#bokuaka thoughts on mind <33
owlyflufff · 3 months
Keiji always knew Koutaoru has a gentle touch.
He isn't foreign to the callouses and marks that etched along his partner's fingers. His high school years informed him much that his star could send spike after spike relentlessly, the sound resonating throughout a gym, arena even if Bokuto was eager enough. There on the sidelines he'd look over to see Bokuto sending in the most obnoxious high five, wishing the unfortunate soul that would be on the receiving end of Bokuto's "pat" to the back a get well soon and seen how enthusiastic Bokuto's every movements have been over the years he's known him.
However, Keiji knows just how gentle Koutarou's touch had always been.
For those very same hands were the ones that welcomed him warmly when he first joined Fukurodani's volleyball team. Those same eager movements so easily passed and shared food to him from his bento box. Such hands offered him kindness Keiji didn't think he should hold when his thoughts started to overrun him.
They wrapped bandages around his fingers from careless mistakes and hasty injuries, they hugged his own fingers tight and offered warmth when Akaashi's own fingers were surrounded in cold. Such movements held him close when he sobbed, fingers interlaced as the curtains closed on their last match and they offered their goodbye to the court.
If Keiji can trace along his skin, he could trace the fondest memory of Bokuto quietly reaching for his hands, looking him in the eyes and telling him the most earnest words with the stars being their only witness, an earnest I love you.
By then Koutarou's touch had only grown more gentle, stolen touches underneath the table during group dinners, merely sitting side by side a bench or finding comfort in sharing a bed and finding rest in each other's presence.
Keiji always knew Koutaoru has a gentle touch.
And as he watched from the distance, there is something to be said about how small and fragile a young child's hand could be as it reached out for Koutarou's own. The little kid jumped and hollered, bouncing as it requested for Koutarou to teach him how to spike once more. If anything Koutarou was surrounded by numerous children, all running and prodding to learn volleyball that their eagerness almost had Koutarou being swept up in their tidal wave of unbridled energy.
A reflection of who Koutarou once was, a reflection of who Koutarou still is regardless of all the years that have passed.
It makes Keiji laugh.
It makes Keiji smile.
It makes Keiji cry, almost.
He watches on as Koutarou eagerly but carefully guides those children, positioning their arms and rubbing their heads over a successful spike, hands so full of care and love that Keiji could never feel so deserving of it even now.
Keiji always knew Koutarou has a gentle touch, and in turn he wants to offer all those in kind. Offer his support, his care, his love really to the man that had left him speechless since day one. To the man who still leaves him speechless with all the children he's surrounded by.
And as Keiji stands up from the bleachers and makes his way over to Koutarou and the kids, there's he would offer Koutarou his own gentle touch, with one hand holding Koutarou's own and the other holding a ring from behind with the promise of forever.
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jenasisity-blog · 7 years
Fanfic/Fandom Questions
Fandom Questions 1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? TMNT
2. What is your latest fandom? Haikyuu!!
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Haikyuu!!
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? Nope, I'm not into certain fandoms any longer, but I don't regret the time I spent in them...
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? TMNT
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Haikyuu!! - IwaOi, DaiSuga, BokuAka, BoKuroo, OiKuro, MatsuHanaIwaOi, and BokuAkaKuroTsuki are my main ships.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
TMNT - Brother x Brother and Donnie x April
Haikyuu!! - only KuroKen, really...I don't hate it, just not really into it all that much? I'll still read fics with the ship, though, if I'm intrigued by/into the plot.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? I watched the anime, and the stage play, and the OVA(s), all that good stuff...though I will admit, I'm kinda annoyed at myself for putting off watching the series for a while, like I did.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? I adore the humor, the friendliness/compassion and acceptance the Haikyuu!! fandom has for pretty much any ship...and I mean ANY SHIP. Like, we've heard of everything. xD
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? Yes, Haikyuu!!, and that sucks, because I want to write for the fandom so badly, but I just can't get the characterization down...when I write a character, it's like they're a completely different person, and I want to fight myself so badly. ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP? I ship IwaOi harder than anything, lol! Like, how can you not? xD I will go down with this ship~
12. Who is your current OT3? I don't have OT3s...I have OT4s! xD MatsuHanaIwaOi and BokuAkaKuroTsuki are my main OT4 ships.
13. Any NoTPs? Oh boy, you have to be careful with this. I don't want to start a war...but, as I said before, I'm pretty good with any ship...just...I don't really see KuroKen as romantic...just platonic, but that doesn't mean that I hate romantic KuroKen either, it's just...not my cup of tea, if you will. :)
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? Ahhh, BoKuroo (I ship them both romantically and platonically) and KuroKen are my big ones! I also like the idea of KuroOi...
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? Hmmm...I mean, @suguru got me falling into KuroShou really fast and hard, like, it should be a crime, really, and that's a ship not really well known, so I suppose that'd qualify??
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? Um, please don't kill me, but I'm not much into KageHina....that's like a major sin, I know, but I like their friendship better, sorry KageHina shippers! ^^;
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? IwaOi, all the way! As I said before, I'm goin' down with this ship!
18. What ship have you written the most about? Since I can't get my characterization down, I don't write for the fandom, but if I ever did, it's most likely be IwaOi or platonic ships.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? As mentioned, not shipping KageHina is almost like a unspoken sin, but I don't really care? About shipping, in general, I mean. Like, everyone is intitled to their own opinions, to what they like and what they don't. Nobody should be degraded or threatened for what they like...and that also goes for what they don't, as well.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Hmmm...not really? If I like something, I usually like it just 'cause I like it, ya know? xD Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? A TMNT One-Shot.
22. Is there anything you regret writing? Hmmm...no, not that I can think of.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. Uhhh...I never finished any of my TMNT multi-chapter fics, at least not before I fell headfirst into Haikyuu!! Hell, so yeah...not really proud of any of them? Like, I liked my plot-bunnies, but I never went through with them and finished a actual multi-chapter fic, so....oh, but there was this one-shot that I wrote for an old online friend's birthday, and to also cheer her up and put her fears to rest, so yeah. I guess I'm quite proud of that one. :)
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? As I said before, I only ever wrote in the TMNT fandom, but I'm no longer apart of it, so I wouldn't go back to edit/rewrite anything, but I'm sure all of my works are capable of improvement.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? Hmmm...that would be We're All Just Built To Be Broken.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles? Most times I use or get ideas from song names or lyrics, like above, other times I just rhyme the title or just use the work context to come up with a title that compliments the text.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries? Writing summaries, no doubt. I'm usually proud of them by the time I'm done changing/rewriting it a thousand time, but it's far more exhausting and time consuming than coming up with a title.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? I actually had a picture commissioned for another fic I did (never completed), called The Devil Within (another song name), but I honestly would like anything someone made for me out of their own busy time, I have no preferences. :)
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? Nope, lol, I'm actually a Beta for a few awesome souls. xD I think I reread my works for mistakes enough to be my own beta reader, though I wouldn't mind the extra set of eyes! xD
30. What inspires you to write? Music, fanart, other fanfiction, and AUs. Basically everytime I hear a new song/see new art/read another fanfiction/AU, I have some kind of plot-bunny running around my head somewhere. Especially for the Haikyuu!! fandom.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? Just that they're excited for more and that they enjoyed it; if I make my readers happy, I'm happy.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? Ohhhh, yes. I listen to music constantly when I'm writing. The lyrics give me plot-bunnies and I listen to whatever genre I'm writing at the time. If it's angst, I put on some sad, slow music. Fluff and love? Happy, sweet, cute songs.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? I like to write One-Shots, I gave a go at multi-chapter fics, but, as I said before, couldn't finish any of 'em.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? 4,693 words, for the fic The Devil Within. It wasn't ever completed.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? Hmmm, no, I don't. Maybe I should, though, to try to get back into the swing of things...maybe I'll even see what I could do about my characterization skills?
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? Angst. Hands down angst. I love the pain and tears. \( ˆoˆ )/
37. First Person or Third Person - what do you write in and why? Third Person, I always write in Third Person. It's just default, unless I make a conscious effort to write in First.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? Both, though I'm more familiar with writing with established characters.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? I would like to say my writing style...I believe it to be very detailed and well thought out and put together. ~(0^0)~
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing? CHARACTERIZATION!!!! My gosh, do I need to work on my characterization...( ̄ー ̄ ) Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: I'm not really readying anything currently, so I'll just post five of my favorite fanfics I bookmarked on AO3. Not in any particular order.
1. Come and get lost with us by boxofwonder
2. A Purpose by Your_Friendly_Neighborhood_Pigeon
3. The Alpha King & I by caelestisxyz
4. Follow Rivers by surveycorpsjean
5. Build A Temple In Me by Authoress
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: This is totally not all of my favorites, and they're not in any particular order.
1. surveycorpsjean
2. Triana
3. Frenchibi
4. codename_bewareofthefangirl
5. Amethystfairy1
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? Yes, a lot of them do, but I'd say the top ones are @ichigomaniac, @codename-bewareofthefangirl, @haikyuulovercompany, @suguru, @here-is-my-happy-place, @craziiwolf, @dothewrite, @sugawaraformytea, @lovely-angst, @franeridart, @nekokat42, @ikipin, @03xlimit, and @kittlekrattle! Wow, that's a lot! As I said, I got more, but those are my main ones. xD
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention? Hmmm, I think evey ship needs the attention it deserves...all ships are treasured to someone.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic? Oh, come on, that's impossible to say!
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? None, lol, never look into my TMNT stuff...it's horrid and besides, it's not getting updated anymore.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? AO3, all the way! It's a bigger and better community! ;)
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? Sometimes, either when I have time or feel as if I need to absolutely say something. I always leave Kudos if I enjoyed the work, though. :)
49. Do you care if people leave comments/reblog your fic? Why/Why not? I'd love if people commented on my works, it makes me feel more inspired to finish them if I know there are people out there that enjoyed it and are waiting for the next installment.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? Gosh, how do you not get into fanfiction?
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! I downright adore how people can come in with their own ideas, their own AUs or even build off of other's AUs (with permission, of course), and everyone in the Haikyuu!! fanfic community does not care, as long as you respect their work! I adore that about this fandom. Everyone is left to their own devices and people don't care what you ship, as long as you're respectful. It's nice to be in a fandom that is so loving and accepting.
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hinatassmile · 7 years
Daisuga for the ship thingy if that's still going on? :33
;Thank you anon!!
who hogs the duvetSuga; Daichi learns to buy some warm pajamas and deal with it because Suga’s iron grip on the duvet even while sleeping is insane 
who texts/rings to check how their day is goingDaichi! Suga’s always floating around somewhere in his mind so when he has a moment he’ll send a quick “hey! what’s up?” and sometimes Suga will call him in the evening to talk about something funny that’d happened and just to hear his voice~ 
who’s the most creative when it comes to giftsSugaa, he’s a highly skilled gift giver, although honestly Daichi would appreciate anything Suga gave him (one time Suga gifted him an avocado as a joke, and Daichi stared at it for a moment, then gave him a blinding smile and said “Suga! I love avocadoes, thank you!!” Suga felt like somehow, he was the one tricked) 
who gets up first in the morningIt varies, and if one of them wakes up the other one naturally wakes up too~ If Suga’s awake first, he likes to trace patterns on Daichi’s skin and appreciate his muscles, and if Daichi wakes up first, he watches Suga’s quiet breathing and wonders how it’s possible to be so beautiful 
who suggests new things in bedSugaa, he has a lot of fun with these kinds of things, and he likes how flustered Daichi gets when he suggests “should we try ***** and maybe some of ******?” (”S-Suga you can’t just say those things out loud!! It’s bad for my heart” – Daichi) 
who cries at moviesThey both do~ such softies at heart! 
who gives unprompted massagesDaichi, although Suga’s a bit ticklish so they don’t always go smoothly! Usually Suga gives Daichi a massage afterwards as well
who fusses over the other when they’re sickThey both fuss over each other a lot! They do their best to stay at each other’s side and provide as much comfort as possible; sometimes Daichi will be sitting on the floor with his back against the wall by Suga’s head, and they’ll be holding hands as Suga drifts off into a feverish sleep and Daichi ends up falling asleep in that position; sometimes Suga will be resting his head on the side of the bed as he listens to Daichi’s congested breathing, and he’ll end up falling asleep in that position~ 
who gets jealous easiestSuga a little, because Daichi’s pretty popular with girls and sometimes will end up getting confessed to; but Daichi reassures Suga that he wouldn’t want to be with anyone else for the rest of his life, and Suga’s litte green monster is squashed 
who has the most embarrassing taste in musicDaichi likes old-timey, traditional Japanese music, and Suga listens to movie soundtracks, indie rock, and electro swing 
who collects something unusualIt’s not super unusual, but Suga likes mint Tic Tacs and has a lot of packs stacked on his desk since he goes through one pretty quickly~ 
who takes the longest to get readyThey’re both pretty quick! When it comes to formal clothes, Daichi sometimes needs a little help with his tie 
who is the most tidy and organisedThey’re both pretty tidy, although Suga’s more likely to make a small mess and say he’ll clean it up later, while Daichi just cleans up after himself right away 
who gets most excited about the holidaysSuga! He loves the holidays a lot, and he likes being able to spend time with Daichi and going to new places and exploring~ Daichi loves being able to spend more time with Suga and likes seeing him so excited, but he gets tired out quicker 
who is the big spoon/little spoonSuga is the little spoon, Daichi is the big spoon!
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sportsThey’re both really competitive!! When it comes to smack-talking the opponent though Suga has the upper hand, and if that opponent is Daichi, occassionally he loses his spirit to fight since Suga’s words can dig a little deep (Suga then spends the next five minutes attempting to revive Daichi, who remains unresponsive until Suga says “Daichiii, you know I love you a lot right? It’s just a silly competition!” and then Daichi sniffs and gives a gruff “I-I love you too”)
who starts the most argumentsSuga, but it’s not serious arguing, sometimes he just likes giving Daichi a hard time! Daichi eventually learns to play along or banter back or, if he’s really feeling daring, will pin Suga against a wall, stare right into his eyes, and say “If you’re trying to make me force you to stop talking, then I will” (he usually gets embarrassed afterwards, but Suga loves it) 
who suggests that they buy a petNeither of them, they don’t feel like they’d be around the house often enough to properly take care of one, and they also like being able to travel and go wherever they want freely!
what couple traditions they haveGoing to a hot springs during winter break; trying out new recipes on Fridays; hiking to a nearby hill to watch the fireworks during New Years and sharing a kiss under the stars; setting up their own little bamboo plant for Tanabata and eating watermelon after hanging their wishes; wearing matching yukata during festivals; taking polaroids of themselves on their birthdays and pinning them to a cork board (as more time passes, it’s interesting seeing how much they change physically) 
what tv shows they watch togetherModern Family, Parks and Rec, Bob’s Burgers, Breaking Bad
what other couple they hang out withAsaNoya, KiyoYachi, KageHina, EnnoTana 
how they spend time together as a coupleWatching videos of opponents’ games and observing their patterns; cooking together (Suga has an apron that says “WARNING: Hot Stuff Coming Through” and Daichi’s says “The Grillfather”); going for early morning jogs when the grass is still wet with dew; taking shifts driving during long car rides and smiling fondly at the other one sleeping in the passenger seat; spending a lot of time in gift shops finding souvenirs for their family members and friends; holding hands and touching foreheads as they fall asleep listening to each other’s breathing 
who made the first moveDaichi! They were the last ones cleaning up the gym after practice and Daichi’s mind suddenly told him “do it, do it now” and he found himself blurting “Suga, would you go out with me?!” The look of surprise on Suga’s face almost made Daichi’s heart stop because he thought it meant Suga was going to say no, but instead Suga said, “Did you finally figure out I was fliriting with you for the past month?” 
who brings flowers homeDaichii, Suga calls him a sap for doing so but it makes him happy~ 
who is the best cookThey’re both good cooks~ sometimes they’ll end up hosting dinners for the team at their place and everyone always raves about their food!
Send me a ship!  no more please!
IwaOi  TsukkiYama  KageHina  KenHina  Kiyoyachi  AkaKage  TanaNoya EnnoTana  BokuAka
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hinatassmile · 7 years
Kiyoyachi? :33
Thank you!!
who hogs the duvetYachi, but she does it unintentionally while she’s sleeping! Sometimes her dreams get too intense and she’s just trying to grab something for protection 
who texts/rings to check how their day is goingKiyoko~ Yachi (at least in the beginning) is very nervous about texting Kiyoko in case she ends up being a bother, so Kiyoko is the one to send a “are you doing alright?” text; at some point Yachi musters the courage to ask if it’s okay to call Kiyoko sometimes just to hear her voice, and Kiyoko blinks surprisedly before smiling and saying “of course!” 
who’s the most creative when it comes to giftsYachi! She is an artist after all, and she goes all out when it comes to giving Kiyoko something she’s made! Kiyoko does her best too though and knits Yachi a scarf that’s so warm and soft Yachi brings it around with her even in warm weather 
who gets up first in the morningKiyoko, she’s always been one to wake up early, but she usually ends up spending another hour in bed just because it’s so comfy and having Yachi wrapped around her makes Kiyoko unwilling to disturb her
who suggests new things in bedUHH I don’t really…think of KiyoYachi in a sexually active way but uh…..I guess since Kiyoko is older she’d feel more ‘responsible’ to uh, explore and try new things with Yachi to make her happy
who cries at moviesYachi sobs openly while Kiyoko just has two small trails of tears running down her cheeks 
who gives unprompted massagesYachi, she loves being able to help reduce Kiyoko’s tension and hearing Kiyoko say “that feels nice, thank you” makes Yachi happy~
who fusses over the other when they’re sickThey fuss over each other a fair amount, maybe Yachi a little bit more than Kiyoko just because Yachi can get anxious about all the possible illnesses it could be besides the common flu, but they both do their best to make the other person feel better and rest 
who gets jealous easiestYachi sorta, except she doesn’t really get jealous– it’s no secret a lot of people find Kiyoko beautiful and would love to date her, and at first Yachi is a bit insecure about their relationship, so when she sees others being close to Kiyoko she feels sadness and a pain in her heart because already her mind has taken her to “she’s going to break up with you”-ville and she can’t do anything about it
who has the most embarrassing taste in musicKiyoko! Yachi likes classical music and jazz, but Kiyoko has music tastes a bit more exotic 
who collects something unusualIt’s not super unusual, but Yachi collects flowers and presses them in books! 
who takes the longest to get readyYachi, she gets anxious over her appearance so when she finds an outfit minutes later she’s taken it off and is searching for a new one; usually Kiyoko has to intervene and reassure Yachi she looks cute in anything 
who is the most tidy and organisedThey’re both really tidy and organized! They have a whole system laid out for what goes where so they can find everything easily 
who gets most excited about the holidaysThey both get excited~ Yachi loves being able to celebrate with a special someone, and Kiyoko loves planning out things they can do together and have fun
who is the big spoon/little spoonKiyoko is the big spoon, Yachi is the little spoon! 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sportsKiyoko, she’s quiet but fierce and will crush you if you let your guard down
who starts the most argumentsThey don’t really argue, it’s more sessions of Kiyoko reassuring Yachi’s anxieties about their relationship and telling her she loves her a lot 
who suggests that they buy a petYachi! She’s always thought hamsters were really cute, and eventually they buy two. They name one “Ham”, and the other “Star”
what couple traditions they haveSpending Saturdays snuggling in bed; giving each other warm fuzzy socks for Christmas; baking cookies together when it’s stormy outside; baking cakes for each other’s birthdays (Yachi loves red velvet, Kiyoko is a fan of carrot cake); going to an orchestra performance every month (also gives them an excuse to dress fancily~); taking hikes to waterfalls when it’s sunny 
what tv shows they watch togetherProject Runway, Psych, Gilmore Girls
what other couple they hang out withKageHina, DaiSuga, TanaNoya
how they spend time together as a coupleCuddling, helping each other with work, teaching the hamsters tricks, taking bike rides around the neighborhood, learning new recipes together, watching rain splatter agains the windows and trickle down, having candle-lit dinners just for fun, wiping away each other’s tears and reassuring each other I love you, I love you, I love you 
who made the first moveKiyoko did! Yachi pinched herself 5 times to convince herself it wasn’t a dream
who brings flowers homeThey both do! Kiyoko brings Yachi a daisy first, so Yachi brings her back a peony, and the cycle kept going and soon a giant vase was bought to keep all the flowers fresh and beautiful a little longer
who is the best cookKiyoko~ but Yachi’s a skilled barbecue chef~
Send me a ship!
IwaOi   TsukkiYama  KageHina  KenHina  TanaNoya  AkaKage  EnnoTana  DaiSuga  BokuAka
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