#bevan wise
elifinchsart · 5 months
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i wanted to do a whole fashion zine of yellowstone magic players but then i got sick. have sketches of pies bevan and and eiz
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spookyprime · 2 months
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Been thinking of bevan
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polkadotpatterson · 1 year
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Blaseball as text posts, part 6! Art by HetreaSky!
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serendipitydoopity · 1 year
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a bunch of old magic players roasting marshmallows, done for the magic fanwork exchange on discord!
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wowwforever · 2 years
More Like Bevan Pies
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blaseballmagic · 2 years
Bevan the Wise I will miss you, but I'm glad you landed on a team that rhymes with your name, that's so big
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first proof
[Blaseball, Gen, 2.2k words]
She hits the ground hard enough to hurt, and immediately has no idea where she is or how she got there.
After a beat, she realizes she also has no idea who she is.
With that disturbing thought sinking into a pit in her stomach, she pushes herself up into a sitting position and looks up, rubbing her aching head. She's in an empty room, pretty big, with benches running down the center and rows of lockers lining the walls.
She puts a hand on a bench (and, oof, a few inches to the left and she'd have hit her head on that. Ouch.) and leverages herself all the way to her feet. Okay. Something about the place feels familiar; at least, she recognizes it as a locker room. She thinks she's been in locker rooms before. But not this one. At least, she's pretty sure.
Wandering closer to inspect the lockers, she notices something strange: they all have placards on the front, that seem like they may have once had names on them, but the markings seem like they've been… erased, somehow. Weird. Letting her fingertips run along the wall, she wanders down the row of lockers. It's all more of the same, until she gets to the end and finds one that's different.
The last locker in the row has a placard with a name engraved in it in all capital letters: STEALS CHARK.
[read on ao3]
Acting on instinct, she reaches out and opens it. Hanging prominently on a hook is a teal striped shirt, with CHARK emblazoned across the back. She pulls it out and tries it on, buttoning it up over her tank top.
A perfect fit.
Huh. Okay. She peeks her head around the edge of the locker door again to get another look at the placard. Steals. Sure. She can be Steals.
The locker has other equipment in it – a glove, a bat, cleats, all pristine and untouched. Steals ignores it for now and leaves the locker to go further explore the building, leaving the uniform shirt on.
It takes a while, but Steals is pretty confident she manages to find her way into every room in the clubhouse, and after tracking back and forth over just about every inch of the building, determines that she is absolutely alone.
It's a little unnerving. The clubhouse is eerily silent; every room feels like it's just been sitting there, waiting, but for what, she doesn't know. Her, she guesses. She wishes fervently that she could remember how she got here, and why.
She's alone for a long time.
She familiarizes herself with every inch of the clubhouse, and then starts messing with stuff just for something to do. She drags every chair she can find into the locker room and builds an elaborate fort, and then knocks it down for the satisfaction of destroying it. She finds a fridge full entirely of energy drinks and mixes them all together in a bowl to make a horrific concoction that leaves her with a pounding headache. She pries the wheels off a swivel chair and glues them to the bottom of a pair of cleats and does tricks off the benches in the locker room. She falls and hits her head, and then does it again.
She drags a basket of balls out into a hallway and sets up targets, and then tries to hit them. Then she tries it again, this time while skating. She falls again. She doesn't care. There's nobody around to see.
It's at least two months before she hears the crash and skates into the locker room to see a man laying amidst the wreckage of her chair fort. He looks up at her, blinking. She stares back.
"Hi," he says.
"What the fuck," she says back.
"A little help?"
She skates a little closer and helps extricate him from the chairs. Once done, he stands in the middle of the locker room, rubbing his head as he looks around. She keeps staring at him.
"So," he finally says, conversationally. "What team am I on this time?"
"What?" she asks.
"Y'know," he says, gesturing unhelpfully with one hand. "Team. Last time I was on one called the Baltimore Crabs. You've still got the Crabs here, right?"
"Nevermind." He sticks a hand out. "Hi, I'm Thomas Marsh."
She blinks at the hand in her face, then slowly takes it. "Steals Chark," she says. "I think."
The man – Thomas – hums, nodding in understanding. "It's your first time, right? It's always tough to remember, the first time."
Steals furrows her brow, crossing her arms defensively. "My first time doing what, you weirdo?" she demands.
Thomas turns away from her, moving around to explore the locker room. "Jumping universes," he says casually, coming to a stop in front of a locker. Steals warily slides up behind him, and then gawks as she sees that the placard that definitely used to be blank, now says THOMAS MARSH. He pulls it open, and hums again. "Oh! The Pies. That's cool. I've always liked Philly." He takes out a shirt identical to Steals's own, but with his own name on it, and pulls it on. "The colors are the same. Nice. It's so annoying when the colors get switched around."
"What are you talking about?" Steals bursts out. She can't believe that she's seeing another person for the first time in – well, as long as she can remember, and he's some… weirdo.
Thomas smiles apologetically. "Sorry, kid. This isn't my first rodeo. Or blaseball team."
"Blaseball?" Steals shoots back. That word… something about it pings in the back of her head. Like she should know what it means.
Thomas hums again, rifling through the rest of the equipment in his locker. "Yeah, blaseball. It's a sport. Kind of. Anyways, it's what we're here to do. Though I guess games won't start until the rest of the team shows up."
That gets her attention. "You mean there are more people coming?" she asks. "Are they all gonna be as weird as you?"
Thomas throws his head back and laughs. "Kid, knowing blaseball players? Depends on the universe. But they could be much weirder."
As it turns out, Thomas is right.
It's just the two of them for a while, again. They find an equilibrium: Thomas doesn't stop being weird, and tells her stories about other universes that she's, like, 80% sure he's just making up. But he helps her set up more targets in places too high for her to reach, and doesn't laugh at her when she falls on her face trying more skate tricks, and tries her energy drink mixes with a straight face, so Steals guesses he's all right.
And after another few weeks, there's another crash in the locker room and the two of them come running in to find, of all things, an old man in a wizard hat and robes staring up at them.
"Hey," Thomas says, offering a hand to help him up. "Welcome to the Pies."
Bevan Wise, in Steals's opinion, does not seem like he belongs on a sports team.
"First of all, he's old," she informs Tom, while pouring something acid green and carbonated into her mixing bowl. "Second of all, he's, like, a nerd."
Tom snorts, and obediently holds out his cup for Steals to ladle her concoction into for him to taste. "Give him a chance," he says generously. "At least let him practice with us. See how he does. He says he's a wizard."
"Yeah, he says ," Steals shoots back. "Just like you say you've been to, like, a bazillion universes."
"Which is why I have no problems accepting that he's a wizard," Tom says, then hums. "Do we have anything blue flavored? I think it could use some blue."
The door to the kitchen slams open, and with a "BEHOLD!" Bevan strides into the room.
Steals whirls around, clutching her mixing bowl to her chest, and claps a hand over her mouth. Bevan is wearing the strangest pair of pants she has ever seen in her life, and over his uniform he has clasped a black cape with enormous teal flames licking up the sides. He holds out his arms with a broad grin.
"I have uncovered the secrets of the laundry room!" He declares.
"I can see that," Tom says evenly.
Steals keeps her hand clapped over her mouth to hide her laughter. Bevan's eyes suddenly fix on the bowl in her arms.
"Oh, a potion!" He says, with absolute glee. He strides over, looming over Steals. He has a good foot of height on her. He leans in close to scrutinize her energy drink concoction, and gives a sudden, very loud sniff. Finally, he leans back and plants his hands on his hips. "And a very potent one at that! My compliments on your alchemical skills, Miss Chark."
 "Um," Steals says. "Thanks."
 "If I may, I believe I have in mind some additions that may prove helpful," Bevan says, pausing and looking to her for approval. Raising her eyebrows, Steals nods. 
 Bevan steps back and raises his arms, and suddenly his eyes start glowing and the lights in the room flicker. He starts muttering under his breath, and the cabinet doors all slam open at once, their contents flying out and circling in the air around Bevan.
 Steals drops her bowl.
 But it, too, starts hovering, and with minute gestures with his hands, Bevan directs various odds and ends to leave the line of ingredients and drop portions into the bowl, the liquid inside stirring itself as they add to it. Finally, with a flick of his wrist the remaining ingredients march through the air back into the cabinets, which all close in perfect unison with a loud thud. Bevan takes the bowl in his hands and his eyes stop glowing.
 He holds it out to Steals with a benevolent smile, and with wide eyes she takes it back. Tom leans around him to dip his cup into the mixture and takes a sip.
 "Whattaya know," he says, giving Steals a wink. "Tastes more blue."
 "Wonderful!" Bevan booms, turning to go with a swirl of his cape. "Now if you'll excuse me, I am off to build a library."
 Tom at least has the decency to wait before telling Steals, "I told you so."
 "This team is so weird," she breathes.
 A few days later, Bevan once again bursts into the kitchen, this time with a burst of teal fireworks. Steals is attempting to shore up the glue on her skates, while Tom flips through a rulebook he founds in a drawer in an office upstairs. It doesn't seem to be written in any kind of language Steals recognizes, but Tom seems to be reading it just fine.
 They both look up at Bevan's overblown entrance, already becoming accustomed to his fanfare. In one hand, held high and triumphant, he's holding a set of… car keys?
 They have a little wizard hat keychain on them. Steals is absolutely certain they belong to him.
"Behold!" Bevan crows. "I have made a wondrous discovery."
"Where'd you get those?" Tom asks, cocking his head.
Bevan shakes them, making them jingle pleasantly. "I was performing a spell meant to summon an item of great personal import, and they simply appeared in my pocket."
"Are you sure they weren't already in there?" Steals asks dubiously, eyeing his pockets. "You have really big pockets."
"It matters not," Bevan says, folding the keys up in his hand. "The true treasure is what they unlock!"
Tom puts his book down. "So let's go find it."
Bevan leads the two of them through the clubhouse to a door that, to Steals's utter bewilderment, she has never seen before.
"What the hell?" she mutters under her breath as Bevan confidently strides up to it. "Where the hell did it come from? Where does it go?"
And then Bevan opens the door, and her breath catches in her throat.
  Outside. There's an outside.
The three of them bump shoulders in their hurry to get through the door, and find themselves standing in a largely unremarkable parking lot, outside a largely unremarkable building, except for the fact that it's definitely too small to be the clubhouse they've been living in all this time, and the large PHILLY PIES sign hanging from the eaves.
And, of course, for the van sitting in one of the spaces just by the door, with a chaotic scene centered on a wizard airbrushed on the side of it.
Bevan holds out the keys and hits a button and, of course, the van beeps and flashes its lights.
Steals's jaw drops.
"Come, my compatriots," Bevan calls, striding towards the van. "Adventure awaits!"
Tom's hand on her shoulder startles Steals out of her silence. "You okay?" he asks, one eyebrow raised.
"I didn't even know there was an outside," she confesses breathlessly. She feels rooted to the spot. It's so much. It's too much.
Tom squeezes her shoulder. She would never admit it to him, but she feels some of his easy confidence leeching into her. She takes a deep breath and feels like she can move again.
"Well, c'mon, kid," Tom says, tipping his head towards Bevan's van. "Let's go see what this universe has to offer."
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wooshofficial · 2 years
okay obscure blaseball ships lets gooooo:
bevan wise/annie roland: based on my specific interpretations of them where bevan was a human who ended up becoming a wizard for the fae court and annie was her knight. lots of classic chivalric pining but sapphic.
cantus hojo/mindy kugel: wivesssss. very comfortable weve been together 30 years and know each other well vibes. mindy is poly and also has a husband named bertrand and they’re cute together too.
kichiro guerra/parker meng: DISASTER COUPLE. DO NOT KNOW HOW TO COMMUNICATE. been together on and off since highschool. both alternated from the same universe and then both ended up on the worms but only together for about a season bc they both kept going elsewhere (and then kichiro STAYED elsewhere)
jenna maldonado/raúl leal: what if we were non human immortals who gave up our immortality to play blaseball together because we loved humanity and music and then one of us ended up dying and the other later gained a way to protect other players from dying.
winnie mccall/chorby short: this is a ship that my partner got me into and i love them sooooo much. they have the kinda relationship where it feels like they’ve known each other their whole lives. also winnie later getting like demon sound powers plus chorbys whole soul scream makes me go aaaaaaa
winnie mccall/patty fox: ALSO GOOD. love when there is a tiny grumpy butch and a big chill femme. patty doesnt do her own make up or nails but has learned how to so she can pamper winnie and do it for her.
also tillmikejay who i dont talk about much bc i am afraid to get ejected from a salmon cannon but i am an annoying bisexual who loves to make up other annoying bisexuals to think about. also they all have a lot of parallels in lore and sim events. slaps this polycule they can fit so much guilt and only one braincell into them.
Bevan and Annie - oh that’s such a cool interp!!! Before ur art I only saw the drip wizard interp so I am eating this up gimme more I wan. Moar.
Cantus and Mindy - idk much about these two but that’s so cute I love that
Kichiro and Parker - this is just me. Don’t date me I’m awful at communicating JABDKWNWKNWWK anyways I am rotating it. Maybe both the common Kichi/Allison ship could factor in where on those “off” times Kichi got into this serious relationship with Allison and then Allison died and Kichi. Does not know how to cope with that so she goes back to what she knows and Parker hates it. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaates it.
Jenna and Raúl - Raul does it all in the name of Jenna and then fucking Explodes, lol, and then they kiss in the hall the end
Winnie and Chorby - did you know that the Cas Commute (where Chorby Short and Castillo Turner were routinely EE’d for each other over the course of 5 seasons) happened during the s17 elections, a season after Winnie died? Did you know that Winnie died the SAME SEASON as Chorby joining the mills as an attractor, literally. 59 days after she was on the team. Chorby, dissociating and confused and in a new city clings to the one thing she knows (Winnie) and then that thing DIES, and she’s not even there because she’s in the shadows. This is so tragic and I’m so in love with it omg
WAIT ELI I THINK YOU MEANT SOUL INSTEAD OF SHORT. IVE SEEN THAT SHIP BEFORE I am half and half on it, because I see Chorby Soul as gay, but also in the context of how that season played out it is SO tragic and I eat that shit up. Basically I like both ships
Winnie and Patty - oh that’s cute! See I ship Patty with Hatfield Suzuki in the infamous Patty/Hatty/Ana polycule but I can so get behind this. Sometimes you are a slightly workaholic chef and your chill demon gf has to tell you to get some fucking sleep oh my god. But then she dies and you join the lineup in her memory (I can’t remember if Patty took Winnie’s spot in the lineup but it would absolutely hit if that turns out to be true).
Tillman and Mike and Jaylen - I like to think of this disaster trio as “Mike Townsend Has Two Hands” because while Till and Jay are friends, Till is straight up a gay man who wants to kiss him some baker lips, and Jaylen does not find Tillman attractive in the slightest. Mike Townsend’s bisexual ass, however, finds both of them hot and will gladly give them both his baker lips to smooch. Theyre cute as hell.
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brienneoftarthsource · 8 months
Game of Thrones Dunk and Egg Prequel Casting Call Suggests Filming Sooner Than Expected
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The second season of HBO’s hit series House of the Dragon starring Emma D’Arcy, Matt Smith and Olivia Cooke has just finished filming a few weeks ago for a 2024 release. There are more Game of Thrones projects in the works, and one would think they are very far away from now, but after months of silence, the previously announced Dunk & Egg series with the working title A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight seems to have begun castings its two leads.
Casting Dunk & Egg
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Renowned UK casting director Lucy Bevan (The Batman, Barbie, Death on the Nile, Cruella) published a casting call for two leading roles in an upcoming HBO series. The series isn’t named, but from the role descriptions, it can’t be mistaken for anything else. These two are definitely Aegon V Targaryen and Duncan the Tall.
BOY: Aged 9-10. Physically small, the character is wise beyond his years, confident and witty. He has a neutral English accent, and is white with blue/green eyes and pale skin. Must be under 4’6 (137cm) and at least 9 years old by March 2024 for licensing.
SOLDIER: Aged 18-25. The soldier is very tall and physically strong. He has a humble disposition and is perceptive and thoughtful. Any ethnicity. Must be at least 6’4 (193cm).
**OPEN CASTING CALL** – we're currently searching for two leading roles in an upcoming HBO series. Details on the flyer below. Please share! Thanks so much.#casting #castingcall #opencall #audition pic.twitter.com/gppnlTSEil— Lucy Bevan Casting (@CastingLucy) October 20, 2023
Finally, the casting call notes that filming will take place already in 2024, meaning the project is closer than we thought.
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technofinch · 8 months
okay lengthy and needlessly dramatic exposition time :3c
In the middle of a mountain range that no one particularly cares about, there's a hole. Inside the hole is - well, that's the thing. It's different every time.
Nothing ever comes *out* of the hole, unless it's being carried, and there's no more gold and gems in the hole than there are in any other hole, and really it's quite annoying to get to, so overall the hole serves as no more than a fascinating bit of trivia and steady (if unglamorous) work for an ever-dwindling number of adventurers and sight-seeers.
A safe distance away from the hole is a town. Legend says that a local baron made it his mission to find the bottom of the hole, losing an arm in the process and eventually getting himself lost entirely. The town is called Baron's Reach. It has very few inhabitants.
Most people meet Silvaire Goldengrain, the tall dark-haired woman who runs the inn and tavern for the few tourists that pass through to see the hole. She's seen many adventures ride into town and very few leave.
Most people also meet Megan or Henry Ito, the twins, but very few people meet both. While one of them mans the trading post in town the other journeys to a city, bartering exhumed treasures for useful things like food and clothing. Neither of them are seen without a sword at their hip or a grin on their face.
In the squat grey stone chapel is the priest, Peregrine, worrying over her portents and bones. Adorning the walls are a variety of holy symbols and relics of varying faiths, none of which seem particularly well kept. Still, her healing spells work as well as anyone else's.
The sturdiest house in town serves as the home of the Aines family, though most of the life occurs outside in the workshops and kennels. Paula works the blocks of uniform grey stone cut and delivered from the hole while her husband Yosh carves, saws and sands the beams of even-grained oak into wagon wheels, rafters, and utensils. Their child, Beasley, full-grown now but still the youngest in town by far, works with their dogs, designing a breed small but sturdy enough to venture into the hole in place of mules or horses.
On the short road from Baron's Reach to the hole is another building, this one once-temporary and bearing a plaque with the crest of Unseen University. In it reside Bevan the Wise, tenured professor of physiomagical identity in the Transmutation School, accompanied by the indefatigable Chorby Short (in the throes of research for her dissertation on the use of mathematical signatures in divination).
In the opposite direction, further into the hills, is a grand house made from the same grey stone and even-grained oak as everything else in town, adorned in ornate carvings and inlaid with tasteful jewels utterly unlike those typically dredged up from the hole. Kennedy lives there, and rarely leaves - they have their food and supplies delivered by the traders, and overpay by nearly double regardless of how much Megan or Henry actually charge them.
The rarest sight in town is Becker, the fire-blooded goatherd who maintains their living well above the treeline in even the coldest months. Only on rare occasions do they venture into town with hair, milk, and meat to trade, and they never stay for long.
Baron's Reach is quiet, and small, and the hole is silent and infinite. Each of them have their secrets, each has its dangers. Their fates entwined like a barnacle and her whale. What answers can be found, here, in the Depths?
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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William Holden in Stalag 17 (Billy Wilder, 1953)
Cast: William Holden, Don Taylor, Otto Preminger, Robert Strauss, Harvey Lembeck, Richard Erdman, Peter Graves, Neville Brand, Sig Ruman, Edmund Trczinski,. Screenplay: Billy Wilder, Edwin Blum, based on a play by Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski. Cinematography: Ernest Laszlo. Art direction: Franz Bachelin, Hal Pereira. Film editing: George Tomasini. Music: Franz Waxman.
After their success with Sunset Blvd. (1950), Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett went their separate ways. They had been one of the most successful teams in Hollywood history since 1938, when they began collaborating as screenwriters, and then as a producer (Brackett), director (Wilder), and co-writer team starting with Five Graves to Cairo in 1943. But Wilder decided that he wanted to be a triple-threat: producer, director, and writer. His first effort in this line, Ace in the Hole (1951), was, however, a commercial flop -- now regarded as a classic. So he seems to have decided to go for the sure thing: film versions of plays that had been Broadway hits and therefore had a built-in attraction to audiences. His next three movies, Stalag 17, Sabrina (1954), and The Seven Year Itch (1955), all fell into this category. But what Wilder really needed was a steady writing collaborator, which he didn't find until 1957, when he teamed up with I.A.L. Diamond for the first time on Love in the Afternoon. The collaboration hit pay dirt in 1959 with Some Like It Hot, and won Wilder his triple-threat Oscar with The Apartment (1960). Which is all to suggest that Stalag 17 appeared while Wilder was in a kind of holding pattern in his career. It's not a particularly representative work, given its origins on stage which bring certain expectations from those who saw it there and also from those who want to see a reasonable facsimile of the stage version. The play, set in a German P.O.W. camp in 1944, was written by two former inmates of the titular prison camp, Donald Bevan and Edmund Trczinski. In revising it, Wilder built up the character of the cynical Sgt. Sefton (William Holden), partly to satisfy Holden, who had walked out of the first act of the play on Broadway. Sefton is in many ways a redraft of Holden's Joe Gillis in Sunset Blvd., worldly wise and completely lacking in sentimentality, a character type that Holden would be plugged into for the rest of his career, and it won him the Oscar that he probably should have won for that film. But it's easy to see why Holden wanted the role beefed up, because Stalag 17 is the kind of play and movie that it's easy to get lost in: an ensemble with a large all-male cast, each one eager to make his mark. Harvey Lembeck and Robert Strauss, as the broad comedy Shapiro and "Animal," steal most of the scenes -- Strauss got a supporting actor nomination for the film -- and Otto Preminger as the camp commandant and Sig Ruman as the German Sgt. Schulz carry off many of the rest. The cast even includes one of the playwrights, Edmund Trczinski, as "Triz," the prisoner who gets a letter from his wife, who claims that he "won't believe it," but an infant was left on her doorstep and it looks just like her. Triz's "I believe it," which he obviously doesn't, becomes a motif through the film. Bowdlerized by the Production Code, Stalag 17 hasn't worn well, despite Holden's fine performance, and it's easy to blame it for creating the prison-camp service comedy genre, which reached its nadir in the obvious rip-off Hogan's Heroes, which ran on TV for six seasons, from 1965 to 1971.
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elifinchsart · 2 years
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I love Bevan Wise and had so much fun designing a Pies uniform for her! [Image ID: A drawing of Bevan Wise from Blaseball standing with one hand on her hips and one in a snapping gesture as she levitates a baseball with magic. She is a thin older Black woman dressed in long dress, cape and apron and a conical wizard hat. Her clothing is inspired by medieval fashion mixed with a baseball uniform and features many pie motifs. The second image is a close up and shows off how off her wizard's hat looks like a pie that has red berry filling spilling out of it. End ID]
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strinak · 1 year
Author Statistics
For 10 authors, I read their works into the double digits: Alessandra Hazard (x11) Kiki Clark (x12) Kati Wilde (x13) Shelly Laurenston (x15) AJ Sherwood (x16) Onley James (x20) KL Noone (x24) Charity Parkerson (x31) Megan Derr (x40) Mary Calmes (x44)
For 24 authors, I read at least 3 and at most 9 works: Andrea K Host (x4), Anne Bishop (x4), Brigham Vaughn (x3), Bruce Sentar (x3), Deacon Frost (x3), Eric Ugland (x7), Gail Carriger (x1)/GL Carriger (x3), Ilona Andrews (x5), Jennifer Cody (x4), Jordan Castillo Price (x3), Louisa Masters (x6), Lucy Lennox (x5), Lyn Gala (x3), Mell Eight (x3), Michelle Diener (x4), Naomi Novik (x3), R Cooper (x5), RJ Moray (x2)/Robin Moray (x1), Sam Burns (x5), Shirtaloon (x7), Stella Starling (x4), TJ Land (x9), Vasily Mahanenko (x3), and Wen Spencer (x5).
For 25 authors, I read exactly 2 works: Alex Gilbert, Alice Winters, Amanda Meuwissen, Amy Crook, Andy Gallo, Bettie Sharpe, Claire Cullen, David North, Eli Easton, Eryn Ivers, Isabel Murray, Jessie Mihalik, KM Neuhold, LC Mawson, Luke Chmilenko, Macronomicon, Ofelia Grand, Robin Roseau, Ryan Rimmel ,Sam Burns & WM Fawkes (with Sam Burns), Shannon West, Skylar Jaye, Tara Lain, TS Snow, and Victoria Helen Stone.
For 87 authors, I read only a single work: A Catherine Noon & Rachel Wilder, AC Wiggen, Allie Brosh, Amanda Milo, Andrea Speed, Anyta Sunday (with Andy Gallo), April Jade, Arden Powell, August, Brea Alepou & Wren Snow, Brooke Matthews, Bryce O’Connor (with Luke Chmilenko), Cale Plamann, Casualfarmer, Catelyn Winona, Chace Verity, CJ Carella, CM Blackwood, Courtney Milan, Daniel Rose, Danny M Lavery, Darktechnomancer, Dassy Bernhard, Delaney Rain, Delmire Hart, Devon Vesper, DI Freed, DM Rhodes, Eden Finley & Saxon James, EJ Russell, Elliott Kay, EM Lindsey (with Kiki Clark), Hayden Hall, HJ Tolson, Jenny Lawson, Jesse Q Sutanto, JK Jeffrey, KA Merikan, Kaleb England, Kaydence Snow, Kou Delika, Lee Hadan, Liz Talley, May Archer (with Lucy Lennox), Macy Blake, Margaret Atwood, Marie Cardno & Kalikoi, Michele Notaro, Michelle Frost, Michelle Kathleen Hodgson, Natasha Hunter, Nazri Noor, Philip R Johnson & Justin C Louis, Raleigh Ruebins, Ravensdagger, Regine Abel, Riley Hart, RJ Scott, Robert Bevan, Ryn Bretcher, Sam Starbuck, Samantha Cayto, Sariah Wilson, Sasha L Miller, Scott Browder, SE Harmon, Sean Oswald, Sebastian Hansen, Seth Richter, Sienna Sway, Sierra Riley, SJ Himes, Stephanie Burgis, Stephen L Hadley, Stuart Grosse, Suki Fleet, Sunny Hart, SunriseCV, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Tanya Chris, Toby Wise, Tom Watts, Toni McGee Causey, Travis Baldtree, Xander Boyce, Yamila Abraham, and Zile Elliven.
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The entire Yellowstone Magic blaseball team (circa the end of season 24) holding hands in the parkpark and casting a lil wards up. Can't believe I almost forgot to post this to tumblr. So grateful that siesta gave me a chance to get to know and vibe with our new Expansion Era players since voicemail/fax machine go brrrr had made that basically impossible while games were going. As much as I love Short Circuits players I'm excited to see these guys on the field again.
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graciedart · 4 years
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more blaseball! 
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blaseballmagic · 2 years
Idk how much blaseball and fatt fans overlap, but Bevan the Wise is like the Great Fantasmo to me
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