#best retina specialist in Kolkata
trenetralaya · 9 months
Retina Specialist in Kolkata | Best Retina Surgeon in Kolkata
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backlinkdem13 · 9 months
Ocular oncology is known as Eye Cancer and it is a rare disease. Eye cancer mainly occurs within the eye and on the surface area of the eye. The cells of the eyes get affected and the tear glands also get damaged. Many times it has been observed that other body parts’ tumours also spread to the eyes. You can face problems in vision, likewise blurry vision, and sensitivity to light. 
The following symptoms can be seen, 
Hazy vision
Loss or reduction of eyesight
Floaters (small dots or lines in your vision)
Responsiveness to light
The pupil's shape has changed (the dark circle in the center of the eye)
iris dark spot that is growing (colored part of the eye)
Having a red or swollen eye
Retinoblastoma: The cells of the retinas, the light-sensing cells at the back of the eye, are where this uncommon cancer, which is most prevalent in children under the age of five, begins. Because infants and young children often are unable to communicate if they are experiencing visual problems, retinoblastoma is particularly challenging to detect. Parents can notice their child's pupils aren't red in pictures or that they have amblyopia (lazy eye).
Squamous cell carcinoma: On the eye's surface, this form of cancer first appears.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma:  Lymphoma is a malignancy that develops in white blood cells and can start in many locations in the eye.
If you suffer through any following symptoms, consult an eye specialist for further treatment. Eye specialists can help you to understand the issue and if it is needed then you can contact an oncologist. According to the condition of the disease, the doctor can suggest how to do the treatment with the eyes.
Doctors specialising in this field can provide intricate guidance on the cases. One should always be aware and look out for symptoms which may seem like nothing at first but can turn to worse, if ignored. 
Mentionable names among some of the Best Oncologists in Kolkata are:
Dr. Sanjoy Roy  and Dr. Sayan Paul.
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vaidyaeyehospital · 1 year
Meet Dr. Harshit Vaidya, MBBS, DNB (Ophthalmology), FMRF (Vitreo-Retina)
Dr. Harshit Vaidya is an MBBS, DNB, FMRF Vitreo Retina Surgeon (DNB & Fellow, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai). At Dr.Vaidya Eye Specialist, he serves as a Vitreo Retina Specialist. Dr. Harshit Vaidya is an ophthalmologist with a special interest in Vitreo-Retinal diseases. He completed his MBBS in 2013 from Government Medical College, Solapur, Maharashtra. He went on to pursue his residency in Ophthalmology at the renowned Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai. He further went on to do his fellowship in Vitreo-Retina from his parent institute of Sankara Nethralaya which has one of the largest and best retina departments in the country. During his 5 year tenure at Sankara Nethralaya, he presented posters and papers at various national and international conferences including the World Ophthalmology Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico; Asia Pacific Association of Ophthalmology Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, EURETINA, Paris, France; All India Ophthalmic Congress, Kolkata, India among many others. Additionally, he completed a short training stint at the San Raffaele Hospital, Italy under the guidance of Professor Giuseppe Querques (Head, Medical Retina & Imaging Unit, Department of Ophthalmology). He has a keen interest in macular disorders, particularly type 3 neovascularization; and newer OCT findings. He is proficient in retinal surgeries for retinal detachment, SFIOLs, and diabetic vitrectomies. Dr. Vaidya's core belief is in providing eye care not just through sheer competence and knowledge but also through compassion and philanthropy.
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spectraeyehospital · 3 months
Nurturing Vision: The Crucial Role of the Best Eye Doctor in Kolkata
In the vibrant city of Kolkata, where tradition meets modernity, one aspect remains timeless – the importance of good vision. As the gateway to the world, our eyes play a pivotal role in our daily lives. Ensuring the health of our eyes requires the expertise of the best eye doctors, and in Kolkata, one name stands out – Spectra Eye Hospital. In this blog, we'll delve into the vital role played by the best eye doctor in Kolkata, with a special focus on the contributions of Spectra Eye Hospital.
Understanding the Importance of Eye Care:
Our eyes are delicate organs, prone to various conditions and diseases. From common refractive errors like myopia and hyperopia to more serious issues like glaucoma and cataracts, the spectrum of eye problems is vast. Regular eye check-ups are crucial in detecting and addressing these issues early on, preventing further complications and ensuring optimal vision throughout life.
The Role of the Best Eye Doctor in Kolkata:
The best eye doctors in Kolkata play a multifaceted role in preserving and enhancing vision. Here are some key aspects of their responsibilities:
Comprehensive Eye Examinations: Eye doctors conduct thorough examinations to assess visual acuity, eye health, and potential issues. This includes checking for refractive errors, evaluating the retina, and measuring intraocular pressure.
Prescription of Corrective Lenses: For individuals with refractive errors, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, eye doctors prescribe suitable corrective lenses, be it glasses or contact lenses. This helps in improving and maintaining clear vision.
Treatment of Eye Conditions: Beyond refractive errors, eye doctors diagnose and treat various eye conditions. This includes infections, inflammations, and more severe issues like glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy.
Surgical Interventions: In cases where non-invasive treatments are insufficient, the best eye doctors may recommend surgical interventions. These can range from cataract surgery to laser procedures for vision correction.
Patient Education: A crucial aspect of an eye doctor's role is educating patients on maintaining good eye health. This includes advice on lifestyle choices, nutrition, and practices to prevent eye strain.
A Beacon of Eye Care Excellence:
Among the many institutions dedicated to eye care in Kolkata, Spectra Eye Hospital stands out for its commitment to excellence. Here's why:
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Spectra Eye Hospital boasts cutting-edge technology and modern facilities, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care.
Experienced and Specialized Team: The hospital's team of eye specialists is not only highly experienced but also well-versed in various subspecialties, allowing for comprehensive care across a range of eye conditions.
Patient-Centric Approach: Spectra Eye Hospital prioritizes patient comfort and satisfaction. From the moment a patient walks in, they are greeted with warmth and empathy, fostering a positive healthcare experience.
Community Outreach and Education: Beyond clinical services, Spectra Eye Hospital actively engages in community outreach programs and educational initiatives. This commitment to spreading awareness about eye health demonstrates their dedication to the well-being of the community.
The role played by the best eye doctor in Kolkata, particularly those associated with institutions like Spectra Eye Hospital, is indispensable in safeguarding the precious gift of vision. Through regular check-ups, timely interventions, and a patient-centric approach, these professionals contribute significantly to ensuring that the people of Kolkata can navigate their lives with clarity and confidence. Eye health is not just about seeing; it's about embracing life with a clear vision of the future.
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dishaeyehospitals · 4 years
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asghospital-blog · 5 years
Best Eye Specialists in Kolkata
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It's far commonplace for everyone to enjoy a burning sensation within the eyes at some point of their existence. The unusual sensation can go away on its own. In cases wherein the sensation persists, it can become bothersome.
In case you are experiencing a burning sensation on your eyes that doesn't depart, do now not overlook it as it could be a symptom of underlying eye trouble. Consult with one of the Best Eye Specialists in Kolkata at ASG Eye Hospitals.
Our eye experts use advanced diagnostic strategies to help you decide the character of your burning sensation and deal with it in a secure and powerful way. Book an appointment at http://asgeyehospital.com/fix-an-appointment/
Right here’s are some approaches to get alleviation from burning eyes:
1) Use lubricating drops: one of the common reasons for burning sensation in the eyes is dryness within the eyes. If dryness in the eye is at a sizeable degree, it is able to indicate the presence of an eye worry referred to as dry eyes. Discuss with the eye health practitioner and use a watch lubricating drop. If this remedy relieves your burning sensation, speak with your eye health practitioner and pick out a preservative-unfastened lubricating eye drop that may be used in the long run.
2) Test the expiry date of your eye makeup: The usage of eye makeup products past their expiry date is one of the not unusual reasons for burning sensation inside the eyes. Expired eye make-up products can aggravate the eyes and cause a persisting burning sensation. Additionally, they could boom the hazard of eye infections. Have a short have a look at the expiry date of all of the make-up products you operate. In case you find any expired product, make certain to forestall using it. It is a great practice to exchange your eye makeup merchandise every six months so as to lower the risk of infections they are able to reason.
3) Get right to sleep:  Lack of proper sleep is one of the common reasons for experiencing a burning sensation in the eyes. In case you revel in a burning sensation particularly after waking up, the chances are terrific that you aren't getting best sleep or aren’t snoozing for 7 to 8 hours. Make certain that your bedroom is cooled or heated as it should be (relying on the weather circumstance of where you stay). In case you assume melancholy or anxiety is meddling with your sleep, talk over with a psychiatrist. on the other hand, if you think a physical issue is preventing you from getting first-class sleep, it’s beneficial to consult with a Best Eye Specialists in Kolkata.
4) Reduce your screen time: With quicker net connectivity and characteristic-packed phone, it is easy to lose a song of time when using your cell phone. You could revel in the use of your phone for an extended period of time. But, doing so isn't always healthful for the eyes. In truth, prolonged cell phone use reasons a burning sensation inside the eyes. In an effort to keep away from the use of a cell phone for sustained hours, download an app that tracks display screen time and lets in you to set alarms if you overuse your cell phone.
In case your burning eyes are followed by means of different symptoms like pain or immoderate light sensitivity, then you definitely should see contact the Eye Specialists in Kolkata at the earliest. An eye expert can rule out the opportunity of serious eye situations. At ASG Eye Hospitals, we've some of the nice retina Surgeon in Kolkata who will let you hold your eyes healthy and offer excellent eye treatment if required.
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adeadiabetes · 2 years
Enhancing your vision now with a specially trained eye specialist
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Quality eye care is important for a clearer tomorrow. We are nothing without our eyes. So, it is most important to protect our eyes to see the beauty of nature. When it comes to expert eye care treatment, don’t compromise with the treatment. There are many eye centers available in Kolkata but not all are your cup of tea. If you are looking for the best eye doctor in Kolkata, you will get sophisticated treatments from ADEA Diabetes Center. This center is committed to providing you with various eye care treatments for your whole life.
How does the ADEA center work?
For diabetes patients, eye problems are very dangerous. But, specialists of this center are well trained and can recognize expert solutions in diagnosing. Generally, diabetic retinopathy can happen when small blood vessels are available inside the retina. These vessels are brittle, atypical as well as bleed eagerly. This situation can harm anyone. In that case, people should contact the best diabetes center which can identify the specific solution easily. The expert Ophthalmologist and best eye doctor in Kolkata is ready to take care of their patients with some special offers.
Retinal Scan.
Vision Rehabilitation.
Cataract Surgery.
Comprehensive diabetes eye care.
Vitreo retinal diseases. 
When you want to treat this diabetic retinopathy, choose the ADEA Diabetes Center. The doctors of the center provide the focus as well as a bright powerful beam of light on the retina. Their main goal is to provide proliferative retinopathy to make your vision better for a lifetime. Experts are using advanced eye treatment procedures as well as advanced technologies in treating eye diseases. Apart from this, treatment packages are also affordable to everyone. Also, they offer diabetes eye screening programs that are beneficial for every patient.
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akashkumar1210 · 6 years
Problems Related To Eyes
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1. Lazy Eye:
Lazy eye (amblyopia) happens when an eye doesn’t develop properly. Vision tends to get weaker in that eye and then moves “lazily” around while the other eye stays normal. Lazy eye can be found in infants, children and adults, but rarely affects both eyes.
2. Cross Eyes and Nystagmus:
Strabismus is a case where your eyes aren’t lined up with each other when you look at something. It is also said to be called crossed eyes or wall-eye.
Such a problem doesn’t go away on its own. You’ll need an eye specialist to correct it.
3. Color Blindness:
When you lack the ability to see certain colors, or can’t differentiate between them (usually reds and greens), you are most likely to be color blind. It happens when the color cells in your eye are absent or don’t work.
4. Floaters:
Floaters are tiny spots that float across your field of vision. It is usually noticed by most people in well-lit rooms or outdoors on a bright day.
Floaters are quite normal, but sometimes they can also be a sign of a critical eye problem, like retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is when the retina at the back of your eye separates the layer underneath
5. Glaucoma:
When too much pressure is applied to the eyes, it can cause critical damage to your optic nerve. This kind of condition is caused by a group of diseases called Glaucoma.
6. Retinal Disorders:
The blockage of the retina, that is a thin lining located behind the eyes and made up of cells in charge of collecting and passing images to the brain.
For any health related issues regarding Eye visit the best Eye Specialist in India:
Eye Specialist in Bangalore
Eye Specialist in Chennai
Eye Specialist in Hyderabad
Eye Specialist in Kolkata
Eye Specialist in Delhi
Eye Specialist in Mumbai
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lybrate00-blog · 6 years
Stay Fit - Ways to Stay Fit With Type-2 Diabetes!!
Sort 2 diabetes is routinely found in grown-ups, yet these days its capacity is quickly interfacing in vivacious grown-ups and even teenagers. It is a wearisome issue that unreasonably impacts the way your body structures and uses the (glucose).
In Type 2 Diabetes, your body either ruin the impacts of insulin, a hormone that controls the sugar stream into the cells or does not make honorable insulin to keep up a standard glucose level. Mixing a solid living, with the component being on eating sound and sharpening dependably (for around 30-45 minutes) can help hold Diabetes Type 2 under tight constraints.
Take in every practical sense nothing and unending dinners i.e. 4-6 times each day spread transversely completed standard time between times. Likewise, pass on a huge system of carbs that can come to help when the sugar levels drop.
Sustenances well off in fiber and complex sugars, for example, bread, vegetables, postponed outcomes of the earth grain oats ought to be and no more raised clarification behind the need sustenance list. Keep up a key separation from smooth or singed sustenance.
Keep a be watchful with your glucose level routinely at home with the assistance of a blood glucose meter.
Words By:
Dr. Rachna Mazumder
MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Endocrinology
Endocrinologist, Kolkata
She An experienced and caring clinician with extensive experience in caring for patients in government and private set ups.
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A brilliant academician with gold medals/honours in almost every subject during medical training,best student of the year 1987,university topper,followed by post doctoral and Royal College of UK degrees.
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A multi month to month HBA1C test (three-month essential glucose) can know general glucose control.
Most far off point utilization of liquor and totally cut down on tobacco.
Get up from your affection seat and hit the closest run course or do your favored change. There is no substitute to physical exercises on the off chance that you are gone to control Diabetes; be if any make.
Format cholesterol and circulatory strain check unpredictably.
In light of nerve cunning and poor blood scrambling, your foot may need to continue on through the brunt of this issue as well. Take awesome care of your feet. Check your feet for swelling, red spots and bothers; wear astonishing shoes with a precarious join of socks that can keep your feet dry. Get your feet look at by basic instruments for blood course and sensation in feet.
Diabetes harms oral flourishing other than. Visit a dental expert for a gum and tooth checkup no not as much as a couple of times in multi year.
Get your kidneys and retina endeavored as diabetes may debilitate the veins of these districts.
In the event that you have a weight or demand you can on a very basic level incite a specialist and find answers for your demand!
Relationship of Diabetes
Obliging sad sustenance is significant in relationship of diabetes.
It's incite: Our parts are more noticeable than average. This prompts riches calories and additional pounds. Of specific worry, as appeared by the 2010 dietary standards, are wide servings of sustenances with refined grains, strong fats, and included sugars - think fricasseed chips, smooth burgers, sugary refreshments, warmed stock, and cakes
It's an unfathomable opportunity to scale back additional huge servings of less-managing sustenances and upsize servings of sustenances we're not eating enough of vegetables, trademark things, dairy sustenances, and entire grains. Begin by reducing your bits of less-restoring sustenances by 5 to 10 percent. You'll barely watch the trimming, yet you'll in a brief moment diminishing your attestation of calories, starch, fat, and sodium. After some time, this part cripple will redesign your weight, blood glucose, cholesterol, and circulatory strain.
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trenetralaya · 10 months
Retina Specialist in Kolkata | Best Retina Surgeon in Kolkata
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Dr. S Prakash is the Best Retina Specialist in Kolkata and Retina Surgeon in Kolkata, who is a senior Vitreo-Retina consultant at B.B Eye Foundation. When it comes to finding the best retina and you can rest assured that you're in capable hands. Kolkata, the vibrant city known for its rich cultural heritage and excellent healthcare facilities, boasts a pool of highly skilled and experienced doctors specializing in retinal conditions.
Vitreo Retina Specialist in kolkata, Vitreo Retina is the study of ultrastructure of retinal, Best Retina Specialist. In this investigation Laser light in near infra red spectrum (810nm) is used to produce high resolution cross sectional image of retina using coherence inferometry.
Retina and vitreo-retina specialists are medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing, treating, Best Retina Specialist, and managing diseases and disorders that affect the retina, which is a critical part of the eye responsible for vision. These specialists undergo extensive training and possess in-depth knowledge of the intricate structures and complex functioning of the retina.
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trenetralaya · 10 months
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Best Eye Hospital in Kolkata | Retina Eye Hospital
Trenetralaya is the best eye hospital in Kolkata, providing top-notch- cataract, retina, glaucoma, LASIK specialist, surgery, and operation in Kolkata. In the bustling metropolis of Kolkata, India, amidst its rich cultural heritage and vibrant ambiance, lies a beacon of hope for those seeking unparalleled eye care. The city boasts several top-tier eye hospitals, each competing to provide cutting-edge treatments and compassionate care. In this article, we delve into the world of ocular healthcare in Kolkata and unveil the crown jewel of eye hospitals, renowned for its expertise, technology, and patient-centric approach – The Best Eye Hospital in Kolkata.
Get a smile eye surgery in Kolkata from Trenetralaya at affordable rates. Dr. Partha Biswas is a cataract and retina surgeon HOD, Best Eye Hospital In Kolkata!. Get SMILE eye surgery in Kolkata from Trenetralaya at an affordable rate. If you are over 50 years old and have been in a similar situation, there is nothing to worry about. Cataracts or "chain" or "motivating" as it is called in local languages, is one of the most common eye diseases which almost every human being develops in their lifetime. The God-gifted natural lens gradually opacifies with age, causing blurring of vision. Fortunately, the solution is very simple, Best Eye Hospital In Kolkata!!, and a painless one-time surgical procedure is the answer. Cataract surgery is today the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the world and with the highest success rate.
Dr. Partha Biswas is a cataract and retina surgeon at HOD. Born to the BEST parents in the world, who taught me that commitment towards the profession and compassion for mankind was the way to discover the purpose of life on earth & this I choose to do every day. I have learned, made mistakes, unlearnt, but tried to make sure that I made a difference in the lives of others, Best Eye Hospital In Kolkata!!. I have been extremely fortunate to have teachers and mentors who have guided me to be more, to do more, and to enjoy the entire journey of life. Each of my teachers in their own way has sai.
SMILE stands for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. SMILE laser eye surgery is performed using a VisuMax femtosecond laser, which is the established technology of Carl Zeiss Meditec. In the SMILE procedure, the surgeon handles a femtosecond laser to form a small, lens-shaped bit of tissue (lenticule) within the cornea. Then, with the same laser, a small arc-shaped incision is performed on the surface of the cornea, and the surgeon extracts the lenticule through this incision and dismisses it. With the small lenticular removed, the shape of the cornea is altered, improving nearsightedness. The corneal incision improves within a few days without stitches, and sharper vision occurs very soon. SMILE laser eye surgery can improve up to -10.00 diopters (D) of nearsightedness, It Best Eye Hospital In Kolkata!!. Applicants must be at least 22 years old and have no more than -0.50 D of astigmatism. And their eyeglass prescription must be constant for at least 12 months.
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trenetralaya · 11 months
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vaidyaeyehospital · 1 year
Dr. Harshit Vaidya is an MBBS, DNB, FMRF Vitreo Retina Surgeon (DNB & Fellow, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai). At Dr.Vaidya Eye Specialist, he serves as a Vitreo Retina Specialist.
Dr. Harshit Vaidya is an ophthalmologist with a special interest in Vitreo-Retinal diseases. He completed his MBBS in 2013 from Government Medical College, Solapur, Maharashtra. He went on to pursue his residency in Ophthalmology at the renowned Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai. He further went on to do his fellowship in Vitreo-Retina from his parent institute of Sankara Nethralaya which has one of the largest and best retina departments in the country.
During his 5 year tenure at Sankara Nethralaya, he presented posters and papers at various national and international conferences including the World Ophthalmology Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico; Asia Pacific Association of Ophthalmology Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, EURETINA, Paris, France; All India Ophthalmic Congress, Kolkata, India among many others.
Additionally, he completed a short training stint at the San Raffaele Hospital, Italy under the guidance of Professor Giuseppe Querques (Head, Medical Retina & Imaging Unit, Department of Ophthalmology).
He has a keen interest in macular disorders, particularly type 3 neovascularization; and newer OCT findings. He is proficient in retinal surgeries for retinal detachment, SFIOLs, and diabetic vitrectomies.
Dr. Vaidya's core belief is in providing eye care not just through sheer competence and knowledge but also through compassion and philanthropy.
For consultation:
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dishaeyehospitals · 5 years
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dishaeyehospitals · 5 years
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dishaeyehospitals · 5 years
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