#benefits of being a preschool teacher - being expected to participate
thedarkestgreys · 6 months
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helloparent · 7 months
New Preschool Trends in Delhi: What Parents Should Know
The landscape of preschool education in Delhi is continually evolving to meet the changing needs and expectations of parents and children. As parents seek the best preschools in Delhi and explore their options, it's essential to stay informed about the latest trends in early childhood education. In this blog, we will highlight the new preschool trends in Delhi that parents should be aware of to make informed decisions about their child's education.
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1. Holistic Curriculum Integration:
Playschools in Delhi are increasingly adopting holistic curriculums that focus on a child's overall development. These curriculums encompass not only academic skills but also social, emotional, physical, and creative aspects. The best preschools near you in Delhi are likely to emphasize holistic learning, ensuring that children receive a well-rounded education.
2. Play-Based Learning:
Play-based learning remains a fundamental approach in preschool education. Delhi's preschools recognize the importance of play in fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and social development. Interactive and hands-on activities are integrated into daily routines to make learning enjoyable and engaging.
3. Technology Integration:
Preschools in Delhi are incorporating technology into their classrooms to enhance learning experiences. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and digital resources are used to reinforce concepts and introduce children to age-appropriate technology. However, the best preschools maintain a balanced approach, ensuring that technology complements, rather than replaces, traditional teaching methods.
4. Multilingual Education:
Delhi's diverse population has led to a growing emphasis on multilingual education. Many preschools offer language immersion programs, allowing children to become proficient in multiple languages from a young age. These programs promote cultural awareness and linguistic diversity.
Also Check: Best Preschools Near me
5. Nature-Based Learning:
Preschools are recognizing the benefits of nature-based learning, especially in urban environments like Delhi. Outdoor classrooms, nature walks, and gardening activities are integrated into the curriculum to connect children with the natural world and promote environmental awareness.
6. Mindfulness and Emotional Well-Being:
The mental and emotional well-being of children is a top priority in Delhi's preschools. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, are introduced to help children manage stress and develop emotional intelligence. These practices contribute to a positive and nurturing learning environment.
7. Parent Involvement:
Preschools in Delhi encourage active parent involvement in their child's education. Parent-teacher associations, workshops, and regular communication channels are established to keep parents informed and engaged in their child's educational journey. The best preschools understand the importance of a strong partnership between educators and parents.
8. Personalized Learning Plans:
To cater to the individual needs and abilities of each child, preschools are implementing personalized learning plans. Teachers assess each child's strengths and areas for growth and adapt the curriculum accordingly. This approach ensures that every child receives the support and challenges they need to thrive.
9. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusion:
Delhi's multicultural society is reflected in its preschools, which emphasize cultural sensitivity and inclusion. Celebrating festivals, traditions, and customs from different cultures helps children develop an appreciation for diversity and a sense of belonging.
10. Continuous Professional Development:
To stay updated with the latest educational trends and research, preschool educators in Delhi participate in continuous professional development programs. This ensures that they are well-equipped to provide the best learning experiences for children.
Here is the listing of top Preschool in Dwarka, Preschool in Greater Noida
As parents explore the best play schools in Delhi and consider their options, it's essential to be aware of the new trends shaping early childhood education. These trends, including holistic curriculum integration, play-based learning, technology integration, multilingual education, nature-based learning, mindfulness, and parental involvement, are designed to provide children with a well-rounded and enriching educational experience.
By understanding and embracing these trends, parents can make informed choices about their child's preschool education, ensuring that they receive the best possible foundation for future success. Delhi's preschools are continually evolving to meet the needs of the modern child, preparing them to excel not only academically but also in life as well-rounded, culturally sensitive, and emotionally resilient individuals.
Originally Published Here.
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mia-williams · 1 year
10 Benefits to Teaching your Child French
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When deciding on an early childhood preschool immersion program, many parents struggle with choosing a language that feels culturally relevant while also benefiting their child's future.
Why French?
Better language abilities - When a kid acquires a new language, such as French in a French immersion preschool, his or her brain works hard to acquire the same linguistic skills that any language necessitates.
French paves the way for other languages - Learning French is an excellent foundation for learning other languages, particularly those in the Romance family, an excellent foundation for learning other languages, particularly those in the Romance family, such as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.
Speaking French is an asset in the job market - According to Bloomberg Rankings, there are over 60 careers that necessitate a second or third language, and French is the world's second most popular language for business. Fluency in French may also enable you to enroll at top-tier universities and business schools in France, which are ranked among some of the best in the world.
French is the language of Culture and Diplomacy - French is not only a great language for your professional life but also serves as a passport to the worlds of culture and diplomacy. French is the second-most commonly learned foreign language and the fifth most commonly spoken language around the world, with over 300 million speakers spread across five continents.
France is a sought-after tourist destination - We should not forget that France is a sought-after tourist attraction! France is the world's most visited tourist spot, with over 87 million visitors per year. Knowing French can enhance your travel experience because it lets you completely immerse yourself in the culture and access all France has to offer.
French is the language of Diplomacy - French is the official and working language of the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, UNESCO, the International Olympic Committee, the International Red Cross, and international high courts.
French education is stringent and academically demanding - The French teacher-led classroom is well-known for setting high writing, presentation, and grammar expectations. This focus on excellence encourages children and assists them in improving their linguistic skills.
Learning French creates a passion for language learning – Introducing your child to a second language at an early age is a wonderful way to ignite their interest in other languages and give them a head start in language learning. As per research, being bilingual can benefit the brain by improving multitasking and attention span.
French improves social and communication skills - French immersion preschool education concentrates on assisting your child to learn the language as much as possible by listening and speaking. Your kid will be able to improve their language abilities in a stimulating and enjoyable manner by discussing things with classmates and the teachers and participating in interactive classroom activities.
French is lovely! - Many parents choose French immersion for their children because it is a fun and lovely language to learn. French is known as the love language, and it has a rich cultural heritage, with many legendary composers, writers, and Nobel Prize winners having French ancestors.
If you're deciding to enroll your child in a French immersion preschool, do so. It's a choice that will open up innumerable gates and widen their professional and cultural horizons for the entirety of their lives. Take the first step into French and watch your child develop and flourish in a brand-new world of language and society.
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Why Is Playschool And Preschool Is Important For Our Kids?
 A lot of first-time parents are often confused about the right age that they should be sending their little ones to school and why is it important for the kids to study at such a young age? In this article we will discuss a couple of important points on the why should we consider enrolling our kids to preschool classes and how can it benefit them.
 As we all know that our kids are designed to be unique individuals with different and dynamic personalities. All of them have certain special talents and traits that needs to be uncovered at an early age. Allowing your kids to attend playschool will help them discover a lot of things about themselves. This is the only place where your kids will learn initial things of their education. So, you have to be very careful when choosing pre-school for your kids.
 If your kid is a little bit shy, timid and scared of people or if your kid also goes through several tantrum episodes and mood swings, as parents we have to understand that it is important that these behaviors should be addressed and corrected at a young age.
 Should you decide to enroll your kids to a reputable playschool you can check out best preschool in midtown miami and make sure that his or her personal, emotional and social needs would be addressed during play time or group classes and for your kid to continuously show improvement on his or her current skills and behavior.
 Midtown miami preschool usually starts accepting toddlers that are 18 months to 2 years old. Mostly playschool sessions would only last for 2 to 3 hours a day. Teachers freely allow the toddlers to play with each other using child friendly toys which helps improve their socialization and cognitive skills.
 Kids aged 3 to 5 are usually enrolled in junior and senior kindergarten classes which usually lasts for half a day. Wherein they focus on developing their creativity and artistic skills by engaging in activities such as painting, drawing and lots of dancing and learning to sing a lot of nursery rhymes as well. This is the stage where kids are encouraged to join various school programs to overcome their shyness which eventually improve their self-esteem which gives them the opportunity to meet new friends. Kids are also taught important skills such as basic hygiene (brushing and washing), tidying up their toys which teaches them more about responsibility and cleanliness. Various behavioral issues of the kids are also being addressed by their teachers making Venetian preschoolmore beneficial for your loved ones.
 Though do not expect changes to happen overnight especially in terms of behavioral issues, but the more that you encourage your kids to participate in activities the more that they will look forward to attending school classes on a daily basis. That is why choosing the best preschool for your kid is always an important factor to consider. 
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glendahensley51 · 3 years
BULLY - Stop Bullying Even When the World Encourages It
American Culture
Bullying is deeply ingrained in American culture long-term, but the public is becoming more aware and fewer people are accepting bullying behavior towards themselves. it helps to hear or see others stand up to bullying.
From where does bullying come? What causes bullying and who will stop it?
Having worked with clients and patients on both sides of bullyism over three decades, I can offer some understanding from my experience, along with some peer-reviewed references.
Bullyism and its worst form, the chronic abusiveness of domestic violence, child abuse, and others is partially related to the competition of war and winning by any means – or, dirty fighting. Even in “clean” warfare or the good sportsmanship woven into sporting competition, one side usually wins, with power over the other side. Even sports have bloodshed.
From where does bullying come? What causes bullying and who will stop it?
Death In the Classroom - A School Bully Can Kill Your Child Designing and studying effective Anti-Bully Programs have been one of my priorities in my fields of Preventive Medicine, Sports, and Education. I began anti-bully activties while still in high school and they have worked. While Canada is ahead of the
Hostile Work Environment - How to Handle the Office Bully and Financial, Verbal, Emotional, and Phy Al types of bullying can occur in the workplace. Be aware of what may happen to you or your children at work, and help to spread the word. Some US States are considering Anti-Workplace Bullying laws.
Why do women stay in violent relationships Why does anyone stay in a violent relationship? Why do women hang around when they know their husband or boyfriend might injure or even kill them? In asking why a person stays in an abusive relationship, we are assuming that the person has a choice,
Biological Survival and Competition
Farthest back in time, bullying or bullyism can at least partially be tied to the survival of stronger humans against weaker individuals, from early humans to contemporary cultures. This includes the competition for resources like food, water, sex/reproduction, and shelter; up the scale to land and cattle; further up the scale to today’s tangible and intangible valuables.
Long ago, the strongest individuals took the resources they targeted and rebuffed or killed others they considered threats to those resources. it still occurs today. I see the same behaviors in the form of intense competition in the workplace, in some sports, in schools. in the rise of the popularity of Reality Shows, and even in some churches and clubs.
There is evidence that over crowding and over population fuel bullyism. The classic references for that is a 1958 experiment published by researcher Bill Calhoun in 1962. I’ve referred to the study several times on HubPages since early 2007 in discussing population, immigration, competition, and global warming and their interactions. In February 2011, a HubPages Forums thread in Politics and Social Issues opened on this specific experiment, which students and scientists have long-ago nicknamed “too many rats in a cage (or box).
From survival, the phenomenon has transferred to everyday industrialized life: preschool, school, the workplace, clubs, churches, what have you. In a study my research group completed in the mid-1990s, the Number One problem in my county’s school systems from daycare and preschool to 12th grade was reported as violence among children and youth to one another and to adults.
Is bullyism and its violence necessary for humans to survive?
Interesting Perspectives On Bullying
Competitive sports have roots in war and interestingly, many people do not want to participate in a non-competitive sport. Is this a survival trend embedded in human DNA?
Emotions and Abuse: Are Humans Naturally Violent?
Social and Political Power
More so than in the war analogy, bullying manifests as the cowardice that picks on those smaller, weaker, or less socio-politically powerful than oneself.
Although some research shows that bullies have been bullied themselves, the targets of bullies are also sometimes some sort of threat to the bully.
The targets threaten to receive or to have the potential to receive attention, love, education, a good job, money, fame, responsibility, and authority, along with other intangibles and tangibles. Thus, bullies can be seen picking either on 1) smaller, weaker people or animals; and. or 2) people that may attract larger amounts of power than the bully. Some of the most frequently occurring and clearest cases of Number 2 in modern times are a) women abused by mates when they gather friends, are offered a job, etc. and b) children and youth that do well in school in academics; in arts, music, drama, etc.; or in all.
The research of Dr. Dan Owleus (below) is highlighted by the American Psycholocial Association. It focuses on the bully with anger and impulse control problems, the need for power, consistent defiance toward adults, and lack of empathy. This suggests a sociopath, making bullies mentally ill. This research does not directly link to competition, although a sociopath may seem to be in competition against the world, in a way, at least to people he or she rebuffs.
Bullying Can Cause Severe Mental Disorders
Bullying by peers may increase the risk of the bullied developing psychotic symptoms later in life. The 2011 study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, used data from the Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study, which follows 2,232 twin children and their families.
Mothers of the children were interviewed and, at age 12, children were asked about bullying experiences and psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions or paranoia. The study found that children who were bullied by peers were more than twice as likely to experience psychotic symptoms at age 12 compared with children who did not suffer similar trauma.-- Arseneault et. al., 2011.
Role of Substance Abuse
Bullying, especially domestic violence and child abuse are often accelerated by the use of alcohol and drugs. Many adults perpetrators of abuse are found to suffer a Dual Diagnosis mentla health disorder (meaning more than one Severe Mental Disorder or SMD) and in my city, the average number of SMDs among the clients and patients I saw was 4 SMDS. Alcohol and/or substance abuse was one of the SMDs we usually saw.
A proportion of teens and pre-teens use alcohol and drugs, but I have no data about how this relates to their bullying other youth or younger children. It is reasonable that some targets of bullying at these ages begin to use alcohol and/or drugs to escape their related anxiety and fear.
Response and Treatment
Prevention is more effective than treatment in many conditions and diseases. For example, washing you hand often is preferable to becoming ill and dying with an untreatable strain of flu.
People are dying from the actions of bullies. Bullies sometimes kill their targets and sometimes drive their targets to commit suicide. Bullyism can be accepted as a disease and treatment offered, but it seems difficult to be successful. Prevention is more effective than treatment as it is in many diseases and conditions.
The phenomenon and potential of bullyism may ever be eradicated from our culture completely. As the planet becomes more crowded, bullyism may be stimulated to occur more than ever. Therefore, children can benefit from training to resist its actions and effects. So can adults that do not know how to effectively resist bullies.
A System of Steps
There are checklists round the Internet of steps to take to diffuse and avoid bullies.
One of the most important steps in prevention of bullyism is to not allow yourself to be near it. Do not be a target by not being around a bully or by not looking as though you are affected by him or her.
Calm confidence, straight posture, and chin-up, head-up, eyes alert stance is recommended both sitting and standing if a bully is near.
Ignoring name-calling and other insults and walking away from them is also recommended.
Report school bullies to teachers, administration staff, parents, and even the police if necessary and expect results. This should happen at work as well, but not all employers or HR departments are fast to respond - sometimes EEO action must be initiated.
Other steps are listed in the link below.
Comprehensive Checkists from the APA
Bullying Bullying is aggressive physical contact, words, or actions that are intended to cause another person injury or discomfort. Cyberbullying is generally characterized as using an electronic device for aggressive, repeated and intentional acts of bullyin
Effective Anti-Bully Campaigns
BullyBeware - Bullying, School Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Bullying Programs, Bullying Resources BullyBeware provides resources, information and products to help prevent and deal with school Bullying.
Bystander Effect
As in the original Kitty Genovese case that brought the bystander effect of watching viloence and not reporting it to public attention, modern cases of bullying are drawing bystander effect as well in schools.
Joint Efforts Can End Bullying
It seems to me that parents must teach children not to bully and not to accept bullying and to take action when they see the related behavior. This must be reinforced in schools, where teachers and administrations take action against bullying behavior consistently.
After high school graduation, adults need to use their effective techniques to resist bullies at work, in college, even in clubs, in church, and at the grocery store. Universities and colleges need to continue to act against hazing rituals. In the workplace, increasing numbers of employers need to be alert to bullying and abuse on the job and to act against it. People that see bullying need to report it to appropriate authorities.
Domestic and child abuse agencies are available in many cities to help those targets, but in less densely population areas of the US, these are not always close enough to help. These agencies are part of a system that attmpts to improve itself and reach more people that desparately need their help, but domestic and child abuse are large problems with many side issues. This portion of bullying may be the longest-lived until society is able to eradicate it.
Early Prevention
Prevention in the form of 1) education and 2) clear cut and fair rules and consequences must begin early, given the early age that violence and bullying begins.
In my research group's observations, we found a 4-year-old climbing into cribs at a daycare and biting infants hard on the back as they slept. There was a 6-year-old that jumped onto children and adults, bit their arms, and drew blood, all without intervention by the child’s parents. A few parents urged their children to physically harm other children or their own siblings. We heard substantial name-calling and put-downs among children. Many children would not keep their hands to themselves - constantly pushing, poking, slapping, etc. Many children used large numbers of R-rated profanities, all the way down to the age of 4 years old.
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kurdinausnordirak · 5 years
The Artwork of Studying a new Exercise Devoid of the need to Go away Your house
Do not be afraid for getting help with a hard subject. It's possible you'll discover that math is not your sturdy fit when instructing your son or daughter, which implies it is best to seem on homeschool neighborhood discussion boards for enable, or phone on spouse and children or friends. It can be greatest to discover anyone that may give a greater being familiar with of your product and help your son or daughter prosper. Tend not to expect homeschooling to work seamlessly suitable from the start out. It could possibly consider up to a yr before you settle into a superior movement with homeschooling. Despite the fact that you have got educated yourself with regards to the method just before commencing, the talent to make everything do the job efficiently will take a while to build. Workout persistence and you will be additional prosperous. When you property university your kids, it is actually essential that they nonetheless get engage in time. Simply because they can be receiving schooled at home would not suggest they have to be within all the time. When they may be completed with their daily schooling and work, enable them to go outdoors and play for your small although. clique no link Incorporate your kid's hobbies inside their understanding. When they appreciate creating design automobiles, get reference books for them to browse and include things like making an automobile as a challenge. Instruct them about how an engine works, how cars influence the atmosphere and even make use of the speed and distance an auto goes in math lessons. When you have a very a number of ages inside your homeschool setting, you should utilize more mature college students to show the young kinds. This is certainly very true of reading, exactly where individuals that read perfectly can browse into the more youthful kids, declaring words they may not be able to browse on their have nevertheless. Because you follow a curriculum from one more source, won't imply you need to comply with it to your letter. There are actually usually destined to be pieces of the curriculum that do not match your kid's learning type or plan. Be versatile with a curriculum and don't be scared to fall individuals parts that are not fitting for your personal academic strategy. Come across out what your condition has in position so far as homeschooling regulations. Some states have extremely rigid principles with many hoops you need to bounce by, and that means you need to discover out what your state necessitates of you before you decide to get going. Some states tend to be more lax, so start off studying nowadays! Assign your sons or daughters chores for the thirty day period. When you give out assigned chores for the whole month, they understand what is anticipated of them for the future 30 days. If you use a day-to-day or perhaps a weekly chore sheet, they may easily turn out to be perplexed on what is their obligation to take care of for that point. After you residence university your child, you're taking on greater than the function of trainer. Basically, you may even have to get the cafeteria employee, physical education and learning coach and perhaps even a counselor. Take into account the responsibilities each title carries when you approach out your each day routine and plan. Prepare lunches ahead of time, routine out of doors time and make yourself available for psychological help and motivation. Discover what motivates your kids. The identical issue is not going to motivate all children, so look for a motivational instrument for each youngster and utilize it. Maintain your benefits age correct and reward your children for accomplishing every in their university goals for your year. They're going to work hard with the things which make them satisfied. Is it possible to afford to give up your task and homeschool? Have you ever created a funds to understand? Draft a finances of one's latest revenue and expenditures. Now, take away the income on the person who might be staying household. Also, incorporate the price of provides, these as lesson supplies, composing tools, paper, etc. Is it possible to pay for it now? As you want your property schooled university student(s) to know as much or more as their usually schooled counterparts, do not forget that you don't really have to stick to any recommendations while you are the teacher. Check out different training and studying approaches to find out what works very best for your personal student. Also, contemplate using a reward plan to make studying a lot more exciting. Any time you homeschool your little ones, quite a few money hurdles will have for being defeat. Can you manage for just one guardian to stay house and never do the job? How will you spend for every one of the supplies, lesson substance and outings necessary to deliver an incredible mastering environment? Consider carefully before you have interaction down this route. Set aside time for loved ones enjoyable. Absolutely sure, you devote all day long lengthy together operating on school get the job done and holding your house so as. But, do you at any time seriously have a great time with each other? Setup daily and time to have motion picture night time or even household game evening which means you can delight in the time you commit alongside one another. When teaching preschoolers with older little ones try and set aside time for a person on one. Have a location with crafts and exclusive toys for them to participate in with. Provide the more mature young children also assistance educate the young kids. This will likely help them equally to master, along with the older kids will respect your self-confidence inside their means to show. mais informações Several moms and dads are anxious and insecure about their ability to effectively home-school their young children. To bolster your self esteem, think of the amount of you've now taught the child you intend to residence university. Odds are; they have figured out every little thing they know from you, together with significant academic fundamentals like vocabulary. After you go on holiday, acquire your lesson plan along with you. Include your vacation in your house classroom in order that your little ones can truly love their schooling. Have them hold a scrapbook from the event, or take a video which they transform into a fantastic family adventure later on. Acquire them to cultural places and train them regarding the space, then have them reenact wars or important historic situations. You can find a lot to understand throughout the earth, really don't permit it go them by! When instructing your kids, give them with hands-on lessons. For example, if they are finding out a couple of foreign tradition, want to develop recipes from that location. Such as, when discovering about Stalin they could prepare dinner perogies and cabbage rolls. If understanding about Earth War II, it is possible to have them cook schnitzel, pasta and sushi as they experience the assorted Axis nations around the world in their understanding. When 1 learns with all in their senses lively, they are going to take up additional information.
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notforlong116 · 5 years
The Art of Mastering a fresh Action Without the need to Go away Your house
Tend not to be scared for getting assist with a difficult subject matter. You may learn that math will not be your potent fit when instructing your child, which implies you'll want to glance on homeschool neighborhood community forums for aid, or contact on family members or close friends. It is best to search out a person that will give a greater comprehending in the materials and support your child flourish.
Tend not to hope homeschooling to operate seamlessly suitable from your start. It may choose around a calendar year prior to deciding to settle into a superior stream with homeschooling. Although you've educated oneself about the system ahead of beginning, the skill to produce it all work easily requires some time to produce. Training tolerance and you'll be far more prosperous.
For those who property college your kids, it is actually crucial that they continue to get enjoy time. Simply because they're acquiring schooled in your house does not imply they need to be within the entire time. Once they are finished with their day by day education and get the job done, make it possible for them to go outside and perform for the minor while.
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Consist of your child's hobbies within their mastering. If they appreciate making product cars, pick up reference guides for them to examine and contain developing an automobile for a undertaking. Train them regarding how an motor operates, how automobiles have an affect on the setting and in some cases make use of the speed and length a car or truck goes in math lessons.
Any time you have got a number of ages inside your homeschool surroundings, you should utilize older learners to show the young types. This is certainly especially true of looking at, the place people that study nicely can study towards the younger youngsters, mentioning text they might not manage to browse on their own personal nonetheless.
Simply because you abide by a curriculum from one more supply, does not imply it's essential to follow it to the letter. You can find typically gonna be parts of a curriculum that do not fit your child's finding out fashion or schedule. Be adaptable which has a curriculum and don't be scared to drop those pieces that aren't fitting for your personal academic prepare.
Locate out what your condition has set up as far as homeschooling regulations. Some states have really strict procedures with quite a few hoops you should soar through, so that you have to uncover out what your state requires of you before you decide to begin. Some states tend to be more lax, so start off exploring currently!
Assign your kids chores for the month. In case you give out assigned chores for the whole month, they understand what is expected of these for the future thirty times. Should you utilize a everyday or even a weekly chore sheet, they might simply turn out to be puzzled on what exactly is their duty to deal with for that time.
After you house school your son or daughter, you take on in excess of the function of trainer. Truly, you will also have to be the cafeteria employee, bodily schooling mentor and possibly even a counselor. Contemplate the duties every single title carries while you approach out your each day program and program. Get ready lunches beforehand, plan outside time and make yourself accessible for emotional assistance and enthusiasm.
Discover what motivates your kids. The same point is not going to motivate all youngsters, so discover a motivational resource for each child and utilize it. Hold your benefits age acceptable and reward your sons or daughters for accomplishing each and every of their university ambitions for the year. They'll work hard to the things which make them content.
Could you afford to pay for to stop your position and homeschool? Have you established a spending budget to discover? Draft a spending plan within your present money and expenses. Now, eliminate the revenue of your individual who might be remaining household. Also, contain the expense of materials, these as lesson resources, composing products, paper, and many others. Are you able to pay for it now?
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Whilst you want your private home schooled student(s) to master as much or more as their ordinarily schooled counterparts, keep in mind that you do not really need to follow any pointers while you are the teacher. Consider various training and finding out techniques to see what performs finest to your student. Also, look at employing a reward program to make understanding extra interesting. 
When you homeschool your youngsters, lots of money hurdles will likely have for being prevail over. Are you able to afford to pay for for just one father or mother to remain house rather than operate? How will you pay for all of the supplies, lesson material and outings needed to offer a fantastic studying environment? Think carefully before you engage down this path.
Put aside time for family fun. Absolutely sure, you expend all day extended collectively performing on school work and holding the house in order. But, do you at any time actually rejoice collectively? Build each day and the perfect time to have motion picture night time or simply household recreation night time this means you can enjoy the time you commit with each other. 
When educating preschoolers with more mature young children try and put aside time for a person on one particular. Have a region with crafts and special toys for them to participate in with. Possess the more mature kids also assist train the young youngsters. This tends to enable them to the two to learn, along with the more mature young children will enjoy your confidence in their ability to show.
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Numerous mother and father are anxious and insecure about their means to correctly home-school their small children. To bolster your self esteem, consider just how much you've got previously taught the child you intend to residence school. Chances are; they've learned every thing they know from you, like critical academic fundamentals like vocabulary.
Once you go on family vacation, take your lesson approach with you. Consist of your holiday in your house classroom making sure that your young children can really love their schooling. Have them continue to keep a scrapbook of the occasion, or have a video clip which they transform into a fantastic family adventure later. Just take them to cultural spots and teach them in regards to the area, then have them reenact wars or significant historical predicaments. There's much to find out within the earth, never let it go them by!
When teaching your kids, provide them with hands-on classes. Such as, if they are studying about a international lifestyle, intend to make recipes from that area. One example is, when understanding about Stalin they may cook dinner perogies and cabbage rolls. If finding out about Environment War II, it is possible to have them cook dinner schnitzel, pasta and sushi since they endure the different Axis countries within their learning. When one learns with all in their senses lively, they may absorb additional information.
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(Abuse, ableism tw) Yesterday I visited a preschool Portia's therapists and the public education system want to put her in. Portia receives services because of her developmental disabilities. It's a program that's a part of public education and even infants can qualify. Before yesterday, it seemed her therapists only concern was making sure she was developmentally up to date physically, and educationally (think fine and gross motor skills, speech etc). The preschool was-my realization. The preschool was full of kids that had various disabilities all on the "socially disabled" spectrum. Children were given directions in a "fun" manner around a circle and were literally forced to participle. Even if you didn't want to. Physical redirection was used. That means children not looking at the teacher would had their heads physically turned towards them. Children who weren't doing the arm movements for the dance correctly had their wrists grabbed and were forced to do the movements. Forced high fives. Forced everything. Absolutely no child had a choice for participation. It was do it or someone will grab your body and do it for you. One child, a nonverbal autistic child, at the table where they were given instructions to glue hearts on a valentines box, had a stick of glue held in front of him by a therapist. She had a hold of his wrists as he kept reaching for it. "What is it. No. What is it." She repeated over and over as he whimpered and reached for the glue to participate. This went on for about 15 minutes. He also endured one on one ABA from the teacher using a reward only method (praise) for following instructions and making eye contact. A child had a tantrum and was held down. I asked how a child having a melt down was usually handled. They said that it depended on the child. She seemed to avoid my question but told me that she had "lotion" that she would have them rub on their hands in front of the class and called it "calming lotion." I saw a child being held tightly in a therapists legs for not crossing his legs and bouncing them. I asked what the purpose of the class was, my therapist explained this class was meant for "social therapy", by forced participation. This program is paid for and supported by the education district. Never mind that restraining a child, forcing a child to do something, allowing an adult access to a children's body with no choice for the child, and forced socialization and physical contact (forced high fives as an example) are all inappropriate and I would personally define that as abuse. But what's important is all of this therapy is not scientifically to be successful. It's...non effective, it does nothing but create children who believe they must follow orders (for participation, social activity etc) by an adult, allow anyone to touch their body with no ability to say no, and allow to be physically redirected by that adult for not meeting the demand. In what way is this educating children socially? How come in a regular classroom this is abuse but in a class with a bunch of disabled kids it's therapeutic? I'm just...I'm really irritated and disappointed that stuff like this is funded by the education system. Im not sure if I should even mention this. But when you are an abused child initially you fight back. Sometimes that fighting back lasts a week, sometimes months, sometimes years. Eventually you reach this point where you stop fighting and your brain shuts down and you go blank, almost like you separate from your body and don't reject it. Sometimes something twitches inside from time to time to fight back, but you actually end up fighting the urge to defend yourself rather than stopping the abuse. That's the look I saw on the kids faces. They were made to hold up dolls with happy faces "I'm happy today" because they are being conditioned to just ACCEPT what is happening to them. I am planning on pulling Portia completely from the entire program. She's never been to that classroom and never will, but the moment they believe she isn't socially "fit" and needs to be in some sort of conditioning class to make her appear normal, is the moment it doesn't benefit her. Let's be real for a minute: the autistic brain cannot be hard wired, it cannot be cured. This is because we still don't fully understand what autism is. You can certainly force and autistic person to look and seem like an autistic person, and autistic adults who have experienced this sort of "conditioning" all have PTSD and more. I literally do not ever care if Portia doesn't act "normal" socially. I don't care if she doesn't look people in the eyes and I DEFINITELY do not care that she doesn't want to touch anyone or let anyone touch her. I don't care if she doesn't want friends or if she likes people. I don't care if she lines up her toys when she plays with them. I don't expect a man without legs to run a marathon and I don't expect Portia to be this social butterfly or become a politician or something. She's content with who she is and society has the obligation to accept her the way they except a deaf person and sign language. I'm just feeling very irritated. It's 2017 and there was a whole room full of children enduring therapy that doesn't actually work and scientifically has absolutely ZERO grounds to be used in an education system. I feel like it's 1940 and they want to treat some house wife's depression with electroshock therapy or some gay mans sexual attraction by giving him female hormones. If I don't speak out against it then 10, 20, 30 years later it will still be there. It will still happen. Can you just pray for me, the work that's required to pull her out...it isn't going to be easy. I'm going to look like the crazy paranoid mother. In a lot of ways because of her disability she's basically forced to be state educated. As crazy as this sounds I'm so scared of her being forced to go to public school I've thought about leaving the country. Ive personally witnessed so so much abuse in the schools towards autistic children...I just can't accept it.
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helloparent · 7 months
New Preschool Trends in Delhi: What Parents Should Know
The landscape of preschool education in Delhi is continually evolving to meet the changing needs and expectations of parents and children. As parents seek the best preschools in Delhi and explore their options, it's essential to stay informed about the latest trends in early childhood education. In this blog, we will highlight the new preschool trends in Delhi that parents should be aware of to make informed decisions about their child's education.
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1. Holistic Curriculum Integration:
Playschools in Delhi are increasingly adopting holistic curriculums that focus on a child's overall development. These curriculums encompass not only academic skills but also social, emotional, physical, and creative aspects. The best preschools near you in Delhi are likely to emphasize holistic learning, ensuring that children receive a well-rounded education.
2. Play-Based Learning:
Play-based learning remains a fundamental approach in preschool education. Delhi's preschools recognize the importance of play in fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and social development. Interactive and hands-on activities are integrated into daily routines to make learning enjoyable and engaging.
3. Technology Integration:
Preschools in Delhi are incorporating technology into their classrooms to enhance learning experiences. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and digital resources are used to reinforce concepts and introduce children to age-appropriate technology. However, the best preschools maintain a balanced approach, ensuring that technology complements, rather than replaces, traditional teaching methods.
4. Multilingual Education:
Delhi's diverse population has led to a growing emphasis on multilingual education. Many preschools offer language immersion programs, allowing children to become proficient in multiple languages from a young age. These programs promote cultural awareness and linguistic diversity.
Also Check: Best Preschools Near me
5. Nature-Based Learning:
Preschools are recognizing the benefits of nature-based learning, especially in urban environments like Delhi. Outdoor classrooms, nature walks, and gardening activities are integrated into the curriculum to connect children with the natural world and promote environmental awareness.
6. Mindfulness and Emotional Well-Being:
The mental and emotional well-being of children is a top priority in Delhi's preschools. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, are introduced to help children manage stress and develop emotional intelligence. These practices contribute to a positive and nurturing learning environment.
7. Parent Involvement:
Preschools in Delhi encourage active parent involvement in their child's education. Parent-teacher associations, workshops, and regular communication channels are established to keep parents informed and engaged in their child's educational journey. The best preschools understand the importance of a strong partnership between educators and parents.
8. Personalized Learning Plans:
To cater to the individual needs and abilities of each child, preschools are implementing personalized learning plans. Teachers assess each child's strengths and areas for growth and adapt the curriculum accordingly. This approach ensures that every child receives the support and challenges they need to thrive.
9. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusion:
Delhi's multicultural society is reflected in its preschools, which emphasize cultural sensitivity and inclusion. Celebrating festivals, traditions, and customs from different cultures helps children develop an appreciation for diversity and a sense of belonging.
10. Continuous Professional Development:
To stay updated with the latest educational trends and research, preschool educators in Delhi participate in continuous professional development programs. This ensures that they are well-equipped to provide the best learning experiences for children.
Here is the listing of top Preschool in Dwarka, Preschool in Greater Noida
As parents explore the best play schools in Delhi and consider their options, it's essential to be aware of the new trends shaping early childhood education. These trends, including holistic curriculum integration, play-based learning, technology integration, multilingual education, nature-based learning, mindfulness, and parental involvement, are designed to provide children with a well-rounded and enriching educational experience.
By understanding and embracing these trends, parents can make informed choices about their child's preschool education, ensuring that they receive the best possible foundation for future success. Delhi's preschools are continually evolving to meet the needs of the modern child, preparing them to excel not only academically but also in life as well-rounded, culturally sensitive, and emotionally resilient individuals.
Originally Published Here.
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
25 Easy Ways to Make Money During the Lockdown ($$$)
Many of us are feeling a financial pinch due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are looking for ways to make money during the lockdown.
The COVID-19 2020 pandemic has forced a lot of us to change how we make money. While some of us are fortunate and able to work from home, others have seen their hours reduced, or they have lost their jobs entirely. With the impacts of social distancing and the reduced job force looming over the future like a dark cloud, many of us have had to find new ways to draw an income or make some extra money. 
Luckily there are several ways to earn money during the lockdown from the comfort and safety of your own home. Below you can learn the best ways to earn some extra money or rewards along the way, whether just side gigs or a legitimate way to make money from home. Of course, these are not ‘get rich quick schemes' and may require some perseverance to rack up the money, so don't expect to make money fast, but desperate times call for drastic measures. Here's how to start!
We decided to poll the best financial bloggers, work from home business owners, and everyday people what are some of the best ways to make money during the lockdown, and here is what they had to offer.
25 Ways to Make Money in Lockdown
1. Free Cash Apps
Cashback apps and websites are a great way to make money online on the purchases you already planned to make. These websites either refund you a percentage of your purchase or help you save money by finding the best coupons and deals for you. While it's not a steady side income, you'll get paid for the online shopping you were already planning on doing.
Rakuten (previously Ebates)
Rakuten helps users earn cashback while they shop. Most cashback totals are between 2-3%, but some even pay back 12% of your total. Users receive $10 just for signing up, and as you shop with Rakuten's e-commerce platform, you'll continue to get more back.
Join Rakuten
Ibotta is a cashback site that offers you $10 just for signing up! To get cashback, all you have to do is upload photos of your receipts every time you shop online or in-store. You can even get $5 just for every friend you get to sign up for the service too.
Join Ibotta
2. Make Money on Your Smartphone
MobileXpression is a market research company that aims to understand the patterns and behaviors of people through their mobile devices. You can easily earn your first gift card within a week, just by downloading their Android app and using your phone as usual! Find out if you qualify today!
Download MobileXpression
3. Play Video Games for Cash
If you haven't played Mistplay, you're missing out! It is one of our favorite apps here at YMG. The Android app offers users the opportunity to play mobile video games in exchange for monetary rewards. From the minute you start playing the free games, you're eligible to receive compensation. With Mistplay, you can even play with your friends and level up as you unlock achievements and earn points faster. They are user-driven and also offer chat features to allow participants to stay connected.
The only downside is that you can't get direct PayPal cash, but you can earn gift cards and sell them online for money! They even offer gift cards to major retailers such as Amazon, Google Play, and Visa gift cards. 
What are you waiting for? Grab your Android and start making money!
Try Mistplay
MyPoints is one of the best small task sites on the internet. You can easily earn money by playing games, shopping online, watching videos, and completing surveys. Every task earns you points, and you can choose from your favorite gift cards or transfer your payout to your PayPal account. MyPoints is available for both Android and iOS users. You can even earn a $10 bonus when you reach your first $20 in prizes.
Join MyPoints
InboxDollars is a cash-based online rewards club. Unlike other websites, you earn cash instead of earning points. You can vary your activities by taking online market research surveys, reading advertising emails, watching videos, searching the web, completing offers, playing games, printing coupons, and so much more. Earn $5 just from signing up for the app. Once you earn $30, you can get your money via check, debit card, or gift card.
Sign up for InBoxDollars
4. Get Paid for Your Opinion
With the closing of many shops, restaurants, and workplaces, many people are stuck at home. Instead of going crazy with boredom, there are lots of ways to make extra money during your downtime.
One of the easiest ways to make money from home is by taking online surveys. Of course, spending a few minutes a day on surveys won't make you rich, but every little bit helps, especially in a crisis.
So how does it work? Many brands, research groups, and even political organizations are looking for help on the latest trends and what people like YOU think. In exchange for your opinion, you will get paid for the time you put into answering a few questions.
Most surveys take anywhere from 5-30 minutes, and you'll get paid a few dollars for your time. However, there are sometimes surveys that can pay $50, $100, or more. These usually require a little more involvement, such as being part of an in-person or online focus group, or testing out a new product and providing feedback.
According to Andrew, a personal finance blogger at Wealthy Nickel, two of the best survey apps for newbies are Survey Junkie and Swagbucks. They both are highly rated, with a long track record of paying out cash to their members.
So instead of twiddling your thumbs, or staying glued to the TV watching events unfold, take a few minutes out of your day to improve your finances with online surveys.
Swagbucks is one of the most popular survey websites on the market. You can earn $5 just for signing up, and they have the highest reward-per-survey ratio among competitors. Creating an account is easy, and after a short survey, Swagbucks starts matching you up with the best surveys. Payouts are delivered to you via PayPal once you reach $25.
Join Swagbucks
Survey Junkie 
Survey Junkie is one of the most trusted online survey sites. They connect companies that need market research with consumers in their respective markets, making it a little more difficult sometimes to qualify for surveys. Each survey earns users points, which can be exchanged for cash. The minimum cash out amount is $10 and can be received in increments of $5.
Join Survey Junkie
5. Find a Part-Time Gig ASAP
In a large-scale Coronavirus shutdown both locally and nationally, for schools, offices, and restaurants, two places will continue to remain open pharmacies and grocery stores. The closures, along with quite frankly a bit of public panic, are putting tremendous stress on the supply chain, causing food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and medicine to be in demand.
Right now, grocery stores are working overtime to meet the needs of everyone and need your help. A part-time job at a grocery store is a great way to earn some extra income and help others in your community.
A quick search on indeed, and there are over 35,000 open part-time jobs nationally. Here are a few companies looking for help.
Whole Foods
A part-time job offers a flexible schedule and can be worked during nights and weekends. Unlike other side gigs that often take time to build an income, a part-time job will pay you within 1-2 weeks.
Brian, a blogger at Debt Discipline, described how a part-time job helped him fund his holiday shopping and avoid debt.
“I worked a part-time job during nights and weekends for six weeks during the holidays and was able to earn over $2K during that time. Yes, I worked a lot of hours, but the short time sacrifice was well worth it to avoid going into debt.”
6. Clean Out and Cash-In!
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Clearing out your clutter while making a little extra coin has financial and environmental benefits!  
Use this opportunity of extra time at home to do a deep Spring Clean of your closets, drawers, and attic. Go all Marie Kondo on your stuff and get rid of anything that doesn't spark joy. Then, see what of your cast-offs you can turn into cash by selling them via various online marketplaces and apps.
Got a wedding dress to sell? Try out, StillWhite. 
An old cell phone or tablet in your drawer? Try Gazelle. 
Last season's clothing? Sell it on Poshmark. 
Computers, cameras, video games? Try eBay. 
Purses, Shoes, (unopened) Makeup, etc.? Check out Mercari.
No matter what you're trying to sell, there's probably an app for that. 
Of course, take the proper precautions for health and safety. Make sure to clean and disinfect all your items before you box them up and ship them out to their new owners. 
7. Offer Childcare & Babysitting Services
Schools, daycares, preschools, and everything in between are shutting down (if not already shut down) for the foreseeable future. 
While that might be OK for some folks, for the most part, working parents are scrambling to find childcare solutions. 
Even those fortunate enough to work from home need help to manage it all. While it might not be your ideal way of making money, especially if you don't have kids of your own, you can offer daycare services and make money in the process to offset the pandemic. 
Blogger and teacher turned entrepreneur Josh from Money Life Wax had this to say: 
“Growing up, my mom ran an in-home daycare. She typically watched 5-6 kids of varying ages and charged $125-$200 per kid, depending on their age. It was how she made a living and got to stay at home and raise her three boys.” 
Josh had this to offer if you're considering watching kids at your house or helping a neighbor or friend out:
Tips for watching kids during the lockdown: 
Don't overwhelm yourself; watch 2 or 3 kids max, preferable family members, neighbors, or friend's kids. 
Wash your hands often and make them wash theirs too
If someone has any flu-like symptoms – they need to stay at home.
Charge $25 a day for up to 7-8 hours (Get paid upfront).
Don't watch babies unless you have experience (Like full-time daycare experience) 
Have fun and carve out some daily reading time
8. Sign Up With DoorDash – They Need Help!
The global pandemic has people afraid to go to the grocery store or out to eat. Actually, in many places, grocery stores are low on supplies, and restaurants are shutting down.
The result is that many people are not able to find what they are looking for at the store. And, many are just afraid of catching the virus at a restaurant. That's where you'll come in.
Help support your community while making some extra cash by applying to work for food delivery and meal services like Uber Eats, Postmates, or Door Dash. 
Sam, a personal finance expert, and co-founder of How To FIRE says this: “Even the cheapest meal delivery service will make a tough situation easier for those stuck at home. If they can't find the food they are looking for, help bring it to them. Also, many kids are home from school right now, so make a hectic situation easier for parents!”
Make sure you follow all federal and state guidelines for staying safe and healthy, but you can expect to make upwards of $12 per hour with this side hustle.
Just remember to keep your hands and car clean with frequent washing, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes!
9. Use Symposium to Teach Online
One of the easiest ways to make money online is to become a tutor. However, with social distancing becoming the new normal, many online tutoring platforms may see an influx of new applicants. Also, even the best tutoring jobs only average between 14 to 60 dollars an hour.
It is good money, of course. However, higher-skilled workers may find it short of replacing their working wages.
Additionally, most tutoring positions require a bachelor's degree and training. For those that earned their life experience in the school of hard knocks or the board room instead of the classroom, traditional tutoring may not be an option.
However, hope is not lost to monetize your experience online. Symposium offers the perfect solution for the work-at-home job seeker to launch a viable side gig or even a full-time career.
Symposium is an online app and marketplace that allows anyone with experience to market and sell one-on-one or one-to-many presentations. The possibilities are virtually endless, consultants can use the app to consult with clients virtually, or fitness professionals could use the app to offer one-on-one fitness training to those homebound.
What sets Symposium apart is the ability to teach almost anything, considering social distancing, you could teach anything from how to cook to how to prepare for quarantine. For those looking for a bit of fun during the uncertainty, you could offer lessons on how to make DIY projects and crafts at home.  
Think of Symposium like a combination of YouTube and Facebook Live. If the topic made for a great YouTube tutorial, it would make an excellent listing on Symposium. Unlike YouTube, you don't need hundreds of thousands of views to start making extra money.
With Symposium, you could charge as little to 5 to 10 dollars for people to attend a one-to-many presentation and, with minimal effort, make a few hundred dollars per session. Once your lesson has ended, your funds are instantly transferred to your debit card, making Symposium one of the fastest ways to make money online.
10. Use Freelance Opportunities
As you may be forced into quarantine, to stay home due to your place of work temporarily closing, or worse, recently got laid off, you need a way to make money fast. Preferably, that way to make money needs to be done from home as things progress through this pandemic. 
Freelancing with a specific skill set you have is a great way to make money from home (or anywhere) as it can all be done remotely.
Software engineer and entrepreneur Daniella from I Like To Dabble described how she found her first freelancing gig:
“After I experienced my first lay off was when I first found freelancing. At the time, I was a web engineer for a small startup in St. Louis, and after I was laid off, I looked towards the ‘jobs' and ‘gigs' sections on Craigslist for freelancing coding opportunities. I found a former client of the old startup I had worked for and they needed some WordPress custom sites done. They offered $100 an hour for around 20 hours a week and I accepted. It was the perfect opportunity at that time and helped me out.”
Other resources to use to look for freelance opportunities:
Freelancer Facebook Groups and Virtual Assistant Facebook Groups
11. Data Entry
Data entry jobs could also be with the freelance section but felt it could be its section. This is probably the easiest way to make money during the lockdown.
It also can be the most tedious as you are just entering data, cleaning up spreadsheets, etc. It's not sexy. But it's a simple way to make some extra cash from the comforts of home.
I will warn that this area does have people scamming others. Do not pay for anything if you find a data entry job requires it as that is a scam.
You know the saying, if it is too good to be true, then it's probably a scam. You won't make huge sums of money, so if a job offers that big number, be very skeptical.
The above isn't to scare you off from doing data entry as there are legit jobs in this area. Many people and businesses don't want to get bogged down with data entry tasks, so they look to others for help.
You can find work in places like Upwork, Amazon's Mechanical Turk, Fiverr, and more.
12. Apply for Unemployment Insurance
Many assume that Unemployment Insurance (also known as employment insurance, social security, and job seekers allowance) is only available to people that are laid off from their job. The truth is, if you lost your job or had your hours reduced through no fault of your own, you likely qualify to receive financial assistance. 
Employment Service Specialist and personal finance blogger Amanda of My Life, I Guess says: 
“Most people don't realize that if they quit, were fired, or are sick – including being quarantined or taking time off to care for a sick family member – they may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance. Everyone has the right to apply. It's up to the agency to determine if you meet the eligibility requirements or not.”
The specific requirements will vary between each state, province, and country, as will the amount paid and weeks of entitlement. But thankfully, the government is responding to our current reality and is making it easier to receive this short-term benefit. In the USA, for example, they are allowing states to amend their laws and be more flexible with their eligibility requirements. In Canada, they shortened the waiting period and are prioritizing applications for those under quarantine.  
So if you are sick or quarantined and don't have paid sick days or sick leave through your employer, apply for sickness benefits or disability insurance. 
If your company has shut down or reduced your hours, whether it's temporary or permanent, apply for unemployment insurance. 
And if you are the caregiver of someone who is sick, apply for caregiver benefit or file a paid family leave claim. 
13. Become An Online Tutor
It seems the Coronavirus Pandemic has finally pushed public education into the 21st century. With all of the panic, schools have shut down, and teachers are quickly attempting to adapt to an online learning environment.
Now is the perfect time to sign up for an online tutoring platform like VIPKid to help parents and teachers navigate the online education world.
By becoming an online tutor, you can provide much needed additional instruction to kids without worrying about exposing you or the kids to other health risks.
Also, by working with VIPKid, you can make up to $22 an hour by working from home! While VIPKid focuses on teaching English as a second language to native Chinese speakers, you don't need to worry about knowing Chinese – it's an immersion program!
Ryan from Arrest Your Debt put together this list of online tutoring programs:
Chegg (various topics from calculus to biology)
Pay – $20 per hour
Brainfuse (variety of topics – elementary to college level)
Pay – $10 – $15 per hour
Tutor.com (must be considered an expert in a subject)
Pay – $9 – $13 an hour
Skooli (K-12 courses as well as college-level classes)
Pay – $25 per hour
Yup (primarily math and science classes)
Pay – $10 – $13 per hour
TutorMe (over 300 subjects to include ACT and GRE tutoring)
Pay – $16 per hour
Whether you are trying to sell your stuff online or save money when you shop, adding online tutoring to your daily schedule is a sure bet to improve your finances during this pandemic.
14. Become a Virtual Assistant ($15-50+ per hour)
A virtual assistant is kind of a catch-all term for almost any administrative task you can think of.
Owners of successful businesses (online or otherwise) are extremely busy and need help with day-to-day tasks as simple as responding to emails or organizing their calendars.
As a virtual assistant, you can be the one to take those tasks off their plate and make money doing it. As long as you have some basic administrative and office software skills, you can get started quickly through sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, or even Craigslist. That will allow you to try many different tasks and see what you enjoy doing and what you don't.
Once you've built up some experience and credibility, I'd recommend going out on your own as an independent contractor. You will generally boost your income this way and make a name for yourself in your niche. If you specialize in a particular skill set, you can find clients through referrals, Facebook groups, or by creating your website marketing your services.
Here are just a few of the services you could offer as an online virtual assistant:
Customer service support
Social media management
Graphic design
Personal assistant
Website setup or tech support
Data entry or analysis
There are so many different skills you can use to make money as a virtual assistant. If you niche down (for example, by focusing on becoming a Pinterest expert), you can make $50-100 per hour or more while helping other business owners step up their game!
15. Freelance Writing ($100-500+ per article)
As a freelance writer, you can make money online from the comfort of your couch by writing articles for blogs or news publications. As a side hustle, you are trading your time for money. But if you enjoy writing (and researching), it may not even feel like a job!
Similar to becoming a virtual assistant, you can initially find work through sites like Upwork. But to get regular paying gigs, setting up your own business and focusing on a particular subject that you are interested in can allow you to make more money in the long run. For example, if you like writing about traveling or living in an RV full-time, you can target blogs in that niche and build a relationship with the owners.
Once you establish a track record and can point to the excellent content you have created, the referrals will start to pile up, and you can pick and choose what you want to write about. You can also command higher rates – whereas you might start at $50-75 for a 1,000-word article, as you gain credibility, you can raise your rates to $200-500 for that same content!
Until I started my blog, I had no idea all of the different hats you have to wear to run a successful blog – and writing is just a small piece of the puzzle. A reliable freelance writer who can put out consistent content is worth their weight in gold.
More Ways to Make Money During the Lockdown
16. Start a Virtual Bookkeeping Business ($60-100 per hour)
If writing isn't your thing, maybe you're a numbers guy or gal like me. Many business owners are great when it comes to producing, marketing, and selling their products, but their finances are a disaster.
I've always loved tracking and dissecting my finances (nerd alert), and there are a lot of small business owners out there that need your help.
The great think about bookkeeping is it is something you can start with no degree, no prior experience, and almost no startup costs.
As long as you are willing to put in the effort to learn as you go and aren't scared of numbers and financial software like Quickbooks or Xero, you are all set to go. Unlike an accountant or CPA, you are there to keep track of the day-to-day finances and help the owner track their income and expenses to make better strategic business decisions.
Attention to detail is critical if you want to make money online.
A CPA is excellent when it comes to tax planning, but they are not there to see the daily functions of the business. That is where you, as a bookkeeper, can become indispensable to keep the financials running smoothly.
As with any freelance business, finding your initial client is usually the most challenging part. But by defining a niche (such as online business owners, or real estate investors, or electricians), you can become an expert in their business model, help them improve their financial position, and ultimately demonstrate your value and increase your pricing.
With the proliferation of web-based file management and accounting software, you can be an online-only bookkeeper very easily, which keeps overhead low and profits high. If you target small-business clients, you are usually providing monthly transaction recording and reporting services which may take 4-5 hours per client, and earn you a profit of $250-300 each. Just having 3 or 4 clients on the side of your day job could bring in a significant amount of extra income for your family!
17. Selling items online (eBay, Amazon, Etsy)
Selling stuff on eBay or Amazon has become a pretty lucrative gig, but also crowded. Yet, even with tons of people selling things, you can still make easy money from home.
I know a few people who are doing this full-time and others who just sell things whenever they have time. But, if you are looking to make some extra cash, selling on one of these platforms is pretty simple.
You can sell things from your home you no longer need, can buy stuff from garage sales and flip them, etc. It takes a few minutes to take some pictures, write a good description, list your item, and send it via mail once someone purchases.
It also may take some time to build traction at first, but if you are looking to make some easy money from your stuff, this is a potential way to go. Get a deeper dive with selling on eBay here.
If you are crafty or artsy, you can also sell your work on Etsy. Again, something you can do right from home. You build your own Etsy page and begin selling your artwork, photography, or crafts.
There are two other ways to make money with eBay and Amazon, but it can take a bit more work and is not as easy as listing or flipping items.
You can create a dropshipping business or build an Amazon FBA business. Both can be done from home, and the potential income is high, but there is a lot of competition and learning involved.
18. Start a Blog ($0-unlimited)
You can't have a list of online side hustles that is complete without mentioning starting a blog. I think blogging has gotten a bad name because the people promoting it as a side hustle want you to believe it's super easy to make $100,000 a month online so that you'll sign up for their hosting affiliate or their latest “blogging secrets” course.
The truth is that blogging is challenging work. Unlike freelancing or other “easy” ways to make money online, you won't see a return from blogging for 6-12 months or even more.
This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Not even close.
If you're genuinely passionate about writing, marketing, social media, networking, and everything else that goes into it, you will push past the barrier. It's kind of like rolling a snowball down a hill, it takes a lot of work at the beginning, but once it picks up momentum, it almost runs on its own.
Once you get to this point, you can make $2,000 a month, $10,000 a month, even $100,000 a month while working less than you did at the beginning!
But it takes that initial sacrifice to get there.
19. Work from Home Remotely
Have you considered turning your day job into a remote position working online? Many companies these days are embracing telecommuting to save money on office space and also promote better work-life balance. If you're wondering how to make money from home, this could be the easiest route you hadn't thought of yet.
If your current company or role doesn't allow for it, consider other related jobs that may be more amenable to working remotely. There are plenty of websites out there, such as FlexJobs, that will allow you to find companies hiring specifically for remote positions.
20. Affiliate Marketing
Do you have a successful blog, YouTube channel, or social media account? Then you should look into affiliate marketers to help you get the most out of your hard work in your niche. Research companies that are on-brand with the content you create and work with them to advertise their products. 
For example, there's a massive market in the betting and gaming industry.  You might consider promoting licensed Canadian casino games websites and earn a commission every time someone signs up with your affiliate link. 
There's no magic trick to making affiliate content work for you. You have to work to foster relationships and gain a following that will help sell products. It takes a lot of perseverance, but it can yield some significant money! So why not put your passions to good use and start making a passive income?
Extra Easy Ways To Make Money From Home
The above are ways you'll have to work to make money. Not that they are necessarily hard work, but for most of those, you won't just be able to sit on idle mode and collect cash.
But this is why I separated these other two ways below. Because there is no work involved at all, you can generate income from home, and you don't have to do much.
21. Get Your Money Back With Unclaimed.org
One of the easiest ways to potentially make some money is to look for unclaimed property. It only takes a few minutes of your time to search and see if you have any money in your name! 
The challenge is that you won't receive fast, as it took over two months when I had over $300 from an old health savings account. Plus, with any shutdowns happening, it may take a bit longer for it to process. But, that doesn't mean you should not move forward with it either. 
There could be refunds, stocks, checkings or savings accounts, trust distributions, and many more instances waiting to be claimed. 
Head over to Unclaimed.org, select the state you live in, and follow the instructions on the treasury site to see if there is any unclaimed property in your name. If you have lived in multiple states, ensure to check each state's treasury too! 
It's easy to make money. Just take a few minutes out of your day. 
22. Optimize Your Recurring Expenses
Aside from earning extra money, if you find yourself with some free time, now is a perfect chance to go through all of your recurring expenses and shop around for lower prices.
Take a look at your bank statement for the account you use to cover your expenses and see what you're spending money on each month. You might find some subscriptions you aren't using anymore and can cancel for instant savings. 
Make a list of all your recurring bills and go through each one to shop around for better deals. If you haven't ever done this, you might end up cutting your monthly expenses by a significant amount! Every little bit that you can cut adds up and will be money saved from this point forward. 
It's also a good idea to optimize your utility expenses. Try to use as little water and electricity (or gas) as possible and watch your power bill drop drastically!
23. Put money in a high yield savings account
For most traditional banks or credit unions, the annual percentage yield (APY) is typically quite low. Maybe around 1%, or if you are like my bank, it's a fractional percentage. Yikes!
But there has been an explosion of online banks that yield anywhere from 1.5% – 2.6%! Many offer additional benefits and services that you can use to your advantage. But if you are building your emergency fund and want to get a return on your money by doing nothing, an online bank might be the way to go.
Here are a few of the popular ones:
Ally Bank
CIT Bank
Marcus by Goldman Sachs
Popular Direct
Other financial companies are getting into the game to like Wealthfront and Personal Capital.
24. Invest money in your 401k/IRA
Besides putting money in a high-yield savings account, investing money in your 401k or IRA is also another relatively easy way to make money from home.
As you consistently invest for your future, you'll get returns from employer match (if you have a 401k and company contributes), dividends, and capital gains, for example.
You do need to pick low-cost funds and stick to investing for you to reap the benefits, but there is no work involved. Occasionally you may want to rebalance your assets or make some minor tweaks, but other than that, let the money roll in and compound.
25. Don't Sell Your Investments! 
That is not an idea of how to make money. It's more of an idea on how not to lose money!
Though, to me, money not lost is money gained.
Alright, enough with the double negatives.
The stock market is facing unprecedented volatility and huge swings day after day. It can make even the most determined long term investor re-think their plans.
But you shouldn. Long-term plans are called long-term for a reason. You should not make short-term decisions based on what you are reading in the headlines.
A funny, but accurate, the snippet I read on Reddit sums it up best:
“Don't just do something, stand there.”
As Kevin from Just Start Investing put's it, “Sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing at all. Just wait out the storm, and ten years from now, you might forget this ever happened.”
If you don't have a long-term plan or are looking to get started with investing, you can learn about getting started with index funds here.
Final Take: 
Nobody knows what the result of the Coronavirus pandemic will be. There have been talks about a basic income check for Americans soon. 
Regardless, while the majority of people are self-quarantining and practicing social distancing, it's always good to keep things in perspective when something like this occurs. Your money, your job, your education – all of it – might be on pause for the foreseeable future. 
But remember, it will all be OK, and everything will bounce back. How do we know? Because it always does. It's not a matter of if, just when. 
During times like these, though it's not always easy, do your best to focus on what is most important to you. Things like family, your health, and what you do have are essential to keep in mind. 
Stay positive, have a solution-seeking mindset, and leverage some of these ways to make money during the Covid-19 pandemic, and it will all work out!
from Your Money Geek https://ift.tt/2zSxBaA via IFTTT
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biofunmy · 4 years
How MacArthur ‘genius’ Lynda Barry is exploring brain creativity with true artists: Preschoolers
As an associate professor of interdisciplinary creativity at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Barry is pushing the envelope on understanding how the brain creates and responds to words and pictures — a scholarly envelope that, in her mind, should be positively covered with illuminating doodles.
As part of her mission, Barry thinks preschoolers hold many secrets to creativity, before education and social expectations have trained their natural artistry out of them. Now, buoyed by the MacArthur windfall, Barry can plunge into this subject area more deeply.
“That’s something I’d like to do — to get literally on the floor with these 4-year-olds and spend a year at least just figuring out: What happens before writing and drawing split, and why did we split those things — and what happens when we do split them?” Barry said by phone while on tour for her new educational graphical book “Making Comics.” The book shares creativity exercises from her popular classes and workshops, which span campuses to prisons.
“The arts has a critical function for kids,” writes Barry, noting that we draw and act and sing and build things before anyone teaches us how to do so. “Everything we have come to call the arts,” she adds, “seems to be in almost every 3-year-old.”
Barry, who has already spent time observing pre-K classes on her Madison campus, isn’t looking to teach toddlers, but rather she thinks that researching their creative integration can benefit adults, who easily become too rigid, stratified and self-critical in their thinking. And one path back to unguarded creativity is making images without judgment or fear.
“The educational system really sees these things — words and pictures — as different,” Barry said. “And then the sad part is that writing becomes typing rather than using your hand.”
In “Making Comics,” Barry shares such classroom-tested exercises as “tandem drawing,” in which two people must each simultaneously draw one half of a picture, or closed-eye drawing, in which you have one minute to draw breakfast, or perhaps a mermaid, with only visualization sparking the mind. “They open their eyes a minute later and they’re always really happy. It’s not that the drawings are always that great, but something happened there,” Barry said. “They closed their eyes and saw something.”
Barry’s techniques — some of which she shared in a previous book, “Syllabus” — have helped non-artists and acclaimed cartoonists alike in becoming creatively unstuck and inspired.
“Most people stop drawing when they reach the age of 8 or so, because they couldn’t draw a nose or hands,” said Barry, 63. “The beautiful thing is that their drawing style is intact from that time. Those people, if you can get them past being freaked out, have the most interesting lines — and have a faster trajectory to making really original comics than people who have been drawing for a long, long time.”
Barry’s image-making exercises helped spur one of her graduate students, Ebony Flowers, to pursue art. Flowers recently published her first graphic novel, “Hot Comb.”
Together, Flowers and Barry are also working on a program called Drawbridge that pairs up grad students and preschoolers as “co-researchers.” Flowers said she is moved by Barry’s approach to teaching.
“Lynda has a knack for creating learning opportunities that push the boundaries of experimentation,” Flowers said. “This is why she participates in many different imaginative spaces and contributes valuably to what happens there. She works alongside leading scientists, facilitates lively workshops about art and literacy, and loves to draw with preschoolers.”
“I’ve collaborated with her during these and other projects,” the young artist continued, “and it’s always amazing to witness her profound and authentic curiosity.”
Barry created alt-weekly comics for decades, including the long-running strip “Ernie Pook’s Comeek,” before deciding to pursue a teaching career in a formal setting. What she learned while attending the Evergreen State College in Washington in the ’70s, especially from one teacher, Marilyn Frasca, continues to fuel her educational curiosity today about the power of image-making — a well of inspiration that never runs dry.
Barry combines such intellectual questing with an infectious spirit and lively sense of humor. One of her Evergreen classmates and longtime friends, “Simpsons” creator Matt Groening, was drawn to her unique presence from Day 1.
“Lynda can take the unlikeliest situation and amp it for everyone around her,” said Groening, who did a public talk with her in Los Angeles during the current tour. “I’ve seen her bring a stodgy outdoor wedding to life by getting the whole party, including the cranky sourpusses in the corner, to join a 50-yard-long conga line. I’ve seen her get a standing ovation in a crowded theater by singing with her mouth closed. And I’ve seen her belt out a song so sexily at a Japanese bar that they unplugged the karaoke machine.”
In Groening’s eyes, “Lynda is a joy to behold, and she makes it safe for anyone to join in her happiness — except the manager of the Japanese restaurant.”
Barry had a hard blue-collar upbringing in Seattle, and her parents, of Irish, Filipino and Norwegian descent, divorced during her middle-school years. She was drawn to warm comics that depicted family stability, such as “Family Circus,” as well as the kinetic line quality of some underground “comix” artists.
Barry herself creates comics and graphic novels, such as “One! Hundred! Demons!,” that contain brutally honest autobiographical elements. And her busy lines — once criticized as looking unschooled, she has said — now win major awards, including an Eisner Hall of Fame induction, for their idiosyncratic greatness.
And that pursuit of the most “alive” line — what she sees in the organic work of small children — infuses most everything she draws, teaches and tries to instill in others as they make their own creative discoveries.
“If you have fond memories of that one special teacher who noticed something promising about you, who encouraged you to take chances and be yourself, who took exuberant delight in your creativity, you can have that experience again with Lynda Barry,” Groening said.
And now, armed with the MacArthur money while on sabbatical, Barry is free to pursue so much educationally without distraction. “It is really overwhelming, just beautiful, like somebody handing you five years of life and saying: ‘Look here, what do you want to do?’ ” she said.
So now she can sit with the kids and, right beside the grad students, try to understand the brain on creativity.
“I know that there’s something big there,” Barry said with a laugh. “And to be able to have time to really research it makes me so happy.”
Sahred From Source link Entertainment
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2OK2Usi via IFTTT
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Do Kids Need Preschool?
  The child is the father of the man, noted poet William Wordsworth. While that 19th century observation may sound sexist, what Wordsworth meant remains true. What happens in childhood has a huge influence on the man or woman that youngster eventually becomes. Preschool can make a profound difference in the life of a child. The answer to the question, “Do kids need preschool?” is a resounding “Yes!”, but there are equally viable alternatives to traditional preschool.
Preschool is not synonymous with daycare; the key word is “school.” Preschool offers an academic curriculum geared to 3- to 5-year-olds. During preschool, they learn the basic skills to prepare them for further education, along with how to play well with others. With daycare, the emphasis is on care. It is a place for parents to leave their children in a safe environment while they work. Daycare does offer socialization opportunities, but educational opportunities are more limited if they exist in any formal capacity.
Preschool hours adhere to those of other schools, while daycare hours do not follow a school schedule. Kids in daycare may range in age from infants to those in elementary school, coming in after school hours, rather than the 3- to 5-year-old preschool range.
Kids Gain From Preschool
Long-Term Benefits
Preschool Alternatives
– Costs Standard preschool is not cheap. While the costs vary according to the region and type of preschool, the average parents can expect to spend between $400 and $1,000 per month on private preschool. For many families, spending that kind of money on preschool isn’t possible. Daycare is also costly, with the average family spending $972 per month for Monday through Friday full-time care in a licensed facility. However, most children attend preschool for about three hours in the morning or three hours in the afternoon, not the entire day.
– Short-term benefits While studies show that children who attended preschool have an advantage over those who did not in kindergarten through second grade, the Fade-out Effect then sets in. The Fade-out Effect refers to studies showing that the advantage that preschool gives children over those who do not attend preschool fades out by the third grade. As time passes, the academic benefits enjoyed by children who attended preschool tends to diminish. However, much depends on the quality of the child’s further education. Attending a good quality preschool is not going to make as much of a difference if the child’s subsequent schooling is inadequate. One issue is that, in kindergarten teachers may have to spend a lot of time helping children who did not go to preschool learn what preschoolers already know. Having to go over a lot of material they have already mastered is not helping the child who has attended preschool move forward.
– What Kids Learn in Preschool Kids are learning all the time. At this age, they are curious about everything and ready to soak up knowledge. Preschool allows children to develop and boost their language, cognitive, social, and emotional skills, along with an introduction to academics. Preschool is a child’s introduction to this type of educational structure and promotes later school readiness.
While in preschool, expect your child to learn:
Preschool also aids kids in developing fine motor skills, refined as they work on arts and crafts projects. Outdoor play and dancing boost gross motor skills, while spending time away from parents and in the company of kids their age increases their social and cooperation skills.
Children may learn to perform basic tasks, giving them a sense of responsibility. That may entail watering a plant, setting the table for snacks, or being asked to help another child who needs help with a task with which your child is familiar. Kids learn simple but essential things like washing their hands before eating their snacks, sitting in a circle and paying attention to the teacher, raising their hands to ask a question, and waiting their turn for various endeavors. This structure will serve them well as they move on to kindergarten.
Early Child Development Theories to Learn More About:
The Theory from Jean Piaget
The Theory from Lev Vygotsky
Kids Gain From Preschool What They Can’t at Home
Some parents may dismiss preschool as just kids playing, singing, and the like. However, playing allow kids to interact with other children and learn important social skills, while singing helps them develop language and enhance their communication abilities. When playing games, kids learn about teamwork and sharing. While kids can learn some of these skills at home, experienced preschool teachers help reinforce what parents teach their children while adding enriching learning experiences. Kids also need other children their age with whom to play and learn. Most parents cannot repeat these critical opportunities regularly with their child’s peer group. Keep in mind that during a child’s first five years their brains make connections that affect them throughout their lives.
Preschools should include play areas that children may not have at home, as well as lots of toys and props. In play kitchens, with stoves and sinks at their level, kids can pretend to cook and serve meals to each other. They can set up a pretend store and sell items to their classmates, taking turns as buyers and sellers. The only limit is their imagination.
At a good preschool, the teacher should give you a daily report on your child, including areas in which they excel and those in which they need a little more work. A third party, such as a preschool teacher, may notice things about your child of which you are unaware. Perhaps the teacher sees that your child does not know how to join a playgroup with other kids, and can recommend ways in which he or she can start playing with the others. Parents meet regularly for parent/teacher conferences for more in-depth updates on your child’s progress.
Long-Term Benefits
There is no question that the preschool experience benefits children going into kindergarten because these kids are already exposed to what is expected of them in a group setting and the classroom. The question is whether preschool offers children any benefits beyond kindergarten and first grade, and the answer is affirmative. These benefits extend over a lifetime.
The HighScope Perry Preschool study tracked two groups of youngsters, half of whom attended preschool and half who did not, until age 40. Preschool attendees entering middle age were more likely to graduate from high school, hold a job, and were less likely to have a criminal record.
When it comes to the national Head Start program, a preschool program for children from low-income families, data shows participants were nearly 9% more likely to enroll in college, and 19% more likely to receive a degree. In adulthood, Head Start participants also had lower levels of obesity, depression, and fewer criminal convictions than their peers who did not enter a Head Start program.
Preschool Alternatives
Good preschools are not cheap. Not every family can afford the costs, but there are less expensive preschool options for your consideration. Sometimes, a parent may replace part or all of preschool tuition via volunteering. Parents can get together and form their own preschools based on approved curriculum.
Parents can substitute much of what a child learns in preschool with other viable options. Here are just a few possible preschool alternatives:
– Preschool Co-operatives Parent volunteers run co-operative preschools, so they are less expensive than standard preschools if you can spare the time. While the co-operative preschool employs teachers, parents do much of the other necessary work, including administration, cleanup, and preparing snacks. This lowers operational costs, keeping the need for paid staff at a minimum. For parents with flexible schedules, preschool co-operatives are a good alternative to traditional preschools. Those whose schedules don’t offer flexibility will probably find a better fit elsewhere.
– Home School Co-operatives (That Include Preschoolers) Home school co-operatives for preschoolers are inexpensive options if parents can find a suitable group. Although there is a curriculum for home-school co-operatives, such groups do not necessarily have certified teachers involved. Instead, these co-ops consist of parents with similar-aged children who meet regularly, usually at one another’s homes, and the parents work with the children on academic skills and let them play together. Home school co-operatives are informal and less structured than other types of preschools.
– Structured At-home Play Sometimes, preschool isn’t a possibility for financial or other reasons, but that doesn’t mean a parent cannot impart some of what their child would learn at a preschool in the home. Structured play, also known as play with a purpose, are activities teaching youngsters specific skills through play. The parent or another adult serves as the instructor, helping the child reach the desired goal. Structured play may also include puzzles, board games, or incorporating play and learning into daily household tasks. When a preschooler takes specific lessons from a teacher, such as dance or music, or is involved in sports activities, those are also versions of structured play.
– Online Programs Online programs can help prepare your child for school. Popular programs like ABC Mouse teach not only the basic academic skills like letter and number recognition, but also help kids learn life skills such as getting dressed and toothbrushing. They also learn more about the world around them. Such programs are generally available by subscription, starting at about 10 dollars per month.
– Learning Programs, CDs, DVDs, Apps Today’s parents have access to all sorts of early childhood education learning programs, ranging from CDs and DVDs to apps. Companies such as LeapFrog offer a variety of educational tools and toys that teach kids while they’re having fun. Apps, ranging in price from approximately $10 to $25, offer learning activities in reading, math, and science through games. There is certainly no shortage of CDs and DVDs available with wonderful songs and stories for kids to experience.
– Library or Community Programs The local library is usually a treasure trove for preschool-age children, offering special programs and introducing children to books and other media. Story Time is a perennial favorite, along with arts and crafts, puppet and similar shows, and reading aloud for kids. Along with libraries, check out community programs in your area. Churches and other houses of worship may offer special programs for preschoolers, as do organizations such as the YMCA.
– Public School Preschools In some states, public schools offer free preschool education for eligible children. Such preschools are generally geared toward kids deemed to need enrichment before entering kindergarten, so there is extra emphasis on language, physical, and other skills to help them catch up to peers. (Note – my son attended such a preschool in NJ and he grew up to be a lawyer!)
Final Thoughts
Your child is not one-size-fits-all, and neither is a preschool. The right preschool for one child is not the best choice for another. Much depends on the child’s personality, the preschool location, other family obligations, and your budget. Get recommendations from other parents for good preschools in your area. Do your research concerning the type of curriculum offered by individual preschools. Visit potential schools and learn how they operate and trust your gut when it comes to choosing the best alternative for your child.
For some parents, preschool is not an option for their child. That does not mean your child can’t thrive if he or she didn’t go to preschool. There are ways in which to substitute parts of the preschool experience for your youngster. Build language skills by reading to your child every day and encouraging discussion. Provide lots of paper, crayons, coloring books, and similar items to stimulate your child’s creativity and aid their fine motor skills development. Take your kids to interesting places, such as the park and library. While preschool can help, it never replaces a devoted parent’s time and attention.
The blog post Do Kids Need Preschool? is republished from #discoverearlychildhood
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amedkarim · 6 years
Learn More About Elementary Age Health Programs In School Based Organizations
By Jose Lewis
Healthful dietary patterns childhood sell excellent adolescent, body, intellectual development then save parents immediate troubles, such as, anemia, weight problems, consuming disorders, iron deficiency, dental care may save long term issues, along with coronary heart sickness, cancer, stroke. Educational programs can assist youngsters children achieve full academic potential good through providing them with abilities, social, environmental reinforcement they want undertake lengthy time period, healthy consuming behaviors. Elementary age health programs Athens PA gives some useful guidelines. School based intervention can move an important position between promoting lifelong responsible eating. Because dietary aspects contribute significantly conformity burden on preventable sickness premature demise within United States, national fitness merchandising disease obstruction goals encourage faculties conformity provide nutrition discipline out preschool through twelfth standard. U. S. Department Agricultures USDA Nutrition train Training NET Intervention urges nutrition learning to remain most important educational component entire diet applications yet provided within all schools, toddler care facilities. Because diet strongly influences instruction so properly, goal concerning preceding country wide lesson aim is adolescents receiving vitamin pondered wanted conformity occurring at college together with wholesome minds bodies. Tips into it record supposed conformity help rank policymakers at district, state, countrywide levels pair countrywide fitness goals learning desires by using enforcing school based nutritional education insurance policies programs. This report might also be useful according students, accordance parents, imitation army local government fitness departments, community based vitamin programs, pediatric clinics, training teacher institutions yet populace professionals. These recommended interventions complement CDC suggestions because applications accordance prevent extent concerning acquired immunodeficiency sign AIDS, conformity stop nicotian usage dependancy, honor physical undertaking. This report alludes wide scope exercises that advance good dieting practices. Sustenance training rules center great extent around classroom direction, yet they are pertinent all segments an exhaustive program sound situation administrations guiding, mental, social administrations incorporated network endeavors physical training administrations schoolbased advancement personnel staff. Spite fact that suppers served by benefit programs are an essential piece program, this statistic does not give particular proposals identified buying getting ready sustenance dinners. Nitty gritty data on this subject is accessible from numerous different productions data sources. These rules additionally dont address particular directing needs pregnant teenagers or youthful people unique needs. Detailed data concerning it subject is accessible out deep ignoble publications yet information sources cannot. These tips additionally work not address specific vitamin discipline counseling wishes young adolescents younger individuals including exceptional desires. These recommendations based regarding harmony research, theory, cuttingedge act regular including concepts countrywide education standards, learn standards opportunity because fitness learning, position papers leading voluntary businesses involved child vitamin, countrywide work design after enhance United States America weight loss plan. These tips additionally do no longer address unique vitamins training counseling desires pregnant teenagers or younger men women with special desires. These guidelines are primarily based synthesis studies, concept, cuttingedge practice are constant with standards country wide training standards, opportunity study requirements for, position papers main voluntary agencies worried toddler vitamins, countrywide movement plan improve yankee diet. Develop these recommendations, CDC convened meetings professionals nutrients training, reviewed posted studies, taken into consideration hints national policy documents consulted expert advisors from country wide, federal, voluntary groups. Faculty primarily based vitamins can enhance dietary practices that have an effect younger individuals, highbrow development. Instant outcomes bad ingesting patterns encompass undernutrition, anemia, obese obesity, iron deficiency. Even slight under nutrition may have lasting effects childrens cognitive development school overall performance. Some reports saw estimated up expectation millions on young people United States ride hunger above path 12 months, but nothing on scientific unity currently exists concerning what conformity define measurement hunger. Skipping morning meal may adversely have an effect on kids overall performance problem solving tasks. Learning low income elementary college students indicated that these who participated within Breakfast Program had increased upgrades between sure check ratings yet decreased skill. Twelve percent students stated skipping morning earlier than certain negatively affects them. National survey used be taken 40 per cent 8th 10th grade students every other instruction. Noted lowlife starved morning meal would be less than yet equalize accordance 2 days hebdomad earlier than survey.
About the Author:
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Learn More About Elementary Age Health Programs In School Based Organizations via bestfit34 https://ift.tt/2BotrYI
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cnrgcommons · 6 years
Neighborhood House - Early Head Start Teacher
Who we are:
Neighborhood House is here for families facing hunger and homelessness, vulnerable seniors, and children who need help in school
What we do:
Neighborhood House assists vulnerable people living in the greater Portland area. Our programs serve disadvantaged children needing help to be successful in school, families facing hunger and homelessness, and seniors needing support so they can remain living active and independent lives.
Neighborhood House’s program participants represent a remarkably diverse mix of ethnicities and cultures. We believe an equitable workforce will strengthen and enrich our organization and strongly encourage all qualified persons to apply regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or otherwise.
What we offer our employees:
Neighborhood House believes our employees are our best investment. Because of this, we provide an excellent full-time (30 hours and above) benefits package including low-cost medical insurance, low-cost dental insurance, paid life insurance, paid long term disability insurance, 403b retirement, FSA, and more. We also offer a generous paid time off policy, 11 paid holidays a year, and a flexible working schedule for most positions. Finally Neighborhood House employees are eligible for credit in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program.
Job Title: Teacher – Early Head Start
Department: Head Start
Reports To: Head Start Program Manager
Pay: $16.50-$17.50/hour based on experience
Type: Full Time
Neighborhood House’s American Indian, Native Alaskan Early Head Start program provides an opportunity for participants to learn, grow, and thrive in a culturally rich environment that emphasizes parents as primary teachers, a co-operative environment between families, teachers, family advocates, and other staff, connection to community resources, and learning through child-led play. Our program is designed to meet the needs of infants and toddlers to foster positive and appropriate social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and literacy development, so our community’s children and families are stronger for life.
This position will be responsible for lead classroom operations in a team-teaching environment that follows Oregon Childcare Division licensure requirements and Head Start Performance Standards, using effective Creative Curriculum and Teaching Strategies GOLD (TS GOLD), nurturing the well-being of children and implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) strategies.
This position is a based on a 40 hour work week full year position. Pay:$16.50-$17.50/hour and based on experience.
Preference in hiring given to qualified teacher with Native American heritage.
Classroom Management
Establish and maintain a positive classroom climate, utilizing PBIS framework
Ensure the safety of children and staff in the classroom at all times and monitor the physical and social/emotional wellbeing of the children while relating to each child with acceptance, understanding, and care
Supervise students in order to protect students from conditions harmful to learning, mental and physical health, and safety
Take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, staff, equipment, materials, and facilities, indoors and outdoors
Ensure the classroom supplies and children’s art, routine charts, word labels, etc. are at the children’s eye level and easily accessible
Follow a consistent routine which includes: small and large group activities, skill development, choice-time, music and art, structured physical activity, free play, and effective transitions between activities
Arrange the classroom environment to encourage exploration, problem solving, team-building/positive socialization, choice-making, and an area for down time
Assist in setup and cleanup of activities, projects, and meals both in the classroom and outside
Assist with diaper changes and potty training according to policy and procedures and according to each child’s developmental ability.
Ensure all adults in the classroom understand and practice positive behavior management and understand the safety, health, and emergency management policies and procedure
Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Assessment
Develop and implement appropriate lesson plans using Creative Curriculum, classroom observations and data from various assessment tools by:
Leading the teaching team in developing and implementing developmentally appropriate lesson plans that include all developmental domains (social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language/literacy);
Ensuring lesson plans are both children and teacher directed, inclusive of all children and utilize an anti-bias curriculum based on the needs, abilities, and interests of enrolled children;
Establish weekly, monthly, and yearly goals that promote individual and group educational plans and include Head Start Performance Standard requirements;
Submitting weekly lesson plans to the Education Coordinator and post lesson plans in the classroom;
Ensuring Individualized Learning Plans (ILP) and Individual Family Services Plans (IFSP) goals/strategies are incorporated into weekly lesson planning and classroom set-up
Participate in monthly Professional Learning Communities (PLC), that may include other lead teachers, the classroom teaching staff, the Education, Inclusion, and Health and Family Services Coordinators, other staff, as well as with classroom Family Advocate
Family Engagement and Support
Promote a classroom and site atmosphere that reinforces meaningful involvement of families and volunteers, e.g. reading, leading an activity, introducing family culture
Support the role of families as the first and primary teachers of their children and assist families in understanding child development and positive parenting techniques
Conduct the required twice yearly parent/teacher conferences and home visits for the purpose of developing and updating the child’s ILP, supporting the family to meet their own parenting goals, and to share information about progress and educational strategies in the classroom and at home
Educate families on the importance of quality preschool and assist them in the transition of their child to the toddler or preschool classroom.
Communicate regularly with families about their child’s progress in the classroom, as well as review the results and implications of all developmental screenings, throughout the program year
Regularly meet with the family advocate assigned to the classroom to discuss child and family updates and concerns
Assist in the planning of and actively participate in family engagement events
Program Management
Develop and update a written ILP for each child with parent input and, if applicable, include IFSP goals in the ILP plan and document in Child Plus as they occur
Document observations of children and finalize checkpoints in TS GOLD for each child three times a year according to established timelines
Maintain accurate records in child files and Child Plus based on program policies
Document bi-yearly home visits, in Child Plus within 2 weeks after they occur
Complete and document required Ages and Stages (ASQ & ASQ:SE) developmental screenings within 45 days of child first entering program and interpret the screening results with the Inclusion Coordinator to determine if further evaluation is needed
Work with admin staff to utilize classroom assessments to improve child, family, and program outcomes
Meet with the early intervention team for each child with an IFSP to coordinate disabilities services once per year and as needed thereafter
Assist in program policy and procedure development and updating as needed
Participate in program and agency committees when available
Attend all Head Start and Neighborhood House all-staff meetings and trainings
Attend and actively participate in required trainings and appropriate professional development opportunities
Engage in regular self-assessment and supervisor assessment of job performance
Participate in the program’s annual self-assessment as required
Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the supervisor
Knowledge of early childhood development and general principles of early childhood education and developmentally appropriate, multi-cultural, anti-bias curriculum for 0-3 years old is REQUIRED. Preference in hiring given to qualified teacher with Native American heritage.
An Associate or Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE) or Child Development; or a related degree with coursework that includes 30 quarter/20 semester college credits in ECE, Child Development, Elementary Education, or Special Education; and 1 year of experience teaching 0-3 year old children in an early childhood education setting; and STEP 8.5 or higher on the Oregon Registry or equivalent combination of education and experience REQUIRED.
Basic Proficiency of Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher
Basic Proficiency of Outlook Mail, Calendar, and One Drive
Knowledge of Teaching Strategies GOLD preferred
Direct experience working with parents is preferred
Ability to speak conversationally in one of the languages spoken by the client base preferred
This position has no direct supervision but will be the lead in the classroom and will be expected to mentor and support the professional growth of the classroom teaching staff, as well as ensure all adults in the room understand program policies, procedures, and requirements.
Ability to appropriately assess and handle crises and solve problems as needed
Ability to model positive and appropriate interactions with children and other adults
Ability to assume a high degree of responsibility
Ability to work effectively with a wide variety of individuals and groups
Ability to work independently and in a team setting
Ability to appropriately assess and handle crises and solve problems as needed
Ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse communities and cultures and communicate effectively with those whose English language skills are limited
Ability to handle highly sensitive matters in a confidential nature
Excellent oral and written communication and ability to communicate professionally with clients, families, service providers, community members and co-workers 
Ability to work with mathematical concepts such addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Excellent interpersonal skills in the areas of problem-solving, conflict resolution, group planning, and decision-making processes 
At time of hire must be currently enrolled in the Oregon Child Care Division Central Background Registry (CBR) and must be able to maintain current enrollment at all times of employment
Within 30 days of employment must attain and maintain current certification of:
Adult and Pediatric CPR &b First Aid Certification
Food Handler’s Card
Must complete post-offer physical exam and TB test
Must successfully complete enrollment in Oregon Child Care Registry Step Program
This position requires own vehicle transportation, a valid driver's license, and continuous coverage of car insurance (acceptable to Neighborhood House's insurance provider)
The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Occasional sitting using a computer monitor and keyboard
Frequent bending, stooping, twisting, and reaching
Frequent sitting on child size chairs and on the floor with children
Ability to physically engage with and run after children daily
The employee is frequently required to stand and walk, kneel, or crouch
The employee must be able to occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds
While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to speak and hear
Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, depth perception and ability to adjust focus
The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job.  Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Required to balance competing demands of callers, walk-ins and other interruptions. The noise level in the work environment is usually noisy
AT RISK:  This position has been determined to be at risk for bloodborne pathogen exposure.  In addition to the standard hazard communication training, this employee is required to take annual bloodborne pathogen and personal protective equipment training prior to working.
Application Guidelines/Contact:
Please submit resume and cover letter via the following link for this and other open positions:
This Position:
https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=bac88f1f-c305-467c-bf1c-05e89fe3d1f1&jobId=249766&lang=en_US&source=CC3&ccId=19000101_000001Opens a New Window.
All Positions:
https://workforcenow.adp.com/jobs/apply/posting.html?client=NHouse&ccId=19000101_000001&type=MP&lang=en_USOpens a New Window.
Via Email:
You may also apply for the position via email if the above links aren't working for you, we just ask that you please try the application through ADP first before emailing. 
Please be sure to include the posting title you are applying for, and also where you heard about this position.
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takebackthedream · 6 years
Kavanaugh Would Advance DeVos’s Religious Agenda for Schools by Jeff Bryant
Immediately after Betsy DeVos took over as U.S. Secretary of Education, numerous education policy experts expressed doubts she’d have much success in enacting her well-documented agenda to impose her brand of Christian religion on public schools and direct more public money to private religious schools.
Photo credit: Concit.org / cc
President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, however, is yet another indicator that DeVos’s detractors were wrong, as he would surely support a legal pathway to what DeVos wants.
“In private practice, Kavanaugh backed the government when it sought to support religious interests and challenged schools when they attempted to exclude religious groups,” the Washington Post reports, citing his defense of student-led prayers at high school football games and a religious school club from being barred by school administrators.
In tracing a potential legal pathway from taxpayer money for school prayer and religious clubs to “more sweeping voucher programs,” the Post reporter points to a narrow ruling from the court last year, in Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer, that said denying a church-affiliated preschool from receiving a general public benefit, in this case funding for playground resurfacing, violates constitutional protections for the free exercise of religion.
But Kavanaugh’s support of the DeVos agenda for school vouchers and religious education goes way beyond that narrow ruling, and it relies on a bizarre, but long-held view of conservative jurists.
Kavanaugh’s Ties to Voucher Proponents
As the son of a public-school teacher and a volunteer tutor of students in Washington, D.C., Kavanaugh’s public persona may come across as friendly to public schools, but Kavanaugh was raised in elite private schools and has nothing in his record that would indicate a strong support for public education.
His history of legally undermining the separation of church and state is a fact not in dispute. In his work with the Federalist Society – the rightwing project that has largely engineered today’s high court and compiled the list of potential nominees for Trump – Kavanaugh has led its “School Choice Practice Group” and “Religious Liberties Group.” These groups help the Federalist Society craft its legal arguments on the unconstitutionality of excluding religious options from school choice programs.
Among the primary targets for these groups is to repeal amendments in 39 state constitutions that prohibit direct government aid to educational institutions that have a religious affiliation. This argument already has the Supreme Court’s partial consent, given its ruling last year that ordered a New Mexico Supreme Court to reconsider a decision barring religious schools from a state textbook lending program.
Kavanaugh also has a history of supporting school vouchers that allow parents to use public taxdollars to pay tuition for private, religious schools. In 2000, he represented then Florida Governor Jeb Bush to push through the state’s first school voucher program, which was eventually struck down by the Florida Supreme Court in a 2006 decision.
But just as Kavanaugh and his conservative colleagues were being stymied in state courts, they were blazing a legal pathway for federal support of school vouchers.
Religious Is ‘Secular’
In an appearance on CNN in 2000, Politico reports, Kavanaugh “predicted… that school vouchers would one day be upheld by the Court.”
His comment was in reference to a Supreme Court ruling that year, Mitchell v. Helms, which challenged a federal program that provided all schools, both public and private, with instructional materials and equipment, including computers and film projectors. The split decision to uphold the program was extremely narrow, with some judges tipping the scale in favor deciding that the federal government can provide secular aid to any institution as long as the aid was used strictly for secular activities – presumably, using computers, even when they are helping to operate a religious program, and running film projectors, even when they are showing religious movies.
Defining education-related activities as essentially “secular” provided conservative jurists a huge loophole to use in later rulings to advance religion in public education.
Another narrow decision by the Court in 2002, Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, upheld an Ohio program that gave school vouchers to low-income families even if they used the vouchers to send their children to private, religious schools. In that ruling, the late Chief Justice William Rehnquist argued that in this instance government support for private religious schools was “religiously neutral” because the program was based on the economic means of the student and on the geographic location of the family. The fact vouchers were restricted to low-income children in the district made them “secular.”
“The Ohio [voucher] program is entirely neutral with respect to religion,” Rehnquist argued. “It provides benefits directly to a wide spectrum of individuals, defined only by financial need and residence in a particular school district. It permits such individuals to exercise genuine choice among options public and private, secular and religious. The program is therefore a program of true private choice.”
While Rehnquist was arguing that private funding for religious schools could be religiously neutral and subject to private choice, he was also asserting in other cases that institutional support for religious advocacy in public schools was also a private, neutral activity and thus allowable under the Constitution.
Education Is ‘Neutral’
in a paper for the American Enterprise Institute, Kavanaugh praises Rehnquist’s reasoning.
Among the cases where Kavanaugh took Rehnquist’s side, Lee v. Weisman and Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe, court majorities ruled there was clear evidence that when the assets and staff of a school are behind organized prayer activities, then schools are overstepping their boundaries and using public funds to promote religion. Rehnquist sided with the dissent in each case, according to Kavanaugh, arguing against a “strict wall of separation between church and state” and against court precedents that “cordon off public schools from state-sponsored religious prayer.”
Kavanaugh praises Rehnquist for having “had much more success in ensuring that religious schools and religious institutions could participate as equals in society and in state benefits programs, receiving funding or benefits from the state so long as the funding was pursuant to a neutral program.”
Kavanaugh’s argument that religious expression in education settings is somehow neutral occurs again in in a speech to the American Enterprise Institute last year. According to a report by the group Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Kavanaugh argued that “’religious schools and religious institutions’ should be able to ‘receiv[e] funding or benefits from the state so long as the funding [i]s pursuant to a neutral program that, among other things, include[s] religious and nonreligious institutions alike.’”
Given this line of reasoning, Kavanaugh might agree that a program funding textbooks in schools would be “neutral,” even if the textbooks used in the religious schools taught a version of history that says “the majority of slave holders treated their slaves well” or a version of science that says humans and dinosaurs lived together.
What DeVos Wants
Certainly, the fundamental principle that public money should not be used to advocate religious beliefs in a public school is already at risk.
There are voucher programs in 15 states and the District of Columbia that allow parents to use taxpayer money to pay for tuition at private, religious schools, according to a report by the Network for Public Education. Other states have created school tax credit programs and education savings account programs that are voucher-like but set up differently to deliberately get around the issue of state funding going directly to religious schools.
Each of those programs has been approved along very narrow lines either on the basis of what is allowed in state constitutions, or similar to legal precedent established by the Supreme Court.
But the slippery slope conservatives have been plotting for decades leads inexorably to what Secretary DeVos wants.
In her advocacy for education reform as a way to “advance God’s kingdom,” DeVos envisions a greater presence for religion – the Christian religion – in public schools.
In her advocacy for school vouchers, DeVos compares education to a consumer good – a commodity that is neutral – and a matter determined strictly by “parent choice” and not public governance, even when the public has to pay for it.
Should Kavanaugh be confirmed, which is what is expected, DeVos is far more apt to have a Supreme Court that agrees with her.
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