#best buddies foreveerrr
prismaticpichu · 2 years
AHHHHHH @winter-doggo you are SUCH an incredible soul!!!! 🥺 It’s the beans!!! It’s the beans being snuggly!! It’s Zack hugging his little pastry pal whilst being protectively hugged by his bestest friend!!
The Seph, Zack, & Muffin sleepover <3 <3
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(If you know me this is intended to be platonic, hehe! Just another thingy brought you to by the Zack & Seph safe haven. Have a fantastic weekend y’all! <3)
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
Weenie hut jrs is open!!! (Bedtime floof without context)
Sephiroth stopped at the office door and fished for his keys, dawn having just smeared the smoggy skies of Midgar. He was accustomed to being the only one awake at such an hour, enough to get a bite out of the previous day's overspill before new papers flooded in.
And then he heard footsteps, recognizable ones at that, and glanced up in surprise to find Zack starting towards the office.
“Zack?" the warrior blinked. "It’s ear—“
He didn't have time to finish before Zack had propelled himself into the other’s coat, burrowing deep and tight, locking his fingers around his best friend's collar.
He let his eyes fall shut, savoring the warmth and solace he had come to know so well, listening to the drumming heartbeat... alive, safe, always by his side. He cherished it all, every bit of it, being able to do so because he knew Seph would never push him away.
Still, Sephiroth was taken aback by the sudden glomp—even for Zack's standards, this seemed a little unprompted.
“…Good morning,” he said slowly, maybe even a little amused. “What has gotten into you?”
Zack just burrowed deeper, clutching tighter. “Nothing,” he answered, maybe even lying, phantoms of his dream ribboning around them both. “I just… love you loads.”
Sephiroth didn't exactly know what to do with that information. It kindled a bubble of warmth in his chest, something Zack's presence always seemed to do... but it was still rather unexplained. What had he done? Something he had forgotten about? Furthermore, he didn't know what to do with the boy clinging to his coat, clearly having no inclination to let go anytime soon. He couldn't even reach his keys like this.
And there was something almost... sad bleeding into Zack's gesture, that same shelter-seeking aura they both had come to recognize so well.
So Sephiroth just returned the embrace, standing in the middle of the First Class corridor that only they occupied; Zack clutched tighter as he did, and Sephiroth responded by balancing out the force, maybe confused, maybe amused, but indulging Zack because he needed it. And somehow, it became easier and easier to do every time.
Zack shifted in his friend's coat, completely swaddled in leathery tar. "Thanks, bud..." he mumbled, and finally let a doughy smile blossom, warm zephyrs rustling his hair.
For everything.
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
It's the weekend and Seph and Zack have a free schedule! How do they spend it?
YESSS!!! The weekend!!!! Oh man oh man, it’s been a decade and a half since the last one! Zack’s eyes are glued to the clock as the seconds tick by, and once their shift is over… HALLELUJAH!! Can we get a kool-aid man OH YEAH?! He is freeeeeeeee!
“Until Monday,” Sephiroth always reminds him. “Please step away from the paper shredder.” (Ofc said through the simmering desire to mutilate his own papers—a completely foreign and corrupted thought that he will not take responsibility for.)
A quick eenie meenie miney mo decides whose apartment they’ll be heading to. If it lands on Seph’s, then Zack just has to make onneeeee pit stop! Seph returns home to shed those bulky pauldrons and Zack comes bouncing in minutes later holding his favorite plushie, Muffin. Seph’s the only one in Midgar who knows that Muffin exists; Seph would never judge him, or laugh at him, or treat him like a baby. He accepts Muffin as the third member of their companionship!
No matter whose place they go, that’s where they’ll settle in for the night. Sephiroth has no interest in partying, or restaurants… or *choke* restaurant parties: putting on a disguise feels like he’s impersonating someone and inevitably encountering hordes of people would mar whatever “normal” experience he was supposed to have. And Zack knows this good and well. He does get Seph outta the base whenever he can, but for small things- small things like getting groceries or going book shopping, staying right by his side and squeezing his hand whenever he gets The Looks (it’s just General Sephiroth with a can of cream cheese calm the heck down).
On Fridays though? Fridays, the happiest day of the week? He just wants his friend to feel safe and sound <3 And besides, he spends so much time during the week out and about with Aerith, Cloud, Kunsel, and 54 of his other friends. There’s nothing better in the world than quality time with his best buddy <3
Work hours also cut evilly close into dinner. Time to order in! Zack insists on letting Seph reward himself after a long week of military miltarying, and there’s always at least oneeeee thing Zack can find on a menu that brings out Seph’s “oooooh” look (that’s slightly dilated kitty eyes and eyebrows rising 2%. Zack understands that not everyone speaks fluent Seph). They grew a habit of eating on the coffee table, Zack mostly dominating the conversation while Sephiroth chimes in with his take on something, orrr engaging in metaphysical debates that thrum the strings of the known universe.
“I was wondering,” Zack says after a bite of bbq chicken pizza, “if cars could drive themselves, would they need windshield wipers? Only people need that to see.”
Sephiroth swallows his own bite of mushroom pizza. “Hmm… but what if the person misses their destination and the rain is too thick to see?”
Sephiroth loves listening to Zack and contributing ideas, no matter how outrageous Zack’s discussions may be. Zack is outrageous. Zack is ridiculous and irreplaceable and always wants him to laugh. Never would he have a conversation as in depth as this in a board meeting.
Dinner time is always followed by a movie! Seph has a toothbrush for Zack to use and sleep clothes he always keeps in an extra drawer, so once they’re all nice and snug, Zack in fuzzy pajamas and Seph in something loose, they spend abt 10 minutes searching for the best thing they can find. (Horror flicks are off limits though, on insistence of Sephiroth. Seeing his friend so shaken by a and wounded by a film one time was enough. It was a miracle the TV was still in once piece from the RAGE he felt at it. Hmph.)
So they watch the movie, Zack always swaddling himself in Seph’s throw blankie that he fell in love with. He usually doesn’t make it through the movie, though, not when he’s as snug as a pug in a rug. The credits always roll with Zack slumped into his best friend’s arms—the place on the entire face of the planet where he feels the safest—Muffin squashed between his arms, his x-uped cheek pressed against his buddy’s heartbeat <3 It’s the silver lining of everything. Seph would always be right there, right on the ground with him when he woke up. And Zack would never ever leave his side.
Sephiroth knows exactly what to do. He gently lowers Zack onto the couch and tucks in the corners, making sure Muffin is tucked in too (Zack would want him just as warm). Somehow the sight is always so surreal, no matter how many times he sees it. But he’s grateful. Grateful everyday that he’s not alone, and that he’ll never be again. He doesn’t know what he ever did to deserve such a thing… through all the battles and all the bloodshed… but he would always cherish it.
A loving head pat goodnight, and Sephiroth heads off to bed himself <3 He always looks forward to weekends with his best friend, whatever Zack has in store for the next two days. Grocery shopping, book perusing, road trips… all the things that made him feel human. As long as Zack was by his side, he was willing to do them all <3
Oh. OH I see. Sorry, my bad! I set the magnifier to zoom in +300% percent. Lemme just adjust that and properly answer this lovely ask.
- Friday: movie and sleepover
- Saturday: a walk around the city and sleepovers
- Sunday: tutoring Zack on school subjects he missed out on due to joining SOLDIER. And sleepover <3
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