#before i hit the point i meant to cover
sabraeal · 2 years
Whenever I view the moon on the battlefield, Chapter 5
[Read on AO3]
Even in the thick of the night, the moon swollen and hanging heavy in the sky , the air is muggy. Kai’s yukata sticks to every fold, every crevice his body can provide; less clothing and more a second skin as he drops wearily onto his futon, longing for relief. Still, he cannot bear to push away the small weight that burrows into his side, stealing space and breath. Instead, he pulls it close, the sweet scent of hibiscus tickling his nose.
A decision he does not regret when he wakes, the sun barely risen and every inch of him drenched. It is a small price to pay for the beauty of dark hair unfurled across his pillow, or the poetry of the small hand pressed against his chest. He would swelter far more humid nights to envelope himself in that beloved scent, to feel that long-awaited body tucked against his side.
No, what he regrets is marring the morning with his leaving.
Kai peels himself from his pallet with a grimace. It’s a trial to untangle his limbs, to leave that alluring warmth with enough grace and ease that he does not disturb it. And it is made all the harder when that small hand snaps out, whip-quick, and winds its fingers around his yukata.
“And just where do you think you are you going?” Okaki asks blearily, one dark eye peeking out from the fringe of her lashes. “Not even dogs are awake at this hour.”
His hand wraps around hers; her skin is soft, smooth as the finest silk. In the earliest days of their courtship, he’d feared that he would reach for her and his calluses would snag, leaving her ruined, but, well-- he has proof enough now that they will not. And the knowledge to know she would hardly complain if they did. “Dogs might slumber, but the Watch never does,”
Her mouth crumples into a pout. “Tell that commander of yours that you are not a young bachelor anymore. You keep a married man’s hours now.”
Kai imagines, for a moment, telling the Vice Commander just that. How his head would fall back as he laughed, the years unraveling from his brow. With a mouth like that your wife could be an Edo woman, he would say; high praise from a man like him. It brings a smile to Kai’s face, one he cannot hide.
Not that he would want to. Okaki’s mouth parts to mirror his own, teeth peeking out between her lips. A vulgar expression, the other women of the court would say, not meant to sit on the face of a true lady. But that only makes it all the more dear to him; a smile meant only for his eyes and no one else’s, an expression of her truest joy.
“Is something so funny, my love?” Her eyes open too wide for earnest innocence, long lashes batting against her cheek. “I think it is a perfectly reasonable request. Even your commander would have to agree, no?”
“Of course, of course.” A laugh rumbles in the cavern of his chest, but he does not let it out; instead it quakes beneath Okaki’s palms, drawing out another of her alluring hums. “But it is not the Vice Commander who worries me.”
With more skepticism than Kai had thought could fit into a body so small, Okaki deadpans, “Is that so?”
Her yukata slips, deep blue giving way to soft, bare shoulder. It is too much temptation for a man like him; he leans in to brush the barest kiss against it. “If I do not go, then there will be no one to look after Yamazaki-kun.”
Her shoulder surges suggestively against his mouth, an invitation. “Then let him find a wife.”
Kai tries to imagine it; it would have to be a woman like his Okaki, small enough to make even Yamazaki stand tall, but for him to be like this, to be tender--
Ah, well, there was a reason that the men had been so pleased to have Yukimura tend to their wounds after Ikedaya, and even more grateful after the rebellion. In terms of skill, Yamazaki gave no room for complaint, but in bedside manner-- well, no one could argue that he was not polite or diligent, but when it came to such things as warmth or kindness...
“He would have to find a partner that would suit,” Kai says, achingly diplomatic. By the arch of Okaki’s brow, it is clear he has not fooled her. “I think many women would find him...exacting.”
She huffs, unimpressed. “A complainer, then?”
“No. Not at all. It is only...”
There is no way to properly convey the care that the boy shows every facet of his life. How his jinbei is pristine at the beginning of each day, and his deference to authority immaculate. How his shoulders are straight enough to set a corner to, and his bows are always to the precise angle of his regard. How he allows no soul to pass more than a toe over the threshold of his stockroom so that only he is accountable for what lays within-- and for the results of what happens without.
“The standards by which he measures others are the same stick that he uses upon himself,” Kai manages, knowing that this is a pale reflection of the boy that spends his days bent over a grinding wheel, and his nights perched on rooftops. “And they are...”
“Rigid?” Okaki offers, a smile curling the edges of her mouth like parchment.
“Same thing.” She tugs at her yukata absently, fabric eclipsing her shoulder once more. “Which one is he? The small one, the ranpo?”
“An acupuncturist.” It is too simple a word for what he is to the Shinsegumi. “But he is learning Western medicine as well. From Matsumoto-sensei.”
“Matsumoto-sensei?” Her eyes pull wide, impressed. Even at court, the doctor’s reputation precedes him. “And he is so polite too, so serious. It wouldn’t be hard at all for him to find a woman if he tried.”
She speaks with such confidence, sure surety, that Kai chokes on his laugh. “I’m sorry?”
Her eyes roll toward him, too knowing. “Kai-kun, he is a doctor. One who Matsumoto-sensei has agreed to take under his tutelage despite not studying ranpo himself. And he speaks to women respectfully. There’s very little else a girl without rank could hope for in a husband.”
“Yes, but...” His mouth works, but one-by-one, his words fail him, falling short of the truth. “He would hardly be home enough to be one.”
Her hand reaches up, patting his cheek with exasperation and affection in equal measure. “As are you. But--” she smiles, and when she leans down, she brings him with her-- “a good woman knows how to keep her man in bed.”
“You make a very persuasive argument, my love,” Kai sighs, letting his yukata fall from his shoulders, “but I cannot help but believe you are wrong in this case.”
“I am never wrong,” she hums, one finger tracing down his chest. “Perhaps you will let me show you?”
The sun rides only a finger above the horizon when Kai arrives at the compound, but even still, it’s enough to earn him a knowing look from Hijikata-- and one of stern disapproval from Yamazaki, even if he’s too polite to direct it anywhere by at the tatami.
“Sorry to keep you so busy,” the Vice Commander hums at the end of his report with hardly a note of regret. “I’d hate for you to get on your wife’s bad side. You’ve only been married a month.”
Kai’s mouth twitches, but he smooths the edges down to a warm smile when he says, “Do not worry, Vice Commander, my wife knows just who to blame for my schedule.”
Hijikata’s eyebrows lift, eyes wide before they settle into a sly slant. “I should have know. She had that look.”
Kai inclines his head; anything else would risk a laugh.
“But you have nothing else to report?” the Vice Commander asks with hardly a pause. “No news of...Yukimura’s friends?”
Yamazaki, silent since he entered the room, finally speaks. Or rather, makes a noise-- a grunt from deep in his throat, one that’s eloquent enough to imply a conversation’s worth of protest. “Yukimura--”
“Not yet.” Kai ignores his dire glance, letting it roll off his back like sweat in this oppressive heat. Yamazaki may be circumspect in all other matters, but where Yukimura Chizuru is concerned-- ah well, he’s been meaning to speak to the boy about how his gaze follows that small back through a room. “It is quiet in Kyoto, but when voices start to rise, it is about the second expedition. It seems that the longer the preparations drag on, the more worry there is that not all the domains will answer the Bakfuku’s call.”
Hijikata huffs, arms folding across his chest as he mutters, “Satsuma, you mean.”
“And Tosa.” More southern domains than not wavered in their loyalties; or at least, they did in the minds of the men of Kyoto. But he hardly needed to tell Hijikata that, not when the worry carved itself so neatly in his brow. “If anyone has heard of the three men we met at the castle, they do not profess to know them now.”
“Fine. We’ll keep our ear to the ground.” Hijikata’s mouth slants slyly as he adds, “Yours is already there at night anyway, searching for your wife on the pillow.”
Kai may not say a word, but he cannot help a smirk of his own. Some secrets stayed between a husband and wife. “As you say, Vice Commander.”
“And you, Yamazaki?” Hijikata sighs as he turns to the boy, weariness wearing down the set of his shoulders. “Have you heard more of the same?”
Yamazaki nods, tight. “The words may be whispered, Vice Commander, but the people are worried.”
“As are we all.” He shakes his head, slumping back on his heels. “Well, if that’s all--”
“There is something I wanted to discuss with you, Vice Commander.”
A pin could be dropped in the wake of Yamazaki’s words, and it would ring as loud as any bell. For him to have spoken, and over Hijikata no less...
It’s not as if the boy is shy. He gives his reports with the brisk efficiency of a man with a great amount of business and little time to get to it, and when he’s spoken to, Yamazaki is known to reply at length. It is only-- he does not interrupt.
Hijikata’s brows shoulder at his hairline, trying to make room for themselves at their new altitude. “Is that so?”
“It is about Yukimura Chizuru.” He delivers the name with an admirable amount of evenness; if Kai had not thought to look at his ears, he would never have known about his flush at all.
The Vice Commander shifts on his knees, suddenly upright, maybe even interested. “You have my attention. Is she causing problems for you?”
Yamazaki blinks. “Ah, no. Not at all.”
“Oh.” It’s odd to see the Vice Commander at a loss, merely left staring at Yamazaki as the boy squirms under his scrutiny. “Then what is it?”
“It’s only...” The words come out strained, strangled, as if the act of ordering them took untold restraint. “I wonder if we could not use her expertise better.”
He hadn’t thought Hijikata’s eyebrows could lift any further, but they do, nearly lost against his hair. “Expertise?”
“Her father was one of the foremost ranpo in the country. Even Matsumoto-sensei says so.” Yamazaki eases when the Vice Commander nods; the Bakfuku had not placed their trust in him blindly, even if they had done so poorly. “She has helped us countless times with our wounded. It would only be pragmatic to give her more responsibilities in that regard.”
It is Hijikata’s word upon which a hundred men live or die, upon his ideals that any one of them could make their grave, but still, it is to Kai that he looks, head canted in question. “You think she could handle it?”
His brows leap before he can think to hold them steady, furrowing into a knot above his nose. Between the two of them, it is Yamazaki who is known for his shrewd appraisals, who has proven himself a fine judge of character and skill. And yet, any man could allow his heart-- or lower-- to fool him.
Ah, so that is the question the Vice Commander is asking him: is this assessment of Yukimura Chizuru objective.
Thankfully, Yamazaki saves him from having to speculate. “I have had many occasions to observe Yukimura since you positioned me as her guard, and even more outside of that purview since she has been given free range of compounds. I feel confident in saying that she would excel if given a regular task that made use of her already expansive education.”
Still, Hijikata watches him, as careful as a hunter in the grass, desperate not to disturb the fowl. He’s a more deft hand at it than Todou claims to be; Yamazaki doesn’t even flinch when he asks, “And what makes you think that she’ll help you rather than hinder you as an assistant? That girl has a gift for being underfoot.”
“Yukimura has demonstrated the ability to take direction quite well.” There’s a twist to his mouth that seems to imply, better than anyone else here, though Kai doubts Hijikata’s ear is deft enough to hear it. “Whenever she has been under my care, she follows my commands without complaint.”
“Shockingly,” Hijikata mutters, earning himself a quelling look from Yamazaki. “Fine, fine, maybe that was unfair of me. Go on.”
“Yukimura has shown herself to be quite discreet as well.” With a steeling breath, he admits, “During Mastumoto-sensei’s visit, she overheard his...assessment of Okita’s condition.”
Hijikata’s eyes pulse wide. “And she hasn’t said anything?”
His nod is swift and firm, and not a little proud. “Not to anyone. A few days ago she even came upon me airing out Okita’s quarters-- as you asked me to do, Vice Commander-- and told me I shouldn’t be poking around in his things if he didn’t want them to be disturbed.”
It was a perfectly sufficient report of her character, one no one could take exception to, except--
Except he flushes; not softly either, but a bright cherry blossom pink from ear to ear, mouth bent into a barest smile. Were it just the two of them, Kai would have delighted in asking just how firmly Yukimura took him to task, but Hijikata--
Ah, well, the Vice Commander was not known for being a delicate man. “I didn’t realize that was what you looked for in an assistant, Yamazaki-kun.”
With only that cherry turns to plum. “Ah, I only meant-- she’s responsible! Not that I-- it’s only, even when we found--”
With a terrible, guttural choke, Yamazaki wrenches his words to a halt. But it is already far, far too late. Hijikata’s eyes narrow to points as he asks, “Found what?”
“N-nothing.” By the way sweat beads at the high rise of his hairline, it’s anything but. “Only-- something Okita wouldn’t want us to see. Yukimura very firmly said that we should leave it and not look at it. Even if...er...”
Hijiakata hums, suspicion clear in every note.
Yamazaki’s fingers tug at his jinbei, guilt writ large upon his face. “And, ah, she-- she agreed to help, when I brought up the idea of taking her on.”
That brings his narrow brows up, hovering just at his hairline. “So you’ve already asked her then?”
“Ah-- only provisionally.” Yamazaki clears his throat, his usual stalwart calm overtaking him. “Since my duties in the Watch have been increasing, and Matsumoto-sensei’s mentoring has also taken up a good amount of my free time...I am not in the compound as much as I have been. It seemed prudent to ask if she might at least look over Okita from time to time, if I cannot.”
A frown mars Hijikata’s mout. “You’re not setting this up because you’re planning on getting reckless, are you? I’ve told you before, Yamazaki, you’re the only person who can do the job you do.”
His eyes round, fixed on the Vice Commander. “Ha...”
Hijikata’s expression darkens. “This isn’t some laughing matter.”
“No, I wasn’t...” The pink dusting his ears is the same, delicate color across his cheeks. “It’s only...that’s what Yukimura-kun said too.”
It’s not until Yamazaki has leapt to his feet, managing a measured pace until he hits the hall, that Hijikata holds up a hand to stall Kai on his knees.
“Shimada,” he hums, watching where the shoji stands open, thoughtful. “What do you think of that?”
Kai blinks. “What, sir?”
One long hand waves to the door. “That. Yamazaki and...”
“Ah...” It would mortify the boy to know that the Vice Commander had gotten wind of his infatuation. “You mean, Yukimura? She has the temperament to make a fine assistant, so long as Yamazaki--”
“That’s not what I mean.” His arms cross over his chest, impatience rolling off him like a storm. “Do you think there’s something there?”
“I...” It would give him no greater pleasure to agree, but he has not become a member of the Watch by allowing himself to see only what he would like to. “I think Yukimura has many admirers, as a girl her age should. And, modest as she is, she shows none of them any particular favor.”
If anything, Hijikata’s mood only becomes fouler. “Hah, that’s generous. I doubt that girl even notices. She’s going to get herself into trouble if she keeps on like that. Not all men are as harmless and Heisuke or Iba-san. But what about Yamazaki? Certainly he must, you know...”
Kai clears his throat. “I think he is...lonely, Vice Commander. There’s not many here that he can relate to, and Yukimura at least shares some of his interests.”
“Exactly.” Hijikata reaches out, tapping absently on his desk. “It’s something to keep our eyes on, don’t you think?”
Kai thinks they might wish for snow and have better chances, but he says, with patient deference, “If you say so, Vice Commander.”
“Oh.” There’s a light in the man’s eyes that makes even Kai want to squirm, that makes him wonder if Yamazaki should wish he had been more discreet with his feelings. “I think I do.”
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monstersflashlight · 10 days
Alien who accidentally fingers you during one of his examinations of the human body and is intrigued by your reaction
Hi! This took a turn at the end unexpectedly. Hope you like it and thanks for the request! <3
Alien inspection
Alien x fem!reader || dub-con (kinda?), finger-fucking, groping, lowkey humiliation
When you arrived to the space station you weren’t expecting to pass any medical exam. They told you back on Earth that you’d be free to go anywhere without background check. You should have guessed they were wrong. So now you were patiently waiting in a room full of alien creatures. There were so many different morphologies and colors and textures… Your poor human brain was overwhelmed with all the information you were getting just sitting in the waiting room.
After what felt like an eternity but probably was just half an hour, a metallic voice called your name and a very, very tall alien stood before you to escort you. He started talking in a language that sounded completely extraterrestrial, full of weird sounds and clicks. You looked at him confused, and he looked at you like he never saw a human before. A spark of surprise crossed his features as he extended his hand and clicked something next to your ear. The translator. Oh fuck, you forgot.
“Sorry, I forgot I had to do that.” You explained, already embarrassed.
“It’s okay, it’s your first time here.” His voice sounded weird when translated, but at least you could understand him now. “I’m excited, you are my first human.”
“Uh? What do you mean?” You asked, completely confused at what he meant. You couldn’t be the first human arriving at the station, there were at least fifteen other women in your same ship.
“I’m new in this facility, I’ve never seen a human before.” That explained it. You said nothing as he led you to another room. “Remove your coverings and sit there.” He pointed to a metal table in the middle of the space.
When you were finally naked and exposed completely to him, he turned around and started writing in his tablet. He put some cables around your chest and soon you heard the telltale sound of a cardiac machine, the beep beep of your heart deafening in the silence of the room. His clinical look of your body was making you feel extremely self-conscious, and a bit hot. You didn’t know what he had, but his detached look and the way he didn’t instantly look at your tits made you feel a bit better, but also started a fire inside of you.
You took time to study him as he kept writing stuff. He was so tall his head almost hit the ceiling, his skin such a pale green color that looked almost white. He was handsome in a very extraterrestrial way, otherworldly. And then you saw his hands. They looked like spider legs, super long and with at least four knuckles instead of the two humans had. It was weird, so weird, but it did something for you. It picked your interest in hot way, in a way that made you wonder how would that feel against your skin.
“Why is your skin turning pink?” He asked, writing down some stuff.
“I’m embarrassed.” You explained, trying to sound as clinical as him. He looked at you with a face that asked you to elaborate. No words needed. “I am naked and you are not, and you are looking at me, and I’m naked.”
“Interesting. Is nakedness wrong by human standards?” He asked, as he checked something on the machine and wrote it down.
“Well, yes and no.” He made a weird sound that your translator didn’t get and kept pressing some kind of instrument to your head and neck, tickling you. You giggled and he looked intently at you, not saying anything but writing down in his tablet. He lowered his weird hands to your chest. “Ouch!” You slapped his hand away when he pinched one of your nipples with his way too long fingers. Your heart raced as he did it again. “Ouch!!”
“Uh, that’s interesting. Your heart-rate spiked. Why?” He asked, looking between your boobs and the machine, his confused face was kind of adorable.
“I- That- Nipples are a sensitive area for humans. For some humans, at least. For me.” You babbled when you were nervous and he was making you really nervous at the moment.
“Interesting.” He didn’t let you out of the hook, grabbing your boobs and massaging them to his heart’s content. You were struggling to remain quiet, his touch turning you into a hot and bothered mess. You always had very sensitive tits, and his hands groping you were more than a bit arousing.
He kept at it for what you felt like ages, groping your boobs, measuring them, pinching your nipples (softer this time). He explored every tiny millimeter of your boobs as you rubbed your thighs together in what you hoped was not too obvious manner. At some point, when you were about to draw blood because of how hard you were biting your lip to stop the groans for escaping, he moved his hands down. Touching your abdomen, taking notes, poking your bellybutton and making you giggle.
“Open your legs.” He instructed next, pulling at your ankle softly, looking at you with his big pale eyes.
“What? No!” His previous touch left you dripping wet, you could feel your juices all over your pussy and the inside of your thighs. You really, really, didn’t want him to find out he aroused you. Fuck.
“I have to inspect your genitals, too.” The clinical way in which he said it made you shiver, uncomfortable, but weirdly turned on. What the fuck was wrong with you? He was a doctor, he wasn’t trying to fuck you. You didn’t even like aliens. Right? Well, maybe you did like this particular alien. So you complied and opened your legs slowly.
“Why is it wet? Is normal for it to be wet?” He asked, parting your lips and grabbing some of your juice, taking it to his face to smell it. He poked his tongue out and tasted it, making you let out a groan. He looked at you, alarmed. “Well? Is it normal?”
“Is normal when humans are aroused.” You told him, trying not to groan again.
“Are you aroused?” He didn’t stop his exploration, not even looking at your eyes when he said that.
“Yes.” You whispered, completely embarrassed, feeling a bit humiliated at the fact that he turned on by just his medical touch. You were perverted.
“Interesting.” His complete lack of reaction to your words made you feel humiliated and confused, some more wetness leaking out of your gaping hole. His intense eyes focused in your pussy again. “It twitched!” He exclaimed. Two milliseconds later, one of his fingers was pushed inside of you, making you groan and arch your back.
He experimentally moved his finger around, hitting your G-Spot and making you moan again. “Does that feel good?” He retracted his finger just to push it back again.
“Yes!” You looked down, he had just two knuckles inside of you, the other two were still out. His fingers were longer than any dick you’d ever seen, and he looked like he wanted to push the whole thing inside. God yes. “More, please.” You begged as he crooked his head at you, confused by your reaction but starting to push deeper, adding a second finger and scissoring them inside, stretching you. Fuck.
When his long fingers entered you completely, he started to finger fuck you intently, thrusting in and out and touching your G-spot every time he could. He was driving you wild. And when another finger found your clit, you screamed, making him look up and then repeat the movement to see how your face looked when he did it. He never lost his medical look in your body, not seeming interested on you as a person, but just your human anatomy. It made you feel humiliated, and that fired the heat inside of you.
He played with your pussy like he was a master of it, touching all the right places, rolling your clit and rubbing it just the right way. Before any of you were ready, you were coming hard around his fingers, thrashing on the table and babbling nonsense between groans and moans.
He took his fingers away and shoved them in his lab coat pocket, saying: “That was very illuminating. Thank you.” He then turned around and went away, leaving you naked and panting on the table.
A nurse entered and with one look at you they said: “Ugh, he fucked you, didn’t he?” You tried to dress rapidly as they kept looking at you.
“What?” Your face grew hot, probably red as a tomato.
“He has a human kink and always fucks the patients.” The nurse looked infuriated and tired as they pinched their nose-like appendage on their face.
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
I worked retail for a long time and people really do treat you like shit sometimes. But between selling sex toys, mattresses, and jewelry I can say definitively I got treated worst selling mattresses.
All three of my jobs were in sales but selling sex toys we were allowed to put people in their place, and in jewelry people didn’t want to misbehave in a fancy setting. But people at the mattress store had no problem yelling at me, hitting on me, or insulting me to my face.
For a while I was managing my own store for the company. I ran a small location and had struggling employees placed with me for rehabilitation. If their numbers improved they could go back to bigger stores. If not, they got fired.
So this meant I was the manager of problem employees. At one point both of my people had a foot out the door. The company was going downhill and changed computer systems and they were fed up. Consequently, they made a ton of mistakes, because they just didn’t care about the job or learning the new systems.
I strolled into work on what was essentially my Monday to a shit show. Deliveries scheduled without product, wrong things on orders, poor expectations of the process, you name it. I spent the entire morning getting yelled at for mistakes that weren’t mine.
The final straw came when a man called furious that his moms bed for her nursing home had a delivery window he couldn’t accommodate. This wasn’t a huge disaster since we still had time to deliver it before she moved. I ran him through the options and he just kept screaming at me. Not for a solution but because I was there and he was frustrated.
My heart filled with malice and a cold fury. A calculating part of my brain had a realization in that moment that I could stay a punching bag or I could strike back.
I quavered my voice delicately, taking in a shaky, warbling breath like I was trying not to cry. “Sir,” I quivered through fake tears, “I don’t know what you want from me! I told you what I can do, I didn’t make this mistake I’m just trying to fix it!” My voice broke pitifully on the last syllables, sounding in all ways like a sweet innocent person being yelled at who’s just trying her best, really!
It was like I’d doused him with cold water. My emotional act was the realization that he was screaming at someone who was just doing their damn job, and he was being an asshole. He hastily made an excuse and hung up.
I had a third employee covering with me from another store that day who heard everything. When I hung up, I looked over to see them watching me with an awed expression. “Did… did you just pretend to cry?”
“I absolutely fucking did,” I said with feeling, “and I’d do it a thousand more times. If that’s what it takes for someone to realize they’re behaving like a fucking prick, they deserve it.” The employee looked at me like I was their hero.
The man called back, apologizing profusely, having magically arranged his schedule to accommodate delivery. He came in later that week with an apology Starbucks gift card. I was gracious in my acceptance.
I pulled it a few more times before leaving the company. I felt no shame in the ruse. If someone behaves so poorly that it’s plausible their behavior would drive someone to tears they deserve to feel absolutely wretched about it.
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yueebby · 4 months
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keep dreaming! – gojo satoru
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synopsis. down bad? … it’s gojo satoru!
contents. fluff, lovesick!gojo, he basically has a wet dream of you, you wear tinted lip balm, your first kiss w him (??), suguru plays devil’s advocate
notes. remember spring days!au but can be read alone. anyways, enjoy!! I am writing this while sick (yikes). also of course this wouldn’t be canon compliant if i had not included satoru and suguru’s dynamic! I tried my best to apply their interactions during the basketball match + while theyre leaving jujutsu tech as much as i can.
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“satoru…” you murmur, looking up at him shyly. the two of you find yourselves alone in the classroom. a greedy smile plays on his lips, and you struggle to formulate words as your eyes travel from his cerulean ones to his lips. satoru can barely contain his excitement, the anticipation radiates from him like an electric charge.
“say it, [name]. tell me what you want.” he whispers back at you seductively, his eyes are spellbound onto yours. you whine before grabbing the collar of his uniform and pulling him onto you. your lips are soft, so soft. you were made for him, he’s sure, as your lips mold together. as a matter of fact, your lips are so soft that they feel eerily like his pillow–
"get up! we’re late to our mission!" suguru hits the top of satoru’s head with the spare pillow on his bed. the white haired boy immediately activates his innate technique to block his best friend’s attacks.
it was going to be a long day.
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“it’s unlike you to wake up so late.” suguru’s hands pause over the shoji door of the classroom. his concern for gojo was more important than the imminent lecture they were going to receive from yaga for their tardiness. “plus you totally sucked today.”
their mission had taken an unexpected turn for the worse when the pair had found themselves stuck in an incomplete domain. the narrow escape was only possible as a result of suguru’s quick thinking with rainbow dragon.
the bandaid on satoru’s cheek is a silent testament to the mission gone wrong.
“i’ve just been tired.” satoru mumbles quietly, heat rising to his cheeks as the memory of the dream flashes in his mind. he was too deep in thought to counter his friend’s insult.
something was definitely wrong. suguru raises his eyebrows, “and it has nothing to do with the fact that i caught you making out with your pillow?”
“i– what?” the heat has spread from his cheeks to all over his face. he hopes his sunglasses cover the blush that was blossoming on his face. suguru lets out a breath of relief. satoru’s blush meant that the matter at hand was only trivial…
“don’t tell me you were dreaming of [name],” his best friend smiles knowingly. satoru groans. suguru definitely knew, he was just playing with him at this point.
their conversation is cut short when the doors slide open by themselves to reveal a certain brown haired girl with a distasteful look on her face.
“satoru is having wet dreams of [name]?” shoko remarks quietly, making sure her comment is only heard by the two males. “i would act surprised, but it’s not like you’re above it.”
“just who do you think i am?” satoru looks down at his friend.  
“a real pervert.” shoko simply replied before quickly making her way back to the desk next to yours. 
satoru’s eyes follow her and make their way onto you. like a fly making its way into a honey trap, he can’t seem to look anywhere else. too busy burning the image of you absorbed in your textbook, he absorbs every little detail from the way your soft lips slightly part to mouth the words of the book to the way your leg bounces underneath the table. were you using a new lip balm? there was a subtle shade difference from your usual choice. gojo makes a mental note to ask you for the exact brand for… personal reasons.
in his trance, satoru fails to notice yaga’s scolding. he had also failed to notice how suguru had already made his way into a desk.
“satoru since you seem so eager to continue standing, i assume you volunteer to solve this equation.” yaga angrily taps the blackboard with a worn out price of chalk. 
satoru stiffens up, not because of yaga’s wrath, but because your attention has shifted from the textbook to him. you blink up at him, the image dangerously similar to his dream. satoru gulps, eyes quickly flitting to the equation messily written on the board. 
at least math equations don’t make him feel like his heart is beating out of his chest.
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it didn’t take a genius to notice how quiet satoru has been today. as if he were in his own world, you notice.
“i fear that i may have been giving satoru too much attention lately,” you mutter to your two other friends, mind running laps trying to recall all of the intimate moments you have spent with the white haired fiend— all of which could be characterized as highly inappropriate. 
“you always do,” suguru lazily rests his chin on the palm of his hand on the desk across from you. after yaga’s lecture, the seats had been rearranged appropriately so that the four of you could enjoy lunch together. “lay some of your love on us too.” he gestures his chopsticks to himself and shoko who were sitting side by side.
one could argue that the subtle smirk playing on suguru’s lips were a lot more dangerous than satoru’s. you’re afraid that suguru has started a game that will only end with your downfall.
the silver tongued boy seemed to catch satoru’s attention with his comment.
“ha– mad that you don’t pull? get your own girl,” satoru speaks up for the first time, glaring at his best friend through half lidded eyes from above his dark glasses. the half eaten melonpan in his hand was long forgotten.
“last i checked, [name] wasn’t your girl,” suguru places his chopsticks back down on his bento box. 
you could’ve sworn you saw an irk mark appear on the side of gojo’s face. 
shoko, who had been watching the scene unfold, sips on her juicebox silently. your eyes anxiously flit between the two boys.
“if you’re still mad about that mission, step outside. it’s not like i’m the one savin’ our asses every time.” satoru grits his teeth. 
the loud sound of suguru’s chair screeching on the wooden floor reverberates in the mostly empty room, “you and your uncouth mouth,” he accuses satoru.
shoko flees the scene. smart girl. 
you were about to follow her, but suguru holds out a hand for you to stop,
“i’m just about done anyway. please, don’t cut your meal early on my account,” he looks down at you and your full bento box. the black haired boy leaves no room for discussion when he turns his back to leave the classroom. 
when the shoji doors are slammed shut by suguru, your head whips to satoru who resumes eating his strawberry melonpan. 
“what was that? you’ve been acting strange, satoru– what happened on that mission?”
“don’ worry ‘bout it,” you barely make out the words coming out of his mouth that is full as he munches on the pink bread. 
you scoff, “you can’t just expect me to ignore the argument you just had with suguru. and that ugly bandaid on your face?” you point at the skin-colored bandage haphazardly placed on his face. upon further inspection, you also notice the growing eyebags on his face. it was truly peculiar to see any blemish on satoru’s perfect face.
he pouts, “are you calling me ugly?” satoru doesn't take pleasure in upsetting you, but the gradual way you leaned closer to him sparked an unexpected thrill within him.
“no, i’m worried about you. you’re being weird, satoru.” he was far from ugly.
as your back faces the window, the outside light casts an otherworldly glow around you.
“well, aren’t you an angel?” he tilts his head as he leans back in his seat, completely enamored.
“you never stop, do you? you’ve been completely out of it all day!” your scrutinizing gaze zeroes in on gojo who was mindlessly nodding with a dazed out smile on his face. “and judging by the way you’re all bandaged up, suguru was probably right! i mean you totally got roughed up. the great gojo satoru, wounded.” 
satoru blushes at your angry face. he’d say something indecent, but he fears that it would only scare you away. if only you knew that the reason he was all messed up was because of you.
“it's partially your fault, y'know.” cerulean eyes blink at you sheepishly before being replaced by a newfound mischievous look.
he doesn’t miss the way your anger shifts into confusion.
"excuse me?"
satoru continues, “if it weren't for you appearing in my dream i wouldn't have been distracted by that incomplete domain.” he points to the bandage cut just below his right eye.
“dreaming of me now, gojo?" you raise an eyebrow. the uncomfortable heat that was starting to rise onto your face at the new revelation that gojo dreams about you is ignored.
satoru looks away, "can you really blame a guy?"
you huff, ignoring his comment, “i think yaga has a first aid kit somewhere in the closet.” you make your way to check out the forgotten door in the back of the classroom. 
the cool sterility of medical supplies contrasts with the charged atmosphere left behind in the classroom.
when you do come back with the kit, your heart races, praying he won't notice the hitch in your breath as your fingers delicately tend to the nearly healed scratch beneath his cheek. satoru's ability to evoke strange emotions within you is undeniable.
silence envelops the classroom, broken only by satoru's deep breaths. you're so close that you can almost feel the warm gusts of air from his breath on your face.
"your body healed remarkably fast. i'm not surprised," you softly observe, your focus on the task at hand. satoru smiles, his eyes fixed on your concentrated features.
"yeah? well, i have an excellent nurse," he remarks, tapping the freshly placed bandaid on his cheek. "though it seems she missed one of my injuries."
you furrow your eyebrows. satoru points to his expectant lips, a playful pout on his face.
"no," you plainly state.
"aw, c'mon. kiss it better? i almost died today," he pleads, his eyes silently begging. you shake your head, unaware that it was your fault he nearly lost his head during the mission.
"you really want a kiss?" you repeat, catching on to his persistent request.
he nods fervently, his excitement palpable. was that even a question
you think he was pretty insane– requesting kisses from a fellow peer.
“satoru..” you murmur, leaning closer to him. his eyes were twinkling with excitement. the two of you were all alone, left with nothing but each other. this scene was all too familiar. 
the sides of his lips quirk up into a smirk while he watches your eyes travel all around his face. satoru has been fantasizing about this moment since the moment he laid eyes on you.
“[name],” he says, his voice softer than ever, a privilege reserved for those closest to him—especially you.
just a few more inches and your lips will meet… just a few…
satoru blinks in shock while you giggle at his confusion. he attempts to ask what just happened, but his mouth is sealed. his hand rises to find a bandaid now on his lips.
“you’re cuter when you shut up.”
 you seal your words with a soft kiss placed on his bandaged mouth.
gojo satoru explodes, his voice muffled by an adhesive barrier.
“m.rrry.. m.. mph..mph!”
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all conflicts were resolved by evening when you had strategically set up a mario kart tournament.
right after you (indirectly) kissed gojo, you fled the scene, leaving a flustered satoru all hot and bothered. you ended up screaming into your pillow.. the same pillow that satoru was laying on not too long ago.
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prince-geo · 7 months
literally pleased with almost all of the new atla trailer except as per usual, Zuko's scar, idk why studios are so scared to commit to the intensity of the thing, its supposed to be shocking and obvious and textured and the first thing you see... that's the point, Zuko is supposed to struggle with feeling like it defines and brands him before finally coming to the point in his journey where he defines it.
Hollywood/big studios are known to hesitate or straight up avoid properly and honestly and unapologetically showing people with disfigurements/disabilities/facial differences etc. with the realism they deserve. Which is a shame in general for representation and humanization but ESPECIALLY in this case as its minimization actively harms it's narrative purpose as well
I promise making the scar more intense (shrivel up the ear a bit, make it intrude in his hairline, make his eye in a permanent squint due to nerve damage, for god sake REMOVE THE EYEBROW IT WAS BURNED OFF) will not make Zuko "ugly", (the actor is incapable of looking ugly and also the implication that scars make people too unappealing? yikes) but will actually do the character and his journey justice, not to mention really show Ozai's brutality, another essential narrative tool. Especially when he's bald like hello??? It should be even more stark and intense when he doesn't have hair to distract from it and cover his ear!!!
When transitioning from 2D to live action, of course some visuals are up for interpretation but that usually involved ADDING detail because the constraints of having to stay on modeling frame to frame is gone, not minimizing, removing or airbrushing. Doing Zuko's scar right to me is absolutely essential and I'm disappointed they seem just as as scared to go there as I thought they might. It doesn't have to be gory, if you've ever seen burn victims in real life or in pictures or even cosplayers/artists who are skilled in realistic burn makeup you'd know its possible to balance realism with humanity. It's possible especially with their resources to avoid the "scary Halloween makeup" route while not holding back on the brutality of the original injury.
Budget is definitely not an issue, or "scaring the kids" considering this remake is likely aiming to go a lil darker in tone than the cartoon (which was already super dark with its target audience of nickelodeon 7 year olds so no excuses) Audiences SHOULD be unsettled and upset when they see him but not because he's hard/disturbing to look at but because we are human and do not want to imagine someone doing that to a child.
It's a deliberate choice out of the all too common fear/hesitation to allow someone who is destined to eventually become a protagonist and is meant to be sympathized with to be "too ugly" while this hesitation is very rarely applied to straight up villains (again we come back to media's historic villainization of facial deformity). It's a trend that's always ticked me off in fanart too. The boy's face was melted, for gods sake. Zuko was always portrayed as an attractive boy in the cartoon (fire nation girls fawn over him) even with the intensity of his scar which is something I've always admired! People exist with scars similar to Zuko's in real life, and should not only be permitted to be represented as good guys and/or as attractive when their scars are toned down to be "palatable"
Like I said there's more that I loved than didn't love about the trailer, that can be a whole essay on it's own but I needed to get this very specific vent off my chest because it missed the mark so hard and stands out like a sore thumb in comparison to all the other visuals that hit the nail on the head to me
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shlonguru · 5 months
Alastor x Fem!Reader x Vox
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Summary : You're enjoying your evening at a party when Vox and Alastor take an interest in you and you become the subject of their unspoken challenge.
Warning : 18+, smut, edging, dirty talking, fingering, oral, creampie, oral creampie, cum swallowing, praise kink (kinda), teasing, overstimulation, edging (sort of).
Word Count : 4389 words (take that as you will)
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Your friend Charlie said she needed moral support at this event meant to advertise the Hotel and Vaggie was too sick to participate so you offered thinking it was a nice occasion to go out and just look pretty while looking after your friend. This event was very formal and everyone was dressed up, you wore a very elegant black silk dress that was hugging your curves perfectly while still feeling like nothing, the dress' waist is narrow, but it's a comfortable fit, you wore matching black high heels with straps covered in diamond-like stones, the heels were somehow not uncomfortable at all which you felt very surprised by considering you didn’t usually wear any because of how uncomfortable they felt, you had your hair in a fancy updo which again wasn’t something you commonly wore but you felt expensive. You were ready to enjoyyour evening, though you hadn’t met her whole team before and when you were introduced you were either pleasantly surprised or just…surprised.
The party was huge, held in one of the biggest fancy buildings of the city and when you arrived most of the 200 guests had already arrived, Charlie insisted on introducing you to everyone in her team. Angel Dust was the first one she pointed at, he was at the bar and looked already drunk, it seemed like he was hitting on someone who looked like they were too tired for this.
“This is Angel Dust and this is Husk” Charlie said excitingly.
“Nice to meet you.” You smiled at them.
“Hi! Would you tell him that he should always try a blowjob at least once before turning it down!” said Angel Dust in a very serious yet somehow nonchalant tone.
“Hmm, sure…” You said looking at Charlie who was forcing a smile.
“Alright Husk please keep him under control will ya ?” She asked the demon that just stared at her then turned around and asked the bar for another whiskey with a resigned look on his face.
“Alright who’s next?” said Charlie walking around as she searched for someone to introduce you to.
“Well hello there.” You heard a charismatic voice say behind you surprising you as you turned around to be faced with an indeed very charismatic and tall man, you had to look higher than you thought you’d have to to meet his gaze. He looked down at you with an almost arrogant look yet somehow taunting smile.
“Oh hi Alastor! That’s y/n, she’s my friend and she’s come for emotional support!” exclaimed Charlie proud to introduce you. “Y/n, that’s Alastor my…business partner. He’s the radio demon and he’s very reliable!” She said turning to you and smiling.
“Nice to meet you.” You bowed slightly before being surprised as he grabbed your hand and bent to kiss it then looked you straight in the eyes as his eyes were now at the level of yours.
“The pleasure is all mine.” he declared smoothly, making you unconsciously blush as you weren’t expecting that, and he noticed as his grin got slightly wider. He then let go of your hand going back to his original stance.
You were still staring at him when Charlie interrupts the silence to announce “Where is Niffty, she’s the only one I haven’t introduced you to.” She scanned the rooms without any luck.
“She’s probably cleaning somewhere.” Exclaimed Alastor nonchalantly.
“I’ll go look for her, I’ll be right back y/n, you guys can get a drink or chat in the meantime.” Announced Charlie already walking away.
“Wait-“ You didn’t have time to say anything before she disappeared in the crowd.
“Why not both? Let’s get you a drink darling.” Declared Alastor extending his arm for you to grab onto.
‘Shit why am I feeling like this, it’s like my fight of flight is activated but it somehow feels good?’
“Sure…” You replied uncertain as you did just that and realized this man was making you warm, too warm, you were not sure if it was his general demeanor and charisma or the way he talked but there was something about him that made you feel flushed and unable to be your usual comfortable self.
You arrived at the bar and he ordered you a drink that you surprisingly enjoyed considering you had never heard of it before.  You both sat down on stools by the bar as you sipped on your drink.
“Easy dear, this drink is stronger than it looks, you don’t want to end up like my tragic fellow.” He said pointing at Angel Dust not too far that looked like he was now trying to kiss Husk who was easily holding him at arm’s length.
You looked at Angel Dust then your drink and started sipping is slower, making the demon chuckle.
Somehow it was very hard for you to maintain eye contact with him, maybe it was because of his piercing and insistent gaze, either way you didn’t have a choice and didn’t want to seem rude.
“So, how long have you known Charlie?” You said, trying to initiate casual conversation.
“Longer than I care to remember.” He replied casually looking away then gazing back at you. “Now more interestingly how did Charlie get acquainted to such a lovely creature?” He exclaimed calmly yet looking like he was devouring you with his eyes.
“We met a long time ago in boarding school and I moved back not too long ago.” You answered realizing you had already finished your drink in spite of your best efforts, though you weren’t too worried and were confident in your ability to hold your alcohol.
“Oh well I guess I’ll get another drink.” You said grabbing the bar menu.
“What is a Demon Roulette…?” You read out loud.
“You’ve never had one? It’s a cocktail made from a very rare liquor that causes different effects on anyone who tries it, it makes some people cry, some people angry and some people suicidal even. It’s a 50/50 on if you’re going to regret its effect really.”
“So…alcohol?” You replied sarcastically.
The radio demon chuckles then pauses. “I guess you should give it a try and you’ll see what I mean dear.”
“I will if you join me?” You smiled noticing a little pause as if you had surprised him with your answer, but the expression of surprise was quickly replaced by a smirk.
“You are bolder than you look, yes, I shall indulge with you, this drink tends to make me…how should I put this…competitive? But I’m sure it won’t be an issue tonight. Two Demon Roulettes sir.” He asks the bartender who puts down your two cocktails in less than a minute.
‘Damn I hope this makes me relax, I want to really enjoy this evening.’ You told yourself hoping the drink will help. Little did you know it was exactly what would happen and more.
You took a sip of the new drink and instantly felt warm, your face flushed and your breath got a little heavier as you gulped.
“Interesting…” You felt Alastor’s gaze on you scanning your body for your reaction to the mysterious liquor and speak as if he’d already figured it out, before yourself even. He sipped on his own cocktail and before any of you could add anything you were interrupted.
“I didn’t know they let anyone in here?” You heard a smirking voice say. You looked for it only to meet the red eyes of another tall man, this time with a TV screen for a head. He wasn’t looking at you though, he was looking at the man by your side who looked his way unimpressed.
“Oh, what an unpleasant surprise.” Alastor replied before looking back at you.
“Where were we dear?” He said ignoring the other man, but before you could say anything the man walked up to the two of you putting himself literally in between you two, leaning over the counter and ordering a drink. You saw Alastor roll his eyes. The man then turned to you, still leaning against the bar, effectively blocking Alastor from your vision field.
“Hello, I’m Vox by the way, the greatest Overlord that hell has ever known, would you like me to rid you of this old timey prick?” He said confidently.
“Hi…” You hesitated, processing the info he just gave you as you kept mindlessly sipping on your drink.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” He continued, scanning your body and clearly enjoying what his eyes met.
“Hmm, I’m y/n.” You said trying to see if you could see Alastor behind him.
“I’m sorry you have to be in the presence of such a rude individual.” You heard from behind only to turn your head and find Alastor resting his hands on your shoulders staring sternly at Vox but still smiling.
His touch sent jolts down your body making you unintentionally tense up. To your surprise you felt his hands tighten as you tensed, as if to intensify the feeling, it almost felt like he knew what he was doing.
“I’m sure she would rather spend the evening with yours truly rather than this Overlord wannabe.” Said Vox looking at you waiting for your response.
You looked at him puzzled and with cheeks now flushed. You realized you weren’t truly paying attention to what he was saying but you had pieced together that he couldn’t stand Alastor. You took a second to look at all of him and realized he was fine. He realized what you were doing and smirked.
“Like what you see?” He grinned.
“Sorry, what did you say?” You questioned, snapping out of your daze and making Alastor share a laugh he tried to hide.
“Don’t push yourself Darling.” The radio demon laughed, letting go of your shoulders.
“I said you can get to know me without this disturbance of a demon around, and let’s just say that whatever you have going on with this hazbin individual, I can give you better.” Insisted Vox looking into your eyes and sipping from his drink. “You don’t deserve the company of such a beautiful creature anyways.” He adds looking at Alastor.
“This isn’t a competition.” Said Alastor, this time addressing the TV Overlord. “But I wouldn’t pass an opportunity to put you back in your place and remind you who’s in charge.” He said in a menacing tone you heard for the first time that sent shivers down your spine and to other areas you weren’t acknowledging yet. “You see this little darling just tried Demon Roulette for the first time and it seemed to have made her more…sensitive shall we say.” He said resting his hands on your shoulders once more, this time earning a quiet moan from you as you jolted and pressed your thighs together. No one seemed to have heard it, that is, besides the two demons by your side.
Vox looked dumbfounded for a second before a vicious smirk appeared on his face. You realized with him that you were hornier than you had ever been in your life, and you were longing for any touch at this point, which was a delicate situation, but the two attractive men being already your type made you feel incredibly lucky.
“Alright you’re on, you stupid old-fashioned bastard. I would love to make sure this beauty spends a night she won’t forget, though she might forget you if I’m being honest.”
“Now y/n, I know we met not too long ago but would you be interested in being the subject of a little experiment?” Alastor declared looking down at you.
‘I guess I won the roulette’ you thought to yourself, you blushed realizing how much you were enjoying the situation and how lewd your mind was.
“Hmm, what kind of experiment?” You asked turning your chair to face Alastor and finishing your cocktail. You felt the chair you were sitting on turn quickly around only to face Vox, his face dangerously close to yours, reinforcing your dirty thoughts.
“Why don’t you leave that up to us sweetheart?” He said, a devilish smile forming on his screen. “But let’s just say it is the type you will definitely enjoy.” He says inches from your face this time resting his hands on your thighs, making you squirm.
“Yup, I’m down.�� You exclaim putting down your drink and looking at the two demons.
They both grabbed you by the hands and softly lead the way.
“Were you down when you got here or only after the cocktail kicked in?” Whispers Alastor in your ear.
“Let’s just say the cocktail only reinforced already existing matters.” You wink making the demon grin wickedly.
Vox opened the door to a room that looked like a boudoir, very elegant with red velvet curtains against the walls with gold lining, fancy red velvet couches and little tables. As you scanned the room you felt the hand which Alastor was holding pull you swiftly only for your body to be pressed against his. The blush didn’t have time to reach your cheeks that you felt his lips press against yours for what felt like the softest yet most decisive kiss. You couldn’t help but moan in the kiss.
“Hey! You can’t get a head start!” You heard Vox exclaim annoyingly as he closed the door behind the three of you.
“Says who?” Smirked the radio demon, after slowly pulling away from the kiss leaving a string of saliva between the two of you. “You couldn’t even kiss her even if you wanted to.” He said taunting the TV demon.
You noticed Vox not responding but walking up to you instead and grabbing your hand, pulling you with him as he sat on a couch sitting you in between his spread legs. You rested your back against his large chest and realized just how tall he really was compared to you. He dragged his hands over your thighs caressing them softly causing your oversensitive body to react, making you yelp and grab his thighs reflexively.
“Maybe not, but I can do this.” He says looking straight at Alastor as he continues tracing your body up to your chest, cupping your breast softly yet firmly. You felt electricity run through your body.
“Indeed, you can.” Said Alastor walking up to the two of you and kneeling only to grab the back of your neck and kiss you deeper this time, making your head spin as you felt his tongue enter your mouth and play with yours. The surprise caused such pleasure you ended up arching your back, driving your ass into Vox’s crotch, causing him to groan.
“That’s it I’m not playing anymore.” Vox exclaimed pulling down the two straps of your dress revealing your plump breasts for all to see and with that he started playing with your nipples, making you moan louder into the kiss. He then sunk one of his hands down your body, reaching in between your legs teasing you lightly and feeling your nether region.
“Wow, you’re so wet you might make me short-circuit.” He whispered in your ear. He sent a jolt of electricity through your lingerie directly on your clit making you essentially roll your eyes back as you realized just how all your sensitivity stemmed from that region.
Alastor pulled away from the kiss to look into your dazed lidded eyes, drowning in pleasure.
“Enjoying ourselves, aren’t we?” He sarcastically asked kissing down your neck. “But don’t get too lost as you will have to decide whom has performed best.” He said smiling before reaching your nipples which is started to lick and suck on, driving away the hand of Vox that was left on your breast which he intuitively laid on your hip. He immediately proceeded to grab it firmly, pulling you tightly against his own crotch so that you could clearly feel his very hard member now resting between your ass cheeks. You moaned louder still with a hint of timidness.
“Moan as loud as you please sweetheart, this room is soundproof.” Said Vox confidently. And with that you felt his fingers entering your pussy not realizing your panties had been pushed to the side, making you moan very loudly and grab tightly onto the jacket of his suit.
“Getting close already, I barely touched you.” He teasingly exclaimed.
Not liking that you were enjoying his rival a little too much but only admitting it through actions Alastor stopped sucking on your nipples only to lick up your chest then gaze into your eyes before kissing you deeply and cupping both of your breasts firmly, pinching your nipples at the same time. Coincidentally it’s the time Vox chose to press hard against your G-Spot, sending you over the edge and making you moan loudly into the kiss and sinking into Vox.
“Oh yeah that’s right, good girl.” He exclaimed proudly as he continued fingering you through your orgasm.
“You see that dumbfuck? I win, she came thanks to me!” proclaimed Vox. Though it felt like the other demon hadn’t even heard him.
Alastor pulled away from the kiss to look at your current state. You gazed at him still twitching from your orgasm and noticed a serious look on his face you weren’t familiar with, you looked down and noticed a bulge pulsating in his pants. You blushed at that sight and Alastor grabbed your hips promptly pulling you towards him and turning you around, your knees on the floor but the top of your body resting on the couch, being faced with Vox’s crotch, looking just as strained as Alastor’s. You felt your panties being ripped then tossed away and your dress being lifted above your ass.
You heard the noise of Alastor undoing his pants and bending over you, his mouth next to your ear.
“Now you’ve done it darling, this isn’t just about the bet anymore.”
And with that you felt the tip of his cock press against your wet entrance, only to be pressed further and further, it felt so good, as though you were coming all over again just from feeling him entering you and you unwittingly pressed your hips against him helping him penetrate you feeling his grip tighten around your hips as you did so.
“Someone’s getting greedy I see.” Declared Vox trying to mock Alastor while trying to look as composed as he could.
Feeling like nothing was holding you back anymore you grabbed Vox’s crotch softly rubbing against the shape of his member and immediately getting his attention back.
“Oh, he’s not the only one I see.” He smirked looking at you and placing a hand on your cheek, his thumb rubbing your lip then entering your mouth. “What do you want sweetheart?” He asked teasingly.
It’s with flushed cheeks that you answered shyly. “You cock, please.”
“Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t quite hear you.” He pushed, knowing he had you cornered.
“Can I please suck your cock, Sir?” You pleaded looking up at him with a completely flushed face and doe eyes that drove him crazy.
“Fuck you’re so hot, of course you can.” He replied then hastily unzipped his pants, revealing his hard shaft ready to be savored, and that’s what you did. You grabbed his member but before you could wrap your mouth around it you heard Alastor talk.
“Alright my dear I’m sure you’re ready now.” And before you could process what he said he started thrusting hard, pounding into your hole, making you moan loudly but you couldn’t drown in the pleasure because you felt Vox’s fingers pull your chin up and look at you with anticipation. “Come on now don’t get distracted.” He expressed as you kept moaning but took his manhood in the mouth nonetheless and started sucking on it with gratification. His hips instinctively started thrusting into your mouth as you sucked. He threw his head back as you sucked and sunk his fingers in your hair.
“Fuck you feel so good.” He moaned resting back as you worked your magic.
You heard Alastor breathe heavily and this immediately made your walls tighten around his cock, making him groan in return, fucking you harder and putting more pressure on your breasts as he did so. You felt the tension building back up in your stomach.
“You’re going come for me like a good girl?” He muttered in your ear before grabbing your hips and pounding you even harder. Making you lose it a second time, he felt you coming around his cock, fucking you good as you did so.
Hearing you moan louder through sucking him off brought Vox’s attention back and witness your orgasm, which would’ve made him jealous he wasn’t the one making you come if the feeling wasn’t drowned in an irrepressible need to fuck you as well.
“Alright my turn, you’ve done enough.” He exclaimed pulling you off Alastor’s cock as if you weighted nothing and grabbing your ass firmly placing you on top of his cock and lowering you making you feel full again. You threw your head back in pleasure, to his delight. He groaned deeply realizing how good he felt at that moment.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He expressed still sinking both of his hands into your ass cheeks rocking you on his cock. You rested your hands on his chest and noticed his nipples were rock hard, you teased them instinctively and noticed his groans getting rougher, but before you could play more you felt a hand cup your face only to turn it to the side and feel a cock slide into your mouth. Without you having to do anything Alastor started thrusting in and out of your mouth rather roughly, holding your head between both of his hands and very much enjoying himself, you would never admit it but so were you, the rough and deep thrusts kept you for getting deep breaths, which made your pussy tighten and made Vox moan feeling you around him. You looked up at Alastor only to be met with a look of pure lust, perfectly suiting him.
“Don’t look at me like that…” teased the radio demon, smiling evilly and throwing his head back as he kept thrusting. Everything felt so good you kept tightening around Vox.
“Fuck are you trying to make me come?” Vox declared now rocking you with one hand and fondling your breast with the other and before you could think you were coming again, melting on Vox’s cock this time, your mouth might have been busy but they both felt you coming, and both enjoyed it thoroughly.
“Good girl !” Said Vox spanking your ass in a congratulating manner, still teasing your nipple.
You looked back up at Alastor and noticed an evil grin on his face as he pulled out of your mouth.
“Pardon me but I’ll take that.” He exclaimed calmly pulling you just as easily as Vox had and positioned you on all fours on the couch, entering your already overstimulated pussy once more, making you feel as if you were gonna lose your mind. He started thrusting immediately this time, making you realize he wasn’t actually going nearly as hard as he could the first time. He grabbed your breasts and teased your nipples as he thrusted harder and harder.
“Open up sweetheart.” You instinctively opened your mouth and felt Vox’s member enter it once again, this time propping himself on his knees facing you and thrusting himself. They were both going at it much rougher than before, and you could feel their thrusts become more intense. Somehow you felt the tension rise once again and your eyes started rolling back as you felt yourself get closer and closer to the release. Vox noticed that and looked at you as he thrusted.
“You’re gonna come again? You little minx I told you you’d spend a night you wouldn’t forget.” He said moaning and somehow thrusting even harder.
“You’re going to come again darling we’re counting on you.” Said Alastor as calmly as he could be in that moment though you could hear him panting despite his best effort to conceal it. You felt Alastor’s hands squeeze your ass before settling back on your hips, which he grabbed firmly as he immediately started fucking you harder than you had ever been, somehow hitting your G-sport every single time. It didn’t take long for you to reach your release finally, tensing up all over, Vox feeling your throat tighten around his cock, making him moan loudly as you felt his cock explode in your mouth. Simultaneously, your pussy coming was tightening around Alastor who gripped you tightly pulling you fully onto his cock. “Fuck…” You were sure you heard him mumble under his breath as you realized he was coming as well, you felt cum filling both of your holes as you all finished coming.
Vox was the first one to pull his cock out of you and saw his cum in your mouth before you looked him in the eyes and closed your mouth, swallowing it before opening your mouth again, showing him what you did.
“You’re so naughty I love it.” He smiled clearly out of breath.
Alastor slowly pulled out, leaving you to collapse on the couch.
“I may have gone slightly overboard dear, my apologies.” He said slowly gaining back control over his mind.
“Fuck that was so good though.” Exclaimed Vox resting back and still catching his breath.
Alastor pulled out some tissue which he used to clean you up and Vox pulled the straps of your dress back on your shoulder. You then propped yourself up after you had time to calm down from the overstimulation. The two gentlemen (not so gentle) sat in front of you, looking at you expectantly.
“So?” Asked Vox.
“Which one was best?” They both asked simultaneously.
You looked at them thinking for a second. How were you gonna get the most out of this situation? (not that you hadn't already?)
“I’m not sure…” You replied playing coy.
They both instantly noticed what you are doing and smirked.
“I guess we fucked the poor thing silly.” Exclaimed Alastor playfully.
“Damn, we need a rematch.” Said Vox, more serious than Alastor.
“I’m sure we can arrange that. Right?” Declared Alastor smiling at you.
You nodded celebrating in your head.
To be continued...
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xxsabitoxx · 4 months
Ryomen Sukuna NSFW A-Z
Part of my 20k follower celebration (past due)
Warnings: if it isn’t abundantly clear, this is smut :)
A/N: in honor of hitting 20k followers a while back, I’m going to be posting 10 NSFW alphabets for JJK men — scheduled post 11 :) - I've developed an unhealthy obsession with true form Sukuna... he is all I think about now. Forgive me because this one is for sure a bit OOC since he like... loves you
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
If you managed to break the hollow icy shell that is Sukuna’s heart and make yourself someone important to him… Sukuna is pretty damn good with aftercare. He’ll clean you up, even ordering someone to get numbing salves because he tore you the fuck up and he know’s you’ll be sore and aching within a few hours if you aren’t already. He’ll use two arms to cradle you gently while his other set works on cleaning you up and making sure you’re okay. He’ll wait until you’re sleeping to whisper praises to you, telling you that you did so well for him and that he adores you. He’ll never really say these things to you when you’re awake though. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sukuna loves your legs and thighs, he loves your hips and your stomach too. He loves having things to hold and your body provides so much softness for him. He loves to kneel before you – that’s right the king of curses kneeling before you – to lick all the way from the top of your foot up to your inner thigh. He’ll cover your legs in bruises and bites, making sure everyone is well aware that you are his property and nobody else can have you. He adores your stomach, often resting his head against it and letting you pet his hair lovingly. Sukuna will only show this level of vulnerability to you, letting down some – not all – of his walls. 
Sukuna loves his entire body, four arms, two mouths, two dicks, and all. He considers it his masterpiece and it deserves to be worshiped. He has no shame in proclaiming this either. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
If he’s not dumping several loads into your cunt/ass then what’s the point? Sukuna treats his cum just as he treats the rest of his body… It's sacred and a privilege to have it. He toys with the idea of painting your face or chest in it but ultimately doesn’t see the point in letting something so valuable go to waste. So creampies are the only way in Sukuna’s eyes. And trust me when I say this man cums a fucking boat-load. I don’t care if it’s realistic or not, he’s making you look bloated by the time he’s done with you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sukuna would let you do anything you wanted to him… he just hasn’t found the strength to give you that knowledge yet. He hates the idea of someone holding power over him, which is why he’s ever so mildly terrified of you. You may not realize it, but you have Sukuna wrapped around your finger… that man would kill the entire planet for you if it meant seeing you smile. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Sukuna is very experienced, having tens if not hundreds of harlots laying around for his use. But that was before you. You changed his view on that sort of thing and he got rid of every single one of them… you are all he needs to remain satisfied and that is a feeling Sukuna never thought he'd experience in his existence. Sukuna knows what he’s doing and he knows what he’s doing well.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Sukuna’s favorite position is holding you up so your back is pressed to his chest. He has a hand hooked under each of your knees and he’s holding you up that way, spreading you apart further than your legs really allow. Sukuna is either sitting or standing and honestly he prefers when a mirror is present so he can watch your face contort in a mix of pain and pleasure. He has you impaled on his cock, easily able to trust in and out of you as you fall apart. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not even a hint of goofiness in this man when he fucks you. He is all about business… I mean for real it was actually kind of terrifying at first but now you’re used to it. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Sukuna doesn’t really give a shit about his hair down there… and yes it’s pink like the rest of his hair. It may sound fucking bizarre but if you want to trim and clean him up down there? He’ll let you do it. You bathe him often so it’s not necessarily out of your comfort zone to sit there and groom his nether region. He doesn’t really care what you do down there either. You can simply trim him to your liking or shave him bald. Whatever you’re into, he truly doesn’t care. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Sukuna is… romantic in his own way. He’s not detached from the situation at hand and he’s not focused entirely on himself. Sukuna shows his “romantic” side by letting you cum, maybe sparing you a few kisses, rubbing his thumb across the nail marks he left on your legs… he’s not one to say “I love you” or really express how much you mean to him. But it’s the small, subtle little things that hint towards his affection for you. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s got four hands, you’d think he’d use one of them to get himself off but he simply doesn’t see a need for that when he can have a random whore come do it for him. When it comes to you though? You never leave him, like Uraume, you’ve earned your spot by his side. He has you to assist him with those kinds of needs when they arise (heh). Though, he’s amused you once or twice by jerking himself off for your own enjoyment. Making a show of using two hands to jerk off his two cocks but stopping just before he comes because – as i’ve said – he doesn’t like to waste any of it, not a single drop can be spared. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Slave/Master kink for one… he just likes the feeling of being superior even though he doesn't need to “roleplay” to get that feeling. BDSM… or whatever equivalent there is for the Heian period. He likes it rough, messy, even a little bloody. Sukuna has a massive breeding kink but doesn’t want kids, he just likes the idea of filling you over and over again (regardless if you have the ability to get pregnant or not). Dacryphilia for sure, your tears turn him on. Orgasm control (both denying and overstimulation) are just another aspect that plays into his love of power. Sukuna loves restraints in any form, not him, though. He will for sure try and fist you. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere. Sukuna will fuck you where ever the fuck he wants too with no shame. He’ll fuck you on his bed, ruin the luxurious sheets and break the bedframe over and over. It’s gotten to the point where he actually got rid of it all together because he was sick of the wood splintering and nearly hurting you. Sukuna can and will fuck you on a raised platform in front of his petrified subjects. He wants everyone to know who you belong too – even if you don’t need to be fucked stupid in front of hundreds of people for them to know. It’s quite obvious. To be totally honest, Sukuna loves the mess and mayhem of fucking you in the tub. Watching the water slosh everywhere then ordering a maid to come clean up the damage, it makes him laugh. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
There is an innocence to you that really gets Sukuna going. You’ve done the most downright filthy things with him, you’ve stood beside him as he makes a bloody mess of someone… but somehow you still retain this sort of innocence to you that he loves to try and taint. It’s not to say you’re oblivious… you’re very smart in Sukuna’s eyes and he knows you have a mean streak. But when you’re with him… there is something about you that he wants to break so badly and he has such fun trying to do so… you’re resilient which would usually piss him off to no end… but with you it’s endearing and he can’t figure out why he can’t get enough (you’re in love dumb ass) 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Shit. Yeah no that’s the one thing he can not and will not deal with. He’s had his fair share of bodily fluids – to say the least without going into detail. But he draws the line at anything to do with vomit or scat. It disturbs him… which is saying a lot. He’s had women offered to him as sacrifice that have done several things in fear and he can say he truthfully cannot handle it. Also, no threesomes ever. He’s not sharing you. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s a healthy combination of both (shocking). Sukuna loves watching you struggle to even take one of his cocks in your mouth nevermind both. But your mouth feels so damn good even though you struggle to get more than the tip past your lips. Sukuna loves to go down on you though, keeping your thighs spread apart so he can eat you as he pleases. Your arousal just tastes so good to him, he can’t get enough and he will not stop until he’s satisfied. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough and cruel for the most part. But he can be even meaner when he goes unbearably slow, splitting you open agonizingly with two cocks opposed to one just to see those pretty tears slip down your cheeks as you beg and plead for mercy (mercy he never gives). Sukuna will fuck you stupid with one cock most of the time, that’s his little bit of kindness towards you, but you’ll get fucked twice at least… ya know… gotta get the second cock off too. He’ll give you a choice, get fucked twice with one cock each time or get fucked once with two… mind you it’s never just once even if it’s two cocks at the same time or one each. You’re smart enough to take one cock multiple times unless you want to be bedridden because you can’t walk. Both options have happened to you many times though… so you really can’t tell why he offers you a choice. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Sex can take up a whole day when it comes to Sukuna. So, no, he despises quickies. He doesn’t like to be rushed, he doesn’t care if he gets caught, he’ll make people watch. What is there that would really appeal to him??? It seems more annoying than anything really. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He will experiment but only on his own accord. He won’t say it outright but Sukuna is at least a bit mindful of the experiments he does… he doesn’t want to really hurt you or scare you away. So he picks and chooses what he wants to try on you. If there is something very intriguing to him that he worries will make you uncomfortable? He’ll force two other people to play it out while he watches and decides from there… he’s oddly considerate of you in that sense. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
As you saw above… sex can be an all-day process for Sukuna. He can last as long as he wants to… and I mean that seriously. His stamina is infinite, nothing will stop him but himself. He can go multiple rounds until you’re so fucked out you’ve lost count. He can last anywhere from 15-25 minutes per round, he could last much longer but his goal is inevitably to cum so why bother… praying for you honestly. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Toys like we know today don’t exist within his era (the Heian period) and honestly?? Sukuna is a fucking jungle gym in his own right so you really don’t need toys… and even if they did exist and were at his disposal? Sukuna isn’t using them. Why the hell would he rely on a stupid little toy to get you off when he’s more than capable?? He’s not intimidated by them, he just would think they’re absolutely useless… modern day though… if you begged him for a vibrator he would probably cave and get you one. He may even find amusement in it. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Sukuna and fair do not belong in the same sentence so it should shock nobody that this man will tease you until you are nearly dry heaving with how hard you’re crying. He will tease you for hours, to the point it feels like genuine torture, before he feels like getting you off. Then, the unfair attitude continues because he will not stop even when you start begging him to. He likes how quickly he can make you regret your words, seeing those pretty fat globs of tears leaking down your cheeks only makes the experience better for him. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Sukuna will curse and groan but that’s about it. He won’t try and hide his noises, either, but he will try and make sure he’s not too loud. It’s rare to get a moan, whine, or whimper out of him. Especially since he has such good control over himself. But he will not hesitate to groan about how good his cock is feeling because of you… he has to give you a little something to get you to stick around, ya know? Not that you have a choice… and not that you’d really want to leave him anyways… giving up your luxurious lifestyle and being on the king of curses’ good side isn’t something just anyone can obtain, you know. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Sukuna hates your family, ever since you were dropped off to him to be a sacrifice. He doesn’t care about his donors and their sacrifices since all of them are mediocre pieces of shit at best. Though he knows a scumbag like him is not one to talk. But you? You arrived to him nearly beaten to death, half naked, with little to no emotion left in you. What the hell was he supposed to do with that? Where was the fun in playing with something that was already half dead. Though, as he was about to kill you, something in your expression moved his icy heart. That truly petrified him but he’d never let anyone know it. He kept you instead of killing you, ordering for the immediate execution of your rotten family instead. He likes to joke that he had the perfect specimen nursed back to health, in his eyes you really were perfect. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sukuna is a tall man… while we don’t know his exact height in true form… he’s been guesstimated to be anywhere from 7.5 feet to 9.8 feet. A tall man is going to have a monstrous cock… or cocks in his case. When he’s soft he’s about 8.5 inches in length, and when he’s hard he’s just over 11 inches. He’s monstrous, girthy and sticks straight out… both of them do. He will hurt… he will make you feel like you’re getting ripped in half and he will often try and fist you to prepare you for him. He cannot fit all the way inside of you, as much as he’d love to, he's not trying to kill you by rupturing your organs. He’s a tan color, one dick is circumcised, the other is not… he was feeling quirky,  and has a deep rosy pink tip… or tips… you know what I mean. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Sukuna has to fuck you at least twice a day, if he doesn’t, he’s extremely irritable. He has at least 5 hours of his day set aside just for you. But really he makes his own schedule so he can do whatever the fuck he wants when he wants to. His sex drive is pretty damn high and he does absolutely nothing to deal with it or hold off. He will get off the moment he wants too. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sukuna prefers falling asleep after you do, which can be pretty instant considering how long he may have been fucking you. So the answer is anywhere between 30 seconds and 10 minutes. 
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thevoidstaredback · 29 days
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
Dick had to give it to the kid, he'd somehow thought of everything. It was a little concerning, actually, but the kid had brushed off every attempt had probing for answers. Who trained him? If he was trained at all. ...had the kid gone into vigilantism alone? Oh, dear. THat's not good fro Dick's current worries.
Reading the file Danny had handed him, Dick had to wonder how long it had taken him to put together this cover story. Also, where he'd managed to get the equipment to do it. At a glance, the kid didn't seem to have much on him. Not even a phone!
He closed the folder and set it back down on the table. "Really?" he asked, "'Congratulations, it's a boy'?"
Danny's cheeks turned a bit red as his gaze shifted to the folder. "Well, yeah. You're stuck with me now until I can get you into good habits and a healthier schedule."
"That implies that you're planning on leaving."
Danny shrugged, all his confidence now fading away. Is this what he's really like? "Well, I mean, I'm sure you don't want me sticking around at all, let alone for a while."
Dick frowned and looked back at the black folder and the binder sitting on his coffee table. God, his apartment's a mess! He smiled at Danny. "My name's Richard, but everyone calls me 'Dick'. You can stay in the guest room."
Danny lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. "Really?"
"Yep. You went to all this work, it'd be a shame if it all went to waste."
The grin on Danny's face was more than worth the security risk that he now posed. "You won't regret it, Mr. Dick!"
Dick smiled back at him, "Please, drop the formalities. We're cousins, apparently."
Was he attached? No. He wouldn't allow himself to get attached. Sure, maybe he was letting this kid - he really needs to start calling him Danny - stay with him for a while, but he wasn't going to get attached. Getting attached meant losing him. Dick wasn't sure he'd be able to survive if he lost someone again.
...damn it.
First order of business, now that Danny was officially Dick's - why would he willingly go by that nickname? - ward/cousin, Danny was going to make sure he got some sleep. Today was Dick's day off, so Danny had sent him to his room to take a much needed nap. The man was basically dead on his feet and Danny would be damned if he let him wander around this mess of an apartment with blurry vision.
The second thing he did, once he was sure Dick was asleep, was start to clean up. The place was a stereotypical bachelor's pad, complete with questionable stains in the carpet, rips in the cushions, dishes piled up in the sink, and old take-out on every table and counter. Gross.
He made quick work of the old take-out by throwing it all away and hitting it with a very small and controlled ectoblast. He was so glad Dick had disposable gloves on hand.
The dishes were the next thing he handed. The water was cleaner than in Gotham, so he didn't worry about washing the dishes by hand when they all didn't fit in the dishwasher. He dried the ones he'd hand washed before putting them away. Dick had no organisation in his cupboards, so Danny fixed that, too.
The fridge and freezer weren't too bad. Sure, the dairy products had all expired and most of the food was freezer bitten, but none of it was moldy yet and the appliance itself was in perfect working order. He'd have to go shopping later.
Danny had never liked cleaning, but he'd had to when his parents refused to follow any OSHA laws or Lab Safety courses. So, when he found the cleaning supplies, he took a deep breath and began scrubbing the bathroom. It wasn't too bad, thank god, and was already fairly clean. It was quick and he was able to move on very quickly.
The counters, tables, walls, and tile and wooden floors were all easy to clean with a wet rag and a broom. He wasn't going to even try saving the rug because it looked well beyond the point of no return. The couch and chair cushions could be sticked up, but he didn't have a sewing needle and thread with him.
The last thing he did before taking his backpack into the room he'd been given was to write down a shopping list and leave it on the counter. It wasn't a lot, just food and some dishes and toiletries. He'd have to figure out with Dick a way to pay rent, too, but that was a later Danny problem. He'd tired himself out and was still running on pretty much empty. So, he allowed himself to fall asleep. He'd check on Dick when he woke up.
Part 4 Part 6
Tag List:
@flame-343 @ghestie93 @anarinette @aglmry @peachtreewriter @evix-syne666 @loudlypanickinginvenezolano @lumosfeather18581
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httpwintersoldier · 7 months
『 bon appétit, baby. || sanji x reader 』
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pairing: sub!sanji x f!reader words: medium-rare summary: to his relief, Sanji comes out on top in a tussle for your attention against Zoro. angst; smut; fluff.
It didn't take long after joining the Straw Hats to notice the animosity between the cook and the green-haired swordsman. Actually, it took no time - they fought throughout the whole duration of the rescue of your people from Alvida's pirates.
What you didn't notice, however, was how the fighting substancially increased after you joined.
"Yeah? Well, mouths were made for eating and speaking, mosshead, not to hold a third sword because you can't do the job with two - or gods forbid, one!" Sanji yelled, waving his knife in the air dramatically.
Zoro looked up and raised a brow, scoffing at the chef.
"At least I'm not afraid to use my hands in a fight. Scared to ruin the manicure, cook?" The swordsman replied in a teasing tone.
At this point, you were covering your ears with your hands, trying desperately to block the sound and focus on the book you were reading, but to no avail.
"Guys! Please! Can you fight somewhere else that is not a common area?"
Per your request, both men shut up, but not before mumbling some insults under their breath. Sanji resumed the dinner preparations and Zoro just left the kitchen (to sleep, you assumed).
You sighed, picked up the book and hit the opened pages against your face in frustration.
"Why are they constantly fighting? Don't they get tired? Don't you?" You asked, sliding the book back on the table and turning your head to face Nami with a desperate look, speaking in a hushed tone so Sanji wouldn't hear.
She chuckled, barely cracking a smile, and peeled her eyes off of the map she was studying.
"You know half of it is because of you, right?"
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and scoffed.
"Me? What, they didn't want me here on the crew?..." You asked, slightly sad and completely misunderstanding what the crewmate meant.
Nami rolled her eyes, as if the answer was right in front of you and you refused to see it.
"Oh Y/N, they want you alright... The issue is that the both of them want you in their room with them. And not many clothes in between, if you catch me." She explained further, raising her eyebrows as she spoke in a suggestive tone.
Your face became hot and you let out a nervous chuckle.
"What?... You're seeing things, Nami. Sanji flirts with everyone and Zoro flirts with no one. How would you even notice?"
"Oh trust me, it's noticeable. Zoro actually talks to you like a normal person and he always keeps an eye on you when we're fighting. And Sanji... the way he looks at you is completely different than anything I've seen before, I don't even know how to describe it."
"If you say so..." You say in disbelief, turning back to your book as Nami sighed.
You couldn't focus on your reading, however. Your head was full of thoughts, scenarios and 'what ifs?'. Wondering how Sanji looked at you really, how would it be to date Zoro, and, if it actually came down to it, who would you choose and how would you even do it...
On one hand, Sanji was a big sweetheart, he was dedicated and you were sure the man would do anything in his power to make you happy, but he was quite clingy and desperate. On the other hand, Zoro would go above and beyond to keep you out of harms way and to keep you by his side, but he could be quite cold and monotone...
Dinner time came and went and you were particularly mindful of the two men and how they interacted with you. And, to your surprise, you actually caught on to some things you had missed before... The both of them would sometimes steal shy glances at you, they'd make sure to brush their hand against yours when passing something around the table, they'd always jump in and ask for your opinion on a matter being discussed... You wondered if Nami was actually right... And if so, how had you missed it for so long? How were you so oblivious?...
When lights went out in the ship and you could hear Luffy's snores, you were still awake - shifting, tossing and turning in bed. Suddenly the pillow was too hot, the sheets were too stuffy and the matress was too tough.
What now? What were you supposed to do with the information? Make a move? A decision?
The day had been spent with questions roaming around in your head and even when you tried to sleep, the interrogations allowed you no rest - in the back of your mind you wished Nami hadn't told you anything...
"Fuck!" You groaned, tugging at your own hair.
You stood up, the wooden floor creaking under your feet, and decided that a cup of whatever Zoro kept in the kitchen would do the trick and lay you to sleep. You had undressed completely, hoping to release yourself from the suffocating feeling of the sheets, but you decided against going naked to the kitchen and picked up the night gown you had thrown on the ground not long ago.
The pink nightgown was made of silk, with baby pink lace appliques on the bottom and on the neckline. Honestly, it left very little to the imagination - it sat just below your asscheeks, letting them peek out when you walked, and the silk perfectly outlined your hardened nipples - but it was better than being naked, and you were too tired to care.
To your surprise, the kitchen light was on. You opened the door slightly to find Sanji playing around with some ingredients. The cook was often flirty or goofy, but his serious and concentrated face was... mesmerizing. That was the only possible word to describe it. His already big, blue eyes seemed to get bigger and shine brighter. The man's jaw was clenched in pure focus and the way he'd flip his fringe out of his face from time to time was absolutely adorable. You had never seen this façade of his, and it was interesting, hot, even.
You leaned against the doorframe as you watched him intently, completely forgetting about your thirst and need for alcohol.
When you saw him carefully place one last element with the tweezers and stand back with a proud smile on his face staring at his creation, you giggled.
The sound made the cook jump, placing a hand over his heart. His visible eye was widened as he stared at you. When Sanji realized who it was, he sighed and calmed down.
"Are you trying to kill me, pretty?" The man asked with a smile, steadying himself by placing his hands on the counter in front of him.
You step inside, closer to him, and as you do he isn't able to peel his eyes off of your exposed thighs, the way your tits bounce under the thin fabric, or the way your nipples are hard and visible.
"Sorry chef, didn't want to disturb you..." You apologised with a smile.
Sanji observed as you walked over to the fridge, each step giving him a teasing peek of your ass.
"It's alright darling, you never do disturb me." The cook managed to blurt out between thoughts of bending you over every surface and fucking you.
You take out a nameless bottle that belonged to Zoro and pour yourself a cup.
Sanji furrowed his brows, looking at the cup.
"Something's wrong, beautiful? It's usually not a good sign when people drink alone at..." the man pauses, looking at the clock "4am."
You were more than used to Sanji's nicknames, but today they seemed to mean something else. The little pet names along with his deep voice and accent made something inside your stomach twist and turn.
"I'm okay just... can't sleep. Figured some of this would do the trick since Zoro is always sleeping." You said with a chuckle.
Sanji tried to hide it, but you noticed how his smile faltered a little and how his jaw tightened ever so slightly at the mention of his apparent foe.
"Mosshead does sleep a lot." The cook agreed in a mumble.
"Why do you bicker so much?" You asked as you brought the cup up to your lips.
You leaned your side against the counter and Sanji's eyes followed the curve of your hip.
"Let's just say we have common interests." The man cheekily replied, thinking he was being enigmatic and wasn't giving away too much.
And usually you wouldn't have understood what he meant, had Nami not given you that beautiful, important piece of information that afternoon.
You chuckled and set the cup down on the counter next to you. You licked your lips as you stepped closer to the man. His body tensed slightly, but he didn't move away.
"So it's true..." You mumbled, looking at him,
"What's true, gorgeous?" He asked, hoping his blush would go unnoticed (it did not).
Your caressed his cheek with your hand and the cook couldn't help but lean into your touch.
"Nami told me something today..." Sanji placed his hand on top of yours, caressing it with his thumb, as you stepped even closer, your chests almost touching "She said that you and Zoro fight so much because you both wanted me... is this true?"
Sanji's heart was beating out of his chest and his face was on fire. The man cleared his throat, in the best attempt of not giving away his nervousness (and the overwhelming sense of lust your simple touch gave him).
"There might be a little truth to that, princess..." He said lowly, his eyes shifting between your lips and your eyes.
"I guess I should make a choice now, shouldn't I..." You said, not really asking a question, but debating with yourself.
You spent some time in a tense silence - not a word was exchanged, and not a breath was heard.
He then watched as your tits and thighs jiggled when you jumped to sit on the counter. Your slightly separated legs gave him a beautiful view of your inner thighs and he swore he could see your panties. Sanji was salivating like a dog at the sight of your body and he wanted nothing more than for you to suffocate him and ride his face, yet he awaited your response.
"What's the choice gonna be, sweetheart?" Sanji asked, as he took your stance as an invitation for him to get closer and place his hands on your thighs.
The cook tilted his head to the side every so slightly, your breaths mixing in front of you.
You gripped his shirt and pulled him closer to you, catching his lips in a passionate, animalistic kiss. You could feel his need and desperation in the exchange, which was to be expected from someone who had apparently waited so long to do this to you. What you didn't expect was the equal need you felt within yourself - you too were desperate to feel him, desperate for his touch.
Sanji definitely wasn't the quiet type - the cook wanted you to know how good you made him feel, especially when you rolled your hips against his and he felt your pussy against his hardened cock.
The man shamelessly moaned and groaned into the kiss, gripping your thighs harshly, pulling your crotch as close as possible to his.
When you pulled away from him, breathless, your lips were red and swollen.
Sanji's eyes sparkled when looking at you, and that's when you understood that you had him wrapped around your finger.
Your hand reached behind his head and, at first, you caressed his hair. But after a second you gripped his hair in your fist and gave it an experimental tug. Sanji's brows furrowed slightly and a small moan escaped past his lips.
"You like that kind of stuff?" You asked with a lustful expression.
Sanji looked away, shy and embarrassed, but gave you a small nod.
Seeing the man that oozed with confidence in each step he took crumble in front of you and become shy awoke something inside of you - you wanted to ruin him and his pretty face.
"I wanna ride your face."
Your eyes widened as well as the cook's, as you thought of that, but didn't mean to say it out loud. Before you could apologise for being too forward with your words, Sanji kissed you, a deep yet short kiss.
"I-I want that." His eyes were half lidded from lust and embarrassment, as he confessed that.
You climbed down from the counter and grabbed his hand. As you opened the door, you bent over slightly to take a peek at the hallway making sure you were alone. As you did so, your nightgown rode up your body, revealing more of your ass. Sanji couldn't help but to run his fingertips from your thighs up to your asscheeks.
"I really wanna fuck this pretty ass of yours, Y/N..." The man admitted, slapping each of your cheeks.
You turned around and gripped his collar with one hand, bringing his face closer to yours.
"I call the shots here, pretty boy, okay?" You asked soflty and pecked his lips when he agreed to follow your lead.
You grabbed his hand once more and sneakily brought him to your room, locking the door behind you. Sanji's ears perked at the sound of the lock - it made him excited, as if what you were doing was a forbidden little secret not to be found.
Sanji sat on the bed, like an animal awaiting for his owner's instructions. The cook groaned and threw his head back as he saw you dispose of your panties, giving the quickest yet sweetest view of your pussy.
You walked over to him and straddled his lap, placing your wet pussy right on top of his painfully hard cock, as you captured his lips in yet another violent kiss.
As your tongues fought and teeth clashed, your hands sneaked onto his chest and pushed him down onto the matress, never breaking the kiss, so he'd be laying down and you'd be on top of him.
Sanjis hands roamed freely on your body, mostly sticking to grabbing your ass and thighs, sneakily feeling how wet you were with the tips of your fingers.
When you pulled his hands off of his body and began lifting yourself up, Sanji felt a shiver run down his spine out of excitement, and he watched as you straddled his head, each thigh on each side, giving him a perfect view of your pussy. His eyebrows furrowed and he moaned at the sight - the man was sure he was going to cum from looking at it alone.
You hovered over his face, making sure he could reach your pussy.
"Oh no princess, no hovering."
Before you complain, Sanji's hands gripped your ass and forced your pussy down onto his face. You instantly let out a mewl and gripped his hair as your hips moved to an almost rhytmic pace.
Sanji moaned from your sweet taste and from the not-so-subtle hair tugs. His mouth ate you out like he was a professional and a starving man.
"S-shit Sanji- keep this up and I won't last much longer..." You said, breathlessly, earning only a moan in return.
The vibrations and the small sucking and biting Sanji sneaked in while eating you out drove you insane, and he knew to keep doing it from the way you moaned louder and gripped his hair tighter.
Your hips' rhytm sped up and you could feel your orgasm coming- it was too good for you to be able to last longer. Just as it was about to hit you, however, you wondered how good his cock would fuck you compared to the efficiency of his tongue and pulled yourself off of him. Your thighs were weak after almost cumming, but you managed to pull yourself off.
Sanji's face was glistening, no doubt a mix of your juices and his spit, and he watched through lustful eyes as you sat on his clothed cock once more and wrapped your hand arounnd his neck, bringing his face closer to yours.
You kissed him, tasting yourself on his tongue, while your hands unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off of him. You then kissed Sanji's neck and down his torso, feeling his muscles tense under the hand that trailed down his body.
You kneeled between his legs and slowly removed his pants and underwear. The cook's cock slapped against his abdomen, his tip red and swollen, leaking with precum. You could swear you were salivating at the sight of his cock.
Just as your hand gripped the base of his dick and your mouth opened, Sanji's hand grabbed your chin, makikng you look up at him.
"Please... Please don't." The man pleaded breathlessly "I'm- I'm gonna cum in your mouth the second you suck me off princess..."
You chuckled and bit your lip, rising up to your feet as you removed the skimpy nightgown.
"Fuck..." Sanji groaned at the sight of your body.
You allowed him to caress your hips while you sat back on his lap, straddling the man as his cock pressed against your folds.
You pressed your lips against his, slowly rising up and grabbing his cock. You placed it on your entrance and sank down on his dick gently. Sanji's mouth fell agape mid-kiss, and his eyes didn't open but his brows furrowed and a desperate moan left his lips.
The way his hands gripped your ass reminded you that he was still touching you, and that couldn't be - you liked to see him desperate and begging.
"From now on," You said, removing his hands from your body and gripping his shoulders for stability "no touching me. I want to fuck myself on you, I want to use you."
Sanji didn't care who heard, he only wanted you to know how good you made him feel. As he heard that sentence, the man groaned loudly and gripped the sheets - a mix of frustration from not being able to touch you, and pleasure, from the way his cock disappeared inside of you.
"You feel so fucking good." Sanji admitted, mouth agape and eyes fixated on the way your tits bounced in front of his face.
"S-shit- You fill me up so well Sanji."
The way you moaned his name was music to his ears. Sanji's moans and groans grew louder and more lewd, as his knuckles turned white from the force with which he gripped the sheets.
"Y/N I- I can't hold on much longer-"
Luckily for him, you had previously edged yourself on his mouth, so you were on the same page on that front.
"Yeah baby? Like it when I fuck myself on you? When I use you?" You whispered in his ear.
"I love it when you use me- shit! Please, please let me touch you, please!" He begged in the hottest whine you'd ever heard.
"T-touch me, baby-"
Sanji's hands immediately flew to your ass, grabbing and slapping it as his lips bit and sucked on your neck. Your nails dug into the flesh of his shoulders as you felt your climax approach once more.
When you felt his cock twitch inside of you, you grabbed his face and smashed your lips together, effectively shutting up your cries and moans as he filled you up and you came on his cock.
You rode out your orgasm, feeling his dick soften inside of you. You pulled away from his lips as the cook helped you lift yourself up and off his cock. You both watched in awe as his cum dripped from your cunt.
You sighed and buried your face on the crook of his neck.
"You don't get to act shy now, gorgeous." Sanji joked, one hand caressing the small of your back and the other caressing your hair.
"I'm not shy! Just... tired..." You lied, not knowing that you even had it in you to do what you had done to Sanji just then.
Sanji picked you up and laid you on the bed slowly, as if you'd break if he was too rough with you, and spooned you from behind.
"Let's rest then, beautiful..."
You turned around to face him.
"Hey... Sanji?"
The man peeled his eyes open, and a small 'hm?' left his lips.
"Do you think they heard us?" You asked in a whisper, as if telling him a secret, earning a tired smile from him.
"They definitely did, princess."
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itsprashimusic · 3 months
Maybe Leave The Cooking To Me
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Summary - You love to cook, and Lando loves to help, but this time it goes sideways.
Pairings - Lando Norris x fem!Reader
Warnings - minor injury, reader has good relationship with parents, reader is same age as Lando, fluffy.
W/C - 1.4k
A/N - my first fic for f1 lets gooo Happy reading<3
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 It was the end of a triple header meaning that now you had a break you were craving. The Monday meetings were done with, you and Lando were on the flight back to your Monaco apartment. The exhaustion caught up with you and the both of you were out within seconds of your heads hitting your pillows. 
It was now a Tuesday night. There was some music playing in the living room, Lando was somewhere in the house, and you were in the kitchen. You wouldn’t call yourself a chef, but you loved to cook and learn new recipes. Travelling the world with Lando made it so that you would not get to cook very often, so when you did get to cook you would take the chance.
You sat on the counter contemplating what to cook. Before you shifted to Monaco your mom had written out a recipe book for you with all different kinds of recipes which she had found and curated to your and your family's taste and liking. So you sat on the counter, reading through the fat book.
"Babe, what do you wanna eat?" you yelled to Lando, your eyes still focused on the book. You didn't get a reply, but 5 seconds later he walked into the kitchen. "I'm not really sure," he said while walking up to you. He walked in between your legs and tilted the book in your hands so that he could read it.
"Oo, how about spaghetti? You always say how you wanted to make it." He said and pointed to it. "By that I meant making it from scratch. It is too late to do that." you reply and turn the page.
"Then just boil the spaghetti we have and make the sauce." The excitement in your eyes when you heard him say that made him chuckle. You got off the counter and began rummaging around the kitchen looking for all the ingredients. "Red sauce?" "Red sauce" he confirms. You get out the tomatoes, chillies, garlic, herbs and spices while Lando takes out the spaghetti.
You give him the simple task of watching the pasta boil and reminding you when it was 20 minutes. He dutifully did his task and even drained the water and left the spaghetti in the colander. It was getting late and the two of you were growing hungrier, but knew that the food would be worth the wait.
While waiting for the boiled tomatoes to cool you were cutting some onions and garlic. "Can you get the grinder out?" you asked Lando. He was a bit deep in thought, so only hummed before retrieving the asked for item. "What are you thinking about?" "I could've overtaken Russel at turn 14." he said.
"Baby, it's ok," you abandoned the half cut onions and wiped your hands. You walked over to Lando and gently made him look at you, "Could you have done something then? Yes. Can you do anything about it now? No. It's no use dwelling on something that can't be changed. The best you can make of it, is to be aware of it and try and avoid repeating it in the future. Hmm?" you hummed at the end with a nod. Lando looked at you and nodded along.
To get his mind off of the last race you got him to make good use of his muscles and crush some dried chillies. The cooking went on. You peeled the tomatoes, put them in the grinder and set up the wok on the stove. Lando was slicing some pieces of soft chicken which he wanted you to add in the sauce.
The sauce was half ready when you turned the gas off and went to the sink to wash your hands. "Is it done?" he asked you. 'No' you told him and dried your hands, "It still has some chunks which didn't get ground." This is where your casual Tuesday night took a turn.
Lando, being the muppet he is who can't cook, poured the chunky liquid into the grinder bowl, covered it and put it on the machine. You then faced him and saw what he did. But you did not have enough time to tell him to not do what he was about to do.
He turned the knob and within less than a second the hot tomato sauce spewed out of the bowl and all over you, Lando and your cosy kitchen.
You would expect that a formula 1 driver's quick reflexes would not just be limited to when they are driving. But if you saw the scene inside Lando and his girlfriend's kitchen on a Tuesday night after a triple header, you would be greeted with quite the opposite. The once clean kitchen was now covered in red food. You and Lando were covered in near-boiling hot pasta sauce.
When the sauce spewed out, Lando's first reaction was to let out a slightly high-pitched scream and you quickly turned the loud nightmare-like-sounding machine off. Neither of you said anything, you just looked around the kitchen, taking in the mess, processing what happened, and slowly registering the pain you felt where the sauce lay on your bare skin.
Thankfully most of the spilt sauce got on your t-shirts and not on either of your faces, but some did reach your arms. Lando was the first to say something "Ow, that hurts, that's-that's starting to burn, ouch." Without wasting much time, you grabbed his arm and took him to the bathroom. You turned the shower on, "keep your arm under the water. Do. Not. Move."
You went to the sink and shed your tomato-covered top and left it there. You got Lando to do the same and then joined him by putting your own, now slightly burnt, arms under the spray of cold water. "Baby, why did you start the grinder with a hot liquid inside of it?" you asked him, your voice soft and full of concern, "I'm not mad, just wanna know why."
"You said you had to grind it." His voice sounded broken, you wanted to hug him tight and never let go. "Lan, you have to wait till it has cooled down. The steam inside created pressure which caused the lid to pop open and the sauce to scatter everywhere." He just gave a quiet 'oh' in response.
"How much of your arm got burnt?" you asked and he showed you the parts which hurt. You left the bathroom and came back with two handkerchiefs and ice packs. With the help of rubber bands you secured the ice packs to his forearms. "Where are you going?" he asked when the two of you changed your clothes.
"To clean the kitchen and salvage whatever is left of the sauce."
"Let me help, please."
How could you say no to that face he was making? After some back and forth he got you to also attach an ice pack to your forearm. you grumbled but nevertheless allowed him to take care of you.
You both clean in silence. He cleaned the counter, cupboards and the grinder while you cleaned up the floor where most of the sauce got. 10 minutes later the now salvaged sauce was on the gas with the chicken in and almost ready to eat.
Lando got out two plates and served you both some spaghetti. Your stomach rumbled, which made him giggle. The two of you quickly began laughing. Some people process and handle things by crying, some yell, some throw things around the house and some just sit in silence and wallow and wither away. But you had a different way of coping with emotions and stress. By laughing. That was one thing you and your boyfriend had in common. You both would laugh to process things.
It was kind of the reason the two of you got together in the first place.
Soon the sauce was ready and was severed. You both took your plates and forks and sat on the couch, something ready to play on the TV. The ice packs had come off by then, but Lando insisted on wrapping the cold napkin around the red part of your hand which was not covered in ice earlier.
He finished wrapping your arm and you leaned forward to kiss his nose. Before you could reach though, his lips caught yours in a short but sweet kiss. You both ate your spaghetti and watched what was playing on the TV, occasionally making comments about it here and there.
"Next time, maybe leave cooking to me?"
"I’m with you a 100 percent on that one" 
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A/N - this fic came to be because I read a lando fic where reader was eating chicken pasta and decided to cook spaghetti for the first time and ended up burning myself(dw i'm fine, the burn was very minor)
Hope you enjoyed reading<3
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chlorinecake · 1 month
heyyy, could I ask for a soft fic like jay your fiancé wakes up to you squirming so much and whimpering cause of DAMN CRAMPSS na the doesn't know about your period till it leaks on your guys's bedd. then he tries to take care of it when you're asleep and when you wake up you get all embarrassed (lmao that's how I feel) but he insists on helping you and thought out the day he learns that you his fiancé has bad cramps, lower back pain, nausea, gets cold, often hot flashes and gets dizzy a lot basically bed ridden, can I be
🪻anon thanksskskksks
✿ — let me take care of you | p.js
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pairing. 𓏌 fiancé jay x fem. reader 𓏌 contains. just jay being a super affectionate and caring fiancé, mentions of blood, some cuddling, kisses, pure fluff 𓏌 word count. 0.7k 🖱 ⑅ path to the bookshelf ◍
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"mmm," you whined in your sleep, tossing and turning to the point that you woke up your fiancé who was sleeping next to you.
he cradled you from behind, hands covering your stomach as your hands squeezed over his.
"what's wrong baby," he pouted, warm face nuzzling in the crook of your shoulder as he soothed you.
still stuck in your slumber, all you did was whine in response, curling over his hands as the pain in your abdomen increase with a sharpness.
"____?" he whispered groggily, worried that you might be having a nightmare.
the softness of his voice somehow reeled you from your sleep, your eyes creaking open like an old door.
"can you just hold me like this for a little longer... please?"
"of course, baby, im right here..." he smiled, kissing your sweaty temple while his soothing hand caressed your figure.
jay couldn't shake how troubled you seemed in this moment, so he tried his best to stay still until you fell back to sleep instead of questioning what was really going on with you.
letting a few drowsy moments pass, he finally heard the sound of your purr-like breaths against the pillow, your body falling fast to sleep as your body grew warmer.
"ohh, you're burning up,” jay exclaimed, not sure if you could hear him as he said, “let me get you a cold towel."
he shimmied from behind you, pulling the covers back so the cool air from the ceiling fan could hit you.
that's when he saw a splotchy patch of scarlet-red blood right beneath where your hips were resting in the mattress, a bit of it having smeared from the sheets onto your legs.
with this, jay immediately knew what the source of your restless pain was now.
he sighed in relief, thankful that it had nothing to do with a virus, but everything to do with your body naturally functioning, just as it should.
as your fiancé, jay understood that it was his duty to help you when he could, and the last thing he wanted was for you to wake up and have to deal with this mess yourself.
he went to the bathroom to warm up a towel with soapy water, wiping at the blood on your legs.
suddenly, your skin sprouted with goosebumps.
"poor baby... now you're cold, too?”
tossing the blood-stained towel which was meant to land at the edge of your shared bed, it accidentally collided with a bottle of soap in the dresser, the heavy container falling to the ground with a loud thud.
the sound was loud enough to wake you back up again.
“j-jay, what’re you doing,” you asked with weak eyes, feeling his large hand smooth out the bumps on your cold skin.
“you got your period last night, ____,” he said with a smile, but you only groaned at his words, turning to see the blood only to crumble inside, "easy now, baby."
"no jay, get away from me, I don't wanna get you dirty," you protested, turning over to move his hands just to end up feeling dizzy.
and nauseous.
"sweetheart, there's nothing dirty about this, i'm here to help you," he replied, your flushed face making his heart swell.
"but I need to clean this up myself- OH gosh, there's even more blood over here," you whined dramatically, groaning out loud before burying your face in your hands.
"don't worry about it, love. you can stay here while I run you a bath, okay?" jay offered kindly, not been able to hold back the chuckle in his throat thanks to your exaggerated reaction right now.
"no, no, I got it-"
"____, it'll give me time to get the sheets washed while you soak in the tub," he interrupted your rambling softly before kissing you. "I'll be back with your clothes and a towel once you get out..."
you let out a submissive sigh, not being able to fight against him anymore after he just kissed you...
besides, he really was only trying to help you, despite how embarrassed it made you feel.
"okay then," you nodded, crawling out of the bed with his hand in yours, both your engagement bands sliding over each other. "oh, and jay...?"
"can you bring me a pad, please?... one of the bigger ones from the shelf downstairs."
he smiled at how cute you were in this moment, already feeling more comfortable with him being involved in this candid part of your life.
"gotchya, princess," he said with a smirk, taking the sheets and pillowcases off of the bed before going you in the restroom where he would soon run your warm and bubbly soak.
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𓏌 Thank you all so much for reading this fic, and apologies to the original anon for me taking so long to get to this ;-;
𓏌 — tags: @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @wonbinisbabygurl @addictedtohobi @watamotee33 @bachuya
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littlebluespoon · 8 months
Stuck ~ Octo!König
I got distracted by @frogchiro's wonderful octo!König head cannons and I just had to write a little something where König saw an opportunity and refused to not take it 🤭
Hope you all enjoy 💙
Part 2 - Stuck (Again) Part 3 - Unstuck Part 4 - Stranded
A03 link -
You’d been with the 141 for a few of months now, patching up the hybrids after their missions and even sometimes after they pull some mischief on the base. Before you joined 141 you hadn’t interacted much with hybrids, even in the military most of them were in specialised units suited to their hybrid abilities but getting to work with Price and the others had been an eye opening and fun experience for you. It also forced you to learn about a thousand new skills and tricks as the fox side of Gaz meant you had to catch him to treat him, you learned how to avoid Soap’s wandering tail as you tried to give him stitches and what to say back to Ghost and his growling every time you had to treat him. Luckily none of them required specialist training to be able to treat so you were quite comfortable in your skills. Of course, maybe someone should have insisted on more training for you before you were all sent on the mission with Kortac, it might have caused less problems.
“Contact left!” “Ghost, how copy?” “Shit! Fuck! He’s hit!” “Medic! König’s hit!”
You dart out from where you had taken cover and rush towards Ghost and König. Getting there you see the Colonel on the ground, having been dragged behind cover by Ghost, in a pool of blood,
“König? Can you hear me?” You knew you had to act quickly, putting pressure on the wound and trying to get him to respond as you shook him.
“Don’t..” He mumbles out, ‘Don’t waste… I’ll shift” he whispers out, so quietly that your ear is pressed to his veil just to hear him,
“Then shift!” Screaming in his face as you desperately try to stop the blood, you watch him shake his head,
“Burden, no..” you roll your eyes at the stubborn soldier,
“I can protect you König, just shift so you’ll live!” you emphasise your point by putting as much of your body weight on his wound as possible and that seems to be all it takes.
One minute you’re fighting a six foot ten inch stubborn ass of a man and the next you have an octopus barely bigger than your hand, curled around your wrist. You cant not stare at him, you didn’t even know König was a hybrid. After a few shocked moments you can hear more calls for a medic in your comms so you make a quick decision and shove König down the front of your top, behind the bullet proof vest.
Between the mission going to hell and patching up everyone’s injuries, you’d actually forgotten about König until another Kortac soldier asked you how you’d gotten him to safety. Dumbfounded you took a moment to remember and then you couldn’t stop the blush across your face. Pulling off your vest and reaching into your shirt you get a hand on him and gently tug, and tug, and tug but he goes nowhere. Now everyone’s looking at you in confusion,
“Hehe, hang on,” you say to the Kortac group, “König! Let go” whispering down your shirt at the stubborn man who refuses to move no matter how much you pull at him. Seeing that everyone’s looking at you like you’ve gone insane you decide to take off your shirt and ask for help. Instead all you get are laughs and several photos that perfectly capture how unamused you are and how content König is.
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slvttyplum · 1 month
HII!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG SO MUCH IT ALWAYS MAKES MY DAY BETTER 😭😭its my fav daily activity at this point
So could I pretty please request for a satosugu discovering their partener likes puthy slaps😟🙏if you want.
thank u so much and I hope ur doing great!
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satoru loves discovering new things that you like when it comes to sex, it's like finding a treasure chest filled with gold, he gets greedy with you, and you love him down for that. as long as you and satoru have been together, he's still finding things out, including that you like to get your pussy slapped until you squirt.
the reaction he got out of you when he did it, and you squirted over his lower half, his eyes were shooting out of his head and his heart race quickened, it was something he's never seen before. of course satoru was quick to jump to conclusions so he didn't want to jump to conclusions with this one, he wanted to see if you actually got turned on from having him slap your pussy.
so he waited it out, he didn't do it the last times the both of you had sex, he wanted to make sure you weren't sensitive to his touch, but who was he trying to kid, you were always sensitive when it came to satoru. any slight touch he put on your body, you were going to tingle.
first he had to test you out, he knew his baby was sensitive, so he didn't want to put too much pressure on your core before he even slipped inside of you. his hand rubbing over your warm cunt as one of his fingers brush past your clit, a small whimper sliding past your lips as you cover your face, before you could even rest your arm over your eyes, he took your arm.
“don't hide, i want to look at you.” his hand rubbing over your core again then lifting it up then back down, the contact of him smacking your pussy sent tingles throughout your body immediately. a moan slipping out your mouth and your stomach caving in, it felt so good you could barely comprehend it for the minutes that followed after.
there it was, that cute moan and the way your body jolted when he did it, he knew this wasn't just something that happened because you were at your climax, you actually liked it, and if you liked it then he loved it. so satoru would slap your wet pussy until you came all over him, the reactions that followed made him want to do it again and again until you were crying.
no time for you to do anything beside moan and whimper, his big hand slapping on your pussy every ten seconds, once the tingles of pleasure were dispersing, more rained down on you the more he did it. this wasn't only new to him, but it was also new to you, the sensation was like nothing else he's done to you.
the force of the slap that caused a bit of pain followed by pleasure that submerged you under his hand, this was your new favorite feeling, and you were so glad that he caught on, because he kept doing it until the palm of his hand was red and the painful sensation in his hand took over.
there was no denying that he wanted to keep doing this to you, watching your reactions as he kept doing it, watching you squirm and hold his wrist as he keeps doing this, but he wanted you to ask him, actually no, he wanted you to beg for him to keep doing it. you had to use your words
if there was one thing satoru was going to do was make you ask for the things you wanted, closed mouths don't get fed, if you didn't ask he wasn't going to continue to do it, even if he liked doing it as much as you liked him doing it to you. he wanted you to be up and honest about the things you wanted and liked, even if that meant being embarrassed.
likes why you were blabbering with teary eyes begging him to keep doing it, your mind fuzzy and your back arching from every hit he gave to your pussy, it felt so good that you didn't have time to be a brat and tell him no. you needed his big hands hitting down on you and sending shivers throughout your body while your moans could be heard blocks away.
the way he made you feel clouded all embarrassment that could possibly block you not asking him to keep doing it, his hands were perfect for this, every time he did it. he made you cum, and that's exactly what you needed, new ways for your man to make you cum, even if that meant having a swollen pussy after the fact.
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abbyromanoff · 7 months
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PAIRINGS: Wanda Maximoff x reader
WARNINGS: angst, cheating, divorce, depression, fluff, mind manipulation, the hex being created, pregnancy, kinda dark, think that’s all :)
Wanda hummed as the flavors hit her taste buds, her eyes directed at you as she smiled warmly.
“How do you like the dinner, sweetheart?” You grinned beneath the fork inside your mouth, instantly returning your lips back to a thin line when her eyes left you.
“Well, I hope you’d like it, I spent many hours prepping this.” She chuckled, giving your hand a squeeze from across the table. You still didn’t utter a word, she was growing concerned.
“What’s wrong, baby?” You shrugged, nervously playing with your food as you bit the inside of your cheek, a habit you started and failed to stop, much to Wanda’s liking.
“C’mon, you can talk to me, that’s what I’m here for.” You looked up, noticing her intense gaze that showed she knew exactly what you were going to say.
“You still haven’t signed the papers.” Her body tensed, her eyes shutting as she sighed. Her hand balled into a tight fist as she continued to eat. She could see you were lacking the ring on your finger, the sight making her want to crawl into a corner and cry her eyes out. There was no way out of this, she realized, so she had to make one.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“My fucking God, Wanda,” You slammed your hands down, standing as you paced urgently. She refused to look, instead finding her meal all the more interesting.
“You’re pathetic, you know that? You can’t sign some fucking papers, really? This marriage has been ruined the moment you slept with that tramp.” The realization made her throat tighten, tears nearly ready to spill from her loopy eyes.
“I told you it was a mistake, it meant nothing-”
“That doesn’t stop the fact that it happened, Wanda! Do you think it’s easy for me to have to live here daily? To see you and constantly be reminded of what you did? I worked so hard to even convince myself I was worthy of you, and you go and do this?” She cowered down, wiping her hands on the small cloth in her lap while you stared at her, nostrils flared and eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m sorry-”
“Sorry doesn’t fix what you did-”
“God, will you let me fucking speak?” She yelled, growing frustrated with the constant interruption. You didn’t refute, instead placing your hands on your hips as you waited for her voice to return.
“I told you, I was drunk and she looked so much like you. We were fighting, I was upset, you were too, so I went out and got wasted to the point I could barely walk. I saw her there and I…I let her take me home, but when I woke up I- I realized what I did and I knew I fucked up.”
“Yeah, you did.” You already heard the story before, the same one that haunted you in your dreams. You imagined someone else being able to hear the moans she promised were only for you, it made you violently ill.
“I made a promise to you, and I plan to keep it. I will never, and I mean never, touch a drink again. I won’t even look in another woman’s direction because I don’t need to when I have my wife right in front of me. My perfect, breathtaking, loving wife that I care for so much.” She wrapped her arms around your waist as she dropped to her knees, placing her forehead against your thigh.
“Please, baby, I don’t know how many times I have to apologize before you forgive me, but I’ll continue to tell you for the rest of my life.” She placed small kisses against the covered skin, feeling the warmth that you supplied, the same warmth that brought her comfort at night. Now it brought her shame and guilt, but she’d rather carry that burden for the rest of her life than lose you for even a moment.
“I don’t want to have to be reminded of what you did for the rest of my life, Wanda. I’m constantly having someone down my ear telling me how terrible you are, and how I should never forgive you. For fucks sake, even our friends have told me to leave you! How am I going to look them in the eye again knowing all they see is someone who’s too gullible to even leave their cheating wife?” You sobbed, and the look on your face only brought misery to the woman. You seemed so lost, so exhausted, and she was the cause.
“I know, I know, and none of this is fair to you, and I’m so sorry I caused this-”
“Stop saying sorry. Please, I can’t do this.” You begged, your voice cracking as you drew more emotions.
“But I mean it! I never want you to feel like I don’t want you because I want you more than anything. I need you, Y/N, I need you in my life.” It was true, she didn’t know how to properly function without you. You were the only one who kept her going, you were the one who held her when she felt like she couldn’t stand. When she was ready to give up, she had you holding her back. Without you, she’d be nothing.
“You say you need me, but you don’t consider what I need. And what I need is for you to let me go, and sign the papers.” You wanted to give in, to fall into her embrace and let her make it up to you. But you couldn’t, your mind would never let you forget the scene you walked in on. And maybe you’d still remember it vividly without her, but at least you wouldn’t have to be in the exact place it happened with the person who did it. At least you could move on and find someone who wouldn’t hurt you like this, intoxicated or not.
“No- no, I won’t do it.” Tear stains painted your shirt from where her head rested, you knew you’d have to throw this out sooner than later.
“Wanda, please, just do it.” You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing yourself to ignore her pleas.
“I’m begging you, Wanda. If you truly loved me, you’d want me to be happy.” She rushed towards you when you tried to escape her tight hold.
“You’re happier with me-”
“I can’t be happy with you, not when I can’t stop thinking about what you did. It ruined me, Wands, and it continues to haunt me every breathing moment.” The nickname brought a crack to her rotting heart. Her body felt like it was decaying the more you pulled away and the more she tried to hold on.
“You’re going to sign the papers. And then I’ll be gone. This is best for the both of us, you’ll learn to live without me.” She felt as though she was going to be sick, why were you still denying her? She couldn’t let you go. No, she couldn’t.
You leaned down to her level, moving the hair that covered her face out of the way. You cupped her cheeks, smiling sadly as her sobs caused her hands to shake lightly. She reached out hopefully, copying your action and bringing herself closer.
“Can I- can I have one last kiss, at least?” You looked down, sighing as you shook your head before returning her gaze.
“If I kiss you, I don’t think either of us will be able to stop.”
“That’s not a bad thing, is it?” You chuckled, and it felt like music to her ears. She smiled warmly, even though her chest tightened and her breath cut short.
“I love you, Wanda, I always will. Maybe we were just never meant to be, and that’s okay. But if I don’t let you go now, I’ll never be able to be happy.” But you could’ve been meant to be, she realized. You could’ve been the best, most loving couple. Your kids would’ve grown up in a healthy, safe household full of love. But that all came to an end when that night left her hopeless, she pleaded with God constantly to rid her actions but they were never heard.
“I love you too, Y/N, and I want you to be happy, I just wish I could’ve been the reason.”
“You were.” The past tense was what caused her body to crash into yours. She lost all control as your arms brought her a sense of comfort she lacked for so long.
“I’m sorry I failed you.”
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In a few months, the divorce was being settled and you officially moved out. You had been staying with a friend for some time, and she was more than happy to help you out. She had been in a similar situation before, so it was clear what she had to do when she saw you standing on her front porch. Wanda thought she would be able to see you when you would gather your stuff from her place, but a multitude of your friends went instead, all of them giving glares to the older woman as she refused to look at the empty home. It seemed wrong without your stuff here, and all she had were pictures of the two of you that she couldn’t remove.
She felt hopeless as time progressed, and the lack of messages or calls from you only made time move slower. Every day felt like a decade as she failed to execute basic human needs. She often struggled to get out of bed or brush her teeth, and now it’s been two days since she last showered. She wondered how you were, she hoped you weren’t in such a horrid state like herself. But a part of her also hoped you were, just so she knew you still cared.
Eventually, it all became too much. She hadn’t slept in her bed in over a year, the constant reminder that another laid where you once were disgusted her. The couch had become her home, but even the couch seemed to shame her. Her favorite movies didn’t feel the same without you laughing with her. The sitcoms she loved so much now annoyed her; she had changed completely, and it was all her fault.
She couldn’t hold it back anymore, she broke. Her small, empty home in the town of Westview became full once again. She didn’t know what happened. One moment she was sobbing uncontrollably while huddling close to the stuffed animal she had won for you on your first date, then the plain walls filled with hope. Her heart slowly gained a beat, and her hands felt warm again. She stood in front of a door, her fist finding the wood and creating a small knock.
“It’s open!” She heard, and she stopped in her tracks. It was you, it was your angelic voice that was slowly fading from her mind. She gulped fearfully before twisting the knob, letting her legs take control as she stepped forward.
“Love, you’re home!” You greeted with a smile, turning to face her as Wanda’s eyes fell on the toddler being held in your arms. She had the same hair as Wanda, and while it wasn’t easy to spot from so far away, she could see her green, piercing eyes looking back at her. The child giggled and pointed her chubby finger her way, causing a smile to break out on her face.
“Everything alright, sweetie?” You asked when she didn’t move, her mouth agape and her hands nearly releasing the briefcase she held.
“Yes…everything is just perfect, my love.” She mustered out, rushing towards your figure and embracing you in a tight hold. The replica of her was left with a small kiss to her forehead before she took her into her arms, blowing raspberries on her exposed tummy. Alana giggled again, and it felt like Wanda’s ear would explode. She felt like she was dreaming, only this wasn’t the nightmare she fought with every night. No, this time you were here to cure her.
“Momma!” She heard from a distance, seeing a young boy running to greet her. He hugged her leg tightly, causing Wanda to stumble before she leaned down, ruffling his hair before she gave him a small side hug, the baby in her arms restricting her from embracing him as much as she wanted to.
“Hey, kiddo! How was your day?”
“It was amazing! Me, Mommy, and Alana made dinner!” She gasped, showing her appreciation towards the excited boy before he ran off to the kitchen as she requested. He was still too young to carry his little sister, so she continued to do so.
“And hello to you, my sweet baby.” Wanda placed a small kiss against your stomach, placing her hand against the bump and rubbing her thumb in small, soothing circles.
“Have they been giving you any trouble today?” She asked, resulting in a small sigh from your end.
“They’ve been kicking all day. I swear, if they’re not professional soccer players, I don’t know what else they’ll do.” Wanda laughed before leaving multiple pecks to your lips, grasping your hand in hers before leading you to the kitchen.
“Well, it’s only a few more months until they’ll be out of you, I know you can do it.” You stopped in your tracks, eyeing her and causing the taller woman to stall. Nobody wanted to see you angry, especially when you were pregnant.
“First of all, I don’t see you carrying two demons in your stomach, so I’d shut up if I were you. And, second of all, this is the third time I’m doing this, you are no longer allowed to go without a condom.” She placed her hand on her chest as if she was offended and you grinned, leaving a kiss on her cheek before walking through the kitchen door where your son laid out all the dishes for you four. You thanked him before he climbed onto his seat, still finding himself to be too short for the chairs you had. Wanda placed your daughter in the high chair before taking the seat next to her. You noticed her smiling large, her eyes being filled with more joy than usual.
“What’s got you all happy?” She admired the scene in front of her, Pietro Jr and Alana sitting peacefully, both of them sharing the genes she was blessed with. Her partner, smiling back at her while they carried her twins, she couldn’t have asked for anything more.
“Oh, nothing, I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have all of you.” You blushed, tilting your head slightly as you bit your lip.
“Well, that’s never going to change, sweetheart.” ‘I’ll make sure of it’, she thought.
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sorrowedpickle · 9 months
Of the fittest
Wednesday Addams x g!p!reader
A/N: I was eating ham while making this
Warning: g!p, p in v, ooc!wednesday, bottom to top reader, top to bottom Wednesday
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The clicking sounds of her type writer were the only things you could hear besides your heartbeat in your ears, your breath catching in your throat at every little movement one of you would do due to your sensitivity.
Your breathing shallow as you stare at the back of your girlfriend, it was slightly hunched over but straight up as her fingers moved elegantly across her type writer you gave up on focusing on long ago.
How could you focus with her pussy wrapped around your cock like something perfectly molded just for you, she had made sure it would fit her perfectly. Many times she had took her time to make sure you fit just right and were able to slip in with no worries.
Your hips buck up toward her, desperate to be deeper only to feel her quickly pinch your thigh with her well manicured nails. It was a sharp pain, though not too painful to the point it had you wanting to pull away.
“Hold still,” Wednesday snaps, her type writer sounds pausing and her sharp glare looking back down at you. You whine softly, grip on her hips tightening before shifting to get a little more comfortable.
Her walls warm around your shaft as she returns to writing, purposely squeezing herself around you as a way to torture you while she casually went back to doing what she was.
It was somewhat of a punishment for bothering her all day with your neediness, wanting her to bring you away from prying eyes and fuck you until you saw stars. She had made you wait all day and now she was going to make you wait a little longer while you were inside of her.
She had told you to wait an hour. Just an hour and you could do what you wanted, even then you knew you’d have to go at her pace but you didn’t care as long as you got some kind of release.
But it was starting to get hard, the way she had been moving around and squeezing her pussy to tease you for what felt like a lifetime was really getting to you as your hands as her tightly, most likely creating dark shapes onto her pale skin in the process but she didn’t seem to mind.
Your head throws itself back against the railing of her chair, groaning quietly as she continued to work on her novel while you dick was oh so casually buried deep inside of her. It was both intoxicated how she’d ignore your pleas while also frustrated when she’d force you to stay still and get mad when you wouldn’t.
Wednesday herself was regretting her decision of having you inside of her while she worked. It was meant to be a punishment for you but it seemed to tables were turning onto her as your cock twitched inside of her with your occasional bucking of your hips.
“Weds,” you whine, trying to pull her further onto your hard cock. “Please.” Your whine gets a little louder when you see she doesn’t react and you seem to get even more desperate as you shift.
She ignores that as well, knowing you just wanted the attention she refused to give you. “Wednesday, please, just fuck me already.” You whine even louder, as you stare down at the skirt that covers your view of her ass.
She ignores your plea and making you whine even more as you pull her further up onto your lap and pulling her down more forcing the cock into an angle that was deeper and had her seeing stars, she flinches slightly and her typing stops as she holds back a moan, gripping the edge of the table.
She quickly recovers and her head snaps back to look at you, a glare on her face as her eyes lock onto your desperate ones.
It was a warning, that much you knew but you didn’t care. She had been torturing you for half an hour and you couldn’t take it much longer.
Your hand reaches up and you grab her shoulder tightly, making sure she can’t resist as you quickly stand up. The sound of the chair hits the floor with a clattering noise as you push Wednesday into the table, shoving your cock further into her throbbing pussy.
Her body tenses and she claws at the table, eyes wide as she stares forward while her pussy squeezed tightly around you. You breathing was rigid as your front presses up against her back, hand keeping her waist pressed up against yours.
She shivers slightly at feeling your hot breath against her flushed ear. You were going to regret this later, she’d make sure of it. But first, she wanted you to finish what you had started.
You sit up slightly, hand pressing into the small of her back to keep her pressed into the table while your other hand gripped her hip tighter, pulling her closer to your pelvis if it were even possible.
“Fuck,” you whisper, voice shaky as your hips start to move. You start soft, allowing her to adjust to the feeling before taking it up a notch when the sound of her breathing increased as well.
You’d pull out to the point she thought you’d actually leave before slamming back into her making her gasp quietly, hands gripping her table tighter as small breaths leave her at your continued actions.
She felt so good, especially after being inside of her for so long and not being able to move at all. It shocked you, really, you thought it couldn’t get any better after getting used to the feeling of her. But no, every movement gave you a new feeling that shot through your body like electric bolts.
It was tantalizing, addicting even and you wondered why you hadn’t thought about what it’d feel like when you first met her. You couldn’t get enough.
Your head is down, pressed against her shoulder blades with your mouth agape with your hands roaming under her shirt to feel the warm skin buried underneath, hands playing with the hem of her bra before a sound you had never expected to leave Wednesday leaves her.
A whimper. The sound quiet and barely noticeable but you noticed it. Before you could even process it more leave her, nails digging into the wood as her ass pushes back against you for more.
And more you give her, pushing her further up onto the table only to have things knock all over the place while she pushes her type writer to the side with a kind of strength you or herself didn’t know she had to be able to push the heavy thing.
It’s not questioned though, you were too busy fucking yourself into her to really care at the moment as you scratched down her back under her checked shirt with face buried deep into the fabric as you listened to her soft noises.
You didn’t want it to end. The feeling of her wet pussy gushing against your cock, the sounds leaving her mouth getting slightly louder the rougher you get, the sight of her back arching under you or her hair starting to get a little frizzy as you fuck into her. It took everything in you not to cum instantly, not so quickly anyway.
You wanted to savor it all, keep it in your memory for later when you weren’t together or just to have there for when you were bored in class. You just wanted it.
And that you would do, having her fuck back against you with the same amount of neediness as you as you bit down onto her clothes shoulder to muffle your moans as her pussy engulfed you.
Her sounds got louder, whimpers and soft moans making you shudder and the feeling in your belly starts to grow bigger as your teeth bite down harder onto her, wanting more noises of pleasure to leave her.
Her legs begin to shake, forcing you keep her up by hips while one hand reached down and began rubbing her clit in fluid motions that had her body jolting as a loud moan left and her grip on the table tightened.
The feeling of her cumming onto your cock was insatiable. Her warm velvet walls getting even more warmer around you as your thrusting became more sloppy while you moaned loudly into her shirt, face burying itself deeper into her as you finally came into her, hot liquids filling her up as your hips twitched slightly.
Both of your breathing was heavy as you laid there against the table, your body pressed firmly against her as your cock stays buried deep inside of her. Not exactly caring about the sensitivity but wanted to keep the warmth of her around you there for a bit longer before pulling out into the cold and dark world.
You wanted to stay like that for a bit, out of it. One, because you were out of it and needed a moment to collect yourself and two, because you knew you were in for one hell of a punishment after. So, it was best to enjoy the feeling and moment while it lasted before being denied and in pain for the rest of the night.
Tagslist: @bluetreecloud20 @skate-to-breathee @wol-fica @raven-ss @restlessdot @dumb-fvck104 @tabberthecat @crazyoffher @rhythm-catsandwine @makncheese12 @alexkolax @jennasfav @melthedwarf @jennasslut @t-wylia @unknownuserzdjdh @pnsteblnme @eevelyn @icimm @ang311 @simplykermit @inyourunderweardrawer @estors @gayfrg @inkinugget @alastorgrimm @mar-romanova @ssinfulprayers @hellenheaven @teenagedramaqueenlisa @btrizi @idkwimdtbh @furry-monster-trash @beeswaxwings @je-tts @mokotodenis123 @ajortga @jensortega813
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faith-forgxtten-land · 2 months
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Come to Bed | Donatello
this started with the idea of seducing donnie into healthy sleeping patterns and then just. spiralled from there. i didn't really have a specific iteration in mind but reading it back, it definitely fits bayverse most, i think, so that's what i'll categorise it under!
warnings: NSFW, swearing, general filthiness? gender neutral reader, everyone is 18+!!
summary: there is only one way to get donnie to come to bed (two if you count blackmail)
word count: 2411
It’s nearly 3am and your eyelids feel heavy, eyes glassy and beginning to ache just a little, and Donnie is still not in bed. You look at the empty space beside you, cold and untouched, and kick the covers off your bare legs. The air is cool, goosebumps raising the moment you abandon the comfort of bed, and you almost regret getting up as your feet hit the freezing floor.
Donnie is so lucky you love him and care for his health.
He's exactly where you'd left him hours before, sitting hunched over a desk in his lab, and you wonder briefly if turtles with their shells can suffer the same complications as humans with poor posture. Perhaps you'll force him to join you and Mikey for your bi-weekly yoga sessions. “Donnie?”
The terrapin doesn't so much as flinch, instead burying his face further into a screen that is already way too close to his face. Oh, his prescription is definitely going to need updating soon, you think amusedly. You clear your throat, attempting your best grumpy Raph impersonation. “Oi, four-eyes.”
Now Donnie does flinch, beak nearly crashing into his monitor, glasses slipping as he salvages his precious technology from being assaulted by his face and spinning in his seat to glower at whoever dared disturb him. He relaxes when he realises it's just you, shooting you a scowl that's devoid of any real heat. “You need to stop doing that voice, it's creepy.”
You grin at him, noting the exact moment he registers what you're wearing – or, rather, what you're not wearing. His eyes go wide and his lips part, scowl melting like ice doused in salt. He swallows thickly. “You're meant to be a ninja,” you tease, stepping slowly into his space and letting his hands fall to your waist before they curl around your back as he pulls you close, palms flattening against your spine. “You can't hear when one measly human is behind you?”
“You are so mean to me,” Donnie says instead of answering.
“We both know you like it. Besides,” you look down at your naked skin, his own eyes following your pointed gaze eagerly. “I think I'm being pretty kind, actually. Someone was meant to come to bed three hours ago and ravish me, but apparently, I'm not more interesting than,” you peer over his shoulder as best you can, squinting at the tiny squiggles. Lips pursed, you look at your boyfriend flatly, not bothering to finish your sentence.
“I can explain.”
“World of Warcraft? Really, Donatello?”
He winces at the full name. “I wasn’t playing for long,” he defends himself. “I’ve been looking over some things Leo asked for since this morning, I was just taking a break.”
“Taking a break means coming to bed and not staring at a screen for even longer.” Softer, you add, “I’ve been waiting for you for hours.”
You run your hands up the bumpy skin of his muscled arms, over scars and rough tissue that you’ve pressed kisses to countless times, to rest upon his shoulders. A small part of you is resentful, but the larger, kinder part of you is concerned; his eyes are bloodshot to the extreme, and exhaustion is etched deep into the lines of his face. You dig your nails in and massage a little roughly, feeling those worried knots and doing your best to soothe them with gentle palms.
It hits him then, just exactly what he’d missed out on by getting caught up, and his shoulders sag under the tender weight of your caress, twitchy energy that can keep him up for days deserting him instantly. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs quietly.
You smile at him, fond and warm, one hand trailing upwards to cup his jaw. “It’s okay.” His skin is something you’ll never get tired of touching, you think, as you rub your thumb over the swell of his cheek. You pinch him a little, coy and mean the way you know he loves, before soothing it with a whisper of a kiss when he hisses playfully. “Although, you’ll have to make it up to me.”
“And what is my punishment?” he asks dryly, guilt pushed aside to indulge in your teasing as you lean closer to hide your smirk in the crook of his neck.
“You’ll be in bed by 11 p.m. sharp every night for the next week.” You can tell an objection is on the tip of his tongue, and you fix your teeth along his throat in warning. “I’ve already cleared everything with Splinter and Leo.” 
Donnie sighs both in pleasure and in resignation. “Are you trying to seduce me into having healthy sleeping patterns?”
You start to kiss his neck, soft grazes of your lips against his scaled skin. “Maybe. Is it working?”
“If the answer isn’t yes, I’ll be very offended and I’ll be forced to dump you,” you add airily, tongue flicking leisurely over his rapid pulse. “You're incredibly lucky I haven't already for ditching me for World of fucking Warcraft.”
“Oh, blackmail too. Lucky me,” Donnie mutters, but it’s full of mirth and he doesn't push his luck any further.
You grin against his skin, and you grin even wider when he starts as your teeth scrape along the column of his throat. His hands have a bruising grip on your hips, and you bite down harder just to feel his grip tighten.
“You’re such a tease,” he whines, unable to stop himself bucking up into you. His breathing has turned to panting, short and desperate gasps that make heat curl in your stomach, and you trail your nails down the keratin of his plastron slowly.
“You love it,” you murmur coyly, fingers brushing against the elastic of his waistband mischievously. “And you deserve it.”
Donnie curses loudly, head falling back as you pull on that elastic just to let it snap back against him. His pants are soaking, and you feel that familiar rush of smug satisfaction as you slot your knee between his thighs. It does terrible things to your ego seeing him like this; it makes you drunk and dizzy seeing him drenched and needy for you, and you groan under your breath as he grinds against you. 
“Please,” he whimpers.
You hum as casually as you can. “Please what?”
“Fuck, please, I need you—” He cuts himself off with a loud cry of your name as you slide two fingers past his waistband and into his dripping cloaca.
“Keep going.”
He’s quick to turn into a blubbering mess, drool running down his chin and words slurring as he babbles and begs you to continue finger-fucking him. “Don’t stop, please—yes, yes, right there, there, fuck—”
Your fingers pump in and out, scissoring inside him at a harsh pace you know he likes. He’s sopping wet but that doesn’t stop the tiny spikes of pain mixing deliriously with pleasure as you stretch him wide without warning. You can feel his slick coating your hand, running down your skin and over your knuckles, and he only gushes more when you add a third digit.
“Faster, faster,” he chants shakily, almost sobbing when you slow instead. 
“You’re so tight, baby,” you purr. “I wouldn’t wanna hurt you.”
He’s definitely sobbing now. “I can take it, please, please.”
“Oh?” You curl your fingers and fuck him harder and faster, just the way he wants. His cock is there, thick and heavy and ready to drop, and he shudders as you brush softly against it.
His voice is choked as he calls your name again. "Gonna drop, please–”
Your laugh is light and a little cruel and it makes him wail, the sound overflowing with need and desperation. “Don’t you dare.”
“Oh god,” Donnie gasps as your fingers rub along his length still tucked inside, a fresh wave of slick trickling down to your wrist.
“I would’ve been kind,” you tell him nonchalantly, kissing his temple and huffing another laugh when he can’t stop his hips from grinding into you, body begging you to bury your fingers deeper inside him. “But you’ve been such a bad boy.”
He drops with a guttural groan followed by a pathetic whimper, gasping apologies feebly.
You sigh and pull your hand back, your resolve faltering just a little when Donnie whines and cries louder at the action. “You’re being very bad tonight, baby.”
He’s still wearing his pants and you roll your lips to hide a smile as he tugs them down frantically, his cock finally free in the air. His hands grip the arms of his chair so hard that you swear you hear them creak, desperate to touch himself but not wanting to disobey you any further. It’s a bit late to play innocent and good now, and you shoot him an unimpressed look that makes his jaw clench. “Please,” Donnie breathes.
Your hand is still soaked, and you watch him watch you as you raise your fingers to your lips, sticky tendrils trembling as you rub your fingertips together before parting them slowly. Eyes fixed on his, you glide your tongue over his slick, sucking gently and exhaling quietly at the flavour that blooms over your tastebuds. The arms of the chair are definitely creaking now, and you smile coyly as his cock twitches.
As much as you love teasing him into a pathetic frenzy, you remember his weary eyes and decide to put him out of his misery. There’ll be plenty of time to punish Donnie the way he deserves later – lots of edging and whining and begging and very little relief. For now, you’ll give him what he wants.
You kneel between his legs, coquettish as you glance up at him through your lashes; he’s working his jaw, teeth clenched and eyes darting wildly as he barely holds himself together. Grasping his hard cock in your hand, slick and heavy, you begin to pump slowly.
The chirps and churrs that escape him are whining and full of ecstasy, his eyes fluttering as you squeeze your palms around his thick length, hands twisting with an obscene squelch at every stroke. The lab is quiet apart from the wet pumping and his throaty groans, and you wonder if his moaning will be loud enough to wake the others. It wouldn’t surprise you, and the thought makes your hand move faster as you rub your thumb over the sensitive head of his cock.
Donnie can’t stop the stutter of his hips, head falling back. “Fuck.” He swears louder as your lips suckle his tip, your name a rasping prayer spilling from his mouth. You flick your tongue, tasting the slightly bitter flavour of his precum and just how soaked he is, evidence of what you do to him coating your face, and he cries noisily when you suddenly take another few inches into your mouth and swallow around him. He’s hitting the back of your throat, and he feels like he’s about to faint from how tight and warm you feel.
A wave of embarrassment hits him as you pull back and smirk, his head still pressed against your flirtatious smile while you continue to work him with your hands. “Please,” he begs for what feels like the hundredth time that night.
“You’re so good at begging,” you praise, eyes sparkling when it makes him moan lewdly. Oh, that definitely woke someone up. He’s back to bucking his hips and because you’re so kind, you let him dictate the pace as you continue pumping.
“So close,” he breathes shakily. “I’m so close, please.”
“Please, what?”
His eyes roll back, and the arms of his chair finally give way, crumbling under his crushing grip as impressions of his hands mould into the metal. Donnie doesn’t stop rocking and whimpering. “Please let me come.”
You kiss the head of his cock once more, delighting in the way he tremors at the whisper of touch. “Be a good boy and come for me, Donatello.”
There’s nothing Donnie loves more than being good for you and he shows this by coming undone the second his name leaves your lips, body jolting and convulsing like he's been struck by lightning as you continue to milk his cock while his orgasm wracks through him. Your face is completely covered, ropes of his come painting your skin as he groans pitifully, the sound agonised and mewling. 
It’s almost silent for a few moments, the only noises are Donnie’s wheezing pants and whimpers of oversensitivity, and you watch him quietly. He’s so beautiful like this, blissed out, stress a stranger rather than a constant companion, and you wish you could both stay like this.
The moment is over too soon as the terrapin manages to open his eyes blearily, although they nearly shut again in dizzying satisfaction when he catches sight of your come-smeared cheeks. It’s dripping down your chin, threatening to spill down your neck and to your chest, and a part of you wants to leave it, relishing in the way Donnie is entirely transfixed, but you scoop what you can on your fingers and bring the sticky threads to your mouth instead.
Donnie’s lips part and his breath hitches and it’s your turn to shut your eyes in pleasure, eyes rolling and unable to stop a soft groan as you lick and swallow what he’s given you. “Mean,” he accuses again when you finally open your eyes, and you grin at how faint he sounds.
“Just for you,” you agree and he churrs instinctively, flushing as you snicker. He’s so cute, you think fondly, letting him reach out and grasp you closer, seeking comfort. And so easy.
“I think I need that nap now,” Donnie tells you weakly, and you huff another laugh against his sweaty skin, tasting salt and nuzzling further into him. 
You press a loving kiss to his shoulder and reluctantly pull back. “Shower then bed, come on.” His legs are shaky, and you purse your lips to stop from chuckling as he stumbles like a newborn lamb, begrudgingly relenting to leaning against you. “Poor Bambi,” you tease, brushing your lips against his plastron in a loving caress when he grumbles playfully. 
Hopefully, no one has been awoken by your night-time activities and, if they have, you hope they’re not up and roaming because you’d really rather not have to bump into any of Donnie’s family with his come still coating your face.
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