#belly writes
Not me, planning my fanfiction stories for my multiple fandoms… oops.
@callsign-barbell is my Top Gun: Maverick sideblog, if you’re interested.
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callsign-barbell · 2 years
Soooooooooo…where is the line between smut and erotica? 👀
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 3 months
Been a while since I wrote a prompt. Let's change that!
Pen Pals
Red Hood comes across Cujo somewhere in Gotham (location and reason like feeding off of ambient ectoplasm, looking for a new toy, lost, etc are your choice). At first, he's kinda freaked out over this pup that glows Lazarus Pits green but slowly learns that Cujo is relatively harmless as long as no one threatens him or anyone under his protection. Kinda hard not to learn that since Cujo has been glued to his side ever since he found the pup roaming the streets at night.
Cujo eventually gets into Red Hood's good books when the sweet little pup turns into a rottweiler the size of a small house and nearly bites the Joker's head off due to him being his usual creepy, rancid self.
Once he's gotten comfortable enough around the strange dog, he gets close enough to spot a tag/nameplate that reads the pup's name along with "Belongs to Phantom" scratched onto the back in messy handwriting.
He thinks nothing of it until Cujo starts getting restless and Red Hood gets the feeling that he'll be leaving Gotham soon. So, given the dog is clearly supernatural and his tag had no contact information, he assumes Cujo is basically a free roam pet and is able to get back to his owner on his own.
The night before he feels Cujo is going to leave, he ties a letter to the pup's collar. The next night, Cujo is gone.
Weeks pass and he thinks of Cujo often, wondering if he made it back to his owner. If his owner got the letter. If this "Phantom" is similar to him. He doesn't think just anyone owns a Lazarus green dog that reeks of death magic.
It's not until he's out on patrol one night, almost two months later, that Cujo suddenly appears and barrels into his stomach. As the excitable pup slobbers kisses all over his helmet, he sees an envelope covered in stickers attached to Cujo's collar.
Looks like he's got himself a pen pal.
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valgodd · 6 months
You lie in our bed and watch me struggle to button my pants.
”Damn” I mutter under my breath, trying to force the button into the loop.
”Whats wrong babe” you say innocently.
”They just wont close” I say exasperated.
You quietly enjoy the show for a while beforing rising to your feet.
”Here, let me help you darling…”
”Absolutely not” I push you away.
”Dont be silly love. You obviously need a little help with those”
I sigh. 
”Okay. Fine” 
You come up behind me. Your hands linger for a while on my protrouding belly.
”Poor baby” you whisper in my ear, your lips touching my earlobe. ”Did you gain s little weight?” I grunt in response. ”Mhm… Okay love… I need you to suck it in. Can you do that for me babe? Okay…here we go…”
”Godness me” I huff, looking at my swollen reflection in the mirror as you try to do my pants. ”well i think my love for your cooking is starting to show”
After a few attempts, the button gets in the loop. You squeeze my muffin top that is spilling over the waistband.
”There you go. Can you sit down im them?”
I carefully sit down on the edge of the bed, the button creaking.
”Its digging in a bit but its-”
With a snap the button pops off and lands on the floor. My belly oozes out.
”Oh shoot. I-I think I could stand to loose a couple of pounds”
You sit down beside me, one arm over my shoulder, the other one rubbing my belly in comforting circles.
”Dont be so hard on yourself babe. You let go a bit recently, but you can get back into shape in no time. Hey how about some breakfast? I… could make your favourite. The golden pancakes with jam and whipping cream”
I hold back a moan at your suggestion.
”Mm that would be…lovely”
You give my belly a little squeeze.
”Okay love. Just stay here in bed and I’ll soon be back, okay?”
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ghostbsuter · 4 months
Not really a story prompt but more of an idea for a scene.
The night was long, Bruce sat at the Batcomputer, eyes fixed on every cam view on each monitor. Having been hurt badly the previous night got him grounded for today's patrol.
He rubs his eyes, sighs and leans back. Taking his attention momentarily off his kids to look up.
There, flying above, was Danny. He was in his more hybrid form, black hair dancing like nebulae, dozing off.
In his arms his little sister, Danielle, curled up on his chest.
Apparently younger ghosts, halfas in their case, couldn't control their powers for the first few years. Especially in the living world.
It ended up with a lot of chaos, like Danielle not having control whether awake or asleep.
So as a precaution and official ghostly parent, Danny monitors her during the night.
Just so that she doesn't fall, in her human or ghost form.
It's just pure coincidence that they look like otters in the air.
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I don't know why but I've really come to love the idea of a girl getting too fat to masturbate comfortably.
Like, just imagine: you are sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at your thickened reflection in the mirror, getting more and more turned on at the sight of new fat deposits and stretchmarks. You touch your tits, which have exploded with the recent added weight, and want nothing more than to reach down to touch yourself, knowing that it is already wet.
But the problem is you can't. You started having trouble maybe 30 pounds ago, when you realized you have to squeeze your arm through the crevice of flesh between your belly and thigh. That crevice has grown deeper, though, and your chubbier arm cannot fit through it to allow your fingers between your thighs anymore.
That's not the only problem, though. Your belly has gotten so big that you can't even think of masturbating while sitting up. The hanging mass of fat sits atop your lap when you are upright. Spreading your legs as wide as they can go now only allows it to spill between them, creating a curtain of blubber that blocks the view you know would be so enticing. And that's not even to mention the weight. You've tried to pick it up and hold it out of the way so you can reach down and finger yourself, but all that did was make you lose your breath and leave both your arms sore for a week.
Your thighs are an issue as well. They, like everything else on you, are too fat. Their tree trunk size makes it so that they are almost constantly touching each other, whether you're walking, sitting, or even spreading your legs. The rub between them is so intense that you've chafed your way through multiple pairs of pants. But the rubbing also feels so good, and when you get excited the jiggling and touching only serves to stimulate you more.
So, because of everything, you have to try to masturbate in a very particular way. You have to lie all the way back, pull your belly up as much as possible and hope it doesn't droop back down, spread your legs as much as you can now, and reach your arm down between the folds of your belly and thigh, fighting the weight just to touch yourself. And even then, your gelatinous fupa blocks the final back. You can grab the top and shake it, but it's not the same feeling as pushing your fingers into your own soaking wetness. The problem is that all the extra barriers, testaments to just how enormous you've gotten, just make you more lustful.
So you lay on the bed, mountainous stomach jiggling atop your ruined body, desperately shaking your own thighs and fupa to get some kind of stimulation. You pant from the sensation and effort, and moan from it feeling good but not being quite enough. "I'm just too fat." You moan to yourself. "I'm too fat to even touch myself." You still end up cumming.
So the next time you're on your computer you finally break down and buy some toys. Anything to give you the extra bit of reach and leverage to get yourself off.
OK, maybe I do get why I like that idea so much.
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violet-kink-rambles · 4 months
I just learned that weed science is apparently really advanced now and they can design strains of weed for specific things. So naturally I had to Google "weed designed for extra munchies" and now all I can think about is a feeder doing dispensary runs and specifically choosing strains to make me extra hungry and greedy
It's just next level enabling, leaning into an already brewing food addiction and lazy lifestyle
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indulgentjax · 3 months
when you’re fat and have been for a long time, it’s easy to forget how fat you are. how much space you actually take up. how you actually look to people outside of yourself.
that’s why it’s so hot to be told how fat i look. how big i’ve gotten. how huge i look sprawled out on the couch as i reach for another bite.
pat my belly and tell me how easy it is to see that i’ve grown. how you can tell that my belly is getting heavier as it hangs down lower. that when you see me walk by, you notice my ass jutting out just a little bit more. the way you’ve noticed a slight waddle as i walk to the fridge for another treat.
really, i do forget just how fat i am sometimes. don’t let me forget.
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es-draws · 3 months
You wonder what would happen if you let someone have full reign to indulge their feedist desires. You wonder how they'd convince you, influence you, manipulate you to get their way. You wonder how they might secretly and deviously change your mind, convince you to fully let go, and grow into the fattened figure they've always craved.
That's the thing about this kink though. They don't have to be manipulative. They don't have to convince you. This is all about your own unbridled desire. Your own pure hedonism. They don't have to do anything. Your insatiable lust for it all - and hunger for more - would be your own undoing.
After all, what's not to like about this? Imagine having someone who cares about you. Wants you to be happy, pleasured, doted on even. Takes you out for fancy dinners, cooks wonderful meals, indulges you with treats of any and every kind. You are given every pleasure and want for nothing. You are brought to a world where you can simply lie back and enjoy. And it's not like they mind - they like you pampered. Satiated. Happy and satisfied and full. They don't seem to worry about how sedentary and lazy and gluttonous you're becoming. So why should you?
It's everyone's dream. A life of luxury gifted to you by the perfect lover.
And as soon as you realize that, it's already too late.
Because now you crave it. You can't help but want more. After every meal you're aching for the next. Every treat leaves you pining for another. You're no longer eating out of hunger – now you're just eating for the absolute pleasure of it all. And they make you feel oh so very good when you're kept full. You begin to associate food with lust and lust with food. All of it is so very indulgent, so very sensual, that you become practically addicted to this feeling. You can no longer get enough. There will never, ever be enough.
By the time your lean figure is gone, you will no longer care. Every part of you is now a conduit for pure pleasure. And the bigger you grow, the more the pleasure grows too. There is only more softness to squeeze, more curves to be worshipped, more flesh to experience all this ecstasy. You wonder how you could have ever enjoyed the firm skin and toned muscles of your former self. Now you dream of how wonderful your hips would feel if they were even wider, or how enjoyable your butt would feel if it were even fuller, or how delicious it would feel if your belly were even rounder. Going back never crosses your mind. Now, all you want is to be bigger.
You see? It's that easy. They wouldn't make you fat. You would. And you'd be so desperately in love with it, that you'd only want to make yourself even fatter.
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callsign-barbell · 1 year
Excerpt from a (MATURE, 18+) one-shot I’m writing:
“That’s right.” His fingers snapped as if he had suddenly remembered something. He was still stalking his way towards you. “I forgot you’re a good girl.”
Your adrenaline spiked as his words shot straight to your pussy.
“Yeah,” he drew out, taking another slow step to close the distance between you, “always willing and just waiting for me to use you.”
He was good. He knew what he was doing, and of course you were feeding right into it.
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valgodd · 7 months
Pull up that shirt for me, tubby, I want to see how much you have grown for me. Oh, dear…No nothing, you’re just… bigger than I expected.  Weren’t those jeans loose on you when we first met? God they are so snug now. You’re really spilling out of them. When was the last time you exercised love? Looking at you…. I’d say it must have been a couple of months ago. At least. You really let yourself go huh. Maybe someone got a tad too comfortable in our relationship. You’ve been lying on your back, munching on the pastries I baked for you, slowly outgrowing your clothes. Those trousers are really digging into your sides now. You must be so uncomfortable. Why dont you let me unbutton them for you, my chubby darling… There you go. Much better. Oh what is that? A stretchmark? Gosh it looks brand new. My godness, perhaps I’ve been overfeeding you dear. Mmm…. Maybe I shouldnt put quite so much butter and cream in your food…. Or bake so much for you… but i just can’t resist feeding you, seeing your face light up as you savour my heavy, rich food. I wanna keep my special someone happy, content and well fed. And dependent on me.
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indulgentjax · 3 months
an oreo snack
You crack open the bag of Oreos thinking you'll just have a few. You just want a taste. You've already eaten so much today, and you're trying not to overdo it…too much. These snacks need to at least last until tomorrow, and you're running out of them quickly.
You eat the first, trying to take your time, but it tastes so good. Before you're even done chewing the second, you're already greedily reaching for a third. The sensation of eating them is so delicious and fulfilling, you don't want it to end. And for that sensation to keep going, well…you have to keep eating. So you do.
You eat and eat, crumbs falling around you, gobbling almost mindlessly yet still casually aware of each cookie you eat until you've hit the end of the first row. You lick your fingers and take a deep breath in and out, feeling uncomfortably full. This is the way it usually goes. You know how much you're eating in the back of your mind, but the sense to stop simply isn't there. That must be where this swollen gut came from; the one that's hanging down, gently resting on the couch between your legs in front of you. Isn't it?
That belly, so soft and heavy, stuffed full so much of the time. The only way you know when to stop is when you're groaning and uncomfortably full, knowing full well that you can't possibly take anymore. But you know you're not there quite yet, there's still some room. You start on the second row.
As you make your way through the second row of cookies, you start to slow down a bit. Your belly is stuffed, and you let out a moan as you feel all that food stretch you out to feel so big and bloated. It's obvious how stuffed full you are - your shirt has slowly ridden up to expose your increasingly round gut. At this point, that last row of cookies feels like a stretch. It might be too much. But you can't help yourself - what's a few more?
You start on the last row, not knowing where you'll fit the rest of them in that big, full belly, stuffed to the brim. You're panting between bites now, so full that you're barely able to catch a breath. As you miraculously finish the last cookie, you fall back into the couch, the empty package as evidence of what you've done to yourself, unable to think about anything but how stuffed you are.
You put hands on your belly to relieve some of that pressure, starting to feel the relief as you rub and squeeze that aching gut. All of the sudden, you let out a huge burp and feel just a little of that bloated feeling fade. This time, no one was around to see you make such a pig of yourself or hear the embarrassing sound of your burp, but you hope maybe next time, someone will be.
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somnimagus · 8 months
Tumblr media
-blonde horror protagonist's abrupt and incorrect assumptions about blonde people
[id in alt]
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Something about pregnant people breathing heavily, holding and rubbing their belly, while talking about how their babies are kicking, all while sounding breathless from the effort of simply being heavily pregnant... it's just unbelievably hot. Just being completely overcome and overwhelmed with pregnancy, to the point that "pregnant" is all that they are.
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hush-writes-preg · 7 months
You were in your freshman year of college when you realized that some schools had a whole other definition of 'bench warmer'.
You'd always interpreted it to mean that you were just a reserve player, but the rest of the team saw you as a convenient way to get rid of a little tension. Instead of sitting on the bench, you often found yourself bent over it with one of the other guys buried inside of you. Even the coach took advantage of your position once in a while.
Needless to say, you soon needed to pull out of active play for the rest of the season due to 'medical reasons'. But you still got to keep your spot on the bench, and the rest of the guys really seemed to appreciate your growing curves.
Too bad you have no idea whose kid you've got in your belly.
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growmydarling · 5 days
i don't know if you've noticed, but...your shirts aren't really fitting anymore. i know the crop top look is totally in right now. but your pants aren't really fitting either. you look like you ate whoever was wearing those clothes before you, tubby. belly hanging so far out of your waistband that it's drooping halfway down your front and jiggling freely witj each ploddong step. not that i'm complaining. but come on. any sense of self decency left, or did you eat some of your brain too? maybe rotted from all the sugar you cram in between your juicy lips. such a fatty.
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