join you and Beth for lunch so you and Jensen could have some time.
Jensen: “im sorry i didnt tell you where or what…”
YN: “no worries. neither of us lied we just werent specific. whose your best friend whose getting married.”
Jensen: “whose your client?”
Beth chimes in at that moment…
Beth: “why dont you both say the first name at the same time on the count of 3.”
you and Jensen turned to face eachother as the countdown started…
Beth: “1… 2… 3…”
both you and Jensen had taken a huge breath to make sure that it would come out clear as a bell.
Both (Jensen & YN): “Misha…”
the looks of shock crossed both of your features…
Jensen: “your one of the reporters covering my best friends wedding…”
YN: “yes and im gonna write a better article than any of them… i have many journalist enemies. ask Beth my best friend and partner in journalist crime fighting.”
Jensen: “its very nice to finally meet you Beth YN has spoken nothing but good things about her best friend. my best friend in the universe is the man sitting right beside yours this is Jared…”
Jared who now was gazing at Beth turned to you to greet you.
Jared: “its an honor to meet the mystery woman who my brother here had not shut up about. dude did you tell her?”
Jensen now had his hand around yours firmly but neither of you had noticed anyone out of the ordinary around. but in truth there were photographers. hidden ones 2 of them, snapping photos of you Jensen Jared and Beth little known to any of you but your photos would be all over the tabloids in the morning of next.
unbeknown to those photographers your boss was also a lawyer and she would eat those photographers bosses for breakfast lunch dinner and dessert.
Jensen: “Jared, Misha and i are celebrities we are the main stars of the hit tv show Supernatural…”
YN: “i didnt realize.. i mean no disrespect or anything but i would have had no idea that you were a celebrity if you had not just told me…”
Jensen: “i hope your not mad that i didnt tell you.”
You put your hand on his and smiled.
YN: “i am not mad at all… umm there is nothing about this in any of my books.”
Jensen: “well we will have lunch, all 4 of us will go shopping and touring and then we will go back to the hotel and introduce you to our hit tv show. speakign of which what hotel are you guys at?”
you were smiling as you pulled the room card out and showed it to Jensen, who just smiled happily like a kid in a candy store. this was probably the happiest moment you had experienced since your vacation to florida.
Jensen: “so we are in the same hotel and our suites are right beside eachother. this is gonna be the best few weeks ever…”
YN: “agreed plus now you can experience the world the way i see it…”
Jensen: “i look forward to it… now whats for lunch?”
You smiled and remembered how much you missed Jensen’s commitment to every single meal…
YN: “never ending pasta bowls if the waitress comes back… but i was now thinking maybe we can all just split a couple pizzas whatever we dont eat we can get in take out containers and eat for dinner tonight… oh that reminds me Beth did you bring the list and the bags?”
Beth smiled and nodded. you had the backpack she had the purse and the shopping bags. the guys got the just of what you were talking about when they saw all the bags…
Jensen: “wow you are gonna do some massive shopping hmm…”
YN: “well we dont plan to eat out every single night and day… sure we are on company card with no limits but thats not how we roll we always stay in a hotel with a suite style so kitchenette and such…thats why we are where we are.”
Jensen: “you are as smart as you are cunning and beautiful. now lets go shopping and maybe ill get something special for a special girl.”
this made your heart flutter of course neither you not Jensen had admitted anytihng yet. but maybe it will come out soon. but not right then.
YN: “your so sweet… but i am still hungry…”
Jensen: “then lets bring the waiter and order our food…”
Jensen waves down the waitress who comes take your order and comes back 20 min later with your food, the bags full of your pizzas portioned into meals, as well as the pasta bowl for you all to split.
after lunch, you all exited the food court and went to walk around. you and Beth hit several hundred stores for clothing, stationary, electronics, groceries etc. Jensen had bought several items since he went everywhere you did as Jared did Beth.
Jared: “i have an idea why dont we all watch supernatural together i think both of these ladies deserve to see why we are some of the countries most amazing actors. cause im sure we have enough snacks to make it quite far in the show. plus i think we can all also play a game or 2 of truth or dare… make this a game night…”
with everyone in agreemnet, you all hit a few more shops on the way back to the hotel. arms full of shopping bags full of food and miscellanious items of various varieties. including another 2 small suitcases to help bring back everything you and Beth bought.
arriving back at the hotel, you all head into your seperate rooms to put down all your shopping stuff, then Jensen and Jared arrive back a few moments later to see you going through the papers on the table.
Jensen: “what are you doing beautiful?”
YN: “going over my list so i know what i have to bring to the wedding… which i know isnt for a few days yet but if i want to write the best article and make my boss proud once again i have to do all the research i can…”
Jensen looked at Jared who nodded his head as both of them were thinking the exact same idea…
Jensen: “do you want a few quotes from us as we are in the wedding party…”
you grabbed your notebook questionaire and pen and ushered the guys to the table.  where sitting down the following interview took place:
YN: “thank you both of you for offering to give me some insight ahead of the wedding. i know you both are dedicated to every cause you must be involved in but you both have so many talents. can either of you tell me any details about the wedding from your perspective?”
Jared ushers to Jensen for him to answer the question…
Jensen: “Misha is our dear friend, brother and co star so its an honor for us to have helped him with his wedding. this wedding contains a kind of simpleness that would soothe any bad mood. from what ive seen of the hall already it looks amazing and the couple is happy as can be. we are all very exicted about the big day.”
you finish writing down the quote and then you smile as you look at your question list.
YN: “one more question, who will both of you be bringing to the wedding as your dates?”
Jensen: “im going solo to see what the evening harolds for me.”
Jared: “same here, cause we mostly want to make that evening about Misha and Victoria, they need to have the most amazing day ever and if we can find our happiness during the event then we will pursue whatever comes our way.”
YN: “thank you both of you for those beautiful words. ill definately have the best article now… i believe someone said something about introducing us to Supernatural. and will there be some cuddling involved?”
you sent a wink Jensen’s way..
Jensen: “so ladies where are we watching the show? out here or in one of the bedrooms?”
both beth and Jared noticed the subtle enchanges between you and Jensen, knowing that with the cuddling would come eventually fallin asleep into your afternoon naps, which usually would take place after lunch.
you held Jensen’s hand leading him into the bedroom where the bed was right in front of the television. this television was already programed with netflix and such.
Jensen and you took off your coats and shoes and got cozy on the bed. Jared and Beth sat on the fouton couch and quietly watched you and Jensen hoping that you both would find happiness in eachother.
but it was up to you and Jensen to figure out from within yourselves first if you both truly wanted this. Jared and Beth wouldnt interfere… they just wanted their friends to be happy.
YN: “okay whose got the remote cause we dont.”
Beth: “im on it bestie…”
she shot a wink your way and you smiled as Jensen’s hand was on your thigh under the blanket. his fingers cool to the touch on your skin. this was your happy place.
Jared: “you both are gonna love this show…”
the pilot starts and you feel Jensen’s fingers tracing circles into your thigh, Jared and Beth are on the couch looking all normal cozy. you and Jensen were all bed cozy.
at the end of the pilot you and Jensen nodded off, the exhaustion had finally caught up, your head was Nestled into Jensen’s neck his arms were around your form as you both were passed out.
Jared: “they passed out faster than expected. would you like to go back to my room so these 2 can sleep for the night in peace.”
Beth: “lets go cause im sure they arent waking up anytime soon.”
Beth and Jared sneak out of the hotel room, you and jensen remain peacefully asleep, this was your salvation. this was to be your future if you played your cards right.
several hours later you and Jensen stirred to the smell of Bacon and food variants. Waking up you both smiled and got up walking out of the bedroom and into the main room.
On the table was the rolled up newspaper, you un rolled it, that’s when you got up and backed against the wall. You were starting to break down.
Jensen: “YN what’s wrong?”
You only pointed to the newspaper on the table and started to cry. Jensen looked at the paper and would have fallen on the ground if the chair had not been there. That’s when Jared and Beth saw the paper.
Jared: “oh my God!”
Beth: “shit. Jensen get YN into the other room and make sure she has her phone she needs to call her boss now!”
Jensen gets to you and carries you to the bedroom, both of you sitting on the bed. He hands you your phone with which you hold before it rings. Jensen takes your phone and answers it:
Jensen: “hello."
Talia: "is YN there? I saw something on the tabloids and… Wait a minute are you Jensen?”
Jensen: “yes thats me… i wish i was meeting the woman who YN says is the best boss in the universe under better circumstances. she and i both saw the paper, she is in shock… she is unresponsive im afraid…”
Talia: “can you put me on speaker so she can hear what i have to say…”
Jensen puts you on speaker.
talia: “YN i know you are on the verge of a breakdown but i just spoke to the LA times and they are using it as blackmail against you. they want you to drop your claim on covering the wedding of Misha Collins and if you dont they will keep following you and Jensen and spreading more and more destruction to your name. i can not even stress how this looks, i hope this works out im also negociating with the director of the LA times on your behalf. you both cannot afford to be seen in public together before the wedding. so take great care and be careful.”
YN: “talia please be smart when negociating with these LA Times Snakes. and please keep us informed as to what you find. and tell them i will not renounce my claim on this story, i will not be bullied into something as petty as blackmail for finding someone special and sitting down to have lunch with them but thank you for talking to them...”
Talia: “your welcome. talk to you soon.”
the call disconnects leaving both you and Jensen in the bedroom. this was to be your downfall. you could not handle being the center of attention especially now knowing that it was blackmail.
YN: “im so sorry about this Jensen. if not for me you would never have gotten involved with this stupid News paper company. the la times has been after me for years. since my first time covering weddings here in LA i have been at war with the LA times. and this is the last straw. they have finally played their dirty card. fine i guess it will have to be most upsetting to them when they learn why im the best at writing wedding articles which they are about to learn this lesson the hard way.”
Jensen: “let me call Misha so we can figure this out…”
Jensen pulls out his phone and hits dial on Misha’s number… once Misha answers the following conversation takes place:
Misha: “ah its my best man…”
Jensen: “have you seen the la times today good buddy?”
Misha yells to be handed the paper and gasps as soon as he sees it…
Misha: “thats the girl whose supposed to be covering the wedding. shoot me a text on where you guys are. ill find a way to come to you… or i can meet you wherever whenever i just need to know more.”
Jensen: "drive your self for this one Misha cause no one can be trusted, the LA times is blackmailing YN we are currently on lockdown in the Ayres Hotel Manhattan Beach LAX. Pull to the underground parkade entrance, wait for jared he will meet you down there and he will drive you into the parkade and park the car in our room spot. He will then bring you up to the room where we are."
Your only concern was that your feelings were growing stronger, neither of you were fully aware yet of the others affections for the other.
You and Jensen spent the next few days away from public eye, before the wedding hanging out binging supernatural with Jared and Beth as well as playing monopoly.
Oh that was how you all showed your awful sides. Of course Jensen was sweet at times during the game but not always. Then it was the night before the wedding, this was to be the night that you would supposed to present your feelings out loud to Jensen.
you and Beth were getting ready to leave, Beth making sure that she had everything for the both of you to have an amazing evening as well as get the article done and the photos and everything else.
Beth: “are you sure you should still go and cover the wedding...”
YN: “im not gonna let these LA snakes get away with blackmailing me i need to do this... i need to prove that i cant be scared so easily. plus if i dont go tonight i wont probably get another chance to tell Jensen how i truly feel. now do you have everything?”
Beth: “yes i have the bags, the camera, the spare camera, and everything else that i think we will possibly need for tonight. dont worry girl, jensen misha Jared and everyone else will be there to safe guard you from the horrible snakes. now lets go. Jared is downstairs with Jensen in the car.”
You both head down the elevator and smile alot, the dresses you both now wore flowing with each graceful step you both took.
The car became into view, Jensen and Jared were waiting to help you both into the vhicle...
Jensen: “my god you girls look fantastic. YN lets kick some reporter ass...”
YN: “exactly. now lets go this...”
Beth and Jared look at the way you and Jensen are with eachother and come up with a brilliant idea...
beth: “fake it... guys you already act like a couple so take it a step further fake date fake being a couple at the wedding only a few of us will know the truth but the others will have no idea that its fake. the fact that the times already thinks you a couple, so why not trick them into thinking they were right.”
you and Jensen agreed, for the sake of your sanity and your job you had to sell this fake reality of you and Jensen as a couple, also it might be the easiest way to confess your feelings to Jensen...
jensen: “im game, if it means getting those la snakes to back the fuck off..”
YN: “absolutely. plus it will make one hell of a bonus article. and for once i would be in the news instead of reporting it... beth could write the article...”
Beth: “it would be an honor. how long till we arrive at the site of the wedding...”
Jared: “about 10 minutes.”
Jensen: “how bout when we walk up we pose some romanitic photos let them chew it all up, then when its right we tell them this rivalry is over... but kinda want to make sure tonight is as realistic as possible.”
YN: “but of course we will do what we can to make tonight real.”
the car stops and you look out the window...
YN: “i am so scared of this, but there is a massive part of me thats like this is gonna be the best end to the rivalry i could have ever asked for. now lets kick some la snake ass!”
Jensen opens the door and steps out first, Jared follows then Jensen holds his hand out to you which you graciously accept. the press begins to have a field day, they begin to snap photos and try to get quotes from both you and Jensen.
Jared and Beth are right behind you. all of you stopping every so often for photos but not talking to the press, that would be for later.
Jared and jensen led both you and Beth to the back where Misha and Victoria were Beth put her bag for you and her back there as the song started.
The people gathered in their seats. You guys filled Misha and vic in on the plan. the ceremony started, the music played Jared and Beth went down the aisle first, Beth stood on the brides side while jared stood on the grooms side.
Jared: “hey how do those LA snakes look?”
Beth takes a small glance at them...
Beth: “they are chattering amongst themselves. their photographer is also itching to take more phtoos of Jensen and YN... do you think this is gonna work?”
Jared: “as long as everyone else does their part, there will be victory for us this day!”
the processional continued with you and jensen coming down the aisle. the camera lights flashing many many times. you and Jensen split to your seperate sections as the song changed.
Misha came out first and stood to the left of jensen. then victoria came out a few moments later. her walk up the aisle turned many heads. you had set up 2 tri pods that were catching the photos on your press of a button.
this article on the wedding would be amazing! Your heart begins racing a thousand miles a minute, beth hiddenly puts her calming hand on the small of your back... there was a huge pit in your stomach, you didnt know why but there wasnt alot else to say about that.
Priest: “i now pronounce you husband and Wife. Misha you may now kiss your bride...”
you go into happy mode as the wedding ceremony finishes, misha and victoria exit the ceremony hall back to the starting room with you jensen jared and beth behind them.
Misha: "i cant believe that just happened. Jensen YN we are very impressed with how you both are pulling this off... “
YN: “thank you but i am very very shakey right now i need to breathe.”
Jensen watches as you go to the window and stand there... he then turns back to the others...
Jensen: “guys we need to divide and conquer... during the speeches tonight i will confess my love to YN, and when i do she will realize that my feelings are as real as hers... yes i know her feelings are real... i have been noticing the signs... tonight not only do we take down those LA snakes but i also confess something alot larger than any of us know.. the power of true love.”
Beth: “let me go see how YN is doing i have known her for well ever and she does well under most pressure but this is breaking point. she needs the right kind of comfort... we have been through many of these through the years of reporting and its always the LA snakes that set it off... now lets see if i can coax her out of the corner.”
Beth went over to you, she didn't want you to feel alone. But she wanted to make sure you were okay.
Beth: "you okay girl."
YN: "no the way those snakes were looking at me was nerve wrecking. I have never been the news in this way before. I am scared they can't be allowed to get my rep down the bad way."
Beth: "and you think this plan of yours is gonna work out for the best?"
YN: “it has to, i have to show the world that i am no one to be triffled with, i have to make them regret messing with me, i have to show the world that i am no longer the same mild reporter who started covering weddings all those years ago. i have to show the world who i belong too. Jensen is the one. he is the one that i want to spend the rest of my life with. i just hope that he feels it too.”
Beth gave you a side hug. this is your best friend, the one person who you can count on. pretty easily i may add. anyway, you and Beth walked back to the wedding party. 
Jensen: “ready to go mingle the press... eevryone know the plan?”
everyone nods, Jensen takes your hand followed by Beth and Jared walking out to greet the crowd. ignoring the press for now you all mingle with the different guests, the press just turn their noses, the tripods still doing their jobs, oh man was Beth gonna be surprised at all the amazing photos. also great for a photo album. 
YN: “just be prepared for anything. me and Beth went round and set up some tripods, controlled by the touch of a button, that Beth will have control of right now. i have 1 particular shot that i feel might get those snakes to reer their ugly mugs... just dont let me fall..”
Jensen: “im down, besides i would never let you fall.”
you, Jensen, beth and Jared all greeting guests and smiling photographers taking photos or at least trying to, but something kept making them blury. oh ya it was the extra flashes that you and Beth had installed. 
Jared stepped away from you all for a moment to go to the podium.
Jared: “thank you all for coming out, the wedding party myself included would like to thank you all in honor of the bride and Grooom for coming out to this momentus occasion. the bride and Groom will make their appearance again shortly but first things first every please find somewhere to sit, make yourselves comfortable. and ill be back up here shortly to introduce the wedding party including myself as sooon as i get the okay. now find your seat!”
while everyone made their ways to their seats, you Jensen and Beth were waiting by the wedding party  entrance.Jared came back and smiled standing by Beth. 
Beth: “how did those snakes look?”
Jared: “they looked positively pissed that they havent gotten any good shots of YN and Jensen. something about the flashes or something like that. i have no idea. honestly im gonna be happy if this plan works. so when it comes time for the speeches, obviously Misha and Vic will go last, jensen and YN will go second ill go up with Beth first... once everyone is seated that is...”
looking at all the people now fully seated there were so many feelings swirling inside you. but about 99.9% of those feelings were nerves, the nerves of what was about to happen. 
Jensen: “your gonna do amazing, just keep calm and know im not gonna let you fall. do not let these snakes get the better of you.”
YN: “i know. i just hope they don’t come out of this trapsing my name more through the mud and flushing my career further down the toilet. i cant begin to describe how i am feeling at the moment, i just want you to know that whatever happens out there, whatever is said, i want you to know that everything is the truth.”
Jensen smiled as Jared and Beth walked up to the podium as jared began to speak once more.
Jared: “whats good guys! i am Jared Padalecki groomsman to the groom, this lovely lady beside me is Beth Larsen bridesmaid to the bride. now the maid of honor and the best man are yet to appear but before they do let me introduce us a little bit. so i have known Misha for well several years now, our friendship became instant. when Misha got engaged both me and Jensen the best man, immediately threw him a bunch of parties, all 4 of us jumping immediately into wedding planning. we had our own ideals, we had alot of fun planning and putting all thought and soul into this special day. this is a day of memories, this is a momentous occassin that i am sure will go down in history as a wonderful wedding for the ages. now i am proud to introduce the wonderful Best Man and the even more lovely maid of honor, please put your hands together for Jensen and YN!”
the crowd went nuts, the photographers took photos and notes as you and Jensen walked up on stage together. standing at the podium side by side jensen speaks first. 
Jensen: “thanks Jared for that awesome introduction. whats up Los Angelos!!! i am Jensen Ackles, the best man and Misha’s other best friend. when i heard Misha was getting married i was eccstatic. he was achieving the thing i want most in this world. is to be happy, to love and be loved in return. and in my own way i think ive found it.”
YN: “hey everyone, most of you reporters know me but for those that need a name to the face, my name is YN. my life is not always this glamorous. i cover weddings for a living. since this year began i have been on vacation met some new friends and happily i can announce that i think i’ve fallen in love. for these last few years i have been persecuted by one particular news group the LA times are blackmailing me, but i am here to tell you that i have to confess that this entire trip to LA has been mostly spent locked away in my hotel room. i had friends surrounding me, but you LA snakes do not scare me but you need to be scared of me. for everything that you guys are doing right now is being recorded, photos are being captured the credit for the article that will cover this wedding for my news paper forum goes to my best friend beth larsen. she has gotten every single moment and i hope she catches this one too.”
thats when you turn to jensen and smile as you hold both his hands in your own before continuing to speak.
YN: “7 and a half months ago, jensen walked into my life. literally. but our story was not too end there, what started out as embarrassing now comes round full circle. i know that this life isnt easy, and this is definately gonna drag my name through every single news board in the world. but Jensen i love you! its time i stop trying to fool myself by denying my feelings and just come out and say it. this is really sudden but will you consider coming back home with me and Beth once we are done here?”
Jensen looked at you like you were a completely different person, someone he knew but didnt know. someone who he knew he was meant to be with for eternity to come.
Jensen: “well as my flight is with Jared and seeing as though he seems pretty cozy with beth im gonna say yes i would be honored to come back home with you. YN i love you too. i just didnt know if you felt the same way. now as sure as i am standing here i know you are the one i want by my side always and forever.”
thats when he spun you round and kissed you, the passion bringing camera flashes from all across the room. the rest of the party reception thing was a blurr, the one thing that you and Jensen remmebered was the confessions you both had made. that was something neither of you would forget anytime soon. 
~to be continued~
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mikkagale-blog · 4 years
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PRE-TEST (Multiple choice)
1. What is peruses means?
a. something b. examine c. typically in a thorough or careful way
2. Willingness to secretly allow or be involved in wrongdoing
a. connivance b. hammer c. declined
3. A cancer of the blood or bone narrow?
a. hypochondriac b. leukemia c. covid
4. Huge glowing ball of hot gas
a. moon b. star c. rain
5. Which word is similar to Between?
a. across b. amid c. ultimate
One day, there's a girl named Gale an ofw who works very hard in Singapore and believes in destiny and true love. Circumstances in her family led to Gale's departure from the Philippines and work in various jobs in Singapore. One of her job involves pet sitting, the dog of her friend. Dess, is the boss and a friend of Gale. One day in a park, Gale sees Kurt who seems sad and heartbroken. Suddenly, a thief grabs Kurt's bag and then goes after the snatcher. Gale also pursues the thief and gets the bag from the thief but Kurt is nowhere in sight. She peruses Kurt's smartphone to find contacts and inform them about the whereabouts of Kurt's belongings. Aside from being a pet sitter, Gale also works as a household helper for Belle who turns out to be the stepmother of Kurt. Oh, you have a new smartphone? That's nice Gale. No, madam, I get this from the thief, he get this bag from a boy I saw earlier but until now I really don't know who's the owner of this bag. Let me see. Gale give the bag to her madam. Until Kurt sees Gale in their living room with her stepmother browsing his smartphone. Gale and Kurt have not met personally, So you are the boss of that thief? Aren't you? Answer me!! (Kurt shout) No!! Your wrong!! I can never do that to anyone! My parents grow me with a full of respect to others and specially to don't judge on people you don't even know!! Gale answered Kurt. Kurt confronts Gale saying that she is connivance with the thief. After arguing, they accidentally fall and hug in the couch. Belle comes into the scene and ends their feud. Gale eventually returns Kurt's bag and their friendship starts. When Gale go home she share what happens to her on her friends. Lany and Clara her boardmate also her friends. You know guys I met a boy today. Gale says it while looking at the sky. Is he cute? Lany ask. Do you type him? Clara ask. Can you please shut up! What are you saying? My point is the way I saw him I had a feeling that he's not okay you know what I mean? I feel something that he carry a big problem. I save that boy earlier from the thief. Really?? Did you meet already?? Friends ask gale. I actually realize that the world is to small then Gale laugh. I meet him into my boss house and he is the stepson of my boss. Anyway his so very judgemental! It is right that he say I'm one of the thief who get his bag? Do i look like that? This face??? Clara says, you know Lany I really want to sleep right now. I think I also need to sleep right now. Then Gale laugh. Kurt call Gale. Phone rings, Hello is this Gale Perlejo? Kurt ask. Yes, who is this? I'm Kurt Buenavista. The one who owns the bag that you get..... from the thief. Ah, so you are the judgemental boy I saw in Mrs. Belle house. Yup, can we meet now? Exactly 1:00 pm For what?? Don't ask to much, just come okay? Okay. Hays! (Roll eyes) 1:00pm Wheres that boy! He said 1:00pm but his not yet here. Hays!
Oh there you go! Why your late? Mr. Judgemental? Gale said.
My name is Kurt, never called me judgmental.
Okay fine. So why we need to meet here? Gale ask.
I decided to treat you because you save my things to that thief. So thank you. Also sorry for judging you. Kurt's said.
Okay i accept it.
And they finally become more friends start that day. They always seeing each other. Eat and more.
One day, Gale decided to go to Dess house and bring some dogfoods and Fruits for dess.
Hello Dess! How do you feel right now? Are you all good? Gale ask Dess.
Im good gale, thank you for this fruits.
Dess said.
You want to go outside? Gale ask. Oh yah sure bring me there on our favorite spot. Dess request to Gale.
Gale push the wheelchair into their favorite spot. Do you see that star? Dess ask.
Yes. I see it. Gale answer.
Whenever I saw that star, I remember my ex boyfriend. Dess smiled.
Can I know what happened? Gale ask.
I broke up with hime 3 years ago, I leave him in the philippines because of this leukemia. I don't want to hurt him. I really love him so I decided to leave him so that he can forget me slowly. When the right time is come I may also be that star looking on him and seeing that his happy with his new one and that's my dream for him. Dess cried while telling the story to Gale.
Gale get some tissue and give to Dess.
Don't cry Dess. Maybe he will understand you and maybe he will forgive you. Gale hugged Dess.
Another day was spend again by Kurt and Gale.
Until one night. Kurt and Gale talking..
You know I have to move on my life after proposing to my ex-girlfriend Sandra 3 years ago who left me without any reason. (Kurt laugh)
Kurt said while looking at the sky.
One night, I decided to take Sandra for a date, not just date, Because I decided to propose to her that night. We go to our favorite place and sitting at the back of my car and looking to that star. (Kurt pointed out the star.) That star reminds me of her. We always looking on that whenever we have an argument or something. Its just that star will lead us to make our relationship longer. But that was a fake I think. Hahaha (Kurt laugh)
(Gale remember what Dess say to her, and confusing face)
I don't even know why she broke up with me that night. And I....
Kurt, I want to go home. I think I'm not feeling well. Gale said.
Oh, Sorry okay I'll tale you home.
(While Gale lying down on her bed)
So, Dess and Kurt.... (gale cried)
Noooo!! This is not true! Maybe I'm just overthingking. Gale stop it!! You can't fall inlove with Kurt!! That's not right!! (Gale cried)
(Friends enter to the room)
(Hugged Gale)
One morning.. Gale goes to Dess house and start her job which is taking care of Dess dogs.
Dess to Gale
You are sick?
No I'm okay, its just I having lack of sleep. How about you? How you doing?
Im okay, Blessed because im still alive hahaha. Dess laugh.
Dess, can i have a favor?
Oh sure what it is?
Can we go out tomorrow?
Oh for a??
We will just eat outside, my treat dess.
Oh sounds good, okay. Since Im always here in my house I will go with you.
Okay thats good. Thankyou Dess.
Until one night, Kurt tell to Gale that he has a feelings for her.
Gale.... I need to tell you something, I think I have a feelings for you.
(Gale laugh)
No! Your joking Kurt. Hahaha
No! Im serious. And I know and I have feeling that you also have a feelings for me. Kurt smiled.
Gale pointed a restaurant. (Noodlecup)
Im hungry, lets eat.
Oh your hungry okay lets eat.
After eating..
Kurt can we go out tomorrow?
Can you meet me tomorrow?
Oh thats new ah? Hahaha sure for you!
Okay then, goodbye see you tomorrow.
(Gale hugged kurt) gale enter the house.
Take care, gale said.
Gale arranges the meet up between Kurt and Dess so that they can finally meet and talk.
While Kurt is sitting and waiting for Gale..
Suddenly... Kurt sees Dess standing and looking on him.
Dess move backward and continue to walk.
Sandra wait!!! Sandra!!... (kurt shout)
(Sandra's stop by walking)
So you're here? How long? (Kurt)
Why you even tell me that you will go here? Huh? (Kurt)
Answer me Sandra!! (Kurt)
Kurt, I'm sick! (Sandra/Dess)
I have leukemia! (Dess/Sandra)
What? Sandra? Why did you say it now? Why did you not tell me that before? That's why you leave me?? Just because of that fvcking reason? Huh? Sandra!? (Kurt)
No, you know kurt how much I love you! (Sandra/Dess)
That's why you leave me and ignore me. Hahaha (kurt)
(Kurt look at the back)
(Kurt saw Gale crying)
(Gale, run)
Gale waaaait!!! Wait!!! (Kurt)
No kurt, you and dess need to talk. (Gale)
You know sandra?? (Kurt)
Yes, Im the one who take care of her and her dogs (Gale)
Kurt, Dess loves you so much. She did not mean to hurt you. She do that not because she don't love you! She did that just because she wants you to train that every single day her lives will be no longer. (Gale cried)
But, Gale, I love you! (kurt)
Kurt, I love you too, but this might be happen. (Gale)
(Gale runs)
Meanwhile, Gale decides to return in the Philippines. In their meeting, Sandra/Dess tells Kurt that he is happier with Gale and he must go after her.
Gale did not make it in the airport due to an accident. In the hospital, Kurt prays that he would not lose Gale because he loves her so much.
(Gale opened her eyes)
Kurt? Why are you here? Gale ask.
Gale, I love you! Kurt said.
(Kurt hugged Gale)
(Gale cried)
(After a few months, Dess passed away)
(Kurt brings Gale to a beautiful place)
(They are sitting at the back of Kurt's car)
Kurt, look that star. (Gale pointed it)
That is Dess. Dess are looking on us.
She's now happy for us. I know it. (Gale)
Dess!!! My friend!! Thankyouu for this gift!! Thankyou for giving me this kind of boy!! I promise that I will be the to continue the kove that you give to him I promise that!! Take care there!! And here's nambo!! (The dog) His now missing you...
(Gale shout, while looking to the star)
Sandra, As what I promised to you! (Kurt)
(Gale think and confused)....
(Way back to Sandra and Kurts Talking)
Kurt, Gale loves you so much! She always telling me what happened between you and her. I hope that this ring (get on her pocket) will be placed on Gale's finger.
I'm so happy for the both of you. I wish that you will live happy together. Promised me that you will take care of her. (Sandra/Dess says while crying)
Gale,, You know how much I love you! and I want to spend my whole life with you.
(Kurt take the hands of Gale)
Gale, can you spend your whole life with me??
(Gale,, cried)
Yes!! Kurt!! Gale answered.
(Kurt hugged Gale)
The story concludes with a scene in Verona where Gale and Kurt are seen happy together and the story ends with a kissing scene on a church between Kurt's and Gale's wedding.
1. Who are the main characters in the story?
2. What does the story all about?
3. What illness that dess brings her to give up with kurt?
4. Who is sandra in the story?
5. What type of person is sandra is?
6. Why sandra wants kurt and dess to talk?
7. What type of personality does kurt have?
8. What is important between you love, or the one who loves you?
9. Is the story can relates in our industry now?
10. If you was sandra, will you be like her?
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taetaespeaches · 5 years
Hello! Im not really sure if youre taking requests 👉🏻👈🏻 but i wanted to ask if you could post something with Jimin soon?:( ((i also had this idea since he has so much love to give, i think he'd treat his s/o in the best way possible, but he can also get insecure so something like he gets both of them the promise rings cuz he's scared that s/o might want to look for someone better than him once he goes on tour:()) really like your writing!!
“Aren’tpromise rings kind of a big step in a relationship? We should probablyconsummate this”
Jiminx Reader (or oc)
Wordcount: 1,721
 a/n: I hope you enjoy this! This idea was so cute! Thanks for sending in the request :)) 
Asyour mind slowly awakened into consciousness, you could feel soft touches onyour cheek, then your nose, then your other cheek, finishing at your forehead.You groaned as a hand found your lower back.
“Areyou awake?” Your boyfriend’s voice whispered into your ear as his plump lipstickled the lobe before pressing a kiss to it, reminiscent to the touches onyour face moments before.
Groaning,you nuzzled your head into your boyfriend’s chest, which vibrated from hisquiet laughter.
“Ah,you are awake.” You could hear hissmile in his voice.  
“No,I’m not,” you mumbled into his chest, making him giggle more.
“Ohreally? I could have sworn my kisses woke you up. I guess I’ll just have to trysomething else,” he singsonged. The teasing in his voice alerted you to what hehad planned before his fingers even made their way under your shirt to grip thesides of your waist.
“No,Jimin, don’t…” Suddenly, he rolled on top of you as his fingers worked attickling your sides mercilessly.
Throughfits of laughter, screaming, and squirming underneath him, you managed to grabhis face in your hands and kiss him hard, halting his attack. He shifted hisbody so he was no longer lying directly on top of you, his fingers softeningagainst your waist as he held onto you. As his lips worked on yours, the kissbecame gentler but deeper.
Separatingfrom his lips, you planted a kiss to his chin. “I’m awake now,” you whispered.Looking up at his face, you admired his sparkling eyes, still slightly swollen froma night of rest, and the way his happiness displayed itself on his sleepyfeatures. You had never seen a more beautiful sight than Jimin’s smile,spreading across his face, making his eyes turn into crescents.
“Good,”his smile transformed into a small toothless one before it left his facecompletely. “I don’t want to waste a second of the time we have left.”
Smilingsadly at him, you pushed his messy hair off his forehead.
“God,I’m gonna miss you,” he said, sorrow evident in his tone, as he nuzzled hishead into the crook of your neck.
Runningyour hand through his hair, you nodded, barely whispering out a “me too”.Feeling tears build up in your eyes, you squeezed your eyelids shut. Both ofyou were struggling with his impending departure for tour. With approximately fourhours until he had to leave to the airport, where he would board a plane andfly halfway across the world, every tick of the clock felt like anotherfracture in your breaking heart.
You’dbeen through tours before, but this was the first tour since you’d made amends with each other for past mistakes. The tour was serving as a reminder for your worst times together. 
Youfelt Jimin take a deep breath, the warm air hitting the skin of your neck in ashaky exhale. He moved his head away from your neck to rest his chin againstyour shoulder, his face smushed into the pillows underneath you.
“Hey,”you tucked your chin in as you tried to look down at your boyfriend. “Are youok?” After a moment, he shook his head and you felt his body tense. Frowning,you rubbed your hand up and down his back. “Baby, will you look at me, please?”
Rollingover, he laid next to you, his teary eyes meeting your own. Gently, you placed yourhand on his cheek, running your thumb softly against the smooth skin.
Sniffling,he grabbed your hand in his and placed a soft kiss on the inside of your wristbefore rolling over to reach inside the bedside table drawer, wiping his eyesas he did. After a few seconds of pushing the contents of the drawer around, herolled back over to look at you once again, being met with your confused expression.  
Helet out a single breathy laugh at your face. “Here, sit up,” he said as hemoved himself into a sitting position. You faced each other, both of yousitting cross-legged on the bed. As you raised your eyebrows expectantly athim, he looked down to his hand, your eyes following, falling on the smallblack box he held in his palm. “I got you something,” he said shyly. “Well,us.”
Confusionset across your face again as you tried to decipher what was happening. When heopened the box, you were met with two small silver rings.
“Theseare promise rings,” he shyly explained.  
“Yougot us promise rings?” Surprise was evident in your voice, but the tone wasgentle. Jimin nodded in response, a nervous smile pulling at his lips. They were just simple bands, but they hadsomething etched into them. Squinting your eyes to inspect them, you made outthe initials PJM on one of the rings,and the other had your initials carved into it.
“Iwanted to make a promise to you. That while I’m gone on tour, my feelings foryou will never lessen, but instead only grow stronger.” You could hardly seeJimin’s shy smile through the distortion the tears in your eyes had caused.
“Jimin,”you pouted as the emotions wet your cheeks. “I promise you that my feelings foryou will never lessen either.”
“Areyou sure?” If you somehow missed the doubt in his voice, you could definitelysee it written across his face.
“Ofcourse, I’m sure.” Leaning forward, you placed your hands over his, which stillheld the box with the rings. “I really love this gesture, and I’m gonna cherishthe shit out of this ring when you’re away, but, Jimin… did I do something tomake you doubt my love for you?”
Jimin’shead snapped up at your question. “God no, y/n. No, Dear, it’s not you, I promise. I swear I haven’t doubted you in so long. It’s…” he pushed his lips together ashe tried to find the right words to express his feelings. “It’s my own stupidinsecurities,” he frowned, disappointed in himself. “They’re hard to kick.” 
You nodded understandingly as he continued. 
“It’s like, when I’m here with you, I feel so secure. But, whenI’m away, I don’t know… maybe seeing this ring on my finger, feeling itsweight… maybe it’ll stop the doubts. Sometimes when I’m on tour, I just… you know,” he drifted off. 
“I know,” you said simply. 
“Istart to feel like I’m not enough for you. You know, sometimes I think you should findsomeone else. Someone who can dedicate more of themselves to you and more oftheir time…”
“Jimin,stop…” you shook your head.
“But,god, y/n, I’m selfish,” his reddened orbs met your own. “You probably dodeserve someone better, but I really don’t want you to find someone else whileI’m away.”
“Better?”Shock was etched across your face and laced in the tone of your voice. How long had he been feeling this way? “Baby,there is no one better than you.” Crawling towards him, you sat yourself in hislap, enveloping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Droppingthe box onto the bed, his arms immediately wrapped around your waist.
“Doyou know how much I love you?” You whispered into his hair. “How much I respectand adore you? How much I cherish every single thing about you?” You pulledaway from him, grabbing his head in your hands to make him look at you. Yourhands cradled his jaw as you spoke to him. “Dammit, Jimin, I already have thebest person in the entire universe. I will never look elsewhere. I know what Ihave, and I’m never giving you up. I lost you once, I’m not doing that shit again.”  
Emotionstook over as tears ran down Jimin’s cheeks, his grip on your waist tighteningeven more. The both of you stayed still for a moment as you held each other.When the tears slowed, you lifted Jimin’s face to look at you once again.Wiping his cheeks, you tilted your head to the side and smiled softly.  
“Ionly see you. Whether you’re right here in front of me, or halfway across theworld, I only want you. I promise you, that no matter how far apart we may be,it will always be you. Now and forever.”
Releasingyour hold on Jimin’s cheeks, you reached down toward the box and took out thering with your initials on it.
“Ipromise you, that no matter how far you go and how long you’re away, I’ll waitfor you.” You placed the ring on his finger before kissing the palm of hishand. “No matter how far apartwe may be, it will always be you.” Finally, a smile graced your boyfriend’sface, your heart sighing in relief.
Reaching forthe other ring, you placed it into Jimin’s hand before gesturing to it withyour head and holding your hand out to him, clearing your throat for emphasis.“Your turn,” you whispered with a teasing smile.  
Eyes turningto crescents, he threw his head back in laughter. Oh how you love thatprecious childlike laugh. Smiling at you, he gently took your hand into hisas he placed the ring onto your finger. “I promise you, y/n, that no matter howfar away I am, I will always love you with my whole being. No matter how longI’m gone, I will always come home to you.”
Placing hishands on your cheeks, he pulled you towards him, your lips meeting in a sweet kiss.As you pulled apart, he rested his forehead against your own. “And, I promiseto always cherish you and never take you or your love for granted. I know howlucky I am to have you. I promise to always make you feel appreciated.”
“I’m thelucky one,” you told him as you gently caressed the side of his face.
Shaking hishead, he mumbled a “nuh uh” onto your lips before kissing you again. Suddenly,he pulled away, breaking the union between your lips, leaving you surprised. Lookingat him with wide eyes, you took in his excited expression. 
“Aren’tpromise rings kind of a big step in a relationship? We should probablyconsummate this.” He looked at you with big expectant eyes as his hands grippedyour hips.
Smacking himlightly on the chest, you feigned shock. “Oh my god, Jimin,” you laughed.
“Is that a nothen?” He giggled.
Biting yourbottom lip, you leaned into his lips again. “I didn’t say that…”
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Seventy-Three: A Joyous Moment ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Seven years...seven years she’s been waiting for this moment. Since that fateful day her sophomore English teacher assigned them all penpals from all over the world to help improve their English.
Hinata, oddly enough, wound up with someone from her ancestors’ lands. Though a second generation American, she and both her parents (as well as her sister) all bear names from Japan. Which, yes, got her teased (and goodness knows how many times both first and last have been mispronounced…), but she’s proud of her heritage.
Which meant a kind of excitement at being matched with a student from Japan. While the project would only last the semester, she hoped to learn more about the lands where her bloodlines came from.
Uchiha Sasuke was his name, as it would be said there. The same age as herself. At first, of course, it was rather...stiff. Formal. Especially since Sasuke’s English was a bit...well, by the book. Slang was nearly non-existent. Not that she minded. That was the point, after all: to give them someone to help practice the language with. They talked about their schools, their lessons, their friends, their family...all rather basic, predictable things. Sasuke would talk about his brother, Itachi...and she in turn spoke of her sister Hanabi, and cousin Neji. Sasuke also had a cousin, Shisui...and apparently many more where that came from. The Uchiha were rather populous in their city.
When Hinata admitted to knowing very little of her extended family, or of knowing many others with such heavy Japanese descent, it was then they hatched a plan: someday, he would come to America, and meet her in person.
Of course, back then - given how young they were - it felt like an empty promise. Surely it would never actually happen. After all, they’d stop talking once the project was done with.
...wouldn’t they?
As the weeks slipped by and Sasuke’s English improved, Hinata found herself melancholy. In truth...she didn’t want to stop talking. She’d grown rather attached to her penpal. So as their final letters were exchanged, she slipped an extra piece of paper alongside her letter. On it, her email was scribbled.
...would he send her something…?
When several days passed with nothing to show in her inbox, Hinata couldn’t help a feeling of disappointment. Maybe he hadn’t felt the same: that they were friends beyond the project. Had all he said only been because it was for a grade…?
Did she really not matter to him…?
Boredly scrolling the internet one night, she glanced to the pinned tab as her email gave a ding. By then, it had almost faded from her mind. Probably just more junk mail she didn’t give a hoot about…
...wait...she doesn’t recognize that address…
Is it…?
Barely daring to hope, she opened the message...and found a note from Sasuke at last! He apologized for the delay - he and his family had gone out of town and he’d been without any wifi. But he did indeed want to keep talking…!
Brightening, she wrote out a reply as fast as she could, insisting there was no need for an apology: that she was just happy to hear from him.
From then on, every few days almost without fail, the pair would exchange a message. At times it would dwindle as life got busy, or slow. When they were away. But even as they both left high school behind and began university, they kept up the correspondence. Tales of their new educations, new friendships, changes in their family.
And yet, oddly enough...neither of them ever had one particular topic to share.
Neither managed to date.
Hinata, of course, didn’t feel it all that odd. She was too shy, and (in her opinion) too plain to warrant a significant other. Besides, school kept her busy, and she didn’t need the distraction. But surely Sasuke would have found someone by then, right? He’d often complained about clingy girls that annoyed him, but...apparently none ever struck him as someone he’d tolerate enough to try dating.
...part of her was curious.
And part of her dreaded the day.
Hinata had convinced herself it was because if Sasuke ever found himself a girlfriend, he wouldn’t have time for her anymore. College was time-consuming enough, and they typically only had time for brief blurbs of updates between projects and exams. And she didn’t want to have to lose time talking to her...friend.
...yeah. Friend.
Then, finally, her graduation date was approaching. Sasuke himself had done so the year before, but her own degree had required a bit more time after a university switch resulted in lost credits. Teasingly, she asked him what he was going to send her as a congratulatory gift.
“Well, what do you want?”
“Hm...I don’t know. I’ve never been good at asking for gifts…”
“Neither have I. It feels...selfish. Too forward.”
“But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“Sasuke, I was just teasing you. You don’t have to get or do anything for me.”
“But you sent me that card! The one you made?”
“It was just a card…”
“But you made it. It had your heart within it.”
The IM earned a pause, blushing behind the screen. Was that...what he meant? At times he’d still mix up words and meanings in English. Her heart was in it…? Well...yeah, maybe it was. He was her very good friend, after all. And friends make their friends nice things. Especially for something as important as graduation!
“You could make me one!”
“I’m no good at crafts...you would hate it.”
“No I wouldn’t! If you made it, then...your heart would be in it, too.”
A few minutes passed without reply.
“...do you remember the promise we made when we first began to talk?”
...promise? “Um...you mean about you visiting?”
“...yeah, I remember.”
“Would that be a good gift?”
Her jaw dropped. “You...you want to come all the way here for my...graduation?”
“But...that’s so much more than a card! I would feel so bad!”
“You forget I want to see you, too. We could call it even, Hinata.”
...he wanted to see her…
“...if it’s not too expensive, or out of the way, and you...really want to, then...yes, that would be a good gift. The best gift I could ask for…!”
“I will look into it. Keep your hands crossed!”
Giggling at both the prospect and his slip of phrase, Hinata had collapsed back on her bed with a smile as wide as the horizon. He might be coming…! She might get to see him at last! After so long…!
A week later, after exchanging dates and times and locations...it was set. He had his ticket, inbound a few days before her ceremony. And though it was still weeks away, her stomach filled with butterflies. What would it be like, finally seeing him in person? Sure, they would video call sometimes. She knew well what he looked like, as he did her. There wasn’t much mystery left between them, but...the distance no longer would be.
...would she...finally admit to how she felt?
...no, that felt like a cruel thing to do. He would be stuck here, after all, with her confession...if he rejected it, he couldn’t leave until his flight. It might ruin the rest of their meeting. And she couldn’t do that to him.
...and yet…
If he accepted it - if he felt the same - then wouldn’t there be no better time than being together at last? They could make the most of finally being able to see one another, touch one another…!
...but...and yet...if they…?
Even now, standing waiting for him to emerge from his gate, Hinata battles herself. What should she do? What should she say? Even her outfit took hours to decide: a white sundress and matching sandals, little bag over her shoulder. Not too much, and...hopefully not too little. Nice, but...not too nice.
...ugh, this is a nightmare…
But it’s too late to turn back now. People begin filing off the plane, and Hinata’s heart leaps to her throat. Short as she is, she struggles to see the moment he disembarks.
And then...there he is.
Bag over his shoulder, he looks around the airport curiously, and then starts scanning the crowd, a kind of anxiousness in his eyes.
Trying to push her way forward, Hinata calls, “...Sasuke?”
With a snap, he looks to her.
...it’s just like those cliché movies.
Suddenly trapped, unable to breathe, she stares at him. He stares back. Then they take a step...another...walk, jog, run! Arms find her waist, bringing her close with a laugh. Going so far as to squeeze her and lift her up, he earns a surprised eep before setting her down.
...this is just like she imagined…! A joyous moment of meeting, at last.
Parting, they look to each other with faces pinkened with happiness...and a bit of embarrassment.
“I...have waited so long to see you,” he admits, giving a flicker of a grin.
“Yeah...m-me too.” Her fingers start to fiddle at her front.
“It feels a bit...unreal, huh?”
“Yeah...it does.” Pause, then giggle. “I...I-I dunno what to say!”
“Neither do I. You’re...shorter than I thought you’d be.”
Her cheeks puff in a pout. “Well...you’re taller!”
Sasuke laughs. “Maybe I should pick you up again? Give you a better view?”
“N-no! I’m j-just fine here on the ground!” Her hands wave insistently.
“Well, then what would you have me do?”
“Um...we need to go get your luggage, right?”
“Yes...just one bag. I travel light.”
...another pause.
“Would you...show me the way?”
“Of...of course! Here, it’s -” As she gestures, something warm touches her hand.
It’s...it’s his hand. Enveloping her own as he waits to be led.
Pale eyes stare at it.
“...is this...not okay?”
She flounders. “Uh...n-no, that’s...that’s fine…”
“Good…” He gives her a soft smile. “...because I have wanted to do that for a very long time...Hinata.”
Pink creeps back into her cheeks...and then she gives a giddy smile in return.
“...yeah...me too.”
     I...really like this one xD Maybe not as well written as it could be, but I had a rather busy day, so...as usual, that means writing late, and I'm a lil tired lol      I love the concept of penpals becoming friends and falling in love x3 So of course I had to do that lil trope with these two, haha! Otherwise tho...not much to say, I guess. I'm...pretty tired, and tomorrow will also be busy.      So on that note, I'ma hop off - thanks for reading!
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warrentrash · 5 years
Aussie Angel (benhardy!warren)
modern!warren worthington iii x reader
summary: modern!warren goes with you back to australia for christmas and gets a full aussie experience, one that he'll never forget
a/n: so it's dec 4th here and im so fucking hyped for christmas, anywho please enjoy this 3am mess
warnings: swearing, also you got a fake family in these lmao, a lot of dialogue and i apologize for that
the '+' is always a change of scene
Warren stepped out of the small boxed aeroplane, squinting and using his hand to block out the sun.
"What the bloody hell is this?" He asked out loud as he reached the last step of the plane, his suitcase dragging behind him loudly. He didn't know what to do, only stare directly up at the sun that seemed to be a thousand times hotter than what he was used to.
You rolled your eyes and gently nudged him with your shoulder, "stop staring you'll ruin your eyes." You thanked the pilot and grabbed Warrens hand, the both of you walking into the nice cool airport together.
Warren and you had been dating for a few years, and every Christmas you planned to go home for the holidays your plans were put on hold by something.
Every single time without a doubt.
You had lived at the mansion since you were 16, and you hadn't seen your family since. Five years later you were finally back on Australian soil. And you brought Warren with you, not that he had a choice. You weren't leaving him alone on Christmas, not again. You noticed in the years of knowing him, Warren goes weird around Christmas time. It might be because he doesn't have any family to celebrate it with, but you never really questioned him about it. You were sure he had his reasons.
"You excited to meet my parents?" You asked him as you strolled through the airport.
You would think that a mutant with giant wings, walking through an airport would turn heads. But thankfully it was the 21st century and no one really gave a shit. They had seen it all before.
Warren gave you a side glance, "yeah I guess. I- I don't know.."
"Look, baby. They're gonna' love you." You stop walking and turn to him properly. "If you really don't want to do this we can catch the next flight back?"
A small smile took over Warrens face as you looked at him with concern.
He tugged on your hand as he continued walking. You lead the way out of the airport to the pick up area where you knew to look for your mother, but the thing was, she found you first.
You didn't even see the little woman running at you, and it left you wondering why Warren stepped back, that was until your mother was wrapping her arms around you tightly.
"Mama!" You gasped loudly before wrapping your arms around her shoulders.
You never knew you could miss someone so much.
The both of you jumped up and down, hugging each other tightly. You must have looked like a bunch of lunatics. After a few more moments of hugging, your mum pulled away and kissed your cheek before looking at Warren.
"And you must be Warren!" She cried out and latched onto him just as tightly as she did with you. Warren didn't know how to react so he went with one arm around her back.
"Ooh wings!" She laughed and patted his cheek softly upon seeing them as she finally let go of him. Warren looked at you in disbelief, he wasn't expecting her to be this inviting of him. As your mum rushed to grab your bags and put them in the back of the car, Warren grabbed your hand.
"I'm sorry for hesitating back there." He spoke softly.
You grinned at him and barely got a small peck in before your mother was grabbing both your's and Warren's free hands. "Let's go! Let's go!" She cheered and pulled you both to the car.
Warren looked at the size of the car and then at you with a painful expression.
"It's only for thirty minutes, baby. How bad could it be?"
The answer to that was, very bad. You're mother yacked your ear's off the whole time, barely taking a breath in between sentences. Warren was basically sitting in the boot by the time you made it into your street and you were stuck in the front seat with your bags by your feet and some on your lap. Yet Warren still wore a small smile as he watched all the scenery go past, and he almost broke his neck tryna' look an old couples dog as they stood at the crossing.
"We're here!" Your mother cheered as the gates slid open and you drove into the yard of your childhood home that had Christmas lights hanging from every window and drainpipe.
It had changed a lot since you had last seen it. Last time you were here the gates weren't there, now there's six foot bamboo fences with a bloody electric gate and palm trees surrounding your house. You guess your parents really wanted their privacy.
Your mother and yourself got out, and whilst your mother grabbed your bags, you helped Warren out of the car.
Spinning around, you spotted your father making his way out of the house in a rush to greet you.
"Dad!" You jumped on him when he reached you. He spun you around a few times before planting a kiss on the top of your head.
He placed you down and smiled widely, "I missed you kiddo. Ah, this must be Warren? Bring it in son." You watched as your dad hugged Warren, who wore a surprised expression.
When they pulled away from each other your dad took the suitcases from your mum and told everyone to follow him inside.
You turn to Warren and grab his hand, "what do you think so far?"
He smiled and looked around before looking down back at you. "Not what I expected. But, I will admit, your parents are pretty cool."
"Cool?" You questioned with a quirk of your eyebrow.
"Yeah, cool. And they have an ever cooler daughter," he winked a you and leaned in closer.
"Oh that is so lame!" You laughed and threw your head back.
Warren laughed a bit as he placed his hands on your waist. He could honestly listen to your laugh for the rest of eternity, because it always took him by surprise. It would change every single day, and he never knew what he was gonna' get.
"Are you two love birds coming?" Your mum called from the porch. You looked at her before looking back at Warren and grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the house.
As you entered in through the front door, you realised that absolutely nothing changed. Well there was new pictures hanging up but that was about it really.
"Is that a beach?" Warren asked as he looked at the end of the hall and through the large glass doors that led to your backyard.
"Pretty cool huh?" You teased him. He grinned and continued following you down the hall and into the kitchen/ lounge room/ dinning room, making sure his wings were tucked in tightly.
"Well the kids get home from school in a few hours, it's their last day today. But how about you show Warren around the house? You two can stay in your old room. Then come back down here and tell us everything!" Your mum smiled at you and kissed your cheek before doing the same to Warren.
You could tell he wasn't used to people being this affectionate towards him.
"And are we making the tree later?" You asked your mum as you leaned over the counter and stole a few grapes from the bowl.
"Making?" Warren asked in confusion, quickly and quietly thanking you as you put a few grapes into his palm. He was beyond hungry and he knew you could tell.
Your dad chuckled, "pine tree's are hard to come by around these area's so we have plastic ones."
Warren was clearly confused but he nodded anyways. It was going to take him a bit more than a few days to get used to the Australian ways.
The reunion with your siblings was more emotional than you intended it to be. And the fact that you had to go through it four times drained you completely.
But introducing them to Warren was the fun part, they had never seen a mutant with such distinct features before.
"So you can fly? How fast? No, wait! How high?" George was getting worked up quickly and all you could do was laugh. George was always interested in that sort of stuff. Speed, velocity, ya' know, science stuff.
He was 13 now, and still wore ridiculously thick glasses except now his hair was in short ringlets instead of one big fluff ball. He inherited the blindness from your mother. You once got stuck on the phone with him for two hours as he told you all about his school assessment on biodegradable plastics.
The youngest of your siblings was Natasha, she was only 8 and was one of the biggest drama queens you knew. And that included Jubilee.
"If you can fly, why did you get a plane here?" Natasha asked Warren.
He wasn't sure how to answer, "uh, luggage, I suppose?" he sounded highly unsure of himself but Natasha bought it.
The last pf your siblings were Amy and William. Amy was 17 and William was 16. They were almost inseparable. You knew William would get along with Warren well because they were both hot heads.
And Amy was very much a straight A student. A Hermione Granger if you will. Always on task, carries a bottle of Detol in case of an emergency, and knows about six different languages.
You knew she was unsure of Warren, but you didn't say anything.
"So Warren, what's your family like?" Your mum questioned politely.
The whole lot of you were sitting around the lounge room, the TV on some music channel, while you all enjoyed some snacks and drinks.
"I, uh, honestly couldn't tell you Mrs. L/N." Warren spoke.
"Oh well, what's it like living with Y/N then?" Your dad questioned. Warren glanced at you with a small smirk and you felt your face burn as you kicked him with your foot.
It didn't go unnoticed by anyone. "It's good, yeah." He knew that's all he should say because if he said anything else you would have strangled him with his own hands.
"And so I hear you go on missions a lot? What's that like?" Your father asked him.
He opened his mouth to speak but you interrupted him, "I'll answer this one. The missions are good, dad. Nothing for you to worry over. We all have each other's backs." You reassured him.
Warren nodded, “it’s true Sir, I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her." And it was the honest to God truth.
You were glad that Warren was getting used to your family. The real Warren was starting to show now, both a blessing and a curse.
As your mum got up and announced that she was ordering a pizza, Warren leaned back into you and you automatically started running your fingers through his hair. It was one of Warrens coping mechanisms to help him relax. You knew he was beyond tired, and getting irritated. The both of you were incredibly tired actually, but Warren gets real snappy and it never ends well for anyone.
"Tomorrow we're gonna' take the boogie-boards down the beach. Surf’s supposedly pretty good." Amy muttered from her spot under the tree where she was untangling Christmas lights and tinsel.
Warren raised an eyebrow, “boogie boards? What are those?”
Natasha laughed and called him stupid before going back to fiddling with her doll. Warren looked at you for help and an explanation as to what a boogie-board was
“A boogie-board, you know a small foam board for body surfing.” You explained with a small smile. He was still a little confused but he let you go back to playing with his hair instead of him craning his neck to look at you.
Warren differently didn’t expect your family to be like this, so, so relaxed. He figured they would all be, well, bogans really and really rowdy. Now don’t get him wrong, rowdy people are his kind of people, but there’s was something pleasant about relaxing quietly with everyone. He was glad he agreed to go with you this Christmas. 
In the end, Warren had fallen asleep with his head in your lap, Amy had given up with the lights so Natasha took over and William and George were playing the Xbox. You and Amy were on the couch poking fun at the boys for God knows how long.
“Oh come on! You drive like my Nana!” Amy yelled at George who almost crashed his car. You laughed a little and shook your head glancing down at Warren who was completely dead to the world. He really was beautiful. 
Your mum and dad watched you all from the kitchen with small smiles on their faces. It was almost as if Warren had been here the whole time, and you had never left them, Your mother already felt as if Warren was her own son, and your father was pleased with how Warren treated you.
They could tell this Christmas would be one that none of you would ever forget.
omg wow hi i hope yall like these, and uh tag list i guess? of the people who said they’d like to read it idk anywho enjoy!
tag list:
@warrenswife @omni-hamiltrash @indieroseflowr @marequeenii @fangirl--of-everything @kurt-nightcrawler
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