#blue sranks
wovenstarlight · 2 years
(on ao3)
Taewon jolts awake all at once, heart pounding. There's a blaring alarm coming from… beside him, but he keeps his phone on the desk across the room and it uses a different tone, so what—?
"HYUNG!" shrieks the irate voice of a ghost, and Taewon jolts again and calls back "alright!" before he realizes.
Ah, but then that means—
He grabs the phone he discarded three years ago and scrabbles to silence it, pushing himself up off the bed, and—It's like missing a stair, the way his foot keeps going, except there's no stairs, it's his own leg that's an inch too short, and he tumbles onto the floor with a loud bang. There's an alarmed shout from elsewhere in the house, but Taewon forgoes answering in favor of shoving himself back upright and stumbling over to the door. The handle won't turn properly, he yanks at it, he can't deal with this right now, not when he needs to see him—to know he's alive—he needs to know, where is he, is he okay, please be okay,
The door gives way. Taewon stumbles past it and stares down the hall. Stares at the other end of the corridor, where his little brother stands, unharmed unhurt whole safe alive. ("…Hyung? Are you… You good?")
("You're scaring me, haha, is everything cool?")
("Um, hyung…? What—Is that the fucking door handle? Did you rip off the—")
Taewon's phone crunches under his white-knuckled grip, agony flares to life in his palm, and he hits the ground.
Hyunjae knows he's being shorter with his aides than he'd like. He can see the strange looks they're giving him and feel the way they tiptoe around him, clear as day.
None of that matters right now. He has a pounding headache and a need to get to Dodam already. Given the time they've regressed to, the guild should already be established, with its first major uptick in growth a few months behind them now. Hopefully the others reach as soon as possible, if they haven't already.
"Sir? We're here."
Hyunjae gives his driver a hurried nod as he slides out of the car, immediately doing a quick spin to check for—there. He makes a beeline for the small white car parked further down the crowded sidewalk and swings open the rear door.
"—really think the hospital—whoa, what the fuck? Who the hell are you?"
"Hello," Hyunjae says with his most charming smile. "You must be Song Cheolmin, pleasure to meet you."
"How do you know my name," the young man in the driver's seat demands, but Hyunjae's attention is instead on the man slumped over in the back seat, one hand holding a red-stained handkerchief to his nose, the other cradled in his lap and speckled with yet more blood. Taewon looks to be in poor shape, but beneath the too-deep eyebags and various cuts and bleeding orifices, he's still perfectly familiar as the him from years ahead, broad shoulders and cropped hair and frown lines that crease deep as those dark eyes look up, bottomless and clouded, and he says "Hyunjae-ssi?" says Hyunjae.
He(he) blinks. His(his) eyes widen, blue system light reflecting in his(his) irises, and he(he) says "Ah," and with that Hyunjae's muscles lock up and he crumples into the car on top of Taewon.
Hyuna glances towards the glass doors just in time to see Hyunjae keel over into a car. "Oh, jeez. I—Hold on, sorry," she says apologetically to the guy behind the front desk. "I have to go, I'll be back in a minute, really sorry."
Beside Hyuna, Yerim's mother looks alarmed. "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, absolutely!" Hyuna gives her a wide grin for good measure but knows it doesn't work on Yerim, sitting on one of the armchairs across the way and staring daggers her way. "Just, I need to go get some of our guys."
Yerim's mother is mouthing our guys, brows creased in confusion, as Hyuna leans to the side and signs at Yerim. "Team's outside, I'll be splitting the skill with them. Be right back."
Yerim nods at her, levering up from her chair and hobbling over to join her mom. With that secured, Hyuna ducks out the doors to Dodam and weaves through sidewalk traffic to get to the little car she recognizes from the photos in Taewon's wallet. She rests an arm on the car roof, leaning down into the open door.
"Hi, Chief Song, Sung Hyunjae, and… new kid," she greets cheerfully, cutting off said new kid's panicked babbling. He gapes at her. That must be little Cheolmin. "Good you're here, let me catch you up—"
"Do you know hyung?" Song Cheolmin cuts in, looking abruptly suspicious.
"Uh, yeah, I'm… I work with him sometimes." There, that should be vague enough for them to spin up a suitable lie around it later on. "I'm just—"
"What's wrong with him? With—the other guy, ever since he showed up both of them have just been totally unresponsive, I don't know what's happening!"
Okay, the interrupting is a little annoying, but now that Hyuna studies the guys she can see what Song Cheolmin means. Taewon's holding himself very, very still, breathing through his mouth and holding a hanky against his bleeding nose. There's that crease between his brows that means he's got one of his worse headaches. Hyunjae, meanwhile, is sprawled over his lap, also stiff but in a hyper-tense sort of way. The… same brow crease is there, and he's frowning just like Taewon is, which is really unusual for him—
Wait. Shit. Hyuna scans him over, then Taewon, then Hyunjae again. The twitches in Taewon's fingers, matched by those in Hyunjae's. The little sways of Taewon's body, matched by Hyunjae's arrested jolts. "Chief Song?" she asks, just to confirm.
There's a pause. "Hyuna-ssi," Taewon croaks, sounding almost relieved, and Hyunjae croaks it right along with him in perfect, eerie synchronicity, right down to the little quaver on the ssi. Damn.
"He's mirroring," Hyuna says aloud for Cheolmin's sake. "Both of them are overloaded from their skills, I'm guessing. Here, I'll—"
"Skills? Hyung Awakened? When? Wha—"
"Song Cheolmin, right?" Whew. Whew. Deep breath, and then another. She forces her voice to soften. "In short, yeah, we all Awakened recently. We'll explain everything in depth, later. For now, it's very important that you sit really still and keep really quiet."
Keeping her voice gentle gets easier as she turns back to Taewon. "Chief Song? I'm going to tag you in, okay? Me and Yerim—she's inside with her mom—we can share the load, it should make it easier until Yoohyun gets here. That sound good to you?"
Both of the guys nod, tense and tight. Hyuna exhales and rests a gentle hand on Taewon's shoulder; he leans into the touch, and she sends over the invitation.
[Awakened Person Song Taewon has joined the Family!]
He goes limp under her hand all at once, right as her head drops into the metaphorical blender. "Fuck," she hisses with feeling, crumpling into the backseat on top of Hyunjae's legs. Dodam is fucking bustling, she realizes as Taewon's inherited skill prickles to life in her brain and begins lighting up the world around her with tens, hundreds, thousands of glowing lives. The sidewalk traffic hadn't seemed quite so intense on the way in.
Hyuna squints at Taewon. His nose seems to have stopped bleeding, and he's giving her a weak smile. The borrowed Stamina must have set in. At least his body can keep up with the demand of the skill, now, even if his mind can't.
Though it remains to be seen how long that lasts. "Your turn, crazy ass," she breathes, and settles a hand on Sung Hyunjae's ankle.
Yerim has already been wanting to cry at the ache of her ankles from when she sprinted to get her mom, and at her mom being alive, and at how the Dodam staff look right through her instead of grinning at her and welcoming her home, and at how they won't get her a line to her goddamn ahjussi, she just wants to talk to family, is that so fucking bad.
So when she feels the Family bond shiver with new additions, she has a second to start crying at Taewon ahjussi's presence, before Hyunjae ahjussi's Mana sparks through the bond and her tears freeze solid on her cheeks.
Motherfucker, she thinks, and crumples to the ground as the duo's skills follow them through.
There's people crying out, rising from their seats, muscles tensing in panic, and Mama kneeling over her, grabbing her shoulders and shouting her name. She scrapes herself together with her scant hour of experience, forces her attention away from the crowds in the Dodam halls and out the door, to where Hyuna unni went. There's a split second where she finds them, piled up on each other like toppled Jenga bricks, Hyunjae ahjussi gasping like he's come up from drowning and the other two clutching at him for dear life.
And then, quite abruptly, the skills are pulled away from her with an insistent tug from Hyunjae ahjussi. Panic flares for a moment, and her shoulders feel cold—Mama yelps and pulls her hands away, and Yerim sees frost covering them, sparkling in the lights.
And then both Keeper and Skin slam right back into her in their entirety. Yerim nearly bites through her tongue trying not to scream when her head explodes with agony. She scrabbles at the skills, trying to push them back and split them between everyone, but then Hyunjae ahjussi shoves a spark of his own electric Mana at her, and it illuminates the spikes he’s made of the skills’ range.
Oh. Ohhh. Yerim sees it now. She draws away from her mother, stumbling to her feet, and limps out the doors, pushing insistently past the handful of life-lights that try to get in her way.
The spark of ahjussi's Mana is still with her. She pulls at him, and he gives in equal measure, raw Mana reshaped by her hands into a shell of pure ice around that spark. Light, set alight, and Taewon ahjussi lends her his Strength to toss it straight upwards into the air—Hyuna unni draws away Mana and the winds come to life around it, carrying it ever higher into the sky—
Far above them, three pinpricks of life reel back as the sphere of ice explodes into a flameless firework. Yoojin shouts, heels pressing into Blue's sides and wheeling her around so that they hover in place.
"What the—" He squints up at the flakes of lingering ice—not natural, but imprints of pure Mana—then looks down at the ground, where four human shapes wave up at him. Three of them aren't even visible by normal eyesight, sitting inside… a car?
The fourth stranger points insistently at the doors to Dodam, then starts signing. Her movements are too small to see from up here; instead he focuses on the shape of her hands, the cuts they slice through the air, the muscles tensing and relaxing in her arms as her fingers curve. We need to talk. Let us in.
He stares down at them, the little blobs that they are from this high up. The girl—with that height, she must be in her mid-teens or thereabouts—flutters her hands in a seemingly frustrated gesture, and then signs—
That’s Yoohyun's name sign. Yoojin's eyes widen, and somehow she must notice, because she gives a thumbs up and then points urgently at his brother's approximate position.
"Yoohyun-ah," Yoojin says, loud enough to be heard over the wind and Blue's wingflaps. He leans back into his brother, a reassuring weight. "There are people down there, do you know them?"
Yoohyun's crying too hard to respond verbally���has been for a while—so his hands shift where he's got them wrapped in a vice grip around Yoojin's middle. FOUR? he fingerspells slowly.
"Yeah, four of them. Two women, two men."
Yoohyun hesitates. Yoojin feels him out, frowning, as his tense limbs slacken ever so slightly. For him to be relieved, he must know them, so Yoojin prepares to hear acquaintances, or maybe colleagues, but definitely not—
Yoojin's breath catches. "Friends," he feels himself repeat.
Yoohyun nods minutely.
Yoojin hadn't thought his eyes could get any wider. "Okay," he says, and releases his white-knuckled grip on Blue's feathers to retrieve his phone and send a few texts to Soyoung and Sunghan.
Then he looks down again, waves at the quartet of stranger-friends on the ground below, and flies them home.
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archer3-13 · 2 years
of the unique main three hopes demo maps, ie the maps right before the timeskip, my general impressions and rankings of them as follows would be:
golden deer, pretty unique concept in terms of story presence and a rather hectic set of objectives and problems that need to be dealt with gameplay wise. its definitely the most challenging of the pre timeskip unique maps anyways, and i found myself sitting down and thinking about who to send where and do what more then the others.
blue lions, i really love the story concept and presence of this one and gameplay wise well its not quite as strong footed as the golden deer one, of the demo maps its still definitely up there with the golden deer one. a lot of ground to cover, interesting surprises to keep ya on your toes and flittin every which way across the map.
black eagles, compared to the other two this one is a sharp nosedive in quality. basically, its just a straight line to the end with very limited areas to go to and where most of the challenge to it seems to have been neutered for whatever inane reason. literally the only reason i missed out on the srank with this once was because i wasnt killing enough enemies because it was just way too tempting to rush through.
and thats that for the demo really.
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artgallery573 · 5 years
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Tron is The Fusion of Trey The last lightning Elemental and Cameron the Fire Elemental.
Tron Said
" You Think You can win? I Feel Bad For You"
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Elemental
Height: 183 cm(6'1'') 
Weight: 87.5 kg(193lb)
HomePlanet: Arkanna Prime X3
HomePlanet Classification: Traitor
Current Ressidance: Earth
Occupation: Leader of Apocalypse of elements
Rank: B Rank
Relatives: Unknown Deceased Parents
Deceased Lightning Elemental Race
Friends: King, Jade,Tiffany
Elements: Fire, Lightning, Plasma
Love Interest: Tiffany
Weapon(s): Dual Daggers
Personality: Tron Shares both of his Fusee's Personalities He is Kind, Calm, Laid-back and Caring Like Trey but he's also Confident, Hyperactive, Devoted and Fun Loving Like Cameron
Appearance: Tron Has a Low Cut With 2 Bangs in the middle of his line up He also Has Gold Eyes and diamond earrings on each ear He Usually wears a Black Shirt under a Red and Gold Jacket with Greyish Blue Ripped jeans with Zippers And Red, Black Shoes and a Golden Necklace
Favorite Food: Chinese Food, key lime Pie, BBQ, Pizza, Mexican Food
Favorite Drinks: Any (Besides: Root Beer)
Favorite Season: Summer, Fall,
Hobbie(s): Sleeping, Basketball, Eating
Drawing, Training
Abilities: Fire Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation
Weakness: Extreme Cold, Rubber
Origin: Tron Was First Formed When Trey and Cameron Accidentally Fused After Bonding With Eachother about how both of them lost their loved ones
Trey Just Lost His Race and Cam Lost His Parents when They went on an SRank Mission Unprepared
5 Fun Fact(s):
1.)Tron Can Freeze his Opponent by producing heat-absorbing plasma
2.)Tron has Never been Seen Unfused But His Friends Say they've met Trey and Cameron
3.)When Furiously Mad Tron's Regular Flames or Plasma Flames Turn Blue because their Temperature Rises to an extreme amount becoming Hot Enough To Destroy an Elementals Form with One Touch
4.)Tron has a Lot of Inspiration From Fire God Lui Kang
5.)When Tron Unfuse's If Unfused for Too Long Trey and Cam will hallucinate The Day they Lost their loved Ones They can't Handle Reliving That Day But Tron doesn't Hallucinate because he can handle it
[Tron Basic Ability]: Frost Bite
Description: Tron Dashes To His Opponent Then Touches Their Chest Then Freeze's Them By producing heat-absorbing plasma Then He Charges His Fist With Electricity Then Punches Him/Her Knocking Them Back At High Speeds then He Runs Past Them And Charges His Foot with Electricity Then Flip Kicks Them into The Air Then He Jumps Up and then Shoots Them To the Ground Exploding on Impact With the Ground
[Tron Ult Ability] Plasma Lotus
Ult Description: The Ult starts off simple with a cartwheel kick, the kick stuns the opponent where they are then uppercutted into the air. The strike is followed up by a leap where he lands a kick right into their chest following up with a knee to their nose. This causes them to backflip uncontrollably as they still ascend into the skies. Tron continues flying up as well as he begins spinning or flipping at supersonic speeds causing a trail of light to emit from his foot where with a bit of lag he uses the spinning momentum to strike his opponent downwards into the ground beneath them leaving a very thin trail of plasma. When they collide with the ground it breaks apart along with the plasma from their body spreading out and turning into a plasma lotus, obviously. Where that thin stream of plasma begins to expand as a beam of energy rises from their body obliterating them
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