#because of how FASCINATING that dynamic would be
nalyra-dreaming · 7 hours
COMMENTS on 2x05 - SPOILERS ahead, obviously^^
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First off - this episode made me throw out some things out the window, and rearranged some things, confirmed others - HOLY HELL. A lot of screaming this time, the comments are a bit incoherent because holy fuck. I will need a few days to rearrange stuff after this lmao. . . . . . . . . . .
the (hot) bantering that Daniel does not buy once more
loved Daniel honing in on the change in narration
“narcoleptic pull of the sun” for the younger vamps… I guess that is how they adjusted the lore
MALIK - oh he’s LUNCH. Armand is fucking playing with his food, and honestly, that is quite the… well. Sadistic hunt, to be frank. Supposedly of course those who “deserve” it, but it really reminds me of the “hunting evildoers” they do later, and who they then put into the dungeons for easy snacking
“half in love with an easeful death”
“his methodology is never violent” 💀 (just fatal, depends probably on how you define “violent”)
God Daniel remembering and how they did that is CREEPY
The piano notes - pushing our noses to the important bits, oof
Daniel thinking they had sex (and the reactions both in the past and in Dubai, lol, cute!)
Louis “dined” almost every night he was there….
Mhhhhh Louis’ fangs, and Daniel shaken to the core
Daniel telling Louis he was lonely HIT
Them quoting the book there - I love it. Whole passages just recited from the book. Louis reading Lestat for filth, lol - love the dynamic he and Louis have there, lmao.
Oh Louis, sweetie. The way he halted, when Daniel said he was his “first love”
Ah, that is interesting, Daniel questioning Louis not going with Claudia after that bench… “the only choice, the wrong choice” (!!!)
“And then what” looool :)))
Daniel playing the extended file.
Armand going he is at home and always cleaning up after Louis
LOUIS going at Armand for being BORING. Holy shit. “dull as fuck”. “Suffocation by the world’s softest, beigest pillow.” OMG. I know it’s not funny, holy shit, but the DELIVERY?!!!! Oh yeah, Louis loves crazy and apparently he misses it - badly. “Did you want to lick my boots or chop my hands off? Is it the gremlin or the good nurse tonight”!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Armand mocking Louis “oh it’s so hard to be me” - “It’s so hard to be me” oh my fucking god
AND ARMAND TELLING LOUIS that Claudia did not love him, not like Lestat did, not like HE has. …..
AND OH MY GOD - it’s the Merrick reveal!!!!!!! Of her hating him. Of him having lost her and Lestat. Oh he’s HEARING her calling him!!!! IT’S FUCKING MERRICK in a mixup with the Tulane draft of Armand saving him then (without the Lestat involvement!) FUCK!!!!! I fucking love/hate the writers!!!!!!!! I KNEW THEY WOULD GO THERE BUT HOLY SHIT LIKE THIS???????????
Oh god the wounds. The makeup artists had fun oO.
Ohhhhhhhh Armand is … hurt there. And not having it. Ugh, I get him, but holy shit
Oh hell, the music, and Daniel being slammed around in punishment for Louis!!!
Ohhhhhhhh Armand is full on “gremlin” there. Terrifying shit. “Rest”.
Fascinating, indeed. On all levels, lol. While Louis is screaming in the next room.
“A splinter of coldness in you”
The emotion in “Louis thinks I’m boring”. Ugh.
Armand starting to tell his story, and then breaking off - oh, god, I want him to tell his story to Daniel later, please. Please let it be Daniel in the show, not David.
Love it that Louis and Daniel try to remember pushing their feet into the little rocks next to the tree
Daniel seeing Armand trying to communicate
And HOLY SHIT - that image of Louis in the coffin?!? Tell me I’m not the only one seeing the similarities???? oO
Armand calling out Louis there, deliberately calling Lestat trash, and OH MY GOD Armand theorizing that is why Louis wants to do this, to get the book out?!! To MAKE Lestat chase after Louis because of it!!!!!!!! God the way they call back to the original novel plot lines is AMAZING I literally screamed at that.
And oh my god, the way his voice breaks on the “insanity” part, on “if you want to escape from this prison of empathy I’ve locked you away in” - holy hell. And that small smile.
And him offering to reach out to Lestat for Louis and then NOT TELLING WHAT LESTAT SAID AND CUTTING IT OFF!!! GOD DAMMIT ARMAND. AAARGGHHHHHHHHHH. And the way Lestat’s voice is shaking with fear there. And then screaming!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?! WHY IS ARMAND KEEPING THEM APART?!" AND HOW????
“… have I atoned for my part in Paris”. Ugh.
Armand slowly and gently spellbinding Daniel there was almost beautiful.
And then Louis, NOT asking. And the dynamic changing, immediately. … brutal. Armand’s face there.
And then, and then Daniel suddenly knowing what the words meant, and then. The memory making sense. THEN them both knowing Armand fucking meddled with both their minds. The proof of the fucking “tinkering”, both only having a “truncated version”. “Same precise edit, on two brains.”
And god, Armand coming back, and Louis MIMICKING HIM.
Louis’ face.
HOLY SHIT. 💀 (again) A lot of my theories are evolving now, with them having pulled up Merrick.
With Armand knowing where Lestat is, and not relaying the message as promised.
With Louis now knowing Armand influenced his mind as well. Holy shit.
They should have called this episode “No Pain” (All the pain). -.-
And the preview, of the blood, and Louis comment of “can you imagine me without the burden of her”.
The BURDEN of her.
Ouch Louis. Just… ouch.
“It explains the betrayal” …. (see below)
“It explains everything that is going to happen”(!!!!) Mark Johnson once more.
“The relationship[] has all kinds of problems, many of the same issues he had when he was with Lestat have resurfaced.” (!!!!!) 💀
Assad: “Armand is always conniving. He is always working, and I think that is also the tragedy of him, it’s that he can’t ever relax with the truth.” HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Jacob: “It’s kind of the biggest betrayal, isn’t it, when you choose to spend your life with somebody, you accept each other. I can’t think of a bigger betrayal than lying to that person in such a significant way to the extent that you would rewrite their history.” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 *Jacob: “It makes me angry, now, Armand is so wrong for that.(!!!!)
Eric: “We both discover the depths of duplicity that Armand has gone to, and what he’s done to each of us.”
... what an episode.
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nordickies · 2 days
What were Sweden, Norway and Denmark like during the Viking era? I'm just curious what your thoughts are on that, as someone who is more familiar with the England-side of that period of time.
I have personally started to lean towards the idea that maybe they didn't do that much in the Viking Age! I think there was a "generation" before them who played the role during that time. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark were perhaps born once the petty kingdoms started to be unified, so the 8th-10th century. That means they would have been children by the late Viking Age, spending most of their time in their respective countries rather than living the "Viking lifestyle" we associate with the period. Perhaps their elders took them on journeys every now and then, but they were still just literal children
I don't know if anyone else agrees with this, but to me, it's a fascinating idea. Also, there is potential for some angst; imagine what a hell of a standard that must be to live up to. Their elders were notorious and highly feared Vikings, who ruled many parts of Europe and traveled half the planet. When the state structure and power dynamics between their countries started to change, it was the youths' time to take over. All three were probably clueless as to what they should do. And the growing influence of the Papacy probably affected them a lot, they were gullible youngsters seeking any sort of mentor in their lives, after all. I think the fact that they weren't running things during the Viking Age gives them interesting motivation to try and find their place later on, and live up to the past glory of their elders (or the supposed glory they have imagined in their head)
But that's just my thought experiment, I think there's so much interesting stuff regarding the Viking Age, that you could easily write an essay! I don't really know where to start with the introduction; the time period lasts for centuries, after all. I can't help but recommend @ifindus blog regarding this topic specifically. Their takes are top-tier and helpful if you seek to learn more about the Viking Age and how that could affect the Scandi personifications! I feel like I'd be just repeating the same points here because I basically agree with it all. But if you have specific questions or ideas you'd like to explore, feel free to ask more!
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Rewatched 1x18 and was fascinated by how Dean describes John’s reaction to the shtriga incident:
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It contradicts what I think is a lot of popular fanon. John doesn’t fly into a rage. He doesn’t scream at Dean or hit him. He doesn’t even give him a stiff lecture. The real torture for Dean, and the reason he’s still reeling from many years later, is feeling like he’s lost John’s trust.*
Which speaks to the fact for Dean, a breach of trust hits much harder than anger or violence. We see that in his adult relationships with Sam and Cas too—punch him, sure, but whatever you do don’t lie to him or box him out.
This comes back to what I think is a fascinating dynamic between Dean and John. John is not cruel or cold or distant. He and Dean are genuinely close. But John’s control over Dean also stems from that closeness, because Dean can’t stand to lose it.
FWIW, I also think his reference to “when Dad got home” in Dark Side of the Moon could probably be interpreted in the same way. I don’t see it as evidence that John hit him because I don’t think physical violence would have affected him nearly as much.
*Obligatory note that of course John should not have put Dean in that position in the first place or led him to feel that any of it was his fault—this is not a “John was right” post.
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eskildit · 10 months
my current headcanon is that from ianthes pov corona has just been baiting judith all these years. like 'pretend to like the weird kid' style. because ianthe clearly had no clue corona had any real affection for judith in ntn even though shes been invited to every birthday party for years. but ianthe used her party invites for psychological warfare, why wouldnt corona?
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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RAVEN + CLARKE - "Hey, Raven? I'd pick you first."
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Me giving my hour long monologue about how trans lesbians jiang cheng x wen qing is the only form of the ship I'll consume
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sysig · 2 months
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Incomplete exchange (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#DAX#*throws idea spaghetti throws idea spaghetti throws idea spaghetti throws#So Max and ZEX changing places - what if that but This lol#It would also be funny to watch Max stumble around in ZEX's body lol but considering ''how'' ZEX got isekai'd...#Not much left probably :| Dark#Really I'm just fascinated by throwing the almost-dynamics into relief hehehe - DAX and Dex so similar! And Max and ZEX similar in some ways#How would DAX react to Max :3c How would Max react to DAX! One of them knows the other - at least at arm's length - but not the other!#Seeing a VUX ''in person'' would probably be a whole other feeling as well haha - there's a familiarity when he's inhabiting ZEX's POV#Still thinks he's dreaming because I mean - would the reality be any easier to swallow? No lol#I guess this would be a scenario before ZEX dies since y'know - DAX is here haha - unless this is some afterlife something???#Both Max and DAX /would/ be dead in that scenario - or would they?? Haha the grey area is the funnest to play in <3#I think it'd be very interesting on DAX's end as well - obviously Max is very different from ZEX but if the language thing works both ways#VUX already have the translators of course but like - Max speaks very differently from ZEX he formulates his sentences very specifically#But if the way he attacks the words the way his accent moves the sounds around - if he speaks like ZEX but not /like/ him - s'interesting!#Would probably confuse the heck out of DAX haha he knows that voice very well!#By the transitive property would that make their accent space New Jersey? No that's too silly haha#I really love Max just dropping years and events out of the blue haha - very important! Written down! Kept track of!#A lot of things he doesn't pay much attention to but he's very careful with his dream data I'm love him <3#I also had So much fun drawing his hands here hehe ♪ His hand expressions have quickly risen to being my favourite :D#ZEX doesn't express with his hands! Which means it's a Max-specific type of thing in his body!#Tells <3
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muninnhuginn · 2 months
feeling so normal about li bing and qiu qingzhi btw
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sesamenom · 2 months
some funny snippets of a tentative timeline for the reverse gondolin au
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#silm#silmarillion#not art#reverse gondolin au#Gondolin-born Prince Elrond is a bit more active in numenorean politics#primarily attempting to keep them from self-destructing#numenor still Falls after sauron establishes his weird morgoth death cult#because having numenor around in the TA means there wouldn't be a war of the ring in the first place#but like 60% of them are still Faithful#they establish themselves in Imladris under Tar-Miriel & Elrond (Tar-hanotur? Tar-airatur?) btw#Prince Elrond is quite fascinating to write#also yes annatar is literally booted out under lomions advice#celebrimbor still struggles with his overly-trustingness#luckily for everyone lomion has no such reservations#lomion: tyelpe i know you dont trust yourself on this but. you trust me right#tyelpe: of course#lomion: okay then somethings up with that guy. get him out of your house asap#tyelpe: thanks will do#debating whether to kill off celebrimbor here? if he does die it would be in battle next to lomion so sauron doesnt learn of the Seven#also this tyelpe & lomion have been actively using the Three in battle since FA 500something#they're pretty experienced at the magical siege warfare stuff#so maybe celebrimbor makes it out alive but injured?#okay imagine a white council w assorted wizards; galadriel; cirdan; elrond; the numenorean king in imladris; lomion; and celebrimbor#i feel like lomion and tyelpe balance each other out well enough (lomion is still quite pragmatic but less actively distrusting than maegli#and tyelpe is constantly making an effort to be Wise and Understanding#he doesn't trust himself on big decisions bc of the whole feanorion baggage. but he does trust his bff lomion#so their dynamic is kind of like 'tyelpe has a Good Idea; lomion Validates his Good Conscience and figures out how to execute it'#btwn making the Three a few centuries ahead of schedule and them balancing each other out galadriel-and-celeborn-style they're kind of op#idk how sauron amasses that much power in the SA/TA of the au-verse
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not-poignant · 4 months
Hi! from the Behind the Scenes ask, 11 or 21 for Stain? Thank you!!
11. Was there a scene that you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
I have no plan for A Stain that Won't Dissolve, so right now, there's nothing that I'm doing that I didn't 'originally plan for' because there's no plan! :D
There's not even anything that's completely coming out of left wing, so far everything is steady and on track.
21. What is something you didn't expect people to notice or gravitate towards in this fic?
I didn't expect so many people to believe that the town secretly or actually has Alex's back based on a few minor things, because - presumably - they're rooting for the town not to be abuse and rape apologists, which they absolutely are when it comes to Alex's family and his mom?
Like, the level of sympathy for the SDV town has made me watch in real-time in a way how much people will like... excuse the inaction of individuals or a community under excuses like 'well they want to help' or 'they're actually helping' or 'it's nice that they care for him so much' when we have extremely little evidence of that.
It was like watching that kind of abuse denial happening in a broader kind of macrocosm, and I've had to reply to actually a lot of comments - maybe over 20 now - patiently pointing out that people being benignly polite to someone doesn't mean they're being supportive or that they've ever been supportive. And that the town is a huge part of the problem.
It's one of those 'a lot of these readers have never experienced this kind of community isolation while being abused by a family member and it shows' situations, and that's realistic, it's just interesting to watch unfold!
Like, not bad, just... uncomfortable as I am someone who has experienced that isolation, and in some ways watching people defend the distance and inaction of an entire community is...a little too close to abuse apologism for comfort. The whole 'they care' without adding 'but not enough to ever have done anything about it' does make the author in me go 'OKAY SO NO ACTUALLY THAT'S NOT IT' lol.
From this meme!
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kotaerukoto · 2 months
Kicking my feet and twirling my hair as I read Makoto's comments whenever he inspects something. Also my god he wants to destroy the cameras so badly. LET HIM
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arolesbianism · 1 month
Yet another beautiful day to have the Maxwel tag blocked (can't see half of the posts in the Wendy tags)
#rat rambles#starve posting#maxwell posters have lost any semblance of tolerance from me ages ago Ive yet to meet a maxwell fan who's just like a normal person#and to clarify I actually do like maxwel as I am the number one just some asshole whos in too deep enjoyer#but dear god are ppl just absolutely incapable of being normal abt this man and everyone around him#and even beyond that ppl just do not get this man like please he is indeed interesting but not because of some 'retconed redemption'#like pls we can live in a world where he is not an irridemable monster and is in fact just some guy while also still being a flawed person#like the fact that he is so deeply flawed in ways that he never actually properly adressed and challenged is the interesting thing to me#like look at me. he went through horrible shit he didnt deserve. that didnt inherently make him a better or worse person#it just made him a more miserable person#and he didnt escape because of some change of heart or character development#and afterwards he teamed up with wilson because of necessity#I do think on some level he genuinely cares abt the other survivors and he does have genuine regret for how things turned out#but again those things dont inherently mean he moved past the flaws that got him here it just means he has the ability to recognize that#shit sucks and that he wish none of it happened#its why encore is one of my favorite animations from a character perspective because it shows some juicy charlie and maxwell stuff#mainly it shows both that charlie has not forgiven his ass and is manipulating him and that maxwell is still susceptible to it#which isnt a sigh of them rolling back development it's just a sign that maxwell is easy to manipulate with the right cards#which adds up considering his past and his present very well in my opinion#this is a man whos historically always ran away from his problems and is always on the hunt for a sense of control#and charlie tapped into both that and his ever present guilt#its in fact very unsurprising and not out of place for him to fall for that sort of manipulation#and it also makes for a great set up for the inevitable betrayal from charlie as maxwell is hit by the harsh reality of his situation#and that whole situation would lead to some yummy tasty parallels when charlie inevitably gets betrayed herself (I hope)#the ways charlie and maxwel are so similar yet so different facinates me deeply I love how much charlie doesnt realize shes kinda fucked#I want her to be betrayed so hard and left in the dust with no ground to stand on I want the rug pulled out from under her feet#her composition comes from her confidence in the necessity of her actions and the moral superiority she feels over maxwell#so having her sense of superiority be revoked would make for a super fascinating dynamic as she tries to justify the situation in her head#I wanna see her siral and then maybe change her pronouns idk
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littencloud9 · 2 months
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pagetbewbster · 2 years
I've been thinking about the ending of Criminal Minds 6x02 where they are all instantly so desperate to save the BAU upon learning it could be dissolved or absorbed by another department.
All of the other times this has happened (with Strauss, Barnes) we've seen it through the eyes of the team members and how personally antagonizing it is to all of them on top of the professional stress.
Because of the constant trauma bonding and unhealthy amount of time spent together over the years, their quest to keep the BAU together seems more and more personal each time.
Due to the nature of their profession, we're supposed to view them as the most reliable narrators, but it's starting to become obvious that it isn't just about saving the BAU or righting bureaucratic wrongs.
They depend on each other emotionally (even though none of them would ever admit it) and the BAU being disbanded would be devastating to each of them in a life-altering way that they can't even fathom.
The team will always put their careers and personal lives on the line to keep the BAU intact because they have become each other's strongest familial relationship and they absolutely need this.
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forcedhesitation · 4 months
I love that steve is in dbd because I do not have to give a shit about stranger things itself to get new material of him. I can just explore what his adventures in the entity's realm might be.
#dbd#thoughts about media#funnily enough I was introduced to him THROUGH dbd. and I liked him in dbd first lmao.#and it was only after months of deliberating whether I should bother watching the show did I actually do so.#I suppose it was worth it because mr. keery is just. so beautiful.#but god with every season the show got worse and worse.#it's genuinely more interesting to me to explore his character in the context of dbd.#because like. take it seriously- and it's objectively SUCH a fascinating setting to put a character in.#they are hunted over and over again by serial killers and monsters from many different universes.#they die in so many different ways. and have to watch the people with them die. day in and day out.#ultimately- getting yourself killed to protect your friends doesn't actually have purpose anymore.#not when it could lead to your friend dying anyway. or in an even worse way than you did.#it really transforms the meaning of sacrifice. of death.#so having the steve nancy and jonathan dynamic in this setting is INFINITELY more interesting than whatever the fuck the show is doing rn.#and I have lucy too. my ghOCtface born of my “never harm steve” playstyle.#and THAT. is SO interesting to me. because steve would NEVER normally fall in love with a person like lucy.#but they aren't in a normal place. experiencing anything normal. they're trapped in an endless cycle of killing and dying.#and lucy. lucy WON'T hurt HIM. but they'd still kill anyone else. including nancy.#so steve would hate him. at first. but how do you keep hating someone for killing your friends-#-when you're trapped in a place where death and pain ultimately mean nothing. whereas an act of mercy means everything?#it would be SUCH a complicated dynamic and I deeply enjoy trying to unweave how steve could ever love lucy back.
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romulanslutempire · 11 months
Adelaide Kane needs to reprise her role on SNW (somehow) so we can see her in Romulan tactical gear and with those famous pointy ears.
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