#blogcat: transmissions
canary-song · 2 months
Miles: So- Pete, that's what the world is like in 2018. What do you think?
Pete: You went to the moon?
Miles, clicking pen over his school project notes: How has.. the political landscape changed in 100 years?
Pete: The moon in the fucking sky?
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canary-song · 24 days
I think Pete deserves to bite someone.
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canary-song · 21 days
The Spider God, cursing this random teen with the ability to climb walls and dodge really well, watching him immediately chase down the local massively dangerous Crime Boss and throw himself through a window:
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canary-song · 23 days
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I miss original run Noir Felicia every day
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canary-song · 6 months
The Noir Spiderman comics didn't include a Venom arc because he's already rabid enough as is without the need for a symbiote.
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canary-song · 2 months
Noir Comics fans 🤝 Comic Miguel fans
Cool movie, not my guy though.
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canary-song · 2 months
I'm always thinking about Robbie and Pete meeting up from seperate universes where the other died. Your world demanded blood and seperation but fuck that. Wanna go out for lunch (and pretend)? Wanna wander around together afterwards (and not really meet eyes)? Wanna help eachother at every little chance (and mumble thanks over carried groceries like this is fine)?
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canary-song · 8 months
Every once in a while I remember, of everyone in the cast of ITSV, it was Noir to say he loved everyone, and it's. I'm going insane but it's like this to me.
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(art by Anna Haifisch)
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canary-song · 2 months
alt timeline where we got an ITSV noir with an even sillier voice option - transatlantic accent
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canary-song · 3 months
Thinking about how Pete promised (his memory of) Uncle Ben that the war he was about to make for himself / get involved in against New York's criminal underground was justified.
Like, Uncle Ben spent ages making sure Pete knew that war isn't a thing that's made on the basis of being just or not. You argue justifications after the fact - to cover up original intentions, glorify the blood. But it's still blood, still spilled, still often out of greed - that's how colonial powers work.
And Pete was clearly listening, enough that he talks about it with Urich with all the fury in his heart, but he's young, and emotional, and a teenager who didn't really get the severity of his actions. He doesn't fully internalize the lessons his Uncle was trying to pass on! He takes his Uncle's gun and calls his battles a just war because he's, well.
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canary-song · 10 months
Excuses provided by (spider)friends while out in public with Noir Peter, when asked about him being purely black and white, are as follows;
"Oh, lights really weird right now, isn't it?"
"Oh, lmao, yeah he's a bit vampiric. Don't think he sees sunlight too often."
(invader zim show voice) "He has a skin condition"
Call the person colorblind and run
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canary-song · 4 months
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^A nerd, dork, even.
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canary-song · 5 months
Lukewarm take; all Peters having the same face across the Spiderverse is a false generalization, as though many have similar faces, we have several examples in ATSV that disprove them having to be complete lookalikes (ex. of the animated ones, Gwen's Peter is visibly very different, and we have several live action Spideys implied to be canon).
I have a feeling ITSV having them all being near duplicates was more due to production-side choices (finances? + time wasting) than anything else, as seen once again with Gwen's Peter getting a major overhaul design-wise between the two movies.
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canary-song · 5 months
Peter gets mortally injured for the umpteenth time in a month and only gets up because he remembers one of his plants has been wilting and he wants to see if moving it by the window will help it grow again. Send post
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canary-song · 19 days
Actually, sharing the completely impossible theory here too: Live Action Noir but its about Urich instead
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canary-song · 7 months
Constantly rotating around in my head how completely I believe Noir would immediately pick a fight with Miguel. "Sometimes sacrifices are not only unavoidable, but necessary, for the universe to keep running the way that it is. Saving too many people means collapse, and this is an unfixable fact." vs "We have the responsibility to change the very foundations of systems that demand blood to keep running. Sacrifice is inherently cruel."
Uncle Ben - Ben Urich - Robbie Robertson; those deaths were anything but necessary, and all of them had lives to lead, cut short. There was nothing fated and right about them; these people deserved better, and its tragic because of how unfair it is.
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