bluefoxproductions · 6 months
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Sam’s home! 🥰
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bluefoxproductions · 7 months
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It’s finally done! I spent about a month replaying the games to find the best parts I could! It’s probably not everything, but I got as many little bits as I could! I hope you all enjoy it!!
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bluefoxproductions · 7 days
New animatic done! I’m shy as frick about it right now so I’m posting it and hiding in a corner XD
He has Alfred vibes that’s all I’ll say XD
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bluefoxproductions · 1 year
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Please forgive how lazy I got with the background X’D I have too many ideas to deal with bookcases right now
Either way I’m obsessed with the new game, Barry (who I originally named Benny) has become a Blorbo XD
I call them Barry Benny the Quokka, aka BB. I didn’t know their canon name until after I named them, I was close! XD
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bluefoxproductions · 1 year
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Not as many toons drawn on Tumblr so here’s some Flippy Doggenbottom appreciation, he works hard for us 🥰
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bluefoxproductions · 9 months
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In case it’s not obvious, I’m saying this in a PARENTAL WAY XDDDD he is my literal legitimate adoptive Dad in my canon ok? XD
Anyway onto what I want to say for this post
“When you’re so used to being only the two of you but someone else can hear. You accidentally reveal a 16 year old secret (being me) with just one word and no defense XD”
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bluefoxproductions · 7 months
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BlueFoxTober 2023 Day 31: Tool
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bluefoxproductions · 9 months
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August 2023 vs October 2021
I didn’t have my humanoid form designed yet back then! And I totally called the Dadstache, it is my happiest accomplishment XD
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bluefoxproductions · 11 months
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I’ve been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley for ages now, continuously staring at skull rock and hoping Peter will eventually come home, but until then I’m loving the plot and hanging out with the characters! This drawing is in reference to one time Mickey mentioned he used to read me bed time stories, and it was so cute I couldn’t resist XD
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bluefoxproductions · 8 months
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BlueFoxTober 2023 Day 15: Strategy
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bluefoxproductions · 8 months
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BlueFoxTober 2023 Day 14: Pop
Going to grandma’s for 2 days and there’s no internet, so if I don’t upload that’s why! But I’ll still be drawing them!
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bluefoxproductions · 8 months
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BlueFoxTober 2023 Day 8: Volcano
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bluefoxproductions · 8 months
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BlueFoxTober 2023 Day 4: Power
It’s her birthday :3
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bluefoxproductions · 8 months
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BlueFoxTober 2023 Day 1: Food
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bluefoxproductions · 15 days
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Wrote a little character development story for Tuli!
“Tuli? May I speak to you before you go?” The teacher gently asks upon the bell ringing. Tuli looks at the clock, she’s been in human form for about 2 hours since her last break, she’s really pushing it, but given she has no choice she nods and walks over, albeit nervously.
“Yes?” The teacher sighed and looked Tuli in the eyes.
“Your creative writing is exceptional and very detailed.” The teacher begins with a compliment, making Tuli loosen up ever so slightly. “But, your stories are always about your Father and Sister. May I ask-“ she looks around classroom and out the door to check for any nosey kids before continuing, even had to chase off a few stragglers, after that she closed the door and sat back down, giving Tuli her full attention. “Are you getting enough attention at home?”
Tuli smiles, though it has a slight sadness to it.
“I’m never hungry before going to sleep.” The teacher nods slowly.
“That’s good, but I don’t mean your physical needs, Tuli.” Tuli tilts her head to the side, a little confused, the teacher takes note of that. “Mental needs need to be covered as well, is your Father busy?” Tuli nods.
“He and my sister do very dangerous work together. My sister is usually abroad and my Dad is in contact with her almost the entire day. But when he comes home he feeds me then goes to sleep, always with a worried look in his eyes…” The teacher nods in understanding.
“Well, if his lack of attention to you bothers you, promise you’ll talk to him about it, ok?” Tuli nods, and they both hug. “You’re an amazing kid, Tuli, and I’m sure your Father knows that too, sometimes you just have to remind a busy parent.” Tuli nods in the hug and they part. “I’ll let you go home, thank you for your time.”
Tuli hops over to the door. “Thank you for the advice!” With a wave off, she leaves for the bathroom to feralise for a bit.
Hours later Tuli just finished up her homework, and she levitates her pencil back down on the table, the front door unlocks and opens. In stumbles in her exhausted Father, her tail instantly wags.
“Dad! Welcome home, did it go well tonight?” Her Father tiredly nods with a smile.
“Only a few hiccups this time, thankfully your sister is good with color and was able to see a difference in it. Otherwise she probably would’ve exploded..” He sighs as he opens the fridge to prepare Tuli’s dinner. Tuli watches him for a moment as he cooks in silence, her tail stops wagging, her ears droop, but remains silent.
After it’s finished cooking, Tuli flies over to the table and sits in her chair, her tail slipping through the back. Grilled Horsemackrel tonight.
“Thank you, Dad.” She says genuinely, but as she begins eating, Dad picked up on her sad demeanor.
“Everything ok at school?” He asks, she lifts her head from her meal to look at him, her sadness not phasing.
“It was a good day, but…” She trails off, unsure how to mention it. Dad watches her, waiting patiently for her to continue, which eases some of her thoughts.
“My teacher called me over after class..” Tuli fiddles with her paws. “They helped me realize something.” She takes another bite of her fish before continuing.
“I..I know what you and Nina do is very important, world changing even. I know this first hand from before I met you two..but..um..” She shuts her eyes tightly so she doesn’t have to see his reactions. “I’m starting to feel like you don’t have enough time for me anymore..!” She blurts out. The room falls silent, she keeps her eyes shut for a little longer, before she can’t help but peek. Dad looks shocked, and also looks like he had a realization on top of that, as if hours of memories are flowing through his mind.
“Oh, Tuli…” His tone sounds soft, as he gets out of his chair and moves to pick her up and hug her. “I am so sorry.” Tuli nuzzles into his hug, tears forming in her eyes. “I’ve been neglecting you.”
“It’s okay, Dad. I understand…” She flutters out of the hug and sits back in her chair to continue eating while they talk. “I know how tiring your work is.”
“Yes but that’s no excuse.” He falls silent for a moment in thought. “There’s got to be a way.” Tuli puts her front paws on the table.
“What if I fly to your office after school?” Tuli suggests, Dad looks a little worried about that.
“Someone could see you…” But Tuli doesn’t back down.
“I know a lot of back alleyways thanks for my Raccoon friends!” Dad’s expression sticks for a moment before he sighs.
“Alright, you know best, My Little Wonder.” He pets her head gently, which she giggles to. “But promise me, if traffic is too big and you can’t see a way there without getting caught, head back here, deal? You have your pager on you, if you don’t get to my office 20 minutes after school lets out, and you don’t reply to my ping, then I’ll consider you missing.” She nods in understanding, as she holds her paw up for him to shake.
“It’s a deal!” With a chuckle he holds her tiny raccoon hand and shakes it.
From that day on, Tuli spent her after school days on the small couch in his office. Doing homework, drawing, or even helping with a few missions. Thanks to her bravery, Agent BlueFox gained an unofficial 2nd Handler, which helped more than once. Sometimes the perspective of a 10 year old child had its perks!
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bluefoxproductions · 1 month
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More details (and if anyone needs more detail than this send an ask and I’ll add it to the thread!
Planet of Origin
Bliss: has 1 moon, dark blue grass, teal sky, no sun, green water, purple soil
Must Have
Bug Wings
Blissians that are carnivore in origin eat fish, no matter what kind of carnivore an Earth version would eat.
Herbivores eat plants, naturally. Except for the leaves on the trees, as the trees are the power source of the entire planet.
*Telekinesis can only be used if the object is within eyesight, and the antenna are out in open air (can’t be used on oneself unless you can be seen through a reflection aka mirror)
Default amount is having 2 but some have 1 or 3, those with 1 have a low power, those with 3 have high power and very low control
Blissians have fragile wings, so they are born with Elytra to protect them, though some are not, those who don’t have to wear a protective cloak when not in use.
Anyone is allowed to make a Royal Blissian. They live up to 1,000 years (500 longer than Citizens) and have the sole ability of Hivemind control, which is exactly how it sounds, basically mind control on a major scale. They follow the same design rules as citizens.
The main goal of this species is adaptability, be able to join any world and any universe (fandoms)
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