#because I was left hungry after the first season
wintfleur · 3 months
I am in hungry for a f1 fic….. pls feed me
౨ৎ dramatic mornings are perfect with you
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°. — pairings ( lando norris x fem! reader )
°. — summary ( lando will always deal with your dramatics . . . because even so early in the morning he finds you adorable )
°. — details ( g; fluff, humor ig?. w; none really, a little talk of readers boobs. wc; 1.9k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I am hungry for some f1 fics too . . I’ve missed writing for f1, I’m sure I’ll be writing more now that the season has started !!! Hope this satisfies your hunger <333 please let me know what you guys think x )
main masterlist f1 masterlist
You let out an annoyed sigh as you laced your fingers across your midsection and on top of your duvet, your thumbs absentmindedly tapping against each other. Your eyes darted to the right to see that he still hasn't moved at all, no reaction from him as he slept peacefully next to you, the sun that shone through your white curtains illuminating his face so beautifully. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked away from him and back up at your ceiling, a small huff leaving your lips. You continued to tap your thumbs against each other for a few more moments only to abruptly stop as an even louder sigh left your lips. You quickly turn your head to face him when you hear the familiar sound of the blankets shift, and a grumpy frown comes across your face when you see him snuggle into his pillow, instead of waking up and asking you what's wrong like you expected him to do. 
The more you stared at your oblivious and sleeping boyfriend, the more annoyed you got. His beautiful brown curls were all over the place ⸺ a physical testimony to how he can't stay still even in bed. Those beautiful curls that girl had the nerve to run her hands through. His cheek was squished against your baby pink pillow, soft breaths leaving his slightly parted lips. The same lips that smiled down at the girl and kissed her forehead . . . you couldn't believe it when you saw it. 
Well to clarify  . . . you didn't see it. You dreamt it . . . But that's not the point! 
You looked away from your sleeping boyfriend and to your left where your bedside table was, your pink cloud alarm clock showed that it was 7 in the morning. You and lando both refused to be up so early on days off like today, but while your boyfriend was sleeping peacefully ⸺ you couldn't find yourself being able to go back to sleep after the dream you had. 
You rolled over on your side facing lando and leaned up on your elbow, you still had a grumpy frown on your lips as you stared down at him. You had to stop yourself from bringing your hand down and softly brush his curls out of his face and remind yourself that you were in fact upset with him. How could you not be after what he did? 
You used your free hand and moved it towards him, pulling the blanket down from covering his shoulder before poking him right in the ribs. Your first poke got no reaction since it was too soft, so your second one was much harder and the only reaction you got was a groan leaving his parted lips and him moving to lay fully on his stomach instead of laying on his side. You ignored the awe you wanted to let out when he does that adorable nose scrunch as he snuggles deeper into your pillows. 
“Lando” you hissed his name but the only reaction you got from him was him turning his head away from you, a dramatic and offended gasp leaving your lips at the action. You glare at the back of his hand and fully sit up. You bring your finger up to his shoulder blade and his cotton t-shirt did nothing to protect him from the feeling of your relentless poking. 
“Darling if you poke me again” Lando grumbled groggily as he lifted his head up from the pillow and turned to face you, his eyes were barely open and he had a red hue and a few line marks from your pillow on his face, all signs of having a great sleep ⸺ a great sleep you interrupted, any other morning you would have felt bed . . . but today was not one of them. 
“You're what?. . . going to cheat on me again?” 
“What?” Lando choked on his own spit, his tone filled with confusion and grogginess. He pushed himself up on his elbows, the movement causing the blanket to fully fall off his back and you to feel a cold chill on your bare thighs; your sleep shorts not helping against the morning chill. He rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palms and turned his head to look at you, his eyes narrowed “What on earth are you talking about ⸺ are you feeling sick? Because you are talking mad” 
You slapped his hand away from your forehead that he was trying to feel for a fever and glared at him as you crossed your arms over your chest. “What's sick is what you let her do . . . would you stop staring at my tits!” You trailed off into a shout once you noticed your boyfriend's eyes staring down at your white lace camisole covered chest. 
You gasped dramatically and pulled the pillow out from under his elbows and used it to cover your chest “I bet you couldn't keep your eyes off her tits! Could you?” your tone was accusatory, and your grumpy frown turns into a sad one at the thought, you held the pillow tightly to your chest for some comfort. Lando loved your boobs . . . it hurt to think that he was staring at someone else's. 
“Darling, i have no idea who this she is” Lando said as he moved to sit up, his fingers in air quotes as he says ‘she’. Lando moves closer to you and gently pulls down the pillow you stuffed your face in and continues speaking, your words had chased away any ounce of tiredness in his body “But i can assure you, that your boobs, your wonderful boobs may i add, are the only ones i stare at.”
“You cheated on me, i am not going to fall for your sweet words lando” 
“When did I cheat on you hmm?” Lando questioned you, tilting his head with a hum. He knew for a fact that he has never and will never cheat on you, so he was confused and concerned why you were passionate that he did. You were too upset to notice the concern in your boyfriend's tone and you were quick to answer him “In my dream! You let her run her hands through your hair and down your chest and then you had the nerve to kiss her forehead!” 
“Wait wait wait . . . your dream?” Lando cut your rant off, a look of disbelief on his face from your words. This was all because of your dream? Lando thought. And even though Lando felt the tiniest of annoyance from being woken up so early, he couldn't help but find the situation and the way you were acting . . . adorable. “Yes, my dream, keep up lan!” you rolled your eyes in annoyance and lando let himself relax back in bed, laying back down and pulling you down with him. You reluctantly let yourself lay on your side, facing him. 
“You're annoyed with me?” Lando muttered as he rested his chin in the palm of his hand as he stared at his girlfriend, blinking away the sleep in his eyes. 
“For something that I did in your dream?” He had to stop himself from smiling when he asked you, he didn't know why it was so attractive to see you jealous about a dream. You noticed his lips twitching up into a smile for a few seconds before falling into his resting face. A dramatic scoff leaves your lips, and you are quick to turn your back to him, upset that he wasn't taking this seriously. 
Lando smiles and scoots closer behind you, sliding his arm around your waist and resting it under the pillow you were still holding against your chest, using his strength to pull you back snug against him. You wanted to complain and push him off, but you couldn't help but let yourself sink and relax in his warm embrace. Lando who was still leaning up on his elbow looks down at your side profile as he speaks softly “I’m sorry i did that darling, dream me is very stupid it seems.” 
“But that was just a dream because I promise you, you are the only girl I want. The only girl whose tits I want and do look at” Lando leaned down as he trailed off into a whisper, your breath hitching when you felt his warm breath against your neck as he whispers in your ear. Lando slipped his hand under your camisole and softly traced random shapes on your stomach as he continued to whisper “The only forehead i want to kiss is yours.” 
You bit your lip to stop yourself from smiling at your boyfriend's words, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing his sweet talking was in fact working. Lando moves his hand out from under your top and softly places two of his fingers on your jaw, gently using them to tilt your face towards him. Lando has a small pout on his very kissable lips as he looks down at you “Baby please don't be mad at me because dream me is an idiot, you know I’d never do that to you.” 
“You're right . . . you are an idiot” you whispered back with a small nod as you adjusted your body to lay on your back. You lifted your hand to brush back some of Lando's messy curls from his face as he looked down at you. Lando's eyes fluttered closed for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of you playing with his hair before he opened them and looked down at you with a big smile “You mean dream me, right?” 
You shrugged playfully, the corner of your lips tilting up into a cheeky smile. Lando gasped dramatically, faking shock and hurt at your words. You thought he was going to bring his hand to dramatically put over his heart like your dramatic boyfriend has done before, when you saw him move it from your chin, but instead he rests it on the pillow right next to your head; caging you in between his body and the bed. 
You locked eyes with your boyfriend and before you could question why he was smirking down at you like that, he was leaning down and leaving a big smooch on your cheek. He quickly moved to your other cheek, then he littered kisses all over your face. Making sure that he kissed every inch of your beautiful face. “Eww lan morning breath” you whined out as you tried to cover your face with your hands, worried that he would smell your breath. 
“My girl thinks I’d cheat on her with some random girl from the club ⸺ morning breath is the last thing on my mind right now” Lando whispered as he swiped his thumb across your bottom lip before moving it up to tuck some of your hair behind your ear and out of your face. You smile softly as you hear him say ‘my girl’. You whisper with an embarrassed sigh as you think back on the morning you two have shared “I've been pretty dramatic haven't I?” 
“You're so adorable you know that right?” Lando grinned, completely ignoring your question. Yes, you were, but he wouldn't change anything about you at all. He wouldn't change anything about this morning. Because he woke up with you by his side. You smile and bite your lip, absentmindedly fidgeting with the bottom of Lando's shirt “Mind telling me that again?” 
“I promise to tell you that every day for the rest of our lives.” 
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I LOVE THIS SM !!! I MISSED WRITING CUTE BF LANDO, please let me know that you guys think, and if you’d like to be added to my lando or my f1 taglist 🫶🏻 )
°. — taglist ( @ophcelia @cixrosie @toasttt11 )
2K notes · View notes
scuderiahoney · 25 days
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Oscar Piastri x reader // in motion part 6
summary: a museum visit, one far too observant teammate, and the beginning of the end of hockey season. Word Count: 7.6k
warnings: alcohol/intoxication, moderately suggestive content (non graphic), mention of previous sport injury
The first night back from the trip, after you’ve eaten dinner and unpacked and started laundry, you get a text.
Oscar: miss you
You’d been laying in bed, but you sit up, suddenly much more awake. You send a text back, quickly. miss you too. Then, wanna come over? He likes the text, and then he goes quiet. You assume you know what that means.
A little while later, there’s a knock at your front door, and you slip through the apartment to open the door for him. He’s grinning on the other side, wearing the hoodie you gave him as a welcome gift months ago, hands buried in the cuffs of the sleeves. You step aside to let him in and then shut the door. Suddenly, it all feels real. It’s 8:00 at night and Oscar’s in your apartment, not to study or do homework but because he said he missed you and you invited him over.
“It’s not spring break anymore,” he says, then shrugs. “Well. It is, but we’re here. Not at the beach.”
You nod and lean back against the wall, facing him. “Mhm. Here we are.”
When he kisses you this time, he takes his time. It’s soft and sweet and so thorough, like he’s memorizing every movement, paying attention to your every reaction. Knowing Oscar, he probably is. His hands fall to your hips, and you wrap your arms around his neck, holding onto him as he crowds you against the wall. You can smell his shampoo and his cologne and just a little bit of sea breeze left over on his clothes. When his hand slips up underneath your hoodie, you sigh, and he takes the opportunity to lick into your mouth.
It sends a blaze racing down your spine. You arch into him, and he takes, hungrily, hands splayed across your lower back and pulling you closer and closer. He breaks away, leaving you panting as he draws a line of kisses down your jaw and neck. Your chest heaves.
“You’re so pretty,” he mumbles against your collarbone. You gasp. “Mm. Sound pretty, too.”
You melt, then, because really, you can’t help it. He drags you away from the doorway and into the living room, like he knows the way better than you. He sits down on the couch and waits, like he’s wondering what you’ll do. His face is soft and open, flush high on his cheeks, tips of his ears turning red. He lets out a sigh when you plant yourself right in his lap.
“This isn’t why I came over, you know,” he says, brushing his lips against your temple. “I really did miss you. That’s all.”
“Missed you too,” you say, running your hands up the firm plane of his chest. “But I’ve wanted to do this for ages, too.”
He nods, moving his lips down the swell of your cheek. “Yeah. Me too.”
He leaves your place just after midnight, and you press your fingers to your kiss swollen lips, giggling to yourself. You almost feel bad, but he’d been insistent on staying, insistent on just one more kiss, insistent on just one more episode of the show that neither of you were actually watching, too busy with your hands on each other. He’s got practice at 8:00 am. He’s going to be exhausted.
You wonder if anyone notices the blush on his cheeks when you show up at practice the next morning, or if they just attribute it to the exercise he’s gotten. You have fresh banana bread, already cut up into slices. Sebastian eyes you warily when you pop into the bench area.
“You’re going to distract them,” he says, arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the wall to chat.
“They haven’t even noticed I’m here yet,” you say with a dismissive wave of your hand. “Here, have some banana bread, you’re grumpy when you’re hungry.”
He rolls his eyes but takes the bread anyways, and you see the smile on his face even though he tries to hide it. Shortly after that, he lets them take a break. You think back to the practices early in the season, where Oscar acted like you didn’t exist. Now he’s one of the first ones to skate over, reaching out eagerly for a piece of banana bread.
“M’starving,” he says, pulling his helmet and facemask off. He takes a bite and grins. “Fuck, that’s good.”
You feel your face grow warm, because he’d said that exact same sentence just a few hours before under very different circumstances. You fight a giggle, and when he realizes it, so does he. Max and Lando come skating up just after that, hands outstretched towards the plate you’re holding, so you don’t have a chance to tease him about it, but that’s okay. It’s enough to be there, to talk with him while he leans over the wall, to watch the way he nods in understanding while Max offers him advice. He’s so in his element here. It makes you happy to see. You miss that feeling- of belonging, like this. They’ll tell you you’re a part of a team, but you’d always felt more at home on the field than at the rink, and there’s a part of you that wants it back more than you have in a while. You keep a smile plastered on your face and hope they don’t notice the way it slips when they head back out for practice.
By the time family dinner rolls around on Sunday, Oscar’s been over to your place two more times- once again on Saturday afternoon between practices, and then Sunday morning when he brought over breakfast. It’s been nice- while he’s there, it feels good. But now, sitting around the table, you’re feeling a little uneasy.
Lando and Max tell you everything. You’ve heard far too much about their dates and love lives, you know all of their family drama, and yet here you are, Oscar’s hand on your knee under the table, and you haven’t even told them you’re seeing anyone. You haven’t told them you have a- can you call him your boyfriend? He said he didn’t want it to be a spring break thing, and it hasn’t been. It’s just that you haven’t really had a conversation about what this thing is, exactly, so you’re feeling a little untethered. You wouldn’t even know what to tell Lando and Max, at this point. Oscar squeezes your knee, and you zone back in, blinking at him.
“You alright?” he asks, voice quiet. “You were zoned out for a second.”
You nod and bite your lip. He doesn’t look convinced, but Carlos starts teasing him about something from down the table, and that seems to distract him enough. You push food around on your plate.
You’ve realized that there’s a chance that when Oscar said he didn’t want it to just be a spring break thing, he meant… he just wanted to keep hooking up. Maybe hooking up isn’t the right way to put it- it’s not like he just comes over to have sex and then leaves. He brings food and asks how your day was and cuddles on the couch to watch movies. You want more, though. You want to go out and do things and hold hands and talk about your feelings for each other. What if that’s not what he wants? You got so swept up in the excitement of it all that you forgot to ask, and now you’re feeling adrift about the whole thing.
You volunteer to do the dishes after dinner. The weather is starting to warm up, spring creeping in, and so the rest of the guys head outside to enjoy it, tossing around a football and drinking on the back porch. Lily comes in from work, and Alex hands her the plate of food he saved for her. They head outside. You sigh and watch them, feeling a little jealous. They make it look easy.
Suddenly, Oscar appears at your side, a dishtowel in hand. “I’ll dry, yeah?”
You swallow and nod. You wonder if he’d save you a plate if you were going to be late, or if he’d save you a seat. He was the one who asked if you should tell the guys. He wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t serious, right? You feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions. You have class tomorrow, back into the swing of things, and-
“Hey,” Oscar says, nudging his shoulder against yours. “You okay? You’re quiet.”
You shrug and nod, trying to think of something reassuring to say. “Yeah. Just tired.”
He tilts his head and takes a plate from your hands. “Something keeping you up late?”
You laugh. It sounds hollow, even to you. Oscar sets the plate down in the drying rack, and then he drops the towel, too. You feel wobbly, all of the sudden.
“No,” you say, carefully. “Just stressed about classes starting back up.”
“Yeah, me too,” he says, sighing. “You’re done with class at 4:00 tomorrow, right?”
You nod. He nods back. He’s going to ask to come over. The knot in your chest pulls taught. You want more than this.
“Cool. Can I pick you up at 5:00?” He asks.
Pick you up. That sounds different. That sounds… you set the sponge down on the edge of the sink and turn to look at him. He’s smiling, that look in his eyes that makes your heart melt.
“Where are we going?” You ask.
“It’s a surprise,” he responds.
You wrinkle your nose and stare up at him. “Okay.”
“Don’t sound so excited.”
“You’re being weird.”
“I’m trying to ask you on a date,” he says, and your heart stutters in your chest. “Like a real, actual date. Where we don’t have to sneak around.”
For a second , it feels just like that moment on the beach. This is nice. You feel silly for ever worrying about what he wanted from this. It’s Oscar. Of course he’d make it clear. You should’ve just asked.
You blink, the knot in your chest suddenly untwisting and untangling. “Oh. Wow. Yeah, that sounds really nice.”
He nods. You nod back, and then burst into a fit of giggles. He laughs, too, and brushes a kiss against your temple, because nobody is looking, too busy with the nice weather outside. You finish up the dishes, a lighter feeling in your chest, Oscar’s elbow bumping against yours as the two of you chat over the soap suds.
He knocks on your apartment door at 5:00 sharp, dressed in a nice button up and a pair of black jeans. You’d asked him what to wear, and it had involved a lot of pestering until he finally gave you some sort of idea. You’re in jeans, too, and a cute top- nothing too fancy, but better than what you’d normally throw on to hang out. You give him a giddy smile as you gather the last of your things.
“You look so pretty,” he says, quietly, in the entryway of your apartment.
“You look so handsome,” you say, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. He reciprocates eagerly, his hands brushing hair behind your ears and then falling to your hips. You can feel the warmth of him seeping through your clothing. You have half the mind to drag him further into your apartment and let this lead wherever it might lead, but he pulls back.
“C’mon,” he says softly. “We’ve got plans.”
He takes your hand in his and knits your fingers together, squeezing gently, and then you’re off. There’s an Uber waiting for the two of you when you step outside- no wonder he was in a bit of a rush to get you downstairs. As you drive to wherever you’re off to, you realize this is the first time you’ll get to be in public with him without worrying about being seen by someone you know. For a while, you get to be together, full stop, no other obligations.
You nearly laugh when the car pulls up outside of the city’s science museum. It’s so unexpected, so out of left field, but it makes complete sense, really. It’s how you became friends in the first place, after all- bonding over science stress. It’s a fun activity, too. And there’s little to no chance any of his teammates will be there. It’s perfect.
You tell him as much as the two of you walk inside, and he smiles proudly, leaning to kiss your temple. He buys the tickets, even when you try and insist on paying for yourself, and he holds the door open for you like a true gentleman. And then the two of you are off to the races.
It’s easy, being with him like this. All your fears about ruining your friendship have vanished. They say that about relationships- that the good ones feel just like you’re with your best friend. It’s still early days, but it feels like a good sign.
He drags you to the dinosaur displays and tells you about how he wanted to be a paleontologist when he was a kid. You wander the halls hand in hand with him, reading about marine science and talking about the trip to the beach, and how much you both miss the ocean. You stop for a snack at the cafe and eat sandwiches and cookies under the giant whale skeleton that hangs from the ceiling in the main atrium. He presses his side against yours, and you let the warmth seep into your skin. He makes you feel so comfortable. The realization makes your chest hurt, makes you want to tug his face down to yours and kiss him, hard. He presses a quick, soft kiss to your lips, like he can read your mind. It’s enough to hold you over.
After you’re both done eating, he takes you up to the second floor, where there’s a little aquarium that has you both in awe. Next door, there’s a giant Newton’s Cradle that sends you both into a fit of laughter. It’s all physics jokes from there on out, talking about objects in motion and apples falling from trees and old scientists who thought they knew so much when they knew so little. You can relate. You feel like you’re learning new things every day- about him, and yourself, too.
He insists on paying extra to go to the planetarium, and refuses to let you pay for that, too. It’s late in the day now, and the two of you catch the last show. It’s half empty, so you pick two seats near the middle and get cozy. He holds your hand while the stars and planets swirl above your head. Tiny, insignificant specks in the grand scheme of it all, but his hand is warm in yours, and that feels bigger than anything else.
The two of you take the bus back to campus afterwards, happy to spend more time with each other rather than opting for a faster Uber. The bus stops right in the main heart of campus, and without even talking about it, you both head for the park. It’s just after sunset, the sky turning dark above your heads. It’s cloudy, but you pretend you can still see the constellations from the museum. You wander past the playground and the baseball fields, and you slow down when you reach the soccer field. Oscar squeezes your hand gently and lets you lead him out onto the grass.
“I think…” you start, voice faltering. “Fuck, I don’t wanna bring down the mood, I swear. But last week, when we were on the field…”
He leans close, his lips against your temple. “It felt good, right? To get back on the grass, to try it again?”
You nod. Your throat feels tight. “I can’t play. It’d wreck my knee. But I want to try something.”
He reaches up and cups your face in his hand. You feel that warmth again, the comfort, the safety. The feeling of knowing you can tell him this at the end of a date and he won’t judge you for it. He’ll understand. He wants to know.
“We’ll find you something, then,” he says quietly. “When I got back on the ice the first time…” he trails off, a smile crossing his face. “It’s a good feeling. We’ll find it for you.”
You lean in to kiss him this time, because you can’t help it, because you’ve wanted to all night. He kisses you back eagerly, hungry and frantic and full of so much care that it’s almost overwhelming. His hands fall to your hips to hold you steady. You go to deepens the kiss, and then-
Then, every sprinkler on the field goes off at exactly the same time, showering you with cold, cold water. You yelp and scramble to run away. Oscar follows, and he catches you when you slip slightly. The two of you are laughing your heads off even before you make it out of the spray. Once you’re safely on the sidewalk, he hunches over, breathing heavily. You do the same.
“That was so fucking cliche,” you say through the laugheter, shaking your head.
He nods, a grin stretched wide over his face. “The most cliche.”
You look down at yourself and your soaking wet clothes. A shiver wracks your body, and Oscar frowns. He pulls you under his arm and holds you close, already starting to walk.
“Come on,” he says. “Let’s get you into some dry clothes.”
An hour later, you’re cuddled up on your couch with him. He’s wearing some of the clothes he’s left over on other nights, and you’re in your own sweatpants and one of his hoodies. He has you pulled into his chest, right where you feel like you belong. He’s warm under your cheek.
“It’s getting late,” he mumbles through a yawn. There’s a nature documentary playing on the TV. “I should probably head home if I’m gonna get any sleep.”
You hum and trace a pattern on his chest. “Okay.” You swallow and take a deep breath. “Or you could stay here.”
He hums. When you look up at him, he’s smiling. “I could, yeah. That sounds nice.”
It feels so oddly domestic, getting ready for bed with him. You find him a toothbrush in a package shoved to the back of your medicine cabinet & smile at each other through toothpaste foam. You slip out of the hoodie and into one of his shirts to go to sleep. It’s not the first time you’ve been in bed with him, but it’s the first time with this intention- of spending the whole night together, of cuddling up and sharing space like this. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close into his chest. Safe. Cared for. Warm.
You fall asleep before he even turns the bedside lamp off.
You take the opportunity a couple days later, when nobody else is in the house, to tell Lando and Max. You’re sat in the living room, on the couch near the window, while they’re on the bigger couch, video game controllers in hand. When the race they’ve been bickering about ends with Max winning, you take a breath and clear your throat. They both turn to look at you.
You pull your legs up onto the seat of the couch. “I have to tell you guys something.”
“Oh my god, are you pregnant?” Lando asks, eyes wide.
Max jabs him in the shoulder. “Be serious for two seconds, please.”
“A baby is a very serious thing,” Lando says.
“I’m not pregnant,” you interrupt, and you swear Lando looks disappointed. “I…”
You trail off. This shouldn’t be this hard. Lando looks confused, while Max’s gaze is soft and open. You sigh.
“You can tell us anything, Bunny,” Max says, squeezing your elbow lightly. “Promise.”
“I’m seeing someone,” you blurt. “And I- I’m not ready to really talk about it? But I don’t like keeping secrets from you guys, so. Yeah. I’m seeing someone.”
Max smiles. “You don’t owe us an explanation, you know,” he says.
“I know,” you mumble. “But I felt weird not telling you.”
Lando leans over and presses his hand over yours, squeezing softly. “I’m happy for you,” he says.
Max scoffs. “So am I. We both are. Not fair that he said it first.”
You roll your eyes. Lando does too. But there’s a weight on your shoulders that seems to be melting away, and you sink into the couch cushions. You should’ve known it’d be like this- they just want you to be happy, that’s all. You wonder if it’ll change when they find out who your boyfriend is. Across the room, Max stretches his arms above his head and sighs.
“He is a good guy, yes?” He asks. You nod, and he nods back. “That’s good enough for me. But make sure he knows if he fucks up he’s got a whole hockey team on the way to beat his ass.”
You choke on a laugh at that, because he already does know, and he’s a part of that team. Lando laughs, too, though he forces a serious face when Max huffs. The front door swings open before any of you can say anything else, and Charles comes in, followed closely by Oscar, who lights up at the sight of you, soft smile stretching across his lips.
“Hi,” Charles says, pausing to blink around the room. “Something is weird.”
Lando laughs. “Bunny has a boyfriend!”
If they notice the way Oscar’s face goes pink, nobody says anything.
That is, until later, when it’s just you and Oscar in the dining room, along with Charles. He’s stuck around longer than anyone else. If you didn’t know better, you’d say he was deliberately trying to-
When you feel Oscar’s hand land on your thigh and hear Charles laugh under his breath at the same time, you look up. He’s grinning, mischief in his eyes, and you know that he knows. You blink at him, wide eyed, heart pounding.
“Don’t tell them,” you plead. Oscar makes a noise of confusion, but Charles starts to giggle. “Seriously, Charlie, please, you know how they’ll be-“
“I won’t tell them until you’re ready,” he reassures you, before directing his most menacing glare at Oscar. “But if you hurt her…”
“How did you even know?” Oscar asks, wide eyed. “We were being so careful.”
Charles laughs again, standing up from the table. He ruffles the hair atop both of your heads when he walks by. “You both wear your hearts on your sleeves. Also, your hand is on her thigh, Pastry.”
Oscar yanks his hand back like he’s been burned. You muffle a laugh into his shoulder as Charles walks away, finally leaving the two of you alone. Oscar groans softly when you squeeze his hand in reassurance.
“We might have to hang out at your place more,” he mumbles against the top of your head. “Because I’d really like to kiss you, but he’s definitely waiting around the corner.”
You laugh, and then you laugh even harder when Charles pops his head back in at the sound, eyebrows raised. Oscar groans again, cheeks red. You head home soon after that, calling out your goodbyes, and Oscar meets you at your apartment a very unsuspicious 30 minutes later. It’ll work for now.
The last home game is also the one that determines whether they make the second round of the playoffs. There’s a lot riding on those 60 minutes. As it creeps closer and closer, you can feel the nervous energy in the house, in the ice rink during practices, across the whole campus. Add on the fact that it’s senior night, and family night? It’s a recipe for stress.
“Do you want a ticket for the family suite?” Max asks one night, stirring pasta on the stovetop.
“Is Jos going to be there?” You ask.
Max rolls his eyes. “He is my family, so yes.”
“Then no,” you state.
Oscar is watching the conversation with wide eyes. Lando leans close to him and loudly whispers, “she doesn’t like his dad-“
“I gathered that, thanks, Lando,” Oscar hisses, brow quirked.
“He will be on his best behavior,” Max says, voice bordering on a whine. “Vic said she wants to see you.”
“I will make plans with Vic then, and your mother, too. We can get breakfast before the game,” you say with a shrug. “Or they can come sit with me. I’m sure Lily will be with Alex’s family, so it would be nice to have some company.”
Max groans. “You are so stubborn.”
“Your father is an asshole,” you reply.
“He called her a puck bunny last year,” Lando butts in.
Max whirls around to face you. “He did what?”
“Oh, so if he’s mean to me it matters?” You snark back at him. Max closes his eyes, but you know he’s rolling them. “It’s not the first time I’ve heard it, it won’t be the last. It’s literally my nickname.”
“It’s different when we say it,” Charles chimes in. “Max’s dad… he said it to be mean.”
“Did everyone else know about this?” Max asks.
You let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Max. It’s fine. Just another reason for me to not like him. I’ll text Vic and see if they want to sit with me, otherwise we’ll make plans to meet up.”
Max seems generally unhappy with the whole situation, but he lets it go. You take the lull in conversation to head into the living room. You’re not surprised when Oscar follows a few minutes later. You’re in your normal spot in the loveseat near the window, and he takes his seat at the opposite end. Sitting here makes you think back to that morning, the snow day, when he’d pulled you in close and held you until you fell back asleep. Really, you should’ve known how he felt then, just from the way he wrapped himself around you. His knee bumps against yours, and you smile at him. He grins back. They could call you a puck bunny all they want, really- you think Oscar would be worth it.
You walk from your apartment over to the guys’ house the morning of the game, where Max is making breakfast for everyone. You bring more banana bread, because it went over well the last time, and Oscar helps you cut it up and distribute it with a soft smile and a stolen kiss to your temple. You haven’t been able to spend nearly as much time with him as you’d like in the past week. You’ve had classwork, and he’s had extra practices.
He still manages to find a second to steal you away. You come out of Lando’s room on the second floor, having been searching for the hoodie you’d lost, and suddenly there’s a hand on your wrist, pulling you along. You slap your other hand over your mouth to muffle your giggles. He drags you into his bedroom and shuts the door, quickly but quietly. You let out a squeak against his lips when he crowds you up against the back of the door.
“We do not have time for this,” you mumble when he brushes a kiss against your jaw. “You have- fuck!- you have like 20 minutes to get ready. They’re gonna come upstairs soon-“
His hand cups your jaw gently, thumb pressing into your face, and you start to melt. “Needed a good luck kiss.”
You can’t really find it in yourself to argue with that. The thing is, a good luck kiss should be a quick peck, or a kiss on the cheek or forehead even. What he gets, what you get, is a full on makeout session against the bedroom door. His hands are everywhere, his tongue is hot against yours, and you’re falling apart at the seams. Every part of you he touches lights up like a wildfire. You wonder if he feels that, too.
He pulls your lip between his teeth and tugs, and you knit your fingers in his hair. Out in the hallway, there’s a thud, and you both break apart, looks of terror on your faces.
“Oscar?” Charles calls out, and you sigh and roll your eyes. “Have you seen Bunny?”
Oscar rolls his eyes, too, and pulls you away from the door just slightly to open it and stick his head out. He nods at you, and you slip out from between him and the door, trying to discreetly fix your hair.
Charles rolls his eyes and hisses, “Max is looking for you. You are lucky he asked me first.”
You reach back with one hand and find Oscar’s, squeezing lightly before you step out of the room. Looks like your time is up. He squeezes back, and you have to fight a strong urge to ignore Charles and Max and the threat of her asking more people where you are and just head right back into Oscar’s bedroom. A good luck kiss is one thing, but you could do so much better, really.
Charles seems to catch on, and he fixes you with an unamused stare. “He is going to ask Lando next, and they will come looking, you and I both know it.”
“I’m going, I’m going,” you whine, letting go of Oscar’s hand. “It was just a little good luck kiss. Come on, Charlie, don’t you wanna win?”
“Are you going to give us all good luck kisses?” He asks.
You turn back and find Charles staring at you with disapproval on his face. Behind him, Oscar is standing in the doorway, cheeks red, lips puffy and pink. God, you want him so bad. You’ll want him even more after the game, you just know it.
“No,” you say, and watch the grin that takes over Oscar’s whole face. “Just my favorite player.”
When you come down the stairs, you nearly scream in excitement, because you spot Max’s mom and sister in the kitchen, unloading groceries onto the countertops. You rush over, and his mom is already holding her arms out wide to wrap you up in a hug. You do the same with Victoria next.
“Oh, I’ve missed you both,” you mumble, pulling away to smile widely at both of them. “You are my favorite Dutch people.”
Max makes an offended noise. “I am right here. I feed you dinner every Sunday. I took care of you-“
“Yes, but you also annoy me to death,” you say. He rolls his eyes.
“You are my favorite Timberwolf,” Sophie says to you, and you grin and stick your tongue out at Max.
“I am very offended,” Max says dryly. “No pancakes for any of you.”
You pout. Victoria joins in. Max sighs and starts plating them up for both of you, despite what he said just seconds ago. You take them into the dining room, where you all sit down. The rest of the team members are floating in and out, grabbing food and going to get ready, half dressed in their game day suits. Lando appears, clad in a white button up and a pair of gray sweatpants, and greets both Max’s sister and mom. Charles does the same. Oscar appears and hovers in the doorway.
“Oh, Oscar,” you call out, waving him in. He smiles sheepishly. “This is Max’s mom, Sophie, and his sister Victoria.”
Oscar smiles and shakes both of their hands before sitting down at the table next to you. He’s mostly dressed, just missing his jacket. You try not to focus on how good he looks.
“Nice to meet you both,” he says. “You raised a wonderful son.”
“Except for when he’s being annoying,” you grumble.
Victoria snorts. “A wonderful son, but an annoying brother, huh?”
“I can hear you,” Max calls out from his spot where he’s cleaning up the kitchen. “Oscar is my new favorite!”
Sophie watches all of it with an amused smile. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Oscar. And seen you play. You’re quite wonderful yourself.”
Oscar’s cheeks flush. You grin and hide it behind your glass of orange juice. “Oh. Thanks.”
He doesn’t take compliments easliy, you’ve noticed- he gets bashful and shy afterwards. You nudge your knee against his under the table, and a little bit of the tension drains from his shoulders. You love that you can be that for him- a little bit of a steadying presence- because he’s the same for you.
“We are leaving in five minutes!” Charles calls from the living room. “Be on time or you will be doing push ups!”
Max breezes through the dining room, dropping a plate full of various breakfast foods on the table. “Here, this is what’s left. Piastri, where’s your jacket?”
Oscar groans and stands up, already headed for the stairs. “See you later, Bunny! Nice meeting you guys!”
“Good luck!” You call after him.
When they leave, the house falls silent. You catch up with Sophie and Victoria, sitting in the dining area in the pale morning light. Outside, you can hear the parties already starting, the crowds forming. The whole town is buzzing about the game, and you’re not immune to it. The three of you make your way to the rink not long after they leave, because it’ll take a while to make your way through the crowds anyways.
“So,” Victoria says, nudging your shoulder as you pass a house decked out in Timberwolves decor. “Max tells us you’ve got a boyfriend.”
“He’s such a gossip,” you mutter, rolling your eyes. “Yeah. I do. It’s kind of… new.”
“It’s someone on the team, isn’t it?” She asks, keeping her voice low. Her mother is distracted by a booth some kids have set up, selling lemonade. “That’s why you haven’t told him who it is?”
You blink back at her, hoping your face stays calm. “No, that’s not why. Just. Taking things slow.”
“Mm. I see,” she says, a teasing lilt to her voice. “Well. Whoever he is, he’s a good guy, right?”
“Yeah,” you say, smiling just at the thought of Oscar. “He’s the best.”
“That’s all that matters, then, no?” She says. You nod. “And I’m sure when you do tell him, Max will be happy for you.”
“Yeah,” you agree. Then, in your head, you add, I hope so.
Max’s mom leaves the two of you near the entrance to go walk out onto the ice with Max and the rest of the seniors for the honor ceremony- named read and flowers handed out. It’s sure to make you cry. Lando’s family is here somewhere, too- you’ll have to find them before they head out, make sure you give them all hugs. But for now, you and Victoria head up to the seats you usually sit in. You’d managed to get the seat next to them for Sophie, too, which is a relief.
They introduce all the seniors, and Victoria hands you a tissue from her purse when you start to sniffle. Max and Lando are out on the ice, their parents next to them, and it makes your chest ache. Then there’s Carlos, with his mom and his dad- who looks at home on the ice as always, and Charles, who stands proudly next to his mother. You muffle your cries into your sleeve. It’s hitting you now- the end of the season is creeping closer, and with it, the end of the year, and graduation, and-
Before you can get too sad, they leave the ice, and the pre game music starts up, and so does the warmup. You spot Oscar out on the ice, carving graceful circles as Lando does the same in a mirror image. You wipe the last of your tears away just before Max’s mom finds you and Victoria in the stands. She must be able to tell you’ve been crying, anyways, because she squeezes your hand and doesn’t let go until the puck drops.
After the game- a close one, but a win, and they’re through to the second round of playoffs- you hug Sophie and Victoria goodbye and head back to the house to prep for the party. The place fills up before the guys even get back from the rink. You weave your way through throngs of people to get a drink, then shove your way back into the living room just in time to see the team come in through the front doors. Max spots you and wraps you up in an enthusiastic hug while Lando ruffles your hair.
“We get one more game,” Max says, loud, close to your ear.
“One game at a time,” you yell back.
Carlos hands you each a shot. You try and pretend you’re not searching the crowd for Oscar. He’s likely making drinks with Alex, or chatting with Logan on the back steps, or something in between. You’ll find him eventually.
An hour in, still missing your boyfriend, you turn around and come face to face with Lando, who has a paper towel pressed to the bridge of his nose. Next to him, Charles looks panicked. Max is trailing along behind them, a hand pressed over his own mouth, amusement clear from the crinkle of his eyes. Lando looks dazed and a little confused. When he gets closer, you notice a spot of what looks like blood on his light blue hoodie.
“What did you do?” You ask as he grins at you.
“He walked into the sliding door,” Charles sighs.
“And then tried to fight the door,” Max adds.
“I was attacked,” Lando whines, pouting. “By an invisible force field.
“Oh my god,” you mumble. You reach out and pull the paper towel away, and wince at the blood streaking his skin. “Okay. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
You nearly walk straight into Oscar’s chest when you make it to the upstairs bathroom. He takes in the sight in front of him with a confused smile- you, leading the way, Lando, giggling while his eyes water, Charles’ worry and Max’s entertainment. Oscar blinks and turns to you.
“Lando got into a fight with the sliding door,” you say, waving a hand. “And lost. D’you have bandaids?”
It’s only once all of you are crammed into the bathroom that you realize the mistake you’ve made. Lando’s on the counter, legs swinging. Max stands nearby, phone out and ready to take pictures for posterity’s sake. Oscar’s rummaging around under the sink, trying to find the first aid kit, while you clean the blood off Lando’s face. And it’s fine- the bathroom is pretty big, all things considered, and they’re mostly being well behaved. Until.
“Hey, Bunny,” Lando says, through a stream of giggles. “We should call your boyfriend.”
You blink back at him. Under the sink, you hear Oscar bump his head and let out a soft noise. Nobody else seems to notice.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you murmur.
“Is this going to be a problem for him?” Max asks, suddenly defensive. “Is he so possessive that you cannot help your friend when he is in need? He has such a small di-“
You scoff. “Definitely not.” Behind you, Charles laughs. “It's almost 2am. And that’s not a good time to call anyone.”
Max sighs, leaning his head against the wall, suddenly leaning into the dramatics of it all. “When will we get to meet him?”
“When I’m ready,” you shrug.
Oscar finally pulls himself out from under the sink. His face is flushed, but the guys will probably attribute it to the alcohol. He has a package of bandaids in his hand- thankfully, the normal kind, or otherwise you’re a bit nervous Lando would’ve refused. You swipe away the last bits of blood from his face, and hold your hand out for one of the bandaids. Max watches, arms crossed over his chest.
“If he was not scared of us, he would be here now,” Max says.
Oscar hands Lando a glass of water, and you nearly laugh at the absurdity of it. He is here. They’re so blind. You exchange a look with Oscar in the mirror. He’s smiling, just barely containing it, cheeks pink. God, you want to kiss him.
“Well, Mr. Norris, I think you’ll live,” you declare, patting his shoulder.
He hums as he pushes himself off the counter. “Perfect. Thanks, Bunny. Need a shot. Coming?”
“I’m gonna clean up in here and then I’ll be down,” you say, suddenly realizing what he said as he slips through the door. “You do not need more shots!”
Max groans. “I’ll go after him.”
Charles isn’t far behind, and he shuts the door after him. You throw the last of the towels and wrappers in the trash and turn, finding Oscar, leaning against the counter. He’s not blocking the way out. He’s left you an escape, if you want it, like you’d ever want to get away from him. You grin and take a step towards him.
“Hi,” you murmur, hands hanging at your sides. “I was looking for you.”
He laughs, eyes crinkling at the edges. “I was looking for you. Bet we were just walking in circles following each other.”
“How silly of us,” you say.
“Yeah,” he agrees. He reaches out and hooks his fingers in the belt loops of your jeans. You let out a squeak when he tugs you close. “We don’t have much time.”
You grin back at him, leaning close to whisper in his ear. “Congrats on making the playoffs, babe,” you say, darting a kiss just below his earlobe. “M’so proud of you.”
You pull away just a second later and find his cheeks pink, eyes half lidded. He groans, shaking his head, and you muffle a giggle behind one of your hands. He grabs your hips and squeezes, his hands warm even through all the fabric. You want him, but you’re bound to get caught if you stay here any longer.
“See you downstairs?” You suggest, kissing his cheek before you pull away fully and head for the door. “I’ll grab you a drink while you calm down.”
He nods, chewing on his lower lip. “You’re a menace, you know that?”
You nod, biting your own lip as you reach for the doorknob. “But you like it.”
You look back one last time before you shut the door. He’s grinning right back at you, as if to say yeah, I do. Your chest squeezes fiercely.
He joins you downstairs ten minutes later, cheeks still flushed, eyes still tracing every inch of your face. The rest of your friends are drunk enough not to notice the way he stares, or the way you share your drinks with each other, or the way he’s the first to volunteer to walk you home when most of the people are gone and everyone’s lazing around in the living room between all the empty cans and bottles. You wait until you’re out of sight of the house before you take his hand in yours. He grins and presses a messy, tipsy kiss to your temple. You like moments like these, where you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing. Where you can just be the two of you. You and your boyfriend, who’s a hockey player through to the second round of playoffs-
You stop in your tracks. “We can’t tell them.”
Oscar stops, too, brows furrowed. “Well, we said we should wait, but if you want to tell them now then- baby, they’re your best friends, you deserve to tell them, and whatever they say-“
“No,” you say, though you’re endeared by his reaction, chest warm. “No, we can’t tell them until after the playoffs. Nothing changes during playoffs. No shaving, no haircuts, and definitely no relationship reveals.”
Oscar’s shoulders sag. “You really think I’m gonna stop shaving? It’s all…” he waves his hand. “Superstition.”
“Oscar!” You squeak out, eyes wide. “Of course you’re gonna stop shaving. You have to! It’s- if you shave, then-“
“Then what?” He asks, eyes full of mirth. You gape at him, unable to find the words, or more so, unwilling. “Oh my god, you can’t even say it, can you? You’re that superstitious, that you won’t even say the word los-“
You reach out and slap your hand over his mouth. “Oscar!”
He giggles against your palm. You glare daggers at him. He bites at one of your fingers, gently, and you yank your hand back.
“M’joking, baby. Promise. We’ll wait to tell them, and I won’t shave, or cut my hair, or do anything that might change the results,” he promises.
Your shoulders drop in relief. He looks at you with what you swear are stars in his eyes. He’s so fond it makes you melt. You’re not sure if you were just blind to it, all those months ago, or if it’s just gotten more plain to see since you both confessed your feelings. He wraps his hand in yours again and starts walking you down the street.
“You know,” he starts, squeezing his fingers around yours. “Some players do sex bans during the playoffs. They say it helps their game.”
You chew on your lower lip. You’ll support him, if that’s what he needs, but. But. You want him, now, already, and- You turn to look at him. He’s laughing, muffling it behind his free hand. You roll your eyes and elbow him, and he does the same back.
“Don’t worry,” he murmurs, his lips against your temple when he says it. “I couldn’t stay away from you if I tried.”
You spot a bit of your lipstick stuck to his skin, beneath his ear, right where you kissed him earlier. You wonder if anyone noticed- probably not, the lights were too low in the house to even see it. You find you’re not worried either way- you like to leave your mark on him. In all the secrecy, it’s a reminder that he really is yours, and you get to be his, too.
taglist: @sourskywalker @ivyvlair @gwginnyweasley @annispamz @bearlul @aresriiots @ggaslyp1 @putting-it-into-parc @black-fireproofs @smilinlemon @arieslost @floralkoi @vicurious28 @likedbygaslyy @rorabelle15 @bwormie @treatallwithkindness @fandomnerd11 @adhxmoony @sakuramxchii @insunia @mindflay3r @talking-raw @colmathgames2 @assholeinatrenchcoat @saachiep81 @venusacrossthestars @v1naco @anthonylockwoodandco111 @whalebursoot-main @ellen3101 @k-pevensie28 @ninifee1802 @not-nyasa @pleasecallmeunhinged @andruuu28 @aceofwordsandarrows @dreamsarebig @secretunnels @ginsengi @yayahnaise @f1petra @lovecarsgoingvroom @lalloronaisreal @fangirl125reader @tpwkmera @booksandflowrs @elizanav @lightsoutletsgo @meko-mt @customsbyjcg-blog @bingussthirdtoe @sideboobrry11
(crossed out means I was unable to tag!)
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youbutstupid · 2 months
Let’s talk about Spencer Reid’s love for Penelope Garcia.
From season 1 Garcia and Reid always had a special bond that Reid didn’t have with the others. She teased him and scared him like a younger brother and he never seemed to be confused about her intentions; he always knew she was teasing and he responded accordingly. He wasn’t afraid to be annoyed with her or to respond, he seemed really comfortable with her.
Whilst Reid was comfortable all of his team members eventually, in season 1, especially at the beginning, he seemed to have some sort of hesitance towards how he responded to them sometimes but he never showed that with Garcia. She also never showed the same hesitance with him: she didn’t treat him like the weird little nerdy kid but rather how she treated anyone else, she treated him with the same teasing and flirtatious remarks and she was never careful around him. They both were perfectly comfortable with eachother’s weirdness, whether it was Reid teasing her about her illegal hacking or Garcia teasing him about being in a ‘haunted’ house
We see it in bits and pieces through seasons 1-5 with Reid being by Garcia’s bedside the entire time after she was shot in season 3. Then in season 5 they were left together because Reid couldn’t travel due to being shot. Reid is seen doing Garcia’s work with her and the entire time they’re bickering like siblings. Again, we show a comfort between them that we rarely see Reid show. He isn’t nervous in his bickering, he’s willing to meet Garcia right where she is and she’s more than happy to have him there
We begin to see more from them from this point, with Reid matching Garcia’s phone call energy; ‘I will be eagerly awaiting your call’ and their teasing remarks between them; ‘what is he doing with their lips?’ ‘maybe he’s eating them’ ‘that image will forever be burned in my memory’ ‘you asked.’
Then season 7 episode 9 you have them both gushing about a friendly ghost together; again just completely enthralled in eachother’s oddness. In season 9 you have them needing to take the fit test together, here their dynamic is amazing. Again, we see a side to Reid we don’t normally see, where he’s willing to talk smack with Garcia and one that really stood out to me was when he touched Garcia’s arm and said ‘you work out? That’s cool I dont’. Considering he is very not physically affectionate, this was quite cute to me considering how comfortably he did it
When he gets shot in season 9 she’s with him the entire time and even protects him by shooting someone which I’m pretty sure is the first time she’s ever actually shot a gun
You have them going to conventions together and breaking the law together by breaking and hacking into Government files
Then we have him bringing her a croissant because he heard she was hungry to which she responds ‘oh you love me and I love you!’ To which he nods; again, up to this point he’s never shown such comfort with someone
Then you have him kissing her head and hugging her in season 12; again, consider the fact that he’s a huge germphobey
You have them getting kidnapped together and stressing to eachother how important to the team the other is
And then in season 15 you have her being at the hospital with him and being in charge of talking to Diana about his injuries, further showing how close they are
‘I will not be dancing at this wedding by myself, do you understand me Dr Reid?’ ‘Yes’ he says with no hesitance or embarrassment
Sorry if I rambled but I just love their relationship so so much
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570 notes · View notes
bratzforchris · 3 months
Comfort, M. Sturniolo
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Summary: Matt's been burning out. It's taken a toll on his body and his mind, but luckily, you're always there when he needs you most<3
Pairing: Matt x feminine reader
Warnings: Burnout, mentions of disordered eating and anxiety, panic attack, pet names (baby, pretty/sweet/handsome boy)
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: This was a random little idea I had while I've been out of classes and work sick! Soft hurt/comfort Matt makes me so 💗 Expect a lot of writing this week while I'm on spring break and enjoy this lil story<3
Being a content creator was an extremely stressful job, and you knew that. You had to constantly be worried about numbers, engagement, and what looks would or would not get you media attention, good or bad. Although it may not be the same as a regular nine-to-five job, it was still incredibly taxing, and that weight was wearing down on your boyfriend roughly and quickly. 
Matt had been teetering on the edge of burnout for a while now, but just chose to ignore it, figuring if he didn’t acknowledge it, it would stay at bay. He knew you could tell; in fact, he knew everyone could tell, but that didn’t stop him from working day and night, constantly editing, pitching ideas to his brothers, and planning new videos. He refused to let you or Nick and Chris help him, not-so-logically thinking he had to ‘pull his weight’. In Matt’s head, Chris was the funny one, Nick was the editor and the smart one, and you had your own job at a local boutique downtown. You all didn’t have time to hear his issues, he thought. 
“Matt? You in here, love?” You knocked on the door to his office, worriedly gnawing on your lip. 
You hadn’t seen your boyfriend since you arrived home from work two hours ago, but you knew he was here because his car was in the driveway. At first, you had left him to his work, figuring he would come out when he was done with his tasks, but now, it was nearing dinnertime, and even the smell of food cooking on the stove wasn’t luring him out. You waited a few beats, not hearing an answer, until you decided to take matters into your own hands. You would never intrude on Matt’s personal space, but truth be told, you missed your boyfriend loads, and you were also slightly worried. 
Matt was hunched over his computer, fingers flying furiously over the keyboard as he typed out an email. He didn’t even look up from the screen until you tapped him on the shoulder, to which you only received a turn of the head and a tired, watery smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“Dinner’s ready, baby,” You whispered softly, massaging his shoulders. “I missed you today.”
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he sighed, rubbing his temples and then turning back to the computer. “I have some stuff to do.”
“Matt, you’ve been in your office since I got home, darling. That was over two hours ago,” You protested gently. “You gotta be hungry, bubba.”
The awful anxiety started to creep into Matt’s mind at your questioning, not because of anything you were doing, but because he knew you were worrying about him, and he didn’t want that. “I ate earlier.” he lied, wincing at how easily the untruth rolled off his tongue. 
“There weren’t any dishes in the sink or the dishwasher and there weren’t any takeout containers. You didn’t eat, love.” You said firmly, but not unkindly. 
You had been noticing for a few weeks now that Matt was eating less and less, abandoning breakfast and usually after dinner dessert in favor of working in his office. You figured the issue would resolve itself after the influencers got out of their ‘busy season’, but here it was, two weeks later and Matt was getting worse, not better. You knew your boyfriend struggled with anxiety even before YouTube, but that wasn’t going to make you brush the issue off. 
“It doesn’t have to be a whole meal, but you need to eat something.” You continued as you massaged his neck and shoulders, him still facing the screen.
Your boyfriend didn’t say anything, and you almost thought he was ignoring you, until he turned to you, blue eyes full of unshed tears. “I can’t,” Matt cried, beginning to choke on held back sobs. “I have so much to do.” 
“Bubba, you can take a break. It’s okay,” You kissed his forehead. “No one is going to be mad at you.”
“But what if I’m not doing enough? What if Nick and Chris think I’m just letting them do all the work? What if…” Matt was cut off by his own shallow breathing, hands moving to fist his feathery brown hair. 
“Matt,” You interjected firmly. “You are panicking. You need to breathe. Copy me.”
Over your year of being with Matt, you had found that a firmer voice with no pet names usually got his attention better than an overly lovey-dovey voice when he was panicking. Matt finally looked at you, his hyperventilating slowing down as he copied your breathing. In for four, out for four. 
“Good boy.” You smiled, gently praising him as he relaxed against his office chair. 
Matt didn’t even argue when you closed out his computer. He just sat back against his chair, massaging his temples. You gently took his hand, leading him to the living room and guiding him to the couch. You knew he needed to eat, but right now, getting him calm and relaxed was the first priority. You sat down on the couch, allowing Matt to lay his head in your lap. You two didn’t speak for quite a while, allowing him to fully calm down first. Finally, you spoke, running a hand across his body and through his hair comfortingly. 
“Do ya wanna talk about it, handsome boy?” You asked kindly.
“I’m just stressed,” Matt sniffled. “I have a lot to do and Nick is already stressed so I tried to help him with editing, and,” he paused to catch his breath as tears rolled down his face. “And some people have been making mean comments about me lately.” he cried.
“Oh honey,” You said sympathetically, kissing his forehead. “I’m so sorry, pretty boy.”
“They say I’m not as entertaining as Nick and Chris cause I’m quiet.” he sobbed softly. 
“Baby, that is the furthest thing from the truth,” You told Matt, kissing his forehead. “You are sweet, kind, and funny. Anyone who says otherwise is a miserable internet troll who takes their problems out on people they don’t even know.”
“Mhm,” Matt sniffled and nodded, curling further into you. All was silent for a while as you cuddled until your boyfriend’s stomach growled. “My belly hurts.” he whimpered. 
You pouted, running your hand over his stomach comfortingly. “It’s probably because you’re hungry and stressed, honey. Those two things don’t mix well. Do you feel like eating some dinner?”
“No.” Matt said flatly, avoiding your eyes. 
“You have to eat, baby. You don’t even have to get up from the couch and it doesn’t have to be a heavy meal, but you have to eat.”
“Fine.” he mumbled, desperately trying not to cry again. 
“I love you, handsome.” You slid out from under him, softly covering him up with a blanket, before kissing his forehead with a little ‘Be right back’. 
You padded into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar and an apple. You also refilled Matt’s water bottle that had been abandoned on the island with fresh water. Before you went back to the couch, though, you snuck into your shared room and grabbed Matt’s stuffed pug, Mr. Wrinkleton, off the bed. Based on your own anxiety experiences, you knew having a comfort object usually helped, and your boy needed all the help you could offer. 
By the time you made it back to the couch, Matt’s tears had slowed, but he was still visibly sniffling, blankly staring off into space while pulling the blanket closer to his chin. It broke your heart to see him like this, but for now, you were going to focus on comfort; you two could tackle solutions to the problem later. 
“Look who I brought,” You whisper squealed, handing Matt his stuffed animal. “He missed you.”
Your boyfriend smiled softly, clutching the plush animal to his chest. Mr. Wrinkleton had been Matt’s biggest comfort (besides you) for as long as he could remember, and that didn’t change now that he was an adult. He shifted so that you could once again sit down on the couch, before laying his head back in your lap. 
“I brought you some food, too.” You placed the snacks in Matt’s hand, planting a kiss on his forehead. 
Matt didn’t speak much as he chewed thoughtfully on the granola bar and apple. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to you; he was just so exhausted that talking seemed like an extra task. Once he had finished, he placed his trash on the coffee table and then turned over so that his face was smushed against your body. You laid in silence for a while until you softly spoke, running a hand through his hair. 
“How are you feeling?” You asked softly. 
Matt shrugged, snuggling further into the blanket. “My stomach still hurts a little. I’m just really stressed.” he said sadly. 
“I have an idea if you’re up for it.” You smiled. 
“And that idea would be?” 
“Come on, I’ll show you,” You gently took Matt’s hand, making sure he had his blanket and stuffed animal and then led him to your shared bedroom. “Lay down on your back.” You instructed. 
Once Matt had gotten himself into a comfortable position, you straddled yourself across his legs and pulled his shirt off, admiring what you saw for a moment. Your boyfriend was gorgeous and toned with tanned skin and a beautiful sleeve of tattoos that you loved to admire. You stole a pump of lotion from the bottle off your nightstand and began to massage his skin, taking extra care to rub his belly gently and massage the knots in your shoulders. 
“God, Matt. Your shoulders are so tense, honey.” You hummed when your hands met a particular knot in his left shoulder. 
In response, your boyfriend let out a soft moan, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the soft pillows of your bed. It sounded sexual, especially since you were straddling him, but Matt didn’t give a damn. The only thing he could focus on right now was the soft glide of your hands against his skin, melting all his worries away. 
Once you had finished your massage, you cuddled up next to him, pulling the covers over both of you. “Did that help a little?” You asked. 
Matt nodded appreciatively, burying his nose in your neck while holding his stuffed animal to his chest. “Mhm.” he mumbled happily. 
“I’m glad, sweet boy,” You whispered, kissing the spot behind his ear. “You know you can always come talk to me when you’re feeling stressed, right baby? I won’t judge you, nor will I ever be too busy for you.”
“I know,” Matt blushed. “I’m going to work on asking for help instead of trying to handle everything alone…” he whispered softly. 
“I’m so proud of you,” You hummed, giving him the soft praise he so heavily deserved. “You’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, you know that?”
“I am pretty great.” the giggle and smile you had been waiting to hear all evening finally crept into Matt’s voice. 
Even when his anxiety and worries got the best of him, he would never lose his ‘Mattitude’, and that was just one reason on a very, very long list that you loved this boy with your whole heart.  
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @oobleoob @idek3000hi @melguilbert
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starlithumanity · 7 months
I'm having a fascinating time rewatching Our Flag Means Death with the knowledge that Ed sees Izzy as a "safe" mentor/family figure ("safe" because Izzy is Ed's subordinate aboard the ship, which creates a more balanced power dynamic) upon whom Ed projects his many unresolved daddy issues. That stated interpretation from David Jenkins does work, even in season one!
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Most of the fandom conceptualized season one Izzy as a power-hungry subordinate to Ed and a "co-parent" to the crew (paralleled with the Stede/Mary marriage) who has an understated masochist lust for the Blackbeard legend. All of that is true too, because Ed and Izzy's relationship is incredibly complex and fucked-up. I know from personal experience that this kind of layered toxic relationship is completely possible, though it might seem contradictory on the surface.
In season one, Ed considering Izzy as a mentor/family explains more why Ed let his first mate be so insulting to and controlling of him and still kept wanting Izzy to stay beside him. It adds more meaning to how Ed veers super hard into the violent Blackbeard role after feeling cornered and threatened by Izzy at the end of the season. (This also has further weight for those of us with family members who have disapproved quite loudly of our queer relationships.)
There is a strong parallel that I noticed previously between young Ed's reaction to his father abusing his mother and season one Ed's reaction to Izzy dueling Stede. Stede is linked to Ed's mother through the red silk and through the fact that Stede and Ed's mother--and Lucius--are the only people we see treating Ed with compassion/softness in season one. It thus makes sense for Izzy to be mirroring Ed's father.
Then there's another parallel in how Ed responded to Izzy mentioning Stede in a mocking way ("pining for his boyfriend") by choking Izzy, like how Ed had once responded to his father threatening his mother by strangling his father. In this moment, Izzy touched Ed's face with an intimate kind of familiarity and said, "There he is." Ed clearly found this unnerving, which some people read as sexually harassment, but it makes just as much sense for it to be his daddy issues getting triggered.
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(GIF Sources: captain-flint and divineandmajesticinone)
I think part of why this dynamic was unclear in season one is because the writers wanted us to see that, even though Izzy is a mentor figure who taught Ed certain skills, Ed is a grown man who is fully competent on his own. He had likely started building the Blackbeard legend by the time Izzy met him, he has a clever mind that's constantly coming up with new plans, and when Izzy himself was left as captain, Izzy proved to not have the necessary charisma and compassion to lead the crew. Ed is the star power; Izzy is the manager, so to speak.
However, Izzy overestimates his importance and often talks about himself like he's a martyr to the Blackbeard legend, working so hard to keep both Ed and the crew in line. He claims that he's been "clean[ing] up [Ed's] messes... my whole life," which feels like a very parental complaint to me.
Ed fuels this martyr complex some in season two by physically harming Izzy, but notably, Ed doesn't threaten this kind of harm to the rest of the crew (though he isn't very careful with them either) until he's in the suicidal spiral of driving the ship into a storm. Before that, Ed threatens Izzy specifically, both because Izzy threatened him and Stede in season one and because Ed's trying, in his own fucked-up way, to prove to Izzy that he's following Izzy's guidance and "being Blackbeard." The toe-cutting also has some metaphorical weight: Izzy demanded that Ed "cut off" the gentler pieces of himself to be Blackbeard, so Ed starts cutting off literal pieces of Izzy in return. When it becomes clear that this isn't satisfying Izzy either, that's when Ed really goes off the deep end. ("I loved you the best I could," but I never could be enough to fit your expectations.)
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(GIF Source: livelovecaliforniadreams)
Meanwhile, we see Izzy starting to question things specifically in response to Ed saying that Izzy could be replaced as first mate. Izzy thought his place, as a mentor/family and self-professed "martyr", was more secure than that, and it challenges his whole identity.
Throughout season two, the mentor/family dynamic is further emphasized via the parallel between Izzy/Ed/Stede and Auntie/Zheng Yi Sao/Oluwande. Others have discussed this more, but there's so much meaning in the similar ways these characters carry themselves, in the tension of Auntie disapproving of Zheng Yi Sao's feelings for "soft" Oluwande, and in the way Oluwande finally teaches Auntie to soften herself some for Zheng Yi Sao.
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(GIF Source: bizarrelittlemew)
Additionally, in episode five of season two, we see Stede turning to Izzy for mentorship, proclaiming that Ed himself had recommended Izzy as someone who "made him into the captain he is today." People have questioned that as being a false manipulation from Stede, but I think there's a good chance that it was true! (Ed probably said this to Stede sometime during season one, when the two of them got to know each other so well.) "Taught him everything he knows" is definitely a flattering exaggeration, but hey.
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(GIF Source: ofmdaily)
Throughout this and other episodes, we see Izzy continuing to take on a mentor-like role with Stede and the crew (and eventually Ed) as he tries to recenter himself after the darkness of the first three episodes. It's clear that Izzy is most comfortable playing the gruff and politically incorrect old fighter who offers guidance, but now he's letting himself branch out more and connect to the crew in new gentler ways. He even metaphorically "gives his blessing" to Ed and Stede's first time having sex by providing the musical accompaniment, which is the perfect amount of weird for this show, haha.
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(GIF Source: izzyfag)
Izzy's transformative arc in season two also involves a steady pattern of reversals, corrected new versions of his treatment of Ed in season one, as Izzy start coming to terms with the harm he did to Ed. Other people have discussed this in more detail, but I think the pace of this change is realistic to what you would see in such a situation. Ed's responses to this, too, are consistent with him seeing Izzy as a mentor/family.
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(GIF Source: edwards-teach)
I should further note that Izzy and Benjamin Hornigold (another abusive father figure from Ed's past) are two characters mirrored by the fact that they call Ed "Eddie" in season two. I can imagine that being the nickname Ed used when he was younger, before growing out of it. Izzy seems to start feeling the echo of that memory of younger Ed when Ed comes to him scared, asking for Izzy to "fix [his] mess" by shooting Ed like Ed "dreamed" about.
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(GIF Source: blairpfaff)
Right before Izzy's death, there's a scene where Ed is triggered super hard in his daddy issues by the fisherman "Pop-Pop." I think the writers wanted to remind us of the parental trauma Ed has been through before giving us some catharsis through Izzy's deathbed confession and apology. In that moment, Izzy takes full accountability for what he did, while Ed cries and says, "You're my only family." Izzy redirects him in a final bit of mentorly guidance, telling Ed that the crew is there to be his family if Ed will let himself be loved, truly, in the way Ed has often rejected and distanced himself from being loved.
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(GIF Source: izzyfag)
Now, I do think Izzy's death was the right choice for this show. I like that DJenkins went with the classic mentor death trope, and he did a similar thing with Buttons, the other old-timer first mate! I agree likewise with those who have discussed Izzy's loss as being a necessary step for the narrative to move forward both from Ed's darker self/parental trauma and from the older age of piracy that Izzy represents. Izzy was always meant to be a dark reflection of and a narrative support/conflict for Ed, and this is the natural culmination of that. His complicated legacy will continue to be something Ed has to reckon with, however, although Ed is trying to compartmentalize that right now.
I very much hope to see, in season three (🤞🏻), how Ed continues to process his past, especially now that he's trying for a domestic life that will likely lead into marriage. Marriage, from what I've seen, often acts as a staging ground for whatever parental trauma you had growing up, because you look to your parental figures as an example of how to do "adult" things. This is going to be a huge conflict for both Ed and Stede, who has his own personal negative marriage experience. I suspect Izzy will continue to represent this problem in some form or another.
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(GIF Sources: kiwistede and yenvengerberg)
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totaly-obsessed · 8 months
Could you write for ella toone that's angst like she looses a match or something and takes it out on r and then tries everything to make it up to r
Groveling Time
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Ella Toone x reader request
-> Ella does not cope well after losing a game and takes her anger out on you, her girlfriend
-> First request! Let me know what you think!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Gamedays were always special, especially for Ella. Being able to represent her childhood club with you by her side was so dear and near to her heart – she loved every single moment of it.
With the new season and not only Alessia missing from the Manchester United crew, but many of her friends having changed clubs, it was tough for the brunette and it was hard on her mind.
You were her rock. She loved knowing that she could lean on you if she ever needed to – a realization that had not come easy to her.
But this week was different, and you both knew it. It was yet another Sunday and Manchester United would meet Manchester City in a derby. This alone was another level of stress, there would be a huge upturn to the game with fans being very dedicated to their respective teams.
But the worst thing for Ella? You could not be there.
It was your grandma’s eightieth birthday and with her being very sick, your family never knew how much longer they had with her. You had asked Ella if she wanted to join you because then you would try to convince the rest of the family to push it to Monday – but your girlfriend insisted that she would be fine and that she wanted you to have a nice day with your family.
During dinner you tried to check your phone as often as you could, trying to stay updated on how your girlfriend’s team was doing. Seeing the 2-0 to Manchester City before the halftime break was hard, knowing how much Ella would blame herself, looking for mistakes in herself. Being the ‘worlds-best girlfriend’ as Ella crowned you, was not easy – but you decided to shoot her a quick text during the break.
‘Hello Gorgeous! Keep ya head up – cannot wait to see you tonight. I love you so much.’
It was sappy, but you knew that the young lioness loved it even if she would deny it till the day she died.
You arrived home before Ella did – so you made dinner.
Ella’s comfort food, knowing that she would not take the 3-0 loss easy. Some leftover cake was chilling in the fridge, waiting for dessert.
But it was getting later and later by the second – without Ella showing up at your shared home. You had texted Katie Zelem oven an hour ago, asking if she was with her and if they had plans for the night. The Manchester United captain however could not help you with your search for your girlfriend – telling you that Ella had left in her car as soon as she could.
By now you were incredibly hungry, having waited for the brunette for three hours seated on the couch, preparing lessons for the following day. At some point, you had turned the stove off and put everything in Tupperware placing it next to the cake in the fridge.
After waiting for a while longer, you started writing a little note to your girlfriend that you placed where she stored her bag so that she would definitely see it. ‘I was tired. ‘Dinner is in the fridge – cake too. Love you!’
You had already gotten ready for bed and nearly fallen asleep when you heard the front door fall shut. With slow steps, you trotted down the steps “Ella?” But you did not get an answer.
With your note in hand, your girlfriend stood in the kitchen. You tripped over her shoes that she had just flung onto the floor, the entryway being a complete mess. Bag in one direction, shoes in another – her jacket just in the middle of the ground. “Baby?”
She had her back turned to you, hands balled to fists by her side, your note crumbled in of them. There still was no reaction. You had gotten closer now, resting your hand on her back, trying to comfort her – but she shrugged you off. “Couldn’t have waited for me huh? First, you don’t show up for my game and then you don't even wait for me!”
Sure, she usually had a loud voice, but now she was just yelling into your face. Ella had turned around with so much force, that she had pushed you back a little. “I’m sorry baby but I was at my grand-“
“I don’t care! You should put me first! We lost because of you and your selfishness!” Tears were quickly making their way to your eyes, mirroring the brunette's bloodshot ones.
She clearly was not herself right now, so you tried to avert her attention. “Do you want me to heat up dinner?” A sharp scoff left you flinching back once she ripped the fridge open.
“No need – you didn’t even wait for me. Already ate huh? What a nice day. Leaving your girlfriend hanging, visiting your stupid family, and eating alone. How fun.” Her words hurt, she spat at you with such anger that it terrified you.
You had never thought that you would fear Ella. But the usually bubbly and funny girl was not herself right now. “And what are you wearing? Always stealing my shit! Don’t you have clothes for yourself?”
Tears were running down your cheeks as you looked at your mirror image in the dark window. You were wearing one of Ellas' big shirts – she usually loved seeing you in her clothes, even making you change out of your own so that you could wear hers.
“I think I will just go to bed baby. Maybe you will have calmed down tomorrow.” Your feet were already on the stairs as you heard her muttering “Sure. Just leave me like you always do.”
It hurt, so much. You opted for the guest bedroom, leaving the brunette in the comfort of your joined room. Once upon a time, you had thought that maybe, just maybe this room could be used for your future child.
If there even was a joined future.
But you were determined to work at what was wrong – not wanting to throw everything away just like that. But Ella did not even enter the bedroom, she left again, the door falling into place behind her as you heard the car start outside.
Just as a precaution, you texted Katie as well As Mary and Millie – explaining to them that Ella was in a bad mood and to please tell you if she showed up at their place so that you knew that she was safe.
It was Mary who was the last to answer, telling you that your girlfriend was at her home.
Now that you had time to settle, the anger set in. So instead of sleeping like intended, you sorted your clothes – taking every single piece of clothing that you had from Ella, folding it neatly, and setting it down on her side of the bed.
As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t just hide her training gear – placing everything neatly in place. As angry as you were that Ella took her own anger out on you, you could never deliberately do something that could hurt her career.
The dinner in the fridge that neither of you had eaten was turned into your lunch at school – your students excitedly asking about it.
Ella meanwhile had gotten her brainwashed by Mary as she crashed on her couch – the goalkeeper refusing to give her teammate the guest bedroom.
The brunette knew that she had messed up.
Your joined home was empty when she came back in the morning. Her chaos was gone, as was the food in the fridge – once entering the bedroom she saw all her clothes. The clothes she loved to see you in.
Her heart broke even further. How could she hurt you like that?
After allowing herself to cry for a couple of minutes, hugging your pillow close to her your note from the night before tightly pressed to her chest, she took a shower and started to prepare.
It was groveling time.
It was still much too early to start dinner for when you came home, so she started with her folded clothes. The brunette put them back into the closet – your side of it. She didn’t want you to stop wearing them.
After that she started the already full dishwasher and washing machine in the time those were running, she started to remove the stains on the couch that you had been complaining about forever now. After emptying the dishwasher and starting the dryer, Ella turned to your most neglected room – your office.
The desk was a mess and there were papers all over the room. She started with sorting the papers – art projects of your students into one folder, and vocabulary tests that you had yet to grade in another one.
After a while she had made a good dent into your chaos – so that she could actually see the table again. It took her two hours until she considered the room as done – putting the vacuum back in its rightful place.
The time on the clock nearly gave her a heart attack – it was time to start dinner and prepare her speech.
Entering your home felt like entering the lion’s den – and you hated it.
The smell of dinner was overwhelming. You did not know what you had been expecting but fresh flowers, cooked dinner, and a cleaned house were not what you had in mind.
It seemed like Ella knew that she had seriously messed up.
“Hello, Ella.”
The brunette at the stove turned around at the speed of light at your voice – not having heard you walk in. “Hi, baby.”
The smile on her face was hesitant but seeing you, without steam coming out of your ears seriously calmed her down. “I think I have something to make up to you.”
It did not take a trained eye to see just how nervous the footballer was – but being her girlfriend certainly helps. “I think you do – but before you start, I would like to hear that you’re sorry and what made you act that way.”
Big eyes looked at you – head nodding so fast that you doubted that Ella could actually see clearly. It was safe to say, that you were spoiled for the evening – Ella making sure that you could not stay mad at her with everything in her power.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 6 months
Holiday Compromise
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Summary: It was your nature to be a giver. You could give the shirt off your back if your girlfriend asked you for it. But when she is just as stubborn as you are, you have to be creative this holiday season to give the small family of three a Christmas they deserve.
Warning: slander of Vision and Sharon (no hate to them), implied sex, drinking, divorce, mention of fighting and past childhood trauma, reader is lowkeye rich, no Avenger/power AU
Note: I can't believe this is my first Wanda x reader fic, wild.
Word Count: 5.2k
You heard Wanda say goodbye to Billy and Tommy as their father picked them up to celebrate Thanksgiving with him and his new girlfriend. It was the second Thanksgiving for the boys, a feeling you knew all too well as your parents divorced at a young age. You were in the kitchen, washing off the dirty dishes and loading them into the dishwasher. "You didn't have to do that," Wanda said, leaning against the wall with their arms crossed. She was wearing a maroon dress with long sleeves that came to the middle of her thighs. She was beautiful.
"Of course I do," you said. "You cooked, I cleaned, it's only fair." She smiled at you before grabbing two wine glasses and filling them with a red wine you brought. She jumped onto the counter, slowly sipping her wine as she watched you. Once you were done and the dishwasher was running, you grabbed your glass and moved between Wanda's legs. You took a sip. "Were the boys excited to go to their father's?" You asked. Wanda sighed.
"I'm not sure," she said. "I think so." You put her glass down and placed your hands on her thighs. This was the first holiday the twins had to experience with divorced parents.
"The first holiday is hard." You smiled. "But it gets easier, I promise." You kissed her forehead. You met Wanda 10 months ago while walking out of a coffee shop on your way to a meeting for your company. As you left the shop, someone ran into you, spilling your coffee all over you. Your outfit was ruined, and on any other day, you would be upset, but you were distracted by the beauty of the woman in front of you. She was frantically trying to clean up the mess. You told her not to worry about it and asked her for dinner. "So," you took another sip of your wine. "What do you want to do for the rest of the night, my love?" You asked, kissing her cheek and down her neck. You made sure not to leave marks on her skin. Her breathing hitched.
"I see you have some ideas." You smiled against her skin.
"Can you blame me?" You asked, looking at her. "The food was delicious, but I was hungry for something else the entire time." You loved making her blush. Wanda was incredibly self-conscious of her body since giving birth to the twins. It didn't help that Vision rarely gave her attention after she gave birth. But my god, you were in love with her body. You found it difficult to keep your hands to yourself in front of her kids. Wanda smiled, biting her lip.
"You make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world," you kissed her softly, taking her glass out of her hand. You lifted her. She gasped at the sudden movement and put her hands around your neck.
"It's because you are. Let me show you."
To your surprise, you woke up to an empty bed. You were always the first one up because you had clients in different time zones. But you made sure to take the day after Thanksgiving off so you could cuddle with your girlfriend. Her side of the bed was cold. You sat up, stretched your arms over your head, and glanced at the clock. It was 0730. You sighed and got out of bed. You put on shorts and a sweatshirt to look for Wanda.
She wasn't hard to find as you stepped into the kitchen, hunched over a notebook, a calculator, and her checkbook. You walked up behind her on quiet feet, wrapping your arms around her. She was tensed up but soon relaxed in your arms. "I wanted more cuddles." You pouted. Your girlfriend chuckled, turning around to face you.
"I'm sorry, baby," you loved when she spoke in her native tongue. It was incredibly sexy.
"Why are you up so early? You don't have to be at work till 5. She was working the evening shift at a 24-hour diner. You saw the stress and worry in her features. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing I can't handle." She said. Yeah, that wasn't going to fly. Early in your relationship, she hid everything from you because Vision was never there for her. You weren't his biggest fan.
"Hey, don't keep things to yourself. Remember, we are a team." She sighed.
"I'm worried about money," she confessed. "With the holidays coming up, I just hope I can give the boys a good holiday with everything they've been through." You hummed, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry this isn't your problem."
"Hey," you spun her around from the table. "I love those boys like they are my own. We will figure it out." She shook her head, biting her lip.
"I'm their mother," she firmly said. "I do not need your help." You nodded.
"Okay," you smiled, rubbing your hands up and down her arms. "But can we cuddle some more, please?" You pouted. Your girlfriend rolled her eyes and stood up.
"Yes, we can, but," she kissed you softly. "Please forget about this, okay? I don't need you spoiling us." You kissed her forehead, and she led you back to her room, promising you would forget it.
So you were struggling to keep your promise. Every time your mind had a spare moment, you thought about Wanda hunched over her checkbook, trying to make ends meet. You knew Vision was paying the bare minimum of child support when he could afford more. But you felt trapped. It was in your nature to help those you loved and cared for. Your second-grade teacher, who allowed you to spend your lunch in her classroom because you were trying to work through your parent's divorce, needed money for hip surgery - you donated the rest of the amount to her fund. Your high school coach was in a car accident - you bought him a new one. Your secretary was diagnosed with breast cancer - you covered the medical expenses and other bills that came up. You were fortunate to be in the position you were in. You had enough money and wanted to give it all to Wanda and the twins.
However, it was early on in your relationship that Wanda wasn't with you for the money. She fought you on paying for her share of the bill, refused any gift, and never asked to help with bills. On the one hand, it made you love the mother of two more because you had your fair share of partners who took advantage of your status. Conversely, you wanted to spoil the small family if only she would let you.
"What's got you thinking so hard?" Natasha asked as she opened the door to your office. The Russian was your second in command, your best friend, the sister who always wanted. Her family lived next to your father, and when it was his weekend, you would spend more time at Natasha's house than at his. Melina helped you get emancipated at 15 since you were done being a pawn in your parent's game. It was around that time you and Natasha tried dating; you were better off as friends - family. She set a stack of papers on your desk. Ugh, you hated being the boss. "Speak. I got other things to do on my list."
"Jeez, thanks," you stood up. "You got time for a drink."
"I guess I could make time in my busy schedule." Typical. You chuckled and grabbed two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. "Damn, we are drinking the good stuff," she took off her jacket and draped it on the back of the chair before sitting down. "Is this about Wanda? I like her. She is so much better than Sharon." You rolled your eyes, pouring the alcohol into the two glasses and giving one of them to her. No one liked Sharon. "Cheers." You hit your glass against hers and sat down.
"Wanda is having financial troubles," you swirled the amber liquid in the glass before taking a sip. "She worries about the holidays but won't let me. She's stubborn." You loved her, but she would work herself to death to provide for her boys.
"You are stubborn, too; it makes sense why you fit so well together," you flipped her off. "So she won't let you spoil her or the boys with things."
"Yes! I have all this money. What's the point if I can't spoil my girlfriend," Natasha rolled her eyes, but she was quiet, biting the inside of her cheek. You knew that she was thinking.
"So don't spoil them with things. Give them an experience. Bring them to the cabin up north," she suggested. "All you have to do is provide the food and sex."
"That is," you paused. It was a good idea. The cabin was built on some property you bought in Upstate New York. The three-bedroom, 2.5-bath sat on 16 acres of land with a private pond perfect for ice skating. You allowed close friends to use it year-round. You could take them ice skating and sledding; if you were lucky, the Northern Lights would appear. "Not a bad idea."
"That's why you keep me around," she finished her drink. "Just bring it up to her and let me know she says. Because if you aren't going to use it," Natasha stood up. "I will use it." You finished your drink and placed the two dirty glasses on the shelf behind you to be cleaned later. You chuckled.
"Are you going to take Bucky?" You questioned. She smirked.
"Him and possibly Steve, make things interesting," you cringed, grabbing the pile of paper she brought in.
"I'd have to burn down the cabin if you three spent a weekend there," you deadpanned. The redhead flipped you off.
"Hey, I'm a gentleman and always clean up after myself."
"Get out of here, you pervert, before I have to file an HR report," she waved and opened the door. "Nat," she stopped at the sound of her name. "Thank you."
"No need to thank me," she smiled. "You'd do the same thing for me."
You were a little nervous as you sat on the edge of your bed and waited for Wanda. The twins were with Vision, so after her shift, she came over. She was in the bathroom, showering and getting ready for bed. You wanted to ask her sooner rather than later, but your stomach was in knots. What if she hated the idea? What if she thought you were being pushy and broke up with you? That would destroy you. "Baby," you turned to face your girlfriend's voice. She was drying her hair and wearing a shirt that was too big for her and came down to her thighs. "Are you okay?"
Sometimes, when you looked at Wanda, your brain short-circuited. She was so beautiful. Vision was an idiot, but hey, his loss was your gain. Your girlfriend smirked, threw the towel back in the bathroom, and walked over to you. She stood in front of you before straddling your waist. Immediately, your hands went to her thighs, massaging them. "Where have you been all night?" She asked, tracing the lines on your forehead. "I feel like you've been a million miles away." You sighed, taking her hand and kissing it.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, my brain is all over the place."
"Can I help?" She whispered, kissing your cheek. "You work so hard." Her lips trailed down your neck and nibbled on a sensitive spot below your ear. "You help so many people," Wanda began playing with the bottom of your shirt, hands grazing your stomach and flexing your muscles. "Let me take care of you," her lips ghosted over yours. "Please." You groaned; the hold you had on your thighs tightened. She was going to be the death of you. There was a voice in the back of your mind screaming to give in, to have this talk later. But it couldn't wait. Using your strength, you flipped her over. She landed on her back and would have bounced off if you weren't holding onto her. Your face was in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. Vanilla. Lavender. Fresh linen.
"As much as I want to," you said. "We need to talk about something." She touched your cheek and forced you to look at her. Her green eyes were filled with worry. "It's nothing bad. It's about the holiday season." She huffed, dropped her hand, and sat up. You were forced on your knees.
"And I thought I told you to forget about it."
"I know, I know," you sat up on your knees to be between her legs. "But you know how I am, baby," she rolled her eyes, and you took her hands in yours. "Just I came up with a compromise if you'll listen." She sighed but nodded. "I know you said you don't need my help, and I don't want to help," you added quickly. "However, I want to treat you and the twins. I own a cabin in Upstate New York, and we could go there for a few days after Christmas. It will cost me nothing besides food and the gas to drive up there," Wanda was giving you her classic 'mom look' when the twins said something she didn't like. "It has a hot tub," you said, trailing your fingers up and down her thigh. You liked the way goosebumps formed.
"No presents."
"3 presents," you countered. "2 for the boys and 1 for you." She sighed, rubbing her forehead.
"You can't get us anything for Hanukkah then." You groaned. Dammit, you wanted to get them something. But you had to compromise.
"Deal," you smiled. "So," your hands went to her waist. She didn't slap them away, so you figured it was good. "Are we going?" She was fighting to keep the smile from forming on her face; she was forced to bite her lip.
"Yes, we can go. I'll discuss it with Vision." She said. SHE SAID YES!
"Wooo," you cheered, picking her up, moving her to the middle of the bed, and attacking her face with kisses. Her laughter was infectious. She pushed her away, and you turned on your side, head resting on your hand. Wanda's cheeks were pink, and she was slightly out of breath. "You are going to love it there," you told her. "It's beautiful and quiet. The boys can have their room if they want. That reminds me, the place could use a good cleaning. I'll call the service tomorrow. What do we want to do for dinner? Oh! I'll get the place decorated and-"
"Baby," Wanda cut you off with a playful smile. "We have a few weeks. No need to rush everything."
"I know," you brought her into your arms. "I'm just very excited." She giggled.
"Yeah, so am I."
"Boys, are you sure you have everything?" Their mother asked for the third time since picking them up at Vision's. It was Christmas. The four of you spent a quiet morning of breakfast and gift unwrapping; the gifts you got were at the cabin. Then you brought the boys to Vision's so Wanda could do some last-minute packing. The look on the man's face was hilarious when he opened the door, not expecting to see you. Thankfully, the twins excitedly ran off toward the Christmas tree, preventing awkward or hateful interactions. You drove home to spend a few hours alone with Wanda before returning to their father's.
"Yes, Mom," they said in unison, but they were already engrossed in what movie they would watch on the TV. Their jaws dropped when they saw them on the back of the driver and passenger seats. Wanda was in the trunk, reorganizing the back to fit the stuff they wanted to bring they got from their father. You rounded the back and saw Vision from the front door, a smirk on his face as he watched his ex-wife struggle. You were quick to kiss her, keeping your eyes on the man. He turned around and went back inside.
"If they forgot something, I have extra of everything," you rearranged the back and closed the trunk. "No stress, right?"
"Right, no stress." You smiled and walked to the driver's seat.
"Boys, are you ready?" You asked and fastened your seat belt.
"Yes!" They cheered. You were surprised they were excited to go. They spent a few days reading up on the wildlife they might encounter. You smiled, watching the boys put on their headphones and hit play. Wanda got in, getting settled with a blanket and a few necessary road trip snacks. You started the car and began the drive with your hand on Wanda's thigh.
The drive to the cabin was your favorite, especially in the winter. The mountain views were blanketed in the snow. Trees that lost their leaves but told a different story. It was so quiet, too, a stark contrast to the city. There were about 30 minutes left of the drive; you were taking it slow as the roads weren't the best. Billy and Tommy were fast asleep, and Wanda played with the rings in your hand. You told her she didn't need to stay up, but she told you she was okay. "Why did you buy property out here?" She asked, keeping her voice low. "I feel like you could have brought property anywhere.' You chuckled; she wasn't wrong, and you have thought about it - a house in Florida on the beach, a French villa in the countryside, anywhere. You sighed.
"When I first realized I could afford anything, I wanted a cabin like this," you told her. "My mother had one when she was younger, and before the divorce, we would go, but a fire destroyed it. In my delusion, I thought if I bought one, we could be a family again," you shrugged. "Obliviously, it didn't work." You hated your parents, but a part of you was desperate for their love and acceptance.
"When was the last time you spoke with them?" She asked.
"About three years ago," you answered. "Mom needed some money, so I gave it to her," your girlfriend shook her head. "What is it?"
"Your heart is too big for this world," she kissed the back of your hand. Natasha and her family would say the same thing. However, they would say that's how you would get hurt.
"Are we there yet?" Billy groaned from the back. You chuckled.
"Almost, buddy, about 15 minutes." You said with a smile.
"I'm hungry," this time it was Tommy. Wanda rolled her eyes. That boy was always hungry.
"I'll cook us something when we get there, but first, we have to bring our stuff inside."
"And open presents," you added on quickly. The twins woke up more at the mention of presents.
"Presents are waiting for us!" Billy excitedly said. You nodded.
"Of course. It's still Christmas!"
"There better be only three presents under that tree," Wanda gave you a stern look.
"I only bought three presents," you said. She looked like she did not believe you. "I promise! That was our deal!" You stood by it, but the people you worked for didn't make that promise. "Babe, it's fine."
You parked the car, and before you could speak with the family, they were out of the car to look at the cabin. Smiling, you got out yourself. It did look better in real life than in the pictures. You hired some people to come out and decorate the cabin. It was perfect with the freshly powered snow; lights hung on the roof, and the trees outside. There were some Christmas-themed blowups out front. Wanda looked at you. "You did all of this for us?" She questioned. You shrugged.
"It was nothing," you smiled, scratching your head.
"Boys, grab your stuff," Wanda instructed her kids. The twins grabbed their backpacks and suitcases and ran for the door, kicking up the snow as they went. You grabbed your bag, and Wanda's before joining them. There was other stuff in the car, but that could wait. The twins were bouncing on their heels as you typed in the code and opened the door. "Oh my god," Wanda whispered. It was like a Hallmark movie threw up in the cabin. There were more lights and wreaths, and a Christmas tree was at the center of it all. You should have given them a limit.
"Presents!" Tommy yelled, running over to the tree. So, there were more than three underneath the tree. Boxes were stacked high around it.
"Is this all for us?" Billy asked, looking back at you. You ruffled his hair.
"A majority of it is. I think there are a few for your mom and me," you said as you looked back at their mother, whose arms were crossed. Oh, she was pissed. "Boys, go pick out your room. Down the hall." Tommy stood up, looking between you and his mom.
"Are you in trouble?" He whispered.
"Maybe," you admitted. "Now go." They were quick to grab their things and run off. "It wasn't me," you said when they were out of earshot.
"I said three presents."
"I did buy 3," you paused. "Well, technically 4, but I bought it for myself." You quickly closed the distance between you and her. Her arms were still crossed, but she allowed you to wrap your arms around her. "All of these gifts are from my coworkers; you know they love the boys just as much as I do." There were rare times when you needed to pick up the boys from school when Vision or Wanda's schedules would line up differently. Since you were the boss, it was easier for you to leave. You brought them back to your office until Vision or Wanda could pick them up. Everyone loved them. You would find them with Yelena or Natasha in their office, Bucky in the cafeteria, or Shuri in the lab. When they asked what the family wanted for Christmas, you couldn't tell them nothing. It was in your nature to spoil people, so if you couldn't do it, you might as well have your coworkers do the dirty work. "Baby," you took her cheeks in your hands. "You and the boys deserve a wonderful stress-free Christmas with the year you three had. If I can provide the space and have others spoil you," you glanced at the tree. "They did go over the top. I'll talk to them." She giggled and placed her hands on top of yours. "I'll do it. You deserve the world; let me give it to you the next few days," she sighed, resting her head on your shoulder. You felt her tears on your shirt.
"Okay," her voice was so soft. "Thank you." You kissed the top of her head.
"You're welcome. Now," you whipped away her tears. "We have some very excited kids that want to open presents." You saw the boys peek their heads around the corner. Wanda laughed.
"Come on," she said. "Let's get going."
Growing up, you dreamed of having a family vacation like this one. As soon as Tommy and Billy were up with bellies filled with breakfast, the fun would begin - ice skating on the pond, sledding on the hill, and winter hikes in the surrounding woods. But also snowball fights, lots of them. You saw the northern lights at night and a little wildlife in the backyard, and you flew the drones you got the boys for Christmas. When they were asleep, you would draw a bath for Wanda, sit by the fireplace in the master, or take a dip in the hot tub. It was perfect; you'd never seen your girlfriend this relaxed. She was smiling, laughing, and more carefree. Even the boys noticed the change in their mother.
At last, all vacations must end; it was your last night at the cabin. Wanda cooked a fantastic dinner; you refused her help with every meal, so you knew she was itching to get back in the kitchen. Then it was smores around the fire and one final movie night. You were putting Billy to bed; the poor kid was falling asleep halfway through the movie. The sound of your name from the sleepy boy made you stop and turn around. "What's up, bud?" You asked, walking over to sit on the edge of the bed. If his eyes weren't opened, you would have thought he fell back to sleep.
"Are you going to marry my mom?" You fought your jaw dropping and thanked all your years of being CEO to keep a straight face.
"I'd like to," you said honestly. You never liked lying, especially to kids. You were often on the receiving end of the lies from your parents. "Is that okay with you and your brother?" He nodded quickly, and a weight you didn't realize was on your shoulders was lifted.
"I like you, and you make Mom smile," he frowned slightly. "My dad doesn't like you." You chuckled, shaking your head.
"I'm aware, but that's not gonna stop me from being with your mom, okay?" He nodded and sat up, staring down at his hands.
"They fought a lot," he admitted. "They tried not to do it in front of us, but we still heard it." Oh, you knew that feeling well. They were lucky to have each other. "I don't like fighting. Dad and his new girlfriend fight sometimes, too," you weren't aware of that. You wondered if Wanda knew.
"Do you like her?" The boy shrugged.
"She's okay, not as nice as you," that made you smile. "She just kind of ignored us when we are there." You hated some of the partners your parents ended up with.
"Look at me," he slowly did. "I want you to know that you and your brother can always come to me. You are part of my family." Billy smiled.
"Thank you," he hugged you.
"Always," you whispered, kissing his forehead. "Get some sleep." He played back down.
"Night, buddy," you turned off the overhead lights and closed the door. Wanda was in the kitchen, making herself a cup of tea. "Is Tommy asleep?" You asked, wrapping your arms around her waist. She nodded.
"He was out as soon as his head hit the pillow," you chuckled, kissing her shoulder. "You were in there awhile with Billy; everything okay?"
"Yup," you popped the 'p' at the end of the word. She spun around, back against the counter, and tilted her head at you. She was a mind reader; you swore by it. "We were just talking about you and me. The boys like me." She rolled her eyes.
"I could have told you that." You laughed.
"So it's our last night here; what do you want to do?" She bite her lip, moving her head from side to side.
"You know," she trailed her hand up and down your chest. "I haven't gotten my Christmas present yet."
"And I thought you didn't want me to get you anything," she shrugged, smiling.
"You got a girl curious," you smiled, took her free hand, and led her into the master.
"Sit and close your eyes," she did as she was told and sipped on her tea. You weren't sure why you were so nervous to give it to her. Every time you went to bring it out of its hiding place, your anxiety got the better of you. You returned to the bed with a small jewelry box and bag. You set them next to her. "You can open your eyes." She did and handed you the mug. "Open the bag first," you told her, placing the mug on the side table. Wanda slowly opened the bag, pulling out the tissue paper.
"Lingerie," she laughed, taking the maroon pieces out. You smirked. "I can't believe it." You shrugged, kneeling in front of her.
"I told you I bought something for me," you chuckled against her neck. "I want to buy some lingerie for my girlfriend. Sue me," she shook her head and pushed you away slightly. You pouted as she returned the clothes to the bag and picked up the jewelry box. "If you hate it, I can return it and get you something else," you added. She opened the box.
Her green eyes shun with unshed tears. It was a necklace with four gems - each was a birthstone representing her parents, brother, and boys. "I know we don't talk about your parents or Pietro a lot, but I wanted to get you something so they'll always be with you," you explained. "If I overstepped, I can-" she surged forward. You caught her body trembling slightly as she cried.
"It's perfect," she said. "So perfect." She sat back on the bed. "Can you put it on?" You took the necklace from her and placed it around her neck. She was quick to go to the bathroom to look at it. While she was gone, you sat on the bed. When she was done, she came out and sat on your lap. You got major deja vu when you told her about your Christmas plans. "I don't deserve you," she whispered, kissing your cheek. "Thank you for the gift, this trip, and everything you've done for me and the twins. What Billy asked you rang in your head - 'Are you going to marry my mom?' You squeezed her thighs, and she looked at you.
"I'm going to marry you one day, Wanda Maximoff," she let out a surprised squeak from the back of her throat. "One day, you'll never have to do anything, not worry about money or bills. You could sit at home all day for all I care."
"I'd get bored," she said. "I could never be a housewife." There was something about the way she said housewife that put a chill down your spine.
"You won't have to be one," you smiled, tickling her sides and spine. She shivered. "You could go back to school and become a teacher like you wanted to, be a writer or painter, or go to culinary school. Anything you want as long as you are mine," Wanda chuckled, moving her fingers through your hair and tilting your head back.
"You got this all figured out, huh?" She teased. "Do you think about marrying me a lot?" You weren't sure how to tell her you've thought about it since she ran into you at the coffee shop. Your silence must have been telling because she threw her head back in a laugh. "I haven't even said yes yet." Your jaw dropped slightly.
"You would say yes," you said slowly. She shrugged, got off your lap, and grabbed the bag.
"You'll have to ask."
"I'll buy the ring," she stopped on her way to the bathroom, threw a wink over her shoulder, and closed the door behind her. Groaning, you fell onto your back. That woman was going to be the death of you in the best possible way.
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dqrciedaily · 1 month
baby arsenal headcannons, arsenal wfc x teen!reader
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a/n: i am so so so sorry that this isn’t an actual fic but i’ve left yous without anything for like two weeks so take this 🥰🥰🥰
warning - this isn’t proofread so pls ignore any mistakes x
1. she is maths no.1 public enemy - literally will stare at her homework for two hours instead of actually trying it. then the next day at school she gets in trouble for not doing it but she genuinely couldn’t care less because she’d rather have them email lia than try do trigonometry
2. her tiktok reposts and twitter likes have fans speculating like there is no tomorrow - she’s definitely liked transfer rumours on twitter before as well as reposting things she shouldn’t be and she reposts things that happened way back way but people think it’s about her current situation, leading to some very concerned fans in her tiktok comments and instagram requests.
3. baby girl has stina and laura wrapped around her finger - she’s cold? stina’s gonna give her the jumper she’s wearing. she’s hungry? laura’s up to make her something to eat, even though maus is perfectly capable of doing it herself. they’re basically on her beck and call.
4. she always curses out players in german on the pitch - when she was younger her brothers taught her the art of cursing people out in german then speaking in english to confuse them. however this did not work when arsenal played chelsea and she went flying after a tackle from nüsken, who very obviously understands german, leading to maus getting a yellow.
5. which leads to the next point which is that she gets her fair share of yellows - giving katie a run for her money, although most of hers come from back chatting the ref and not from actual gameplay, although she isn’t afraid to put in a heavy tackle here and there.
6. her + kyra = little shits on steroids - on the first media day of the season they decided to put y/n and kyra in three of the same interviews, let’s just say absolutely nothing productive happened until caitlin had to come in to do an interview with the two of them.
7. she’s lia’s no.1 reason for her early gray hairs - firstly maus is awful at answering phone calls, so if she’s out with her friends and lia needs something best believe she cannot contact her. secondly the amount of emails the school sends her may send lia into overdrive, she genuinely couldn’t care less if y/n didn’t do her homework as long as she’s passing all her classes, which she is (besides math but lia doesn’t need to know that.)
8. y/n has the best outfits - her instagram feed is filled with mirror pics of her outfits and they’re all just so good!!! she’s known for her fashionable clothes throughout the woso community.
9. she gets really really really nervous when doing interviews by herself - she already refuses to do orals in school because they stress her out too much, so after her first full 90 for arsenal she gets called to do an interview and poor girl is swaying from side to side the entire time, stumbling over her words and overall looking like a deer caught in headlights.
10. the first time she brings a girl or boy home lia gets a group of the girls to pretend they’re over for dinner without telling y/n - so then when y/n gets home she sees most of her teammates there and very hastily shoves her ‘friend’ upstairs, before going over to the girls who all tease her. then when she’s upstairs in her room with her ‘friend’ they all take turns coming upstairs to walk past the closed door to hear what they’re talking about.
11. she is a hugger of note - the first time she meant all the girls minus her shy demeanour she hugged every single teammate she met. she is also a massive cuddler, on the team bus she makes ours sit in the window seat (much to the brunettes complains) then uses kyra as a pillow which 1. forces kyra to be quiet because she doesn’t want to wake y/n and 2. she can’t move around the bus as she wants deciding to annoy everyone which the other girls are very thankful for.
12. her first crush on a girl was laura freigang, who she had seen around the german youth camps before - she even told her parents at one stage that she was going to go to penn state just like lau did but that phase was short lived when she then developed a crush on one of her teammates in her age group instead.
13. in another life she’s a dj who lives in ibiza - literally no explanation needed, she truly is a party animal at heart and would go to all the festivals and raves possible during the off season.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Post Outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel comes home after patrol on a winter day and he's so cold he can't warm up even under water, so he asks you to join him in the shower.
(this could be read as a second part of SLEEP BLISS 💤 or as a stand alone, it's up to you)
Warnings: fluff, like a lot of fluff, sexual tension and mentions of masturbation but no smut at all, a little bit of angst as Joel has low self-esteem, age gap, Joel being probably out of character but idc I want him to be happy
A/N: I will write all the cute/fluff Joel Miller scenarios that come to my mind and this is a threat!!!
1.6k words
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Winters in Jackson were hard and your heart tightened every time you had to see Joel leave the comfort and warmth of your shared house to go patrolling.
Your relationship was complicated, you were too distant to be together but also too intimate to not be together.
You weren't a couple. You didn't kiss and you didn't have sex, not because you didn't want to, quite the opposite, you did, you ached even for it. But Joel held himself back. You both started as travel partners and you ended up sharing a house in Jackson.
Despite the fact you got along and you cared for each other, he never wanted to mix up things. Not only was he painfully older, he also had a paralyzing fear of losing you. But there was only one thing worse than losing you to him:
You falling in love with him.
That was definitely off limits, Joel would never accept that, he was a horrible person and he knew you deserved better, it was unfair you got stuck with an old, cold-hearted, violent murderer like him. Not when you were young, bright and full of life and deserved someone who could love you. Someone who didn't have such baggage like he did.
And yet you held him at night, your hands stroked his back when he woke up from a nightmare, your soft words were nothing but sweet to him. You were too good to Joel, more than he ever deserved and even if he knew you should find something better than him, he allowed himself to be selfish and have you by his side.
You opened the door to him, welcoming him inside, brushing off the snow on his shoulders.
"Joel, you must be freezing!" You said as you watched him get rid of his jacket and his pair of gloves.
His face was red from the exposure to the freezing wind and he looked down at you, your sweet warm eyes flooding with relief to see him return safe and sound from patrol.
You hung his coat and gave him some space so he could make himself comfortable. Joel was attracted to the kitchen as the smell of food was so tempting to him. Last he'd eaten was a sloppy sandwich before patrol he made himself while you were still asleep, as he didn't want to bother you about having to get up and prepare him something.
You saw how he eyed the pan you left on the stove and smiled big.
"I made you some carrot potato soup" you said with your big smile and got him a bowl, immediately pouring a lot in it and handing it to him.
Joel loved that. Ever since you made it for the first time it became one of his favorite dishes, you'd told him it was not a big deal and anyone could make it, but he knew it had nothing to do with the ingredients nor the seasoning, it had to do with the fact you made it for him.
Since then, you always made sure to have a warm bowl of it waiting for him during winter days.
"Thanks darlin', it's really good" he mumbled after the first spoon. He groaned in pleasure and felt how he began warming up slowly.
Joel wasn't a man of many words, especially when he was hungry.
You could tell his hands were burned from the cold and again you couldn't help but feel that pit in your stomach once more. It wasn't fair Joel had to freeze his off outside while he already worked so hard during the week, but there was not a way you could tell him, you were afraid he would bark at you for being silly, or overprotective or even clingy so you kept your thoughts to yourself.
Joel was more vulnerable when it was around sleeping time, but when he was wide awake, he was… well… Joel.
You thought of what you could do to help him warm up and thought of suggesting a nap, but when you were about to go say it, he finished his soup and looked at you.
"I'm gonna shower now" he got up and thanked you for the food before leaving. You quickly washed the dishes, hating any kind of mess in your kitchen.
It was a shame you didn't have a bathtub, you could've run a bath for him, though the image of Joel in a scented bubble bath was enough to make you giggle.
Of course you wouldn't complain about using the tub yourself. If you had one, you'd definitely enjoy his patrol time to sink into that relaxing water and just stay there, clearing your mind and not worrying about anything.
You would also use that time to bring yourself some pleasure, it was a need you couldn't control, now that you didn't sleep alone anymore, you didn't have a lot of time to do it, and because you didn't sleep alone anymore your need was going through the roof, as every touch Joel's left on your skin, was enough to set your core on fire.
You could spend the rest of your afternoon in those fantasies if it weren't from Joel's voice coming from the bathroom. He called your name and you snapped awake from your daydream.
You rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the towel you were sure he'd forgotten and was asking you for a new one. However, his towel was right there when you got inside.
You turned to towards the shower and you saw Joel's face peeking through the curtain.
"I…uh" he blushed and looked down, looking into your eyes again as his big brown ones were soft and carried a level of shyness and shame.
The combination of those eyes and his wet hair made him look like a stray puppy caught in the rain. It was amusing to see how Joel could carry so much violence and darkness within and at the same time look like the fluffiest guy on earth.
"What is it Joel?" You tried controlling your breath, not wanting him to notice how accelerated it got from the situation.
Joel naked, less than a meter from you, and the only thing between you two was a painfully thin shower curtain.
"I'm still cold… I was wondering if you'd like to shower with me"
You laughed and looked at him, surprised to see him joke about that, but when he stared at you completely seriously, your smile died.
He wasn't joking.
You held yourself as best as you could not to squeal and bit your lips.
"It's not like that, Y/N… it's like when we sleep, darlin.." he explained feeling mortified and was about to ask you to leave.
Maybe he was crossing the line and didn't think things through, which made him feel pathetic and stupid, besides, you wouldn't waste your time getting in the shower with an old guy like him, that was just dumb.
He could've spent the rest of the afternoon in a self loathing rant, but when he saw you'd stripped down to your bra and panties, he stared at you in shock.
He didn't actually believe you'd do it but there you were, two small pieces of clothes away from being naked.
"I'll turn around so you'll be more comfortable, sweetheart" you rolled your eyes at how gentle he was, you wanted to see his face as you got naked for him, maybe he would finally understand how much you longed for his touch. But he already had his back to you.
You quickly got rid of your remaining clothes and stepped under shower with you.
You placed your hand on his stomach, and felt his bigger one on top of it. He was indeed very cold and you were hit by a sudden need to help him, keep him warm and make everything alright for him.
"It's okay, you can turn around again Joel… remember, it's nothing we haven't seen before when we were bathing in the lake" you reminded him and heard a chuckle. But it was a lie, you did bathe naked once in the lake, but you were at a reasonable distance and deep enough into water to cover your bodies, but you didn't care, and neither did Joel.
He kept his gaze into yours, looking into your eyes and fighting the urge of staring down at your perfect body.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head against his chest at the same time he rested his head on top of yours.
He sighed deeply, your body felt so great against his he felt like breaking the promise he made himself of not touching you.
Joel finally began warming up, at the same time your hands stroked his back so gently. You'd grabbed soap and rubbed on him, feeling the different shapes of scars he gathered around the years and loving each one of them.
He grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some onto his hand.
"Close your eyes, sweetheart" he asked in his deep voice and massaged your scalp taking his time and watching the bubbles forming and the delicious familiar smell spread through the bathroom.
He just loved how good your hair smelled and how well you took care of it, but he wanted to take care of it for you, to show you he cared about you, even if you already knew, he just wanted you to be sure.
When he was done rinsing your hair, he found your eyes looking up at his, maybe you waited for a kiss, a hand sliding down your body or something like that, but he couldn't do this, he'd do more harm than good.
Instead, you gave him one of those smiles that made him weak at the knees and he was sure once more you were so much better than he could ever deserve.
A/N: I just want Joel to be happy 😭
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theelastword · 10 months
So I’ve been seeing a lot of people talk about how big of a mistake Aziraphale made in the finale and how badly they feel for Crowley (instead of feeling bad for BOTH of them). And honestly? I don’t understand the perspective that Crowley getting his heart broken in episode 6 has to mean that Aziraphale was totally naive and wrong and that it’ll take Crowley a lot of time to forgive him, or that Aziraphale’s ending in season 2 wasn’t just as heartbreaking as Crowley’s.
Think about everything we know about Aziraphale, who has never once been power-hungry and— following season 1— no longer cares what Heaven thinks (he even told the Metratron that he didn’t want to go back to Heaven when first approached). Aziraphale only left because he sees angels like Muriel, who definitively have good in them despite everything, or even Gabriel who somehow figured out how to fall in love and find something that mattered more to him than the supposed ‘morality’ of Heaven. Aziraphale sees that spark, that potential of Heaven to be turned into what it should have always been, and he thinks that he can do it because he’s seen proof of angels who can get away from Heaven’s influence, a list that includes himself.
Not to mention THAT look he gave Metatron after he brought up the Second Coming, a look that (at least from where I’m sitting) was a definite steeling of nerves and his own way of saying “Okay, time to take this thing down from the inside”. He was NOT saying that Crowley should reform himself for Heaven, or even that they should go back because he missed Heaven. He was asking Crowley to go with him because he loves him and wants him by his side— and because he knows that Crowley has experience in being there for angels who slowly deviate from Heaven.
Aziraphale wants what he’s always wanted— to keep helping everyone he possibly can, without stopping to do what he really wants and just stay in his beloved bookshop with the love of his life. Because he never prioritizes what it is he wants when he could be helping others instead. That’s just who he is, which is what makes him so selfless and wonderful but also so sad in that he never just…lets himself be happy. And the Crowley that we all know would never hate or have lingering fury toward him for that. What Aziraphale is doing, although heartbreaking to people like me who just want the Husbands to have their little cottage in the South Downs, is actually really brave, AND just as worthy of the sympathy and heartbreak that many fans are feeling for Crowley.
EDIT: Also, as sad/problematic it may be to abandon your life and partner, it’s just as problematic to turn a blind eye to the oppression and injustice of Heaven that, by all means, you have the ability and voice to try to do something about in pursuit of prioritizing what you want. So if we’re going to be mad at Aziraphale, we have to be mad at Crowley, too (and I’ll be disappointed if hypothetical-season-3 paints the narrative that Aziraphale is the only one in the wrong here). Personally, I’m all for not being mad at anybody. I completely understand both of their choices, and I just want them to reconcile and be compassionate to what the other is going through.
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redsquidface · 2 months
When informed about your transfer off planet, you were not worried at first. After all, it was a normal practice for The United Earth as a means of cultural exchange with other interstellar civilizations. But then you discovered that you'd be sent to a remote space station, as far away from Earth as possible. When you arrived, you found out that none of that station's inhabitants were humans. Your translator couldn't even fully understand some dialects and accents.
The first time you visited the food court, you were stunned by the variety and foreignness of the presented food. There were kitchens from all across the galaxy, but none familiar to you. 
One of the stands caught your gaze. Mostly because some of the dishes on display were still wiggling and squeaking. Despite everything being overspiced and slimy, it was your best option. For a minute, you braced yourself and prepared to order, but then you noticed a dusty replicator standing in a corner. You have used these machines before and knew that they could create human food or you could teach them how to. Postponing the probe of the alien cuisine, you rushed to the machine, eager to taste the familiar.
The chef of the kiosk, whom you left in a hurry, followed you with the gaze of their red eyes and angrily growled. Their warrior culture saw every aspect of their lives as a battlefield. War, love, sword fighting, sewing, engeniring, cooking - all were competitive and passionate. The fact that you eyed their dishes and not only chose not to buy anything, but rushed away was interpreted as personal defeat of the cook and an insult to their honor. The large alien gracefully hopped over a glass counter and followed after you, furious but collected.
By this time, you had alredy uploaded a human food pack into a replicator, ordered a burger, and paid for it. When the machine dispensed your order, somone quickly took it away. Without wasting a second, alien chef threw your burger into their wide opened maw and began to chew.
"Plane. Too plane. Do you really trade this over my perfectly spiced food?"
"H-hey! I've paid for this!"
"And I will refund your money at my stand tenfold. My food is much better than this replicated crap."
Indeed, the taste of replicated food was always a bit off, but you ware not in a mood for squirmy food. You also weren't eager to argue this day.
"No thanks, I don't like living food."
You pretend to ignore the angry alien and ordered a plate of spaghetti from the replicator. But this portion was also devoured, even with a paper plate. The chef was stubborn and refused to let go of a customer.
As the alien chef was staring you down, you began to get angry. Suddenly, an insidious idea slipped into your mind. You ordered again. This time, it was a big, ripe lemon. Suppressing a giggle, you watched as the rude chef sent the yellow fruit into their mouth and began to loudly chew. As the red eye opened wide and the alien grunted, covering their mouth, you began to regret your little revenge. What if lemon was poisonous for that species? What if the alien is now pissed off even more and will try to kill you?
But when the chef looked at you, in their red eyes were no traces of rage or vengefulness, but only curiosity.
"Do you humans eat this?"
"Really? "
"Yes, but doses are usually smaller."
"And there I thought that your spicies were fragile."
After that remark, you felt obliged to brag. For the next half hour, you were talking about hot papers, acidic pineapples, and poisonous fish dishes, while the alien chef was cooking food for you at their stand, sometimes interrupting you with questions and remarks. They seemed to be at awe of human culinary habits. The chef prepared your dish with extra care, making sure that seasoning is not too intence and all ingredients are dead and fried.
After the chef handed you the finished food you were so hungry that you began to eat without hesitation. Surprisingly, the taste was good.
When you finished eating, you thanked the chef for the food. Approvingly nodding at the site of a clean plate, they said that it was repaiment only for their first theft and invited you in this kiosk again. The alien promised that the next time their menu will include new ingredients from the Earth.
As you both said your goodbyes, you and the alien chef parted ways. You both made a new friend today.
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alexfromjersey · 11 months
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 & 𝓐𝓻𝓰𝓾𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: two months go by after the premiere of Scream 6. after not speaking for a month, Jenna finds you and has some intense news to share.
warnings: mature language, angst, fluff, mentions abortion
a/n: I'M NOT SCARED OF LIONS, AND TIGERS, AND BEARS...oh and I totally forgot that the Met was May 1 sooooo pretend it was a little bit later in the month. 3.7k words
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MAY 2023
Life has certainly skyrocketed for you after you released your vlog of the Scream 6 red carpet premiere. Everyone loved the funny moments between you and Davis and the cast appearances. The fans also noticed the interaction between you and Jenna, which blew up. You gained a lot more followers, going from 16.6k to almost 50k in a couple of weeks.
It was a tad bit overwhelming, having more eyes on you but it’s what you signed up for. You just had to adjust. 
“Chat, I got word that my special package is coming soon for the stream. I’m mad excited to show y’all this shit” You beamed. 
You sat back in your gaming chair wearing black basketball shorts and a black tank top. You had your reading glasses on because you were blind as fuck. You just finished playing the new season of Call of Duty and now you were talking to your chat for the last hour of your stream. 
Lately, you’ve noticed that you've lost focus a little bit. Ever since that night with Jenna, it replayed on your mind over and over again. The way her lips felt against yours, the sounds she let out when you pleasured her, and her beautiful body. 
You hate to admit it but you were starting to feel the actress. You’ve had your fair share of women, some that were relationships and some that were just for fun. But you never felt this way about a girl before and it kinda scared you. 
“When are you releasing new music? Whenever I can find studio time. On some real shit chat, I’ve been writing a lot more lately and I really wanna hit up the studio so anyone that can squeeze me in, DM me please” You spoke to chat. 
It didn’t help that Jenna stopped contacting you after a month and some change. You haven’t gotten any DMs, texts, or FaceTime calls in weeks. At first, you figured she was busy doing her job and she didn’t have any time to talk. A quick little text would be enough though.
But you had to remember that y’all are not together. No use of crying over spilled milk. Davis was upset when you told him.
You stupid motherfucker - again his exact words.
“I haven’t looked at my Reddit in a minute, let’s see what’s happening there,” You said and clicked to Reddit.
The first thing that popped up was a picture of you and Jenna at the restaurant. The caption said, “not Jah tryna rizz up MY WIFE!?!?”
You continued to scroll through the Reddit seeing nothing but edits of you at the premiere. There were some edits and pictures of you and Jenna with outrageous captions which made you laugh. You continued scrolling through and interacting with chat for the last fifteen minutes before getting off for the night.
Now you are bored and hungry. You threw on your slides and grabbed your accessories before leaving the apartment. You were craving a baconeggandcheese on an everything bagel from the bodega around the corner. 
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( your outfit ^ )
You got to the bodega and ordered your sandwich, grabbed a soda, and some snacks for the rest of the night. About five minutes later, your sandwich was done. You bid goodbye to everyone in the store including the cat at the register before heading back towards your apartment. However, the loud sound of a horn can be heard throughout the night air. You ignored it, thinking it was not for you, and kept walking. But the horn sounded again and a heavy-tinted black SUV pulled up next to you. You were on guard now, you thought you were about to either get got or robbed. You freed your left hand just in case, you had to pull out the tool. But then the back passenger side window rolled down and a familiar face was seen.
“Yo Hollywood, word to you was about to get got. Why you roll up on me like that?” You questioned as you relaxed seeing her face. 
“We beeped the horn twice to get your attention” Jenna replied. 
“This is New York, car horns are heard every second and can mean various things. We beep and shout out the window here” You joked.
A small smile appeared on her face for a second before she turned to someone in the vehicle with her. 
“I need to talk to you…it’s important” She mumbled loud enough for me to hear. 
“Nah I ain’t getting in shit. You ghost me for a month and then roll up on me like this. How did you find me anyway?” You questioned. 
“Davis…I called him. It took a while for him to tell me where you lived but after I expressed how important it was, he gave it to me. Look, I know we haven’t spoken in a month and there’s a reason for that. If you would just get in the car, I will explain everything” Jenna answered. 
You sighed, contemplating getting in the vehicle or not. But after a small inner battle, you walked to the back driver's side and got in the SUV. Inside the vehicle was the driver, an older woman in the passenger seat, Jenna, and a boy who looked around your age. You were highly confused about what was happening.
“Where are we going?” You asked anyone.
“Somewhere we can talk privately” Jenna answered when no one did. 
You hummed in response, you looked down at her and took in her appearance. She was dressed in Adidas pants and an oversized sweater. She had shades covering her eyes which you found odd since it was nighttime. She kept picking at the sleeves of her shirt and bouncing her leg nervously. 
A clear throat made you look away from Jenna to the unknown boy next to her. He was glaring at you and clenching and unclenching his fist. You raised an eyebrow at him before you snorted. Jenna turned to you at the sound but you didn’t spare her another glance. 
You took out your sandwich and began chowing down on it. It was getting cold and you didn’t know how long this talk was gonna take.
Shortly, you all arrived at a building, it looked like an office building. You finish your meal and throw away your trash before following everyone inside the building. You all walk to the back of a conference room. 
“Okay, so what’s this all about? Cause homeboy over there look like he wanna pop off” You said and pointed to the boy sitting next to Jenna. 
“Jahaziel, I’m Nancy, Jenna’s manager and that gentleman next to her is her friend Hudson Maverick. It’s to our newfound knowledge that, you and Ms. Ortega slept together two months ago right?” Nancy inquired.
“I don’t really put my business out on who I sleep and don’t sleep with, with strangers.” You gave a fake smile to the older woman. 
Nancy sighed and ran her hand through her hair, “Jahaziel I’m -.”
“For godsakes Nancy will you just spit it out already to this girl” Hudson interjected. 
“I don’t know how to come out with something like this Hudson. I told you Jenna should be the one talking” Nancy sighed frustrated. 
You looked back and forth between the two with agitated eyes. They were wasting your time. 
“Listen, if this is about you worrying about running around tell people that we slept together, I’m not that kind of person. I don’t go around telling people who I stick my dick in no matter if they famous or not. So if this is what everything is about, you could have just emailed me” You said and went to leave the room but a soft voice stopped you.
“I’m pregnant”
You stopped in your tracks, Hudson and Nancy quieted down. It was so silent in the conference that you can hear a pin drop in the next room. You turned around to face Jenna who stood up from the table and pulled off her sunglasses. Her eyes were red and puffy like she’s been crying for days and hadn’t gotten a lick of sleep. 
“What?” You whispered.
“Can I talk to her alone please?” Jenna asked quietly. 
Nancy and Hudson looked at each other for a second before nodding. The two got up and left the room, leaving only you and Jenna. 
Jenna stepped towards you, "I'm pregnant. I found out a few days ago when my period didn’t come on. It didn’t come on last month either but I thought it was due to the stress I was under cause it’s happened before. I haven't slept or eaten properly. All I've been doing is crying and crying, wondering how I'm going to tell you. Then I got the courage to finally tell you but then Hudson found the pregnancy test and they started bombarding me with questions."
You felt your heart pick up pace and your palms started to get sweaty. You felt like the oxygen in your body was leaving, you couldn’t breathe. You stumbled into a seat and that’s when Jenna noticed your state. 
“Hey Jahaziel, look at me, breathe okay,” Jenna said and kneeled in front of you. She placed her warm hands on your cheeks and forced you to look at her but you were too busy freaking out.
“I’m a fucking dumb ass bitch, I fucking got a big ass actress pregnant. An actress I barely even know. Do you understand how fucking insane this whole thing is? I just started this YouTube shit, I still live in an overpriced shitty-ass rat-infested apartment complex in a neighborhood where I don’t know if once I step outside I’ll get shot or not. How the fuck you not freaked out right now” You ranted.
“You don’t think I’m losing my mind? Ever since I found out, I have a fucking panic attack every time I wake up. I’m twenty years old, I just booked several movies. I don’t have any time to have a child.” Jenna exclaimed.
“Well, it seems like you getting an abortion is the only option then” You argued. 
“Don’t make that decision for me” Jenna boomed. 
“What the fuck! You just fucking said that you won’t have any time to have a child. What the fuck you gonna do Jenna? Are you gonna fucking wish the baby out of you and everything will fall into place in an instant? You fucking Harry Houdini now?” You yelled, your Bronx accent getting heavy as you shouted. 
“Oh you are just fucking hilarious, huh, your a fucking comedian” Jenna growled.
“You not saying what you want to do! You say you don’t have time for a child then when I say abortion is the only option, you fucking lash out at me.” You roared. 
“Because I don’t want to get an abortion, I want to keep the baby!” Jenna belted. You looked at her face properly now and saw tears were now falling freely down her face. You closed your eyes and take a deep breath in, holding it for ten seconds, before releasing it. You repeated this process a couple of times before you felt yourself calm down. It was a technique the Marines taught you while you were in service, it came in handy most times. 
“I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Being a mom was something I knew I wanted to experience. Having a little mini-me running around with my and my partner’s personality. The experience came a lot earlier than I expected and not the ideal way but I have the chance and I’m not passing it despite what I said because I’ll figure it out. I always figure it out” Jenna confessed. 
She then pulled out a folded Manila envelope and slid it toward you. 
“So if you don’t want anything to do with me and the baby, you can sign your rights away. Nancy’s number is on that business card and she’ll come pick up the papers in the morning” Jenna continued. 
She then got up and walked out of the room.
“Jenna” You called out but she was long gone out of the room with her people following her. 
You sighed and rubbed your hands down your face, extremely stressed out. 
Honestly, you didn’t know what you wanted to do. You never thought about being a parent, especially after the way your father up and left you, your Mom, and your older brother years ago. You never gave parenthood a thought. You needed a second opinion and a blunt.
It was now 2 in the morning, you sat on your fire escape looking down at the streets with the papers in your hand. You just finished your second blunt of the night to help with the racing thoughts but it only increased it. You kept staring at the signature on the paper, wanting to write your name but not wanting to also. 
“You stress anymore, you gon’ pop a blood vessel” Davis said as he stepped out onto your fire escape. 
Once you found a way back home, you immediately called Davis and told him everything that happened. He told you as soon as he finished with his project, he was rushing over. 
“I feel like I’m about to have an aneurysm,” You said. 
“I would be too if I was in your position. This shit is a mess” Davis stated and took the papers from your clenched hand. He looked over it and exhaled deeply. “So you sign this and all your rights are taken away. No seeing the baby. Nothing?”
“Nothing. I won’t have a say in anything, can’t see them. I’ll literally just be the sperm donor” You said. 
“Is that what you really want? To be known as the sperm donor. You realize that she’s a mega actress and once the news gets out, it ain’t gon’ be long til people figure who the other parent is” Davis stated. 
“I don’t know what I fucking want. A part of me is ecstatic that I have a child on the way.” You exclaimed. 
“What about the other part?” Davis questioned.
You sat in the chair with cloudy eyes. Once Davis got a look at your expression, he immediately realized what this was all about. 
“Your father. You don’t want to end up like him” Davis nodded. 
“It’s been six years and that motherfucker still finds a way to haunt me. It’s pathetic” You scoffed. 
“No, it's human. Jah, he is your father-”
“Was. That bitch ass motherfucker ain’t shit to me now” You seethed. 
Davis sighed, “Either way, who said you was gonna end up like him. You plan on signing those papers and ditching your child? That ain’t you.”
You looked down at your hands, finding them more interesting. 
“Look, all those feelings you feeling right now…is that how you want your child to feel about you when they grow up. That you ain’t nothing but a bitch ass motherfucker?” Davis questioned. 
You took in your best friend’s words. “Look I know this whole situation is unconventional but you have to own up to it. You and I both know for a fact that you don’t want to sign these papers. You want to be in your child’s life. So stop being a fucking idiot, rip up those papers, and apologize to Jenna.”
Suddenly, the alarm on Davis’ phone starts to blare. You checked the time and saw that it was almost 3 o’clock now. 
“I have to get some rest for tomorrow. But on some real shit Jah, really think about what you want” Davis added before disappearing inside your apartment. 
Once again, you were left alone on the fire escape with nothing but your thoughts and the occasional crackhead shouts. You looked down at the papers again before shoving them back into the envelope and heading inside for the night.
The next morning, you were up and ready. You only got like an hour of sleep but that hour of sleep gave you a mindset. You texted the number on the business card and finesse your way to getting information about where Jenna was going to be today. She had a fitting for her Met Gala dress at the moment at a studio Downtown, so that’s where you were. You parked your car and paid the meter before heading inside the studio where she would be.
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(your outfit for today ^ )
You texted the number that you were downstairs with the papers. After waiting for about ten minutes, you expected to see Nancy but Hudson came downstairs. 
“Jahazel or whatever you name is…” Hudson greeted with no emotion. He held his hand out, waiting for the papers but you never put them in his hands.
“Firstly it’s Jahaziel and secondly, I know I’m probably the last person she wants to see right now and I don’t want to mess up anything she’s doing right now. But can I talk to her please?” You pleaded.
“Absolutely not. Not after what you said to her yesterday, I’m not letting a hoodlum like you step near her again. You ruined enough for her already” Hudson hissed. 
“Who you calling a hoodlum skinny Fred Jones” You questioned offended. Hudson attempted to grab the papers from your hand but you moved them away. The move made his whole face start to turn red from anger. 
“Give me the papers before I call the cops on you” Hudson threatened.
“Call the fucking cops pussy” You snapped and stepped towards him. Before either of you can lay a hand on one another, a brolic man stepped in between y’all. You recognized that it was Big L and he was pulling you away from Hudson while another security guard stood next to him.
“I need you to calm down” Big L’s rough voice ordered. 
“Alright, alright I’m calm” You grumbled and pulled your arm from him.
“Listen, meet in the back alley in ten minutes” Big L instructed in a tone that only you and him can hear.
“Big L…my man you attractive and all but I don’t swing that way” You joked.
Big L rolled his eyes, “I’ll take you to see Jenna.”
“Oh, that makes more sense. I thought you were about to suggest something to me” You lightly chuckled. 
Big L just looked at you with a neutral expression before walking away toward Hudson.
“Damn not even a little giggle?” You pouted as you left the building. 
You waited in your car for ten minutes before going into the back alley like Big L said. He was waiting for you at the door and motioned for you to speed up. He then took you through various rooms and floors. By the 10th floor, your legs were jelly.
“Aye yo, Black Panther why didn’t we take the elevators? I’m not that fit like you. I’m skinny fit I was born with abs I didn’t work for these like you did” You complained out of breath.
“Because Hudson told every guard in the building to have you arrested for trespassing if they spot you” Big L answered.
“Is it really that serious though, you would think I be fucking aggressively stalking Jenna” You huffed and walked up another flight of stairs.
“Hudson has always been overprotective of Jenna, ever since he started working for her last year” Big L commented.
“Overprotective? For what reason?” You asked.
“Don’t know. I don’t get paid to ask unnecessary questions” Big L replied. 
You hummed in response and walked up another two flights of stairs before Big L opened the door to the 13th floor. Big L checked to make sure no guard was in the vicinity before he motioned you to follow him. You felt like you were on a James Bond stealth mission, it was exciting. He took you to the last door on the floor before knocking. 
“Ms. Ortega, Nancy will like to come in” Big L said.
“Okay, send her in” Jenna spoke after a moment. 
That was your queue to enter the room. You closed the door behind me and took in that you were in an open floor room with racks of clothes against the windows. It smelt expensive as fuck in the room.
“What are you doing here?” Jenna’s voice brought you back to reality. She was standing in front of you with a familiar flannel on. It was buttoned to cover her chest area but unbuttoned around her stomach area. Through a tiny gap, you can see her belly protruding a little.
“I…uh wanted to talk to you” You spoke. 
Jenna scoffed, “I think you spoke enough last night.” She walked away from you and into a different room.
“Wait, look I apologize for the way I reacted last night. It’s sincere too cause people from New York don’t apologize” You stated. 
“If you came here to be a comedian, you can go Jahaziel” Jenna grumbled. 
You sighed, you have to be serious. You can see that she’s stressed and not in the mood for jokes so you had to be serious. You walked up behind her and grabbed her shoulders. At first, she shrugged you off but you placed your hands there again and more firm. You turned her around to face you.
“Real shit, I’m sorry Jenna. For everything last night, you didn’t deserve me talking to you like that. Truth be told, I was mad scared when you told me that you are pregnant. My father up and left my family when I was 15 and it left some deep wounds in me. When I was younger I aspired to grow up, get married, have a family, and have a love like my Ma and Father did but then he left without saying a word and it tainted that aspiration. I got scared because I didn’t want to be like him” You explained to the shorter girl. 
“You could have told me that. I would've understood completely” Jenna mumbled.
“I know and I should’ve but I’m not really good at explaining my feelings.” You responded. 
Jenna glanced at the envelope in your hand, “I’m guessing you made your decision.”
“Yeah, I did” You replied and ripped the envelope in half. Jenna gave you a surprised look. “Look, me and you made this baby together even though we ain’t in a relationship…yet. I don’t want to be like my father. I also don’t want you to do this by yourself. Our baby, our responsibility. I’m with you to the end Hollywood” You smiled and stuck your hand out.
She looked down and chuckled before shaking your hand. The two of you looked into each other’s eyes and never stopped. The room felt hotter and your hand was still holding hers. Suddenly, Jenna took your hand and placed it on her small belly. 
“Til the end NYC” Jenna smiled.
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
I’ve Been Keeping a Secret
Pairings: Husband!Travis Kelce x Wife!Reader
Words: 1,425
Warnings: Nothing, pure fluff!
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Ever since Travis had said goodbye to you three days ago before he headed out for his away game in Tampa, he had only been thinking about you. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but you had been different lately. He spent the entire plane ride replaying your last couple of fights in his head to see if something had set you off and was still bothering you. In his hotel room, he scrolled through his pictures of you until he couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer, trying to commit your beautiful face to memory. He was even off his game the first half because he couldn’t get you out of his head. Something was off about how you said goodbye to him.  
Your kiss was short and sweet, a simple peck on the lips before you headed out for breakfast with his mom. Anyone else wouldn’t have thought much about it, but you usually made a big deal of his leaving, cooing over him, making sure he had a snack to take with him on the way to the plane because you knew he got cranky if he was hungry. Your kiss was usually deep and passionate, making sure it lingered on his lips for the entire duration of his trip. He was usually always 10 minutes late to the jet because you wouldn’t let him go. This time he was 10 minutes early; the team gave him shit about it.
He was settled into bed, exhausted from the game when he decided to give you a call and wish you a good night. You picked up his facetime immediately, lying in bed yourself. “Hey, baby.” Travis gave you that handsome smile that still gave you butterflies after all these years. His voice was gruff from yelling all game. “Hey love. How was the game? Congrats on the win.” “It was good, can’t wait to get back home, though. I miss you so much baby.” You rolled onto your stomach, propping your phone on the nightstand. “I miss you too, but you’ll be home tomorrow.” Your eyes started to flutter close, Travis enjoying the sight of you peaceful and safe. “I’ll let you go baby, goodnight.” He wanted to stay up all night with you, trying to figure out what if anything was wrong, but he didn’t want to push the issue tonight. “Goodnight.” You returned the sentiment before ending the call.
“You think he suspects anything?” Mama Kelce walked into your bedroom, a cup of tea and a heating pad in her hands. You chuckled, covering your face with your hands. “Uh, I hate keeping this from him. This is killing me.” His mom set the cup of tea on the nightstand before placing the heating pad on your stomach and covering you with the comforter. She sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking your arm in sympathy. “I know honey, but if he knew you were pregnant, he would have never left for the game. He would have wanted to stay with you for the rest of the season.” You laughed, knowing she was right. When it came to you, Travis didn’t act rationally. He would drop anything if you asked him to, and until about three days ago, you weren’t even sure you were pregnant.
Your symptoms had been pretty mild, but when you were up sick the night before Travis left for the road, you thought you had a stomach bug, something that had been going around. Travis offered to take you to the doctor the next morning, but you didn’t want him to get sick and wanted him focused on his game. You expected to get a prescription of steroids, but instead found out that you were three months pregnant. You and Travis had talked extensively about starting a family, but wanted to wait a little while, having only been married two years, still enjoying the honeymoon phase of your relationship. You cried tears of joy in the parking lot for over an hour, incredibly excited, but for some reason you just couldn’t dial Travis’ number. It was then that you decided Travis deserved a grand gesture to let him know you were going to be parents.
When you got home, your husband was on his way out. You were afraid if you opened your mouth, you would spill the surprise. You gave him a quick kiss, sending him on his way. You hoped you had been convincing, but Travis noticed immediately. The next couple of days were agony, but Mama Kelce and Kylie helped you create t-shirts for your nieces to wear, the girls excited to be such a big part of your surprise. When you weren’t knocked down with morning sickness, you decorated the house with balloons. The nerves started to set in when Travis texted you they were about to land, knowing that you had about 30 minutes until he was home. The family was gathered in the living room, buzzing with excitement, and you were just trying not to hurl.
Travis texted you again when he was in the car, and when you heard the garage door opening, everyone hid in the living room. You turned the lights off and headed to the kitchen. “Y/N, where are you?” Travis dropped his bags beside the door, and trekked to the kitchen, seeing the lights on. You were sitting at the island, trying to look busy on your phone. Travis wrapped you in a tight hug from behind, surprising you. You stood from the chair, and Travis immediately started planting kisses all over your face. “I missed you”, he whispered, tucking his face into your neck. “I missed you too. Come on, let’s go into the living room. I want to tell you something.” You dragged Travis by the hand, pushing him down onto the couch before taking a seat on the coffee table. You heard Elliotte giggling behind the potted plant and cleared your throat to cover the sound.
Travis’ face was blanketed in worry. He wasn’t sure what you were going to say, but he had been agonizing over it the last 72 hours and was sure it wasn’t good. “What’s going on?”, Travis asked as he grabbed both of your hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. You dropped your eyes to the floor, letting out a sigh. “I’ve been keeping a secret from you.” Travis leaned back on the couch, not even noticing it was dark in the room. “Oh my god. Are you seeing someone else?” “What?” you laughed at his ridiculous question. “I’m gone all the time, I wouldn’t blame you.”
“Alright, I think that’s enough.” Travis’ dad flipped on the light, revealing your family hiding in spots around the room. “Surprise Uncle Travis!” Wyatt jumped out, blissfully unaware of what was going on. Travis took the sight in around him, a smile creeping on his face. “Welcome Home!” he read out on Wyatt and Elliotte’s shirts. “Thank you baby, this is a great surprise.” He envelopes you in a hug, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Before you thank me, remember you have three nieces.” You led Travis over to Bennett, who was sleeping peacefully in her car seat. He pulled her shirt down gently. “Daddy”, he read out. “Didn’t think you would want everyone to know your nickname for me, but okay Y/N.” Travis’ dad let out a groan as you rolled your eyes. “Put it all together, T”, Mama Kelce called out. “Welcome Home, Daddy”, he repeated, the sentence not clicking. “Welcome Home Daddy”, you rubbed your non-existent belly. “What?” Tears began to well in Travis’ eyes immediately, the message finally clicking.
“You’re gonna be a daddy, babe”, your voice cracked at the words. The sight of Travis crying was making you emotional. Travis picked you up, pulling you in tightly before locking lips with you, his tears hitting your cheeks. He exchanged hugs with the rest of his family before coming back over to you. “What was with all of that cheating stuff?” you asked him now that the anticipation had settled. Travis shrugged, “You were different when I left on Monday.” “So, you assumed the worst?” you rubbed his back. “I’ll never do that again.” Elliotte came over, asking to be picked up by Travis. He lifted her in his arms, Elliott hugging his neck. “Were you suprised?” she asked. Travis smiled. “I was, thank you for helping”. “You’re welcome!” she responded, “Auntie Y/N couldn’t do it because she can’t keep sequets”.
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tkwrites · 5 months
Private Lessons - Quinn Hughes x Sarah (ofc)
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: Private Lessons
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah (OFC) 
Warnings: None? If I should add any, please let me know. 
Summary: As requested by @eyesthatroll, Quinn teaches Sarah to skate.
Word Count: 3,300
Comments: After taking a bit of a breather, I’m back with a requested fic. 2 months after you requested it, your wish is my command, Mari. I hope you enjoy it!
This was an interesting exercise for me to write something requested by someone else that wasn’t necessarily my own idea. I wrestled with it and got in my head a lot about it, but ultimately, I like the result I finally came to. 
Thanks for your patience and support. Please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see in their universe! I can’t guarantee I’ll write it, but I love the inspiration and challenge these requests bring! 
eyesthatroll asked: tory!! i absolutely adore your writing 🥹 maybe if it’s in your wheelhouse, you could write quinn teaching sarah to skate (or them going skating together) for the first time. i think that would be very adorable 😭 it’s totally fine if that’s not in the cards for the series though, don’t feel pressured! love ya! 🫶🏽
Private Lessons
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
At the end of every season we have a family skate. It's on the 15th. I'd like to bring you if you can come. 
Sarah knew this was a bigger deal than his crafted to be casual text was letting on. If it really was casual, he would have mentioned it before he left for the three game road trip.
She also knew dating a hockey player meant she would have to face her fear and past failure eventually. Even if a team event wasn't involved, it was such a big part of Quinns life. She wouldn't be able to avoid it forever. 
Does everyone skate? 
Usually yeah. Not all of the partners do, but most. 
I've never skated before. 
Desert flower, remember? she sent with a picture of a blooming cactus. 
He laughed. There are lots of different skill levels there. People bring their kids and stuff.
Meaning what? That I'll be the only adult with training wheels? 
No wheels ;) 
She sent a gif of someone rolling their eyes. I'd love to go with you, but I really don't want to be the only one who doesn't know what they're doing. Could I persuade you to give me some private lessons? 
I guess that depends on what you’re willing to give me. ;) 
I mean, there’s not much I wouldn’t give you. What do you want? 
A long pause passed in their conversation. When she finally read his response on her way home, her cheeks pinked so much, she had to put her phone in her bag for fear of giving herself away on the train. 
That’s how they ended up at a mostly empty training rink the Wednesday night after he got home. 
She found him waiting for her in the lobby, surrounded by a swarm of kids all jockeying for his attention. It looked like a whole little league team was getting out of practice or a game right as he arrived. They were so excited, acting as if he came in just to see them. 
Sarah waited off to the side, watching him sign autographs and give advice, and talk to each of them. She was tired and hungry, but seeing Quinn in this element gave her a new side of him to admire. He was patient and kind, and invested. She remembered him telling her how he always liked to talk to kids because he remembered how much it meant to him when his favorite players were willing to stop and talk. Seeing that quite literally come full circle was a gift she hadn’t expected to see.  
When he finally looked up and met her gaze, he flashed her a grin and mouthed, thank you. 
Smiling in return, she nodded to an empty room off to the side before settling in with her laptop to work on her publication. 
A big sigh announced his presence a while later, as Quinn slid down the wall to sit next to her on the floor. “Sorry about that,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her temple. 
“It’s fine. I always have stuff to work on, and seeing you with the kids is sweet.” 
“Winning me some brownie points?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows. 
“Like you even need them.”
Sarah closed her laptop and turned her head so they could finally say hello properly. 
He pulled her close to deepen the kiss. Even though he'd gotten back in town after midnight the night before, they hadn’t seen each other until now. He'd debated going to the aquarium after practice, but remembered they wouldn't let him back without a pass the last time he’d tried. Besides, he didn’t want to interrupt her work so close to finals. 
The urge to climb into his lap was so strong, Sarah had to pull back from the kiss before she made a public spectacle of herself. 
“I missed you,” he said, trailing a finger from her cheekbone to her jaw. It felt like the road trip was finally over now that she was back in his arms.
“I missed you, too.” 
“I have to confess something,” Sarah blurted, nerves eating her from the inside out as he showed her how to tie her skates.
Quinn looked up from pulling her laces tight.
“I’ve been skating before.” 
One of his eyebrows cocked up, “you have, have you?” 
“It was terrible. It was on a first date with this guy when I was a freshman, and I’m pretty certain the only reason he suggested it was so he could get his hands on me.” 
Quinn wrapped his hand around her calf and joked, “I guess it’s a good thing I’ve already had my hands on you, then.” 
“You’re not mad?” she said, surprised.
“About what? That I’m not popping your ice skating cherry?” 
Laughter barked out of her mouth before she explained, “no, that I lied. I mean, I didn’t really lie. We went on ice, on skates, but no real skating was involved.”
“Now I feel like you’re lying,” his voice was teasing. 
“After half a wobbly, too touchy lap, I fell and broke my wrist.” 
The bemused smile dropped off his lips, “oh my god, Sarah, why didn’t you tell me before?” 
Her bottom jaw moved as she worried the inside of her lower lip. “I didn't know when it would come up.” she said. “I mean, if anyone can teach me to skate, you can. But that's why I wanted it to be just us first.” 
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve broken lots of bones skating,” he said, stroking her leg. 
She smiled tightly. “I bet none of those were from you falling down.” 
“I don’t know, maybe? You’d have to ask my mom, but I fell plenty when I was learning, that’s really normal.” 
“It just feels like one of those things that I'll never live down, you know?”
“Well, you and I are the only ones that know now.” 
“Yeah and Josh Jackson and all those people at the Reno rec rink.” 
“You keep in touch with everyone who was there that night?” he joked, hoping she would see how ridiculous her worry was. 
A hand flew up to cover her face as she blushed. “I guess it just lives in my head every time I think about ice skating.” 
“I know the feeling, but it was one time seven years ago, right? And you’ve got a better teacher, now.” 
She dropped her hands so she could meet his gaze, giving him a hopeful smile. 
He changed the subject. “Are these too tight? Can you move your toes?”
“Yeah. I mean, no they're not too tight.”
He smiled, stood and held out a hand, “come on. I can't promise you won't fall, but I'll do my best.” 
As they walked through the tunnel to the rink, she said, “This is the weirdest feeling.”
“It can't be worse than wearing heels.”
“Have you ever worn heels?”
“Well, no,” he admitted. 
“Then you can't say a damn thing about it. At least in heels, the ball of your foot is on the ground. With this, it's like my feet are suddenly half an inch wide.”
“You're thinking too much.”
“What am I supposed to do, not think?”
“Don't think so much,” he said, stopping at the boards and turning around. “Okay, I'm going to get on and help you on, okay?”
She nodded. 
He bit back his smile at the determination on her face. “It's slippery, so be prepared.”
“Gee, thanks, Hughes,” she said, flatly. “I had no idea ice is slippery.”
He laughed. She’d never called him by his last name. Of course it would come out when she was nervous. 
“I'll have you the whole time. I won't let you go until you tell me to,” he promised, reaching to help her through. 
She stepped on and immediately over corrected, jerking back. 
He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her against him to keep them upright. “Calm down,” he said, trying to sound soothing. “I know it's a weird feeling.” 
In all actuality, he didn't know. He'd been skating so long it sometimes felt easier than walking.
 “Just hold on and let me pull you.” 
Skating backwards, he took her on a lap. Her fingers were hooked around his elbows, so he was forced to awkwardly hold the backs of her arms.
“Can you relax? I’ve got you.” 
She glanced down and felt her legs wobble. Visions of the ice rushing up to kiss her on the temple made her dizzy. 
“Look at me,” he said in a voice that couldn’t be ignored. 
Sarah met his eyes. The dim lights over the rink made them a sort of muddy green she’d never seen before. 
“If you keep looking down, you’re going to fall,” he said. “You go toward what you look at.” 
“I just want to make sure my feet are right.”
“Do you have to watch your feet when you’re walking?” 
“Well, no, but this is new.” 
“Sure, but once you get over the fact that you’re on the ice and used to your skates, it’ll start to feel more natural.”
“Yeah, I’ll just get over that.” 
He shook his head, and moved on. “Okay, start picking your feet up like you’re walking.” 
“Like I’m walking?” she repeated. “That seems really counterintuitive.” 
“It’s not that different from walking, you're just gliding instead.”
She leveled him with a deadpan, sarcastic look.
She was about to ask him how she was supposed to walk when she couldn’t lift her heel or push off with the ball of her foot, when she realized arguing his syntax wasn't going to get her anywhere. This was a case where she had to swallow her pride and ask for what she needed. 
“Can you break it down, like the physics of it, for me?” she asked. “It helps me to see all the steps before I do something.”
As he talked her through the mechanics of skating forward, she held onto his arm. She had so many questions he’d never considered, like how he used his edges to push off. 
Skating was so automatic on his part, he didn’t even have to think about it. He’d never had to break down what he was doing like this. 
Seeing how his legs worked up close and in slower motion helped her envision doing the same things herself. 
“Okay, come back here.” 
He moved in front of her again. 
“You make that look so easy,” she said, a bit of a whine in her voice. 
“Sarah,” he said, swallowing the bite in his tone, “I've been doing this for twenty years. I do this for a living. I'd hope I make It look easy. I couldn't take over writing one of your papers, or come into the aquarium and start taking care of Walter.”
“Yeah,” she said, resigned. 
“I know it's frustrating that you can't pick this up right away, but no one can. You can’t read your way into skating well.”
That touched a nerve and she glared at him. 
He let go of one of her hands so he could hold his up in surrender. “All I mean is that you just have to physically get used to it. How long did it take you to perfect your golf swing?” 
“That’s different.” 
“How is that different?” 
“I started that as a kid.”
“So? You can learn things now. You learn new things all the time.” 
“Yeah. It just feels so daunting. I really don’t want to look like an idiot in front of all your teammates.”
“No one will care. They’re just excited to meet you. We can come back every night I’m in town if you want. Or you can just not skate.” 
That caused distress to fly over her face. “No. I can’t do that.” 
“Why not?” He glanced behind him out of habit, even though there was no one else on the ice. It was a clean sheet too, freshly zambonied after the pee-wee hockey game that ended right before they arrived. Perfect learning conditions. 
Sarah recentered herself by pulling a breath down her spine, “this is such a big part of your life. I want to be able to participate.” 
“Yeah?” he asked, a half smile lifting the right side of his mouth. 
“Yeah, and like you said, I have a better teacher now.” 
“Tell me about your day,” he said.  
“Okay,” she answered, dubious of his intentions. 
“It’ll help you to stop thinking about what your body’s doing. I think you’ll find it will sort itself out if you let it.” 
He could tell she didn’t really believe him, but went ahead anyway, telling him about the little boy at the aquarium that afternoon who had insisted he’d caught an octopus as big as Walter and thrown it back the last time he and his mom had gone fishing. 
“I mean, maybe he did,” she said, shrugging. “But his teacher gave me this look like, ‘don’t believe a single word he says’. I felt bad, She just looked so tired of him.” 
Quinn laughed and decided not to point out that she was skating perfectly naturally now that she was out of her head about it. “What happened in class?” 
“Well, even if I get a C on my comparative physiology final, I’ll still pass the class.” 
“That’s huge, Sarah,” he said. 
“Yeah, it's such a relief, but then, Paul dropped that he's adding a test on top of our publication. Thankfully it’s not a huge part of my grade, but still, more on the pile. He’s calling it a review, but that just means it’ll cover everything we’ve studied this term.” 
“That doesn’t seem fair for him to add that at the last second.” 
“Well, he can do what he wants, so,” she shrugged. “He said he thinks we need it. I think he's just being a controlling jackass.” 
“Can't you report him or something?”
“For what?”
“For changing the syllabus so late.”
“Well, he's the head of the program, so I can't complain to him, plus if I went to the dean, I'm pretty certain she'd tell me ‘this is graduate school, and you should grow up.’” 
Quinn winced. 
“Yeah. He's just a dick because he can be. He’s the lord over this little kingdom and he wants us all to know it.” 
She shook her head, “I’m sorry, we can be done talking about him.”
“You can keep complaining if you want.”
“No, it's okay. It just makes me more mad, which makes me not want to study, which only shoots me in the foot.” 
“Okay,” Quinn said, “I think you’re ready for me to be next to you.”
“Yeah, you’ve been skating fine for the last five minutes.” 
She looked down as if to confirm, “I have?” 
“It’s not like you were standing still.” 
“But you’ve been pulling me.” 
“I was, but I’ve mostly just been holding your hand, keeping distance. You've been moving yourself forward.”
“Really?” Shaking her head, Sarah laughed a little to herself, “you really are a better teacher.”
He gave her a wink and spun to stand next to her. 
“Keep talking,” he encouraged. 
“About what?” 
She didn’t know what to look at now. There were empty stands, and scratched glass, and the whole smooth sheet of ice, lines etching a curving lacey pattern around the perimeter. 
“Whatever you want.”
“I don't -” glancing down, she remembered his advice and jerked up. The sudden movement caused her to promptly fall on her rear with a frustrated grunt.
Her hands fell to her sides in a gesture that said, why is this so hard for me? 
“You're doing great.”
“I just fell down.”
“So? I fall all the time. You just need to learn to get back up.”
He did fall, and she was always so impressed with his ability to just pop back up and continue playing as if nothing happened. 
He coached her back onto her feet, and they continued around the rink as he told her about the road trip he’d just come home from. Only five days away, but the comeback overtime loss and two wins made it a huge confidence builder. 
He admitted that though some of the strain was lessened for the next month with their guaranteed spot in the finals, he still felt so much pressure to perform. 
“There was this moment on Friday, though, where we were just gelling, you know, and it felt like ‘we deserve this now.’” 
“Of course you deserve it. You work your ass off for that team, Quinn.” 
Throwing her a thankful smile, he said, “I mean we all do it together.”
“And you’re a big reason everyone is buying in.” 
“Look at you, learning hockey talk.” 
“That is something I can read my way into.” she joked. “Plus your mom explained a bunch of the idioms to me.” 
He laughed. 
She fell twice more, but got up each time. The last time, she even managed to do it without his help. 
“You’re doing great,” he praised, moving in front of her again, “you’ll be a natural in no time.” 
Pulling herself to him with their clasped hands she winked, “it's because I have the best teacher.” 
She was close enough now that he would just have to lean in to kiss her. He did, because he could. They were apart so much, it only made sense to take advantage when they were together. 
Whenever people kissed on ice rinks in movies, Sarah was always struck with what a dumb idea it was. It seemed incredibly stupid to not pay attention to what you were doing on such a volatile surface. 
In reality, when Quinn kissed her, she melted. It felt so romantic. Cold, but cozy with his warm body pressed against hers, and the confidence in knowing he wouldn’t let her fall. The only sound was the pleasant scrape of their skates on the ice. 
Suddenly, everything she’d stopped herself from saying over the past few weeks came bubbling up into her mouth. 
Just the night before, she’d felt on the cusp of saying something other than “I miss you,” at the end of their goodnight phone call. She had bit it back, not wanting that first time to happen over the phone. She felt like the moment had to be perfect. 
Fuck that, she thought, now. She didn’t want to hold it in anymore. Plus, wasn’t this moment perfect enough? 
Pulling away, she waited for him to open his eyes.
After a moment or two, Quinn realized she wasn’t teasing, and met her gaze, “what’s wrong?” 
“Nothings wrong.” 
Suddenly, it felt too formal. They weren’t in the Elizabethan era where one declared their feelings in some kind of a grand speech, but she couldn’t not say it. It felt too disingenuous to keep holding it in. 
“I just…” she brushed her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck as she ran over a few possibilities in her mind rapid fire, dismissing them all for being too much. Honesty, it seemed, was proving to be the best policy. “I just really love you.”
Quinn could feel his eyes crinkling closed as his face melted into a goofy smile, one reserved only for family and people close to him.  
It felt like something broke open in his chest, finally set free. “I love you too.”
Sarah giggled and it came out a little watery. She never expected to cry when she told him, but her body always did like to cry over big emotions. 
Quinn wiped her tears away with his thumbs before tilting her face up to his. 
This kiss was softer, not as hurried. Desire giving way to something deeper – less fickle, and more settled. 
As they walked back to the locker room, Quinn realized, suddenly, that he'd left something unsaid. He tugged on her hand, and she turned. 
“I’m really proud of you,” he said. “I know you were really nervous.”
She leaned up to kiss him. “Thank you for being a very patient teacher.”
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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enavstars · 1 year
Time for Aus :D
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(Poster/ desings are not final)
Takes place after crystallized, the ninja have recovered their powers and got back to the status quo.
Rumors start spreading on the Internet that Kai is actually useless because he's never defeated a supervillain on his own. Kai gets insecure about his worth to the rest of the team, acting more and more rashly out of the need to prove himself. However, everyone else thinks he's overreacting for attention, so in a mission with Lloyd and Nya, after trying too hard and messing up, they snap at him, thinking he just wants to regain his popularity disregarding people's safety.
Much later, Kai is injured on a solo mission and is saved by a mysterious woman (the villain) who secretly aims to manipulate him to turn against the ninja and Ninjago as a whole, taking advantage on his past hardships as a child and his current mixed feelings towards them. She uses dark magic (sort of like Clause) to take and amplify what little is left of the corruption from Chen's elements staff into a mask, to slowly make his own thoughts turn against them all, eroding him from inside out.
At first she convinces him to become a kind of vigilante, killing criminals who might have used him in the past under said mask as Akatora ("Red Tiger"), steadily growing more corrupted.
Once the ninja discover Akatora's true identity, they believe he's being forced to betray them and try to "save" him, which only angers Kai further for not realizing how badly they've treated him.
But when they realize that they're at fault, the team splits in two: Cole, Jay and Pixal can't see a way of saving Kai on time before he self-destructs and takes the entire city down with him; while Lloyd, Nya and Zane try to get him back at all costs.
At first, the villain didn't care which elemental master to use to get the ninja to destroy the city. But upon finding out more about Kai's past, she decides the Ninja are no good for him and wants to "save" him, to get him out of that toxic environment. She even confronts them more than once after taking him under her wing. However, later on she changes her mind...
I have many more details but this is all I'll say for now. I want to make it a realistic and morally grey season where neither the ninja nor Kai are the villain, because the ninja do love Kai, they just have to show it. Also Kai's corruption is going to be slow where you don't really know how of it is Kai's true intentions.
On the road:
This AU is set years after Kai and Nya's parent's disappearence. Despite still living at the blacksmith off Kai's odd jobs, the siblings are fairly neglected by the townspeople of Ignacia. After getting seriously beat up in a fight with some kids who had been passive-agressively bullying Kai for years, they go a little too far by almost killing him and threatening to do the same to Nya. Kai is forced to abandon the hope of their parents ever returning and leaves for Ninjago City with Nya, hoping for a better life.
After travelling for a while they stumble across Ronin. They somehow convince him to take them in for a while in his rudimentary shed and to teach Kai how to hunt and be more self-sufficient for the journey. In the meantime, Nya shows off her handiwork, making toys off scraps for Ronin to sell as thanks. When they decide to part ways, Ronin gives them a map, setting them on the right direction (he's no babysitter, but hey, he actually cared).
Days later, Nya finds a hungry and weary Lloyd along the way, lost after escaping Darkleys and looking for his uncle Wu. After some convincing from Nya, they agree to take him in and start travelling together, eventually bonding and becoming a found family.
The Au is mostly about their (fun) little adventures and Kai being an overstressed mom trying to keep their younger siblings alive and relatively out of trouble (but don't worry, he's actually enjoying it).
In the end, after having taken their shot in Ninjago, they find Wu and are taken in at the monastery. Yes, Wu is actually a good uncle here. They deserve it. Especially Kai.
Kai is 13, Nya 11 and Lloyd 9 (older than canon, no tomorrow's tea)
Feel free to ask any questions about the aus.
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desceros · 6 months
*looks left* *looks right* *pops head in doorway whilst shaking a tin can*
Spare rise!leo mating season headcanons, mayhaps?
[drops these into your tin can] happy december, anon-chan
like donnie, he has a period of about a week in the spring where he just gets unbelievably horny. unlike donnie, i think his sneaks up on him a bit more. it'll just hit him all of a sudden that oh. yeah. i've been really restless for the last couple of days because mating season is tomorrow. that explains a lot
before he knew you, it was miserable. it was one long week of having the most unsatisfying orgasms, ruining a pillow from rubbing off on it, being a stupid drooling mess who can't string two thoughts together. by the end he's exhausted and irritable, though after a recovery day he's back to normal and relieved that it's over for the year.
after you start dating though, oh, man. he fucking lives for this time of year. he's just obnoxious about hyping it up for you. already touchy, he's almost overbearing with how cuddly he gets. he doesn't notice, but you do, picking up about a week before it hits that he just can't keep his hands off of you. grumpy if you're within a hundred yards and not pressed up against him. syrupy sweet like candy, needing your attention like it's the blood in his veins.
the first morning, it's super romantic. he wakes you up with his hands on your face, tapping at your cheeks to get your eyes on him. that's always your cue that it's starting. he'll tap you during the year all the time when he wants you bad, but the cheeks are only ever on this morning. he's so soft and affectionate, hungry as fuck for you but needing you to say yes. and when you do, it's probably the best sex you have all year; passionate and slow as he lets his mind slowly turn into soup, all those complicated thoughts he always has in his mind sliding away and replaced instead with how good you make him feel and how much he just adores you.
then, for seven days, you're in his bedroom. unlike donnie, for whom this season is 100% fucking, leo's a bit closer to what could be called making love. it's all about the two of you feeling good while he breeds you. but one thing he does share with his twin is that you're not leaving the four walls until you're done. he's not as aggressively possessive as donnie (who is a well-known bitch during his mating season), but he, too, doesn't like to share this part of you. you, well-fucked and blissed out, is for him to see.
he's open to positions; liking equally when he's fucking you from behind; or when you're riding him with your palms pressing on his plastron; or when you're twined together side by side, too tired to be on top but needing to still be close. he needs to have his dick in you, and he will be coming inside, that's still not to be questioned; but he's much less picky about how it happens.
boy is a talker. you're going to know exactly how good you feel, how amazing you are, how he can't hardly stand how much he loves you, every single detail that makes him obsessed with you. it's not even conscious; he's just babbling, mind gone and mouth working.
at the end of the week when he can finally put his brain back into his skull, he's really big on cuddling for a few hours and just making out. you smell like him, just him, and that makes his turtle brain so happy he just churrs nonstop. his sass comes back and he starts teasing you about how you can't move your legs (though you're quick to remind him about the first year you'd done this, and you'd challenged him to stand and he'd immediately folded to the floor). and then he pulls you into the shower and gets you cleaned up, at which point the two of you always go out to eat with you wearing one of his shirts (the one that has a habit of sliding off the shoulder a bit), him preening at how you're so, so visibly his.
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