#birth by sleep first playthrough
mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Finished my Birth by Sleep playthrough! Here's a long analysis of the game and KH themes as a whole, my feelings on it, and random other things.
I'm gonna preemptively apologize for negative vibes in my little collection of thoughts here, but please be assured of the fact that while I'm much more critical of this game than previous KH entries I've gone through so far, there's definitely been some things I've appreciated about it.
My biggest issue with this game is its story and the wasted potential therein. I can see the vision had for this game and how important it is as a whole, thematically. First and foremost, this game has demonstrated that the events that took place in KH1 regarding the tension between the main trio were not an unfortunate anomaly in this game's universe, and that instead, the battle between light and darkness was always truly an issue of upholding societal views/expectations across generations versus forgoing all that and finding self acceptance, accordingly, escalating enough to literal War because of how serious the perceived conflict between light and dark can become. I find it additionally interesting and solidifying how the societal views versus self acceptance conflict carried over from KH Days, the previous game, in terms of how the Organization conducted itself and fell apart from the inside. Goes to show that this struggle exists within the series prevalently enough even outside of the so-called "light v. dark" situation.
And seeing how this multi-generational phenomenon has operated at the detriment of the BBS trio is there to tell the audience "hey, this is what happens when people are trained to ostracize that which is seen as bad or different," should be compelling. It's a great set-up on paper: You've got Aqua, the new Keyblade Master who feels especially pulled to meet the expectations set for her, prioritizing her duty to such a degree that she alienates her companions. You've got Terra, who feels disgusted by himself and dangerous for being an outlier of those same expectations. He feels like he'll never be good enough, and he feels angry at himself for that, and angry at the others for having what he doesn't. He does all the right things, is respectful towards all the right people, bending over backwards for them, and even then, they only seek to distrust and manipulate him rather than say he's enough.
Then you've got Ventus, the literal embodiment of being pulled in two directions. He watches all of this tension happen around him like he's inside an insulated jar, feeling helpless and confined by the world that seeks to suffocate and isolate him, and knows he has to do something but is unsure what. He strikes out on his own, gets the "you're too immature/young to know better" treatment from the people supposed to back him up, and gets slapped in the face for his attempts to disrupt the system.
On paper it's great!
In execution, it's often not great.
Like I've said before, the dialogue is majorly clunky, the voice direction questionable (I always give VAs benefit of the doubt, and assume the voice direction might have been lackluster before anything else) for me, to a noticeable degree. And with the dialogue, it's weird, because it's not like the whole game was god awful with it. It was more like there was an entirely different team handling the dialogue for the main trio than everyone else. I acknowledge this may be different on the original Japanese script, but I've no way of knowing how exactly. I thought the Disney characters were done very well- their dialogue flowed naturally, bouncing off of other characters, as well as the voice acting just generally being great for them as always. I thought Braig was great again too, more on him later. Vanitas was an edgy brat, and I thought he was fun, so I've got no real issue with him and thought the amount of contrast from the tone of him and Sora was impressive from the same VA. I'm give or take on Xehanort, bordering slightly more on positive, although I will kill him for insisting on saying "key"-blade instead of "kye"-blade when referring to the x-blade. You suck, old man.
But the main trio? Ahh! Half of their conversations felt like different phrases stitched together that were somehow supposed to make sense- ah yes, a person would definitely say that in response to that other thing! The actual execution of the miscommunication between the trio was confusing, if anything, and not believable. An example off the top of my head was in Aqua's route where she seemingly hears only the tail end of Maleficent's spiel, and rushes in with a "Terra would never do that!" Girlie has no idea what Terra did, from my perspective, which continues with the Radiant Garden argument cutscene where she's like "I've seen what you've done." No?? No, you haven't seen anything at that point?? It's only upon reading the journal for that Enchanted Dominion section that I learn apparently Aqua was implied to have heard more of the conversation between Ventus and Maleficent than the audience is shown. Oh, and more on the "argument" between the three of them in Radiant Garden that I watched three times, and all three times it never got better- Goodness gracious, it was like they were told to pretend to be mad at each other, with no natural buildup of a sense of betrayal on Terra's part (once again, I get what they were going for, but it wasn't written believably). Ventus' "You're awful Aqua," just had me with my head in my hands. This game really piled onto using innumerous trailed off sentences for dramatic effect, and it got to the point where most conversations didn't even follow a logical flow because of it.
And why, oh why, did the writers see it fit to really hammer home the parallels between the Disney Worlds and the main characters they were trying to make, and didn't usually even do a good job making? Previous games made plenty of parallels that weren't even necessarily subtle, but the audience could still go on their own "...and that's how that applies to []." This game saw fit to... hand holding isn't the right phrase... catapult you by the wrist head first into What They Were Trying For in each Disney world. This was often to the point of feeling incredibly unnatural for each character's progression. Especially with Aqua and Terra, it was like they would jump from being very cordial with everyone in the Disney worlds, to suddenly being like "You know, 😊 ✨ you can find the drive for everything that you hurt from in your heart, with your friends. And also Here's The Lesson For the Day." Like, this game was MOSTLY the closest thing to me feeling like, yeah, I am playing a Saturday Morning Cartoon game. I think it would've been fine if Terra and Aqua especially didn't learn many lessons, actually, given that their journeys were supposed to sort of be downward spirals fueled by misunderstanding and obfuscation. It feels a bit silly in retrospect.
And before anyone thinks it, no I don't have a gripe with the "I love my friends" stuff by itself. I love plenty of mushy-gushy "power of friendship" shit, and I'm not gonna stop here (you will rip it from my cold, dead hands), the Final Episode with Aqua demonstrated that aspect in a really loving way. What I DO have a problem with is that because of how excessive it was in the other areas, it actively sabotaged the time it could have taken to expand upon the other, just as prevalent themes I discussed earlier. Instead of Terra talking more with Hercules like "You know... sometimes it's like the world works against me, when I try to be a hero. It's like I'll never be good enough to be someone anyone could rely on." Or instead of Aqua being like "The Lost Boys simply following orders from Peter because they were told to, pushing down their own fear out of necessity... how long have I...?" You get: "FRIENDS! :D"
I will now take the rest of this long post to finish off with some bits and pieces of things that I enjoyed throughout my playthrough. Thank you for your patience and attendence. Before any of the smaller bits though, I gotta talk about the Final Episode and Secret Ending.
Like seriously, I want whatever magic they have with that, because endings are so, so hard to conceptualize and execute in what feels like a meaningful way. But the way they wrapped everything up in the Final Episode and set the stage for the KH1 plot and everything else... damn. My complaints on dialogue mainly fixed themselves during the ending, too. The Land of Departure is now Castle Oblivion and where Ventus' body rests, oh shiiit. I wonder if the Organization found him while they occupied it? 🤔 The scene where Aqua carried out Ventus piggyback was so tender, and it was so sweet how Ventus subconsciously wanted to be safe at home, while he rested. And my theory about Ventus was right! Although, I'm still fuzzy on how Vanitas took on Sora's appearance prior to him and Ventus fusing with Sora's heart. It would make sense if he took on that appearance afterwards, though, as well as why he ALSO happened to have traits of Riku: "Giving up already?" (Which he said multiple times, so I doubt it's coincidental) It's thanks to Riku's advice that Ventus/Vanitas' wandering heart was able to be saved, after all, so... I guess Vanitas absorbed traits of the both of them for that reason? But none of that makes sense if Vanitas unmasked before Ventus connected with Sora. Argh. This is the only time in the series I've been confounded by a plot point. I broke my streak. Please, someone kindly explain it to me, if it's not too much trouble. I'm too afraid to look for forums/wiki out of fear of future game spoilers. If this will be explained in a future game, leave me be, then.
Side note, once again, I find it crazy how baby Riku knew so much, instinctually, about the other worlds. His whole surprisingly accurate explanation as to why Sora was feeling drawn to Ventus' wandering heart to the point of non-realized tears was just... woah. "They say every world is connected by one great big sky. So maybe there's somebody up there's in all those worlds who's really hurting, and they're waiting for you to help them. Maybe you just need to open your heart and listen." With Riku's empathy powers and Sora's heart storage compartment powers, they're unstoppable, for real.
Attack idea: Riku reaches into Sora's heart like a Mary Poppins bag- "Random bullshit, go!" and out pops reinforcements a la Xion, Roxas, Ventus, Vanitas, and Sora goes "Oh sick, forgot where I put those, thanks," before promptly absorbing any other sorry soul in the vicinity while Riku swings him in a circle like a broadsword (Sora yelling "wheee"). (This is incredibly funny in my head, you must understand.)
That whole Secret Ending where Aqua has been in the Realm of Darkness for 10 YEARS and so, so unfortunately missed Riku and Sora's Realm of Darkness getaway at the KH2 Ending is so sad. Apparently Ansem's not dead either. Guess his machine just warped him there, because why not. And guys... guys I got close to crying again with the in-between scenes text ("All the pieces lie where they fell, where they wait for him...") the Dearly Beloved Rendition crescendoing, and all of the lost people calling out for help for the one person who's connected to all of them, even if it's just been a passing meeting (Roxas, Xion, and Axel got me, okay)- because Sora, to them, is familiarity, and it's all they can grip to at this point as an anchor of hope. And Sora's "mind is made up" about something regarding the letter from KH2 ending, and I'm going to assume it's a mission to help find Aqua, given the context, or just generally the other worlds because of the "I am who I am because of them," line from Sora. Looks like he'll be leaving Destiny Islands again. I hope the other two will come with, but I get the feeling Kairi doesn't want to leave, considering how her character has been established and because it seems like Sora is apologizing for breaking the promise he (ever so carelessly clearly, you meanie) made her at the KH2 ending regarding everyone staying together all the time at the Islands. That would suck though, given she's got Destiny's Embrace now. :(
And now, for the more scattered, finishing thoughts of things I liked:
This game has my second favorite gameplay, only falling short of KH2! It's so fun, and the different forms were awesome. Aqua's Blade Charge and Ghost Drive form literally made me squeal with delight, she looked so cool. Blade Charge really fit with those princely vibes she had throughout the game, too.
Speaking of princely vibes, one parallel that I did think was executed well was the Ventus/Snow White parallel. I like how he and Aqua exist as a familial/platonic rendition of Snow White and Prince Florian (think that's his name, I just had a convo about the Prince Charmings' actual names recently, coincidentally enough), and that Ventus is mourned over as a pure soul who was tricked into a death-like slumber while he resides in his glass dome (Castle Oblivion/Sora), waiting to be awoken by love (as stated by Yen Sid).
Although I thank Days for setting the foundation for it, I'm so happy that Neverland became a full-fledged world finally, in this game. I felt so ripped off in KH1, so this was awesome. It's one of my favorite worlds in general. I love how Peter Pan continues to be a lovable bitch. Good for him. I was hoping his boss fight would be a little more scary, especially considering the jump of holy fear I felt when I realized I had to fight him, lol.
I really liked the interaction between Ventus and Scrooge, for some reason! I dunno, I just thought it was really cute and very natural. That whole cutscene where Ventus was chasing the Unversed boss and getting distracted along the way was just so... hah. My little attention deficit kiddo. I appreciate him.
Continuing that last note, I admittedly don't feel too personally invested in the BBS trio, although I probably should. Because of how awkwardly executed everything was with them, it's just difficult to. However, if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Ventus. He had just enough small moments for me to find him somewhat endearing.
"Will somebody tell me how I got. so. SMALLLL?!"
Rolling around on balls of yarn in Cinderella's world like wheeee...
Everything with Maleficent. She's my favorite as always, I cheer when she's on screen, for real.
Aqua losing words in anger at the second Vanitas fight on Neverland and just resorting to blurting out "You freak!" was perfect. I always love it when characters just lose it at the antagonists, rather than having a more clever response. It was the "Old hag," of BBS.
The whole scene with Aqua and Kairi... eeee I'm love them. I like how Kairi had the flowers in her hand already, but after Aqua saved her, then, she was like "I picked these for you, 😊" lol, okaaay, Kairi. Whatever you say.
All the Org Members in Radiant Garden before the disaster of '02! It was so good to see them, and I'm curious about what Lea and Isa (I got Isa's name right in my prediction as well as Lea's name, literally throwing a party 🎉 I have more hope for the others, now) were planning on doing at the castle. Even was a shady mf as always, lol, and Ienzo was an orphan? Aw... his little emo bangs and his tiny lab coat were so cute. The fact that Even was his guardian explains so much about how Zexion acts.
Like I've raved before, the Destiny Islands scenes were so good, and once again, makes me wonder if the writers for the BBS trio were separate from the other writers. And if not, what happened, guys? Because the Sora and Riku scenes were so endearing. I forgive Sora for being a less-good cosmically-designated bodyguard for Kairi, because apparently he's also a cosmically-designated bodyguard for Riku as well. Hoo, boy, he's got his work set out for him! And that's kinda a lot of pressure to put on a preschooler Aqua, jeez-louise. She took one look at the two of them and went "frequently bought together," but didn't foresee just how messy that was gonna be for poor Sora.
"In time, the worlds would be saved by these two heroes who stood beneath the same blaze of stars." I love the star/meteor shower motif with these guys, but now it's clearly starting to make me inexplicably emotional. *Watery laugh*
I got a good laugh because of Ventus' VA while he was having his migraine on Destiny Islands. I was on a call with someone while playing, and he started making his... pain... noises... I had the person on the line stop mid sentence and go "what are you watching?" I lol-ed so hard, and explained I was watching a blonde anime boy experience trauma-induced flashbacks. I can only hope they believed me. 😂
Braig was just great all around. I joked where he lost his eye where I was like "he just shoots Xehanort instead of requesting payment for medical bills" and then it cuts to him actually shooting at Xehanort. I love this guy. And assuming Xehanort in Terra's body really did have amnesia, it's likely this mf's fault with all his manipulation and suggestion that we got KH1, damn. Not even surprising. He's just that guy who's been behind the scenes since the very beginning, pulling at the strings- kind of vibe, lol.
I haven't beat him yet, because frankly, I'm pretty garbage at extra bosses in this series, but holy SHIT. Vanitas' Lingering Spirit theme is CRAZY. It's now one of my favorite pieces in this franchise- and I thought Vanitas' base theme was good.
The conversation Ventus had with Sora in the latter's heart was so sweet, guys. "Would you mind if I stayed here with you?" "Sure, if it'll make you feel better." Sora is so sweet, oh my god. I'm wrapping him up in a little blanket and giving him a warm cup o' tea in my mind. I might just put him as my other most favorite along with Roxas and Xion. I cannot decide who I like most between the three of them.
Uh, I don't think there's anything else I really had to put to paper, so I'll finish my little (little, yeah right) entry here. If anyone read this all the way through, your attention span is commendable and you should probably get back to finishing your hard copy volume of the Iliad or whatever people with your attention spans do. Also, thank you for reading!
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gummi-ships · 7 months
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Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - The Land of Departure
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kalviberry · 18 days
Stream time!
More Terra adventure's in Birth by Sleep!
Twitch: Kalviberry
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hgmason-hellion · 2 months
Me, starting up Birth By Sleep critical mode as Ven: Okay, who's getting bodied in the mark of mastery this time
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wayfinder-wolf · 2 months
Let's start a new playthrough!
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Devil May Cry! Yeah!
After finishing God of War, I was ready for something new, something different, something easier. Boy, was I in for a surprise! Turns out, many (including my good pal who gave me her old copy of Megaman X Collection), consider Devil May Cry to be quite tough, but that's not gonna stop me. I've got the eye of the tiger, and the patience of a 10 year old!
If you're new here, welcome! This is the first page of a new comic from my Playstation Game Diaries series, where I draw myself as the main character of games I play for the first time on Playstation consoles. It's a way to chronicle my progress, and share my gaming experiences with the community as a whole. If you like what you see, check out my other stuff!
Next page!
Here's some of my other playthrough comics, if DMC isn't your cup of tea.
Resident Evil 1
Mega Man X
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
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thenukacolachallenge · 4 months
I've been so incredibly curious about Cash Black! If you're taking asks for the OC details game --
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
aaaa thank you! i have Cash in both the Mortal Kombat universe and in Fallout: New Vegas, for these asks i'll do FNV Cash!
"🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?"
so Cash is naturally a fidgeter! i headcanon she has adhd(bc i have it lol), so she's always fiddling with something between her fingers when she's trying to concentrate - usually a cigarette, but also lighters, bullets, small guns, even cutlery when she's eating!
one of her other biggest quirks is living to get on people's nerves. she loves to try the patience of people around her, and will push buttons for fun. she especially likes to practice harmonica around the campfire when Boone is trying to sleep. she will let ED-E chase Arcade around(in my headcanon, ED-E just wants to be friends with Arcade the way he is with Cash lol; this was inspired by one playthrough where i watched Arcade run from ED-E on the roller coaster tracks in Primm lmao), she likes to get huggy when she's drunk to her entire crew(they travel as a caravan-style group in my headcanon), and she especially loves to fuck with stuffy NCR high-ranks like Cassandra Moore and Thomas Hildern. she's the human embodiment of annoyance when she finds it funny lmao.
"🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?"
Cash was born in rural post-War Nevada! her first few years were out on a remote homestead with her birth parents. she ended up orphaned through circumstance and was found wandering the desert by her adoptive father, Richard "Pops" Black, a caravan guard. for the rest of her childhood and teen years, she traveled between the Nevada trade routes and the Big Circle in NCR territory with her Pops, and many other routes after his passing, her brief stint in the Scorpions gang, and her time as a courier pre-Benny. She's most comfortable out in the Mojave where she grew up, and after the events of FNV, she tends to stick close to the Mojave, as she considers the roads out there her home.
thanks so much for asking about Cash! i love her so much and im currently learning how to setup mods on PC so i can finally do a proper Cash Black FNV playthrough the way i've always wanted it to go!!! i have a post that goes into more detail of her life and choices during the course of the game here, and of course i have my "fnv cash" tag full of specific info about her story as well as memes that remind me of her! and of course her masterlist, if you wanna learn about her in MKverse! thank you so much for the asks :D
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byberbunk2069 · 4 months
@streetkid-named-desire tagged me for an OC association thing. I copy-pasted from their post
I tag @fourth-floor-at-langley, @medtech-mara, @aggravateddurian
I'm using the most recent pictures I have of them but their appearances are gonna be changing again over time (not so much with my netrunner tho)
First is Veil (aka V31L or any variation that other runners might have seen her handle as):
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Animal: Standard domestic cat because that is just the general vibe netrunners give off tbh
Colors: 007BA7
Month: June/July (wrt birth month: January)
Plants: She's a California girl at heart so she likes palm trees
Numbers: I was gonna go for 23 for reasons relating to William Burroughs and Psychic TV but I'll go for 42 as the maximum RAM she had in the most recent playthrough
Cowgirl - Underworld
Mindfields - The Prodigy
Teardrop - Massive Attack
Smells: Tropical fruits, coconut, vanilla
Time of Day: 10PM - 5AM
Food: Combination of classy Japanese dining and street food.
Drinks: Rum & Coke, beer, real coffee (bought off a black market dealer on the Net)
Elements: uwu the fifth one
Seasonings: the shit that makes Indian curries slap (I'm Bri'ish so I've only ever had a proper curry a few times and the others have been bastardised ones made at home)
Weapons: Quickhacks, Skippy, D5 Sidewinder, Hercules 3AX, suppressed Unity
Places: EdgeNet (Yoko Tsuru's shop), H10 rooftop
Sky: Clear night sky (so she can see the moon)
Weather: Rainy days, clear nights
Candy: I think bubblegum counts. Cigarettes definitely don't count.
Hobbies: Hacking, arguing with other Netrunners, remote controlling her Galena when she decides now is the right time to get in to a disagreement over the phone or with a passenger.
Artstyle: Patrick Nagel
Fear: The collective weight of guilt after spending 11 years of her life in NetWatch and the last few of those years sub-conning for Arasaka catching up with her. Losing her found family.
Clothing item: Black leather racers, knotted tank, personalised edgerunner with shoulder mounted monitor on the left sleeve and shoulder pad on the right, heeled boots (her wardrobe varies but that set in particular is her go to)
Three Emojis: 🧠⚡💥
Star Sign: Capricorn
Ronnie below the keep reading:
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Animal: Some kind of attack dog, doberman maybe.
Colors: #660000
Month: August (birth month)
Plants: Roses
Numbers: 10 - which was the most she took on (so far) in an impromptu street fight in Northside. Unfortunately for her the gang was NCPD and they had to deploy a netrunner to pacify her.
Boys Wanna Be Her - Peaches
Hips, Tits, Lips, Power! - Pigface/Silverfish
If You Want Blood (You Got It) - GWAR
bonus: Ratfinks, Suicide Tanks and Cannibal Girls - White Zombie (also Caramelldansen but because of that one Doom Eternal meme which is Ronniecore)
Smells: Pineapple
Time of Day: 8PM
Food: Pizza
Drinks: Beer
Elements: Fire
Seasonings: hottest possible chilli powder
Weapons: Cut-O-Matic, Baseball Bat, Carnage, her (cyber)fists
Places: Lizzie's, trailer park outside SanDom, Megabuilding H11
Sky: She was born way after the Time of the Red but that.
Weather: Rainy
Candy: leelou beans.
Hobbies: Fighting, sleeping, defending her output's honor (even though she's capable of standing up for herself).
Artstyle: Jamie Hewlett
Fear: Adam Smasher, Militech
Clothing item: black bustier, short shorts, harness, fishnet tights, combat boots
Three Emojis: 🦾👊🪚 < pretend thats a cut-o-matic
Star Sign: Leo
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amatres · 2 months
another sim playthrough post
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we start back up with olivia, left to raise her sire's son by herself. this isn't hard for her, as though she's in morning she's always liked children and even used to work as a nanny
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he ages up into a toddler and due to castle having no windows, olivia does not need to worry about sleeping during the day and can dedicated herself to raising the boy and tending to his every need
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he ages up, and unfortunately starts the trend of me being unable to take a picture of these kids during the night bc of my mod making the shadows darker. i refuse to get rid of it
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back with the prescotts, frederica is pregnant. again. sigh.
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agatha befriends johanna, the somerset noble family's younger daughter, and johanna is more than happy to take the opportunity to meet the family's fairy child.
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horace, who is agatha's younger brother but technically also her new step dad's younger brother, ages up into a toddler.
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and the fairy child, dont ask me his name, ages up into a child! he looks so weird in this picture lol
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fredrica gives birth! but to.. purple babies.... this was right after i downloaded some custom skin, and i had not realized it being genetized meant Any sim even if they didn't have purple genes, would give birth to purple babies. i decided to hand wave this as changeling children. i eventually got rid of the skins, but the babies are a lot paler than their parents so i keep them as changelings
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aagatha takes her stepbrother shopping with her, where they meet isiore pennington and her stepbrother meets an odd boy who doesn't attend school like he does
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later on, agatha as a family sim gets desperate for a love match and contacts a matchmaker, who sets her up with alvin. they get along exceeding well.
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the changeling children grow up as well as the prescott's rotation comes to an end
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back with stephen he finds yet another woman to woo, and yes they do woohoo soon after this.
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shockingly, christy, the first woman he even knocked up, comes by for a visit and the two well. reconnect. at least she's already pregnant so her infidelity won't be caught immediately by her actual husband
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unfortunately? for christy stephen gets married to his new bride the next day, so here's hoping she isn't caught cheating and divorced by her husband, as she will have nowhere to turn to
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although... stephen's new wife is seen paying off kennedy while everyone else is outside enjoying wedding cake so... who knows what will become of the new couple
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they're happy for now, who knows whats to come ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lifeofannpc · 1 year
100 Baby Mama Challenge (Life Of An NPC Edition)
Subscribe to my YouTube to watch my playthrough of this challenge and tag me on Tumblr and Twitter if you try this challenge out!
You've heard of the 100 Baby Challenge, but what about the 100 Baby Mama Challenge? It sounds crazy but I've crafted an interesting way to twist the challenge into a fun and wild experience! Custody battles, Child Support, Baby Mama Drama and MORE!
Challenge Aims:
Have 100 Baby Mamas
Raise 100 Children
Just impregnating 100 different sims is TOO easy! This challenge requires you to raise 100 children too, but in order raise them you have to win the custody battle first! If you lose the custody battle, you have to PAY child support for ANY child you don't have custody of until they are a young adult!!!
General Rules:
You can't get a job
Start with $20,000 to build/buy a house or play rags to riches style
You can have any lifespan you want and if you wish, you can even turn off aging - have fun and play how you'd like!
Only children from won custody battle count towards your raised children
Similar to the 100 baby challenge - kids and teens need an A in School to age up, toddlers need level 3 in every skill to age up, if you have growing together, infants should have reached 3 milestones in each category before aging up, if you DO NOT have growing together, infants need to be infants for at least 3 days
Custody Battles:
After the birth of you child/children, spin a wheel with 3 win entries and 6 lose entries (mothers tend to be more likely to win custody battles)
If you have multiples (twins or triplets) you can choose whether you spin the wheel for each child or you spin one wheel and either keep or lose all the children
Child Support:
With SNB Bills Mod:
Child support with this mod is all set up for you, for more info on how it works check their website HERE
I recommend changing the percentage to 1%
Without Mods:
Use the cheat 'money -[child support amount x number of children]' child support is 1% of your household income per child (to work out 1% do [household income] x 0.01, that's how much each child not in your custody gets.
EXAMPLE if your household income is $20,000, each child gets $1,000 (20,000 x 0.01 = 200) if you need to pay child support for 10 kids then you pay $2,000 (200x 10 = 2,000). Finally You would type in the cheats console 'money -2000'
1% may not sound like a lot now but when you've lost 40 custody battles... yikes!
And that's it for rules! You have creative freedom to develop storylines and create as much or as little Baby Mama Drama as you want! The story I'm playing live on YT at the moment is about Enzo who wants to be a world famous Music producer. He lives in a dingy shack in the "ghetto" (the industrial district of evergreen harbour) and he is on the come up! He has one gold chain that he wears on ALL of his outfits (inducing sleep)!
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generalsnivy · 10 months
Life Update: Things Going From Bad, to Worse (I’m likely going to be homeless soon!)
Hello there everybody. This is General Snivy. It’s been a while since I last posted an update outside my artwork, random tweets, and retweets on Twitter. (And for those asking, I refuse to call Twitter “X”! It’s such a stupid rebrand, but that’s not what we’re talking about today!) Today, I want to talk about what’s been happening with me in my personal life and how things have officially gone from bad, to worse. To catch people up, back in December 2022, I started my stream playthrough of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix and I have only done one session of the game so far. I had every intention of continuing the playthrough, but life got in my way, grabbed me by the ankles, and dragged me along against my will. To make a long story short, my computer broke on me, twice within ~20 days in between the first problem and the second. After I got my computer fixed the 2nd time, Mom and I prepared ourselves to go on a road-trip to see my sister back in May of this year. After the trip, other personal things kept happening and thus, I didn’t have time to stream at all. Recently, on June 30th, my computer froze up on me while I was doing my monthly backup of my computer with WinRAR. (Which could mean that I’m having overheating issues again.) Thankfully, after hitting the physical reset switch on my computer, I was able to reboot, complete the backup, and take care of whatever else I needed to do before shutting it down properly and I haven’t turned it on again since. The reason why I haven’t used my desktop computer since June 30th is that this was how my first GPU (my graphics card) died on me the first time and I fear that my current GPU, which is an Nvidia GeForce GTX 770, may be on its way out too, but I don’t know that for sure. I intended to get my computer checked out and possibly repaired this month as I have the money to pay for labor and a potential GPU replacement, if necessary. However, as of a couple of days ago, we received a letter from our realtor company, informing us that our rent will be increasing from ~$1250 per month, to ~$1500 per month come October 1st, 2023, which is an increase of roughly $250 per month! Worse, is that we had our rent increased earlier this year and we were barely making it! Now, we won’t be able to pay our new rent bill coming up and we have 2 months to pack up all of our stuff and find a new, cheaper place to live! What this means, for me, is that I cannot get my computer looked at or fixed if there’s a problem with it as I have to hold onto my money to help Mom with paying for a moving company to move all of our furniture and stuff to a new home! So, we need to pay first months rent, last months rent if applicable (which it is, most of the time.) and the security deposit at the new location! Don’t be surprised if I end up going off the grid for a while come October as Mom and I will likely be homeless and all of our services will be shut off due to our phone service being tied to our ISP, Spectrum. (We might be able to keep our mobile services without internet, but I’m not holding my breath.)
At this point, it should be obvious that my stream playthrough of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix is on indefinite hiatus until we’re able to find a new place to live, until I can either get my computer fixed or better yet, replaced, and when I have time to stream after the dust is settled. (So much for guaranteeing that I’d be able to stream again this year. What can I say, life happens.) Thankfully, I still have my old school laptop to work with, but there’s no way in Hell that it can be used for streaming as it can barely run Windows 10 as is due to it being an ancient relic from 1930. (That’s an exaggeration, but you get my point.) You might be wondering, “Can’t you just use your PS5’s built-in streaming feature to stream more Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix?” Technically, yes, but the problem is copyright as the ending song is copyrighted and I have no way of muting it myself. I can get away with talking over the song as much as humanly possible, but only on Twitch as they’re a little more lenient when it comes to that kind of stuff. YouTube, no. Not at all. That would very likely get blocked in several countries with the quickness of the Flash and Sonic the Hedgehog combined! I could skip the credits and avoid the problem entirely, but I want to show off the people who had a hand at developing the game. Skipping the credits outside of a speedrunning setting is just rude and disrespectful, in my opinion.
I have thought about learning how to speedrun another game that I can play on my PS5 in the meantime, but then I run into another problem; time. Time is something I’ve been lacking lately and to be able to learn a new game, plus being able to stream my attempts, is a commitment and time is something I just don’t have right now. Not only that, but to keep up with a consistent stream schedule is something I’ve struggled with for years due to my personal life taking priority over stream and creating content. Plus, with recent events, those plans went out the window completely.
Some of you may be wondering, “Since you’re posting artwork on Twitter and other social media channels, couldn’t you open up commissions to have us help you out with your dire financial situation?” There are a few reasons as to why I’m not doing so at this point of time, but the TL;DR of it is, I need to do more research as to how to go about accepting commissions, which payment platform to use to handle payments from clients safely, and how I can best track these commissions after accepting them, amongst other things. I do have a general idea of how I want to go about setting up a commission sheet of what I will and will not draw, but there are a few more things I need to figure out and finalize. Plus, I need to come up with prices of what kind of artwork I���ll provide, plus examples for said prices. I also need to figure out a Terms of Service for my work as one can never be too careful when it comes to dealing with certain bad actors and businesses transactions, in general. Better to be safe than sorry.
So yeah, that’s everything that’s going on right now. I’m going to be having a hectic two months or so, scrambling to pack up everything, finding a new place to live, and getting my computer either fixed or replaced. I know that I’ve been keeping you all hanging for the past year and for that, I cannot apologize enough for my lack of content and to some extent, lack of communication. It may look like I’ve been lazy, but I’ve been dealing with life behind the scenes and as I always say, life comes first before content creation. For those who continue to stick with me, despite my lack of activity, thank you for doing so. I appreciate it. And, for those who left, thanks for joining me, regardless of how long you did so. I hope that I entertained you while I was active and that you enjoyed my content. If you wish to keep up with me and whatever I post, I’m most active on Twitter (aka, X. God, I cannot get over that name change!) so, follow me there. My Twitter handle is @/GeneralSnivy (Remove the slash.) This is General Snivy. Thank you for taking the time to read this long winded update and I hope to be able to stream again in the near future. See y’all again!
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lightvsdark18 · 1 year
First Year in The Devildom 1.2
Followed LovesOfLauryn and Lavi Alraune's playthrough.
Satan saw how bothered Lucifer looked and bluntly asks Milady about making a pact together at dinner.
(The ungrateful part, I felt that, I been in that situation. However, I was called ungrateful bitch, but still.)
A few minutes pass when she gets up and chases after Satan. The circumstances of his birth comes later.
He asks what she's doing in his room. She asks if he wanted to vent to her, have someone listen since she came from a toxic household.
He decline the offer, and questions if she likes books. "I'm actually a writer." Which peaks his interest in her, talking about what she normally writes and favorite genes. Then cuts the conversation off for the pact.
"I don't want to make a pact with you, I-"
"What did you say?"
"Let me ex-"
"Don't you dare trifle me."
Backs up as Satan gets closer to her, then bumps into Lucifer's chest. He grabs her shoulders and moves her to the side, approaching Satan.
"So then, Katelynn, it looks like Satan and I will be staying with-" -Lucifer
"No, you're not staying in my room, not after Satan threatened me. And letting you know, I said no because I want you to genuinely want a pact with me, not do it out of spite."
"I'm sorry, please let us stay in your room, I wouldn't cause you any trouble." -Satan
"If you two are staying in my room, then I'm sleeping somewhere else. I don't want to stay in the same room as you two."
Sleeps in Mammon's room, on the couch.
(Asmo, what the hell?)
Cold shoulder to both of them, having to chase her down just to talk.
(I imagine Satan leaning against the bed, arms crossed, smug as ever.)
Let's say the speech is in three days and the day before the speech she asks Mammon to help get the two to make up.
Four guys fighting for her love. Milady is still not okay from the break up, she doesn't need this. "Prepare yourself." Lucy, chill.
She keeps her distance from Lucifer and Satan out of fear, and disinterested in the game.
Lucifer is making her uncomfortable, especially when he explain how to pin her.
"Your feelings are your own and you don't have to like someone you dislike. Lucifer wants to look good in front of Diavolo from what I can tell and that's may be why he acts cold."
(Why did he talk about human flesh? You could have said you wanted to be nice.) She says she doesn't feel like eating after that comment. But Lucy somewhat aggressively insist she eats, so she does, a little bit.
Disinterested "And where we are going exactly?"
"Really? You didn't want to come, and now you're drinking beer."
"I don't really care."
Just stands there, not saying anything because this is too ridiculous.
The boys can solve the murder, she's going to stay in the room.
"He trusts you. But know that nothing lasts forever. Sometime in the near future, he will lose every ounce of the trust he puts in you. Then replace it with regret..." (Order's)
"He trusts you. But don't lose that trust. Lucifer is a cautious man and won't put his trust in anyone. Be care with what you say and do." (Milady's)
Raises a brow at Lucifer and Satan in confusion.
"I didn't really do anything to help."
I'm not trying to influence them though.
"He was giving me encouragement, that's all."
"Encouragement? Why's that?" -Lucifer
"Don't worry about it."
Not backing down against him and getting along with his brothers made Lucifer somewhat fond of her.
"What stories?" Has a neutral expression through the story. "I see."
Surprised at Satan's question. "You still want that?"
(Go away, dad, I'm confessing to my crush.)
Because of what happened last time, she unfortunately says okay. Satan cups her cheek and they both lean forward to forge their pact. He speaks the words in English instead of the demonic language. Satan's sigil appears under Beel's.
Grows anxious with the brothers disappearing. "I don't know."
"No, I'm good." A flash of disappointment across his face at rejecting his hand.
Displeased at what's on the monitor.
"And how are we going to go about that exactly?"
"I thought you loved your brothers at least a tiny bit. Geez."
"I'm really anxious and worried."
"Hm, Mammon and Levi."
"Not romantically, I thought you meant who I thought was like cool or something, not romantically interested."
"No one, honestly."
"I don't know, what's your type?" Disapproving expression at his response.
"Um, what do you think of me?"
Lucifer: "... But I somewhat found you interesting. You seem unafraid to stand against me and say what's on your mind. Although, I haven't liked the cold glances you give me or the fact my brothers continuously made pacts with you. However, you have made me curious on who you really are."
She shifts uncomfortable in seat.
"So, tell me, what are you hiding from me?"
"I'm just a human who has many personal problems, nothing to get excited about."
"I doubt that-" gets up and approaches her- "I can see it in your eyes. You're hiding something deep down within yourself, and I want to know what that is." He takes her chin and lifts her head to look at him in the eyes. Then Mammon bursts in.
Mammon is telling Lucifer to back off and to not get close with her while everyone else complaints about him ruining the plan. Then Belphie walks in and reveals he was in the attic the whole time and that the human freed him.
"Hang on, I never once asked for a pact with any of you. So no, this wasn't my goal."
You saved him. "Yes..?"
The brothers wanted her and Lucifer to get along after seeing how distant she still was with him.
"Um, no. I never made a pact with him."
"Destroy the human world?"
Sitting there as this whole scene go down, and bolts up to stop Beel. "You'll make worse for him, Beel."
"I want to go home..." "Why does your brother hate humans?" "Then let's talk to Lucifer."
The brothers thought about what happened and the fact she was helping to free Belphie. When she returns, they're not really bitter towards her because it's true, she never once asked for a pact (except for Mammon). It was their choice, they wanted the pact, not her.
Gathering the brothers to face Lucifer. But Mammon is holed up in his room. "I'll have Beel kick down your door."
"Say something." Pinches Mammon's cheeks. He's hurt because she kept a secret from him.
"And grabbing this will get him out of his room?"
"The coffin, who is the girl?"
"... You guys will protect me, right?"
What? What's this?
"Well, I needed to talk you since this is your fault."
"My fault? How dare you-" -Lucifer
"Lilith didn't die, you saved her, didn't you?"
Everyone start asking questions on what she just said, Lucifer frozen in place at her knowing the truth. "Everyone! Let's head upstairs to discuss this."
Everyone enters the library, some sit down while others stand. "Okay, now explain what is going on. Why did you lock Belphegor up? And why does he hates humans?"
"And what happened with Lilith." -Beel
"What kind of punishment?"
"Why didn't you tell him about Lilith, about you saving her?"
"Answer me this, Katelynn. How do you know I saved her?" -Lucifer
"... I saw a memory of it."
"A memory?"
"Touching that book in the underground tomb, I saw a memory of you asking Lord Diavolo to save her. I don't know why I saw it though, so don't ask."
"... I would have told everyone after she was passed away as a human."
The brothers decide to go see Belphie and talk out the situation. Lucifer offers his hand to Order and she takes it. He secretly smiles to himself as it's a sign she's beginning to get comfortable with him.
"Because he didn't know the truth about his sister. He may change his views if his brothers explain the story."
One of the brothers ask if there's really no way to get Belphie back when Diavolo offers a solution. Assign a task to the human. "What's the task?"
"I'm going back in time?"
Sighs. "Fine, I'll do it."
"Couldn't you have stop all of this?"
"I think I got everything."
Hides behind the car. Crap.
"I followed Satan, sorry."
(Why is the Mc just standing there? I would have went up to the attic already.) Order creeps back towards the attic door while Lucifer and Milady talk in Levi's room.
Hides under the stairs, confused at the conversation that happened upstairs. Heads up to the attic when Lucifer is gone and touches the wall where the door is suppose to be, appearing in the room. She doesn't say anything to Belphie, however he can feel her presence and wakes up which surprises her.
"I guess so..."
"I have to go, your brothers will start looking for me if I don't go now." She moves out of the room and places a foot on the second step when Belphie grabs her collar and pulls her back.
"You think I'm going let you leave so soon?" He turns her around and grips her shirt. "I waited too long to do this, I'm not going allow you escape. I'm going to ruin the exchange program and Diavolo's reputation." He picks her up and throws her down the stairs.
She lies on the stairs in pain, trying to get up and run for it. Belphie's laugher and footsteps echoing on the attic stairs. She pulls herself up and runs towards Mammon's room. She just has to get back and she will be safe! However, Belphie was right behind her, making her turn away from the bedrooms and towards the front of the house. Belphie tackles her to the floor and the two roll down the stairs to the entrance hall. She fights against him, scratching and punching him to no avail.
The sound of yelling alerts the brothers to the scene. Lucifer was looking around for Milady since she disappeared as well when they were walking towards the library, the the noise drawing his attention too. Milady walks out of Lilith's room and down the hall to the attic stairs, sitting down as memories of the dying her are placed in her mind while she speaks with the former angel.
"Who are you...?" "Why are you here?" "But why me?"
(The brothers are waiting for Order and it's hurting me. Beel said to rely on her when she gets back, it hurts so much.)
She opens her eyes and looks around in confusion, stepping out to hear the argument. She approaches the railing and sees what happened, freezing in place at her bleeding body in Mammon's arms.
She's too shock and scared to move, her body refuses to move as she tries to back away. At Belphie charging up at her, "Wait! Lilith didn't die!" "She lived as a human!"
At the brothers asking what she meant she retells the events she was told, and the fact Lilith lived a happy life as a human. "You told me yourself, Lucifer."
"Yes, I have seen her memories... When Lucifer was saying goodbye to her..."
She's trying to wrap her head around the situation and the fact she's a descendant of their sister when Lucifer runs up and hugs her, making her freeze up more.
At the brothers becoming too friendly as they fought each other for her attention, her mind became darker. That night caused her to start believing "I'm her replacement."
A quiet "it's nothing" at Barbatos's question. The brothers worry, but Lucifer says she's probably tired from everything that went on.
For a whole month, she avoided Belphie, gave him cold glances, and clung onto his brothers when he got too close. He watched her from distance, seeing his brothers getting along with her and enjoying her company. The brothers noticed her uneasiness around Belphie and never pushed her to talk to him or get the two alone together. Belphie eventually got angry and regretful.
Raises a brow. "Lucy?" with a slight smile.
"Don't worry about it, guys."
Spends her free time painting sceneries for Satan and Diavolo's birthdays.
Heard Mammon complaining outside the music room. "Mammon, what are you doing?" "You're stealing, aren't you?" "Mammon, no stealing, especially Lucifer's stuff." Tells him to get a job and that's she's busy, dodging his hand before he drags her along.
"Mammon?" "Just open the door wide next time." "No one cares if I enter your room or not." Levi asked her something else since he shouldn't talk about Belphie in front of her.
"Stylish and nice." "Blue." "Oh, okay."
Smug smirk. "What's the magic word?" Then gets take aback from his response.
"Thank you." He brings up Belphie and the issue between him and her. Before he could go on a lecture about it, "I'm going stop you right there. I don't care if he's your sweet little brother. I'm not going to get friendly with him or try to get along with him. I don't feel safe around him and I'm suffering nightmares of him. So don't even try, Lucifer."
Quietly stands beside Diavolo.
"Thank you, guys."
She walks out of the castle to the backyard, feeling the cold air on her skin as she walks forward towards the lake where a figure stood. Anxiety creeps up in her throat as she approaches and keeps herself six feet away from him as he turns around and looks at her.
"Oh, I was wondering who was there. Didn't expect to see you, Kate. Are you sure it's okay for you to be heading off by yourself and coming to a spot like this? They must have told you by now that you're tonight's other guest of honor, right?" Belphie asks, keeping himself in place.
"I came looking for you, your brothers are wondering where you are," she answers, her voice sounding gentle as her heart pounds against her chest.
His eyes slightly widens. "You came looking for me? Of your choose? I thought you were scared of me."
"I am, I don't even kow why I came out here alone." She grips the skirt of her dress.
"Well, I'm glad you came out here, I wanted to... ask you something."
"What is it that you want to ask?"
"Would you like to make me yours?"
Her eyes shoots wide open. "What? What do you mean "make you mine?"
"Would you like to make a pact with me? I know you have been avoiding me because of what I did and I understand, but I want to get know you, see what my brothers see in you, understand their affection towards you. If I have to make a pact with you to make you feel safe around me, then I'll do it." He offers his hand.
She takes a step back. "How do I know this isn't a trick?"
He lows his hand. "I don't desire to hurt you again, and even if I did, hurting you at The Demon Lord's Castle wouldn't be the smartest choose. So please, let me make up for my mistake, let me be yours."
She stares at his out stretched hand, thinking about what to do, should she take his offer? What if this is a trap? Or... what if he is being genuine and actually does want to get know her? If he does hurt her again, she could protect herself against him if the brothers aren't around.
She slowly takes his hand and steps closer to him, their bodies a few inches apart. He smiles and carefully cups her cheek to bring their foreheads together, a demonic language being spoken between them before a new sigil appears under Asmo's.
They pull away and stare at each other, then the others show up.
"Morning, everyone."
"The answer to your question is magic."
"Okay." Pulls out phone to write it down.
Shock because she didn't realize, the days are kinda mixing together. (Belphie, it was only two months when you were gone.)
"What's up?" "Okay, I can do that."
"What's up with the attitude?"
Drags her away by the wrist.
"Your room or mine?"
"Maybe stop stealing his money."
Hugs Mammon.
Hugs Levi.
"It wasn't easy."
Cry? Really? (The avatar of pride cried at the fact I'm leaving ;-;)
"No need to feel embarrassed, Lucifer."
"Do I look embarrassed to you?"
Starts heading home when Asmo invites her out. "Sure."
"Nah, pop off."
"Just don't make it weird."
"Sounds like I charmed the Avatar of Lust." Smug smile.
"First off, you said you get and not what I get if I win. Second, I don't drink. So your contest isn't happening."
Hugs Asmo.
Didn't he just fall asleep? The fuck?
"I didn't drink, he just decided to get drunk."
"That they wanted the girl to be safe."
Hugs Satan.
She's sad to leave them but also excited to go home.
"It's going to be okay, Luke."
"I have mixed feelings."
"What's wrong?"
"He's not in your room?" "I doubt that." "My guess is the music room." "We have? Oh right, Luke."
Hugs Beel.
"Beel was worried about you."
"As a friend, yes."
Pulls away. "I don't know."
"Out for a breather."
[A Pact with Lucifer]
(It bothers me how Lucifer thinks you want to sleep with him after a simple kiss. Like buddy, how does a kiss mean I want to screw you? I would ask him that exact question while he's dragging me by the hand.)
"Sounds like a plan, Solomon. Goodbye, guys. Take care."
"I think you're giving me too much credit, but thank you for having me."
Milady anxiously and excitedly steps up to the portal and turns to everyone, waving a goodbye before walking through and appearing in her apartment. It... looks different.
[After The Devildom]
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Made a joke earlier about Kingdom Hearts Gang going to Magic Kingdom and fighting Heartless on the It's a Small World ride. I proceed to boot up Birth By Sleep this evening in the Radiant Garden section and lose my shit when Ventus, out of the blue, says he's got three lifetime passes to Disney Town.
I then *go* to Disney Town, this migraine of a place, and guess what song I find as a selection for an optional rhythm minigame?
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I keep forgetting that anything can happen in this series because it's awesomely ridiculous. Time to joke about things I *want* to have happen, lol.
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redwayfarers · 2 years
4, 5 , 7 and 9 from the wayfarer asks :3c
Tysm for dropping by <3333
4. Do they have any tattoos? Which one(s)? If they differ from the ones available in the character creator, what are they?
Yes! Cass is a huge fan of tattoos and when he gets more crowns, he will defo get more. He has, right now, two half tattoo sleeves aka both his right and left upper arm and shoulder are tattooed. On one arm he has the Vestran sword in a ring of fire and on the other, the raven that extends over his back as well. They're plenty meaningful and at some point, he will get a lower arm done to herald back to Aeran somehow (the raven symbolises his first and only girlfriend, Aisanne. Yes I ported Sanne into Wayfarer. Cass x Sanne was too good to pass up.)
For more tattoo snippets/lore in writing, have a look on my AO3 here and here! There's plenty more Cass goodness there bc I'm not yet done with those microfics lmao
5. Who was their mentor? How do they feel about them at this point in their life?
Amali Sero my beloved <3 Cass is a Sero kid. He thinks of them as his parent and for all intents and purposes they are; they raised him in a way a child should be raised (as opposed to his birth parents) and they shaped who he is today. He's infinitely bonded to them and his love for them is strong and nothing would make him happier than knowing that they are still alive after the Spire's fall.
7. What are their skill strengths and weaknesses? Have you used that to influence their personality?
There's a joke in the Wayfarer discord I sometimes make that he hogs persuasion passes and needs to fail one and that is true? Across playthroughs, and I have three of them, he has 20 persuasion passes. That, plus a very high perception roll pass number that's been consistent throughout playthroughs made me develop his personality into what he is now. He is awfully persuasive and awfully charming when he wants to be. He knows what to say and when to say it and can more or less accurately gouge out what your reaction is gonna be. (Un)Fortunate side effect of this is that it made him very talkative/ a chatterbox though (nothing against being talkative i'm talkative irl but like. i can understand why it'd be annoying.)
His least used stat is strength lmao I hope I get to use it more in the future
9. What do they think of the massacre of most of the Wayfarer Order at the Spire?
It broke him at first - it was his home, with people he loved and ultimately, the only place in Rhesainia that accepted him for who he was and wasn't ashamed of him and didn't view him with suspicion. Of course he'd be broken. He describes it as "somewhere I can lay my head down and peacefully sleep." Slowly but surely, though, that stupor of mourning is turning into anger? Desire for revenge? Desire for answers? He's somewhere right between anger and bargaining stages of grief probably but he's probably gonna be grieving the Spire of his youth for the rest of his life :')
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kalviberry · 20 days
Stream time!
It is Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep time!
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Twitch: Kalviberry
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la-principessa-nuova · 5 months
So, I don’t know how it happened, but I ended up staying up all night. Honestly, my sleep schedule has not been good for more than a few days at a time since my egg cracked.
I was getting ready to read and go to bed on time, when suddenly I remembered that I’d been meaning to look up how to cover stubble with makeup since my last few attempts to wing it were unsuccessful. So I looked it up, and that made me want to try it.
So then I didn’t and it looked great, but then I didn’t want to just put it on and take it right off, so I decided to go upstairs and play a game. I’ve always recorded my playthroughs of games with the intention of maybe releasing it and never do, so I started using this as an excuse for voice feminization practice, just getting used to speaking at length in that voice.
I played for an hour and a half and decided to head downstairs to bed. But then I was thinking about things some more and I decided I wanted to record a video for posterity’s sake, going over everything so far and where I was at in terms of understanding my identity and what future steps I wanted to take to affirm it and when.
This is ended up being a much longer task than I thought, and there were so many things I wanted to vent about that suddenly my phone died at 4 AM. But I wanted to wrap up the video and say a couple more things I was planning on getting to, so after my phone was back on, I wrapped it up, which ended up taking me until just after 5.
Then I needed to move to videos off my phone to the location I’m storing all of my trans progress photos and stuff while I’m in the closet, but normally I move photos, whereas this was multiple hours or 4K60 video. So now it’s 6:30 and I’m still waiting for the files to transfer so I can delete the originals and go to bed, but I’m now on the fence whether it is better to go to sleep and sleep all day, or given that I’m off from work today, just be tired and feel bad all day and get on a better sleep schedule tomorrow.
Downside is I’m not able to stay up and feel mostly fine anymore like I did in college, so it will be a rough day with very poor focus, jitteriness, and possibly heartburn. The upside is that I will start the day in girl mode and it might be my first day fully in girl mode depending on whether I have to go outside at all.
Also I’m toying with the idea of my newname being either Alice or Lily. I was on the fence about changing it at all because my original name is allegedly gender neutral, but I’ve only heard it used for men, and it was a top 10 male name in my year of birth but not a top 1,000 female name. It feels masculine to me, but I also don’t hate it or anything.
The other day I practiced signatures for several ideas I had for a newname, and the two clear frontrunners were Alice and Lily. I really like both names, and it’s hard to pick which one. I am currently leaning more towards Alice because I feel like I identify with it more, but I think Lily might be the better name in general. I like that it can be shortened to Lil in speech better than Al, and I like how swoopy and curly it would be in my signature. But Alice feels more like me.
Anyway, this is sort of just a wall of text as I unload everything and kill time waiting for my files to transfer, so I’m just not gonna tag it.
I still have time to kill, so I’ll talk about one thing that’s been on my mind, which is all the questioning and doubt that still comes up around my identity. To be clear, I experience clear dysphoria around my maleness and clear euphoria around my femaleness that makes me overall confident that I am a trans woman, but every now and then I get these impulses of doubt, where it feels like I’ve woken up from a dream, and I see the man under the makeup and the wig and I feel like, “What the **** am I doing? I need to stop this and go back to my normal life.” And then I realize that yes, I see the man’s body under this stuff, but then why does the body feel less like me than the wig and the makeup?
And then sometimes I judge my masculine (or even non-feminine) traits too harshly, like surely this one trait being more in line with men than women means I must be nonbinary, or maybe I’m just a bit more feminine of a guy. But then I remember how many cis women I know with the same trait. Not every woman is the paragon of femininity, and I don’t need to be either.
Suddenly the tiredness is overwhelming. I will need a nap at the very least. Good night? Or maybe good morning? Hopefully this is intelligible because I am way too tired to proofread this.
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wayfinder-wolf · 9 months
Okay, okay! I'll get back to the playthrough comics!
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Page 18 of my Birth By Sleep playthrough. Part of my ongoing PS4 Game Diaries comic series, where I draw myself in the role of whatever characters I'm playing as.
Kingdom Hearts lore is a bit confusing, I'll admit. The whole Ventus-Vanitas thing got me confused the first time, LOL. But with my patent pending (not really) technique, anything is possible!
What's this technique, you may ask? It's called the Yes And. Any time the game tells you lore, assume it is fact, maybe make a note of it, and move on. When the game contradicts itself, accept that new information as fact too, and move on. It's surprisingly easy, and works wonders with games like this.
Wanna read this comic from the beginning? Start here!
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