#because she lost her homunculus servant in the final battle
mars-ipan · 2 months
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had an absurd amt of fun doodling cal last night so take the other dnd character i've been playing this semester (her campaign just ended </3). her name is pellet (full title sir pellet the rambunctious) she is a spores druid and she is Stinky (i love her dearly)
#martzipan#she's actually. very difficult for me to draw lmao#she keeps rats in her cloak!! they're her buddies#she's actually very very powerful. fun fact she got the last hit on the bbeg. it was climactic as hell. i had a good ass time with it#would have drawn it but that would have required the effort to put her in the right pose lmao#oh yeah pellet's main deal is necromancy. she's a fan. it's fun for her#that last little doodle with the nine circles is in reference to how that campaign ended#that being. the artificer who was given a very powerful magic item that let her cast wish 3 times before Something Bad Happened uh.#well she used her third wish. at the ceremony in which the party was knighted#because she lost her homunculus servant in the final battle#so she. wanted to kill a party member (the sorcerer) and use his life to revive said homunculus#it. did not work (he counterspelled). the Bad Thing still happened though#a rift opened at that point across all of the planes#the sheer force of the rift instakilled both the artificer and the rogue#pellet and the sorcerer survived. barely (downed pretty hard). they were each transported to random planes#the sorcerer was transported to the infernal plane. where. the flames got him#pellet was transported to the nine circles of hell. she survived her death saves and woke up next to the river styx#and that was how the campaign ended. we won. and then a player nearly tpk'd us lmao#pellet as the sole survivor is great. fits her cockroach unkillable vibe perfectly#perfect setup for a spinoff too. if the dm ever has a campaign set in the nine circles she is for SURE showing up#i love my little goblin druid so much. playing a druid was really really fun actually#my darling. she is hard for me to draw for some reason
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astraltrickster · 2 years
It runs in the family
Remember when Gordes turned around on his treatment of the homunculi?
Gordes approached the perplexed Sieg, grabbing the front of his shirt and shaking him.
“Why, Saber?! Why did you choose oblivion… for a mere homunculus?! Did you have such distaste for battle? You are supposed to be a hero! Or were you so dissatisfied with me as your Master? Answer me, Siegfried!”
Gordes raved at him until losing all his spirit and crumbling to the floor.
“Sorry, but I’m only Saber in appearance… and I don’t know what made him decide to give his heart to me. I don’t know what discontent he might have felt.”
“Was it my fault…? It was simply mayhem… I was lost! If you had just told me… that I was wrong… if you had simply refused, I would have compromised as well! I would have…!”
“What are you saying now? You told him to shut up, didn’t you? What else could he do?”
“And you… Gordes, was it? You told him, remember – you told him to never speak. I understand that revealing Siegfried’s true name would be disastrous… but when you said that to him, what it really sounded like was, ‘listen to my instructions because you are incompetent and will ruin our plans’. How could he possibly complain after hearing something like that?”
Gordes made a small noise of dismay. If that had been a mistake, then everything he had done since his first command had been wrong. No… he had been wrong ever since he held to the misassumption that his relation to his Servant would be no different than the usual bond of familiars.
“I… I was just so afraid of his weak point. It is too well known. He was a great hero, yet I simply could not put all my faith in him… I feared that he would be pierced through the back, like a fool – like how he had ended in life.”
It was the instant that Gordes – with a sigh that sounded like it was wringed from his soul – finally recognized his own blunder.
“Let the homunculi be free, Fiore… we have lost. Only Archer and Caster remain in our camp, and if Assassin is as you said, we cannot hope for anything from them. There is no faith to be had in serial killers.”
Volume 3, chapter 1-3
“I do not understand. Why are you going so far for us?”
“I don’t understand it, either! How can I possibly understand this situation? It’s chaos, chaos! This is far from the world of mysteries unified by thaumaturgies… Servants, and Holy Grail Wars, and Greater Grails, curse it all! We’ve all been played for chumps!”
Gordes shouted as he walked down the hall. The homunculus placed the tip of her halberd by his ear in apparent frustration.
“Answer me properly.”
“I told you already… I don’t know. This was supposed to be a war for the Holy Grail! Then that madman, Shirou, blindsided us and took it! And he wants to use it to save humanity? Absurd! That was not what we sought after! We were supposed to conduct a noble battle using the crafts we have mastered and the heroes we have summoned! How did it come to this? Why did things go so wrong? Was it because Lancer lost? Or is it because of the Noble Phantasm of their Assassin? Or…”
“…is it because you pushed Siegfried to take his own life?”
Her quiet words finally put to stop to Gordes’s endless speech. She sighed and lowered her halberd.
“It was not my fault…”
“But it was. But at the very least, you believe that it was.”
“Quiet! I will not have a homunculus speak to me like this!”
She ignored this and affirmed to him once more.
“It was your fault…. but it wasn’t only your fault. It was by everyone’s own decisions, their own beliefs, their actions in accordance with their own wishes… it was all of these things coming together that led to the defeat of the Black camp. I do not believe that the future would have been changed simply by strengthening your bond with Saber.”
“Yet… I was still at fault.”
Gordes murmured into the cold air filling the hall. His hunched and despondent figure quickly lost all hints of arrogance.
From the start of this Great Holy Grail War till its end, this man had been nothing more than an observer. However much he claimed to be a magus, and a Master, it was not a conflict he could not have been capable of taking part in were not for his Servant. And now, in the midst of all of this confusion, the war itself had ended. As Gordes himself had said again and again – he was truly lost.
“You are right. So think about it from a different angle. Yes, you are arrogant, cocky, and a terrible human being. But as an alchemist, you are… not so bad.”
“Couldn’t you have picked your words a bit more…?”
“Well, you are hardly comparable with the Einzberns.”
At her prompt reply, Gordes fell into silence with a bitter expression.
There was a point in time when the Musik family had very nearly found themselves shoulder-to-shoulder with the Einzberns. However, that had been the height of their glory; they fell into decay afterwards.
“Hmph… well, no doubt that they’ll be spending the next few centuries pouring all of their efforts into a new Greater Grail. Our house of Musik will use that time to surpass them.”
It was practically fantasy. Although the power of the Einzberns had greatly declined from the loss of the Greater Grail, their techniques were beyond compare. The house of Musik would have to be blessed with gifted offspring like Gordes for three entire generations in order to close the gap.
“I see… in that case, begin by extending our lives. I think that you will find the birth of something new, then.”
However, it seemed that Gordes had decided to walk the harder path. After all, it suited his warped nature perfectly that he would reach out for a star which he knew he would never be able to grasp.
“I know that full well. Now, enough chatter, we have little time as it is. Let’s go get that Mystic Code, homunculus… oh, for God’s sake, enough is enough. Get yourself a name like Sieg… something easy to remember.”
The homunculus snorted, and replied with all the derision she could muster.
“It was our idiot of a parent who decided not to give us any names. Reason dictates that you should name all of the surviving homunculi, no?”
“And do not even think about giving us any poor names, or you will find this halberd carving off all of that useless blubber.”
Gordes ground his teeth and muttered under his breath – but unfortunately, he was dealing with a combat homunculus. Their lifespans might be short, but they were all the stronger at both physical and magical combat for it. In short, this homunculus was stronger than her creator.
“What a nightmare…! I should have added a function for unconditional obedience…”
Gordes moaned theatrically, and the homunculus’s lips began to curl slightly.
“I doubt that you are capable of that with your level of skill. But do not worry. As long as we are allies, I assure you that we will not harm you.”
As she said this, she gave him an overly friendly pat on the shoulder. Gordes thought to curse at her – but instead decided to save the heartiest of laughter for her deathbed.
In the end, Gordes did not sleep until he finished fixing all of the homunculi.
Volume 3, chapter 2-4
Well, I couldn't help but be reminded of this when I saw...
(FGO Olympus spoilers below!)
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(Shoutout to @unit-zero-two for taking the screenshots for me!)
The similarities are obvious. Both are men who have acted like chihuahuas - demanding control over a situation, building themselves up as Important Authority Figures To Be Respected, because they're terrified of what will happen if they don't, and having that blow up in their faces almost immediately. Both are recognizing their responsibility in those incidents.
Both are ultimately not bad people, but people whose sense of "if you want something done right you have to do it yourself" caused them to fuck up royally.
And they know it.
And they regret it.
And the situation has gotten dire.
And it comes out...remarkably similarly. They are definitely father and son.
But the most interesting part of the family's response to their mistakes is this:
The end result of Gordes's breakdown was to continue to claim selfish motivations, while pulling an all-nighter as the homunculi's doctor. He does it as a matter of pride, as much as a matter of doing the right thing. In fact, he's kind of in denial that doing the right thing is a factor at all, but it's obvious it's there.
The end result of Goredolf's motivation is to admit that his heroism is itself a form of selfishness. If he is at risk of dying either way, he doesn't want to leave a legacy of being an unhelpful coward.
They're both doing the right thing, partially for selfish reasons - but it's hard to call those reasons wrong, especially when the end result is, well, this.
But there is also a subtle difference here. While Gordes is almost the prototypical tsundere about it, easy to paraphrase to "i-it's not like you MATTER to me beyond my pride as an alchemist! B-baka"-
Goredolf, on the other hand, seems to have a pretty decent grasp on the interplay of the selfish and selfless sides of his motivation.
Almost like he's building off his father's foundation and taking the next step of processing.
In short I love the Musik family.
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spoopyghostgirl · 5 years
Okeydokey Kiddos
I have already started this fic (ie I posted the first chapter). Its a fanfiction set during the fourth holy grail war.
The main character is Lilith Von Einzbern (though I may change her name to Iris or Lizette/Lisette/undecided tbh), technically a demi god (but more of a homunculus vampire (Godlike abilities and strength but given who her father is... darker and more... killer abilities)) who is given to the Einzbern family as a sort of 'good luck' gift, her father wishing for the third magic to be returned to the world so he can acquire more powerful mortals to do his bidding. The Einzberns, given that the masters they have had historically are killed very quickly, are more than happy to take her and train her to be their master. As she grows, Jubstacht decides to hire an outsider to train her, bringing Kiritsugu Emiya into their home. From there the pair train together and eventually become romantically involved. Eventually, Jubstacht becomes worried that the pair have grown too close and sends Lilith to finish her training under another. In that time Irisviel is created and is chosen to become the vessel for the grail. Finishing her training, and finally acquiring both her command spells and artifact, she returns home to find that Kiritsugu has also been chosen by the grail. Justachebt, concerned over Kiritsugus own desires for the grail decides they will both summon a servant but when it comes down to it, she will be tasked to kill Kiritsugu and every other master and servant pair to complete the heavens fell route and bring back the third magic.
So that's like the gist/over all vibe
Here are some ideas I've had for it because I want to change it up
-summons diarmuid alter
- they dont get along well, Lilith being a woman with a similar curse marking
- doesnt care for his attitude and demeanor but knows not to argue given that hes her servant. He'll either do what she says or learn quickly why he should never question her
- No waver in this version-> Kayneth likely summons Iskander, maybe young Iskander? Or no Kayneth? Unlikely.
- thinking Diarmuid remembers original 4th grail war (ie kayneth and sola ui betrayal and Kiritsugu being quite evil and underhanded)
- notes that this war is different but most importantly, hes different and will not fall like his other self would
- is bitter because of heart break and the betrayal of a friend he trusted most. Feelings of betrayal lead him to not be able to make close connections with others
- lilith has no interest in his personal issues or at least she claims not to.
- Kiritsugu summons Athur instead of Artoria-> Arthur develops feelings for Irisviel much to Kiritsugus irritation
- lilith and kiritsugu still have an inappropriate and intimate relationship though Lilith draws the line between them when the war starts (though she still uses their relationship to their advantage)
- ideally things run differently. Maybe different caster/master pair? Thinking they summon Mephistopheles and try to turn their master to ruin (just like in their history). OH MY GOODNESS
- Kirei summons Mephistopheles (maybe) instead of Gilgamesh turning Kirei to the dark side
- Mephistopheles and Gilgamesh play nice but only because Mephistopheles intends on betraying the golden man in the end
- Kirei leads Gilgamesh to believe that he would eliminate Mephistopheles to take Gilgamesh as his servant only for Meph to kill Gil. Completely changing the tone of the war.
- Meph possibly convinces Kirei to kill his own father (instead of kayneth doing it) and the pair move on to manipulating Berserker and his master.
- Maybe Kayneth summons Ivan the Terrible?
- thinking battle wise, Saber and Lancer would fight first (meaning Kiritsugu and Lilith would fight first as well) only to agree to team up when their battle is interrupted by Rider and Berserker. Berserker would definitely focus on Arthur, Lilith contemplating betraying her brother in law only to force Lancer to prevent Saber from receiving a fatal blow. Lilith breaks away then, opting to target Berserkers master, recognizing that Saber and Lancer would likely be able to overpower Rider together easier than Berserker. Is intercepted by Gilgamesh who claims that shes above the normal mongrels and doesn't need to attack berserkers master since he'd be happy to for a price. Berserker "senses" another servant near his master and comes running for them. Lilith is able to slip away, back to her servant only to find that Kayneth is withdrawing his servant, his servant having tried to go against his wishes. Kiritsugu, willing to continue fighting, is interrupted by Iri, saying that she doesnt want to continue fighting her "sister". Lilith concedes, claiming she had lost interest in the fight and the group separates, Lilith opting to ignore Diarmuids complaints about leaving the battle unfinished.
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blastedtree-blog · 6 years
CANON SUMMARY: Frankenstein’s Monster -- Fate / Grand Order
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This is a write-up for anyone who wants more details about my character’s canon. Please enjoy! ❤
NOTE: The Fate/ series is centered around figures of historical importance, fictional or otherwise, being summoned as magical familiars to aid mages in combat. This post will contain SPOILERS!
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus was first published in 1818 by Mary Shelley, the inventor of science fiction. As a believer in alchemy, young Victor Frankenstein was personally affronted when his college professors dismissed his theories as pseudoscience. He set out to prove them wrong by achieving the impossible: Reanimation of a corpse, utilizing a blend of alchemy and then-modern science. His experiment was successful, but when his creation awoke from death, he immediately fled in terror from its unsightly form. Without his creator’s guidance, the monster was left to fend for himself, subjected to endless violence by the hands of man, and eventually took the life of a child after lashing out. Victor Frankenstein refused his creation’s sole request for a partner to fill the void of loneliness; thus he was chased to the ends of the Earth, eventually succumbing to illness and dying a lonely death. The monster took its own life shortly thereafter, having lost his only connection to the world around him.
The story serves as a cautionary tale, warning mankind against the temptation of “playing God.” Although popular culture has turned Frankenstein’s Monster into a generic Halloween-style monster, the novel depicts him as intelligent, well-spoken, and deeply regretful of his violent actions.
Within the Fate/ universe, Frankenstein is not a work of fiction, but a factual occurrence. Victor Frankenstein was a scientist, alchemical prodigy, and low-grade magus. He aspired to duplicate God’s original miracle by making the next race of humans. Using a homunculus as a base, he selected traits from corpses, blending them with metal components to craft a being that could feed off the world’s purest mana -- electricity. However, when his creation awoke, she was unable to express her emotions, leading Victor to angrily declare her a failure. He physically abused her to vent his frustrations, unaware that she was far more intelligent than he assumed.
Haunted by her father’s disgust towards her, the monster began traveling outside her birthplace in search of what she was missing. When a feral dog attacked her, she retaliated in self-defense, only to find it was filled with something unfamiliar -- organic material. She believed that this substance was what she lacked, and happily brought it to her father, seeking praise. The gesture was misunderstood; he violently tore her apart, aiming to end her life, and fled, decrying her as a “mad monster.”
Undeterred, the monster put herself back together. She traveled into the wilderness, spying on humanity and teaching herself how to read, write, and speak in the process. When she reunited with Victor and verbalized an emotional plea for a partner to end her loneliness, he was even more terrified of her than before. This final rejection is what sent her spiraling into madness. Having known nothing but abuse and hatred, the nameless monster followed her creator, violently attacking all who got in her way. When Victor finally died of exhaustion and sickness, she grieved his loss by committing suicide atop his funeral pyre.
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Because the nature of her existence was defined as this “mad monster,” she can only manifest as a Berserker-class Servant (under normal circumstances). Though her madness makes communication difficult, she can still speak; she simply prefers not to. 
In Fate/Apocrypha, Frankenstein’s Monster was summoned as the Berserker-class Servant of the Black Faction, contracted under Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia. Her Master was surprised to see her in the form of a beautiful woman, as legend dictated that she was hideous beyond mortal comparison. She served as his faithful yet silent partner for the first two volumes of the story.
Fran’s role within the novels was minimal. She briefly clashed with Amakusa Tokisada Shirou, although she was ultimately distracted by William Shakespeare’s Noble Phantasm, allowing them both to escape. From there, she responded to Rider Astolfo’s distress as he lost a fight against the Red Faction’s Saber, Mordred. She engaged Mordred and was swiftly overwhelmed; her arm was torn off, and she was stabbed through the chest. She was thought to be fatally wounded and was left ignored. The homunculus Sieg attempted to interfere as well, though he was easily defeated, sustaining mortal injuries in the process.
While Mordred was distracted, Fran activated her self-destructive Noble Phantasm, Blasted Tree. She restrained the Saber with the cables on her arm and smiled as she spoke her first and final words since being summoned: “Die with me.” Although Mordred survived the explosion, the lightning from Blasted Tree was able to restart Sieg’s heart, allowing him to continue as the protagonist of the series.
Fran didn’t appear directly for the remainder of the novels, though her will lived on through Sieg. Because he was a compatible lifeform to herself -- that is, a homunculus -- she was able to possess him, at least in part, for his final battle against Amakusa. Caules watched the two men clash, enthusiastically cheering once he realized that that Fran’s presence was manifesting within Sieg.
Although Fran appeared within the London Singularity, she was not a Servant. The Singularity itself stemmed from a historical deviation where Victor Frankenstein was murdered shortly after his monster’s creation. As such, the Fran that accompanied Gudao here was a newborn, and a natural resident of the Singularity itself.
She responded to Gudao’s summons shortly after London is resolved. Despite being wary of him at first, she slowly warmed up to his presence, even gifting him handmade chocolates on Valentine’s Day. Eventually, they became close enough that she verbally thanked him for his devotion and declared her heartfelt love, both as a Master and as a friend.
As she grew in strength, an additional, smaller Singularity formed within London. The errors within time manifested a vengeful wraith of Victor Frankenstein. He was unable to find rest due to regret and anger, so he set about creating a duplicate monster -- one that could truly birth the next race of humans, his perfect Eve. As Gudao and the Servants of Chaldea confronted the wraith, Fran surprised everyone by speaking at length for the first time, shaming her father for being unable to let go of his past. Once the anomalies were defeated, Fran happily reaffirmed her intention to save the world by Gudao’s side.
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During Ishtar’s Dead Heat Summer Race!, Fran’s class was temporarily changed to Saber due to a certain Professor M’s meddling. Although this alteration allowed her to speak more freely, she still suffered from the heat and slurred her words. She participated in the race alongside Archer Moriarty and Caster Babbage.
As of 9/30/2018, her canon point is set after Lostbelt 1. This is subject to change without notice.
Thank you for reading!
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How start to watch fate franchise (With minor SPOILERS, sorry without it is difficult to explain the different arcs)
The Fate universe has different timelines and stories arcs, because of that it is a little difficult to know where you have to start. So in this post I’m going to show you a way to watch this interesting franchise :D
First of all, the first appearance of fate was as a erogame, then the company Type-moon have used different ideas to expand the universe of that game and creating other games (with and without the original idea of erogame) and animes.
The rules in common are: (sometime they are broken)
The Holy Grail War (an epic battle of 7 mages, who invocated different Heroic Spirits of history or mythology), the one who win will have a wish.
The classes of the Heroic Spirits (there are 7, saber, lancer, archer, assassin, caster, rider and berserker) each one has a class as weakness and as strength. But in the majority of the animes this rule don’t have too much impact, in game is very present.
The Heroic Spirits never reveals his/her real identity (except to her/his master), for protection.
A lot of characters are death or will be killed.
There’s always a couple.
So, with that in main, let’s start to explain the different fates
1st Fate Stay Night: It’s the name of the first game and anime, in this arc (yes, I explain this later) the protagonists are Shiro Emiya (a high school student, with a little knowledge of magic) and his servant Saber (If you know something about European mythology maybe you will know who she is hehe). The anime was released on 2004 and has 24 episodes.
2nd Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works: It’s the second anime (with a movie) and it’s the second arc of the game. The protagonists are Rin Tosaka (a high school student, and a member of a mage family) and her classmate Shiro Emiya (with a little more of developed as a character, I think). The movie was released first in 2010 and the anime was in 2014 with 26 episodes (I think the final episode has two version).
3rd Fate Stay Night Heaven’s Feel: It’s the third arc of the game, but it haven’t an anime, the story has been divided in 3 movies (presage flower, lost butterfly, spring song); the first was released in 2017 and the second in this year; the third part will be release next year. The protagonists are Sakura Matou (a high school student, a member of a mage family) and her senpai Shiro Emiya. This arc is the most dark and polemic.
This three stories has some similitudes and some BIG differences, there are a lots of secrets, murderers, suffer and regret.
4th Fate/Realta Nua: Remake of the first game. Released in 2007
5th Fate/Hollow Ataraxia: It’s a parallel story of the original. The protagonists are a new servant called Avenger (his real identity is Angra Mainyu), his master Bazett (she was present in the original story, but not all of her…), a girl called Caren (her presence is a spoiler) and again Shiro Emiya. This story takes in no time, you can think it’s after the events of the first game or is during it. It’s more like a fanservice. It was released in 2005 for PC and in 2014 for PS Vita.
Fate/Zero: It’s the prequel of all Fate Stay Night, has an anime (2011), a light novel (2005) and a manga (2010). It takes 10 years before Stay Night; here we get some knowledge about the families involved in the future events. The protagonists are Kiritsugu Emiya and Irisviel von Einzbern. It has a bad end.
7th Fate Extra: Videogame for PSP released in 2011. The protagonist Hakuno Kishinami has no memory, and is forced to participate in a fight for survival, a Holy Grail War. In this game, the player can choose her/his servant.
8th Fate Extra/CCC: Videogame which take place in the middle of Extra, but takes another route, to a crazy story. Same as the others, the protagonist is Hakuno Kishinami. The game has multiple ends. It was released in 2010.
9th Fate Extra/Last Encore: Anime which it seems like Extra, but with BIG difference. It was released in 2018 and has 13 episodes. The protagonists are Hakuno Kishinami (again without memory) and his servant Red Saber (she has the same face as the saber of Stay Night, if you know about Rome’s history you will know who she is).
10th Fate Extella The Umbral Star: Videogame which take from the end of Extra. Hakuno Kishinami has to defeat a Caster servant, but to do it he (I don’t know if you have the option of change gender) has to get allies. This game has multiple finals, but each one has an influence to get the real end. Released in 2016.
11th Fate Apocrypha: Light novel (2012), manga (2016) and anime (2017). Another Holy Grail War, but with some irregularities, because of that the Holy Grail invoke a servant without a master, servant class Ruler. She can’t interfere in the war; only maintain the order of it. The protagonists are Ruler, a homunculus (spoiler) and the survivors of the war… I think.
12th Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Manga (2007) and anime (2013). This story takes place in a parallel world with some of the characters of Stay Night, in the beginning is like a Maho Shojo, but with the pass of the episodes, appears characteristics of the original story. The protagonists are Illyasviel von Einzbern and Miyu Edelfelt, (spoiler alert, if you know something about them only by the name, you know that this will have some bad things).
13th Fate Grand Order: Cellphone game released in 2015 in Japanese server and in 2017 in USA server. The protagonist is you (the girl named Gudako and the boy named Gudao, by the fans). Here are 3 arcs (in actuality), Grand Order, Epic of Remnant and Lostbelt. There are two animations based on the game (the protagonist is the boy called Ritsuka Fujimaru), the first one introduces you in the first level of the game (It’s called Fate Grand Order: First Order, released in 2016), the second takes place after the first arc (It’s called Fate Grand Order: Moonlight/Lostroom). And this year there will be another anime based on the last level of the game (Babylon) and a movie about the penultimate level (Camelot). One thing about this game… is a waifus and husbandos fabric.
AHHHH, I think I finish with all the summary of Fate universe. So how do you start? Basically, there’s no big deal if you start with any of them. But I think you could start with Unlimited Blade Works (series and then movie), later with Stay Night, then Zero, and after that watch anyone. Or you could start watching Apocrypha, and then watch the other ones. The only thing that I really recommend is not watch Stay Night in the beginning is too slow in the start of the story.
About the images... It's tradition be redundant.
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