enoshimaedits · 1 year
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danganronpa fusion series part 1! all of the finished designs are on my instagram but i wanted to compile them here
1- kaoru naematsu [kaede + komaru], ultimate motivational speaker 2- saiya nezono [sayaka + sonia], ultimate opera singer 3- meiko oyama [mondo + peko], ultimate bodyguard 4- mizuchi iruda [miu + kazuichi], ultimate engineer 5- koga shigami [korekiyo + byakuya], ultimate sociologist 6- shion kuwara [shuichi + leon], ultimate sports journalist 7- machi naema [makoto + kokichi], ultimate dungeon master 8- kuro niijou [kirumi + nekomaru], ultimate secretary [open for other suggestions!]
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midnightlee25 · 5 months
Do you think you could do more younger sibling of yandere owada bros headcannons? I really liked those.
Random Yandere Headcanons: Platonic Yandere: Being the younger sibling to Daiya Owada & Mondo Owada
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It truly will be like having bodyguards that they get to live with. 
They both are very supportive of whatever their sibling is passionate about even if it's something they don't totally understand. (Example if their sibling was into art.) 
If their sibling is into something they can get into then they will join them. (EX: making models.) However, they both will try it at least once. 
In their own ways make sure that their sibling knows that they can come to them about anything. Sure, a part of this is to make sure no one is mistreating them but it's mainly to show that they really do care for them. 
Each worry about if their sibling feels left out since Daiya and mondo do have a lot in common so each one will make sure to have their own time with their youngest sibling. 
60% of the time it is all three of them together. Each one will take 20% with just having one and one time. 
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local-pr1nter · 11 months
Mondo Oowada Ship Dynamics
Just my opinions and personal Headcanons - if you don't like/agree with these, then please move on!
Assume these are all based in an Non-Despair AU!
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A classic ship. Absolute *chefs kiss*.
At this point it seems canon with the amount of shippers and fan content for these two. Don't get me wrong, I love them just as much as anyone, but even I can admit that they each have other respective ships that can be enjoyed just as much.
Anyways - Ishimondo!
Absolute dorks in love + nothing but respect and love on their parts. It takes a while for them to realize it's a romantic love instead of some brotherly bond as Taka puts it, but once they figure it out it's smooth sailing from there.
Taka encourages rational behavior and responsibilities, whilst Mondo encourages relaxation and realistic ideals. Together they're a good dynamic.
Nerd x former bully/moral compass x delinquent/rivals to lovers. A recipe for success.
Since they've been talked about to death, I won't elaborate much more on them.
But overall, they're a great couple together.
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They're literally one of the sweetest pairings and it's a crime they aren't talked about enough. And yeah they never really interact like Taka and Mondo, but that one scene in the V3 Bonus Mode just kills me every dAMN TIME.
I adore them so much UGH - literally the only ship that made me wanna write fanfiction (and I did but we won't talk about that)
Anyway so timid shy girl x brash delinquent let's go.
Mondo definitely fell for her first. Thought she was a damn sweetheart from the moment he laid eyes on her - it only intensified whenever they ran into each other (ex the scene I referenced). Mondo absolutely adores her.
Mikan was oblivious to this and it took Ibuki and Mahiru pointing it out to her for her to notice. God she got so embarrassed and scared over the whole thing, thinking he was just some brute.
Ibuki was the first one to notice that Mondo actually REALLY liked her for her. And then she decided to help Mondo a bit because Ibuki is a matchmaker and I'm tired of pretending she's not.
With Ibuki's advice, Mondo is actually able to approach Mikan without shouting at her (however difficult it was) and expresses his feelings. She decides to give him a chance - after having a moment of confusion and fear once again - and agrees to go on a date.
And y'all. Mondo treats her so good. His volume is still hard to control but he goes out of his way to make her comfortable and happy and it both shocks and confuses Mikan that he actually wants to date her for her.
So they eventually get together!!!! Ibuki is very proud of herself for setting em up and constantly teases them about it.
They're the cliche highschool sweethearts you see in every movie and they're just adorable.
They adore each other - it's really sweet. Mondo thinks she's the cutest thing in the world and it takes every ounce of willpower to not squeal whenever she giggles or acts cute. Same goes for Mikan - she thinks he can be really sweet and adorable, despite his intimidating exterior. Almost like a big dog.
In public they only ever hug - PDA is too much for either of them, but on rare occasions they can be seen hugging, either Mikan hugging his midsection or Mondo wrapping an arm around her shoulders to hold her close.
Mondo is also very protective of her - he encourages her to stand up for herself as well, and doesn't butt into situations where she's got her friends to back her up. That doesn't mean he'll stand back and watch someone harass her - he will intimidate the other until they back off. Mikan doesn't support his violent tendencies at all.
That's it that's their dynamic.
It gets better if Mondo's gang learns about her.
She's earned herself a pack of personal bodyguards who won't tolerate shit from anyone.
But anyways, they both stand to have a very sweet and heartwarming dynamic. Between the both of them, they have a relationship built on love, understanding, and mutual respect for one another.
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A stoic introverted detective with the foul-mouthed biker delinquent. What more could you want?
God you know Mondo was the first to catch feelings. Albeit her initial cold exterior, Mondo wanted to know more, even after becoming friends (via Makoto), slowly turning into a crush on the mysterious detective.
Leon called him crazy for crushing on the "scary principal's daughter"
Taka and Chihiro were nothing but supportive and encouraging about the whole ordeal.
Daiyas only piece of advice was "Don't be a dick and just talk to her" Easier said than done of course.
But of course we all know his track record with other girls. The man started shouting at her again, much to his embarrassment and to Kyokos disappointment.
It only took some investigating on her end to figure out why he was acting so strange. And OH BOY WAS SHE FLABBERGASTED.
Mondo??? Likes her??? Impossible.
But as she looked at him with this whole new perspective, she slowly started to develop her own feelings. While he struggled to talk to her, Kyoko took a different approach to show her own interest. Subtle touches, faint smiles, more one on one time, subtle signs like that.
It slowly went like that until they both had a talk about their relationship. Then they agreed to give it a shot!
And my god it was a weird change.
Two people, infamous for hiding their emotions from others. Sounds like a disaster. And yet, they slowly start to adapt and change together.
They're both very quiet about the relationship, still trying to adjust and go about it at their own pace.
They're both very shy about any sort of affection or intimacy, finding it difficult to initiate. Although Kyoko quickly discovered she likes to play with Mondos hair when it's freshly washed and down.
That slowly evolved into cuddling sessions - Kyoko playing with his hair while Mondo simply enjoys her company. It only grows from there.
They're pretty casual about the relationship the more they lean into the whole idea, but they've grown pretty close - as friends and as partners.
Despite their initial setbacks, they actually make a sweet couple. Kyoko acts as the voice of reason, whilst Mondo shows Kyoko how to loosen up a bit and enjoy their school life.
Their dynamic is essentially rivals to lovers (if you count THH ch. 2/a non despair AU where their personalities just conflict) and/or badass/stoic person (Kyoko) x person who thinks that's the coolest thing ever and adores them very much (Mondo)
It's honestly a very mature relationship - built on lots of communication and learning from each party. Of course, no relationship could work without communication or understanding. With both parties being Kyoko and Mondo, once they get past both their setbacks and misunderstandings, they have potential to be a power couple. And even if it doesn't work out in the end, they would still have a strong friendship after the fact. A brain x brawn duo always has the potential to be a strong dynamic.
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Just thought about the likelihood of RPF about the kids of Hope's Peak Academy existing in-universe and it's still such a funny concept to me. Like what ships do you think would be popular? What are the weird ways they boil these kids down into even simpler archetypes? Did you guys know that in-universe Takemichi (Mondo's bodyguard icydk) has fangirls? What if they, idk, shipped him with Byakuya or some shit just bc they're both popular pretty boys who could potentially meet someday? Does Hifumi write hate comments on all of it? The wider Danganronpa fandom should know about this.
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asktriggerhappyhavoc · 11 months
so... who's together with who in the class romantically? :0
And I’ve been summoned again!! - 💖
Okay so Hina and Sakura are together, that much is obvious.
Then of course you got Sayaka and Ikusaba.
Taka and Makoto were in a relationship for a while, but then Owada confessed to both of them and now they’re all super happy together!!!
I’ve been trying to get Celeste to straight up confess to Kirigiri cause damn that detective is oblivious. But no that’s not classy enough for her smh.
Hiro and Leon are 100% dating but I don’t think they’ve realized it yet. They’re like so lovey dovey with each other and claim they’re “best friends” we see you baby you’re not slick.
Toko’s in love with her best friend (Makoto’s sister) but she won’t admit it so little ol’ me has to gently work her through her gay awakening.
And of course Chihiro’s got something going on with Mondo’s bodyguard, Takemichi.
Byakuya, Hifumi, and I are all ace/aro, so no romance for us anytime soon lol! - 💖
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roadkillfuneral · 5 months
ideal griddlehark reunion, for me, is a recreation of the reunion scene in bbc Sherlock
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it probably won’t happen because as indestructible as kiriona seems, i don’t think she’s picking a fight against baby lyctor harrow and her new bodyguard, alecto
do i think it would be totally cathartic if they went absolutely feral like when they were kids, clawing and punching and screaming i gave you my soul and you didn’t want it and crying how dare you leave me griddle until they collapsed into each others arms? bloody and panting but together, finally?
they have a mondo treasure trove of pent up emotion towards each other and I want to see it come out in the worst ways
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 5 months
(tw implied SA/abuse)
AAAAA, I didn't expect you to reply so soon. The list of detail that could support this are:
-sleeping fully clothed when sick(could be him unwilling to be fully vulnerable)
-people pleasing(small, but you could tie it into it being a fawn coping mechanism)
-wetting the bed till 5th grade(has been shown to be a small sign of past abuse)
-his motive video person being specifically komaru and not including his parents
-his ability to lie when prepared (ch5 when protecting kyoko)
-his willingness to forgive people that wronged him(it's common for child victims to be made to forgive their adult abusers)
-the fact that he never really opens up to people
I know it's a stretch but when we get virtually nothing about Makoto's past we might as well try to find out why. I generally like the idea that Makoto chose to be optimistic, kind, and hopeful despite having every reason to be the opposite. It adds to why he is so willing to offer redemption. (I also unfortunately went through something similar and heavily relate to Makoto so this is also slightly projection)
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Hmm while if you want to go that route i'd say you could argue it, I do have my disagreements, this isnt to say it s not possible, but I just think there are better explanations
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I always thought myself that it was more he collapsed and was unable to do so then an active choice, but thats more conjecture, you could definitely make it an active choice and I wouldn't call foul on it
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I feel like SA is a bit over the top of a reason, like it COULD be a reason, but combining that with Komaru's statement it feels like it'd be more likely to avoid other kinds of punishments, also could just be an inherent personality trait
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I've got no complaint with this one, it is very much a sign of sexual abuse, alone I don't think i'd call it enough to be definitive but if someone wanted to run with it i'd be like "yeah makes sense"
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The motive video person for everyone was only one single person, Hifumi, Leon, Aoi, and Kirigiri all had non-parental family members chosen (Sister, Cousin, Brother, Grandfather) while some people DID have parents Ishimaru, Hagakure, Chihiro it's definitely not the majority, other people Mondo, Sakura, Byakuya, Sayaka all had people they were not related to (Bodyguard, Boyfriend, Butler, Band Member) if anything the only two people I would take this as proof of a bad relationship for would be Toko and Celeste as they're the only people with non human hostages (A stinkbug and her pet cat)
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I wouldn't call this special, especially by the point of chapter 5 Makoto has gained a lot of survival skills, and lying is one of them, plus people just can lie
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There's nothing wrong with this one, however it does feel like a bit of a stretch, Makoto has this whole game been going "its not our fault, its monokumas" every time someone has guilt over the vote or anything, this very much just feels like an extension of that, especially with Monokuma very visibly and obviously rushing the trial.
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This one's kind of interesting because Makoto does shockingly keep his cards a lot closer to his chest then people give him credit for, but I'd say he's pretty open to at least Kirigiri by the end if not everyone, especially since a killing game requires him to not be completely open to everyone all the time
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This is good evidence to at the very least the Naegi's having some questionable punishment methods, but at the same time Komaru is very open about her school life which has....so many red flags, like seriously its fucking creepy komaru really do be like "yeah my old teacher used to break into my room to watch me sleep but im pretty sure it was his ghost" like GIRL WHAT so it's actually a bit hard to tell if it's the naegi's doing it, or her school life just being fucked up again
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Like girl seriously are you okay
tldr; I personally think there are better explanations for most of these points, however it would still be an interesting concept to explore and I can definitely see why someone would believe it, it's not my personal theory but exploring makoto under the lens of an abuse survivor is definitely a fascinating thing to do, and also if you want to further look into and back up this reading I'd check out a lot more of komaru's dialogue because I think you'd find some interesting points to make about it through that lens you could add to you repertoire
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thh-despair-au · 1 year
Hm..about the remnants in order of most likely to survive a encounter with them to your dead if you even look at them
Ooo interesting question! Note that all of them are dangerous and deadly but some are more than others!
This is from the viewpoint of someone who isn't part of the future foundation
Kiyotaka: he needs the civilians for his resistance against the ff, he wouldn't dare to hurt you unless you resisted against him
Izuru: he is an observer between hope and despair. He doesn't have any interest in killing, just leave him be
Sayaka: getting face to face with her is difficult in the first place but she isn't one to immediately attack unless she wants to. Not that she will be the one to do that anyways, she could always send a fan or a bodyguard
Toko: she herself spents most of the time writing in a room and doesn't have much interest in actually killing, herself. Genocider though still kills despite not being a remnant of despair so just be careful of which one you're currently facing. Don't underestimate toko though, she will fight if she sees no other choice
Chihiro: although he is in his room every minute and can't fight, he has a loyal bodyguard that deals with intruders. And he will have no problem sending him after you if you enter his space. Afterall it's full with important information about everything, allies and enemies alike
Kyoko: she's a bit complicated because as a future foundation member she is careful of her actions and how she spreads despair which is why it's unlikely for her to recklessly kill someone. But she will find a way if she deems it as necessary
Byakuya: he himself won't fight and doesn't act rashly either. But unlike the previous ones, he will easily command someone to kill you if you're not a significant person. He only keeps those temporarily alive who have important information or are people in high positions. However all of this happens only if you even manage to get close to him
Celeste: once you're in her grasp it's nearly impossible to escape and your fate will be determined by luck. If you win and she sees worth in you she might make you into a lower ranking servant but otherwise death would be an appropriate punishment for those who couldn't prove themselves to her highness. And there's no way to tell when you could end up in her base
Yasuhiro: although he doesn't seem like a strong person, he's an experienced scammer and trickster. Once you somehow find yourself in his tent (by being kidnapped) he will make the illusion of a choice. But it never mattered in the first place because working is hard and he will charge you with your life no matter if you accept his service of fortune reading or not
Hifumi: he is an artist and will never pass out on another gory illustration or even sculpture. Once he sees you, you can already guess that the thought of making you his next work of art is crossing his mind and it's definitely recommendable to get as far away as possible. Because depending on how drawn he is to you, he will chase you
Leon: the streets are his new arena and despite not even liking baseball he will not pass out on the opportunity of pitching at random people if he's bored and/or needs amusement. A difficult one to spot sometimes since he could also kill you from a fair distance and as an athlete you can just pray to get out alive
Aoi: she is mainly targeting the ff members but depending on your stance regarding despair she could also attack you. Experienced in several kinds of sports, it's nearly impossible to survive unless she wants you to escape
Sakura: she doesn't act impulsive and like aoi only targets ff members. But once she sets her target as you, prepare your grave because it's impossible to survive this
Mondo: he is physically strong, has a lot of men on his side and act impulsive too. Not to mention that his targets mainly consists of civilians. He will control himself the least so him would actually be the hardest to survive
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tobiasdrake · 9 months
Also, from a character perspective, the ending of 2-2 isn't doing it for me because.
I feel like we killed off the wrong one.
Okay so. Like. You have these two characters that have been raised codependently for their entire lives.
The girl has been diligently trained and conditioned to serve the boy faithfully as his weapon, bodyguard, servant, etc. She is supremely emotionally dependent on him for validation. She lives purely to serve him, she has no function beyond him, she cannot exist without him, he is the sole consideration governing her entire universe.
The boy thinks the girl is pretty cool and wants her to be his friend.
You're going to kill one of these two characters in order to create intense character drama for the other, shattering their world and plunging them into a deep abyss of grief and identity crisis.
And you kill her?
What? Why? He's the single point of failure for her entire emotional state. If he dies, her world fractures in ways that can be really interesting to see the character have to address and overcome. When Taka lost Mondo, it shook him to the very core of his character. And that was fun as hell to see.
All of Peko's rantings about being strictly a tool and serving Fuyuhiko and having no other purpose beyond it? All of this serves to make a compelling case for why Fuyuhiko should have died and Peko should have lived. Because seeing her have to outlive him and wrestle with who she even is in his absence sounds way more interesting than Fuyuhiko just sorta hanging out as Byakuya 2.0 for the rest of the game.
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Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Sakura Ogami = Sakiyo Ishigami, Ultimate Bodyguard
Mondo Oowada + Celestia Ludenburg = Montia Ludo, Ultimate Daredevil
Sayaka Maizono + Hifumi Yamada = Sayumi Yamono, Ultimate Fansong artist
Leon Kuwata + Chihiro Fujisaki = Chileon Kusaki, Ultimate Sports Announcer
Junko Enoshima + Mukuro Ikusaba = Jukuro Ikushima, Ultimate War Strategist
Makoto Naegi + Toko Fukawa = Matoko Fukegi, Ultimate Script Writer
Kyoko Kirigiri + Byakuya Togami = Kyoya Togiri, Ultimate Lawyer
Aoi Asahina + Yasuhiro Hagakure = Yasaoi Asakure, Ultimate Synchronized Swimmer
Mahiru Koizumi + Nekomaru Nidai = Mamaru Nizumi, Ultimate Curator
Gundham Tanaka + Chiaki Nanami = Gunaki Nanaka, Ultimate architect
Hiyoko Saionji + Teruteru Hanamura = Hiyoru Hanji, Ultimate Caterer
Mikan Tsumiki + Peko Pekoyama = Miko Pekiki, Ultimate Paramedic
Sonia Nevermind + Hajime Hinata = Sonime Hinamin, Ultimate Royal Advisor
Kazuichi Soda + Ibuki Mioda = Kazbuki Mioso, Ultimate Performance artist
Akane Owari + Ultimate Imposter = Akate Impari, Ultimate Ventriloquist
Fuyuhiko Kuzuriyu + Nagito Komeada = Fuyugito Kuzumeada, Ultimate Hitman
Protagonist: Sakiyo Ishigami
Mastermind: Jukuro Enoshima
First victim :Yasoi Asakure
First killer: Hiyoru Hanji
Second victim: Kyoya Togiri
Second killer: Miko Pekiki
Third victim: Akate Impara
Fourth victim: Gunaki Nanaka
Third killer: Montia Ludo
Fifth Victim: Sayumi Yamzono
Fourth killer: Matoko Fuegi
Sixth victim: Mamaru Nizumi
Fifth killer: Kazbuki Mioso
Survivors: Sakiyo Ishigami
Chileon Kujisaki
Sonime Hinamin
Fuyugito Kuzumeada
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Danganronpa x Skyrim AU
《Just something I thought of at 3am-》
✎Self Indulgent
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reblogs with comments > reblogs > likes
➳Makoto was just an ordinary farmer in Rorikstead with his family before an adventurer by the name of Kyoko unintentionally pulls him in for an adventure
➳Kyoko lives in a family of adventurers and regularly travels from place to place for her adventures and one day accidentally took Makoto with her
➳Byakuya lives in Solitude like the rich bitch he is
➳Toko stays in the Winking Skeever and writes her books, "secretly" (aka badly) stalking Byakuya
➳Genocide Jack/Genocide Jill/Genocider Syo is the Solitude version of the butcher in Windhelm
➳Aoi might live in Solitude and regularly goes swimming (in the probably FREEZING cold water-)
➳Yasuhiro is a (novice) mage in the College of Winterhold
➳Sayaka is a famous bard in the Bards College
➳Mukuro is a soldier in the Civil War (I'll let you decide if she's an Imperial or a Stormcloak)
➳Leon is training to be a bard in the Bards College because he's done with adventuring (for a while-)
➳Chihiro is a meek little farmer or mage who one day meets an adventurer named Mondo and asks him to teach him how to fight
➳Mondo and his gang are a group of rough adventurers who stop by Chihiro's town (maybe Dragon Bridge) one day and bumps into him, who then agree to teach him how to fight and get stronger
➳Kiyotaka lives in Solitude and is apart of the city guard and occasionally bumps into Mondo every so often (at first it was rivalry then it turned to friendship then possibly romance-)
➳Hifumi is a mage at the College of Winterhold and writes books (probably fanfiction) in his free time
➳Celeste is a vampire lord in Volkihar Court and regularly gambles with mortals for their gold and usually drinks their blood afterwards
➳Sakura is a very powerful adventurer who specifically helps cities and towns from bandit attacks and robberies and more
➳Junko is apart of the Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, maybe Volkihar Court, and is the champion for every single daedra (the only reason is to cause chaos)
➳Hajime is just a citizen in one of the towns/cities and somehow gets pulled into the adventure
➳Fuyuhiko is a powerful member among the Thieves Guild with Peko by his side
➳Sonia probably lives in the Blue Palace like the princess she is
➳Kazuichi lives in Dragon Bridge and regularly visits the Blue Palace to see Sonia and he also regularly visits an abandoned Dwemer ruin for it's mechanical parts
➳Akane is an adventurer with Nekomaru who travel and go inn-hoping a lot OR Akane and Nekomaru could both be in the Companions and go on missions all the time (the inn-hoping still applies)
➳Twogami is an imposter impersonating Byakuya who goes into every town and city to actually help people instead of whatever Byakuya actually does
➳Teruteru is a famous chef who competes with The Gourmet over who's the better chef (It's Teruteru-)
➳Mahiru could be an interviewer for adventurers and writes books about them maybe? I dunno, I'm sorry-
➳Peko is extremely skilled in one-handed combat (specifically with a sword) and is the bodyguard for Fuyuhiko
➳Ibuki is a bard at the Bards College who's music taste differs from the rest-
➳Hiyoko could also be a bard at the Bards College? Maybe? I dunno-
➳Mikan could be a mage at the College of Winterhold who specializes in the Restoration school (Colette Marence would be proud-)
➳Nekomaru is an adventurer along with Akane who travel and go inn-hoping a lot OR Nekomaru and Akane are both in the Companions who go on missions a lot (the inn-hoping still applies)
➳Gundham is a mage at the College of Winterhold who believes he's actually a powerful daedric prince and regularly does his whole "bow down to me" thing
➳Nagito could be a simple farmer or citizen who keeps getting into wacky adventures from his luck (maybe his luck pulls Hajime into their adventures as well?)
➳Chiaki could maybe be a mage at the College of Winterhold? Maybe? Maybe she sometimes misses her lessons because she fell asleep?
➳Shuichi could be an adventurer who looks up to Kyoko? Maybe-?
➳Maki definitely is an assassin in the Dark Brotherhood
➳Himiko definitely is a mage in the College of Winterhold
➳Rantaro is definitely an adventurer who travels around Skyrim a lot
➳Kaede could be a bard at the Bards College
➳Ryoma could've fucked with a group of bandits who got their revenge (like in his backstory) and he slaughtered them all then gets sent to one of the jails (even though they were bandits they could've been impersonating citizens are the guards feel for it? Maybe? I don't want to say he fucked with the Thieves Guild because then he would've had to slaughter them instead-)
➳Kirumi could be the maid for Sonia or Byakuya
➳Angie could be a priestess in one of the cities (perhaps Riften and her God is Lady Mara?)
➳Tenko could've been a strong adventurer who only helps out women in need and mets Himiko one day and decided to stay with her at the College and "protect her from the degenerate males" Maybe?
➳Korekiyo could be a historian who travels from place to place to study more on the history and culture of whoever lives their and maybe also adventures into ruins to study more?
➳Miu I'm not entirely sure yet but maybe she's an adventurer who explores Dwemer ruins for its mechanical parts?
➳Gonta could be living in the forest and takes care of the bugs like a gentle giant
➳Kokichi could be apart of the Thieves Guild and also pranks the citizens of Riften? He'll be like the Cicero of the Thieves Guild
➳Kaito could be an adventurer who enjoys stargazing at night and studying the moons and planets and stars
➳Tsumugi could maybe be a "simple farmer or citizen" but actually secretly joined the College of Winterhold? I dunno-
➳Kiibo could be a Dwemer robot made by Miu or someone else?
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local-pr1nter · 11 months
Crazy Diamond Headcanons
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The gang has a variety of members and characters - but they're overall really hectic. They're run by a teenager what else are they gonna be?
But as managing them is Mondo's talent, he can still run the gang pretty damn well.
Mondo still feels like he needs to earn their respect from time and time again. While some members don't respect him as much as they did Daiya, they can't say Mondo's the worst.
He's actually really damn good at it. He cares for all of the members and takes them into account in every situation. He always tries to do what's best for them. Hence how he helped contribute to their growth and renown.
I mean, Daiya wasn't the SHSL Biker Gang Leader was he?
Still, he's gonna have that occasional sense of doubt and an inferiority complex when compared to his older brother.
Takemichi always has to snap him out of that mindset. As his bodyguard and head of the elite squad, Takemichi does that quite well.
Takemichi is the Oowadas unofficial younger brother I can't say that enough.
After the truck incident (in a Non-Despair AU I prefer to think he survived but became paralyzed in one leg) the entire gang fell into a slump/depression/mourning period.
They all pitched in to help with his medical bills and further helped with the first few months of his recovery.
Mondo still feels guilty to this day.
Once again Takemichi has to snap him out of such a headspace - which is always harder said than done.
Still, Daiya is just vibing. Bummed out due to the paralyzed leg, but just takes it as an opportunity to do something new - like cooking!
After Mondo took over the gang and helped it thrive, Daiya could not express how proud he was.
And then getting an invitation to Hopes Peak? Dude you know Daiya Michi and the whole gang fucking exploded. They were all so hyped for Mondo it almost caused a public disturbance. They were all pushing for him to go, despite his present doubts.
Daiya was the most encouraging of all tho and finally convinced Mondo to accept.
Of course Takemichi agreed to stand in as leader while Mondo attended Hopes Peak. Mondo still visits during his time off, which results in massive bike rides as a way to make up for all the time he's missed out on.
Occasionally, some younger gang members like to visit him whenever they see fit - either to hang out or to pester Mondo for a ride. Takemichi always has to find them and pull them away before they all get in trouble.
And of course, Daiya always keeps their place open for Mondo - either for a mental break, free time, and whenever he just needs to try and relax. He always extends that invite to Mondo's friends as well, much to Mondo's embarrassment.
When the gang was still starting up, which I imagine when Mondo was still too young to join yet, they were the first to find Chuck.
They found Chuck's stray mother and siblings, offered them to a shelter, and then chose Chuck to surprise Mondo with. Daiya figured "It's his birthday, fuck it. He's been asking for a pet for awhile now."
Mondo was one of those kids who fucking sobbed when he got a pet - which is always so sweet and you know they're gonna be in good hands. That's what happened and that's when Mondo fell in love with his new found pet and buddy.
Seriously he ADORES Chuck.
And so does the gang.
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Fav characters from Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair?
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Ooooh that’s a toughie. My top five changes for those games quite often. It’s hard to pick. 
I guess if I had to select a few, these are my faves as of this ask. (Also included my faves from V3 too). 
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This is in no particular order. These are just my Top 5s. I’ll also sum up my reasons in one sentence. 
Trigger Happy Havoc:
Sakura Ogami: I hope to be as good a friend as her someday. 
Aoi Asahina: She’s just so sweet, and one of the more underrated characters in the game in terms of looking at their nuance. 
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: I wish my boy got a bit more development before he met le bonk. 
Mondo Owada: I love his integrity regarding promises and how far he’s willing to go to keep them. 
Chihiro Fujisaki: I too want to become stronger in similar ways and Chihiro voices my thoughts on that pretty damn well. 
Goodbye Despair:
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: One of the best character arcs in the entire series and it made me go from wanting him dead to wanting nothing but happiness for him. 
Peko Pekoyama: I’m a sucker for literation and Bodyguard/Charge dynamics. 
Chiaki Nanami: She’s so cute and I want her backpack!
Ibuki Mioda: I feel like she and I would get along at concerts featuring weird instruments. 
Gundham Tanaka: I want the confidence and fortitude this man has to wear a scarf 24/7. 
V3 Killing Harmony: 
Kaede Akamatsu: One of the most interesting protagonists in the entire series and while I wish she stuck around longer, she was fantastic for as long as we had her. 
Ryoma Hoshi: My blorbo, my love, my sweet cat loving king, I wish you had more time with us. 
Shuichi Saihara: Probably my second favorite protagonist in the series and I adore him and his growth. 
Maki Harukawa: Such a fun, fantastic, and interesting character and honestly I think her story is one of the best in the entire series, right up there with Fuyuhiko. 
And I guess if anyone’s curious, I adore Komaru and Toko in UDG too, and Nagisa is my favorite of the Warriors of Hope. But they don’t quite make the top 15 for me at the moment. 
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And these are my current most faves of the Danganronpa franchise. 
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
I thought of an AU where the dead people from the first game (minus Junko) end up as ghosts and try to prevent people from dying in future killing games. This includes Chihiro hacking into execution devices, Sayaka using siren songs to talk people out of plans, and Mondo and Sakura acting as bodyguards for potential victims, with Mukuro and Taka serving as co-leaders. Only a few people can see them (such as protagonists and people with supernatural talents). Any other headcanons for this AU?
I like this one :)
The ghosts from the first killing game became kind of like a well-oiled machine by the time the second killing game came around. They knew they had to do their best to prevent any other killings.
It was…kind of weird that Makoto and Hiro could see them, though Hiro wrote them off as a figment of his imagination. Makoto always made sure to give them a smile and wave, though.
And then there was Hajime, and Kaede, Shuichi, and Korekiyo. They had to be interesting cases of some kind, especially when they didn’t do too much to hinder what the ghosts were doing.
Rather, Hajime and Shuichi specifically looked at what the ghosts were doing and tried their best to prevent any murders as well. And with the ghosts and them working together, a lot of it worked.
It must’ve been frustrating for the masterminds and seemingly odd to the people who couldn’t see them, but the ghosts were quite satisfied with making sure nobody else died as a result of a killing game.
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rkin413 · 1 year
Heck it. WIP Wednesday!
Feat. a DR AU with Protag!Mondo
Hope’s Peak Academy... The biggest, fanciest school in the country. It only takes in the best of the best, supposedly, and after graduation the students are set for life. No one even actually applies to the school, the place just goes out and finds them itself.
Best of the best, huh? …well, I guess I can see how I got scouted. The place doesn’t care what the talent is, so it could be anything from something normal, like being a soccer player or something or something more out there like… I dunno, being a bodyguard or some shit.
Name’s Mondo Owada and me? I’ve got one of the more out-there talents: Ultimate Biker Gang Leader. Not sure how I’m supposed to be “set for life” with a talent like that, but I’m proud of it anyway. I mean my gang, The Crazy Diamonds, is the biggest gang in the whole country, and I’m the one who made it that way. Riding around like crazy with them all is the best!
Still, it’s not like it can last forever. That’s why I even took the invite in the first place. If I can graduate from this prissy school, I can probably get a decent job in the future. At least, I hope so.
Anyway, I’m already close to late, so I might as well head into the building instead of staring at it like a freak. Just gotta head to the main hall and figure out where to go from there.
About two seconds after I entered the school, my head started pounding, worse than I could remember it ever doing, and I started to lose balance, feeling myself black out.
No, why?! What the fuck, what was going on?!
When Mondo regained consciousness, it was dark. Mostly. There was a little light. It was also cramped. Thankfully, Mondo wasn’t generally claustrophobic. Of course, he’d just passed out in the entrance hall of the school and woken up in some dark, cramped, unknown location, so claustrophobia or not, he still panicked slightly and banged around. Eventually, his banging resulted in him stumbling out of his prison- which, as it turned out, was some kind of bedroom closet.
“What the fuck…” he muttered to himself and looked around. It was a pretty normal, if really empty, bedroom. Table, desk, trash can, bed -With pink sheets. That trash can was pink too, actually. Had he been shoved in a fucking girls room?-, and two more doors. The big thing that really drew his attention were the giant metal plates with obnoxiously huge bolts all over the wall to his left. What the hell were they even there for? He banged on the plates, but couldn’t figure it out. They were on there pretty tight though, probably wouldn’t come off without some heavy-duty bolt cutters or something.
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notizieoggi2023 · 2 months
Chi è la madre del figlio di Renato Zero? Ecco tutto quello che c'è da sapere su Roberto Anselmi Fiacchini. Renato Zero, pseudonimo di Renato Fiacchini, è uno dei cantautori più amati e conosciuti dal pubblico italiano. L’artista è una persona estremamente riservata. Proprio per questo, nonostante la grande notorietà, fin dai suoi esordi ha sempre mantenuto la sua vita privata lontana dagli occhi indiscreti dei riflettori. In molti infatti non sanno che ha un figlio di nome Roberto Anselmi Fiacchini. Ma cosa sappiamo su di lui? Chi è la madre? Chi è Roberto Anselmi Fiacchini, il figlio di Renato Zero Roberto Anselmi Fiacchini ha 50 anni ed è nato il 5 luglio 1973. L’uomo non è il figlio naturale di Renato Zero. Il primo incontro tra i due avviene nel 1993, quando Roberto a soli 20 anni inizia a lavorare come guardia del corpo per il famoso cantautore romano. Un incontro, avvenuto quasi per caso, che gli ha cambiato veramente la vita. Renato Zero rimase fin da subito colpito dalla triste storia del ragazzo: la madre e il padre erano morti quando lui era ancora piccolo, finendo in orfanotrofio. Nel corso degli anni, il cantautore si affezionò sempre di più al ragazzo, tanto da decidere di adottarlo nel 2003. “Sono sempre stato portato a prediligere le persone sfortunate. Roberto aveva perso i genitori e ho sentito che era giusto potergli dare un supporto morale, poi diventato anche istituzionale“, ha raccontato il celebre artista. Renato Zero ha sempre desiderato avere un figlio e con l’incontro di Roberto il suo sogno si è avverato. La vita Roberto Anselmi Fiacchini, come già anticipato, ha iniziato ad affacciarsi nel mondo del lavoro come bodyguard di Renato Zero. Col tempo poi ha deciso anche lui di farsi strada nel mondo dello spettacolo. Si è fatto conoscere al pubblico nel 2019 grazie alla sua partecipazione all‘Isola dei Famosi nella categoria figlio d’arte. Non si hanno molte informazioni sulla sua vita privata prima dell’incontro con Renato Zero. Sappiamo che è convolato a nozze con Emanuela Vernaglia nel 2004. Dalla loro storia d’amore sono nate due bambine, Ada e Virginia. Nel 2010 poi la coppia ha deciso di separarsi, per poi riappacificarsi qualche anno dopo. Attualmente il figlio del cantautore vive a Roma con sua moglie e le sue due figlie. Renato Zero è un padre e un nonno molto presente, e non potrebbe essere più felice.
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