romtasticbookclub · 7 years
Alrighty, peeps. This bookclub is TOTES GONNA EXIST!
I’ve had enough people express interest that they’re down for a video/text romance bookclub, so here’s the deets!
1. GROUP BLOG I’ve just created our Romtastic Bookclub group blog and you should be getting an invite to join soon. If I’ve overlooked your name, or you’d like to join, please message me so I can add ya to the fun! This is our landing spot where we can post thoughts, quotes, reactions, etc. while we read the month’s pick. No one is obligated to post, it’s just for us peeps who wanna chat throughout the month before the club meets.)
2. CLUB MEETING: WHEN The Romtastic Bookclub will meet on the first Saturday of the month at 6 pm Central time...? This is negotiable and open to discussion because we all have different schedules. I’d like to pick a time and date that works well for most of us, so PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK! :)
3. CLUB MEETING: WHERE The Romtastic Bookclub is going to be a Google Hangout. Up to 10 people can video chat at a time and so far we have 33 people who are interested. Each month I’ll rotate the 9 other video chatters, so everyone will have a chance to video if they want. Everybody else can chat along in the Hangout’s text chat. If you don’t want to video chat that month, or only want to participate via the text chat, that is totally ok. Just let me know.
4. CLUB MEETING: HOW You will need a Google account in order to participate in the Hangout. As a result I will need your Google name or email attached to your account so I can add you to the Hangout conversation. Please message me with this information either on my @diehard-fangirl​ blog or on the group blog. (Also hug yourself every time I said “Google,” “Hangout,” or “blog,” lol.)
5. CLUB MEETING: WHAT Every month I’d like to rotate through different subgenres. For simplicity’s sake, I’ll choose our first Romtastic Bookclub pick. I do want to open this up for voting so everyone in the club can have a voice in what we read. I just gotta figure out the best way to do this. DECISIONS WILL BE MADE SOON!
6. NO PRESSURE! Being a member of the Romtastic Bookclub in NO WAY obligates you to participate every month. If you can’t make it to the Hangout or you’re not interested in that month’s book pick, or life gets too busy, NO WORRIES! This is just supposed to be fun, so no stress!
7. I’M A NEWBIE IDIOT! I have NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE OH MY GERD!! Hosting a bookclub, doing a Google Hangout- this is all new for me, so I’m nervous am probably gonna screw up. Please be patient with me as I fake my way through our first few months of the club. I suck, but yall don’t, so IMMA GET THROUGH DIS WITH YA!
8. Das it.
I’ve tried to think of everything that anyone could ask, but I suck. If I left out anything or you have any questions, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME! You can also post questions on the group blog. I’ll be posting this on both my diehard-fangirl & on Romtastic Bookclub.
Here’s a cute puppy GIF for reading through this wall of text!
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Tagged peeps:
@nitelotus​ @sallux​ @kellyneedscoffee​ @msfehrwight​ @mariaslozak​ @skyewardswan​ @ameliafeministpeabody​ @romancypants​ @psychoblk​ @gallaxiard​ @puncturedbeauty​ @galatea-wannabe​ @thebooklrandtheduke​ @unhappy-mordred @lettingthewaterholdmedown @j9moore @stormy-reads @believingfairytales @not-your-average-romance @prettyharam @angelicsweetiew @youtransfixmequite @romcomkdramafan @thecrankyagnes @brenda-is-reading @blueangel91​ @mfred​
For some reason I can’t tag @thebabeontheback @tess-etc @Honeybeeshepherd @princessnerf-herder @unfriendly-black-hijabi so I’m going to tag them specifically in the tags. 
ETA: I’ve tagged everyone within the actual Tags of this post to hopefully make sure everyone sees it.
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disfuncshional · 10 years
Appreciation post 1
Alrighty! here goes!~
Starting off with leetvy, blueangel91, totaoyeol, and pilideca.
I started with you guys because I don't think I have ever spoken to you guys personally but "I sees you there" ^^! I really don't know what in the world I did right for you guys to follow me, but I'm grateful for whatever that was.
When I see your names pop up on my notifications, I can't help but smile. It's like I'm seeing a familiar face. <3 So, I'm thankful I haven't annoyed you guys out of following me. I also appreciate that you guys find interest in the same stuff I do. Really, you guys have made posting on this blog so much fun!  <3
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