losergendered · 4 months
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Gendermorbre: a gender related to raven wings, broken angel statues, old & decrepit books, the bones of dead animals, medieval human anatomy books, blood, and disembodied hands.
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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kityenok-hoards · 1 year
Coined by: Me/Kityenok
A gender in the gendermoth system related to bones in the woods, moths, and death in general but in that odd melancholic beauty way.
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stonerzelda · 2 months
Hope I'm not too late! Happy birthday to the coolest person on my dash!
omg no ur not too late thank u sm...its on honor 🥹🫡
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frank I'm having trouble with my insomnia, can you read me a bedtime story, please?
sure, which one are you interested in?
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scr-ppup · 11 months
An inviane term connected to the Image below.
Invi + altar + tree
Coined by the eternity aka Primuscapere
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Flag ID. Two flags both with 9 even stripes with the colors going black green, green-tan, dark stale grey, green-white, bone white, green-white, dark stale grey, green-tan, black green. On the second flag is overlaid a rectangular image of a tree with animal bones and skulls (actual image description underneath!). End ID
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Image ID. An image of a tree with a field behind it, the tree that has two trunks most likely a traditional altar of some kind of tradition with presumably cow tight bones, a pelvis, skulls and jaws littered in and around the trunk of the tree. End ID
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🦴/🦴s pronouns pride flag
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Practice sentences:
🦴 went for a drive
I like hanging out with 🦴
That book is 🦴s
🦴 likes reading by 🦴self
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redwoodrroad · 1 year
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@bonegender ABSOLUTELY IT IS 💖💖💖💖 you can thank renmorris for coming up with the name, and we knew we had to come up with an alt design that was just like Mr. Papa 👻 ✨
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wateryourgender · 2 years
a gender related to dead fish, fish bones and the skeletal structure of fish.
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carnavoyeur · 11 months
Hey idk if your asks work anymore but I was wondering about QotSA and what album I should listen to. I've only heard a couple of their songs and was considering of just doing a listen to their discography.
Asks work, thank god!! Sorry for the info dump. <3
I’m always a fan of starting at the beginning :) Each album feels very unique from one another, but they all sound like QotSA, if that makes sense. The two albums I listened to before really getting into them were Songs for the Deaf (every single fan and I would recommend this one) and Era Vulgaris (underrated, apparently the most divisive before Villains, and my favorite). If I had to recommend a top three to listen to though, I would say their self-titled, Songs for the Deaf, and …Like Clockwork.
A little rundown of each album and then my faves from them under the read more:
Queens of the Stone Age (1998) is quintessential desert rock; it’s sludgy, heavy, and has likely taken psychedelics in the last hour. Like, every stoner QotSA fan I know is obsessed with this album. It’s an excellent blueprint for every follow up album. Josh Homme has his hands basically everywhere on this, from vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards, and also producer. favorites: Spiders and Vinegaroons, You Can't Quit Me Baby, Regular John
Rated R (2000) is my least favorite lmao and also a favorite of the stoners. Heavy rock with punk influences, and very much a stoner rock album. This is one of two vocally collaborative albums, featuring bassist Nick Oliveri and vocalist Mark Lanegan (RIP grunge king). I don't have a lot to say other than I don't like 2/3 of the songs Nick sings on. favorites: In the Fade, Better Living Through Chemistry, The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret
Songs for the Deaf (2002) is just, the Queens of album of all time. It's what really solidified them as a mainstay in modern rock. It's a concept album of flipping through radio stations while driving out into the desert. Similar genre-wise to Rated R, but significantly better and stronger. This is the second album to have collaborative vocals, still featuring Nick and Mark. I don't like 3/4 of the songs Nick sings on, but the songs themselves work with the album and don't ruin the fluidity of it for me. Also, drums by Dave Grohl. That's a highlight in and of itself. favorites: God Is in the Radio, The Sky is Fallin', A Song for the Deaf
Lullabies to Paralyze (2005) has a lot of bluesy undertones, and is also just? kind of horny? It plays with the concept of like, children's fairy tales as a way to deal with the Problems™️. It's definitely darker but not like, in a way that's inaccessible and super uncomfortable. This was a bit of a slow grower on me. I love it, though, and it's overall pretty solid. Features the first full contributions from guitarist Troy van Leeuwen and drummer Joey Castillo. favorites: I Never Came, Someone's in the Wolf, Burn the Witch
Era Vulgaris (2007) is. Is. I saw someone refer to this the meth album, and I can't even disagree. It has a lot of bite to it, is more experimental (especially with electronics), and draws inspiration from all sorts of genres. It's considered """less easily accessible""" sound-wise but I think that's just a skill issue on everyone else's part. favorites: Misfit Love, Suture Up Your Future, I'm Designer
...Like Clockwork (2013) would probably be their magnum opus, in my opinion. There was a long stretch between albums because of Josh's health issues, which has influenced a lot of these tracks. It has the first full features of guitarist/keyboardist Dean Fertita and bassist Michael Shuman (my beloveds <3). Thematically dark, has the most amount of guest backing vocalists, and one of the most favorites: Smooth Sailing, Keep Your Eyes Peeled, I Appear Missing
Villains (2017) is so so divisive because of the more obviously stronger pop vibes. It's still a rock album, but it's one of the more dancier ones. This is the only album not produced by Josh, who brought in Mark Ronson. There is a noticeable difference in the way this album is mixed from the others, but I don't care about it personally. First full feature of drummer Jon Theodore. favorites: Head Like a Haunted House, Hideaway, The Way You Used to Do
In Times New Roman... (2023), the Divorce Album™️. Josh went through a crazy divorce, and uh, yeah, you definitely feel it in this. This one is the end of a trilogy and does encompass the sounds and themes of ...Like Clockwork and Villains really well, but with a lot of reminders of earlier albums. It's more guitar-driven and doesn't have any real slow down songs like previous albums. favorites: Sicily, Made to Parade, Straight Jacket Fitting
So yeah!! Like I said, chronology is always a good way to listen and I'd say that's a good choice, but if any of these stick out more to you, check them out first!! My personal top three are Era Vulgaris, In Times New Roman..., and self-titled. I would also recommend listening to Them Crooked Vultures, which was fronted by Josh with Dave on drums and John Paul Jones on bass.
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space1cat · 1 year
Hey Fellas whatcha think of my xenogenders? Cool I know right!
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outofcontextdiscord · 6 months
December Donations Post
If there is a donation link you would like me to add, please let me know via the reply function or the askbox.
Help Luca @hraunwyf not get evicted 1,786/2,000
Help @hey-zozopay their bills
Help @callie-flower with bills - 88/500
Help @orvet with bills
Help @gozo-ban escape an abusive household
Help Kes with moving and buy groceries - 465/2,500
Help @bonegender with rent - 0/450
Help @nochiquinn with medical costs - 70/5,000
Help Justin keep their apartment - 1,563/7,000
Help Allanah fight Leukemia - 21,100/40,000
Help Karina Huaman Fight Covid-19 - 7,550/15,000
Help Jade buy a wheelchair - 45/2,000
Help Emily Move Out Of Abusive Ex-Partner’s Home - 595/5,000
Help @magnetothemagnificent pay for top surgery - 634/4,500
Updated: Dec 13th, 2023
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losergendered · 4 months
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Genderalblanc: a gender related to white and red snakes, albino cats, white swiss shepherds, themes of ferality & freedom, bullet holes in metal, and deer ribs.
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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mogai-headcanons · 11 months
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John/June Egbert from Homestuck is a visually impaired autistic gay man lesbian sapphic vincian demiaroaceflux transfeminine genderfluid bunnygender fluidflux windgender nonbinary girl boy with BPD, depression, PTSD, and dissociative disorder who uses he/him, they/them, she/her, and ve/ver pronouns, and he's flushed for Dave and Dirk, pitch for Davesprite, and moirails with Rose!
Rose Lalonde is an autistic straight arospec lesbian trnasneumasculine nonbinary FTM lestroy squidgender darkgender horrorgender weirdgirlthing with BPD, NPD, HPD, OCPD, OCD, and PTSD who uses she/her, he/him, it/its, and thing/things pronouns, and she's flushed for Kanaya and Jade, pitch for Vriska, and moirails with Nepeta!
Dave Strider is an autistic bisexual lesbian gay man transneufeminine bigender neutrois crowgender boything with CPTSD, C-DID, NPD, ADHD, and chronic pain who uses he/him, she/her, and it/its pronouns, and he's flushed for John/June, pitch for Karkat, and moirails with Jade!
Jade Harley is an intersex acespec sapphic trans girl pupgender sciencegender girlthing with ADHD, BPD, HPD, and anxiety who uses she/her, pup/pups, and bark/barks pronouns, and she's flushed for Rose and Kanaya and moirails with Jade!
Jane Crocker is an aroacespec bisexual vincian trans boy with depression, anxiety, BPD, and body image issues who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and he's flushed for Roxy and Calliope and moirails with Dirk!
Roxy Lalonde is an autistic omnisexual transfeminine genderfluid catgender gendervoid nullgender girl with ADHD, addiction issues, HPD, and PTSD who uses she/her, they/them, he/him, it/its, void/voids, and null/nulls pronouns, and she's flushed for Jane and Calliope!
Dirk Strider is an autistic closeted trans girl who currently identifies as a nonbinary boy; is arospec and is only interested in men, but leaves his sexuality unlabeled; has ADHD, BPD, HPD, NPD, C-DID, CPTSD, hypersexuality, OCD, paraphilic disorder, and anorexia; uses he/him pronouns; and is flushed for John/June and Jake, pitch for Caliborn, and moirails with Jane!
Jake English is an autistic intersex transneufeminine nebularomantic gay man wth HPD, OSDD, PTSD, and brain damage who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and he's flushed for Dirk and pitch for Hal!
Davesprite is an autistic trans girl aromantic lesbian dyke with CPTSD, C-DID, NPD, ADHD, and chronic pain who uses he/him, it/its, and crow/crows pronouns, and he's pitch for John/June!
Lil Hal is an autistic transneutral intramasculine aroace gay man robot with HPD, NPD, hypersexuality, and PTSD who uses he/him and it/its pronouns, and he's pitch for Jake!
Aradia Megido is a bisexual transneufeminine ramgender ghostgender bonegender deadgender nonbinarygirlthing with PTSD who uses any pronouns, and she's flushed for Sollux and Feferi!
Tavos Nitram is a physically disabled transfeminine boything losergender cowgender gay man with PTSD who uses she/her, they/them, and it/its pronouns!
Sollux Captor is a visually impaired autistic bisexual transmasculine bigender boything with NPD, PTSD, and brain damage who uses he/him pronouns, and he's flushed for Aradia, Karkat, and Feferi!
Karkat Vantas is a trans girl arospec lesbian with BPD, HPD, PTSD, and anger issues who uses he/him, she/her, and it/its pronouns, and he's flushed for Sollux!
Nepeta Leijon is an autistic transneufeminine bigender catgender doodlegender sillygender gay man lesbian with PTSD and a speech impediment who uses any pronouns, and she's flushed/pale for Equius!
Kanaya Maryam is an autistic trans girl vampiregender rainbowgender lesbian with PTSD and anxiety who uses she/her pronouns, and she's flushed for Rose and Jade!
Terezi Pyrope is a completely blind transneutral girlthing lizardgender dragongender colorgender weirdgender lesbian with PTSD who uses they/them, it/its, and thing/things pronouns!
Vriska Serket is a physically disabled sapphic transfeminine bigender spidergender girlthing with BPD, HPD, NPD, and PTSD who uses she/her and it/its pronouns!
Equius Zahhak is an autistic bisexual transneutral intramasculine horsegender troll with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's flushed/pale for Nepeta!
Gamzee Makara is a pansexual transneumasculine nonbinary boy clowngender weirdgender boything with addiction issues, PTSD, anger issues, and brain damage who uses he/him, they/thm, it/its, and honk/honks pronouns!
Eridan Ampora is an autistic transneufeminine gay man with NPD and BPD who uses he/him pronouns!
Feferi Peixes is a vincian bubblegender mermangender trans boy with PTSD who uses she/her and bubble/bubbles pronouns, and she's flushed for Sollux and Aradia!
Dad Egbert is a cis gay man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's in a pitch relationship with beta Bro Strider!
Nana Egbert is a repressed straight trans man!
Beta Mom Lalonde is a bisexual transsexual woman with addiction issues who uses she/her pronouns!
Beta Bro Strider is a trans gay man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's in a pitch relationship with Dad Egbert and an on-again, off-again flush/pitch relationship with Grandpa Harley!
Grandpa Harley is a bisexual cis man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's in many flushed relationships, but always seems to come back to Bro!
Dad Crocker is a cis gay man who uses he/him pronouns!
Poppop Crocker is a repressed straight trans woman!
Alpha Mom Lalonde is a nonbinary lesbian who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
Alpha Bro Strider is a bisexual cisnonbinary person with hypersexuality and addiction issues who uses any pronouns!
Grandma English is an aroace trans woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Calliope is an autistic sapphic queer transneufeminine gendercuddle nonbinary girl with BPD and PTSD who uses they/them, she/her, and other feminine pronouns, and they're flushed for Roxy and Jane!
Caliborn is an autistic cisnonbinary straight guy with ADHD, ASPD, NPD, and anger issues, and he sometimes hooks up wtih guys and is pitch for Dirk!
dni link
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stonerzelda · 1 year
Hello friend are you still looking for music recs I have a Playlist for songs that specifically make me lose my shit
YES BLEAEE sorry it tok me 8 years to amswer you ive been dead in the bong wader lately but ih my goddd lord knows i need freak it music 🙏 THANK YOU for even offering hagdhfh 🥺🥺🥺
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Goodbye Frank. Thank you for all the skeletons and poems. You always made me smile.
Thank you!
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mostunwantedfbi · 1 month
I'm not dead I prommyyyyyyy
i've just been in and out of the hospital (again) and so I'm trying to just keep it chill as best I can. I'm hoping to be able to come back sometime soon. Thanks guys for hanging around while I get better <3 you can find me on discord at BoneGender
hugs and kisses
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