#blade x stelle smut
scaredpigeons · 6 months
More than some stress relief
Blade x Stelle NSFW 18+ MDNI
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CW: Stelle asks Blade to spar with her, and unfortunately that results in some unresolved sexual frustration, because c’mon, he’s still a whole ass man. Luckily, mama Kafka steps in to lend a helping hand. (Not her literal hand, she just buys the toy lol) phone sex, mutual masturbation? The fleshlight blade uses is connected to Stelle through the (magical) necklace that was part of the set. (Magical) creampie.
WARNING: Blade is very violent in his descriptions of how he threatens to bone Stelle. If you’re uncomfortable with him saying things along the lines of: —until the carnage is unrecognizable, —until you’re nothing but hot pulp running through my fingers (just to paraphrase loool) please do not read this. Blade is a very broken man, I was really trying to play off his more violent tendencies with this one. Stelle is so fuckin down bad tho (relatable)
If you are 18+, comfortable with some gory descriptors, and willing to read, please continue! Enjoy.
🐺👾: you want to…. Spar with blade? Are you a masochist or something? Should I be concerned? 
🦝🗑️: shut up 
🦝🗑️: I have this crazy lance and I don’t really want to hurt anyone by practicing with it 
🦝🗑️: I know he’s got that healing thing going on 
🐺👾: 👀 …. 
🐺👾: I’m telling him you called it that 
🦝🗑️: I don’t wanna like, offend him or anything. Obvi I don’t want him to get hurt, but like, the off chance I slip up with this thing… he isn’t gonna get murked. You know? 
🐺👾: okay okay I get it, I’ll ask 
🦝🗑️: 😩🩶🩶💯🔥
🐺👾: he agreed. Here’s the coordinates. Have fun, don’t die. 
“Thank you for agreeing to this, I really appreciate it!” 
The man in front of Stelle says nothing, only stares as the winds coming off the water pick up loose strands of his hair, making the inky strands flow behind him. 
“You… remember me, right?” Stelle tentatively asks. 
Still nothing. 
“It’s okay if you don’t, we don’t even have to go through with this, I just thought you would be the best person for what I’m—“ 
“I remember you, Trailblazer. My mind is not so far eroded that I’d forget you so easily.” 
His voice is dark, just as raspy as she remembers it. She has to clench her teeth to suppress a shudder. If March could hear her thoughts, she’d blush and squeal, smacking her arm in scandal. If Dan Heng could hear her thoughts… he’d institutionalize her immediately. 
This man is dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. Stelle had to lie about where she was going just so no one would try to talk her out of it. 
Danger always pulled at something inside her though, that nasty, deranged thing inside her that craved violence and adrenaline. She figured it was a side effect of hosting a stellaron inside her body, but man— did this guy make her wish she could have something else inside her body too.
 *Wink wink*
Aeons. She’s such a fucking simp. If it wouldn’t make her look bat shit insane, she’d smack herself right now just to get her shit together. 
“Oh…” she said instead. “That’s good. I’m glad.”
An awkward pause lingered between them, and she found herself thinking that maybe she was standing a bit too close to him, despite there being at least two feet between them. 
“Are you… doing well? The last time I saw you, Kafka was… helping you feel better.” She said hesitantly. 
It could’ve been her imagination, but she swore that the furrow of his brow softened ever so slightly. 
“We’re not here to discuss such trivial matters.” His voice was harsh nonetheless. 
“Right, right.” Stelle said, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly. “So, how do we do this?” 
Blade summoned his sword, dragging his fingertips across the edge before spreading the tainted blood across the flat of it, causing the cracked blade to glow and radiate with unnatural power. 
“It is not your time or place to die here, so luckily for you, I will show restraint.” 
Stelle could tell Blade was holding back, true to his word. 
Any flames she created were either quelled by his winds, or overfanned by his elemental power to the point that they grew too dangerous for the environment around them, or even Stelle herself. 
She found that with her control over the lance, she could call forth and dissipate her fires at will, so the damage to herself was minimal. 
She worried that if the flames grew too large, she’d lose control over them— but every time, she willed them away and they would flicker out, leaving charred shrubbery and stone in their wake. 
Didn’t mean they weren’t hot as shit though.  
The first time she’d used the lance, the freezing temperatures of Jarilo XI dulled just how hot her new weapon could become. 
But now, well she couldn’t tell if her sweat was from the flames or just how hard her opponent was pushing her. 
He was toying with her, clashing together brutally before jumping away and circling her like a hawk. 
He was resistant to her taunts, though keeping up with him left little room for her to pause long enough to think of something to say. 
He seemed completely at ease though, the violence in his eyes and the murderous grin doing nothing to help the degenerate part of her brain that was screaming and crying and throwing up at the opportunity to observe him like this up close, without Dan Heng around to make her feel guilty for admiring this man so much. 
Her arms grew heavy, and she’d not even made him sweat, let alone injure him in any way. 
She knew that the lack of true danger was causing her to remain at a reasonable power level, flash backs to the Herta space station incident making her shudder. 
She was really no match for him in this kind of situation. 
He lunged for her again, and this time, she was too tired to react properly. She parried his strike, but missed the signs of his next move, getting her feet swiped out from beneath her as he tackled her to the ground. His sword stabbed into the dirt just beside her head as he landed on top of her, effectively straddling her as he pinned her with his intense gaze. 
Her eyes flitted back and forth between his as her breath heaved in her chest, her heart racing as she struggled to right herself after being disoriented so badly. 
Something in his expression shifted, and instead of murderous amusement, his gaze seemed… hungry. 
He leaned closer, ever so slowly, and continued staring at Stelle so intently it made her do something so embarrassing she knew she would never live it down. 
She whimpered. 
His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he was gone. 
He pulled away from her and disappeared within the same breath, leaving her lying there in the dirt as she caught her breath. 
She ran her hands over her face. “Well fuck.” 
🐺👾: what did you do to him? 
🦝🗑️: ??????? 
🐺👾: last week. When the two of you sparred, did something happen? 
🦝🗑️: ….
🦝🗑️: why 
🐺👾: ever since he got back he’s been fucking pouting. 
🐺👾: well, I mean pouting in the way that blade does. It’s more of a scowl than anything else, but I’ve known him long enough to differentiate between his various types of frowns. 
🦝🗑️: … nothing happened. We fought. I lost, obviously. But no one was hurt or anything. 🙃 everything’s totally normal 
🐺👾 added Kafka🕷️💕 to the chat
🐺👾: Kafka, what’s she hiding? 
Kafka🕷️💕: some sexual tension, most likely. 
🦝🗑️: …. -_- 
🦝🗑️: mother, why hast thou forsaken me????
 Kafka🕷️💕: nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetie. 
Kafka🕷️💕: Bladie may be a tragic creation of the abundance, but his body was once human. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to say that some of the more… human tendencies of a man may still linger within him. 
🐺👾: F
🦝🗑️: F 
🐺👾: so you’re saying he’s pouting and kicking shit because he’s sexually frustrated? That’s fuckin nasty. 
🐺👾: @🦝🗑️ you need to fix this. I don’t wanna look at him sulk anymore 
🦝🗑️: me?!!?!? Tf am I supposed to do??? How is this my fault??? 
🐺👾: you fought him and now he’s horny. Fix it. 
🦝🗑️: … bruh 
Kafka🕷️💕: I don’t think the traditional way of solving this problem will be the best idea, silver wolf. 🤭
🐺👾: wym? 🤨
Kafka🕷️💕: I don’t think it’s safe right now for our little trailblazer and Bladie to get together on a more intimate level… he’s still a bit unstable mentally. 
🦝🗑️: you let me fight this man while hES UNSTABLE 
🐺👾: heh. L 
Kafka🕷️💕: fighting is what he knows. It’s what comes natural to him these days. Emotions? Not so much. 
🦝🗑️: I mean… I’m always down to help anyone whenever I can
🐺👾: *tucks hair behind ear* “i’M aLwAys DoWn tO HeLP aNyONe WHeNeVEr I cAn”
🐺👾: no thanks, I have better ways to waste my time 
🐺👾: heh… you want a nice reward for this one too? 
🐺👾: wtf does stta stand for you heathen 
Kafka🕷️💕: ooh! She’s used this one with me before. It’s “swear to the aeons.” Cute, right? 
🐺👾: 🙄 
🐺👾 has left the chat
Kafka🕷️💕: I think I have an idea on how you can help, if you’re open to it. 
🦝🗑️: …
🦝🗑️: what do I need to do? 
“Stelle sweetie!” Himeko knocked on her cabin door. “You have a package here.”
Stelle nearly slipped as her sock feet slid along the smooth floor of her room in her haste to reach the door. 
She tumbled along gracelessly and threw open her door, huffing as she took the package from Himeko. 
A box, about five hands wide and three hands deep, wrapped in plain brown paper, with a little card tapped on and slathered with all the necessary postage. 
“Thank you!” Stelle said hastily, reaching for her door. 
“Wait—“ Himeko put a hand to the door shaft, stepping forward a bit with worry in her eyes. 
Stelle cringed a bit, looking up at Himeko and trying to hide the shame she felt creeping up the back of her neck. 
“Listen,” Himeko started, eyeing the little card on the package with Stelles name written in pretty, looping letters. “I know you and that stellaron hunter have some strange connection that we aren’t sure about, and I know you’re unsure too, but I just want you to be careful, okay?” 
It took a solid two panicked seconds for Stelle to realize that Himeko was speaking about Kafka, and not the other stellaron hunter she’d so guilty formed a connection with recently. 
When the realization dawned on her, she tucked her package to the side and pulled Himeko into a tender side hug, snuggling into her chest a bit as she usually did. 
“Thank you for worrying about me, Himeko.” Stelle said, pulling away. “It means a lot to me, and I promise I’m being careful. I won’t do anything to jeopardize the safety of anyone on the express.” 
Himeko sighed, smiling as she pulled back too. “I know, I just worry about you. We’re all here to support you through this, you know that.” 
Stelle grinned. “I do, thank you.” 
The red haired woman nodded, smiling still as she said her goodbyes and left Stelle to her own devices. 
She’d never closed and locked her door so quickly before. 
Throwing the package on her bed, she hastily sat beside it and pulled the card from the packaging. 
She took a moment to trace her fingers over the pretty script on the card, before she tore open the envelope and read its contents. 
Inside this box you’ll find the fun toy I told you about, along with a new shipping label to send it off to Bladie. 
I’m off on my own right now, far away from him, and I figured he’d handle it a lot better if it came from you, and not me. hehe~ 
Also, you’ll find a beautiful little necklace I had added to the set, that’s for you to wear. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with it. 
Thinking fondly of you always, 
Stelle blushed a little, Kafka was always saying the strangest things. She tucked the card away in her nightstand and gently pried open the package, not wanting to tear the postage stamps. 
Inside was indeed the… thing that she was told about, and she blushed furiously while looking at the nondescript white box, though the size and shape was very indicative of what was inside.
She pulled the new shipping label out, looking at the address inquisitively and realizing she had no idea where Blade even was, not recognizing the planet. 
She sat it aside and pulled out the other small box inside, opening it up and finding a rather beautiful blue choker necklace. The colour was reminiscent of her garter, and she smiled, happily pulling the gift from its box and wrapping it around her slender throat. 
It clicked nicely in the back, and fit perfectly. She smiled, patting it and thinking about how it was such a thoughtful gift, however strangely unrelated. Then again Kafka was a bit of an enigma regardless, so who knows what her thought process was when putting these two together. 
Stelle closed up the box, slapping the new shipping label over the old one and eyeing it as it sat in the middle of her bed. 
Fuck, I should probably write him a letter, some kind of explination so he doesn’t just throw it away without opening it. 
She scurried to her desk, pulling out a very cutesy animal themed stationary set that March had gifted her after their mission on Jarilo XI. 
The envelopes and cards were soft blue, covered in cute little bunnies and bears and what Stelle thinks are pink raccoons, surrounded with hearts and little stars. 
She laughed at the idea of Blade handling such delicate paper, and got to writing a quick note on her desk.
Don’t hate me, but SW was complaining about your… mood lately, and I thought this might help. I totally fuckin get it, trust me, I understand. Traveling with a group of people that’s more like family than anything else can really put a damper on your… personal time. So please take time for yourself, if not for me, then to at least make silver wolf stop complaining to me that you’re moody. 
I look forward to the day you’ll spar with me again. 
It might’ve been doing a bit too much, but Stelle couldn’t help but feel like the note might help him to be more receptive to the gift. 
Being a bit delusional never stopped her before, so why should it now? 
She slid the card in the envelope and slapped it to the package, picking it up to go and have it delivered. Hopefully she could feel a bit more at peace once it was gone. 
A quick and impatient knock sounded on his room door, pulling him from his deep meditation on the floor. 
“Hey asshole, you’ve got a package.” 
He and Silver Wolf were sent together to fulfill one of Elio’s scripts, and it was a brief period of lull in their respective duties. 
The inn they were staying at wasn’t lavish by any means, but they were discreet, and that’s really all they could hope for. 
Blade released a breath through his nose as he rose from the floor, walking over and opening up his room to find his fellow hunter standing impatiently, tapping her foot on the rough carpet of the hallway. 
Blade hated carpet in the hallways of inns. Always disgusting and ridiculously coloured. 
“Here.” Silver Wolf shoved the box in his hands, her grin was wide, spreading to her eyes which twinkled up at him with the mischief he tried so desperately to avoid. 
“Who could possibly know where we are right now.” He grumbled at her, though she was already turning to leave. 
“I have an inkling, and hopefully the stick falls out of your ass soon.” She laughed maniacally as she waltzed down the hall. “Enjoy!” 
Blade felt his brow scrunch up tight as he eyed the package. The blue envelope tapped into it was terrible to look at, the childish print making him want to throw it away immediately, but the unfamiliar lettering spelling his name across the paper made him pause. 
He brought the package to his bed, sitting down and thumbing open the envelope. 
The contents of the card made his stomach drop and then lurch into his throat. He was ready to run silver wolf through with his sword. 
Calm yourself. 
He took steady breaths, though he was angry, he was also rather curious about what exactly was in the box. 
With a carefulness he didn’t remember he had, he pried open the package to find a smaller white box without any words or indicators of what could be inside. 
He lifted the lid, only to drop it in shock at what lurked within. He knew what that was. He was older than most but he was still a man, and he knew exactly what had been sent to him— what was to help his “mood.” 
He sighed, pinching his temples. He didn’t know whether he wanted to thank silver wolf or strangle her. Either way, he’d be getting some kind of relief today. 
Stelle was eating dinner when she felt the first phantom touch. 
Fingertips, as soft as a whisper, ghosting over her pubic mound and making her stomach dip. 
Her eyes darted around, but everyone else was still enjoying their meal, chatting quietly together with the melody of silverware accompanying their voices. 
She was sat beside Dan Heng tonight, but both of his hands were above the table. 
She leaned back to look at him below the waist, looking to see if he’d manifested his tail and was making a pass at her, or more likely, was absentmindedly flicking it about like he did whenever he took his secondary form. 
But no, he was tailless this evening, and now eyeing her a bit warily as her eyes darted around. 
“You okay?” He murmured, not wanting to bother the others. 
The touch ghosted along her outer labia now, making her drop her fork in shock. 
Everyone was looking at her now, and she felt something pulse around her throat, right where her new necklace rested. 
Her face heated, and she placed her utensils onto her half finished plate before scooting from behind the table. 
“I’m… not feeling the greatest. I think I’m gonna go to bed early, if you all don’t mind.” 
She stood quickly, standing there for a moment as the touches continued, soft and inquisitive. 
“Are you alright?” Welt asked, concerned. “Would you like me to bring you some tea, or medicine?” 
“No!” Stelle jumped, before she caught herself and smiled sheepishly. “I’m alright, just feeling a little off. Probably just need some good sleep. I’ll see you all in the morning?” 
They all nodded, watching her go with worried eyes, but letting her leave without more questioning, which she was so grateful for. 
As soon as she made it to her room, she felt the first touch swipe through her core, and she nearly keened. 
Her throat pulsed, the necklace weakly glowing in the dark of her room. 
Her body felt hot. She was embarrassed at the amount of wetness that was pooling in her underwear, but most importantly, she was so fucking confused at what was going on. 
Something wet and blunt prodded at her entrance, and her knees buckled as she locked her door. 
She nearly crawled to her bed as her choker pulsed and pulsed with a weak glow, and the blunt thing, which felt suspiciously like a pair of fingers, finally slipped inside her, curiously prodding around, as if feeling her out. 
She slapped a hand over her mouth as she squeezed around the phantom digits, their touch lingering at her g spot with ridiculous precision. The fingers withdrew and she breathed a sigh of relief, though it was short lived as something much, much larger prodded itself at her entrance. 
Her eyes widened, and she scrambled to pull Kafkas card from her bedside drawer. 
“you’ll find a beautiful little necklace I had added to the set, that’s for you to wear. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with it. “
Stelle hadn’t realized what those words meant at the time, but as the blunt head of a ridiculously sized phallic object pushed at her hole, the meaning slapped her in the face like a rouge automaton. 
Her back arched off the bed as the phantom cock pushed into her, and she choked on a moan as it buried itself deep within her. She was so ridiculously wet she wanted to cry, and knowing who was on the other end of this feeling made her eyes roll back into her head. 
The thrusts started slow, but slowly worked their way up to something more intense, almost violent. Her insides churned, and she felt the telltale signs of an orgasm building up so quickly she might scream. 
No, no no no. She scrambled, reaching for the necklace, but when her fingers reached the latch, the thrusts changed angles, pounding directly into her g-spot and she cussed into the dark of her room. 
Her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave, crashing into her and seeping deep into her bones. It was the first actually satisfying orgasm she’d had in an incredibly long time. 
Her fingertips shook as they lingered on the necklace a moment, before she threw them back to her sheets, gripping them tightly as the thrusts continued. 
Fuck, this feels too good.
Through the post orgasm fog, she wondered if he knew. 
Did he know it was connected to her? 
She suddenly felt overcome with guilt. If he didn’t know, this felt a little like taking advantage of his struggles. If he did know, then she wanted to hear him say it out loud, that he knew exactly what he was doing to her. 
She wanted him to hear exactly what he was doing to her. 
With shaking hands and twitching thighs, she slapped around her bed for her phone, biting her lip through the pleasure to scroll through her contacts. 
It was nearly at the bottom, and the last time it was used was a hack of Silver Wolf’s, and Kafkas words, not his own. But she had to try regardless. 
She clicked the call button, bringing her phone to her ear as she bit back moans. 
Suddenly, the thrusting within her stopped, though the phantom cock remained buried within her. 
She gasped as the ringing came to a halt as the line picked up.
There was no answer, though she swore she could hear his breathing, just a bit heavier than usual. 
“Don’t… don’t stop.” She whispered. 
She thought she heard his breath catch in his throat. She definitely heard the swallow before he spoke. 
“What are you talking about.” His gravelly voice reverberated through the phone, and she felt the cock inside her move ever so slowly, in and out. 
She bit her lip. “I didn’t know at first, I swear.” Her thoughts were scrambled as the soft thrusts continued, and the knowledge that he was actively fucking himself with the toy while she spoke make her stomach jump in pleasure. 
“You didn’t know what?” He said, voice low and nearly at a whisper. 
“It’s… we’re… we’re connected.” 
The toy stopped, and she sucked in a breath of relief, hoping to gather her thoughts so she could properly explain herself. 
Suddenly a moan was ripped from her chest as his cock thrust into the toy with vigor, and his intense pace was picked back up tenfold. 
She tried to hide it, but the damage was done, and if he didn’t know before, he certainly did now as he listened to her whine and whimper through the phone. 
“I thought the inside felt far too realistic.” He growled. “You’re squeezing me so tight, little Nameless.” 
She gasped, his voice along with the stimulation was far too much, and another orgasm was quickly approaching. 
She tried to play it off like she wasn’t being fucked within an inch of her life though. 
“Yeah well, it’s… been a while since I’ve gotten any action, s-so forgive me for being a little tense.” She stammered. 
He switched his thrusts to hard and deep, so hard Stelle could nearly feel the sensation of his hips hitting hers, and she’s almost positive the fat of her lower half would be rippling in the recoil if he were actually here. 
“I knew as soon as I saw you that you were just a needy hole begging to be filled.” Blade said, voice deep and oh so condescending. 
Stelle fisted the sheets, her eyes nearly rolling into her skull as her needy moans slipped through clenched teeth. He was right, he was so right— but that didn’t mean she needed to concede so easily. 
“That’s bold talk…” she hissed, biting her lips until they felt raw. “…For someone who literally ran away from m-me as soon as his blood traveled south.”  
His dark laugh made her squeeze around him, and she knew he could feel it because the laugh trickled off into a deep groan that set her face on fire. She felt like her fingertips were alight with electricity, like her body was attempting to defy the artificial gravity on the express as she arched off her sheets. 
The pounding within her never faltered as he continued speaking his vile, filthy words at her. 
“You’re lucky I did, little Nameless.” She could almost imagine his murderous grin, the violence that vibrated through his voice was astounding. “If I had stayed I would have fucked you until not even your beloved crew would have been able to recognize the carnage I’d left behind.”
She couldn’t stop the noise that flew from her throat, a guttural keening that had her gripping her cellphone in embarrassment as he laughed once more. 
“Oh?” He teased, voice edged with gravel and venom. “You must be desperate to enjoy the idea of me fucking you until you’re nothing but hot pulp slipping through my fucking fingers.”
Oh she was so desperate, so fucked. If anyone else had said something so absolutely horrifying, she’d have run far, far away. 
“Does the rest of the express crew know how fucking depraved you are?” His thrusts seemed to pick up speed, which would’ve seemed nearly impossible, except she couldn’t exactly think at the moment, only sob as they slammed against that spot inside her over and over again until she felt herself slipping slowly. 
“Do they know that their precious little star wants to be fucked by a monster?” He snarled, and she cried out into the soft light of her room, thrashing around as her orgasm teased its way at her— but she was holding it back, why, why?
“Please,” she gasped. “Please, can I—“ oh, she thought distantly. Oh I’m so fucked up. 
Blade groaned, the slick sounds of him thrusting into the toy ringing in her ear. “So desperate, so polite. You really are something else.”
She keened, arching her back as the feeling licked at her further, so close to toppling over the edge.
“Go on then,” Blade whispered darkly. “Cum for me.” 
It crashed over her, more powerful than anything she could remember feeling. It pulsed through her in quick waves, so strong and violent as he just kept going. 
It started to dance into sickly sweet overstimulation as she heard his breath quicken, and she steadied her breath, wanting to savor this moment. 
“You know,” she breathed. “I’m a lot tougher than you think.”
His breath stuttered, his pace faltering ever so slightly. 
“I could take it,” she whispered. “I don’t think you’d hurt me in any way I didn’t want you to.” 
He faltered, and she heard him cuss under his breath through the phone.
“Yeah?” He whispered. “You’d take what I give you?”
She nodded at her ceiling, knowing he couldn’t see her, but her mind was too foggy with brutal pleasure to think straight. He was undoing her. 
“Every disgusting, violent, nasty thing you’d give me Blade,” she said, clutching the sheets as tears welled behind her eyes, praying he was almost finished but simultaneously never wanting it to end. “I’d take it so well for you, and I’d thank you for it.” 
“Fuck.” Blade moaned, deep and guttural, and his thrusting seized inside her. Much to her shock, she could feel the warmth of him filling her up, pump and after pump of him coating her insides. 
They both lay there, staring at their ceilings and breathing heavily over the phone, not speaking but not really wanting to anyways. 
Finally, once the breath returned to her lungs unlaboured, she felt him pull himself from the toy. 
She felt like she’d been hollowed out, like a crater had been formed where her insides should be, and without him there plugging her up—-her guts would fall out and she’d be left empty. 
He made a confused noise, and just as he did she felt the telltale squelch of cum slipping from her still twitching insides, and she groaned in frustration. 
“Well then,” he chuckled, softer now than before— almost a forbidden sound. “That makes cleaning up easier for me.” 
She smacked her hand over her face. “This is the weirdest toy ever invented, and I'm going to cry the next time I have to face Kafka.” 
“I figured this had something to do with her,” he said, shuffling noises heard from his end of the line. “She can never stay out of my business for too terribly long, unfortunately.” 
“Mine too it seems.” Stelle sighed. She smiled when he made a neutral sound of agreement. 
“You sound like you’re in a better mood.” She said, uncaring of the consequences.
“Well, before I realized what this really was, I was just hoping to release some inconvenient pent up energy.” He said, voice flat. “But I suppose doing it this way has added benefits. I’m no fool, I understand how the human brain works.”
“So this… helped you?” Stelle asked tentatively. 
He sighed. “I’d be lying if I said it was entirely useless.” 
Stelle smiled, stroking the choker around her throat, the delicate glow now completely faded. 
“I’ll keep my end of the connection on, it's simple enough. Just call me next time, okay? I don’t need to embarrass myself at dinner again.”
“I make no such promises.” She thought she heard the faintest of smiles in that last sentence before the line went dead.  
295 notes · View notes
18 plus only. Contains mentions of fingering. No pronouns used.
No thoughts… just them…
The way they pump their fingers into your little hole and coo as you gasp and whine and plead for them to just let you cum already. But they’re already pulling out of your sloppy little hole, leaving your brain in shambles as your body aching to orgasm. It’s incredibly unfair, especially when they hush you and put their lips against your neck, giving you little hickies while waiting for you to stop being so damn close to orgasm.
You whine and complain about how mean they’re being and that you need to cum, your sex feels so achy and any liquids falling out of your body make it burn. They purr assurance that you’re almost done, that it’s ok, and that you will cum soon. But fuck, it’s not fair. Especially when you are THAT close and they pull away.
They’re so excited, too. Their own sex is in your eyes, leaky and red with excitement. But they just won’t let you touch them. It’s so mean. You promise to get your revenge sometime…
Characters- Genshin Impact: Arlecchino, Al-haitham, Kaveh, Ningguang, Beidou, Ayato Kamisato, Albedo, Diluc, Wriothesley, and Furina
Honkai Star Rail: Blade, Jing Yuan, Himeko, Kafka, Firefly, Stelle, Boothill, Acheron, and Aventurine.
580 notes · View notes
daze4all · 7 months
Ghostbuster: Honkai Star Rail Guys Save Possessed! Reader. Heliobi! Patch Inspired
Based on the ghost buster patch with the ten commissions heliobai basically ghosts/foxfire
Dan heng + Astral express crew, Jing Yuan, Blade
Dan Heng & Astral Express train crew recounts embarrassing tales of trailblazer reader "She touches trash yknow"
Blade intimidates the ghost out of readers body "Get out or Die"
Jing Yuan teases the Ghost out of readers body
“Oh general how did you capture Heliobi? “Trailblazer & Co asked when the meet uop with him & Y/N
“I have my own ways~” said General Jing Yuan slyly smiling to trailblazer & reminiscing as reader blushes in his arms.
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Dan Heng
Dan Heng saved possessed trailblazer via Embarrassment + Found Family! Astral Express
Saves Stelle by Telling Embarrassing Exploits with Trash Cans
“Those hands touched trash you know, better not to eat anything with them” deadpans Dan Heng worriedly for Stelle or the parasite who could tell
“Ew this human, touches trash!?” Horrified the firey puff exclaimed rubbing Stelle’s hand on their skirt in horror
“We also have no idea where that body has been” reasoned Welt surreptiusly giving a the body a onceover.
“Yea just last night I saw Stelle doing the rounds digging through the Xianzhou’ s dumpsters in vain.” March chimed in
“I think she prefers belobogs trash cans. As they are easier to find.” Himeko mused hand propped under her chin in thought.
“Get me out of this bodddyyyy!” cried the Heliobai high tailing it out of Stelle’s trash touching body.
2. Blade
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Blade saves possessed Reader via Intimidation
Blade straight out intimidates the heliobi out of her body
“Get out or I’ll hit you” Blade threatens the Heliobai in fighting stance not dealing with this possession bullshit well.
“You know you’ll only hurt your friend if you do that” singsonged the posseded body.
“I don’t care. Get. Out” said Blade unsheathing his sword with no remorse as he prepares to strike. His blade whipping up a wind with his skill “I’ll be sure to send you both.”
“Eeek you are crazy!” the heliobai floats out of the body quickly before they are struck.
Blades stops his sword a hairs breath from y/n’s body.
The body goes limp and he catches y/n with one hand to her back slinging y/n over his shoulder.
“Omg you would have killed me?!” Y/N wakes up and panics in his arms and starts beating his back in reprimand.
“Better than living forever “harrumphed blade as he sheathed his sword secretly glad it worked.
“Oi that’s my decision!! Not yours!” Y/N cried horrified and annoyed.
 She had to give Blade a sit down & talking too on the Stelleron ship teacher style that he couldn’t just decide her life and death. They were allies after all not enemies.
3. Jing Yuan
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Possesed! Reader x Yandere! Jing Yuan
He teases the heliobai to get out of your body
Embarrasses it by getting close touching teasing.
Jing Yuan Saves Possessed! Tsundere! Reader via flirting
“Haha our greatest enemy taste the dust by your defeat and fight us for we have taken your beloved as host!”   The Heliobai lorded over Jing Yuan in the possessed reader’s body.
“I’d rather not hurt y/n instead let’s try another way” hummed Jing Yuan as he drifted closer hand coming over to hug her to him.
“Huh then why are you getting closer then…is this not a to fight?!” the Heliobai cried regaining composure and floating the newly acquired with bravado while laughing.
” How then do you intend to fight me the mighty Heliobai!” the floating foxfire sang.
“Like this” Jing Yuan said deeply as he approached and captured the smaller form in a big hug.
“What let go puny general!!!” Cried the possessed form squirming.
“Are you always like this with this host?!” the Heliobai cried.
“Actually y/n doesn’t let me do this in public often” hummed Jing Yuan in contentment trapping the reader effectively keeping her from squirming in vain to break from the hold.
“Ugh hugged by my greatest enemy “ shivers pass up the possessed form .Flames flickering disgust as the body blushes instinctually
“But I hug y/n anyways~” big cat! Jing Yuan smiles. A proverbial tail waving lazily behind him and ears perked up if he was foxian.
“….dude you guys must have serious relationship issue if she doesn’t let you hug her” said the possessed! reader as the controlled body struggled in vain.
“Y/n just shy~ And well if it for y/n sake I don’t mind doing more to get you out” said Jing Yuan his gold eyes glinting as his grin spreads like cat that got the cream. His grip tightening slightly.
“oi oi don’t do th-hat… crazy… I did not sign up for this! “panicked the heliobai embarrassed
as the heliobai yeets itself out of Y/n’s body.
“Ugh how embarrassing “ breathing the Heliobai in relief giving up body only to be sucked up in the spirit catching urn protesting.
The possessed body goes lax in Jing Yuan arms as he pickups up Y/N in a princess carry as eyes flutter open to meet his mischievous golden ones. “Welcome back y/n” Jing Yuan warmly says as he cradles your body.
“Err um general you can put me down….” Y/n says embarrassed.
“But what if don’t want to?” cheekily replies Jing Yuan as he starts walking with Y/N in his arms
“I grateful but I can-…General, where are going! Seriously I can walk on my own!”
“I’m protecting you from the Helobai” smoothly replies Jing Yuan as none dare get close to the general or try possessing reader’s body again after seeing such a scene.
“Oh general how did you capture Heliobai? “Trailblazer & Co asked when the meet uop with him & Y/N
“I have my own ways~” said General Jin Yuan slyly smiling to trailblazer & reminiscing as reader blushes in his arms.
Y/N is shorthand for reader or Yin if you want to substitute a Random name.
Kinda last one based on Tsundere oc I created in fic.
Dusk inspired dan heng sister reader.
A Tenlord commission judge who came to check out the area for work but got mixed up in this mess and possessed.
322 notes · View notes
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Movin’ Mountains
Chapter 3: Lady May
* Pairing: Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M
* Warnings: implied smut, language, awkward tension, heavy thoughts from Stella (I guess it could be categorized as angst?)
* Word count: 4,695ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant and @lexixstewart for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all.
Author's note: It’s been quite the soft start to this season. It’s been a soft start, but heavy things being talked about. I guess everyone is having their “come to Jesus” moment, as it were. I’m also gonna need y’all to use your imaginations that it’s Stella in that gif lol. I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well! I’d love to hear from y’all!
Stella rolled over at the rustling of the tent door. Her eyes opened slowly and she squinted at the Kayce-like silhouette coming inside the little home away from home. A small smile formed on her lips. A yawn slipped out with a groan as she stretched, a little bit closer to normal than she’d been able to lately.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” Kayce’s warm hushed tone greeted her ears pleasantly.
She snuggled into the pillows while shaking her head no. “I was already starting to come to with the birds.” Slowly, she sat up and ran her hand through her hair and unraveled her legs from the covers.
Kayce placed down his snacks that he didn’t go through the night before on his bag at the foot of the bed. He came to the bedside and grabbed Stella’s glasses and handed them to her. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked up her legs to drape them across his lap. He rested one of his hands on her knees and used the other to prop himself up. He closed his eyes, and took a deep relaxing breath.
Stella reached out to take off Kayce’s hat. When it was off, she placed it on the side table. Scooting behind Kayce, she placed one leg on either side of his hips. “Undo the buttons on your shirt please?” She asked softly.
He cleared his throat at her close proximity, having to get used to it all over again. He made quick work of the buttons, not sure where this was going, but eager to let her lead. He missed her. Stella had been nowhere near her normal self. Even just her presence had felt different.
Her hands glided up over his shoulders. Warm fingers wound their way underneath his collar and pushed the shirt off his shoulders. Kayce slipped it the rest of the way off. Stella moved it out of her way, sitting it to the side of them, and rubbed her hands together.
“What’re you doin’, sugar?”
“Shh, just relax,” Stella whispered back to him. Surprisingly soft farm hands and strong fingers rolled across Kayce’s shoulders and his tank top. Hitting knots in all sorts of places he didn’t even know he had them.
His eyes fluttered shut with a deep sigh that morphed into a groan of, “fuck, Stell,” as she hit a particularly tight spot by his shoulder blades. Stella giggled as he continued to grunt and groan depending on where the pads of her thumbs hit.
Stella worked her way along his shoulders and upper back, then made her way to his neck and head. Kayce all but purred by the time she finished threading her fingers through his hair.
His head lazily rolled back against her shoulder with a contented smile gracing his lips with his eyes closed. Stella wrapped her arms around his torso and propped her head against his and let her eyes fall shut. Kayce placed his arms overtop of hers and hugged them close. She took a few deep breaths and relished in the feel of his weight leaning on her. She missed this. She missed him.
Stella never thought one man could consume her entirely, but once she and Kayce crossed the threshold between friends to lovers? She’d been proven wrong. When he was away, it was like she could feel that a part of her was missing. It was cliché and sappy, but it was true. Kayce and her truly were two halves of a whole. And it was frightening. Her lips moved to his temple and she placed a featherlight kiss there.
Kayce opened his eyes and watched her in wonder. The morning sunrise gave the inside of the tent a golden hour hue, and made her dark brown hair seem lighter, almost giving her an angelic glow. She looked healthy. Well slept. The bags under her eyes, not so baggy anymore. The gash along her eye, appearing more of a new scar instead of red and angry. The bruises faded to almost nothing on the surface. “God, I love you.” The words tumbled out before he could even think about them.
Stella’s eyes popped open. She blushed and gazed down at him. The light of the tent making everything warm and safe. The massage she’d given him had him looking like the cat that ate the canary. His proclamation to her had his eyes wide as dinner plates. He must have been scared he ruined the moment.
In her head, she could hear herself screaming at the top of her lungs to jump. “I love you too.” Stella held her breath, deathly terrified at what came next.
Kayce sat up straight and Stella wiggled her legs back underneath her criss crossed. They stared at each other for a long while before either of them moved. Quick as lightning, Kayce reached out and grasped the back of her head in his hand.
Their mouths collided in a fury of lips, teeth, and tongues. Kayce wanted all of her, right here and right now. That was the first time she’d ever uttered those words to him.
Stella pulled back to gasp in as much air as she could before Kayce yanked her back in to devour her. She aggressively wrapped one of her hands in his hair and the other pulling his body into her. She let out a sigh as Kayce laid her back gently on the cot.
As Kayce pulled his tank over his head, Jake’s muffled voice floated in from outside the tent. “Stella? We gotta go get more supplies.”
Stella groaned loudly. “Okay? Whattaya need me for?”
“Rip wanted me to bring you along for extra storage space.”
Kayce’s head dropped onto her chest. Stella grumbled. “Fuck.” She sighed. “I’ll be right out, Jake.”
“Okay. I’m almost done getting Abigail ready for ya.” The couple listened as his footsteps got quieter until they disappeared entirely.
“We’re finishing this later,” Kayce said as he sat up with a huff.
Stella stole a glance at his groin and realized his pants were strained from his half ready erection. She frowned, cursing the day Rip was born. It had been a month and a half since she’d even thought of getting some from Kayce, and the first time she even entertained the idea, it got postponed. “Ugh, I’m gonna give Rip hell.” She cracked her neck from side to side, and unwound her legs from Kayce.
Stella wandered out from the bunkhouse with armfuls of grocery bits and bobs. She started emptying her arms into the panniers on the back of Abigail. She threw some into the ones on the back of Sage, the semi-broke liver chestnut that stood at a huge 17.2 hands. Sage side eyed the woman currently loading her back, and Stella watched her closely from her peripheral.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about doin’, mama?” Stella asked the mare politely. The unit of a mare pinned her ears back when Abigail stepped closer to her, trying to put herself in between Stella and Sage.
Stella reached out and pushed Abigail’s hind end. “Knock it off, boss. You teach her when I’m not in the middle.” Jake scurried back to his horse, to pack some more coffee and filters. Stella secured the panniers on Sage’s back closed.
“Hey, are you goin’ back up to the summer camp?” The sound of Monica’s voice from behind her made Stella freeze.
Jake didn’t think anything of it and responded to the mom in front of him. “Yeah, as soon as I get these panniers full.” Stella tried to make herself as unnoticeable as she possibly could. She clipped the panniers on Abigail’s back.
“Cool if I ride with you?” Monica asked. “I want to see my kid.”
Jake shook his head unsure, looking to Stella for help. She shrugged to the struggling man. “This is your fight, Jake. Not mine.”
Jake sighed. “Monica, if you fall off, they're gonna have my ass.” Both women took notice that he knew Stella wouldn’t catch any heat for it if Monica did fall off for some reason.
“She won’t fall off—,”
“—I won't fall off.” Stella and Monica said at the same time. Stella finally glanced at her.
“But if you do…,” Jake glanced between the two of them.
Rip trotted up smiling at Stella, happy to see her a little more like herself. “We ready?”
Stella motioned to Monica. “She wants to ride up there with us. Which I don’t have any problem with, but Jake here is about to shit his pants at the idea.” The women chuckled under their breath.
Rip locked onto Jake. “All right, well, go grab her a horse.”
Jake stuttered to put up an argument. “All the good ones are up at camp.”
Stella nodded. “The only thing left here is a bunch of freight trains and monsters that Kayce and I have to work through yet.”
“Well, what the fսck is wrong with your horse, Jake?” Rip’s patience was running thin at Jake’s stalling.
“Well, that's my horse,” came Jake’s lame excuse.
“Monica, get on Jake's horse.” Rip waves his hand at the Palomino. “Come on.”
“But…,” Jake almost whined.
“We don't have time for this shit. Just go get a horse. Let's go.”
Stella hoisted herself up onto Abigail’s saddle, a little less stiff than before. She looked at Monica. “If Sage here wasn’t barely broke enough to carry these panniers and be lead broke and my ribs could handle it, I’d let you ride Abigail.” Stella chuckled. “But Sage is an absolute unit and I’ve got a lot of work to put into her ahead of me. Kayce would for sure kill me if I let you ride this one.” The women shared a look at the mention of Kayce.
For the first little bit of the trip, it was quiet. Everyone seemed to be in their own headspace. Jake was concentrating on not getting bucked off of Flip. Rip hung back behind the women. Stella wasn’t sure if the tension she was feeling was created in her own mind and only she knew about it, or if Monica wanted to say something to her. Especially since she was riding right next to her.
“So,” Monica started, “you look a little brighter. More yourself.”
Stella panned to look at her with a small, nervous smile. “Day by day. You know.” She shrugged. “You doin’ okay?”
Monica was startled. She hadn’t expected Stella to ask about her after all that had happened. “I’m okay,” she grinned. “I miss my son, though.”
“I get it. If it makes you feel any better, I think he’s doing just fine. Livin’ like the old days is treatin’ him well. He actually slept last night. If I heard right from the guys, he overslept.”
Monica brightened hearing the good news about her son. “Good. He needs it. His sleep has been awful.”
“Yeah Kayce mentioned Tate’s been having nightmares, waking up screaming and the like.”
“You guys talk about Tate?”
Stella’s eyebrows pulled together not understanding what Monica was getting at. “I mean, yeah. We always have every so often. Just like you and I did just now.”
Monica looked like she was working through a heavy thought. It seemed she chose to save it for later. “Speaking of Tate,” she cleared her throat. “I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you for trying to save my son’s life.”
Stella flashed back to when she screamed at Tate to run. Shaking her head hard to get those dark thoughts away, she quietly answered. “Of course, Monica. I was there the day he was born. There are things I wish I’d done different, but I can’t change them now. I would do it again in a heartbeat.” Stella sniffed and whipped her nose. “I’m just glad Kayce and my brother led the charge to get him back safe and sound.”
Flip screamed in irritation at Jake, distracting the women and they stopped their horses to watch as Flip tossed him around.
“His horse seems a bit angry.” Monica joked.
“Yeah, a little bit.” Rip agreed.
“Good job, Jake.” Stella pan seared Jake. Monica and Rip barked out laughter.
“Why did he pick that one?” Monica wondered.
“Hell if I know. He chose the one Kayce won’t even touch. I named him Flip for a reason.” Stella laughed.
Rip chimed in. “You know what, Monica? He ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, let me tell you.”
Jake hollered from a distance. “I want my goddamn good horse back!” Flip took off, thankfully running in the right direction, all Jake would have to do is steer.
“Oh, now that looks fun.” Monica smirked.
“Monica, I don't think he's having too much fun.” Rip discouraged her. Stella took Sage’s lead rope and gently flung it to Rip as she and Monica had a mischievous glint in their eyes. Without second guessing themselves, the women raced off behind Jake and Flip.
“Hey. Hey, Monica! Stella!” Rip yelled. “Goddamn it.” He made sure he had the lead rope and begrudgingly made his way behind the group to make sure no one killed themselves.
The two women showed up at the camp first, laughing and in good spirits. Stella thought to herself that Kayce, Monica, and she just might be able to make this nontraditional situation work. Tate’s little voice yelling for his mama floated over on the wind. He made a beeline for the woman and she greeted him. Happy to see that her son was doing better.
Stella slid off of Abigail and started to help Jake put the supplies in the chuck wagon.
Jake turned to her. “I got this, Miss Stella. You go relax.”
She smirked. “I’ll go take care of Flip for ya. Sound like an even trade?”
“I don’t know about even, but it’s a trade for sure.”
Stella giggled while she patted Jake on the shoulder. She wandered over to the angry and huffing Flip. Rip smiled seeing her make her way over to him and the gelding.
“Hand me the lead?” She asked.
Rip shook his head. “No can do.”
“And why not?”
“You’re not supposed to be workin’.”
“Oh, but I can do the grocery run that you delegated?” Stella put her hands on her hips and watched as Flip pinned his ears at Rip. The bunkhouse manager didn’t say anything and just shrugged. Stella narrowed her eyes at him. “Did you miss me?” She could have sworn his face reddened slightly. “You could have just said so, you know.”
“I gotta get him in the makeshift pen.” He ignored her assessment all together.
Stella smiled and her arms fell to her sides. “I’m doin’ alright, Wheelie. I promise. You interrupted me this mornin’ though.”
“I what?” He stared at her.
“You heard me. You’re lucky I’m not givin’ you more hell.”
“You get on. Go, read a book or something.” The usually gruff cowboy smiled at her.
Her shoulders shook laughter. “I’ve read enough for a while.” She heard Monica ask where Kayce was and meandered back over to the mother and son duo.
“I think he’s out lookin’ for wolves.” John offered.
Stella looked at Monica. “I’ll go get him for ya. You spend time with your boy.” She then asked John, “what direction did he go in?”
John pointed off to the one side of the mountain. “Bet he went that way.”
She glanced back at the pen to see if he’d left on horseback. Sure enough, Tank was still there. So he couldn’t have been far. Nodding, she headed off in the direction John had pointed her in.
There was a grove of trees that caught Stella’s eye. The high grass that surrounded them was tamped down in one spot. That had to have been Kayce’s trail. Carefully she made her way through the hole she was hoping Kayce had left.
She relaxed and let her ears take in all the sounds around her. The birds chirping, the sway of the grass and trees in the warm wind. Stella took great care to keep her steps soft, she didn’t want to be detectable to Kayce. There was a slim path cut through the tall grass underneath the trees. She heard shuffling up ahead and picked up the pace to catch up to Kayce.
There was a giggle stuck in her throat that she tried to hold in as best she could. Kayce perked up and came to a stop. She quit moving. He must have heard her. He was in his trusty black hat, lightweight white long sleeve shirt with a light tan vest, and jeans. ‘Damn he looks good,’ Stella thought. He stood still and silent as he assessed his surroundings.
Stella leaned out from around the tree that was her cover and taunted him. “If I was a snake, I’d have bit ya.” Kayce whipped around. Stella grinned at him. “Hey good lookin’.”
Kayce beamed at her. “Hi sugar britches.” He clicked the safety of his rifle into place and let it drop to his side. “What’re you doin’ all the way out here?”
“I dunno,” Stella shrugged with a mock sigh. “I heard from a bird that you might be out here, all by your lonesome.” Kayce placed his rifle down on the ground and stepped toward her. “I couldn’t have the man I just told I love out here like that.”
“Oh you couldn’t, huh?” Kayce smirked at her like a devil, taking his hat off and chucking it to the side.
Stella slipped off the flannel of Kayce’s she had on as Kayce made quick work of his vest. “Yeah. We can’t have that.”
They slammed into each other. Desperate, needy. Kayce pulled Stella as close as physically possible. She speedily dropped to her knees in front of him and worked on getting his belt undone. She looked up at him with wide eyes as the buckle came sprang open. With deft fingers, she popped the button of his jeans open to pull them down.
Kayce was hit with an intense desire and he dropped to his knees. He quickly laid Stella back and kissed her like his life depended on it. “I need you,” he muttered against her mouth. He trailed his lips down her neck.
Stella turned her head to lean her neck into his mouth, but gasped when she saw the wolf Kayce had been looking for, watching them with a front row seat. “Kayce,” she whispered and he kept kissing her neck. He thought she was encouraging him to keep going. She slapped his shoulder. “Kayce!” She said in a pressed tone.
He came up for air and followed her line of vision. He started calculating the distance between the wolf, his rifle, and them. Stella’s voice shook from beneath him. “My gun is on my hip, take it before you run for the rifle.”
Kayce maintained eye contact with the wolf. “You are one lucky son of a bitch, you show up now.”
“Kayce, what do we do?” Stella ground out, annoyed that he was leaving it go this long.
Kayce observed the demeanor of the wolf as it licked its chops. He knew he was taking a chance, but he didn’t think they were in immediate danger. “If he wants to watch, we just let him watch.” He reached up to grab Stella’s face gently and started kissing her.
Stella huffed out a chuckle at the weird situation, but was less worried now. Once Kayce freaked out, then she’d worry. She leaned into his kisses and let herself be consumed.
By the time they’d finished the wolf had wandered away, and both parties were satiated for the time being. Stella stood stiffly, not used to the activity anymore, and slid her underwear and pants back up her legs. Kayce watched her closely as he redressed himself.
“Oh,” Stella paused to catch her breath, “the original reason I came to find you. Monica came up with us. She wanted to see Tate.” For a reason unknown to her, she couldn’t make eye contact with Kayce. Was she embarrassed? Insecure? She shook her head as she pulled up her boots. “She also wanted to talk with you.”
Kayce noticed her lack of eye contact, which was odd for her. “Hey,” he said softly. “Look at me.” Stella let out a frustrated huff and looked his way. “Everything okay?” He asked.
She glanced around looking for her flannel. She grabbed it off the ground and gave it a hard shake. “Yeah, everything is fine. It’s just somethin’ that I gotta get used to now that it’s present and I’m not laid up.”
“And on a scale of negative 50, I don’t fully believe you.” He threw on his vest. “What did we promise?”
Stella stopped fidgeting. She placed her glasses on top of her head while she rubbed the left side of her face. She sighed knowing exactly what he was talking about. “That we would actually talk to each other—,” Kayce continued where she left off.
“— if we have any doubts or second thoughts.” Kayce leaned a shoulder against a nearby tree. “So what’s cookin’ in that noggin’ of yours, sugar?”
She swung the flannel around her shoulders and slipped her arms into it. Her hands shook at the thoughts running through her head. Not the thoughts, but actually admitting them out loud. “I,” Stella struggled to get the words out. Kayce waited patiently as she fought with herself. “I just got you.” Her voice shook. “I don’t wanna have to give you back.” She sniffed and then started to ramble. “I know it sounds selfish, and I mean I would understand why, but it wouldn’t stop it from breaking me any less.” She kicked at some dirt clumps that were at her feet. “I don’t think I’d come back from that.”
Kayce’s shoulders dropped. He’d really done a number on her the first time around, and now he was seeing the ramifications of that. He should have known there would be kick back from the first time they fucked around and inevitably found out. “Stella,” he started softly as he walked closer to her.
She held her hand out to him causing him to stop. “No, Kayce. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“Clearly you’re not.” He had to stop her from shutting down. “Don’t close up on me now, Stell.”
“What do you want me to say, Kayce? Huh?” Stella’s jaw clenched as the feelings overwhelmed her. She lashed out with misplaced anger. “That I still feel like I’m in the wrong? That I’m worried one day soon, you’ll come to your senses and realize this was a horrendous mistake?” She slid her glasses into place. “Well, you caught me.” Her hands slapped against her thighs.
He held out his hands and took slow steps toward her. “Woah, hold on a minute.”
She held up a hand to deter him. “Please don’t touch me.”
He stopped in his tracks about two feet from her. “Stella, I know it’s a confusing situation, but we’re gonna navigate through it together. Just because she wants to talk to me doesn’t mean I’m gonna run straight back into her arms. We have a kid, we’re gonna have to talk to each other.”
“I know, Kayce. I’m not bothered by her wanting to talk to you.”
“Then what’s bothering you? I’m not a mind reader, Stell.”
Stella did her best to calm her jumbled thoughts, trying to pin down the exact root of the cause of this insecurity. “The thought of losing you makes me feel claustrophobic. Not just in a romantic sense either.” Kayce now understood why she didn’t want him to touch her. He waited for her to continue, afraid to interrupt and cause her to lose her confidence in confiding in him.
“I spent so much time without you, loving you from the sidelines, and by some stroke of a miracle, I ended up with you.” Stella felt like her ribs were broken all over again with how tight her chest was. “I still feel like I’m gonna wake up from a dream at any given moment.” She finally looked at him. “The way we got together wasn’t the best of methods, either. You and I both know that.” Stella’s heart stopped pounding in her chest. “I guess I just still feel like I’m in the wrong. Like I broke the promise I made to myself to never get in between you and Monica.” She rubbed at the back of her neck. “I guess it boils down to me being disappointed in myself.”
“And you feel like you need to be prepared for it if you lose me.” He gazed at her curiously. “Why?”
Stella sat with the question for a good while, yet Kayce’s patience never wavered. She had to fix her glasses again from looking at the ground so much. “Because ever since I was 11, any time I’ve ever actually gotten my hopes up and let myself be consumed by whatever the dream was,” she bit her top lip thinking of how to articulate her fear, “it’s been viciously yanked away from me, and I had to scramble to grab any salvageable parts of myself to rebuild from. And every time that happens, there’s less and less and it gets harder each time.”
Stella sat down on the ground and pulled her knees to her chest, making herself small. She huffed and propped her chin on her knees. “It started with me and Ryan’s dad. Then it was all downhill from there.” She swallowed thickly at the foggy memory of the chaos that ensued after their father’s passing. “Ryan has always done his best when it comes to me, but I still had to grow up fast. The ranching world isn’t nice. Especially to little girls. So I’ve learned to hope for the best, but expect the worst.”
Kayce sat in front of her. He held out his hand to her and hoped she would take the invitation. When her hand wrapped around his, he smiled and gave her hand a squeeze. “The way we ended up together wasn’t ideal, no. But here we are and if there’s one thing I can promise you, it’s that nothing and no one will rip me away from you. You’ve got me. You’re my best friend. You’re my girlfriend. Huckleberries. We’ll get through this together. Hope for the best and we’ll get nothing less than that. You’re an adult now. You’re the one in charge of how the story goes.”
Stella’s head rose from her knees when he called her his girlfriend. She looked him straight in the eyes, mesmerized, and stared until she lost count of how long. His words had shifted her entire point of view so fast, she felt as if her head was spinning. There was a lot she had to process and come to some sort of acceptance. “I love you, but don’t use your parent skills on me. It’s weird.” She giggled.
He squeezed her hand again. “I love you too, sugar. And if I don’t, you won’t.” He glanced up at the sky and noticed the light was getting low. “If you’re okay, we should head back before your brother sends a whole search party for you.”
Stella chuckled. “Yeah, we probably should. I don’t want him to know I had a romp in the grass.”
Kayce stood and held his hand out to help her up off the ground. He picked up his rifle and his hat, and swung his arm around her shoulder. He was happy with the productive conversation, and even happier that they were walking back together and that he’d convinced her to not run. He knew she had some things to think about, so he would let her be until she came to him. For now, he would enjoy her calm demeanor and try to guide her to the best of his ability.
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monamourbladie · 9 months
The Man of My Dreams - Blade x Reader (chapter 6)
Who said that the man of your dreams couldn’t be real? After having dreams of the same mystery man for 2 weeks straight, the reader sets off on a journey to find the mystery man known as “Blade” that had been occupying her mind every single night. After realizing that he might actually be a real person, and not just a man she made up, she will finally discover parts of her past that had been long forgotten and locked away. (Originally posted on AO3, which can be read here. Also posted on Wattpad, which is here.)
Chapters Masterlist
warnings: slow burn, slight enemies to lovers themes, fluff, HEAVY angst throughout the entire story (not kidding.), soulmates, memory loss, mutual pining, eventual smut, pwp, renheng themes
Tag List: (@ me to be added) @kimura-uzuri
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Fu Xuan knew she had time to speak with the General before Kafka's interrogation was to take place. She quickly moved to a secluded location outside of the hotel and made a holograph call to the General. Quickly, he answered the call, looking concerned. "Is there something wrong, Diviner?" Fu Xuan let out a soft sigh, glancing at her hands. "You were right, General. About Y/n? It is her. The same one that was banished from the Luofu all that time ago." Jing Yuan simply hummed in response, his hand moving towards his chin in thought. "I see. I was afraid of that. I can't say it's not nice to see an old friend, however - even if we weren't that close at the time." Jing Yuan recalled the painful memory of the day everything went wrong. The day Yingxing died, and a grave sin was committed in an attempt to save his life. Jing Yuan tried his best to not think of it.
"How much does Y/n know?" he then asked. "I told her I must speak to you first before I tell her anything. She knows I know something grave. She doesn't remember she's a Vidyadhara... or that she was even married." Jing Yuan looked at Fu Xuan with a slight smirk, "Meaning, she has no idea the man she's been dreaming of was her husband in a past incarnation? How amusing." Fu Xuan shifted uncomfortably, "What should I tell her, General? She remembers nothing of her previous life. She has no idea of her sin, what she did to Yingxing, or even who she really is. Is it even safe to unlock those memories? And how did she even forget?"
Jing Yuan looked at her with a solemn expression. "Her reincarnation process was interrupted. The same happened to the Imbibitor Lunae, Dan Feng. Because neither of the two could complete a full reincarnation cycle, everything in their previous life was locked away - essentially making them believe they were an entirely new person. It would take nothing short of a miracle for their full memories to return, and for them to physically appear as a Vidyadhara once more. I don't think this is the time for that. Especially since, if Y/n were to fully return knowing everything she did - she'd still be banished. I don't feel like sending her to prison when she's already helped us so much with the Stellaron Hunters."
"So... what should I tell her, then?" Fu Xuan asked. "Tell her nothing. Tell her that once this all passes, I will set her aside and answer all of her questions. But for now - we can not risk her finding out about her previous incarnation. Especially if my hunch is correct, and that Blade is truly Yingxing, it could be disastrous." Fu Xuan nodded, bowing her head, "Yes, General. I will go catch up with our guests and begin the interrogation of Kafka momentarily." Jing Yuan nodded to her, "Good. Report to me once it is complete. And good luck - dealing with Kafka needs it," he chuckled. His hologram faded away, and Fu Xuan left to find the Trailblazers.
Fu Xuan remained at the center of the Commission where the Divination was to take place, waiting for the Trailblazers to return. Soon, Stelle, Welt, March, and Y/n walked up. Y/n walked straight up to Fu Xuan as the Cloud Knights guided Kafka to the center. "Well? Did you speak with the General?" she asked. Fu Xuan nodded, raising her hand to silence her, "Yes. And I'm afraid this will have to wait until after the Divination." Y/n glared at her, "No. You're going to tell me the truth right now. I have a right to know." FU Xuan grumbled, shaking her head, "I don't have time for this. You can talk with the General afterward like he requested! Now stand back with your friends and let me do my job," she snapped at Y/n. Y/n rolled her eyes and walked towards March and Stelle, "Whatever. I'll figure it out myself."
March immediately took notice of her frustrated demeanor and frowned. "Woah... what's got you all fired up?" March commented. Y/n crossed her arms as she stood beside her bubbly friend, "Fu Xuan knows the truth about what's going on with my dreams and refuses to tell me. She's claiming I have to speak with the General to learn the truth. As if it's so important I have to talk to the damn General of the freaking Luofu. Like, what is she even on?!" Y/n started ranting to March. "Oh! And one other thing that's  freaking perfect is apparently, the man in my dreams? Blade? She's claiming he's my husband! How ridiculous is that!" March immediately busted out laughing. "Oh, that's so funny! And so obviously wrong! You've never even met him, how could you be married? If you ask me, little missy up there is just spitballing everything she says! I doubt she'll even be able to fully do... whatever it is she's doing to Kafka," March muttered, looking over at Fu Xuan who was beginning the Divination process.
Brilliant shapes made of vibrant pink lights were swarming around Kafka, causing her to levitate. Fu Xuan's hands were raised in front of her, her eyes closed in focus as she Divined the truth of Kafka. As frustrated as Y/n was, she couldn't deny how beautiful this process was shaping out to look. The shapes swirled around Kafka as her smirk grew until Fu Xuan pulled back gasping for air - the same reaction she had after seeing through Y/n's memories. "That's... that's why you're here...?" she asked, her voice shaky. "All for that?" 
"What? Not what you were expecting?" Kafka smiled innocently down at her. "I... I can't believe it. But the Matrix of Prescience cannot be wrong," Fu Xuan muttered, looking down at her hands. The Trailblazers and Tingyun stepped closer to Fu Xuan to make sure everything was alright. "What did you see?" Y/n asked. "Kafka has nothing to do with the Stellaron, but... it's you." Fu Xuan pointed to Stelle. She let out a bitter laugh, "Absurd. I'd never thought it. "Me?" Stelle asked simply. "Ask her yourself. Speak to her as long as you'd wish." Fu Xuan stepped aside to allow Stelle to walk up to Kafka.
Y/n quickly moved forward and rest her hand on Stelle's shoulder, "Are you sure you want to speak with her?" she asked Stelle cautiously. Stelle glanced at her hand then back at her, slowly nodding. Y/n then removed her hand and watched as Stelle walked up to Kafka, whose smile only widened at the sight of her. Her obsession with Stelle was creepy at this point.
Y/n crossed her arms as she began to think over her dreams again. March hopped over and leaned on her shoulder, smiling. "Hey, miss pouty. Try and cheer up, okay? As I said, I doubt whatever Fu Xuan is trying to talk you into believing is a load of lies. Just live in the moment! Look around at the Luofu and how pretty it is! And that tree that we saw earlier? It was so pretty, I took so many photos of it!" March exclaimed. Y/n couldn't help but smile at her excited younger friend. She never failed to bring a smile to her face, even in times of feeling stressed out like right now. "Thanks, March. Can I see?" March nodded as she went to grab her camera, when a huge earthquake shook the planet. March immediately grabbed onto Y/n's arm, looking around frantically, "What's happening?!" 
"It's the tree!" Welt exclaimed, pointing at it. The ground shook intensely as the tree grew at an alarmingly fast rate, the top of the tree protruding past the clouds from its height. From the branches dropped glowing words in the Luofu's native language, beautiful yellow sparks falling from it slowly. It was so large that it completely obstructed most of the view of the Luofu now. 
"Kafka's escaping!" Fu Xuan yelled. Everyone turned to look at Stelle, who was currently trying to chase after Kafka. Her shackles had been magically broken and she immediately started to back up. As Stelle sprinted forward, a man dropped in front of her, holding his sword dangerously close to her - forcing her to keep her distance. Y/n looked over and immediately recognized him. It was Blade. He was here, so close to her...
"Let's go, Bladie~" Kafka called to him. "We've got two more places to visit." Blade twirled his sword behind his back as he kept a strong glare at Stelle. Y/n felt her heart pound out of her chest. She wanted to follow him. Y/n broke free of March's grasp and she gasped, yelling back at her as she ran, "Y/n, what are you doing?!" 
"BLADE!" She yelled, catching up to Stelle quickly. Blade began to turn to follow Kafka when he froze, recognizing the voice. The voice... from his dreams...? He turned back around fully and saw Y/n running up to him. He quickly drew his sword again, holding it taught, "Who are you?" He snapped. "Leave her, we don't have time for this!" Kafka yelled at him. "It's me! It's Y/n! You're the one from my dreams... you're... you're real," Y/n said, her gaze completely fixated on his. His glare softened, examining her face as he took in her words. Then it clicked in his mind...
Blade let his sword fall to his side. He felt so conflicted. The woman he had been longing to finally meet was right in front of him, but he had to run with Kafka... Kafka rolled her eyes and twirled her fingers, "Just take her with us, damn it!" Blade heard her voice in his head and he growled, closing his eyes. He let out a heavy sigh and immediately grabbed Y/n's wrist tightly, pulling her against his body as he leaned in to whisper, "Don't make me regret this."
His free arm slid around her waist, holding her flush against his body. After making sure he had a firm grip on her, he started to run. Y/n squealed in surprise, "Hey! Let go of - what do you think you're doing!?" she tried fighting it, but good God that man was so strong, she could barely move an inch in his hold. The Trailblazers started yelling after them, chasing after Kafka and Blade as they got away with Y/n. 
She wanted to resist, but something was stopping her from it... Maybe she was secretly okay with this? She was at least, until she saw them get closer to the ledge... "You better not fucking jump that!" she yelled. Kafka let out a laugh, "That's the fun part, Trailblazer." She raised her arms and fell backward off the platform, disappearing. Y/n grabbed Blade tighter as she hid her face in his chest, his grip on her tightening, "Better hold on..." he muttered, jumping head first after Kafka. Y/n screamed as they fell, fully convinced this was how she'd die.
To her utter surprise, she, Blade, and Kafka had landed feet first on a Starskiff deck that was docked below the platform, perfectly hidden from view. Kafka brushed off the dirt from her clothes as she regained her stature, looking at Blade with a pissed off gaze, "What the hell is wrong with you, Blade?" She snapped at him. Blade set Y/n down, rolling his eyes, "Don't you start." Y/n's knees immediately buckled, most likely from the fear of dropping that far so fast as she scrambled to find a place to sit down. Her breathing was jagged as she tried to process everything that had just happened.
"Don't I start? Don't I start?? Blade, you brought a fugitive with us! This was not a part of the script!" she snapped at him. "And out of everyone, it was an Astral Express member! Are you fucking insane?" she yelled. Blade waved his hand in irritants, "I'll get back to you in a damn minute, so shut up!" he snapped back at her. He turned from Kafka to Y/n, walking directly up to her. "Get up," he snapped at her. His voice was much colder in person than how it was in her dreams. She gulped as she stood up slowly. Blade gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, keeping it at his side, "Y/n, isn't it?" he asked coldly. She nodded quickly, "Y-yes... please tell me you've been having those dreams too so I don't feel like an absolute idiot," she asked nervously. She was greatly intimidated by him. His stature was much more intense in person, and he was way taller than she thought he'd be. She gulped as she looked up at him when he moved closer, clearly examining her.
Blade was silent for a few moments, "...Yes, I have been," he finally answered. "You've been in all of them. How are you here?" he asked her. Kafka scoffed, "This is her?" she muttered, rolling her eyes as she started piloting the Starskiff to the next destination. "I'm with the Astral Express. Kafka... she told us to come here. Said she needed help to get you out of prison..." Y/n replied. She couldn't help but blush from how close he was to her. Either he had no concept of personal space, or he was that close to her to get a reaction out of her. Either way, it was intimidating in the best ways.
"She managed just fine without you. What's the real reason why you're here?" Blade replied, his tone growing colder again. Y/n bit her lip, "That's why we came. But... when I realized I might have a chance of actually meeting you, I made sure to come with them. Even if I had a friend tell me to stay away from you," she answered truthfully. She hadn't thought about Dan Heng in a while, and now she was beginning to feel guilty that here she was doing the exact opposite of what she promised him. But now that she saw him in person... she didn't feel so bad about it.
"Good to know that friend of yours is afraid of me," Blade said with a smirk. "But, I must say I'm curious as to how you realized it was me." he set his sword down, crossing his arms. It was amusing to him just how short she was in comparison to him. But, he couldn't lie to himself - she was just as gorgeous as he secretly hope she'd be in person.
"Fu Xuan and General Jing Yuan all but confirmed it," she replied to him. She brushed some of the hair from her face as she let out a shaky sigh, "L-Listen... I don't want to cause any trouble. I really don't. I just... I felt compelled to talk to you. This was what I came on the Luofu for anyway, hoping I'd be able to find you if you truly did exist." Blade was amused by this. He slowly started to walk forward toward her, and she instinctively backed up. "How sentimental of you. How about you tell me what Jing Yuan told you, then?" She hit her back against the wall of the Starskiff, and she blushed brightly as his hand lay against her head. He had her practically pinned between her and the wall. She bit her lip, staying silent as she looked up at him flustered, "I..." Blade waited for a moment for her to answer, and when she didn't, he reached down for his sword slowly, "Don't make me use this on you, sweetheart. Just tell me what he told you," he said in a taunting tone. Her eyes widened at the nickname, and it served to make her all the more flustered by the situation she was in. Blade looked down at her with an amused sly smile. He was enjoying taunting her like this...
Before Y/n could fully answer, Kafka spoke up for them. "You're married, Blade. To her. Is that what it is?" Kafka said. Y/n looked over at Kafka, her mouth hanging open in surprise, "How... how did you know?" Blade looked back at Kafka in shock, then back at Y/n even more surprised. He immediately dropped his sword and removed his hand from beside her head, taking a large step back from her. "Excuse me?" He said in an angry tone, as if the mere thought offended him deeply. Kafka pulled out Y/n's jade pendant necklace, smirking. "You dropped this when we landed on the Starskiff. It's identical to Bladie's." Blade immediately moved forward and snatched it from Kafka's hand, examining it. Y/n felt nervous as he held it, "Hey! Be careful with that, it's a family heirloom!" she exclaimed.
"No... it can't be," he murmured. He looked down at his belt where he kept his jade pendant. His brows furrowed as he moved his hand to unhook it from his belt, holding it up to her pendant. He noticed that the two could be pieced together... so he connected the pendants.
And it was a perfect fit. Blade remained in complete silence as he and Y/n looked at their pendants that slotted perfectly into each other. It was obvious they were a one-of-a-kind pair. "What do you know of the Jade Pendant, Kafka?" Blade asked. His voice was calm and quiet now. Kafka crossed her arms and sat down on a chair behind the couple. "On the Luofu, those pendants are used in place of a traditional wedding ring. Although a ring could be bought for looks, the Pendant is the true symbol of marriage. According to legend, Vidyadharians specifically would place their pendant in their mouth before their reincarnation process in hopes of being reunited with their lover in their next life." Kafka began to smirk, "Cute, is it not?"
Y/n's heart began to race. Everything was slotting almost too perfectly into place. But it still felt like she was missing a huge chunk of information. "I don't mean to be rude, but I don't remember getting married to you," Y/n spoke up, looking up at Blade. He looked down at her for a moment, nodding in response, "Nor do I."
"Curious," Kafka said, standing up. She stepped between the pair and held the connected pendant in her hand, "Well, then if neither of you remembers, then I guess it's not true?" Kafka suggested. "It's just by pure coincidence that you two have been dreaming of each other for weeks on end, and have matching jade pendants that eludes to you two being married. No biggie, I suppose," Kafka said with a fake disappointed sigh. Blade rolled his eyes at her dramatization. "I have had memories for the longest time with a woman I could not recognize. I'm beginning to think that perhaps you are the woman in those memories, Y/n," Blade finally spoke up, turning to her. Y/n glanced up at him. She shrugged lightly, "Maybe. I've had the same kinds of memories, but I always thought they were dreams, since I had no idea what was happening in them." Y/n took a moment to recall a few of them. "But... now that I'm thinking about it, maybe you're right? In mine, there was always one man that I couldn't identify his voice, or what he looked like. But eventually, I started to see you appear in my dreams..."
Y/n and Blade both looked at each other. They felt a certain warmth and familiarity as they did, which caused Y/n to smile up at him. "What if... somehow... we really are married?" Y/n asked. "Then what?" Blade remained completely silent. He looked down at her, averting his eyes from her to the sky. "I don't know," he said simply. He then walked to the opposite side of the Starskiff, leaving Y/n and Kafka alone.
She felt her heart sink... he seemed irritated at the idea that they were married. Maybe she was stupid to come here and confront him in person. She understood that everything she was explaining seemed farfetched and completely unreal - she even thought that. But what she hoped was not the case was that Blade was angry at this development.
What else was she forgetting? Maybe if she managed to remember whatever it was, she'd find out the truth as to what she and Blade truly are.
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vashatxt · 10 months
writing blog: rules & requests (kpop, hyv games!)
my askbox is currently open for requests for drabbles, headcanons, most-to-leasts, scenarios, reactions and general chitchat about the interests/topics i have listed below. i write both sfw and nsfw content, and i ask that minors do not interact with anything i post.
there is no obligation to send any tips but if you feel like passing on a good deed, my kofi is https://ko-fi.com/idolelysia
navigation around my blog should be fairly simple as all posts are tagged by ‘shipname’ and either ‘shipname fluff/smut’, or 'character x reader' / 'character imagine' - but if you need help finding anything in particular just reach out. i'll make a masterlist once my blog is more populated as i'm starting fresh!
the ships & characters i write for are;
genshin (bolded are otps and will prob be filled quicker bc motivation!!) CANDACE - dehya x candace GANYU - ganyu x keqing JEAN - jean x lisa KAEYA - kaeya x lumine AYAKA - ayaka x yoimiya KEQING - keqing x ganyu, keqing x lumine SARA - sara x kokomi LISA - lisa x jean RAIDEN - ei x yae miko KOKOMI - kokomi x sara, kokomi x yae miko, kokomi x lumine, kokomi x yoimiya CHILDE - childe x lumine LUMINE - lumine x childe, lumine x jeht, lumine x xiao, + lumine x most female characters (just ask!) XIAO - xiao x lumine YAE MIKO - yae x ei, yae x lumine, yae x kokomi YOIMIYA - yoimiya x ayaka, yoimiya x kokomi ZHONGLI - zhongli x guizhong DEHYA - dehya x dunyarzad, dehya x candace CYNO - cyno x lumine
honkai: star rail (bolded are otps and will prob be filled quicker bc motivation!!) KAFKA - kafka x blade, kafka x himeko, kafka x stelle BLADE - blade x kafka STELLE - stelle x march, stelle x kafka, stelle x most female characters, stelle x sampo JING YUAN - jingyuan x blade MARCH 7TH - march x stelle SERVAL - serval x stelle, serval x cocolia BRONYA - bronya x seele SAMPO - sampo x stelle honkai impact 3rd IT'S PRETTY HARD TO MAKE A LIST HERE i ship p much every wlw ship and also kevsu..... lmao but my otps are: sakukallen, kiamei, fuki, fukimei, elyeden, elymei, kevsu, bronseele
k-pop (girl groups only, only members over 18, ship & x reader ok!)
note: i only write wlw content here. le sserafim, ive, aespa, tripleS, gfriend
you can request other groups too, just be aware i may take a bit longer with them!
i'm good on lots of different tropes, aus, canon divergences etc - really no limit on the sfw prompts and requests, let your imagination run wild! i LOVE writing alternate universe stuff so dont be shy
i do not write nsfw for any ambiguously aged characters/lolis/etc and that should go without saying. however i do see characters such as lumine and stelle as adults. block if uncomfy w that.
i write f/f, f/m, and reader/character. trans reader/character is of course fine, and i like a lot of fem!versions of ships such as fem soukoku, kevsu, etc so seriously don't be afraid, i'll do anything!!
this is a kink/fetish friendly space. i will write most things as long as they’re not explicitly on my 'NOPE’ list. some of the things people ask about often that i am comfortable writing are;
armpit fetish blood play body worship electrostim fisting foot and armpit fetish general BDSM themes such as impact play, degradation, and D/s dynamics hybrids knife play omorashi pet play polyamory public sex watersports cnc gun play high school aus (sfw only) yandere aus somnophilia
i will NOT write;
rape scenes incest (including fantasy incest + step-cest) anything that’s literally illegal - i should hope this goes without saying.
please don’t send the same prompt multiple times - it’s likely in my asbox waiting for me to get to it, so try to be patient. if you’re genuinely concerned that tumblr has swallowed your request alive please reach out to me off-anon so that i can confirm whether i’ve received your message or not. i won’t judge anyone for their prompts, i promise. <333
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thundazatrinket · 8 months
28, She/Her, They/Them, looking for 18+ 1x1 Genshin Impact or Honkai Star Rail! I took a break from roleplaying and just came back to it recently, so do bear with me as I get back into the swing of things. I can write anywhere from 3-4 paragraphs to 5-6, and oftentimes have a response out within an hour or so. 50/50 story to smut is preferred. Mainly looking for MxF and CC x CC.
!!The characters I play are in bold, in {brackets} are who I'm currently looking to write against, Blue are the characters I'm craving to write against.!!
Lumine {Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Childe/Tartaglia, Arataki Itto, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Wriothesely, Neuvillette}
Jean {Diluc, Kaeya}
Stelle {Sampo, Gepard, Luocha, Dan Heng, Blade, Jing Yuan}
March 7th {Dan Heng}
[Anything Else?]
• I'm really interested in yandere dark themes right now! So I'm looking for someone to write a male yandere (or more), but I'm open to wholesome/fluffy plots as well, so don't be afraid to throw some my way!
• My experience in MxF smut is actually a little limited since I don't write it that often, so please keep that in mind! I'm wanting to work on that tho.
• Polyships are also fine with me, especially if it involves Alhaitham x Lumine x Kaveh, Diluc x Jean x Kaeya, or Neuvillette x Lumine x Wriotheseley.
• I'm able to write more than one character to keep the story going, so please do the same! And I prefer to plot things out with my partner first, and for Discord, I usually make a server for us to keep things more organized.
• Fine with AUs, or canon, tho my knowledge on canon can be iffy. (Favorite AU is mafia boss/victim/disciple).
• Kinks can be discussed in pm.
I feel like there's something else to add, so if I think of it, I'll come back to this post and edit it in. PM me if this interests you! [Posted as of October 11, 2023]
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yanfeiimain · 1 year
Request Page - Intro ☆
Hi! I'm Rin and I go by they/them pronouns!
How to request: character x character/reader - describe what you want me to write! Don’t hesitate to be specific<333
Fem! Reader is the default unless specified!
Anyone can request! - Ask status is in my bio, I’ll work through them as quick as possible
I adore Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, and the Stellaron Hunters, so naturally I love writing for them a lot! I also love the characters released during the penacony arc<3
Honkai Star Rail
Genshin Impact
Project Sekai
What I won’t write
multiple characters (3 or more)
minor x reader smut
more might get added
What I will write
kinks if I’m comfortable with them
hurt/comfort, angst - not good at it though
songfic type of things
Characters I write for
Honkai Star Rail
- Blade, Aventurine, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Sunday
- Kafka, Acheron, Black Swan, Sparkle, Stelle, Robin, Firefly
SFW only
- Everyone
Genshin Impact
-Scaramouche, Wanderer, Kazuha, Xiao, Zhongli, Kaeya, Neuvilette, Wriothesley
-Yanfei, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Ayaka, Yelan, Ningguang, Beidou, Rosaria, Arlecchino, Columbina, Layla
Project Sekai
Everyone - sfw only!
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daze4all · 7 months
AU Pirate! Blade x Reader - Split the Spoils of Pirate Booty. Fairytale AU! Honkai Star Rail Series
Part of Fairytale Series Below
Vampire! Dan Heng : Just a Sip?
Werewolf Jing Yuan: Scent Me Plz~
Pirate! Blade : Walk the Plank & bringing the booty
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AU Pirate! Blade x Reader - Split the Spoils of Pirate Booty
Some Extra spice: Think Ghost ship from Pirate of the Caribbean?
Bound and gagged you struggle atop a mound of treasure stashed upon the ship's creaking wooden floors. The pirate crew surrounded you from all sides and cackled at your predicament as a captive.
The golden coins had been plundered from the merchant ship you had been traveling on and now you were part of the booty on the pirate ship you were now stuck on.
To be split among the crew you thought with a shiver as fear and adrenaline from a fight or flight urge jolted down your spine
“Quiet. Crew!” Commanded Captain! Blade. A hush falls upon the crew as heavy footfalls announce the presence of Captain! Blade bedecked in a red and dark navy blue military coat over white pants.
He’s handsome you think with surprise at his fine features among such a motley lot before you shake yourself with the thought but he is still a pirate that made my ship sink…
What they would do with you next?. You are forced to stand by two crew members. You fight helplessly wrenching free for a moment but bump into the tall captain blade who has the way blocked. Not like there is anywhere to escape on a pirate ship out at sea.
He stops you with his sword tipping your chin up with his sword. You notice looking up at him that he also had on a high-brimmed black captain hat with a red plume and an eyepatch on one eye.
“Stop squirming on the ship, or I’ll make you walk the plank” Pirate captain! Blade growls as he pulls you back by your hair. Your head arched back to expose your throat in a threat with his blade kissing your neck as you kneel bound on the ship's wooden floor.
“ Or shall I be forced to discipline you another way?” he whispered in your ear. Tipping your face to meet his blaring red and gold eyes.
“ Crew, split up the rest of the booty this one though is my own” Said Captain! Blade sees something he likes in the fire reflected in your own eye. He harumphs ignoring your muffled protests before he drags you bound and stumbling off. Then decieded your struggle are too much trouble and hoists you up before slinging you over his shoulder then kicks open the captain's office cabin door and closes the door.
Inside, he throws you on the desk trinkets tumbling off his desk, and has his dirty way with you ~
A/N ….I cant quite write smut yet. I’d rather write stuff that is consensual for my first smut. Lol sorry. Use your imagination ppl.
Damn not sure I’m who to be what but here are some more costume prompt ideas: pirate, mummy/pharaoh, zombie, vampire , werewolf, merman
According to the original Video it should be Pirate Dan Heng, Werewolf! Jing Yuan buuuut
I Mixed it up for fun so did : Vampire! Dan Heng , Werewolf Jing Yuan, Pirate! Blade
Next Up Red Riding Hood: Yandere! Werewolf! Jing Yuan x Red Riding Hood! Reader/ Stelle written You 2nd person so up to you
Stelle X Honkai Star Guys
Synopsis: Stelle falls for Honkai star rail guys and has romantic encounters in classic fairytales with a twist or meets monsters that aren’t so monstrous after all in alternate universes or on trailblazer train travels. Can also be read as reader.
Wish upon star you may meet your prince charming or the monster your meant to be with~
The Little Mermaid Dan Heng x stelle
Vampire! Dan Heng X Stelle continuation.
Prince/ Knight! Gepard  Rapunzel maybe
Host Club AU Reader Dan Heng, Blade
Kink Warnings: AU, Biting kink, yandere, feral bois, beserkers , cuddles, spicy suggestions, dirty talk , rutting, chills & Thrills, spooky Halloween antics, guys getting way to close no boundaries here, spicy predator-prey dynamics. Power – Play
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monamourbladie · 9 months
The Man of My Dreams - Blade x Reader (chapter 7)
Who said that the man of your dreams couldn’t be real? After having dreams of the same mystery man for 2 weeks straight, the reader sets off on a journey to find the mystery man known as “Blade” that had been occupying her mind every single night. After realizing that he might actually be a real person, and not just a man she made up, she will finally discover parts of her past that had been long forgotten and locked away. (Originally posted on AO3, which can be read here. Also posted on Wattpad, which is here.)
Chapters Masterlist
warnings: slow burn, slight enemies to lovers themes, fluff, HEAVY angst throughout the entire story (not kidding.), soulmates, memory loss, mutual pining, eventual smut, pwp, renheng themes
Tag List: (@ me to be added) @kimura-uzuri
Extra warning: this chapter specifically doesn't include much x reader in it, but it is important to understanding our backstory!
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Stelle, Welt, and March sprinted after Kafka, Y/n, and Blade as they jumped off the platform. March screamed in fear as she watched her friend get kidnapped before her, forced to jump to her inevitable demise... The group let out a collective sigh of relief when a Starskiff appeared, and they could make out three figures on it disappear into the sky. "W-What just happened?" March cried, looking at Welt for help. There were tears in her eyes, her worry for her best friend evident. Welt let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head, "I don't know, March."
March turned to look at the glorious tree that now shone across the skyline. "Hey... wasn't that the dead tree that Qingque showed us earlier? How did it grow so fast?" she asked, sniffling as she wiped her tears. It was obvious she was trying to distract herself from worrying about her best friend's fate. Tingyun stood beside her, "Whatever it is, it's amazing! This is a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon - I'm beyond lucky to have witnessed it in my lifetime!" she exclaimed excitedly, not understanding why everyone was so worried. "With such an extraordinary energy radiating from it, it must be from the Stellaron," Welt added. "As beautiful as this is, we must let Fu Xuan and the General know what became of Kafka. Fu Xuan left so quickly, I don't believe she knows just yet that Kafka made her great escape."
The Trailblazers set off on a quick walk toward Fu Xuan, with Tingyun leading the way for them. Up ahead, Fu Xuan and the General were already deep in conversation.
"...That is why I'm so worried, General. What I divined... was not what any of us were expecting. It's worrying me greatly. I've never wanted divination to be wrong, but this one...? I'd sleep better knowing I somehow got it wrong," Fu Xuan sighed to the hologram of the General. "Stay calm, Diviner Fu. The Matrix does not lie. The logic you laid out about Kafka makes sense. It's helped me fill in a much-needed piece of the puzzle. The Stellaron Hunters themselves are not the ones pulling the strings. The moment I saw Blade, it was clear to me. But why is he here, and why was the attention of the Astral Express drawn? That's what eludes me," Jing Yuan spoke to her. Fu Xuan glanced up at him, her hand on hip, "Think it has to do with Y/n?" 
Jing Yuan looked amused at her comment. A sly smile appeared on his lips, "I think so. But I don't think that was the full reason." Fu Xuan crossed her arms, "May I ask how you seem to know so much of this woman, General?" Jing Yuan looked away for a moment, deciding if he should explain or not. Before he could answer, he heard March speak up as the Trailblazers walked up towards them, "Yeah! I think we have a right to know - especially since she got taken by Kafka & Blade!" March said frustratedly. Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan both turn to them, shocked. "What do you mean she got taken?" Fu Xuan asked, irritated. 
Stelle shrugged. "After the tree grew, Kafka's shackles broke, and Blade came to rescue her. He saw Y/n, and literally kidnapped her in front of us! I can't believe it!" March huffed. "Not to mention she was stupid enough to run up to him as if they'd known each other all their lives! I feel so betrayed!" she pouted, crossing her arms. Jing Yuan let out a gentle laugh, "Don't feel betrayed, March 7th. Although they are criminals, she will not be harmed. I trust enough of their old selves exist to know that," he replied to March.
Welt looked confused, "What do you mean by 'old selves'?" Welt asked. Fu Xuan looks up at Jing Yuan with a light glare. "Well?"
Jing crossed his hands behind his back as he sighed. "I must be honest with you all. I know things about your friend Y/n that will change your opinion of her permanently. Be it negative or not, I think - seeing as she's been taken - it's important for you to know the true story," he began. "How many of you know about Y/n's true past?"
Nobody said a word. Jing nodded at this and continued. "She is not a human. She is a Vidyadhara that was forced into an incomplete reincarnation cycle, causing her to lose all memory of her previous life. I was close friends with her and her husband Yingxing, in the past. I was in a group called the High-Cloud Quintet. She was close friends childhood friends with the High Elder of the Luofu, the Imbibitor Lunae. I would regularly see her when I was just a young boy. She eventually met her husband Yingxing who was a weapons master. He crafted the blade I wield now." He picked up his sword, showing it to his guests as they listened to his story.
"We all knew they liked each other, we just didn't think their love story would go the way it did. The High Elder, Y/n, and Yingxing would regularly hang out together - they were inseparable. Eventually they got married, and Yingxing chose to retire from weapon crafting. Everything seemed just fine until the Quintet's gathering place was swarmed by a flurry of Mara-Stricken soldiers. These soldiers invaded our home, and the endless army of them nearly destroyed us. We fought them all off, but not without great loss." Jing Yuan closed his eyes, recalling the moment in his head.
"Her husband was stabbed through the abdomen by one of the soldiers in a last attempt at a fight. There was nothing we could do. He passed on." The room was dead silent except for some occasional sniffling from March, who was crying. She felt awful that her best friend had gone through that - losing her husband in such a traumatic way... Jing Yuan looked back at the guests, "But, that didn't stop her. As you know, Vidyadharians possess a rare ability that allows them to reincarnate if something goes wrong and they're about to die. Y/n was able to manipulate her powers - forcing some of her life energy into the body of her husband. This in it of itself wasn't what caused trouble. The High Elder couldn't stand seeing his best friend dead and the other in mourning, so he made a grave decision to fully revive Yingxing. Because of the mixed powers of two powerful beings trying to bring him back, it caused him to become immortal."
Welt was deep in thought as Jing Yuan explained everything. "That explains her past. But how did she forget it all, and think she's a human?" Jing Yuan frowned at this. "This is where I'm afraid the story takes an even more depressing turn. What they did was an immense sin here in the Luofu. They gave a human, a non-long living species immortal life which is strictly forbidden, and is considered one of the highest crimes anyone could ever commit. Yingxing was taken in by my former master, Jingliu, whereas the High Elder and Y/n were arrested. The pair were forced to separately undergo reincarnation cycles. However, before they could be fully finished, their punishment would begin in the form of near-endless torture: manipulating their reincarnation cycles until their bodies were too weak to continue." Jing Yuan swallowed thickly, "I'm aware this is a horrific thing to do to your friend. But it was... the safer option of the two punishments," he said solemnly. "Because of all the reincarnations, both their memories began to fade until they had no idea about who they truly were, or why they were being tortured. Once we were certain that they had sufficiently suffered, they were banished from the Xianzhou and sent off on their own to live their lives as 'humans.'"
March was clinging to Stelle as she cried. This was more traumatic than any of them could've ever imagined, and their friend had no idea she had even gone through any of that. "W-what happened to Yingxing?" March asked softly. "He became Blade." March and Stelle looked at each other in pure shock. "S-So... she wasn't exactly kidnapped - she just was trying to find her husband again?" March asked. Jing Yuan nodded, "I believe so. I believe she's started to piece together things about Blade and made the connection in some form herself. If you noticed her pendant, she still wears and had kept her jade pendant - her wedding symbol to Yingxing. I'm unsure if Blade still has his, but if he does, then that should be the final clue for her."
"Is it possible for her past memories to be regained?" Welt asked. "And if so, is it dangerous to remind her?" Jing Yuan let out a heavy sigh, "I am unsure. This punishment has only been used a total of 4 times in all of our history, her and the Imbibitor Lunae making up 6. I suppose, since she is already on her way to remembering things about her late husband, it wouldn't harm her to know the full truth. However, she is still considered to be an enemy of the Xianzhou, and should be treated as such. But due to her helping us with the Stellaron Hunters... I can put in a good word to have her banishment lifted - if it is what she requests."
Jing Yuan then turned to Tingyun, "Miss Tingyun, I would like you to continue to guide our Astral Express friends." Tingyun bowed her head, "Yes, General. I am duty-bound," she replied. "I would like you to investigate the Alchemy Commission next, and afterward, make your way towards Scalegorge Waterscape. Both are adjacent to the Ambrosial Arbor's seal, and may have our answers. Through this Ambrosial Arbor is how we gained near-infinite life spans. Before this, however, we only lived a mere hundred years." he let out a soft chuckle at the absurdity of only a mere hundred years to live. "Now, I believe this location would be a solid place for the Stellaron to be. Fu Xuan will guide you on your way to your next location."
"Thank you for the information on our friend, General," Welt said sincerely. "It is refreshing to know the full truth about our once mysterious friend." He let out a soft sigh, "Now if only the same could be said for Dan Heng..." He muttered under his breath.
Fu Xuan walked forward, "Pursuing Kafka will be a waste of our effort. We will get Y/n back eventually, but they are not a priority now. Her innocence in this is evident from the Matrix. Our priority is the Ambrosial Arbor." Fu Xuan motioned for the guests to follow her, "I have a Starskiff prepared for you already. Please follow me."
As they walked, March scurried up ahead to Welt. "Mr. Yang, is Y/n going to be okay? Should we try and peel off to rescue her?" she asked cautiously. "As much as I want to say yes, we have to trust the General's judgment. He knew Y/n in the past. He, out of anyone here, would know if she's truly in danger. Fu Xuan knows Kafka is - shockingly enough - innocent in all of this. I'm sure Blade taking Y/n has only to do with them wanting to figure out their past." March frowned, but nodded solemnly. "And I trust you - so... let's just get this done fast so we can get our friend back."
March pulled out her phone to text Y/n. "Hey - I hope you're okay. Be careful around that dude okay??? and come home soon! I already miss you :("
Message not received. 
Welt let out a soft laugh, "Kafka isn't stupid enough to not disable her phone in case she tries broadcasting their location to us. Unfortunately, this means we will have zero leads on our friend for some time." March huffed as she set her phone back in her pocket, "Damn Kafka. I knew this was a bad idea to come here!"
"You voted yes?" Stelle said to March, her brows furrowed. March scoffed, "Well, I changed my mind. Again. Okay?" She crossed her arms. "We all make mistakes!"
"Well, regardless - we have a job to do, so let's finish this so we can rescue her sooner," Welt said to March. With that, the Trailblazers entered into the Starskiff, and were off to the Alchemy Commission.
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monamourbladie · 9 months
The Man of My Dreams - Blade x Reader (chapter 3)
Who said that the man of your dreams couldn’t be real? After having dreams of the same mystery man for 2 weeks straight, the reader sets off on a journey to find the mystery man known as “Blade” that had been occupying her mind every single night. After realizing that he might actually be a real person, and not just a man she made up, she will finally discover parts of her past that had been long forgotten and locked away. (Originally posted on AO3, which can be read here. Also posted on Wattpad, which is here.)
Chapters Masterlist
warnings: slow burn, slight enemies to lovers themes, fluff, HEAVY angst throughout the entire story (not kidding.), soulmates, memory loss, mutual pining, eventual smut, pwp, renheng themes
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The first few hours on the Xianzhou Luofu were nothing short of wild. Welt, March, Stelle, and Y/n had already got into fights, rescued a Foxian lady named Tingyun, and were on their way to meet with who they assumed to be the leader of the Luofu - Madam Yukong. Welt had finished discussing with Tingyun before she disappeared to go speak with her, leaving the four of us outside and left to our thoughts.
"So! This place certainly is very interesting, huh?" March quipped, hopping up to sit on a ledge, swinging her feet. Stelle simply nodded. She was a woman of few words, that was for sure... "It certainly is March. My theory is that Kafka must have let us in. I don't see any other reason as to how the Jade Gate just... 'let us in,'" Welt commented. Y/n nodded in response as she pulled out her necklace from under her shirt, starting to caress the pendant tightly. 
Her pendant was always something that brought her comfort. It was something she had her entire life, but she never exactly knew where she got it from. She always wore it - it went with her everywhere she went. Welt looked up and turned to Y/n, taking note of her unusual silence. Truthfully, she barely had spoken a word this entire journey thus far. Even  Stelle  was commentating more than Y/n was.
"L/n, is there something on your mind?" Welt asked. She looked back up at him and shook her head no. "No. Just thinking about Dan, that's all. Didn't he mention this is his home planet?" Y/n asked, dropping her hand from the pendant. Welt looked at the pendant and furrowed his brows for a moment. "Yes... it is," he muttered, walking over to Y/n. He moved his hand to gently raise the pendant with his two fingers, "Where did you get this?" he asked. Y/n glanced down at the pendant and shrugged, moving to take it off of her neck, letting him hold it. "It's just something I've always had, not so sure where it came from exactly. Why?"
Welt took it carefully from her, examining it. "This is a Jade Pendant. It's... from the Luofu." His eyes widened. "How did you get something from the Luofu? Did Dan give this to you?" March got intrigued and hopped off of the ledge, coming over to look at it. "Woah! It's so pretty! I never knew you wore this!" Stelle smiled, "It is very pretty." Y/n was confused as to how it was from the Luofu. "Uh... no, he didn't. As I said, I'm assuming I received it from my parents or something. I wish I remembered them," she sighed, looking at it from Welt's hands. 
Welt hummed, "This pendant has a slot in the bottom. Have you noticed that?" Welt holds it up to show her. She looks at it and nodded at him, "Of course. I've noticed it years and years ago, but I don't know why. I guess it was just made that way," she replied. "These come in pairs. Its pair is somewhere out there, and it's safe to assume that whoever gave this to you has the other half," he said. Y/n furrowed her brows as she looked up at him, "What are you implying?"
"I'm not trying to imply something. I'm just stating a fact. If my memory serves me right, these are Vidyadharian wedding pendants. They keep these even in death to ensure that they would reunite with their lover in their next life," Welt explains. March and Stelle immediately share a "what the hell?" glance at this. Y/n let out a soft laugh, "Okay, now that's sweet and all, but has  nothing  to do with me," Y/n shook her head with a soft smile, taking the necklace back from Welt. She put it back around her neck as Welt shrugged, "That's what it is. Perhaps you received one with proper intent, or perhaps you were just given the pendant because the original owner thought it pretty."
"I definitely think I'd remember if I was a Vidyadhara," Y/n challenged with a smirk at him as she crossed her arm. "Humor me and keep the necklace on display," Welt said, noticing her about to hide it under her shirt again. She let out a sigh but obliged, letting it rest over her clothes for once. As the conversation died, Tingyun opened the grand doors of the Palace of Astrum and waved for the Benefactors to follow her inside. "Madam Yukong is ready to speak with you all~!" she said with a smile.
The four walked up the steps, and Tingyun immediately cooed, grabbing Y/n's wrist, "What a beautiful pendant!" she comments. March could've sworn she saw Welt crack a smirk as they entered inside. Y/n let out a soft laugh, "Thank you, Miss Tingyun."
"It truly is gorgeous... you must be a very lucky wife, huh?" Y/n's eyes widened at her question and she immediately shook her head, "No... I'm not- I'm not married," she stammered, surprised at how fast a Luofu member took notice of the pendant. It must
be a  huge  deal here if Tingyun immediately took notice of it. "You aren't? Then why do you have a Jade Pendant?" she asked, slightly tilting her head as they walked inside. Y/n shrugged, "I've just... always had it. I don't know why."
"Did you reincarnate, perhaps? Maybe you got separated from your partner." Y/n let out a light laugh at the idea, "Yeah, as if. Like I told Welt - I'm perfectly human. It's just a coincidence, that's all it is." Y/n followed Welt closely as Tingyun thought to herself, trailing behind them.
I should keep a close eye on this woman. There's something different about her from the other three.
"Greetings, guests from the Astral Express," Madam Yukong said kindly. "Tingyun has informed me of the purpose of your visit. Receiving guests isn't normally one of my responsibilities, but since you know about the Stellaron and have stated that you want to help the Luofu, I thought I should at least meet you in person and politely decline your proposal." The group was stunned, as Y/n spoke up, "Decline?! Why?" 
"The Xianzhou Alliance knows what a Stellaron is and is more than capable of handling it ourselves. We have been around for over 8000 years and weathered countless dangers and crises. While the situation is serious, we have more than enough resources to spare. Outsider help is not needed on this occasion.You are guests from afar — there is no reason for this matter to concern you... Am I making myself clear?" Yukong replied. "From what we've gathered, the influence of the Stellaron can still be contained. If we can locate it in time and contain it, it's possible that we can restore any space — and any individuals — affected by the corrosion. We have experience in preventing Stellaron disasters, and we've only come here to lend you that experience," Welt answered her.
"I've said this and I'll say it again: This is an internal affair of the Xianzhou Alliance and there is no need for the Astral Express to get involved. I decided to arrange a meeting with you as a gesture of respect, but my decision is final. Additionally, I forbid you all from leaving until we can determine where your loyalties lie," Yukong replied.
"Don't be too harsh, Yukong. If this gets out, the whole galaxy will think the Alliance has forgotten how to treat our guests," a hologram of a tall man walks up from behind Yukong. "It's very unlikely that the Express has joined forces with the Stellaron Hunters. They are mortal enemies, after all. Apologies for interrupting your meeting. My name is Jing Yuan — I'm the general of the Cloud Knights here on the Luofu." Yukong huffs, turning to him annoyed, "General Jing Yuan, this is an eternal affair for the Luofu-" 
"I fully agree with you, Helm Master Yukong, this is indeed an internal affair. I am sorry, guests of the Astral Express. There is indeed a Stellaron on the Luofu, but I'm afraid I cannot accept your kind offer to help resolve the issue. This is a Xianzhou matter, and it is our responsibility to handle it. Of course, it would be inappropriate of me to let you return without something to show for it. While I cannot accept your help concerning the Stellaron, I do have a favor to ask," The General smiled at the Trailblazers. "It is an honor to meet you, General. What is it that you require?" Welt replied. Yukong walked away from the group, seeing no need to stay in the conversation with her command overruled.
"Ah, a matter that requires capable people such as yourselves. We captured a member of the Stellaron Hunters a few days ago, who goes by the name of 'Blade.'During our investigation, the Divination Commission — the department in charge of intelligence processing — intercepted a transmission sent out by his accomplice, Kafka, who has managed to hide aboard the ship. As for where that transmission was destined..."
Y/n felt herself freeze up. Blade?! Like, the same Blade Dan warned her of - and the one from her dreams?  Oh boy.  Tingyun immediately picked up on her nervous demeanor and lightly nudged her, "You alright?" she asked, whispering. Y/n nodded quickly with a light smile, "Y-Yeah. Just... heard a lot about him, that's all," she lied. Tingyun didn't know any better and rolled with her answer, nodding with a smile at her.  
"... It is this Kafka that concerns me. The longer she stays on the ship, the bigger the threat she will pose.Since the Stellaron Hunters lured you to our ship, we shall move with the current. You are hereby authorized to do as you deem fit on the Luofu, with the goal of bringing Kafka out of the shadows and under our control. Doing so would clear the misunderstanding between us, reveal the true intentions of the Stellaron Hunters, and help us understand their connection to the Stellaron burst. What say you, my Astral guests?" Jing Yuan asked. 
Welt turned to his teammates, who all simply nod at him in agreement. He smiled and turned back to the General, "Alright. We accept," he replied. Jing Yuan smiled at them, "Perfect. The Loufu never fails to repay those indebted to them. I wish you luck in your journey to find Kafka. I shall notify Yukong that all intel is to be shared with you, and that our best personnel are to aid you in your search. If there's anything the Sky-Faring Commission or the Cloud Knights can do for you during your stay, don't hesitate to make it known." With that, Tingyun rest her hand on Y/n's shoulder, "I'm so excited that we'll get to work together! You guys are so fun!" she said excitedly. Y/n smiled brightly at her and nodded, "It's gonna be great. Hey - do you think I could speak with the General again?" Y/n asked her. Tingyun shrugged, "His hologram is still present. You can try."
Y/n nodded and walked forward to him, not noticing Welt, Stelle, and March walking toward a corner of the room. She cleared her throat, "General...? May I speak with you?"
The hologram came back to life and he smiled at Y/n. "Hello. Y/n L/n, is it? What may I help you with?" Jing Yuan asked her. "I... wanted to ask you about Blade." Jing nodded for her to continue. "Blade is wanted by both the IPC and the Alliance. I'm afraid I cannot comment on his file." Y/n frowned, "Okay, well... This might sound weird, but... I've been having dreams with him. And I believe our dreams are connected telepathically somehow." Jing Yuan looked at her with furrowed brows, intrigued. "Is that so...?"
"Yes, sir. I've had these dreams for the past few weeks. We are both fully sentient in them. He holds conversations with me and can remember things I've mentioned in the past. Before, we could never share our names or anything personal, but last night I learned his name for the first time. He said it was Blade, and that he was in a very lonely place. And when I woke up... I had a spider lily on my bed. I know it's connected because I've seen him surrounded by spider lilies before. I've also never even seen one in person until last night."
Jing Yuan listened intently, thinking about everything he was hearing. Suddenly, he started to smile once she had concluded - as if he knew something she didn't... "I see. And you're certain this is the same Blade we're looking for?" he asked. Y/n nodded. Suddenly, Jing Yuan's hologram morphs into someone familiar. "Is this him?" he asked. Y/n gasped when she saw it change into Blade -  her Blade -  looking identical to her dream. "Yes... that's exactly the man from my dreams," she said, shocked to see him so perfectly recreated in front of her. That was him without a doubt.
The hologram flickered back to the General. "This is a very interesting development. I'll let my people know about this. If you have any more of these dreams... please contact me." He paused for a moment, "You said your name is Y/n. Correct?" She nodded in response. "Yes, sir." Jing Yuan smiled lightly again, nodding to himself. "Alright, Miss L/n. Again, thank you for telling me." His gaze moved to her pendant, which confirmed his suspicions. "Good luck on your journey. I'm afraid I have other matters to attend to right now." His hologram disappeared, leaving Y/n alone. She sighed heavily, crossing her arms as she walked over toward her friends again.
So Dan was completely right. Now she felt like an idiot for practically falling in love with a man in her dreams, who just so happened to be a wanted criminal - because of course he is. Why wouldn't he be?
She held onto her pendant as she walked, wondering why Jing Yuan seemed so intrigued with her. All this trip brought her so far were questions without answers. Hopefully, by the end of it, at least the question of how Blade and her were connected would be answered.
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monamourbladie · 10 months
The Man of My Dreams - Blade x Reader (chapter 1)
Who said that the man of your dreams couldn’t be real? After having dreams of the same mystery man for 2 weeks straight, the reader sets off on a journey to find the mystery man known as “Blade” that had been occupying her mind every single night. After realizing that he might actually be a real person, and not just a man she made up, she will finally discover parts of her past that had been long forgotten and locked away. (Originally posted on AO3, which can be read here. Also posted on Wattpad, which is here.)
warnings: slow burn, slight enemies to lovers themes, fluff, HEAVY angst throughout the entire story (not kidding.), soulmates, memory loss, mutual pining, eventual smut, pwp, renheng themes
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Everyone has the “person of their dreams” — someone that they could only dream of being able to have as their partner. One thing that usually doesn’t happen, however — is that said person in your dreams is  real , and communicating with you. She had no idea when it started. If she thought about it, this mystery man was always in her dream in some form. Each of her dreams, every night without fail, would have something connected to that man. It wasn’t until recently that he started to show his face.
Her dreams started normal — until at one point, inklings of the mystery man started to appear. The first time she saw an actual man — she was completely flustered in the morning. He was downright gorgeous. He had long, dark blue hair that faded into deep blood-red tips. Bright, piercing orange eyes and pale skin. His outfit was elegant, and his body had white bandages wrapped in certain places. He never said his name or anything about him — he was a complete mystery. That didn’t stop her from falling in love, though.
Secretly, each night she wished that her dream man would visit her again. It was a foolish wish, but he brought her comfort. A sense of familiarity that she rarely felt. Her life had always felt like it was missing something. Although she never knew why, she just knew that something was missing. Her memories of her childhood were sparse. It felt like there were tons of holes, making it hard to remember much of anything at all. Anytime she tried, she just simply gave up when she was met with no answers Eventually, she gave up trying to fill the gaps in her memories, accepting that they were lost to time.
After joining the Astral Express, she put the last of her past behind her and embraced a bright new future with her new friends Dan Heng and March 7th. Eventually, a new woman named Stelle joined the group too — and the four became the closest friends possible. Shortly after the Trailblazers finished their mission on Jarilo-VI is when her dreams began. And tonight was no difference.
Tonight’s dream started in a blank, pure white room. The top of the room faded into a bright pale blue sky with white stars twinkling in the sky. The ground was cluttered with clouds, soft mist lightly fading upwards towards the sky. The whole area felt almost ethereal and so serene. She walked through the clouds, her fingertips trailing against the wisps of air, when she heard the sound of boots behind her. She froze when a man spoke up, “It’s you again.”
She smiled brightly and turned around, seeing her dream man’s face for the first time tonight. “Hey, stranger…” she grinned, crossing her arms. “I was wondering if you’d show up again tonight.”
The man let out a soft laugh, looking at her with a light smile. “You know I wouldn’t miss it. It’s become a part of my routine by now.” He wasn’t wrong. This was going on for 2 weeks strong now, and it didn’t seem like it was going to stop anytime soon.
“When are you going to tell me more about yourself, mystery man?” she asked, walking towards him. He rests his hands in his pockets, looking down at her with a sly smile. “Oh, sweetheart. You know I can’t tell you. That would ruin all the fun~” he teased her. She rolled her eyes, looking up at him with an annoyed groan, “That’s so not fair. I hate being left in suspense.”
“Oh, I love it…” he moved his hand forward and gently touched her chin, tilting her head up to look directly up at him. “It makes sure that you’re chasing after me, constantly thinking about me…” She bit her lip and shyly looked down, which made him grin. “You know I’m right,” he chuckled.
His laugh was so attractive. His hands were bigger than she remembered as well…  My God. There was no way this man was real, he couldn’t be. He was too perfect. “You are such a tease, it’s insane,” she said, reluctantly moving away from him. The man moved his hand and gripped her waist, holding her in place. With how strong he was, he easily pulled her flush against his body — causing her to get flustered, fast. “I don’t think I want you to go just yet,” he said, his voice low and smooth.
That was another thing that made her swoon — his voice. It was so raspy and deep, it made her heart flutter when she heard it. No matter what he said, it was downright  hot . She’d listen to him talk about anything just to be able to hear him speak. He leaned closer to his face, amused by how easily flustered his dream woman was able to become. “You really are the woman of my dreams… you know that?” he let out a soft sigh. “I never want to wake up. You bring me a sense of peace I haven’t felt since…” he trailed off, averting his gaze for a moment. He cleared his throat as he shook his head. “I apologize. I won’t bring down the mood.”
He goes to move his hand away when she grabs it, resting it back on her hipbone, “No… talk to me. I want to learn more about you,” she said quickly. She took in a quick breath, “I’m… I’m Y/n.” Her eyes widened when she realized for the first time she was able to share her name with him. He started to grin, realizing that she was able to share it, too. Anytime they had attempted previously to share any bits of information, they physically couldn’t speak.  This was new…
“Y/n,” he repeated with a smile. “I love it. It’s beautiful.” Y/n let out a soft laugh at the compliment, loving how her name sounded on his lips. “I’m Blade,” he then replied. “Blade,” she repeated, smiling up at him. “I love it too… and it makes sense. You’re always dressed as sharp as a blade,” she teased, resting her hands against his chest. For the first time, she noticed the bandage he wore under his golden shirt. She frowned, “Are you hurt? I never noticed this before…”
Blade looked down and he shrugged. “I’m always injured, sweetheart. It doesn’t hurt — I’m used to it. Don’t worry about me,” he replied. “I’m always wounded. It’s just a part of who I am at this point I’m afraid.” Y/n frowned but nodded. 
Suddenly, in the distance, she heard loud knocking. Her brows furrowed as she realized Blade’s hands were still resting against her, meaning he couldn’t’ve been the one knocking. “Do you hear something?” she asked. Blade shook his head. “No. Is something wrong?”
 Fuck… Someone must be at my door… 
“Y/n?” he asked. She glanced back up at Blade and felt her heart sink. He was beginning to look wispy as if he was beginning to fade away. She quickly reached for his hand, but felt a force holding her back. Blade noticed this, and closed his eyes, sighing. “I was enjoying this one. I don’t want to leave you yet.”
“I don’t want to go either — what if this was the only time we could speak about who we are?” she asked, feeling slightly panicked. Blade looked at her with a sad expression, his orange eyes holding such emotional turmoil. “I hope not. I want to know who you are. It’s so lonely where I am,” he said with a heavy sigh. Y/n felt her heart hurt even more at that thought. What if he was real — and he really was all alone?
He started to fade further from her view as the beautiful white room they were staying in was fading to black. She lunged to grab at Blade — but she couldn’t reach. As he faded away, he turned his back to walk away from her, “Find me…” he said, his voice fading away. His figure faded into a flurry of red spider lilies, and one single one floated into her hand. This felt different, though — it felt one hundred percent real. The pounding grew louder, and a feminine voice rang out — “Y/n, open the door!”
 Y/n sat up quickly and started heaving fast. She looked around and noticed she was back in her room again. What confused her most though, was at the foot of her bed was a single red spider lily…
 Just like the one in her dream. 
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scaredpigeons · 5 months
Honkai Star Rail
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More than some stress relief
Warning: SMUT MDNI 18+
Stelle x Blade.
CW: Phone sex, sex toy connected directly to stelle. Violent descriptions from blade. Dirty talk, (magical) creampie. (Don't ask)
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