gerardwaybrainrot · 2 years
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gerard’s reaction after the crowd chants “fuck the queen! fuck the queen” got me dying
source (x) - taken by  @/Lunadeurano96 on twitter
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elibenik · 1 year
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I wrote a public blog post that goes through the process of formatting your art to post online safely by reducing the DPI and file size without losing overall visual quality. Read it now here!
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seph7 · 2 months
My Favourite J.T. Walsh Roles
Inspired by @tequilasunrise28 and her list!
Why Me? (1990) - Chief Inspector Francis Mahoney.
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The first film I ever remember seeing him in. We rented it on video sometime in '91 or '92 and I loved every second of it! I always remembered the final scenes where he's trapped with his Deputy, Leon, on the 10th floor and getting progressively more angry at the situation! The no-nonsense attitude of Mahoney will always be up there in my top three of his roles. We love a character who takes no shit!
2. Tequila Sunrise (1988) - DEA Agent Hal Maguire.
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We had this on a recorded VHS tape when I was a kid, along with The Cotton Club, and I wasn't allowed to watch either because they were 18s! When I eventually did watch it I was infuriated by Kurt Russell's character, Nick Frescia, helping his drug-dealer friend, Mel Gibson's Mac, escape a prison sentence by circumventing Hal's apprehension of him. I won't say how for anyone who hasn't seen the film, but Hal was totally done dirty! Myself and @tequilasunrise28 were so outraged, we collaborated on a fanfic for him!
3. The Negotiator (1998) - Inspector Terence Niebaum.
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I saw this in July 1998, which was five months after he sadly died. I was 16 and utterly loved every second of the film. Full of great actors alongside our beloved J.T., you can definitely imagine that his career would have continued to ascend into bigger roles. I remember being devastated when his memoriam appeared at the end of the film, as it was only after seeing this film that I realised all of the other films and TV I'd seen over the years had actually included him. It was a great role for him where he wasn't entirely playing a scumbag and had just succumbed to the lure of a bit of cash to lose some records.
4. The Beniker Gang (1984) - Principal Arnold M. Stoddard.
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One of his earliest roles in film and the meatiest he'd had at this point. He also isn't playing a bad guy which was so utterly refreshing! I only watched this in recent months and I was utterly hooked when I did! He plays such a wholesome character and is so softly spoken when dealing with the children, it's hard not to melt a little! I can't help but wish he'd played more of these sorts of characters...
5. Crazy People (1990) - Charles F. Drucker.
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Less bad guy, more cold-hearted capitalist scumbag! My favourite scene will forever be the "I wanna know how the fuck the word fuck gets in the New York fucking times!". I saw this clip on TikTok and instantly had to find a copy of the film! I have no regrets and it is one of my favourites! I was also curious as to what his character’s past would have been like as he mentions starting his advertising career in Milwaukee, and I always wondered if he started out as this money-hungry company owner...
6. A Few Good Men (1992) - Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson.
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A role he actually got to choose. Definitely not a bad guy role, and another role where I feel he was kinda done dirty as he felt the need to take the final action he did. Of all the Marine characters, his was the only one with the morals to actually do the right thing, despite what he knew it would cost him.
7. Outbreak (1995) - Whitehouse Chief of Staff.
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A role that only lasted around four minutes and one scene, but it made such an impact that people to this day still talk about the passionate speech he gives in defense of the people they're discussing potentially bombing out of existence. This scene has also been immortalised on YouTube people love it so much!
8. Needful Things (1993) - Danforth Keeton III.
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I just love this first scene he's in. A character with an inflated sense of self-importance and a chip on his shoulder about being called 'Buster'. He's not an inherently bad character, but he has a very large gambling addiction and succumbs to the temptations of the Devil in the hopes that he can win back some town money he gambled away. As he always did, he gave this character his all, truly excelling at highlighting the weakness of the character, despite the big, bold attitude he has in the beginning.
9. Breakdown (1997) - Warren 'Red' Barr.
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Another big screen role that was beginning to open doors for him, he plays the sadistic kidnapper with uncanny ease. I feel sad that I didn't get to see this in the cinema, I saw it on video a few years later along with Pleasanville. Probably the role he's most remembered for outside of Good Morning, Vietnam and A Few Good Men.
10. Red Rock West (1993) - Wayne Brown/Kevin McCord.
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Less a scumbag role and more of a 'I'm out for a quiet life with my embezzled money' role. Myself and @tequilasunrise28 have always wondered if his character was taken advantage of by Lara Flynn Boyle's character and he suspected she intended to off him so wanted to do the same first. Hardly a moralistic stance, but he does display some genuine concern for the people he works with when the young deputy is killed. I'll always wish we had a bigger backstory to his character...
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ivmuf · 1 day
görögbe (2021)
hogyan vidd a családot görögbe nyaralni 1, google ryan air olcsó jegyek (én nem megyek utazási irodával mert a múltkor is át bhasztak) 2, priority az egész családnak (há nem szarral gurítunk, na, apa vesz nektek jegyet, jó lesz, ugye heni drágám he) 3, NE olvasd el, hogy milyen feltételekkel engednek be a görög hatóságok (hát rá vettem magam azt beadattam egy adag putyint múlt héten) 4, vedd fel az ünneplős pumát meg az egyetlen kb normális pólódat, amit még nem híztál ki teljesen, sérót lődd be (nah henikém, milyen vagyok?) 5, jelenj meg a kapunál 5 perccel boarding vége előtt (rá érünk henikém mert apu meg vette ezt a izéj jegyet) 6, derüljön ki a kapunál, hogy bizony nem sikerült elolvasni a beutazási feltételeket, és a fél családnak vissza kell mennie pcr teszteltetnie, természetesen 20 perccel a gép indulása előtt (hát de mér kell teszt hát adták ezt a papírt a bajcsyba há tessék már meg nézni mert én má nem tudom mi van) 7, a sikeres teszt után még gyorsan ugorjatok fel a gépre, menj neki mindenkinek, aki már ül (fasznak csinálták ilyen szűkre ezt a szart, hát igen, ez a fa pad ) 8, orr alá húzott maszkkal stíröld végig a stewardesseket (hehe csini a néni igaz-e benike? ) 9, útközben állj fel 74-szer sétálni, közben lökdöss végig mindenkit (fasznak csinálták ilyen szűkre ezt a szart, hát igen, ez a fa pad ) 10, leszállás után vastaps a pilóta bácsinak (hű ha jól oda tette az öreg láttam rajta már az elején hogy érti a dolgát hehe igaz heni drágám?) 11, amint megáll a gép, tolakodj előre (bocsi bocsi elnézést sorry) 12, kiszállás után szembesülj azzal, hogy a görög határőr még kevésbé tolerálja a 6. pontban említett kreténségedet, mint a magyar checkines (ez is mi az apja faszáér nem a gíroszt süti valahol, heni te is bazdmeg a faszért nem szóltál hogy ez a szabály, mi??? esküszöm bazdmeg ezért nem kaptok soha soha többet nem semmit )
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the--highlanders · 2 years
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like there's no real reason for jamie to connect what benik says here to what he was like as a child??? benik is clearly enjoying himself but this is his job. which he's not new to. jamie's the one to stretch the association all the way back to childhood. correctly, as it turns out, which maybe isn't surprising - but it just makes me think jamie must have known someone else like that, a cruel child who grew up into a cruel adult
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zeynoysasanane · 1 year
Unutma beni,unutama benik
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444names · 2 years
Abardo Abdat Abifaldory Abîsha Ablia Ablǔsh Abonyateon Abrikhardoc Abrimotret Adamozh Admito Adocianoto Adowma Adrea Agandraque Agapyolfo Agarticir Agastil Agelas Agent Agolla Agolyǎz Agont Agroof Ainar Ainvângeld Ainzil Alebathoret Alfhi Alina Alinielvado Ambadar Ambrag Anailana Anath Andordarvet Andus Andǔm Anezh Antia Aramdír Arazǔv Arbia Arcia Ardorm Arlor Armaresa Aronothoa Aronsir Artya Ascul Atindin Aurifuley Avdanyanike Avdeli Avdelo Avdog Avedh Averm Averve Avgui Avgundilin Avieverto Avievo Aviliond Avina Avivai Avrasta Avton Avudmir Avvan Badnefréa Bagolvelin Balfinado Ballio Banáina Bation Behad Belagona Belatotho Belik Benik Beondo Berkoip Bernio Berothocil Bertanǎ Beryar Blaldir Blana Blarcen Blothelor Blumbur Bofilo Bollan Bomice Boodro Boorl Boswair Boûpw Bracion Brasiel Breall Brigo Brina Brind Bríandisida Calas Cassa Cateata Celay Cepheptya Cephoro Certio Cialionov Ciden Cilroodwyn Clair Clantseles Colda Colerna Cornaid Covilan Crimes Cruciol Dadra Dagon Dantebraque Deordos Detoilas Dhekhâl Domue Dtefiy Déagan Déomung Efrout Egollia Eliele Elista Elperya Embû Eodest Ernasya Esalde Eslada Essubtania Eufelvada Evessulia Exacisand Eärna Eärnatchaya Facilena Fangeling Felbelfodh Felforto Fercen Ferque Fewas Fimunda Fledgapy Flenna Floda Flody Fredeb Froight Fronda Fundil Fëancthelio Fília Fírionis Fírisofula Galdanda Galeop Galindiny Gantry Gavto Gelrono Gempty Gentolavia Genwë Geriz Gernasiorad Gildandia Giliafo Gimerúmir Gloip Golfheya Golloandild Gornaig Gradiyang Greatamdír Grith Grobelegor Gudend Gudmina Guedh Guident Gundra Gusteo Gustom Haelerea Halorel Halvîdh Hametyǎz Handitan Harda Harosy Hǎng Heagudiy Hecriën Helintily Hensulë Herke Herthia Hesundóm Hocielicoph Horamûl Hámoldo Húriel Idatadol Iming Imulm Ingwa Inzimi Isingotive Ithervip Jacidrod Jamenate Javresecter Josionin Joslain Juand Juange Julast Kagangafil Kakǎg Kevokantio Kielrik Kilalas Koislagrisa Kíliana Kíliya Ladandrór Laite Laren Laugerquie Lavioly Lavû Lebrucize Lecartur Legina Legolfachir Legon Lerkovy Liolë Loikya Lomilin Lormithect Lucal Luggafo Luglomenl Luidefach Lukya Lumaciry Lúvichal Macur Madara Maego Magan Magar Malingabda Maloy Manch Manica Mannarda Marada Margeliy Marloy Marod Marumashal Massafonil Massught Matina Maxir Meacata Meatry Menka Menna Meroxa Mesticalen Metan Mewold Miafacuant Milantefa Millaul Mineor Mingong Mirass Monowmǎ Morentin Mudifito Namraylleth Naniet Narendymy Narennanna Naria Nenjamir Nevolfǎg Nfret Niagarair Nidulë Nielal Nieto Nitoislanna Nlaulita Nowert Nuter Námou Níridâ Nómiel Obiacion Ofelendrado Oklice Oregol Ormidandir Ornascondo Oroiscolion Oserdada Oslanda Otergiva Oûdha Paborey Paidufthu Pairize Palda Parlia Pasfery Pedretho Peretoldil Perkon Perromicio Pervâk Phǎulic Phelodra Pheryl Phila Philenk Phunata Phût Piyeslasya Porodes Pothineleor Pouth Pricia Priya Pulchossine Puluir Purplantan Raciana Rathel Reliberena Reltantio Renadorlor Renargeleng Requir Retva Rohtattârim Romuron Roûdh Rumunge Rustan Rúthery Sadhin Salchakoina Saldaniced Sanyakito Sauglado Sebathorin Sefaidhuor Seril Sertho Sharbia Shûpwomel Sidur Sillǔldin Siverfin Smaglite Smarda Sopûb Souge Souulawl Spernhor Splawine Stelia Stivy Sulianiel Sumbodan Sustir Sustoldo Targolin Tatatuldame Teldo Telemir Terther Thedaletch Themerâtur Thess Théoty Timlio Tinnayll Tinya Toress Trinel Tuolopho Twines Ulutelime Ulûr Ustrio Vaingolfol Vaiweve Valda Vanagarey Vandio Vernestr Vidor Vikav Vîngbog Vliny Volorm Wisal Wouul Wrimie Yaraured Yartorago Yekumel Yîng Yonorl Youto Yávito Zǔch Éodre Éoduata Éomaim Írietv
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megakarina66-blog · 2 months
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spookydreamsandwich · 2 months
Woorden kunnen doden! En negeren dan?
Beste lieve lezer, Uit eigen beleving/ervaring benik bekend met beiden. Als hooggevoelig kind ben ik onder andere met woorden vaak gepest en dat raakte me en deed pijn. Zéér langdurig negeren door mijn ex-vrouw en kinderen heeft mij geleerd goed het onderscheid te kunnen maken tussen “woorden” & “negeren”. Bij negeren ben je als lucht voor de ander en besta je niet. Aan jezelf de taak om…
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mednn · 3 months
Sen en büyük zararı benik ruhuma yaptın,bedenen biseyim olmayabilir ama ruhum buna cevap verecek kadar güçlü degil
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gerardwaybrainrot · 2 years
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gerard is so random. i love it.
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elibenik · 2 years
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hi hello I'm relearning how tumblr works again please bear with me
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seph7 · 3 months
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Adding to the caps by @wetcrackbaby, I finally got my hands of an HD version of The Beniker Gang!
J.T. Walsh as Principal Arnold M. Stoddard in The Beniker Gang (1984) - Part 3
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elifeyc · 8 months
Bundan iki gün önce benik engelini kaldırmanla başlıyor birde istek birde mesaj djwbdjwj biraz dediklerini yutmuş gibisin komik görünüyor ama bende şey hissi var olsada olur olmasada yani artık kopmusum tamamamen yani konussak nolur konuşmasak bir hissiyat hicbirseyim yok garip olan da bu hep istediğim şey oldu ve ben gittim. Bence o bunu beklemiyordu iyi oldu ona bdkwbdi hiç acımam yaptıkları yanında az bile cidden doğru he senin gelmiş olman benim müsait olduğum anlamına gelmiyor canisi
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pdj-france · 9 months
Fabrizio Romano a donné son "c'est parti" pour Newcastle United pour signer Tino Livramento de Southampton. L'Anglais avait été la cible d'Eddie Howe, et un accord a été trouvé entre toutes les parties. Newcastle Look prêt à conclure l'accord avec Tino Livramento Tino Livramento près du commutateur de Newcastle Fabrizio Romano a confirmé que les frais s'élevaient à plus de 35 millions de livres sterling, y compris les modules complémentaires. Il a également ajouté que Southampton "avait ce qu'ils voulaient", suggérant que les frais étaient plus élevés que ce que Newcastle avait souhaité. Plus tôt cet été, Southampton avait fixé un prix demandé de 40 millions de livres sterling, il est clair qu'ils s'y sont tenus. Choisi par Eddie Howe ? Romano a confirmé que l'accord était "de manière durable" et que l'examen médical était réservé. Fait intéressant, l'Italien a formulé la signature potentielle comme "pour Eddie Howe". Il apparaît que Howe ait demandé ce transfert, ce qui est logique car Livramento décrit comme "excellent", est un jeune talent local avec un excellent moteur - convenant au système de travail acharné de Howe. PDJ : « Hors du projet » : l'ancienne star d'Arsenal s'apprête à partir Cela dit, être une signature de Howe n'est pas nécessairement positif. À Bournemouth, le jeune manager a fait quelques transferts médiocres : dépenser 20 millions de livres sterling pour Dominic Solanke (2019), dépenser 15 millions de livres sterling pour Jordan Ibe (2016) et même dépenser 13 millions de livres sterling pour Benik Afobe (2016). Malgré cela, le recrutement de Newcastle est réussi depuis qu'il a rejoint le club. Chelsea fait des bénéfices ? Livramento a démarré sa carrière à l'académie de Chelsea - avant de signer pour Southampton en 2021 à 18 ans. Le club londonien disposait d'une clause de rachat inférieure à 40 millions de livres sterling, mais a choisi de ne pas l'activer cet été. Cela dit, grâce à une clause de vente intelligente, Chelsea réalisera un bénéfice de près de 15 millions de livres sterling une fois le transfert officiel. Cette clause donnait droit à Chelsea à plus de 40% des frais de transfert (plus de 4 millions de livres sterling), ce qui explique peut-être l'entêtement de Southampton en matière de négociations. Intégrer à partir de Getty Images Newcastle prend-il un gros risque ? À 35 millions de livres sterling, l'accord semble être assez coûteux. Le niveau de risque augmente quand le temps de jeu de Livramento la saison dernière est pris en compte. L'arrière droit a été blessé au LCA pendant toute la saison, disputant seulement deux matchs pour un total combiné de 26 minutes à la fin de la saison. Il a été impliqué dans la pré-saison, mettant en vedette contre Bournemouth lors d'un match amical, mais ce manque de temps de jeu doit déclencher quelques sonnettes d'alarme. PDJ : L'intérêt de Manchester City confirmé : un "talent spécial" pour remplacer Mahrez 35 millions de livres sterling, c'est aussi beaucoup d'argent pour un club qui a déjà Kieran Trippier à ce poste. David Ornstein a suggéré que la signature est de "concurrencer Trippier" mais il est très peu probable que Livramento puisse déplacer l'international anglais. L'arrière gauche partant de Newcastle la saison dernière était Dan Burn, un arrière gauche non conventionnel qui est en fait un défenseur central, et donc la signature de Livramento pourrait faire partie d'un plan pour le faire jouer lui ou Trippier à l'arrière gauche cette saison. Le risque est relativement élevé, avec un temps de jeu limité pour évaluer le joueur, mais l'arrière latéral a fortement impressionné durant sa saison 2021/22. Regardez: Les transferts de football changent pour toujours - entretien avec un expert des transferts Image en vedette : Dundeagh, CC BY-SA 2.0.
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kritere · 11 months
Calciatore derubato dalla domestica: “Mio figlio sta male, devo correre”. Si prende mezzo milione
DIRETTA TV 22 Giugno 2023 L’attaccante Benik Afobe, con un lungo passato in Premier League, ha denunciato il colossale furto subìto a casa: la domestica è fuggita con mezzo milione di gioielli. Il calciatore ha pubblicato sui social il passaporto della donna, che sarebbe fuggita in Romania. 0 CONDIVISIONI Un ex calciatore della Premier League è completamente distrutto, sia nel morale che…
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