#blues nonsensical ramblings
candiedblueberries · 2 years
scar's light broke, his mic fell off the wall and he's holding it, grian tango bdubs cub scar podcast, scar gets 1 year added to his age every time someone mentions his bday, scar swore twice, what the FUCK is going on
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Our Strengths
"What do we do now? Tucker asked. His voice cracking with stress and worry as he stared at the scene before him not able to look away as his best friend and his family were being dragged out of their home.
Danny cuffed in anti-ghost cuffs and knocked the heck out with a ecto-gun pointed at his skull by one of the GIW agents, they eventually tossed Danny into their van that was parked right outside the Fenton Works. Jazz was pleading, begging them to let her brother go, even though she too was cuffed and not caring that another gun was at her back. Maddie was hissing like angry feral mama cat at the two agents, ignoring the other two that were holding her shoulders to keep her from squirming around and saying "you dare touch a single hair on my babies I will rip-" before she too was lead away to the GIW van. The last to come out was Jack and he looked haunted and stressed, and despite being a huge guy he was trying to make himself look small. He too was sent into the van, and one of the last things Tucker could see before the doors close was Jack kneeling down next to Danny and going to cradle him but being stopped by the GIW agent in the van.
Sam chewed on her lip, her eyes wide and wild as she tried to think of... well anything to save her friend and his family from this.
To think Vlad would be so petty after Danny finally told his parents about being Phantom and them accepting and loving him regardless and even apologizing for trying to hurt him that he would go and tattle to the GIW about Phantom.
Danny hadn't even told them about Vlad being a halfa either. Not even a bit. All Danny told them was that Vlad made him super uncomfortable. About how the guy seemed obsessed with his mom but seemed to be shifting his obsession to him.
And for once Jack listened, especially after Maddie finally told him the times the man flirted with her and had even tried getting her to leave Jack. With only Danny. No mention of Jazz, only Danny.
After that Jack turned papa bear mode.
Say what you will about Jack Fenton but his love for his family outweighs any kind of friendship.
So yeah Vlad finding himself being 'cut out' of the Fenton's lives, realizing the only times he could even get close to Maddie and Danny was because Jack was always welcoming to him, and finding out Jack point blank said he no longer wanted him around his family, he raged and decided to get back at Danny was to go tell the GIW about him being Phantom.
No doubt the creep was going to show up later, 'save' them and start making demands or indebt them to him.
And now here they were. The Fenton's, after being told about Phantom, were being unjustified hauled away by the GIW while all of Amity watches from the streets and despite the protest from, mostly teens, Amity Parkers no one could do anything with both weapons pointed at them or the 'law' decree.
Closing her eyes, Sam took a breath. When she opened them back up she finally looked away as the van and the rest of the GIW began to leave, her hands clutched so tight that her knuckles were turning a deadly white. When she finally released her grip she felt something in her hand.
Confused, Sam opened her hand and gasped as she recognized a familiarish green sticky note and words written in purple ink. She's never read any of the sticky notes CW would send Danny but she has seen them appear out of no where.
She read the note, ignoring Tuckers questioning, and once done she snapped her head to look at him. It was so fast that Tucker jumped for a second. Her eyes were alight with a new found kindle of hope, determination, and a plan.
"Sam? What is it?" Tucker finally asked once more, he had a feeling whatever she had in mind was going to be insane but if it sent by CW and meant to save his best friend he'd do it.
"We play into our strengths and get some help." She said as she brought the sticky note up for him to see.
"Help? From who?" Tucker asked as he took the note and instantly noticed the drawn symbols on the bottom. When he snapped his head back up to look at Sam his mouth fell open and he said in shock, awe, and disbelief "No. No way. Them? But I thought-"
"Gonna stop you right there Tucker. Remember what Dani told us last month? About that new under the radar teen hero group?" Sam cut in.
"OOoooh. Them.... Yeah I can totally get behind asking them over asking the adults." Tucker responded, his mind coming up with a plan as the sticky note words played into his head 'Use your strengths'
"Good we have no time to loose. I'll contact Dani to find out where we can find their base, you get ready to hack and find what you can so I can use it to help... persuade them into helping us."
Young Justice was having a normal, well as normal as a bunch of super-powered and very well trained teens could have day.
Or at least it was until their comms and entire system were hacked by an unknown hacker, a goth girl appearing on their main sceen and her saying this
"Hey, Young Justice right? Look I'll be blunt about this. We need help, our best friend and his family got taken by some shady government jerks that wanna experiment on him and we need to save them. It's a long story. However, we do not like the JL too much and don't trust them, we have our reasons, so to make sure you don't go crying to them, we're taking your systems hostage and blackmailing you with things our hacker found out." Her eyes narrowed at them, her face in a scowl and it left no room for negotiations at all, she was determined to get things her way "So that's the deal. Help us save our best friend and his family while not letting the JL know, and we let go of your systems and forget about what we found out."
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tonguetiedraven · 10 months
I went with writing for today's Ao No Summer 2023 prompt. (I'm not the quickest artist, lol.) It's Enemy!
This ficlet brought to you entirely by this gremlin grin in chapter 35
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Rated G for everyone. No ships, despite the water.
(งಠ-ಠ)ง   (≖ᴗ≖ ✿)
Bon had not been thinking beyond annoyance and mischief when he lifted Izumo and tossed her into the ocean. She had once again been running her mouth, and Bon had seen the opportunity, and he’d taken it.
Had he been thinking, he would have realized that Izumo was vindictive, and one of the smarter people in their group, and creative when she wanted to be. He likely still would have done it, but he’d have been on guard.
He got a chance to realize his mistake that evening after the fight when they were eating the kraken ikayaki (and Bon hardly paused to think about how strange his life was that he was eating kraken ikayaki and it was actually pretty good.) He was going for another skewer, listening to Rin lament how bland the actual squid was, and how much work his sauce was having to do, and how the kraken just tasted old and tough, and suddenly felt something thump on his head as Izumo waked past. It was a heavy thing for a moment, a solid thump, and then something was raining down over him and onto the second skewer and into his vest and shorts and legs and it was all through his hair, and it wasn’t until he gave an instinctual shake of his head that he realized as all the other guys and Shiemi gasped.
She had just dumped sand on his head. And not a little bit either. He didn’t know how her tiny hands had held so much of it, and now it was everywhere.
He shot to his feet with a roar as soon as he processed it, chasing after her, but she was already half way across the beach, heading for the crowd of exorcists to lose herself in. 
And just like that, it was started.
(v° •̀ᗝ•́)૭ •—(>~< °v✿ )
They didn’t actually get to the beach that often. It was rare enough, that Bon had more or less forgotten the events of their first trip. (Outside of the Kraken.)
Izumo had not forgotten them.
It was an actual vacation this time, a short thing for spring break, and Bon was staring at the ocean and sand suspiciously, just waiting for an Illuminati soldier or a malicious demon to pop up and ruin their short break.
He did not expect the attack to come from his own team, but he really should have.
He set his bag down by the towel and lowered down, tray of beach food in his hand, entirely ready to eat and nap in the sun for a bit before he joined the others in the water. He lowered down onto the towel—
And fell much further down than the towel should have been. His arms were pushed up and his legs were drawn to his chest, and the towel was trapped around him, and it took him a good five seconds to get past the sheer confusion to realize he’d fallen into a hole of some sorts. Someone had dug a hole under his towel, and it only took him a few seconds more to figure out the who as someone started to cackle loudly over the other mostly muffled laughter.
His eyes locked on Izumo where she was standing by the ocean with her arms crossed over her chest and her chin tipped up haughtily.
He growled out a threat and started shoving his way up and out of the hole – far harder than it should be to do – to get her. She was gone by the time he managed it, and the war was rekindled.
(#`Д´)凸  凸(`△´+✿)
There was a spark and a loud sort of crackle, and then a deafening shriek of, “GORILLA!”
The screech could be heard across the beach, and it was followed by a booming laugh and the sight of Bon standing with his hands triumphantly on his hips as he watched Izumo try and escape the trap he’d set for her next to the drinks. Shiemi was stuck as well, and had to use Nee and a vine to fetch the drinks they’d been frozen from getting.
“KAMIKI!” Roared with a tremendous splash, and two harvest spirits were running to join Izumo again to escape Bon’s wrath, sending sand over all the other teens on the beach, their towels, and their own snacks.
“You’re dead!” And Varuna dousing Izumo as Bon glared with his still ocean soaked body, and getting everyone soaked with her.
“You Neanderthal!” Izumo cackling and retaliating with a basin of holy sake when Bon was sunning next to Konekomaru and Yukio, and the strangely sticky holy liquid getting in everything and making it impossible to see with glasses.
“I’ll kill you!” And Bon running from where his summoned shield over Izumo had caused her and Shura’s tanlines to get cover with sigils.
Ruined drinks and sandy food and soaked clothes and capsized rafts and popped inner tubes, and no end in sight as their day off rushed by in a chaotic war.
/( .□.)\ ︵╰(°益°)╯︵ /(.□.✿ /)
“I’ve had it,” Yukio growled, glaring at the shore line. Rin hissed his agreement as he picked more sand out of his irritated tail.
“It’s gone too far.”
“I still can’t get my glasses clean.”
“We were supposed to relax today.”
“I don’t even know who started it—“
“I don’t care who started it.”
Rin nodded his agreement as Bon threw a handful of sand at Izumo and dodged the sake she tried to throw at him, and the squid they’d been carrying over was dropped to the ground.
That was it. Rin hadn’t managed to get any sand or magic free squid today, and watching more get dropped to the ground, and nope. He wasn’t taking any more.
“I’ll be right back,” he promised, and hopped up with a shake of his tail that flung sand on all of them. (They hardly noticed at this point.)
He jogged forward with a call of their names, waving and smiling and trying to look happy, only his lashing and slightly ignited tail giving away his irritation.
(Yukio grinned and Shura rubbed her hands together in anticipation.)
"Hey!" Rin called cheerfully, getting their attentions. They both crossed their arms over their chests with scowls and a "What?!" that they called in unison.
Rin gave them no warning before hefting them both up and tossing them over his shoulders before running into the ocean and tossing them both in. He then dusted his hands off, shook more sand out of his tail, and turned to jog back to the others as the battling duo surfaced and hurled outrage and insults at his uncaring back.
(He had no idea he'd just started the cycle over and given them a joint target.)
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everyryuujisuguro · 4 months
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bilbao-song · 6 months
ebay made the mistake of giving me a $5 coupon so i've spent the last three days trying to decide which 500 yr old nail polish to finally pluck from my watch list
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thelassoway · 2 years
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Ted Lasso S01E06 Two Aces || Ted Lasso S02E06 The Signal
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carmello-matcha · 9 months
if I remember correctly the wand from the candy box event one of its animations can spell out your name.
I wonder if someone took advantage of it
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luvsavos · 1 year
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yet another monster oc human form drawing, this one of my disgraced sun god, naasfilrah<3
he's a g-rank fatalis, and he tends to disdain his human form and Not use it for the most part
he always dresses in some kind of formal attire, pingponging back and forth from business casual and proper dressware, this drawing being more of business casual
he'd be less pale however he has been trapped in an underground bunker and subject to intense energy siphoning for the past Several Thousands Of Years, so he looks a bit more pale and fucked up than he was in the past (but i may draw a past version of him eventually)
(also, the writing on the mug is dovahzul (so is naas' name) and reads "world's best sun god" lol)
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n0maku · 11 months
ANYWAY despite how I usually throw up a bunch of screenshots and such of undertale/deltarune news stuff when it comes out- I’m probably not doing that this time since I don’t really have anything to note/add to any of it haha There’s a lot in this Papyrus Q&A (and thus screenshots) and it is very lovely and charming! It’s nice to see those skeletons again. For those who haven’t looked through it and have interest, here’s the link to the Papyrus Q&A answers page
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reginrokkr · 5 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐕. Good morning. As you may see not even a night's sleep is enough to erase the brainworms I have for what I was on last night about Khaenri'ah and I want to dig a little deeper about the plausibility of causing even more unrest in the society when the decision of using abyssal energy all of a sudden was made when... well, since always the energy used was the elemental one that was crystallized in blocks from the Ley Lines. My main reasoning for this is, it's known the harm that something like Eleazar caused, right? As part of the Forbidden Knowledge and how Tighnari described it as a consequence of the darkness that comes from deep within the earth on the surface. Imagine what it must've been like to live somewhere where no plants or animals can live naturally due to the hostile and toxic environment due to the proximity to the Abyss, including illnesses as a normal thing down there (who knows if its effects differed between pure-blooded and those who aren't). So thinking about this alone, I wouldn't be surprised if this change would cause an uproar in the society to change things with a logic like: you know about all the struggles we endure because of the Abyss, and now you would weaponize it as an energetic resource?
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candiedblueberries · 1 year
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decided to have fun w gradients today :D
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doodlebeeberry · 1 year
Folks who say amelia is an ocean-scented candle are wrong btw she is either clean cotton or unscented and i will die on this hill
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heldhram · 2 years
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Sims 3 store hair meshers’ motto be like
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rainia · 1 year
dude WHY has tumblr still not fixed the black text glitch this is hell
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what normal people think about when they hear/see the phrase "In the woods" :
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What my brain supplies when I hear/see that phrase:
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🥀 i’m doing that thing again where i make a character that i’m pretty much happy with and then have a ‘what if’ moment. 🧍🥀
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